to fluoridate or not? is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate...

To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/Coup de Grâce/Fête Accompli (If you think so you shouldn’t be here. Remember the smallest flame at night) OR Is this a more vital issue concerning OUR RIGHTS?

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Page 1: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

To Fluoridate or NOT?Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the

debate– the PRO’s or the CON’s?

ORIs it Too Late/Coup de Grâce/Fête Accompli (If you think so you shouldn’t be here. Remember the smallest flame at night)


Is this a more vital issue concerning


Page 2: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

Freedom- Do we Have Rights Freedom & a Choice?

What is Freedom “A state of liberty where an individual or group does not have unreasonable external restraints or persuasions applied to them

by another individual or group” Churchill – The Freedom Fighter

“Have our rights & our freedom been invaded? YES! Do we Consent? NO ! The decision to Fluoridate our water supply is totally dictatorial and I for one would not hesitate to sue the Queensland Government if I was one of the unfortunate people to suffer a serious side effect as a consequence of fluoridation”. Dr. Michael Tait

Page 3: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

Can we learn from History? The desire to Control –Absolute Power is absolute

Control which is absolutely CORRUPT

1877 Nathan Rothschild “I care not what power controls the (The founder of the IMF) people, for if I control their money (130 years ago!)

supply, then I control their Empire”

Monsanto “If I control your food supply then I (GM foods founders) control your Nations”

2008 Qld Gov “I don’t care what you say, because we are doing it” This is effectively saying “I care not what you say. If I control your water supply then I control you”

Page 4: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

Should We Conform & What does “To Conform” Mean?

STARTLING RESEARCH: To conform to a dictator because you have been at school together or belong to the same club or to the same social class sounds ridiculous & is extremely dangerous. Yet more freedom has been lost during this century through this reason for conforming, than through the actions of the dictators themselves!!

Immediately after World War 11 a Court was assembled in Nuremburg for charging top ranking German military officers & scientists. The charge was “medical experimentation on people against their wish”. All were found guilty & some were executed.

Page 5: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

So is Forcing Fluoride on us Against our Will Any Different?

Dr. Moolenburgh in the Netherlands stated that fluoridation is not acceptable in many European countries which had been occupied by the Nazis. Why? Because the people were quick to see the true nature of a totalitarian program & they formed "resistance" groups against fluoridation like the "resistance" to the Nazis in the 1940’s. 

I also ask “What next after Fluoride?” ?Microchips

Our Rights - If Fluoridation is introduced it totally disregards the Nuremberg Code of Medical Practice and the perpetrators should be reported and charged at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

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The Nuremberg Code (1947)We must be convinced by the evidence before us that

medical experiments conducted on human beings, are kept within well-defined bounds & must conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society & they can not be procured by any other methods. Everyone agrees however that the basic principles of experimentation must satisfy the following moral, ethical and legal concepts:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision

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What ARE our RIGHTS?It is obvious that our rights are being threatened by

the dictatorial attitude of the government on the fluoridation issue – without our consultation or after poor consultation.

Some of the fundamental questions about the fluoridation of public water supplies are ethical in nature:

1. Is medication with an uncontrolled dose wrong?

2. Is compulsory mass medication wrong?

3. Is fluoridation right if its risks are less than its benefits?

4. Is this medication or experimentation?

Page 8: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

Facts – Existing Global Experience Germany: "Generally, in Germany fluoridation of drinking water

is forbidden. The relevant German law allows some exceptions only on application. The argument of the Federal Ministry of Health against a general permission of fluoridation of drinking water is the problematic ethics of compulsory medication."

  France: "Fluoride chemicals are not included in the list of 'chemicals

for drinking water treatment'. This is due to ethical as well as medical considerations."

  Belgium: "The addition of Fluoride to water treatment has never

been used and will never be used in the future. The main reason for this is that it is not the Governments task to deliver medicinal treatment to people. This is the sole responsibility of Health Services."

  Denmark: According to the Danish Ministry of Environment and

Energy, toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies. Consequently, no Danish city has ever been fluoridated.


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Global Experience 2Sweden: Drinking water fluoridation is not allowed

in Sweden... “No new scientific documentation or changes that could alter the conclusions of the Commission have been demonstrated”

Associate Editor of the British Medical Journal, Douglas Carnall, stated: “Professionals who propose compulsory preventive measures for a whole population have a different weight of responsibility on their shoulders, than those who respond to the requests of individuals for help. Previously neutral on the issue, I am now persuaded by the arguments that those who wish to take fluoride (like me) had better get it from toothpaste rather than the water supply”

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Global Experience 3Czech Republic:"Since 1993, drinking water has not

been treated with fluoride throughout the Czech Republic for the following reasons: (a) UNECONOMICAL -only 0.54% of the water treated is used for drinking, the remainder is employed for hygiene etc. Furthermore, an increasing amount of consumers (particularly children) are using bottled water for drinking (underground water which usually contains fluorine)

(b) UNECOLOGICAL It is an environmental load by a foreign

substance.(c) UNETHICAL because it is "forced medication” (d) TOXILOGICALLY & physiologically debatable.

