top 10 tips for improving body language

FOR IMPROVING BODY LANGUAGE WHILE CONVERSING WITH OTHERS Feeling nervous before a presentation or job interview is natural, but too much anxiety can set your audience on edge. Here are ten tips to improve your body language tactics. TOP 10 TIPS © Avery Eisenre

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Top 10 Tips for Improving Body Language



Feeling nervous before a presentation or job interview is natural, but too much anxiety can set

your audience on edge. Here are ten tips to improve your body language tactics.


© Avery Eisenreich

Page 2: Top 10 Tips for Improving Body Language

Tip #1Don’t cross your arms or legs. Keep them uncrossed at all times especially when speaking.

© Avery Eisenreich

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Keep your head up. Don’t keep your eyes on the ground because it might make you appear insecure and intimidated.

Tip #2

© Avery Eisenreich

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Always sit up straight and in a relaxed manner. Slouching can make you look unprofessional and even less confident and enthusiastic.

Tip #3

© Avery Eisenreich

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Widen your stance. When you stand with your feet close together, you look hesitant or unsure. Maintain a good posture that expresses confidence.

Tip #4

© Avery Eisenreich

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Don’t touch your face or play with objects in front of you. It will make you seem nervous and can be distracting to others.

Tip #5

© Avery Eisenreich

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Let people have their personal space by not standing too close to them.

Tip #6

© Avery Eisenreich

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The handshake is one of the most important nonverbal communication cues. It can set the mood for the entire conversation. Always give a good, firm handshake.

Tip #7

© Avery Eisenreich

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Do not gaze blankly at who you are conversing with. Show interest and empathy with simple actions such as smiling, and nodding slightly in agreement.

Tip #8

© Avery Eisenreich

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Focus on slowing down your speech and body movements slightly. This will make you feel more confident and in control.

Tip #9

© Avery Eisenreich

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Tip #10Practice speaking using your hands expressively yet subtly until it feels and looks natural.

© Avery Eisenreich

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© Avery Eisenreich


Twitter: @NJHealthProLinkedIn: Blogs: http://avery-eisenreich.com