toefltu vung

TOEFL 1 loneliness(n.) Solitude. c« fi n; hiu qu„ nh quietus(n.) A silencing, suppressing, or ending. b˚ t fi Ø ng; ch t efficacious(adj.) Effective. Cª h/q; sinh l i forehead(n.) The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair. tr‚ n cosmography(n. ) The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology. transferable(adj. ) Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another. Cª th di chuy n innumerable(adj .) Countless. Kh« ng fi m xu network(n.) Anything that presents a system of cross- lines. m„ ng despotism(n.) Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part. Ch fiØ chuy“ n quy n stimulus(n.) Incentive. k ch th ch; khuy“ n kh ch excess(n.) That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, or experience. Qu‚ mlc, vut qu‚ gii h„ n convalescence(n .) The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of diseas ThŒi kœ d ng b nh; sø l„ I slc psychic(adj.) Pertaining to the mind or soul. «ng fing, b cLt monstrosity(n.) Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. Qu‚ I dj, kœ qu‚ i terrapin r a B‚ c Mü planetarium cung thi“ n v¤ n, nh m« h nh v tr interpolation(n.) Verbal interference. ph— p nØ i suy enlist(v.) To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. thu nh¸ n v o qu' n fi Ø i; t ng qu' n; tranh thæ ( cm t nh, cØ ng t‚ c) orthodoxy(n.) Acceptance of the common faith. t/c ch nh thL ng fit vı a v˘ n intercept(v.) To interrupt the course of. ng¤ n ch˘ n, ch˘ n fi l ng; prediction(n.) A prophecy. amusement(n.) Diversion. ti“ u khi n; vui chi caitiff(adj.) Cowardly. H n nh‚ t; h n h„ contraction thu nhÆ ; teo; ti“ m nhi m neo- Darwinsim(n.) Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. thuy t Dacuyn m i disreputable(adj. ) Dishonorable or disgraceful. l m « danh transalpine(adj.) Situated on the other side of the Alps. B“ n kia n i An-p entirety(n.) A complete thing. To n v n racy(adj.) Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. fi ˘ c s c vernal pertaining to spring m a xu' n orgies(n.) Wild or wanton revelry. truy hoan, tr‚ c t‚ ng reck(v.) To have a care or thought for. lo ng„ i, b¤ n kho¤ n demurrage(n.) the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. Gi t u qu‚ h„ n planisphere(n.) A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. b nh fi; fi a c˙ u inconsiderable evolution(n.) Development or growth. Ti n tri n, ti n ho‚ evangelical(adj.) Seeking the conversion of sinners. Kinh ph c ' m descent(n.) The act of moving or going downward. XuL ng dL c nominate(v.) To designate as a candidate for any office. fi c; chn b nhi m fungible(adj.) That may be measured, counted, or weighed. cª th thay th fi c guess(n.) Surmise. fi o‚ n, c chı ng aide-de- camp(n.) An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general. siz quan ph t‚ , h˙ u c¸ n joggle(n.) A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. xª c nh ; l c l c butte(n.) A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated. fi‚t; m« fi‚t episode(n.) An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it. fi o„ n, h i, t nh ti t mettlesome(adj. ) Having courage or spirit. kh kh‚ i, dng cm finality(n.) The state or quality of being final or complete. H/fi cuL i c ng, cl u c‚ nh sore fiau narrate(v.) To tell a story. Thu¸ t l„ i vivify(v.) To endue with life. truy n sl c sL ng tactician(n.) One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. Nh cgi n thu¸ t buffoon(n.) A clown. Anh h ; l m tr h abdomen(n.) In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. b ng vestment(n.) Clothing or covering. L phc

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Page 1: Toefltu vung


loneliness(n.) Solitude. c« ®n; hiu qu¹ nh quietus(n.) A silencing, suppressing, or ending. bÊ t ®éng; chÕ t efficacious(adj.) Effective. Cã h/q; sinh lîi forehead(n.) The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair. tr¸ n cosmography(n.)

The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology.


Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another. Cã thÓ di chuyÓ n


Countless. Kh«ng ®Õ m xuÓ

network(n.) Anything that presents a system of cross- lines. m¹ ng despotism(n.) Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or

no part. ChÕ ®é chuyª n quyÒ n

stimulus(n.) Incentive. kÝ ch thÝ ch; khuyª n khÝ ch excess(n.) That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, or

experience. Qu¸ møc, vuît qu¸ giíi h¹ n


The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of diseas

Thêi kú d−íng bÖ nh; sù l¹ I søc

psychic(adj.) Pertaining to the mind or soul. «ng ®ång, bµ cèt monstrosity(n.) Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. Qu¸ I dj, kú qu¸ i terrapin rïa B¸ c Mü planetarium cung thiª n v¨ n, nhµ m« h× nh

vò trô interpolation(n.) Verbal interference. phÐ p néi suy enlist(v.) To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. thu nhË n vµ o qu© n ®éi; tßng

qu© n; tranh thñ ( cm t× nh, céng t¸ c)

orthodoxy(n.) Acceptance of the common faith. t/c chÝ nh thèng fit võa vÆ n intercept(v.) To interrupt the course of. ng¨ n chÆ n, chÆ n ®øng; prediction(n.) A prophecy. amusement(n.) Diversion. tiª u khiÓ n; vui chi caitiff(adj.) Cowardly. HÌ n nh¸ t; hÌ n h¹ contraction thu nhá; teo; tiª m nhiÔ m neo-Darwinsim(n.)

Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. thuyÕ t Dacuyn míi


Dishonorable or disgraceful. lµ m « danh

transalpine(adj.) Situated on the other side of the Alps. Bª n kia nói An-p entirety(n.) A complete thing. Toµ n vÑ n racy(adj.) Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. ®Æ c s¾ c vernal pertaining to spring mïa xu© n orgies(n.) Wild or wanton revelry. truy hoan, tr¸ c t¸ ng reck(v.) To have a care or thought for. lo ng¹ i, b¨ n kho¨ n demurrage(n.) the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. Gi÷ tµ u qu¸ h¹ n planisphere(n.) A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. b× nh ®å; ®Þ a cÇ u inconsiderable evolution(n.) Development or growth. TiÕ n triÓ n, tiÕ n ho¸ evangelical(adj.) Seeking the conversion of sinners. Kinh phóc © m descent(n.) The act of moving or going downward. Xuèng dèc nominate(v.) To designate as a candidate for any office. ®Ò cö; chän bæ nhiÖ m fungible(adj.) That may be measured, counted, or weighed. cã thÓ thay thÕ ®−îc guess(n.) Surmise. ®o¸ n, −íc chõng aide-de-camp(n.)

An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general. siz quan phô t¸ , hÇ u cË n

joggle(n.) A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. xãc nhÑ ; l¾ c l¾ c butte(n.) A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated. ô ®¸ t; m« ®¸ t episode(n.) An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it. ®o¹ n, håi, t× nh tiÕ t mettlesome(adj.)

Having courage or spirit. khÝ kh¸ i, dòng cm

finality(n.) The state or quality of being final or complete. H/® cuèi cïng, cøu c¸ nh sore ®au narrate(v.) To tell a story. ThuË t l¹ i vivify(v.) To endue with life. truyÒ n søc sèng tactician(n.) One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. Nhµ cgiÕ n thuË t buffoon(n.) A clown. Anh hÒ ; lµ m trß hÒ abdomen(n.) In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor;

the belly. bông

vestment(n.) Clothing or covering. LÔ phôc

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neology(n.) The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words. tõ míi preoccupy(v.) To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects. ¸ m nh; chiÕ m gi÷ tr−íc exclude(v.) To shut out purposely or forcibly. Ng¨ n chÆ n, lo¹ I trõ repertory(n.) A place where things are stored or gathered together. Kho (tµ I liÖ u) scorn.() khinh miÖ t endurable(adj.) Tolerable. Cã thÓ chÞ u ®ùng ®−îc clumsy(adj.) Awkward of movement. Vông vÒ , lãng ngãng perform(v.) To accomplish. Thùc hiÖ n; biÓ u diÔ n chamber buång, phßng federate(v.) To league together. tæ chøc thµ nh liª n ®oµ n, liª n

bang overdo(v.) To overtax the strength of. qu¸ trín; háng v× c−êng ®iÖ u debut(n.) A first appearance in society or on the stage. LÇ n xuÊ t tr× nh ®Ç u tiª n packet(n.) A bundle, as of letters. blimp khÝ cÇ u nhá solicitor(n.) One who represents a client in court of justice; an attorney. LuË t s− ; anagram(n.) The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or

phrase. phÐ p ®o ch÷ c¸ i

frankincense(n.) A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes. h−ng trÇ m sameness ®n ®iÖ u; ®Ò u ®Ò u convertible(adj.) Interchangeable. Cã thÓ ®æi, thay thÕ crustacean(adj.) Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish,

etc. Loµ I gi¸ p x¸ c

suave(adj.) Smooth and pleasant in manner. Ngät ngµ o, tinh tÕ , khÐ o lÐ o (®µ n «ng)


Passing out of use, as a word. cò ®i; teo ®i

apostle(n.) Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority. t«ng ®å; ng−êi l∙ nh ®¹ o ci c¸ ch

natal(adj.) Pertaining to one's birth.; ex: natal day, natal place (thuéc sinh, ngµ y sinh) outcast(n.) One rejected and despised, especially socially. Ng−êi bÞ x∙ héi ruång bá expanse(n.) A continuous area or stretch. më réng;ph¸ t triÓ n pledgeor(n.) One who gives a pledge. Ng−êi lµ m tin endanger(v.) To expose to peril. G© y nguy hiÓ m Calvinize(v.) To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism. d¹ y thuyÕ t Can-vin estrange(v.) To alienate. lµ m xa l¹ ; ly gi¸ n inexpensive(adj.)

Low-priced. Kh«ng ®¾ t, rÎ

decent(adj.) Characterized by propriety of conduct, speech, manners, or dress. Hîp khu«n phÐ p; ®oan trang, ®øng ®¾ n

dinosaur sanguineous(adj.)

Consisting of blood. Cã m¸ u

omnipotence(n.) Unlimited and universal power. QuyÒ n tuyÖ t ®èi, v« h¹ n humanize(v.) To make gentle or refined. Nhan tÝ nh ho¸ ; nh© n ®¹ o thoroughbred(adj.)

Bred from the best or purest blood or stock. Gièng thuÇ n chñng

gigantic(adj.) Tremendous. Khæng lå advisory(adj.) Not mandatory. T− vÊ n sapience(n.) Deep wisdom or knowledge. kh«n khÐ o; kh«n ngoan efflorescence(n.)

The state of being flowery, or a flowery appearance. adj efflorescent; V effloresce

ná hoa

parse(v.) To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describing each word.

Ph© n tÝ ch, ph© n tÝ ch c© u

nestle(v.) To adjust cozily in snug quarters. Ê p ñ , «m chÆ t prejudice(n.) A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. ® Þ nh kiÕ n, thµ nh kiÕ n decasyllable(n.) A line of ten syllables. 10 © m tiÕ t impersonate(v.) To appear or act in the character of. Nh© n c¸ ch ho¸ convalesce(v.) To recover after a sickness. L¹ I søc, phôc håi norm(n.) A model. tiª u chuÈ n; quy t¾ c prophecy(n.) Any prediction or foretelling. tiª n ®o¸ n negligee(n.) A loose gown worn by women. QuÇ n ¸ o xuÒ nh xoµ ng amatory(adj.) Designed to excite love. Yª u ®−ng,biÓ u lé t/y parentage(n.) The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to

effect. Nguån gèc ttæ tiª n; hµ ng cha mÑ , t− c¸ ch cha mÑ

realism(n.) The principle and practice of depicting persons and scenes as they are believed really to exist

Chñ nghÜ a hiÖ n thùc

rationalism(n.) The formation of opinions by relying upon reason alone, independently of authority.

Chñ nghÜ a duy lý

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bronchus(n.) Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs. PhÕ qun motive vË n ®éng; chuyÓ n ®éng panoply(n.) A full set of armor. Bé ®Ç y ®ñ indicant(adj.) That which points out. intolerant(adj.) Bigoted. Cè chÊ p, kh«ng khoan dung deduce(v.) To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or

principles. Suy luË n

cereal(adj.) Pertaining to edible grain or farinaceous seeds. ngò cèc; mãn ¨ n tõ ngò cèc naval(adj.) Pertaining to ships. HI qu© n precedence(n.) Priority in place, time, or rank. −u tiª n; ® Þ a vÞ trª n moralist(n.) A writer on ethics. Nhµ ®¹ o ®øc häc, icily(adv.) Frigidly. B¨ ng gi¸ ; l¹ nh lïng forth(adv.) Into notice or view. PhÝ a tr−íc; lç ra inmost(adj.) Deepest within. TË n trong cïng; tË n ®¸ y lßng,

th© m t© m contrivance(n.) The act planning, devising, inventing, or adapting something to or for a

special purpose. S¸ ng kiÕ n;

fungous(adj.) Spongy. nÊ m; mäc nhanh nh− nÊ m dusk bãng tèi; nh¸ nhem radix(n.) That from or on which something is developed. Nguån gèc, c¨ n nguyª n modify(v.) To make somewhat different. Söa ®æi; gm bít countervail(v.) To offset. phn t¸ c dông dissentious(adj.) Contentious. Hay sinh sù symphonious(adj.)

Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. Hoµ © m

hypnosis(n.) An artificial trance-sleep. th«i miª n; massacre(n.) The unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of human beings. Cuéc tµ n s¸ t, thm s¸ t sink(n) plumbed in basin; place where foul liquid; place of vice bån röa b¸ t; ni bïn lÇ y n−íc

®äng; æ té i ¸ c sacrilege(n.) The act of violating or profaning anything sacred. Ph¹ m th−îng; b¸ ng bæ detract(v.) To take away in such manner as to lessen value or estimation. Lêy ®I, khÊ u trõ; chª bai, giÌ m

pha, lµ m gim gi¸ trÞ myth(n.) A fictitious narrative presented as historical, but without any basis of fact. ThÇ n tho¹ i conjoin(v.) To unite. kÕ t hîp l¹ i; ch¾ p l¹ i collide(v.) To meet and strike violently. Va ch¹ m, xung ®ét advertiser(n.) One who advertises, especially in newspapers. ng−êi qung c¸ o balsam(n.) A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing. Nhùa thm overshadow(v.) To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison. Lµ m lu mê; che bãng specialize(v.) To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special

course. chuyª n gia

senile(adj.) Peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age. L∙ o suy outdo(v.) To surpass. v−ît tréi; giái hn dugout thuyÒ n ®éc méc; hÇ m tró È n;

sÜ quan t¸ i ngò gyrate(v.) To revolve. håi chuyÓ n, xoay trßn micrometer(n.) An instrument for measuring very small angles or dimensions. dông cô ®o vi l−îng earthenware(n.) Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun. ®Ê t nung participate(v.) To receive or have a part or share of. Tham gia, tham dù Acknowledgment

myth A fictitious narrative presented as historical, but without any basis of fact. thÇ n tho¹ i; hoang ®−êng, chuyÖ n t−ëng t−îng

pauperism(n.) Dependence on charity. BÇ n cïng hoop vßng; vµ nh ®ai nausea(n.) An affection of the stomach producing dizziness and usually an impulse to

vomit buån n«n; kinh tëm

definite(adj.) Having an exact signification or positive meaning. Râ rµ ng; x¸ c ®Þ nh râ tenant(n.) An occupant. TÊ ®IÒ n diffusible(adj.) Spreading rapidly through the system and acting quickly. Cã thÓ khÕ ch t¸ n memorable(adj.) Noteworthy. ®¸ ng ghi nhí; ko quª n melodious(adj.) Characterized by a sweet succession of sounds. Du d−ng , ª m tai interposition(n.) A coming between. ®Æ t vµ o gi−∙ ; can thiÖ p homonym(n.) A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. ®ång © m kh¸ c nghÜ a (adj.) Denoting electricity produced by heat. ®IÖ n tim latish(adj.) Rather late. HI trÔ ,kh¸ muén trammel(n.) An impediment. Ng¨ n trë , g© y trë ng¹ i vegetative(adj.) Pertaining to the process of plant-life. Sinh d−ìng lexicography(n.) The making of dictionaries. Tõ ®IÓ n häc squeeze Ð p, v¾ t,nÆ n; «m chÆ t, xiÕ t

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sneaker ng−êi lÐ n lót; dÇ y ®Õ mÒ m ceremonial(adj.) Characterized by outward form or ceremony. nghi lÔ , nghi thøc; long träng anteroom(n.) A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger. Phßng ngoµ I, phßng ®îi prima(adj.) First. valedictorian(n.) Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational

institution. ®¹ i biÓ u h/s ®äc diÔ n v¨ n tõ biÖ t trong lÔ tè t nghiÖ p

exhaustible(adj.) Causing or tending to cause exhaustion. Lµ m c¹ n kiÖ t, suy kiÖ t baton(n.) An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or

privilege. Gëy chØ huy; dïi cui cnh s¸ t

weird sè phË n, sè mÖ nh; huyÒ n bÝ , kú l¹

ambitious(adj.) Eagerly desirous and aspiring. NhiÒ u tham väng rookery A place where crows congregate to breed. hßn non bé guzzle(v.) To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp. ¨ n uèng lu bï underrate(v.) To undervalue. ®¸ nh gi¸ thÊ p, coi nhÑ phenomenon(n.) Any unusual occurrence. HiÖ n t−îng confinement(n.) Restriction within limits or boundaries. Giam h∙m, h¹ n chÕ ; ë c÷ purse(n) tó i nhá; tó i x¾ c skepticism(n.) The entertainment of doubt concerning something. hoµ i nghi deponent(adj.) Laying down. Ng−êi lµ m chøng remunerate(v.) To pay or pay for. tr c«ng; tiÒ n thï lao cosmogony(n.) A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe. thuyÕ t nguån gèc vò trô altar(n.) Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense

burned. Bµ n thê, bÖ thê

bide(v.) To await. chê ®îi mouthful(n.) As much as can be or is usually put into the or exercise. miÕ ng ()®Ç y måm bearable cã thÓ chÞ u ®ông, khoan dung almanac(n.) A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain

astronomical information. Niª n lÞ ch, niª n gi¸ m

typography(n.) The arrangement of composed type, or the appearance of printed matter. Kü thuË t t¹ o ch÷,in trª n m¸ y ordnance(n.) A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war. Qu© n nhu forethought(n.) Premeditation. chñ t© m; tÝ nh tr−íc necrosis(n.) the death of part of the body. ho¹ i th− irrefrangible(adj.)

That can not be broken or violated. ko hÓ x© m ph¹ m

witling(n.) A person who has little understanding. ChË m hiÓ u municipality(n.) A district enjoying municipal government. ChÝ nh quyÒ n tù trÞ fluential(adj.) Pertaining to streams. tr«i chy, l−u lo¸ t necessity(n.) That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired. b¾ t buéc; cÇ n thiÕ t ire(n.) Wrath. næi iË n, giË n d÷ panorama(n.) A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene. Toµ n cnh conscious(adj.) Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks. Cã ý thøc, nhË n thøc extraordinary(adj.)

Unusual. kh¸ c th−êng; ®Æ c biÖ t

redound(n.) Rebound. nh h−ëng l¹ I, ®ua l¹ i photometry(n.) The art of measuring the intensity of light. Tr¾ c quang häc, ®o s¸ ng unbearable(adj.) Unendurable. Kh«ng chÞ u næi surmise to conjecture; guess; N. pháng ®o¸ n; gi ® Þ nh lawn bÉ i cá; vi gai mÞ n (batit) Epicurean(adj.) Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite. H−ëng l¹ c bole(n.) The trunk or body of a tree. Th© n c© y landholder(n.) Landowner. ® Þ a chñ, ng−êi cho thuª ®Ê t recognize(v.) To recall the identity of (a person or thing). c«ng nhË n, thïa nhË n epidemic(n.) Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region. BÖ nh dÞ ch; lan truyÒ n disappoint(v.) To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of. thÊ t −íc; lµ m háng discipline(n) a control or order exercised; way of life aimed at self-control and

conformity; branch of learning; punishment kû luË t; sù hµ nh x¸ c; rÌ n luyÖ n trÝ ãc; trõng ph¹ t

quarto(n.) An eight-page newspaper of any size. GiÊ y khæ 4; viÕ t t¾ t intercede(v.) To mediate between persons. hoµ gii; can thiÖ p gióp euphonious(adj.) Characterized by agreeableness of sound. ª m tai, thuË n tai prohibitory(adj.) Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic

beverages. Cã xu h−íng ng¨ n cÊ m

head(foremost) adv. Precipitately, as in diving. cao nhÊ t, ®Ç u tiª n epicycloid(n.) A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon

another circle. H× nh trô

transmit(v.) To send trough or across. TruyÒ n, dÉ n (adj.) Showing inexperience. C bn, ®n gin; kh«ng tinh vi amateur(adj.) Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession. pontiff(n.) The Pope. Gi¸ o chñ, gi¸ m môc

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binoculars èng nhßm overproduction(n.)

Excessive production. Khñng hong thõa

exhaustive(adj.) Thorough and complete in execution. ThÊ u ®¸ o, toµ n diÖ n element(n.) A component or essential part. underwrite(v.) To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. bo hiÓ m ; ký tª n ë d−íi loot(v.) To plunder. C−íp bãc wantonness(n.) Recklessness. Bõa b∙ I, nghÞ ch ngîm esthetic(adj.) Pertaining to beauty, taste, or the fine arts. thÈ m mü proscription(n.) Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege. cÊ m, bµ i trõ; trôc xuÊ t necrosis(n.) the death of part of the body. ho¹ i th− anticyclone(n.) An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing

outward. vïng xo¸ y nghÞ ch

henchman(n.) A servile assistant and subordinate. Tay sai, ng−êi hÇ u cË n material(n.) That of which anything is composed or may be constructed. vË t chÊ t; th© n thÓ ; quan träng disyllable(n.) A word of two syllables. tõ 2 © m tiÕ t Renaissance(n.) The revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from

medieval to modern thêi phôc h−ng


A placing opposite. Sù t−ng phn

impetuosity(n.) Rashness. m∙ nh mÏ , d÷ déi compensate(v.) To remunerate. PhÇ n bï; ®Ò n bï; fiscal(adj.) Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government. c«ng khè, tµ i chÝ nh litigate(v.) To cause to become the subject-matter of a suit at law. kiÖ n, tranh chÊ p disinherit(v.) To deprive of an inheritance. t−íc quyÒ n thõa kÕ badger pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and

again; Ex. The children badgered me into taking them into the cinema; N: a kind of mountain animal

lµ m phiÒ n. quÊ y rÇ y; ng−êi b¸ n hµ ng rong; con löng

pervade(v.) To pass or spread through every part. trµ n ngË p, to kh¾ p inquisition(n.) A court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics. ®IÒ u tra, thÈ n tra chÝ nh thøc

(cña toµ ¸ n) pant thë hæn hÓ n; kh¸ t khao executor(n.) A person nominated by the will of another to execute the will. ng−êi thi hµ nh, thùc hiÖ n sacrifice(v.) To make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar. cóng; tÕ lÔ forethought(n.) Premeditation. chñ t© m; tÝ nh tr−íc flection(n.) The act of bending. Sù uèn siege(n.) A beleaguerment. Bao v© y deformity(n.) A disfigurement. mÐ o mã, dÞ d¹ ng congregate(v.) To bring together into a crowd. TË p hîp, tô hîp unfavorable(adj.)

Adverse. ®IÒ u bÊ t lî i

grimy ®Ç y bôi bÈ n; c¸ u ghÐ t bedaub(v.) To smear over, as with something oily or sticky. Lem luèc;loÌ lo¹ t superlative(n.) That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. bË c nhÊ t succinct(adj.) Concise. impermissible(adj.)

Not permissible. cÊ m; ko cho phÐ p

commodity(n.) Something that is bought and sold. Hµ ng ho¸ bombard(v.) To assail with any missile or with abusive speech. dån dË p, tí i tÊ p lateral(adj) adv. laterally ë nh¸ nh (hä hµ ng); bª n c¹ nh bitterness(n.) Acridity, as to the taste. chua cay; ®¾ ng; rÐ t buèt exhaust(v.) To empty by draining off the contents. c¹ n kiÖ t, suy kiÖ t makeup(n.) The arrangements or combination of the parts of which anything is

composed. ®å ho¸ trang; bn chÊ t, t/c; cÊ u t¹ o, thµ nh phÇ n

overleap(v.) To leap beyond. Nhy v−ît qua lingo(n.) Language. ng«n ng÷ l¹ , khã hiÓ u reminiscent(adj.)

Pertaining to the recollection of matters of personal interest. nhãm l¹ i; gîi l¹ i; håi t−ëng

ill-natured(adj.) Surly. C¸ u kØ nh, g¾ t gáng immature(adj.) Not full-grown. non nít, ch−a chÝ n muåi loch(n.) A lake. hå corruption(n.) Loss of purity or integrity. Tham nhòng, thèi n¸ t hypotenuse(n.) The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle. C¹ nh huyÒ n prominence(n.) The quality of being noticeable or distinguished. lå i lª n, næi lª n; oversee(v.) To superintend. Tr«ng nom, quan s¸ t Iliad(n.) A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy. Thiª n anh hïng ca subjection(n.) The act of bringing into a state of submission. KhuÊ t phôc; ®ua ra (gãp ý) hexapod(adj.) Having six feet. Loµ I 6 ch© n curt(adj.) Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression. Céc lèc; ng¾ n gän

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interrupt(v.) To stop while in progress. Gi¸ n ®o¹ n, ®øt qu∙ ng elasticity(n.) That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape

after being change Co gi∙ n

portfolio(n.) A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc. cÆ p giÊ y; danh môc; poignant(adj.) Severely painful or acute to the spirit. cay; sÇ u thm; ®¾ ng cay; buèt

nhãi; lµ m mñi lßng Darwinism(n.) The doctrine that natural selection has been the prime cause of evolution of

higher forms. häc thuyÕ t §̧ c uyn

judiciary(n.) That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal

bé m¸ y t− ph¸ p; ph¸ p luË t, toµ n ¸ n

tact(n.) Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing. TÕ nhÞ , khÐ o lÐ o, tµ I øng biÕ n penetrable(adj.) That may be pierced by physical, moral, or intellectual force. Cã thÓ x© m nhË p, xuyª n quan,

hiÓ u thÊ u deprave(v.) To render bad, especially morally bad. Lµ m h− háng, lµ m suy ®åi vindicative(adj.) Revengeful. DÔ chøng minh, dÔ bµ o ch÷a gourd(n.) A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind. C© y bÇ u waddle ® ia l¹ ch b¹ ch palinode(n.) A retraction. Sù co rót enfeeble(v.) To debilitate. lµ m yÕ u iciness(n.) The state of being icy. l¹ nh lÏ o; l∙ nh ®¹ m denote(v.) To designate by word or mark. Cã biÓ u hiÖ n, chøng tá conduct.() H¹ nh kiÓ m; h−íng dÉ n; sibilance(n.) A hissing sound. © m xuýt anatomy(n.) That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms. gii phÉ u ailment(n.) Slight sickness. È m ®au, bÖ nh tË t disciplinary(adj.)

Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority. ®ua vµ o kû luË t; rÌ n luyÖ n trÝ ãc

transplant(v.) To remove and plant in another place. Di thùc; cÊ y ghÐ p expository explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition: explaining; exhibition cã t/c m« t, gii thÝ ch opinion(n.) A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive

knowledge. ý kiÕ n; d− luË n; ®¸ nh gi¸

muggy(adj) oppressively humid; N. Mugginess oi brisk nhanh nhu; lanh lîi; næi bät,

sñi bät resistance(n.) The exertion of opposite effort or effect. Chèng l¹ i recollect(v.) To recall the knowledge of. nhí l¹ i, håi t−ëng; nhË n ra revocation(n.) Repeal. Huû bá, thñ tiª u arbor(n.) A tree. C© y extremity(n.) The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean

position. ®Ç u, mòi; bÊ t h¹ nh tét ®é

blithe(adj.) Joyous. than thn v« t− panic(n.) A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear. hong sî, kinh hoµ ng tranquilize(v.) To soothe. lµ m dÞ u, mª , yª n lÆ ng; lµ m

yª n t© m superheat(v.) To heat to excess. nãng giµ inhume(v.) To place in the earth, as a dead body. ch«n cÊ t, mai t¸ ng weasel con chån; lÈ n tr¸ nh generally(adv.) Ordinarily. evolve(v.) To unfold or expand. Më ra; suy luË n ra veto(n.) The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an

enactment. QuyÒ n phñ quyÕ t

heartbeat nhÞ p tim; xóc ®éng, bèi rèi mismanage(v.) To manage badly, improperly, or unskillfully. Qun lý tå i lawgiver(n.) A legislator. Ng−êi lµ luË t (adj.) Deviating from the normal form or standard type. Kh¸ c h× nh compulsory(adj.)

Forced. gi¸ o dôc phæ cË p

deform(v.) To disfigure. bãp mÐ o, xuyª n t¹ c thermoelectricity

dwindle teo, thu nhá; tho¸ i ho¸ pollen(n.) The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering

plant. PhÊ n hoa; thô phÊ n


In a vague or uncertain way. MË p mê; v« h¹ n ®Þ nh


Common to all the world. CN thÕ giíi; giang hå

bore(v.) To weary by tediousness or dullness. sweater ¸ o vÖ sinh, ¸ o nÞ t; ng−êi ra

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nhiÒ u må h«i; kÎ bãc lét c«ng nh© n

irritancy(n.) The quality of producing vexation. V irritate l¸ m c¸ u vendible(adj.) Marketable. s½ n sµ ng ®Ó b¸ n; vË t ®Ó b¸ n populace(n.) The common people. c«ng chóng; quÇ n chóng indiscreet(adj.) Lacking wise judgment. V« ý kh«ng cÈ n träng antiphony(n.) An anthem or other composition sung responsively. h¸ t ®èi, tiÕ ng vang; th¸ nh ca hereditary(adj.) Passing naturally from parent to child. Di truyÒ n forejudge(v.) To judge of before hearing evidence. xö tr−íc, quyÕ t ®Þ nh tr−íc miter(n.) The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle. Mò tÕ (gi¸ m môc); méng

vu«ng gãc (®å gç) pose tue thÕ , ® iÖ u bé; yª u s¸ ch nimble(adj.) Light and quick in motion or action. Nhanh nhÑ n, nhanh trÝ cabalism(n.) Superstitious devotion to one's religion. ThuË t phï thuû disseminate(v) spread gieo r¾ c, phæ biÕ n semiannual(adj.) Recurring at intervals of six months. Quý (6 th¸ ng ) transcript(n.) A copy made directly from an original. bn sao nguyª n bn Calvinism(n.) The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin. ThuyÕ t Calvin calorie(n.) Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1

degree centigrade. calo

festal(adj.) Joyous. Ngµ y lÔ ; vui nhén medieval(adj.) Belonging or relating to or descriptive of the middle ages. Thêi trung cæ sense(n.) The signification conveyed by some word, phrase, or action. Gi¸ c quan,ý thøc; permissible(adj.)

That may be allowed. ChÊ p nhË n ®−îc; dïng ®−îc

enshrine(v.) To keep sacred. CÊ t gi÷u thiª ng liª ng elusion(n.) Evasion. aeronaut(n.) One who navigates the air, a balloonist. ng−êi l¸ i khÝ cÇ u pantoscope(n.) A very wide-angled photographic lens. m¸ y chiÕ u toµ n cnh engrave(v.) To cut or carve in or upon some surface. kh¾ c, chË m, træ , in s© u oar m¸ i chÌ o gauge(n.) An instrument for measuring. M¸ y ®o crag(n.) A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge. V¸ ch ®¸ lëm chëm exclamation(n.) An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling. dÊ u ! decrepit(adj.) Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmity. Giµ yÕ u, hom hem; ®æ n¸ t witchcraft(n.) Sorcery. Ma thuË t oaken(adj.) Made of or from oak. b» ng gç såi protoplasm(n.) The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell. ChÊ t nguyª n sinh acquiescence(n.) Passive consent. B» ng lßng; phôc tïng sidereal(adj) of the fixed stars thuéc c¸ c chßm sao mountainous(adj.)

Full of or abounding in mountains. nhiÒ u nói; khæng lå

autonomy(n.) Self-government. Tù trÞ flag-officer(n.) The captain of a flag-ship. Cê hiÖ u precede(v.) To happen first. ® i tr−íc pitiable(adj.) Contemptible. ®¸ ng th−ng, ®¸ ng khinh maintenance(n.) That which supports or sustains. bo d−ìng ®−êng usage(n.) Treatment. c¸ ch s/d, c¸ ch ®èi xö scythe(n.) A long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc. c¸ i h¸ i (c¾ t cá) fracture(n.) A break. bÎ g∙ y; lµ m ®øt ®o¹ n reckless(adj.) Foolishly headless of danger. coi th−êng; hÊ p tÊ p; t¸ o b¹ o,

liÒ u lÜ nh incitement(n.) That which moves to action, or serves as an incentive or stimulus. khuyÕ n khÝ ch; xói dôc stupendous(adj.) Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree. RÊ t to lín, rÊ t quan träng;l¹

lïng,kú diÖ u lunacy(n.) Mental unsoundness. MÊ t trÝ ; ®Iª n rå bowler(n.) In cricket, the player who delivers the ball. ng−êi chi ®¸ nh ki stiletto(n.) A small dagger. dao g¨ m nhá; gãt dµ y furrier(n.) A dealer in or maker of fur goods. Ng−êi bu«n b¸ n, thuéc da

l«ng thó (adj.) Not to be understood. optimism(n.) The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for

the best. L¹ c quan

marine(adj.) Of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea. Thuéc biÓ n hydrodynamics(n.)

The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids. thuû ®éng lùc

Incompressible depopulate(v.) To remove the inhabitants from. Gim d© n sè vainglory(n.) Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity. D−ng d−ng tù ®¾ c; kheo

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khoang; kho¸ c l¸ c dendrology(n.) The natural history of trees. tÝ nh tuæi c© y orographic ® Þ a h× nh nói disappear(v.) To cease to exist, either actually or for the time being. aliment(n.) That which nourishes. CÊ p d−ìng, ®å ¨ n pectoral(adj.) Pertaining to the breast or thorax. ngùc; v© y,øc; tÊ m che ngùc arboriculture(n.) The cultivation of trees or shrubs. NghÒ trång c© y humble khiª m tèn, nhón nh−êng;

khóm nóm; tÇ m th−êng, nhá bÐ

judicial(adj.) Pertaining to the administration of justice. Thuéc toµ ¸ n Anglophobia(n.) Hatred or dread of England or of what is English. Chñ tr−ng bµ I Anh autarchy(n.) Unrestricted power. quyÒ n n¨ ng tuyÖ t ®èi pare(v.) To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything. TØ a, gät, ®Ï o assassination(n.) Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery. M−u s¸ t, ¸ m s¸ t fief(n.) A landed estate held under feudal tenure. Th¸ I Ê p, ®Ê t phong borough(n.) An incorporated village or town. thµ nh phè; thÞ x∙ ; khu polytheism(n.) The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one. ThuyÕ t ®a thÇ n iniquity(n.) Gross wrong or injustice. ®IÒ u bÊ t c«ng, té i lç i necromancer(n.) One who practices the art of foretelling the future by means of

communication with the C« ®ång (gäi hån)


Despondent. nn lßng

drizzle(n) very fine rain; V. drizzle; Adj. drizzly m−a phïn, m−a bôi perseverance(n.) A persistence in purpose and effort. Kiª n nhÉ n,kiª n tr× emeritus(adj.) Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position. Im l× m; thô ®éng enrage(v.) To infuriate. lµ m giË n ®iª n lª n fondle(v.) To handle tenderly and lovingly. Vuèt ve,mn trín assonance(n.) Resemblance or correspondence in sound. Trïng © m, t−ng øng animate(v.) To make alive. TiÕ p sinh khÝ , t¹ o søc sèng primitive(adj.) Pertaining to the beginning or early times. Nguyª n thuû; gèc valedictorian(n.) Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational

institution. ®¹ i biÓ u h/s ®äc diÔ n v¨ n tõ biÖ t trong lÔ tè t nghiÖ p

antitoxin(n.) A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms. Kh¸ ng ®éc parsimonious(adj.)

Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money. Keo kiÖ t; chi li, bñn xØ n

dendroid(adj.) Like a tree. reassure(v.) To give new confidence. Cam ®oan l¹ I, bo hiÓ m l¹ i lune(n.) The moon. H× nh tr¨ ng indescribable(adj.)

That can not be described. Kh«ng thÓ t ®−îc;m hå

unsettle(v.) To put into confusion. Lµ m ®o lén; lµ m lo l¾ ng pot Ê m, b× nh, lä , nåi, chË u hoa extortion(n.) The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion. bãp nÆ n, tèng tiÒ n compression(n.) Constraint, as by force or authority. mechanics(n.) The branch of physics that treats the phenomena caused by the action of

forces. C häc

sirocco(n.) hot winds from Africa. Giã nãng tõ Ch© y Phi tí i reptile bß; hÌ n h¹ , ti tiÖ n; loµ i bß s¸ t duteous(adj.) Showing submission to natural superiors. biÕ t v© ng lêi; cã ý thøc s½ n

sµ ng, chÊ p hµ nh n/v abscess(n.) A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body. ¸ p xe; chç rç (kim lo¹ i) maize(n.) Indian corn: usually in the United States called simply corn. Ng« vµ ng hydra(n.) The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules. R¾ n nhiÒ u ®Ç u; tai −ng batten(n.) A narrow strip of wood. tÊ m v¸ n lãt; lã t v¸ n jurisdiction(n.) Lawful power or right to exercise official authority. quyÒ n h¹ n ph¸ p lý annual(adj) lasting a year; N. annual; adv. annually trong 1 n¨ m solicitude(n.) Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear. Lo © u, nãng ruét overjoyed vui mõng kh«n xiÕ t protuberant(adj.)

Bulging. Phång lª n, u lª n

eureka(Greek.) I have found it. ThÊ y råi, t× m thÊ y råi ! magnet(n.) A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the

lodestone. nam ch© m; vË t cã søc cuèn hót

panic(n.) A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear. hong sî, kinh hoµ ng littoral(adj.) Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore. ven biÓ n; duyª n hi tranquil(adj.) Calm. Yª n tÜ nh, tthanh b× nh piteous(adj.) Compassionate. thm th−ng; ®¸ ng th−ng routine lÖ th−êng, thñ tôc;

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digress(v.) To turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental matter.

L¹ c ®Ò

occasion(n.) An important event or celebration. dÞ p, c héi; duyª n cí influential(adj.) Having the power to sway the will of another. cã nh h−ëng; cã uy thÕ requital(n.) Adequate return for good or ill. ®Ò n bï, ®Ò n ®¸ p; tr thï irk(v.) To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue. Lµ m phiÒ n; lµ m khã chÞ u slice miÕ ng máng, l¸ t máng desist(v.) To cease from action. Ngõng,nghØ colloquialism(n.)

Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation. Th«ng tôc

translator(n.) An interpreter. steppe(n.) One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia. thÞ nh hµ nh; −a chuéng hesitancy(n.) A pausing to consider. Do dù, ngË p ngõng hernia(n.) Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position. chøng ruét sa working-man(n.)

One who earns his bread by manual labor. Ng−êi hay lµ m

accusation(n.) A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error. kÕ t té i positive(adj.) Free from doubt or hesitation. X¸ c thùc, râ rµ ng prescription(n.) An authoritative direction. quy ®Þ nh; ®n thuèc accordion(n.) A portable free-reed musical instrument. ®µ n accoc accuracy(n.) Exactness. forgo(v.) To deny oneself. Th«I, bá, kiª ng analyze(v.) To examine minutely or critically. surround(v.) To encircle. outride(v.) To ride faster than. v−ît tr−íc remunerate(v.) To pay or pay for. tr c«ng; tiÒ n thï lao inexpressible(adj.)

Unutterable. Kh«ng thÓ diÔ n ®¹ t ®−îc

expectancy(n.) The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable. Mong ®I; triÓ n väng involve(v.) To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively. Gåm, bao hµ m pugnacious(adj.) Quarrelsome. Hay g© y ghæ sterling(adj.) Genuine. ®óng gi¸ trÞ rupture(v.) To separate the parts of by violence. GÉ y, ®øt, vì orthopedist(n.) One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity Chuyª n khoa chØ nh h× nh pulp thÞ t cïi (c© y); tuû; b«t nh∙ o;

s¸ ch b¸ o giË t g© n; bét nh∙ o accredit(v.) To give credit or authority to. G© y tÝ n nhiÖ m volunteer t× nh nguyÖ n, xung phong; perusal(n.) The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully. nghiª n cøu kü denunciation(n.) The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or

punishment. Tè c¸ o, tè gi¸ c

reluctance(n.) Unwillingness. MiÔ n c−ìng progression(n.) A moving forward or proceeding in course. Qu¸ tr× nh, tiÕ n tr× nh afterthought(n.) A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time. Suy nghÜ sau khi h/® athwart(adv.) From side to side. Xuyª n qua; chèng l¹ i donor(n.) One who makes a donation or present. Ng−êi cho, ng−êi tÆ ng appellate(adj.) Capable of being appealed to. kh¸ ng ¸ n armory(n.) An arsenal. Kho vò khÝ , x−ëng ®óc vò khÝ pitiless(adj.) Hard-hearted. NhÉ n t© m; kh¾ c nghiÖ t separate(v.) To take apart. prudery(n.) An undue display of modesty or delicacy. TÝ nh c thÑ n,lµ m bé ®oan trang uppermost(adj.) First in order of precedence. Quan träng hµ ng ®Ç u nowhere(adv.) In no place or state. ko ni nµ o, ko ë ®© u rebut(v.) To oppose by argument or a sufficient answer. tõ chèi, cù tuyÖ t pentagon(n.) A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides. H× nh ngò gi¸ c insurgence(n.) Uprising. Næi dË y, næi lo¹ n mutation(n.) The act or process of change. BiÕ n ®æi, thay ®æi controller(n.) One who or that which regulates or directs. Ng−êi kiÓ m tra, kiÓ m so¸ t seclude(v.) To place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship of others. t¸ ch biÖ t insistence(n.) Urgency. kh¨ ng kh¨ ng; nhÊ n m¹ nh brogue(n.) Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people. giäng Ailen; giµ y leo nói inapprehensible hydrous(adj.) Watery. Cã n−íc intoxicant(n.) Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites. ChÊ t lµ m say excursion(n.) A journey. Cuéc du ngo¹ n absorb(v.) To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water. Hót n−íc; hÊ p thô eject(v.) To expel. N tèng ra; ® iÒ u suy nghÜ intestacy(n.) The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will. chÕ t ko ®Ó l¹ i di chóc

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antilogy(n.) Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas. y.n m© u thuÉ n conformation(n.)

General structure, form, or outline. H× nh thÓ , h× nh d¸ ng

prolix(adj.) Verbose. dµ i dßng; r−êm rµ carcass(n.) The dead body of an animal. x¸ c (sóc vË t, tµ u) eulogize(v.) To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character. t¸ n d−ng, ca ngîi conduce(v.) To bring about. ®−a ®Õ n, gãp phÇ n hygiene(n.) The branch of medical science that relates to improving health. vÖ sinh tempter(n.) An allurer or enticer to evil. ng−êi xói giôc, quyÕ n rò polygon(n.) A figure having many angles. H× nh ®a gi¸ c operetta(n.) A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act. nh¹ c kÞ ch luminescent(adj.)

Showing increase of light. Ph¸ t quang

solar(adj.) Pertaining to the sun. comparative(adj.)

Relative. So s¸ nh t−ng ®èi

recruit(v.) To enlist men for military or naval service. T© n binh, héi viª n míi audition The act or sensation of hearing. thö giäng convulse(v.) To cause spasms in. Lµ m chÊ n ®éng, n¸ o ®éng preengage(v.) To preoccupy. −íc hÑ n tr−íc; donee(n.) A person to whom a donation is made. Ng−êi nhË n quµ tÆ ng intermit(v.) To cause to cease temporarily. gi¸ n ®o¹ n federate(v.) To league together. tæ chøc thµ nh liª n ®oµ n, liª n

bang antique(adj.) Pertaining to ancient times. cæ x−a; ®å cæ stingy(adj.) Cheap, unwilling to spend money. Keo kiÖ t, bñn xØ n confront(v.) To encounter, as difficulties or obstacles. Tr¹ m tr¸ n; ®èi chÊ t; ®èi chiÕ u;

gi¸ p mÆ t immersion(n.) The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid. nhóng ch× m; ng© m n−íc indefensible(adj.)

Untenable. Kh«ng thÓ bo vÒ ®−îc

berth(n.) A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc. gi−êng ngñ trª n tµ u abnormal(adj.) Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard. Kh¸ c th−êng thrill lµ m rïng m× nh, lµ m xóc ®éng,

håi hép; chuyÖ n giË t g© n significant(adj.) Important, especially as pointing something out. ®Ç y y/n, quan träng evangelist(n.) A preacher who goes from place to place holding services. ng−êi truyÒ n gi¸ o (kh«ng phi

cha cè) audible(adj.) Loud enough to be heard. Nghe râ vigilance(n.) Alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger. Cnh gi¸ c; thË n träng ampersand(n.) The character &; and. & sediment(n.) Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. trÇ m tÝ ch; cÆ n diplomatist(n.) One remarkable for tact and shrewd management. Nhµ ngo¹ I giao lacteal(adj.) Milky. S÷a (n.) Electricity generated by differences of temperature, nhiÖ t ® iÖ n tryout thö; kiÓ m tra instill(v.) To infuse. truyÒ n dÉ n ý nghÜ ; nhá, rá justapose(v.) To place close together. mimic(v.) To imitate the speech or actions of. B¾ t ch−íc complication(n.) An intermingling or combination of things or parts, especially in a

perplexing manner. Phøc t¹ p r¾ c rèi

stuff(v) nhåi b«ng, rm; nhåi nhÐ t; bÞ t lÊ p; chen lÊ n, x« ®È y

ruminant(adj.) Chewing the cud. loµ i nhai l¹ i; t− lù curable(adj.) Capable of being remedied or corrected. Ch÷a ®−îc bÖ nh inactive(adj.) Inert. BÊ t ®éng luminescence(n.)

Showing increase. Ph¸ t s¸ ng, ph¸ t quang

craft nghÒ thñ c«ng; m−u mÑ o troublesome(adj.)

Burdensome. G© y phiÒ n hµ

permanence(n.) A continuance in the same state, or without any change that destroys the essential form or

Sù vÜ nh cöa

sensorium(n.) The sensory apparatus. ChÊ t x¸ m, vá n∙ o resonance(adj.) Able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. postdate(v.) To make the date of any writing later than the real date. Ngµ y tr−íc nestling(adj.) Recently hatched. Míi në; chim non outreach(v.) To reach or go beyond. V−ît hn declamatory(adj A full and formal style of utterance. hïng biÖ n

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.) startle giË t m× nh, hong hèt polycracy(n.) The rule of many. tË p thÓ qun lý felonious(adj.) Showing criminal or evil purpose. ¸ c ®éc stringency(n.) Strictness. chÝ nh x¸ c; khan hiÕ m profligacy(n.) Shameless viciousness. Phãng ®∙ ng, tr¸ c t¸ ng indestructible(adj.)

That can not be destroyed. Kh«ng thÓ ph¸ huû ®−îc


characterized by rivalry. C¹ nh tranh

pendant(n.) Anything that hangs from something else, either for ornament or for use. VË t ®−îc treo d−íi mét vË t (cê hiÖ u, d© y chuyÒ n ..)

emphasize(v.) To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words.

NhÊ n m¹ nh

paralysis(n.) Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles. LiÖ t; t× nh tr¹ ng tª liÖ t melon qu d−a; lê i l∙ i reproduce(v.) To make a copy of..N : reproduction T¸ I sn xuÊ t maleficent(adj.) Mischievous. lµ m h¹ i; ¸ c hiÓ m allusion(n.) An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention

of it. bãng giã

diversity(n.) Dissimilitude. TÝ nh ®a d¹ ng precession(n.) The act of going forward. Sù tiÕ n ®éng effect(n.) A consequence. hiÖ u qu, hiÖ u lùc; thùc hiÖ n tempt(v.) To offer to (somebody) an inducement to do wrong. Xói dôc, l«I cuèn; quyÕ n rò aggrieve(v.) To give grief or sorrow to. Lµ m cho buån phiÒ n adumbrate(v.) To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem. Ph¸ c ho¹ gestation(n.) Pregnancy. thai nghÐ n; Ê p ñ conservative(adj.)

Adhering to the existing order of things. Bo tån, gi÷ g× n


Opening in flower.

sheer(adj.) Absolute. tuyÖ t ®èi; hoµ n toµ n symphonic(adj.) Characterized by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. bn giao h−ëng negotiable(v.) To bargain with others for an agreement, as for a treaty or transfer of

property. cã thÓ t−ëng t−îng, trao ®æi, tr b» ng tiÒ n

dramatist(n.) One who writes plays. Nhµ so¹ n kÞ ch polemics(n.) The art of controversy or disputation. Bót chiÕ n stunted kimg h∙m; cßi cäc condense(v.) To abridge. c« ®äng, sóc tÝ ch Calvary(n.) The place where Christ was crucified. Chç Chóa bÞ ®ãng ®inh rebuild(v.) To build again or anew. X© y dùng l¹ i botanize(v.) To study plant-life. nghiª n cøu thùc vË t lea(n.) A field. Khong ®Ê t hoang soldier(n.) A person engaged in military service. ripplet(n.) A small ripple, as of water. L¨ n t¨ n, gn sãng; nhÑ nhµ ng linguistics(n.) The science of languages, or of the origin, history, and significance of

words. Ng«n ng÷ häc

cajolery(n.) Delusive speech. T¸ n tØ nh, phØ nh phê spectator(n.) One who beholds or looks on. kh¸ n gi; ng−êi xem reflexible(adj.) Capable of being reflected. Phn chiÕ u,phn x¹ connote(v.) To mean; signify. Bao hµ m; cã nghÜ a lµ prescript(adj.) Prescribed as a rule or model. s¾ c lÖ nh barometer(n.) An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface. phong vò; dông cô ®o khÝ ¸ p disarrange(v.) To throw out of order. lén xén; x¸ o trén contingency(n.) Possibility of happening. ngÉ u nhiª n; t× nh cê pollinate thô phÊ n seminar(n.) Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under a

teacher. Héi nghÞ chuyª n ®Ò

abhorrent(adj.) Very repugnant; hateful. Ghª tëm; ®¸ ng ghÐ t secondary(adj.) Less important or effective than that which is primary. Thø yÕ u assess(v.) To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid). ®¸ nh thuÕ deist(n.) One who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation. nhµ thÇ n luË n terminate(v.) To put an end or stop to. KÕ t thóc, chÊ m døt excavate(v.) To remove by digging or scooping out. ®µ o; khai quË t transposition(n.) The act of reversing the order or changing the place of. ®æi chç, ho¸ n vÞ toilsome(adj.) Laborious. VÊ t v, cùc nhäc judgment(n.) The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached. ph¸ n quyÕ t; c¸ ch nh× n, ®¸ nh

gi¸ , ph¸ n ®o¸ n; chØ trÝ ch corrigible(adj.) Capable of reformation. Cã thÓ sña chò, cI t¹ o

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encourage(v.) To inspire with courage, hope, or strength of mind. Cæ vò, ®éng viª n depress(v.) To press down. Ch¸ n nn, ng∙ lßng protagonist(n.) A leader in any enterprise or contest. vai chÝ nh, ng−êi gi÷ vai trß

chñ ®¹ o impregnate(v.) To make pregnant. thô thai; lµ m ®Ê t ®ai mµ u mì;

thÊ m nhuÇ n, nhiÔ m crust vá (b¸ nh, tr¸ i ®Ê t) undercharge(v.) To make an inadequate charge for. N¹ p thiÕ u, kh«ng ®ñ consecutive(adj.)

