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Crowning Week of a Busy Social Season at Bar Harbor —Bridge Whist Hat Great Vogue at Bretton Woods, T!ie prizes foil to Mrs. W. W. Gurkey, of Chi- cago; Mrs. S. StHti.vood Menken, Miss Richurd- >->•:. Mis. Lynch and Mr*. J. Rlake White, of New York; airs. Huso, Mrs. Eksworth and Ms?. George Duncan, of Pottlai \u0084 "i lie women's K!;!f tournament, which begen on V.'i-i;n«.sday. had many entries and was Bnishrd to-:!. . y, al?o the mixed foursomes, wbicti wefe pluyeO for prizes given by the manage nv-nt, Miss Louise YVUe. <f Wilmington. X. C. :lie niece of Mrs. Henry »\L Flagler, of the Mount Washington, g;,\.- on Tuesday afternoon an ex- hibition of diving, under water swimming, float- iiv.\ etc., in the )<>\u25a0>!. ..:r. and Mis. Flagler, Mr. and Mis. Henry K. l;.>;»rs. Mrs. <»anretl A; Hobart. Mrs. Lc-onurd Eianna and others were among the spectators. Oiemrnl Theodore Schwa of Washington. and, Mrs. CcUwan are i!t the Mount Pleasant, whore they arrived on Tuesday from Quebec. Mrs. John F. McCann. Silas McCann and Mica Cons-tance Crirrinlns. of New York, have re- tnrned to the Mount Washington to end the sea- son there. Curtis Guild, of Boston; is a guest there and is accompanied by the Misses Guild and Mi«s Johnson. Miss Carolyn Wells, of Mont. .hiir. is at the Mount Pleasant with a friend for a few days. The Mount Washington goiters have defeated the Waumbek golfers twice in flu* week in spirited team matches. Martin W. Littleton and Louis A. Hamilton are two New York members of the Mount Washington golf team. Henry M. Flagler and Mrs. Flager entertained at luncheon this week Major General John Brooke, of New York, Mrs. Brooke, her sister. Miss Steams, and the Rev. J. Coffin Stout and Mrs.' Stout, all of whom came over from the Profile. Mr. Flagler and Henry H. Rogers both have their automobiles at the Bretton Woods garage, and are having fine times speeding over the mountain roads. The distances between many of the best mountain resorts make it de- lightful to run about. One may drive thirty miles south to Intervale, North Conway or Jack- son. Twenty miles in another direction to the Profile, twenty in another to Jefferson and the Social Affairs Have Made Gay Week at Bretton Woods. Bretton Woods. N. H.. Aug. 25 (Special).— This \u25a0week finds th* season at its height in the White Mountains, and never before have so mnny people been entertained at the big hotels. At Bretton Woods there has been much gayetyf and bridge holds its sway o%er the guests of both hotels. A bridge parly at the Mount Washing- ton on Tuesday filled light tables with players. I\ WHITE MOUNTAINS. Acbeols was defeated by Mi. Adsit. 2 up and 1 to l>;hv. Miaa UJ.i })o;;j-,. of Brookline. Kwt to Miss a •"\u25a0:!<» r, ny .run? wick. N. .1., by - up. over the ten n-j.eK. in the second division Mrs.". Herrick, or IVs- 1-\u25a0\u25a0-'.. won from Mr?. Gnlne*. of New York. 2 up. "•:••'» the match between Mrs. Hurlburt and Mrs. ?i"v'u::. - , resulted in the former's winning by S ui> ;., (1 . to play. In ft., semi-flnsls Mrs. Adslt de- l-M.?r-u M .'(-.•« d'Olier by i up. and Ml»s Hurlbun won ire:.-: Ml« Horrlck by ! up and 1 to piny. T:-.o Mi.-scs Kolliit. of Brookline. have as ene«ts nt the Waiimhok Mr. and Mrs: J. S. Tenney, ft 2<rt: York. >.i:. a 1 \u25a0\u25a0'. Mrs. Frank IV. Garvln. «'f Paris, me mhking Jin extended visit at the WaiiuiueJc. j-. ... a.,-...!.;,; tournament for men Is »>:> -t the Wfi ir.l>ok this week, and the Waumbek. Jefferson iiiK*btuir IZh-.n cups make handsome irophie* !s*:ic <•'. hey. <»f Trenton, who Is iui annual visitor. has joined his family nt the Waumbtk. Mr. r-.; . ] M:-. Archibald Md lare. of Albany, with Mi.ss J. i*utti:ig.of PHtsfleld. are paying a visit to the Waumbek, where they arrived in their m "tor CAf. Mr. an.l Mrs. Henry W. Blair, of the \Tl?wam, have us guests nt the cottage Miss Dorothy Linn, I>wiKht Unn and Henry B. Keep, of Chicago. On Wednesday they formed a motor party and bowle.l over to the Crawford House tor luncheon. Miss IJningerfleld, Miss Frank. Miss Taylor, Messrs. P. .Ictor. C. Adsit. August Klipstein and I. Taylor cllmbca to the summit of Starr King on '1 hursday. ON JEFFERSON HEIGHTS. Jefferson. N. H .. Aug. £3 (Special).-There have »een among the social affairs at the Waumbek this week some private parties and a dove german on Friday afternoon in the ballroom, which was dec- orated in green for the occasion. More than forty couples were present, and at the close of the ootil- lon refreshments were served. Mr Rain. of the Waumbek. presented the prises frn^ 1 * p , uttln * contest on Saturday afternoon and wit™ a i'core number of entries Mrs. Hay de 'won. ?r Ifi a SOO w of K- 2 -^ There were thirtv-To»?r entries, and the match was followed toim»ft» noon tea. at which there was music * * snHfh" *™? 1in *£.* t<?r «is tournament was creat w|e O b> r'geW^llelrr 'ge W^llelr H ° U " W?nner- tramping of the many busy feet that tread th« moun&nX.™ 11 " 111 °' '*«-»\u25a0» »I"WS The annual golf tournament for women which w«s piajed over a ten-hole course this week drew t ar **., I1 HH U n^ er . of ntrt ««- Th* prellmlnafv round* were di\ided Into two divisions. In which Mi™' CASTINE. Casttne. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— golf and excursions seem to be the popular enter- tainments of this summer. After dinner each evening the tables are filled, and the casual ob- server wonders what playing card factory gets the extensive trade. Among the summer colony here are the Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hlllis and family, of Brook- lyn; Mrs. Jeeeup and family of New York; Mr and Mrs. John Nlckelaon, of New York; Mrs. r™ ns ' c £ , York: the Misses Helen and Grace Titus. J C. Atwater and family. Edward Todd. jr., and family, of New York; J. P. Whit- ney and family, of Glassboro, N. J. Among the cottagers are Professor W. A Keener, formerly J2? an of Columbia University Law School; Mrs. W. C. Robinson, of New York, and Dr. J. W. Grlndle. of New York. CAMEEN. Camden. Me., Aug. 25 (Special).— Camden's gfcla day will come August 30. when a monu- ment will be dedicated to William Conway. a sailor on duty In the Pensacola Navy Yard who refused to haul d«wn the American flag In 1861. The event will be celebrated in fine style, for. besides a number of addresses by Governor Cobb and other prominent men, there will be the North Atlantic Squadron In the harbor under the command of Admiral Robley D. Evans, and a national salute of twenty-one guns will be fired. SORKENTO. Sorrento. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— Among the ccttape colony here at present are Mrs. P. H. Stewart, of New York; Thomas Ewlng. of Tonk- r,rs; Mrs. W. F. Cochran. of Yonkers; Miss C. B. St e:.cer. of Yonkors; A. Schroeder. of New York; tt:e Rev. J. E. Freeman, of Yonkers ; Miss Pren- t:ss. of New York; Chief Justice Fuller, of Washington. Ferrlr.gtcn. of New York. Progressive whist formed rart of the entertainment. Bowiln* parties have been frequent during th-> Week, and there are some expert bowlers nmuiv.* the young guests at the island. \u25a0 MACMAHANS ISLAND. MacMahan's Island. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— MaeMahan's Island has developed Into cr.e <\t the moat delightful summer resorts on the Ma'.r.e Coast. Almost every state In the union Is repre- sented by the guests who come here. There are twenty-eight cottages en the Island, and several new ones are under construction: to bo finished in the fall. One of these, the largest and one of, th<- most elaborate, will be the home of Misa Masters, of New York. Among the cottage 00- cupants are W. C. Redfirld. of Brooklyn: Mr. Reazor. or Orange. N. J.; Mrs. C. H. Haves. of Newark. N. J. : Miss jourgcnsr.n. of Brooklyn; Mrf-. B*ard. of Brooklyn; Mrs. Roberts, of New 1 ork. and Mr. Thompson, of New York. BLUEHILL. Bluehill. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— There is an extensive summer colony of New Yorkers here this summer, Including Franz Kneisel, H. E. KrehbieL Mrs. Berth* Maas Tapper. Mrs. Ethel- bert Nevchu The Marshall cottas© in occupied by Mrs. Holden. of New York, while the Cochran cottage is occupied by the Wilsons, of Now York. Dr. A. M. Thomas, of New York, is occupying his cottage at Harborside. The Rev. Dr. Donald S. McKay and family, of New York, are occupying the Stevens cottage this reason. Mrs. Henderson, of New York, has as guests Admiral and Mrs. Howison at her cottasre on Tenney Hill. Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson Hale and family, of New York, are occupying their cottage on Ten- ney Kill. MAP LEWGOD Maplewood. N. H.. Aug. 25 (Special).— A gala day at the Maple wood Hotel was Tues- day, when the most brilliant social affair in the White Mountains took place. There is always a large attendance here on the fete day. but when It became known that it was a benefit for the proposed hospital at Littleton. N. H.. there was the greatest enthusiasm displayed throughout the mountains and from far and neer. by tram and carriage and motor car and shank's mare, there came hundreds of summer visitors, who contributed much toward making the day a brill- iant success. The day's occurrences began with a burlesque baseball game between the women and men of the hotel. The men wore the garb of the fair sex and masqueraded successfully, although their garments were not all cut according to th* latest dictates of Paris fashion. The merriment they created did not prevent some excellent play, and after a hard fought battle the women were declared by Umpire Clifford to be winners, the score 23 to 0. After the men hud changed their clothing and eaten luncheon the fun began again. In the 100-yard dash, P. Jones took first prise, W. Williams second. The prizes were silver loving cups. In the obstacle races*, the prizes of large silver loving cup and hand en- graved vase were captured by J. Burrill and C Fink, of New York, and Miss D. Wlngate. of Boston. In the potato race for girls under fif- teen years. Miss C. Herara. of New York, and Miss D. Wingate. of Boston, won. and Miss E. Burrill. of Morrtstown, N. J.. and Miss C. Herara. of New York, were declared the best pitchers in the ball game. The most laughable of the gymkhana sports were the sack race, the tug of war by tho caddies, climbing the greased pole by caddies and three-legged race by caddies and bellboys. The 50-yard dash for women wms won by Miss Eleanor Fink, of New York, .Mis* Frazer. of Ottawa, second. The women ai. \u25a0> tried their skill at football, end Miss A. Burrill and Miss? Jornlman. of New York, took the ha»d*ome gold amethyst studded bracelets offers '. a.