title: an invitation to a banquet text: matthew 22:1-14 topic: we must put on the righteousness of...


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Page 1: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life
Page 2: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet

TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14

TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life.

Page 3: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life
Page 4: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Imagine getting an invitation to a Christmas party in your mailbox.

Page 5: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life
Page 6: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

I. God invites some to a glorious wedding banquet who will refuse.

(Matt. 14:1-3)

Page 7: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Matthew 14:1-3

“Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.”

Page 8: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

God invites some to a glorious wedding banquet who will refuse.

(Matt. 14:1-3) A. We do not often think of God’s Kingdom as grand party.

Page 9: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

God invites some to a glorious wedding banquet who will refuse.

(Matt. 14:1-3) A. We do not often think of God’s Kingdom as grand party.

B. Jesus ever speaks of the kingdom as an awards banquet. 

Page 10: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

God invites some to a glorious wedding banquet who will refuse.

(Matt. 14:1-3) A. We do not often think of God’s Kingdom as grand party.

B. Jesus ever speaks of the kingdom as an awards banquet. 

C. God, through the Cross of his Son, has made possible our being with him.

Page 11: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

All of our theologies and doctrines center around one

thing: God, through the Cross of his Son, has made possible our

being with him. So remember the cost of the spread on the banquet

table that we will enjoy.

Page 12: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

The S.E.E.D Strategy

S- Sow (we go out into our community to plant seeds by meeting people).

Page 13: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

The S.E.E.D Strategy

S- Sow (we go out into our community to plant seeds by meeting people).

E- Engage (we seek and create opportunities to engage and build relationships with people).

Page 14: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

The S.E.E.D Strategy

S- Sow (we go out into our community to plant seeds by meeting people).

E- Engage (we seek and create opportunities to engage and build relationships with people).

E- Evangelism (share the good news and invite people to accept God’s invitation ).

Page 15: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

The S.E.E.D Strategy

S- Sow (we go out into our community to plant seeds by meeting people).

E- Engage (we seek and create opportunities to engage and build relationships with people).

E- Evangelism (share the good news and invite people to accept God’s invitation ).

D- Discipleship (help them growth in their role as followers of the King).

Page 16: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life
Page 17: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

II. Some are too busy with other things to attend God's party

(Matt 14:4-10)

Page 18: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Matthew 14:4-10

4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’

Page 19: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Matthew 14:4-10

5 “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6 The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7 The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.

Page 20: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Matthew 14:4-10

8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

Page 21: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

II. Some are too busy with other things to attend God's party (Matt 14:4-10)

A.Imagine what it must have been like while they waited for the arrival of the guests.

Page 22: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

II. Some are too busy with other things to attend God's party (Matt 14:4-10)

A.Imagine what it must have been like while they waited for the arrival of the guests.

B.Imagine the king’s response when the quests refused to come. 

Page 23: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

II. Some are too busy with other things to attend God's party (Matt 14:4-10)

A.Imagine what it must have been like while they waited for the arrival of the guests.

B.Imagine the king’s response when the quests refused to come. 

C.Imagine the kings response when they killed his servant. 

Page 24: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• "Beware the golden handcuffs."

Page 25: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• "Beware the golden handcuffs." • Beware the almost imperceptible shift in

your life when you stop running it and it starts running you.

Page 26: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• "Beware the golden handcuffs." • Beware the almost imperceptible shift in

your life when you stop running it and it starts running you.

• Beware the way busyness puts a numbing stranglehold on our interior life.

Page 27: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• "Beware the golden handcuffs." • Beware the almost imperceptible shift in

your life when you stop running it and it starts running you.

• Beware the way busyness puts a numbing stranglehold on our interior life.

• Beware those perilous days through which you sprint, out of touch with everything except the nuts-and-bolts dimensions of life.

Page 28: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Nothing fails quite so totally as success without God.

Page 29: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

II. Some are too busy with other things to attend God's party (Matt 14:4-10)

A.Imagine what it must have been like while they waited for the arrival of the guests.

B.Imagine the king’s response when the quests refused to come. 

C.Imagine the kings response when they killed his servant. 

D.When the answer to peoples struggles comes knocking on their door they're unable to recognize him.

Page 30: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

We need to evaluate our priorities in life.

Page 31: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

C.S. Lewis

"You know, you show up at church on Sunday morning, and you look around, and here are the very people you've been trying to avoid all week long."

Page 32: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Questions in Heaven?

"The most often asked questions in heaven are going to be, 'Where's So-and-so?' and 'What are you doing here?'" The guests feel good. They look around, and they say, "We made it! We're in! Isn't this wonderful!"

Page 33: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life
Page 34: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

III. While all are invited only those with the proper attire may

enter. (Matt. 14:11-14)

Page 35: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Matthew 14:11-14

11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12 He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.”

Page 36: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Matthew 14:11-14

13 “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

Page 37: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

III. While all are invited only those with the proper attire may enter.

(Matt. 14:11-14)A.Many of these new invitees did not wear the

appropriate attire provided for them.

Page 38: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

III. While all are invited only those with the proper attire may enter.

(Matt. 14:11-14)A.Many of these new invitees did not wear the

appropriate attire provided for them.

B.The king cast out the improperly adorn people. 

Page 39: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

III. While all are invited only those with the proper attire may enter.

(Matt. 14:11-14)A.Many of these new invitees did not wear the

appropriate attire provided for them.

B.The king cast out the improperly adorn people. 

C.Christ adorns us with his righteousness so we may have the appropriate attire for joining the party.

Page 40: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Isaiah 64:6

“All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.”

Page 41: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Romans 13:14

14 “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Page 42: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

Isaiah 64:10

"I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation. He has covered me with his robe of righteousness, as the bridegroom decks himself with garland and as the bride adorns herself with jewels"

Page 43: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

How many of us are so fixated on our goals, insecurities, or futures

that we cannot the joy of the present, the sacred moments

where Jesus meets us now, and asks us to rejoice with him?

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Page 45: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• Seed strategy- “Care and Share”

Page 46: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• Seed strategy- “Care and Share”• The Kingdom of God is like a banquet and

you are invited.

Page 47: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life


• Don’t miss out on the party. My friends, we have no business being here today. We are bums at a banquet. Yet we're welcome here because of the eternal graciousness of our kingly Host. So won't you slip into that robe and meet me at the Feast?

Page 48: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life
Page 49: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life

She handed him a box the size of a book. He opened the package

and slowly peeled away the tissue paper. It was a cross-stitch Janet

had made that simply said, "Yes."

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Yes: it is the word that God, in his tireless pursuit of the sinner,

longs to hear.

Page 51: TITLE: An Invitation to a Banquet TEXT: Matthew 22:1-14 TOPIC: We must put on the righteousness of Christ to enjoy God's banquet life