to2015 - inclusive tourism - are you ready

Inclusive Tourism -– Are You Ready? ©L. MacDonald & D. Segal, 2015 Photo courtesy of Presented by Lorin MacDonald TO2015 Are You Ready? Conference - May 7, 2015

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Inclusive Tourism -–

Are You Ready?

Inclusive Tourism -–

Are You Ready?

©L. MacDonald & D. Segal, 2015Photo courtesy of

Presented by Lorin MacDonaldTO2015 Are You Ready? Conference - May 7, 2015


• Significant investment has been made by the Ontario Government with the passage of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

• The goal is an accessible Ontario by 2025


• Public and private sectors aware of AODA; need a paradigm shift from compliance to competitive advantage

• Canadian tourism industry lags behind international counterparts in the area of Accessible or Inclusive Tourism

• The economic potential is tremendous!


• Accessibility is good for the economy

• Potential of generating:

– up to $1.6B in new spending for Ontario’s tourism sector

– up to $9.6B in additional retail revenue


• Over the long term, leverage Ontario’s AODA investment by positioning the province as a world leader in promoting inclusive tourism

• This will result in a stimulated economy and a legacy of accessibility

9.6 million Canadians76.4 million Americans

86 million baby boomersin North America

And that number is rapidly growing!

Here Come the Boomers!

The Boomer Impact in Canada

• The number of Ontarians aged 65 and over is projected to more than double within the next 20 years

• Approximately 40 per cent of Baby Boomers in Canada will retire with some form of a disability

• 3.8M Canadians live with a disability; approx. 2M or 15.5% of Ontario’s population

• In Ontario, grows to 53% when you include immediate family members, caregivers, and supporters who also experience the reality of disability

Disability by the Numbers

• 56.7M Americans have a disability

• That means that today, over 60M people in North America are living with a disability

Disability by the Numbers

• Represents 1.3B people globally (size of population of China), with an annual disposable income of $1T – and $544B in the US alone

• When friends and family are included, this equals 2.3B people who control an incremental $6.9T annual disposable income

The Disability Market

• In less than 10 years, consumers aged 50+ will control the economy for the first time in history

• Never before have so many people reached retirement age with the wealth and desire to travel

The Boomer Market

• UK Tourism websites noted an average of 26% increase in bookings during the one-year period of October 2010 to October 2011 AFTER they promoted accessible accommodations

The Boomer Market

• Canada’s mainstream tourism industry saw significant growth in 2011:

$63.6B (domestic travellers)

$15.1B (overseas travellers)

$78.7B in tourism revenuescontributing to Canadian


Tourism in Canada

• Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) reports that tourism is a $23.6B a year industry in Ontario

Tourism in Ontario

• The goal is to accommodate the broadest range of tourists possible without stigma or the need for special accommodation

• Ideally, everyone travels together in the same vehicle to the same destination where they enjoy the same activities regardless of type of disability

What Is Inclusive Tourism?

• 75% of people with disabilities in North America and Europe are:– physically and financially able

to travel– do so with their caregivers,

family, and friends

• Travelers with disabilities represent the fastest growing and largest untapped tourism market in the world today

The Power of Inclusive Tourism

• Inclusive Tourism is no longer a “niche” market; an integral piece of the mainstream tourism industry

• Research provides clear evidence that accessible tourism services are also better services, increasing visibility and reputation of tourism destinations and giving operators a competitive edge

The Power of Inclusive Tourism

• By embracing the principles of Inclusive Tourism, the Ontario business community will be uniquely positioned to shift the paradigm away from compliance toward adopting a strong and robust economic argument

The Time Is Now!

• By delivering increased value, Ontario businesses will gain first mover advantage within the international travel industry

The Time Is Now!

• In addition to people with disabilities and Baby Boomers, accessibility benefits those with baby strollers, temporary disabilities, and indeed ALL visitors

Accommodations:From Low Cost to High


• If one member of a group has a disability, friends and family will seek out an accessible venue that all can enjoy

• Important to advertise your accessibility features so everyone is aware – “If we don’t know, we don’t go”

Accommodations:From Low Cost to High


• Canadian tourism industry and business community benefits by attracting more consumers and increased incomes, thereby boosting local economies

The Legacy of Inclusive Tourism

•Increased tourism

•New jobs

•Increased tax revenue

•More accessible communities

Benefits and Outcomesfor Ontario

• Leverage the financial benefits of inclusive tourism

• Benefit from case studies of inclusive tourism in action from other countries

• Become a sector leader and seize first-mover advantage of this growing market

What You Can Do Today!

All it takesis for the first person

to start dancing!

For more information: –

David SegalFounder, [email protected] Phone: 416 795 7600

Lorin MacDonaldCo-founder, [email protected] Phone: 647 226 9932

Photo courtesy of