tm 1-1520-237-pmi_helicopter_eh-60_uh-60_2005

* TM 1-1520-237- PMI TECHNICAL MANUAL PHASE MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS PERIODIC INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR ARMY MODELS UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q AND HH-60L HELICOPTERS WARNING – This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec. 2751 et seq.) or the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq. Violation of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DOD Directive 5230.25. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors only due to Critical Technology effective as of 15 June 2003. Other requests must be referred to Commander, US Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: SFAE-AV-UH/L, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5230. DESTRUCTION NOTICE – Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. * This manual supersedes TM 1-1520-237-PMS-2, dated 1 May 2003, including all changes. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 30 APRIL 2005

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI_Helicopter_EH-60_UH-60_2005.pdf


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* TM 1-1520-237- PMI





WARNING – This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec. 2751 et seq.) or the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq. Violation of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DOD Directive 5230.25. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors only due to Critical Technology effective as of 15 June 2003. Other requests must be referred to Commander, US Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: SFAE-AV-UH/L, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5230. DESTRUCTION NOTICE – Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.

* This manual supersedes TM 1-1520-237-PMS-2, dated 1 May 2003, including all changes.


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TM 1-1520-237-PMI


Insert latest change pages; dispose of superseded pages in accordance with regulations.

NOTE: On a changed page, the portion of the text affected by the latest change is indicated by a vertical line in the outer margin of the page. Changes to illustrations are indicated by a vertical line in the outer margin of the page next to the illustration title. Dates of issue for original and change pages are:

Original 0........................ 30 April 2005

The total number of pages in this manual is 124.

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

UNCLASSIFIED MSG DTG 221920Z MAR 05 FROM CDRAMCOM, REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL //AMSAM-SF-A// SUBJECT - SAFETY OF FLIGHT (SOF), TECHNICAL, RCSCSGLD-1860(R1), ALL UH-60A/L, EH-60A/L, UH-60Q, HH-60L, AND MH-60L SERIES AIRCRAFT, ENHANCED SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE (ESM) PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION, UH-60-05-SOF-02 ...................NOTE................... This message is effective until rescinded or superseded. ...................NOTE................... This message is issued IAW AR 95-1 and has not been transmitted to units subordinate to addressees. Addressees will immediately retransmit this message to all subordinate units, activities or elements affected or concerned. MACOMs will immediately verify this transmission to the AMCOM SOF Compliance Officer (AMSAM-SF-A, [email protected]). ...................NOTE................... MACOM commanders may authorize temporary exception from message requirements IAW AR 95-1, Ch 6. Exception may only occur when combat operations or matter of life or death in civil disasters or other emergencies are so urgent that they override the consequences of continued aircraft operation. ...................NOTE................... Commanders who are unable to comply with the requirements of this message within the time frame specified will change the affected aircraft status symbol to a Red //X//. 1. SUMMARY - 1.1. Background - A UH-60 Black Hawk Scheduled Maintenance Process Review

recommended initiation of a program to study the feasibility of extending the Preventive Maintenance Services (PMS-1/PMS-2) for the purpose of increasing the operational readiness of the fleet. The plan authorized a small number of field units to conduct Operational Evaluations (OPEVAL) of the increased maintenance interval proposal. Units selected to participate in this OPEVAL program, under high OPTEMPO have reported a significant decrease in maintenance downtime with no airworthiness issues attributed to the increased inspection intervals. The Department of the Army has decided to implement the ESM Program Fleet-wide. Current scheduled maintenance program consists of a PMS-1 conducted every 10 Hour/14 Day (30 Hour/42 Days), a PMS-2, conducted every 500 flight hours, and a variety of special inspections. The ESM program rearranges these inspections to incorporate a Preventive Maintenance Daily (PMD), performed either after completion of the last flight of the day, or prior to first flight of each mission day; a 40 Hour Preventive Maintenance Services (PMS); and a 350/700 Hour split phase (PMI-1 and PMI-2) inspection. Current special inspections performed at 100 flight hours are performed at 120 hours under ESM Program. An extensive evaluation has been conducted on the airworthiness impact of changing existing inspections to intervals within the ESM format. Those inspections that could not be extended have either been retained at current interval as a special inspection or have been incorporated into a more

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

accommodating interval. As a result, there is no airworthiness impact in implementing the ESM Program which will result in significant savings in maintenance man-hours and increase flexibility for the UH-60 maintenance community.

1.2. Message Purpose - 1.2.1. Revise/Change recurring inspection intervals, established in previous safety

messages and Technical Bulletins (TB). 1.2.2. Announce issuance of TB 1-1520-237-20-266 which changes the current PMS-1

inspection from a 10 Hour/14 Day to a daily (PMD) and 40 Hour inspection (PMS) and revises the current Preventative Maintenance Services schedule from 500 flight hours to 350/700 flight hours.

1.2.3. Revise recurring Special Inspection intervals. 1.2.4. Announce forthcoming changes to TBO/Retirement Life Limits of TM 1-1520-237-23

and adjust oil sampling requirements to accommodate scheduled ESM requirements of TB 1-1520-237-266.

2. END ITEMS AFFECTED - All UH-60A/L, EH-60A/L, UH-60Q, HH-60L and MH-60L series aircraft.


COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS - 4.1. Upon receipt of this message, make the following entry on the DA Form 2408-13-1. Enter

a Red Horizontal Dash //-// status symbol with the following statement: "Comply with requirements of UH-60-05-SOF-02 NLT 30 June 2005."

...................NOTE..................... The TAMMS compliance reporting form is available at "" (use lower case letters only) or may be obtained from the units servicing LAR. Alternate forms may be approved by the AMCOM SOF Compliance Officer. ...................NOTE..................... The TAMMS Compliance Report only confirms the unit has made the initial logbook entry for assigned aircraft. TAMMS Compliance Reports will include aircraft serial numbers (in numerical order), date of entry on DA Form 2408-13-1, unit address, local POC name and phone number. 4.2. TAMMS Compliance Report - Submit TAMMS Compliance Report via priority email to

"mailto:[email protected]" NLT 29 Mar 05 IAW AR 95-1. If email is not available, the report may be faxed to: SOF Compliance Officer at DSN 897-2111 or (256) 313-2111.

5. TASK/INSPECTION COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS - ...................NOTE................... The Task/Inspection Reporting Form is available at "". (use lower case letters only) or may be obtained from the units servicing LAR.

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

5.1. Aircraft - Submit Task/Inspection Compliance Report for this message to "mailto:[email protected]" NLT 7 Jul 05.

5.2. Retail Stock (Installation level and below) - N/A. 5.3. Wholesale Stock (Including Depot stock, Depot Maintenance and Single Stock Fund) -

N/A. 6. SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO MESSAGE REQUIREMENTS (AIRCRAFT) - 6.1. Aircraft in AVIM or Depot level maintenance (to include RESET) - Commanders, facility

managers and contractors will continue to issue aircraft IAW current maintenance procedures. Aircraft issued 30 June 2005 or later must be in compliance with the ESM Program IAW para 7 of this SOF.

6.2. Aircraft currently maintained under the provisions of Airworthiness Release (AWR) 1220 are exempt from the provisions of this message.

6.3. Aircraft in Surface/Air shipment - Unit commanders in receipt of deployment/redeployment orders and unable to comply prior to the date specified in para 4.1. may defer initial requirements as follows - Comply with all message requirements within 90 days of arrival.

7. TECHNICAL PROCEDURES/INSTRUCTIONS - ...................NOTE..................... Maintenance schedules imposed by previous Safety Messages referencing 10 Hour/14 Day and Before First Flight of the Day visual inspections, have been incorporated, and will be completed during the Daily Inspection (PMD). This message is the authority to change current DA Form 2408-13-1 entry referencing compliance at 10 Hour/14 Day frequency to a Daily visual inspection ...................NOTE................... ULLS-A users may use this message as authority to use the updated H-60 series Inspection Code Files. To obtain an updated Inspection Legitimate Code File contact one of the POCs in paragraph 13.5. 7.1. Upon receipt of this message Unit Commanders will ensure all flight crews and maintenance personnel are briefed concerning the following inspection items. Implementation of ESM induction will be completed NLT 30 June 2005. ...................CAUTION................... Existing Airworthiness Releases (AWRs) containing specific inspection schedules outside of those listed within this message and TB 1-1520-237-20-266, are not affected or superseded by this message. Under no circumstances shall AWR mandated inspections be performed at intervals greater than those specified in the AWR. If any conflict exists contact the Technical POC listed in each applicable AWR for assistance. ...................NOTE................... All existing inspections requiring less than 40 flight hour frequencies will be aligned with the PMD or appear under the special inspection sections of the TM 1-1520-237-23, and managed on aircraft DA Form 2408-18. ...................NOTE...................

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

The ESM program will only be implemented in its entirety at company/detachment level or above when sufficient publications are available. Each individual aircraft shall require a PMD and PMS checklist retained in the aircraft. ....................NOTE................... Contact the Technical POC in TB 1-1520-237-20-266 concerning questions with induction/scheduling of aircraft into the ESM Program. 7.2. The PMD will be implemented as follows: 7.2.1. When in receipt of TM 1-1520-237-PMD, the PMD required entry will be entered on

aircraft DA Form 2408-13 IAW DA PAM 738-751. The entry may be cleared when the Preventive Maintenance Daily Inspection (PMD) is performed in accordance with TM 1-1520-237-PMD, TM 1-1500-328-23, and DA PAM 738-751. The PMD may be accomplished after completion of the last flight of the mission day or prior to the first flight of the mission day. All Before First Flight inspections are contained within the PMD and do not require additional entries. The PMD inspection requirement is satisfied for 7 days if the aircraft is not flown.

7.2.2. A 10 Hour special inspection of the blade pin shall be scheduled and monitored as a DA Form 2408-18 entry as outlined in TB 1-1520-237-20-266.

7.3. The 40/Hour Preventive Maintenance Service (PMS) will be implemented as follows: 7.3.1. Add the entry to DA Form 2408-18 for PMS at a 40 hour interval since the last

documented 30 Hour/42 Day inspection was performed. Delete the entries for 10 Hour/14 Day and 30 Hour/42 Day requirement.

7.3.2. Realign the 30 Hour Special Inspection requirements as outlined in TB 1-1520-237-20-266 with the (PMS) 40 Hour Service.

7.4. Revise recurring Special Inspections on the DA Form 2408-18 as follows: 7.4.1. The 100 Hour Inspections will be performed at 120 flight hours. 7.4.2. The 250 Hour Inspections will be incorporated into 350/700 Hour PMI inspections. 7.4.3. The 1000 Hour/36 month special requirements will be changed in current manuals to

reflect 1000 hour/48 month inspection interval. 7.4.4. Current 90 Day Corrosion Inspection is changed to ESM 90 Day Corrosion Inspection. 7.4.5. The 100, 250 and 500 hour Engine inspection intervals have been changed to

accommodate the ESM Format. Changes to TM 1-2840-248-23 are forthcoming and revised schedules are included in TB 1-1520-237-20-266.

7.5. The 350/700 hour Phase Inspection (PMI) will be implemented as follows: 7.5.1. Conduct a records review to determine when the last Periodic Inspection was completed. Aircraft with more than 150 hours remaining until the next Periodic Inspection will be

scheduled for either a PMI-1 or a PMI-2 at 350 hours since the last (PMS-2) inspection. The opposite PMI will then be due 350 hours later for aircraft inducted into this schedule. Aircraft with less than 150 hours until the next PMS-2 inspection, will perform either a PMI-1 or a PMI-2 at 500 hours (or earlier at Unit discretion) since last PMS-2 was performed. The opposite PMI inspection will then be due 200 plus hours later for aircraft inducted into this schedule. The reason for the 200 plus hour limit is to prevent any aircraft from exceeding 700 hours since the last PMS-2, when the opposite PMI areas were inspected.

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

...................NOTE..................... Units are authorized to use the current maintenance program IAW TM 1-1520-237 series with changes 1 and 2 during the implementation period (up to 30 Jun 05) until conversion to the ESM program has been fully incorporated. 7.5.2. All aircraft currently inducted into a PMS-2 maintenance inspection will complete that

inspection. Refer to TB 1-1520-237-20-266 for specific examples of induction into the Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program.

...................NOTE.................... The TB/TMs associated with this SOF are scheduled to be printed and distributed in April 2005. Official copies of the TB/TMs are available for download as below. These copies may be used for advance viewing and implementation at the discretion of the unit commander. 7.6. TB 1-1520-237-20-266, TM 1-1520-237-PMD/PMI/PMS checklists are available at website

shown below. Enter the website addresses using lower case letters only. Access to the AMCOM Safety website requires an AKO ID and password.

7.6.1. Download TB 1-1520-237-20-266 at"".

7.6.2. Download TM 1-1520-237-PMD at "".

7.6.3. Download TM 1-1520-237-PMS at "".

7.6.4. Download TM 1-1520-237-PMI at "".

7.6.5. The above documents may also be obtained through the UH-60 KAMNET website at "". Registered User ID and Password is required for access to this site.

7.6.6. If unable to download publications from either source, contact the supporting Logistics Assistance Rep (LAR) for assistance.

