till o1iiy usseltii icss adair ounty news ijudge iiiilit j...

r t- z Till ADAIR O1IIY NEWS = v Published Every Wednesday BY THE Adair ounty News o IMCOXtFORATCD = CIXA8 8 HARRIS Editor = A Democratic newspaper devoted to the Inter ests of the city of Columbia and the people o Adair and adjacent counties = SBntered at the Columbia Postofflce as second class mail matter = SUBSCRIPT If RATES ONE YEAR SIX MONTHS STRICTLY IN Ai vANOn WVBRTJSING RATES LoCI otices ten cents per nee for first In- sertion ¬ andiflre cents perline for each subset Clued insertionDISPLAYADS pace 1 Wk1z Mo Salo 6370 I Yr 1IDch f W rite to 200 3 5 1 3 00 4 7 00 003Inches 125 2 SO lii iS iS iS SS 30 15 00- l4 00 liU 9 oo is Of 00 45 00 1 Col 6 00 12 00 24 00 140 00 60 60 There will be no departure from these rates juider any circumstances I WEDNESDAY JAN 16 Congress is now acting but there will be a reaction later on John G Fee A rioted abolitIOn- ist ¬ and founder of Berea College is dead The first issue of Mr Bryan paper will appear Wednesday Jan uary28 It is stated that Hon David B Hill of New York is an avowed candidate for the Presidency i 1904 S D Stokes who shot und kill ¬ ed Rev J J Whol at William- son ¬ r W Va has been indicted fo murderV President McKinley was quite sickseveral days of last week confined to his bed He is no much better The Indiana Legislature want- to raise the Governors salary from 5000 to 8000 per year The Mount should have been advanced before the election I Last ttnrdlyRepresentative Boreing spoko in favor of an amendment he will offer for an appropriation of 100000 for the 1upper Cumberland river r James Denton the Somerset lawyer knocked the persimmon The President has soordered that tho aforesaid shall be Collector of Internal Revenue for the 8th Ken ¬ tucky district Gen JohnB Gordon announces hat the next meeting of the Uni 3d Confederate Veterans will be- held in Memphis Tenn beginning ray 28 and will continue threeI I iys From the reading of the last is- le of the Burksville Herald we c nclnde that Cumberland county s slightly in favor of sending the iext Representative from this Leg ¬ islative district- Frank James the noted bandit is a candidate for a position before the Missouri Legislature The so lns of that State have no idea of ringing disgrace upon their heads by electing such a man Congress has uncanteened the army as it were No liquor nor beer shall interfere I though con ¬ gressmen drink as they please Thus closes this episode and the country should be at ease The authorities at Louisville are vetting after the gambles with s- hot stick and are determined to i breakup the dens in that city An ordinance has also been passed closing all immoral Sundaythe ¬ titers Mr Fulton Gordon who figured inn domestic tragedy in the city of Louisville a few years agotill 11 ing his wife and Arch Brown son of John Young Brown wasmam ed in Cincinnati last week1 to Miss BlancheManday of Idlewild 0 The mother of Gordons first wife ihwa a native of Columbia a t whoRas rI c I yr > T r jTheodore Hallam hoe been dis ¬ the pnTctice of law in tlfc Kenton Circuit Court When a lawyer denounces the courts as he has done we believe disbarment is the proper medicine IJudge Jas H Hazelrigg has re ¬ tired from the Court of Appeals + Judge Thomas H Paynter be iviines Chief Justice He will hold one year and then give way to Judge Guffey who will also serve ra year Dr John Mason Williams the defeated Republican candidate fo Congress in the Eighth district I and contestant for Mr Gilberts scat was knocked down Saturday Hoboa iel Louisville by Curtis Deanng The Peoples National Bank a Livingston Tenn was entered last Thursday and the safe blown open It is not known the amount of money secured The bank of ficers of Columbia were notified to be on their guard The Democratic electors for the State of Kentucky met in the office of the Secretary of State Frank- fort ¬ last Monday The vote of the Scats was certified to Bryan and Mr Robert Offutt of Louis ¬ villa is to bear the message to Washington Mr John S Carpenter a prom¬ inent citizen of Louisville broth ¬ or of James S Carpenter General Agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company died last yearss He was a native of