« Tirlse*. '" ' "* Fully on« thousand people attended from re!t;hb«>ri:ig resorts, and the sports were most successful. They were followed by an afternoon lea, nt which guests at the Maplewood ar.d cot- tages were hostesses. The crowning event of the day came in t ; ie even Ins. when Maplowood Park, opposite the cottage and hotel, was Illuminated by one thou- sand Chinese lanterns and half as many electric lights. Seventy- tablet* were set under the trees. Over $3f>o was added to the treasury of ! the hospital as a result. The Maplewood I orchestra contributed a special musical pro- gramme In the evening. Among subscriptions already received are $5,000 from J. H. GlessasT, of Chicago, whose summer home, the Rocks, i? in Bethlehem. Mrs. Garr«t A. Hobnrt. the widow of the latrt Vi"e- President. contributed. Mr. and Mrs«. M. V. B. Bull, of Albany, are additions to the social set at Maplewood. where Waumbek. ami. ifa longer' trip i* wanted, sixty miies to Dixvillc Notch and ihe Ualr-ams. There have been nearly fifty machines belonging to regular patrons of the Brctton Woods hotels In the garos* this week. Dr. John McCoy rrui Hiss Alice McCoy, of New York, ore with Mr. and Mrs. C l". Wcrn- *"ajt ai tho Mount Washington for the month, and at the. Mount Pleasant are Mr. and Mrs. l.cth Lori ok. of Now York, who cams from the Waunbck to Rnttan Woods. Miss !«';• UCDJamln. of Next York, who >• at the Mount Washington, is an enthusiastic re- dcttrian ami has already mads the asvect of eight or ten p°ak^ In this vlclnltv. She is a charity worker In New York. especfsjsy in ih« blind asylum. >.:• Louis;! T. Navarre, of New York, with r.!:^3 Enuna Moncade, has arrived at the Mou::t Washington ior th* season. Mrs. H. P. Loom'.s has come from Rye, N. V.. to join, at th- Mount Washington^ her father, Clarence Seaman*. Austin L. Jenkins.* of Haltlmore. has Join<<l hi* fr.niiiy a! the Mount Washington for the rest of. the month. Mr. and Mrs«. Michael Jenkins gave a. dinner party on Saturday evening, when others entertaining In the Kuropean dining room at the Mount Washington were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cowles. of New York; I* A. Hamilton and S. Stanwood Mencken. Mrs A. H. Dooley. of Richmond, was hostess it » l>ri<lßP party at the Mount Washington un Wednesday morning, »it which Mrs. Wise. Miss Pauline Day and Mrs. Trowbrldse were prize winners. At the close of the play the women sojourned to tho banquet room, which had been decorated, and covers were laid for twelve for a luncheon. The guests included, besides tho p-.izo winners. Mrs. John K. Adriance. Mrs. George F. Duncan. Mrs. J. Blake Wh'.te. Mrs. C. V. Cross. Mrs. Andrew Jones. Mrs. Robert Day. Miss Day. Mrs. Daniel Karsner and Mrs. James C. Wise. Louis Spencer Morris, of New York. has joined his family at the Mount Washington for the season. Mrs. A. A. Cowles. of New York, was hostess at a bowling party at the Mount Washington this week, at which several women made flno scores. Robert Ould Shaw, of Boston, is spending a month at the Mount Washington. Bar Harbor. Me., Aug. 25.— This has been a \i?y week from Sunday morning to Saturday night. Everything has been on the ro. and the vors* sliow and the hospital entertainment have j.irrr.cd the climax of a brilliant season. J The hors9 show has been th« bright particular | f tar of the week. But the hospltnl entertain- ! merit, which came on its heels, was fully as brilliant. The. attraction this year was the cosredy. The Duke of RfUlecraak!*.'* and ersors the oast were Henry Goodrich. Harold I. <e«n'.'. Roderick WeOaaan. Miss Natalie de Oastro. Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. Sewall. Miss Taylor, f (-;\u25a0. iley Richardson nnd Miss Wells. On Saturday came- off one of the most delight- ful affairs of the season, the reception given fey Captain Tom Bush at th» Pot and Kettle. rap:3lr. Bush received, assisted by Ills cousins. the .Misses Cook, of Baltimore. After the re- ception, dancing on the green was one of tha fesfjres. the cotillon being led by Mrs. Gifford jLCochran. of New York, and Augustine Derby. A quiet wedding was celebrated on Saturday ert^mc^n at the Church of <n-,r Father, Hulls r>v». when Miss Martha Felt us Townsend. iausnter of Mrs. James Rodman Townsend, of jf«w York, was married to Theodore F. Hum- phrey, of the same city. After the ceremony a. reception was given at the Honfteur House, ijrhere Miss Townsend and her mother have been passing th* season as guests of the bride's aunt. Mrs. .1 T. Bowen. of Chicago. Anyone the yachts in the harbor for the week- end v.e;e the Tarantula, owned by W. K. Van- df r\ \'.: : the Vigilant. Edwin Gould's Aileen. Augustus Heintz's Revolution. Isaac Sterns Virginia, the Pantooeet, of the Eastern Yacht dub; be Wahcondah. and the Corsair, with J. Plerpont Morgan on board. Mr. and Mrs. David Hennen Morris gave a dinner at Bogue Chltto on Friday evening In honor of Edwin Gould. Other entertainers of that evening were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Owen, who gave a tinner to fourteen, and Mrs. Moncure P.obinson. who gave a dinner of twelve covers. Mrs. Wiliiam F. Sheehan. of New York, gave a musical at Stanwood to-day. Mre. Francis L. Wellman gave a musical at Kngmyr on Tuesday afternoon. The Wellmans have been entertaining extensively this summer, r.ri<! this was among the moat pleasant of their affaire. The annual tennis tournament for the cham- pionship of Maine at the Swimming Club rr^ght out a number of surprises, as well as a long list of entries. The honors of the tourna- ment went to the two Bowen brothers, of Chi- cago, and although H. Kawasaki, Edgar Scott. Pulton Cutting and Amos R. K. Pinchot were all Iced as probable or possible winners, nono of them reached the finals, although Mr. Pinchot was obliged to default his last game on account of ililiikss in his family. The performance of "Elijah" by th© Choral Society on August 29 promises to be one of the society affairs. The box holders Include Mrs. Robert Abbo. Mrs. J. W. Auchincloss, Mrs. D. C. Blair, Mrs. W. H. Bliss. Mrs. Walter Damrosch. Mrs. Henry F. Dimock. Mrs. Henry Lane Eno, Mis* M. H. Guthrie. Miss Gurnee. Mrs. Frank T. Howard. Mrs. John S. Kennedy. Mrs. J. L. KetterUnus. Mrs. John C. Livingstone, Mrs. Dave Hennen Morris. Mrs. Josepn Pulitzer. Mrs. H. L. Rutherford. Mrs. Ernest Schilling. Mrs. William Jay Schiefifelin. Mrs. Jacob H. Schiff. Mrs. Ed- gar Scott. Mrs. William F. Sheehan, Mrs. Gardiner Sherman. Mrs. Elliott F. Shepard, Mrs. Clarence Wadsworth and Mrs. Guy Whiting. On Tuesday next a bridge tournament will be held for th© benefit of Kebo. Last year the tournament was enjoyable, and this year's Is expected to be fully as successful. Urn. J. T. Thompson gave a dinner of sixteen covers at Clovercroft on Friday evening. Mrs. Alanson Tucker entertained at her cot- iase at luncheon on Thursday and Friday after- rnr.nP. Mrs. William P. Douglas «rave a dinner of ten covers on Friday evening, while Jacob H. Schiff also gave a dinner at his cottage. Ban-y-Brun. Society turned out en masse on Tuesday even- <rs; to the benefit cor.cert for the new Temple of Music and Arts, which was held at the Casino. Boxes brought $100 each, and floor boxes $50. •while single seats cost $10. The entertainment \u25a0was most successful. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schelllr.g gave a luncheon of six covers at Kebo on Thursday, while Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Wellman gave a luncheon io nine at the links the preceding day. Percy R. Pyne. 2d. entertained a party of six at luncheon on Thursday. Mr». Thomas Learning gj?ve a tea at the Pot nnd Kettle on Tuesday afternoon. Some hun- dred puests were bidden and spent the greater part of the afternoon rambling about the club grounds enjoying the combination of good music. >>eautiful view and fine weather. Tea was poured by Mrs. Henry C. Chapman. Mrs. Green. Miss Linzee and Miss Patten. Mrs. Learning was assisted In receiving by Mrs. Hecksher. Wednesday night Is always a gala night, with the Malvern hop In full swing, and this rreek wa* no exception. The dance was as successful as ever, and brought out a number of couples. Miss Annie Ward Kountze. of Now York, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze are among- the 'ate, arrivals at the Malvern. Miss Kount2o's 'r,pf;p<»snent to J. Gordon Douglas, eon of Mr. and Mr« William P. Douglae, has just been an- nounced. GRINDSTONE NECK. Winter Harbor. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— ran been an athletic week at the Inn and the re- sort in general, the Interest seeming to centre about tennis and erolf. Competition for the ten- r.is tournament began Monday, -with two solid sUrer cups offered. There, are some good play- ers here this year, and the Interest is high. At the golf links a competition began Monday for a handsome solid silver cup presented by Mrs». William H. Duff, of New York. The younger set have Just finished a plng> rong tournament, the prizes, two handsome silver cups, going to B. N. Dell and W. S. Bell. Aeons' the players were Mrs. Wilson 8. BlsseM. Mies Trotter, Miss McFadePu. R. Landreth, L.. S. I-ajidreth. Miss H. Dixon. I. Irwln, Dr. Greyson and F. Day. NORTHEAST HARBOR. Northeast Harbor, Me.. Aug. 25.—Northeast Harbor seems to be attracting- college athletes this summer. The latest acquisitions to the col- ony are Herbert Dillon, the football captain of Princeton, and William Roper, head ooach. who are at the Klmball House. Amateur theatricals were the attraction at the home of Mrs. James T. Gardiner on Wednesday evening, participated In by a number of the members of the summer colony. The play was •written by Miss Margaret Gardiner, who took a leading part, and among those who took part were. Miss Anno Gardiner, Miss Elizabeth Gar- diner. Miss Emily Fox. D. M- Martin, Ralph Bradley and Putnam Morrison. Mies Brown gave a dinner of eight covers at the Kimball on Monday before the hop; Miss Henry entertained a party of twenty-four. Mrs. Lewis & party of eight, Mies Reiman a party of twelve. Miss McGowan a party of twelve and Miss Thomas a party of ten. Basketball and baseball H^eni to be the chief amusements of the athlttijmembers of the sum- mer colony at present. There are three teams of the summer guests. and any number of basket- ball teams, which have been playing: busily. v.ith various fortune, good and ill. Th«» men's doubles In the tennis tournament 'ere concluded this week. Those vho sot into 'he seml-flr.aj* ',sr]\i<\.,ci Dr. Frederick ainl Brad- ford Fra>y. I*P. and T. R. Marvin. T. Pyne. Jr.. A. Armstrong and L.. W. Pepper. MERE POINT. Mere Point. Me., Auir. 2.1 (Special).— A Jolly programme was given at tho Casino Saturday *v»-ning. consisting of society vaudeville by members of lit* summer colony, and a number of '•ther features. The usual Saturday evening hop followed The committee in charge con- sisted of th* Misses Harriet and Kilzabc-th Hurt, of Philadelphia: Miss Molli« r iffl, of Wash- Ir.gton, and George Whlteslde, of New York Donald Whiteslde. of New York, returned to Me home on Monday, after a month spent at the Point- Miss Elisabeth Iligrgliie. of New York. Is tho Sut-ets of Mr. and Mr«. Frank XV. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hunter, of Saugertles K. V., are among the guests at Pine Point. ' for over two-thirds the distance, when the nalett en* made n su.lden spurt and crossed the <ir.e 30 seconds :..'ieu.i off their competitor. i ho winning «rew was composed of Fred VTllsoii \V alter Steffen?. Oscar B. Hawes. John K. Hawea (stroke) and K. w. Gellefr© (coxswuln). For several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Traslc have been on Belvoir Island, a few mUsa from the Sasainore Hotel, where they are living hi tent* l his rs rtn« o f the most beautiful parts \u25a0\u25a0' l no lake, and Mrs. Tro*k is alreaUv much im- proved Hi health. The annual meeting or the -New York State Historical Society was held a! the Fort William ii"! I r\ Hotel on Tuesday and Wednesday. The lOllowhia offirera were elected: President, James ii--""\i '.'\u25a0'" , : '' l::til>: first »ice-preeWh*nt. Greav> mi- M. Ingallsbe. Sandy mil; second vu-o-picsi- 1 ;••'!. Dr. Mhermcn WfUtan*. Glens Fails- t!«'-.l nee-president, \u0084,, Rev Dr. c Kills Stevens xew york: treesurer. Ja;.>..-» a. Ho!u>». Glens t-Yjils: secretary. I:. t) Bascom, Fort Kilwatd 'i-.ir, Hote on Satur.lay i.l«; : «raa so RIMthat no more could be acconinicxlafed, ami late corners were forced to, seek inAfrlpg elsewhere. AT MAKHATTA2T AND THE ORIENT A!. '" its history as a resort. Manhattan Beach wiih Its l'.it!r;:iK nd .««-i sreeses, never bus been such a »*x.n i. Xew Yorkers as in the last few sultry days .-r extreme humidity. Every train has l>JT>Ußtit llfl h::m!reUs. ami both hotels have been ille.! '\u25a0 •»>< •: »)ra ;II reek. especially crowded v ; •• the l>->u,-l: on -l-'v. wben many visitors rrfjra.otn#r states and i-lro from the m>arhy resorts ran>N tt» :itte: i.( tn»- annual carnival of fireworks at ' '\u25a0", open air theatre. There wore many dinner ruirtlraiatitbe Oriental bn that veiling." and so ir.'in.y »r Ihe <!in.-..s .-.in.- In automobile*! that the .\u25a0•i«h aar:«^.- hud moro-thaa its ::;inds full former Senator Wan ... Miller was at t!'.^ Orien- ;«i ,>n rhursds] hi .-. guesi .if .;.-.'., \ 3;..i,t,,.- An-iiutomnblle i>artv »nt«>rt:ilne(i ;.: dinner by Mr and Mrs. Jacob k. Ward, who ai>. summering at '!.\u25a0 Oriental Included James Perry, of .\> -«rk .V I; 1.. P. \v.,r,!. Mr. and Mrs. William llofsi of Hempstead; Miss Peton. of New York ami 1.. p \\ .ir«i. •.; Ne« York. Another dinner was given on Thursday evening ;•• ihe Oriental by Jn !»;»• nn.l Mr-. rharl*« 11 Mur- ray. who ure spending August here. Their guest 01 honor was R»jrinald 8. Courtney. of London Mr and Mrs Will!;im RoMaW anil Mrs. S. A. Walsh Jr.. r f .-qu-i. I. O» X island, ar* recent arrivals at the C>riental. A dinner wax K iven at the Manhattan Beach Hotel on Thursday evening to John T. M-'all by the Board of Aldermen of New York In honor of Ms long services as a member of that body. The banquet hall was decorated for the occasion. R. l>o:ul acted as toaatmaster. . Mr and Mrs. Thorens Watt and Jarally. who ha- * been spending n few wer ks \u0084n their farm at Harts- •tale. N. V.. have returned to. the Oriental, where they Will n-Ull.l out U»« mms,: Henry Clews was .1 visitor si the Oriental this week. Mrs John Philip Soima. with the Miss** Sousa. is -tiding August at the Oriental. Their friend. Mrs. William V. Swords, is passing the we»k with them. Former Senator Frank D. Pavey Is at this re- sort for a few weeks. Mrs. William Floyd-Jones with her small son Is st the Oriental. Mr.and Mrs. William Rhlnelander will nnlsh the season at the Oriental. .--*.- Mrs. Austin Corfaln, who has been at the Oriental for th* last month, vreturned late In the •**) to her country estate at Newport. N. 11. MOUNTAIN CUKS. The French War Department Is ting a sjsj qulck-ftrtng mountain gun for use by th* Albino regiments and in the colonies. Th* gun hitherto In use has many drawbacks. Among others, th» recoil has to be controlled by ropes heel hy aten. and even with these there are frequent ssftshsas* th^t ar* e«ay r*et!n«d by much labor Th* new >'.v.z\ is tree, fruni these dkssdTSAtagea There Is an automatic c!.->k action r.i:r.r..iuii ii the recoil, and) the gun 1* able te dischurue twenty-three shots % minute without Its position being at all effected. Its rauge is five thousand yards, agalnet tars* thousand yards for the present gun. Th* bat- teries, howevor. will have to be of four or five guns only, km four mules are needed for transport, la- stead of three. In addition to thl*. the racifA'sd rapidity of Are will necessitate a large gflgsM of munitions.— London Globe. •• . sw-» w Many Means of Amusement at Xarragansett. Narragansett Pier. R. I . Aug. 9 <9peclal>.— tinued warm weather at Narragansett Pier Is most gratifying to the hotel men. who see Inprosy cl an added gain for an already highly successful ami profitable season. All of the hotels have jet i great number of guests, especially the big Mathent- son. Life at the Muthewson was never more In- teresting than for the- last month, and even pessi- mists have found little to complain of any lack of social life or dearth of entertainments. The weekly an£ saml-weekly hops have not only been eajovc I to the utmost by the many young people at th« Mathewsmt, but they have been a source of great pleasure ta the guests of the nearby hotel«. Then there ha** sera numerous other entertainment-^. such cts vauufvillt- : how», musicals and children's dances, all of r-lii. Uave mail* the Matnewsou the .«ocia! centre al lh« Titr. rivalled only by th«» CH*.n»j. Ju?t mem "As hot*! is tilled with guesti. many of whom will remain- into September, whir.i is. after ml), t ie mctt beautiful motitii of the yeiu* a: .\* 'rrn.e.:in?- r>. when •nitomi'bfllr^. driving ami yachting are nt their best. Th.» Hcv. fl»Th«»rt Shipmani rector of the diurt.i of lh«> Heavenly nest ..1 New Torfe. bi at the atatuewsda vlih Mr*. S!.iM:ium. l'urinjr his may here t.v <l.r--. 1 .;i has nli»U . 'M* pulpit oC St. Peter's by th«.> Sea on two p«ioc^sslv«» Sun<l^>*. . I'anl Butler, a son «if the late. General Ben.iatri'r» P. Busier, of Massachusetts, wiih >».-.«. Butler, has been a su<vt at the .%'i»thew":o:i ihi* week. Mrs. Kil«t:;r Kran-.'i.<» Van Ktta' of X*-w York, wife of the president ..t" the Boston A Albany Railroad. Is at the Mathewsen. On cloudy days bridge is tli» popular pastime at the Mathewsen, when every eonvenieat corner -of the bis hotel has its little groups of women busy with the sam». With the pasting: of tat polo season at the Poi' t JuttUh Country Club on Monday, interest In «\u25a0.\u25a0> horse show. wl.k-h opened on Thursday, took prece- dence of all else in the social world. It pixjviJ. « creat success, in which the Newport summer col- ony share*], tor inning me exhibitors were Alfre-I <». Vanderhllt. Mrs. .1. t>e Forest Par.tcison. J. J. « 'organ, the Misses Mildred and Irene Sherman! daughters of William Watts Sh*-> man Paul Raine- . P.. A. Clarke ami Miss Thayer. Among the Xarragansef t society folk who exhibtt- e<i at th» show were Mrs. Alfred JE. NoTrts. Mrs*. •loan 11. Hauan. the Misses De C'oppet. Mrs. Tnomn* 1«. VYan«mak*T. W. Gould Brokaw. J. H. Hunt. .i«>hn B. Lexis. H. W. Sag*. Hugh Legara ami Mrs. John C. Norrl». Th* committee in charge of th* horse- show ertn- s)st«d of I*. < P. Randolph, president of th*. Coun- try Club; Samuel A. rulbertson. Harry B. K»ri. JoSa R Lewis. William C. Marrow. Dr. Charles Hiirtinnsk. Edward Connor. »»nk W. Moulten. Sapiutl H. ValsathM and W. F. Blitz, associate, sac- retary and mucarei. Mrs. Charles Karnum. or New Tork. who ha* a villa at the Pier, left this week on an autanob** trip to Ute Kerkahlres a«.d the Whit* Meantatna. «\u25a0!>• was accompanlett by Mrs. William Sprague. of Coxuwctlcut, .vifo of "War Governor" Spraou* "«f Rhode Island, and Miss Ines Spmguei. Mr. ami Mrs. Otorav W. Hoadley. of Slew Tsa.->. » tth their daughter. Miss OJadys Hoadley. Ml lCar> ra£*:is4rtt thin week In their forty horse-power au- tomobile for :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* Willie Mountain*. Later they «U tarry a; l^n«:x inform returnine to their New Tork. *-..»n.e. >.'•- ;ir.«l Mrs. Joseph K. lioafllev. of Nit Totk, with Mr- M. R. M.»«.irc>- and A. 11. Hoadley. ar* still at t;e Mathewson. OUT ON BLOCK ISLAND. Meek Island. R. 1.. Aug. S Cprtap - To* aJTatr of tl:e w—l; was the masquerade Jar.c* at tH* V.'oonsocket. Among those who appeared Ci eo»':tr^ wen* Mrs. Randolph Lewis. His* Wadle Grod*n. Nellie Bonn. in. Foss Gernsheimer. David O. Gr«- den. Joseph Taague and Charles Prorost, of .v* g York. The winners at th* euchre -arty on \reir.«*«a evening were Miss J. Ely. Peter Qrnssa. Davt<l Groden. Mr. O'Conor and Mr. Rust. A raffle lor the children was arranged by Mrs. Randolph bgsjsj of New York, at which Miss Helen Richard *:-A ilastfr Keiib Russell were th* winners. - ""he concert for th» benefit of the bellboys at th* (Vie:. View on Friday evening proved a saeeesa. The orc»iestra was assisted by Miss He.en M. Bmdley. of Troy. X. v Mrs. Wheeler 11. Parkhasn. of Morrtseon:.. !«i>en«iu:s; Ui>- asssktfe at the Ocean View. ftteltard Mortimer «nd family, of New Tora. arrived «t the Oc«an View on Monday and will re- . mitlii until Labor Day. , \u25a0 . - Kverett I. Mlllikln. of Xew York, with his wife, anu sort, has been spending the week at the Met!. U. '" Nans. •* Brooklyn. is spending th* month, at tht« Mans—a, assisted at th* sacred .cea.- cert on -Sunday - entnE. -..' - Kx-Qovfi noi- Hovey sf Indiana ami wife are/ spending lh# cioala at the U'oousocket. BowNpr ' \u25a0•<:• he*-:> popular the cool days of th» week. Mi« W. 11. Dunham, of Brooklyn, has ibroken the record this week, rolling up a score 01 .Ivulce Ket- ly 41:11 wife are guests at th* Block Is!- sn<! House. Robert Mackay Is spending his vaca- tlevt the Man:*sci». Th«» Rev. Tneodore Hoffman, of New Tort. I* spanning tli» month at the New National. ' Peter <":•..!<•". of N'*w York. Is at the Woonsocket for ceveial w»*eks. Th* series of has n games for th* champion- a tip of tlie Mane has been decided in favor of th* tipxmf How* >ani. which has i.»i>l th* champion- ship for the las) two years. A ball was clvea for \u2666he benefit i>» the winning nln» on Friday events ». jiMi«e anil Mrs. Pawy. of Rochester, are agais) at the Ocean Yl»w for several weeks. Raymond All ci'on. <>f Brouhiyn. arrived on Mon- day to Join his V:ut»i!v nt th* National. . The Misses VThltetew and Miss Orami of Mgfl York, are priests at V<«!11 Cottage*. DOWN AT TIIK PIER The Prnfi!* golf team is a strong one) this year. m.l amor.; other victories count* one ever £cu> !»«>t Hill this Tr**Js. w X. P. Darrow. J. K. Bangs*. Jr.. and H. Tapr-fn arm setne of tile Ne v York member?. . " -JV A arolf tournament and a tennis tonrsam^r.i are now on at the Profile, and ar» the urn ja' events for magnificent cup* given by .various ;u?sts of the hotel and cottagere. \u25a0 . . f, The. musical at the Prom© this week ia: Ota benefit of the Hampton Institute vns a <—» success, and. as Profile snieeta are pxaverfclally Sen>»r3us. a substantial sum was haadftal to «ha treasurer. \u0084 Russell H. Hoadley. of New Tork. has JobsM his mother. Mrs. Russell Hoadley. and Mg». Goorge L. Ronalda. of Tuxedo, at th* Pro- \u25a0 for a few weeks. . . Lieutenant Governor Eben Draper. o: Mi-- saihu»etts«. has joined Mrs. Draper and her mother. Mrs. Bristow. of New Tork. at her e*t- tase. Mrs. J. Dodge Peters, of New Torts. Is th* guest of Mrs. A. S. Jarvi«. of Now Tork* at her cottage, near the Profile, \u25a0 jiWifWrTß > Miss Gertruue Parsons ha? com* up from Lenox for a few 'days at the) Profile. . t George EL Adee. of Weetchester. N. V . gas. joined at the Profile his daughter. M!