7.7. Clear the initial entry from para 4.1. and note compliance on DA Form 2408-15. 8. PROCEDURES/INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLIES/COMPONENTS/PARTS IN WORK

OR IN STOCK (AT ALL LEVELS INCLUDING WAR RESERVES) - N/A. 9. SPECIAL TOOLS AND FIXTURES REQUIRED - N/A. 10. SUPPLY/PARTS (REQUISITION/DISPOSITION) - N/A. 11. MAINTENANCE APPLICATION - 11.1. Category of maintenance - AVUM/AVIM/DEPOT/Contractor Support Teams. 11.2. Estimated time required - N/A. 12. PUBLICATION REQUIREMENTS - 12.1. References - 12.1.1. AR 95-1, Aviation Flight Regulations. 12.1.2. DA Pam 738-751, Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management

System - Aviation (TAMMS-A). 12.1.3. TM 1-1500-328-23 - Aeronautical Equipment, Maintenance Management, Policies and

Procedures, 30 July 1999.

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

12.1.4. TM 1-1520-237-PMS-1 - Preventive Maintenance Services, 10 Hour/14 Day Inspection Checklist for Army Models UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q and HH-60L Helicopters, 1 May 2003.

12.1.5. TM 1-1520-237-PMS-2 - Preventive Maintenance Services, Periodic Inspection Checklist for Army Models UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q and HH-60L Helicopters, 1 May 2003.

12.1.6. TM 1-1520-237-PMD - Preventive Maintenance Daily, Daily Inspection Checklist for Army Models UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q and HH-60L Helicopters, 30 Apr 05.

12.1.7. TM 1-1520-237-PMS - Preventive Maintenance Services, 40 Hour Inspection Checklist for Army Models UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q and HH-60L Helicopters, 30 Apr 05.

12.1.8. TM 1-1520-237-PMI - Phase Maintenance Inspections, Periodic Inspection Checklist for Army Models UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q and HH-60L Helicopters, 30 Apr 05.

12.1.9. TB 1-1520-237-20-266, H-60 Series Aircraft Preventive Maintenance Daily (PMD), 40 Hour Preventive Maintenance Service (PMS) and 700 Hour Split Maintenance Inspection (PMI) Implementation".

12.1.10. TM 1-1520-237-23, Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance for Army Models UH-60A, UH-60L, EH-60A, UH-60Q and HH-60L Helicopters, 1 May 2003.

12.1.11. TM 1-2840-248-23, Aviation Unit And Intermediate Maintenance Manual, Engine, Aircraft, Turboshaft Models T700-GE-700, T700-GE-701, T700-GE-701C, 1 Jun 99

12.2. Publication changes - Routine Publication changes (reference 12.1.10 and 12.1.11) are currently in progress to support this message. In the absence of revised changes, this message may be used as authority to implement the changes until official documentation is received.

13. POINTS OF CONTACT - 13.1. Engineering POC's for this message: 13.1.1. Primary is Mr. Ralph C. Vemmer, AMSRD-AMR-AE-U, DSN 897-2350 X9719/9715 or

(256) 705-9719/9715. Fax is (256) 705-9896. Email is "[email protected]". 13.1.2. Alternate is Mr. Stephen P. Dorey, DSN 897-2350 X5326 or (256) 319-5326. Email is

"[email protected]" 13.2. Program Induction POC's for ESM: 13.2.1. Primary POCs are: Rick Paradis or Mike Kirkpatrick, (CAS), DSN 645-9946, or (256)

922-7708/7709. Email is: [email protected]". 13.2.2. Alternate POC is Wally Newcomb (APM R&S), SFAE-AV-UH, DSN 645-8769, or

(256) 955-8769. Fax is (256) 313-3794. Email is "[email protected]". 13.3. Logistical POC - Mr. Joe Hoover, SFAE-AV-UH-L, DSN 645-7898 or (256) 955-7898.

Fax is DSN 897-3778 OR (256) 313-3778. Email is "[email protected]". 13.4. Forms and Records POCs are - 13.4.1. Primary - Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, DSN 746-5564 or (256) 876-

5564. Fax is DSN 746-4904 or (256) 876-4904. Email is "[email protected]".

13.4.2. Alternate - Ms. Sibyl Johnson, AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, DSN 746-5564 or (256) 876-6696. Fax is DSN 746-6696 or (256) 876-4904. Email is "[email protected]".

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UH-60-05-SOF-02 221920Z MAR 05 Enhanced Scheduled Maintenance (ESM) Program

13.5. ULLS-A Inspection Legitimate Code File POCs are - 13.5.1. Primary - Mr. San Yen Lee, AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, DSN 746-4468 or (256) 876-

4468. FAX is DSN 746-4904 or (256) 876-4904. Email is "[email protected]". 13.5.2. Alternate - Mr. Morgan Evans, AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, DSN 897-1486 or (256) 313-

1486. FAX is DSN 746-4904 or (256) 876-4904. Email is "[email protected]".

13.6. Safety POCs are - 13.6.1. Primary - Mr. Frank Rosebery (SAIC), AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 788-8631 or (256) 842-

8631. Fax is DSN 897-2111 or (256) 313-2111. Email is "[email protected]".

13.6.2. Alternate - Mr. Ron Price, AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 788-8636- or (256) 842-8636, Fax is DSN 897-2111 or (256) 313-2111. Email is "[email protected]".

13.7. Foreign Military Sales POC is Mr. Ronnie W. Sammons, AMSAM-SA-AS-UT, DSN 897-0875 or (256) 313-0875. Fax is DSN 897-0411 or (256) 313-0411. Email is

"[email protected]". 13.8. After hours, contact the AMCOM Operations Center (AOC) DSN 897-2066/7 or (256)

313-2066/7. ...................NOTE................... ....A listing of published safety messages can be viewed at ...."". ....This is a secured website which requires an Army Knowledge ....Online (AKO) ("") ID and password. ....

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI



GENERAL INFORMATION AND SCOPE 1. OZONE DEPLETING CHEMICAL INFORMATION. To be determined. 2. HAZARDOUS INFORMATION. To be determined. 3. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. This manual contains complete requirements for periodic inspection for UH-60A, UH-60L, UH-60Q, HH-60L, and EH-60A helicopters. It does not contain instructions for repair, adjustment, or other means of rectifying conditions, nor does it contain instructions for troubleshooting to find causes for malfunctioning. Specific tolerances, limits, etc., can be found in the applicable maintenance manuals. Use of the Maintenance Task Matrix, Alphabetic Index, or Table of Contents in the applicable manuals will aid in finding the required information. The inspection requirements in this manual establish basic criteria for inspecting for damage, i. e. cracks, corrosion, etc. When an inspection for cracks is called out, the inspection should be in compliance with procedures in TM 1-1520-265-23 (Nondestructive Inspection Procedures For UH-60 Helicopters Series) unless otherwise noted. If the procedures are not addressed in the TM 1-1520-265-23, then use procedures called out in TM 1-1500- 335-23 (Nondestructive Inspection Methods). 4. PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS. A phase inspection, for the most part, is normally done by Tactical Transport

Helicopter Repairers, MOS 15T. In addition, certain specialists are needed for some inspections. These specialists include an Aircraft Powerplant Repairer, MOS 15B, an Aircraft Electrician, MOS 15F, and an Avionics Mechanic, MOS 15N. The MOS column specifies which MOS is to do the inspection procedure. 5. SCOPE. The inspection prescribed by this manual will be done at specified periods by aviation unit maintenance activities. 6. DEFINITION. The UH-60 Phased Maintenance Inspection program consists of 2 separate and different inspections performed at a 350 hour interval on a 700 hour cycle. Phase Maintenance Inspection #1 will be due at 350 aircraft hours. Phase Maintenance Inspection #2 will occur 350 hours after Phased Maintenance Inspection #1. The applicable inspection requirements (#1, #2, ALL) are annotated in the left hand column of this manual next to the required inspection. 7. GENERAL INFORMATION.

a. The inspection requirements herein state when certain equipment is to be inspected and what conditions are desired. Compliance is required to be sure that potential deficiencies are discovered and corrected before malfunctioning or serious trouble results. To arrange inspection requirements according to the manner in which

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work will be done, the requirements in each area are divided into groups under area headings (Figure 1-1). An area title indicates a specific helicopter location, which may be composed of several systems of groups of related components within this given area. Refer to Army Regulations and Operator's Manual for personnel requirements and procedures for ground run and flight checking the helicopter.

b. This manual is for all UH-60A, UH-60L, UH-60Q,

HH-60L, and EH-60A helicopters and may therefore contain inspection requirements that apply to specific equipment not installed on individual helicopters. When this situation is met, those requirements that do not apply should be disregarded. 8. EXCEEDING THE PHASE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION SCHEDULE. The phase maintenance inspection interval designated is the maximum and shall not be exceeded except in actual operational emergencies as explained herein. For this purpose, operational emergencies are conditions of combat or conditions of disaster, which necessitate flight to evacuate helicopter or personnel. Those items annotated by the letter C, along with any items that are due on the DA Form 2408-18 (Equipment Inspection Record), are considered the minimum mandatory combat maintenance inspection requirements for helicopters scheduled for imminent deployment to, or stationed in, a combat environment. Under no circumstances will two combat 700-hour cycle inspections be performed sequentially. When helicopters are operated beyond the normal inspection due time because of such emergency situations, a circled red X status symbol and an

appropriate statement (to include authority) must be entered in DA Form 2408-13, DA Form 2408-13-E, DA Form 2408-13-1, and DA Form 2408-13-1-E (Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record) until such time as the inspection is complete. When inspections are delayed to meet emergency requirements, Commanders will assure that helicopter's status symbol reverts to a red X and that delayed inspections are accomplished immediately upon termination of the actual emergency. When unusual local conditions (utilization, type of mission, personnel, periods of inactivity, environmental conditions, etc.) dictate, it is the prerogative and responsibility of the Maintenance Officer to increase the scope and/or frequency of maintenance or inspection as necessary to ensure safe operation (TM 1-1500-328-23). 9. PREINSPECTION MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT (MTF). A pre-inspection MTF to duplicate non-hazardous equipment problems, determine unsatisfactory condition, determine equipment operation problems, etc., is recommended prior to start of helicopter disassembly for phase maintenance inspection. The decision to perform the pre-inspection MTF, however, shall be the responsibility of the unit Maintenance Officer. 10. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, CALENDAR INSPECTIONS, AND LUBRICATION REQUIREMENTS. Special inspection, calendar inspections, cleaning, and lubrication requirements contained in TM 1-1520-237-23 and those listed on the aircraft DA Form 2408-18 shall be reviewed and accomplished in accordance with the inspection due requirements specified in those documents.

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI


11. TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL (TBO) AND RETIREMENT LIFE ITEMS CHECK. Prior to start of the phase maintenance inspection, a check will be made of components and their remaining operating hours prior to removal. The latest issue of the aircraft's TM 1-1520-237-23 shall be referred to for a complete listing of components and their TBO and retirement life. 12. REQUESTS FOR ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION. All requests for engineering authorization, when required by this manual, will be forwarded to Commander, US Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSRD-AMR-AE-U, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. Urgent requests shall be clearly identified to ensure priority handling and response. The requests shall include detailed information on the problem, e.g., sketches, photographs, dimensional data, etc., to assist in the evaluation and prompt reply. 13. REPORTING ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVEMENTS. You can help improve this manual. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve these procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter or DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) located in the back of this manual, directly to: Commander, US Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-MA-NP, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. A reply will be furnished to you. You may also provide DA Form 2028 information to AMCOM via e-mail, fax, or the World Wide Web. Our fax number is: DSN 788-6546 or Commercial 256-842-6546. Our e-mail address is: [email protected]. Instructions for sending an electronic 2028 may be found at

the back of this manual immediately preceding the hard copy 2028. For the World Wide Web use: 14. INSPECTION AREAS. Inspection areas are shown in Figure 1-1. 15. KAPTON WIRES. Some UH-60A helicopters have wires that are Kapton-insulated. The outer jacket of this type wire is dark yellow and provides a surface for wire identification. Under the dark-yellow jacket is the copper-colored Kapton insulation. Beneath the insulation is the silver-coated electrical wire. If the outer jacket wears or peels, the copper-colored insulation may become visible. Exposure of copper-colored insulation is not a failure. Wire repair/replacement is required only if the insulation is damaged and/or the electrical wire is exposed. 16. USING THE PHASE INSPECTION CHECKLIST.

a. A new checklist shall be used each time phase maintenance is due on the aircraft. This checklist is arranged so it can be separated by area and distributed to the maintenance crew. The applicable inspection requirements (#1, #2, ALL) are annotated in the left hand column of this manual next to the required inspection. The number 1 indicates the inspection shall be performed during phase one and the number 2 during phase two. Whenever, the word “ALL” appears in this column the inspection shall be performed during both phases. All forms and records shall be prepared in accordance with PAM 738-751.

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(1) Space is provided on each checklist form for entering the following data:

(a) The number of the periodic inspection being performed.

(b) Aircraft serial number. (c) Date of the inspection.

(2) For each inspection item a column is provided for

entering the following data:

(a) Status. (Not Used) (b) Fault and/or Remarks. (c) Action Taken. (d) Initials/PID of person performing the inspection.

b. Figure 1-2 shows examples of methods used to make

entries on the periodic maintenance checklist forms.

c. Additional space following each area of inspection is provided to allow insertion of special inspection items resulting from TBs, MWOs, etc., and local command inspection items. 17. STATUS SYMBOLS. This column should be left blank.