Bardstown but had lived in Louisville over fifty years ILast Friday Mr John G Car ¬ consideren d the strongest argument before the Supreme Court in the Porto Rico cases Mr Carlisle appeared for the plaintiff to recover taxes paid rthis government He argured that the Island was a part of the United States and became so un- der ¬ the ratification treaty 63w knocked out the committee Reap portionment bill and passed the moms ¬ bers to the House making the total membership after March 3 1908 880 the additional members being apportioned to 18 States on a ra ¬ tio of 194182 of population for each Representative Gov Beckham signed Judge J H Tinsleys certificate of election last week and that gentleman was sworn in as Circuit Judge of the TwentySeventh district Some attorneys took the position that as Gov Beckham failed to issue a call for the election it was not le- gal The Governor decided that the point was not well taken Judge James Denton of Somer ¬ set has been nominated by the President for Collector o f the Eight district The Senate will confirm the nomination and Judge Denton will enter at once upon the duties of the office He is a gentleman who stands high with his party and it is generally don ¬ ceded that he will make a good officer Senator Teller presented a peti- tion ¬ to Congress last week for the Independence of the Filipinos signed by 2000 of the peaceful in ¬ habitants of the islands including lawyers bankers and professional men It was a strong appealand recited the many grievances but Hawley of Connecticut declared it a treasonable denunciation of our Government The Filipinos need a Lafayette the United States a Pitt There is no excuse for the Ma- rion ¬ county man who took the car ¬ bolic acid route last week He re ¬ sided near Lebanon a town that has twelve or fifteen saloons and distilleries are dotted all over the county hence liquor is bound to be a familiar commodity If the mistake had occurred in Adairt county where drinkers have ¬ stitute Hbstetters bitters red ink and every other kind of nostrum there might havebeen some reason for the mistake Solicitor General Richards made an open slur at exPresident Har- rison ¬ in his argument before the Supreme Court last week on the cases involving the constitutional ¬ ity of Mr McKinley Colonial policjy that disgugt Ssd tawny jser = t i < sons Mr Harrison is t a private citizen who has held the highest position within the gift of the American people and is entitled to respect and it certainly was not respectful for Mr Richards to re ¬ fer to Mr Harrisons recently exI pressed opinion in opposition the McKinley policy in such tan guage as a distinguished lawyer and statesman affects to belibve etc It was a gratuitous insult toI Mr Harrison which shows how resentful the McKinleyites are to ¬ ward members of their own party who dare to oppose their imperial- r policy It is not probable that Mr Richards acted without the ap proval of his superiors in office Attorney General Griggs and Mr MoKinley At a meeting of the officers of- t the Louisville k Nashville Rail road held in New York last wetk a dividend of 2t per cent was de ¬ oared out of the earnings for the past six months putting the etock on a five per cent basis While much of the stock of the Louis ¬ villedc Nashville is owned abroad a great deal is held in Kentucky especially in the city of Louisville and the earnings of the road is very gratifying to the stockhold ers They have always held that under the management of Mr Milton H Smith their invest- ments ¬ were in safe hands and the rise in stock proves that their faith was well founded Mr Smiths subordinates are all accu ¬ rate business men and no road is conducted in a more gratifying manner Mr J H Ringgold who is chief clerk at Louisville office has been with the company for many years and is one among the corporations trusted men Some years ago he visited Columbia and spent several days with relatives and is kindly remembered b some of our citizens Smallpox exists at Somerset CREELSBORO There is a high tide in Cumber ¬ land river and boats are making regular trips J A Chapman Glensfork was here last week seeing after his stavesMiss Ada Chapman of Glens fork was visiting her cousin Mrs E A Rabon last