top 10 proven, simple, daily decisions to finally overcome procrastination and bust through limiting...

The Top *10* Proven, The Top *10* Proven, Simple, Daily Decisions Simple, Daily Decisions to Finally Overcome to Finally Overcome Procrastination and Bust Procrastination and Bust Through Limiting Beliefs Through Limiting Beliefs John Di Lemme

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Post on 21-Jan-2018




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The Top *10* Proven, The Top *10* Proven, Simple, Daily Decisions Simple, Daily Decisions

to Finally Overcome to Finally Overcome Procrastination and Bust Procrastination and Bust Through Limiting BeliefsThrough Limiting Beliefs

John Di Lemme

In this article, John Di Lemme will be teaching from his books, *365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year and *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life. Grab a hold of these books for FREE and follow along

with the teaching at and

(Quote #126 from the *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life book): All you need to do is a little bit of extra every day to become absolutely EXTRAORDINARY! Don't just do what your customers expect of you.

Decision #1 Little Bit of Extra

Go above and beyond to build a trusting, long-term relationship with them. Doing that little bit of extra will show your customers that you care about them, and that you are committed to providing EXTREME customer service.

(Affirmation #242 from the *365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year): My code name is commitment! Say that out loud like you mean it! Are you really committed to the achievement of your goals and dreams? I mean REALLY committed!

Decision #2 The Code of Commitment

That means you are willing to pay the price for success in every area of your life no matter what adversity comes your way. If you aren't, then there's no way that you will achieve your goals and dreams. Commit today!

(Quote #126 from the *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life book): Don't let what you can't control end up controlling you! Most people spend so much time focusing on their past that they can't focus forward on their future.

Decision #3 Understand that Today's

Decision is Tomorrow's Past

You can't change your past so stop living in it! Commit to your future and focusing forward on the achievement of your goals and dreams!

(Affirmation #363 from the *365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year): I am celebrating the gift of life that I have every single day! Today is the present so open it with great expectation. It's the best gift that you will ever open so treat it that way!

Decision #4 Celebrate Being Alive Each and

Every Second

I challenge you to get up every morning with an expectation of miracles and commit to celebrating your life every single day!

(Quote #171 from the *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life book): A tired mind equals tired results. You must rest your mind and your spirit to achieve greatness.

Decision #5 Rock-Solid, Bullet Proof Daily


There's simply no way that you can function at your optimal level if you are constantly tired. The enemy of procrastination, fear, and doubt will attack you when you are weary so commit to resting your mind and spirit.

You will get more rest if your schedule is rock-solid and bulletproof, because you won't be constantly distracted by things and people that exhaust you. Commit to resting your mind and spirit!

(Affirmation #255 from the *365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year): Say this out loud - "I choose to stand on the *5* Year Faithful, Why Warrior Plan of Action!"

Decision #6 *5* Year Plan of Action

There are no shortcuts to success so commit to sticking to your success journey and traveling the road that will take you to your goals and dreams. Don't fall for get rich quick schemes. If it's too good to be true, then it is so don't fall for it!

(Quote #172 from the *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life book): That's right! Think outside of the box, which is your comfort zone.

Decision #7 Think Outside of the Box

You must get outside of your warm, cozy comfort zone or you will never get to the next level in your life and business. Your creativity is not found in your comfort zone.

You can't believe beyond the box unless you step out of it! Commit to think outside of the box and start taking steps of faith toward your goals and dreams!

(Affirmation #201 from the *365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year book): Say this out loud - "I am accountable for my daily actions!" Your daily actions produce your results...good or bad.

Decision #8 Truthful Accountability for

My Actions

At the end of your day, you must be able to look back at your daily actions and be accountable for your results. Yes! Your results are your responsibility. Make sure that you are truthful about your results and accountable for your actions!

(Quote #147 from the *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the Championship Life book): Victory does not exist without conflict, competition, and challenges.

Decision #9 Expect Victory Because of


You cannot achieve your goals and dreams if you don't accept challenges in your life. Inside the word "challenge" is "change." In order to change your life, you must accept challenges and fight for the victory that you deserve.

You were born to live FREE!

(Affirmation #165 from the *365* Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year book): Say this out loud - "I am decisive attending LIVE events to change my life!"

Decision #10 LIVE Events Create the

Moment for My Momentum!

Yes, attending LIVE events and surrounding yourself with other like-minded champions will create radical momentum in your life. You can't do it alone!

Commit to attending LIVE events so that you can immerse yourself in powerful teachings and build a Mastermind Team of Champions that support you unconditionally.

Discover How to Change Your Life and Explode Your Business with John Di Lemme’s Best-Selling Books, *365* Affirmations to Guarantee A Record-

Breaking Year and *177* Motivational Success Quotes to Live the

Championship Life…

Visit and

to receive both books for FREE!

Totally Transformed My Life…“I’ve been in network marketing for over twenty years. Two years ago, I wanted more with my business and engaged in coaching with John Di Lemme. Since then, team volume has increased over 3,000%, my income has increased over 500% and growing steadily. My team continually grows leaps and bounds every month. I’m happy where I am and I LOVE my life!” - Hallie Minich, Elite Coaching Student, Direct Sales Entrepreneur, Ohio



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