tile gramn) ijuriy.tile gramn) ijuriy. their lreport for the october, no-vember andl i)ecember th...

TIlE GRAMN) IJURIY. Their lReport for the October, No- vember andl I)ecember Th s +r1t intty fir Odlepr, Ntnvopmhpr annl ttth. lr et 1975 htghl MItnlgtoiary. foreoert, :1a I"• i1t t ! th1 Httrtl, or t ,IlItm R Ia t'it u on U, . ay nl5 lig at. 7 t'lel k ani tortettonttI SlnIAL REP'OiRT: TItAND Jt'RI fnorits. Rttoertn r Ut I nltl (',ii r'. New Otrl•uAs, Jantutry ., teRn. T', th' in. Wim R. Whltaker. Tigs ~r of th• 4tt.e-t lor Urimiual Cturt for th !t t'arlish of fItt ! '9: The gralnd itry lake leav resjpetfully to s'thmt the fnllw lnrll restort on cltY and chatiI- ittle iustlluthli s: pIter PRRT:TNI OT RTATION, The genertal onitlion of this pten Is hod; it}s rtutniltry regulatiouS shnld reetiv+e a1ttea- tioa. Wlhtt It I talitd tthe tramp room.'" tn a,'tnl-'t tit .tlli for t••t use of rity fIgitves Wh•lt.,l, llla flr she tsr isa, liuluIg the VOlts anl i lnials t the air IR 0ou1 and ffenslve from ixRtlnntit urinel rutlnlllg ater as a disin. 'Agtoit Phoulld it" used. 'the I.rlsour' ,Iotr k In the First antd Fourth R-nndrt' Onulrt, In the name hbuildingl Ilal- son'e 'lurt , wp.* found in a veryt Uutel'ou noull- tiln ,,niI reoetmmend that it should be swept tfrc •tently. PLIt(' F5t'tsUBAN STATtON. (Metairte lrlgtn, . This statit In ti-H d for the tmotrlrary de'en- tlin o t pirmsns arreeted in the vieliuty. It Is in rood e~ndlttmn. ITyIRUI tISTTRIrC POLI(' TATIO.N, Ih esian Fields strnet ) Tg Rhevrma cndltitn reasP o utahlry itgood. hut tIapstLr are nf lltld tot •,oors, le.Iks. et-, A alr p•enfr sho•ld he employed a few dayts on the Pt'i)NSI DISTIC(T POt,tfR STATION. I t $kson 8 nare.) annirsl are Inei+dld to l•rittrtl . eaPOCtlyi of Ol tof the evils, Itanitary conditlon rtould be Improvrtl. Altitin PREC('tNItT RTA'tIq. I Fnot otf Oltati street. We fllolt thi gene ru I tnondltlnn of this tltae n•d ; hl hlt there shot blle a stairway leading to oa+t for ,rotnr di eent. tITTR PRitMIINtT RTATInN, (fll 1P•tnU streetr bIttwtiea JRa'ksa•t arnd Pilitp ) lI'ht whllie hutitdiqa is in a tntlst dilvit.datid sonl•i'on. 1iht ft tots are all rotten. wtllt hrkltnt, etlltilg tra, ked and falling, roofs leak- Ini ty trywlere. The cells, iex,'tpttn1 two, are wilhout dtlors ••,l unfi' for ule. Th Itl1di itn general 1F In: t Il *t wret h.-tl condition antl needs Itutme. dite rev " Irs. With r-efrencte ti tlthese utrMoluot' q lgenerll We ithte itiartpd that thly are, wit llltlt Ittt t • us of peilltrllung rt'iitnrca withll fod while tditpiel tiler" I' ltinirIs awaitinlg Slltinal- tiu utlpn hi.arges otf wh ich ther lall be guillt- Iftesos ot maln e•nviort of ti imn) are ki llt thrre wllhilttt rtiomns. We itarnL thatr t is i Sot.!nlnm n oru nrrrcne tor tihm t, ta titlIs thrn or ll'tit'Rn dat'e bf tour obtainsing a ittaritIM IHeft)re tihe irmlitting maislstrate. This i mnst remrnhneibhle, and we trust will bei•mmeledityr remedied. trAIitH PtOIIso. We f1,ond to this ptrion •et Inmates, all Ilt- t ely Idle, anttd very Drobhhly sowing the sntls for it tew lharvst t of crime whlen they got olt, Thirl, are m ttnly works ttconU which the ,libor of thre s men tilliht he ptriflitahly bettowel., and it ptPa i to nis might be so at the dierrt!tn tof yttr fnor••nr. Uder the tIspttces of thle UIty o.clic"ll anti lltrectlon tof the Httate ollIf•tal Il bet'r tI of thenm. The cells are small anil badly vetlnt•Iatet. The ficorira ,of then rOlllnt floor. varti.ularly that si l tiseli fitr the l)tinllu•tm•ent of white male prisoners slhoult hae renewed ant raisetd. BOYtR' IOrRtt OF RIrtttI(. The coldititn of this insttitution mlight he tetttreRed Th n Ihadejand tetlddln are unlleatIn and inelithalltlit. We found o10 inmates of all de~erllttl,,ns We noticed that the bnys of the industrial and trmlinal departments are not k,,pt dlistiet. 'This we regaird as the most Imvtrtanut matter wht!hh hlt ecme tnuder our nottioe. A bort inocent of crime, trfl ned TIlhre hie- amuse there I lo oi e to rare for Bim, a slpteRm Wartl. therefore, of the ioommonwenlth, Is tuirnle In ameona prenious tyoung criminals, and tr the fottR of01 Rass•'ation hbeomes one of them. We have little time and little spane to atiuly to the dlCeues•re of this utestion, bIt we earnestl ly nvot+e the attention of the ltropver authoritle in th eR nterest of the state, of humantlr and of thubile justice, to give this matter Inmedlate, atenl.t u. ' t ITv WORKRHolti. TiIs liae we ftoud used only for storinga OuPy wagonttt, nRenlrdling to the shnetlule of the a tv•ir' ~rnt of PIbtleto Aot!luntil. It kenl an monthly oa1 roll of sits its. Wei have clnsewtre o reco imeanell. that it be apilledh to the tuse of f public p3uudts, h t'Tt tINRAIN ASYLUM. WWe found !oo pntients Il this retreat, tiuder charue of Mr, .1. U. Pooly., who somse to hrotow all thoe er' ant attention wwithin his power apon hi dtiffluilt duities. We Would retommtlnd some mrntture for ot•ttrilng medhl attention to thee ttnfor- tuna'se many of whoc, under proper trout mnant, mlght e speedlli restored to health and di PCherald. We ftin,+ the huliding used ns a IAtunulry In an unfit state for use, being greatly in nend of rev irs, CHARITY ROiMPITL. More could be said in praise of the admirable onuitiion of this Instltution, whtlh has boug beene he rlide and hbost of New Orleans, than eau be tInelded in this report, We found noth- inL to centsar or disapprove of, We hiav visited the followilln nstItutions: House o f ood Shepherd. Bltentvili stret, cotneor of Broa+d. b1et. Vincent'e Homne for Boy Ilenvillle st rent. tit, Annl's Aeylum, oorner 'rytantll and St. Mary streets. St. Josepbhs Asylum. Josephine, corner of Laurel. ft Vins• t's Infant Orphan Asylum. corner MNaalno antd t lCe. NeW OrleIans oemale Orphan Asylum, Camp street, between Clio and Erato. Providence Asrlinn for Colored Orphane, Mlrner Ho pittal and Tontl strnets. Atiyum of the Lthte listro of the Poor. La- harpe, corner Johnson street Astlum of the Holy Family (colored), Char. tree, between eplant de =ind Pea'n streets. D•rach of ceamn asly lUn St. lirnard. Mount CArmel Female (rpihan Asylum. Piety street Be. MefarV' Orth hn Bonr ' Asylum. Chartres. .betwmen M trr n ad Flane. Asylum of the Immntaeuhtte on'eption for O-puhaas No n71 Nort Rampart street. .Poydrae. Female Orphan Asylum, Magazine stree•, ne r IIttrs Avenue. 'rottesttnt OrhanLs' Asylum, Revanth street. between Maaaane and Oonstanse. St. Ritrabeth's Female Orphan Asylum, Na- poleon Avoenue orner of P, ytania street. Hlom, for Jewish Widows and Orphans, cor- nar of Jackson and Chbpteowa street .. rotestaunt MilpeI;lt) Ohtldren's Home, Jack- son stro•t, betwo.n Ohippewa and Mt. Thomas. terman I'rotestatt Orphans' Asylum, Mtate street, between (tsm and Chestnut. Asylum for Doti'ute Orphan ys,y 8t. harles stret, between Dufoesat and II ieeostlen. Louislana HlR.treat for the Insane. Nashville Avenu,. corner of Magainestreet. St. Al phusus Asylum. corner of Fourth and St. Patrick *Treets. Home of the Ag•d and Infirm. Annunciation sta t. ornter of Calltope. Touro Infirmarr, Tshoupltoulas street. near Thalia. We visited all these institutions In turn. and found tio some dulefeotai drainage and in many bad condition of privies 'Ihey requnre the services of the City Rur- veyor and we recommend that tPnh ofiter and hie assistaute a ve their oftholal attention to these severall y. antd, for sanitary reasons, with- out needles•sdelar. T•E CITY LIttART AND CrrY A1BCKIV•. The city lthrary and ecty archives are eon- atlied npon the second and third floors o the ty all--the former under ch rgs of Mrs. Solhbertton. and the latterip the e stody D. D,. Ball. Bath are dticitously ar- sad kept ia artistle order. "tI NOTAItIAL R3CORDS.CITY BALL. We found the official in charge temoorarily a teon the on•siton of onr ocll. Some or the Sra are nnbound. and if tuer are of public -mportanoe, ns we suppose they are. should be better trOteuted. MO&TG&O AND CONSTUANCE O'FICtES. .Tb*% records of these oflose have been re- fr-om the lnsecure buildtin on 8t. t l street, in Whili they were receatlycin.v to the old quarters of the Superior t D) ar, t.ormner O0atls and hoyal streets, -aew prelatie they are asoare from lose rth PUBLIO POUNDS. WBhad bi the lest i-annual raeort that bwadsare a considerable eapense to tha I el. Whle theyr J teemt tWlent Wholly unusled , l.t only on rtlytiat.bttt becauss eof tE uses be We I itarti that anrnala plaiked to In any die p. trlt e.re often cart el tilo ternot dlstnnt poatn,. arn, that the ownOets have great difllnetltl in renovaering them. i Ithout conilrieritr the mi,- t;tv for, totle sIll other abseet, we S•gent thrat th* old city wnokh.llse. which Is another -x- pO'nrr wtl'litot il!itily, l|he 4el Ias a on lrnIlt for tiltr ntrire city, nud that a rIrtl|Utr orIinttnllce bit eiigt it flr itP rlti•oent mlrnagetnntt. 1 'I ir.ATRR.t, '`t' Rllr ! tt I Ra AND it 1TRI.•I. I. T l.ealtrst rnd furth lu trl.--Th. ttrrible ei- l•Im I-r Which !af , i--ilalllt B to nI 11101i t•hn ll- t "tit ctities of late tr• or. by h aetu'itl tl to / it$' i' llrr'rO lRtildlr• this 1,lt11g. otbrntou t ir a ilt ft t ittP t'hei uIggnationslll rltliv L tI tro lhnatr', publlc hill s and hotels. To t, ttvlt tthe If n lo ll1tf or tnerblrti'• by fire itl I I thaetrtC or puhllclhalls, whorr i it lircune thouarrtltet, It is trelomt!tended thalt Ilitll en11Rlh LiPU'N c w here the txitr are rot in daily n1e aRind ,n tIhtIy ie,•. at silan shIall be pine'il ItherenJ. of lhlrly irmarked In sotlc words as will give the Inlormatlon. For the bulldilngs havinl no Ralleries Iron Sfire eBsIpen• lltat l•e constraieted, reaching at least twenlty feet from the lrotnd, to otlhl persona fro the upper partsof the btildluX to tapVe Ila t at way. Ther r halr at all t•mes be kept tupnn the a R!s. Itl no•lytulent hlaies at leant fIrnr fire ex- StiierIllrfehra, in readinans irr use: sach atppll- a anIticO asR water btnekets, tt'., to be hung in con- v ,Winltt pIltwes alnd reawty for servies. S Piwer should bhe vested In the hferf entineer .to dt ,II at ear•h perlfotitance at Iaast nto man, whtite solse duty shall be to guard ntlttatt flre: h andtl penaltl of fity dollars should I tnm- I d for iny refu sal or neglect to carry out I- these provilones I t'e visiLteiit tue renchr Opera Rllun. On B lur- ban str• At' the tirand Opera olunes, on Catnal street: l1Iiw'ell's calatimy of Mntle and thre St. Charl'r Thutr tr. on ti Oltharles street: and the Globte hFeatre. on Perdido eatret. I- We fi IIod that the ODpra ots•e,. on Bourbon Is street lid ample Rxfis anrt faIolltl,• for extlI1t agiuthling fires. FoIeHRnI extlingtiUhtrs we fotIiin In anoto order artl men at thli theatre are detailld to attend evch psrlormnane. whose it stile llrtyIP to Iltlrtd agraltit atRldent by fire. At tih h(ritant Opt,'r lHouse, on banal street. ywe ftutnu ampls preparattins matle to gaard ratalnst fire anid n sftt ll'lt number of exits, hit we fllaled to flt-li aiy one whose sole duty It was to Iook out for lire A rung -stlon was r adt that this precaution if Ah•irl hr tn In ket. ad fith Uentlemen Iln charge SIromreard to r'nt tll'l with nottr reltnet andt harve imet detaltod f•r the IturoP•is namertd. iBhutill'r Aadrlmrny of Musie has been greatly lrl pr,-vodi of late. 