Following in uninterrupted succession. liª n tiÕ p

disapprove(v.) To regard with blame. Phn ®èi; kh«ng t¸ n thµ nh outcry(n.) A vehement or loud cry or clamor. TiÕ ng la hÐ t; tiÕ ng la ã , phn

®èi sidelong(adj.) Inclining or tending to one side. H−íng tíi 1 bª n;C¹ nh khoÐ ,

bãng giã disallow(v.) To withhold permission or sanction. Kh«ng c«ng nhË n; cÊ m penalty(n.) The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law. H× nh ph¹ t octagon(n.) A figure with eight sides and eight angles. H× nh b¸ t gi¸ c recital kÓ l¹ i; ng© m th; ®éc tÊ u separatist(n.) A seceder. Ng−êi theo chÝ nh s¸ ch ly khai pedal A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments, cycles, and

other machines. bµ n ®¹ p xe ®¹ p; ®ßn bÈ y; ®¹ p, dïng bµ n ®¹ p

hydraulic(adj.) Involving the moving of water, of the force exerted by water in motion. èng dÉ n; ch¹ y b» ng søc n−íc dissatisfy(v.) To displease. ko lµ m hµ i lßng; lµ m bÊ t m∙ n elated filled with excited joy and pride; overjoyed; in high spirits; joyful and proud;

Ex. elated crowd; V. elate; N. elation tù hµ o, h∙ nh diÖ n; phÊ n chÊ n


Following in uninterrupted succession. liª n tiÕ p

possessor(n.) One who owns, enjoys, or controls anything, as property. Ng−êi së h÷u justification(n.) Vindication. bµ o ch÷a; s¾ p ch÷ ®óng hµ ng,

®óng chç Sol(n.) The sun. mÆ t trêi genital(adj.) Of or pertaining to the animal reproductive organs. Sinh dôc authenticity(n.) The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship

claimed. TÝ nh ®óng ®¾ n, tÝ nh x¸ c thùc

referrer(n.) One who refers. quy vµ o; chuyÓ n ®Õ n forefather(n.) An ancestor. tæ tiª n importation(n.) The act or practice of bringing from one country into NhË p khÈ u upheaval(n.) Overthrow or violent disturbance of established order or condition. næi lª n, dÊ y lª n inapt(adj.) Awkward or slow. BÊ t tµ I ,vông vÒ lave(v.) To wash or bathe. T¾ m röa; chy qua undulous(adj.) Resembling waves. Chïm sãng triennial(adj.) Taking place every third year. 3 n¨ m 1 lÇ n privity(n.) Knowledge shared with another or others regarding a private matter. HiÓ u biÕ t riª ng, quan hÖ riª ng yearling(n.) A young animal past its first year and not yet two years old. Thó vË t 1 tuæi exposition(n.) Formal presentation. PhI bµ y, bãc trÇ n; phi dominance(n.) Ascendancy. −u thÕ ; thèng trÞ whine(v.) To utter with complaining tone. TiÕ ng rª n rØ , than v∙ n merciless(adj.) Cruel. nhÉ n t© m; tµ n nhÉ n antiphon(n.) A response or alteration of responses, generally musical. cµ i th¸ nh ca; tông ca devilry(n.) Malicious mischief. yª u thuË t slothful(adj.) Lazy. UÓ oI,l−êi biÕ ng extrajudicial(adj.)

Happening out of court. Kh«ng phI ra toµ ph© n xö

readjust(v.) To put in order after disarrangement. ® iÒ u chØ nh; thÝ ch nghi virtu(n.) Rare, curious, or beautiful quality. ®å cæ; ®å mü nghÖ pavilion(n.) An open structure for temporary shelter. dùng r¹ p; che lÒ u; r¹ p, lÒ u festivity vui mõng, h© n hoan; ngµ y héi uproot(v.) To eradicate. Nhæ rÔ ; tiª u diÖ t bilingual(adj.) Speaking two languages. th«ng th¹ o 2 thø tiÕ ng stubby ng¾ n vµ dµ y; lïn vµ bÐ o chilly l¹ nh lÏ o; l¹ nh lïng, l¹ nh nh¹ t;

í t kh« skip bá qua;nhy;nhy d© y; thïng

®ùng; «ng bÇ u evade(v.) To avoid by artifice. Lng tr¸ nh, lÈ n tr¸ nh dialectician(n.) A logician. biÖ n chøng contemporaneous(adj.)

Living, occurring, or existing at the same time. Cïng thêi, ®−ng thêi

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reducible(adj.) That may be reduced. gim bít; khö ®−îc; rót gän ®−îc

unlimited(adj.) Unconstrained. kh«ng giíi h¹ n, v« cïng artery ®éng m¹ ch; huyÕ t m¹ ch synchronism(n.) Simultaneousness. TÝ nh ®ång bé catchy hÊ p dÉ n, dÔ l« i cuèn; lõa personality(n.) The attributes, taken collectively, that make up the character and nature of an

individual. Nh© n c¸ ch, tÝ nh c¸ ch


Indefinitely extensive. v« h¹ n, ko ®o ®−îc

excellency(n.) A title of honor bestowed upon various high officials. Ngµ I; phu nh© n doe(n.) The female of the deer. H−u c¸ i antique(adj.) Pertaining to ancient times. cæ x−a; ®å cæ fawn(n.) A young deer. H−u nhá; nÞ nh bî edible(adj.) Suitable to be eaten. thøc ¨ n sextet(n.) A band of six singers or players. Nhãm 6 protective(adj.) Sheltering. Bo hé, bo vÖ pleasurable(adj.) Affording gratification. ThÝ ch thó, mang l¹ I niÒ m vui dedication(n.) The voluntary consecration or relinquishment of something to an end or

cause. cèng hiÕ n; hiÕ n d© ng; lê i ®Ò tÆ ng (s¸ ch)

parliament(n.) A legislative body. Quèc héi corps(n.) A number or body of persons in some way associated or acting together. Qu© n ®oµ n, ®oµ n momentary(adj.) Lasting but a short time. Tho¸ ng qua; nhÊ t thêi blithesome(adj.) Cheerful. vui vÎ ; ba hoa inedible(adj.) Not good for food. ko ¨ n ®−îc skim hít bät, hít v¸ ng nebula(n.) A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance. tinh v© n; chøng m¾ t kÐ o m© y perceptible(adj.) Cognizable. nhË n thóc, lÜ nh héi ante(v.) In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt. ®¸ nh bµ I x× tè desert(v.) To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned; ADJ N rêi bá; bá trèn; ruång bá; hiu

qu¹ nh, v¾ ng vÎ ; sa m¹ c, hoang v¾ ng

potter thî gèm; l∙ng phÝ ; lµ m qua loa money.() estuary A wide lower part of a tidal river. cöa s«ng exert(v.) To make an effort. dïng, sö dông (søc m¹ nh, nh

h−ëng); cè g¾ ng submersion(n.) The act of submerging. Ch× m (tµ u) usurious(adj.) Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned. NÆ ng l∙ i habitant(n.) Dweller. Ng−êi c− tró ; ng−êi ë; Ng−êi

Canada gèc Ph¸ p translucence(n.) The property or state of allowing the passage of light. mê, kÝ nh mê embolden(v.) To give courage to. khuyÕ n khÝ ch hydromechanics(n.)

The mechanics of fluids. thuû c häc

mow ®èng, ®ôn (rm r¹ ); bÜ u m«i, nh¨ n mÆ t

submission(n.) A yielding to the power or authority of another. khuÊ t phôc; tr× nh diÖ n; ý kiÕ n spark tia löa, tia s¸ ng; s¾ c so nominate(v.) To designate as a candidate for any office. ®Ò cö; chän bæ nhiÖ m telltale(adj.) That gives warning or information. m¸ ch loÎ ; lé transatlantic(adj.)

Situated beyond or on the other side of the Atlantic. Bª n kia §¹ I T© y D−ng


Panic. Kinh hoµ ng; khiÕ p ®m

trisect(v.) To divide into three parts, especially into three equal parts. chia lµ m 3 phÇ n photoelectric(adj.)

Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity. quang ®iÖ n

prevalence(n.) Frequency. Phæ biÕ n, thÞ nh hµ nh typical(adj.) Characteristic. Tiª u biÓ u, ®Ión h× nh misbehavior(n.) Ill or improper behavior. T− c¸ ch xÊ u coerce(v.) To force. Ð p buéc recoil(v.) To start back as in dismay, loathing, or dread. Lïi l¹ I, déi l¹ I, giË t l¹ i soprano(n.) A woman's or boy's voice of high range. giäng n÷ cao conscience(n.) The faculty in man by which he distinguishes between right and wrong in

character and conduc l−ng t© m

augur(v.) To predict. Tiª n do¸ n endurance(n.) The ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship, or stress of any kind without kh n¨ ng chÞ u ®ùng; nhÉ n n¹ i;

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succumbing. kÐ o dµ i excruciate(v.) To inflict severe pain or agony upon. hµ nh h¹ , lµ m ®au ®ín misinterpret(v.) To misunderstand. HiÓ u sai, dÞ ch sai medicine(n.) A substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties. Y khoa bodice(n.) A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist. ¸ o lã t ruin n.v lµ m háng; lµ m xÊ u ®i; sù ®æ

n¸ t; sù tiª u tan, ph¸ sn domination(n.) Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority. laudatory(adj.) Pertaining to, expressing, or containing praise. t¸ n d−ng, c ngîi Augustinian(adj.)

Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called after him.

mastery(n.) The attainment of superior skill. −u thÕ tremendous(adj.)

Awe-inspiring. ghª gím; khñng khiÕ p

icon(n.) An image or likeness. T−îng, thÇ nh t−îng Antichrist(n.) Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power. KÎ thï cña Chóa respondent(adj.) Answering. Phn håi undersized(adj.) Of less than the customary size. Cßi cäc, kÝ ch th−íc nhá gesticulate(v.) To make gestures or motions, as in speaking, or in place of speech. Hoa tay móa ch© n menace(n.) A threat. ®e do¹ , uy hiÕ p corruptible(adj.) Open to bribery. dÔ lung l¹ c, dÔ mua chuéc; dÔ

h− háng prudential(adj.) Proceeding or marked by caution. thË n träng; cÈ n thË n octogenarian(adj.)

A person of between eighty and ninety years. thä 80 tuæi

(adj.) Being an addition to. Bæ sung, thª m; gãc phô (to¸ n) herbarium(n.) A collection of dried plants scientifically arranged for study. TË p mÉ u c© y mistrust(v.) To regard with suspicion or jealousy. Nghi ngê, hå nghi vaudeville(n.) A variety show. ch−ng tr× nh t¹ p kü essence(n.) That which makes a thing to be what it is. Bn chÊ t constable(n.) An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace. Cnh s¸ t; nguyª n so¸ i hypothesis(n.) A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a

conclusion. Gi thuyÕ t

concordance(n.) Harmony. Phï hîp; môc lôc gallant(adj.) Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit. Dòng cm, hµ o hiÖ p feldspar(n) common aluminum silicate of potassium, sodium or calcium ; adj feldspathi ®¸ tr−êng th¹ ch complacence(n.) Satisfaction with one's acts or surroundings. Tù m∙ n fondue n−íc xèt ®un protege(n.) One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person. n÷ bo vÖ annunciation(n.) Proclamation. c«ng bè lever(n.) That which exerts, or through which one may exert great power. ®ßn bÈ y onrush(n.) Onset. lao tí i, x«ng tíi unconscious(adj.)

Not cognizant of objects, actions, etc. Kh«ng cã ý thøc, ngÊ t

glazier(n.) One who cuts and fits panes of glass, as for windows. Thî l¾ p kÝ nh, trang men immovable(adj.) Steadfast. BÊ t ®éng stuff(n) vi sîi len; mäi thø linh tinh,

chuyÖ n tÇ m phµ o; ngãn nghÒ , bÝ quyÕ t

nucleus(n.) A central point or part about which matter is aggregated. trung t© m; nh© n rhapsody(n.) Rapt or rapturous utterance. Khóc cuång t−ëng tissue mét lo¹ t chuçi ®an xen; giÊ y

lôa obesity(n.) Excessive fatness. Sù bÐ o, phÖ employee(n.) One who works for wages or a salary. Ng−êi lao ®éng oration(n.) An elaborate or formal public speech. Bµ I diÔ n v¨ n, diÔ n thuyÕ t verify(v.) To prove to be true, exact, or accurate. pact(n.) A covenant. HiÖ p −íc; c«ng −íc paternal(adj.) Fatherly. ®» ng néi, hä néi entree(n.) The act of entering. locomotion(n.) The act or power of moving from one place to another. vË n ®éng; di ®éng intersect(v.) To cut through or into so as to divide. c¾ t nhau; giao nhau diplomat(n.) A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another. Nhµ ngo¹ I giao prevention(n.) Thwarting. Ng¨ n cn, ng¨ n trë , neglect cÈ u th; bá bª ; ko chó ý felony(n.) One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or

imprisonment. Träng téi

script(n.) Writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form. Nguyª n bn; bn gèc auburn(adj.) Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair. Mµ u n© u vµ ng (tãc)

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accept(v.) To take when offered. annalist(n.) Historian. Ng−êi chÐ p sö despicable(adj.) Contemptible. ti tiÖ n, hÌ n h¹ misrepresent(v.) To give a wrong impression. Xuyª n t¹ c, bãp mÐ o inbred(adj.) Innate;inborn BÈ m sinh coincident(adj.) Taking place at the same time. Trïng hîp septennial(adj.) Recurring every seven years. 7 n¨ m 1 lÇ n fallacy(n.) Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning, or anything based on such

reasoning. Dèi tr¸ ; o t−ëng sai lÇ m; nguþ biÖ n

whereabouts(n.) The place in or near which a person or thing is. ë nI cã ( nguêi, vË t ) Antispasmodic fuse(v.) To unite or blend as by melting together. Cçu ch× ; kÝ p næ antedate(v.) To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one. Lïi ngµ y th¸ ng proclamation(n.) Any announcement made in a public manner. Tuyª n bè, c«ng bè expediency(n.) Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case. cã lîi; thñ ®o¹ n egotism(n.) Self-conceit. tÝ nh Ý ch kû imitator(n.) One who makes in imitation. B¾ t ch−íc deity(n.) A god, goddess, or divine person. ThÇ n th¸ nh fishmonger(n.) One who sells fish. Ng−êi b¸ n c¸ creak(n.) A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound. kÏ o kÑ t, cãt kÐ t booth qu¸ n, r¹ p, lÒ u; tr¹ m ®iÖ n tho¹ i

c«ng céng acquaint(v.) To make familiar or conversant. Lµ m quen dermatology(n) the study of skin diseases; adj dermatological; n dermatologist chuyª n khoa da intensive(adj.) Adding emphasis or force. cao ®é; tË p trung raft ®¸ m ®«ng; bÌ , mng; th bÌ , chë

b» ng bÌ , mng hussar(n.) A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine. kþ binh nhÑ cadenza(n.) An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or

instrument. ®o¹ n ®éc tÊ u

enamor(v.) To inspire with ardent love. Lµ m say mª , h© n hoan phonology(n.) The science of human vocal sounds. HÖ thèng © m vÞ warlike(adj.) Belligerent. Tham chiÕ n emergent(adj.) Coming into view. Næi bË t lª n, râ nÐ t beverages.(n) Things to drink ®å uèng superadd(v.) To add in addition to what has been added. thª m vµ o nhiÒ u qu¸ retch(v.) To make an effort to vomit. n«n, möa cosmos(n.) The world or universe considered as a system, perfect in order and

arrangement. vò trô; trË t tù hµ i hoµ ; hÖ thèng hµ i hoµ ; cóc v¹ n thä

later(adv.) At a subsequent time. ChË m, muén mulatto(n.) The offspring of a white person and a black person. Da ng¨ m ng¨ m; da mµ u scarcity(n.) Insufficiency of supply for needs or ordinary demands. khan hiÕ m, thiÕ u thèn fungous(adj.) Spongy. nÊ m; mäc nhanh nh− nÊ m orgies(n.) Wild or wanton revelry. truy hoan, tr¸ c t¸ ng able-bodied(adj.)

Competent for physical service.

sympathize(v.) To share the sentiments or mental states of another. Cã thiÖ n cm, cm t× nh worn adj mßn,háng evert(v.) To turn inside out. L«n tõ trong ra ngoµ i ferocity(n.) Savageness. Hung ¸ c; d∙ man, tµ n b¹ o perish diÖ t vong; tµ n lôi, chÕ t quiescence(n.) Quiet. Im lÆ ng; tÜ nh lÆ ng antislavery(adj.) Opposed to human slavery. Chèng chÕ ®é n« lÖ noticeable(adj.) Perceptible. scoundrel(n.) A man without principle. C«n ®å, v« l¹ i nominee(n.) One who receives a nomination. Ng−êi ®−îc chØ ® Þ nh, ®Ò cö galvanic(adj.) Pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action. kÝ ch ®éng m¹ nh decagram(n.) A weight of 10 grams. accession(n.) Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government. ®¹ t ®Õ n, tiÕ n ®Õ n Apprehensible foresail(n.) A square sail. mòi tµ u excitable(adj.) Nervously high-strung. DÔ bÞ kÝ ch ®éng, kÝ ch thÝ ch prowler bét, bôi, phÊ n, thuèc sóng; r¾ c

(muèi, bét), thoa (phÊ n) unbelief(n.) Doubt. ThiÕ u niÒ m tin garrison(n.) The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense. ®n vÞ ®ån tró tortious(adj.) Wrongful. sai lÇ m; cã h¹ i Hibernian(adj.) Pertaining to Ireland, or its people. Thuéc Ai-len

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crook mãc, gË y cã mãc denude(v.) To strip the covering from. lé t trÇ n; bãc vá (n.) A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for

the use of s¸ ch vÒ y d−îc; kho d−îc phÈ m

stagnate(v.) To become dull or inert. lµ m ø ®äng; ®× nh trÖ anemic(adj.) Affected with anemia. ThiÕ u m¸ u; xanh xao originate(v.) To cause or constitute the beginning or first stage of the existence of. skunk con chån h«i; kÎ ®ª tiÖ n, ®¸ n

khinh; ®¸ nh b¹ i sociology(n.) The philosophical study of society. X∙ Héi häc technology(n.) The knowledge relating to industries and manufactures. C«ng nghÖ generosity(n.) A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily. réng l−îng; khoan hång; hµ o

phãng, réng r∙ i race(adj) seldom, unusual; exception good; of less than the usual density hiÕ m; ®Æ c biÖ t; lo∙ ng ecstatic(adj.) Enraptured. mª ly; ng© y ngÊ t; xuÊ t thÇ n conservatism(n.) Tendency to adhere to the existing order of things. CN bo thñ entangle(v.) To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications. Lµ m v−íng m¾ c, rèi r¾ m disputation(n.) Verbal controversy. Bµ n c∙ I, tranh luË n millet(n.) A grass cultivated for forage and cereal. c© y kª ; h¹ t kª barbecue(n) party b÷a tiÖ c ngoµ i trêi (n.) Recognition. C«ng nhË n, thõa nhË n juicy(adj.) Succulent. mäng n−íc, È m −ít; lý thó polysyllable(adj.)

Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables. ®a © m tiÕ t

dishonest(adj.) Untrustworthy. BÊ t l−ng, kh«ng trung thùc eliminate(v.) To separate and cast aside. Lo¹ I trõ; bµ I tiÕ t flatter t© ng bèc; xu nÞ nh; t«n lª n nil(n.) Nothing Kh«ng cã g× unutterable(adj.) Inexpressible. ko nãi nª n lêi; preexistence(n.) Existence antecedent to something. KiÕ p tr−íc generalize(v.) To draw general inferences. Tæng qu¸ t ho¸ ; phæ biÕ n crumble sôp ®æ; vì vôn, ®æ n¸ t octave(n.) A note at this interval above or below any other, considered in relation to

that other. Qu∙ ng t¸ m; th 8 c© u;nhãm 8

tricycle(n.) A three-wheeled vehicle. Xe 3 b¸ nh reestablish(v.) To restore. phôc håi saponaceous(adj.)

Having the nature or quality of soap. Cã t/c xµ phßng

emerge(v) come up, come out into view; become known; N. emergence hiÖ n râ; thÓ hiÖ n piteous(adj.) Compassionate. thm th−ng; ®¸ ng th−ng sensibility(n.) Power to perceive or feel. Nh¹ y cm giver(n.) One who gives, in any sense. Ng−êi cho quµ , ng−êi biÕ u vitality(n.) The state or quality of being necessary to existence or continuance. Sinh khÝ ; søc sèng heron con diÖ c prohibitionist(n.)

One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic

ng−êi ñng hé viÖ c cÊ m b¸ n c¸ i g×

legislative(adj.) That makes or enacts laws. lµ m luË t trinity(n.) A threefold personality existing in the one divine being or substance. Bé 3 inquire(v.) To ask information about. ® iÒ u tra, thÈ m tra slip tr−ît ch© n; lÇ m lçi; ̧ o choµ ng;

xÝ ch chã; bÕ n tµ u; miÕ n giÊ y nhá

superadd(v.) To add in addition to what has been added. thª m vµ o nhiÒ u qu¸ isolate(v.) To separate from others of its kind. c¸ ch ly surety(n.) Security for payment or performance. Bo ®m. ch¾ c ch¾ n Briticism(n.) A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British. tõ ng÷ ®Æ c Anh necessitate(v.) To render indispensable. ®ßi hái phi cã, b¾ t phi misogyny(n.) Hatred of women. tÝ nh ghÐ t phô n÷ venereal(adj.) Pertaining to or proceeding from sexual intercourse. Nhôc dôc; giao phèi regretful(adj.) Feeling, expressive of, or full of regret. Hèi tiÕ c desiccant(n.) Any remedy which, when applied externally, dries up or absorbs moisture,

as that of wounds. ChÊ t lµ m kh«

occurrence(n.) A happening. pale cäc, hµ ng rµ o; t¸ i nhît, yÕ u ít posse(n.) A force of men. lùc l−îng m¹ nh minority(n.) The smaller in number of two portions into which a number or a group is

divided. ThiÓ u sè; tuæi vÞ thµ nh niª n

vacate to leave bá trèng, bá kh«ng; xin th«i; huû bá

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steppe(n.) One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia. thÞ nh hµ nh; −a chuéng squalid(adj.) Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance. D d¸ y; ti tiÖ n infest(v.) To be present in such numbers as to be a source of annoyance, trouble, or

danger. Trµ n vµ o quÊ y ph¸

revere(v.) To regard with worshipful veneration. t«n kÝ nh; sïng kÝ nh culprit(n.) A guilty person. Thñ ph¹ m, bÞ c¸ o commentary(n.) A series of illustrative or explanatory notes on any important work.; V

commentate; N commentator bµ i b× nh luË n

subaquatic(adj.) Being, formed, or operating under water. ë d−íi n−íc dissension(n.) Angry or violent difference of opinion. Mèi chia rÏ , bÊ t ®ång imperil(v.) To endanger. lµ m cho nguy hiÓ m apathy(n) lack of interest; Adj. apathetic l∙ nh ®¹ m, thê atria (pl) atrium cña; t© m nhÜ ; khoang tai

ngoµ i; s© n chung (nhiÒ u nhµ ) desperate(adj.) Resorted to in a last extremity, or as if prompted by utter despair. tuyÖ t väng; d÷ déi biography(n.) A bibliographical sketch or notice. TiÓ u sö, lý lÞ ch fork c¸ i nÜ a; ch¹ c c© y; ng∙ ba usage(n.) Treatment. c¸ ch s/d, c¸ ch ®èi xö distrust(n.) Lack of confidence in the power, wisdom, or good intent of any person. Kh«ng tin t−ëng,nghi ngê reorganize(v.) To change to a more satisfactory form of organization. Tæ chøc l¹ i consignee(n.) A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted. Ng−êi nhË n hµ ng göi patronymic(adj.) Formed after one's father's name. ®Æ t tª n theo cha despite(prep.) In spite of. MÆ c dï, kh«ng kÓ loam(n.) A non-coherent mixture of sand and clay. ®¸ t sÐ t trén (nhiÒ u mïn) lightweight h¹ ng nhÑ ; tÇ m th−êng unisonant(adj.) Being in a condition of perfect agreement and accord. ®ång lßng; ®ång © m refusal(n.) Denial of what is asked. penguin(n) chim c¸ nh côt facility(n.) Ease. ® /k dÔ dµ ng symphonic(adj.) Characterized by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. bn giao h−ëng empower(v.) To delegate authority to. trao quyÒ n; lµ m cho cã thÓ vacuum(n.) A space entirely devoid of matter. ch© n kh«ng spruce neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be spruce for your job interview; V. diÖ n; lµ m gän gµ ng; gç v© n

sam nomic(adj.) Usual or customary. seditious(adj.) Promotive of conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the

state. Næi lo¹ n

fraternal(adj.) Brotherly. Anh em; héi kÝ n maniac(n.) a person raving with madness. ® iª n cuång peninsular(adj.) Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water. b¸ n ®o frigidarium(n.) A room kept at a low temperature for preserving fruits, meat, etc. phßng t¾ m n−íc l¹ nh perfidy(n.) Treachery. phn béi; xo tr¸ granular(adj.) Composed of small grains or particles. cã hét; h× nh hét correspond t−ng xøng; phï hîp immiscible(adj.) Separating, as oil and water. Kh«ng trén lÉ n ®−îc insulate(v.) To place in a detached state or situation. C« lË p, c¸ ch ly revelation(n.) A disclosing, discovering, or making known of what was before secret,

private, or unknown. Ph¸ t hiÖ n, kh¸ m ph¸ , tiÕ t lé


Capable of being conducted or transmitted. dÉ n ®iÖ n, nhiÖ t

professor(n.) A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college. acquit(v.) To free or clear, as from accusation. Tr hÕ t nî, tr¾ ng ¸ n dispossess(v.) To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate. trôc xuÊ t; ®uæi ra; gii tho¸ t monomania(n.) The unreasonable pursuit of one idea. ®éc t−ëng; suy ngÉ m dissolute(adj.) Lewd. chi bêi, phãng ®¸ ng hydrostatics(n.) The branch of science that treats of the pressure and equilibrium of fluids. Thuû tÜ nh häc preoccupation(n.)

The state of having the mind, attention, or inclination preoccupied. Mèi −u t− , lo l¾ ng

radical(n.) One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures. gèc, c bn; cùc ®oan legible(adj.) That may be read with ease. râ rµ ng, dÔ ®äc fragile(adj.) Capable of being broken. máng mnh; mong manh; dÔ vì forfend(v.) To ward off. Xa l¸ nh productive(adj.) Yielding in abundance. mµ u mì; h÷u Ý ch; phong phó;

sn xuÊ t somniferous(adj.)

