tips for getting started in sales

Tips for Getting Started in Sales

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Sales Talent Agency helps many Canadians find the perfect sales jobs in Toronto. They are located at #310 - 96 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5V 2J6‎ (416) 904-4379. Visit the website for more information.


Page 1: Tips for Getting Started In Sales

Tips for Getting Started in Sales

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Even the most successful, persuasive, electrifying salespeople had to start somewhere. Not many just stroll into their first sales job and start dominating an industry.

There are lessons to learn and skills to nurture, and it usually takes some time before you become proficient. If you’re in your first sales job, or are just dreaming about a lucrative career in sales, here are some proven tips for getting started.

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Find the Right Company

It’s no secret that talented people placed in the right sales job can make a lot of money. Highly successful salespeople are among the best paid in any career. One of the ways they get to that point is to affiliate themselves with a good company.

Look for a business that has a great reputation for training and developing salespeople. It also helps if they sell products or services you find interesting, so you’ll always be enthusiastic about your job.

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Establish a Ritual

To keep yourself on track and keep your sales totals where they need to be, it’s wise to create a daily ritual to follow. If your job consists of many different duties, it’s easy to slack on sales prospecting and other essential tasks.

Establish daily and weekly goals and objectives concerning number of calls to make, number of prospects to meet and number of emails to send. Fit the goals into your routine and make that routine non-negotiable.

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Spoil Your First Customers

Since a lot of sales depend on reviews, referrals and testimonials, it makes sense to spoil your first customers. If you’ve started your own business or work for another one, going that extra mile will help with word of mouth later on.

If your efforts result in less money at the beginning, then so be it. The reputation you will carve for yourself will bring all that money back and more in the future.

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Take Your Time

If you can think of your job as one of relationship building rather than just selling, you’ll make a lot more money over time. Building relationships with your customers creates trust, and trust is essential when you want people to part with their money.

Take the time to get to know your customers and let them get to know you. It’s much easier to buy from someone you like.

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Find Your Comfort Zone

Comfort is one of the keys that helps make a successful salesperson. You must be comfortable with the concept of selling, comfortable with what you’re selling, comfortable with your approach and your delivery.

Finding the right company helps, but you can also enroll in a sales class or course or look for advice and guidance from a mentor or coach who has already seen the results you want.

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Locate Your Target Market

Efficiency is a big component of any successful sales job, and knowing where to find your target market is a big component of efficiency. If you know what your target market reads, where they surf on the web, where they shop or where they like to hang out, you’ll be that much closer to making sales.

Figure out who you’re selling to and where to find them, and you’ll notice more sales and quicker sales.

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Study Your Target Market

After you identify your target market, it’s wise to study their buying habits.

• How many contacts does it usually take before a sale is made?• What element is most important to them?• Do they take a long time before making a final decision?

Once you get inside their minds a little, you can predict behaviour and be ready at every step.

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Strive to Become an Expert

The more you know about the product or service you are selling, the more you will be able to sell. Everyone likes to go to the industry leader for information and to buy what they need.

If you know your industry inside and out and really establish yourself as an expert, your sales pitch and follow up will be stronger. People will gravitate to you naturally, and will feel more comfortable buying from you.

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Sales Talent Agency helps many Canadians find the perfect sales jobs in Toronto. They are located at #310 - 96 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5V 2J6 (416) 904-4379. Visit the website for more information.