18. FAULTS AND/OR REMARKS. When aircraft disassembly is required to complete an inspection requirement, the maintenance related actions will be entered on a DA Form 2408-13-2/2408-13-2-E. The number "2408-13-2" shall be entered in the "Fault and/or Remarks" column on the inspection checklist. If no aircraft disassembly is required to complete the inspection, this column will be left blank. 19. ACTION TAKEN.

a. Upon completion of each inspection requirement task listed in the checklist, if no faults were found relating to the inspection, the person who performed the inspection will enter "Insp OK" in the "Action Taken" block of the checklist and enter their initials in the "Initial" block.

b. If a deficiency or fault that is related to the inspection requirement task is discovered, the person who performed the inspection shall enter "Insp Compl" in the "Action Taken" block, enter the fault or deficiency on DA Form 2408-13-1/2408-13-1E, and then enter their initials in the "Initial" block of the checklist. If an inspection item is not applicable to the specific equipment installed on an individual aircraft, a N/A entry is required. The initials of the person making the entry shall be entered in the Initial column. 20. INITIAL. The person performing the inspection shall enter their initials/PID in the Initial column opposite the first line of the Action Taken entry.

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21. FINAL RECORDS CHECK. After all corrective actions have been completed and following completion of the phase inspection, the technical inspector or designated supervisor shall verify that all applicable forms and records have been properly updated. All uncorrected faults shall be entered on DA Form 2408-13-1 prepared for that date or transcribed to the DA Form 2408-14. A final Records Checklist (Table 1-2) is provided to ensure forms and records have been inspected for completeness and accuracy prior to release of the aircraft from phase maintenance inspection. The inspector verifying the final records check shall initial adjacent to the indicated form or record on the Final Records Checklist. The initials entered shall be registered on the Signature Sheet (Table 1-1) adjacent to that person's signature. 22. SIGNATURE SHEET. All personnel performing inspection and/or maintenance tasks shall place their signatures and initials on the Signature Sheet (Table 1-1). The purpose of the Signature Sheet is to provide a correlation between initials entered on the individual checklist sheets and the actual names of the personnel accomplishing these tasks. 23. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL CHECKS. After the completion of any required corrective actions to any of the components of a functional system of the aircraft, a Maintenance Operational Check (MOC) shall be performed on that system to determine the effectiveness of maintenance actions performed and to verify the proper operation of that system. The MOC shall be performed in accordance with TM 1-1500-328-23. Copies of

supplemental sheets may be used to record and sign-off the MOC performed. 24. MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT. A Limited Test Flight shall be performed at the completion of PMI 1 for those items inspected/disassembled, which generate a test flight requirement. A General Maintenance Test Flight (GMTF) will be performed when all inspections in PMI-2 have been accomplished. All MTF’s shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of TM 1-1500-328-23, TM 1-1520-237-MTF, and using the MTF Form in the MTF Technical Manuals. 25. CHECKLIST DISPOSITION. The completion of each phase shall be recorded on DA Form 2408-13-1 as prescribed by PAM 738-751. The signed checklists, including all DA Forms 2408-13/2408-13-E, 2408-13-1/2408-13-1-E, 2408-13-2/2408-13-2-E, and 2408-13-3 shall be attached to the DA Form 2408-13-1, and filed for the six-month period as required by PAM 738-751. 26. USE OF ICONS. An icon shall identify ranges of helicopter affectivities, MWOs, and production line modifications referenced throughout this manual. Icons used in this manual are described as follows:

a. External Stores Support System ESSS. UH-60A serial numbers 82-23748 and subsequent, EH-60A, UH-60L are provisioned for ESSS. Icon shown as ESSS. UH-60A prior to serial number 82-23748 are not provisioned for ESSS. Icon shown as W/O ESSS.

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b. Hover Infrared Suppressor System HIRSS. UH-60A serial numbers 86-24560 and subsequent, UH-60L, and EH-60A, or UH-60A modified by MWO 1-1520-237-50-63. Icon shown as HIRSS. UH-60A prior to serial number 86-24560 not modified by MWO 1-1520-237-50-63. Icon shown as W/O HIRSS.

c. Modification of Dowel Pin Retention, Main Gear Box MWO 50-43. UH-60A serial numbers 87-27004 and subsequent, UH-60L and EH-60A serial numbers 87-24663 and subsequent, or UH-60A and EH-60A modified by MWO 55-1520-237-50-43. Icon shown as MWO 50-43. UH-60A prior to serial number 87-27004 and EH-60A prior to serial number 87-24663 not modified by MWO 55-1520-237-50-43. Icon shown as W/O MWO 50-43.

d. Roll Vibration Absorber ROLL. UH-60L serial

numbers 90-26278 and subsequent, or modified by MWO 1-1520-237-50-60 and EH-60A serial numbers 87-24669 and subsequent. Icon shown as ROLL.

e. UH-60Q MEDEVAC Helicopter UH-60Q. UH-60A

helicopters modified to provide MEDEVAC missions. Icon shown as UH-60Q.

f. HH-60L MEDEVAC Helicopter HH-60L. UH-60L

helicopters modified to provide MEDEVAC missions. Icon shown as HH-60L

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Figure 1: Area Diagram

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AREA NO. 1: Cockpit Section All surfaces, material, components, and equipment inside and outside of the cockpit and electronics compartment, and extending rear to manufacturing break point at fuselage station 247.0.

AREA NO. 2: Cabin Section All surfaces, material, components, and equipment inside and outside of the fuselage, from STA 247.0 to STA 379.0 (includes, but not limited to, main landing gear, UH-60Q HH-60L rescue hoist, and medical interior<).

AREA NO. 3: Transition Section All surfaces, material, components, and equipment inside and outside of the fuselage, from STA 379.0 to STA 485.0.

AREA NO. 4: Tail Cone Section All surfaces, material, components, and equipment inside and outside of the fuselage, from STA 485.0 to STA 648.0.

AREA NO. 5: Tail Rotor Pylon Section All surfaces, material, components, and equipment inside and outside rear of STA 648.0 (includes, but not limited to, horizontal stabilator, tail rotor and blades, tail gear box, intermediate gear box).

AREA NO. 6: Main Rotor Pylon All surfaces, material, components, and equipment inside and outside, above cabin section (includes, but not limited to, main transmission, main rotor head, main rotor blades).

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Table 1-1. Signature Sheet

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Person Accomplishing Necessary Work Initial

Signature of Maintenance Supervisor Initial

Signature of Technical Inspector Initial

Signature of Technical Inspector Initial

Signature of Technical Inspector Initial

Signature of Maintenance Officer Initial

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.

Figure 1-2. Example of Using Periodic Maintenance Checklist

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Table 1-2. Final Records Checklist

This checklist is provided to ensure the indicated forms and records have been inspected for presence, completeness, legibility, and accuracy prior to releasing the aircraft from a periodic inspection. Placing the initials of the inspector, in the appropriate initial block, will indicate verification of inspection. AIRCRAFT LOGBOOK INITIAL HISTORICAL RECORDS INITIAL DA FORM 2408 DA FORM 2408-5 DA FORM 2408-12 DA FORM 2408-5-1 DA FORM 2408-13 DA FORM 2408-15 DA FORM 2408-13-1 DA FORM 2408-15-2 DA FORM 2408-13-2 DA FORM 2408-16 DA FORM 2408-14-1 DA FORM 2408-16-1 DA FORM 2408-18 DA FORM 2408-17 TM 1-1520-237-PMD DA FORM 2408-19-2 TM 1-1520-237-MTF DA FORM 2408-20 LOCALLY REQUIRED FORMS LOCALLY REQUIRED FORMS

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Table 1-2. Final Records Checklist




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PHASE INSPECTION CHECKLIST PMI 27. INSPECTION PROCEDURES The following checklist is to be locally reproduced each time periodic maintenance is due.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

NOTE • Before starting this inspection, review

aircraft forms and records for discrepancies (PAM 738-751).

• Review cleaning requirements in TM

1-1520-237-23, Chapter 1, Section 4. • Review lubrication requirements in

TM 1-1520-237-23, Chapter 1, Section 5.

• Refer to TM 1-1520-237-23 for specific

inspection procedures and accept/reject criteria.

1 C

1.1 Inspect exterior for cracks, distortion, delamination of reinforced plastic, and security of fasteners. − Inspect air inlets for obstruction. − Inspect cockpit tub drain holes for

blockage. − Inspect nose vibration absorber for

wear and security.

0.05 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 1.2 Inspect outboard and center windshields and upper and lower window panels as follows:

− Check outboard windshield panels for

damage, delamination, general clarity, loose screws, and visible signs of leakage.

− Check center windshield panel for

damage, delamination, general clarity, loose screws, and visible signs of leakage.

− Check upper window panel for

damage, general clarity, loose screws, and visible signs of leakage.

− Check lower window panel for

damage, general clarity, loose screws, and visible signs of leakage.

0.06 15T

1 1.3 Inspect windshield wiper system as follows: − Inspect windshield wiper blades for

wear, cracks, and deterioration. − Inspect wiper arms for damage and

loss of tension against windshield.

0.04 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect windshield wiper converters, flex drives, and motor for damage and security.

1 1.4 Inspect nose door as follows:

− Inspect interior and exterior of nose door for cracks, distortion, and security of fasteners.

− Make sure vent and duct drain line

openings are free of obstructions. − Inspect door seal for deterioration and

loose adhesive bonds. − Inspect interior for signs of leakage. − Check latches for corrosion and

security and positive latching. − Check hinge fittings for cracks using

10X magnifying glass.

0.03 15T

1 1.5 Inspect controllable searchlight andlanding light as follows:

− Inspect controllable searchlight and

landing light lenses for cracks, cleanness, and looseness.

− Check that lights are stowed properly.

0.01 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 C

1.6 Inspect cockpit doors as follows:

− Perform a functional checkout of jettison mechanism on both cockpit doors.

− Inspect both doors for cracks,

corrosion, distortion and security of fasteners.

− Inspect seals for deterioration,

loosening of bonds, and signs of leakage.

− Check doors for freedom of

movement and that latches operate without binding and hold securely.

− Inspect sliding windows for ease of

operation (no binding) and proper closure.

− Inspect one-piece windows for

condition and security.

0.24 15T

1 C

1.7 Inspect pilot's and copilot's seats as follows:

− Inspect pilots and copilot's seat

frames, buckets, and wings for visible damage and wear on moving parts.

0.1 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check for wear, binding, any condition preventing proper operation, and secure locking.

− Check security of clevis screws and

lockwire on ARA seats serial numbers 0009 through 1773.

− Check torque stripe security detail of

trunnion bolts on all Simula seats. If torque stripe indicates slippage, refer to maintenance procedures for corrective action. If torque strip not applied, refer to maintenance procedures for installation of torque stripe to trunnion bolts.

1 1.8 Inspect area below pilot's and copilot's seats as follows:

− Place pilot and copilot's seats in the

reclining position. Remove protective fabric covers over compartments.

− Inspect brake lines for chafing,

security, and leaks. − Inspect parking brake valve and slave

valves for security and leakage. − Inspect parking brake linkage for wear

and security.

0.06 15T 15N

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect coax cables, connectors, FM coupler, ADF amplifier, and Doppler antenna for damage and security.

− Inspect pitot-static lines for damage,

obstructions, cleanness, and security. − Install protective fabric covers over

compartments. − Place pilot and copilot's seats in the

upright position.

1 1.9 Inspect engine control quadrant as follows:

− Inspect engine control quadrant for

condition. − Check that NO. 1 and NO. 2 ENG

POWER CONTROL and NO. 1 and NO. 2 ENG FUEL SYS levers are shut off and #1 and #2 ENG EMER OFF T-handles are fully forward.

− Inspect flex cable mounting bracket at

STA 235 overhead for security and chafing of cables.

0.02 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 1.10 Inspect pilot's and copilot's cyclic sticks as follows: − Open boots at base of pilot and

copilot's cyclic sticks. − Remove cockpit floor panels. − Inspect pilot and copilot's cyclic

sticks for condition. − Inspect wiring for chafing, or

damaged insulation and security of connections.

− Inspect stick shafts, sockets, and

supports for cracks, corrosion, and security.

− Check that stick to yoke attachment

bolt is installed with head facing to left. Check that cotter pin is installed properly and does not contact wire bundle.

− Check wire bundle to fuselage for

proper size clamp and that wire bundle will not slip through clamp.

− Inspect bearings for friction and wear. − Inspect lockwire on stop-bolts for

proper installation and evidence of contact with wire bundle.

0.04 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 1.11 Inspect pilot's and copilot's collective sticks as follows:

− Open boots at base of pilot and

copilot's collective sticks. − Inspect pilot and copilot's collective

sticks for condition. − Inspect wiring for chafing, or

damaged insulation, and security. − Inspect stick shafts, sockets, and

supports for cracks, corrosion, and security.

− Inspect bearings for friction and wear. − Inspect copilot's collective stick for

proper telescoping action. − Inspect friction lock on pilot's stick

for proper action.

0.04 15T

1 1.12 Inspect pilot's and copilot's yaw control pedals as follows:

− Open boots at base of yaw control

pedals. − Inspect pilot and copilot's yaw control

pedal and shaft assemblies and master cylinder supports for cracks, corrosion, and security.

0.1 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect bearings for friction and wear. − Inspect boots at base of pedals for

loose fit, cracks, splitting, and damage. Make sure there are no openings through which foreign objects may enter flight control linkage area.

− Inspect brake master cylinders for

security and leakage. − Inspect pedal adjusters for proper


1 C

1.13 Inspect flight control system components as follows:

− Inspect flight control rod assemblies

for evidence of external corrosion. − Inspect control rods, bellcranks, and

flight control supports for cracks, distortion, corrosion, and security.

− Inspect bearings for play. − Install cockpit floor panels. − Make sure all boots at base of cyclic

sticks, collective sticks and yaw control pedals are securely closed.