week Miss Emma Dunbar Horse Shoe Bottom as visiting her sis teriulaw Mrs M B Dunbar Mrs J S Potts Irish Bottom was here last week visiting Mrs HigginbottdmProf is teaching music at this place Eld Z T Williams Trill preach for us Sunday and Sunday night We are glad to state Bro Wit ¬ Hams will preach for us this year The above letter contained some other items which had been put in typeEd PELLYTON John Coffey was in Columbia last week Sheriff Hurt of Columbia was here last Thursday Mr Wm Pelly who lived near here died of typhoid fever last week He leaVes a wife and sev ¬ eralchildren to mourn his loss Miss Mattie Coy is visiting here this week Charles Coffey entered School at Columbia Monday MrJ BVPelly returned from Columbia Tuesday Mr Dock Hardin and wife of Watson attended the Zerbaugh < Pelly weddiugj Last Wednesday evening at 5- oclookMr PH Zerebaugh was married to Miss Susie Pelly at the home of the bride Eld John Rice of Watson officiating Mr Zer bough is a fine business man and has many noble traits of cbarac terMiss Pelly is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr IH Pelly and will be missed very much by the young societY people and Mrs Zerbaugh leaves week for Indiana their future home f3fowuto Atoms The old idea tti t tie body some times needs a powerful dr stj purgi tlve pill has ben exploded for Df Kings New Life Pills wnkh arper tectly harmless gtmtJystlmuJatellverS and bowels to expel potsoiious matter cleanse e systetn and abiioluiely curs ConsUpatlon and Sick IIeadacbeOflty 23cit1l Laiill A tMr Mcit 7 to S l t rte r- I dntfdnlms iii ilit rWe have purchased the stock of it i Staple j Fancy Groceries QUEENSWARE fIND HftRD WARE > 4 from WILLIS BROS and will constantly on hand all kinds of + 11 Fresh Groceries i calli When In need of any thing in our line us a JKemp 9 Youngi Jradyuille 7 Jli b School GRADYVILLE KY JOaN W FLxOMEJRS Principal MISS l1UIJg AitliEtf Assistant Spring Term Opens Januarp 7 continues 5 Months Thorough courses of study will be given in common and high school branches of study Special attention Exg ¬ cellent board can be had in the best of families at 150 per Week or 1 from Monday to AddressY JOHN W FLOWERS Gradyville IIentnKentuckyARRLT LIVE T Reported by the Louisville Live Stock Exchange Bourbon Stool Yards CATTLE Extra shipping 84 554 7- 5Lightsnipping 4 25150 Best butchers 3 654 25 Pair to good hutchers 3 253 75 Common to medium btchr 3 003 35 Hoas Choice packing and butch ¬ ers 200 to 300 lbs 535 Fate to good packing 160 to 2001bs 530 Good to extra light 120 to 160 ftsl 5 20 sHEEP AND LAMBS Good to extra shipping Sheep 3 753 00 Fair to good 2 502 75 Common to medium 2 0032 50 Thousands Sent Into Exile Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate But this is costfy and not always sure Dont belln exile when Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home Its the most infalliole medicine fur Coughs Colds and all Throatand Lung diseases on earth Tbe first dose brings relief Astounding cures result from persistent use Trial Lotties free at T E Paulls Price 5oc and 100 Ev cry bottle guaranteed I will begin a Jevival at Con- cord Thursday night January 17 I have the promise of Rev F V Harwobd as helper Come and jKear him lie will do soo preach ¬ that will du you good- J A JOHNSON Pastor Born to the w COLEI i Bailey Jan 91900 a daughter A Deen Mystery It is a mystery why women endure Backache heartache Kervousness Sleeplesne s M ancuoly Faintiug DIzzy Spells wlmu ihuuNHiidshave proved that Electric Hitters will quick ¬ ly cure Mich troubles hI suffered tor years with kidney trouble writes Mrs + Puebe Chirley of Pctehuivla and a layju j icjk aiued mow I could not dress myself Lilt Eieclru L hers w bully turcd m tril alUiuugb 7- 3granuhla unw am able LocJoaiHtny hous work It overcomes Coostipa tiolJ1luipruves it rWt iteeglrecrperfect health 01Hl iQc atrTE > uliv rJ rlJf re lietMtMb and dizzim art quit 1y eared UyMerleys Little Liver Pjltew SHiMuPufle T jJirpQetke Torpid < wtrk au lel Curt CoMMUtg Or1z31 Otti field by > 7 j q < o 1J t PARSON MOSS CO BLACKSMITHS WOODWORKERS COLUMBIA KENTUCKY We are prepared to do any kind of work in our line in firstclass order We have been In the business for 25 years