Tending to produce sleep. g© y ngñ

heptagon(n.) A figure having seven sides and seven angles. H× nh 7 c¹ nh nationality(n.) A connection with a particular nation. differentiate(v.) To acquire a distinct and separate character. Ph© n biÖ t

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productive(adj.) Yielding in abundance. mµ u mì; h÷u Ý ch; phong phó; sn xuÊ t

benefice(n.) A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine service.

Tµ I sn cña c¸ c cha cè

convolve(v.) To move with a circling or winding motion. QuÊ n l¹ i distiller(n.) One occupied in the business of distilling alcoholic liquors. Ng−êi ch−ng cÊ t r−îu paleontologist nhµ cæ sinh vË t häc radiate to extend in all to ra herbaceous(adj.) Having the character of a herb. luèng hoa në quanh n¨ m dead-heat(n.) A race in which two or more competitors come out even, and there is no

winner. ng−êi ®ai xem ca nh¹ c, ® i tµ u ko mÊ t tiÒ n

perceive(v.) To have knowledge of, or receive impressions concerning, through the medium of the body

HiÓ u ®−îc; lÜ nh héi ®−îc

woolly phñ len, l«ng t; m hå senior(adj) more or most advanced in age, standing, position; N. senior, seniority lín tuæi hm, cã th© m niª n cao,

chøc vô cao endowment cung cÊ p vèn; tµ i n¨ ng urbanity(n.) Refined or elegant courtesy. LÞ ch sù, tao nh∙ partible(adj.) Separable. Cã thÓ chia ®−îc (thõa kÕ ) (adj.) Intelligible. Cã thÓ lÜ nh héi perquisite(n.) Any profit from service beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages. Bæng léc, tiÒ n thï lao feminine(adj.) Characteristic of woman or womankind. Cã t/c ®µ n bµ continuity(n.) Uninterrupted connection in space, time, operation, or development. liª n tôc; kÞ ch bn ®iÖ n nh blockade(n.) The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces. phong to, bao v© y; t¾ c nghÏ n

(giao th«ng; tuyÕ t b¨ ng) narrow-minded(adj.)

Characterized by illiberal views or sentiments. hÑ p hßi; Ý ch kû; v« häc

salutation(n.) Any form of greeting, hailing, or welcome, whether by word or act. Chµ o hái, s¨ n sãc unnatural(adj.) Artificial. Qu¸ I ®n; kh«ng tù nhiª n spherical globular h× nh cÇ u defensible(adj.) Capable of being maintained or justified. Cã thÓ bo vÖ ®−îc lough(n.) A lake or loch. Hå, vÞ nh confide(v.) To reveal in trust or confidence. gi∙ i bµ y, t© m sù; phã th¸ c,

giao phã semicivilized(adj.)

Half-civilized. V¨ n minh 1 nöa

zeitgeist(n.) The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch. hÖ t− t−ëng cña thêi ®¹ i bestride(v.) To get or sit upon astride, as a horse. ngåi d¹ ng ch© n; c−ìi ngùa insectivore loµ i ¨ n s© u bä arrogant(adj.) Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc. kiª u c¨ ng; ng¹ o m¹ n machinist(n.) One who makes or repairs machines, or uses metal-working tools. thî m¸ y enormous(adj.) Gigantic. to lín; tµ n ¸ c navigate(v.) To traverse by ship. ® i s«ng ®i biÓ n reclusory(n.) A hermitage. È n sÜ thoroughfare street, road; public stree ®−êng lín; phè lín canon(n.) Any rule or law. tiª u chuÈ n; luË t lÖ alder(n.) Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family. c© y tæng qun sñi Narcissus(n.) The son of the Athenian river-god Cephisus, fabled to have fallen in love

with his reflection Hoa thuû tiª n

pinch cÊ u, vÐ o; d» n vÆ t, dµ y vß; tóng quÉ n

promoter(n.) A furtherer, forwarder, or encourager. Ng−êi tæ chøc, tµ I trî; ng−êi s¸ ng lË p


So large or furnishing so great a supply as not to be emptied, wasted, or spent.

kh«ng bao giê hÕ t, kh«ng biÕ t mÖ t

patron ng−êi bo trî; «ng bÇ u flexible(adj.) Pliable. MÒ m dÎ o, uyÓ n chuyÓ n naked ko dÊ u giÕ m; trÇ n trôi paradoxical nghÞ ch lý lithosphere th¹ ch quyÓ n pedagogics(n.) The science and art of teaching. KH s− ph¹ m analyst(n.) One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method. nhµ ph© n tÝ ch secretary(n.) One who attends to correspondence, keeps records. or does other writing for


eminence(n.) An elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc. ® Þ a vÞ cao, næi tiÕ ng; m« ®Ê t,; ®øc gi¸ o hoµ ng

Gordian(knot) n. Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners. v/® hoc bóa, khã gii quyÕ t, v/® phøc t¹ p

bale(n.) A large package prepared for transportation or storage. ®ãng thµ nh kiÖ n

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litigant(n.) A party to a lawsuit. Ng−êi kiÖ n estimable(adj.) Worthy of respect. ®¸ ng kÝ nh, ®¸ ng quý träng omniscience(n.) Unlimited or infinite knowledge. th«ng suèt mäi thø; toµ n trÝ

thøc; Chóa continuation(n.) Prolongation. TiÕ p diÔ n, më réng bare trèng rçng; trÇ n truång, träc;

x¸ c x discipline(v) punish; control by training in obedience trõng ph¹ t; ®−a vµ o kû luË t stimulate(v.) To rouse to activity or to quickened action. KÝ ch ®éng; kÝ ch thÝ ch forebode(v.) To be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil. B¸ o tr−íc superintend(v.) To have the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement. tr«ng nom, gi¸ m s¸ t incoherence(n.) Want of connection, or agreement, as of parts or ideas in thought, speech,

etc. rê i r¹ c, kh«ng m¹ ch l¹ c

flatulence(n.) Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels. ®Ç y hi; tù cao tù ®¹ i; huª nh hoang, rçng tuÕ ch

intoxicate(v.) To make drunk. Lµ m say sanctity(n.) Holiness. Thiieng liª ng; thÇ n th¸ nh molt(v.) To cast off, as hair, feathers, etc. rông l«ng, thay l«ng pneumatic(adj.) Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas. §Ç y kh«ng khÝ , gas grasping(adj) aviaries h¸ m lîi; tham lam peddle(v.) To go about with a small stock of goods to sell. b¸ n rong; ngåi lª ®«i m¸ ch abduction(n.) A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally. b¾ t cãc; d¹ ng ra (ch© n, tay) fanciless(adj.) Unimaginative. kh«ng cã søc t−ëng t−îng syllabication(n.) Division of words into that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. Chia thµ nh © m tiÕ t wrench twist; pull; strain; Ex. He wrenched the gun out of her hands. giË t m¹ nh, vÆ n m¹ nh; chia tay,

ph© n ly suspicious(adj.) Inclined to doubt or mistrust. nghi ngê day-man(n.) A day-laborer. viÖ c lµ m c«ng nhË t recapture(v.) To capture again. B¾ t l¹ I, ®o¹ t l¹ i accompany(v.) To go with, or be associated with, as a companion. ® i kÌ m; di theo knickknack(n.) A small article, more for ornament that use. MÈ u tin trang trÝ intramural(adj.) Situated within the walls of a city. néi bé; trong v¸ ch plurality(n.) A majority. chÝ nh, chñ yÕ u chin c¸ i c» m lyre(n.) One of the most ancient of stringed instruments of the harp class. ®µ n lia pommel(v.) To beat with something thick or bulky. ®Ê m liª n tôc, ®¸ nh liª n håi abrupt(adj.) Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break. BÊ t ngê, véi v∙ ; cèc lèc ampere(n.) The practical unit of electric-current strength. Ampe (®iÖ n) bleacher thî chuét vi; kh¸ n ®µ i ko cã

m¸ i che normalcy(n.) The state of being normal. B× nh th−êng; chuÈ n t¾ c philately(n.) The study and collection of stamps. ChI tem, s−u tÇ m tem manumission(n.)

Emancipation. GiI phãng n« lÖ

abrasion(n.) That which is rubbed off. Mµ I mßn; lµ m trÇ y da insecure(adj.) Not assured of safety. Kh«ng an toµ n; bÕ p bª nh secrecy(n.) Concealment. KÝ n ®¸ o, bÝ mË t skis v¸ n tr−ît tuyÕ t well-to-do(adj.) In prosperous circumstances. thÞ nh v−îng; giµ u cã distrain(v.) To subject a person to distress. tÞ ch biª n (tµ i sn) biology(n.) The science of life or living organisms. aldermanship(n.)

The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderman. Uû viª n héi ®ång thµ nh phè

outrigger(n.) A part built or arranged to project beyond a natural outline for support. RÇ m ch× a; mãc chÌ o; ng¸ ng buéc ngùa

alienable(adj.) Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands. Cã thÓ nh−îng l¹ Ii®−îc harmonious(adj.)

Concordant in sound. hµ i hoµ ; hoµ thuË n

weal(n.) Well-being. H¹ nh phóc, cnh sung s−íng diacritical(adj.) Marking a difference. DÊ u phô ®Ó phª n biÖ t electrolysis(n.) The process of decomposing a chemical compound by the passage of an

electric current. ® iÖ n ph© n


Not having the abilities desired or necessary for any purpose. BÊ t tµ I; thiÕ u kh n¨ ng

detrude(v.) To push down forcibly. dominate(v.) To influence controllingly. Thèng trÞ , chiÕ m −u thÕ pyromania(n.) An insane propensity to set things on fire. chøng ham muèn phßng ho

(kh«ng kiÒ m chÕ ) consumption(n.) Gradual destruction, as by burning, eating, etc., or by using up, wearing out, Tiª u thô hµ ng ho¸ ; tiª u diÖ t,

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etc. tµ n ph¸ bÖ nh lao phæi medial(adj.) Of or pertaining to the middle. Trung b× nh;trung gian descendant(n.) One who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc. Hëu duÖ , con ch¸ u mint së ®óc tiÒ n; c© y b¹ c hµ control(v.) To exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over. ®IÒ u khiÓ n, quyÒ n hµ nh shore bê biÓ n; cét trô treble(adj.) Multiplied by three. GÊ p 3 henpeck(v.) To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances. B¾ t n¹ t, xá mòi (chång) acupuncture ch© m cøu bust b¾ t gi÷; lµ m vì; t−îng b¸ n

th© n; ngùc (phô n÷) deject(v.) To dishearten. lµ m buån nn; ch¸ n nn weed cá d¹ i; ng−êi gÇ y gß; rÉ y cá,

nhæ cá d¹ i annalized(adj) l∙ i xuÊ t kú h¹ n 1 n¨ m wolverine chång gul« (B¾ c Mü) extravagance(n.) Undue expenditure of money. phung phÝ ; tÝ nh qu¸ møc critique(n.) A criticism or critical review. Bµ I phª b× nh perspire(v.) To excrete through the pores of the skin. ®æ må h«i viceroy(n.) A ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or

province. Phã v−ng; tæng trÊ n

coverage(n) area amount covered; amount of publicity received by an event ph¹ m vi; sù t−êng thuË t pentahedron(n.) A solid bounded by five plane faces. Khèi 5 n¨ m (ngò gi¸ c) heyday peak; time of greatest success or power; prime thêi hoµ ng kim; thêi sung søc;

tuæi thanh xu© n towboat tµ u kÐ o despair Utter hopelessness and despondency. thÊ t väng; tuyÖ t väng Christ(n.) A title of Jesus Chóa propose ®Ò nghÞ ; môc ®Ý ch pioneer(n.) One among the first to explore a country. Ng−êi tiª n phong imbrue(v.) To wet or moisten. nhóng; lµ m thÊ m ®É m; nhuém heterogeneity(n.)

Unlikeness of constituent parts. tÝ nh kh¸ c, ph¸ t sinh

systematic(adj.) Methodical. cã hÖ thèng; cã ph−ng ph¸ p reed c© y sË y, tranh; mòi tª n; th

®ång quª ; lîp m¸ i tranh inefficiency(n.) That which does not accomplish an intended purpose. ThiÕ u kh n¨ ng, bÊ t tµ i balloon khÝ cÇ u; qu bãng; t¨ ng gi¸ patriotism(n.) Love and devotion to one's country. Lßng yª u n−íc rotund(adj.) Round from fullness or plumpness. BÐ o phôc phÞ c; kª u oang oang;

rçng metropolitan(adj.)

Pertaining to a chief city. Thuéc thñ ®«

auricular(adj.) Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing. Thuéc tai,nãi thÇ m coronation(n.) The act or ceremony of crowning a monarch. LÔ ®¨ ng qunag ode(n.) The form of lyric poetry anciently intended to be sung. th ca ngîi paddle m¸ i chÌ o; chÌ o xuång juicy(adj.) Succulent. mäng n−íc, È m −ít; lý thó advocate speak in favor of; support (an idea or plan); urge; plead for bµ o chòa, biÖ n hé non-combatant(n.)

One attached to the army or navy, but having duties other than that of fighting.

Ng−êi thùc thi nhiÖ m vô

bevel(n.) Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees. Gãc nghiª ng, c¹ nh nghiª ng pentameter(n.) In prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet. C© u th n¨ m © m tiÕ t redolence(n.) Smelling sweet and agreeable. Mïi thm ph−ng phøc disillusion(v.) To disenchant. Lµ m tØ nh ngé,hÕ t o t−ëng concerto(n.) A musical composition. Bn concerto playwright(n.) A maker of plays for the stage. Nhµ so¹ nh kÞ ch dawn b× nh minh; tinh m; në ra, hÐ

më courageous(adj.) Brave. can ®m; dòng cm continuity(n.) Uninterrupted connection in space, time, operation, or development. liª n tôc; kÞ ch bn ®iÖ n nh reclaim(v.) To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of. CI t¹ o, gi¸ c ngé regnant(adj.) Exercising royal authority in one's own right. tho quyª n resentment(n) o¸ n giË n duet(n.) A composition for two voices or instruments. CÆ p ®«I, bé ®«i deforest(v.) To clear of forests. Ph¸ reïng, ph¸ t quang ruth(n.) Sorrow for another's misery. lßng th−ng lßng tr¾ c È n misplace(v.) To put into a wrong place. ®Ó kh«ng ®óng chç hypodermic(adj. Pertaining to the area under the skin. d−íi da (mòi tª n, kim tiª m ..)

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) propel To drive or urge forward. ®È y ®i ®È y l¹ i disfavor(n.) Disregard. ghÐ t bá; phn ®èi quarter(n.) One of four equal parts into which anything is or may be divided. 1/4 profiteer(n.) One who profits. ®Ç u c, trôc lî i transmissible(adj.)

That may e sent through or across. Cã thÓ truyÒ n dÉ n, chuyÓ n giao


Fond of tricks. tinh qu¸ i, ranh m∙ nh; lµ m nguy h¹ i

(adj.) Disdainful. Khinh th−êng, khinh bØ privilege(n.) A right or immunity not enjoyed by all, or that may be enjoyed only under


materialize(v.) To take perceptible or substantial form. VË t chÊ t ho¸ , cô thÓ ho¸ reticence(n.) The quality of habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance. TrÇ m lÆ ng, dÌ dÆ t, Ý t nãi bedlam(n.) Madhouse. nhµ th−ng ®iª n; cnh hçn lo¹ n non-existent(n.) That which does not exist. kh«ng tån t¹ i assignee(n.) One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain

property and interests. Ng−êi ®ùoc uû nhiÖ m

perfectible(adj.) Capable of being made perfect. cã thÓ hoµ n thiÖ n transgress(v.) To break a law. Vi ph¹ m, v−ît qu¸ giíi h¹ n procedure(n.) A manner or method of acting. Thñ tôc excruciate(v.) To inflict severe pain or agony upon. hµ nh h¹ , lµ m ®au ®ín earnest(adj.) Ardent in spirit and speech. ®øng ®¾ n; tha thiÕ t abidance(n.) An abiding. t«n träng; tu© n theo interlocutor(n.) One who takes part in a conversation or oral discussion. Ng−êi ®èi tho¹ i introspection(n.) The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings. Tù xem xÐ t néi t© m olive-branch(n.) A branch of the olive-tree, as an emblem of peace. Cµ nh « liu (hoµ b× nh) palsy(n.) Paralysis. tª liÖ t; chøng liÖ t proponent supporter; backer; opposite of opponent ®Ò nghÞ , ®Ò xuÊ t knight(errant) n. One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search

of adventure. hiÖ p sÜ th¸ nh chiÕ n

posterior(n.) The hinder part. ®Õ n sau, phÝ a sau semiaquatic nöa ë d−íi n−íc utility(n.) Fitness for some desirable practical purpose. VË t cã Ý ch prohibition(n.) A decree or an order forbidding something. cÊ m, ng¨ n cÊ m grantor(n.) The maker of a deed. Ng−êi trî cÊ p trestle(n.) An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of a

railway-bridge. Bé ngôa; giµ n khung; giµ n gi¸ o


Possessing, giving, or constituting preference or priority. −u ®∙ I, −u tiª n

monastery(n.) A dwelling-place occupied in common by persons under religious vows of seclusion.

Tu viÖ n

persuade(v.) To win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection. ThuyÕ t phôc; lµ m cho tin prejudice(n.) A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. ® Þ nh kiÕ n, thµ nh kiÕ n predominate(v.) To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree. chiÕ m −u thÕ ; tréi hn miscount(v.) To make a mistake in counting. ®Õ m sai petulance(n.) The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulant. nãng ny, hay hên dçi pseudapostle(n.) A pretended or false apostle. bray(n.) A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn. TiÕ ng be be (cõu kª u) severely(adv.) Extremely. Kh¾ t khe; gay g¾ t impermissible(adj.)

Not permissible. cÊ m; ko cho phÐ p

humiliate(v.) To put to shame. lµ m nhôc clay ®Ê t sÐ t correlate(v.) To put in some relation of connection or correspondence. Cã t−ng quan persistence(n.) A fixed adherence to a resolve, course of conduct, or the like. BÒ n bØ , kiª n tr× stripling(n.) A mere youth. thanh niª n míi lín phonetic(adj.) Representing articulate sounds or speech. Ng÷ © m necrology(n.) A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time. d/s ng−êi chÕ t; tiÓ u sö appreciable(adj.) Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect. cã thÓ thÊ y ®−îc, ®¸ nh gi¸

®−îc lattice(n.) Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars. L−íi, rÌ m, hµ ng rµ o m¾ t c¸ o deport(v.) To take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony. trôc xuÊ t, l−u ®µ y; ̈ n ë, c− xö attorney-general(n.)

The chief law-officer of a government. ch−ëng lý

ointment(n.) A fatty preparation with a butter-like consistency in which a medicinal substance exists.

Thuèc mì

diffusion(n.) Dispersion. TruyÒ n b¸ phæ biÕ n linguist(n.) One who is acquainted with several languages. Nhµ ng«n ng÷ häc

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Incomprehensible. Kh«ng thÓ nhË n thøc ®−îc

photometer(n.) Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two

Quang kÕ

pot Ê m, b× nh, lä , chË u, nåi recover(v.) To regain. Phôc håi;kh«I phôc cholera(n.) An acute epidemic disease. bÖ nh dÞ ch t bronchitis(n.) Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. bÖ nh viª m phª qun hexagon(n.) A figure with six angles. h× nh 6 c¹ nh atonement(n.) Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury. sù chuéc lçi; ®Ò n téi datum(n.) A premise, starting-point, or given fact. luË n cø; mèc ®o l−êng jumpy thay ®æi thÊ t th−êng; giË t m× nh hustle(v.) To move with haste and promptness. X« ®È y, chen lÊ n; nhén nhÞ p,

hèi h eligible(adj.) Qualified for selection. phï hîp, thÝ ch hîp immortalize(v.) To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great or

indefinite length of ti lµ m bÊ t tö ; l−u danh mu«n thña

posit(v.) To present in an orderly manner. thõa nhË n; ®Æ t ë vÞ trÝ spray cµ nh nhá (c© y); bôi n−íc wield(v.) To use, control, or manage, as a weapon, or instrument, especially with full

command. Sö dông hÕ t chøc n¨ ng

rejoin(v.) To reunite after separation. Nèi l¹ I, g¾ n l¹ i arrant(adj.) Notoriously bad. Thùc sù hoµ n toµ n foreknowledge(n.)

Prescience. biÕ t tr−íc; ®o¸ n tr−íc

divagation(n.) Digression. lang thang; lan man, l¹ c ®Ò isobar(n.) A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a

specified moment. ®−êng ®¼ ng ¸ p

(n.) A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part. vË t phô thuéc, kÌ m theo quackery(n.) Charlatanry Lang b¨ m, bÞ p îm divisor(n.) That by which a number or quantity is divided. Sè chia counter-claim(n.)

A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff. NI nhË n ®n khiÕ u kiÖ n

synonym(n.) A word having the same or almost the same meaning as some other. ®ång nghÜ a cohesive(adj.) Having the property of consistency. DÝ nh liÒ n, cè kÕ t luxuriate(v.) To live sumptuously. Xa hoa, sung s−íng conquer(v.) To overcome by force. Chinh phôc, x© m chiÕ m Neolithic(adj.) Pertaining to the later stone age. Thuéc thêi kú ®å ®¸ míi octopus con b¹ ch tuéc sprightly(adj.) Vivacious. Ho¹ t b¸ t, sèng ®éng cat-o-nine-tails(n.)

An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used for flogging in the arm

®ay thõng ®−îc bÖ n b» ng 9 sîi dïng ®Ó ®¸ nh vµ o tay

laddie(n.) A lad. bÐ tÝ hon intermit(v.) To cause to cease temporarily. gi¸ n ®o¹ n neocracy(n.) Government administered by new or untried persons. Sù thèng trÞ cña chÝ nh phñ

míi, ng−êi míi predict(v.) To foretell. B¸ o tr−íc indicator(n.) One who or that which points out. (ng−êi, vË t, dÊ u hiÖ u) chØ thÞ defendant(n.) A person against whom a suit is brought. bÞ ®n; bÞ kiÖ n vaccinate(v.) To inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox. Tiª m chñng compulsion(n.) Coercion. Ð p buéc, c−ìng b¸ ch specialty(n.) An employment limited to one particular line of work. ®Æ c tr−ng; ®Æ c biÖ t subjacent(adj.) Situated directly underneath. ë d−íi, phÝ a d−íi homophone(n.) A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. tõ ®ång © m kh¸ c nghÜ a susceptibility(n.)

A specific capability of feeling or emotion. Nh¹ y cm; dÔ tù ¸ i

lactic(adj.) Pertaining to milk. S÷a Pantheon(n.) A circular temple at Rome with a fine Corinthian portico and a great domed

roof. ®Ò n b¸ ch thÇ n; k¨ ng danh nh© n

gradient(adj.) Moving or advancing by steps. ®é dèc pagan(n.) A worshiper of false gods. ngo¹ i ®¹ o centiliter(n.) A hundredth of a liter. 1% lÝ t course(n.) Line of motion or direction. TiÕ n tr× nh, diÔ n tiÕ n resonate(v.) To have or produce resonance. céng h−ëng; tiÕ ng vang moat(n.) A ditch on the outside of a fortress wall. ®−êng hµ o probate(adj.) Relating to making proof, as of a will. Chøng thùc (c«ng chøng) manifestation outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of

something; Ex. manifestation of his pronounced musical bent biÓ u lé , biÓ u thÞ ; hiÖ n h× nh; biÓ u t× nh, thÞ uy

efficient(adj.) Having and exercising the power to produce effects or results. Cã hiÖ u lùc, hiÖ u qu

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neurology(n.) The science of the nervous system. ThÇ n kinh häc bursar(n.) A treasurer. thñ quü brotherhood(n.) Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity. t× nh anh em; héi ¸ i h÷u sorcery(n.) Witchcraft. Ma thuË t mantle(n.) A cloak. ¸ o kho¸ c; che phñ, che ®Ë y tolerance(n.) Forbearance in judging of the acts or opinions of others. Khoan dung, tha thø graceless(adj.) Ungracious. KhiÕ m nh∙ , v« lÔ sticky khã tÝ nh; nhíp nh¸ p; phn ®èi safeguard(v.) To protect. Bo vÖ influence(n.) Ability to sway the will of another. nh h−ëng, t¸ c dông soprano(n.) A woman's or boy's voice of high range. giäng n÷ cao contumacy(n.) Contemptuous disregard of the requirements of rightful authority. l¨ ng m¹ ; v« lÔ , l¸ o x−îc pentad(n.) The number five. Nhãm 5 perfidy(n.) Treachery. phn béi; xo tr¸ paly(adj.) Lacking color or brilliancy. HI tai t¸ I, xanh xao intramural(adj.) Situated within the walls of a city. néi bé; trong v¸ ch affiliate(n.) Some auxiliary person or thing. Chi nh¸ nh, héi viª n bereave(v.) To make desolate with loneliness and grief. lµ m mÊ t, lÊ y mÊ t reflection(n.) The throwing off or back of light, heat, sound, or any form of energy that

travels in waves. Phn chiÕ u, phn x¹

belate(v.) To delay past the proper hour. belay v. To make fast, as a rope, by winding round a cleat.

T¹ m dõng

anhydrous(adj.) Withered. (ho¸ häc) khan; lµ m kh« unbecoming(adj.)