'lier proptrietor has made many improve. Smenltle t, thiq htillditlng. A steam enaine, we are lufirrmled. Is In constant readiness at each Lpr- Wue ilta otinly to tinraget that the liose nortl extltanllrti rbler more rgular itly InLpeted, San•ld thrt wlht we reoIorI•tilend as tio man on s fury at the othter theatres ht adopted Iher. Thetu F. (Ohrlas Theatre -- Trhe onllder the owner antd maninger of thlis theatre connrly W -ih Hitr smrgeetiosl tbo h•itter In otu opinulon will It bt for them anti their I•atrion. Tlhe Globie The ' tr ePo-w- would call arttent in ti 'hi, flau that athoroinah etaminatlnu of this hIiilliag ihbitld bI tmtniedllatatly mtlade b y slom ni efo s •rirpirtent ti dledt as to irt sa fty, or ias to te mtrll•d i• rendlueriug it safe as a theiatr . 2 Hll-rtrt- With raegtrid to hotele, Woe wrll Nuirgkttblltt h rIt moer tll# hotels of thlintty cttitntartlTely sate Raglnat fire. anllt Ii tun ovle for the safety of their aIrests Is well as their e•aiipe Itn case of reo, It I rttnmrnlandllerld that In evury hittel htvintle rl!rtuitnldllrallt in, for over fifty ptern)lle the iulltling he provlidod with a morurcrirHl alarm flir Irtllltrittlr, rllulnllng into oeaih room anti ceone,'tltig whit the ofl"' with a gaong. As this aettlatritlle Is llii rnrltl,', the (tre Itself gireI the atlarm In suffllTlent time to permit the I itt-' hitof the h t UIRIt. We worlid fulr iIt r recolnmendr that in all the hallwar•s of Plurh hu!ltlingR thorn Phnotld bie lI. ratedl at oiunvePinteLt dltistanlon portairle fire ix- ttlligul•hers. In the ur e of Iwlthtt the eotnloyne should l• trained. And In the? buildirng there s•hold be a 4t atnm tlnmt artnd a taltiptles of Iron riu. with a urnluterr of orteuln•ir tin earot tirior. to which Ihose Phltld at all tlllPe he at- tculheid in Iufm-lulctl. lt tlll to reai'tl the next o•intllllar. culto o) ti keitl in o)onstant rerdinesa. rthattle fire eso•a eAslhoutld be nnpstructerl outldei of Suoh t tl!dings to enable the Itrriupante to rnacsb t!hm trom theit windtow-, and de•0,-end to within at least. twenty-fire feet frlom the arouut or as lery. irllh escapes sho'hl nnnhtr two at least on evtry falein*t of the hllthIltg. There shrltl he troartll In every hallway sglllnor finger boarrls irIndlatlni the way to the fire esittie, it o iirer tilat these rseonntAntilaions mayhbe c~irried orint uower shoutI he t aitet iit thhe lOhlIe lEilireer of the Fli Department to have Put'h prvisielons tur safety made. RTATR-WOURIg.te to alddition to the hand condition of thls publicl btUltlldn. situltted it the, very heart of the cit, r. and whicth shounld b-i an ornament rather thlan it ultaano , the nleans for fir trrtectiol,n are tritatly Intmdqlil- iuate to its eI`ltremlnts. A enitabie holler and iip mop ahoillrt hal pro- vitici wiIth tattiand1-1peI tihriughout the Ithiillig, I htavirg vllvi' roltientllll anri Itrius nil eac-h fl ir, andt tni itulttotm piroitrlyr rriland In tll ht len. We woulld atlan cll atauteion to the lnnditllion of onLRe o the tanks. whbcth enemi threetnninga ir fIll. anid also to tihn rimnrlnny if tihr enzlee.r's house, whitlth Is in like cittilltion. DRATNAtIl AND CtANA•S. The rreat atrd Itinr eastrlit expendrititrIe if tlre eitj for ,trailntagi anitI Itts ttoe.Onsric an It an liot Iortant fr atruer In llts giirertinent. 'The t'ty In cIxp-Il-' iR - the rain of sooitt pur annrum for Its ti rlil-lg.. trs, aitRorilllig it ti4e tableli of An i- it ')lcourt. Wie have not. kbe• n l atie to dler') rnel any R altlrtl It4 rctrolllnllltne for It la ouitlay. And re- ci ertipo-tilly rliviwen the attentlion olf tho proper tI•partment to thit srllt)i~'t. Prtntdtt PI)UtAR4R. r Undear this headtl war rants to the arnount I1 of 114i-3 an were I•aue-il and pnhi by the A rulty during the first six monlths of t tIhe lasi ear. Wet are at a lonse to Torulr-.. starnt oni r what thet firlll havir bjsel eun•xpennd. AltIoIt thr ontire sitUm WBas dl.- O tit sild uniter the Dlr roll rto all eppearanres to sIlh ordrtilly niistPtatOtl ti th n ronllttlrln of 1.the Irnbllhtr rilaeI is atftlroll io lillt as to whrrt it w•n ll !'ittrer-tl lor. There I hirrdly one fhat dotes rr I ,ral lrilly for bthe attentlon of an overseer f tr kinoer.e This tirenomn so'els probhlm vnt awitn solu- f lion. and the underteined have faitel to ne- quire anyt , meidus able aid from the Mayor and r 'Ittf of polieO In its O~aue. It napu'ar that the dflancee of an'hority ' lhr'outlh which thtsee tabillhmentI e•eapea_ el- Dpreslion rown out of the iroptessihill y of pro- curing evidenoe adeunate to the conviction of persons eontnId. It might he desirable to inaltimatit the calling ttodor the aseaumed conviction t.hat it cannot beat eRa t a polly suprrmssed, and with th- view of aidling the ublli treasury. This is the iolrse we proptose to recomnmend. r nonfilent that if ustainerd by pubhit opinion it will be ntllc•cRft l: An annual Iiconaeof I5t•ut or more, imposed under stringent provilon.e f ,r its collection, will h• met, we contfliently te- lieve, without a tremor by many of these aetab- Ielhments They should be rentricted to the second floor of building., and align placed in a ,•cnelpl noli place indicating the nature of the estabishnment. lBnt tttlae B at cannot be e•ot tfrc.'i Raainrt the treachery or the infidelity of Its ot'n r, aend, in our opinion, it Is there all the hazard lion. cARl'tlNa C1ONo4ttALID WEAAPONe. In lrging upon your hoUnr's attention and that of the I'gislature some effeitial remedy for thin greRnt evil, we are aliviled of its ember- ranelente aend of the rash dih ieston thePub- joct has reclived. It Ia by these tht, we have bnen led to conclude that. the only orncticable method lien In anigning larger penaltles for crimes commituted by of fr~dIere who carry concealed weapons. If an ordinary a•itialt beotellls atssault with intenlt to kilt. homtnidel becomeio ina ne n•hter, and manslaughter twoi )jnse murder, when conm- nitted ati lh nce+led weapona oni the person; in our opinion, they who are foremost in the practice would be the first to delst from It. rouLCS Foica. This body is entirely Insuffthtent in numbers for the adequate protection of the city. weltl in area Is the largest in the United Statet , com, relntn na it does the wholt vari,4h of Orleans. The pay provided Is inauflcleont to secure the services of the best men. We annex a table of the Oriecent Ctty Pulloe force at this date. marked D D: PPRaITr i'O)NDITION AND WORRtIN OF TI• ORCMl. CONT CITY I'OLIC FOiCcE, JANUAlt! 1. tIsO. Five costaine, 11 serlgeats. 22 corporals and 2s1 patrolmen. Patrolmen-First Pre(dnet, 1t-1 detailed for turnkey. 1 for marla driver. 6 for markets. Second preclnt, 't-1 detailed for turnkey. Third precinct. 31-1 de•ailed for Board of Health. for turnkeyr. 4 for markets. Fourth prelnt. -- 1i detailed for Turnkey, 2 for markets. Fifth preein t , 82-1 detailbd for turnkey. 8 for markets. i8xth precinct, 44-1 dera•led for turnkey, I fir Biard of Health, I for First Hii- corder'e umart, 9 for markets. hey-nth pre- cinet, 14-1 detailed for turnker and at markit. Feveutth sub-preinect, 9-1 detailed for turnayr. 1 for market. Maguth precinet, 8-1 ttetailed for clerk at station 1 for turnkeyr. Barbor pre- cinct., 1. uburby precinct., 15-Idtailed for clerik at statit• one for lar k Board of Polle, 1 for BR Tr•er's aourt, 1 for turnkey. Total nnmber of patrolmena. 2: detailed 4s. learving st for regular beat duty.ot whieha d. Ito ethird) ptfnrm Oay dtty, Bad tai (two- a th lrd nlht tr e w Or leas the largest lanonlorated olt7 in the U tee, novering leO easare miles. rl, RIMtNAL rioutt? lrftu rins. in Thtre aroe arlina dts fe t anr nm tleh mail for . I'nop-nvant in tlhe btuildlnge nowooenuled by ar the ritanludl a urit. .x The gr'minf' oif theip upri(or Olrleinal OC rt 'r tRe 'l 'lulIt in mllily oif the aIopriotni iitionis be t'trd Tho Jury ronr ire Antirtly It am I, partiestiarly th"neQVl(d PR doirttltnrlor . li-r,e aolnlt Iln ati a "teh• y hetwr'ult tvory two of t iI ti make thtln o" troPr , limut-iiiu. Ih. There shouhlt be dilreat comurulnltio'lu be- Ihe "iteri, to , wit naRl'-e who ar, to a t,'Iar' bf .re te ill•rinil itir . Al illretont Pntlh 'VitneqA hia• to' nuttas along the tlloy to t(h only ,lnor that je itt itit1'g tfie prau itary ro' rtnhe tiIty ti itir t hat A to t lt i' w fif thi" " o , n irt ir ! the ,, rt M.r'i')llit. 'lhe I ,Itioln ot th" jiut v ronts In atuh Sthat from I- th itri-t it It eaav to Ir'ntunnlllliea Swith tf uror, A. All h we think shonltl ho ohvlRatd. 'Th t doick I; t-itilraly too aitill anid 1s tlinily vent I- hiledwhl,"hll itjot.ins "'nltl he.easily ruma- i dhld liv at 'ffmt'ilnt m-ehinio. at We would also taIglnt that the heating nt- i vaRrattl fails to tnrform its functionr. o rn mlt'h San that in 'oi d weather the buildling It itltmit ahle. Thil 'alia for Imnetdlate attention, for It i wounld he aqvnere taongo of the alal't'li juror, tan . we think, to look hilt up In coldt wrtither an i. long ra it I• not reateidld. The otllrt lorn i. a'l,, on nettollint of Itt temperatttur. Is not iin- habitahle In pitold weather. r iiANiINO tlAWa. i' Our Invettigtilona ri averal r'asso of thans Inttlltlonll, on, whlhb the pulbllo mll hnt m am tibau i ntllith .. xarLlaIe(. lI'ni rits to urle strongly nutl o It our felnature the n,"eSalty of i,,m ingl th strnlgtert and most effet.