tile.loc.gov...-york daily tribune. vol. xij.no. 3m1. new-york, monday, november 1. 1852. price...

-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XIJ.NO. 3M1. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1852. PRICE TWO CEXTS. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TIIE NRW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNB M ftBLiaHen EVERY MORNINO, (Sibdat MCtrrt-v) BY OREF.LEY R M. ELRATH, ATTBB raiBCrTtai'lLDINCI, COtHK Of Iftl'tt AflD BA(*AD-aTa. orroaiTt the citt hall, Axut riv;,-e,r_ ./> C.ty SorjerribeT* for 1 _{. Cent* per weeB^ nr, wbee tbey prefer, they ran pay u, sr_v»_»ce at tbe lJ*n* for ata moniJi* or a year at the am* rate Biagle eopiee, TwaCeBta. Mail Hubacnbera, Fi*r* Dc Ittt perannam ui adveare 8el-*cni_ti.jij*taAeEi for ni iconth.. For three ¦bodiJm. Bl VV Tlire* Dc.llar* in advar.ee re*Tubra- M ail ei- g-tuagee with Coantry Newepapen. Daily Paper* reeeit-**! ai thi* orBoe whoee ttrtoa are hi.her thun tbtee of /** TrrAarvc are avt ailcwed any diflerer.ce. THK NEW-YOKK VVEIiRI.Y TRIBI'NB. AVFRY I.AKOK PAPER. KOR THE COINTRY, Trrtwementi for thi* akeet will be chargrd TO ceut. per line for earb inaerti.n. TnE NEW-YOKK TKIBl'NE roa rurjnrr.Aa cibci'latiob, I* pnktihbeA nn the departure of each Mail 9-eamer for LiTerpool Price fr\ cent* a copy, or Bi a year, to any part et Oreat Britain, or Be to the Ccu'ii.ri.f, poetage includcd. TIIE JiEW.YOKR TKIBl'NE rtiB C.l lrtRNIA, CtREGON AND TIIE SANDW1CH I4I.AMD1, i* p.b!:ab*d oa the departure of each Mail Steamer for tbegre*. Pnce 61 cent. per cpy. THE MEMI-WEKKLY TKIBl'NE la pabliahed evei-y TX'KSDav aml Fhihav muruing. Price tTperWinnm 1 wo rouie* for t-h Ten for $20. Adrcr- tatraaent. 8 eew* a line for each iriB*-rt:ori QREELEY A McELUATH, P.iblkheia. Political Notices. IV VVliijr Joillt Kil'iiic*- ( oiiuiiil fcc- -Tne un- iereigittd, ju b-belf ol tbe lon.t Fuo .¦.. ( .jtnuutt'-e of the tw*'V. hig Ornrral Cotiuri.lt* ¦* ., h'-r.-by rr.uti<«) all VVhig* a^B.n.'t cooti-ibuting tny money tor political pnrpoaeaio tbia city, tauummt to p- r»on* wbo are. da.lv authori_ed to '...Heet tbe ten.*-. und nbo gike evidence of tleir authoru. to make parh clltc'ion*. TTua iiwtme i. rtnder.d neretear. by rrcrnt iuip.'iaition* aractii'd upon the vv'iug. t,i thia city. 0E0. J CORNELL, Ciiainnan Qenefal Comiri.tttia. BRASTUB i'KOOKS, Chturman Youug Meu'a O-neral C*,| ,|Ti DANJELI'LLMANN. Chairrnan Joint Eiecutive Com. BENEDIC*! I.l.W 18 Jr ( bainnan Joiat Kaniuice Com. Mrn.btrt r,f the Joint Fiaaure t'ommxtte*. KA 1TIAN ( ELY, JOSEPH K VAKNCM.Jr. BOBERT (. CAMPBELL, HOlt.VIIO RKKD, JAMES KI I.IV. KDWIN ( OLLIN, JOHN J. Hi RRICR, JOB L BLAI K, SAMI'EL 11 DeMOTT, JACOH E. UOVVARD. Mew-Yoah, oo IR ltv,2. r I irf.1 VVurd WhlB Noiiitiialtons : Fmr Cottgrett.JAMES BOWEN Fir Mrml.t tt .Ig.reid/g.THOMAS lt. WHITNEY >V r Airtttnut Aldermun. JOSEP1I JAMIBON. FW lMMI»r_..JOHN THOMPSON. Jr. r_» S.-eoiul VVnrd Ochki. iulie Whi« Reau- l.i t Nouiiniiiioii* i >'.; Cajire...IAMES BOV-TON. f-v, 1h,.oVer/'//(»tem.'*!/...THOMAS B. WIIITNEY. Fi, UtU'an.l Aldrrma.it... KWIK J WILLIAMBON. J-Vr -4..e.ror.lO.-iEl'H MANN1NO. _, ., . .. (EDWARD McOINNIS. er Conttabtrr. ' *_tviDKEVV HAHDINO. \*J Tlilnl Wfird Kraulnr Whla Noaiiiialion**. For Chajifai.JAMES BOWEN. FtrAtumbly.DANIEf. BOWLY. __ Kar AaaiBtaafdi--riii-tn..SAMI'KL R. MABBATT. Bar tmmttut .AROIilliALD CocHRANE. * ;;, (ANDREW NISBF.T For Contlat.ttt.,BENJAMIN C. BENHAM. For Intprrtort of F.lertirm. Ftoat Diatnct..Oeorge VV. Tuacher, Friend P. FitU. Sta-ond DiatriC...Oeorge VV. Palnicr. John VV. Downing. ITnrd DiBtritt .Williaui L. Sbardlow, Royal O. MiUard. Feurth Diatiiii..Sitnouu Outwater. Auher D. Atkineou. OSCAR W. STl'RTEVANT, (liairiu.ii Ward Com. Thob. OfTiA a j r BeeaaMajr* TW Peurth Wnrd.-REO! LAR WlllO NOMI- N}o!<(Wr«.J.H HORARTHAWR Wi' Aitembl,,.AUGU8T P.OREEN. Fr A.tittnt't Aldermati.. JOSEPH CONTRELL jV'c, 4*i««*or.JOSHUATHI KSTON. * ... il'lllLIPJ DOVVNK.Y. BBl ttr.ifaW*..} uyo NV BE.NNK.rr. For Intprettri tf UeeNea. Fir*! Dietr.i C-Jireh liull. Janie* Kirk. Brreiid DT«tnct.En. tnurl LMt. r. John N.lea. Tl.ud D.*trict..lainra H. MonaniBn, Alex. Fieher Purth DlMlMI Jnhll Edwarda. Beiijaiuin F. Buck. Fitib Hi.trict.Dauiel Murphy. Edward H JIREH BULL, Chnriii'lil Aaiii.bAi.. Hali.. ( gnnBul,, IaMI j> ll Ml'tlMlk ( _ IV Filth VVard Whig NowilnatioaB.-Tlu- f*»l Rwu-B ait tht itaular VVhig uouunat.ou* in thia Ward Fo, tJuaret.......JAMES BOWEN Fot Avnmbly.THEODORE A WARD. rv,Attt,m,UAUie,ma, ..JOHN F. KOlJMAN. ForJuetmir.JOHN McKIMMIN. ., ., ___. i JOSEPH JENKINS. Fer tcnitab.. } (_ IIAR1.ES F. WATTS. By otdei VV'ard Coroniiltee, ..._. ,. THOMAS E SMITll, ChairaMM Wm. H. I t:.Nlii. I secretarie* ii.hn c. oi aaa, V '«etor,e* t^ Fll'th Ward Indi'iit-ndcnt Tcitipcrance "l^V,1:"' *.TBADDEUBBTATT. A... .(*...'..«' .44dfraaaa..JACOB I.ABtVOIl ruJmttor.JAMES II MATTIEWS. ilTHIII.IS f. WATTS. horContUiOu,.{ DAVID VVYATT. /". ; Intptttoriof r.lerttoni: Fxnt Diatrict-Sbiuui-1 A. Bflefth, Wbi J S.hoouuiiiktr. Sttccnd Hiatrict.Jaiuca Reni.e.Iv, PetBJ Mood. Third DiBliit-t.Caleb B.Lrllaron. Joal H. Pur.ls Ponrfb Di.tr.ct.John Moirinoit. Jacob La wail Fiftli liiattict - John Young, Jomih C Mott JACOB LA wALL, Cho-nuaa Noin. Com. JiMrh H VIaiiowi, Secretary. (W Democratic Whi* Nomlajtiona ef the SVrX)V,,rd: .MOBOAN MOROANS Fo, (Wr,..JOBEPH IIOXIE. PW itirmbly .JAMES P. BREMNER. Vm tmitktnt Alderman ...WM. D. ANDREW8 For Attetror.LI'THEK IIICHAHDS ___ ., t JOHN M. WAITE, »*j C.HMMWra.JW'AIIREN 11. KAYLOR JAS. K PRERBORN, C'lairunu. WardCoiiiiiiiRoe. B. T. McRnraar, Secretary. IV aieTeniR VV'nnl Trmneranre Allinni-e.. ?Zt (WrrV, .JiW-T-H ( MORTON. For Attimbi..IAMES ( BREMNER. Ftr Ai.iio.ar AW.-rrji.i«..WILI I AM 1). ANDREW8. |# Mnlh VVurd-ltcpiilnr VV hi« TicRi-l. Foi Attrutldxj .EDVV.Ulll SEOSSON f.r Auittamt .ti..V.rii.i-. -k'.'i I. BliEVOOKT »Vr imttttt.OLIVEB T WARDELL For JaafiVr Dmt, Court. VV M H VI EE( H " . (BENJAMIN H. W'ISNI.K. tor OrWaMhaa.\ wiLl.iAM KUOLER For tttpertort of rJeetivn. Futi Di.inci.Abioi) C Jawe Joha A. Crra er 8rc4ui.t Ditinct.JacV.a.ui Lawianea, EabaftMiUa. Third Diatnct .liiram Burdrft. Jacob Ackeraon. Fourt!) DiBtt.ct-- Hearj Jav. V -.i Huuuau Fiftb Di.tn.-t .Heurv W. Il-.i ', Saiuuel A. Cunninghani. BkithDiatrict. VVilliaai E Noi.i*-. George H BpriiigataM Sevrath Diatnct.Dav-.d N. Dick, Jaiur.S Auderaou. Bifklk Dialiiil .Ot-.'iar B. Dracje. Coin.-liua tl. DllaiMiBf. hiiuth Diaiiii Oiiii|( Youug. aaaaael Froet. tW Nlnih Ward.-Teiiipemi.c.- aud City RrAniu KcSa'.DAtlUl-B jVVi-fcBi.-c, i tfttnbty..JACOB S M1I.LER. far laahfaal IMrrnr- "tM" l)l BOIs. For trtttt .'..* Be..WM W MITCH Fot Atteuor .HENRV V.H.K. * P" irillLANHliR BRCSII. For Contkitlet. ' BENJAMIN D. VV 1SNKR Tbe Ninth Ward Titupeianc- A.l.tiu. e vti.11liold ui»_* aatartug, iu Ihe Uf|B T.ut KV CHV l"A K.N1NO dunng the __BBJJB_.weak, cori.tr vffjUT-av and ^V.'.i^'u'm L'.'^ THIS EVENINO Ocl -*« R. v. Mi.l HAPIN. RHf.l-N. ei'LV ! B 1 AVVKJNa, BARNCM, and .I'-hri «u.iue-it BBBBBMB ar* rugeged au l wiii addreaa ihe niretui(. ( in, cn. cu-e all. Let aU the lnend* of tiit- rauer, by lk... ii.-. .«-, aid a luoveuirut itbt.b evrutuaUy niuat 8Baeej ihr .ui-a-.it iutruij--rauce from our ward aud city. New it the tiu.e for acti >u ' JERRMIAH TERBELL, Chainuaa. Fowabu Wn ke>. StcraUry rt?- Ti-nlR Ward Whla Nominntiona. Fo, AttemUy.DAVID H STCRTF.V ANT For Atttttant Alderman.DAV 11) MII.L1.R. > u,e,t,r .IOUN CAvRR. ., , _. iFKKDERK'K PRIEND, Jb. tor l\+tU.oUt.{KRANC1S BTXB1 E. TW Trnlh Ward Iteform l.e-inue Noniinu- IrvSaMarar^-laaaaaVi.BDWARO V KRAt'FR. F,r.lt*'iA.B/.4Wer*a*i« EDMI MDANDEBBCM. BM .«*».*" .JOHN CARR. * ItTli k ABRAHAM W VfolRSK Fo, (.a.taWri.j JollN ACHENBBtNNLR ItT T'w, Ilth Ward Mt-aalur Draaocratic VVt.ia Namlaalioaa: .,_, ______ I?,, (..Bk,'r.,4.IAMES BROORR Y , mmmnhl .NATtLANIELR WINO. Bi j Jniitnt IffT- """'"' READY. Fer Atte-or.JOHN J. At IU BON. . ., , ., vPHILIP WERNER For tin*:a6lii.( MATUEVV CROW. Fer Imtpettcrt of FUfttouy Pirat Di.fnct.VV iTtain B.Struekauen, Joha Ooiig. r tfarariood Diatrict.Man-ellca Eellaa. Abram Wa* Ttnrd Diatnct.Saiauel A. Hill. Atuoid M Shfldou. Pourth Dialnct- Hatri* VVTImju, Jarue* l*_nahaa. KitUi DiBlntt. Petet Drboice. Saiuurl l>owurr. JtMlN BTEARNR CheMaeaa. koki.(i Stoodill. Secrvtary. l-TTwelfth Ward-lBdrtjeadrBtTruiaerauice RRaI iiiy K. fm ui N..uitti«ii,iiia i «___««, For Attxtlaat AIdeta.oa.ROlltK:( K C ANDRL _t. For Atttttor.JOHN M LITTELL. JtW Mn**eath Ward lf i aulnr l». luoorntic ?Vhie Nawlnnlion. . >Vi fmyra..Ji iSEI'll B VARNl M. Jr For .Uteatllt.WlLLIAM T.VYLOK For Attittaut AUtrrmaa.. ASAAC O. B VRK.EU. F*rA***t**r.I8AAI M PHYFE. »_./__. a.jj-. j JAMP.S KINO. ¦TWtmutac***.lOEOROE VV BlKiF.RT J AMF8 W. INDERH1LL, Ch'a oi W ard Com. G-oaaa W Dilbi, Bac'y. tW Kree Dcinecrary.Ct.inni.t-e*- riam. at No. 850 Bitedway, tbud -oo*- Ope*. day aad aigkt iricept Sua- wa) ui't.l aitct e-rcLea. Fric-d*. call a_.d aet p.a(*r* aaVaaa, addireara h< 0. W ROSE fvacreaaiy I*? Sixternth Ward-TEMPF.RANCE AND RE¬ FORM.The F.ircutiTe Committe* ot tbe XVI'h VVard Trmperenee Alliancr reepectfully prea* nt the f.Towmg Tit t.t for tbe aupport of their feilow-eiti-en-*. Far Cemgrett.ANDREW LESTER. ForAitembly.OEORGE T LEA( II Faa .4...if .li_W;ea/>.HENRY B DAWSON Far Attettor.WHITMAN PHILLIPS. For CoattahUt 1 HI'OH R Dl'NN. tor lonttaue*.(cORirELIUI R. CHICHESTER. tW Merrnteenih Ward Demecratic Wui« Niiiniiiiiiioii- : Fur kfrmber tt Utemblxj FRF.DF.RICK FRYF. For AuitLant Alderman.JACOB M PATTERSON. F.r Attntor.WlLLIAM II L'JID'IN. .. ,. , .. (VARNI vf 8 MH.l.a. h <.r (* aaaaaaB.JJOBN P TRE-HMAN tW Klahieeni'i Ward Teiiipcrnncr- *Allaiat>> * y,TAtn^\T'~.WSBAM .. BROar. A'tittnrit Alderman.ARNESI' KINK. Atttmtor.ROBERT B. LLOYD. . .BENRY BI.-VHOP f onitablet.' .joHN WAT80N. Intjrertort x\t xVUtt riral Diatrict.WTliirun Day. Royal Pheipa _ P (MdlTallhl llaiglilil Vi Bagley. Harr a vViaae. T i:ud Di.tnct.Oeorge VV. Brigga. Charle* Maano. Ff.nrtl. Dirtricl.Ci.arlea Irving, Edmu.id S'^ueMOa. KitfliDirtri't.Ahel Wheatou, Jr.. "¦'¦ H Rudd. HT Niniti-i-nlb Ward.-Regulhr Deuiocratic Whi| ^VoTc^'e.t.JAMES nOOU ___ For AtienMy.NATBANIEL S. WIN.i J-rAti.4foJil.lfc-fj-a.ofi.... WlLLIAM B URAIvE i or At,r.ort.MINARD T. ADEE t MMA.I.VH M.aTANIELS i.r OmmttmmiM.' qeoBOB W JACQL'ES. tt? Twenlinh Waid Democratic Whi« Kea- *\% SSSl^.. MARBB ALL 0. BOBERTR Fai MfaaakJe .BENRY BOL'BTON. For tuiitant Aldr.n.an. IAMES ASDREWS.Jr. ForAmettor.CHR1STO 'HI R I L .IS ,. , ., (JOHN B OEILER, / or CamttabUt.(j£8SE F.SEAMAN lnnpertort t_ F.l.rtio.l Eir.t Dietiitt 'Cb .n.. Ro**, MeaiM Baaaaa 8* rond Il.inct.Haniel ('..nover, A. J. lieuder. Third Diatrict.Edwin B. W'.ed. Francia MelBtyre Fourth Diatrict.Il'ish Turn'-r, Oeorge VV R-id Filth DlMika ileiiflia Bntt. Oecar Taylor tW SbXbB Conari'ialonnl Dlarrfrl.-The Xl'b Ward mnat berepieaented ber Mcchar.icnl l-ite.-eata rexjuins INDKPENDENT WHIO NO.MINATTON. Fi-r Congrett.LEWIB B. DOD. tW Whlgt Nomlnntion for ( nmrrraa.-Si(VBBTa CaaaaasateBrAL Dmtbict, (ixn.. xvi-h and xxrh Ward*) ROBERT S.VII TII. By ordf r ofthe Convention. ROBERT McINTYRE Cliairman. B. Hill VViir.FLEB, Secretary. tW To Iha VVIiiw nnil Inile. eudent Vutem of Ibr !*M-vfiith ConarraaloiiHl IMatrlct.NINTH. STXTF.EN1 II an.l TVVENTIETII WARDS. Fiiiow-Citieems i I have been tendered ihe nnminafion for Oaaej-BM-B thia Diatnct. by tho»e wlnbeli'-ved that their political priuciplea had been overalauglmd, their wi.lu-a dia- regarded. and their riglita. a. freemen. violated by a mere, niajority of onf. in the VV hig Notiiinatin^ Conv.ntion of the VI 1th Diatrict. After d'- d>Ti!>erarion, not unniixed with pain, t-Buird by tlie iuupcralive ueceaaity which conipel* auch . couree on your part and my own. I have accepted, iu Ihe generou* tpirit of thi oft'er. your nouunatiui). lt i(due to you, f.-llow citi/rua. tbat the ch-i-acttr, princi. plea, and ltfe-long courrt- of thr iitidernigiit'd .'lould Ih- unre- (en-edly giveii fo thoae whoac Biillragaa are iuvoked in hig baaaat I have been a reBident of t))ia rity for more thar. forty yeart. Political office* or .lietinetiou* baat never been aeuaht for by uiya.'lf. When tba VVhig party haduoichiaiiia in lUraiika. 1 had the honor to repreaenf my VVard iu either bran. h ef the Cllj OlMBiiBa 88 1881, ItBT, MBB aal \yft. The letter year I waa at Harnaburg a. one of Bm D legatee to the National Convention from thia city. 1 adheeaj BBM 11 the wialit-a of my conadtiiente. BBWBBm to tiie dicl.teao' my owu beart and con.cienc*-. in *.i»uining BBBBV Clav from lirat to laat. In 1843 I waa eiea-r.-.l t.. ibe Aea*mbly and vk-hili-there wm nomiaated hy tlie VVhig party bi thi ,r canibdate lor Mayor. For upward of tlnrty vra, l Lur bSMBMh . -B thi* city. Conidatrntly.fo the ext'iu of my abdily. witb al. my ta. ergy, and tothe iitmoat <¦! mv iufiui-no-. I luve earnvatly and Loneatly aupported VV ht. pirnupi.-i, Whig ineeBurea. WhiK nirn. and VVhig nominationa. In thi. connectio... ,v try Whig aa-BBBM for OaMMM an.l for Pr. -a.dent ha* rc r. ivdiny vote, notivithataiiding that I nev.r failed, ven for a aingle hour. tu .upiem thal l tVtttl p.fr.ot and I. arleee nal. -uii.il. Hi N( v Clav. m long m he waa be! re the p a* pie Wr chenab uow hie pniuiplia. ai.d tb. utioui,- t-iu.li- i,,gii lup uu-»nd pni'iic-ervic,«, neof laiealahlera tbe )(.|,ubl.c. 1, lew-CitiMM: Scaicely fonr moutha hav elapaed a Hi vhv (T Ak. U'liof yeara and of boaora, rwviu|aei-red-ua i-ouiitrv liiithtullv Htul iio*. .iimI.Iv l.u- more Uiiai b dl i MB- lury-j tu-nil lluo.inh kour iu"l": M the grKVe. aud you. tu .i'' men with tweoty-lve milhon* of people. moaiaM the nr. OBl'lclorBtotlitui "I tlic.i .nal .1 !', i.fl .ctor Are vkentTckaandaoMa mea, deetitate alikeol i.. n-t. !i-".«.r. tiuth. piu.cii ie aud eOBJBie thal fttorr hehaa moldrredin hiaalorioiiBUini'. wbdetbe whole *, Hd avareain bat tha verv; lucan.uti.Hi of an BEuveraal aoal, thal maped in the YaataeMol IM benerolenc* aid ctjaiceutiea l be int. teeteot opi rteeed hh* rtv aud auitering bumanity eveivwUne.tfiat wr vvillaiihinit to the abtiaciui'iit in our ToUa.'i a repudio- Uon of all hia priiieiple*. and acttiug at Boo|ht bia ea unple, aud tbe ixt.vni IIM it lLculcati'*. by any iiii-ana ot oura «iip- i.,.rf tl.i.at-who giiw upou thuii ij-eveon t" Maa WMMM Uv. .1 ai.d Binilrd ...ul Bi.olrd whilr th. y tt ibbed Vea. i, ,- n./.-i.a. who now iiilieule vi.u aud BM, bcciiaic we nrmtemet ln* BM n "ry. and reniain anleutly atta. Iied to the imaiatable piindpha h. *u bRbbII] UhamMI «nd viud.- ' Ab md. r (.1 thingB-happily yri bal a um ll and politi¬ cal olot.ia lik.lv to pif4.nl. v. itliout tl.e m.l. rteti.i.tit meu. wl..., «...iti l.*..'