Unsuited to the wearer, place, or surroundings. kh«ng võa, kh«ng thÝ ch hîp

vocable(n.) a word, especially one regarded in relation merely to its qualities of sound. Tõ revisal(n.) Revision. bn in thö lÇ n 2 accompaniment tortoise con rïa auditory(adj.) Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing. nghe, thÝ nh gi¸ c telepathy(n.) Thought-transference. ngo¹ i cm ache(v.) To be in pain or distress. ®au nhøc pharmacopoeia livelihood(n.) Means of subsistence. kÕ sinh nhai auricle(n.) One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the

veins. D¸ I tai,chç låi ra

bilateral(adj.) Two-sided. Tay ®«I, song ph−ng visualize(v.) To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation. h× nh dung; m−êng t−îng Parisian(adj.) Of or pertaining to the city of Paris. Thuéc Paris zodiac(n.) An imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are the larger planets. hoµ ng ®¹ o microphone(n.) An apparatus for magnifying faint sounds. micro clearance(n.) A certificate from the proper authorities that a vessel has complied with the

law and may sai Thanh to¸ n c¸ c khon thuÕ ®Ó rêi cng

botanical(adj.) Connected with the study or cultivation of plants. Thùc vË t häc drastic(adj. Acting vigorously. m¹ nh mÏ , quyÕ t liÖ t militia(n.) Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporary

military organizations. D© n qu© n

diabolic(adj.) Characteristic of the devil. ma quû; ®éc ¸ c, hiÓ m ¸ c chancery(n.) A court of equity, as distinguished from a common-law court. toµ ¸ n c«ng lý scholastic(adj.) Pertaining to education or schools. Häc tË p (nhµ tr−êng) nude(adj.) Naked. Kho th© n suasion(n.) The act of persuading. ThuyÕ tt phôc rumor tin ®ån; tiÕ ng ®ån gynecology(n.) The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women. BÖ nh phô n÷ syllable(n.) That which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. arboreal(adj.) Of or pertaining to a tree or trees. thuéc c© y Catholicism(n.) The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church. §¹ o Thiª n Chóa pentathlon(n.) The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same

contestants. cuéc thi 5 m«n phèi hîp (TDTT)

transience(n.) Something that is of short duration. Ng¾ n ngñi commission(v.) To empower. uû nhiÖ m; ra lÖ nh dimly(adv.) Obscurely. lê mê; mË p mê cartridge(n.) A charge for a firearm, or for blasting. ®¹ n, vá ®¹ n; cuén phim deviltry(n.) Wanton and malicious mischief. yª u thuË t forerun(v.) To go before as introducing or ushering in. b¸ o tr−íc; v−ît lª n tr−íc clog prevent, block; N. chain cßng ch© n; ng¨ n trë incomparable(adj.)

Matchless. V« song, kh«ng thÓ so s¸ nh ®−îc

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opportunity(n.) Favorable or advantageous chance or opening. C héi efficiency(n.) The state of possessing adequate skill or knowledge for the performance of a

duty. HiÖ u qu, kh n¨ ng

altercate(v.) To contend angrily or zealously in words. C∙ I lén, ®Ê u khÈ u declarative(adj.) Containing a formal, positive, or explicit statement or affirmation. Tuyª n bè; t−êng thuË t impracticable(adj.)

Not feasible. ko kh thi

resistless(adj.) Powerless. Kh«ng chèng l¹ I ®−îc exclusion(n.) Non-admission. Ng¨ n chÆ n, lo¹ I trõ rotary(adj.) Turning around its axis, like a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus. quay; chç ®−êng vßng; m¸ y

quay preparatory(adj.) Having to do with what is preliminary. söa so¹ n; chuÈ n bÞ bibliophile(n.) One who loves books. Ng−êi ham s¸ ch penitence.() ¨ n n¨ n; hèi lç i; s¸ m hèi sextuple(adj.) Multiplied by six. gÊ p 6 lÇ n insufficiency(n.) Inadequacy. ko ®ñ; thiÕ u accompanist(n.) One who or that which accompanies. Ng−êi ®I theo; vË t theo matrimony(n.) The union of a man and a woman in marriage. H«n nh© n clement(adj.) Compassionate. khoan dung; nh© n tõ; «n hoµ encyclopedia(n.) A work containing information on subjects, or exhaustive of one subject. b¸ ch khoa th− arctic b¾ c cùc; gi¸ rÐ t; ñng unicellular(adj.) Consisting of a single cell. b¾ t nguån; nguån gèc wherewith(n.) The necessary means or resources. cÇ n thiÕ t collective(adj.) Consisting of a number of persons or objects considered as gathered into a

mass, or sum. TË p thÓ ; tË p hîp

epidermis(n.) The outer skin. BiÓ u b× singe(v.) To burn slightly or superficially. Ch¸ y xÐ m Unsophisticated affectation(n.) A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt. Gi vê consonant(adj.) Being in agreement or harmony with. Hoµ hîp; phô © m satirical using satire; mocking ch© m biÕ m; trµ o phóng creamy(adj.) Resembling or containing cream. Cã nhiÒ u kem; m−ît mÞ n insular(adj.) Pertaining to an island. Cã t/c ®o accuse(v.) To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error. KÕ t té i,tè c¸ o ascension(n.) The act of rising. Th¨ ng thiª n alluvion(n.) Flood. lô t; båi ®¸ t, phï sa contort(v.) To twist into a misshapen form. mÐ o mã; nh¨ n nhã; xo¾ n origin(n.) The beginning of that which becomes or is made to be. Nguån gèc antenatal(adj.) Occurring or existing before birth. tiÒ n sn; kh¸ m thai ground(n.) A pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk. MÆ t ®Ê t; b∙ I ®Ê t breaker(n.) One who trains horses, dogs, etc. Nguêi d¹ y thó summit ® Ø nh, chãp; cÊ p cao nhÊ t sylph(n.) A slender, graceful young woman or girl. Ng−êi phô n÷ mnh mai xinh

®Ñ p; n÷ thÇ n giã contender(n.) One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry. ®èi thñ doleful(adj.) Melancholy. ®au buån, sÇ u thm isle(n.) An island. Hßn ®o nhá famish(v.) To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst. Lµ m cho chÕ t ®ãi seal hi cÈ u; dÊ u niª m phong perpendicular(adj.)

Straight up and down. vu«ng gãc; th¼ ng ®øng

gastritis(n.) Inflammation of the stomach. Viª m d¹ dµ y hesitation(n.) Vacillation. Ng¾ c ngø, Ê p óng (adj.) Resisting all attempts to reduce volume by pressure. Kh«ng nÐ m ®−îc, kh«ng Ð p

®−îc infusion(n.) The act of imbuing, or pouring in. pha; n−íc pha; tiª m webbed cã mµ ng ch© n alcohol(n.) A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning

taste. ®é cån

Easter(n) lÔ phôc sinh coronet(n.) Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank

less than soverei Mò miÖ n nhá, d© y b¨ ng d¸ t ®¸ quý

frequency(n.) The comparative number of any kind of occurrences within a given time or space.

Th−êng xuyª n; tÇ n sè

heathenish(adj.) Irreligious. Ngo¹ I ®¹ o shrinkage(n.) A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension. ®é co, phÇ n hôt invaluable(adj.) Exceedingly precious. v« gi¸ matinee(n.) An entertainment (especially theatrical) held in the daytime. Buæi biÓ u diÔ n nh¹ c kÞ ch ban

chiÒ u

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eyesight thÞ lùc; tÇ m nh× n proximately(adv.)


hoarse(adj.) Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue. khµ n khµ n; khµ n giäng melt nÊ u chy KL; tan ra, chy ra pantheism(n.) The worship of nature for itself or its beauty. Lßng tin, sù thê cóng navel(n.) The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was

attached. rèn; trung t© m

freighter (tµ u, m¸ y bay) chë hµ ng embody(v.) To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form. biÓ u hiÖ n, hiÖ n th© n; bao gån,

kÓ c wiry(adj.) Thin, but tough and sinewy. DÎ o dai; sang sng martyrdom(n.) Submission to death or persecution for the sake of faith or principle. ChÕ t v× nghÜ a; nçi thèng khæ,

sù dµ y vß overhang(n.) A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over. Nh« lª n trª n defamation(n.) Malicious and groundless injury done to the reputation or good name of

another. nãi xÊ u, phØ b¸ ng

somber dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF. shadow mµ u thÉ m; mê ®ôc, tè i t¨ m, u ¸ m

surveyor(n.) A land-measurer. Thanh tra,thuÕ vô compact agreement; contract; ADJ: tightly packed; firm; brief; concise; Ex. compact

statement tho thuË n; hiÖ p −íc, hiÖ p ®ång; kÕ t ®Æ c, ch¾ c nÞ ch; chË t nÝ ch, chen chóc

violation(n.) Infringement. counting-house(n.)

A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping, correspondence, etc.

trô së giao dÞ ch

death's-head(n.) A human skull as a symbol of death. sä , ®Ç u l© u preservation(n.) Conservation. G× n gi÷ , bo qun privateer(n.) A vessel owned and officered by private persons, but carrying on maritime

war. C−íp biÓ n

doubly(adv.) In twofold degree or extent. gÊ p ®«i; l¸ mÆ t l¸ tr¸ i misbehave(v.) To behave ill. c− xö kh«ng ®óng ®¾ n allotment(n.) Portion. Chia phÇ n; ph© n c«ng captivate(v.) To fascinate, as by excellence. eloquence, or beauty. Lµ m say®¾ m, quyÕ n rò undeceive(v.) To free from deception, as by apprising of the real state of affairs. Gi¸ c ngé, lµ m tØ nh ngé matricide(n.) The killing, especially the murdering, of one's mother. té i giÕ t mÑ impulsion(n.) Impetus. X« tíi,®È y tíi pursue vÝ tiÒ n; ng© n quü blazon(v.) To make widely or generally known. Tuyª n d−ng; huy hiÖ u philosophize(v.) To seek ultimate causes and principles. Sèng cã triÕ t lý wittingly(adv.) With knowledge and by design. Chñ t© m, cè ý lawmaker(n.) A legislator. Ng−êi lµ m luË t opalescence(n.) The property of combined refraction and reflection of light, resulting in

smoky tints. Tr¾ ng ®ôc, tr¾ ng s÷a

decalogue(n.) The ten commandments. M−êi ®IÒ u r¨ n cña Chóa wintry(adj.) Lacking warmth of manner. thuéc mïa ®«ng; l¹ nh lÏ o seismograph(n.) An instrument for recording the phenomena of earthquakes. m¸ y ®o ®Þ a chÊ n lid n¾ p vung; mi m¾ t; egotist(n.) One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and

experiences. Ng−êi Ý ch kû, tù cao tù ®¹ i


Not digestible, or difficult to digest. ko thÓ tiª u ho¸ ; ko thÓ lÜ nh héi

tincture(n.) A solution, usually alcoholic, of some principle used in medicine. s¾ c nhÑ ;thong nhÑ nomination(n.) The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office. chØ ® Þ nh; bæ nhiÖ m truculent(adj.) Having the character or the spirit of a savage. ngç ng−îc, hung b¹ o swelling s−ng tÊ y; phång; n−íc triÒ u translate(v.) To give the sense or equivalent of in another language or dialect. DÞ ch, phiª n dÞ ch quadrate(v.) To divide into quarters. H× nh vu«ng antonym(n.) A word directly opposed to another in meaning. Tr¸ I nghÜ a difference(n.) Dissimilarity in any respect. Kh¸ c nhau tangency(n.) The state of touching. TiÕ p tuyÕ n bullock(n.) An ox. Bß thiÕ n feelings.(n) Sê mê, cm t−ëng v..v.. faulty(adj.) Imperfect. kh«ng hoµ n ho, lç i variance(n.) Change. kh¸ c biÖ t laudable(adj.) Praiseworthy. ®¸ ng t¸ n d−ng, khen ngîi refragable(adj.) Capable of being refuted. cã thÓ phn b¸ c bibliography(n.) A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular

subject. S¸ ch tham kho, th− môc

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viscount(n.) In England, a title of nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British peerage. Tö t−íc impend(v.) To be imminent. s¾ p xy ®Õ n; treo l löng crematory(adj.) A place for cremating dead bodies. NI ho t¸ ng botany(n.) The science that treats of plants. Thùc vË t häc sophistical(adj.) Fallacious. nguþ biÖ n oath lê i thÒ regnant(adj.) Exercising royal authority in one's own right. tho quyª n inference(n.) The derivation of a judgment from any given material of knowledge on the

ground of law. Suy luË n

pyre(n.) A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body. giµ n thiª u recreate(v.) To refresh after labor. T¸ I t¹ o transmission(n.) The act of sending through or across. TruyÒ n dÉ n domain(n.) A sphere or field of action or interest. L∙ nh ®Þ a; vïng pudgy(adj.) Small and fat. BÐ o lïn profuse(adj.) Produced or displayed in overabundance. Dåi dµ o tutelar(adj.) Protective. gi¸ m hé, bo vÖ divination(n.) The pretended forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or

hidden. Bãi to¸ n, tiª n ®o¸ n

species(n.) A classificatory group of animals or plants subordinate to a genus. Loµ I, lo¹ i dramatize(v.) To relate or represent in a dramatic or theatrical manner. ViÕ t kÞ ch; hideous(adj.) Appalling. Gím guèc; ghª tëm testament(n.) A will. chóc th− , di chóc; kinh th¸ nh deduct khÊ u trõ crusade(n.) Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or

principle. chiÕ n dÞ ch, cuéc vË n ®éng lín

taxidermy(n.) The art or process of preserving dead animals or parts of them. Khoa nhåi b«ng thó ladle(n.) A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring

liquids. C¸ I m«I ®Ó móc

hawthorn(n.) A thorny shrub much used in England for hedges. C© y t¸ o gai cantonment(n.) The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered. Khu vùc d© n c− immigrant(n.) A foreigner who enters a country to settle there. Nh© n nhË p c− untimely(adj.) Unseasonable. Non, yÕ u; kh«ng gÆ p thêi triumvir(n.) One of three men united coordinately in public office or authority. Thµ nh viª n bé tam ®Õ chÕ epizootic(adj.) Prevailing among animals. bÖ nh dÞ ch ®éng vË t superb(adj.) Sumptuously elegant. Oai hïng; tr¸ ng lÖ acidify(v.) To change into acid. a xÝ t ho¸ mettlesome(adj.)

Having courage or spirit. khÝ kh¸ i, dòng cm

inquisitive(adj.) Given to questioning, especially out of curiosity. Tß mß, täc m¹ ch Augustinian(adj.)

Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called after him.

preordain(v.) To foreordain. quyÕ t ® Þ nh tr−íc came(n.) A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass

windows. Khung ch× ®Ó l¾ p kÝ nh cöa

vituperable(adj.) Deserving of censure. ®¸ ng chöi rña; ®¸ ng tho¸ m¹ overpay(v.) To pay or reward in excess. tr tiÒ n qu¸ cao afoot(adv.) In progress. ®ang tiÕ n thµ nh; chë dË y, ho¹ t

®éng isochronous(adj.)

Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time. ChiÕ m thêi gian b» n nhau

fete(n.) A festival or feast. obsequies(n.) Funeral rites. ®¸ m ma limitation(n.) A restriction. H¹ n chÕ colleague(n.) An associate in professional employment. ®ång nghiÖ p, ®ång sù beck(v.) To give a signal to, by nod or gesture. Véy tay, theo sù sai khiÕ n rightful(adj.) Conformed to a just claim according to established laws or usage. C«ng b» ng; hîp ph¸ p narrator(n.) One who narrates anything. ng−êi kÓ chuyÖ n philogynist(n.) One who is fond of women. ng−êi yª u phô n÷ cognizant(adj.) Taking notice. hiÓ u biÕ t; nhË n thøc dermatology(n.) The branch of medical science which relates to the skin and its diseases. khoa da liÔ u coxswain(n.) One who steers a rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its

crew under an officer ThuyÒ n tr−ëng

dunk nhóng b¸ nh vµ o s÷a perspicacity(n.) Acuteness or discernment. Minh m∙ n, s¸ ng trÝ arched cã h× nh vßng cung acquisition(n.) Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor. Giµ nh ®−îc, thu ®−îc confidant(n.) One to whom secrets are entrusted. b¹ n t© m t× nh skewer xiª n; xiª n thÞ t stature(n.) The natural height of an animal body. Vãc ng−êi; sù tiÕ n triÓ n

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assassinate(v.) To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person.

¸ m s¸ t

decagon(n.) A figure with ten sides and ten angles. h× nh 10 c¹ nh sociology(n.) The philosophical study of society. X∙ Héi häc conjunction(n.) The state of being joined together, or the things so joined. Liª n kÕ t, kÕ t hîp honorarium(n.) A token fee or payment to a professional man for services. tiÒ n thï lao proficient(adj.) Possessing ample and ready knowledge or of skill in any art, science, or

industry. Tµ I giaoØ , thµ nh th¹ o

illuminant(n.) That which may be used to produce light. S¸ ng tá; rùc rì somnolence(n.) Oppressive drowsiness. Ngñ l m Contemptuous convolution(n.) A winding motion. quÊ n, xo¾ n obstetrics(n.) The branch of medical science concerned with the treatment and care of

women during sn kho¸

hypnotism(n.) An artificially induced somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestion.

thuË t th«i miª n

terrific xuÊ t s¾ c, tuyÖ t vêi; cùc lín landmark(n.) A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise

easily lost track Ranh giíi; giíi h¹ n; mèc

chiffon(n.) A very thin gauze used for trimmings, evening dress, etc. ®å trang trÝ deteriorate(v.) To grow worse. lµ m láng, suy ®åi thereabout(adv.) Near that number, quantity, degree, place, or time, approximately. vïng l© n cË n; x© p xØ semicircle(n.) A half-circle. H× nh b¸ n nguyÖ t surf sãng vç; l−ít v¸ n assessor(n.) An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes. Ng−êi ®Þ nh gi¸ tµ I sn priggish(adj.) Conceited. Lª n mÆ t ta ®© y, khinh khØ nh;

lª n mÆ t ®¹ o ®øc birthright(n.) A privilege or possession into which one is born. quyÒ n thõa kÕ incidentally(adv.)

Without intention. ngÉ u nhiª n; nh© n tiÖ n

emblem(n.) A symbol. biÓ u t−îng; t−îng tr−ng preface(n.) A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book. Lêi tùa severance(n.) Separation. Gi¸ n ®o¹ n; c¾ t rêi batter(n.) A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used

in cookery. Bét nh∙ o lµ m b¸ nh; ®Ë p liª n håi

blithe(adj.) Joyous. than thn v« t− iconoclast(n.) An image-breaker. ng−êi bµ i trõ th¸ nh t−îng patrimony(n.) An inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father. Gia sn, di sn tenor(n.) A settled course or manner of progress. ChiÒ u h−íng chung; lÒ thãi philologist(n.) An expert in linguistics. nhµ ng÷ v¨ n personal(adj.) Not general or public. C¸ nh© n microscopy(n.) The art of examing objects with the microscope. dïng kiÕ n hiÓ n vi blackspot nhùa ®−êng papacy(n.) The official head of the Roman Catholic Church. Gi¸ o hoµ ng (adj.) Capable of being conceived. LÜ nh héi ®−îc, hiÓ u râ ®−îc fuel N.V chÊ t ®èt; cung cÊ p chÊ t ®èt prudence(n.) Caution. CÈ n thË n, thË n träng decisive(ad.) Conclusive. quyÕ t ® Þ nh, døt kho¸ t scorecard urban(adj.) Of, or pertaining to, or like a city. thµ nh phè submergence(n.) The act of submerging. Ch× m,lÆ n dominant(adj.) Conspicuously prominent. tré i hn; −u thÕ hn; thèng trÞ visualize(v.) To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation. h× nh dung; m−êng t−îng masterpiece(n.) A superior production. kiÖ t t¸ c repugnant(adj.) Offensive to taste and feeling. ®¸ ng ghÐ t, ghª tëm; m© u

thuÉ n, ngang b−íng intemperance(n.)

Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites. Kh«ng ®IÒ u ®é

bosom(n.) The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman.

ngùc; tr¸ i tim, t© m hån; mÆ t s«ng hå

inaccurate(adj.) Not exactly according to the facts. ko chÝ nh x¸ c; sai grasp(v) size greedily; hold firmly; N grasp n¾ m lÊ y; ®ång cá expeditious(adj.)

Speedy. nhanh chãng

Contemporary procrastination(n)

delay; N procrastinate tr× ho∙ n, chÇ n chõ

lithotype(n.) In engraving, an etched stone surface for printing. thuË t nghiÒ n sái Unitarian(adj.) Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. ThuyÕ t nhÊ t thÓ ; quan ®Ióm

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tË p trung bethink(v.) To remind oneself. Nhí ra, nghÜ ra (adj.) Inclined to strong exhibition or expression of feeling or thoughts. Cã luË n chøng; gi∙ I bµ y t© m

sù telephony(n.) The art or process of communicating by telephone. HÖ thèng ®IÖ n tho¹ i confer(v.) To bestow. Phßng, ban; bµ n b¹ c ministry(n.) A service. Bé, ®oµ n môc s− protuberate(v.) To swell or bulge beyond the surrounding surface. ph«ng lª n, u lª n sentience(n.) Capacity for sensation or sense-perception. Kh n¨ ng cm gi¸ c pole cùc; th¸ i cùc; sµ o, cäc; Ng−êi

Ba Lan patter(v.) To mumble something over and over. TiÕ ng tÝ t¸ ch rapine(n.) The act of seizing and carrying off property by superior force, as in war. c−íp bãc magistracy(n.) The office or dignity of a magistrate. quan toµ , uû quyÒ n; interpose(v.) To come between other things or persons. ®Æ t vµ o gii−∙ , can thiÖ p delicacy(n.) That which is agreeable to a fine taste. duyª n d¸ ng; yÕ u ®uèi albeit(conj.) Even though. intermediate(adj.)

Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes. Gi÷a; trung gian; trung cÊ p

equinox period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial

diÓ m xu© n; ®iÓ m thu ph© n

inconstant(adj.) Changeable. ko kiª n ®Þ nh; ko chung thuû interact(v.) To act reciprocally. T−ng t¸ c, nh h−ëng lÉ n nhau priory(n.) A monastic house. Tu viÖ n hospitality(n.) The practice of receiving and entertaining strangers and guests with

kindness. lßng mÕ n kh¸ ch

alley(n.) A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like. Ngâ; ®−êng hÑ p indivisible(adj.) Not separable into parts. Kh«ng thÓ chia ®−îc grenadier(n.) A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature. Trung ®oµ n vÖ binh Anh intension(n.) The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained. quyÕ t t© m cao; m∙ nh liÖ t; cao

cao Heteromorphic summary(n.) An abstract. Tãm t¾ t gradation(n.) A step, degree, rank, or relative position in an order or series. Thay ®æi tõ tõ instance(n.) A single occurrence or happening of a given kind. vÝ dô archangel(n.) An angel of high rank. Tæng thiª n thÇ n, bå c© u thiª n

sø; c© y b¹ ch chØ tÝ a undersell(v.) To sell at a lower price than. b¸ n rÎ ; ®¸ nh gi¸ thÊ p scam m−u ®å bÊ t l−ng indispensable(adj.)

Necessary or requisite for the purpose. CÇ n thiwtjs kh«ng thÓ thiÕ u ®−îc

ally(n.) A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness.

Liª n minh, ®ång minh

penetration(n.) Discernment. x© m nhË p; thÊ m nhuÇ n; xuyª n qua; s¾ c so

machinery(n.) The parts of a machine or engine, taken collectively. M¸ y mãc; bé m¸ y lacerate(v.) To tear rudely or raggedly. XÐ rach,lµ m tan n¸ t (câi lßng) juxtaposition ®Æ t c¹ nh nhau; liÒ n kÒ nhau ingredient(n.) Component. Thµ nh phÇ n avid(adj) eager, greedy; N. avidity h¸ o høc, thÌ m kh¸ t incapacity(n.) Want of power to apprehend, understand, and manage. ko ®ñ n¨ ng lùc gendarme(n.) In continental Europe, particularly in France, a uniformed and armed police

officer. HiÕ n binh, sen ®Ç m

antic(n.) A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action. trß hÒ , g© u c−êi credulous(adj.) Easily deceived. nhÑ d¹ , c tin migrate(v.) To remove or pass from one country, region, or habitat to another. Di c− pestilential(adj.) having the nature of or breeding pestilence. bÖ nh dÞ ch h¹ ch awe solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wonder and fear; V: fill with

awe; ADJ. awesome sî h∙ i; kinh sî

repute(v.) To hold in general opinion. TiÕ ng t¨ m, lê i ®ån achromatic(adj.) Colorless, Kh«ng mµ u, kh«ng s¾ c preponderant(adj.)

Prevalent. tré i hn, −u thÕ hn

hydrometer(n.) An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation. TØ träng kÕ constrict(v.) To bind. Th¾ t l¹ I, xiÕ t lai; lµ m c» n cçi recidivist(n.) A confirmed criminal. t¸ i ph¹ m unwise(adj.) Foolish. Ngu xuÈ n, kh«ng thË n träng illiterate(adj.) Having little or no book-learning. Dèt n¸ t, thÊ t häc extensor(n.) A muscle that causes extension. c duçi

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testament(n.) A will. chóc th− , di chóc; kinh th¸ nh reciprocity(n.) Equal mutual rights and benefits granted and enjoyed. Nh© n nh−îng lÉ n nhau encyclical(adj.) Intended for general circulation. phæ biÕ n réng r∙ i diphthong(n.) The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or

running together the so nguyª n © m ®«i; trïng © m

detest(v.) To dislike or hate with intensity. GhÐ t, ghª tëm circulate(v.) To disseminate. L−a hµ nh, truyÒ n b¸ exigent(adj.) Urgent. CÊ p b¸ ch, khÈ n cÊ p commitment(n.) The act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping. LÖ nh b¾ t giam joggle(n.) A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. xãc nhÑ ; l¾ c l¾ c further(adj.) More distant or advanced. Xa hn; hn n÷a committal(n.) The act, fact, or result of committing, or the state of being giao phã, uû th¸ c; bá tï; lê i

høa, cam kÕ t tangent(adj.) Touching. TiÕ p tuyÕ n lunatic(n.) An insane person. Ng−êi ®Iª n, ng−êi mÊ t trÝ bolero(n.) A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste

nets and singing. ®Iöu nhy Bolero

aggravate To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome. lµ m nÆ ng thª m; lµ m xÊ u thª m; lµ m trÇ m träng thª m

drowsy(adj.) Heavy with sleepiness. Ngñ l m, uÓ oi epode(n.) A species of lyric poems. Th tr÷ t× nh inspector(n.) An official appointed to examine or oversee any matter of public interest or

importance. Thanh tra; n/v thuÕ vô

candid(adj.) Straightforward. thË t thµ ,ngay th¼ ng frightful(adj.) Apt to induce terror or alarm. Khñng khiÕ p; kinh khñng Demonstrative self-respect(n.) Rational self-esteem. Tù träng lithesome(adj.) Nimble. Lanh le;linh lîi metaphysics(n.) The principles of philosophy as applied to explain the methods of any

particular science. H× nh häc siª u h× nh; trõu t−îng

encompass surround; include; Ex. His activities encompass publishing and computers. v© y quanh; bao gåm, chøa ®ùng; hoµ n thiÖ n;

dip nhóng, ng© m; ®é nghiª ng, chç tròng; m¾ c nî

pendulum(n.) A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock.

qu l¾ c, con l¾ c

deceit(n.) Falsehood. lõa dèi; bÒ ngoµ i gi dèi plagiarism(n.) The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as

one's own. ¨ n c¾ p

inherence(n.) The state of being permanently existing in something. TÝ nh vèn cã, cè h÷u Elizabethan(adj.)