|iva Iawn for !he arolr-r If thl n' utnt ldonet, wea ra eatisflte that ballnk Sfor th•l detpiolt of Raviges will an iout of rise. Sowingto the tniivartRal distraitt whf"h po"vall' in the minds of those elsas4a who are their a•ronitlrs, and hI Ra so trelu n nltly of lute h' In 1 their vnl"ttsm. Mnniy etar'tsR of utiitlodninbly e "ll e tilhl t Ipairltil lavi be)•I oWltlito there being no I ,iw Iearing on the "'Rta. SWo th.reftire, equIRally i the Interest of thJan lniatltutll tR and of Ith Ittibll-, Urpg iton out l" tLalators tIhe aldptlron of l uch mUlasitraa its wiI 1make the dttnelttr e•IPture 11i ill contintlgi- ta"len, anI hfdge thn ilRp'mitan by amptle tietal- It j1t' . both t'lvl antrl irnlilnl1. In snopOrt of the ak'bve, we lfurnh hi rawlth the r i irts of ex- n erts on the ooudltlou of the N''w Orl"ani 8ty- hng• I tnstuton l, of thle atry, whl'hi ri"'nttly n olod Its doilt'rs. Rame are hereto anuRie"d anrt marked A. 11. , ,E. P anRd I. I We wiolit r' stap"tftilly aauggeat an "tiretlr r- visaloin f thtie "rhnitina lIaw of !thl Hit ,tl., aR 1in mauny iaons wea flud thRt thrp IJP no lanw avtll. eabin to olirlne "rlinllne - nuimtt"id. Wo would ialto call y ,ur honor's alte itlnn ln tho fitl tallltt i ba ointa to orll knowledge t lat p the lii. •l+ul "i of the tluver Distrilto lg I'utirely S toolanIt lt with ! nIe n fi the ohrortl> t ll11ill. Anr of the u•al•, uartintlt'rly t(h1ftie IIn th', unltalibtrhordl f MflttiIne ml't Dr y tdu mnarketa. We w'inilil tiggtoat that eai,'h ofitnlii- eta Ii h-o e•R•'lvy (uilt WI' h. SWe niieot I r'atri t" ''tilt your hon'*' attentiofnr, ton ollr r tlrs t il Ihne fire 'liplurtlnlnlt of Now Orlt"-aeI, htirowtlth tinnet"'1, anl mark"'l i D D. Wi ala-n i,''h hlrorowlh i i''i'trt of our i " fludiitia g"'' 'I hing llr f''t m) 'of oe-rvic'. In annalul Ion we fi g ily t'ti'I"r to your lhon'r', ', tlihH Brio( arlttrti- : ,l In th-! other ofll, f thit l urlt i t ot'r ti h itk. for their It att ol 4!1lthlw' oir term of w-ruvl"o. I nutrfaV, W. 1nama. IL. A. VirrTT. I'. 1'o i'ov. V +imi'rMI'tRnE. A. II. M1ti ft-n-i . FI Miti a, ril,. A tL, f 'Iio I it . l .'i'ttN 1ti II. Cm-s 1D, IIEII +. EDItMUNI, liPO Ven'ia. lo i Al If AOIti, 1), WEN uIs,IMI, K. N. MO1jltrl' . I. R IIARNnE r, 11 'n W Monel'nolMan, ,,t+Arnman. The ripnrt lA atl"llmptanlied by a lnipolmounitt- t arV repit'rlt unitl n vl lt oft the granln jiury to tllh severRaI ,"nRIiiihe-fiial'R. Iand a tafllblilltl atRet- mniut of the work 'lonn by them: the flndingl of It Ilhirty-eight hll '11 of whhiiti thirty-two were tli,"i' Ihillsq and i ix nit a trtii hill. In dtibharging the aranll jury, Jittudg Whit- II rkat Iithaked th lritn for the fltbhful titrlyly alid die-re--t ititner in whil"h Ihey hll d.htethirllge their tilts.i. Hoxt eil•ared his notpillon that, aPltltltugh i'lv two ni•irth at inhlr. itey liul ione mollrl wiork thain any grand jury lbefrn• ian!d Ithlt the "'lurt regretted thIit the law dtl not allow it to kene them fu r lit her tetll, r The ,,mr t hJlied, liwever, th•at• h alolr th tw t yeatrI' PexlmtitllIn ftr-ili i lury fllty they w'llllf be aslan rli it',- wlrk -t 'I the jibllit' Inttreat. The graiidi itury weathen diihariraugd. .. ..--+I-+ .t CITY HALL. At the r'',itenat of (Irin, lSlanregartl, the (lity Rt Attorney hlla tranimlltted tto the Mayor an a ioptlonn ' n"cerning the right of the o"ty to all- I thoriva the "oioking and batinga asn comoany a to lay tltne thriuigihout the alty, Rn in thee ot'n of the Now Orleaia (tas C(ompany. The opIln- itl wh!t"h wea Pent to (}en. llnauregaril, our r.- 8 tiortr itat int, by the Mayn'i , hlly auatinlui the I' rltht of the"' lty to glviv the aRuthotrizatin. 1P 11 A WAIF. ~ An orphrtan from one of our adjoining par- I ihne wa- Iltroldutied to the MaIyor eMIterday, with the rrominHcl it11 It ae Ihonl1 plroyvli1 debiter for it in ihn St,. Vl'intnt (IrhtOan ARyilnhm. Thu MAelvr, h'wvonr, f tool l elmet.f 'ntnaolled to lt ref•l•l tlho rlo'11t lt. on lin gr')utl d Iha1t nVtiel the (orhti 1ni if inti city of Niw Oi letine were' al. V mittl I lot' ith ia•yllmumla oly it tin opltin of e the eotil.t.rsoth iii tlheinwltit Ionie. anti thiu hn criloui nOt. iru"nlmn to foldt Ilpln thlrn the y waiRs frlltl ,lllt r tllitolti n of tile State or -co tuntry. r THE PRIVAT4 M•RIttCAT ('ARI•, In thn miattor of the dt i'lRln of J.11ilge Mon- rnn, to thl Orlvaten market catnR, the 'It y aldnlin- It iltrlti'n ui+tporn to apply for a now trial, andi should ltet nort hl granteid tht• will tlpralI to f the S•lpreane (~lort of the Statet. THIE .R•F ~ftONt (tAft itOMPA- V. Mr. Ilernandoe, president of the JRffrason O+am (JiCmpauyr. hias dllressed a communllatoln to the clity atlmi(elltration. orooorlqeg to aontpt. the amount a•~proprliate' in the bu -gal for' iget 're.t Illlumlintion In the Sixth and BevePllh dittrlets h-it reserving the right to lit the city for thu IllTbreno w betweent the amount antd that which the cmopanv claims to be entitled to by reason of their chlarter. LECTURil 13Y DR. BRISTOR. The following correspondence explains it- self: Niew Ont•As. December it. 1tag. 11r'. (tno R. Brittor. 1). D.: I,'ntr ,Sir-Atirnelating aa we do your anllit"y aS tl lilt orator Rald read 'r. we retm eodlfully rr.quetl youn to favor tni with two eV'Iuigse ofI rrei lingl4 at sclh limo in thu near future as aill suit your convtdince, the nmili Ito on given, if pravlrtithi. In some public hall in the city. Vory retspectlully. OCyrue llButtey. J. Armstrong, i. He th. J. J. (idhln-er. Emory Utapv. Fred. N. oagden. J.H. Og uothy. W. U. Whepatd, A. H. NIla•n. A. B ldwin, etartwrlaht EHnsils. W. I. Lyman. 8. H Kenndty, H. M. Todd. E. WV. It-rritnk, B I. Wlnmalany, MA. HI. May. Alf fI. I• a'.non. Moss (Trenewood. Loulb Oi runewald. Jamres Jickson, U. H. Blrnughn, (Oha. F. hl,'k, Max Uinkerlsll..+ll W. A. Jo.,h-on. Jat. (G. Mlddleton. i C ltR+etltl. M. D.. LW. Patton. W,ish. M•t ke. W.L. McMillen. A. H. Budger. I. N. Marks. C. E. Otfra-day. John 8 Whitaker. O. L. Walker. W. LL. MtoNaely. CaR, Iton Hunt. N. W. Mfnilll. Itobt. M. Lu-hr. F,. A. Bni ke. Louis Bush, John T. Hardi•. Cbhs. lllnuton. Alexander Dlatltry. H. B., M•' onnlco. Wri. . Rognrs, J. W. Borlly. W. . IiBaymond, 4atm'l i. Botil, Blount Htilson. Pearl Wight. Thos. J. Woodward. Henry M. Stevenson. J. 0. Belden. M. D. New ORLEANS. La.. January 1. I•4so. Messrs Ovrun Bussey. J. Armstrong, E lratIh,. J. J. Gidlere, Emory Olape. Fred. N. Oagdeu. and others: ,ear Sire -Your very kind letter of Decemhor 1, n1879 requerst lna that I should give "two even- I Ins of rrdingas * in* * the near fllure,' etc . sl before me. In complying with your re- nuest I am c nscious of the compliment. as coming fri.m such honorable and dislinguished g"ntlemen. ioon consultation I find It would be Imorar- tlaeble at this time to obtain such a oubllc ball as would be suitable. Through the courtesy of the board of trustees of the Ames Mehodisr. Epi.c•pal Cburch. however, that large and U convwnlent auditorlum has been placed at our dispnsal. I shall, therefore, by your favor desninate We•,uinsday and Friday eveulnge. January 14 t and la, as the time, and Ames M ,thdist Ens- t Sntal Church. c, rnr of 8t. Charles Avenue and Calliope street, as the place. for giving the re- jnetter reading.. c Thanking you for this mark of your favor and confidence. I am yours, very trulyn OEO. I. BRIBTOR. t Beed's Gilt Edge Tonlo cares fever and sane a Auction at Wlla. Jewelryat 7ou owa price. i o- 1lMn1I'8 OCHAtITrABLE1 A880- ;y CIATION M11TI aNG. The 1Firemen'd rCharitHble Amaotatltn hbld or Its annulnial mn)tlm I•ast vaVUIIng at thn ah'tus hy tIinetd ptlaen, the eanpl itt ielng nalttlyn devitol to the rretplvt!lg of 'rlports. V t l irv t f , + it' - l llau n I" ll"if, InIr l- , , III, Rll tI I, , P- 'I in' lons J"Itst''' - nfor he r H ayu~ieII itt h|l $14t 11t ti(i ti ' I tI reot vrl Ii tR tri-t. io oitlhr wnrltt. the vnrlltey f tre t-a I I a in tot npttn tI 'i Newm (n "l'tfl P. Fint- oItti'p ,tirn"ltl ,tt+, A•I t , te ;t IoIII t I , lfr' l 0 irh ' flllt tll y hailt ltlPt ;'a': iltt fr i Io lait t[Wv a- mtil li f Ill t P e i, It Phav (to dItiltP ti n tilh ti i, o u O tf pth' i, ' to i:ltl'pit PuIIIItI"ti ia I tb e ,"miv fng the orero No ty i , Ihn, Fit '"-, (m ine tj ehvy toh mtlbttl i to til nvoi, it rtti. hIt lity h ast poor bt t r I t S -T' •lh (Ihinf IPnlgint'll repttirt wnil re•it n!ul Sform•rtil oan llmprrtant part of Ithe LrulntlinglRH. It. is l thn followfhR ,rusp: (tFFlIFt Ctuirr EtniitEria Fa•If Ii rrta'r~wn , I New Urlta s,.l•F w uarp II. 1N!. I 'r tho l oard tf It-lelatt iliteu '-l ' t Chlitt ,lta. S blu AqiolttirtnL: S,'P'nIetP -I herewlltl slltlmit to your honor- i0l, blIt, uand thri,,uh y•,t to the (tihlttllonlnt It Is annual nOltort for tile y"ltr iloet 'lMted. anti In e inf itrlt with lW IttitntpiioVy It with Atl)nth PIai•stitntlii Ras thin itftereet. of the iartt.t- m. IneUt saPrn to oato ri'iltlljri. T, T T hi oriltiant "itOlil•liRt of ptl•itttn et-enl tr flnPa , it llla t lttl hi tle ot rrlla~ , Ilt tIplIt 111 " ftt t.wl W it " C han it f lie'lt r n!t er hor m In gu -,d prior, and four hok arid ldhDr It• l k enot- pint inlt hel lty PPro•'*r:nu conll pany t Ml a-. htors. wliltsh ia in ,'ue~sseplou of two htinl en . pitP.m, Rni4n" tal PItgttnI antl tit l ta f t if Ilh, in Igot, il order;NI ai, lihik, hi lddtlra andl he tr a•t I lneanoe npeca•capr tlio u form Pl rvolan P a hook anlh laddiet ottnvi: tn t ,e it tllI unionr, four asatlatt ututn'ttiar, antd ab.OUt 9iltO at'tivn A -bulbire. NEW A lPlPAlitATtl,. Illtrlt~ thei pial' Vyitr f'lw anpiarritul have , h-l' tpridtl"td f"! the fitlhlowing ttitt ,aulto . to w! alt: ,Iniuluon No. lt- Orne third.ila-ss loutehoint uatil ". and it P iil i'nltig ri hnltilt. 