.wavplH-n. Bi.i.l-1 bv|ir iciple, riajujp wd .!tkii.i«- for ilKanealiianTatrbn will notoagw .nbmit to ageatal poditicaJ aianaaeaieat. lf p'-rvid. rera-Mve- tt.iui f'nuii Pi.aii.. nf.u.ak.ng lowa to tha loa it omea -u tbt nift >" the Prople Again and again f :'v. our deareat i ghta ai.u imiv lealiiigaad priaciple of onrbe. U, be-'ii v.olat.d by thia tal*.' eaao (W :: fliiftiaiiiaui. inotiey aud tortu|.:ioii. Bl« the uiilio';. tuiuucir BOW B -al on to pro- care nr-fiv rvrry liouiiuaiioij. TT,.- prean.t iiwtter prea. -ita a ipectackl v hie* wa aru beflfldM v ib Biaiailini t" the lutm, au.1 then aaaly tae hour i.i.rai.u whethn 4v.- wiii mnotait te a uc rer, evi- d. nfiycurnipt. or Mtretincn aaa*.*: thr (reut* tt ot all pnvi- U»r»^-i( « ttaiice M tlirt-ati aad 6aad ,^.d v Bk i. li your I'.-.ngie.f .oiibI CMTMtina, coaclaaioM aie Mba .'.i,\f. fi.tii tacta The caudidhtea ipokeuot i" tl"-Dia- m wer. Hot.. Oeorge Hne,.. naatnkir of_tta vreatnt Couartea udKoa ll J Rayaaaai.ii die l\th Ward. lu tlu IXti XVltbaadXRtb Wania, I had 1 a-n earn.atly ac- licitad Iv maai peiaoM to be a caudirlaae. No mat. ..vhu eaaaaj I (oaahl oi aolicited thaadiaaactioa. IU|f*t*.ajjy i bad dtclared uiat 1 would io uo ca« aaoepl th i ..m-.ation, (tcitiaUietrte eipr.aa.ou ofaii uuUuuhll( ....v.uUon that 1 woald .ot i.ivN-li. aoraaaai tuy tnend forme to pay aaii.*'. doOai toaacan waM woald th.c ba bMBm aEBptl ln luu ,_ _. Th.' l\:ii VVard Deletatiou were u'.aii.nioua.v C-KM i. ai.uvvtr. r ir.v aadetato. ti. b.- iii favor oi VIi bymOQd Mr BnggahAvIn. br.n confin.-d aeeiduouky to bi. dultea inCoiikie**, had. upou h . r.iun.. |ona iiniird'AUly to Ver-ooat, to toin there hia lavalid tam ,y. H.-iiai .-..u-e- ou, utlT reured txoux at. BgttM caiivaea. In th.» contit. at-iicv I,.. lri.ii.lB writ- h, iinl to m.u*. .ud uuited in my fBvof At tl. pruuaiv t'tvt.i. n tha XVltbB-MUtR W'ar.la, v.ri, .,- ticketswrr* ctt. t>-.l at tti. poiM, *f ir**t iwo ot wiiicli ui racb W,ir.l were ai.ppow^l lo ke vomp-.»r.l al k. ttiem. n fav.rabie tv aay ucimuation an.l mv tneotla .n] orttag th.^r t cket* u. tfu briirt tliut xmtrt were vol.u* lo (appoit their ftae choke. kftei thr r. in ii, * aaa .-ruididate appeared iu the t.rld. ard it wa. D fot thf firat time. atate.1 Dkal t-M XV Ith aod XXth Warii* wrn-, e.cepr twa drlrgate*. toi Ri-IEBT O 1'AMfaci i rponthea*ae-uKingoltht-l..n'''.-i.t o:.,thetwo nania-XV lili.iud XXl!: er.ai../«d br*. rr the l\:n Ward lVleiatr. wrre (.Imitti-d mtt' the room. and tbei »er.- tmr- nnttrd no voice in ita d.-1-.U¦ranena. rtcept t>. h*.lot-__eir intentiou. at the tune. of bonnraMy w.trHln.w.n. their owu MitdJdatc, !..¦:: tl.ua thwaited, thrk ripreat.-dthei, wdhng- nra. to tupi« rt mit candidafr. wbo. .: » BCter poiiticfilprrticip!... Bt- ,'U J ,^ rahadoa t. h.moai/i thf Diat-W aad if elactad. Ittfh- fuuvand bot-Mtly earry oal Whit prinopRa. aad wdj npu.ttttf.r great iiitrieata ol tba aa . rapaRy giokvutactk itwMBi liBltnlMBBitfaBetto thaaraaa couiphmrn'taiv uouuuaLion. aad tobr xmmetU.iteiy dechned. aud »oui. Mted in ac-coidai.cr vv itli that idea. Iht- aubacnberhadciMuIreaeontob.-.i. .-- ^ ^ .'?** tav rai e to bi* nouucation Tbr BoaaiaatiOii ol *;_*;_, (ELL wa, held R-i ta e week. and upwarl. to ^e uiawleM iBjuii.il IhadMtrict Iu the mrant :i.r Judge VN vHiOBl rr aTu. Ia aud. tatacd to hav* beea ail the ttoe aal itm efhM r-tlirvtad, berped the d__f ». jftl^g f..!l aiTBBErmrii.t. could br BBfld. M **-*~__h___!___ lbeth.BawB.ripi- Tht Conventicii waa *"'''r^',,, tha .ini.ijrol Juaticr BBM.BI to thr contait.Bn.ll '.±* l ponthr iiitt.-ductioi. it'-MvasHALi O RoaaaJ»»'^- tl.r entite IXth VV p.rdde!r«atieu prott-Hed Bgaiuat ru nomi- BBtioa under but circu-i .t-k-tc** *_______d Thn *tat. d that the IXth Ward did not eJata £.%*. nal on Thrv BMB lluu -Jxl rradytogive it t"th- XV ua VV ard but in ro ttm could they chooae thia adn 'ilA't^: clai^ied a luice, if tl-.e candi.late wa.* to be naned lrom tbeir owu VVard. IT.e tiat bad gone forth Tl.e or.gio.l meuiher* ot the ConvrntTon. aa cheu-n. wonld nrv* rha.i ^"'''"P--**. tbiadMign. So.th.ra wrre .ubatimted-cuouE!. -uM to do tbe derd. and thu* thr parturr and MMdeM ol IIOM Law and Eaa im CaoaVAiLtL wu erietteii. and bia nan»« WM-flABtBUUiO Ri'BEBT* ¦ __a__a_*___(_t 1 ilAitu to be a Whig-by uiy nature. br ".r'JPJ^thM by my pnnc.ple..u n.v brart aad -».»' .t»*fa11!?£g pirtT.Mit wMcwatcd. lor BM publc good, ¥-*P*W invi.lablvto aaata-a only meaiuraa and pnnripKa v.7uca would adveuce tbe nation in ita ouward enrevt ot pn »- rruotia while they imniatered aolely to advaace the BM- eral latere.ta aad p'roapertv ot the c.ontry (nd tle >a^aa Our i-rople are a quiet, la'wlovmg. order-tjbid.ng !**.mftm Thevb.4e urve, needed MaBJHall LAW*to bedeclare*. io thair Dianct __ __,__ Ia my whole exp. nrnce »ith public mattera. I aave aever before kaowu a Jadgo of our of our h.gher _8B_B M aa- a rud fiom tbe beach to mia in and be a piMiinMt aator m partimupolinca. lt i* tba pnde ei~1 aecurity of oar .a«ai- ooii* to keep holy and f-acred the -udieiaJ chaaacter No coe, cauld bare prtvicoaly ecterta-uad a lagher vpuiMAi ¦ tii-a Jndf* myaelf It n riiO*ight fo be but * flrrtaera! einraa- aion. that tke ptibiie at larae rearet the cca.-ae Le baa pur- ifleii ib t!,ia matter Koa, frlloa .t'lyrnA I throw myaelf upon your kunr-ae**. and Bflk voor an- port. aa one who Laa nevrr bad aay coo- »Aii._"ia abont ma pflhncai onrae. nor fearing now any w- . . r...: :. ..- i.inr* or pr.vaiecliArActer. it ia the firat tune in rry lif. hare ever eo appeA.ed. r*nonaJ!*. tbe ntfce. if rlectad to it, hat no al!:remrt.t*Ior me It elrrted. "Iiould artrnfrc** many pt-raoual intr-r-eta: butlbe peBtfefl rhtrarterof cwr ch*f-.*h*d pnncipleat.Ox*> houur and iLtegn.y ,.f :be unen with whtun. aa a ptrv. I bavfl laeen aaaoci.u-d rounttrntlv A,r thiny vexra. ia to .ne ab..ve and beyend all other cooaide-RnrmA .My oppone'nt haa been rh.aen to rep, ...evi.t he mimmoM eotptintxmt o( .'..nmthtpa. of wnkh hr ia thr a*enr»id pr.n- i| al owner NVhatever hi* uldte.f or derl.i-At.ofi* flBBJ BBtfl to toemn-rtrr. who will d.'ibf Iut own ar.d (ontei'ertt'*'aitierv torlerr bim ' Thia ia re:-«on enough. bnt it thtr* aot a grav.-r rrje He W88 rioto-i.-'iBlv t maaa leader and iupfHirter M John Tytar. tftrr the tr.acrieryot hia " Acridrrx-y " to t'..* party fha* tad h.m. had prr.arr.)**d -he honeat (" tv VV h ga of tru* tte r.nt:rrv ar larc It wrj r-iually riotnriivi*. ttiat he rr.joy.d tiie pation..«e of Tyi'-r** md Polk * Ad- u.uiiATrationa. A trent ), t eal p rt-. eaa neve!- c.aim aupoor* or aelfiah rcaaoii* I caunot. nor do I believa ttfl yoa will to, te ro rontradtct rh.- dca**.irieBndpnnctplea.or wh'.ch . i. v. BalpBri7y,ha*reflaflrBMeeaaBodflflL ^ M' mb r nf Congrew*. we eaat the only v .* eIr,, when vtri-an na.e any aaasfl :n tbe (,, riiti.ent. Th:i ia our onl. direct Tote. »nd we tteflJd that our hVaprwriitalivr waa our neigiiuo: aud fnen 1 Iu bebeJJ of tkoaa w.th wfceea 1 h.ve ao taafl labored tor thr eatah.flRBcat nt ritol pehariplaxa, ot tu,...- w.io huve roui :> d n. *arr,lM e. ao fbat thrir pokttoal act <m tand-.l t i tdauor ajul perpetuate tke l'i. on.conaolidiLo the people of tl,e t- ate* ir, tne aupport of thr Coii-titut.or.. and nia.-.- taiattf aapia_flcyof tte »titu'<a aud .11 «he Irwr of t'.ie 1 proteat againat the inault oflenrd. not only I WUg fArrv. ef wfcieh 1 rlmm to be an aaraeflt, aliuough »n liiiiiiblr ruriiiber. bnf to evrrv h . -.1 ui in t.'ir Ltl-rnr-t. by Bto* aakina them to than,! m thnr nglita and pr.xnlrgeA to m.ke rarnpinf tlie intere-.ta of adventuiera wid 8]>ecTi!ator* ni-on the public Treaanry. With great rr- apect. I aubi. RUBF.RI" .-**-MI Tl! re*- f'il.v Keiorm laeaaue..Fr li.< w ClTTBBBai Our Letgue lma lieen fanaed with toe bjart ol correvt ng pnme ,,f the al.uaet O! 'ir ( ty Ot i nent. Tbe facilitier w::n which eai didateeforoflh .. «r. raiaed to po-.t-er by.an* et Iheciiiiipl aaiiliinaiy ol prtanary etoctionA ;,.«:,. root ot tte eviL Againat tha .yrteni. tterafore, w-e 4tri'ce tl,r hr-d btow bv flgreeing to tbe prto. p'.e ttel . goo iandi- dalr eaght to I" anpported, irrr*p.-rti-..* of th-- p.irry hy whi, h I.r :. non (JpOBtkta priacrptofl aclection ha* been umd" which we now reroTfitfiend to yoa, aad ttfl iflflflOfl kkrarkfeb - - itent, it ia onr duty to >cp ail Mr. WESTERVELTbaa Irren pr.ic.T.*d for th - oflice of Mayor. f'ortberiraiMiri, _ir,ngoth«Ta. Ui.th'-ideap, ., | i..' pewoflalcteiaeaflijaBtoag ia hia paat btaflflry toatteowa upon him aay abarr of retpontibility for tue iniacoudiit-t of th. Coiuin.m ( oui.nl. 'I be CoMR.iLLEB ougl.t to be a in»n of unflui, iitnt Rriu- uraa m thr rletenae ot thr Ti*e*aaarry 4*.,mat the d, predatioaa 88 afbtfl Bttl ii pted upon it. NN'r h-,ieYeauch a tnati. in tnat Mflflon, r*n aavc thia rity hiu..' -d*,,t tbtma an.l wr tlnuk ihr paat Uflton ol Mr. KI.AUli haa to ln.ii to bfl tka in m «,- waat A* Coutroller of the'.".ite ..f New-York thrm.gh n pei md o! yeara, hi. eourae whb m.rge.1 bv i fittoliiy and viit'ir that coniuieiid ll. ii to rhe rr.p'-ct nud eonfideaeea tbe people. Tiie tt-.Uu.ony haa beea tha Mr AIIAMS. the preaer.r tkh PBBIBTBBBBBT ol Itiruk-. A.ll) Sl PPLIE*. !ia* g. n. rallv adailaiflaind ln.,,rrii-i well, aad flffl Ilyu ttei t, r- -.,li.p-r.r Iii« uatne i..r thai BB-CA BOW, Tl,e Fa. ,,i:v ot Me.l ietofl hn, « ith grrar um iiiui.ty agreed that the Ci i , |m l'i ina Oflgkt ta bfl a Pkyaai an, and with M-vrral large Imd.e* of ritizenx wr naine fur that other 11.*:- rorJOHN II (illl-f <)M F..K Almn Huim, CoMMiaatoaaa v.. li&Ye pn.ferred NN ASHI.NO'ION SMITII For \anoua reaaona our .' i. rtioiia have goue no further. VV.- piil.liab tlit-in ahreiui tb.it lleforinerH mxy have aome knowle.lg.- ot Bflflkfl8toB*a intention*, sn.1 ro ni ikfl '.hcir vote eflertiiAl. Our srtion haa been contiucii 10 City Ofii.-err. 1 t .a.,. ,,t N\ b rd Ollieera iuip.,rtiii.l nitiuy are. did uot Bfl wit i- lu ur meitoia We tmhappy tokaaw, thit ta ran Warda the ptopleare takiug care ol t.ieir fltffl uitereate u. thia part.i'u 81 Tkam wko h*rot oar letonn*. cmi alnr rheir ticket. aritt the ntmea we «ugge*t,w ith the i oiit.lerire th.l their vote will 1," iiiiitui,! bj v.it iiinny oi oiirci'iien.. aud with a good preapect of aaccem, Onr noiiiinatioiiaare For May..r.JACOB A. WEBTEBVELT, ,t.olltr.A/.AitlAH C. FLACHJ, ForCity ImtxcU.r.JOHN II. (iKIS(i).M. For Ctjm.nfKep.tirt.WlLLIAM NI'N 1*4 ', f,r,<; ofAlm, Houte. W \SHIN(.'CON BIUTU, .ra ire atfollotvt: ...,...,... Pretidtnt. JOHN IIARPEIt I'irc Pimmornt*. M. Vis Si n/i. k. tVa.)'. D'tit-r, STf.rius NNhitmi.v. tVBI NN.Osno.Ni:. jo*EEii BaaaarBAB, Ti.omi* k. IVaiTirti A.R. NN P.THORE, Hf vrv V BOTtaBB, JOBATBAMl ConniMi.,- Tmob. T. Wooorc Aart. T. Eoui.RTdV. I K. ('.,'...'. Wm. K. Mott. Wl B BBU plt'lll. llHIit LHmi I>. Smiih, ( HARi.i.i XI Lr.l-rr. D.vio HOABLBT. J laacfl Rr.rvKB. / -,.r fon.mitlrt. Kuli.rd A. Rrad.og. E. Krr.liiiu. sVIiuy Ici l.ivuia-toti. Them..* lt S.iilman. .laoe- B. Murray, VN'alfer Ke.1. r. NNru ('luiincev.Siine.il H i.luii). Tueodore />,,..,,<,-JaV JaRVI- Nn-r,Mrp-M. Ai.l.lv.V lR. Ci? I ric IJemiieriiey Tieket : VtrFrm it '. JOiiN P, II __, 0( New Ha. .] y\ Ctce I'rauUi.!. OEOBOE nn JI'LIAN. ot Indiar.a. Fot }lnt-,t tf I'rettdrnt nnd Cne I'c.ulent. Uiran. Baniry, Allr.diUb.ock. Cavert ( * 11 B ( rop«. v (i.i'iae Salmoii. NN ..iiaoi I. Hoba Wm. K. rmi. itn 11 N ithan Boato, N'.i idiaii Mora John U. NNell-. Me .ii.'thoii Lewta, Ira.c s Ford, Ctertafl Heiagea, OeorgeBBUth, .loiitj!)_ Liwyer, Wiliiam Jxy, ('!:«.() Sliepurd, Irhab,*! Uioinp.ir. Altrid IVi-k". Am NN'arren. .1.,'in I NVilton, Lewial r. <lt.i ChaaW. Lynde. Fred O Bflflj r*. Leci.urri Oihto, Audrew Lr.'. r. B.*wll liart NN iu » St,!. ,,., AlonaoS Bu!!. Pcicr F Mtiipl:... >;il.l.. TheinanS. H. rry. Wui 11 Tew. Mi rnt Pi kliiiit. Cha*. (iregg, _,_.... , Ffr aoetraor.MINTHORNK TOMPKIN-*. For I ituten.tnt d'otrrii, r..SETH M. (iAfES. For Caaat Commiut.r. .CHAB LES A, NVllEATON. K tatptri State Primm .OEOROE Ll HTIS. ifaBtw .DENNI8 HARRLS. ),, |Sr_.LAJVIAS D TOWNSLEY Fal C.-mrUu'rirrk .(KOROK NV ROSE. I.r r.,.rl,-llr,.|.A\ II> M AllSH. io, CltV lnt"ert-r .TH0MA8 BITTBB. Fi, Co, tj Re,.. aod S.., BOLTI8 M POVJ LF.R r., .srrrrf f '.--',. n,.r, JKSSK. «). II VN II ANi) FcrCttmiett WlLLIAM M'UERMOT \Y M. S Kl NO. Jr.. IDt-JAMEH I'.I.onn ' ' ''..I i)r LEW18 HALLOCK, [Dr. RUSSELL P. TRALL Fot (."..,..t-.i/wit-Hi *f...C_ARLB8 8CH1FP. >', r Ckmgrttn. Illd.Vi M DAWLEY, \ Uk.. Al.oN/o 8 fALL, [7 l ii - 1 lUHHAllI). Vllti, ANDW L Vth.SAMl EL. \N ILllli. YHItb D D. TOMl KINS. MtrabAl 10 Teiupiraner Cflndi.lHif. ___-,- FarSAertJ.LOV1A0 D TOW8LEY, twiatv-five VfAT* a TtuirarrAnce Man. and *vrry WET qaa-aedte flUtkta importan: otti,-e. Kv.ry Utie Temptii- ance man wiil vote thia ticket for Shenfl. Cpecini Xoliico. CP Fi.litlcal I'riniiiiM. Keudy for the Raftk! In order lo nir.t Lhe rxtraordin.ry demtiid* for Pohucal Pnnting ior the coming elerti.n, BAKER. OODWUfk CO, Iri.iirtora it THE (iRKAT MKTROPOLITAN STEAM PRINTINO ESTABLISHMF.NT Tnbxine Buikl- a.gaaiil krrp Uinr OKKICE OPEN EN ERY BIOHB ni.tii Bkcrtkfl01 flf Novemher The unmente maaa of work in tle aiitpe ot Newtpapera, Speeche*. PaiaphletA Ctrcu- lara. B l!a. Poatrra, TitkcU. ka. kc , pruilrd at thia otfico dai.f the paat week. ba* a. rved to ahow tbe anaqoalad fatiliC.ca of thi* Manunoth Eatabiiahmeut. _d ahould con- viite all wbo rrquire FoiiticAl or other Pnnnng in tho cuat ttflwy and tflMire atyle, ui doublerniick tune," that thia la tke ylaet to call. We havr a tpltLtiid tuacrtment cf De*ifn* for all kind* of 1 . Bak.fl foithful rajrtTAil* of Uie Freaident.Al Caadi- datea and ran t'.ao axipply ongwAl eugTavinia. if dea^c-J, m a few hc un. To be ffli'y prepared for the carcpa-gn. we bave tnade ar- tangruieLU witb arveral B.ndenea to ca and fold Pan- phlrt*. THckriA CirvolArA Ac aud sbali tuve eeveralbiui- dnd handa rt-ady to flflaeflflfl the largrat and moat urgeut eidrra. Brmgervr fuily p ady for "the raah," we mvite orderX prrc ti [ a.-rira And piedge ouraelve* to do aii we can ior tke brnefit of our fhenda aud parrona. BAKER. pOOY4 IN A CO .°t.A_ FnnlerA Ccrner Naaaau and *r>prwc.-*ta entraace Nc 1 Sprxic*. Open ex rry evrairy tiii after rlection. |%> Thr Kecnlar Mretlaa af Ike Mew Yark lluriii I'ltuml -.aciety wiil take p_.e At _e rxwuia iu .*.: luatitutr BONDAYEVEXINO Bevam- ber 1. at 7i oiiock. A general atteadAnce ia rtsjoeated SHEPHKRD KNAFP. Preat. (Jrc M CiRTta, Rt-i S cretary _ C*T Whoai Hkall I Vate far f-Let rJ>* Maia*. Law meL atipplx theuawve* well to-dav w.ia thia Tract. aad Bcattcr:: broadi'aat. To to bad at No. 149 Naaaau-at. raT I ellejre af Pkaraaary af tka City af >>w- Xark. roouA No All Broadwav -The rupiiar Wmter Cc.Liw- at Let-turea tn tkw lnflOtBtwa arill c '*<-Meeflfl aioNUVY latot N"ovemberneAr,ai7ocJocA r M and M fcntilaed four montha. on MONDAY, ^EUNEiDaiY aad 1R1DAY EVF.NINOSa tk*ch week. m tto xX^BaeBax Ob Mtxena -M.dxa aml Pltai-nAcv. from 7 to » o'clock. by Fixsttaaor B NN Mct'READY. M. D. _____ » . tl. Cnrmiairy. fit-S to 9 o'clock. ky ProfoaBor R- O ^KSliry.