Relating to Elizabeth, queen of England, or to her era. triÒ u n÷ hoµ ng Elizabethan

preponderate(v.) To exceed in influence or power. tré i hn, lÊ n ¸ t, −h thÕ imminence(n.) Impending evil or danger. DiÒ u s¾ p xy ra physiology(n.) The science of organic functions. Sinh lý häc alcoholism(n.) A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic

beverages. Chøng nghiÖ n r−îu


hardihood(n.) Foolish daring. t¸ o b¹ o, gan d¹ ; tr tr¸ o; cn trë denominate(v.) To give a name or epithet to. ®Æ t tª n lµ , gäi lµ investor(n.) One who invests money. Ng−êi ®Ç u t− coaster ng−êi bu«n däc bê biÓ n vinery(n.) A greenhouse for grapes. nhµ chÝ nh trång nho showy loÌ lo¹ t; ph« tr−ng statuette(n.) A figurine. t−îng belly bông; d¹ dµ y receivable(adj.) Capable of being or fit to be received - often money. cã thÓ nhË n ®−îc herbalist ng−êi trång vµ b¸ n d−îc tho;

nhµ n/c tho méc lights.() Phæi sóc vË t (thøc ¨ n chã..) buoyancy(n.) Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas. søc næi; kh n¨ ng phôc håi

nhanh;tÝ nh vui vÎ ; bustle(v.) To hurry. hèi h; véi v∙ ; ån µ o prescient(adj.) Foreknowing. tiª n tri; biÕ t tr−íc primeval(adj.) Belonging to the first ages. S khai; nguyª n thuû superheat(v.) To heat to excess. nãng giµ utensil ®å dïng, vË t dông desperate liÒ u m¹ ng; tuyÖ t väng

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backpack ba l« ®eo trª n vai liniment(n.) A liquid preparation for rubbing on the skin in cases of bruises,

inflammation, etc. Dçu xoa bãp

ambulate(v.) To walk about ®I l¹ I, l−u ®éng metal(n.) An element that forms a base by combining with oxygen, is usually hard,

heavy, and lustrous. Kim lo¹ i

insolent(adj.) Impudent. xÊ c l¸ o theology(n.) The branch of theological science that treats of God. ThÇ n häc proffer(v.) To offer to another for acceptance. d© ng, tÆ ng, biÕ u instigator(n.) One who incites to evil. KÎ chñ m−u variable(adj.) Having a tendency to change. cã thÓ thay ®æi ®−îc observance(n.) A traditional form or customary act. LÔ kû niÖ m; tu© n theo precision(n.) Accuracy of limitation, definition, or adjustment. chÝ nh x¸ c arrogate(v.) To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or

grounds. yª u s¸ ch bË y; ®ßi bË y


Extreme misery or unhappiness. khèn khæ; bÊ t h¹ nh; ®¸ ng ghÐ t; khæ së

spheroid(n.) A body having nearly the form of a sphere. vË t h× nh cÇ u subtrahend(n.) That which is to be subtracted. Sè bÞ trõ indulgence(n.) The yielding to inclination, passion, desire, or propensity in oneself or

another. nu«ng chiÒ u; ®Æ c © m; gia h¹ n; ham mª , miÖ t mµ i

anthropology(n.) The science of man in general. Nh© n lo¹ I häc oddity(n.) An eccentricity. kú dÞ ; kú quÆ c convulsion(n.) A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body. BiÕ n ®éng, chøng co th¾ t harness yª n c−ng; dông cô lao ®éng;

®ãng yª n c−ng; khai th¸ c tasty(adj) pleasing in flavor; attractive hîp khÈ u vÞ ; hÊ p dÉ n waterproof ko thÊ m n−íc ingenuity(n.) Cleverness in contriving, combining, or originating. KhÐ o lÐ o gaudy flashy; showy loÌ loÑ t; hoa mü seance(n.) A meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits. Buæi häp; buæi gäi hån folk-lore(n.) The traditions, beliefs, and customs of the common people. Phong tôc, tË p qu¸ n (adj.) Living or existing at the same time. ®−ng thêi, cïng thêi, cïng tuæi bruise th© m tÝ m, mÐ o mã; søt sÑ o fixture(n.) One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position. vË t cè ®Þ nh, ®å ®¹ c; ng−êi ë l×

1 chç galore(adj.) Abundant. Phong phó, dåi dµ o phenomenal(adj.)

Extraordinary or marvelous. cã t/c hiÖ n t−îng; kú l¹

literacy(n.) The state or condition of knowing how to read and write. hiÓ u biÕ t; biÕ t ®äc inaccurate(adj.) Not exactly according to the facts. ko chÝ nh x¸ c; sai invigorate(v.) To animate. TiÕ p thª m sinh lùc, lµ m cho

c−êng tr¸ ng tipsy(adj.) Befuddled with drinks. Ngµ ngµ say, chÕ nh cho¸ ng dissuasion(n.) The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through

persuasion, or pleading. Can ng¨ n

spice ®å gia vÞ ; lµ m ®Ë m ®µ (cho gia vÞ , thª m, t¨ ng c−êng)

reprehension(n.) Expression of blame. ChØ trÝ ch, khiÓ n tr¸ ch abdominal(n.) Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen. Bông, ë bông monosyllable(n.)

A word of one syllable. tõ 1 © m tiÕ t

seer(n.) A prophet. Ng−êi tiª n tri, ng−êi tr«ng thÊ y

hackney(v.) To make stale or trite by repetition. Buån tÎ , v« vÞ repetition(n.) The act of repeating. LÆ p l¹ i battalion(n.) A body of infantry composed of two or more companies, forming a part of a

regiment. TiÓ u ®oµ n; dµ n trË n

onset(n.) An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification. tÊ n c«ng, c«ng kÝ ch m¹ nh bailiff(n.) An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment. ChÊ p hµ nh viª n ë toµ ¸ n confederacy(n.) A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other, as for

mutual aid. Liª n minh,liª n bang; © m m−u

exit(n.) A way or passage out. upturn(v.) To throw into confusion. Sù t¨ ng gi¸ heretic(n.) One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of any

philosophy. Ng−êi theo dÞ gi¸ o

irritant(n.) A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension.

g© y bøt røt, khã chÞ u, lµ m næi qu¹ u

objector(n.) One who objects, as to a proposition, measure, or ruling. Ng−êi chèng ®èi

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resistive(adj.) Having or exercising the power of resistance. Chèng l¹ i alter(v.) To make change in. BiÕ n ®æi,thay ®æi commute(v.) To put something, especially something less severe, in place of. Thay thÕ , giao ho¸ n inchmeal(adv.) Piecemeal. DÇ n dÇ n tõng b−íc mét illumine(v.) To make bright or clear. ChiÕ u s¸ ng, soi s¸ ng piece(n.) A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass. Mnh, mÈ u, miÕ ng impatience(n.) Unwillingness to brook delays or wait the natural course of things. nãng véi; thiÕ u kiª n nhÉ n batten(n.) A narrow strip of wood. tÊ m v¸ n lãt; lã t v¸ n frivolity(n.) A trifling act, thought, saying, or practice. Phï phiÕ m; nhÑ d¹ disrepute(n.) A bad name or character. Mang tiÕ ng xÊ u dissimilar(adj.) Different. Kh¸ c; kh«ng gièng ventricle gii phÉ u(t© m thÊ t,n∙ o thÊ t) dissever(v.) To divide. Chia c¾ t, ph© n chia recure(v.) To cure again. pledgee(n.) The person to whom anything is pledged. Ng−êi cÇ m ®å balcony ban c«ng syllabus(n.) Outline of a subject, course, lecture, or treatise. tapestry A fabric to which a pattern is applied with a needle, designed for ornamental

hangings. trang trÝ b» ng thm; thm thª u

inure(v.) To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure. lµ m cho quen; cã hiÖ u lùc antipodes(n.) A place or region on the opposite side of the earth. Vïng ®Ê t ®èi ch© n comparison(n.) Examination of two or more objects with reference to their likeness or


trimness(n.) Neatness. Gän gµ ng, ng¨ n n¾ p otter con r¸ i c¸ drawer(n) person or thing that draws; sliding in or out of a table; knickers ng−êi vÏ tranh, ng−êi rót sÐ c;

ng¨ n kÐ o; quÇ n ®ïi tack(n.) A small sharp-pointed nail. ®ãng b» ng ®inh mò; thay ®æi

®−êng lèi; kh© u l−îc, dÝ nh t¹m editorial(n.) An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an official

argument. Bµ I x∙ luË n

excitation(n.) Intensified emotion or action. KÝ ch thÝ ch minimize(v.) To reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree. Cùc tiÓ u ho¸ simultaneous(adj.)

Occurring, done, or existing at the same time. ®ång bé

affirmative(adj.) Answering yes; to a question at issue. kh¼ ng ®Þ nh; qña quyÕ t corporal(adj.) Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind. th© n thÓ , th© n x¸ c recitation(n.) The act of reciting or repeating, especially in public and from memory. KÓ l¹ I; kÓ chuyÖ n scatter(v) throw about; disperse; N. scatter ri r¸ c; ph© n t¸ n delectable(adj.) Delightful to the taste or to the senses. Ngon lµ nh, thó vÞ declension(n.) The change of endings in nouns and adj. to express their different relations

of gender. biÕ n c¸ ch; sa sót, suy ®åi

occupant(n.) A tenant in possession of property, as distinguished from the actual owner. Ng−êi së h÷a, chiÕ m h÷u immerse(v.) To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid. ng© m, nhóng d−íi n−íc mystic(n.) One who professes direct divine illumination, or relies upon meditation to

acquire truth. Ng−êi thÇ n bÝ

outburst(n.) A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual. phun l− ' bét ph¸ t, bïng næ; cn (giË n)

forecastle(n.) That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds. PhÇ n tr−íc cña tµ u d−íi boong metronome(n.) An instrument for indicating and marking exact time in music. m¸ y nhÞ p ()© m nh¹ c offshoot(n.) Something that branches off from the parent stock. nh¸ nh, cµ nh; mét phÇ n catholicity(n.) Universal prevalence or acceptance. Bao trïm, phæ biÕ n, réng r∙ I,

®¹ I l−îng ministration(n.) Any religious ceremonial. cøu gióp, ch¨ m sãc polar(adj.) Pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the ®Þ a cùc employer(n.) One who uses or engages the services of other persons for pay. Chñ, ng−êi sö dông lao ®éng enthusiastic(adj.)

Full of zeal and fervor. H¨ ng h¸ I nhiÖ t t× nh, say mª

furlong(n.) A measure, one-eighth of a mile. 1/8 mile liqueur(n.) An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances. r−îu mïi; drawback(n) disadvantage bÊ t lî i academician(n.) A member of an academy of literature, art, or science. ViÖ n sÜ alien(n.) One who owes allegiance to a foreign government. xa l¹ ; n−íc ngoµ i catastrophic disastrous; calamitous thm khèc; thª thm yellowish hi vµ ng; vµ ng vµ ng leviathan(n.) Any large animal, as a whale. qu¸ i vË t khæng lå; ng−êi cã uy

quyÒ n; tµ u lín sink(v) fall in come slowly; settle comfortably; cause to fall; forget, overlook ch× m, l¾ ng; ch× m ®¾ m, ®am

mª ; suy gim; quª n, bá qua

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monitory(n.) Admonition or warning. B¸ o tr−íc, khuyª n r¨ n pregnancy.() cã thÎ e chiÕ m ®−îc Comprehensible violator(n.) One who transgresses. Ph¹ m luË t effuse(v.) To pour forth. To ra (mïi thm) fluctuate(v) vary irregularly; rise and fall; N fluctuation dao ®éng; outweigh(v.) To surpass in importance or excellence. nÆ ng hn; cã nhiÒ u t¸ c dông becalm(v.) To make quiet. Lµ m yª n lÆ ng, ª m dÞ u concurrence(n.) Agreement. ®ång thêi, cïng nhau pep søc sèng; tinh thÇ n h¨ ng h¸ i,

s«i næi flipper ch© n chÌ o; bµ n tay man-eater(n.) An animal that devours human beings. ¨ n thÞ t ng−êi disobedience(n.) Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction. Kh«ng tu© n lÖ nh decorate(v.) To embellish. Trang hoµ ng nectarine(n.) A variety of the peach. Qu xu© n ®µ o pageant(n.) A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one. Ph« tr−ng rùc rì; credible(adj.) Believable. ®¸ ng tin, cã uy tÝ n warbler chim chÝ ch invalid(n.) One who is disabled by illness or injury. Kh«ng hÖ p lª ; tµ n phÕ eulogize(v.) To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character. t¸ n d−ng, ca ngîi immigrate(v.) To come into a country or region from a former habitat. admissible(adj.) Having the right or privilege of entry. Cã thÓ thõa nhË n, kÕ t n¹ p onion V cñ hµ nh gnash(v.) To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage. NghiÕ n r¨ ng dessert mãn tr¸ ng miÖ ng auditorium thÝ nh phßng furlough(n.) A temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding

officer. NghØ phÐ p

newsstand quÇ y b¸ n b¸ o transferrer(n.) One who or that which conveys from one person or place to another. Ng−êi nh−îng l¹ i inestimable(adj.)

Above price. V« gi¸

successful(adj.) Having reached a high degree of worldly prosperity. sibilate(v.) To give a hissing sound to, as in pronouncing the letter s. ®äc thµ nh © m xuýt inexplicable(adj.)

Such as can not be made plain. Kh«ng thÓ giI thÝ ch ®−îc

significance(n.) Importance. ý nghÜ a; quan träng aerostat(n.) A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air. KhÝ cÇ u seed h¹ t gièng; tinh dÞ ch; gieo h¹ t,

gieo gièng forepeak(n.) The extreme forward part of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck. inhospitable(adj.)

Not disposed to entertain strangers gratuitously. ko mÕ n kh¸ ch; ko ë ®−îc

presumption(n.) That which may be logically assumed to be true until disproved. ®IÒ u gi ® Þ nh; hµ nh vi t¸ o b¹ o hanger-on(n.) A parasite. ký sinh; ¨ n b¸ m stallion(n.) An uncastrated male horse, commonly one kept for breeding. Ngùa ®ùc indivertible(adj.) That can not be turned aside. Kh«ng thÓ trÖ ch h−íng mass khèi, ®èng aqueduct(n.) A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a

distance. Cèng n−íc

airy(adj.) Delicate, ethereal. Trª n cao; tho¸ ng khÝ hose t−íi b» ng vßi; bÝ t tÊ t dµ i squirrel tÝ ch tr÷; l«ng sãc immaterial(adj.) Of no essential consequence. Kh«ng quan träng, vôn vÆ t ought(n.) To be under moral obligation to be or do. nu«i kerchief(n.) A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or

neck. kh¨ n vu«ng; kh¨ n mïi soa


capable of influencing to action by entreaty, statement, or anything that moves the

cã thÓ thuyÕ t phôc ®−îc

equivalent(adj.) Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like. T−ng ®−ng dissonance(n.) Discord. feudalism(n.) The feudal system. ChÕ ®é phong kiÕ n forecast(v.) To predict. autumnal(adj.) Of or pertaining to autumn. gosling(n.) A young goose. ngçng con repulse(n.) The act of beating or driving back, as an attacking or advancing enemy. ®È y lïi, ®¸ nh lui; phn ®èi kÞ ch

liÖ t, tho¸ I th¸ c akin(adj.) Of similar nature or qualities. HI gièng, nan n¸ ; thuéc bµ

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con, cã hä engraft(v.) To set or implant deeply and firmly. GhÐ p c© y transfuse(v.) To pour or cause to pass, as a fluid, from one vessel to another. Rãt sang, ®æ sang, truyÒ n sang ballad(n.) Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric

form. Khóc balat; bµ I balat

(adj.) Small in quantity or importance. nhá bÐ ; ko ®¸ ng kÓ duteous(adj.) Showing submission to natural superiors. biÕ t v© ng lêi; cã ý thøc s½ n

sµ ng, chÊ p hµ nh n/v orate(v.) To deliver an elaborate or formal public speech. DiÔ n thuyÕ t spinous(adj.) Having spines. Cã gai denouement(n.) That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up. KÕ t côc, kÕ t ®o¹ n alternate(n.) One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of

that other. xen kÏ , lu© n phiª n; ng−êi thay thÕ

salvo(n.) A salute given by firing all the guns, as at the funeral of an officer. Chµ o mõng hoan nghª nh introversion(n.) The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally. lång vµ o trong; h−íng vµ o néi

t© m impracticable(adj.)

Not feasible. ko kh thi

senses.() Gi¸ c quan; tri g¸ c cm gi¸ c disarrange(v.) To throw out of order. lén xén; x¸ o trén pretension(n.) A bold or presumptuous assertion. kú väng; tù phô, khoe khoang reslience(n.) The power of springing back to a former position Nhanh chãng thÝ ch nghi workmanship(n.)

The art or skill of a workman. ng−êi lao ®éng

tar h¾c Ý n, nhùa ®−êng; b«i h¸c Ý n; r∙ i nhùa ®−êng

convoy(n.) A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation. Hé tèng, hé vÖ habitat m«i tr−êng sèng; chç ë electrotype(n.) A metallic copy of any surface, as a coin. M¹ ; baste(v.) To cover with melted fat, gravy, while cooking. phÕ t mì; rãt nÕ n phonic(adj.) Pertaining to the nature of sound. ng÷ © m appellate(adj.) Capable of being appealed to. kh¸ ng ¸ n vituperable(adj.) Deserving of censure. ®¸ ng chöi rña; ®¸ ng tho¸ m¹ petrify turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze lµ m s÷ng sê, chÕ t ® iÕ ng; tª

liÖ t; biÕ n thµ nh ®¸ wholly(adv.) Completely. toµ n bé, hoµ n toµ n hexangular(adj.) Having six angles. 6 gãc derivation(n.) That process by which a word is traced from its original root or primitive

form and meaning. Nguån gèc; ® iÒ u chÕ , dÉ n xuÊ t; thuyÕ t tiÕ n ho¸

lyric(adj.) Fitted for expression in song. Th tr÷ t× nh unlawful(adj.) Illegal. ph¹ m luË t bass(adj.) Low in tone or compass. giäng trÇ m access(n.) A way of approach or entrance; passage. Lèi vµ o; triÒ u d© ng; t¨ ng (adj.) Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections. Thuèc ch÷a co th¾ t dissipation(n.) The state of being dispersed or scattered. Tiª u tan; uæng phÝ riddance(n.) The act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable. gii tho¸ t superintend(v.) To have the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement. tr«ng nom, gi¸ m s¸ t disobedient(adj.)

Neglecting or refusing to obey. ko tu© n lÖ nh

moderator(n.) The presiding officer of a meeting. Chñ to¹ elusion(n.) Evasion. retouch(v.) To modify the details of. Söa l¹ i handy khÐ o tay; thuË n tiÖ n, dÔ sö

dông espy(v.) To keep close watch. tr«ng thÊ y, nhË n thÊ y pedigree(n.) One's line of ancestors. ph hÖ , dßng gièng matter(of) fact n. Something that has actual and undeniable existence or reality. Cã y/n; cã t/c quan träng possess(v.) To own. Së h÷u; ¸ m nh Supplementary version(n.) A description or report of something as modified by one's character or

opinion. bn dÞ ch; lè i gii thÝ ch; phãng t¸ c

leisure(n.) Spare time. Rçi r∙ I, th− nhµ n lowly(adv.) Rudely. TÇ m th−êng; hÌ n män dialect(n.) Forms of speech collectively that are peculiar to the people of a particular

district. Thæ ng÷

turtle con ba ba, ®åi måi, rïa inadvisable(adj.) Unadvisable. Kh«ng thÝ ch hîp brine(n.) Water saturated with salt. n−íc mÆ n seduce(v.) To entice to surrender chastity. QuyÕ n rò , dô dç

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vermin(n.) A noxious or troublesome animal. s© u h¹ i; ®éng vË t cã h¹ i overreact phn øng d÷ déi retention(n.) The keeping of a thing within one's power or possession. gi÷ l¹ i, cÇ m l¹ i; së h÷u moderation(n.) Temperance. TiÕ t chÕ , ®IÒ u ®é ought(n.) To be under moral obligation to be or do. nu«i aquarium bÓ nu«i c¸ indulgence(n.) The yielding to inclination, passion, desire, or propensity in oneself or

another. nu«ng chiÒ u; ®Æ c © m; gia h¹ n; ham mª , miÖ t mµ i

soldier(n.) A person engaged in military service. annunciation(n.) Proclamation. c«ng bè canon(n.) Any rule or law. tiª u chuÈ n; luË t lÖ obsolescent(adj.)

Passing out of use, as a word. cò ®i; teo ®i

skepticism(n.) The entertainment of doubt concerning something. hoµ i nghi thereabout(adv.) Near that number, quantity, degree, place, or time, approximately. vïng l© n cË n; x© p xØ matricide(n.) The killing, especially the murdering, of one's mother. té i giÕ t mÑ defendant(n.) A person against whom a suit is brought. bÞ ®¬n; bÞ kiÖ n hardihood(n.) Foolish daring. t¸ o b¹ o, gan d¹ ; tr¬ tr¸ o; c¶ n

trë albeit(conj.) Even though. recidivist(n.) A confirmed criminal. t¸ i ph¹ m sapience(n.) Deep wisdom or knowledge. kh«n khÐ o; kh«n ngoan microscopy(n.) The art of examing objects with the microscope. dïng kiÕ n hiÓ n vi exit(n.) A way or passage out. irritancy(n.) The quality of producing vexation. V irritate l¸ m c¸ u reclusory(n.) A hermitage. È n sÜ disobedient(adj.)

Neglecting or refusing to obey. ko tu© n lÖ nh

predominate(v.) To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree. chiÕ m −u thÕ ; tréi h¬n arrogant(adj.) Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc. kiª u c¨ ng; ng¹ o m¹ n superlative(n.) That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. bË c nhÊ t ecstatic(adj.) Enraptured. mª ly; ng© y ngÊ t; xuÊ t thÇ n alder(n.) Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family. c© y tæng qu¶ n sñi intension(n.) The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained. quyÕ t t© m cao; m∙ nh liÖ t; cao

cao inedible(adj.) Not good for food. ko ¨ n ®−îc contender(n.) One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry. ®èi thñ extremity(n.) The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean

position. ®Ç u, mòi; bÊ t h¹ nh tét ®é

memorable(adj.) Noteworthy. ®¸ ng ghi nhí; ko quª n posse(n.) A force of men. lùc l−îng m¹ nh interposition(n.) A coming between. ®Æ t vµ o gi−∙ ; can thiÖ p hernia(n.) Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position. chøng ruét sa hypodermic(adj.)

Pertaining to the area under the skin. d−íi da (mòi tª n, kim tiª m ..)


Without intention. ngÉ u nhiª n; nh© n tiÖ n

specialty(n.) An employment limited to one particular line of work. ®Æ c tr−ng; ®Æ c biÖ t separate(v.) To take apart. dead-heat(n.) A race in which two or more competitors come out even, and there is no

winner. ng−êi ®ai xem ca nh¹ c, ® i tµ u ko mÊ t tiÒ n

prescript(adj.) Prescribed as a rule or model. s¾ c lÖ nh submission(n.) A yielding to the power or authority of another. khuÊ t phôc; tr× nh diÖ n; ý kiÕ n magnet(n.) A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the

lodestone. nam ch© m; vË t cã søc cuèn hót

nebula(n.) A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance. tinh v© n; chøng m¾ t kÐ o m© y obsequies(n.) Funeral rites. ®¸ m ma pavilion(n.) An open structure for temporary shelter. dùng r¹ p; che lÒ u; r¹ p, lÒ u deviltry(n.) Wanton and malicious mischief. yª u thuË t disinherit(v.) To deprive of an inheritance. t−íc quyÒ n thõa kÕ peninsular(adj.) Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water. b¸ n ®¶ o locomotion(n.) The act or power of moving from one place to another. vË n ®éng; di ®éng immigrate(v.) To come into a country or region from a former habitat. virtu(n.) Rare, curious, or beautiful quality. ®å cæ; ®å mü nghÖ amateur(adj.) Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession. dissonance(n.) Discord. petulance(n.) The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulant. nãng n¶ y, hay hên dçi wintry(adj.) Lacking warmth of manner. thuéc mïa ®«ng; l¹ nh lÏ o corporal(adj.) Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind. th© n thÓ , th© n x¸ c

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regality(n.) Royalty. vu−¬ng quèc; hoµ ng gia foursome(adj.) Consisting of four. nhãm 4 ng−êi, trË n ®Ê u g«n

gi÷a hai cÆ p irritable(adj.) Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation. dÔ c¸ u; c¸ u kØ nh. opulent(adj.) Wealthy. Giµ u cã; phong phó. accurate (adj.) Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard. ®óng ®¾ n; chÝ nh x¸ c. collapsible(adj.) That may or can collapse. Cã thÓ gË p l¹ i, xÕ p l¹ i ®−îc. continuous(adj.) Connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption of

sequence. liª n tôc; kh«ng ngõng.

demulcent(n.) Any application soothing to an irritable surface Thuèc lµ m dÞ u chøng viª m. conservatory(n.) An institution for instruction and training in music and declamation. Ng−êi ch¬i vi«l«ngxen. repentance(n.) Sorrow for something done or left undone, with desire to make things right

by undoing the wr Sù ¨ n n¨ n; sù hèi lç i.

acoustic(adj.) Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing. Thuéc © m thanh, thÝ nh gi¸ c. intervale(n.) A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river. vïng lßng ch¶ o beau(n.) An escort or lover. nÞ nh ®Ç m;¨ n mÆ c diª m dóa. happy-go-lucky(adj.)

Improvident. Hoang phÝ .

(n.) The right or privilege of voting. Phßng thñ; b¶ o vÖ Pan-American(adj.)

Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South. Liª n Mü.