1 Irul l tnta No. Iti-Oun thirld-einsp d ublin ollthill t{ iuI . S.,•ti- ' , 7' Otton e llr thild-lr n at 'biill' i inllu i St ahinRattn No. a tin"l third tla dtouflhti 1tlitl tt ttt tinot t-at I artri hg ' i liitl ht. I it i tiil a Ni,. ft IOutillt rrl, clllet rilltia W htul' io Iilng N f rt lass dtliiun . , ITsoinn NI,, a' FThglRint intl lldhoe arrianp Irail Faurv Ni. 1a- FnlRn thilorou hly re- i.nll.tlito t No. tti- Fi Iine thoti rottgily rp-- II, I . tth 'lilhit-l A'ottiitin. r',ttIna Nn. i- Atuitpnitinal ion inatil for new i) Nl l I i r AnlRot'Irlii IIn . tlwtl it. No. i (t•' litt rmpait. mlg it - var "n iina i ) Ai ti t rl A! tt4. hNvO- 0 ,n PM aneselni tlh,, in f bl.I"r n"nn ,'ee- enrv litlnrui , aoll i oitneratl alrnt Ini. For Ia i i' tHilld r"tate nt f Ir m ar . In•! l , Pt., Il l l wouIIt refer you to statimtOitit tiark I i i. " t-'' ar St. P T. The lmpnrltat n'ito"r of water apply 1 1,n r bn' n fot n iroa ti I Pt , au'I lat. I **Ivlv g ilh" dlllielv,t •Itt i•luit f th"n (fllty W ite rwrks UI .i - palluy. lMon• t Ii thI I 1iinitir (itLR hatvo I oi I l tllrll wilitl Ih w •ltlIp iatlluti'ulat11 int f yi lar. Wi t nI w a tl ,r (o n P rl u ,". t lyl r., t h ll e , t|r( y i i,+, tR I w hI r" btiro It WiP i tariA tVnt to witaPP any u lh ,'i from th t plti. Abtlut s'vin itlln of n pw• i mains anti hranil r pi1 ht + avni lUn l111 t lltt ml nl IIy hnW Iiti ori-Ita. I anl thllrt gratltfli at. h1 iug talt rel uttit at IhIt the I1ti •a rif tin lplving filr w1it- t tfr foallititP, Po lh•g undler tile" pr•••uretti of tlr- Oillnsattn•"P e laI t ', Is iptll i n p'iw adlly Intitl r I theo abl" !tin 'au oeme lt f " 'r++ql1,.t Tob'. fromll whoml I hItave anlrinPturan t that ot! hr awi' grit'r a iii tI'nprovmaIntt ar.Pe pitnlu plated, mniii lI will Iaa mati, avttIl•Inle With all Iocselhle i(lliatoiP., T'lhtrn I- biing oru,.et,!td in the l ltii off the wi! ks itti lh• ii' ' npr i:hu of lt 'ltl"in aitld Oirangte etreeit a ia1111 L-t1 tandi l Lei, by JeanI of wit, Ih when tooilillntted, a mlu"ih grlater Ltree- Pulrn will he afTrdtl on rth linr ofr Ilp.se I ltnre 'tluntn from II Iatter addlre•anod to this dulepar'ment by Prheit utl Tl'ob : "Ntw nall lie haII htin tlatd tin lt. Phillt Itraet.tfrom itetrai to lChwy, thn- l ply ting til lithe ditrtIt, fri. Raini aUrt to Dprbthigny. fr. PttPit to hte aanoaditu Villere Attest. from Mt I'hl Ii to St. Ann: 'T'rtnu . from in t. hillt, ti 0 IInmalnn ; i lubllo.rts0. frii Ht. Po'l- t1t i'Dn. - rine; H.t (biarli. frtom First to Sih ; IPt' o tIn"l:i. from Fr lii'ty to Jar'.k on:' ,Jn! R hnlin, ft m P lpiants to Mt. Charli s; Ithilip. fron M nt i't tll" Io atl i t f; (Jhllrkn. fron'hlli, R f tl to" i'rytania, On ntll thr abvettil sIrntela !lmw w I1,t hydratltt htav h Ilt titutl"d, r•Austine•ull J w hlar " w +tulhellta il' ted pipl"l n d 1! on tn .tnllnoi w"rn maidne wi'h Ilho iold hydtranllts The izitOlu- to- tttiRta nlltin nidi ittiw itniieLelns will Ive a h'ul i( it w •itter lit tho iu litr distrti'Io. frut l Ot in tI I , a,•ul.tnt,tnl an d l•h rivtr to hipe waimp. My nit- r, tentlotn will ho dlrmntl now to furnallhng t!iht ai olrtlln of the!i y Ibelw JE•Planindn atrPt, H•anl " when thn l!ltthly l'h main running from (lmp it ndit it o i down UntItal Chartsrl a in tptnnitoti i thl afth the epvPn r al ctrous mainsr . I dto nct doullbt wat will hte alt,l to give fIlty or fifty feet hieid at MHith intd Ht. (bharle and P liet and i'tnt(4 atretti." j streets. rEt'rolnN Or lltfrtDIN(Rs. [ deio re respeoTutly to Oall atte•nttrto the le-cePity of Plfir,'lsg the laws In rrticln to I tsi]eiuq and I.ie,•s of amulsement, We are admonished by th) orcurrunies of recent cc. lalh tine lan N rthern titles, that every snfe- nI ,uat•d niglenIst acIideInt, and the intentlrit.y of llltne •utatlud in these laws should be raiidly and dillgently etnforied. I would also ~ i ret Tour attention to the storehouses for ,ils, e,', "herre are many po.rts if thi lity in whtlh the oritilances aRainlst storng oils and ombuslltt- bl"s is tlo tonveed. Many bulidings are st~red with oils of the most titlhsrnmale char•ater. The inlitortalnce of th edauger requlres some action on thie part of the ioounnll. ttN(INt-uIOUvaiE. The Admlnitlrator of Publl Buildings hot' with olraliworthy attention and Industry, rn- tailred illd a lnd 1it1 Kormi condition o•rol of the engine houses, but. It is yet true that there are othell wlhich r main awaiting thdir hne- il s. Of thiae I rernt mention nurpantes Nns. 1, 6. 7, a. 12. 22, 2a, hook and Ialdnr No. 2 and No. 4, and Mlllnehurg No. 1. If. an Is Io Ib pro- suR1nie. ttie lltomltiteoiess of this most deeir sile arnd nesseary work is owing hi the nultl- tilllty of demands I pon the treasury. I would respectfully urge uLon the attention of your he or ati hbody. anud of the honorair a the Mayor a n1 Connuil, the great util ty of fr,rvld. Ing it n arlyHp dry f'or the nowmplition or all re- pairs toi the engine htualRis requlred by the various comiaoles. snd necussaj y to I h~ com- fort of the eRploye. FIRI• ALAIIM TE1T7.rRAr'IT. I take leave to suggest and rcuommend the purchase of twenty-fiv more alllomattl firer alnrm hb xl for parts of the cIty which yet io- manno unoprotected, of whithll there are many. There hav'e been sixty-one of these boxo erected, and soma new and valuatle imprrvi. ments made in the offlme of this deplartment and the i exult so flar has been exePedingly sat- lsfw-t ,ry. I dustlre. In clsing this unusunlly brief and aull•pious report, to commend my assistant etgineers, and to thank threm for their valu- able a rvicee and ever ready co-operation in the discharge of our crmmon dluties. To the offi•trs and members of the department. my acnllowldgemt nts are due and are herhby tendered for th-it'r uniform courtesy and promtptcnas In executing every order given thtomn. I also desire to express. puhlicly, my r•tknowledgmients of the veluathle servicssO ren- dered n-o by the ,fflceis and men of the Under- writers' telvige Cotrps and Chemical Engines in their prompt discharge of the duties of fire- men. Fraternally yours. THOS. O'ONlNNOR. Chief Engineer. THE LATE WM. C. BLACK. Handsome Eulogy by the National Cotton Exchange of America. [Extract from Mnloutes of Executive Council. The executive council of the National Cotton Exchange of America desire to give expression to the profound sorrow and regret with which they have r•celved information of the decasea of Wm. C. Black. late treasurer of thin Ex- change. As an o fficer of the National Cotton Exchange since its inclpiency, Mr. Black has diepliyrd those thorough and businees-like quati-les i which dietingnished him at the home of his adoption: and as a member of the Third Na- tional axehanae Convention, at Greenbrier, Va. his amooelats were Impresed with the . nobodaes of his judtmept and the Uptight. nesrt Nrud •rtw-tr, of Bhie tcharater. Althougeh the memhbere of the tn ntll Jd OP the prlviltelO . ,Ild1ly lntertire with this Id grtoll tn (frr pllph lhe WAR n every Oeti AL Oj nth wrl,. th.y ktnow him well througlit his Irit w tt• rl I al tll t 1ll a Iblt rs In hb'eh lf of the N il~Il) f t ftr' hP+fnll l)", whl,'h evileed un- .11 eg•t~r Into rpsetIn -11thn.' lteeI,1d ri'w rd the ,or 'ron' anrdl enhna nn1r t of hth Aruef ie4tle nt- t, u nled-. 'I ihi•.) n ho de"nl'O of W. ( l!tank, "if Nw or'emnII. the N iiI i,"4 (jlotoi, I xi'hnrgn h- I. h,-n ,t'" Iv )rd of ,+ 1 f le , moit pirlou.net •n- f wrltk ,rot i the, tlt , nlhte, of thtls ftunntil of ttn SIi hav"I.n hu : ( filll r rt Ia hhIhlfy Petl"'ru0( tl uri t. thi- 4trrntitr t I hii.rb t ly instretitnl to p• ter l hl• 1v .. .. I hi i f .i t O w)e 111"In r .nr.,l to forw tra d vr 4 ,, y.tl, ,.f h, the 1 rlly ff the 't'o n"•R d, I l t h i 'o'f hit ,I the" li ert lstir, uF i•i li•! of this li. FN•• flY. i, R TEB, BRaeretary. Now Orlunp. J0sIolft v 1. 14)). Withott lhlI•t tr reserve. Ati.tlon to cloe. n 11111. It- *>--- ! A Ruinmary of the Work Last Month, The followhol is a aum m ary statement of the tra•nRn!tlons) of tlhe New ()leans Otl•tom- IrOI.lou for the month end(ing Deoember 91, R14r: Vns fle tntere(d from f,,rigfn tnrt ......... 19 Vte e I aterd fi oro jfioa -..-. .rt il Vi'rl, ei f rlorhad rtlanl for IDty' .t........ T tluttI If tnp•r'hanl. dl-n free f t duty ........ tlt fr lr h n ..................... h I ntrien f t weihoiti nodl tr'• Inplrta lIn.. 17 Itirliee from w•'tl"hl -, fir IeeortRation .-. I Etitl Iti for r'ewireiotittin. ... : Eto'rt a from wrnthanltl-H oreopnlmpittln- .974 nu•tli frotm WntrahOtt-t• for tit)llll Cl ortatnl 21t •Io t'ri a fri(l wareLttL)rI t for llq)rta lltlt .... 14 Ilultte •u t- r ii Imrlllli'rfItetraniv(trtAll(tin without liii rl tett it.I...................... 1 Entri1f fir co)aul 'tll 1) , IIhlilld•teId .. ..... 91e( El41 ! ll, for wlrnhut! h Ilrlvll ated - . s. U CrtII. till tqI of ragi'try grt .tedl... . 2 irttill'tidte of orilllm n11tt grantedt 7. I. a1 tofie fhr e nitti g trtdearai nt d .. .. :rti lic trt r vrll ' iR lf tt'r ot tone granted 17 RE!PI"tr''p FR`I'M AlT, 90nRORtt. Ittiet Irtim irts - .......... ..... t 44.7 ii MiT in ll 11 s Ir.I I t .............. 2.17 ltinnigi tiR. . .1.4. 70 Fint a. entialitee I ilitt fr ltit re ...... t nt r 11i"lht)tinell . mlntfol)N ree•pCtl( . fi.7) 49 61i pintlin of gi m'+Iti v el-i . 1,0iit 91i lI r1) t or (n III1PPr. ft'f L , ptl14, p antiI ltonrfgn, thor anId vratf tt . .. .. .. 4 ftR Oeld l.''14 1 1191 97 Thn ftollowiit oi n "tmmUaralve ltatm ant of ler , 1479. Dton.. 1i79, To ' l i . ll - ittvTt l , It it64,47 'A t.lt T',,. Il 17 Fl .4l; ,l!7 '40 (,' 14 "f re"Int. ov r lh-eamber, 1(74. 1,09 - \4 Ijrivlenily tatrlf! nl the t)oEMOtR&'r, the aIoin1 t ii ul hi in ' I rtlnot artittie . a lnriti t. rn- I , Ii t ,, fr ihn rri ,ru h (if I t)n-imn er i1ain•n I)71, aid thll I()lgf'4f Eft ))ny r"'t'llth 411"9 (472, (old wldhna Iitfti ititlo A. M. 1ull. jnweler. fI)rPARTURIE Of' THE KING. )•i l 1ithas r,,l ierl ypeterdayv at (larnlval Pphli II tiltnfuninfl tthat ifit Mjlisty RItx, his left tlt ERhtiarit homirn itNt, Ntrtuil nttl It now en rloot foir uts Antitiq llrt ". ital, New Or ane 'Tl[trn wile grf(ti itv, mIalny pn ngratlllnulati"n ntrd tint ,h hfIklingt rof lIuihanht rover the glad thllinu . Thhen (irRtit , lthI D)uke of Bohernla, illIi•pnit. lthet Witr,i. Liw)ven end it. Julian, Wit Wpri Itrnentit nt ftte qijane, ware tftle- Miiih uI , welt uIillil thtit rll war-horse War- ywlk F tri Marshal, antd commilnicte to him 11,' til•s •ft'Iee. TImi Kerl M'rshtil at one tre•mred r his pro- linltiffllln, whluh wIll he ftopid Inl ouIr on•lumns thl i morningl• . ofrlr,rln all aood titlt7,ns to "-1ttw thetir ItolrR"ln fmll Hllt ltllt stant.t 8nd1 fr, ,tit that t lmtn in utll Mitrdt, Ora 1 hIs, 'etiilltn of the ever-glot lnfu eRighth by iN (Oititt li4 an v r()fhr'ro it itrnmplment to the 'tay ciio 'iar to Ievery I,'nllsa ltla ntrint. and toi'- ti'at. thee hi h In autthority with the iMing nptriel[ite oil ner '•te the uiemorles whi) h elngstr or )l th' ,t, t av-. llirrtlh, the int tifitlron! Ist every nhthrln treplt)lR for his aleom. ft I ailli, jo in making hits relan a t lil, l rlillaini narnivatl. Waltham watchae at aintin Tnitrlav at Hill's. TIHIEl FUNDINGt BOARD. Thit h}l,,ly mr1t yestenrday morning at. II o',iI Jkr. Prse)nt,--thll (loveyrnor, HRoretary of ittait, Au litor. FiNial Agent and the President of the Ootton Exiohange, Tht A'ntltor pres•nted a report of the bonds I ftnrdd iltring the prlrent admlnistration, whltih woht re•llvd anld ptlanetd among the rn- 'rtno tutill In nmitl ni tp to the mrnner of1 th)e ti.. riltt,.i of th)e tll )ontis. Mr .R .. hi( ulttlp Itggnqete(rd that theIy he takenfl to the tvl rS f.tiry fi(,l tt•tren ,ttrroyntfe. 