tips for finding a trustworthy seo company

Are You Trying to Improve Your Website’s Position In The Search Engines? If so, you may have been considering hiring a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Are You Trying to Improve Your Website’s Position In

The Search Engines?

If so, you may have been considering hiring a Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) company

Before you commit to working with a company, please take a few minutes to scroll through this presentation for some guidelines, and also a few words of warning…

…because not all SEO companies or consultants are the same.

Just like no two people are exactly alike, neither are any two consultants or firms alike.

Have people “cold-called” or sent you any other

unsolicited correspondence claiming that they can get your website to the top of page 1 of Google?

If so, proceed with caution. Most good consultants will not make pie-in-the sky claims, and even more important, most good consultants don’t need to chase down companies and use high-pressure tactics.

Businesses will find, and come to them. It’s fine to receive an advertisement, but an ethical company will not badger you into employing their services.

Before we continue – answer the following


Have any SEO consultants tried to tell you that they are

a “Google Certified SEO Expert?”

Do not let this phrase trick you. Google does not “certify” anyone for SEO. While they have certification in various functions of Google itself, such as their AdWords product*, they do not certify anyone for SEO. Do we need to repeat this? In other words, they are lying if they try to use this to hook you.

*In a nutshell, AdWords is a program where a business pays Google when a user clicks on their ad)

And then there’s the “Google” card…

Have they promised you the moon – or at least

the top position in Google for just about everything you could wish for on your website?

Steer clear of someone giving you unrealistic guarantees. Why do we emphasize “unrealistic guarantees?” Because algorithms and the internet in general change so much on a daily basis, no one can guarantee that anything they do is going to stick.


So what IS it that you can & should expect a good

SEO consultant or firm to do?

FOR STARTERS: Expect in depth tracking of the results over time.

For example, will they help you track if you are gaining new customers or potential customers

through leads, phone calls, emails, etc.?

You want to begin ranking for a variety of your key words

Is your site beginning to rank for a variety of different search terms (keywords)? Is your website receiving an increase in visitors, and when the visitors arrive at your site, are they staying (or, are they leaving as soon as they arrive)?

Because of the sheer numbers of people using

mobile devices to search the net now, whatever firm you engage should be prepared to help ensure that your website is mobile ready and fast loading.

If your website isn’t displaying correctly, or your customer cannot easily and quickly fill out a form on a mobile device, you will likely lose prospects.

Even Matt Cutts at Google says that most website traffic is likely to be mobile.

Are You Mobile-Ready?

Expect a reputable company to help

your brand provide useful, valuable, and truthful content related to your online presence in every aspect of your campaign.

Again, quoting Matt Cutts (whom you can see validate these points in this video), “It’s easier to BE real than to FAKE being real.”

Truthful & Added Value

References & Case StudiesIn addition, while consultants won’t be able to divulge confidential client information regarding data, he or she should be able to provide some customer testimonials & references.

The bottom line is that you want to

work with an ethical team with integrity that produces high quality content, and sticks to methods that you would be proud to show your family.

If, while talking with a company representative, you feel pressured, or you get you a queasy feeling in your “gut,” that will be a sign to walk away.

The Bottom Line

There Is Plenty To Choose From!There are plenty of quality companies out there.

If you find an SEO firm that you have a good feeling about, you’re on the right track.

Now that you have some guidelines…

…you’re in a better position to find someone to help you!

Thank you for viewing this presentation.

Good luck with your business!