*b, P^cdeflft- I F HOLTOB.ofwtot-tarther Mfltofl will be given. . ,. tO, Tuker. for the C4>ai*e oa Ctemiatry at *. to£to Maur.a Medlca aad Phannacv. at 07 may be prfltrrnval Ito« MriJetrge D. CoflBflfltell. Ke. «0 *Ww.y; Mr lt StoMrf No *^rv"idl__M.. Dr VV J.UM*-** « Bcwery Aad a tte College lUwaBa, No ail Broadway t*W MaaoB.r* Naiiee.-NVA.**H7Ni7TON*S INITIA TION. Nov 4. !75.'.-A *d4iua:c Outenni*. Featr.a will Uie place at Ki-ariraecin* lla.1. No. 600 tlroadway. on THI°R*>1>A, ENEN1N0. Nov Afcrtbe pflrpoee ol e-le- LrtUuf Um ui.acrtant *veuL A Diaconne wiii be de ivered by ibe Grarvri Chapiair. Rev. Evtri M Johnann. D D Bflfl an Ode wdl laa auna by tbe Lb. ir B.-eicren iu good atand- '31*. wjO'.n.:i.g i. ,i tt...i.:ng to turl.C'.uete ou Un* .l. aaioiL, are rewperrt'ii.iy lnvited. Tkeearamafltoa trul eoauaaac. at I ..'Joca P M.. Atier Breth.-ec wii: partakr of a Oiuner TVtrtw. tr fl earh. may be baa freru '..'.* i.nd rrgned Cenuuiltee. aopiant- rd by lhe Oraud Lodge ofthe state ot New-Yofk, uid ofthe OrandSecretAiy. Oflice. PreeuiAaon'a Hail. Nj. o-X) Broad- w»y R. M rojllrOX, '-:' S>t Jo_-. Ltxdge. No. 1. ( .A-.rniAn. No. 575 B.-.«dw.v. L FtvcHTWavctg. -. a i.i ml No. 94. :»a-v. No. 141 MAiden e Jamea F.'iary, Abraia'i N n BJ7 Bowary i Robert Htufcr.. Wi . No.21, No. 197 B.'eeckcr-et t -N S Ve,. frtgg. Adeipi:. No 88. No 4H Br.-oiue-*.; F W Mtrtina Albtoo No 26. No. *>J Wall-al P.O tSteaa. Mt Monah. No .7. B,,u- ry.c. rner ,t P; nre-.r. NN". H S n.i. BflflflW- ler.:. N. .'. No. O Pine >1 NVrn. VVaguer, Q -rjia ' No 74. No MMflklea-tane; 0 I. Thateher, II.¦'. Beaa, Brookiyu. Hrnrv Bemateia, La Payette. No 64. Ko. 88 boane-at.: OaeHeT.Owatoe, Rirbmoml. Notflt, Port b- VN ,;, fj. Yonnga. Nav*.. tt *. Ttjflek- aon-*t N H Mi "t.n. r Mamtofl. Nn. !'.',. No >'l 7?7tli-at Hn.ry (..iniAif. 01tin.li ¦ No. 14 VVUllAinaharfk: Plwfk A. L*w.a Ilis.LgSuu. N'o 14.'. Yaahflto; J I' tv Mt. Mflfltok Be i'. Ail'iuiy. CflT Ma.nflie Naliee..The Ceurennit! Coru:nt-_ora- tiou of tte In.:.- a ,v,ll be rrlelratrd tt MetropeiitAn Hal ou PHURBDAY EVEN¬ INO. Novrmber I. at 71 o'clock f.ie Or.,*; B wil] ka .!¦.- bltpadby Rev l>r TYNO. T l'ro«-ra-,.me wdl be pub- I ateaay, Mi mben ofl 8 ibacriMng Lodgvaare n- eall .ir'iie- orriee <>('th* R.N\' (irm,! Itet-ietoiy tad .:.. :r t,k.:a Mambera '-vili appiy Ior t.c»rt». wl.irh arr free of rhar.-. Bflfltom Ot tteil reapectivr Lodgea. Bv order o| tke \ l FANVCF.Tr. Chaitiasn. " rheliicht.''-The Baeel-fttf.OOWABD cemmrnc* a cot.rm of 1- Lectnrea oo Pliyt'Oe-iiOriivand Phrrt.i.'ogv. MONDAY EVENINO, Nov 1. ar Cha'thauu Hall, Ne.5Chatham-a<inare, .ud to b. given ettry Monday. Thur*riay aud **ui*urriav rven.i.gA, troia 7 t,> 18 pfeataat]. 0 Exa-ninatioiit afld Sono, accompejiying Uimtelf on (Jilliert'a Eolian Piano. Oentlemen". flfld Li.iir.' ti.il .,..?. 1. dv*. t! i «mgle AtLnntion. 23centa. A Lady aione, Iii cia. it ith a Cent.. free- Ti. k.iai au be lir.d of Prol. (iowanl. at the N. V Commer- cifllCfl . S ii-rt.') to 12. Tbe P rear tn*e. I 1 tiilkrittit I ,i'. li'LC 'i,e Oillee nnd l.-i.uir I Aehanue, N. « 2S and * Ctiiial-at.. New-York .Thia oflue ia aaTfllilidliiil bv thr ConictaaionerB of Emigration. wbere can tiwtvt be kflflfld itige nutnber* of LflBCfflflfl and Serxanfa at very l..w rAre* ef wag'*. aud peraina caa have rhrir ordrr* filled by writmg t.) the Superiuteudeiit aud a. nd- ing the aa ary to pay th ¦**.*,£ af Uie parfcaa rtq'.ired No .'tea < harf. d to eriiployera JAS. P. FAUAN, ..urermtrndent. IV t'lBrrnrevllle, L. l.-B<*a'i'.fu! Lot* *t m.i.li*- . ea, payabta in tflataUaaaata ot *'21-' tiatuou'k.. Oaoerpl (Jfricee No 3 NaaBBfl «t. xnd No 57 3d-av Tbe whole of-.h.a lieantit'ul viliate. rmhr: ring nearly ai'venh'indn-dlofa (ru . p' .,,,* ban.lre.l n'rea.iv aaaf) i* otlered Bt Aile it nri.ee trom tae M 8130 each. Tbiaplar* ia .ltuat d on th. Hrook lvn .n.i Jatuaira P!.u,k IL .,!. with tte I. ". :-lr,*ud RAilnind pa«nng thrmith thr innlfll. and la about 4i miie* t'lotn NV tl- li*iii*hurRb.B>i 7 i.t ,i- P.r aoa'v.i. For ceaaeBwnofloffleeem it i* aurpHiied by no viila*;e iu the vinnity of New-York, tevtofl trr.p ii con iimu:, Btt ii* yafrue* onthe Plank road. and ti\r nmraiath way, daulv, by lhe Rai Ir nid. It larinidy located iu thfl flflfltn oi I lovely plain.and ifl free ahke from Rwarip* ai.d ronth or mflflfltaia I.nd. The v.Uag. n laid out in toaad aid BBBfeutofll .ten iea, tho eeator aae, Hreeu- wood-Rt.. teiflfl 108 te-r flwWtb Tke *itl* ofthe property .1 perlerT, having been in oi e famtlv nearlv .*'") yr*r*. A i.ii.pi'te *!'«:.., t .. I* raraiflted to purcba.er*. AI.o- geihrr, to thoia- wlio WBflM 8fl0apfl high rny r. uta, aud deai- IflBflflffl flOMIflflililll hliihliiia ap.,t. tl. ia ti r'k-K opportu- mtv yct oSered to thr pnliiic. Ai. the itrret. wi.l ba gnuled At the exprcar of tbe pree-ail prepietor*. Kor m.p*. or fur- therpArt.rnl.i-, at,plvto 1). T MACFARLAN, Oeamal Ajaat, Na.8Bflfl. trflmU A.M. toJF.M ; orNo. 57 3.1-av., tr,,ie ,, t,.', A M., aud 5 to 7I\M.;orto John H Ftilrv, N'o. latAttonti -..., RndJ. B. Benu.tr, Co* luuibifl-., between Btrketl «ud lletTaw-ata.. Brooklyn. l*>o gr. al bna been tbe fleinaad for tlie ahova 1,,'tatl.a, thougli they bave ouly b'-» n utlr. ,1 Ior aala for a fow wetka, cn, -tbird ot (he whole umube: BBflR heen (old. TUoae who would at-care a ekoire loraiiou muat apply at once. fa* Nniional nuildina nnd .llutu.il l-ntn *i«- koeiaiion offi,, Bo. ITTIciBal at rtaaam entrau <. toe, 81; diie* 43 per uientb; aharc* 8800. Tbe nexi regular UiO.iLbly mertinr for tlie i-edempfion or*ale of .hArea will be. brlit at tiie otli. of tlie aVaeoi'.iaiiou, No 17) (lafl t'-'i.. Ofl MONDAY, No\. lat, at (kj o'clock P.M. Meuioer. are re* | uueatrd to pay tbeir dnr* previooa to rhe koar of meetinc. The oflice will be opan .very Tueatlrty rrening from 7 to iO O'eleck. JOHN W VANUF.VVATER. Seo 275 Hudavni st. ^mnsfinmlo. JOJBlAy* GAUI'KN.fJr.iiitl Kumantic OP- _Xl EBA in the ENOL18H I.ANOt'AOE Ofl MONDAY, NVEDNE8DAY .iui HIIDAY, M.NIiNMK A.NNA HISMOP will anpear wilh her uonvnlt- OPERATK COMPAMT, compr'i.i g, vt itb the Priucipi'i. ("honi* a! Ia ' ..ucnul BOleaTta POBTT PT I ARTI8TE3 .iii-'.ndiiir Miaa Roa. Jerqno*, Mr A ignttna Brali.iiii, Mib. Barton lliu. Mr iiii.li. Br. Btriai, Air. Btflfltefl lioaoh, kl liiuioi; ,r. anii Nlail.uii. Nnn. Biahop, v 11.ii.i.. orrheat.u and Fall Chorilt. i,i kl Irt-Aier SiBin.r Ln Maafla The :,r.- prodocti, n by rhia Compao* Iba tlie Houku- BeOpem u threearto with new uui m-guiticcuti k-taoi'*. St. nr: t Pr< prrtiea, ntitlad MARTHA, Or. Thi ilu um, no MaRKET. |ie*ed by Pto Trtiia.a't .1 rV| tra,iv ior Madame Bu-hop, and BOW r> a' lig a|rnii'i'al I nvre lliiiiflgli.I OenaaBTj arr.rurd hy M. II. ri '. ikfl Aa n u.atage.u be pei-form. o Hf tte -m tim. Bfl MONDA1 N.t !, 18W, aml it 11 r. pe.te r. VVED.NE8DAY *n.i 1-RIDAY Ticket*, JO CeLlt Fui! parttafllflifl ifl daily NJBlXy* GARDEH-JoatB Strxov. Man- ager- Fiiat aiabt ol Maaa. AMNA BISHOPli KNO- I.ISH (,| EBA CoMPAM. who willptrrtonii. Itineract- eo .n Aaiancaj Vcn PtotOflPt trlrirated tv,,rA, m Jacta, Iraualal,,! tr,,ui tii. (i> ru.'.n. 'ind produced tndar I tn.tiol Mr Bot na*.-TH18 EVENINO, Nov.l. MAIMII N. Ok, Tll!: RICHMONU MaARk_T I.adv Hamer -Muie Btabop Nancy....Miai taaaJacnam Lyourl.Mr Ou: li Plnukat.Mr. lae u h Sir NV'm. M.ikief,,.! Strt.. Jadgeei Ricfamoad.Radolpb BII. TOH'" THKATKii-thambera-at.- Tlll*i EVENINO, Nex i, wiil bflBetfbaaad OLD Ni'l.K ANI) Nl-.NV YORK. Drakey BreadtolLTheenpaoa <ir *,,ry Morrland N,,rtoii Roaiu.i .NJ. i «nk Mr*. Cook Betty Bwamp..Mn. Betaaid BF.OONK DULLCARE. Old Rtvii _Mr. Burtou Yi ung Revrl.C. Ftaber Kra-'.k Ryland.Mr.DyoB P'.i.nvButti-'cfip.lhompaon Mra.RtM..Mra. ¦ Di Rylaud. .dr*. ilughea Ml.-i H1F.K M NKINO BKOAIAVAY THKATEU-K. A. Mar-hali.. acie Liflaee-THIS EVENINO, Nov. 1, wil ba per- toflBfld INGOMAR. THE UARBARIAN Pfltydm .Mr. Bartv Itutoiuar.N|- Ai(ea..Mrt.H-riy I I'arirthenia.Mi.i-J'i tDflaa Tbaauia.M:aa L'anuan Alaator .Mr Fope THE DOl'BLE toKDDED ROOM Dnic n.rr r pr.VV Da M «.Mr. D.y Mra Lou.a.i... Mra N eroeu Naory.'! r* Sclton D,'.:r» »itru at7 o'clock. prrtunuince fo ceBBflflaflefl xt 7J. WMTAIXACK** TIir-.UKK-Brujulvvay.-J. TT VN VVaiiacR. Lreaee. J NV. Lriter. SLig* Maa- Rier..THIS EVENINO, Nov. 1. will be perfor_ed MUII ADO AbOl'T NOTUISO. DonPedro.Mr L. ata r I Beue.li, t.Mr WaJlack Clandio.Mr. NVaJcoIT DonJihn.H. B Phillipa Dogtrtnv.Mr Blakfr | Beatnce.M a* rx-ete Htt, . .Mra. Hair L'raula.Mra ritepben* THE IRI.-H TIOl « Pflddy Bytn. Mr B.-'.ngl.^r. Baatry.Mra Brt-ugbarn BAKM*M- AMF.HK A.V MUSEUM -P- 1 BARNl'M, Mtnager and Propnetor. JOH.N QBBI ICflj OOD, Jr jktaiiunt Maiiager..C- W.CLARKE, Otreetor of AruuaeineritA.Tb. M ,!. Mural Drama of THE LAST NA1L, fuilwt tbo tuoat toiuiraJ etfncr*. THIS > V y MNO at 7J o'c'ock Bad alao THIS .AFTER- NOON tt ) oc.oca Adu.i-a-.,.- to tbe whole KflflflflflB, Haiifl of Statuary, tbe P:c:ire Oaiierv. Chinaaa Safoon, LitiCg Ar. rr.aJt BM FrtertAiwuearj. kc 25 coata ScaL* m Uie Parquet latfc. extrA /"ilKCTS -Ni:W-TORI A.MI'HJTII_.x- Vr TER No T7 Bower- ORAND ENTRNNCE into the city of New-York ot the Crreat Coaibuvjd E<tuef- tr.aa Troupea of K --ANDS k Co.and J J. NATHANS a ( o. ou MONDAY, November 1, 1452. The enta-rtAlcineatt w-,11 compnte B"LI> *r.d ORAV-EFITa HORiJEMASHIP bv the pnac:pAl mrmbert of tke Troupe. Var.rd and EWAut (lY-VLSASTIi 8, Coruic aatd Drai.-o-ic fxcenea, Acrobauc and A:Uetic D.aTiaya. Frat* or Moacuiar Power and Skul. kc For dt-U.aol wmch read Frogxaaiaie of theeverurig XMTOkJD** MTNSTRFaL H-\LL, So. 444 f T Broadwav.-aOpen EVERY EVENINO Coocarta and Ethiopiaa Oelinejoona Mbkc uneurpaeaed. and Negro IJeiineatoaa uaeqiiAled. Doora open a tH Coucartf coui- metvea tt 7, o'clock. Ad_.aaiv-B 25 ernta.ckiidren half pnce. Tto AflirnictonCcnee.'ta AradiacoBUnTiad. SATTLER.' DIORA^LxaS are open every eveaiut a I o'eleck. Tke Third Aene* Mthe i.4ja-nora- ma* ia opan avriy day tTorn t A. M. to 10 P M. AAnu*. aion. 25 c*Bta. Rrtervad arata for the IJioramaj 124 ceutfl 8ZLTA. Tk* EAkibitien ia corner I3th-ac. and Broadway. THF. BRYAN GALLERY of CHRI8TIAN ART. aaflflfltoing a aenaa of aatbeatic PainnaflR, frota the moat ee.rt.i_rd .tatera. m chroaologic. ocaar, frotn Ouido da S.etaae (A.D. 12811 down ta Hora*. Varkat, wiii toopeo k..-ri_.Litvont-iTIil"I_DAT. Octobtr 7, at tte gooatr Li8i_v BBBBB JUnuaaica 85 cevnta. Eahitoftoa teart froa. 11.11 te 5 P M. aad74 taIPML ( Xru fJubiicatians. A B.a '- tbr thta Hohdavaj. CORXISH. LAMl-ORT & Ca., Xo. 8 Park- place. N Y hiv* jiat pnblialied. FOOT-PRINTSOB Tltl'TH. Or VOICEOP HUMAN lTY.byJohuColeHa_a.il. illn«tr*tad with 8 fiue ateel .a- graviuira tiom oiigiod deeign* by Chapman, Craark. aad othcrt. fv n.or, full atlt. pnce $3. Amoug the noetna ol h.gh uientcot'tained in thu volume ia an ellegoncal cne entitled " The Demon Pu-tare Oal- ierv tf rxhibiiicg humamtv iu all ite Tanooa phaaaa. aad the tnumph af Truth overError. Tbe work hu been tot ut in aplocdid atyle. and ia one of tiie fino.t .lft-book*ot the rraeec. la Pr***- 1 S. FRAXCIS A Co. will publish MAN- e CO, Fhe P.r-vteu Clnef By VV H. O. Kuwiton. V«*i autiioi ot Pe:er the Wheear, Mark Baaaaith, A.v BREWFR'B 0U1DE To ENGLISH COMFOSl- TI"N NEARLY READT, THF CANADIANCRCSOFS; ATale ofthe R I':«i u. Bv Mr». Traii;. Editeu by Aguee Stncalaud, 44 ith lilnttraiirn* by Harr. y. BREW l.R.-i OLlDE TO ROMAN B1ST0RT, tr m the earlieat period to t- Bj Ucv. Dr Brewer. author of Ouide re the Scietitit: I ralge of Ttungi Famiuar. Carefully reviAed, earractad and ..l.i: ted f'or ti*e in Kainili** and Schoole in the Cailed S.atee. (HAS S HiAMT- I Co. Be 2^2 Broadway. DAVIFS' SCHOOL AlUTHMKTIC-X'Jt- vrit) -t.u d:u. thr u.anv BBW creari* ¦« 08 ARITHME- TH'whi.-h have latrlv appear-d. the Baries of Prufeaaor Charc* IV.-10. ttanii* uarivaied. The foltowiug embace* tbe S.-r-.i * I DAVTEfl I'RIMVRY TAHIK BOOK .' DAVTES' riRST LESSONS IN AR.11TIMET1C. 1 DAVIER 64 HOOL ARITilMETIC; K' v la Davtrt' A ltiuuetc I DAVI.'S- UNlVERBITY AR1TKMETH K, v to ITiiveraitv A thi 5. DAVIFS- dRAMMAROF ARITUMETIC a valu- ahlt maroial foi Teecbt rt.) Trachera aud 84-bool Comunttece luterttjted iu the exara- iaattM ef theae Werka. eaa bave.cop] Bx ih*; |>uroo-p-, i.poi. a|ip.'.(\tioii la the pahliahara, A 8. BVRNK-* \ Co. No 51 Jobu-at.. ptiblitheit of DAVIES- MATUEMATI- CAL COL'RSE. VtW BOOKs^Fulilislu'dliyA. 8. BARXES jk v \ Co Bo Bl Johfl «t.. New-York. UTRVV MEDITATI0N8, 01 VOICE OK THE IIKART IN .IOY ANDSORROVV. by Rev J. P. Thouiain. Pnce 6-tVcent* , 1 ON8TITUTIONOF TIIE CNITEH BTATRR laela- 1 VI.IIORN1A Ai-d tha uew Couatitunon of LOU- ISiVNV Ptxemtt. FRF.NCH andENOLISH PRIVIF.R. I'.luatrateJ. t'ERM VN aud ENGLISH PRIMI.K, lilu.iia'rd. 8PAN18B ai.d ENGLISH I'RIMER, Hiu.treted. 1114.11 8CH00L LITERATURE, coataining a ot r.-eding lor tht- lughetH claeaea 111 Icheehl aad Ac kd.tiuee, by McJiltcn and Moumonier. Pnce, TleMta. THE CBORAL PRIEND, a Chateh Music Book. by John Zandel. Price .VO cent* TBE Oltlol.E. e Beheel Maakl Bo. k. Pnce, 20 ceuta. " Tlie I'nion new and forevrr.one and mneparable." RK A 1) V THIS D A Y.THE I.I FF. and PUBLIC CABREB af DVNIEL WEBSI'ER, t. Reprra-iifiitive. Scnator and Secretary of Stafe. Be- ui« * .Hcaitirf r-virw of hig lif- a. publinhed in The N* w-York Dady Tiiu.:a of Oet. 25. with a full accouut of tlie lut ui'tmenti af that diatin.uiahed -tateaman. l..o. Tun labelicvedto be the beat Life that liaaa been wriiten ef thia celel.tatid rnau.occupying but a auiali apace, but UTingan . vct lleut id.-Bol tbe emiuent tervtcra whicli lie perfurui. .1 for hia couutry. It aleo Iim a moat glewiug tulogy froin the ptn of the editor. DEVVtrr 1 DAVENPORT, Pahli.hera, Tribune Buildinga, Nueau-tt. HARPER'" MAt.AZINK tor $'.>.-We offer tbi* po| u!ar M ignzine at the above l.iw pnce (o yrarly Buhacnhrr*. who ran ia thn way he *rrv.-1 al their own Boutre piiuctually. at a aavin. uf Ju per cent. Onler* nr,. nt.tly BtleUded to by EVANS k BRUTAN, No. 6.7 Bn itlv. av. m it to tbe coruer of Itli-at. IX a FEW DAYS will be FFIU.Isill'.l) ¦ Terycuiiou*«),d uattful work, worthy the attcntiou of *hipu.**t<'r*. nnUtarT m>-n, engineer*. acnool* an>* privtite laanlir*. entttltid T.1E UMACHIAI. TKI.KOR VPH-111 orut 11 inrthoe. of conv*'raia( and aigiialuing bv mean* of thr huuiaji anna at any and all diatancea, eren witbtn tha fnnheat tange of the 1'ele.cope. By Capt. R. VV Jenka, fonii.ily of lloaton. t*) illuaratiou* To be had ot all Book- erll. ia H. SANDER8 R Co, No. 28 Warren-et. MAU.SII" C0UR8E OF BOOK-KDKP- INO.Tha new and beautiful work. printed iu color*, fer *ale at *he Author'a CouoliBa-RoDin. lor the Practiee of Btiok-kreping. No. J04 Broadway. Prioe, Bl *i-_ SCHUBERTH iVi CO., Muaie D.