0.06 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 1.14 Inspect instrument panel, upper console, lower console, and circuit breaker panels for security of electrical components.

− Inspect controls and switches for

binding and security. − Inspect that all lettering on control

panels, switches, and circuit breakers is readable.

− Make sure all circuit breakers are

pushed in. − Inspect cockpit wiring for chafing,

fraying, and evidence of overheating. − Inspect connectors for security.

0.05 15T

1 1.15 Open door at rear of lower console.

− Inspect electronic components for damage and security.

− − Inspect shock mounts for bottoming,

corrosion, and security. − Inspect electrical connectors and

wiring for chafing or damage to insulation and security of connections.

0.05 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Make sure louvers on side of SAS/FPS computer and exhaust ports under front of vibration isolation tray are free from obstruction.

− Check lower console flexible light for

security and damage. Check wires for chafing and fraying, and connectors for security.

− Close door at rear of lower console.

1 C

1.16 Inspect cockpit interior and close up area as follows:

− Inspect cockpit interior for general

cleanness and for evidence of oil leakage from ceiling.

− Leave cockpit. Close and secure


0.02 15T

1 1.17 UH60A UH60L- Inspect cockpit air bag system (C A B S) as follows: <=

− Inspect forward and lateral modules

for cracks, loose or missing hardware.

− Inspect glare shield, brackets,

doublers, and helicopter structure for cracks and corrosion.

0.1 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 1. COCKPIT SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Tilt back copilots seat and check

ECSU and mounting bracket for cracks, corrosion, and loose or missing hardware.

− Apply electrical power to the aircraft

and check the following:

− Verify the SYS fault indication has no fault indication. Press the PTD button and verify all LEDs illuminate and after approximately three seconds go off.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 2.1 Inspect left and right side cabin exterior as follows:

− Inspect cabin steps, hand-holds, hard points, and left and right side exterior skins for cracks, corrosion, distortion, and security of fasteners.

− Make sure external ICS covers are

in place.

0.06 15T

1 C

2.2 Inspect troop/cargo doors as follows:

− Inspect troop/cargo doors exterior surfaces for corrosion, distortion, cracks, and for loose or missing fasteners.

− Open and close doors. Make sure

doors travel through full range with no binding, and are secure in tracks.

− Check upper and lower roller

support fittings for wear.

0.06 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check front and rear door latches for positive latching.

1 2.3 Inspect gunner's windows exterior for damage, loose or missing fasteners, and seals for separation and damage.

0.04 15T

1 2.4 Inspect main landing gear shock struts as follows:

− Remove main landing gear fairings. − Inspect exposed piston surface for

nicks, scratches, scoring, and cracks.

0.06 15T

1 2.5 Inspect left and right main landing gear shock struts for general condition of spherical bearings. Inspect painted area of shock strut assemblies for evidence of corrosion and blistering or flaking paint.

0.04 15T

1 C

2.6 Inspect main landing gear drag beams as follows:

− Remove drag beam support fairing.

0.1 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− ROLL> Inspect roll vibration absorbers for wear and security. <

− Inspect main landing gear drag

beam, and drag beam and axle attachment points for cracks and security.

− With jack pad installed and using a

magnifying glass, examine the area within a 3-inch radius of the jack pad, both upper and lower holes, for evidence of cracking. No cracks allowed.

− Inspect ground wire on left side for

security and contact with ground. − Inspect drag beam switches for

security and damage. Inspect bonding jumper for security and damage.

− Inspect weight on wheels bracket

and surrounding area for evidence of corrosion, uneven paint, faded areas, blistering, and pitting.

− Check wire cutters for security,

damage, and corrosion.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect brake and brake lines for damage and leakage.

− Check jackpad retention nut for the

presence and alignment of a torque stripe. Inspect the tie down ring attachment bolt for security, damage and corrosion.

1 C

2.7 Inspect main landing gear wheels and brakes as follows:

− Deflate main wheel tires to 20 PSI

prior to removal. − Remove main wheels. − Check brake wear indicator pins for

minimum length. − Inspect brake disc drive keys for

wear and security. − Inspect wheels for missing or

damaged hardware, paying particular attention to bolts and nuts attaching wheel halves.

− Inspect main landing gear axle for

corrosion and damage. − Inspect wheel bearings for wear,

corrosion, and damage.

0.07 15T

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Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect wheel hubs, and brake

components for cracks, corrosion, and damage.

− Inspect main wheel tires for cuts,

wear, or cracks. − Repack wheel bearings. − Install main wheels. − Reinflate to proper pressure. − Install drag beam support fairings. − Install main landing gear fairings.

1 C

2.8 Remove cabin soundproofing.

− Inspect cabin soundproofing for loose or missing hardware and torn or oil saturated soundproofing panels.

− Inspect cabin floors for damage

such as buckling, corrosion, cracks, and security of fasteners. Make sure tie down rings are secure and operate freely.

0.06 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect cargo hook access door for condition, security, and positive latching.

1 C

2.9 Inspect cargo hook as follows: − Inspect cargo hook for damage and

cleanness. − Inspect cargo hook pendant for

missing parts and damage, such as missing strain relief, cracked handle, and bent switch guards.

− Inspect support structure for

damage and security. − Operate manual release. Return

load beam to closed position. Check for positive latching.

− Check to see that hook is free to

pivot from side to side. − Check explosive cartridge

manufacturing/ installation date. − Inspect electrical connectors for

security and condition.

0.03 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 C

2.10 Inspect cabin interior primary structure (excluding cabin tub area beneath floor panels), skins, frames, fittings and stringers for damage, loose or missing fasteners, and corrosion.

0.1 15T

1 2.11 Weigh fire extinguishers and make sure weight is within range specified on decal.

0.08 15T

1 2.12 Inspect troop/cargo doors as follows:

− Inspect troop/cargo doors interior

for damage, window jettison mechanism for proper operation.

− Inspect door seals for deterioration,

damage, and separation.

0.06 15T

1 2.13 Inspect interior of gunner's windows as follows:

− Inspect interior of windows for

damage and signs of leakage. − Open and close windows. Check for

smooth operation and secure closure.

0.04 15T

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Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 2.14 Inspect cabin heat/vent ducts for damage.

0.02 15T

1 2.15 Inspect gun mounts as follows:

− Inspect gun mounts for cracks, corrosion, and security.

− Inspect pintles for freedom of

operation, abnormal play at mount fittings and verify that mount latch is working properly.

− Inspect springs for condition and

security. − Inspect ammunition boxes for

security, damage, and proper stowage.

0.05 15T


2.16 UH60L> UH60A Inspect troop and gunner's seats as follows: <=

− Inspect shoulder harness, lap and

crotch belts for corrosion, cuts, fraying, and security.

− Inspect gunner's seat inertia reels

for proper operation.

0.2 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect for frayed or broken cables

and cleanness. − Inspect tubing, attenuators, and

attachment fittings for damage and security.

1 2.17 EH60A> Inspect mission operators' seat as follows: <=

− Inspect mission operators' seat, frames, buckets, and track/frame assemblies for visible damage and wear on moving parts.

− While sitting in seat, operate seats

through full range of horizontal and vertical adjustments. Check for wear, binding, any condition preventing proper operation, and secure locking.

− Inspect latches for wear and secure

locking. − Inspect seat cushions for condition.

− Check lap belts for corrosion, cuts,

fraying, and security. − Check crotch belt for corrosion,

cuts, fraying, and security.

0.1 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check shoulder harness for corrosion, cuts, fraying, and security.

− Inspect inertia reels for proper


1 2.18 EH60A> Inspect observer's seat as follows: <=

− Inspect for frayed or broken cables

and for cleanness. − Inspect lap belts and shoulder

harness for corrosion, cuts, fraying, and security.

− Inspect seat tubing, attenuators,

attachment fittings for damage and security.

0.02 15T

1 2.19 Inspect engine control flex cables running through upper cabin interior for chafing and distortion.

0.03 15T

1 C2

2.20 ESSS> Inspect fuel lines in cabin interior for chafing, distortion, and security. <

0.02 15T

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Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

2.21 Inspect flight control components as follows:

− Inspect flight control rod

assemblies for evidence of external corrosion.

− Inspect bellcranks, control rods,

torque shafts, and balance springs for corrosion, distortion, cracks, security of mounting and attaching hardware.

− Check yaw torque shaft lower

support structure straps for loose rivets.

− Perform torque check on bolts

attaching torque shafts to lower supports using crisscross pattern.

− Inspect bearings that support four

forward torque tubes in cabin ceiling for wear.

− Lift dust boot while rotating shaft

and check for bearing race movement.

− Disconnect input and output control

rods and check for free rotation and smoothness (no ratchety feeling). Connect control rods.

0.1 15T

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Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect yaw pushrod, quadrant, and torque shafts for corrosion, distortion, cracks, security of mounting, and attaching hardware.

− Inspect cable quick-disconnect

cable collars and ball ends for cracks.

− Install cabin soundproofing as


1 C

2.22 Inspect cabin vibration absorber for wear and security.

0.03 15T

1 2.23 Inspect APU accumulator and hand pump as follows:

− Inspect handle socket and pivot

pins for cracks and wear. − Inspect accumulator/reservoir for

leakage, security of hold-down clamps, and corrosion.

− APU start valve, lines, check valves,

pressure switch, and pressure gage for leakage, corrosion, and security.

− Check condition of all clamps.

0.05 15T

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Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 2.24 Inspect cabin electrical wiring and components as follows:

− Inspect electrical wiring for evidence of fraying, chafing, overheating (burned spots), and condition.

− Inspect electrical connectors for

security and lockwire. − Inspect electrical components for

damage, security, and proper grounding.

0.04 15T

1 2.25 Inspect No. 1 and No. 2 stabilator amplifiers as follows:

− Inspect No. 1 and No. 2 stabilator

amplifiers for damage and security. − Inspect stabilator amplifier

electrical connectors and wiring for security, condition, and evidence of fraying, or chafing.

− Make sure stabilator amplifier air

inlets and exhausts are free of obstructions.

0.01 15T

1 C

2.26 Inspect soundproofing panels and close up area as follows:

0.06 15T

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect soundproofing panels for tears, cracks, punctures, and loose or missing fasteners.

− Install cabin-soundproofing panels. − Make sure all flyaway equipment is

secured. − Check cabin interior for cleanness.

1 2.27 ESSS> Inspect horizontal stores supports as follows: <=

− Check torque on expandable bolts

with HSS installed, in the following locations: wing to fuselage attachment, strut to wing attachment, strut to fuselage attachment, and fitting to rack attachment.

− Remove HSS and strut. Remove

strut from HSS. − Remove tip, leading edge, trailing

edge, and rack fairings from wing. Check fairings and hardware for wear and damage.

− Inspect nylon washers on strut end

fittings for condition and security.


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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect bushings for corrosion, damage, and wear. Inspect strut for delamination and distortion.

− Inspect strut attachment fitting on

fuselage for nicks, cracks, and loose or working rivets.

− Inspect spherical bearings for

corrosion, play, and damage. − Remove rack fitting and forward

link from HSS store attachment fittings. Check store attachment fitting bushings for corrosion, damage, and wear. Inspect spherical bearings for corrosion, damage, and play. Inspect store attachment fitting for nicks and cracks.

− Inspect Hi-Loks on HSS box beam

for security and surrounding structure for delamination.

− Inspect forward and rear spar of

HSS for exterior delamination and disbonding. Inspect interior of spars for delamination and disbonding. Inspect top and bottom skins for delamination, specifically around bolted areas.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect tip closeout rib and interior

ribs for delamination and disbonding.

− Inspect HSS aluminum root fitting

for nicks and cracks. Inspect fitting to wing mounting bolts for security. Inspect bushings for corrosion, wear, and damage. Inspect mating fitting on fuselage for nicks, cracks, and loose or working rivets.

− Check root-to-fuselage fuel hose for

security, chafing, damage, or signs of leaks.

− Check root-to-fuselage pneumatic

hose for security, chafing, damage, or signs of leaks.

− Check horizontal stores support

fuel hoses, fuel tube assembly, and fuel tee union for security, chafing, damage, or signs of leaks.

− Check horizontal stores support

pneumatic hoses and pneumatic check valve for security, chafing, damage, or signs of leaks.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check vertical support pylon pneumatic hose and elbow for security, chafing, damage, or signs of leaks.

− Check vertical support pylon fuel

hose, fuel tube, and isolation check valve for security, chafing, damage, or signs of leaks.

− Inspect pneumatic, fuel, and

electrical connectors for corrosion. − Inspect rack fitting, forward link,

and adapter fittings for nicks and cracks. Remove forward link from rack fitting and check bolts and pins for wear. Inspect bushings for corrosion, wear, and damage.

− Remove adapter fitting from rack

fitting. Check mounting hardware and bushings for corrosion, wear, and damage.

− Assemble and install HSS



2.28 If installed, inspect external (hydraulic and electric) rescue hoist as follows:


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TM 1-1520-237-PMI

“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Remove rescue hoist support

assembly. − Check support arm attachment

bolts for damage, cracks, and corrosion.

− Check support arm and base for

cracks and corrosion (inside and outside bore).

− Check machined support fitting

(exterior fitting) for cracks and corrosion (inside and outside bore).

− Install rescue hoist support

assembly. − Check hoist rollers and level wind

for wear, corrosion, and security. − Check hoist hook for cracks,

corrosion, and security. − Remove rescue hoist rear cowling. − Check heat exchanger for leakage,

cracks, and ruptures (hydraulic equipped hoists only).

− Check hydraulic fittings for security

and leakage (hydraulic equipped hoists only).