and know bow to do work Our prices are as low and terms as reasonable as any firstclass mechanics We wIn take country produce at market value Give us call Shop near Columbia Mill CO Sore and swollen joints sharp shoot log torturing muscles no rest no sleep That means rheumatism It Is a stubborn disease to fight but Chamberlains Pain Balm has conquer ed it thousands of times It will do so whenever the opportunity is offered Try it One application relieves the pain Sold by M Cravens J tiLOIUOU5 C TIN1R1 i4ve you watched its marveo growth If not The Weekly B juirer wants to study the strides it b made The first census of the Unite States was taken in 1810 Since titer every succeeding ten years The re sult has been as follows Year Population Year Population 18107239881 1880 3144332 1 1820 9633822 1870 38JS8371 1830 12888020 1880 50155753 1840w 17039453 1880 62622250 1850 23191878 Here you have the figures of a basis of calculation The problem now is What will be the population of the United States excluding recent acquisitions The result is usuaUyI yearTHE to engage all in a study of their com ¬ try To this end it will distribute cash amounting to 25000 for solu tions received of the population of the United States Census as follows resairod5300000Toth Tots third 75000 Touwfeirth 50000 ToUit moo 25000 Tottotuth 20000 To the eeveatb 5000 To the next 10 eaoh 106 UHutiK to 100000 To tb aext50 each 059 to 250000 To tie B iilOOaMk986aMut9 250000 TotktMzt500uihflOa iutiKfo 500000 1 ea6h6kaMmlJBfta 7650COt 2197 cash presents amounting to 2500000 In case of a tie money aequally die vided Every guess on the above proposi tion must be accompanied by a years subscription the WEEKLY ESQOIREU You can guess as often as you care toipclose subscription price to tbf WFERLYEHQUIRER Tlifs contest will close a month be- fore the ireaplt of the chnmswill be known and officially certified by the Director vthc United States Census 1 ton D Co jJ ol1 rice for f he WEEKLY EsrpujRE including gttessisonlX 1cleveii guI1lERJSe Clnclapet+ Ohio Stl iY r t USSELtIi S1 ICsS t10TE l KIMBLE KY eo Is now open for the traveling public the year round It is a large commodious build- ing as the picture in jlcates and is run firstclass in every particular 4Qc VAUGHAN GRAHAM Pro The Second Session U x THET MALE FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL COfiMENCEe Tuesday January 1st 1901 and Closes May 17th E Teachers Experienced and- Satisfaction Guaranteed Do not put if HI tring till lute in the spring but bo ready the first day Board and tuition reasonable Send for catalogue A H BALLARD Prin Columbia Ky 5reensburg Bcafcemy 5reen0lnirg 12 jacultv 0 GEO W PECK B S Principal Charge of Teachers Course Arithmetic Algebra and Science REV THEODORE HUNTER D ll flr Latin Greek German General History and Rhetoric PROF EUGENE HUBBAED- Hjstory Arithmetic Physiology and Geography MRS GEO W PECK PrimaryV MISS PEARL JONES Piano and Organ Spring term opens January 7 1001 to continue flue months All grades included Special pains taken in fitting teachers for examination Tuition reasonable Good board in private families from 200 to 300 per week Building roomy convenient and comfortable Fine piano and organ la the building Write for catalogue Address all communications to GEO W PECK 1 GF2EENSBWRC KY W TSTEPHENS 1 DEALER IN Dry Goods Notions Boots Shoes I aso keep a large stock o- fCLOTHING which can be bought at the very lowest prices I have a nice line of MILLINERY on lianas ELKHORN KENTUCKY R O KUBEL T n Jttl1Ef U13Elt 13 OTJ1V Successors to Falls City Buggy Top Co r Manufacturers of and Dealers In all kinds of = Vehicles Buggy Tops and y CUSHIONS 1 Write For Catalogue Ii NO 142 East Hain St LOUISVILLE kY t Q if A J R D Eey PROPRIETORS OP THE r Lebanon Marble f Workz7 it LEBANON KY Manufacturers of and r irfri f dealers in all kinds of < c 0 MARBLE ANDRANrrE III PRr 5 LOW VVORKGUARANT EE Special attention given to cemetery worz ijtfronts WMF JEFFRIES Local Agent Columbia il1 JO t GT BLACKLEY D B i FlLUnur COUNTY eFDDfeBDL O lildepondont Tobacco W reboPiI BLACKLEY IIpRST CO p oI AUCTJOTS AL1 Q 4sr r > l BNSFMFP JJADE to 1125W Main St LOUISVXLLEty r F1ti1rDlouUtS Fr4o Storage J t 1 IJAIIl ti hit Dm ou l T 1 < t I <

