tms - schedule of presentations and reports

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings Ten Minute Speech An Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies Michel Alves dos Santos Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - COPPE Advisors: D.Sc. Ricardo Marroquim & Ph.D. Cláudio Esperança {michel.mas,} Feb, 2015 Feb, 2015 «Schedule of Presentations and Reports» Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

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Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Ten Minute SpeechAn Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies

Michel Alves dos SantosGraduate Program in Systems Engineering and ComputingGraduate Program in Systems Engineering and ComputingFederal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - COPPEFederal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - COPPE

Advisors: D.Sc. Ricardo Marroquim & Ph.D. Cláudio Esperança


Feb, 2015Feb, 2015«Schedule of Presentations and Reports»

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Introduction - Schedule of Presentations and News

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Five Minute Speech� Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies.� First attempts of themes for dissertation.

Talk: Capacity-Constrained Distribution� Overview About the Tecnhnique of Points Distribution.� Visualization of Some Obtained Results and Videos.

Ten Minute Speech� Image-Based Reconstruction System With Color Consistency.� Main References About the Current Project.

Five/Ten Minute Speechs & Talks� TMS: Image Blending and Composite Methods.� Talk: The Poisson Image Editing Method.� Talk: Seamless Montage for Image-Based Reconstruction.� FMS: Definition and Applications of Kernel Functions.

� Some Informations About Views on Slideshare: Total Stats, Views per Country and Views per Month (Top 5%)

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

First Attempts of Themes

� Effectiveness of Image Quality Assessment Indexes

� A Framework for Harmonic Color Measures

� Intelligent Transfer of Thematic Harmonic Color Palettes

� Procedural Texture Synthesis for Natural Landscapes and Biomes

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

First Attempts of Themes

� Effectiveness of Image Quality Assessment Indexes

� A Framework for Harmonic Color Measures

� Intelligent Transfer of Thematic Harmonic Color Palettes

� Procedural Texture Synthesis for Natural Landscapes and Biomes

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Capacity-Constrained Distribution

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing





Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Capacity-Constrained :: Stippling

4096 Points 16384 Points 20000 Points393216 Samples 786432 Samples 1280000 Samples

4096 Points 8192 Points 12288 Points17.57 seconds09.62 seconds02.97 seconds

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing











Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Reconstruction With Color Consistency

� Image-Based Reconstruction Techniques.

� Elimination of Seams from Photomosaics.

� Seamless Mosaicing of Image-Based Texture Maps.

� Efficient Image Blending and Composite Methods.

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

[Seamless Montage for Texturing Models, Gal et. al, 2010]

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Image Blending MethodsImage Blending and Composite Methods

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

[A Multiresolution Spline With Application to Image Mosaics, Burt & Adelson, 1983]

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Poisson Editing & Seamless Montage

simple back-projection [Lempintsky & Ivanov] [Gal et. Al]

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

[Poisson Image Editing, Perez et. al, 2003]

[Seamless montage for texturing models, Gal et. al, 2010]

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Brief Speech About Kernel Functions

� Fundamental Properties: Real, Continuous, Positive, Simmetric, and Integrable.

� Applications: Machine Learning, Clustering, Pattern Matching, etc.

� Some Examples: Uniform, Triangular, Epanechnikov, Quartic, Triweight, Tricube,Gaussian, Cosine, Logistic, Silverman, Laplacian, Exponential, Rational, Spherical...

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Web Views - Slideshare


Over Twenty Thousand Views!

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

[, Michel Alves, 2015]

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Web Views - Slideshare - Countries

Over Twenty Thousand Views!

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

Web Views - Slideshare - Month

Over Twenty Thousand Views!

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

ThanksThanks for your attention!

Michel Alves dos Santos -

Michel Alves dos Santos - (Alves, M.)Federal University of Rio de JaneiroE-mail: [email protected], [email protected]ésumé: Page:

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ - Campus Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro - Ilha do Fundão - COPPE/PESC/LCG

Ten Minute Speech :: Overview of Activities Developed in Disciplines and Guided Studies :: Laboratory Seminars and Meetings

BibliographyM. Alves.Slideshare views, Feb 2015.URL

M. Balzer, T. Schlömer, and O. Deussen.Capacity-constrained point distributions: A variant of Lloyd’s method.ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2009), 28(3), 2009.

P. J. Burt and E. H. Adelson.A multiresolution spline with application to image mosaics.ACM Trans. Graph., 2(4):217–236, Oct. 1983.

R. Gal, Y. Wexler, E. Ofek, H. Hoppe, and D. Cohen-Or.Seamless montage for texturing models.Comput. Graph. Forum, 29(2):479–486, 2010.

A. Jacobson.Alec’s web log, Feb 2014.URL

P. Perez, M. Gangnet, and A. Blake.Poisson image editing.ACM Trans. Graph., 22(3):313–318, July 2003.

R. Szeliski.Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications.Texts in Computer Science. Springer, 2010.

Michel Alves: Laboratory of Computer Graphics/LCG Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computing