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check exhaust duct for

obstructions. − Install rear cowling. − Inside cabin, check RESCUE HOIST

control panel for security. − Check controls and switches for

binding, security and lettering for readability.

− Check electrical connectors and

wiring for security, damage, and chafing.


HOOK RELEASE pendant control for damage. Check controls and switches for binding and security and lettering for readability.

− Check pendant cord for fraying and

connector for security. − Check pendant bracket for cracks,

corrosion, and damage.

− Check for positive latching of pendant control in bracket.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check cable cutter squib (firing cartridge) for manufacturing/ installation date.

1 2.29 If installed, inspect internal hoist as follows:

− Check hoist rollers and level wind

for wear, corrosion, and security. − Check hoist hook for cracks,

corrosion, and security. − Inside cabin, check RESCUE HOIST

control panel for security. − Check controls and switches for

binding, security and lettering for readability.

− Check electrical connectors and

wiring for security, damage, and chafing.


HOOK RELEASE pendant control for damage. Check controls and switches for binding and security and lettering for readability.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 2. CABIN SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check pendant cord for fraying and connector for security. Check pendant bracket for cracks, corrosion, and damage. Check for positive latching of pendant control in bracket.

− Check cable cutter squib (firing

cartridge) for manufacturing /installation date.

− Remove internal hoist.

− Visually inspect upper aircraft

hardpoint mount. Remove mount for further inspection or replacement if cracks or corrosion are present.

− Inspect floor mount for cracks or

corrosion. − Install internal hoist.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 C

3.1 Inspect fuel cells as follows:

− De-fuel fuel cells and drain sumps. − UH60L> UH60A Remove rear troop

seats. <= − Remove soundproofing covering

rear bulkhead. Remove cargo net straps.

− EH60A> Remove air conditioning

evaporator and condenser pallets. <=

− If installed, remove components of

the auxiliary cabin heater system as required to gain access to fuel cell area.

− Inspect internal portion of fuel cell

for sludge and organic growth accumulation, release of self-sealing compound or punctures.

− Inspect for blistering of the fuel

cell surface. If any damage is found refer to TM 1-1500-204-23-3.

0.08 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect internal fuel lines, valves, and airframe to fuel cell interface connections for chafing and security.

− Inspect fuel and vent lines above

fuel cells for chafing, distortion, leakage, and security.

− Inspect prime pump mount for

cracks and security. − Inspect pump connection for

leakage. − Inspect breakaway vent valves,

main fuel breakaway valves, prime boost pump breakaway valve, and prime boost pump fuel outlet breakaway valve for visible yellow line around center of valve. If yellow line is visible, replace valve.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

ALL − Perform fuel feed system test.

Note • PMI-1 requires the complete fuel

feed system test be performed.

• PMI-2 requires the fuel feed system test be performed for that portion above the fuel tanks. Refer to Paragraph 10-4-39.

1 3.2 Inspect transition section electrical wiring and components as follows:

− Inspect electrical wiring for

evidence of overheating, fraying, chafing, and general condition.

− Inspect electrical connectors for

security. − Inspect electrical components for

security and proper grounding.

0.03 15T

1 3.3 Inspect grounding receptacle for damage, security, and electrical resistance.

0.05 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 C

3.4 Inspect tail rotor control cables and pulleys as follows:

− Inspect tail rotor control cables for

fraying, corrosion, and loose or missing areas in plastic coating, particularly at pulleys.

− Inspect pulleys for corrosion,

damage, security, cracks, wear, and distortion.

− Check that cables are riding

properly in pulleys and that cable guard pins are installed.

− Make sure locking clips are installed

on turnbuckles.

0.01 15T

1 C

3.5 Inspect accessible interior area and exit fuel cell area as follows:

− Inspect accessible interior area for

corrosion, damage, leakage, and loose or missing fasteners.

− If required, install auxiliary cabin

heater components. − EH60A> Install air conditioning

evaporator and condenser pallets. <=

0.06 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− UH60A> UH60L Install cargo net

straps. <= − Install soundproofing covering rear


− UH60L> UH60A Install rear troop seats. <=

1 3.6 Inspect behind transition fairing at STA 449 for corrosion and cleanness.

0.04 15T

1 C

3.7 Visually inspect slippage marks on all transition section to tailcone attaching hardware.


1 3.8 Check transition section to tailcone bolts for proper torque.


1 3.9 Inspect Auxiliary Cabin Heater as follows:

− Check auxiliary cabin heater for

signs of over temperature damage. − Inspect muffler inlet for debris.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect muffler blower and heater for cracks and security.

− Inspect muffler blower and eater support for cracks and security.

− Inspect ducts for cracks and

security. − Inspect electrical bonding straps on

blower and heater for condition and security.

− Check overheat duct sensor,

harness and connector on heater support and transition duct for condition and security.

− Check cabin temperature sensor,

harness and connector on muffler support for condition and security.

− Install soundproofing covering rear


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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 4.1 Inspect tail cone exterior as follows:

− Open tail drive shaft cover and structural access panels at rear of tail cone.

− Inspect exterior skins, tail rotor

drive shaft fairing, access panels, hinges, and fittings for corrosion, cracks, distortion, and security of fasteners.

− Inspect drain holes in tail cone

bottom for blockage.

0.08 15T

1 C

4.2 Inspect interior skins, frames, fittings, access panels, and stringers for corrosion, cracks, distortion, and security of fasteners.

0.1 15T

1 C

4.3 Inspect hydraulic lines as follows:

− Inspect hydraulic lines for evidence of chafing, damage, and condition of clamps.

0.02 15T

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Area Name and No. 4. TAILCONE SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect disconnects for security and leakage.

1 C

4.4 Inspect tail rotor control cables and pulleys as follows:

− Inspect tail rotor control cables for

fraying, corrosion, and loose or missing areas in plastic coating, particularly at pulleys.

− Inspect cable quick-disconnects for

damage and security.

0.02 15T

1 4.5 Inspect tail landing gear shock strut exposed piston surfaces for nicks and scratches. Inspect painted area of shock strut assembly for evidence of corrosion and blistering or flaking of paint.

0.05 15T

1 C

4.6 Inspect tail landing gear wheel and tire as follows:

− Deflate tire to 20 psi.

− Remove tail wheel. − Inspect wheel bearings for wear,

corrosion, and damage. Visually

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 4. TAILCONE SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

inspect wheel and axle for cracks corrosion or damage.

− Inspect tire for wear, cuts, and


1 C

4.7 Inspect tail landing gear yoke and fork as follows:

− Inspect tail landing gear yoke,

bushings, fork, lockpin, and actuator for damage and security. Inspection over entire yoke should be done visually using magnifying glass. Refer to TM 1-1520-237-23-3 for inspection criteria.

− Inspect wheel lock limit switches

and wiring for security and damage. − Inspect wire strike deflector for

damage and security. − Repack tail wheel bearings.

− Install tail wheel and inflate tire.

0.02 15T

1 4.8 Inspect tail cone electrical wiring and components as follows:

− Inspect electrical wiring for signs of

overheating and chafing.

0.04 15T

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Area Name and No. 4. TAILCONE SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect electrical connectors for

corrosion, security, and lockwire. − Inspect electrical components for

security and proper grounding. − Inspect anticollision light power

supply for security and signs of overheating.

2 C

4.9 Inspect tail cone section II and III tail rotor drive shafts as follows:

− Disconnect section II flexible couplings and check for elongated flange boltholes.

− Disconnect section III flexible

couplings and check for elongated flange boltholes.

0.18 15T

− Inspect flexible couplings for corrosion, damage, security, cracks, buckling, wear, and lamination spread.

− Inspect spherical washers for

corrosion. − Reconnect section II flexible


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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.


Area Name and No. 4. TAILCONE SECTION (CONT)

Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Reconnect section III flexible couplings.

− Inspect tail rotor drive shaft bearing

supports for cracks and security. − Inspect viscous damper bearing

mount holes for elongation. − Close and secure drive shaft covers

and structural access panels.

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“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

5.1 Inspect exterior structure of tail rotor pylon as follows:

− Open tail rotor drive shaft cover. − Inspect tail rotor drive shaft cover

for damage and missing fasteners. − Remove intermediate gear box

fairing. − Inspect intermediate gear box

fairing for damage and missing fasteners.

− Remove tail gear box fairing. − Inspect tail gear box fairing for

damage and missing fasteners. − Inspect intermediate gear box

mounting area for cracks, dents, nicks, corrosion, and security.

− Inspect tail rotor gear box mounting

area for cracks, dents, nicks, corrosion, and security.

0.04 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect tail rotor gear box mount fitting for cracks around lower barrel nut holes and inside surfaces where attached to front spar cap angles.

− Inspect tail rotor pylon exterior

skins for corrosion, cracks, distortion, and security of fasteners.

− Inspect popout steps for proper

operation and/or damage.

2 C

5.2 Inspect interior of tail rotor pylon as follows:

− Inspect interior of tail pylon for

cracks, distortion, corrosion, and for loose or missing fasteners.

− Inspect hinge bracket and formers

of tail pylon at pylon STA 120, 140, 160, and 180 for cracks and corrosion.

0.11 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial


5.3a Remove stabilator.

− Inspect stabilator IAW TM 1-1520-237-1, para 1-17-12.1).

− Remove stabilator actuator. − Lubricate fully extended length of

stabilator actuator pistons. − Install stabilator actuator. − Install stabilator.


2 C

5.3b Inspect stabilator as follows:

− Remove stabilator. − Inspect left stabilator attachment

bolt and fitting for wear. − Inspect left fitting for cracks,

corrosion, and security of attaching hardware.

− Inspect right stabilator attachment

bolt for wear and damage. − Inspect right stabilator attachment

fitting for separation of bonded liners.

− Inspect fitting for cracks, corrosion,

and security of attaching hardware.

0.17 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Remove stabilator actuator. − Inspect stabilator actuator and

attaching hardware for wear and damage.

− Inspect upper stabilator actuator

attachment fitting for wear. Inspect fitting for cracks, corrosion, and security of attaching hardware.

− Inspect upper stabilator actuator

attachment fitting bushings and bearing for wear.

− Inspect lower stabilator actuator

attachment fitting for wear. Inspect fitting for cracks, corrosion, and security of attaching hardware.

− Lubricate fully extended length of

stabilator actuator pistons. − Install stabilator actuator. − Remove inspection panels. − Inspect stabilator structure for

corrosion, cracks, dents, distortion, and for loose or missing fasteners. Inspect spar for cracks using a flashlight and mirror.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Install inspection panels. − Inspect elastomeric bearing for

wear, cracks, and disbonding. − Inspect limit switches for damage. − Perform electrical bond resistance

measurements of upper and lower actuator to rear spar.

− Inspect double row ball bearings. − Install stabilator.

2 C

5.4 Inspect section IV tail rotor drive shaft as follows:

− Inspect tail pylon drive shaft

sections for cracks, dents, scratches, gouges, and signs of twisting or bending.

− Check tail pylon drive shaft flanges

and flexible couplings for cracks, corrosion, damage, loose lockbolts, and security.

0.36 15T

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PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial


Corrosion between tube and flange (or stub shaft) is identified by flaking or lifting of paint, cracks, or aluminum oxide (a white powdery substance) at interface between tubes and flanges.

− Disconnect flexible coupling and

check for elongated flange boltholes.

− Inspect flexible couplings for

corrosion, damage, security, cracks, buckling, wear, and lamination spread.

− Inspect spherical washers for

corrosion. − Reconnect flexible coupling. − Check tail drive shaft flexible

coupling self-locking nuts for proper torque.

2 C

5.5 Inspect tail rotor control cables and pulleys as follows:

− Inspect tail rotor control cables at

lower end of pylon for wear, corrosion, and loose or missing areas in plastic coating, particularly at pulleys.

0.04 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect pulleys for corrosion,

damage, security, cracks, wear, and distortion.

− Check that cables are riding

properly in pulleys and that cable guard pins are installed.

2 C

5.6 Inspect intermediate and tail gear boxes as follows:

− Inspect intermediate gear box

flange for cracks, damage, and corrosion.

− Inspect intermediate gear box

housing for cracks, damage, and corrosion.

− Inspect intermediate gear box input

and output seals for leakage. − Inspect tail gear box flange for

cracks, damage, and corrosion. − Inspect tail gear box housing for

cracks, damage, and corrosion. − Inspect tail gear box input and

output seals for leakage.

0.05 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

5.7 Inspect tail rotor control system as follows:

− Inspect spring cylinders, control rod, and quadrant for corrosion, cracks, distortion, and security.

− Check control rod for bearing play. − Inspect cables for wear, fraying,

corrosion, and loose or missing areas in plastic coating, particularly in pulley area.

− Inspect tail rotor control cable

conduits for damage or wear. − Inspect pulleys for corrosion,

damage, security, cracks, wear, and distortion.

− Check that cables are riding

properly in pulleys and that cable guard pins are installed.

− Inspect quadrant bearings for

corrosion and damage. − Disconnect spring cylinders, control

cables, and output control rod and check quadrant for free rotation and smoothness (no ratchety feeling).

0.03 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect quick-disconnect cable

collars and ball ends for cracks.

− Reconnect spring cylinders, control cables, and output control rod.

− Perform tail rotor cable tension


2 C







5.8 Inspect tail rotor system components as follows:

− Remove tail rotor blades and

outboard retention plate. − Inspect retention plates for cracks,

damage, and security. − Inspect nylon shims on inboard and

outboard retention plates for waviness and minimum and maximum thickness.