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Page 1: Till O1IIY USSELtIi ICsS Adair ounty News IJudge iiiilit j ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q334j/data/0019.pdf · class mail matter = SUBSCRIPT If RATES ONE YEAR SIX MONTHS STRICTLY IN

r t-




v Published Every Wednesday


Adair ounty News o


CIXA8 8 HARRIS Editor=

A Democratic newspaper devoted to the Inter

ests of the city of Columbia and the people o

Adair and adjacent counties=

SBntered at the Columbia Postofflce as second

class mail matter=





LoCI otices ten cents per nee for first In-


andiflre cents perline for each subsetClued


pace 1 Wk1z Mo Salo 6370 I Yr

1IDch f W rite to 200 351 3 00 4 7 00003Inches125 2 SO

lii iS iS iS SS 3015




liU 9 oo is Of 00 45 00

1 Col 6 00 12 00 24 00 140 00 60 60

There will be no departure from these ratesjuider any circumstances



Congress is now acting but therewill be a reaction later on

John G Fee A rioted abolitIOn-


and founder of Berea College isdead

The first issue of Mr Bryanpaper will appear Wednesday January28

It is stated that Hon David B

Hill of New York is an avowed

candidate for the Presidency i


S D Stokes who shot und kill ¬

ed Rev J J Whol at William-



r W Va has been indicted fo

murderVPresident McKinley was quite

sickseveral days of last week

confined to his bed He is no

much better

The Indiana Legislature want-

to raise the Governors salary from

5000 to 8000 per year TheMount should have been advancedbefore the election

ILast ttnrdlyRepresentative

Boreing spoko in favor of anamendment he will offer for anappropriation of 100000 for the

1upper Cumberland river

r James Denton the Somersetlawyer knocked the persimmonThe President has soordered thattho aforesaid shall be Collector of

Internal Revenue for the 8th Ken ¬

tucky district

Gen JohnB Gordon announceshat the next meeting of the Uni3d Confederate Veterans will be-

held in Memphis Tenn beginningray 28 and will continue threeI

I iys

From the reading of the last is-

le of the Burksville Herald we

c nclnde that Cumberland countys slightly in favor of sending theiext Representative from this Leg ¬

islative district-

Frank James the noted banditis a candidate for a position beforethe Missouri Legislature The so

lns of that State have no idea ofringing disgrace upon their headsby electing such a man

Congress has uncanteened thearmy as it were No liquor norbeer shall interfereI though con ¬

gressmen drink as they pleaseThus closes this episode and thecountry should be at ease

The authorities at Louisville arevetting after the gambles with s-

hot stick and are determined to

i breakup the dens in that city Anordinance has also been passedclosing all immoral Sundaythe¬


Mr Fulton Gordon who figuredinn domestic tragedy in the cityof Louisville a few years agotill

11 ing his wife and Arch Brown sonof John Young Brown wasmamed in Cincinnati last week1 to MissBlancheManday of Idlewild 0The mother of Gordons first wife

ihwa a native of Columbia a

t whoRasrI c

I yr >



jTheodore Hallam hoe been dis ¬

the pnTctice of law intlfc Kenton Circuit Court Whena lawyer denounces the courts ashe has done we believe disbarmentis the proper medicine

IJudge Jas H Hazelrigg has re ¬

tired from the Court of Appeals +

Judge Thomas H Paynter beiviines Chief Justice He will holdone year and then give way toJudge Guffey who will also serve

ra year

Dr John Mason Williams thedefeated Republican candidate foCongress in the Eighth district I

and contestant for Mr Gilbertsscat was knocked down SaturdayHoboaiel Louisville by Curtis Deanng

The Peoples National Bank aLivingston Tenn was enteredlast Thursday and the safe blownopen It is not known the amountof money secured The bank officers of Columbia were notified tobe on their guard

The Democratic electors for theState of Kentucky met in the office

of the Secretary of State Frank-fort


last Monday The vote ofthe Scats was certified to Bryanand Mr Robert Offutt of Louis ¬

villa is to bear the message toWashington

Mr John S Carpenter a prom¬

inent citizen of Louisville broth ¬

or of James S Carpenter GeneralAgent of the Connecticut MutualLife Insurance Company died lastyearssHe was a native of Bardstown buthad lived in Louisville over fiftyyears