-p..t. Xo. S.V7 Broadway, N Y.. recfueet the public to iiu*tvect their kanaaaaa »t"tk ofMaaic torVeloa, Piano, for t, 4,8, ?, bu-iid., for Oruaa, Violii', Violoncello, H»rp, OreJieaira, Ac, iu every tfyle, (or virtu..»*.:. and befinaeia. Tlie greafeat *e- loetiM i'i t'i* Umted Statr*, of #10(1,000 wortli (Maaa of Eon ign ai.d Anienca-i Mti.ic will bo atteud.'d to with pioinptne**. REVIBED 8TATUTE-. of the BTATE of NEW YORK, ¦* alteri-d by aiilMteAinent legtalation, fog'tlirr with the .lirep.-al.d atatutory prov 1*10111 »! » g n- ci-al uatiire. p-i*e»'d froni tlie tun* of the reTi»iun to the cloae nl teaaiOB ot th.- I.rgialature in IftJI, arratige.1 in tb( umuiiti ot llie RrTi ttl Statutea. tu whi.'ti an- addeil all actrof grncral intereat pa*aed dunng the bbabiou of 18.2, wifh refrrauce* to judic.al deciaioua 111 1elat1.u1 to tlit-ee pro v.-o i,a. .tu.l expluiatory iiutea Fourth edition. .LiaI pub- lB'..Uudfor..lrby OEOBOE N BELL, Book*. Iler and St.idouer, No IW Na**au .t. ri-'HF HF.sr AN8WEB to DNCLE TOM-' 1 CABIN i* the Loadou Tim*» Review. PnceSceuta, or IJ 11 buuurrd. Bl'NCE k BROTHER. Nu. IM Nae*au-.t. IDnnto. \f> (D.iK. by 11 jtaaaa Waaaaa, who aaaW atautl baa l.ti.iutu >>j nll it* hrau-hn* aml ia a «".p( laijjily Haker. Caa giTe gool city ref.-r.-n. e 1 0111 her laat piace. Can be m-.-u lor two daya tt W L. JONES'S boo'i- »K)r.-. No. r.t'thav.. ut *r llth-»t. AS t'.."K uml i-xct-Ucut Wanher nml Ironer, or a. l.aiinilr*-.*. iv aaeepadahh reaa|WoaMai itau . laaOaai vv __> er *inl Iroaar, aud can do Iaa iim-iuitt m tiie 1:1 atrat maimer. The beat ot city refercm e cau be (it.-u. Apply *t No.-'M'l I2tb-*t..'.f)etwreu lat and .d-av». UBM *t n. ti 1 .vo day*. As C....K, l.y b taaaaatabla W..umn. Bha 41 ellent Cook. an.l nudertfauda mBkiiif de*ert. M aIIbibiIb. Ha* good rrfeit-ace. Apply at No. 187 Weat l!Hh- ar near 7th-aT. VS <.<Ti>k. and m WaaB and Iron or ro <11 rhe hotia, .v,,r* ul a pnvate tatiulT. bT aaa, aud a* a Int-lBM Wa-rreaa bv the otht-r. Thf>*ie Oirla are ejcpe n> need an.l have rn . .lent city reference. Cail at No. 7| ("it:. av iu the book atore VS CtJOE, Waaher aud Irouer, by a IBBfject aMe Protegtaut W'onian with good city ref*r*t M. A[iply at No TlCfOahrat. Caa beeoen for twodarg li aot engBK*d AS tirat-rate Cook and would belp a.41.aun- drr*.. in a pnvate fauhly. !,y o_.-. *-.l a* N.'faeaal .".-B'uBtiraa. cati cut atid tit. kc , by the Otlier. jTheae liurn ur axaerienced aad hare exeeUaat atyia-beMMi Callat No 71 iSth av it. thr b*K)k-*tore. AS CaABBBBMAiB and Wi.irr.-aji. bj a w.ll rrcOtoineLdr.t uemt Qettnun Oirl. Can «p< *k Knaliah luei.tlv aud properly, it * tiue wtu-er aau trout-r. aod Wil! ma.* Irraelf uaefal. Cau .lve tbe beaf ot" referea*e froui l_.r fortner .(t-tt-yn in thi. cuy Pleaae.cail at No luT' Bowery .* AS CiiAvtHtRBAiD ani Wairreet. or to Ao general Hruaework by a re«p*..-talle younf Woman in a auia_l ' rvate family Tlie beat ot city MMBBee, «'"t t*a_e* uot io u.uch bat good home pretarred. ('all at No. 148 f.eou«rd-.t, tearond floor. frunt rooui Caa be aret. tor two day*. AS tfoaaa, by a refpcctable Woman. wbo caa fake hutp oi an .nf-.it from iu birth Siie 11 alao aaoodLaurdreaaarid Chamberniaid would engage u* .**__ capacity Ske can be hi*b!y rec,jn.m«i^e'i trom her it.: pla.e. where tb. Iived orar taree yeara. Call *t No. 74 Cth- bt ib the bookatore. AS Xt rak, bv a reapccfable turddli'-ared W ciu ao Haa mn ob^ecnoo lo to mto tlie ceuutry. iie. go* .i cut refwitDCA-. Hm .iTed in one place **-:vco yeara. Call at No. 1.348 Broadw.y. AS general HooaaaAia, by a reepectaMe Womaa, ia a pnvate family. 8he 1* a good Plaia Cook and V> aaber aud Iroaer. aad ha* good refexeace. Ap¬ piy at No 88 Wret lltu-af. AKr.aptCTABi.i: Yocao Woman ariehea to obtaiu a aituation ta a pntatr family to do BBBBBJ houaawork. city or country aot objected to. Cau _*: aceu for two daya at Na. 98 l'*th-er., between 16th aad 17th-i(e, tront room. up ataire. AS Kr-ueral Hotit BBBrABT. wbo ia an ex- ceilent Cook aatl Baker, tira-rata Waaber aad Ironer; ia w-hag to make hetaelf generallv uaeful: ha. aoabi.ee* r.oa to tha coaotry lu prodaca the Leet mt reeoiriuieu- datione (Modarate wagea.) Apply at No. 223 Bowery. WAXTED.A tfood Cook; one who would ba w-iilmg to waah aad iroa. No Inah need appiy. Ia- qaire at No 21. Peari-*t. WA.TRD--A tttt mtm Cbbbj, Taat Baal Paata-ooa HuR, at No. 7 Park-p-.ee. upauirt. Nane bat firat-rafe wortmeii aaad apply AV AN I ED.By a Lady who haa had lereral f T -earf xper.eace in teacaiag, a aitaMiaa aa Teacher af the Eagliah Braache., tagethar with Preacb .ad Diaw. ia|. No obiaaaaa to aeipa Saath Addraaa Na. aBB Braad- way. Ml C CLAli. A WANTED-An Ameri an Seaiuetr.-nn Qo* who ie bandy with tha maedl- aad at-t-uMooiad M *B l:nda of fajnulv aewiea. may and a tletnraMe .ilaataoa, labere thr -. il) xp* regarded a. oue of tha Rniily) by aaV dre*»tna v u te to E M O. No. A\J Hna_.way, <>r _-ply-aB rraena. y bctwrra the bc.ie of 1 aid 4 P M oa Mooaay oi rueeday A FKENOH LADY, who baa taufht aar _ta vraia m the be*t ec'iool* ot tb,. city, aud -au oflai tha hot refrrei: **, \t deeirooe of employiae a Mw leaare Soaif n. k ng pr.ktita lewert* tf vriT'iuoderate teraaa A, ply M Mr* MONvRnrv Be WBeareiy FULL Asm>K:MFXT of earefnliy e*> Rcteu Sorvant* are aow wnnnng emaRiytiietii at C MASOVS Ct-ccee. N>*. Broa*Way aud fA^ Vowen* Trrrr»^-Y»*j'tv*rb*t^pficm."*iictt.oO»rwi*e2Sctf N B. . Pieety of Mrn and Boy* on hand 4 EF.W BOYS ..fg(Hv,l moral eharacter aud *t a good voice*, w.l be tf-ortnghlv oetruvtrd ia Su-fuaf acd Cbar.tii.g. free ,,f ,-'-.. . * 'h.-ir **rv.«ee io a cho-.t ou Suudaya. Cali ai \k .*C VV.at lltt tk, alW 1 oViock. P M. AQRADl'ATB o. a NVw-En»i>nd C-olk«*. wim ia eatenaively ac.piai.:ted ta the 9tttm ot Maiae, haa 4 1. ted tbree-toartlra of the tuwti* ir tbe *.',*- wnta* B rvpd hai.d and familt tr wtth b*i<-.nr*e lorrna. olT*- ta k .a aff- Tice* u> a_y r> apectablr tinii wiah :.* to eetaMmf. . Owteral Agercv tor their bunnea* ui that Srat* Reteeeocee givea. A.f.ir***. imuu-diately. BETA. V B. Palmer'* Ad. Agrocy. New-York. VPARTNER..An .ictin- tiiiaineaaManwieh- » f.< ri.ter into *eme go.*.!. **fe buaiiveea, where BveBB er Btj.'i.l ctmld be uaeti to aivaniage. A Ba knragc kueieeM or -nv other wc!!-e»tabli_hed biiaiueea would *ait C<><neie- ni. .in'or.addreeaeti »o G. B R, at (Ria Oth, e. wtth real laaw, wi br he!.! .-.vutid.-utial. Noue other* will be aot.-erl Tha be*t refereuce* cau be giveu. CUTATIOX WANTED.By a youn*. Lady 0 w!io haa had aeveral yeara' eipenevce aa a IVXrt-aaiaaAaf :n artne of Ce lArgiatind inoet faahtooiMa drr**ti_*kia| eerablwhatruta ia Boetoa aad Ne4v-York. laderroe* et ek- taimuB a eittiatioo to take charae in a Draaanaakmg r*t*M»d*. meut. Where il tcommeur.n* but:ue*a, woaMbe piaBned. I.vv'.i ut t !. ¦., tr- her whole ritne to the inavreat of Bef Cplajll Would like to make .oi-ie -.-ruutnent arraug*. mrct v4-hrre,-orap«-a*a-ioo woaW be .ati-factory The MM ef n frreuce givt-u aud re*pun-*i. A linev, willi realaig.jaiiirav addretard to D. M , at thia artke. .tatiag pamcalar., wdl mt rt 4k .iii prompt atU'iition. Sitfations WANTED-far aiaala_M Cookt, Nur* a, W iiUeeeee. S- amatiaaaae*, ChajurVnu*.*-!, bonarworkflirla, Iraundrean-*. he. waatnlarae. Prot- *'.tant aud ('-uliohc (iirla at .irtife ftir city and couutry N. Y Eupiovuirut Ottn-e. No. 478 Bmadway. f f SAHNDERS. HTO FXTF.HFKlSINt; MFX .A rareebiUK-a A ia olrred to t.ke the ageu.'y tor the uuie et t aaw arti- cV. that aella quic* a*id paya large pmAM Agent. ara ma* k..*#IOaday. Appiy to er addr.-a* J T JOHNSON R CO , N.) 45 Cortlaudt at. rtM) MAXFFACTFKEHS. DYEKS, Ac . A Theadveitiier haviug a thorooah practir«l kaoatlevtM cl dyeiag, Metu-hing aud tiniahmg ( otton (tooJa, in all iM braiu-hea. ilriirt* a . a i -. .tiutu tutug cUbiaah- no ut a. Supenntt-ndeut and Muuager. He ia -cbre in hh hal'ita and poa#'aacd ot couaiilcrth... eipeneace. HatiMkc- tory n-tt-recce given. Addreaa f. R. F, Tnbuin- 0_mB 1T s scHOOL AGENCT.By E. H. W1L- e (<iX. No SW Broadway-Every St'ibaeribera.StotA- ho. r au.l Agent.-Couat.ant negotiMioia and engagenieuM ! v the b* it lu.iitutioua, Friiailiea, Tea.'hera aud Matrouat at one per ceitt. iu advaace oa ene year. whick piotuiaelRa req.nrt-d coinpeoaatioa, aecured by a tranBerable Uex.A, oa intere.t. PeraoB-J appl.rMiou tuoat (ut'tW-afVil Popular Schoola for aale. CLAHBES are tonning for all who wwh auch t'acihlie* for iiniiivvruirut in all popular and ueefkl Liranclir* Mouey refuiided for procunug tubacnber* WANTED.A I.ilirarian tor u Public Ineti- rf tu:.mi thM. uv. Aukiu of Clir-rt'.an c!.ira. .ei, lib- erai inforttiation and (4le»aiiig addreaa Silary ccl to aaerwd tbOO. Addreaa Boy _,<)?6, T 0 _ WAITER. Situation wantad WllBBP, hf ooe who .indrrataauB tlie buau.eaa CuiaiTri BAtie- factory r*f>rence«. Addraaa JOSEPH. Tribu.a offi* e 1MA IBACHERS..Wauted aTeaibir in tha Central Diafnct Sthool, Lawrence Tiwuelup. Mercef 1 N J None but expenonc- d Taachrra ii«r*l auplyi ( m. p.-naaiion frot.i f4."«l lo fVOO per auuitn Addiaea THOMAS I BtlREYE, Secrrtaiy, Lawrenc.viUe, N. l. I" S Nrreaaarv .nfonuatiou w ill be aiveu uptm iMi'ilieMiaa toOEO VV RCSS. Public School No 1 Jeraey (Tty. froee Tto4PM ' WAN T E D .-An mtive, intalligent Boy, who*e iar*nta rernd* tn tho .ty, w.nt.-diu Wi" B*>ak Stoie of C S. KRANCIS A CO., No. Ai- Broadway. WANTED.One or two thuroughly eo_n|ir> tent Ageota, to labor for the introdurtiou iu ('DBejtea, Acadruiie*. rttlioole, Ac, of a eeriea ol book*. already eatar*. lahedsatbe ataudard werka ia their depar'aaeut, ..Ul- in. . aalr many tuue. larger t'.ukii .uy aiiullar worka TboM having experit-nce in trachin^, or .m a<'*iuaiutanr.e.,i.*'iia r,lii.at..ia or in ahott, tl-BV«'iy rlrat .lualiftcaAioiiA need ouly apply. Addreaa, ((jet-ptiid, Bo* 910 Poet-Offlce. witlnea I..U-* WANTED.-A I.ady or a QaatlaBM-B ta hu- penutend tbe Sto*-__iiai.ii_g. Apply at No. 37 Wat. ham-M. WANTED.Men of rea-.e**fabilify (4i ..f.faia .ii -erriher* for tlm ino.t popular book of Cie aga. Pnce #10. Apply to WM.TEKRY No 118 Naer* ,-rt ,*ee- oud (tory. AV'AXTED. KMi expi-rii'Dced AReata to m,| * T a woi k c.lled " European and American Hiaftiry aud Bi, grapliT." lugbly illtiatrated, utt publiahed. (aJI iioraa- dialely, *ir adilreaa. po«tpaid. " American Ftailly 1'ubkc*. f .ni r'.taiiliBl uiriit, No ua Naaaau *t N Y ap .taua, Room No. M \YrAXTED-Ar Xo 114 Naaaau-at., (baao- t r rueiit,) Beheal Tiaahafa Bataaaaea. Peiter*, Men oa Ra rtad* aud Htramera, Batk.-eper* and VVait, nt, (ln ',* aa Cook., Nuraea aud Cl.aniiSerui. ..la. THOS 8PINK, Agaof. WANTED.A aaad aacHMid hand Baalaa aud Botl.-r, of frmn K t*> 10 horae power Addreaa A B. A at llnaottit-e. tor tlirr*- dayg *-k i iiiUi ~'lilr "vIv'Tiiii'T. wLo ia a *$ '-t *l t\ i\ "a Imaiiieaa Mea, WObM hke a aitnetme, and wijuld loan tlu- ala.-.e amount on aettunty, ar would ae- rutnt t.r'ner ( iiiiuuniCKlioiia colilidential Addraaa 1- .-.aKX, tluaolKce. Chancee for OnsinceB ftXea. ACHAJICE to MAKE MONEY-Fn.in$3 to #10 a day may be made by any individual, to cityor cuuntry, with thf *>,o4vlrd.e tjl alugnly i-af'ii ¦lf ovrry, .a tiur.t i*al ili'iuai.d. wli.ch I w.ll aeml by r.turn ...a.l ou tu- c'i .iu* to me bi. po*l*ite paid, ilirrctrd U) II H HOLT, Poat.()ttlce, Boi No o»\ Rorheater, New York. Tlite ie B tir.t rnte opportnmty for atudrnU, clerka, idt.JkU, M any kcima tnan out ol t, laiin at, a. lt immediatclT luCEBti** -B a., > part of tlie ITnteil Statra. DHUl SIOKE.-A Fhyai.iau who ia abotft to Iravr for Europe, tjfl'ia -r mJo at coet, a aew Dna| St, tr. ..liiiirnlily B.iualtdl'or kadin aa C'all at Ne 1 Krauk- l,i, aquare. tDr.'a oilice, up ttaira or at 145 We*t l7th(t tfOB SA I.E.Tin LflffBBl Keetaurant in New- Vork, aud uow uuiuigfroiu #1,.jT,0 to fmMtt m t piolit kearly Th.ia a luu,. n a*-idi.m met With ltba..lob| Traae at a I**w rtut, and wild uu ...itintof di healtb on!y. Termaea*y Apply to J. II. STAATS, Nu 2IH rnlfAiual, or to J. MABOB, No. 18 Jay-at._ PARTNER WANTED in BITILDINU STEAM ENOINES, LOCOMOTIVK8, fcr at CM- cago. III.The partntrahip of tbe Bibacnberg wiU aooa aa- pir.v aud the aeaiur partaer wiatia. to .ularge tho f)_ai.(ae with a viev* to ni-ei the inciec.iog deuuiad. of tha greal W*et Uiarefor. pr-po*** t*j eonne, t wiih hiinaelt toust Sarty baviug eulBcieiit capitai 1 Ite preaeut -nn ur aow o.ua an rxteiieiv aud protiUI f*- bu».ne». in iiutttuia-tiinuj i-tr.i.. 1 ugiii. a. Railroad Cttt, and a TB'.-ty of Urevy (Be- r .. r. Work*. Cbi>-juo, I.! KrrcBEMCE*-E Cornic. A ( o Alr^T, N.Y J H. Bir. h.v Cj , ChlriBf, HI Oeorge T tobb k (.Ir* VT ik M arr A tVoedwertb, Boatoo Mtfabalt, BeiaaatR Co Ly. Pliiladelpb.a \VrANITED..A Partni-r waiifi-d toent' rinto TT ibe MaLufMrtunng Je*/eiry bu«ia;*», wT« b*a**pilal aud ie ac4,n*inted w.th fhe bualur-e. aod Will.tig U) make e Bt-il gri.' ra.!y u*e(..l,... . tUtUJ tu*'. » well 4rte.bl.ale <f, withate*m power alttu-hed Addreaa A. A tl.iiolLcf * tn uame tiid MM au i.femew cau be had ¦*B-!B*aaB_aa_J Oontb anb UoomB. ALADY, fully ci.mpc'tent to faiaob Muai*., j-otl luatrumeuUi, Wub** tu olitai.i B4jardiua fau.iiy wueie u-atru-titju. iu uiiuic auuld be , oua-U-iod *. "uipenaUoti Tka moat *ati*_At*jTy refrreuce* *.*u be g kei. lotb in Uuarity au*l iu Brooklyu Anr oomtnuuica- t.o.a'.ft at the Piaoo-forte VVarerooma of BENNEIT h Co No. 9*1 Broadway. will be axtecd-d ta. AGENTLEMaVN aud WIFE, or afew ein- (le (4entkme:i, eaa be arrouijiodated with B**ard ai Me (9 Monroe-et., at.rvt; Market * APUVATE FAMILY can accominodata a Geatiemaa aad tua W.!e w.th B>.ard. aud an elaaaal parlor witb ¦»..!/"'! adjoiaing. an a new buuae witb tha tutdern luprovtmeLia Apply at No. 280 ttk-ea. tkottm- sl *. ". iaugrd. AMZRICA1 Il6T^A~PanaaM^^ro^ Thia Hut*-. .. hy lar the moat **ry, apacioiia aud caat- tral pubUc hoaae ia tae City of Farutn-a. JOHN D. B0WLES, Piapnetor. ASMALL FAMILY wiah to lef a Room, ot Room aad Bedrooan, BBfuraiahad. wuh Botvd. _-_* leti-lemAn and wife. The locaa-nu ,1m pJaaaaat ie»eB- borhood. Jf mtnutee' waU frem the CRy tlnil, aad <aa aa eu uif.ua routa. TU tenna wiU M BBBBBBB-BB laaBMB ai No. 186CliaUaat _ , ?OARD.A RtRini with double bajd, for twa BOARD -A Room with double ooa, ior two Oeatl-aiaa. a-... aaiih lenda fotaaatagialliMa ,al Iron. B'lto #J S0 prr weeA H <;.*»» ia a pleeaaart uMaBM, ..^..-r.eairiTtWt^ **.** at No M Jay-at.. third atreM ekave Chaabara-et. BOARD-At UntoB-park, No.22 Ntl^at, aael at the coMtvr ef BrMdw.-iJr^*^J^J? deligbtfal iocacaaa A baMl or attraM MbM eaa j_aaMa.. and the terme ara mmiarttm. P leaaaat froat reeaaa, aew tb- (aat, all be let lew tn tke wM8ar.

