to sing among the branches

To Sing Among the Branches By, Lisa Lakeman

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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A film about a family fighting grief and finding the truth.


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To Sing Among the Branches By, Lisa Lakeman

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To Sing Among the Branches, is a short film about the strength of a family in a time an unforgivable loss. The audience will become immersed in the detachment of the family from the physical and emotional emptiness within the home itself and will gain the first-hand experience of the fight for a family of truth and unity rather than the facade of contentment.


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Directors Statement

To begin, I had this idea because over the summer a close friend of mine passed away unexpectedly. It was my first experience so close to death and it really messed with me. I couldn't help but notice how different everyone responded and how people handled it in different ways. The one that struck me most, was the Father of my friend. At the funeral he made jokes and made people laugh during the whole ceremony because that was how HE could handle the situation. It had me stumped.

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I realized I couldn't stop thinking about it all summer, and decided it was something I could explore in a short film that wouldn't end in doom and gloom, but shoot for something more uplifting. That over time there is a possibility to move forward with your own life and it isn't disrespectful to do so.  Family has always been a huge importance in my life, and my sisters are what have gotten me through everything. This is why I wanted this film to take place within a central family, that has to unmask their "normal" facade  (which I think is the worst way to deal with things) and reveal their true feelings in order to come to any sort of closure and have a step towards happiness. 

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�  The film will take place inside of the house following the chain of events from character to character. It will be very still.

�  It will recreate the feeling of uncertainty and stillness that accompanies the passing of a loved one.

�  Everyone reacts in opposite ways. Some pretend things are okay, some are stricken with emotion, some choose to ignore it and some try and make light of the situation. These are the characteristics that will be explored during the film by the various family members.  

The Feeling

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Carrie a 48 year old stay-at-home mom, loses her eldest son in his endeavor that she supported. Overwhelmed with guilt she feels as if everyone is moving on with their lives without her. Crestfallen and uptight, she still clings on to the social image of a perfect, happy family yet blames her husband for being too consumed with work to ever really know what the family used to be. Kirk, a hardworking financial banker and husband, tries desperately to regain the family that he once had. Their youngest son, Oliver begrudges his father because of his absence and rejects is attempts of reconciliation and sides with the Mother. Feeling the stressors of finishing high school coupled with the depreciation of his family, he often turns to his brother’s old projects for comfort. When his sister Reece comes home to visit from college she acknowledges the detachment in the family and tries to mediate and unite the family together, knowing she is dropping out of college and going into the Peace Corps. Each character is forced to reveal their true sentiments and acknowledge their faults in order to have closure and live as a family like they once had in the past. Is it better to just stay content or to strive for a better life?

Character Analysis

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Canon C300


Fluid-Head Tripod

Kino Flo


Natural Lighting

Car Mount

Location Possibilities




East Hampton