ILast Friday Mr John G Car ¬

consideren dthe strongest argument before theSupreme Court in the Porto Ricocases Mr Carlisle appeared forthe plaintiff to recover taxes paid

rthis government He arguredthat the Island was a part of theUnited States and became so un-


the ratification treaty63wknocked out the committee Reapportionment bill and passed themoms ¬

bers to the House making the totalmembership after March 3 1908

880 the additional members beingapportioned to 18 States on a ra ¬

tio of 194182 of population foreach Representative

Gov Beckham signed Judge JH Tinsleys certificate of electionlast week and that gentleman wassworn in as Circuit Judge of theTwentySeventh district Someattorneys took the position that asGov Beckham failed to issue acall for the election it was not le-

gal The Governor decided thatthe point was not well taken

Judge James Denton of Somer ¬

set has been nominated by thePresident for Collector o f theEight district The Senate willconfirm the nomination and JudgeDenton will enter at once uponthe duties of the office He is agentleman who stands high withhis party and it is generally don ¬

ceded that he will make a goodofficer

Senator Teller presented a peti-


to Congress last week for theIndependence of the Filipinossigned by 2000 of the peaceful in ¬

habitants of the islands includinglawyers bankers and professionalmen It was a strong appealandrecited the many grievances butHawley of Connecticut declaredit a treasonable denunciation ofour Government The Filipinosneed a Lafayette the UnitedStates a Pitt

There is no excuse for the Ma-


county man who took the car ¬

bolic acid route last week He re¬

sided near Lebanon a town thathas twelve or fifteen saloons anddistilleries are dotted all over thecounty hence liquor is bound to bea familiar commodity If themistake had occurred in Adairtcounty where drinkers have ¬

stitute Hbstetters bitters red inkand every other kind of nostrumthere might havebeen some reasonfor the mistake

Solicitor General Richards madean open slur at exPresident Har-rison


in his argument before theSupreme Court last week on thecases involving the constitutional ¬

ity of Mr McKinley Colonialpolicjy that disgugt Ssd tawny jser

=t i <

sons Mr Harrison is t a privatecitizen who has held the highestposition within the gift of theAmerican people and is entitledto respect and it certainly was notrespectful for Mr Richards to re¬

fer to Mr Harrisons recently exIpressed opinion in oppositionthe McKinley policy in such tanguage as a distinguished lawyerand statesman affects to belibveetc It was a gratuitous insult toIMr Harrison which shows howresentful the McKinleyites are to ¬

ward members of their own partywho dare to oppose their imperial-

r policy It is not probable thatMr Richards acted without the approval of his superiors in officeAttorney General Griggs and MrMoKinley

At a meeting of the officers of-

t the Louisville k Nashville Railroad held in New York last wetka dividend of 2t per cent was de ¬

oared out of the earnings for thepast six months putting the etockon a five per cent basis Whilemuch of the stock of the Louis ¬

villedc Nashville is owned abroada great deal is held in Kentuckyespecially in the city of Louisvilleand the earnings of the road isvery gratifying to the stockholders They have always held thatunder the management of MrMilton H Smith their invest-ments


were in safe hands and therise in stock proves that theirfaith was well founded MrSmiths subordinates are all accu ¬

rate business men and no road isconducted in a more gratifyingmanner Mr J H Ringgold whois chief clerk at Louisville officehas been with the company formany years and is one among thecorporations trusted men Someyears ago he visited Columbia andspent several days with relativesand is kindly remembered bsome of our citizens

Smallpox exists at Somerset


There is a high tide in Cumber ¬

land river and boats are makingregular trips

J A Chapman Glensfork washere last week seeing after his


Ada Chapman of Glensfork was visiting her cousin MrsE A Rabon last week

Miss Emma Dunbar HorseShoe Bottom as visiting her sisteriulaw Mrs M B Dunbar

Mrs J S Potts Irish Bottomwas here last week visiting Mrs

HigginbottdmProfis teaching

music at this place

Eld Z T Williams Trill preachfor us Sunday and Sunday nightWe are glad to state Bro Wit ¬