*« ju.m- Adee. who holds the women's tennis lahasapiafi ship of the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. IrvinH. Cornell are at th* J. M. Cornell cottage, near the Profile. Sirs. Cornell was Miss Gladys Jones, the nlee# of Mr?. -J. man Jones. i Cornelius X. Bliss has been joined at v cot- tage by Hunt Bos worth, of New York. Mr». W. v Leanutn and W. C Leamsm. of Wwj Tort.. are i n>n tasj the season. Miss h-:i»- and }!«». J. A. Helzer are New Yorkers at tie Ma pi' v..h.il. and Geesjgje A. Gales and Geors= M Tay- lor have r.rrlved for an extended stay. At tss» «*ot:ace «r*> Mr. and Mm. John C Simpson sjsji 3itF. John Simpson, all of New York- Amsmf thi\ Xew Yorkers at the> Sinclair m* Mr. and Mr?. H. H. Salmon and H. A. aahnsto. \u2666r.. V. li Ijv.'ox Mrs. F. M. Smith. Mrs. Gtc:,*E>. Dn ::..: . "I: . C. M. HIBc Mrs. A. M. Vail \u25a0Mall. Mrs. Fanny 1.. Ccnwav. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Pratt. Warner Fr.itt. .Mrs. 11. W. AM en. Mrs. f». W. !Vnr«al!. Mr.«. S. L. Watson. Mr*Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Knndalr and x 3lr. and Mra. W. H. Juhrinjr. \u25a0* ' \u25a0 AT THE PROFILE HOUSE. * Pr->nle House. X. M. Aug. 'A <3peaialj>- Ansessj the week's, occurrences) at the lM|kl House has Ween a whist and etichre party on Friday evening for the benefit of th* 1M ?.Iri^ Day Nursery, of N«*r York.- This has annual affair . : -;V^ Some Interesting Contents and the Results. Lake -i -.« - N. V.. Aiiar'. 'S> (Spe-:lajy,~Th* Wlnninir-h, rwncd by La Grand *'. Cramer, of Troy. won the '.eu-»:ii!e nutomobile boat rnce at the Ilatm'o :-'<z::i:a on Thursday. Although ah« was the lam »'"»»' fo -mm. having a handicap of G mil \u25a0!\u25a0.<•- :i". t !•' ioconds ov#« ill-- scratch s>o;ii Bonny, owned by Herrmn Bro \u25a0\u25a0• 1 . of Now York, tin winnlnlsli easily overtook alVher contpctitors and pawed tli-. Brocee! boat half way down th« first leg of the course after turning the stak* buoy on tho second turn. The Winnlnish cov- ered the distance in 23:21. It was th« i»rettie»t and most Interesting race ever held at Lake Qeorg*. the weather condi- tions being Ideal. The other boats entered were the Shooting Star, by Commodore Harrison B. Moore New York; the Forward, by William K. Rlxby, St. Louis; the llyke You. by Charles Gates.' Brooklyn. Admiral Schley and the Rev. Dr. <;»-.. 1 Is. Van de Water were among the spectators, being the guests of the Rev. Dr. E. M. Stlres on his automobile boat Oonaway. which patrolled the course. -_; , The four-mile launch race was a much cloßer contest, but not so attractive, as the speed ele- ment was lacking. As In the former race, how- ever, the last boat out was the first to finish The Carol, entered by G. Warren Stebblns. of Brooklyn, captured the cup. the Ripple, entered by Miss Enid Alden, of New York, being a close second. The next contest In point of interest was the harge race between crews representing Hague. Huletta and Sabbath Day Point, over a course of two miles. Hague was out of the contest from the start, but the other beats kept almost abreast RAIUN6 ON LAKE GEORGE Mr. Hid Mrs. C. K. 5i.i.11.-y. of New York, and Judge and Mrs. A. X. Fall<w. of Plermont-on-the- Hudson, :\r- guests of the Water Gap House for the Si •\u25a0•'. The Mis«es ICm'ly «;. and May D. Spencer, of l>r<.ioklyn, are at the River View. A iiroKresaive euchre of twenty-live tables was hold at the Glenwood on Monday evening; and ten prizes were distribute rimer i: Herbert, who is stopping at the Olon- n-cod. broke the record sit Ynrrlck's Bowling Acad- emy by making a score nt 252. Miss' Edna westlake. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0t Brooklyn. Is the cham- pion oarswoman and swimmer at Kara mac Inn. The Missen Carlson, of .«!\u25a0* York, are at the Gap View Ho tse Miss Ida Haverly. of New York, is spending her vscutfo : at the Riverside. Miss Kva H. Fries, of New York, i' at the Del - wanna in \u25a0 tor several weeks. William M. Prentice, of New York. Is at t::e For- Mr. Wild Mr-. G. P. !.••''••. "' New fork, art at the Bellevue for several Reeks. Mr. . r.l Mrs. F. F. Ferris and M!sh K. M. Ferris. of Brooklyn, are spetirtiJiK several weeks a«t the Mountain 'House. Frequent Entertainment for Throngs of Visitor*. Delaware Water Gap. Perm.. Aug. 25 (Special). The last \v»ek Ins witnessed much (fayety. Enter- tainments have been frequently given, ami th- ball- rooms of the various hotels have been bus}'. The bathing beach has been one of the chief attraction*. Many Improvements have been made, rtv! the puests in large numbers visit it Sally nnd enjoy a din in th" waters of l!ie Delaware. The minstrel «how i* an assured thing ai the Kit- tatinny. The members of the company that will present tho sunn lire rehearsing, and it will be given the latter part of. next week On Monday evening the Shawnee t>.->s»-hnll team wii defeated in a twilight game by the fl«p View team by the decisive score of 15 to 3. Gap View his played several gam the last week without a 8lr«- Kle defeat. Prlnress Cantacuiene. of Runeia. is a guest of this resort. She has travelled over a great part of the world, and spent last winter in Egypt. She Is de- lighted with the scenery of the Gap. and expects to remain until late in the fall. Mrs Prince and her daughters. Aileen and Co- rlnne. of New York, are prominent in the social affairs at the Klttutlnny. Miss Agnes M. Brennan. of Brooklyn, is at the KltOitlnny. \u25a0; _ , , Miss Anne B. Bhirem, of New York, Is spending the rest of the season in the mountains. M. J. Fitzpatrick. of New York, is among the re- cent arrivals at the ICittatinny. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Howard are spending the re- mainder of the Mason at the Kittatinny. May E. Bannon and Kathiyn Farrell. of New York, are enjoying their outing in the mountains. Miss Burbai.k. who Is at the water Gap House. Is an enthusiastic jolfer. having made some envia- ble records on the links. She came Intending to stay only a short time, but Is so delighted with the place that she will remain until October \ A party of New Yorkers stopping at the Water Gap House, includes C. M. LeWenroth. Anna and Martha Lcldenroth and Frank Rid*w«y. were in attendance during th.« week, many of Whom were city guesis of the resort. Jesse Barnett anil i.i mother, of New- York are at the Prospect House. A game of baseball between Highland Dell and the Stroudsburg iti^h School on Monday resulted !n a victory for the former by the score •>' 12 to 4. Miss Julia \V. Schroeder, of New York, is b*re tor an extended stay. Miss MeWatters. of New Yoik. .a at the HlehUnd Inn for sevural weeks. B. C. Kusor Is spending \u25a0 iucU of his time on the tennis court connected with the Highland Inn. A euchre, of, ten tables was held .it Manlehursl oi Wednesday evening, and the winners were Mr. Hall Mr. Beyer. .Mrs. Case! Mrs. Me Bride and Miss O'Uara. Mr. anal Mrs. Vogelius iind Miss Kohms an m party from New York stopping at Maplehurat. Mrs. C. W. Hermann and Miss Joacphine Kar'.ln. of New v..;. sire new acquisitions to the ranks of the Pi»nl!" cruests. Samuel Matzke. C. O. Sn'ydrr, i' K. Borne, Mrs L. T>. Stewart and daughters and Miss Elizabeth Klefer. of :.>»• V*»rk. aro '.an- arrivals at B rwic-k Inn. W ATE B 6 AP ' DGLTG UTS PEAKS ISLAND. Peaks Island. Me.. Aug. 2. » (Special).— A wild- flower party wi>« the rove! form of entertain- ment given on Thursday evening by the house tarty tt Lcfcar.on cottage in honor of Miss Grace STROUDSBURG INCIDENTS. Strmisburg. Perm.. Aug. * (S?ec!al).-Tn& weather this week has been Carmine her*, and all th» old quests and new arrivals ha?© been having an «- *There lar^e been several musicals held at the Berwick Inn th« last week, all of the parta being furnished by the guest*. - .__ All week all the road* seem to lead to th» Indus- trial Carnival, which was held at the Raolng Asso- ciation Park. At least twenty-five thousand yereous Season in Full Exciting Finish for Tennis Tournament. Mount Porono, P*r.n.. Aur. 25 (Special).— Jolly days are tries* at this mountain resort. an<J the arrivals are constant. The season Is In full awing, and Miss Summer Girl and her gallant ar« enjoy- ing themselves to the full. The social affair of the season Is the tableau vtvant this evening at the Montanesca in old of a hospital. The arrsng*- m«nta are under the direction of Miss Fisher. The tennis tournament played last week or. tn© Montanesca courts had an exciting finish. The winners were Mr. Borton. of Pocono Inn; Mr. Ancle, of the Bungalows, and Mr. Kempton. of the Ifonta- neeca, the consolation. A handicap tennis tourna- ment between guests of the Montanesca. and ssv- *>ral other houses Is in jiro^rfFS this week on the courts. Th« first sets wera an follows, the I*v? mentioned contestant bring the winner: Kempton and Langdon. Ryan and woo'.stonhome, Seit:-. and Mack, Stanley and Dr. Cochin. A dinner was given at the Pocono Mountain Hnniie yestordav in honor of Mrs. P. F. Chambers, of BoraervUle, N. J. Mrs-. Chambers and her daugh- ters have been guests h*re for a number of *«»*- eons. and this affair was an evidence of the high esteem In which they are held. The table was deco- rated with a centrepiece of Bweetpeas. banked against the candelabra, which cast a soft pink light over the festive tab!*. After the dinner dancing was indulged In to a late hour. J. B. Newman, of New j oik. in at the Monta- nesra for a several weeks' stay. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis. Jr., of Brooklyn, ar« spending th* ref>t of the season in the mountains. Mrs. Thomas Cunningham and Miss Cunningham are quests from New York at the Montanesca. Mm. F. .1. Simpson and Ml»s Alice. Simpson, of New York, are having v rest at «he Pocono Moun- tain House. Mr. and Mrs WlHfflin M. I .awt on and daughter, of New York. are for tli» rest of the season at tht> Por-ono Mountain House. Mis« Annette Hill, of Trenton. X. J.. i* upending several weeks at the I'ocono Mountain Houses. The cuwits of the Pocono Mountain House wl3 give a vaudeville entertainment on August 27 In Mid of the Freeh Air Fund. The Misses E. and H. Daniels, of New York, are anionr the recent arrival* at the Belmont. A party of New Yorkers recently registered at the Qntwood includes Mr. and Airs. H. J. Faulkner. Jenn L,. Faulkner. Florence Faulkner. M*y A. Fnulkner and Eleanor H. Faulkner. M. 8. Trimmer, of New York, is a recent arrival at A th r?roere«lve t euchre of fifteen tables was held at the Mount Pleasant House on Tuesday evening. Six nrizes were distributed to the winners. A B Anderson, of New York. 13 at Analomink In Or 99eS r< GeTt e nide and Helen E*an. of Brook- New York, 1* ending a vacation at the Pennhurst. .NEW- YORK DAIM: TRIBUNE, >fXPAY. AUGUST 20. .1000. v.Er-W AT DELAWARE WAT^ GAT*. ON THE D. L. i. V. . « AT Tilt MAINE AND THE WHITE MOUNTAIN RESORTS. AT POCGNO AND WATER GAP.