'Ihl was nerrel to. ntld M•,efris. It •inlln• y. O(nll inliighatmy, nud 11 dirni ltr t i,lltn'lI i trfmilttn to rkake lhargrn ~f Ill h.l.linnlt•e. A pro.n vt urbatl of the ti lti n)'lui wiill ie maedl out, tand presentetd to Tht, motintiig iiia lollmrnrt tuhi ot to call. WI hout limit or reserv,,. Auntion at f 1's. AN ACCIDENT. A dIsnatch remeived yvesterday by 0. A. Weke, secilal agent. contalned the Information that lir•• Htollherg. r, one of the government boatman, at i o,,'lorok on Friday night fell throutit thie hailrh of the it, l-h steamshbli (i mItandeIr, at the DaneeS, Snlid entitued in- jul ,, frotm whlih lie did hi a short time. HSt,,lliherr wa' well kuown In this oity. hav- Irn• at olri tim'e hne i t l-.lti officer on the 'old mItrotpolllitii polloe force. At your own price -Waltham watches. Hill. AUTIIOR' CARNIVAL. The irongrPgtlon of Ames' Methodlst Church have lroivie arrn'•aemnte to hold an authoris' -',rnival at Od I Fll )we' FHall on Jatnuary 27. 2 tland 2e1. 1'LTbloalx., minglng and recltatlons will hl inclluded In ea•h eveninS's programme. Amoo g the various works to he reorecontei, nIay te mentioned MPott's "Ivanhoe~" Meire- dlh's "Luollie." DIckent's "'Oldi (duriosity Shop." "Mother Gocse" and "Jack the Giant H IIonr." Auction to close A. M. (fill, jeweler. Tuesday. . ...---- r* e,i+- - "THE ENTERPRISE." The New Ferryboat of the Morgan Company. On Monday next, at. p. m. the now farryboat Entlerlpr•e, 'belongtng to Morgan's Louisiana and Texae Rtailroad and 8teamship Company will be lautiohed from her wharf at Algiers. This new b uat is of wonderful capacity, and Is quite n model in that svloes of architecture. Mhe Is 273 feet long by 4o feet 7 Inches width of hull and 11 feet depth of hold. The frames are of cypress, r, Inches thick, double spaced and 12 Incles apart. Theor will he aeven keelsons-the maino na 2'4 inches deep and 12 Inches thick, and thn others 12 lry 12. The "ciimpn are solid from deck down to iknnrckl,. and are flve and six Inches thick. Hhe Is prl'iaed otn the bottom with four-lnch pipe, Oand on the sides with three and a haltf nch. The deck beams are Cx9i and spaced two feet apart; the cabin, l)10 feet long by forty feet w.ile. 4he is provided with two engines with ao0Ineh cylluders atd 7-fo'ot stroke, on Iron-tied plates anda omnnecing rods She has two Ide wheels. of 23 feet diameter and 12 feet Wldih of bucket. with wrought Iron shafts 16 lan•es diameter: four steel tubular boilers ( ine on eah side) 4 feet diameter; 2 deck rumps, 2 doetors, fire pump. steam enstan hnl all the other para- pbernalia of a first clalsrn boat. The boat will h ve two tracks, and will carry sixteen 0 res at a tlme, leght on each side. Bhe will run boh ways, as she is provided with a rudder at each end. It is a mnatt"r of congratulation that this boat is a homn tvroduetln. Her hull was built by .M sers. Vall'tte & Morse. of Algelrs: her ma- chinery and boll-r, by the New Orleans Foun- dr.; the j ,iner w rk, forgingas of rudd rs, etc, was done at the company's shop, and ell the olans and spedBficatlone were furnished by the company. Thu bh.,t combines all the elements of beauty with all the reqtiatstes of usefu ness. Beed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite ( WEATHER EUVLLZTflN S ignl et ie 8 uil d tatas3 t.I Dallendis meteingaorrltt4R1 nrclt~tn I fo the 41rtt ttC~ 0;'lrlltlWAt 1(:19 pi. m SatUrdAy. t ti ntlatty I. A Observatlon., ttacu at the came momnelnt W tlti At all PtatifnltlA. ~ar 8aln, .ia., t I tng ----- -- -11 ht le~nor"'w . .18 0 , It 911 4 .11f i iurlhnlrnoia I- .t L ltle4vlIle,.. SO'A- riP( SMermttishl .-". n' in -- ttn,;'4 a 0 " hvllle . 141.99 It d Otlw (lrlI'nip 'iii r7 -B a '~ 1 0 tjriPV(ILI(ort. 44 i'in II e 4 a VlntCblrgt *. ca 11- t Atluntb r n1one - I 07Cl 11 la lieta 'It 49 1 49 i 4 67'.. (lorcna . .. 415 11" 1l U 1 9 11 (k rajeana ... r. 1,.. " u KItctit 7419 14 A Mintgnmr rv it, 17-- It4 14t4T 60 0 Savannah..... 54- I 64 H U 0 ni diw.tese t atioCIa! . LOCAL KWCSSW ltitW OROUiAWUl Jan. 8, IO6W Time. i Weathla 7 a m. tt t 92 iT (hrndy. I p. in. 11 t 74 19 14 Aeir. 9 itm. An97 119 , air. Maximum temperaure 79: mlnimnUe 0l BREIVITIES. Edward Onarietienn was 1111kn4 it n In t e dl4 tInl WatllotI, "harged by Mrs. Dopd with the VIt- Snmy of A taaket. Aiatist MItes was. Iroltid tip lb the 1tal Stltlot,, tiAreP hi L. Petit with ha-til U In his tIlesAeIoinn Sti ii,5eer1 tohAve b'eU d The Horewlnens flen"rroIent A~sqolatlota l1i give a grans( les r'AAA and I7i a, hll rt Uxpoailft dell, onI MnIrIAV Il ex' the tenth Instaat. Tife I)IA(MeIAT is lIndibttdl fir ln'ititlorig. ThIs mornitg Iles. 'r. A. Vaudrr will t t 1 fh O a tlilntiitP tIHe f,mrl fttl Od(atak [uiiirroti' At the Tiir I Prest,,tsrtan Ohnrofi~at , WIIlrlngt'It Sl(jiallrl. lie will also otreaob n thi1 or'qaelin. 11ev. Dr. l3rlitOr, pastor Irf Ames M. . .Ohti(l . w II1 rItret tiiS 'Ino nc At 11 o'elootik A iii the event * it 7 ll7k. l foill Thiirstdgy eventi twit Or. Jlrctar wIll ulrliver 1111 Fthure 9l Ei P-! Tb?' h ihdto sire Iordlally linlted 40 us tnenl i he A5eVHtl9. Tho inet "'nerst at thflt frthei will lhe g lv on M',nrity., Il tlth of tart itary, at 7:90 p ft by tho Atiltj U'lcJleii, Wile I Oh ftlhset Call ri-iaeet In I r I tUtni. Piurrent'. anti theo ot lio siddre's will tie dcllvererl by lie, Pt,$ Throm ason, if 'r lni' y OhUrobh. At. the niiiit mel tl-9 hell At the hall of the fillyV Fl'ot*t ('tol 11r,11 lIWlig ol r p1' riMlrl to erv'for She ilnsting ytear: king, to eeltennu 1. l',;res, ,itie Ureslt~ent3lJ M~UlInnes u, rprrnrnl ngA,'orItnryl0. M(nI tlnrin'.ln al'(re'ltly: (4 91.-i rIh. tieAstitert IPrnnuitey. J. (Ins-k. T .1. i,'ll an, seetiueatlt At-A rits. This lInih tven their Aetontd ra$D oomtllminntary A lron In F brlnAry. The gentlemen iuorpri psigigmln lx e la . tery, (JInslleny 1. r"i tile 1 gimebut of OnleaM Artitery, will give a gralli ft-oydrca Iera'te and rnllit tyI h ill, at (Iiinewnld Ma titi 'rTtiurPIiay neXt, the i"Itltt o January. At tetueola meetting, held iistirsn lji, It waelalof Ilmoilly resr'vel ttit a ApetiOIAsl nviateiab ztended to fill mIlitary org tnl8ittpae of nlty, provided tiey aLIiar In ItIJil uin 11011. At a ragnl Ir monthly meeting of the $ttdi Cimil), belrl PIl lAy, Jan nary 2D, 1990. the fill nAmedI genLleRnen were elw-,ted offleete for ennnting sin monoths: John F. Saifne. r..a ilent; Udie. J. Urorry, vine preclden; :l fl im- tinrt, renordlinpt 5 lertarr: WAsh Delmjun 0191 RttrittAiy; Itis. E. 131er, triienelli ll wli. Flynn, stage manager; U. U. Jultie, seesrMOM At-Arnie. A BAD AF'AIlR. R A Father Charged with Tryinrg t Murder His Offbpring. On Friday evaingl Chae,. Outhrie, r•alIi at No. W7 El ly ln iPeide street, let his hot,. `l a years, fall from the balcony of the houe totL• pavement below, a distanne of elgbtees f 'l When the nhild was plcked up it Was lfodi be fatally hitjred. Ailbolnh Onthrie, WhlOiQ under the assumed name of Ohao, Kina,elIai that he was plaling with the child Whe• i( leaped out of his armo and fell over the glltof, it is nevertheless b~llev.d that be, being sagu with the chit for disoh".lanee of a oornMIMl s that be had giv-n It, sein• d it while ia P and throw It, ver the sllervy. This iaster version hev tog been Hivv o ,tor Kuni. he i rrosted the Inther andlo "in in the Fifth r tation on the hr.r,e Of ti a'taeted to mrn,li.r hie child. jan a e i 'msed avttearui tbefore llecorder ha( Lt n ho weq rearnoane, to Irison ithut - await the ten ,u, o th.' hiil's lnjurles, CITY EDIiO . 8. O erure Washington, sssalnt and battery oi A. J. Itiloway. was looked up. John J n,•o, for ssorn t and battery with olub on William Ltan in. was looked up. Edward t. Ditrl, for shootno sad b• wolunlding Ms. Poynl, was kI•ckd to . FridtyevenIrn Mrs. Etlwn Flr nk'esdin.-- In Algiers, was damaged by flre to the1w a t rif i5a. Frlday nlaht an unnewrrafful steIa t , e made to burglar lz Chnrlee flofloA'a* a r donee. Po.177 Col lanaom :treset. Frtdy even•Iq a gasoline oill ln e " iosia in the hinds otf T'hiniss hey, at late btjs Algiers. and severs ly hrnt him. REAL ESTATE TEAN•rlYWl5 , Louis 8oborman to J ,hb Ho'aeOthal, tre l.eg ant imrprov rin-ts. nsot. on first, corneet 0 Praret. stre t, s oo. John P. Case' to Mrs. Susan Martba Molst, tWoi lota nd irnprov'meut*, 6sx170, Oan es' nis. corner of Thfird -'ret, S2hoo. Isidore Newman A Jiro t, Henry 3 lt• two lots and imprvemanu ts, 251201, on I Charles. between ilio and Calliope K aew, 8uoeasilo q of Henry Laband to fredertet Smith, one•rot anl Imoprovements, 9s2g ,os Bavon St. John. Iso. Plerre Victor Baulmayto Andre Dormtei nt Jr.. a lot wi'h imiruvem. nts, i sqa re it r oil by Hit. ernard, Marals, Olsinbnre•at•- U Claude strert', et asl, se11 44O. Same to Andre Dorloronurt a let with ia.w provYmertR,., •oundd bh O(Cdrea, St. An , rocheblave and boranoas streeta, LdlllJ, I. , BOARD OF HEIALT 3ROOED.. The following were reworded yesterlde* t o1ae of the Board of Healtn: satars. Mrs. C. I. Decamp a daughter. Mrs. Nathaniel Hill, arot. Mrs. RHenry , Boensel, a',?n. Mrs. J',hn B. Rivardn. a ion. Mrs. Vircrni I.j•,'oon,. Ia danghter. Mrs C. U. . Ftebentlech, a son. Mrs. J'seon Morphy. a daughter. Mrs. Jule If wtrde, a son. Mrs. J,,hn Hloffman. a daughter. Mrs. Johbn 1Z , sa. ason. Mrs. Viacenoe Orego, a daughter. Mrs. W. T. Vaudry, a on. Edward Henderson to B Tharloe Lnon. Wmt. Wl•bf t' Mrrs. lH.lean Wr.e Frank Gills to lOkra ackson. O.'. unudo L. Martlnb z Amelia •1odMr F. V. Gause to Loufdia M. MdtUga Henry Ain to Boae Sapears, Honry (Helet, Jr.. to Ll7zle Sle&sndL WI /ivons Wt Marguerite he r. . Theodore J.Per tho Mar t Dexter W Williams. 45 years. Frank Delgelmao. days. rs M: •r, Mary Krhachs r, 47 wears. lvitra Do)nn . 6 years. Nathslle M. VIle. 2 months. m Chsrles Sebascel, I year, r hrjstlan F. Stander, a ynars, . Emlly MI. Coekerton. 6 weeks. Mary Bdard. 1 week. --------- . lea: Giving Way of the Wharf ' At 1:11 dolook yPsterday a portfiO o s wharf at the head of Bi-nvlli, .st'ret. on i wb w-s piled some adx thousand saets ( i seed, gave way, and the grester oort1ia of were pred•gtatted Into the rivyer. The seed -ust been diucha •Td fron the st eawsa tad was consigned to the Qonfy 0ot1on deed AssoodiUlonI