− Inspect threads of pitch beam

retaining nut for thread face wear or chafing.

− Remove seal from outboard

retention plate. − Inspect snapring and end of

bushing for corrosion.

0.05 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial






NOTE Removal of the inboard retention plate is not required unless inboard retention plate attaching bolt torque check is below limits. Wear of tail gear box split cones will be indicated by a loss of torque on inboard retention plate attaching hardware. If torque check is below limits, the inboard retention plate should be removed and the split cones inspected for wear or damage.

− Perform torque check on inboard

retention plate attaching bolts. − Inspect pitch control rods for

cracks, damage, bearing play, bearing discoloration, and security.

− Inspect pitch beam for cracks and

damage. − Visually inspect pitch beam washer

for cracks. Replace washer if any cracks are present.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

5.9 Inspect tail rotor servo as follows:

− Drain tail gear box oil. − Remove tail rotor servo and

disconnect pitch control shaft. − Inspect tail rotor servo housing for

leakage. − Inspect tail rotor servo housing for

cracks and damage. − Check tail rotor servo for bent pilot

valve stem. − Inspect pitch control shaft link

assembly bearing for axial play. − Inspect linkage for cracks and

distortion. − Inspect linkage-attaching hardware

for security. − Inspect attaching hardware

connecting tail rotor servo to pitch control shaft.

− Inspect pitch control shaft chrome

plated surfaces for blistering, cracking, or flaking.

0.06 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect pitch control shaft pressed bushing for wear and security.

− Inspect bearing area for chips or

debris. − Inspect pitch control shaft bearing

for freedom of rotation. − Inspect tang for proper width. − Check inside of tail gear box,

especially inside diameter of input bevel pinion for buildup of sludge or debris.

− Flush inside of tail gear box. − Install pitch control shaft and tail

rotor servo. − Service tail gear box.

2 C




5.10 Inspect tail rotor blades as follows:

− Inspect tail rotor blades for erosion and damage.

− Inspect tip caps for security. − Inspect tail rotor blade erosion

protection kit polyurethane tape, if installed, for wear, holes, or disbonding.

0.16 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial









− Inspect tail rotor blade tip cap

erosion protection kit polyurethane coating, if installed, for wear.

− Inspect pitch horn and bracket for

damage, cracks, corrosion, and security.

− Remove one boot tiedown strap and

roll back boot. − Inspect tail rotor blade spar for wear

or damage and security as a result of contact with tail rotor horn fairing. Check for spar corner-to-fairing clearance. Check for delaminations and splinters on spar in areas near fairing inner lip.

− Inspect tail rotor plug for cracks,

disbonding, fretting, scoring, and corrosion.

− Inspect tail rotor pivot bearing for wear and separation.

− Inspect tail rotor pivot bearing

retainer for disbonding. − Inspect boots for wear or damage

and security.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial



− Install boot tiedown strap. − Install tail rotor blades.

2 C

5.11 Inspect tail pylon electrical wiring as follows:

− Inspect tail pylon electrical wiring

for fraying, chafing, and overheating.

− Inspect connectors for security.

0.02 15T

2 5.12 Close up area as follows:

− Close pylon drive shaft cover. − Install intermediate gear box fairing.

− Install tail gear box fairings.

0.01 15T

2 5.13 Inspect tail rotor deice system, if installed, as follows:

− Inspect tail rotor deice slip ring for

cleanness and wear. − Inspect brushes for wear.

0.01 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.1 Inspect heating and ventilating system as follows:

− Open main rotor pylon sliding

cover. − Inspect heater ducting for cracks

and damage. − Inspect heating bleed-air tubes for

cracks and damage. − Check temperature sensing tube to

heater mixing valve for security and cracks.

− Inspect heater mixing valve and

mounting brackets for damage and security.

− Inspect blower housing and flange

area for cracks. − Inspect attaching hardware, all

connections for security. − Check heater mixing valve duct inlet

screen for blockage.

0.03 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

6.2 Inspect upper deck torque shaft taper pins, levers and control rods as follows:

− Check torque shaft taper pins for

tightness. − Inspect levers and control rods for

cracks and distortion. − Inspect attaching hardware for


NOTE Inspection of cabin flight control components Seq # 2.21 due at PMI 2.


2 C

6.3 Inspect boost servo and pilot-assist module manifold baseplate as follows:

− Inspect for proper torque on

mounting bolts. Special attention should be given to mounting bolts that failed torque and have black or gray residue present. If present remove base plate and check for cracks around mounting holes and adjacent areas.


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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.4 Inspect yaw and collective boost servos, pitch trim assembly, and roll assembly as follows:

− Check yaw and collective boost

servos, pitch trim assembly, roll assembly, yaw boost SAS actuator, pitch trim SAS actuator, and roll assembly SAS actuator for leakage.

− Inspect boost servo thermal relief

valves for leakage. − Inspect pitch trim assembly and roll

assembly for damage and security of mounting.

− Inspect both ends of collective

boost servo for cracks at cylinder ends, and cracks on power piston shafts. Special attention should be given to the thread undercut area of all servo piston rods on the shaft immediately adjacent to output clevis.

− Inspect both ends of yaw boost

servo for cracks at cylinder ends, and cracks on power piston shafts. Special attention should be given to the thread undercut area of all servo piston rods on the shaft immediately adjacent to output clevis.

0.15 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect yaw and collective boost servos; yaw boost, pitch trim, and roll assembly SAS actuators for damage and security. Visually inspect castellated nut opposite output clevis for cracks.

− Inspect yaw and collective boost

servo pressure switches and wiring for condition.

− Inspect input and output linkage for

security and condition. − Inspect rubber dust boots for


2 C

6.5 Inspect mixer assembly as follows:

− Inspect mixer work platform for security, and smooth operation. Check arm on lower track for security.

− Check mixing unit mounting bolts

for proper torque. − Inspect support brackets, levers,

and bellcranks for distortion, cracks, and security of attaching hardware.

− Check taper pins for tightness.

0.05 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect for bearing play. − Inspect mixer torque shaft bearings

for corrosion and damage. − Inspect stick position sensors for

corrosion, distortion, cracks, and security of attaching hardware.

− Inspect electrical connectors for

condition and security. − Disconnect input and output control

rods. − Check torque shaft for free rotation

and smoothness (no ratchety feeling).

− Connect control rods.

2 6.6 Inspect flight control system components as follows:

− Inspect flight control rod

assemblies for evidence of external corrosion.

− Inspect flight control rods,

bellcranks, levers, supports, and directional control torque shaft for cracks, corrosion, distortion, and security of attaching hardware.

0.02 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect bearings for condition. − Remove and inspect main rotor

blade pitch control rods.

− Inspect main rotor blade pitch change links for security, corrosion, drain hole blockage, and rod end bearings for play and serviceability.

2 C

6.7 Inspect forward, aft, lateral bellcrank assemblies, and walking beam as follows:

− Inspect forward, aft, lateral bellcrank assemblies, and walking beam for bearing play and looseness.

− Inspect exposed portions of walking

beam lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

− Inspect exposed portions of rear

bellcrank lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

− Inspect exposed portions of forward

bellcrank lug areas for damage and


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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

− Inspect exposed portions of lateral

bellcrank lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

2 C

6.8 Inspect primary servos as follows:

− Check primary servos for leakage around seals, disconnects, and caps.

− Inspect primary servos for damage

and security of mounting. Special attention should be given to the thread undercut area of all servo piston rods on the shaft immediately adjacent to output clevis.

− Inspect primary servo mounting

lugs for cracks, corrosion, and security.

− Inspect primary servo mount bolts

for broken safety wire and slippage mark alignment.

− Inspect servo beam rails for cracks

in region of barrel nut hole.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect primary servo input and output linkage for cracks, distortion, and security of attaching hardware.

− Inspect bearings for play, looseness

in housing.

− Inspect pressure switches and wiring for condition.

2 6.9 Inspect No. 1 and No. 2 hydraulic pump modules as follows:

− Inspect hydraulic lines for signs of

leakage. − Inspect hydraulic lines for chafing

and condition of clamps. − Inspect reservoir low-level switches

and wiring for condition.

0.05 15T

2 6.10 Inspect No. 1 and No. 2 transfer modules and manifolds as follows:

− Inspect No. 1 and No. 2 transfer

modules, manifolds, and connecting lines for signs of leakage.

− Inspect No. 1 and No. 2 transfer

modules and manifolds for cracks and corrosion.


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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect pressure switches, solenoid valves, disconnect fittings, and wiring for security and condition.

− Inspect connecting lines for


2 6.11 Inspect No. 2 hydraulic system pilot assist module and servo manifold as follows:

− Inspect No. 2 hydraulic system pilot assist module and servo manifold for signs of leakage.

− Inspect No. 2 hydraulic system pilot

assist module and servo manifold for cracks and corrosion.

− Inspect pressure switches, solenoid

valves, disconnect fittings, and wiring for security and condition.

− Check indicator button on pilot

assist module for extension.

0.03 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.12 Inspect backup hydraulic pump module, utility module, rescue hoist manifold, and external hydraulic power disconnects as follows:

− Inspect switches, quick-

disconnects, and wiring for security and condition.

− Inspect utility module for signs of

leakage. − Inspect utility module and rescue

hoist manifold for leakage, corrosion, and security.

− Inspect backup system lines for

signs of leakage. − Inspect backup system lines for

chafing and security. − Inspect external hydraulic power

disconnects and covers for security and condition.

0.03 15T

2 6.13 Inspect hydraulic refill handpump as follows:

0.32 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect hydraulic refill handpump for cleanness, particularly under cover.

− Inspect cover, chain, puncher,

exposed seals, boots, and gaskets for condition.

− Check selector valve for ease of

operation. − Remove and replace refill

handpump filter element.

2 C

6.14 Inspect main transmission mounts, dowel pins, and forward and rear bellcrank supports as follows:

− Inspect main transmission mounts

for cracks and damage. − MWO 50-43> Inspect dowel pin

retention bolts and retaining angles for deformation and security. <=

− W/O MWO 50-43> Inspect dowel

pins for signs of axial or rotational play on main gear boxes with slippage strip. <=

− W/O MWO 50-43> Inspect sealing

compound covering dowel pins for bulging, blistering, and cracking. <=

0.04 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check gap between rear bellcrank support retaining angle and dowel pin.

− Inspect forward and rear bellcrank

support mounts for cracks and damage.

− Inspect exposed portions of forward

bellcrank support lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

− Inspect exposed portions of rear

bellcrank support lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

− Inspect exposed portions of right

and left tie rod lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

− Inspect exposed portions of rear tie

rod and rear tie rod support lug areas for damage and corrosion. Do not disconnect hardware to inspect lugs.

2 C

6.15 Inspect main, input, and accessory modules, main module breather, and engine output shafts as follows:

0.08 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Remove engine inlet. − Inspect main, input, and accessory

module mating flanges and all connections for oil leakage.

− Inspect main generators for security

and evidence of oil leakage.

− Inspect main module breather for cleanness.

− Inspect accessory module oil return

screen. − Remove engine output shafts. If

engine output shaft, 70361-08004-042, is installed, replace with engine output shaft, 70361-08004-043.

− Inspect installation bolts for burrs

and binding in flexible coupling assembly.

− Inspect disc pack for cracks, nicks

and lamination spread. − Inspect input module flange for

fretting in washer contact area. − Inspect flange nutplate rivets for

proper installation, looseness, and fretting on heads.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check torque of input module

flange nut.

− Check torque on nuts holding flexible coupling to engine output shafts.

− Inspect engine output shafts for

damage. − Inspect forward support tube

restraining rings for loose or missing rivets.

− Inspect forward support tube

restraining rings for missing or disbonded Zytek tape.

Inspect crotch assembly for loose or

missing pins, bends, cracks, missing or damaged finish, loose or missing rivets, nick, scratches or corrosion.

− Install engine output shafts. − Check main transmission oil level.

2 6.16 Inspect input module seals for leakage.

0.01 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.17 Inspect main transmission output shaft seal for leakage.

0.01 15T

2 6.18 Inspect main transmission main rotor shaft seal for leakage.

0.01 15T

2 6.19 Inspect teeth on gust lock flange and gust lock lever for condition.

0.02 15T

2 6.20 Inspect main transmission input modules, and accessory module chip detectors, sensors, switches, and electrical wiring as follows:

− Inspect main transmission input

modules, and accessory module chip detectors, sensors, and switches for security of electrical connectors.

− Inspect main transmission wiring

harness for condition. − Inspect generator wiring for chafing,

corrosion, and security.

0.02 15T

2 6.21 Inspect main rotor pitch control rods for damage, security, and bearing play.

0.01 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

6.22 Inspect spindle as follows:

− Remove main rotor blades. − Remove spindle assemblies from

hub. − Remove elastomeric bearings from

spindles. − Inspect spindle sleeve bearing for

wear, cracks, corrosion, slippage, and damage.

− Inspect spindle threads for dry film

lubricant. − Inspect spindle nut threads for dry

film lubricant.

− Inspect elastomeric bearing for wear, damage, or laminate separation.

− Inspect elastomeric bearing sleeve

bearing for wear, disbanding, and damage.

− Replace elastomeric bearing sleeve

bearing. − Inspect droop stop pin bushings for

wear, security.

4.9 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check torque on horn attachment bolts.

− Remove retaining ring and loosen

and back off droop stop nut, on spindle assemblies 70070-10030-041,70070-10030-042, 70070-10030-045, 70070-10030-046, 70102-08200-041 through 70102-08200-044, and 70102-08200-063.