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Post on 25-Nov-2020




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ATTBB raiBCrTtai'lLDINCI, COtHK Of Iftl'tt AflDBA(*AD-aTa. orroaiTt the citt hall,

Axut riv;,-e,r_ ./> C.ty SorjerribeT* for 1 _{. Cent* per weeB^nr, wbee tbey prefer, they ran pay u, sr_v»_»ce at tbe lJ*n*

for ata moniJi* or a year at the am* rate Biagle eopiee,TwaCeBta. Mail Hubacnbera, Fi*r* Dc Ittt perannam ui

adveare 8el-*cni_ti.jij*taAeEi for ni iconth.. For three¦bodiJm. Bl VV Tlire* Dc.llar* in advar.ee re*Tubra- M ail ei-

g-tuagee with Coantry Newepapen. Daily Paper* reeeit-**!ai thi* orBoe whoee ttrtoa are hi.her thun tbtee of /**

TrrAarvc are avt ailcwed any diflerer.ce.


Trrtwementi for thi* akeet will be chargrd TO ceut. per linefor earb inaerti.n.

TnE NEW-YOKK TKIBl'NEroa rurjnrr.Aa cibci'latiob,

I* pnktihbeA nn the departure of each Mail 9-eamer forLiTerpool Price fr\ cent* a copy, or Bi a year, to any partet Oreat Britain, or Be to the Ccu'ii.ri.f, poetage includcd.

TIIE JiEW.YOKR TKIBl'NErtiB C.l lrtRNIA, CtREGON AND TIIE SANDW1CH I4I.AMD1,i* p.b!:ab*d oa the departure of each Mail Steamer fortbegre*. Pnce 61 cent. per cpy.

THE MEMI-WEKKLY TKIBl'NEla pabliahed evei-y TX'KSDav aml Fhihav muruing. PricetTperWinnm 1 wo rouie* for t-h Ten for $20. Adrcr-tatraaent. 8 eew* a line for each iriB*-rt:ori


Political Notices.IV VVliijr Joillt Kil'iiic*- ( oiiuiiil fcc- -Tne un-

iereigittd, ju b-belf ol tbe lon.t Fuo .¦.. ( .jtnuutt'-e of thetw*'V. hig Ornrral Cotiuri.lt* ¦* ., h'-r.-by rr.uti<«) all VVhig*a^B.n.'t cooti-ibuting tny money tor political pnrpoaeaio tbiacity, tauummt to p- r»on* wbo are. da.lv authori_ed to '...Heettbe ten.*-. und nbo gike evidence of tleir authoru. to makeparh clltc'ion*.TTua iiwtme i. rtnder.d neretear. by rrcrnt iuip.'iaition*

aractii'd upon the vv'iug. t,i thia city.0E0. J CORNELL, Ciiainnan Qenefal Comiri.tttia.BRASTUB i'KOOKS, Chturman Youug Meu'a O-neral

C*,| ,|TiDANJELI'LLMANN. Chairrnan Joint Eiecutive Com.BENEDIC*! I.l.W 18 Jr ( bainnan Joiat Kaniuice Com.


r I irf.1 VVurd WhlB Noiiitiialtons :Fmr Cottgrett.JAMES BOWENFir Mrml.t tt .Ig.reid/g.THOMAS lt. WHITNEY>V r Airtttnut Aldermun. JOSEP1I JAMIBON.FW lMMI»r_..JOHN THOMPSON. Jr.

r_» S.-eoiul VVnrd Ochki. iulie Whi« Reau-l.i t Nouiiniiiioii* i

>'.; Cajire...IAMES BOV-TON.f-v, 1h,.oVer/'//(»tem.'*!/...THOMAS B. WIIITNEY.Fi, UtU'an.l Aldrrma.it... KWIK J WILLIAMBON.J-Vr -4..e.ror.lO.-iEl'H MANN1NO._, ., . .. (EDWARD McOINNIS.er Conttabtrr. '


\*J Tlilnl Wfird Kraulnr Whla Noaiiiialion**.For Chajifai.JAMES BOWEN.FtrAtumbly.DANIEf. BOWLY.


Kar AaaiBtaafdi--riii-tn..SAMI'KL R. MABBATT.Bar tmmttut .AROIilliALD CocHRANE.* ;;, (ANDREW NISBF.TFor Contlat.ttt.,BENJAMIN C. BENHAM.

For Intprrtort of F.lertirm.Ftoat Diatnct..Oeorge VV. Tuacher, Friend P. FitU.Sta-ond DiatriC...Oeorge VV. Palnicr. John VV. Downing.ITnrd DiBtritt .Williaui L. Sbardlow, Royal O. MiUard.Feurth Diatiiii..Sitnouu Outwater. Auher D. Atkineou.OSCAR W. STl'RTEVANT, (liairiu.ii Ward Com.Thob. OfTiA a j r BeeaaMajr*TW Peurth Wnrd.-REO! LAR WlllO NOMI-

N}o!<(Wr«.J.H HORARTHAWRWi' Aitembl,,.AUGU8T P.OREEN.Fr A.tittnt't Aldermati.. JOSEPH CONTRELLjV'c, 4*i««*or.JOSHUATHI KSTON.*

... il'lllLIPJ DOVVNK.Y.BBl ttr.ifaW*..} uyo NV BE.NNK.rr.For Intprettri tf UeeNea.

Fir*! Dietr.i C-Jireh liull. Janie* Kirk.Brreiid DT«tnct.En. tnurl LMt. r. John N.lea.Tl.ud D.*trict..lainra H. MonaniBn, Alex. FieherPurth DlMlMI Jnhll Edwarda. Beiijaiuin F. Buck.Fitib Hi.trict.Dauiel Murphy. Edward H

JIREH BULL, Chnriii'lilAaiii.bAi.. Hali.. ( gnnBul,,IaMI j> ll Ml'tlMlk (


IV Filth VVard Whig NowilnatioaB.-Tlu- f*»lRwu-B ait tht itaular VVhig uouunat.ou* in thia WardFo, tJuaret.......JAMES BOWENFot Avnmbly.THEODORE A WARD.rv,Attt,m,UAUie,ma, ..JOHN F. KOlJMAN.ForJuetmir.JOHN McKIMMIN.., ., ___. i JOSEPH JENKINS.Fer tcnitab.. } (_ IIAR1.ES F. WATTS.

By otdei VV'ard Coroniiltee, ..._. ,.THOMAS E SMITll, ChairaMMWm. H. I t:.Nlii. I secretarie*ii.hn c. oi aaa, V '«etor,e*

t^ Fll'th Ward Indi'iit-ndcnt Tcitipcrance"l^V,1:"' *.TBADDEUBBTATT.

A... .(*...'..«' .44dfraaaa..JACOB I.ABtVOIlruJmttor.JAMES II MATTIEWS.


/". ; Intptttoriof r.lerttoni:Fxnt Diatrict-Sbiuui-1 A. Bflefth, Wbi J S.hoouuiiiktr.Sttccnd Hiatrict.Jaiuca Reni.e.Iv, PetBJ Mood.Third DiBliit-t.Caleb B.Lrllaron. Joal H. Pur.lsPonrfb Di.tr.ct.John Moirinoit. Jacob La wailFiftli liiattict - John Young, Jomih C Mott

JACOB LA wALL, Cho-nuaa Noin. Com.JiMrh H VIaiiowi, Secretary.(W Democratic Whi* Nomlajtiona ef the


JAS. K PRERBORN, C'lairunu. WardCoiiiiiiiRoe.B. T. McRnraar, Secretary.IV aieTeniR VV'nnl Trmneranre Allinni-e..?Zt (WrrV, .JiW-T-H ( MORTON.For Attimbi..IAMES ( BREMNER.Ftr Ai.iio.ar AW.-rrji.i«..WILI I AM 1). ANDREW8.|# Mnlh VVurd-ltcpiilnr VV hi« TicRi-l.Foi Attrutldxj .EDVV.Ulll SEOSSONf.r Auittamt .ti..V.rii.i-. -k'.'i I. BliEVOOKT»Vr imttttt.OLIVEB T WARDELLFor JaafiVr Dmt, Court. VV M H VI EE( H"

. (BENJAMIN H. W'ISNI.K.tor OrWaMhaa.\ wiLl.iAM KUOLER

For tttpertort of rJeetivn.Futi Di.inci.Abioi) C Jawe Joha A. Crra er8rc4ui.t Ditinct.JacV.a.ui Lawianea, EabaftMiUa.Third Diatnct .liiram Burdrft. Jacob Ackeraon.Fourt!) DiBtt.ct-- Hearj Jav. V -.i HuuuauFiftb Di.tn.-t.Heurv W. Il-.i ', Saiuuel A. Cunninghani.BkithDiatrict. VVilliaai E Noi.i*-. George H BpriiigataMSevrath Diatnct.Dav-.d N. Dick, Jaiur.S Auderaou.Bifklk Dialiiil .Ot-.'iar B. Dracje. Coin.-liua tl. DllaiMiBf.hiiuth Diaiiii Oiiii|( Youug. aaaaael Froet.

tW Nlnih Ward.-Teiiipemi.c.- aud City RrAniuKcSa'.DAtlUl-B

jVVi-fcBi.-c, i tfttnbty..JACOB S M1I.LER.far laahfaal IMrrnr- "tM" l)l BOIs.For trtttt .'..*Be..WM W MITCHFot Atteuor .HENRV V.H.K.*P" irillLANHliR BRCSII.For Contkitlet. '

BENJAMIN D. VV 1SNKRTbe Ninth Ward Titupeianc- A.l.tiu. e vti.11liold ui»_*

aatartug, iu Ihe Uf|B T.ut KV CHV l"A K.N1NO dunng the

__BBJJB_.weak, cori.tr vffjUT-av and ^V.'.i^'u'm L'.'^THIS EVENINO Ocl -*« R. v. Mi.l HAPIN. RHf.l-N.ei'LV ! B 1 AVVKJNa, BARNCM, and .I'-hri «u.iue-itBBBBBMB ar* rugeged au l wiii addreaa ihe niretui(.

( in, cn. cu-e all. Let aU the lnend* of tiit- rauer, bylk... ii.-. .«-, aid a luoveuirut itbt.b evrutuaUy niuat

8Baeej ihr .ui-a-.it iutruij--rauce from our ward aud city.New it the tiu.e for acti >u' JERRMIAH TERBELL, Chainuaa.Fowabu Wn ke>. StcraUryrt?- Ti-nlR Ward Whla Nominntiona.

Fo, AttemUy.DAVID H STCRTF.V ANTFor Atttttant Alderman.DAV 11) MII.L1.R.> u,e,t,r .IOUN CAvRR.., , _. iFKKDERK'K PRIEND, Jb.tor l\+tU.oUt.{KRANC1S BTXB1 E.

TW Trnlh Ward Iteform l.e-inue Noniinu-

IrvSaMarar^-laaaaaVi.BDWARO V KRAt'FR.F,r.lt*'iA.B/.4Wer*a*i« EDMI MDANDEBBCM.BM .«*».*" .JOHN CARR.* ItTli k ABRAHAM W VfolRSKFo, (.a.taWri.j JollN ACHENBBtNNLR

ItT T'w, Ilth Ward Mt-aalur DraaocraticVVt.ia Namlaalioaa:

.,_, ______I?,, (..Bk,'r.,4.IAMES BROORRY , mmmnhl .NATtLANIELR WINO.Bi j Jniitnt IffT- """'"' READY.Fer Atte-or.JOHN J. At IU BON.. ., , ., vPHILIP WERNERFor tin*:a6lii.( MATUEVV CROW.

Fer Imtpettcrt of FUfttouyPirat Di.fnct.VV iTtain B.Struekauen, Joha Ooiig. r

tfarariood Diatrict.Man-ellca Eellaa. Abram Wa*Ttnrd Diatnct.Saiauel A. Hill. Atuoid M Shfldou.Pourth Dialnct- Hatri* VVTImju, Jarue* l*_nahaa.KitUi DiBlntt. Petet Drboice. Saiuurl l>owurr.

JtMlN BTEARNR CheMaeaa.koki.(i Stoodill. Secrvtary.l-TTwelfth Ward-lBdrtjeadrBtTruiaerauice

RRaI iiiy K. fm ui N..uitti«ii,iiia i«___««,For Attxtlaat AIdeta.oa.ROlltK:( K C ANDRL _t.

For Atttttor.JOHN M LITTELL.JtW Mn**eath Ward lf i aulnr l». luoorntic?Vhie Nawlnnlion.

.>Vi fmyra..Ji iSEI'll B VARNl M. JrFor .Uteatllt.WlLLIAM T.VYLOKFor Attittaut AUtrrmaa.. ASAAC O. B VRK.EU.F*rA***t**r.I8AAI M PHYFE.»_./__. a.jj-. j JAMP.S KINO.¦TWtmutac***.lOEOROE VV BlKiF.RT

JAMF8 W. INDERH1LL, Ch'a oi W ard Com.G-oaaa W Dilbi, Bac'y.tW Kree Dcinecrary.Ct.inni.t-e*- riam. at No. 850

Bitedway, tbud -oo*- Ope*. day aad aigkt iricept Sua-wa) ui't.l aitct e-rcLea. Fric-d*. call a_.d aet p.a(*r*aaVaaa, addireara h< 0. W ROSE fvacreaaiy

I*? Sixternth Ward-TEMPF.RANCE AND RE¬FORM.The F.ircutiTe Committe* ot tbe XVI'h VVardTrmperenee Alliancr reepectfully prea* nt the f.TowmgTit t.t for tbe aupport of their feilow-eiti-en-*.

Far Cemgrett.ANDREW LESTER.ForAitembly.OEORGE T LEA( IIFaa .4...if .li_W;ea/>.HENRY B DAWSONFar Attettor.WHITMAN PHILLIPS.For CoattahUt 1 HI'OH R Dl'NN.tor lonttaue*.(cORirELIUI R. CHICHESTER.tW Merrnteenih Ward Demecratic Wui«

Niiiniiiiiiioii- :Fur kfrmber tt Utemblxj FRF.DF.RICK FRYF.For AuitLant Alderman.JACOB M PATTERSON.F.r Attntor.WlLLIAM II L'JID'IN... ,. , .. (VARNI vf 8 MH.l.a.h <.r (* aaaaaaB.JJOBN P TRE-HMAN

tW Klahieeni'i Ward Teiiipcrnncr- *Allaiat>> *

y,TAtn^\T'~.WSBAM .. BROar.A'tittnrit Alderman.ARNESI' KINK.Atttmtor.ROBERT B. LLOYD.

. .BENRY BI.-VHOPf onitablet.' .joHN WAT80N.

Intjrertort x\t xVUttriral Diatrict.WTliirun Day. Royal Pheipa


P (MdlTallhl llaiglilil Vi Bagley. Harr a vViaae.T i:ud Di.tnct.Oeorge VV. Brigga. Charle* Maano.Ff.nrtl. Dirtricl.Ci.arlea Irving, Edmu.id S'^ueMOa.KitfliDirtri't.Ahel Wheatou, Jr.. "¦'¦ H Rudd.

HT Niniti-i-nlb Ward.-Regulhr Deuiocratic Whi|^VoTc^'e.t.JAMES nOOU ___

For AtienMy.NATBANIEL S. WIN.iJ-rAti.4foJil.lfc-fj-a.ofi.... WlLLIAM B URAIvEi or At,r.ort.MINARD T. ADEE

t MMA.I.VH M.aTANIELSi.r OmmttmmiM.' qeoBOB W JACQL'ES.

tt? Twenlinh Waid Democratic Whi« Kea-

*\%SSSl^.. MARBB ALL 0. BOBERTRFai MfaaakJe .BENRY BOL'BTON.For tuiitant Aldr.n.an. IAMES ASDREWS.Jr.ForAmettor.CHR1STO 'HI R I L .IS,. , ., (JOHN B OEILER,/ or CamttabUt.(j£8SE F.SEAMAN

lnnpertort t_ F.l.rtio.lEir.t Dietiitt 'Cb .n.. Ro**, MeaiM Baaaaa8* rond Il.inct.Haniel ('..nover, A. J. lieuder.Third Diatrict.Edwin B. W'.ed. Francia MelBtyreFourth Diatrict.Il'ish Turn'-r, Oeorge VV R-idFilth DlMika ileiiflia Bntt. Oecar TaylortW SbXbB Conari'ialonnl Dlarrfrl.-The Xl'b

Ward mnat berepieaented ber Mcchar.icnl l-ite.-eata rexjuinsINDKPENDENT WHIO NO.MINATTON.

Fi-r Congrett.LEWIB B. DOD.

tW Whlgt Nomlnntion for ( nmrrraa.-Si(VBBTaCaaaaasateBrAL Dmtbict, (ixn.. xvi-h and xxrh Ward*)

ROBERT S.VII TII.By ordf r ofthe Convention.

ROBERT McINTYRE Cliairman.B. Hill VViir.FLEB, Secretary.

tW To Iha VVIiiw nnil Inile. eudent Vutem ofIbr !*M-vfiith ConarraaloiiHl IMatrlct.NINTH.STXTF.EN1 II an.l TVVENTIETII WARDS.Fiiiow-Citieems i I have been tendered ihe nnminafion

for Oaaej-BM-B thia Diatnct. by tho»e wlnbeli'-ved that their

political priuciplea had been overalauglmd, their wi.lu-a dia-regarded. and their riglita. a. freemen. violated by a mere,

niajority of onf. in the VV hig Notiiinatin^ Conv.ntion of theVI 1th Diatrict. After d'- d>Ti!>erarion, not unniixed with

pain, t-Buird by tlie iuupcralive ueceaaity which conipel*auch . couree on your part and my own. I have accepted, iu

Ihe generou* tpirit of thi oft'er. your nouunatiui).

lt i(due to you, f.-llow citi/rua. tbat the ch-i-acttr, princi.plea, and ltfe-long courrt- of thr iitidernigiit'd .'lould Ih- unre-

(en-edly giveii fo thoae whoac Biillragaa are iuvoked in higbaaaat

I have been a reBident of t))ia rity for more thar. fortyyeart. Political office* or .lietinetiou* baat never beenaeuaht for by uiya.'lf. When tba VVhig party haduoichiaiiiain lUraiika. 1 had the honor to repreaenf my VVard iu eitherbran. h ef the Cllj OlMBiiBa 88 1881, ItBT, MBBaal \yft. Theletter year I waa at Harnaburg a. one of Bm D legatee to

the National Convention from thia city. 1 adheeaj BBM 11the wialit-a of my conadtiiente. BBWBBm to tiie dicl.teao'my owu beart and con.cienc*-. in *.i»uining BBBBV Clavfrom lirat to laat. In 1843 I waa eiea-r.-.l t.. ibe Aea*mblyand vk-hili-there wm nomiaated hy tlie VVhig party bi thi ,r

canibdate lor Mayor.For upward of tlnrty vra, l Lur bSMBMh . -B thi* city.

Conidatrntly.fo the ext'iu of my abdily. witb al. my ta.

ergy, and tothe iitmoat <¦! mv iufiui-no-. I luve earnvatlyand Loneatly aupported VV ht. pirnupi.-i, Whig ineeBurea.

WhiK nirn. and VVhig nominationa. In thi. connectio..., v try Whig aa-BBBM for OaMMM an.l for Pr.-a.dent ha* rc

r. ivdiny vote, notivithataiiding that I nev.r failed, ven

for a aingle hour. tu .upiem thal l tVtttl p.fr.ot and I. arleeenal. -uii.il. Hi N( v Clav. m long m he waa be! re the p a*

pie Wr chenab uow hie pniuiplia. ai.d tb. utioui,- t-iu.li-i,,gii lup uu-»nd pni'iic-ervic,«, neof laiealahleratbe )(.|,ubl.c.

1, lew-CitiMM: Scaicely fonr moutha hav elapaed a

Hi vhv (T Ak. U'liof yeara and of boaora, rwviu|aei-red-uai-ouiitrv liiithtullv Htul iio*. .iimI.Iv l.u- more Uiiai b dl i MB-lury-j tu-nil lluo.inh kour iu"l": M the grKVe. aud you. tu

.i'' men with tweoty-lve milhon* of people. moaiaM thenr. OBl'lclorBtotlitui "I tlic.i .nal .1 !', i.fl .ctor ArevkentTckaandaoMa mea, deetitate alikeol i.. n-t. !i-".«.r.tiuth. piu.cii ie aud eOBJBie thal fttorr hehaa moldrredinhiaalorioiiBUini'. wbdetbe whole *, Hd avareain bat thaverv; lucan.uti.Hi of an BEuveraal aoal, thal maped in theYaataeMol IM benerolenc* aid ctjaiceutiea l be int. teeteot

opi rteeed hh* rtv aud auitering bumanity eveivwUne.tfiatwr vvillaiihinit to the abtiaciui'iit in our ToUa.'i a repudio-Uon of all hia priiieiple*. and acttiug at Boo|ht bia ea unple,aud tbe ixt.vni IIM it lLculcati'*. by any iiii-ana ot oura «iip-i.,.rf tl.i.at-who giiw upou thuii ij-eveon t" Maa WMMMUv. .1 '¦ ai.d Binilrd ...ul Bi.olrd whilr th. y tt ibbed Vea.i, ,- n./.-i.a. who now iiilieule vi.u aud BM, bcciiaic wenrmtemet ln* BM n "ry. and reniain anleutly atta. Iied to the

imaiatable piindpha h. *u bRbbII] UhamMI «nd viud.-'

Ab md. r (.1 thingB-happily a» yri bal a um ll and politi¬cal olot.ia lik.lv to pif4.nl. v. itliout tl.e m.l. rteti.i.tit meu.

wl..., «...iti l.*..'.wavplH-n. Bi.i.l-1 bv|ir iciple, riajujpwd .!tkii.i«- for ilKanealiianTatrbn will notoagw .nbmitto ageatal poditicaJ aianaaeaieat. lf p'-rvid. rera-Mve-tt.iui f'nuii Pi.aii.. nf.u.ak.ng lowa to tha loa it omea -u

tbt nift >" the Prople Again and again f :'v. our deareati ghta ai.u imiv lealiiigaad priaciple of onrbe. U, be-'iiv.olat.d by thia tal*.' eaao (W :: fliiftiaiiiaui. inotiey audtortu|.:ioii. Bl« the uiilio';. tuiuucir BOW B -al on to pro-care nr-fiv rvrry liouiiuaiioij.