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    Their lReport for the October, No-vember andl I)ecember

    Th s • +r1t intty fir Odlepr, Ntnvopmhpr annlttth. lr et 1975 htghl MItnlgtoiary. foreoert,

    :1a I"• i1t t ! th1 • Httrtl, or t ,IlItm R Ia t'it u onU, . ay nl5 lig at. 7 t'lel k ani tortettonttI

    SlnIAL REP'OiRT:

    TItAND Jt'RI fnorits.Rttoertn r Ut I nltl (',ii r'.

    New Otrl•uAs, Jantutry ., teRn.

    T', th' in. Wim R. Whltaker. Tigs ~r of th•4tt.e-t lor Urimiual Cturt for th !t t'arlish of

    fItt ! '9:

    The gralnd itry lake leav resjpetfully tos'thmt the fnllw lnrll restort on cltY and chatiI-ittle iustlluthli s:

    pIter PRRT:TNI OT RTATION,The genertal onitlion of this pten Is hod;

    it}s rtutniltry regulatiouS shnld reetiv+e a1ttea-tioa. Wlhtt It I talitd tthe tramp room.'" tna,'tnl-'t tit .tlli for t••t use of rity fIgitvesWh•lt.,l, lll a flr she tsr isa, liuluIg the VOltsanl i lnials t the air IR 0ou1 and ffenslve fromixRtlnntit urinel rutlnlllg ater as a disin.

    'Agtoit Phoulld it" used.'the I.rlsour' ,Iotr k In the First antd Fourth

    R-nndrt' Onulrt, In the name hbuildingl Ilal-son'e 'lurt , wp.* found in a veryt Uutel'ou noull-tiln ,,niI reoetmmend that it should be swepttfrc •tently.

    PLIt(' F5t'tsUBAN STATtON.(Metairte lrlgtn, .

    This statit In ti-H d for the tmotrlrary de'en-tlin o t pirmsns arreeted in the vieliuty. It Isin rood e~ndlttmn.

    ITyIRUI tISTTRIrC POLI(' TATIO.N,Ih esian Fields strnet )

    Tg Rhevrma cndltitn reasPo

    utahlry itgood. huttIapstLr are nf lltld tot •,oors, le.Iks. et-, A alrp•enfr sho•ld he employed a few dayts on the

    Pt'i)NSI DISTIC(T POt,tfR STATION.I t $kson 8 nare.)

    annirsl are Inei+dld to l•rittrtl . eaPOCtlyi ofOl tof the evils, Itanitary conditlon rtould beImprovrtl.

    Altitin PREC('tNItT RTA'tIq.

    I Fnot otf Oltati street.We fllolt thi gene ru I tnondltlnn of this tltaen•d ; hl hlt there shot blle a stairway leading tooa+t for ,rotnr di eent.

    tITTR PRitMIINtT RTATInN,(fll 1P•tnU streetr bIttwtiea JRa'ksa•t arnd Pilitp )

    lI'ht whllie hutitdiqa is in a tntlst dilvit.datidsonl•i'on. 1 iht ft tots are all rotten. wtllthrkltnt, etlltilg tra, ked and falling, roofs leak-Ini ty trywlere.

    The cells, iex,'tpttn1 two, are wilhout dtlors••,l unfi' for ule. Th Itl1di itn general 1FIn: t Il *t wret h.-tl condition antl needs Itutme.dite rev " Irs.

    With r-efrencte ti tlthese utrMoluot' q lgenerllWe ithte itiartpd that thly are, wit llltlt Itttt • us of peilltrllung rt'iitnrca withll fod while

    tditpiel tiler" I' ltinirIs awaitinlg Slltinal-tiu utlpn hi.arges otf wh ich ther lall be guillt-Iftesos ot maln e•nviort of ti imn) are ki lltthrre wllhilttt rtiomns. We itarnL thatr t is iSot.!nlnm n oru nrrrcne tor tihm t, ta titlIs thrn orll'tit'Rn dat'e bf tour obtainsing a ittaritIM IHeft)re

    tihe irmlitting maislstrate.This i mnst remrnhneibhle, and we trust

    will bei•mmeledityr remedied.trAIitH PtOIIso.

    We f1,ond to this ptrion •et Inmates, all Ilt-t ely Idle, anttd very Drobhhly sowing the sntlsfor it tew lharvst t of crime whlen they got olt,

    Thirl, are m ttnly works ttconU which the ,liborof thre s men tilliht he ptriflitahly bettowel., andit ptPa i to nis might be so at the dierrt!tn tofyttr fnor••nr. Uder the tIspttces of thle UIty

    o.clic"ll anti lltrectlon tof the Httate ollIf•tal Ilbet'r tI of thenm. The cells are small anil badly

    vetlnt•Iatet.The ficorira ,of then rOlllnt floor. varti.ularly

    that si l tiseli fitr the l)tinllu•tm•ent of whitemale prisoners slhoult hae renewed ant raisetd.

    BOYtR' IOrRtt OF RIrtttI(.The coldititn of this insttitution mlight he

    tetttreRed Thn Ihadejand tetlddln are unlleatIn

    and inelithalltlit. We found o10 inmates of allde~erllttl,,ns

    We noticed that the bnys of the industrial andtrmlinal departments are not k,,pt dlistiet.

    'This we regaird as the most Imvtrtanut matterwht!hh hlt ecme tnuder our nottioe.

    A bort inocent of crime, trfl ned TIlhre hie-amuse there • I lo oi e to rare for Bim, a slpteRmWartl. therefore, of the ioommonwenlth, Is tuirnleIn ameona prenious tyoung criminals, and trthe fottR of01 Rass•'ation hbeomes one of them.