Decameron(n.) A volume consisting of ten parts or books. defensive(adj.) Carried on in resistance to aggression. Phßng thñ; b¶ o vÖ sebaceous(adj.) Pertaining to or appearing like fat. B∙ nhên. biped(n.) An animal having two feet. §éng vË t hai ch© n. tannery(n.) A place where leather is tanned. X−ëng thuéc da. disrupt(v.) To burst or break asunder. ph¸ vì, bÎ gÉ y. undulate (v.) To move like a wave or in waves. nhÊ p nh«; dË p dên isothermal(adj.) Having or marking equality of temperature. ®−êng d¼ ng nhiÖ t . theism(n.) Belief in God. ThuyÕ t h÷u thÇ n. relapse(v.) To suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery. t¸ i ph¸ t bÖ nh. gaiety(n.) Festivity. Cuéc liª n hoan. quintet (n.) Musical composition arranged for five voices or instruments. Ngò tÊ u bawl(v.) To proclaim by outcry. Nãi oang oang. nutriment(n.) That which nourishes. ChÊ t dinh d−ìng. nevertheless(conj.)

Notwithstanding. Tuy nhiª n.

hypocrisy(n.) Extreme insincerity. §¹ o ®øc gi¶ . admittance(n.) Entrance, or the right or permission to enter. Sù thu n¹ p; nhË n vµ o. befriend(v.) To be a friend to, especially when in need. Gióp ®ì. proficiency(n.) An advanced state of acquirement, as in some knowledge, art, or science. Sù tµ i giái; thµ nh thôc. pervious(adj.) Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance. dÔ thÊ m qua; x© m nhË p. theological(adj.) Based on or growing out of divine revelation. ThÇ n häc. depth(n.) Deepness. §é s© u; ®é dµ y. barcarole (n.) A boat-song of Venetian gondoliers. Bµ i h¸ t ®ß ®−a; khóc ®ß. foreordination(n.)

Predestination. §Þ nh mÖ nh; sù bæ nhiÖ m tr−íc.

coercive(adj.) Serving or tending to force. Ð p buéc; c−ìng bøc. energetic(adj.) Working vigorously. M¹ nh mÏ ; m∙ nh liÖ t. inversion(n.) Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first. Sù lén ng−îc; ®¶ o ng−îc. interlude(n.) An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length. Giê gi¶ i lao. regalia(n.) pl. The emblems of royalty. BiÓ u tr−ng vµ y phôc cuA¶

hoµ ng gia. magnificent(adj.)

Grand or majestic in appearance, quality, or action. Tr¸ ng lÖ ; nguy nga.

refringent(adj.) Having the power to refract. ChiÕ t quang. ramose(adj.) Branch-like. Cã nhiÒ u cµ nh nh¸ nh. dejection(n.) Melancholy. Buån n¶ n; thÊ t väng. breech(n.) The buttocks. Kho¸ nßng. referee(n.) An umpire. Träng tµ i. educe(v.) To draw out. Rót ra. resistant(adj.) Offering or tending to produce resistance. Kh¸ ng cù; chÞ u ®ùng. encore(n.) The call for a repetition, as of some part of a play or performance. Hat l¹ i; móa l¹ i. picayune(adj.) Of small value. §ång tiÒ n lÎ ; ng−êi tÇ m

th−êng. reformer(n.) One who carries out a reform. Ng−êi chñ tr−¬ng c¶ i c¸ ch. comparable(adj.)

Fit to be compared. cã thÓ so s¸ nh ®−îc.

conferee(n.) A person with whom another confers. Ng−êi dù héi nghÞ .

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Anglo-Saxon(n.) The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India.

dßng ¡ng-l«-x¾ -x«ng.

anemometer(n.) An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind. ThiÕ t bÞ ®o giã . hysteria(n.) A nervous affection occurring typically in paroxysms of laughing and

crying. Sù qu¸ khÝ ch; cuång lo¹ n.

inflexible(adj.) That can not be altered or varied. Cøng r¾ n; kh«ng nh© n nh−îng. excrescence(n.) Any unnatural addition, outgrowth, or development. Chç sïi. gamble(v.) To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency. Cué ®¸ nh b¹ c; viÖ c m¹ o hiÓ m. neo-Latin(n.) Modernized Latin. TiÕ ng La tinh míi. promenade(v.) To walk for amusement or exercise. §i d¹ o. illiberal(adj.) Stingy. HÑ p hßi; bÇ n tiÖ n. affix(v.) To fasten. §ãng(dÊ u); ký(tª n,�) islet(n.) A little island. Hßn ®¶ o nhá; vïng biÑ t lË p. operative(adj.) Active. Cã hiÖ u lùc; thùc tÕ . trio(n.) Three things grouped or associated together. Bé ba; tam ca. underworld(n.) Hades. §Þ a ngôc. overture(n.) An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet. Sù ®µ m ph¸ n; th−¬ng l−îng. Martian(adj.) Pertaining to Mars, either the Roman god of war or the planet. thuéc sao Ho¶ . vacate(v.) To leave. Bá kh«ng. convergent(adj.) Tending to one point. Héi tô . accusatory(adj.) Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation. Buéc téi; tè c¸ o. typify(v.) To serve as a characteristic example of. §iÓ n h× nh. meliorate(v.) To make better or improve, as in quality or social or physical condition. C¶ i thiÖ n. brigand(n.) One who lives by robbery and plunder. KÎ c−íp. circumference(n.)

The boundary-line of a circle. §−êng trßn; chu vi.

permanent(adj.) Durable. Th−êng xuyª n; vÜ nh cöu. ridiculous(adj.) Laughable and contemptible. Lè bÞ ch; lè l¨ ng. ligament(n.) That which binds objects together. Rµ ng buéc; d© y ch» ng. preferment(n.) Preference. Sù th¨ ng cÊ p; ®Ò b¹ t. incandescence(n.)

The state of being white or glowing with heat. Sù nãng s¸ ng.

ration(v.) To provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food. H¹ n chÕ l−¬ng thùc. reservoir(n.) A receptacle where a quantity of some material, especially of a liquid or gas,

may be kept. Kho dù tr÷; nguån cung cÊ p.


Extending or passing across a continent. Xuyª n lôc ®Þ a.

tendency(n.) Direction or inclination, as toward some objector end. Xu h−íng; khuynh h−íng. thoroughfare(n.) A public street or road. §−êng phè lín. enkindle(v.) To set on fire. nhãm löa; kÝ ch ®éng. peddler(n.) One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail. Ng−êi b¸ n rong. verily(adv.) In truth. thùc; ® Ý ch thùc. theocrasy(n.) The mixed worship of polytheism. demonstrator(n.) One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner. Ng−êi chøng minh. obtrusive(adj.) Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. Ð p buéc; lµ m phiÒ n. reliant (adj.) Having confidence. tin cË y; tÝ n nhiÖ m. obstinacy(n.) Stubborn adherence to opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to have

one's own way. b−íng bØ nh; ngoan cè.


Pertaining to electricity developed water or steam. Thuû ®iÖ n.

irreligious(adj.) Indifferent or opposed to religion. kh«ng tÝ n ng−ìng. overlord(n.) One who holds supremacy over another. L∙ n chóa. aggress(v.) To make the first attack. G© y sù; g© y hÊ n. misunderstand(v.)

To Take in a wrong sense.

optics(n.) The science that treats of light and vision, and all that is connected with sight.

Quang häc.

transverse(adj.) Lying or being across or in a crosswise direction. n» m ngang. missal(n.) The book containing the service for the celebration of mass. Kinh s¸ ch. diagnose(v.) To distinguish, as a disease, by its characteristic phenomena. ChÈ n ®o¸ n. pyx(n.) A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved. hép ®ùng b¸ nh th¸ nh. luminosity(n.) The quality of giving or radiating light. tÝ nh sang; ®é s¸ ng. mockery(n.) Ridicule. afire(adv.) & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively. rùc ch¸ y; bõng bõng. duckling(n.) A young duck. VÞ t con divisible(adj.) Capable of being separated into parts. cã thÓ chia ®−îc. unnecessary(adj.)

Not essential under the circumstances.

contuse(v.) To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin. lµ m giË p.

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intricate(adj.) Difficult to follow or understand. r¾ c rèi; phøc t¹ p. needy(adj.) Being in need, want, or poverty. nghÌ o tóng. secretive(adj.) Having a tendency to conceal. giÊ u giÕ m; gi÷ kÏ . jugglery(n.) The art or practice of sleight of hand. Trß tung høng; trß lõa g¹ t. rein(n.) A step attached to the bit for controlling a horse or other draft-animal. d© y c−¬ng. Stoicism (n.) The principles or the practice of the Stoics-being very even tempered in

success and failure. Chñ nghÜ a xt«c.

transference(n.) The act of conveying from one person or place to another. sù di chuyÓ n; chuyÓ n nh−îng chronometer(n.) A portable timekeeper of the highest attainable precision. ®ång hå bÊ m giê, cr«n«met clairvoyance(n.) Intuitive sagacity or perception. s¸ ng suèt inglorious(adj.) Shameful. kh«ng vinh quang; nhôc nh∙ sergeant-at-arms(n.)

An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding of

epicycle(n.) A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another circle.

(to¸ n häc) Epixic, ngo¹ i lu© n

radiate(v.) To extend in all directions, as from a source or focus. táa ra;ph¸ t ra; ph¸ t x¹ invariable(adj.) Unchangeable. foreman(n.) The head man. qu¶ n ®èc, ®èc c«ng;chñ tÞ ch

båi thÈ m ®oµ n. subterranean(adj.)

Situated or occurring below the surface of the earth. ë d−íi mÆ t ®Ê t; kÝ n, bÝ mË t

prophesy(v.) To predict or foretell, especially under divine inspiration and guidance. tiª n ®o¸ n; tiª n tri indigestion(n.) Difficulty or failure in the alimentary canal in changing food into absorptive

nutriment. (y häc) chøng khã tiª u

arrear(n.) Something overdue and unpaid. viÖ c ®ang lµ m dë; nî ch−a tr¶ derisible(adj.) Open to ridicule. designate(v.) To select or appoint, as by authority. chØ râ ,®Þ nh râ;chØ ® Þ nh,bæ

nhiÖ m;®Æ t tª n, gäi tª n granule(n.) A small grain or particle. hét nhá altitude(n.) Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea. ®é cao; ®−êng cao dead.() reliance(n.) Dependence. involuntary(adj.) Unwilling. kh«ng cè ý; v« t× nh physiocracy(n.) The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth. antipathize(v.) To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike. free(trade) n. Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs. upcast(n.) A throwing upward. sù phãng lª n,nÐ m lª n ascendant(adj.) Dominant. cã −u thÕ ; uy lùc technique(n.) Manner of performance. exemplar(n.) A model, pattern, or original to be copied or imitated. g−¬ng mÉ u, mÉ u mùc; vË t

t−¬ng tù fiducial(adj.) Indicative of faith or trust. chuÈ n, lÊ y lµ m c¬ së so s¸ nh pestilence(n.) A raging epidemic. BÖ nh dÞ ch h¹ ch vociferance(n.) The quality of making a clamor. ostentation(n.) A display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery. Sù ph« tr−¬ng; khoe khoang twinge(n.) A darting momentary local pain. Sù ®au nhãi; nhøc nhèi;c¾ n røt felicitate(v.) To wish joy or happiness to, especially in view of a coming event. Khen ngîi; chóc mõng deceive(v.) To mislead by or as by falsehood. lõa ®¶ o; l−êng g¹ t amour(n.) A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature. aural(adj.) Of or pertaining to the ear. ChuyÖ n yª u ®−¬ng laureate(adj.) Crowned with laurel, as a mark of distinction. §−îc gi¶ i th−ëng statuesque(adj.) Having the grace, pose, or quietude of a statue. nh− t−îng; ®Ñ p, nghiª m nh−

t−îng Norman(adj.) Of or peculiar to Normandy, in northern France. Ng−êi Noãc-m¨ ng outlaw(n.) A habitual lawbreaker. ng−êi sèng ngoµ i vßng ph¸ p

luË t; kÎ c−íp; con ngùa bÊ t kham

extensible(adj.) Capable of being thrust out. Cã thÓ kÐ o th¼ ng,kÐ o dµ i, gia h¹ n


Delay. Sù tr× ho∙ n


Without spirit or bravery.


That can not be burned. Kh«ng ch¸ y ®−îc

legislator(n.) A lawgiver. Ng−êi lµ m luË t vendition(n.) The act of selling. boll(n.) A round pod or seed-capsule, as a flax or cotton. (Thùc vË t häc) qu¶ nang cudgel(n.) A short thick stick used as a club. Dïi cui; gË y

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Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body, whether human or

ThuyÕ t lu© n håi


Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree. ChiÕ m −u thÕ ; tréi h¬n h¼ n

dragoon(n.) In the British army, a cavalryman. Kþ binh;ng−êi hung d÷ indignant(adj.) Having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meanness or wickedness. PhÉ n né; c¨ m phÉ n extravagant(adj.)

Needlessly free or lavish in expenditure. phung phÝ ; ng«ng cuång

obstruction(n.) Hindrance. undervalue(v.) To underestimate. ®¸ nh gi¸ thÊ p; coi rÎ , khinh

th−êng demerit(n.) A mark for failure or bad conduct. KhuyÕ t ®iÓ m; ®iÒ u lÇ m lçi pertinacity(n.) Unyielding adherence. TÝ nh ngoan cè, cè chÊ p mordacious(adj.)

Biting or giving to biting. ¨ n mßn; ®ay nghiÕ n, ch© m chäc

maltreat(v.) To treat ill, unkindly, roughly, or abusively. ng−îc ®∙ i; hµ nh h¹ foolery(n.) Folly. Sù d¹ i dét; ngu xuÈ n; trß hÒ aerostatics(n.) The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and

mechanical propertie KhÝ cÇ u häc


Capable of positive proof. Cã thÓ chøng minh ®−îc

foreigner(n.) A citizen of a foreign country. metallurgy(n.) The art or science of extracting a metal from ores, as by smelting. LuyÖ n kim existence(n.) Possession or continuance of being. Sù tån t¹ i rigorous(adj.) Uncompromising. nghiª m kh¾ c; kh¾ t khe; kh¾ c

nghiÖ t; kh¾ c khæ alabaster(n.) A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum. Th¹ ch cao tuyÕ t hoa alternative(n.) Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of

something else.

infirmary(n.) A place for the reception or treatment of the sick. BÖ nh viÖ n forego(v.) To deny oneself the pleasure or profit of. lo¹ i bá; kiª ng speculator(n.) One who makes an investment that involves a risk of loss, but also a chance

of profit. KÎ ®Ç u c¬ tÝ ch tr÷; ng−êi hay suy ®o¸ n

preference(n.) An object of favor or choice. Sù −u ®∙ i; −u tiª n believe(v.) To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others. duplex(adj.) Having two parts. kÐ p awaken(v.) To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like. Thøc giÊ c; nhË n ra disown(v.) To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself. Kh«ng c«ng nhË n; tõ bá, tuyÖ t

giao emerge(v.) To come into view or into existence. næi lª n; tho¸ t khái necropolis(n.) A city of the dead. B∙ i tha ma; nghÜ a ®Þ a sergeant-major(n.)

The highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment. Th−îng sÜ

refringency(n.) Power to refract. theorize(v.) To speculate. t¹ o ra lý thuyÕ t; lý luË n sergeant(n.) A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal. Trung sÜ ; h¹ sÜ c¶ nh s¸ t brae(n.) Hillside. Bê dèc; s−ên ®åi ado(n.) unnecessary activity or ceremony. Sù khã nhäc, c«ng søc; hèi h¶ lifelong(adj.) Lasting or continuous through life. Suèt ®êi dolor(n.) Lamentation. Nçi ®au buån; ®au th−¬ng contiguity(n.) Proximity. Sù tiÕ p gi¸ p; liª n t−ëng masquerade(n.) A social party composed of persons masked and costumed so as to be

disguised. D¹ héi ho¸ trang

polyarchy(n.) Government by several or many persons of what- ever class. dutiful(adj.) Obedient. biÕ t v© ng lêi, kÝ nh träng dissect(v.) To cut apart or to pieces. mæ xÎ , gi¶ i phÉ u, c¾ t ra tõng

m¶ nh embezzle(v.) To misappropriate secretly. Tham «; biÓ n thñ pervert(n.) One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false. Ng−êi h− háng; lÇ m ®−êng l¹ c

lè i expulsion(n.) Forcible ejection. Sù trôc xuÊ t, (y häc) sù sæ thai dissolve(v.) To liquefy or soften, as by heat or moisture. ph© n huû, tan r∙ , hoµ tan; gi¶ i

t¸ n; tÈ y blase(adj.) Sated with pleasure. actionable(adj.) Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words. Cung cÊ p ®Ç y dñ lý do cho

mét vô kiÖ n divergent(adj.) Tending in different directions. ph© n kú; bÊ t ®ång( ý kiÕ n) intolerable(adj.) Insufferable. name.()

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lifelike(adj.) Realistic. Gièng nh− thË t entwine(v.) To interweave. bÖ n, tÕ t; «m; quÊ n inroad(n.) Forcible encroachment or trespass. Sù x© m nhË p; vô ®ét nhË p Protestant(n.) A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the right of

special judgment. Ng−êi theo ®¹ o tin lµ nh; ng−êi ph¶ n kh¸ ng


To serve as a remembrance of. kû niÖ m; t−ëng nhí

bacterium(n.) A microbe. vi khuÈ n garrote(v.) To execute by strangling. dialogue(n.) A formal conversation in which two or more take part. Cuéc ®èi tho¹ i; t¸ c phÈ m,

®o¹ n v¨ n ®èi tho¹ i Scriptural(adj.) Pertaining to, contained in, or warranted by the Holy Scriptures. phï hîp víi kinh th¸ nh; thuéc

kinh th¸ nh esquire(n.) A title of dignity, office, or courtesy. ¤ng, ngµ i( ghi trª n th− ) visual(adj.) Perceptible by sight. nh× n; thuéc( thÞ gi¸ c) insistent(adj.) Urgent. kh¨ ng kh¨ ng, nµ i nØ ; nhÊ n

m¹ nh counterfeit(adj.) Made to resemble something else. gi¶ m¹ o; gi¶ vê homologous(adj.)

Identical in nature, make-up, or relation. t−¬ng øng; ®ång ®¼ ng

archdeacon(n.) A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese. phã gi¸ m môc arborescent(adj.)

Having the nature of a tree. cã h× nh c© y; cã d¹ ng c© y gç

inebriate(v.) To intoxicate. lµ m mª mÈ n demobilize(v.) To disband, as troops. Gi¶ i ngò cranium(n.) The skull of an animal, especially that part enclosing the brain. (gi¶ i phÉ u)sä changed.() nectar(n.) Any especially sweet and delicious drink. MË t hoa; r−îu tiª n ogre(n.) A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings. yª u tinh; ng−êi tµ n ¸ c vista(n.) A view or prospect. ViÔ n c¶ nh; triÓ n väng plenteous(adj.) Abundant. sung tóc; dåi dµ o; phong phó protrusion(n.) The act of protruding. Sù thß ra, nh« ra, lå i ra masonry(n.) The art or work of constructing, as buildings, walls, etc., with regularly

arranged stones. NghÒ thî nÒ ; héi Tam §iÓ m

idealize(v.) To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard. Lý t−ëng ho¸ curio(n.) A piece of bric-a-brac. §å cæ proctor(n.) An agent acting for another. Gi¸ m thÞ renunciation(n.) An explicit disclaimer of a right or privilege. Sù tõ bá; hy sinh disbeliever(n.) One who refuses to believe. kh«ng tin; hoµ i nghi doublet(n.) One of a pair of like things. ¸ o chÏ n ®µ n «ng; bé ®«i legging(n.) A covering for the leg. Sù ®i bé necessary(adj.) Indispensably requisite or absolutely needed to accomplish a desired result. optic(n.) Pertaining to the eye or vision. (®ïa cît) con m¾ t; c¸ i vßi(

c¾ m vµ o chai) luxuriance(n.) Excessive or superfluous growth or quantity. Sù sum suª ; phån thÞ nh;phong

phó; hoa mü overthrow(v.) To vanquish an established ruler or government. LË t ®æ; ®¹ p ®æ; ®¸ nh b¹ i hoµ n

toµ n piccolo(n.) A small flute. S¸ o nhá fetus(n.) The young in the womb or in the egg. Bµ o thai disciple(n.) One who believes the teaching of another, or who adopts and follows some

doctrine. M«n ®å; häc trß; ®å ®Ö cña Giª -xu

dexterity(n.) Readiness, precision, efficiency, and ease in any physical activity or in any mechanical work

Sù khÐ o tay; khÐ o lÐ o

grantee(n.) The person to whom property is transferred by deed. Ng−êi ®−îc h−ëng trî cÊ p; ng−êi ®−îc h−ëng quyÒ n chuyÓ n nh−îng

similitude(n.) Similarity. Sù sèng; sù so s¸ nh; b¶ n sao insight(n.) Intellectual discernment. Sù nh× n thÊ u ®−îc bª n trong;

hiÓ u biÕ t s© u s¾ c; s¸ ng suèt pincers(n.) An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot. C¸ i k× m; cµ ng cua socialism(n.) A theory of civil polity that aims to secure the reconstruction of society. ponder(v.) To meditate or reflect upon. Suy nghÜ , c© n nh¾ c pyrotechnic(adj.)

Pertaining to fireworks or their manufacture. ph¸ o hoa; s¾ c s¶ o, hãm hØ nh

resent(v.) To be indignant at, as an injury or insult. phÉ n uÊ t, o¸ n giË n; bùc béi monogamy(n.) The habit of pairing, or having but one mate. ChÕ ®é mét vî mét chång wearisome(adj.) Fatiguing. mÖ t nhäc; ch¸ n ng¾ t, tÎ nh¹ t litigious(adj.) Quarrelsome. kiÖ n tông; tranh chÊ p

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sequel(n.) That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened. §o¹ n tiÕ p theo, hË u qu¶ , ¶ nh h−ëng; kÕ t luË n

indolence(n.) Laziness. Sù l−êi biÕ ng proportionate(adj.)

Being in proportion. C© n xøng, c© n ®èi


A preconceived liking. thiª n kiÕ n

symphony(n.) A harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. B¶ n nh¹ c giao h−ëng; khóc nh¹ c

unyoke(v.) To separate. cëi ¸ ch( bß, ngùa); nghØ lµ m viÖ c

anxious(adj.) Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter. lo l¾ ng, b¨ n kho¨ n utmost(n.) The greatest possible extent. âa nhÊ t, cuèi cïng; v« cïng,

cùc ®iÓ m misty(adj.) Lacking clearness mï s−¬ng; m¬ hå, n−íc ®«i frontier(n.) The part of a nation's territory that abuts upon another country. biª n giíi; giíi h¹ n superfluity(n.) That part of anything that is in excess of what is needed. sè thõa; vË t kh«ng cÇ n thiÕ t successor(n.) One who or that which takes the place of a predecessor or preceding thing. ng−êi nèi nghiÖ p, nèi ng«i,

thõa tù entrails(n.) pl. The internal parts of an animal. ruét, lßng lifetime(n.) The time that life continues. cuéc ®êi collision(n.) Violent contact. Sù xung ®ét, va ch¹ m perception(n.) Knowledge through the senses of the existence and properties of matter or

the external Sù nhË n thøc, tri gi¸ c; thu thuÕ

antechamber(n.) A waiting room for those who seek audience. phßng ngoµ i laudation(n.) High praise. Lêi t¸ n d−¬ng, ca ngîi abed(adv.) In bed; on a bed. ë trª n gi−êng defraud(v.) To deprive of something dishonestly. ¨ n gian, lõa g¹ t wile(n.) An act or a means of cunning deception. m−u mÑ o, m−u ch−íc hinder(v.) To obstruct. c¶ n trë; g© y trë ng¹ i accouter(v.) To dress. mÆ c, b¨ ng bã; xÕ p hµ ng; trang

trÝ nowadays(adv.) In the present time or age. comprehension(n.)

Ability to know. Sù nhË n thøc

interrogatory(n.) A question or inquiry. c© u hái, lê i thÈ m vÊ n crockery(n.) Earthenware made from baked clay. b¸ t ® Ü a sµ nh bomb(n.) A hollow projectile containing an explosive material. qu¶ bom faun(n.) One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human,

with goats feet. thÊ n ®ång ̧ ng( cã sõng vµ cã ®u«i)

economize(v.) To spend sparingly. tiÕ t kiÖ m forecourt(n.) A court opening directly from the street. s© n tr−íc; s© n ngoµ i exhale(v.) To breathe forth. to¶ ra; tró t purloin(v.) To steal. ¨ n c¾ p; ¨ n trém irradiance(n.) Luster. sù s¸ ng chãi; chiÕ u, räi knighthood(n.) Chivalry. tinh thÇ n hiÖ p sÜ ; t−íc hÇ u journalize(v.) To keep a diary. ghi nhË t ký reprehand(v.) To find fault with. payee(n.) A person to whom money has been or is to be paid. Ng−êi ®−îc tr¶ tiÒ n juggle(v.) To play tricks of sleight of hand. tung høng; lõa bÞ p preemption(n.) The right or act of purchasing before others. Sù mua ®−îc tr−íc, quyÒ n −u

tiª n mua tr−íc sophisticate(v.) To deprive of simplicity of mind or manner. nguþ biÖ n, lµ m gi¶ , xuyª n t¹ c understate(v.) To fail to put strongly enough, as a case. b¸ o c¸ o kh«ng ®óng sù thË t animalcule(n.) An animal of microscopic smallness. vi sinh vË t corpse(n.) A dead body. x¸ c chÕ t, thi hµ i abhorrence(n.) The act of detesting extremely. sù ghe tëm, ghÐ t cay ghÐ t

®¾ ng resource(n.) That which is restored to, relied upon, or made available for aid or support. ph−¬ng kÕ , thñ ®o¹ n; sù gi¶ i

trÝ incinerate(v.) To reduce to ashes. ho¶ t¸ ng, thiª u chronology(n.) The science that treats of computation of time or of investigation and

arrangement of events niª n ®¹ i häc, b¶ ng niª n ®¹ i

complicate(v.) To make complex, difficult, or hard to deal with. lµ m phøc t¹ p, r¾ c rèi reseat(v.) To place in position of office again. trang bÞ ghÕ míi aforesaid(adj.) Said in a preceding part or before. ®∙ nãi tr−íc ®© y frailty(n.) Liability to be broken or destroyed. dì vì, máng m¶ nh, tÝ nh yÕ u

®uèi, b¹ c nh−îc; khuyÕ t ®iÓ m premier(adj.) First in rank or position. nhÊ t, ®Ç u

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quite(adv.) Fully. hoµ n toµ n, hÊ u hÕ t authentic(adj.) Of undisputed origin. x¸ c thùc, ®¸ ng tin impliable(adj.) Capable of being inferred. sequestrate(v.) To confiscate. tÞ ch thu, sung c«ng left-handed(adj.) Using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right. thuË n tay tr¸ i, vông vÒ ; kh«ng

thµ nh thùc annual(adj.) Occurring every year. cosmology(n.) The general science of the universe. vò trô häc observant(adj.) Quick to notice. tinh m¾ t, tinh ý divulgence(n.) A divulging. sù tiÕ t lé asexual(adj.) Having no distinct sexual organs. v« tÝ nh noiseless(adj.) Silent. im lÆ ng, yª n ¾ ng insignificance(n.)