TT,.- prean.t iiwtter prea. -ita a ipectackl v hie* wa aru

beflfldM v ib Biaiailini t" the lutm, au.1 then aaaly taehour i.i.rai.u whethn 4v.- wiii mnotait te a uc rer, evi-

d. nfiycurnipt. or Mtretincn aaa*.*: thr (reut* tt ot all pnvi-U»r»^-i( « ttaiice M tlirt-ati aad 6aad ,^.d v Bk i.

li your I'.-.ngie.f .oiibI CMTMtina, coaclaaioM aie Mba.'.i,\f. fi.tii tacta The caudidhtea ipokeuot i" tl"-Dia-m wer. Hot.. Oeorge Hne,.. naatnkir of_tta vreatntCouartea udKoa ll J Rayaaaai.ii die l\th Ward. lutlu IXti XVltbaadXRtb Wania, I had 1 a-n earn.atly ac-

licitad Iv maai peiaoM to be a caudirlaae. No mat. ..vhu

eaaaaj I (oaahl oi aolicited thaadiaaactioa. IU|f*t*.ajjy i

bad dtclared uiat 1 would io uo ca« aaoepl th i ..m-.ation,

(tcitiaUietrte eipr.aa.ou ofaii uuUuuhll( ....v.uUon

that 1 woald .ot i.ivN-li. aoraaaai tuy tnend forme to payaaii.*'. doOai toaacan waM woald th.c ba bMBmaEBptl ln luu ,_ _.

Th.' l\:ii VVard Deletatiou were u'.aii.nioua.v C-KM i.

ai.uvvtr. r ir.v aadetato. ti. b.- iii favor oi VIi bymOQdMr BnggahAvIn. br.n confin.-d aeeiduouky to bi. dultea

inCoiikie**, had. upou h . r.iun.. |ona iiniird'AUly to

Ver-ooat, to toin there hia lavalid tam ,y. H.-iiai .-..u-e-

ou, utlT reured txoux at. BgttM caiivaea. In th.» contit.

at-iicv I,.. lri.ii.lB writ- h, iinl to m.u*. .ud uuited in myfBvof At tl. pruuaiv t'tvt.i. n tha XVltbB-MUtRW'ar.la, v.ri, .,- ticketswrr* ctt. t>-.l at tti. poiM, *f ir**t

iwo ot wiiicli ui racb W,ir.l were ai.ppow^l lo ke vomp-.»r.lal k. ttiem. n fav.rabie tv aay ucimuation an.l mv tneotla.n] orttag th.^r t cket* u. tfu briirt tliut xmtrt were vol.u*lo (appoit their ftae choke.

kftei thr r. in ii, * aaa .-ruididate appeared iu the t.rld.ard it wa. t» D fot thf firat time. atate.1 Dkal t-M XV Ith aodXXth Warii* wrn-, e.cepr twa drlrgate*. toi Ri-IEBT O1'AMfaci i rponthea*ae-uKingoltht-l..n'''.-i.t o:.,thetwonania-XV lili.iud XXl!: er.ai../«d br*. rr the l\:n WardlVleiatr. wrre (.Imitti-d mtt' the room. and tbei »er.- tmr-

nnttrd no voice in ita d.-1-.U¦ranena. rtcept t>. h*.lot-__eirintentiou. at the tune. of bonnraMy w.trHln.w.n. their owuMitdJdatc, !..¦:: tl.ua thwaited, thrk ripreat.-dthei, wdhng-nra. to tupi« rt mit candidafr. wbo. .: »

BCter poiiticfilprrticip!... Bt- ,'U J ,^rahadoa t. h.moai/i thf Diat-W aad if elactad. Ittfh-fuuvand bot-Mtly earry oal Whit prinopRa. aad wdjnpu.ttttf.r great iiitrieata ol tba aa . rapaRygiokvutactk itwMBi liBltnlMBBitfaBetto thaaraaacouiphmrn'taiv uouuuaLion. aad tobr xmmetU.iteiy dechned.aud »oui. Mted in ac-coidai.cr vv itli that idea.

Iht- aubacnberhadciMuIreaeontob.-.i. .-- ^^ .'?**

tav rai e to bi* nouucation Tbr BoaaiaatiOii ol *;_*;_,(ELL wa, held R-i ta e week. and upwarl. to ^e uiawleM

iBjuii.il IhadMtrict Iu the mrant :i.r Judge VN vHiOBl rr

aTu. Ia aud. tatacd to hav* beea ail the ttoe aal itm efhMr-tlirvtad, berped the d__f ». jftl^g

f..!l aiTBBErmrii.t. could br BBfld. M **-*~__h___!___lbeth.BawB.ripi- Tht Conventicii waa *"'''r^',,,tha .ini.ijrol Juaticr BBM.BI to thr contait.Bn.ll'.±*l ponthr iiitt.-ductioi. it'-MvasHALi O RoaaaJ»»'^-tl.r entite IXth VV p.rdde!r«atieu prott-Hed Bgaiuat ru nomi-

BBtioa under but circu-i .t-k-tc** *_______dThn *tat. d that the IXth Ward did not eJata £.%*.

nal on Thrv BMB lluu -Jxl rradytogive it t"th- XV ua

VV ard but in ro ttm could they chooae thia adn 'ilA't^:clai^ied a luice, if tl-.e candi.late wa.* to be naned lrom tbeir

owu VVard. IT.e tiat bad gone forth Tl.e or.gio.l meuiher*ot the ConvrntTon. aa cheu-n. wonld nrv* rha.i ^"'''"P--**.tbiadMign. So.th.ra wrre .ubatimted-cuouE!. -uM to do

tbe derd. and thu* thr parturr and MMdeM ol IIOM

Law and Eaa im CaoaVAiLtL wu erietteii. and bia nan»«

WM-flABtBUUiO Ri'BEBT*¦ __a__a_*___(_t

1 ilAitu to be a Whig-by uiy nature. br ".r'JPJ^thMby my pnnc.ple..u n.v brart aad -».»' .t»*fa11!?£gpirtT.Mit wMcwatcd. lor BM publc good, ¥-*P*Winvi.lablvto aaata-a only meaiuraa and pnnripKa v.7uca

would adveuce tbe nation in ita ouward enrevt ot pn »-

rruotia while they imniatered aolely to advaace the BM-eral latere.ta aad p'roapertv ot the c.ontry (nd tle >a^aaOur i-rople are a quiet, la'wlovmg. order-tjbid.ng !**.mftmThevb.4e urve, needed MaBJHall LAW*to bedeclare*.io thair Dianct

__ __,__

Ia my whole exp. nrnce »ith public mattera. I aave aever

before kaowu a Jadgo of our of our h.gher _8B_B M aa-

a rud fiom tbe beach to mia in and be a piMiinMt aator m

partimupolinca. lt i* tba pnde ei~1 aecurity of oar .a«ai-

ooii* to keep holy and f-acred the -udieiaJ chaaacter No coe,

cauld bare prtvicoaly ecterta-uad a lagher vpuiMAi ¦ tii-a

Jndf* myaelf It n riiO*ight fo be but * flrrtaera! einraa-aion. that tke ptibiie at larae rearet the cca.-ae Le baa pur-ifleii ib t!,ia matterKoa, frlloa .t'lyrnA I throw myaelf upon your kunr-ae**.

and Bflk voor an- port. aa one who Laa nevrr bad aay coo-

»Aii._"ia abont ma pflhncai onrae. nor fearing now any w-. . r...: :. ..- i.inr* or pr.vaiecliArActer.it ia the firat tune in rry lif. hare ever eo appeA.ed.

r*nonaJ!*. tbe ntfce. if rlectad to it, hat no al!:remrt.t*Iorme It elrrted. "Iiould artrnfrc** many pt-raoual intr-r-eta:butlbe peBtfefl rhtrarterof cwr ch*f-.*h*d pnncipleat.Ox*>houur and iLtegn.y ,.f :be unen with whtun. aa a ptrv. Ibavfl laeen aaaoci.u-d rounttrntlv A,r thiny vexra. ia to .ne

ab..ve and beyend all other cooaide-RnrmA.My oppone'nt haa been rh.aen to rep, ...evi.t he mimmoM

eotptintxmt o( .'..nmthtpa. of wnkh hr ia thr a*enr»id pr.n-i| al owner NVhatever hi* uldte.f or derl.i-At.ofi* flBBJ BBtfl

to toemn-rtrr. who will d.'ibf Iut own ar.d(ontei'ertt'*'aitierv torlerr bim '

Thia ia re:-«on enough. bnt it thtr* aot a grav.-r rrje HeW88 rioto-i.-'iBlv t maaa leader and iupfHirter M John Tytar.tftrr the tr.acrieryot hia " Acridrrx-y " to t'..* party fha*

tad h.m. had prr.arr.)**d -he honeat (" tv VV h ga of tru*

tte r.nt:rrv ar larc It wrj r-iually riotnriivi*.ttiat he rr.joy.d tiie pation..«e of Tyi'-r** md Polk * Ad-u.uiiATrationa.A trent ), t eal p rt-. eaa neve!- c.aim aupoor*

or aelfiah rcaaoii* I caunot. nor do I believa ttfl yoa willto, te ro rontradtct rh.- dca**.irieBndpnnctplea.or wh'.ch

. i. v. BalpBri7y,ha*reflaflrBMeeaaBodflflL^ M' mb r nf Congrew*. we eaat the only v .*

eIr,, when vtri-an na.e any aaasfl :n tbe(,, riiti.ent. Th:i ia our onl. direct Tote. »nd we tteflJd

that our hVaprwriitalivr waa our neigiiuo: aud fnen 1Iu bebeJJ of tkoaa w.th wfceea 1 h.ve ao taafl labored torthr eatah.flRBcat nt ritol pehariplaxa, ot tu,...- w.io huveroui :> d n. *arr,lM e. ao fbat thrir pokttoal act <m tand-.l t i

tdauor ajul perpetuate tke l'i. on.conaolidiLo the peopleof tl,e t- ate* ir, tne aupport of thr Coii-titut.or.. and nia.-.-

taiattf aapia_flcyof tte »titu'<a aud .11 «he Irwr of t'.ie1 proteat againat the inault oflenrd. not only I

WUg fArrv. ef wfcieh 1 rlmm to be an aaraeflt, aliuough »nliiiiiiblr ruriiiber. bnf to evrrv h . -.1 ui in t.'irLtl-rnr-t. by Bto* aakina them to than,! m thnr nglita andpr.xnlrgeA to m.ke rarnpinf tlie intere-.ta of adventuierawid 8]>ecTi!ator* ni-on the public Treaanry. With great rr-

apect. Iaubi. RUBF.RI" .-**-MI Tl!

re*- f'il.v Keiorm laeaaue..Fr li.< w ClTTBBBaiOur Letgue lma lieen fanaed with toe bjart ol correvt ngpnme ,,f the al.uaet O! 'ir ( ty Ot i nent. Tbe facilitierw::n which eai didateeforoflh .. «r. raiaed to po-.t-er by.an*et Iheciiiiipl aaiiliinaiy ol prtanary etoctionA ;,.«:,.

root ot tte eviL Againat tha .yrteni. tterafore, w-e 4tri'cetl,r hr-d btow bv flgreeing to tbe prto. p'.e ttel . goo iandi-dalr eaght to I" anpported, irrr*p.-rti-..* of th-- p.irry hywhi, h I.r :. non(JpOBtkta priacrptofl aclection ha* been umd" which we

now reroTfitfiend to yoa, aad ttfl iflflflOfl kkrarkfeb - -

itent, it ia onr duty to >cp ailMr. WESTERVELTbaa Irren pr.ic.T.*d for th - oflice of

Mayor. f'ortberiraiMiri, _ir,ngoth«Ta. Ui.th'-ideap, ., |i..' pewoflalcteiaeaflijaBtoag ia hia paat btaflflry toatteowaupon him aay abarr of retpontibility for tue iniacoudiit-t ofth. Coiuin.m ( oui.nl.

'I be CoMR.iLLEB ougl.t to be a in»n of unflui, iitnt Rriu-uraa m thr rletenae ot thr Ti*e*aaarry 4*.,mat the d, predatioaa88 afbtfl Bttl ii pted upon it. NN'r h-,ieYeauch a tnati. in tnatMflflon, r*n aavc thia rity hiu..' -d*,,t tbtmaan.l wr tlnuk ihr paat Uflton ol Mr. KI.AUli haa toln.ii to bfl tka in m «,- waat A* Coutroller of the'.".ite ..fNew-York thrm.gh n pei md o! yeara, hi. eourae whb m.rge.1bv i fittoliiy and viit'ir that coniuieiid ll. ii to rhe rr.p'-ct nudeonfideaeea tbe people.

Tiie tt-.Uu.ony haa beea tha Mr AIIAMS. the preaer.r tkhPBBIBTBBBBBT ol Itiruk-. A.ll) Sl PPLIE*. !ia* g. n. rallvadailaiflaind ln.,,rrii-i well, aad flffl Ilyu ttei t, r- -.,li.p-r.rIii« uatne i..r thai BB-CA BOW,

Tl,e Fa. ,,i:v ot Me.l ietofl hn, « ith grrar um iiiui.ty agreedthat the Ci i , |m l'i ina Oflgkt ta bfl a Pkyaai an, and withM-vrral large Imd.e* of ritizenx wr naine fur that other 11.*:-rorJOHN II (illl-f <)M

F..K Almn Huim, CoMMiaatoaaa v.. li&Ye pn.ferredNN ASHI.NO'ION SMITIIFor \anoua reaaona our .' i. rtioiia have goue no further.

VV.- piil.liab tlit-in ahreiui tb.it lleforinerH mxy have aomeknowle.lg.- ot Bflflkfl8toB*a intention*, sn.1 ro ni ikfl '.hcir voteeflertiiAl.Our srtion haa been contiucii 10 City Ofii.-err. 1

t .a.,. ,,t N\ b rd Ollieera iuip.,rtiii.l nitiuy are. did uot Bfl wit i-

lu ur meitoia We tmhappy tokaaw, thit ta ranWarda the ptopleare takiug care ol t.ieir fltffl uitereate u.

thia part.i'u 81Tkam wko h*rot oar letonn*. cmi alnr rheir ticket. aritt

the ntmea we «ugge*t,w ith the i oiit.lerire th.l their vote will1," iiiiitui,! bj v.it iiinny oi oiirci'iien.. aud with a goodpreapect of aaccem, Onr noiiiinatioiiaareFor May..r.JACOB A. WEBTEBVELT,

,t.olltr.A/.AitlAH C. FLACHJ,ForCity ImtxcU.r.JOHN II. (iKIS(i).M.For Ctjm.nfKep.tirt.WlLLIAM NI'N 1*4

', f,r,<; ofAlm, Houte.W \SHIN(.'CON BIUTU,.ra ire atfollotvt:


Pretidtnt. JOHN IIARPEItI'irc Pimmornt*.

M. Vis Si n/i. k. tVa.)'. D'tit-r,STf.rius NNhitmi.v. tVBI NN.Osno.Ni:.jo*EEii BaaaarBAB, Ti.omi* k. IVaiTirtiA.R. NN P.THORE, Hf vrv V BOTtaBB,JOBATBAMl ConniMi.,- Tmob. T. WooorcAart. T. Eoui.RTdV. I K. ('.,'...'.Wm. K. Mott. Wl B BBUplt'lll. llHIit LHmi I>. Smiih,( HARi.i.i XI Lr.l-rr. D.vio HOABLBT.

J laacfl Rr.rvKB./ -,.r fon.mitlrt. Kuli.rd A. Rrad.og. E. Krr.liiiu.

sVIiuy Ici l.ivuia-toti. Them..* lt S.iilman. .laoe- B. Murray,VN'alfer Ke.1. r. NNru ('luiincev.Siine.il H i.luii). Tueodore

/>,,..,,<,-JaV JaRVI- Nn-r,Mrp-M. Ai.l.lv.V lR.

Ci? I ric IJemiieriiey Tieket :VtrFrm it '.

JOiiN P, II __, 0( New Ha. .]y\ Ctce I'rauUi.!.

OEOBOE nn JI'LIAN. ot Indiar.a.Fot }lnt-,t tf I'rettdrnt nnd Cne I'c.ulent.

Uiran. Baniry, Allr.diUb.ock. Cavert ( *

11 B ( rop«. v (i.i'iae Salmoii. NN ..iiaoi I. HobaWm. K. rmi. itn 11 N ithan Boato, N'.i idiaii MoraJohn U. NNell-. Me .ii.'thoii Lewta, Ira.c s Ford,Ctertafl Heiagea, OeorgeBBUth, .loiitj!)_ Liwyer,Wiliiam Jxy, ('!:«.() Sliepurd, Irhab,*! Uioinp.ir.Altrid IVi-k". Am NN'arren. .1.,'in I NVilton,Lewial r. <lt.i ChaaW. Lynde. Fred O Bflflj r*.

Leci.urri Oihto, Audrew Lr.'. r. B.*wll liartNN iu » St,!. ,,., AlonaoS Bu!!. Pcicr F Mtiipl:...>;il.l.. TheinanS. H. rry. Wui 11 Tew.Mi rnt Pi kliiiit. Cha*. (iregg, _,_.... ,

Ffr aoetraor.MINTHORNK TOMPKIN-*.For I ituten.tnt d'otrrii, r..SETH M. (iAfES.For Caaat Commiut.r. .CHAB LES A, NVllEATON.K tatptri State Primm .OEOROE Ll HTIS.

ifaBtw .DENNI8 HARRLS.),, |Sr_.LAJVIAS D TOWNSLEYFal C.-mrUu'rirrk .(KOROK NV ROSE.I.r r.,.rl,-llr,.|.A\ II> M AllSH.io, CltV lnt"ert-r .TH0MA8 BITTBB.Fi, Co, tj Re,.. aod S.., BOLTI8 M POVJ LF.Rr., .srrrrf f '.--',. n,.r, JKSSK. «). II VN II ANi)FcrCttmiett WlLLIAM M'UERMOT

\Y M. S Kl NO. Jr..IDt-JAMEH I'.I.onn


Fot (."..,..t-.i/wit-Hi *f...C_ARLB8 8CH1FP.>', r Ckmgrttn.

Illd.Vi M DAWLEY, \ Uk.. Al.oN/o 8 fALL,[7 l ii - 1 lUHHAllI). Vllti, ANDW LVth.SAMl EL. \N ILllli. YHItb D D. TOMl KINS.


10 Teiupiraner Cflndi.lHif. ___-,-FarSAertJ.LOV1A0 D TOW8LEY,twiatv-five VfAT* a TtuirarrAnce Man. and *vrry WET

qaa-aedte flUtkta importan: otti,-e. Kv.ry Utie Temptii-ance man wiil vote thia ticket for Shenfl.

Cpecini Xoliico.CP Fi.litlcal I'riniiiiM. Keudy for the Raftk!In order lo nir.t Lhe rxtraordin.ry demtiid* for Pohucal

Pnnting ior the coming elerti.n, BAKER. OODWUfkCO, Iri.iirtora it THE (iRKAT MKTROPOLITANSTEAM PRINTINO ESTABLISHMF.NT Tnbxine Buikl-a.gaaiil krrp Uinr OKKICE OPEN EN ERY BIOHBni.tii Bkcrtkfl01 flf Novemher The unmente maaa of workin tle aiitpe ot Newtpapera, Speeche*. PaiaphletA Ctrcu-lara. B l!a. Poatrra, TitkcU. ka. kc , pruilrd at thia otficodai.f the paat week. ba* a. rved to ahow tbe anaqoaladfatiliC.ca of thi* Manunoth Eatabiiahmeut. _d ahould con-

viite all wbo rrquire FoiiticAl or other Pnnnng in thocuat ttflwy and tflMire atyle, ui doublerniick tune," thatthia la tke ylaet to call.We havr a tpltLtiid tuacrtment cf De*ifn* for all kind* of

1 . Bak.fl foithful rajrtTAil* of Uie Freaident.Al Caadi-datea and ran t'.ao axipply ongwAl eugTavinia. if dea^c-J, ma few hc un.To be ffli'y prepared for the carcpa-gn. we bave tnade ar-

tangruieLU witb arveral B.ndenea to ca and fold Pan-phlrt*. THckriA CirvolArA Ac aud sbali tuve eeveralbiui-dnd handa rt-ady to flflaeflflfl the largrat and moat urgeuteidrra.Brmgervr fuily p ady for "the raah," we mvite orderX

prrc ti [ a.-rira And piedge ouraelve* to do aii we can ior tkebrnefit of our fhenda aud parrona.

BAKER. pOOY4 IN A CO .°t.A_ FnnlerACcrner Naaaau and *r>prwc.-*ta entraace Nc 1 Sprxic*.