    We have little time and little spane to atiulyto the dlCeues•re of this utestion, bIt weearnestl ly nvot+e the attention of the ltropverauthoritle in th eR nterest of the state, ofhumantlr and of thubile justice, to give thismatter Inmedlate, atenl.t u.

    'tITv WORKRHolti.

    TiIs liae we ftoud used only for storingaOuPy wagonttt, nRenlrdling to the shnetlule of the a

    tv•ir' ~rnt of PIbtleto Aot!luntil. It kenl anmonthly oa1 roll of sits its. Wei have clnsewtre oreco imeanell. that it be apilledh to the tuse of fpublic p3uudts, h

    t'Tt tINRAIN ASYLUM.WWe found !oo pntients Il this retreat, tiuder

    charue of Mr, .1. U. Pooly., who somse to hrotowall thoe er' ant attention wwithin his powerapon hi dtiffluilt duities.

    We Would retommtlnd some mrntture forot•ttrilng medhl attention to thee ttnfor-tuna'se many of whoc, under proper troutmnant, mlght e speedlli restored to health anddi PCherald.We ftin,+ the huliding used ns a IAtunulry In

    an unfit state for use, being greatly in nend ofrev irs,


    More could be said in praise of the admirableonuitiion of this Instltution, whtlh has boug

    beene he rlide and hbost of New Orleans, thaneau be tInelded in this report, We found noth-inL to centsar or disapprove of,

    We hiav visited the followilln nstItutions:House o f ood Shepherd. Bltentvili stret,cotneor of Broa+d.

    b1et. Vincent'e Homne for Boy Ilenvillle st rent.tit, Annl's Aeylum, oorner 'rytantll and St.

    Mary streets.St. Josepbhs Asylum. Josephine, corner of

    Laurel.ft Vins• t's Infant Orphan Asylum. corner

    MNaalno antd t lCe.NeW OrleIans oemale Orphan Asylum, Camp

    street, between Clio and Erato.Providence Asrlinn for Colored Orphane,

    Mlrner Ho pittal and Tontl strnets.Atiyum of the Lthte listro of the Poor. La-

    harpe, corner Johnson streetAstlum of the Holy Family (colored), Char.

    tree, between eplant de =ind Pea'n streets.D•rach of ceamn asly lUn St. lirnard.Mount CArmel Female (rpihan Asylum. Piety

    streetBe. MefarV' Orth hn Bonr ' Asylum. Chartres.

    .betwmen M trr n ad Flane.Asylum of the Immntaeuhtte on'eption for

    O-puhaas No n71 Nort Rampart street..Poydrae. Female Orphan Asylum, Magazine

    stree•, ne r IIttrs Avenue.'rottesttnt OrhanLs' Asylum, Revanth street.

    between Maaaane and Oonstanse.St. Ritrabeth's Female Orphan Asylum, Na-

    poleon Avoenue orner of P, ytania street.Hlom, for Jewish Widows and Orphans, cor-

    nar of Jackson and Chbpteowa street ..rotestaunt MilpeI;lt) Ohtldren's Home, Jack-

    son stro•t, betwo.n Ohippewa and Mt. Thomas.terman I'rotestatt Orphans' Asylum, Mtate

    street, between (tsm and Chestnut.Asylum for Doti'ute Orphan ys,y 8t. harles

    stret, between Dufoesat and II ieeostlen.Louislana HlR.treat for the Insane. Nashville

    Avenu,. corner of Magainestreet.St. Al phusus Asylum. corner of Fourth and

    St. Patrick *Treets.Home of the Ag•d and Infirm. Annunciation

    sta t. ornter of Calltope.Touro Infirmarr, Tshoupltoulas street. near

    Thalia.We visited all these institutions In turn. and

    found tio some dulefeotai drainage and in manybad condition of privies'Ihey requnre the services of the City Rur-

    veyor and we recommend that tPnh ofiterand hie assistaute a ve their oftholal attention tothese severall y. antd, for sanitary reasons, with-out needles•sdelar.

    T•E CITY LIttART AND CrrY A1BCKIV•.The city lthrary and ecty archives are eon-

    atlied npon the second and third floors o thety all--the former under ch rgs of Mrs.

    Solhbertton. and the latterip the e stodyD. D,. Ball. Bath are dticitously ar-sad kept ia artistle order.

    "tI NOTAItIAL R3CORDS.CITY BALL.We found the official in charge temoorarily

    a teon the on•siton of onr ocll. Some or theSra are nnbound. and if tuer are of public

    -mportanoe, ns we suppose they are. should bebetter trOteuted.

    MO&TG&O AND CONSTUANCE O'FICtES..Tb*% records of these oflose have been re-

    fr-om the lnsecure buildtin on 8t. tl street, in Whili they were receatlycin.v

    to the old quarters of the Superiort D) ar, t.ormner O0atls and hoyal streets,

    -aew prelatie they are asoare from lose

    rth PUBLIO POUNDS.WBhad bi the lest i-annual raeort thatbwadsare a considerable eapense to tha I

    el. Whle theyr J teemt tWlent Wholly unusled

    , l.t only on rtlytiat.bttt becausseof tE uses be

    We I itarti that anrnala plaiked to In any diep. trlt e.re often cart el tilo ternot dlstnnt poatn,.arn, that the ownOets have great difllnetltl inrenovaering them. i Ithout conilrieritr the mi,-t;tv for, totle sIll other abseet, we S•gent thratth* old city wnokh.llse. which Is another -x-pO'nrr wtl'litot il!itily, l|he 4el Ias a on lrnIlt fortiltr ntrire city, nud that a rIrtl|Utr orIinttnllce biteiigt it flr itP rlti•oent mlrnagetnntt.1 'I ir.ATRR.t, '`t' Rllr ! tt I Ra AND it 1TRI.•I.

    I. T l.ealtrst rnd furth lu trl.--Th. ttrrible ei-l•Im I-r Which !af , i--ilalllt B to nI 11101i t•hn ll-t "tit ctities of late tr• or. by h aetu'itl tl to / it$'i' llrr'rO lRtildlr• this 1,lt11g. otbrntou t ir a ilt ft t ittPt'hei uIggnationslll rltliv L tI tro lhnatr', publlc

    hill s and hotels.To t, ttvlt tthe If n lo ll1tf or tnerblrti'• by fire

    itl I I thaetrtC or puhllc lhalls, whorr i it lircunethouarrtltet, It is trelomt!tended thalt Il itll en11Rlh

    LiPU'N c w here the txitr are rot in daily n1e aRind,n tIhtIy ie,•. at silan shIall be pine'il ItherenJ.of lhlrly irmarked In sotlc words as will give the

    Inlormatlon.For the bulldilngs havinl no Ralleries Iron

    Sfire eBsIpen• lltat l•e constraieted, reaching atleast twenlty feet from the lrotnd, to otlhlpersona fro the upper parts of the btildluXto tapVe Ila t at way.

    Ther r halr at all t•mes be kept tupnn thea R!s. Itl no•lytulent hlaies at leant fIrnr fire ex-

    StiierIllrfehra, in readinans irr use: sach atppll-a anIticO asR water btnekets, tt'., to be hung in con-v ,Winltt pIltwes alnd reawty for servies.

    S Piwer should bhe vested In the hferf entineer.to dt ,II at ear•h perlfotitance at Iaast nto man,whtite solse duty shall be to guard ntlttatt flre:

    h andtl penaltl of fity dollars should I tnm-I d for iny refu sal or neglect to carry outI- these provilones

    I t'e visiLteiit tue renchr Opera Rllun. On B lur-ban str• At' the tirand Opera olunes, on Catnalstreet: l1Iiw'ell's calatimy of Mntle and thre St.Charl'r Thutr tr. on ti Oltharles street: and theGlobte hFeatre. on Perdido eatret.

    I- We fi IIod that the ODpra ots•e,. on BourbonIs street lid ample Rxfis anrt faIolltl,• for extlI1t

    agiuthling fires. FoIeH RnI extlingtiUhtrs wefotIiin In anoto order artl men at thli theatreare detailld to attend evch psrlormnane. whoseit stile llrty IP to Iltlrtd agraltit atRldent by fire.

    At tih h(ritant Opt,'r lHouse, on banal street.ywe ftutnu ampls preparattins matle to gaardratalnst fire anid n sftt ll'lt number of exits,hit we fllaled to flt-li aiy one whose sole duty Itwas to Iook out for lire

    A rung -stlon was r adt that this precautionif Ah•irl hr tn In ket. ad fith Uentlemen Iln chargeSIromreard to r'nt tll'l with nottr reltnet andt harveimet detaltod f•r the IturoP•is namertd.

    iBhutill'r Aadrlmrny of Musie has been greatlylrl pr,-vodi of late.

    'lier proptrietor has made many improve.Smenltle t, thiq htillditlng. A steam enaine, we arelufirrmled. Is In constant readiness at each Lpr-

    Wue ilta otinly to tinraget that the liosenortl extltanllrti rbler more rgular itly InLpeted,

    San•ld thrt wlht we reoIorI•tilend as tio man ons fury at the othter theatres ht adopted Iher.

    Thetu F. (Ohrlas Theatre -- Trhe onllder theowner antd maninger of thlis theatre connrlyW -ih Hitr smrgeetiosl tbo h•itter In otu opinulonwill It bt for them anti their I•atrion.

    Tlhe Globie The ' t r

    ePo-w- would call arttent inti 'hi, flau that athoroinah etaminatlnu of thishIiilliag ihbitld bI tmtniedllatatly mtlade by slomni efo s •rirpirtent ti dledt as to irt sa fty, orias to te mtrll•d i• rendlueriug it safe as a theiatr .

    2 Hll-rtrt- With raegtrid to hotele, Woe wrllNuirgkttblltt h rIt moer tll# hotels of thlintty

    cttitntartlTely sate Raglnat fire. anllt Iitun ovle for the safety of their aIrestsIs well as their e•aiipe Itn caseof reo, It I rttnmrnlandllerld that In evury hittelhtvintle rl!rtuitnldllrallt in, for over fifty ptern)llethe iulltling he provlidod with a morurcrirHlalarm flir Irtllltrittlr, rllulnllng into oeaih roomanti ceone,'tltig whit the ofl"' with a gaong.

    As this aettlatritlle Is llii rnrltl,', the (tre ItselfgireI the atlarm In suffllTlent time to permit theI itt-' hitof the h t UIRIt.

    We worlid fulr iIt r recolnmendr that in all thehallwar•s of Plurh hu!ltlingR thorn Phnotld bie lI.ratedl at oiunvePinteLt dltistanlon portairle fire ix-ttlligul•hers. In the ur e of Iwlthtt the eotnloyneshould l• trained. And In the? buildirng theres•hold be a 4t atnm tlnmt artnd a taltiptles ofIron riu. with a urnluterr of orteuln•ir tin earottirior. to which Ihose Phltld at all tlllPe he at-tculheid in Iufm-lulctl. lt tlll to reai'tl the nexto•intllllar. culto o) ti keitl in o)onstant rerdinesa.

    rthattle fire eso•a eAslhoutld be nnpstructerloutldei of Suoh t tl!dings to enable theItrriupante to rnacsb t!hm trom theit windtow-,and de•0,-end to within at least. twenty-fire feetfrlom the arouut or as lery.

    irllh escapes sho'hl nnnhtr two at least onevtry falein*t of the hllthIltg.

    There shrltl he troartll In every hallwaysglllnor finger boarrls irIndlatlni the way to thefire esittie,

    it o iirer tilat these rseonntAntilaions mayhbec~irried orint uower shoutI he t aitet iit thhe lOhlIelEilireer of the Fli Department to have Put'hprvisielons tur safety made.


    to alddition to the hand condition of thls publiclbtUltlldn. situltted it the, very heart of the cit, r.and whicth shounld b-i an ornament rather thlanit ultaano , the nleans for fir trrtectiol,n aretritatly Intmdqlil- iuate to its eI`ltremlnts.

    A enitabie holler and iip mop ahoillrt hal pro-vitici wiIth tattiand1-1peI tihriughout the Ithiillig, Ihtavirg vllvi' roltientllll anri Itrius nil eac-h fl ir,andt tni itulttotm piroitrlyr rriland In tll ht len.