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Crowning Week of a Busy Social Season at Bar Harbor—Bridge Whist Hat Great Vogue at Bretton Woods,

T!ie prizes foil to Mrs. W. W. Gurkey, of Chi-cago; Mrs. S. StHti.vood Menken, Miss Richurd->->•:. Mis. Lynch and Mr*. J. Rlake White, ofNew York; airs. Huso, Mrs. Eksworth and Ms?.George Duncan, of Pottlai \u0084

"ilie women's K!;!f tournament, which begen onV.'i-i;n«.sday. had many entries and was Bnishrdto-:!..y, al?o the mixed foursomes, wbicti wefepluyeO for prizes given by the manage nv-nt,

Miss Louise YVUe. <f Wilmington. X. C. :lieniece of Mrs. Henry »\L Flagler, of the MountWashington, g;,\.- on Tuesday afternoon an ex-hibition of diving, under water swimming, float-iiv.\ etc., in the )<>\u25a0>!. ..:r. and Mis. Flagler, Mr.and Mis. Henry K. l;.>;»rs. Mrs. <»anretl A;Hobart. Mrs. Lc-onurd Eianna and others wereamong the spectators.

Oiemrnl Theodore Schwa of Washington. and,Mrs. CcUwan are i!t the Mount Pleasant, whorethey arrived on Tuesday from Quebec.

Mrs. John F. McCann. Silas McCann and MicaCons-tance Crirrinlns. of New York, have re-tnrned to the Mount Washington to end the sea-son there. Curtis Guild, of Boston; is a guest

there and is accompanied by the Misses Guildand Mi«s Johnson. Miss Carolyn Wells, of Mont..hiir. is at the Mount Pleasant with a friend fora few days.•

The Mount Washington goiters have defeatedthe Waumbek golfers twice in flu* week inspirited team matches. Martin W. Littleton andLouis A. Hamilton are two New York membersof the Mount Washington golf team.

Henry M. Flagler and Mrs. Flager entertainedat luncheon this week Major General JohnBrooke, of New York, Mrs. Brooke, her sister.Miss Steams, and the Rev. J. Coffin Stout andMrs.' Stout, all of whom came over from theProfile. Mr. Flagler and Henry H. Rogers bothhave their automobiles at the Bretton Woodsgarage, and are having fine times speeding overthe mountain roads. The distances betweenmany of the best mountain resorts make it de-lightful to run about. One may drive thirty

miles south to Intervale, North Conway or Jack-son. Twenty miles in another direction to theProfile, twenty in another to Jefferson and the

Social Affairs Have Made GayWeek at Bretton Woods.

Bretton Woods. N. H.. Aug. 25 (Special).— This\u25a0week finds th* season at its height in the WhiteMountains, and never before have so mnnypeople been entertained at the big hotels. AtBretton Woods there has been much gayetyf andbridge holds its sway o%er the guests of bothhotels. A bridge parly at the Mount Washing-

ton on Tuesday filled light tables with players.


Acbeols was defeated by Mi. Adsit. 2 up and 1 tol>;hv. Miaa UJ.i })o;;j-,. of Brookline. Kwt to Missa •"\u25a0:!<» r, ny .run? wick. N. .1., by

-up. over the ten

n-j.eK. in the second division Mrs.".Herrick, or IVs-1-\u25a0\u25a0-'.. won from Mr?. Gnlne*. of New York. 2 up."•:••'» the match between Mrs. Hurlburt and Mrs.?i"v'u::.

-, resulted in the former's winning by S ui>;., (1.to play. In ft., semi-flnsls Mrs. Adslt de-l-M.?r-u M.'(-.•« d'Olier by iup. and Ml»s Hurlbun wonire:.-: Ml« Horrlck by!up and 1 to piny.

T:-.o Mi.-scs Kolliit. of Brookline. have as ene«tsnt the Waiimhok Mr. and Mrs: J. S. Tenney, ft2<rt: York.

>.i:. a1\u25a0\u25a0'. Mrs. Frank IV. Garvln. «'f Paris, memhking Jin extended visit at the WaiiuiueJc.

j-.... a.,-...!.;,; tournament for men Is »>:> -t theWfi ir.l>ok this week, and the Waumbek. JeffersoniiiK*btuir IZh-.n cups make handsome irophie*

!s*:ic <•'. hey. <»f Trenton, who Is iui annualvisitor. has joined his family nt the Waumbtk.Mr. r-.;. ] M:-. Archibald Mdlare. of Albany, with

Mi.ss J. i*utti:ig.of PHtsfleld. are paying a visit tothe Waumbek, where they arrived in their m "torCAf.

Mr. an.l Mrs. Henry W. Blair, of the \Tl?wam,have us guests nt the cottage Miss Dorothy Linn,I>wiKht Unn and Henry B. Keep, of Chicago. OnWednesday they formed a motor party and bowle.lover to the Crawford House tor luncheon.

Miss IJningerfleld, Miss Frank. Miss Taylor,Messrs. P. .Ictor. C. Adsit. August Klipstein andI. Taylor cllmbca to the summit of Starr King on'1hursday.

ON JEFFERSON HEIGHTS.Jefferson. N. H.. Aug. £3 (Special).-There have»een among the social affairs at the Waumbek this

week some private parties and a dove german onFriday afternoon in the ballroom, which was dec-orated in green for the occasion. More than fortycouples were present, and at the close of the ootil-lon refreshments were served.

Mr Rain. of the Waumbek. presented the prises

frn^1*p,uttln* contest on Saturday afternoon andwit™ a i'core number of entries Mrs. Hayde 'won.?r Ifia SOO f® w

of K-2-^ There were thirtv-To»?rentries, and the match was followed toim»ft»noon tea. at which there was music* *

snHfh" *™?1in *£.* t<?r«is tournament was creatw|e Ob> r'geW^llelrr'geW^llelr H°

U"W?nner-tramping of the many busy feet that tread th«


°' '*«-»\u25a0» »I"WSThe annual golf tournament for women whichw«s piajed over a ten-hole course this week drew

t ar**.,I1HHUn er.of•ntrt««- Th* prellmlnafv round*were di\ided Into two divisions. In which Mi™'

CASTINE.Casttne. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— golf

and excursions seem to be the popular enter-tainments of this summer. After dinner eachevening the tables are filled, and the casual ob-server wonders what playing card factory getsthe extensive trade.Among the summer colony here are the Rev.Dr. Newell Dwight Hlllis and family, of Brook-lyn; Mrs. Jeeeup and family of New York; Mrand Mrs. John Nlckelaon, of New York; Mrs.r™™ns'c £ ,York:the Misses Helen andGrace Titus. J C. Atwater and family. EdwardTodd. jr.,and family, of New York; J. P. Whit-ney and family, of Glassboro, N. J.Among the cottagers are Professor W. AKeener, formerly J2? an of Columbia UniversityLaw School; Mrs. W. C. Robinson, of New York,and Dr. J. W. Grlndle. of New York.

CAMEEN.Camden. Me., Aug. 25 (Special).—Camden's

gfcla day willcome August 30. when a monu-ment will be dedicated to William Conway. asailor on duty In the Pensacola Navy Yard whorefused to haul d«wn the American flag In 1861.The event will be celebrated in fine style, for.besides a number of addresses by Governor Cobband other prominent men, there will be theNorth Atlantic Squadron In the harbor underthe command of Admiral Robley D. Evans, anda national salute of twenty-one guns will befired.

SORKENTO.Sorrento. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).— Among the

ccttape colony here at present are Mrs. P. H.Stewart, of New York;Thomas Ewlng. of Tonk-r,rs; Mrs. W. F. Cochran. of Yonkers; Miss C. B.St e:.cer. of Yonkors; A. Schroeder. of New York;tt:e Rev. J. E. Freeman, of Yonkers ;Miss Pren-t:ss. of New York; Chief Justice Fuller, ofWashington.

Ferrlr.gtcn. of New York. Progressive whistformed rart of the entertainment.

Bowiln*parties have been frequent during th->Week, and there are some expert bowlers nmuiv.*the young guests at the island.

\u25a0 MACMAHANS ISLAND.MacMahan's Island. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).—

MaeMahan's Island has developed Into cr.e <\tthe moat delightfulsummer resorts on the Ma'.r.eCoast. Almost every state In the union Is repre-sented by the guests who come here. There aretwenty-eight cottages en the Island, and severalnew ones are under construction: to bo finishedin the fall. One of these, the largest and one of,th<- most elaborate, will be the home of MisaMasters, of New York. Among the cottage 00-cupants are W. C. Redfirld. of Brooklyn: Mr.Reazor. or Orange. N. J.; Mrs. C. H. Haves. ofNewark. N. J. : Miss jourgcnsr.n. of Brooklyn;Mrf-. B*ard. of Brooklyn; Mrs. Roberts, of New1ork. and Mr. Thompson, of New York.

BLUEHILL.Bluehill. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).—There is an

extensive summer colony of New Yorkers herethis summer, Including Franz Kneisel, H. E.KrehbieL Mrs. Berth* Maas Tapper. Mrs. Ethel-bert Nevchu The Marshall cottas© in occupiedby Mrs. Holden. of New York, while the Cochrancottage is occupied by the Wilsons, of Now York.

Dr. A. M. Thomas, of New York, is occupyinghis cottage at Harborside.

The Rev. Dr. Donald S. McKay and family, ofNew York, are occupying the Stevens cottagethis reason.

Mrs. Henderson, of New York, has as guestsAdmiral and Mrs. Howison at her cottasre onTenney Hill.

Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson Hale and family, ofNew York, are occupying their cottage on Ten-ney Kill.

MAPLEWGODMaplewood. N. H.. Aug. 25 (Special).— A gala

day at the Maplewood Hotel was Tues-day, when the most brilliant social affair in theWhite Mountains took place. There is always alarge attendance here on the fete day. but whenItbecame known that it was a benefit for theproposed hospital at Littleton. N. H.. there wasthe greatest enthusiasm displayed throughout

the mountains and from far and neer. by tram

and carriage and motor car and shank's mare,

there came hundreds of summer visitors, whocontributed much toward making the day a brill-iant success.

The day's occurrences began with a burlesquebaseball game between the women and men ofthe hotel. The men wore the garb of the fairsex and masqueraded successfully, althoughtheir garments were not all cut according to th*latest dictates of Paris fashion. The merrimentthey created did not prevent some excellent

play, and after a hard fought battle the womenwere declared by Umpire Clifford to be winners,the score 23 to 0. After the men hud changedtheir clothing and eaten luncheon the fun beganagain. In the 100-yard dash, P. Jones took firstprise, W. Williams second. The prizes weresilver loving cups. In the obstacle races*, theprizes of large silver loving cup and hand en-graved vase were captured by J. Burrill and CFink, of New York, and Miss D. Wlngate. ofBoston. In the potato race for girls under fif-teen years. Miss C. Herara. of New York, andMiss D. Wingate. of Boston, won. and Miss E.Burrill. of Morrtstown, N. J.. and Miss C.Herara. of New York, were declared the bestpitchers in the ball game. The most laughableof the gymkhana sports were the sack race, thetug of war by tho caddies, climbing the greasedpole by caddies and three-legged race by caddiesand bellboys. The 50-yard dash for women wmswon by Miss Eleanor Fink, of New York, .Mis*Frazer. of Ottawa, second. The women ai. \u25a0>

tried their skill at football, end Miss A. Burrilland Miss? Jornlman. of New York, took theha»d*ome gold amethyst studded braceletsoffers '. a.« Tirlse*.

'" ' "*Fully on« thousand people attended from

re!t;hb«>ri:ig resorts, and the sports were mostsuccessful. They were followed by an afternoonlea, nt which guests at the Maplewood ar.d cot-tages were hostesses.

The crowning event of the day came in t;ie

even Ins. when Maplowood Park, opposite thecottage and hotel, was Illuminated by one thou-sand Chinese lanterns and half as many electriclights. Seventy- tablet* were set under thetrees. Over $3f>o was added to the treasury of

! the hospital as a result. The MaplewoodIorchestra contributed a special musical pro-

gramme In the evening. Among subscriptionsalready received are $5,000 from J. H. GlessasT,of Chicago, whose summer home, the Rocks, i?in Bethlehem. Mrs. Garr«t A. Hobnrt. the widowof the latrt Vi"e-President. contributed.

Mr. and Mrs«. M. V. B. Bull, of Albany, areadditions to the social set at Maplewood. where

Waumbek. ami. ifa longer' trip i*wanted, sixtymiies to DixvillcNotch and ihe Ualr-ams. Therehave been nearly fifty machines belonging toregular patrons of the Brctton Woods hotels Inthe garos* this week.