Open ex rry evrairy tiii after rlection.

|%> Thr Kecnlar Mretlaa af Ike Mew Yarklluriii I'ltuml -.aciety wiil take p_.e At _e rxwuia iu

.*.: luatitutr BONDAYEVEXINO Bevam-ber 1. at 7i oiiock. A general atteadAnce ia rtsjoeated

SHEPHKRD KNAFP. Preat.(Jrc M CiRTta, Rt-i S cretary


C*T Whoai Hkall I Vate far f-Let rJ>* Maia*.Law meL atipplx theuawve* well to-dav w.ia thia Tract. aad

Bcattcr:: broadi'aat. To to bad at No. 149 Naaaau-at.

raT I ellejre af Pkaraaary af tka City af>>w-Xark. roouA No All Broadwav -The rupiiar WmterCc.Liw- at Let-turea tn tkw lnflOtBtwa arill c '*<-MeeflflaioNUVY latot N"ovemberneAr,ai7ocJocA r M and M

fcntilaed four montha. on MONDAY, ^EUNEiDaiY aad1R1DAY EVF.NINOSa tk*ch week. m tto xX^BaeBaxOb Mtxena -M.dxa aml Pltai-nAcv. from 7 to » o'clock. by

Fixsttaaor B NN Mct'READY. M. D._____ » .

tl. Cnrmiairy. fit-S to 9 o'clock. ky ProfoaBor R- O

^KSliry.*b, P^cdeflft- I F HOLTOB.ofwtot-tartherMfltofl will be given. . ,. tO,Tuker. for the C4>ai*e oa Ctemiatry at *. to£to

Maur.a Medlca aad Phannacv. at 07 may be prfltrrnval Ito«MriJetrge D. CoflBflfltell. Ke. «0 *Ww.y; Mr ltStoMrf No *^rv"idl__M.. Dr VV J.UM*-** «

Bcwery Aad a tte College lUwaBa, No ail Broadway

t*W MaaoB.r* Naiiee.-NVA.**H7Ni7TON*S INITIATION. Nov 4. !75.'.-A *d4iua:c Outenni*. Featr.a willUie place at Ki-ariraecin* lla.1. No. 600 tlroadway. onTHI°R*>1>A, ENEN1N0. Nov Afcrtbe pflrpoee ol e-le-LrtUuf Um ui.acrtant *veuL A Diaconne wiii be de iveredby ibe Grarvri Chapiair. Rev. Evtri M Johnann. D D Bflflan Ode wdl laa auna by tbe Lb. ir B.-eicren iu good atand-'31*. wjO'.n.:i.g i. ,i tt...i.:ng to turl.C'.uete ouUn* .l. aaioiL, are rewperrt'ii.iy lnvited.Tkeearamafltoa trul eoauaaac. at I ..'Joca P M.. Atier

Breth.-ec wii: partakr of a Oiuner TVtrtw. tr flearh. may be baa freru '..'.* i.nd rrgned Cenuuiltee. aopiant-rd by lhe Oraud Lodge ofthe state ot New-Yofk, uid oftheOrandSecretAiy. Oflice. PreeuiAaon'a Hail. Nj. o-X) Broad-w»y

R. M rojllrOX, '-:' S>t Jo_-. Ltxdge. No. 1.( .A-.rniAn. No. 575 B.-.«dw.v.

L FtvcHTWavctg. -. a i.i ml No. 94.:»a-v. No. 141 MAiden e

Jamea F.'iary, Abraia'i N n BJ7 Bowary i RobertHtufcr.. Wi . No.21, No. 197 B.'eeckcr-et t -N S Ve,.frtgg. Adeipi:. No 88. No 4H Br.-oiue-*.; F W MtrtinaAlbtoo No 26. No. *>J Wall-al P.O tSteaa. Mt Monah.No .7. B,,u- ry.c. rner ,t P; nre-.r. NN". H S n.i. BflflflW-ler.:. N. .'. No. O Pine >1 NVrn. VVaguer, Q -rjia '

No 74. No MMflklea-tane; 0 I. Thateher, II.¦'.Beaa, Brookiyu. Hrnrv Bemateia, La Payette. No 64.Ko. 88 boane-at.: OaeHeT.Owatoe, Rirbmoml. Notflt, Portb- VN ,;, fj. Yonnga. Nav*.. tt *. Ttjflek-aon-*t N H Mi "t.n. r Mamtofl. Nn. !'.',. No >'l 7?7tli-atHn.ry (..iniAif. 01tin.li ¦ No. 14 VVUllAinaharfk: PlwfkA. L*w.a Ilis.LgSuu. N'o 14.'. Yaahflto; J I' tvMt. Mflfltok Be i'. Ail'iuiy.

CflT Ma.nflie Naliee..The Ceurennit! Coru:nt-_ora-tiou of tte In.:.- a ,v,ll berrlelratrd tt MetropeiitAn Hal ou PHURBDAY EVEN¬INO. Novrmber I. at 71 o'clock f.ie Or.,*; B wil] ka .!¦.-bltpadby Rev l>r TYNO. T l'ro«-ra-,.me wdl be pub-

I ateaay, Mi mben ofl 8 ibacriMng Lodgvaare n-eall .ir'iie- orriee <>('th* R.N\' (irm,! Itet-ietoiy tad

.:.. :r t,k.:a Mambera '-vili appiy Ior t.c»rt».wl.irh arr free of rhar.-. Bflfltom Ot tteil reapectivrLodgea. Bv order o| tke \

l FANVCF.Tr. Chaitiasn." rheliicht.''-The Baeel-fttf.OOWABD

cemmrnc* a cot.rm of 1- Lectnrea oo Pliyt'Oe-iiOriivandPhrrt.i.'ogv. MONDAY EVENINO, Nov 1. ar Cha'thauuHall, Ne.5Chatham-a<inare, .ud to b. given ettry Monday.Thur*riay aud **ui*urriav rven.i.gA, troia 7 t,> 18 pfeataat].

0 Exa-ninatioiit afld Sono, accompejiying Uimtelfon (Jilliert'a Eolian Piano. Oentlemen". flfld Li.iir.' ti.il

.,..?. 1. dv*. t! i «mgle AtLnntion. 23centa.A Lady aione, Iii cia. it ith a Cent.. free-

Ti. k.iai au be lir.d of Prol. (iowanl. at the N. V Commer-cifllCfl . S ii-rt.') to 12. Tbe P rear tn*e.

I 1 tiilkrittit I ,i'. li'LC 'i,e Oillee nnd l.-i.uirI Aehanue, N. « 2S and * Ctiiial-at.. New-York .Thiaoflue ia aaTfllilidliiil bv thr ConictaaionerB of Emigration.wbere can tiwtvt be kflflfld itige nutnber* of LflBCfflflfl andSerxanfa at very l..w rAre* ef wag'*. aud peraina caa haverhrir ordrr* filled by writmg t.) the Superiuteudeiit aud a. nd-ing the aa ary to pay th ¦**.*,£ af Uie parfcaartq'.ired No .'tea < harf. d to eriiployera

JAS. P. FAUAN, ..urermtrndent.IV t'lBrrnrevllle, L. l.-B<*a'i'.fu! Lot* *t m.i.li*-. ea, payabta in tflataUaaaata ot *'21-' tiatuou'k..

Oaoerpl (Jfricee No 3 NaaBBfl «t. xnd No 57 3d-av Tbe wholeof-.h.a lieantit'ul viliate. rmhr: ring nearly ai'venh'indn-dlofa(ru . p' .,,,* ban.lre.l n'rea.iv aaaf) i* otlered Bt Aile it nri.ee

trom tae M 8130 each. Tbiaplar* ia .ltuat d on th. Hrooklvn .n.i Jatuaira P!.u,k IL .,!. with tte I. ". :-lr,*ud RAilnindpa«nng thrmith thr innlfll. and la about 4i miie* t'lotn NV tl-li*iii*hurRb.B>i 7 i.t ,i- P.r aoa'v.i. For ceaaeBwnofloffleeemit i* aurpHiied by no viila*;e iu the vinnity of New-York,tevtofl trr.p ii con iimu:, Btt ii* yafrue* onthe Plank road.and ti\r nmraiath way, daulv, by lhe Rai Ir nid. It larinidylocated iu thfl flflfltn oi I lovely plain.and ifl free ahke fromRwarip* ai.d ronth or mflflfltaia I.nd. The v.Uag. n laid outin toaad aid BBBfeutofll .ten iea, tho eeator aae, Hreeu-wood-Rt.. teiflfl 108 te-r flwWtb Tke *itl* ofthe property.1 perlerT, having been in oi e famtlv nearlv .*'") yr*r*. Ai.ii.pi'te *!'«:.., t .. I* raraiflted to purcba.er*. AI.o-geihrr, to thoia- wlio WBflM 8fl0apfl high rny r. uta, aud deai-IflBflflffl flOMIflflililll hliihliiia ap.,t. tl. ia ti r'k-K opportu-mtv yct oSered to thr pnliiic. Ai. the itrret. wi.l ba gnuledAt the exprcar of tbe pree-ail prepietor*. Kor m.p*. or fur-therpArt.rnl.i-, at,plvto 1). T MACFARLAN,Oeamal Ajaat, Na.8Bflfl. B¦ trflmU A.M. toJF.M ;

orNo. 57 3.1-av., tr,,ie ,, t,.', A M., aud 5 to 7I\M.;ortoJohn H Ftilrv, N'o. latAttonti -..., RndJ. B. Benu.tr, Co*luuibifl-., between Btrketl «ud lletTaw-ata.. Brooklyn.

l*>o gr. al bna been tbe fleinaad for tlie ahova 1,,'tatl.a,thougli they bave ouly b'-» n utlr. ,1 Ior aala for a fow wetka,cn, -tbird ot (he whole umube: BBflR heen (old. TUoae whowould at-care a ekoire loraiiou muat apply at once.

fa* Nniional nuildina nnd .llutu.il l-ntn *i«-koeiaiion offi,, Bo. ITTIciBal at rtaaam entrau <. toe,81; diie* 43 per uientb; aharc* 8800. Tbe nexi regularUiO.iLbly mertinr for tlie i-edempfion or*ale of .hArea willbe. brlit at tiie otli. of tlie aVaeoi'.iaiiou, No 17) (lafl t'-'i.. OflMONDAY, No\. lat, at (kj o'clock P.M. Meuioer. are re* |uueatrd to pay tbeir dnr* previooa to rhe koar of meetinc.The oflice will be opan .very Tueatlrty rrening from 7 to iOO'eleck. JOHN W VANUF.VVATER. Seo 275 Hudavni st.

^mnsfinmlo.JOJBlAy* GAUI'KN.fJr.iiitl Kumantic OP-_Xl EBA in the ENOL18H I.ANOt'AOE


will anpear wilh her uonvnlt-OPERATK COMPAMT,

compr'i.i g, vt itb the Priucipi'i. ("honi* a! Ia ' ..ucnulBOleaTta

POBTT PT I ARTI8TE3.iii-'.ndiiir Miaa Roa. Jerqno*, Mr A ignttna Brali.iiii, Mib.Barton lliu. Mr iiii.li. Br. Btriai, Air. Btflfltefl lioaoh,

kl liiuioi; ,r. anii Nlail.uii. Nnn. Biahop,v 11.ii.i.. orrheat.u and Fall Chorilt.

i,i kl Irt-Aier SiBin.r Ln MaaflaThe :,r.- prodocti, n by rhia Compao* Iba tlie Houku-

BeOpem u threearto with new uui m-guiticcuti k-taoi'*.St. nr: t Pr< prrtiea, ntitlad

MARTHA,Or. Thi ilu um, no MaRKET.

|ie*ed by PtoTrtiia.a't .1 rV| tra,iv ior Madame Bu-hop, and BOW r> a' liga|rnii'i'al I nvre lliiiiflgli.I OenaaBTj arr.rurd hy M.II. ri .» '. ikfl Aa n u.atage.u be pei-form. o Hf tte -mtim. Bfl

MONDA1 N.t !, 18W,aml it 11 r. pe.te r.

VVED.NE8DAY *n.i 1-RIDAYTicket*, JO CeLltFui! parttafllflifl ifl daily

NJBlXy* GARDEH-JoatB Strxov. Man-ager- Fiiat aiabt ol Maaa. AMNA BISHOPli KNO-

I.ISH (,| EBA CoMPAM. who willptrrtonii. Itineract-eo .n Aaiancaj Vcn PtotOflPt trlrirated tv,,rA, m Jacta,Iraualal,,! tr,,ui tii. (i> ru.'.n. 'ind produced tndar Itn.tiol Mr Bot na*.-TH18 EVENINO, Nov.l.

MAIMII N. Ok, Tll!: RICHMONU MaARk_TI.adv Hamer -Muie Btabop Nancy....Miai taaaJacnamLyourl.Mr Ou: li Plnukat.Mr. lae u hSir NV'm. M.ikief,,.! Strt.. Jadgeei Ricfamoad.Radolpb

BII. TOH'" THKATKii-thambera-at.-Tlll*i EVENINO, Nex i, wiil bflBetfbaaad

OLD Ni'l.K ANI) Nl-.NV YORK.Drakey BreadtolLTheenpaoa <ir *,,ry Morrland N,,rtoiiRoaiu.i .NJ. i «nk Mr*. Cook Betty Bwamp..Mn. Betaaid

BF.OONK DULLCARE.Old Rtvii _Mr. Burtou Yi ung Revrl.C. FtaberKra-'.k Ryland.Mr.DyoB P'.i.nvButti-'cfip.lhompaonMra.RtM..Mra. ¦ Di Rylaud. .dr*. ilughea


BKOAIAVAY THKATEU-K. A. Mar-hali..acie Liflaee-THIS EVENINO, Nov. 1, wil ba per-

toflBfld INGOMAR. THE UARBARIANPfltydm .Mr. Bartv Itutoiuar.N|-Ai(ea..Mrt.H-riy I I'arirthenia.Mi.i-J'i tDflaaTbaauia.M:aa L'anuan Alaator .Mr Fope

THE DOl'BLE toKDDED ROOMDnic n.rr r pr.VV Da M «.Mr. D.yMra Lou.a.i... Mra N eroeu Naory.'! r* Sclton

D,'.:r» »itru at7 o'clock. prrtunuince fo ceBBflflaflefl xt 7J.

WMTAIXACK** TIir-.UKK-Brujulvvay.-J.TT VN VVaiiacR. Lreaee. J NV. Lriter. SLig* Maa-

Rier..THIS EVENINO, Nov. 1. will be perfor_edMUII ADO AbOl'T NOTUISO.

DonPedro.Mr L. ata r I Beue.li, t.Mr WaJlackClandio.Mr. NVaJcoIT DonJihn.H. B PhillipaDogtrtnv.Mr Blakfr | Beatnce.M a* rx-ete

Htt, . .Mra. Hair L'raula.Mra ritepben*THE IRI.-H TIOl «

Pflddy Bytn. Mr B.-'.ngl.^r. Baatry.Mra Brt-ugbarn

BAKM*M- AMF.HK A.V MUSEUM -P-1 BARNl'M, Mtnager and Propnetor. JOH.N

QBBI ICflj OOD, Jr jktaiiunt Maiiager..C- W.CLARKE,Otreetor of AruuaeineritA.Tb. M ,!. Mural Dramaof THE LAST NA1L, fuilwt tbo tuoat toiuiraJ etfncr*.THIS > V y MNO at 7J o'c'ock Bad alao THIS .AFTER-NOON tt ) oc.oca Adu.i-a-.,.- to tbe whole KflflflflflB,Haiifl of Statuary, tbe P:c:ire Oaiierv. Chinaaa Safoon,LitiCg Ar. rr.aJt BM FrtertAiwuearj. kc 25 coata ScaL*m Uie Parquet latfc. extrA

/"ilKCTS -Ni:W-TORI A.MI'HJTII_.x-Vr TER No T7 Bower-

ORAND ENTRNNCEinto the city of New-York ot the Crreat Coaibuvjd E<tuef-

tr.aa Troupea ofK --ANDS k Co.and J J. NATHANS a ( o.

ou MONDAY, November 1, 1452.The enta-rtAlcineatt w-,11 compnte

B"LI> *r.d ORAV-EFITa HORiJEMASHIPbv the pnac:pAl mrmbert of tke Troupe.

Var.rd and EWAut (lY-VLSASTIi 8,Coruic aatd Drai.-o-ic fxcenea,

Acrobauc and A:Uetic D.aTiaya.Frat* or Moacuiar Power and Skul. kcFor dt-U.aol wmch read Frogxaaiaie of theeverurig

XMTOkJD** MTNSTRFaL H-\LL, So. 444f T Broadwav.-aOpen EVERY EVENINO Coocartaand Ethiopiaa Oelinejoona Mbkc uneurpaeaed. and NegroIJeiineatoaa uaeqiiAled. Doora open a tH Coucartf coui-metvea tt 7, o'clock. Ad_.aaiv-B 25 ernta.ckiidren halfpnce. Tto AflirnictonCcnee.'ta AradiacoBUnTiad.

SATTLER.' DIORA^LxaS are open everyeveaiut a I o'eleck. Tke Third Aene* Mthe i.4ja-nora-

ma* ia opan avriy day tTorn t A. M. to 10 P M. AAnu*.aion. 25 c*Bta. Rrtervad arata for the IJioramaj 124 ceutfl8ZLTA. Tk* EAkibitien ia corner I3th-ac. and Broadway.

THF. BRYAN GALLERY of CHRI8TIANART. aaflflfltoing a aenaa of aatbeatic PainnaflR, frota

the moat ee.rt.i_rd .tatera. m chroaologic. ocaar, frotnOuido da S.etaae (A.D. 12811 down ta Hora*. Varkat, wiiitoopeo k..-ri_.Litvont-iTIil"I_DAT. Octobtr 7, at ttegooatr Li8i_v BBBBB JUnuaaica 85 cevnta. Eahitoftoateart froa. 11.11 te 5 P M. aad74 taIPML


Xru fJubiicatians.A B.a '- tbr thta Hohdavaj.

CORXISH. LAMl-ORT & Ca., Xo. 8 Park-place. N Y hiv* jiat pnblialied.

FOOT-PRINTSOB Tltl'TH. Or VOICEOP HUMANlTY.byJohuColeHa_a.il. illn«tr*tad with 8 fiue ateel .a-

graviuira tiom oiigiod deeign* by Chapman, Craark. aadothcrt. fv n.or, full atlt. pnce $3.Amoug the noetna ol h.gh uientcot'tained in thu volume

ia an ellegoncal cne entitled " The Demon Pu-tare Oal-ierv tf rxhibiiicg humamtv iu all ite Tanooa phaaaa. aadthe tnumph af Truth overError. Tbe work hu been totut in aplocdid atyle. and ia one of tiie fino.t .lft-book*ot

the rraeec.

la Pr***-1 S. FRAXCIS A Co. will publish MAN-e CO, Fhe P.r-vteu Clnef By VV H. O. Kuwiton.

V«*i autiioi ot Pe:er the Wheear, Mark Baaaaith, A.v



I':«i u. Bv Mr». Traii;. Editeu by Aguee Stncalaud, 44 ithlilnttraiirn* by Harr. y.BREW l.R.-i OLlDE TO ROMAN B1ST0RT, tr m

the earlieat period to t- BjUcv. Dr Brewer. author of Ouide re the Scietitit: Iralge of Ttungi Famiuar. Carefully reviAed, earractad and..l.i: ted f'or ti*e in Kainili** and Schoole in the Cailed S.atee.

(HAS S HiAMT- I Co. Be 2^2 Broadway.

DAVIFS' SCHOOL AlUTHMKTIC-X'Jt-vrit) -t.u d:u. thr u.anv BBW creari* ¦« 08 ARITHME-

TH'whi.-h have latrlv appear-d. the Baries of PrufeaaorCharc* IV.-10. ttanii* uarivaied. The foltowiug embace*tbe S.-r-.i *


K' v la Davtrt' A ltiuuetcI DAVI.'S- UNlVERBITY AR1TKMETH

K, v to ITiiveraitv A thi5. DAVIFS- dRAMMAROF ARITUMETIC a valu-

ahlt maroial foi Teecbt rt.)Trachera aud 84-bool Comunttece luterttjted iu the exara-

iaattM eftheae Werka. eaa bave.cop] Bx ih*; |>uroo-p-,i.poi. a|ip.'.(\tioii la the pahliahara, A 8. BVRNK-* \ Co.No 51 Jobu-at.. ptiblitheit of DAVIES- MATUEMATI-CAL COL'RSE.

VtW BOOKs^Fulilislu'dliyA. 8. BARXESjk v \ Co Bo Bl Johfl «t.. New-York.UTRVV MEDITATI0N8, 01 VOICE OK THE

IIKART IN .IOY ANDSORROVV. by Rev J. P. Thouiain.Pnce 6-tVcent*


1 ON8TITUTIONOF TIIE CNITEH BTATRR laela-1 VI.IIORN1A Ai-d tha uew Couatitunon of LOU-

ISiVNV Ptxemtt.FRF.NCH andENOLISH PRIVIF.R. I'.luatrateJ.t'ERM VN aud ENGLISH PRIMI.K, lilu.iia'rd.8PAN18B ai.d ENGLISH I'RIMER, Hiu.treted.1114.11 8CH00L LITERATURE, coataining a

ot r.-eding lor tht- lughetH claeaea 111 Icheehl aad Ac kd.tiuee,by McJiltcn and Moumonier. Pnce, TleMta.THE CBORAL PRIEND, a Chateh Music Book. by

John Zandel. Price .VO cent*TBE Oltlol.E. e Beheel Maakl Bo. k. Pnce, 20 ceuta.

" Tlie I'nion new and forevrr.one and mneparable."


t. Reprra-iifiitive. Scnator and Secretary of Stafe. Be-ui« * .Hcaitirf r-virw of hig lif- a. publinhed in TheN* w-York Dady Tiiu.:a of Oet. 25. with a full accouutof tlie lut ui'tmenti af that diatin.uiahed -tateaman. l..o.Tun labelicvedto be the beat Life that liaaa been wriiten

ef thia celel.tatid rnau.occupying but a auiali apace, butUTingan . vct lleut id.-Bol tbe emiuent tervtcra whicli lie

perfurui. .1 for hia couutry. It aleo Iim a moat glewiugtulogy froin the ptn of the editor.

DEVVtrr 1 DAVENPORT, Pahli.hera,Tribune Buildinga, Nueau-tt.

HARPER'" MAt.AZINK tor $'.>.-We offertbi* po| u!ar M ignzine at the above l.iw pnce (o

yrarly Buhacnhrr*. who ran ia thn way he *rrv.-1 al theirown Boutre piiuctually. at a aavin. uf Ju per cent. Onler*nr,. nt.tly BtleUded to by EVANS k BRUTAN, No. 6.7Bn itlv. av. m it to tbe coruer of Itli-at.