Hams will preach for us this year

The above letter containedsome other items which had beenput in typeEd


John Coffey was in Columbialast week

Sheriff Hurt of Columbia washere last Thursday

Mr Wm Pelly who lived nearhere died of typhoid fever lastweek He leaVes a wife and sev ¬

eralchildren to mourn his loss

Miss Mattie Coy is visiting herethis week

Charles Coffey entered Schoolat Columbia Monday

MrJ BVPelly returned fromColumbia Tuesday

Mr Dock Hardin and wife ofWatson attended the Zerbaugh <

Pelly weddiugjLast Wednesday evening at 5-

oclookMr P H Zerebaugh wasmarried to Miss Susie Pelly at thehome of the bride Eld John Riceof Watson officiating Mr Zerbough is a fine business man andhas many noble traits of cbaracterMiss Pelly is the beautifuland accomplished daughter of Mr

IH Pelly and will be missed verymuch by the young societY people

and Mrs Zerbaugh leavesweek for Indiana their future


f3fowuto AtomsThe old idea tti t tie body some

times needs a powerful dr stj purgitlve pill has ben exploded for DfKings New Life Pills wnkh arpertectly harmless gtmtJystlmuJatellverSand bowels to expel potsoiious mattercleanse e systetn and abiioluiely cursConsUpatlon and Sick IIeadacbeOflty23cit1l Laiill A tMr Mcit

7 to

S l t

rte r-

IdntfdnlmsiiiilitrWe have purchased the stock of iti Staplej Fancy Groceries


from WILLIS BROS and will constantly on hand all kinds of +

11 Fresh Groceries icalliWhen In need of any thing in our line us a

JKemp 9 Youngi

Jradyuille 7 Jli b SchoolGRADYVILLE KY

JOaN W FLxOMEJRS PrincipalMISS l1UIJg AitliEtf Assistant

Spring Term Opens Januarp 7 continues 5 Months

Thorough courses of study will be given in common and high schoolbranches of studySpecial attentionExg ¬

cellent board can be had in the best of families at 150 per Week or1 from Monday to

AddressYJOHN W FLOWERSGradyville



Reported by the Louisville Live

Stock Exchange Bourbon StoolYards


Extra shipping 84 554 7-5Lightsnipping 4 25150Best butchers 3 654 25

Pair to good hutchers 3 253 75

Common to medium btchr 3 003 35


Choice packing and butch ¬

ers 200 to 300 lbs 535Fate to good packing 160

to 2001bs 530Good to extra light 120 to

160 ftsl 5 20


Good to extra shipping

Sheep 3 753 00

Fair to good 2 502 75

Common to medium 2 0032 50

Thousands Sent Into ExileEvery year a large number of poor

sufferers whose lungs are sore andracked with coughs are urged to go toanother climate But this is costfy andnot always sure Dont belln exilewhen Dr Kings New Discovery forConsumption will cure you at home

Its the most infalliole medicine furCoughs Colds and all Throatand Lungdiseases on earth Tbe first dose bringsrelief Astounding cures result frompersistent use Trial Lotties free atT E Paulls Price 5oc and 100 Evcry bottle guaranteed

I will begin a Jevival at Con-

cord Thursday night January 17

I have the promise of Rev F VHarwobd as helper Come andjKear him lie will do soopreach ¬

that will du you good-


Born to the wCOLEI i BaileyJan 91900 a daughter

A Deen Mystery

It is a mystery why women endureBackache heartache KervousnessSleeplesne s M ancuoly Faintiug

DIzzy Spells wlmu ihuuNHiidshave

proved that Electric Hitters will quick¬

ly cure Mich troubles hI suffered toryears with kidney trouble writesMrs + Puebe Chirley of Pctehuivlaand a layju j icjk aiued mow I could

not dress myself Lilt Eieclru L hersw bully turcd m tril alUiuugb 7-

3granuhla unw am able LocJoaiHtny

hous work It overcomes Coostipa

tiolJ1luipruves it rWt iteeglrecrperfect

health 01Hl iQc atrTE> uliv rJ rlJfre

lietMtMb and dizzim art quit 1yeared UyMerleys Little Liver PjltewSHiMuPufle TjJirpQetke Torpid