Fluoridation represents an untargeted form of supplementation which disregards actual individual intake and requirements and may lead to excessive health-threatening intake in certain population groups.

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Side Effects The 3 Stages of Fluorosis

Phase 1: sporadic pain; stiffness of joints; osteosclerosis of pelvis and vertebral column

Phase 2: chronic joint pain; arthritic symptoms; slight calcification of ligaments; increased osteosclerosis/cancellous bones; with/without osteoporosis of long bones.

Phase 3: Crippling Skeletal Fluorosis: limitation of joint movement; calcification of ligaments/neck and vertebral column; crippling deformities of spine and major joints; muscle wasting; neurological defects/ compression of spinal cord

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Some Examples of Fluorosis

hyperostosis, osteopetrosis

Page 13: To Fluoridate or NOT? Is this a question of who is the cleverest & therefore who wins the debate – the PRO’s or the CON’s? OR Is it Too Late/ Coup de Grâce/Fête

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoride1. No disease has ever been linked to fluoride deficiency2. Fluoridation is not necessary3. A trial of 39,000 children showed no decay difference4. Stopping the use of Fluoride did not result in > decay5. Family income is a > important factor than Fluoride 6. Decay incidence was decreasing before Fluoride use!7. Effects are Topical not Systemic so why swallow it?


8. FDA has never approved Fluoride for systemic use9. 48% of children using Fluoride suffer from Fluorosis

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10 Fluorosis means overdosing with Fluoride

11 No benefits only risks for infants ingesting Fluoride

12 Fluoride accumulates – 50% is retained by bones

13 It inhibits a number of enzyme actions

14 Aluminum-fluoride combination interferes with many hormonal and some neurochemical signals

15 It is mutagenic & can interfere with DNA repair16 Combines with Mg & Calcium leading to depletion17 Research revealed kidney & brain damage (mice)

18 The Environmental Protection Agency warned about the high potential neurotoxicity effects

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19 Many reports confirm Brain Damage from Fluoride!20 Five China studies showed IQ lowering in children 21 Jennifer Luke Ph.D Confirmed accumulation effects22 USA studies confirm decrease in Thyroid function23 Skeletal fluorosis mimics arthritis & can be missed24 High doses resulted in an > in bone fractures25 11/19 studies showed >in hip fractures in the elderly26 There may be > tendency to bone liver & oral cancer27 New Jersey study ? 6X risk bone cancer > young men

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28 Fluoridation programs are very poorly monitored29 Research reveals sperm & fertility damage. I urge

you to do a search for “The disappearing Male”30 It is not possible to monitor an individuals intake

once Fluoride is in the water supply31 It’s unethical – we’re not asked for informed

consent32 Individual rights (v) majority rule means a

referendum is unnecessary.33 1% of individuals are highly sensitive to Fluoride34 The elderly, diabetics & kidney disease patients are

vulnerable to toxic effects35 The poor or malnourished are also very vulnerable36 The real oral health CRISIS is poverty NOT Fluoride

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38 In 2000 a British Government Review could give no fluoridation trial a grade A classification. NONE

39 USA introduced Fluoridation in 1950 with no trials!40 Fluoride does not reduce pit & fissure decay.41 85% of teeth with pits & fissures dental decay!42 Fluoride in USA comes from hazardous wastes43 These wastes have NOT been tested – only

pharmaceutical grades have been tested44 There is an > uptake of lead in children on Fluoride45 1 teaspoon of Sodium Fluoride will kill an adult

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46 14 Nobel Laureates won’t endorse Fluoridation

47 Nobel Laureate in Medicine 2000: “I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history”

48 American College of Toxicology. “No credible people support the fluorophobics' view.”

49 Many scientists, doctors and dentists who have spoken out publicly on this issue have been subjected to censorship and intimidation.

50 The Union representing the scientists at US EPA headquarters “The requirement for every man, woman and child in America to ingest Fluoride borders on criminal behaviour on the part of the government.“

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Is This Enough to say NO FLUORIDE?

NO! HERE’S MORE….Question -What is the source of the FluorideAnswer – Japan & European CountriesQuestion – Why do they pay us to take their

FluorideAnswer – Because we are a dumping ground for

waste!Question – Is this a Meaningful Health IssueAnswer – Most definitely NOT. It is an unfortunate

truth that most major international issues: wars, finance (IMF & Federal Reserve) and Health (FDA Big Pharma etc) are concerns of greed and power.

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Life is Always a Matter of ChoicesWhat do YOU want to do? FIGHT IT

Approach/Fight the GovernmentCheck your Constitutional RightsTake it The Hague

AVOID ITDon’t drink the Water – Use TanksInvestigate an efficient filter system (distillation, reverse osmosis, & filtration through a special

fluoride/arsenic reduction medium called activated alumina)

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SO Remember – A Massive Fire Can Begin with the Smallest Ember.

That Ember is YOU

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Campylobacter Can Kill