− Inspect droop stop support inner

race sleeve bearing for cracks, on spindle assemblies 70070-10030-041,70070-10030-042, 70070-10030-045, 70070-10030-046, 70102-08200-041 through 70102-08200-044, and 70102-08200-063.

− Inspect droop stop nut for corrosion

and cracking, on spindle assemblies 70070-10030-041, 70070-10030-042, 70070-10030-045, 70070-10030-046, 70102-08200-041 through 70102-08200-044, and 70102-08200-063.

− Inspect hub ID for evidence of

contact caused by retaining rod. − Assemble spindle assemblies. − Install spindle assemblies.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

6.23 Inspect main rotor dampers as follows:

− Inspect main rotor damper bearings

for wear using feeler gage method with damper installed.

− Inspect main rotor damper bearings

for radial and axial play with damper installed.

− Remove dampers from main rotor. − Inspect main rotor damper bearings

for damage and corrosion.

− Inspect dampers for cracks, corrosion, and damage.

− Check damper for evidence of

hydraulic fluid leakage. − Check damper indicator for leakage

and proper fluid level (gold band visible).

− Inspect damper bracket for cracks,

wear, and security. − Check torque on damper bracket

attachment bolts. − Install main rotor dampers.

0.06 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

6.24 Inspect main rotor rotating scissors upper and lower links, and between upper link and pressure plate lug for bearing play.

0.02 15T

2 6.25 Inspect main rotor blade deice system as follows:

− Remove main rotor blade deice distributor.

− Remove main rotor blade deice slip

ring assembly from distributor. − Remove brush assembly from slip

ring. − Inspect slipring assembly. If the

white metal surface of the ring contacts has worn through to the yellow substrates on the power circuits or signal circuits, the slipring assembly shall be replaced

− Inspect for metal shavings. Clean

metal shavings from slip ring assembly.

− Assemble and install slip ring

assembly to distributor.


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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

6.26 Inspect main rotor shaft as follows:

− Inspect inner diameter of main rotor shaft for signs of corrosion, blistering, flaking, or missing resin coating.

− Inspect all exposed portions of main

rotor shaft for rust or corrosion.


2 C

6.27 Inspect main rotor hub as follows:

− Inspect main rotor hub and visually inspect upper and lower pressure plates for cracks and damage.

− Torque the following bolts: NAS

bolts that hold hub to shaft extension, expandable pins, main rotor shaft nut bolts, and upper and lower pressure plate bolts.

− Install main rotor blade de-ice


1.3 15T

2 C

6.28 Inspect swashplate assembly as follows:

− Inspect swashplate assembly for

cracks, nicks, and security.

0.02 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect expandable pin for correct

installation of lockring and half male spacer. Inspect expandable pin nut for fractures or cracks.

− Inspect ball bearings between

stationary swashplate and rotating swashplate for wear, ratcheting or uneven movement.

− Inspect large spherical bearing and

socket for wear. − Check clearance between

swashplate guide and inner race of bearing.

− Inspect scissors attachment

spherical bearings for wear and discoloration.

− Inspect forward, aft, and lateral

connecting link assemblies for bearing play and looseness.

2 C

6.29 Inspect bifilar as follows:

− Remove bifilar weights from bifilar support.

− Remove lubricant from pins,

bushings, and washers.

1.29 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect pins, bushings, and

washers for wear, cracks, or other damage.

− Inspect weights for cracks in lower

and upper bonded joints. If cracked paint is found at bonded joints of bifilar weights without "UT" marked in area of part number, remove paint and inspect weight base metal for cracks. Cracked paint at bonded joints of bifilar weights with "UT" marked in area of part number is acceptable.

− Inspect weight in areas away from

bonded joints for cracks. − Inspect bifilar support arm and

bushings for cracks, corrosion, or other damage, particularly in weight attachment lug areas.

− Install bifilar weights to bifilar

support arm. − Lubricate bifilar.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C

6.30 Inspect main rotor blades as follows:

− Using magnifying glass, inspect

main rotor blade cuff for cracks between each bolt and leading and trailing edges of cuff on upper and lower surfaces.

− Inspect expandable pins for

damage. − Inspect main rotor blade spar region

for cracks, impact damage, wear, bond separations, or other damage. (IAW TM 1-1520-237-23-3)

− Inspect main rotor blade

honeycomb core region for cracks, impact damage, wear, bond separations, or other damage. (IAW TM 1-1520-237-23-3)

− Inspect main rotor blade trailing

edge region for cracks, impact damage, wear, bond separations, or other damage. (IAW TM 1-1520-237-23-3)

− Inspect main rotor blade leading

edge abrasion strips for cracks, Impact damage, wear, bond separations, or other damage. (IAW TM 1-1520-237-23-3)

0.06 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial



− Inspect tip cap exterior for erosion,

cracks, eroded paint, missing/deteriorated caulking, disbonds, delaminations, fraying of Kevlar fabric, impact damage, hole elongation, and other damage. (IAW TM1-1520-237-23-3)

− Inspect tip cap retaining screws for

loss of torque. − Inspect tip cap drain hole on lower

surface for blockage. − Inspect tip caps as follows:

NOTE • Removal of the aluminum tip cap

and inspection of the tip cap interior, blade tip rib and tip block is required at both PMI1 and PMI 2 for those blades with aluminum tip caps installed.

• Removal of the composite tip cap

and inspection of the tip cap interior, blade tip rib and tip block is only required at the PMI 2 for those blades with composite tip caps installed.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial


− Inspect composite/aluminum tip cap

exterior for erosion, cracks, disbonds, delaminations, hole elongation, and other damage.

− Inspect composite/aluminum tip cap

interior for disbonded, delaminated or cracked ribs, and tip cap weights for security.

− Inspect composite/aluminum tip cap

drain hole on outboard surface for blockage.

− Inspect blade tip rib for cracks and

tip block for corrosion. − Install composite tip cap back onto

original blade. Replace #6 screw with new hardware. Serviceable hardware may be reused on remaining positions.

ALL − Install aluminum tip cap back onto original blade. Serviceable hardware may be reused.

− Inspect main rotor blade erosion

protection kit polyurethane tape, if installed, for wear, holes, or disbonding.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect main rotor blade tip cap erosion protection kit polyurethane coating, if installed, for wear.

− Inspect main rotor blade tip cap

erosion protection kit polyurethane boot, if installed, for wear, holes, or disbonding.

− Install main rotor blades. − Test main rotor blade pressure


2 C

6.31 Inspect section I tail rotor drive shaft as follows:

− Inspect section I tail rotor drive

shaft for dents, gouges, indications of twisting or bending, and loose lockbolts.

− Disconnect flexible couplings and

inspect for elongated flange boltholes.

− Inspect flexible couplings for

corrosion, damage, security, cracks, buckling, wear, and lamination spread.

− Inspect spherical washers for

corrosion. − Reconnect flexible couplings.

0.03 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C


6.32 Inspect oil cooler and radiator as follows:

− Open oil cooler compartment and APU compartment access doors. − Inspect hinges on airframe and APU doors for cracks, wear, and security. Inspect latch mechanisms for cracks, wear, and security. Inspect latch mechanisms for worn or loose pins.

− Inspect hinges on airframe and oil cooler compartment doors for cracks, wear, and security. Inspect latch mechanisms for cracks, wear, and security. Inspect latch mechanisms for worn or loose pins.


Bearing replacement and the following inspections are required at PMI #1 and #2 if the aft bearing shroud is not vented. If the bearing is vented, its replacement and the following inspections are due every 700 hours (PMI 2).

− Remove oil cooler and radiator assembly. − Inspect radiator for damage, dirt, debris, and signs of leakage.

0.07 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect radiator inlet and outlet lines for chafing and leakage.

− Inspect axial fan blades for

distortion, cracks, evidence of contact between fan blades and shroud.

− Open access panel at rear of oil

cooler duct. − Check inside oil cooler duct for

obstructions, foreign objects, and cracking. Pay particular attention to rear bearing and surrounding area for dirt and debris.

− Inspect oil cooler support structure

for security and cracks. − Remove viscous damper bearing

support assembly. − Perform oil cooler drive shaft run

out check. − Replace bearing and re-install

viscous damper bearing support assembly.

− Inspect oil cooler drive shaft for

dents, gouges, indications of twisting or bending, and loose lockbolts.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect oil cooler drive shaft

exterior for cracks and corrosion. − Inspect oil cooler drive shaft ID for

corrosion, pitting, loss of plating, and cracks, particularly in area of cotter pin holes.

− On helicopters with oil cooler axial

fan, 70361-03005-103 through 70361-03005-106 installed, inspect axial fan shaft ID for corrosion, pitting, loss of plating, and cracks, particularly in area of cotter pin holes.

− On helicopters with oil cooler axial

fan, 70361-03005-103 through 70361-03005-106 installed, check output flange retaining nut torque.

− Check input flange retaining nut

torque. − Install oil cooler duct access panel. − Install oil cooler and radiator


2 6.33 Inspect fuel selector valves for security and leakage.

0.02 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.34 Inspect APU as follows:

− On helicopters with APU, 116305-100 through 116305-300 series, replace fuel inlet filter.

− On helicopters with APU, 116305-

100 through 116305-300 series, replace fuel pump filter. If filter is heavily contaminated, inspect per TM 55-2835-208-23.

− On helicopters with APU, 3800480-1

and 3800480-2, refer to Preventive Checks and Service, TM 55-2835-209-23, paragraph 1-26. Check counter on APU to determine hours of operation.

− Inspect APU fuel lines and hoses for

kinks, cracks, or leaks. − Inspect APU combustor housing for

cracks, tears, bulges, dents, and dark blue discoloration indicating too much heat.

− Inspect fuel control enclosure for

leaks. − Inspect fuel drain lines for condition

and security. Inspect APU fuel lines and fuel control enclosure for leaks.

0.34 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect APU start motor, pressure, and return lines for signs of leakage and security.

− Disconnect start motor drain line

and check for evidence of seal leakage.

− Inspect APU supports for cracks,

damage, and security. − Reach through APU exhaust outlet

and turn rotor by hand while pushing toward air inlet housing. Check for rubbing contact. Repeat, while pulling rotor toward combustor section.

2 6.35 Inspect bulkhead breakaway valve on APU compartment deck for visible yellow line around center of valve. If yellow line is visible, replace valve.

0.02 15T

2 6.36 Inspect engine/APU fire extinguisher and protection system as follows:

− Check engine/APU fire extinguisher

containers for proper weight and gage pressure.

1.12 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Check cartridges for installation/ manufacturing date.

− Inspect fire extinguisher discharge

lines for cracks, chafing, damage, and proper alignment.

− Inspect fire protection system

manifold tubing for cracks, distortion, corrosion, and security.

− Manually actuate fire extinguishing

directional control valve.

2 C




6.37 Inspect No. 1 T700-GE-700 or T700-GE-701C turbine engine in periodic inspection requirements per TM 55-2840-248-23 as follows:

− Replace No. 1 engine load-demand

spindle to collective bias tube roll pin.

− Check HMU P-3 fitting on Hamilton

Standard HMU specific part numbers listed in para 1-64.1 TM 1-2840-248-23

− Inspect particle separator blower

impeller, shroud, and drive shaft for erosion, nicks, dents, and scratches.


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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial









− Check torque of No. 1 engine deswirl duct clamp.

− Inspect control cables for chafing,

corrosion, and scratches. − Perform S-39 Circuit Checks. − Perform alternator check. − Perform yellow cable check. − Remove, clean, inspect and reinstall

electrical chip detector. − Perform electrical chip detector

continuity verification. − Inspect engine aft mounts.

2 C

6.38 Inspect No. 1 engine control cables as follows:

− Inspect No. 1 engine load-demand

push/pull cable and collective bias tube linkage at mixer for damage, security, chafing, and grommet wear.

− Inspect No. 1 engine power-

available push/pull cable from firewall to HMU for damage, security, chafing, and grommet wear.

0.04 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect No. 1 engine power-

available push/pull cable from firewall to engine control quadrant for damage, security, chafing, and grommet wear.

− Inspect No. 1 engine control fuel

selector valve push-pull cable for damage and security.

− Inspect cable-mounting brackets for

security. − Perform load-demand push/pull

cable friction check.

2 6.39 Inspect No. 1 engine starter as follows:

− Inspect No. 1 engine starter for

cracks, condition, and security. − Drain oil from starter and re-service.

Install new packing in oil filler cap and oil drain plug.

− Inspect start system pneumatic

tubes for damage and security.

0.06 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.40 Inspect No. 1 engine compartment breakaway valves, crossfeed breakaway valve, and tee breakaway valve for visible yellow line around center of valve. If yellow line is visible, replace valve.

0.02 15T

2 6.41 Inspect No. 1 engine flame detectors for cleanness, evidence of overheating, security, and cracked or broken shields.

0.02 15T

2 6.42 Inspect No. 1 engine compartment electrical wiring as follows:

− Inspect No. 1 engine compartment

electrical wiring for evidence of fraying, chafing, overheating, and condition.

− Inspect all electrical connectors for

security. − Inspect electrical components for

security and proper grounding.

0.04 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 C










6.43 Inspect No. 2 T700-GE-700 or T700-GE-701C turbine engine in periodic inspection requirements per TM 55-2840-248-23 as follows:

− Replace No. 2 engine load-demand

spindle to collective bias tube roll pin.

− Check HMU P-3 fitting on Hamilton

Standard HMU specific part numbers listed in para 1-64.1 TM 1-2840-248-23.