Dr. John McCoy rrui Hiss Alice McCoy, ofNew York, ore with Mr.and Mrs. C l". Wcrn-*"ajt ai tho Mount Washington for the month,and at the. Mount Pleasant are Mr. and Mrs.l.cth Loriok. of Now York, who cams from theWaunbck to Rnttan Woods.

Miss !«';• UCDJamln. of Next York, who >• atthe Mount Washington, is an enthusiastic re-dcttrian ami has already mads the asvect ofeight or ten p°ak^ In this vlclnltv. She is acharity worker In New York. especfsjsy in ih«blind asylum.

>.:• Louis;! T. Navarre, of New York, withr.!:^3 Enuna Moncade, has arrived at the Mou::tWashington ior th* season. Mrs. H. P. Loom'.shas come from Rye, N. V.. to join,at th- MountWashington^ her father, Clarence Seaman*.

Austin L. Jenkins.* of Haltlmore. has Join<<l hi*fr.niiiy a! the Mount Washington for the rest of.the month. Mr. and Mrs«. Michael Jenkins gave

a. dinner party on Saturday evening, whenothers entertaining In the Kuropean diningroomat the Mount Washington were Mr. and Mrs.A. A. Cowles. of New York;I*A.Hamilton andS. Stanwood Mencken.

Mrs A. H. Dooley. of Richmond, was hostessit » l>ri<lßP party at the Mount Washington unWednesday morning, »it which Mrs. Wise. MissPauline Day and Mrs. Trowbrldse were prizewinners. At the close of the play the womensojourned to tho banquet room, which had beendecorated, and covers were laid for twelve for aluncheon. The guests included, besides thop-.izo winners. Mrs. John K. Adriance. Mrs.George F. Duncan. Mrs. J. Blake Wh'.te. Mrs. C.V. Cross. Mrs. Andrew Jones. Mrs. Robert Day.Miss Day. Mrs. Daniel Karsner and Mrs. JamesC. Wise.

Louis Spencer Morris, of New York.has joined

his family at the Mount Washington for theseason.

Mrs. A. A. Cowles. of New York, was hostessat a bowling party at the Mount Washington

this week, at which several women made flnoscores.

Robert Ould Shaw, of Boston, is spending amonth at the Mount Washington.

Bar Harbor. Me., Aug. 25.—This has been a\i?y week from Sunday morning to Saturdaynight. Everything has been on the ro. and thevors* sliow and the hospital entertainment havej.irrr.cd the climax of a brilliant season. J

The hors9 show has been th« bright particular |ftar of the week. But the hospltnl entertain- !merit, which came on its heels, was fully asbrilliant. The. attraction this year was thecosredy. The Duke of RfUlecraak!*.'* andersors the oast were Henry Goodrich. Harold I.<e«n'.'. Roderick WeOaaan. Miss Natalie deOastro. Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. Sewall. Miss Taylor,

f (-;\u25a0. iley Richardson nnd Miss Wells.On Saturday came- off one of the most delight-

ful affairs of the season, the reception givenfey Captain Tom Bush at th» Pot and Kettle.rap:3lr. Bush received, assisted by Ills cousins.the .Misses Cook, of Baltimore. After the re-ception, dancing on the green was one of thafesfjres. the cotillon being led by Mrs. GiffordjLCochran. of New York, and Augustine Derby.

A quiet wedding was celebrated on Saturday

ert^mc^n at the Church of <n-,r Father, Hullsr>v». when Miss Martha Felt us Townsend.iausnter of Mrs. James Rodman Townsend, ofjf«w York, was married to Theodore F. Hum-phrey, of the same city. After the ceremonya. reception was given at the Honfteur House,ijrhere Miss Townsend and her mother have beenpassing th* season as guests of the bride's aunt.Mrs. .1 T. Bowen. of Chicago.

Anyone the yachts in the harbor for the week-end v.e;e the Tarantula, owned by W. K. Van-dfr\\'.:: the Vigilant. Edwin Gould's Aileen.Augustus Heintz's Revolution. Isaac SternsVirginia, the Pantooeet, of the Eastern Yachtdub; be Wahcondah. and the Corsair, with J.Plerpont Morgan on board.

Mr. and Mrs. David Hennen Morris gave adinner at Bogue Chltto on Friday evening Inhonor of Edwin Gould. Other entertainers ofthat evening were Mr.and Mrs. J. P. Owen, whogave a tinner to fourteen, and Mrs. MoncureP.obinson. who gave a dinner of twelve covers.

Mrs. Wiliiam F. Sheehan. of New York, gavea musical at Stanwood to-day.

Mre. Francis L. Wellman gave a musical atKngmyr on Tuesday afternoon. The Wellmanshave been entertaining extensively this summer,r.ri<! this was among the moat pleasant of theiraffaire.

The annual tennis tournament for the cham-pionship of Maine at the Swimming Clubrr^ght out a number of surprises, as well asa long list of entries. The honors of the tourna-ment went to the two Bowen brothers, of Chi-cago, and although H. Kawasaki, Edgar Scott.Pulton Cuttingand Amos R. K.Pinchot were all

Iced as probable or possible winners, nono ofthem reached the finals, although Mr. Pinchotwas obliged to default his last game on accountof ililiikss in his family.

The performance of "Elijah" by th© ChoralSociety on August 29 promises to be one of thesociety affairs. The box holders Include Mrs.Robert Abbo. Mrs. J. W. Auchincloss, Mrs. D. C.Blair, Mrs. W. H. Bliss. Mrs. Walter Damrosch.Mrs. Henry F. Dimock. Mrs. Henry Lane Eno,Mis* M. H. Guthrie. Miss Gurnee. Mrs. FrankT. Howard. Mrs. John S. Kennedy. Mrs. J. L.KetterUnus. Mrs. John C. Livingstone, Mrs. DaveHennen Morris. Mrs. Josepn Pulitzer. Mrs. H. L.Rutherford. Mrs. Ernest Schilling. Mrs. WilliamJay Schiefifelin. Mrs. Jacob H. Schiff. Mrs. Ed-gar Scott. Mrs. William F. Sheehan, Mrs.Gardiner Sherman. Mrs. Elliott F. Shepard, Mrs.Clarence Wadsworth and Mrs. Guy Whiting.

On Tuesday next a bridge tournament willbeheld for th© benefit of Kebo. Last year thetournament was enjoyable, and this year's Isexpected to be fullyas successful.

Urn. J. T. Thompson gave a dinner of sixteencovers at Clovercroft on Friday evening.

Mrs. Alanson Tucker entertained at her cot-iase at luncheon on Thursday and Friday after-rnr.nP.

Mrs. William P. Douglas «rave a dinner of tencovers on Friday evening, while Jacob H. Schiffalso gave a dinner at his cottage. Ban-y-Brun.

Society turned out en masse on Tuesday even-<rs; to the benefit cor.cert for the new Temple ofMusic and Arts, which was held at the Casino.Boxes brought $100 each, and floor boxes $50.•while single seats cost $10. The entertainment\u25a0was most successful.

Mr.and Mrs. Ernest Schelllr.g gave a luncheonof six covers at Kebo on Thursday, while Mr.and Mrs. Francis L.Wellman gave a luncheonio nine at the links the preceding day. Percy R.Pyne. 2d. entertained a party of six at luncheonon Thursday.

Mr». Thomas Learning gj?ve a tea at the Potnnd Kettle on Tuesday afternoon. Some hun-dred puests were bidden and spent the greaterpart of the afternoon rambling about the clubgrounds enjoying the combination of good music.>>eautiful view and fine weather. Tea waspoured by Mrs. Henry C. Chapman. Mrs. Green.Miss Linzee and Miss Patten. Mrs. Learningwas assisted In receiving by Mrs. Hecksher.

Wednesday night Is always a gala night,withthe Malvern hop In full swing, and this rreekwa*no exception. The dance was as successfulas ever, and brought out a number of couples.

Miss Annie Ward Kountze. of Now York, andMr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze are among- the'ate, arrivals at the Malvern. Miss Kount2o's'r,pf;p<»snent to J. Gordon Douglas, eon of Mr.and Mr« William P. Douglae, has just been an-nounced.

GRINDSTONE NECK.Winter Harbor. Me.. Aug. 25 (Special).—

ran been an athletic week at the Inn and the re-sort in general, the Interest seeming to centreabout tennis and erolf. Competition for the ten-r.is tournament began Monday, -with two solidsUrer cups offered. There, are some good play-ers here this year, and the Interest is high.

At the golf links a competition began Mondayfor a handsome solid silver cup presented byMrs». William H. Duff, of New York.

The younger set have Just finished a plng>rong tournament, the prizes, two handsomesilver cups, going to B. N. Dell and W. S. Bell.Aeons' the players were Mrs. Wilson 8. BlsseM.Mies Trotter, Miss McFadePu. R. Landreth, L.. S.I-ajidreth. Miss H. Dixon. I.Irwln, Dr. Greysonand F. Day.

NORTHEAST HARBOR.Northeast Harbor, Me.. Aug. 25.—Northeast

Harbor seems to be attracting- college athletesthis summer. The latest acquisitions to the col-ony are Herbert Dillon, the football captain ofPrinceton, and William Roper, head ooach. whoare at the Klmball House.

Amateur theatricals were the attraction at thehome of Mrs. James T. Gardiner on Wednesdayevening, participated In by a number of themembers of the summer colony. The play was•written by Miss Margaret Gardiner, who took aleading part, and among those who took partwere. Miss Anno Gardiner, Miss Elizabeth Gar-diner. Miss Emily Fox. D. M- Martin, RalphBradley and Putnam Morrison.

Mies Brown gave a dinner of eight covers atthe Kimball on Monday before the hop; MissHenry entertained a party of twenty-four. Mrs.Lewis & party of eight, Mies Reiman a party oftwelve. Miss McGowan a party of twelve andMiss Thomas a party of ten.

Basketball and baseball H^eni to be the chiefamusements of the athlttijmembers of the sum-mer colony at present. There are three teams ofthe summer guests. and any number of basket-ball teams, which have been playing: busily.v.ith various fortune, good and ill.

Th«» men's doubles In the tennis tournament'ere concluded this week. Those vho sot into'he seml-flr.aj* ',sr]\i<\.,ci Dr. Frederick ainl Brad-ford Fra>y. I*P. and T. R. Marvin. T. Pyne.Jr.. A.Armstrong and L.. W. Pepper.

MERE POINT.Mere Point. Me., Auir. 2.1 (Special).— A Jolly

programme was given at tho Casino Saturday*v»-ning. consisting of society vaudeville bymembers of lit*summer colony, and a number of'•ther features. The usual Saturday eveninghop followed The committee in charge con-sisted of th* Misses Harriet and Kilzabc-th Hurt,of Philadelphia: Miss Molli« riffl, of Wash-Ir.gton, and George Whlteslde, of New YorkDonald Whiteslde. of New York, returned toMe home on Monday, after a month spent at thePoint-

Miss Elisabeth Iligrgliie.of New York. Is thoSut-ets of Mr.and Mr«. Frank XV. Chandler

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hunter, of SaugertlesK. V., are among the guests at Pine Point.


for over two-thirds the distance, when thenalett en* made n su.lden spurt and crossedthe <ir.e 30 seconds :..'ieu.i off their competitor.iho winning «rew was composed of Fred VTllsoii\Valter Steffen?. Oscar B. Hawes. John K.Hawea (stroke) and K. w. Gellefr© (coxswuln).

For several weeks Mr.and Mrs. Spencer Traslchave been on Belvoir Island, a few mUsa fromthe Sasainore Hotel, where they are living hitent* lhis rs rtn« of the most beautiful parts\u25a0\u25a0' lno lake, and Mrs. Tro*k is alreaUv much im-proved Hi health.

The annual meeting or the -New York StateHistorical Society was held a! the Fort Williamii"!Ir\ Hotel on Tuesday and Wednesday. ThelOllowhia offirera were elected: President, Jamesii--""\i '.'\u25a0'" ,:

''l::til>: first »ice-preeWh*nt. Greav>mi- M. Ingallsbe. Sandy mil; second vu-o-picsi-1 ;••'!. Dr. Mhermcn WfUtan*. Glens Fails- t!«'-.lnee-president, \u0084,, Rev Dr. c Kills Stevensxew york: treesurer. Ja;.>..-» a. Ho!u>». Glenst-Yjils: secretary. I:. t) Bascom, Fort Kilwatd'i-.ir, Hote on Satur.lay i.l«;:«raa so RIMthatno more could be acconinicxlafed, ami late cornerswere forced to,seek inAfrlpg elsewhere.