Lack of import or of importance. kh«ng quan träng, tÇ m th−êng

legalize(v.) To give the authority of law to. hîp ph¸ p ho¸ , c«ng nhË n, chøng nhË n

baritone(adj.) Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor. giäng nam trung; ®µ n, kÌ n barit«n

constituency(n.) The inhabitants or voters in a district represented in a legislative body. cö tri apology(n.) A disclaimer of intentional error or offense. biÖ n b¹ ch, xin lç i hypnotize(v.) To produce a somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on

suggestions. th«i miª n

variant(n.) A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence or substance.

biÕ n thÓ

reflector(n.) A mirror, as of metal, for reflecting light, heat, or sound in a particular direction.

g−¬ng ph¶ n x¹ , vË t ph¶ n quang

aurora(n.) A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere. ¸ nh hång lóc b× nh minh, ¸ nh ban mai, cùc quang

ferocious(adj.) Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature. d÷ t¬n, hung ¸ c, tµ n b¹ o criterion(n.) A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or

conclusion. tiª u chuÈ n

contrive(v.) To manage or carry through by some device or scheme. s¸ ng chÕ ra, trï tÝ nh, xoay së, lo liÖ u

scribe(n.) One who writes or is skilled in writing. ng−êi biÕ t viÕ t; ng−êi chÐ p thuª , nhµ luË t häc vµ thÇ n Do th¸ i häc

innovate(v.) To introduce or strive to introduce new things. s¸ ng kiÕ n; tiÕ n hµ nh ®æi míi pleasant(adj.) Agreeable. Jingo(n.) One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign

policy. phÇ n tö S«-vanh hiÕ u chiÕ n

trait(n.) A distinguishing feature or quality. ®Æ c ®iÓ m proceed(v.) To renew motion or action, as after rest or interruption. tiÕ n lª n, theo ®uæi; tiÕ p tôc irresistible(adj.) That can not be successfully withstood or opposed. hÊ p dÉ n kh«ng thÓ c−ìng l¹ i

®−îc emphasis(n.) Any special impressiveness added to an utterance or act, or stress laid upon

some word. sù nhÊ n m¹ nh, sù bèi rèi, tÇ m quan träng

reflectible(adj.) Capable of being turned back. preferable(adj.) More desirable than others. ®¸ ng thÝ ch h¬n negligent(adj.) Apt to omit what ought to be done. cÈ u th¶ , l¬ ®Ô nh contradictory(adj.)

Inconsistent with itself. mÊ u thuÉ n, tr¸ i ng−îc; lý sù cïn

stanchion(n.) A vertical bar, or a pair of bars, used to confine cattle in a stall. cét trô , cäc buéc sóc vË t lactation(n.) The secretion of milk. sù sinh ra s÷a, sù cho bó taxation(n.) A levy, by government, of a fixed contribution. Sù ®¸ nh thuÕ , hÖ thèng thuÕ distillation(n.) Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile. sù cÊ t, tinh tuý bulrush(n.) Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water. cá nÕ n, c© y bÊ c, c© y cá khØ brimstone(n.) Sulfur. l−u huúnh treacherous(adj.)

Perfidious. ph¶ n béi, béi b¹ c, dèi tr¸

forby(adv.) Besides. ngoµ i ra miniature(adj.) Much smaller than reality or that the normal size. thu nhá l¹ i light-hearted(adj.)

Free from care. vui vÎ , v« t− lù

venous(adj.) Of, pertaining to, or contained or carried in a vein or veins. tÜ nh m¹ ch crystallize(v.) To bring together or give fixed shape to. kÕ t tinh, r¾ c ®−êng kÝ nh, lµ m

cho râ rµ ng monopoly(n.) The control of a thing, as a commodity, to enable a person to raise its price. ®éc quyÒ n polyhedron(n.) A solid bounded by plane faces, especially by more than four. khèi ®a diÖ n dispensation(n.) That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power. sù ph© n phèi, sù s¾ p ®Æ t, sù

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miÔ n trõ manliness(n.) The qualities characteristic of a true man, as bravery, resolution, etc. vÎ ®µ n «ng, tÝ nh ®µ n «ng( ®µ n

bµ ); tÝ nh hïng dòng, m¹ nh mÏ juridical(adj.) Assumed by law to exist. ph¸ p lý confluent(n.) A stream that unites with another. hîp dßng, gÆ p nhau flue(n.) A smoke-duct in a chimney. èng khãi, èng h¬i perfumery(n.) The preparation of perfumes. n−íc hoa, x−ëng chÕ biÕ n

n−íc hoa remonstrant(adj.)

Having the character of a reproof. cã ý khuyª n can

preeminence(n.) Special eminence. tÝ nh −u viÖ t therefor(adv.) For that or this. vÒ viÖ c ®ã infinity(n.) Boundless or immeasurable extension or duration. v« cùc, v« tË n boatswain(n.) A subordinate officer of a vessel, who has general charge of the rigging,

anchors, etc. viª n qu¶ n lý neo buåm

muffle(v.) To deaden the sound of, as by wraps. bäc ñ , quÊ n; bit, bãp nghÑ t, lµ m cho bít kª u

morality(n.) Virtue. ®¹ o ®øc, gi¸ o lý; ®øc h¹ nh, nh© n c¸ ch

permutation(n.) Reciprocal change, different ordering of same items. sù ®æi trË t tù ; ho¸ n vÞ inexperience(n.) Lack of or deficiency in experience. sù thiÕ u kinh nghiÖ m benignity(n.) Kindness of feeling, disposition, or manner. lßng tèt, lßng nh© n tõ hemorrhoids(n.) pl. Tumors composed of enlarged and thickened blood-vessels, at the lower

end of the rectum bÖ n trÜ

pinchers(n.) An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot. c¸ k× m belle(n.) A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty,

accomplishments, etc. hoa kh«i

subservience(n.) The quality, character, or condition of being servilely following another's behests.

Sù gióp Ý ch, phôc vô; sù khóm nóm, quþ luþ

discolor(v.) To stain. ®æi mµ u, lµ m b¹ c mµ u heifer(n.) A young cow. bª c¸ i naphtha(n.) A light, colorless, volatile, inflammable oil used as a solvent, as in

manufacture of paints. ligorin, dÇ u má

foreclose(v.) To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property.

tuyª n bè mÊ t quyÒ n lîi; tÞ ch thu tµ i s¶ n

bulbous(adj.) Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb. h× nh cñ grievous(adj.) Creating affliction. ®au khæ, ®au ®ín; trÇ m träng consolidate(v.) To combine into one body or system. cñng cè, hîp nhÊ t, thèng nhÊ t ingratitude(n.) Insensibility to kindness. sù v« ¬n b¹ c nghÜ a athirst(adj.) Wanting water. khao kh¸ t, kh¸ t possible(adj.) Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural. morphology(n.) the science of organic forms. h× nh th¸ i häc speculate(v.) To pursue inquiries and form conjectures. suy ®o¸ n, ®Ç u c¬ presentient(adj.) Perceiving or feeling beforehand. cã linh c¶ m violoncello(n.) A stringed instrument held between the player's knees. ®µ n vi«l«ngxen pitiful(adj.) Wretched. th−¬ng h¹ i, nhá män wavelet(n.) A ripple. sãng gîn l¨ n t¨ n, lµ n sãng h¬i

qu¨ n(tãc) bedeck(v.) To cover with ornament. trang trÝ , trang ®iÓ m upheave(v.) To raise or lift with effort. næi lª n, næi dË y intercessor(n.) A mediator. ng−êi xin giïm, nãi giïm;

ng−êi m«i giíi, trung gian possessive(adj.) Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or

command. së h÷u, chiÕ m h÷u, kh− kh− gi÷ cña

absence(n.) The fact of not being present or available. sù v¾ ng mÆ t, ® iÓ m danh, thiÕ u alteration(n.) Change or modification. sù thay ®æi, söa ®æi misdeed(n.) A wrong or improper act. hµ nh ®éng xÊ u, té i ¸ c remodel(v.) Reconstruct. söa ®æi, tu söa auspice(n.) favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance. che chë, b¶ o hé brethren(n.) pl. Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like. anh em ®ång nghiÖ p, dodßng

bµ o penurious(adj.) Excessively sparing in the use of money. tóng thiÕ u, bñn xØ n evasion(n.) Escape. sù tho¸ i th¸ c, lÈ n tr¸ nh tinge(n.) A faint trace of color. mµ u nhÑ , nÐ t tho¸ ng panel(n.) A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame. pan«. bøc tranh chastity(n.) Sexual or moral purity. sù trong tr¾ ng, trinh b¹ ch; gi¶ n

dÞ , méc m¹ c itinerate(v.) To wander from place to place. l−u ®éng involution(n.) Complication. ® iÒ u r¾ c rèi; phøc t¹ p

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Antarctic(adj.) Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it. Nam cùc habitude(n.) Customary relation or association. thãi quen, tË p qu¸ n wizen-faced(adj.)

Having a shriveled face.

junction(n.) The condition of being joined. sù nèi liÒ n, chç gÆ p nhau, ga ®Ç u mèi

betimes(adv.) In good season or time. kÞ p thêi, ®óng lóc affect(v.) To act upon numerical(adj.) Of or pertaining to number. sè , b» ng sè contagious(adj.) Transmitting disease. l© y monograph(n.) A treatise discussing a single subject or branch of a subject. chuyª n kh¶ o trebly(adv.) Triply. ba lÇ n, gÊ p ba barring(prep.) Apart from. trõ ra bombardier(n.) An artillery man who has charge of mortars, bombs, and shells. ph¸ o thñ, ng−êi c¾ t bom dissentient(n.) One who disagrees. ng−êi kh«ng t¸ n thµ nh quan

®iÓ m cña ®a sè sufficiency(n.) An ample or adequate supply. sù ®Ç y ®ñ, kh¶ n¨ ng waistcoat(n.) A vest. ¸ o ghi lª consulate(n.) The place in which a consul transacts official business. toµ l∙ nh sù liturgy(n.) A ritual. nghi thøc tÕ lÔ mien(n.) The external appearance or manner of a person. d¸ ng ®iÖ u, phong c¸ ch, vÎ

mÆ t, dung nhan defiant(adj.) Characterized by bold or insolent opposition. b−íng bØ nh, ngang nh¹ nh, hå

nghi, ngê vùc trivial(adj.) Of little importance or value. tÇ m th−êng, b× nh th−êng intolerance(n.) Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure. tÝ nh kh«ng khoan dung, kh«ng

dung thø; tÝ nh kh«ng chÞ u ®−îc

absurd(adj.) Inconsistent with reason or common sense. v« lý; ngu xuÈ n, ngí ngÈ n persevere(v.) To continue striving in spite of discouragements. kiª n nhÉ n, kiª n tr× diatomic(adj.) Containing only two atoms. hai nguyª n tö , ® iaxit landscape(n.) A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or

an elevation. phong c¶ nh, tranh phong c¶ nh

intention(n.) That upon which the mind is set. massive(adj.) Of considerable bulk and weight. legitimacy(n.) Accordance with law. hîp ph¸ p, chÝ nh thèng census(n.) An official numbering of the people of a country or district. sù ®iÒ u tra d© n sè liquidate(v.) To deliver the amount or value of. thanh lý , thanh to¸ n idolize(v.) To regard with inordinate love or admiration. thÇ n t−îng ho¸ , t«n sïng passible(adj.) Capable of feeling of suffering. dÔ c¶ m ®éng, dÔ xóc ®éng infinite(adj.) Measureless. v« tË n, v« h¹ n, h» ng hµ sa sè orthopedic(adj.) Relating to the correcting or preventing of deformity khoa chØ nh h× nh pentavalent(adj.) Quinqeuvalent. ho¸ trÞ n¨ m negation(n.) The act of denying or of asserting the falsity of a proposition. sù phñ ®Þ nh, phñ nhË n; cù

tuyÖ t, tõ chèi kingling(n.) A petty king. sibilant(adj.) Made with a hissing sound. © m xuýt condensation(n.) The act or process of making dense or denser. sù ng−ng, tô ; c« ®äng (v¨ n) polygamy(n.) the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once. chÕ ®é nhiÒ u vî, nhiÒ u chång bight(n.) A slightly receding bay between headlands, formed by a long curve of a

coast-line. chç uèn, chç cong; khóc uèn; vÞ nh

primer(n.) An elementary reading-book for children. s¸ ch vì lßng thesis(n.) An essay or treatise on a particular subject. luË n v¨ n, luË n ̧ n; luË n ®iÓ m,

luË n ®Ò bigamy(n.) The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living. sù lÊ y hai vî, hai chång propeller(n.) One who or that which propels. ch© n vÞ t, c¸ nh qu¹ t principal(adj.) Most important. chÝ nh; chñ yÕ u ensnare(v.) To entrap. bÉ y, gµ i bÉ y gladden(v.) To make joyous. lµ m vui lßng, sung s−íng pompous(adj.) Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. hoa lÖ , tr¸ ng lÖ ; tù cao tù ®¹ i heptarchy(n.) A group of seven governments. sù thèng trÞ bé b¶ y interpreter(n.) A person who makes intelligible the speech of a foreigner by oral translation. ng−êi tr× nh diÔ n, diÔ n xuÊ t;

gi¶ i thÝ ch; phiª n dÞ ch mallet(n.) A wooden hammer. c¸ i vå lassie(n.) A little lass. (th© n mË t)thiÕ u n÷; em yª u

quý valediction(n.) A bidding farewell. sù tõ biÖ t, t¹ m biÖ t specimen(n.) One of a class of persons or things regarded as representative of the class. h¹ ng ng−êi, thø ng−êi mead(n.) A meadow. ®èng cá

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recessive(adj.) Having a tendency to go back. thôt lï i, lÆ n logician(n.) An expert reasoner. nhµ l«gÝ c häc centimeter(n.) A length of one hundredth of a meter. xentimÐ t irreversible(adj.) Irrevocable. kh«ng thÓ thay ®æi ®−îc intestine(n.) That part of the digestive tube below or behind the stomach, extending to the

anus. ruét


Derived from authoritative direction.

scribble(n.) Hasty, careless writing. ch÷ viÕ t nguÖ ch ngo¹ c, cÈ u th¶ ; t¸ c phÈ m v¨ n häc xoµ ng

mongrel(n.) The progeny resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties. ng−êi, chã, vË t, c© y lai legionary(n.) A member of an ancient Roman legion or of the modern French Legion of

Honor. qu© n lÝ nh, lÝ nh lª d−¬ng


Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule.


Politeness. tÝ nh dÔ d∙ i, © n cÇ n

irrigate(v.) To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means. t−íi, röa inconsistent(adj.)

Contradictory. m© u thuÉ n

outlive(v.) To continue to exist after. sèng sãt aqueous(adj.) Of, pertaining to, or containing water. cã n−íc incoercible(adj.) Incapable of being forced, constrained, or compelled. kh«ng nÐ n ®−îc freemason(n.) A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilled

artisans. héi viª n héi Tam §iÓ n

burgess(n.) In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia.

d© n thµ nh thÞ , ®¹ i biÓ u thÞ x∙

Artesian(well) n. A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure Madonna(n.) A painted or sculptured representation of the Virgin, usually with the infant

Jesus. §øc mÑ , t−îng hay tranh §øc mÑ ®ång trinh

volitive(adj.) Exercising the will. tù nguyÖ n folio(n.) A sheet of paper folded once, or of a size adapted to folding once. (ngµ nh in) khæ hai; sè tê physique(n.) The physical structure or organization of a person. vãc ng−êi, c¬ thÓ dislocate(v.) To put out of proper place or order. lµ m trË t khíp; lµ m trôc trÆ c;

®æi chç, chuyÓ n chç leeward(n.) That side or direction toward which the wind blows. phÝ a d−íi giã lying(n.) Untruthfulness. sù nãi dèi covey(n.) A flock of quails or partridges. bÇ y gµ g« nhá effeminacy(n.) Womanishness. eá l¶ , nhu nh−îc militarism(n.) A policy of maintaining great standing armies. chñ nghÜ a qu© n phiÖ t, tinh thÇ n

th−îng vâ interrogative(adj.)

Having the nature or form of a question. nghi vÊ n

similar(adj.) Bearing resemblance to one another or to something else. t−¬ng tù , ®ång d¹ ng endear(v.) To cause to be loved. lµ m cho ®−îc yª u mÕ n, quý

träng habitable(adj.) Fit to be dwelt in. cã thÓ ë ®−îc ignominious(adj.)

Shameful. xÊ u xa, ®ª tiÖ n; nhôc nh∙

aeronautics(n.) the art or practice of flying aircraft hµ ng kh«ng häc excellent(adj.) Possessing distinguished merit. unavoidable(adj.)

Inevitable. kh«ng thÓ tr¸ nh ®−îc

joust(v.) To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback. c−ìi ngùa ®Ê u th−¬ng maze(n.) A labyrinth. mª cung havoc(n.) Devastation. sù tµ n ph¸ retrace(v.) To follow backward or toward the place of beginning, as a track or marking. vÏ l¹ i, kÎ l¹ i; truy t× m gèc tÝ ch betide(v.) To happen to or befall. x¶ y ®Õ n, x¶ y ra decimal(adj.) Founded on the number 10. thË p ph© n moonbeam(n.) A ray of moonlight. ¸ nh tr¨ ng persist(v.) To continue steadfast against opposition. bÒ n bØ ; kh¨ ng kh¨ ng, cè chÊ p inflammable(adj.)

Easily set on fire or excited. dÔ ch¸ y, dÔ bÞ khÝ ch ®éng


Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree. sau khi tè t nghiÖ p

intelligence(n.) Capacity to know or understand. account(n.) A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business

transactions. sæ s¸ ch kÕ to¸ n; tµ i kho¶ n

Baconian(adj.) Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy.

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daring(adj.) Brave. t¸ o b¹ o; dòng c¶ m chaos(n.) Any condition of which the elements or parts are in utter disorder and

confusion. sù hçn ®én; hçn lo¹ n

broadcast(adj.) Disseminated far and wide. ®−îc truyÒ n ®i r«ng r∙ i, ®−îc ph¸ t thanh

durance(n.) Confinement. sù cÇ m tï , giam cÇ m modification(n.) A change. sù thay ®æi, sù biÕ n thÓ embolism(n.) An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel. sù t¾ c m¹ ch, nghÏ n khÝ inefficient(adj.) Not accomplishing an intended purpose. thiÕ u kh¶ n¨ ng, bÊ t tµ i; kh«ng

cã hiÖ u qu¶ off(adj.) Farther or more distant. khái, c¸ ch, rêi conspicuous(adj.)

Clearly visible. dÔ thÊ y, râ rµ ng

ready(adj.) In a state of preparedness for any given purpose or occasion. s½ n sµ ng commissariat(n.)

The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily needs

côc qu© n nhu; d© n uû

financier(n.) One skilled in or occupied with financial affairs or operations. chuyª n gia tµ i chÝ nh, nhµ tµ i phiÖ t

wampum(n.) Beads strung on threads, formerly used among the American Indians as currency.

chuçi vá sß(dïng lµ m tiÒ n hoÆ c ®Ó trang søc cña thæ d© n Mü)

album(n.) A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like.

tË p ¶ nh, ® Ü a ghi bµ i h¸ t

ostracism(n.) Exclusion from intercourse or favor, as in society or politics. sù ph¸ t v∙ ng, khai trõ , tÈ y chay


Of unknown authorship. v« danh, nÆ c danh

laxative(adj.) Having power to open or loosen the bowels. nhuË n trµ ng appertain(v.) To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or

natural relation cã quan hÖ víi, thÝ ch hîp víi

seignoir(n.) A title of honor or respectful address, equivalent to sir. intermission(n.) A recess. thêi gian ngõng, lóc t¹ m nghØ philharmonic(adj.)

Fond of music. yª u nh¹ c

marvel(v.) To be astonished and perplexed because of (something). ng¹ c nhiª n, tù hái risible(adj.) capable of exciting laughter. hay c−êi countercharge(v.)

To accuse in return. ph¶ n c«ng

revise(v.) To examine for the correction of errors, or for the purpose of making changes.

®äc l¹ i, duyÖ t l¹ i; söa ®æi

disqualify(v.) To debar. t−íc quyÒ n, lo¹ i valorous(adj.) Courageous. dòng c¶ m vegetation(n.) Plant-life in the aggregate. c© y cèi, thùc vË t; sù dinh

d−ìng formula(n.) Fixed rule or set form. thÓ thøc, c¸ ch thøc, c«ng thøc antistrophe(n.) The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in "the home of joy and the

joy of home". håi khóc

extradite(v.) To surrender the custody of. dÉ n ®é, ®−îc trao tr¶ futurist(n.) A person of expectant temperament. ng−êi theo thuyÕ t vÞ lai justice.() sù c«ng b» ng; c«ng lý , quan

toµ , thÈ m ph¸ n deportment(n.) Demeanor. th¸ i ®é, c¸ ch c− xö; ph¶ n øng

ho¸ häc academy(n.) Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught. häc viÖ n, viÖ n hµ n l© m gynecocracy(n.) Female supremacy. glimpse(n.) A momentary look. c¸ i nh× n l−ít qua; sù tho¸ ng

hiÖ n jugular(adj.) Pertaining to the throat. (gi¶ i phÉ u) cæ extempore(adv.) Without studied or special preparation. øng khÈ u spontaneous(adj.)

Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficient cause.

tù ®éng tù ý , tù ph¸ t


A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States.

cygnet(n.) A young swan. con thiª n nga non bibliomania(n.) The passion for collecting books. bÖ nh mª s¸ ch donator(n.) One who makes a donation or present. administrator(n.)

One who manages affairs of any kind. ng−êi qu¶ n lý , ng−êi cÇ m quyÒ n

nonpareil(n.) One who or that which is of unequaled excellence. ng−êi, vË t cã mét kh«ng hai

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divert(v.) To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. lµ m trª ch h−íng; lµ m gi¶ i trÝ , tiª u khiÓ n

reaction(n.) Tendency towards a former, or opposite state of things, as after reform, revolution, or inflat

pentagram(n.) A figure having five points or lobes. sao n¨ m c¸ nh assonate(v.) To accord in sound, especially vowel sound. furtherance(n.) Advancement. sù xóc tiÕ n archaism(n.) Obsolescence. cæ, sù b¾ t ch−íc cæ dun(v.) To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment. ®ßi nî, quÊ y rÇ y irrefragable(adj.)

That can not be refuted or disproved. kh«ng thÓ phñ nhË n

spherometer(n.) An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces. c¸ i ®o thÓ cÇ u decameter(n.) A length of ten meters. ®ª camÐ t peerage(n.) The nobility. hµ ng qóy téc, khanh t−íng foresee(v.) To discern beforehand. dù kiÕ n tr−íc illogical(adj.) Contrary to the rules of sound thought. kh«ng l«gÝ c, phi lý propulsion(n.) A driving onward or forward. sù thóc ®È y nature.() workmanlike(adj

Like or befitting a skilled workman. khÐ o tay, khÐ o lÐ o

acquire(v.) To get as one's own. giµ nh ®−îc, ®¹ t ®−îc nunnery(n.) A convent for nuns. n÷ tu viÖ n reunite(v.) To unite or join again, as after separation. hîp nhÊ t l¹ i, hoµ gi¶ i eatable(adj.) Edible. ¨ n ®−îc grindstone(n.) A flat circular stone, used for sharpening tools. ®¸ mµ i neural(adj.) Pertaining to the nerves or nervous system. thÇ n kinh salience(n.) The condition of standing out distinctly. chç nh« ra, lå i ra; nÐ t næi bË t demonstrate(v.) To prove indubitably. chøng minh, gi¶ i thÝ ch, bµ y tá infamy(n.) Total loss or destitution of honor or reputation. ® iÒ u « nhôc, bØ æ i; sù mÊ t

quyÒ n c«ng d© n inseparable(adj.) That can not be separated. kh«ng thÓ t¸ ch rêi, chia l× a regent(n.) One who is lawfully deputized to administer the government for the time

being in the name of the quan nhiÕ p chÝ nh; nh© n viª n héi ®ång qu¶ n trÞ tr−êng ®¹ i häc

personage(n.) A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station. nh© n vË t quan träng, ng−êi cã vai vÕ

competence(n.) Adequate qualification or capacity. n¨ ng lùc, kh¶ n¨ ng; thÈ m quyÒ n

stagnation(n.) The condition of not flowing or not changing. sù ®× nh trÖ , ® × nh ®èn, t× nh tr¹ ng ø ®äng

sacrificial(adj.) Offering or offered as an atonement for sin. cóng thÇ n; cóng tÕ irresponsible(adj.)

Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities. thiÕ u tinh thÇ n tr¸ ch nhiÖ m; kh«ng chÞ u tr¸ ch nhiÖ m

frowzy(adj.) Slovenly in appearance. h«i h¸ m, nhÕ ch nh¸ c disquiet(v.) To deprive of peace or tranquillity. disregard v. To take no notice of. lµ m kh«ng an t© m, b¨ n kho¨ n,

lo l¾ ng dishabille(n.) Undress or negligent attire. sù ¨ n mÆ c xuÒ nh xoµ ng omission(n.) Exclusion. Sù bá sãt, bá quª n feudal(adj.) Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal. phong kiÕ n outstretch(v.) To extend. kÐ o dµ i ra, tr¶ i dµ i ra, më réng transfigure(v.) To give an exalted meaning or glorified appearance to. biÕ n h× nh, biÕ n d¹ ng; lµ m r¹ ng

rì nÐ t mÆ t