− Inspect particle separator blower

impeller, shroud, and drive shaft for erosion, nicks, dents, and scratches.

− Check torque of No. 2 engine

deswirl duct clamp. − Inspect control cables for chafing,

corrosion, and scratches. − Perform S-39 Circuit Checks. − Perform alternator check. − Perform yellow cable check. − Remove, clean, inspect and reinstall

electrical chip detector.

15B 15B

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial



− Perform electrical chip detector continuity verification.

− Inspect engine aft mounts.

2 C

6.44 Inspect No. 2 engine control cable as follows:

− Inspect No. 2 engine load-demand

push/pull cable and collective bias tube linkage at mixer for damage, security, chafing, and grommet wear.

− Inspect No. 2 engine power-

available push/pull cable from firewall to HMU for damage, security, chafing, and grommet wear.

− Inspect No. 2 engine power-

available push/pull cable from firewall to engine control quadrant for damage, security, chafing, and grommet wear.

− Inspect No. 2 engine control fuel

selector valve push-pull cable for damage and security.

− Inspect cable-mounting brackets for


0.04 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Perform load-demand push/pull cable friction check.

2 6.45 Inspect No. 2 engine starter as follows:

− Inspect No. 2 engine starter for

cracks, condition, and security. − Drain oil from starter and re-service.

Install new packing in oil filler cap and oil drain plug.

− Inspect start system pneumatic

tubes for damage and security.

0.06 15T

2 6.46 Inspect No. 2 engine compartment breakaway valves, crossfeed breakaway valve, and tee breakaway valve for visible yellow line around center of valve. If yellow line is visible, replace valve.

0.02 15T

2 6.47 Inspect No. 2 engine flame detectors for cleanness, evidence of overheating, security, and cracked or broken shields.

0.02 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 6.48 Inspect No. 2 engine compartment electrical wiring as follows:

− Inspect No. 2 engine compartment electrical wiring for evidence of fraying, chafing, overheating, and condition.

− Inspect all electrical connectors for

security. − Inspect electrical components for

security and proper grounding.

0.04 15T

2 6.49 HIRSS> Inspect as follows: <=

− Remove HIRSS modules from helicopter.

− Disassemble cores from modules

and remove baffles from cores. − Inspect rear fairing and panel for

cracks, dents, and security of attachment hardware.

− Inspect nacelle for cracks, dents,

and security of attachment hardware.

− Inspect suppressor and nacelle

support mounts for cracks or damaged bearings (TM 1-1520-237-23).

3.14 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect module bulkhead for cracks. − Inspect titanium/steel structure for

cracks, and broken spot welds and rivets.

− Inspect finger seals for loose rivets

or bonds. − Inspect core assembly for cracks

and erosion of emissive coating. − Inspect deswirl ducts for damage

and deswirl duct clamps for cracks or damage.

− Inspect HIRSS mount strut

attachment nut plates, struts, and mount hardware for corrosion, cracks, and proper installation.

− Assemble baffles in cores and

install cores in modules. − Install modules on helicopter.

2 6.50 If standard engine exhaust modules are installed, inspect as follows:

− Inspect exhaust fairings for cracks

and missing or corroding fasteners.

0.01 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect exhaust ejectors for damage

and foreign objects.


6.51 Inspect main rotor pylon as follows:

− Inspect main rotor pylon structure,

engine cowlings, air inlet fairings, and engine air inlets for cracks and missing or corroding fasteners.

− Inspect APU air inlet screens for

debris or foreign object damage (FOD).

− Check main rotor pylon sliding

cover screens for obstruction. − Inspect main rotor pylon sliding

cover rollers and tracks for damage and wear.

− Inspect engine air inlets for foreign

objects and foreign object damage. − Inspect upper and rear main rotor

pylon fairings for cracks and missing fasteners.

0.06 15T

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Inspect engine-cowling latches for cracks, positive latching, and secure closure.

− Close and open cover. Check for

smooth operation with no binding. − Close and secure main rotor pylon

sliding cover, oil cooler compartment doors, and APU compartment doors.

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:

PHASE NO. Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 1. Inspect all antennas as follows:

− Inspect antennas, gaskets (where installed), and connectors for damage, cracks, security, and cleanness.

− Inspect insulators for cracks and

burn marks. − Inspect antenna lead-ins and

connectors for signs of overheating and damage.

− Inspect wiring for fraying and


1.00 15N

1 2. Inspect IR countermeasures set transmitter and shock mounts and mounting support and shroud for security, cracks, and damage.

0.02 15N

1 3. Inspect chaff and flare dispenser installation provisions for security, cracks, and damage.

0.02 15N

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Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial


Procedures for the following operational checks are in TM 1-1520-237-23 or TM 11-1520-237-23 unless otherwise noted.

1 1. Do an operational check of instrument panel lights.

0.01 15F

1 2. Do an operational check of upper and lower console lighting.

0.01 15F

1 3. Do an operational check of all cabin dome lights.

0.01 15F

1 4. Do an operational check of cockpit, flood, and secondary lights.

0.01 15F

1 5. Do an operational check of utility and maintenance lights.

0.01 15F

1 6. Do an operational check of instrument panel and console lights dimming.

0.01 15F

1 7. Do an operational check of formation

lights. 0.01 15F

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI

“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 8. Do an operational check of controllable searchlight.

0.01 15F

1 9. Do an operational check of position lights.

0.01 15F

1 10. Do an operational check of retractable landing light.

0.01 15F

1 11. Do an operational check of anti-collision lights.

0.01 15F

1 12. Do an operational check of cargo hook lights.

0.01 15F

2 13. Do an operational check of No. 1 engine fuel filter bypass warning system.

0.12 15F

2 14. Do an operational check of No. 2 engine fuel filter bypass warning system.

0.12 15F

2 15. Do an operational check of No. 1 engine oil filter bypass warning system.

0.05 15F

2 16. Do an operational check of no. 2 engine oil filter bypass warning system.

0.05 15F

2 17. Do an operational check of engine fire detection system.

2.0 15F

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI

“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

1 18. Do an operational check of fuel quantity indicating system. Check system for accuracy.

1.55 15F


19. Do an operational check of engine, main transmission, intermediate gear box, and tail gear box chip detector and temperature sensor systems.

1.00 15F

2 20. Do an operational check of No. 1 engine TGT indicating system.

0.13 15F 15B

2 21. Do an operational check of No. 2 engine TGT indicating system.

0.13 15F 15B

1 22. Do an operational check of pitot tube heater.

0.1 15F

1 23. Do an operational check of windshield anti-ice system.

0.1 15T

1 24. Do an operational check of cargo hook emergency release test circuit.

0.24 15F

2 25. Do an operational check of fire extinguishing system.

0.50 15F

2 26. Do an operational check of stabilator system.

4.0 15F

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI

“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 27. Do an operational check of digital automatic flight control units.

1.0 15N

1 28. Do an operational check of pitot-static system.

1.0 15F

ALL 29. Do an operational check of all transmission instruments and oil warning systems.

3.0 15N

1 30. Do an operational check of gyromagnetic compass set.

1.0 15N

1 31. Perform Hydraulic Logic Module Test (Para 7-2-1)

0.24 15T

1 32. Do an operational check of communications / navigation equipment.

1.0 15T

1 33. UH-60Q/HH-60LTilt back co-pilots seat. Apply electrical power to helicopter and check the following: <=

− Verify system default indicator

has no fault indication. Press PTD button and verify all LEDS illuminate and after 3 seconds go off.

0.10 15T

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI

“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

2 34. Check flight control system for binding. If binding occurs, check flight control bolt installation. Check tail rotor servo for bent input pilot valve stem.

0.15 15T

2 35. Do the hydraulic leak test portion of the hydraulic systems operational check only.

0.4 15T


36. Do an operational check of APU and APU electronic sequence unit.

0.43 15T

2 37. Do an operational check of main and tail rotor blade deice systems.

0.5 15T


Make sure all doors, covers, panels, fairings, etc. opened during the periodic inspection are closed and secured before performing operational check of the No. 1, 2, and APU generators, oil cooler vibration check, or engine output shaft vibration check.


38. Perform engine output shaft vibration check.

0.43 15T

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TM 1-1520-237-PMI

“FOD REMINDER” Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance inspection.



Aircraft Serial No. Date:


Inspection Requirements MH MOS Status Faults and/or Remarks Action Taken Initial

− Install engine air inlets before flight.


39. Perform Idle Speed Leakage check both engines.



40. Perform oil cooler vibration check. 0.4

2 41. Do an operational check of the No.1, 2, and APU generators.

5.1 15F

ALL 42. Do tail rotor vibration check due to removal/installation of tail rotor blades.

0.50 15T

1 43. UH-60Q/HH-60L Perform an operational check of the ECS systems. <=

0.24 15T

Page 132: TM 1-1520-237-PMI_Helicopter_EH-60_UH-60_2005

TM 1-1520-237-PMI

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

PETER J. SCHOOMAKER General, United States Army

Chief of Staff Official: SANDRA R. RILEY Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 0504704 DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with Initial Distribution (IDN) IDN 314144 requirements for TM 1-1520-237-PMI

Page 133: TM 1-1520-237-PMI_Helicopter_EH-60_UH-60_2005
Page 134: TM 1-1520-237-PMI_Helicopter_EH-60_UH-60_2005

These are the instructions for sending an electronic 2028

The following format must be used if submitting an electronic 2028. The subject line must be exactly the same and all fields must be included; however only the following fields are mandatory: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 27.

From: “Whomever” <[email protected]>

To: [email protected]

Subject: DA Form 2028

1. From: Joe Smith 2. Unit: home 3. Address: 4300 Park 4. City: Hometown 5. St: MO 6. Zip: 77777 7. Date Sent: 19--OCT--93 8. Pub. No.: 55--2840--229--23 9. Pub Title: TM 10. Publication Date: 04--JUL--85 11. Change Number: 7 12. Submitter Rank: MSG 13. Submitter Name: Joe 14. Submitter MName: T

15. Submitter LName: Smith 16. Submitter Phone: 123--123--1234 17. Problem: 1 18. Page: 2 19. Paragraph: 3 20. Line: 4 21. NSN: 5 22. Reference: 6 23. Figure: 7 24. Table: 8 25. Item: 9 26. Total: 123 27. Text: : This is the text for the problem below line 27.

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Page 136: TM 1-1520-237-PMI_Helicopter_EH-60_UH-60_2005

The Metric System and EquivalentsL inear Measu re L iquid Measu re

1 centimeter = 10 millimeters = .39 inch 1 centileter = 1 milliliters = .34 fl. ounce1 decimeter = 10 centimeters = 3. 94 inches 1 deciliter = 10 centiliters = 3. 38 ounces1 meter = 10 decimeters = 39. 37 inches 1 liter = 10 deciliters = 33. 81 fl. ounces1 dekameter = 10 meters = 32. 8 feet 1 dekaliter = 10 liters = 2. 64 gallons1 hec tometer = 10 deka meters = 328. 08 feet 1 hec toliter = 10 dekaliters = 26. 42 gallons1 kilometer = 10 hec tometers = 3,280. 8 feet 1 kiloliter = 10 hec toliters = 264. 18 gallons


S quare Measu re

1 centigram = 10 milligrams = 1.5 grain

1 sq. centimeter = 100 sq. millimeters = .155 sq. inch

1 decigram = 10 centigrams = 1.54 grains

1 sq. decimeter = 100 sq. centimeters = 15. 5 sq. inches

1 gram = 10 decigrams = .035 ounce

1 sq. meter (centare) = 100 sq. decimeters = 10. 76 sq. feet

1 dekagram = 10 grams = .35 ounce

1 sq. dekameter (are) = 100 sq. meters = 1, 076. 4 feet

1 hec togram = 10 dekagrams = 3. 52 ounces

1 sq. hec tometer (hec tare) = 100 sq. dekameters = 2. 47 ac res

1 kilogram = 10 hec tograms = 2. 2 pounds

1 sq. kilometer = 100 sq. hec tometers = .386 sq. mile

1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 220. 46 pounds1 metric ton = 10 quintals = 1. 1 short tons

Cu bic Measu re1 cu. centimeter = 1000 cu. millimeters = .06 cu. inch1 cu. decimeter = 1000 cu. centimeters = 61. 02 cu. inches1 cu. meter = 100 cu. decimeters = 35. 31 feet

Approximate Conversion Factors

To C hange To Multiply B y To C hange To Multiply B yinches centimeters 2.540 ounce--inches newton--meters .007062feet meters .305 centimeters inches .394yards meters .914 meters feet 3. 280miles kilometers 1.609 meters yards 1.094square inches square centimeters 6.451 kilometers miles .621square feet square meters .093 square centimeters square inches .155square yards square meters .836 square meters square feet 10. 764square miles square kilometers 2. 590 square meters square yards 1. 196ac res square hec tometers .405 square kilometers square miles .386cubic feet cubic meters .028 square hec tometers ac res 2.471cubic yards cubic meters .765 cubic meters cubic feet 35. 315fluid ounces mililiters 29. 573 cubic meters cubic yards 1. 308pints liters .473 milliliters fluid ounces .034quarts liters .946 liters pints 2. 113gallons liters 3.785 liters quarts 1. 057ounces grams 28. 349 liters gallons .264pounds kilograms .454 grams ounces .035short tons metric tons .907 kilograms pounds 2. 205pound--feet newton--meters 1. 356 metric tons short tons 1. 102pound--inches newton--meters .11296

Temperature (Exact)

F F ahrenheit 5/9 (after C els ius Ctemperature subtracting 32) temperature

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