AT MAKHATTA2T AND THE ORIENT A!.'"its history as a resort. Manhattan Beach wiih

Its l'.it!r;:iK nd .««-i sreeses, never bus been sucha »*x.n i. Xew Yorkers as in the last fewsultry days .-r extreme humidity. Every train hasl>JT>Ußtit llfl h::m!reUs. ami both hotels have been•ille.! '\u25a0 •»>< •: »)ra ;II reek. especially crowdedv ;•• the l>->u,-l: on • -l-'v. wben many visitorsrrfjra.otn#r states and i-lrofrom the m>arhy resortsran>N tt» :itte:i.( tn»- annual carnival of fireworks at'

'\u25a0", open air theatre. There wore many dinnerruirtlraiatitbe Oriental bn that veiling." and soir.'in.y »r Ihe <!in.-..s .-.in.- In automobile*! that the.\u25a0•i«h aar:«^.- hud moro-thaa its ::;inds fullformer Senator Wan ... Miller was at t!'.^ Orien-;«i ,>n rhursds] hi .-. guesi .if .;.-.'., \ 3;..i,t,,.-An-iiutomnblle i>artv »nt«>rt:ilne(i ;.: dinner by Mrand Mrs. Jacob k. Ward, who ai>. summering at'!.\u25a0 Oriental Included James Perry, of .\> -«rk.V I;1.. P. \v.,r,!. Mr. and Mrs. William llofsiof Hempstead; Miss Peton. of New York ami 1.. p

\\.ir«i. •.; Ne« York.Another dinner was given on Thursday evening;•• ihe Oriental by Jn !»;»• nn.l Mr-. rharl*« 11 Mur-ray. who ure spending August here. Their guest

01 honor was R»jrinald 8. Courtney. of LondonMr and Mrs Will!;im RoMaW anil Mrs. S. A.Walsh Jr.. r f M» .-qu-i. I.O»X island, ar*recentarrivals at the C>riental.A dinner wax Kiven at the Manhattan BeachHotel on Thursday evening to John T. M-'all by

the Board of Aldermen of New York In honor ofMs long services as a member of that body. Thebanquet hall was decorated for the occasion. R.l>o:ul acted as toaatmaster. . •

Mr and Mrs. Thorens Watt and Jarally. who ha- *been spending n few wer ks \u0084n their farm at Harts-•tale. N. V.. have returned to. the Oriental, wherethey Will n-Ull.l out U»« mms,:

Henry Clews was .1 visitor si the Oriental thisweek.Mrs John Philip Soima. with the Miss** Sousa. is

-tiding August at the Oriental. Their friend. Mrs.William V. Swords, is passing the we»k with them.

Former Senator Frank D. Pavey Is at this re-sort for a few weeks.

Mrs. William Floyd-Jones with her small son Isst the Oriental. Mr.and Mrs. William Rhlnelanderwillnnlsh the season at the Oriental. .--*.-

Mrs. Austin Corfaln, who has been at the Orientalfor th* last month, vreturned late In the •**) toher country estate at Newport. N. 11.

MOUNTAIN CUKS.The French War Department Is ting a sjsj

qulck-ftrtng mountain gun for use by th* Albinoregiments and in the colonies. Th* gun hithertoIn use has many drawbacks. Among others, th»recoil has to be controlled by ropes heel hy aten.and even with these there are frequent ssftshsas*th^t ar* e«ay r*et!n«d by much labor Th* new>'.v.z\ is tree, fruni these dkssdTSAtagea There Is anautomatic c!.->k action r.i:r.r..iuiiii the recoil, and)the gun 1* able te dischurue twenty-three shots %minute without Its position being at all effected.Its rauge is five thousand yards, agalnet tars*thousand yards for the present gun. Th* bat-teries, howevor. willhave to be of four or fivegunsonly, km four mules are needed for transport, la-stead of three. In addition to thl*. the racifA'sdrapidity of Are will necessitate a large gflgsM ofmunitions.— London Globe. •• .

—sw-» w

Many Means of Amusement atXarragansett.

Narragansett Pier. R. I.Aug. 9 <9peclal>.—tinued warm weather at Narragansett Pier Is mostgratifying to the hotel men. who see Inprosy cl anadded gain for an already highly successful amiprofitable season. All of the hotels have jetigreat number of guests, especially the bigMathent-son. Life at the Muthewson was never more In-teresting than for the- last month, and even pessi-mists have found little to complain of any lack of

social lifeor dearth of entertainments. The weeklyan£ saml-weekly hops have not only been eajovcIto the utmost by the many young people at th«Mathewsmt, but they have been a source of greatpleasure ta the guests of the nearby hotel«. Thenthere ha** sera numerous other entertainment-^.such cts vauufvillt-:how», musicals and children'sdances, all of r-lii. Uave mail* the Matnewsouthe .«ocia! centre al lh« Titr.rivalled only by th«»CH*.n»j. Ju?t mem "As hot*! is tilled with guesti.many of whom will remain- into September, whir.iis. after ml), t ie mctt beautiful motitii of the yeiu*a: .\* 'rrn.e.:in?- r>. when •nitomi'bfllr^. driving amiyachting are nt their best.

Th.» Hcv. fl»Th«»rt Shipmani rector of the diurt.iof lh«> Heavenly nest ..1 New Torfe. bi at theatatuewsda vlih Mr*. S!.iM:ium. l'urinjrhis mayhere t.v <l.r--. 1 .;i has nli»U . 'M* pulpit oC St.Peter's by th«.> Sea on two p«ioc^sslv«» Sun<l^>*. .

I'anl Butler, a son «if the late. General Ben.iatri'r»P. Busier, of Massachusetts, wiih >».-.«. Butler, hasbeen a su<vt at the .%'i»thew":o:i ihi* week.

Mrs. Kil«t:;rKran-.'i.<» Van Ktta' of X*-w York, wifeof the president ..t" the Boston A Albany Railroad.Is at the Mathewsen.

On cloudy days bridge is tli» popular pastime atthe Mathewsen, when every eonvenieat corner -ofthe bis hotel has its little groups of women busywith the sam».

With the pasting: of tat polo season at the Poi' tJuttUh Country Club on Monday, interest In «\u25a0.\u25a0>horse show. wl.k-h opened on Thursday, took prece-dence of all else in the social world. ItpixjviJ.«creat success, in which the Newport summer col-ony share*], tor inning me exhibitors were Alfre-I<». Vanderhllt. Mrs. .1. t>e Forest Par.tcison. J. J.« 'organ, the Misses Mildred and Irene Sherman!daughters of William Watts Sh*->man Paul Raine- .P.. A. Clarke ami Miss Thayer.

Among the Xarragansef t society folk who exhibtt-e<i at th» show were Mrs. Alfred JE. NoTrts. Mrs*.•loan 11. Hauan. the Misses De C'oppet. Mrs. Tnomn*1«. VYan«mak*T. W. Gould Brokaw. J. H. Hunt..i«>hn B. Lexis. H. W. Sag*. Hugh Legara amiMrs. John C. Norrl».

Th* committee in charge of th* horse- show ertn-s)st«d of I*.< P. Randolph, president of th*.Coun-try Club; Samuel A. rulbertson. Harry B. K»ri.JoSa R Lewis. William C. Marrow. Dr. CharlesHiirtinnsk. Edward Connor. »»nk W. Moulten.Sapiutl H. ValsathM and W. F.Blitz, associate, sac-retary and mucarei.

Mrs. Charles Karnum. or New Tork. who ha* avilla at the Pier, left this week on an autanob**trip to Ute Kerkahlres a«.d the Whit* Meantatna.«\u25a0!>• was accompanlett by Mrs. William Sprague. ofCoxuwctlcut, .vifo of "War Governor" Spraou* "«fRhode Island, and Miss Ines Spmguei.

Mr. ami Mrs. Otorav W. Hoadley. of Slew Tsa.->.»tth their daughter. Miss OJadys Hoadley. MllCar>ra£*:is4rtt thin week In their forty horse-power au-tomobile for :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* Willie Mountain*. Later they «Utarry a; l^n«:x inform returnine to their New Tork.*-..»n.e.

>.'•- ;ir.«l Mrs. Joseph K. lioafllev. ofNit Totk,with Mr- M. R. M.»«.irc>- and A. 11. Hoadley. ar*still at t;e Mathewson.


Meek Island. R. 1.. Aug. S Cprtap-

To*aJTatrof tl:e w—l; was the masquerade Jar.c* at tH*

V.'oonsocket. Among those who appeared Cieo»':tr^

wen* Mrs. Randolph Lewis. His* Wadle Grod*n.Nellie Bonn. in. Foss Gernsheimer. David O. Gr«-den. Joseph Taague and Charles Prorost, of .v*gYork.

The winners at th* euchre -arty on \reir.«*«a

evening were Miss J. Ely. Peter Qrnssa. Davt<lGroden. Mr. O'Conor and Mr. Rust. A raffle lorthe children was arranged by Mrs. Randolph bgsjsjof New York, at which Miss Helen Richard *:-Ailastfr Keiib Russell were th* winners. -

""he concert for th» benefit of the bellboys at th*(Vie:. View on Friday evening proved a saeeesa.The orc»iestra was assisted by Miss He.en M.Bmdley.of Troy. X. v

Mrs. Wheeler 11. Parkhasn. of Morrtseon:.. i»!«i>en«iu:s; Ui>- asssktfe at the Ocean View.

ftteltard Mortimer «nd family, of New Tora.arrived «t the Oc«an View on Monday and willre-. mitlii until Labor Day. , \u25a0 . -

Kverett I. Mlllikln.of Xew York, with his wife,anu sort, has been spending the week at the Met!.


Nans. •* Brooklyn. is spending th* month,at tht« Mans—a, H» assisted at th* sacred .cea.-cert on -Sunday

-entnE. -..'

-Kx-Qovfinoi- Hovey sf Indiana ami wife are/

spending lh# cioala at the U'oousocket.BowNpr

'\u25a0•<:• he*-:> popular the cool days of th»

week. Mi« W. 11. Dunham, of Brooklyn, hasibroken the record this week, rolling up a score 01

.Ivulce Ket-ly41:11 wife are guests at th*Block Is!-sn<! House. Robert Mackay Is spending his vaca-tlevt *» the Man:*sci».

Th«» Rev. Tneodore Hoffman, of New Tort. I*spanning tli» month at the New National.

'Peter <":•..!<•". of N'*w York. Is at the Woonsocket

for ceveial w»*eks.Th* series of has n games for th* champion-

a tipof tlie Mane has been decided in favor of th*tipxmf How* >ani. which has i.»i>l th* champion-ship for the las) two years. A ball was clvea for\u2666he benefit i>» the winning nln» on Friday events ».

jiMi«e anil Mrs. Pawy. of Rochester, are agais)at the Ocean Yl»w for several weeks.

Raymond Allci'on. <>f Brouhiyn. arrived on Mon-day to Join his V:ut»i!v nt th* National. .

The Misses VThltetew and Miss Orami of MgflYork, are priests at V<«!11 Cottage*.


The Prnfi!* golf team is a strong one) this year.m.l amor.; other victories count* one ever £cu>!»«>t Hill this Tr**Js. w X. P. Darrow. J. K.Bangs*. Jr.. and H. Tapr-fn arm setne of tile Ne vYork member?. . "

-JVA arolf tournament and a tennis tonrsam^r.i

are now on at the Profile, and ar» the urn ja'

events for magnificent cup* given by .various;u?sts of the hotel and cottagere. \u25a0 . • . f,

The. musical at the Prom© this week ia: Otabenefit of the Hampton Institute vns a <—»success, and. as Profile snieeta are pxaverfclallySen>»r3us. a substantial sum was haadftal to «hatreasurer. \u0084Russell H. Hoadley. of New Tork. has JobsMhis mother. Mrs. Russell Hoadley. and Mg».Goorge L. Ronalda. of Tuxedo, at th* Pro- \u25a0for a few weeks. ..

Lieutenant Governor Eben Draper. o: Mi--saihu»etts«. has joined Mrs. Draper and hermother. Mrs. Bristow. of New Tork. at her e*t-tase.