< wtrk a u lel CurtCoMMUtg Or1z31 Otti field by

> 7 jq < o 1J t




We are prepared to doany kind of work in

our line in firstclass order We havebeen In the business for 25 years and

know bow to do workOur prices are as low

and terms as reasonableas any firstclass mechanics We wIn

take country produceat market value Give

us call Shop near Columbia Mill CO

Sore and swollen joints sharp shootlog torturing muscles no rest nosleep That means rheumatism ItIs a stubborn disease to fight butChamberlains Pain Balm has conquered it thousands of times It will doso whenever the opportunity is offeredTry it One application relieves thepain Sold by M Cravens


i4ve you watched its marveogrowth If not The Weekly Bjuirer wants to study the strides it bmade The first census of the UniteStates was taken in 1810 Since titerevery succeeding ten years The result has been as followsYear Population Year Population18107239881 1880 3144332 1

1820 9633822 1870 38JS83711830 12888020 1880 501557531840w 17039453 1880 626222501850 23191878

Here you have the figures of abasis of calculation The problemnow is What will be the populationof the United States excluding recentacquisitions The result is usuaUyIyearTHEto engage all in a study of their com¬

try To this end it will distributecash amounting to 25000 for solutions received of the population of theUnited States Census as follows

resairod5300000TothTots third 75000Touwfeirth 50000ToUit moo 25000Tottotuth 20000To the eeveatb 5000To the next 10 eaoh 106 UHutiK to 100000To tb aext50 each 059 to 250000To tie B iilOOaMk986aMut9 250000TotktMzt500uihflOa iutiKfo 5000001 ea6h6kaMmlJBfta 7650COt2197 cash presents amounting to 2500000

In case of a tie money aequally dievided

Every guess on the above proposition must be accompanied by a yearssubscription the WEEKLY ESQOIREU

You can guess as often as you caretoipclose subscription price to tbfWFERLYEHQUIRER

Tlifs contest will close a month be-

fore the ireaplt of the chnmswill beknown and officially certified by theDirector vthc United States Census

1 ton D Co

jJ ol1 rice for fhe WEEKLYEsrpujRE including gttessisonlX1cleveiiguI1lERJSeClnclapet+ Ohio

Stl iYr


eoIs now open for the traveling

public the year roundIt is a large commodious build-

ing as the picture in

jlcates and is run firstclass inevery particular


The Second Session Ux


COfiMENCEeTuesday January 1st 1901 and Closes May 17thE

Teachers Experienced and-

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Do not put if HI tring till lute in the spring but bo ready the firstday Board and tuition reasonable Send for catalogue

A H BALLARD PrinColumbia Ky

5reensburg Bcafcemy5reen0lnirg 12


0GEO W PECK B S PrincipalCharge of Teachers Course Arithmetic Algebra and Science

REV THEODORE HUNTER D ll flrLatin Greek German General History and Rhetoric

PROF EUGENE HUBBAED-Hjstory Arithmetic Physiology and Geography


Spring term opens January 7 1001 to continue flue months All gradesincluded Special pains taken in fitting teachers for examination Tuitionreasonable Good board in private families from 200 to 300 per week

Building roomy convenient and comfortable Fine piano and organ lathe building Write for catalogue Address all communications to





Dry Goods Notions Boots ShoesI aso keep a large stock o-

fCLOTHINGwhich can be bought at the very lowest prices

I have a nice line of MILLINERY on lianas


R O KUBEL T n Jttl1Ef

U13Elt 13 OTJ1VSuccessors to Falls City Buggy Top Co r

Manufacturers of and Dealers In all kinds of=Vehicles Buggy Tops and y


Write For Catalogue Ii

NO 142 East Hain St LOUISVILLE kY t

Q if A JR D Eey

PROPRIETORS OP THE rLebanon Marble f Workz7 it

LEBANON KYManufacturers of and r irfri fdealers in all kinds of <c



Special attention given to cemeteryworzijtfrontsWMF JEFFRIES Local Agent Columbia il1 JOt


lildepondont Tobacco W reboPiIBLACKLEY IIpRST CO


AUCTJOTS AL1 Q 4sr r >


to 1125W Main St LOUISVXLLEty rF1ti1rDlouUtS Fr4o Storage J t

1 IJAIIlti hit Dm ou lT 1 < t I