IX a FEW DAYS will be FFIU.Isill'.l) ¦Terycuiiou*«),d uattful work, worthy the attcntiou of

*hipu.**t<'r*. nnUtarT m>-n, engineer*. acnool* an>* privtitelaanlir*. entttltid T.1E UMACHIAI. TKI.KOR VPH-111orut 11 inrthoe. of conv*'raia( and aigiialuing bv mean* ofthr huuiaji anna at any and all diatancea, eren witbtn thafnnheat tange of the 1'ele.cope. By Capt. R. VV Jenka,fonii.ily of lloaton. t*) illuaratiou* To be had ot all Book-erll. ia H. SANDER8 R Co, No. 28 Warren-et.

MAU.SII" C0UR8E OF BOOK-KDKP-INO.Tha new and beautiful work. printed iu color*,

fer *ale at *he Author'a CouoliBa-RoDin. lor the Practiee ofBtiok-kreping. No. J04 Broadway. Prioe, Bl *i-_SCHUBERTH iVi CO., Muaie D.-p..t. Xo.

S.V7 Broadway, N Y.. recfueet the public to iiu*tvect theirkanaaaaa »t"tk ofMaaic torVeloa, Piano, for t, 4,8, ?,bu-iid., for Oruaa, Violii', Violoncello, H»rp, OreJieaira, Ac,iu every tfyle, (or virtu..»*.:. and befinaeia. Tlie greafeat *e-

loetiM i'i t'i* Umted Statr*, of #10(1,000 wortli (Maaa ofEon ign ai.d Anienca-i Mti.ic will bo atteud.'d to withpioinptne**.

REVIBED 8TATUTE-. of the BTATE ofNEW YORK, ¦* alteri-d by aiilMteAinent legtalation,

fog'tlirr with the .lirep.-al.d atatutory prov 1*10111 »! » g n-

ci-al uatiire. p-i*e»'d froni tlie tun* of the reTi»iun to the cloaenl teaaiOB ot th.- I.rgialature in IftJI, arratige.1 in

tb( umuiiti ot llie RrTi ttl Statutea. tu whi.'ti an- addeil allactrof grncral intereat pa*aed dunng the bbabiou of 18.2,wifh refrrauce* to judic.al deciaioua 111 1elat1.u1 to tlit-ee prov.-o i,a. .tu.l expluiatory iiutea Fourth edition. .LiaI pub-lB'..Uudfor..lrby OEOBOE N BELL,

Book*. Iler and St.idouer, No IW Na**au .t.

ri-'HF HF.sr AN8WEB to DNCLE TOM-'1 CABIN i* the Loadou Tim*» Review. PnceSceuta,

or IJ 11 buuurrd. Bl'NCE k BROTHER.Nu. IM Nae*au-.t.

IDnnto.\f> (D.iK. by 11 jtaaaa Waaaaa, who aaaW

atautl baa l.ti.iutu >>j nll it* hrau-hn* aml ia a «".p(laijjily Haker. Caa giTe gool city ref.-r.-n. e 1 0111 her laatpiace. Can be m-.-u lor two daya tt W L. JONES'S boo'i-»K)r.-. No. r.t'thav.. ut *r llth-»t.

AS t'.."K uml i-xct-Ucut Wanher nml Ironer,or a. l.aiinilr*-.*. iv aaeepadahh reaa|WoaMai itau

. laaOaai vv __> er *inl Iroaar, aud can do Iaa iim-iuitt m tiie1:1 atrat maimer. The beat ot city refercm e cau be (it.-u.

Apply *t No.-'M'l I2tb-*t..'.f)etwreu lat and .d-av». UBM*t n. ti 1 .vo day*.

As C....K, l.y b taaaaatabla W..umn. Bha i«41 ellent Cook. an.l nudertfauda mBkiiif de*ert. M

aIIbibiIb. Ha* good rrfeit-ace. Apply at No. 187 Weat l!Hh-ar near 7th-aT.

VS <.<Ti>k. and m WaaB and Iron or ro <11 rhehotia, .v,,r* ul a pnvate tatiulT. bT aaa, aud a* a

Int-lBM Wa-rreaa bv the otht-r. Thf>*ie Oirla are ejcpen> need an.l have rn . .lent city reference. Cail at No. 7|("it:. av iu the book atore

VS CtJOE, Waaher aud Irouer, by a IBBfjectaMe Protegtaut W'onian with good city ref*r*t M.

A[iply at No TlCfOahrat. Caa beeoen for twodarg li aotengBK*d

AS tirat-rate Cook and would belp a.41.aun-drr*.. in a pnvate fauhly. !,y o_.-. *-.l a* N.'faeaal

.".-B'uBtiraa. cati cut atid tit. kc , by the Otlier. jTheae liurnur axaerienced aad hare exeeUaat atyia-beMMi CallatNo 71 iSth av it. thr b*K)k-*tore.

AS CaABBBBMAiB and Wi.irr.-aji. bj a w.llrrcOtoineLdr.t uemt Qettnun Oirl. Can «p< *k Knaliah

luei.tlv aud properly, it * tiue wtu-er aau trout-r. aod Wil!ma.* Irraelf uaefal. Cau .lve tbe beaf ot" referea*e frouil_.r fortner .(t-tt-yn in thi. cuy Pleaae.cail at No luT'Bowery .*

AS CiiAvtHtRBAiD ani Wairreet. or to Aogeneral Hruaework by a re«p*..-talle younf Woman in

a auia_l ' rvate family Tlie beat ot city MMBBee, «'"tt*a_e* uot io u.uch bat good home pretarred. ('all at No.148 f.eou«rd-.t, tearond floor. frunt rooui Caa be aret. tortwo day*.

AS tfoaaa, by a refpcctable Woman. wbocaa fake hutp oi an .nf-.it from iu birth Siie 11 alao

aaoodLaurdreaaarid Chamberniaid would engage u* .**__capacity Ske can be hi*b!y rec,jn.m«i^e'i trom her it.:

pla.e. where tb. Iived orar taree yeara. Call *t No. 74 Cth-bt ib the bookatore.

AS Xt rak, bv a reapccfable turddli'-aredW ciu ao Haa mn ob^ecnoo lo to mto tlie ceuutry. iie.

go* .i cut refwitDCA-. Hm .iTed in one place **-:vco yeara. Callat No. 1.348 Broadw.y.

AS general HooaaaAia, by a reepectaMeWomaa, ia a pnvate family. 8he 1* a good Plaia

Cook and V> aaber aud Iroaer. aad ha* good refexeace. Ap¬piy at No 88 Wret lltu-af.

AKr.aptCTABi.i: Yocao Woman ariehea toobtaiu a aituation ta a pntatr family to do BBBBBJ

houaawork. city or country aot objected to. Cau _*: aceu

for two daya at Na. 98 l'*th-er., between 16th aad 17th-i(e,tront room. up ataire.

AS Kr-ueral Hotit BBBrABT. wbo ia an ex-ceilent Cook aatl Baker, tira-rata Waaber aad Ironer;

ia w-hag to make hetaelf generallv uaeful: ha. aoabi.ee*r.oa to tha coaotry lu prodaca the Leet mt reeoiriuieu-datione (Modarate wagea.) Apply at No. 223 Bowery.

WAXTED.A tfood Cook; one who would baw-iilmg to waah aad iroa. No Inah need appiy. Ia-

qaire at No 21. Peari-*t.

WA.TRD--A tttt mtm Cbbbj, Taat BaalPaata-ooa HuR, at No. 7 Park-p-.ee. upauirt.

Nane bat firat-rafe wortmeii aaad applyAV AN I ED.By a Lady who haa had lereralf T -earf xper.eace in teacaiag, a aitaMiaa aa Teacher

af the Eagliah Braache., tagethar with Preacb .ad Diaw.ia|. No obiaaaaa to aeipa Saath Addraaa Na. aBB Braad-way. Ml C CLAli.


WANTED-An Ameri an Seaiuetr.-nn Qo*who ie bandy with tha maedl- aad at-t-uMooiad M *B

l:nda of fajnulv aewiea. may and a tletnraMe .ilaataoa,labere thr -. il) xp* regarded a. oue of tha Rniily) by aaVdre*»tna v u te to E M O. No. A\J Hna_.way, <>r _-ply-aBrraena. y bctwrra the bc.ie of 1 aid 4 P M oa Mooaay

oi rueedayA FKENOH LADY, who baa taufht aar

_ta vraia m the be*t ec'iool* ot tb,. city, aud -au oflai thahot refrrei: **, \t deeirooe ofemployiae a Mw leaare Soaifn. k ng pr.ktita lewert* tf vriT'iuoderate teraaa A, ply MMr* MONvRnrv Be WBeareiy

FULL Asm>K:MFXT of earefnliy e*>Rcteu Sorvant* are aow wnnnng emaRiytiietii at C

MASOVS Ct-ccee. N>*. N» Broa*Way aud fA^ Vowen*Trrrr»^-Y»*j'tv*rb*t^pficm."*iictt.oO»rwi*e2Sctf N B.. Pieety of Mrn and Boy* on hand

4 EF.W BOYS ..fg(Hv,l moral eharacter aud*t a good voice*, w.l be tf-ortnghlv oetruvtrd ia Su-fuafacd Cbar.tii.g. free ,,f ,-'-.. . * 'h.-ir **rv.«ee io acho-.t ou Suudaya. Cali ai \k .*C VV.at lltt tk, alW 1oViock. P M.

AQRADl'ATB o. a NVw-En»i>nd C-olk«*.wim ia eatenaively ac.piai.:ted ta the 9tttm ot Maiae,haa 4 1. ted tbree-toartlra of the tuwti* ir tbe *.',*- wnta* Brvpd hai.d and i« familt tr wtth b*i<-.nr*e lorrna. olT*- ta k .a aff-Tice* u> a_y r> apectablr tinii wiah :.* to eetaMmf. . OwteralAgercv tor their bunnea* ui that Srat* Reteeeocee givea.A.f.ir***. imuu-diately. BETA. V B. Palmer'* Ad.Agrocy. New-York.

VPARTNER..An .ictin- tiiiaineaaManwieh-» f.< ri.ter into *eme go.*.!. **fe buaiiveea, where BveBB

er Btj.'i.l ctmld be uaeti to aivaniage. A Ba knragc kueieeMor -nv other wc!!-e»tabli_hed biiaiueea would *ait C<><neie-ni. .in'or.addreeaeti »o G. B R, at (Ria Oth, e. wtth real laaw,wi br he!.! .-.vutid.-utial. Noue other* will be aot.-erl Thabe*t refereuce* cau be giveu.

CUTATIOX WANTED.By a youn*. Lady0 w!io haa had aeveral yeara' eipenevce aa a IVXrt-aaiaaAaf:n artne of Ce lArgiatind inoet faahtooiMa drr**ti_*kia|eerablwhatruta ia Boetoa aad Ne4v-York. laderroe* et ek-taimuB a eittiatioo to take charae in a Draaanaakmg r*t*M»d*.meut. Where il tcommeur.n* but:ue*a, woaMbe piaBned.I.vv'.i ut t !. ¦., tr- her whole ritne to the inavreat of BefCplajll Would like to make .oi-ie -.-ruutnent arraug*.mrct v4-hrre,-orap«-a*a-ioo woaW be .ati-factory The MMef n frreuce givt-u aud re*pun-*i. A linev, willi realaig.jaiiiravaddretard to D. M , at thia artke. .tatiag pamcalar., wdlmt rt 4k .iii prompt atU'iition.

Sitfations WANTED-far aiaala_MCookt, Nur* a, W iiUeeeee. S- amatiaaaae*, ChajurVnu*.*-!,

bonarworkflirla, Iraundrean-*. he. k« waatnlarae. Prot-*'.tant aud ('-uliohc (iirla at .irtife ftir city and couutry N.Y Eupiovuirut Ottn-e. No. 478 Bmadway.f f SAHNDERS.

HTO FXTF.HFKlSINt; MFX .A rareebiUK-aA ia olrred to t.ke the ageu.'y tor the uuie et t aaw arti-cV. that aella quic* a*id paya large pmAM Agent. ara ma*

k..*#IOaday. Appiy to er addr.-a* J T JOHNSON RCO , N.) 45 Cortlaudt at.

rtM) MAXFFACTFKEHS. DYEKS, Ac .A Theadveitiier haviug a thorooah practir«l kaoatlevtM

cl dyeiag, Metu-hing aud tiniahmg ( otton (tooJa, in all iMbraiu-hea. ilriirt* a . a i -. .tiutu tutug cUbiaah-no ut a. Supenntt-ndeut and Muuager. He ia -cbre in hhhal'ita and poa#'aacd ot couaiilcrth... eipeneace. HatiMkc-tory n-tt-recce given. Addreaa f. R. F, Tnbuin- 0_mB

1T s scHOOL AGENCT.By E. H. W1L-e (<iX. No SW Broadway-Every St'ibaeribera.StotA-

ho. r au.l Agent.-Couat.ant negotiMioia and engagenieuM! v the b* it lu.iitutioua, Friiailiea, Tea.'hera aud Matrouat atone per ceitt. iu advaace oa ene year. whick piotuiaelRareq.nrt-d coinpeoaatioa, aecured by a tranBerable Uex.A, oaintere.t. PeraoB-J appl.rMiou tuoat (ut'tW-afVil PopularSchoola for aale. CLAHBES are tonning for all who wwhauch t'acihlie* for iiniiivvruirut in all popular and ueefklLiranclir* Mouey refuiided for procunug tubacnber*

WANTED.A I.ilirarian tor u Public Ineti-rf tu:.mi thM. uv. Aukiu of Clir-rt'.an c!.ira. .ei, lib-

erai inforttiation and (4le»aiiig addreaa Silary ccl to aaerwdtbOO. Addreaa Boy _,<)?6, T 0


WAITER.Situation wantad a« WllBBP, hfooe who .indrrataauB tlie buau.eaa CuiaiTri BAtie-

factory r*f>rence«. Addraaa JOSEPH. Tribu.a offi* e

1MA IBACHERS..Wauted aTeaibir in thaCentral Diafnct Sthool, Lawrence Tiwuelup. Mercef

1 N J None but expenonc- d Taachrra ii«r*l auplyi( m. p.-naaiion frot.i f4."«l lo fVOO per auuitn AddiaeaTHOMAS I BtlREYE, Secrrtaiy, Lawrenc.viUe, N. l.

I" S Nrreaaarv .nfonuatiou w ill be aiveu uptm iMi'ilieMiaatoOEO VV RCSS. Public School No 1 Jeraey (Tty. froeeTto4PM '

WAN T E D .-An mtive, intalligent Boy,who*e iar*nta rernd* tn tho .ty, w.nt.-diu Wi" B*>ak

Stoie of C S. KRANCIS A CO., No. Ai- Broadway.

WANTED.One or two thuroughly eo_n|ir>tent Ageota, to labor for the introdurtiou iu ('DBejtea,

Acadruiie*. rttlioole, Ac, of a eeriea ol book*. already eatar*.lahedsatbe ataudard werka ia their depar'aaeut, ..Ul-in. . aalr many tuue. larger t'.ukii .uy aiiullar worka TboMhaving experit-nce in trachin^, or .m a<'*iuaiutanr.e.,i.*'iiar,lii.at..ia or in ahott, tl-BV«'iy rlrat .lualiftcaAioiiA need oulyapply. Addreaa, ((jet-ptiid, Bo* 910 Poet-Offlce. witlneaI..U-*

WANTED.-A I.ady or a QaatlaBM-B ta hu-penutend tbe Sto*-__iiai.ii_g. Apply at No. 37 Wat.


WANTED.Men of rea-.e**fabilify (4i ..f.faia.ii -erriher* for tlm ino.t popular book of Cie aga.

Pnce #10. Apply to WM.TEKRY No 118 Naer* ,-rt ,*ee-oud (tory.

AV'AXTED. KMi expi-rii'Dced AReata to m,|* T a woi k c.lled " European and American Hiaftiry aud

Bi, grapliT." lugbly illtiatrated, utt publiahed. (aJI iioraa-dialely, *ir adilreaa. po«tpaid. " American Ftailly 1'ubkc*.f .ni r'.taiiliBl uiriit, No ua Naaaau *t N Y ap .taua,Room No. M

\YrAXTED-Ar Xo 114 Naaaau-at., (baao-t r rueiit,) Beheal Tiaahafa Bataaaaea. Peiter*, Men oa

Ra rtad* aud Htramera, Batk.-eper* and VVait, nt, (ln ',* aaCook., Nuraea aud Cl.aniiSerui. ..la. THOS 8PINK, Agaof.

WANTED.A aaad aacHMid hand Baalaa audBotl.-r, of frmn K t*> 10 horae power Addreaa A B.

A at llnaottit-e. tor tlirr*- dayg

*-k i iiiUi ~'lilr "vIv'Tiiii'T. wLo ia a*$ '-t *l t\ i\ "a Imaiiieaa Mea, WObM hke a aitnetme,and wijuld loan tlu- ala.-.e amount on aettunty, ar would ae-rutnt t.r'ner ( iiiiuuniCKlioiia colilidential Addraaa1- .-.aKX, tluaolKce.

Chancee for OnsinceB ftXea.

ACHAJICE to MAKE MONEY-Fn.in$3to #10 a day may be made by any individual, to cityor

cuuntry, with thf *>,o4vlrd.e tjl alugnly i-af'ii ¦lf ovrry, .a

tiur.t i*al ili'iuai.d. wli.ch I w.ll aeml by r.turn ...a.l ou tu-

c'i .iu* to me bi. po*l*ite paid, ilirrctrd U) II H HOLT,Poat.()ttlce, Boi No o»\ Rorheater, New York. Tlite ie Btir.t rnte opportnmty for atudrnU, clerka, idt.JkU, M anykcima tnan out ol t, laiin at, a. lt .« immediatclT luCEBti** -Ba., > part of tlie ITnteil Statra.

DHUl SIOKE.-A Fhyai.iau who ia abotftto Iravr for Europe, tjfl'ia -r mJo at coet, a aew Dna|

St, tr. ..liiiirnlily B.iualtdl'or kadin aa C'all at Ne 1 Krauk-l,i, aquare. tDr.'a oilice, up ttaira or at 145 We*t l7th(t

tfOB SA I.E.Tin LflffBBl Keetaurant in New-Vork, aud uow uuiuigfroiu #1,.jT,0 to fmMtt m t piolit

kearly Th.ia a luu,. n a*-idi.m met With ltba..lob|Traae at a I**w rtut, and wild uu ...itintof di healtb on!y.Termaea*y Apply to J. II. STAATS, Nu 2IH rnlfAiual,or to J. MABOB, No. 18 Jay-at._PARTNER WANTED in BITILDINU

STEAM ENOINES, LOCOMOTIVK8, fcr at CM-cago. III.The partntrahip of tbe Bibacnberg wiU aooa aa-

pir.v aud the aeaiur partaer wiatia. to .ularge tho f)_ai.(aewith a viev* to ni-ei the inciec.iog deuuiad. of tha grealW*et Uiarefor. pr-po*** t*j eonne, t wiih hiinaelt toust

Sarty baviug eulBcieiit capitai 1 Ite preaeut -nn ur aow

o.ua an rxteiieiv aud protiUI f*- bu».ne». in iiutttuia-tiinuji-tr.i.. 1 ugiii. a. Railroad Cttt, and a TB'.-ty of Urevy (Be-

r .. r. Work*. Cbi>-juo, I.!KrrcBEMCE*-E Cornic. A ( o Alr^T, N.Y J H.

Bir. h.v Cj , ChlriBf, HI Oeorge T tobb k (.Ir*VT ik M arr A tVoedwertb, Boatoo Mtfabalt, BeiaaatRCo Ly. Pliiladelpb.a

\VrANITED..A Partni-r waiifi-d toent' rintoTT ibe MaLufMrtunng Je*/eiry bu«ia;*», wT« b*a**pilal

aud ie ac4,n*inted w.th fhe bualur-e. aod i« Will.tig U) makee Bt-il gri.' ra.!y u*e(..l,... . tUtUJ tu*'. » well 4rte.bl.ale <f,

withate*m power alttu-hed Addreaa A. A tl.iiolLcf * tn

uame tiid MM au i.femew cau be had¦*B-!B*aaB_aa_J

Oontb anb UoomB.

ALADY, fully ci.mpc'tent to faiaob Muai*.,j-otl luatrumeuUi, Wub** tu olitai.i B4jardiua

fau.iiy wueie u-atru-titju. iu uiiuic auuld be , oua-U-iod *."uipenaUoti Tka moat *ati*_At*jTy refrreuce* *.*u beg kei. lotb in Uuarity au*l iu Brooklyu Anr oomtnuuica-t.o.a'.ft at the Piaoo-forte VVarerooma of BENNEIT hCo No. 9*1 Broadway. will be axtecd-d ta.

AGENTLEMaVN aud WIFE, or afew ein-(le (4entkme:i, eaa be arrouijiodated with B**ard ai

Me (9 Monroe-et., at.rvt; Market *

APUVATE FAMILY can accominodata aGeatiemaa aad tua W.!e w.th B>.ard. aud an elaaaal

parlor witb ¦»..!/"'! adjoiaing. an a new buuae witb thatutdern luprovtmeLia Apply at No. 280 ttk-ea. tkottm-sl *. ". iaugrd.

AMZRICA1 Il6T^A~PanaaM^^ro^Thia Hut*-. .. hy lar the moat **ry, apacioiia aud caat-

tral pubUc hoaae ia tae City of Farutn-a.JOHN D. B0WLES, Piapnetor.

ASMALL FAMILY wiah to lef a Room, otRoom aad Bedrooan, BBfuraiahad. wuh Botvd._-_*

leti-lemAn and wife. The locaa-nu ,1m pJaaaaat ie»eB-borhood. Jf mtnutee' waU frem the CRy tlnil, aad <aa aa

eu uif.ua routa. TU tenna wiU M BBBBBBB-BB laaBMB aiNo. 186CliaUaat


?OARD.A RtRini with double bajd, for twaBOARD -A Room with double ooa, ior twoOeatl-aiaa. a-... aaiih lenda fotaaatagialliMa ,al

Iron. B'lto #J S0 prr weeA H <;.*»» ia a pleeaaart uMaBM,..^..-r.eairiTtWt^**.**at No M Jay-at.. third atreM ekave Chaabara-et.

BOARD-At UntoB-park, No.22 Ntl^at, aaelat the coMtvr ef BrMdw.-iJr^*^J^J?deligbtfal iocacaaa A baMl or attraM MbM eaaj_aaMa..

and the terme ara mmiarttm. P leaaaat froat reeaaa, aew tb-

(aat, all be let lew tn tke wM8ar.