Mrs. J. Dodge Peters, of New Torts. Is th*guest of Mrs. A. S. Jarvi«. of Now Tork* ather cottage, near the Profile, \u25a0 jiWifWrTß >

Miss Gertruue Parsons ha? com* up fromLenox for a few 'days at the) Profile. • . t

George EL Adee. of Weetchester. N. V . gas.joined at the Profile his daughter. M!*« ju.m-

Adee. who holds the women's tennis lahasapiafiship of the hotel.

Mr.and Mrs. IrvinH. Cornell are at th* J. M.Cornell cottage, near the Profile. Sirs. Cornellwas Miss Gladys Jones, the nlee# of Mr?. -J.

man Jones. iCornelius X. Bliss has been joined at v '« cot-

tage by Hunt Bos worth, of New York.

Mr». W. v Leanutn and W. C Leamsm. of WwjTort.. are in>n tasj the season. Miss h-:i»- and}!«».J. A. Helzer are New Yorkers at tie Mapi'v..h.il. and Geesjgje A. Gales and Geors= M Tay-lor have r.rrlved for an extended stay. At tss»«*ot:ace «r*> Mr.and Mm. John C Simpson sjsji3itF. John Simpson, all of New York-

Amsmf thi\ Xew Yorkers at the> Sinclair m*Mr. and Mr?. H. H. Salmon and H. A. aahnsto.\u2666r.. V.liIjv.'oxMrs. F. M. Smith. Mrs. Gtc:,*E>.Dn ::..: . "I: . C. M. HIBc Mrs. A. M. Vail\u25a0Mall.Mrs. Fanny 1.. Ccnwav. Mr. and Mrs. C W.Pratt. Warner Fr.itt. .Mrs. 11. W. AMen. Mrs. f».W. !Vnr«al!. Mr.«. S. L. Watson. Mr*Bruce. Mr.and Mrs. Knndalr and x3lr. and Mra. W. H.Juhrinjr. \u25a0*• '



Pr->nle House. X. M. Aug. 'A <3peaialj>-Ansessj the week's, occurrences) at the lM|klHouse has Ween a whist and etichre party onFriday evening for the benefit of th*1M ?.Iri^Day Nursery, of N«*r York.- This has annualaffair . :• -;V^

Some Interesting Contents and theResults.

Lake G« -i -.« - N. V.. Aiiar'. 'S> (Spe-:lajy,~Th*Wlnninir-h, rwncd by La Grand *'. Cramer, ofTroy. won the '.eu-»:ii!e nutomobile boat rnce at

the Ilatm'o :-'<z::i:a on Thursday. Although ah«was the lam »'"»»' fo -mm. having a handicap of

G mil \u25a0!\u25a0.<•- :i". t !•' ioconds ov#« ill-- scratch s>o;ii

Bonny, owned by Herrmn Bro \u25a0\u25a0• 1. of Now York,

tin winnlnlsli easily overtook alVher contpctitors

and pawed tli-. Brocee! boat half way down th«first leg of the course after turning the stak*

buoy on tho second turn. The Winnlnish cov-

ered the distance in 23:21.Itwas th« i»rettie»t and most Interesting race

ever held at Lake Qeorg*. the weather condi-tions being Ideal. The other boats entered werethe Shooting Star, by Commodore Harrison B.Moore New York; the Forward, by William K.Rlxby, St. Louis; the llyke You. by CharlesGates.' Brooklyn.

Admiral Schley and the Rev. Dr. <;»-.. 1 Is.

Van de Water were among the spectators, beingthe guests of the Rev. Dr.E. M. Stlres on hisautomobile boat Oonaway. which patrolled thecourse. -_; ,

The four-mile launch race was a much cloßercontest, but not so attractive, as the speed ele-ment was lacking. As In the former race, how-ever, the last boat out was the first to finishThe Carol, entered by G. Warren Stebblns. ofBrooklyn, captured the cup. the Ripple, enteredby Miss Enid Alden, of New York, being a closesecond.

The next contest In point of interest was theharge race between crews representing Hague.Huletta and Sabbath Day Point, over a course oftwo miles. Hague was out of the contest fromthe start, but the other beats kept almost abreast


Mr. Hid Mrs. C. K. 5i.i.11.-y. of New York, andJudge and Mrs. A. X. Fall<w. of Plermont-on-the-Hudson, :\r- guests of the Water Gap House for theSi •\u25a0•'.

The Mis«es ICm'ly «;. and May D. Spencer, ofl>r<.ioklyn, are at the River View.

A iiroKresaive euchre of twenty-live tables washold at the Glenwood on Monday evening; and tenprizes were distribute

rimer i: Herbert, who is stopping at the Olon-n-cod. broke the record sit Ynrrlck's BowlingAcad-emy by making a score nt 252.

Miss' Edna westlake. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0t Brooklyn. Is the cham-pion oarswoman and swimmer at Karamac Inn.

The Missen Carlson, of .«!\u25a0* York, are at the GapView Ho tse

Miss Ida Haverly. of New York, is spending hervscutfo : at the Riverside.

Miss Kva H. Fries, of New York, i' at the Del -wanna in \u25a0 tor several weeks.

William M. Prentice, of New York. Is at t::e For-

Mr. Wild Mr-. G. P. !.••''••."' New fork, art at

the Bellevue for several Reeks.Mr. . r.l Mrs. F. F. Ferris and M!sh K. M. Ferris.

of Brooklyn, are spetirtiJiK several weeks a«t theMountain 'House.

Frequent Entertainment for Throngsof Visitor*.

Delaware Water Gap. Perm.. Aug. 25 (Special).The last \v»ek Ins witnessed much (fayety. Enter-tainments have been frequently given, ami th- ball-rooms of the various hotels have been bus}'. Thebathing beach has been one of the chief attraction*.Many Improvements have been made, rtv! thepuests in large numbers visit it Sally nnd enjoy adin in th" waters of l!ie Delaware.

The minstrel «how i*an assured thing ai the Kit-tatinny. The members of the company that willpresent tho sunn lire rehearsing, and it will begiven the latter part of. next week

On Monday evening the Shawnee t>.->s»-hnll teamwiidefeated in a twilight game by the fl«p Viewteam by the decisive score of 15 to 3. Gap View hisplayed several gam the last week without a 8lr«-Kle defeat.

Prlnress Cantacuiene. of Runeia. is a guest of thisresort. She has travelled over a great part of theworld, and spent last winter in Egypt. She Is de-lighted with the scenery of the Gap. and expects to

remain until late in the fall.Mrs Prince and her daughters. Aileen and Co-

rlnne. of New York, are prominent in the socialaffairs at the Klttutlnny.

Miss Agnes M. Brennan. of Brooklyn, is at theKltOitlnny. \u25a0;

_ , ,Miss Anne B. Bhirem, of New York, Is spending

the rest of the season in the mountains.M. J. Fitzpatrick. of New York, is among the re-

cent arrivals at the ICittatinny.

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Howard are spending the re-mainder of the Mason at the Kittatinny.

May E. Bannon and Kathiyn Farrell. of NewYork, are enjoying their outing in the mountains.

Miss Burbai.k. who Is at the water Gap House.Is an enthusiastic jolfer. having made some envia-ble records on the links. She came Intending tostay only a short time, but Is so delighted with theplace that she will remain until October \

A party of New Yorkers stopping at the WaterGap House, includes C. M. LeWenroth. Anna andMartha Lcldenroth and Frank Rid*w«y.

were in attendance during th.« week, many of Whomwere city guesis of the resort.Jesse Barnett anil i.i mother, of New- York are

at the Prospect House.A game of baseball between Highland Dell and

the Stroudsburg iti^h School on Monday resulted !na victory for the former by the score •>' 12 to 4.Miss Julia \V. Schroeder, of New York, is b*retor an extended stay.

Miss MeWatters. of New Yoik. .a at the HlehUndInn for sevural weeks.B. C. Kusor Is spending \u25a0 iucU of his time on the

tennis court connected with the Highland Inn.A euchre, of, ten tables was held .it Manlehursl oiWednesday evening, and the winners were Mr. Hall

Mr. Beyer. .Mrs. Case! Mrs. MeBride and MissO'Uara.

Mr. anal Mrs. Vogelius iind Miss Kohms an mparty from New York stopping at Maplehurat.Mrs. C. W. Hermann and Miss Joacphine Kar'.ln.

of New v..;. sire new acquisitions to the ranks ofthe Pi»nl!" cruests.

Samuel Matzke. C. O. Sn'ydrr, i' K. Borne, MrsL. T>. Stewart and daughters and Miss ElizabethKlefer. of :.>»• V*»rk. aro '.an- arrivals at B rwic-kInn.



PEAKS ISLAND.Peaks Island. Me.. Aug. 2. » (Special).— A wild-

flower party wi>« the rove! form of entertain-ment given on Thursday evening by the housetarty tt Lcfcar.on cottage in honor of Miss Grace


*(S?ec!al).-Tn& weatherthis week has been Carmine her*, and all th» oldquests and new arrivals ha?© been having an «-

*There lar^e been several musicals held at theBerwick Inn th« last week, all of the parta being

furnished by the guest*. - .__All week all the road* seem to lead to th» Indus-

trial Carnival, which was held at the Raolng Asso-ciation Park. Atleast twenty-five thousand yereous

Season in Full—

ExcitingFinish for Tennis Tournament.

Mount Porono, P*r.n.. Aur. 25 (Special).— Jollydays are tries* at this mountain resort. an<J thearrivals are constant. The season Is In full awing,

and Miss Summer Girl and her gallant ar« enjoy-ing themselves to the full. The social affair of theseason Is the tableau vtvant this evening at theMontanesca in old of a hospital. The arrsng*-

m«nta are under the direction of Miss Fisher.The tennis tournament played last week or. tn©

Montanesca courts had an exciting finish. Thewinners were Mr.Borton. of Pocono Inn; Mr. Ancle,

of the Bungalows, and Mr.Kempton. of the Ifonta-neeca, the consolation. A handicap tennis tourna-ment between guests of the Montanesca. and ssv-*>ral other houses Is in jiro^rfFS this week on thecourts. Th« first sets wera an follows, the I*v?mentioned contestant bring the winner: Kemptonand Langdon. Ryan and woo'.stonhome, Seit:-. andMack, Stanley and Dr. Cochin.

A dinner was given at the Pocono MountainHnniie yestordav in honor of Mrs. P. F. Chambers,of BoraervUle, N. J. Mrs-. Chambers and her daugh-ters have been guests h*re for a number of *«»*-eons. and this affair was an evidence of the highesteem In which they are held. The table was deco-rated with a centrepiece of Bweetpeas. bankedagainst the candelabra, which cast a soft pinklight over the festive tab!*. After the dinnerdancing was indulged In to a late hour.

J. B. Newman, of New joik. in at the Monta-nesra for a several weeks' stay.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis. Jr., of Brooklyn, ar«spending th* ref>t of the season in the mountains.

Mrs. Thomas Cunningham and Miss Cunninghamare quests from New York at the Montanesca.

Mm. F. .1. Simpson and Ml»s Alice. Simpson, ofNew York, are having v rest at «he Pocono Moun-tain House.

Mr. and Mrs WlHfflin M.I.awt on and daughter,of New York. are for tli» rest of the season at tht>Por-ono Mountain House.

Mis« Annette Hill,of Trenton. X. J.. i* upendingseveral weeks at the I'ocono Mountain Houses.

The cuwits of the Pocono Mountain House wl3give a vaudeville entertainment on August 27 InMid of the Freeh Air Fund.

The Misses E. and H. Daniels, of New York, areanionr the recent arrival* at the Belmont.

A party of New Yorkers recently registered atthe Qntwood includes Mr. and Airs. H. J. Faulkner.Jenn L,. Faulkner. Florence Faulkner. M*y A.Fnulkner and Eleanor H. Faulkner.

M. 8. Trimmer, of New York, is a recent arrivalat

Athr?roere«lve t

euchre of fifteen tables was heldat the Mount Pleasant House on Tuesday evening.Six nrizes were distributed to the winners.

A B Anderson, of New York. 13 at AnalominkIn Or


GeTtenide and Helen E*an. of Brook-

New York, 1* ending

a vacation at the Pennhurst.