    We woulld atlan cll atauteion to the lnnditllionof onLRe o the tanks. whbcth enemi threetnninga irf Ill. anid also to tihn rimnrlnny if tihr enzlee.r'shouse, whitlth Is in like cittilltion.

    DRATNAtIl AND CtANA•S.The rreat atrd Itinr eastrlit expendrititrIe if tlre

    eitj for ,trailntagi anitI Itts ttoe.Onsric an It an liotIortant fr atruer In llts giirertinent. 'The t'ty In

    cIxp-Il-' iR - the rain of sooitt pur annrum for Its tirlil-lg.. trs, aitRorilllig it ti4e tableli of An i- it')lcourt. Wie have not. kbe• n l atie to dler') rnel any R

    altlrtl It4 rctrolllnllltne for It la ouitlay. And re- ciertipo-tilly rliviwen the attentlion olf tho propertI•partment to thit srllt)i~'t.

    Prtntdtt PI)UtAR4R. r

    Undear this headtl war rants to the arnount I1of 114i-3 an were I•aue-il and pnhi by the Arulty during the first six monlths of ttIhe lasi ear. Wet are at a lonse to Torulr-..starnt oni r what thet firlll havir bj seleun•xpennd. AltIoIt thr ontire sitUm WBas dl.- Otit sild uniter the Dlr roll rto all eppearanres tosIlh ordrtilly niistPtatOtl ti th n ronllttlrln of 1.theIrnbllhtr rilaeI is atftlroll io lillt as to whrrt it w•nll !'ittrer-tl lor. There I hirrdly one fhat dotes

    rr I ,ral lrilly for bthe attentlon of an overseer ftr kinoer.e

    This tirenomn so'els probhlm vnt awitn solu-f lion. and the underteined have faitel to ne-quire anyt , meidus able aid from the Mayor andr 'Ittf of polieO In its O~aue.

    It napu'ar that the dflancee of an'hority' lhr'outlh which thtsee tabillhmentI e•eapea_ el-

    Dpreslion rown out of the iroptessihill y of pro-curing evidenoe adeunate to the conviction ofpersons eontnId.

    It might he desirable to inaltimatitthe calling ttodor the aseaumed conviction t.hatit cannot beat eRa t a polly suprrmssed, andwith th- view of aidling the ublli treasury.

    This is the iolrse we proptose to recomnmend.r nonfilent that if ustainerd by pubhit opinion itwill be ntllc•cRft l: An annual Iiconaeof I5t•utor more, imposed under stringent provilon.ef ,r its collection, will h• met, we contfliently te-lieve, without a tremor by many of these aetab-Ielhments They should be rentricted to the

    second floor of building., and align placed in a,•cnelpl noli place indicating the nature of theestabishnment. lBnt tttlae B at cannot be e•ot tfrc.'iRaainrt the treachery or the infidelity of Itsot'n r, aend, in our opinion, it Is there all thehazard lion.

    cARl'tlNa C1ONo4ttALID WEAAPONe.In lrging upon your hoUnr's attention and

    that of the I'gislature some effeitial remedyfor thin greRnt evil, we are aliviled of its ember-ranelente aend of the rash dih ieston thePub-joct has reclived. It Ia by these tht,we have bnen led to conclude that.the only orncticable method lien In anigninglarger penaltles for crimes commituted by offr~dIere who carry concealed weapons.

    If an ordinary a•itialt beotellls atssault withintenlt to kilt. homtnidel becomeio ina ne n•hter,and manslaughter twoi )jnse murder, when conm-nitted ati lh • nce+led weapona oni the person;

    in our opinion, they who are foremost in thepractice would be the first to delst from It.

    rouLCS Foica.This body is entirely Insuffthtent in numbers

    for the adequate protection of the city. weltlin area Is the largest in the United Statet , com,

    relntn na it does the wholt vari,4h of Orleans.The pay provided Is inauflcleont to secure theservices of the best men.

    We annex a table of the Oriecent Ctty Pulloeforce at this date. marked D D:PPRaITr i'O)NDITION AND WORRtIN OF TI• ORCMl.

    CONT CITY I'OLIC FOiCcE, JANUAlt! 1. tIsO.Five costaine, 11 serlgeats. 22 corporals and2s1 patrolmen.Patrolmen-First Pre(dnet, 1t-1 detailed for

    turnkey. 1 for marla driver. 6 for markets.Second preclnt, 't-1 detailed for turnkey.Third precinct. 31-1 de•ailed for Board ofHealth. for turnkeyr. 4 for markets. Fourthprelnt. -- 1i detailed for Turnkey, 2 for markets.Fifth preein t, 82-1 detailbd for turnkey. 8 formarkets. i8xth precinct, 44-1 dera•led forturnkey, I fir Biard of Health, I for First Hii-corder'e umart, 9 for markets. hey-nth pre-cinet, 14-1 detailed for turnker and at markit.Feveutth sub-preinect, 9-1 detailed for turnayr.1 for market. Maguth precinet, 8-1 ttetailed forclerk at station 1 for turnkeyr. Barbor pre-cinct., 1. uburby precinct., 15-Idtailed forclerik at statit• one for lar k Board of Polle, 1for BR Tr•er's aourt, 1 for turnkey.

    Total nnmber of patrolmena. 2: detailed 4s.learving st for regular beat duty.ot whieha

    d. Ito ethird) ptfnrm Oay dtty, Bad tai (two-a th lrd nlht tre w Or leas the largest lanonlorated olt7

    in the U tee, novering leO easare miles.rl, RIMtNAL rioutt? lrftu rins.

    in Thtre aroe arlina dts fe t anr nm tleh mail for.I'nop-nvant in tlhe btuildlnge nowooenuled byar the ritanludl a urit.

    .x The gr'minf' oif theip upri(or Olrleinal OC rt'r tRe 'l 'lulIt in mllily oif the aIopriotni iitionis

    be t'trd Tho Jury ronr ire Antirtly Itam I, partiestiarly th"neQVl(d PR doirttltnrlor .

    li-r,e aolnlt Iln ati a "teh• y hetwr'ult tvory twoof t iI ti make thtln o" troPr , limut-iiiu.Ih. There shouhlt be dilreat comurulnltio'lu be-

    Ihe "iteri, to , wit naRl'-e who ar, to a t,'Iar' bf .rete ill•rinil itir . Al illretont Pntlh 'VitneqA hia• to'nuttas along the tlloy to t(h only ,lnor thatje itt itit1'g tfie prau itary ro' rtnhe tiIty ti itir t hat

    A to t lt i' w fif thi" " o , n irt ir ! the ,, rtM.r'i')llit. 'lhe I ,Itioln ot th" jiut v ronts In atuhSthat from I- th itri-t it It eaav to Ir'ntunnlllliea

    Swith tf uror,A. All h we think shonltl ho ohvlRatd. 'Th

    t doick I; t-itilraly too aitill anid 1s tlinily vent I-hiled whl,"hll itjot.ins "'nltl he.easily ruma-i dhld liv at 'ffmt'ilnt m-ehinio.

    at We would also taIglnt that the heating nt-i vaRrattl fails to tnrform its functionr. o rn mlt'h

    San that in 'oi d weather the buildling It itltmitahle. Thil 'alia for Imnetdlate attention, for Iti wounld he aqvnere taongo of the alal't'li juror, tan

    . we think, to look hilt up In coldt wrtither ani. long ra it I• not reateidld. The otllrt lorni. a'l,, on nettollint of Itt temperatttur. Is not iin-habitahle In pitold weather.

    r iiANiINO tlAWa.i' Our Invettigtilona ri averal r'asso of thansInttlltlonll, on, whlhb the pulbllo mll hnt m am tibau

    i ntllith ..xarLlaIe(. lI'ni rits to urle strongly nutl oIt our felnature the n,"eSalty of i,,m ingl th

    strnlgtert and most effet.|iva Iawn for !he arolr-rIf thl n' utnt ldonet, wea ra eatisflte that ballnkSfor th•l detpiolt of Raviges will an iout of rise.

    Sowingto the tniivartRal distraitt whf"h po"vall'in the minds of those elsas4a who are their

    a•ronitlrs, and hI Ra so trelun nltly of lute h' In1 their vnl"ttsm. Mnniy etar'tsR of utiitlodninblye "ll e tilhl t Ipairltil lavi be)•I oWltlito there being

    no I ,iw Iearing on the "'Rta.SWo th.reftire, equIRally i the Interest of thJanlniatltutll tR and of Ith Ittibll-, Urpg iton outl" tLalators tIhe aldptlron of l uch mUlasitraa itswiI 1make the dttnelttr e•IPture 11i ill contintlgi-ta"len, anI hfdge thn ilRp'mitan by amptle tietal-It j1t' . both t'lvl antrl irnlilnl1. In snopOrt of the

    ak'bve, we lfurnh hi rawlth the r i irts of ex-n erts on the ooudltlou of the N''w Orl"ani 8ty-hng• I tnstuton l, of thle atry, whl'hi ri"'nttly

    n olod Its doilt'rs. Rame are hereto anuRie"d anrtmarked A. 11. , ,E. P anRd I.I We wiolit r' stap"tftilly aauggeat an "tiretlr r-visaloin f thtie "rhnitina lIaw of !thl Hit ,tl., aR 1inmauny iaons wea flud thRt thrp IJP no lanw avtll.eabin to olirlne "rlinllne - nuimtt"id.Wo would ialto call y ,ur honor's alte itlnn ln

    tho fitl tallltt i • ba ointa to orll knowledge t latp the lii. •l+ul "i of the tluver Distrilto lg I'utirelyS toolanIt lt with ! nIe n fi the ohrortl> t ll11ill.Anr of the u•al•, uartintlt'rly t(h1ftie IIn th',unltalibtrhordl f MflttiIne ml't Dr y tdumnarketa. We w'inilil tiggtoat that eai,'h ofitnlii-eta Ii h-o e•R•'lvy (uilt WI' h.

    SWe niieot I r'atri t" ''tilt your hon'*' attentiofnr,ton ollr r tlrs t il Ihne fire 'liplurtlnlnlt of NowOrlt"-aeI, htirowtlth tinnet"'1, anl mark"'l iD D.Wi ala-n i,''h hlrorowlh i i''i'trt of our i" fludiitia g"'' 'I hing llr f''t m) 'of oe-rvic'.In annalul Ion we fi g ily t'ti'I"r to yourlhon'r', ', tlihH Brio( arlttrti- : ,l In th-!other ofll, f thit l urlt i t ot'r ti h itk. for their It

    att ol 4!1lthlw' oir term of w-ruvl"o.I nutrfaV, W. 1nama. IL. A. VirrTT.I'. 1'o i'ov. V +imi'rMI'tRnE.A. II. M1ti ft-n-i . FI Miti a, ril,.A tL, f 'Iio I it .l .'i'ttN 1ti II. Cm-s1D, IIEII +. EDItMUNI, liPO Ven'ia.lo i Al If AOIti, 1), WEN uIs,IMI,K. N. MO1jltrl' . I. R IIARNnE r,

    11 'n W Monel'nolMan, ,,t+Arnman.The ripnrt lA atl"llmptanlied by a lnipolmounitt- t

    arV repit'rlt uni tl n vl lt oft the granln jiury to tllhseverRaI ,"nRIiiihe-fiial'R. Iand a tafllblilltl atRet-mniut of the work 'lonn by them: the flndingl of ItIlhirty-eight hll '11 of whhiiti thirty-two were tli,"i'Ihillsq and i ix nit a trtii hill.

    In dtibharging the aranll jury, Jittudg Whit- IIrkat Iithaked th lritn for the fltbhful titrlyly aliddie-re--t ititner in whil"h Ihey hll d.htethirllgetheir tilts.i. Hoxt eil•ared his notpillon that,aPltltltugh i'lv two ni•irth at inhlr. itey liulione mollrl wiork thain any grand jury lbefrn•ian!d Ithlt the "'lurt regretted thIit the law dtl

    not allow it to kene them fu r lit her tetll, rThe ,,mr t hJlied, liwever, th•at• h alolr th tw tyeatrI' PexlmtitllIn ftr-ili i lury fllty they w'llllf beaslan rli it',- wlrk -t 'I the jibllit' Inttreat.

    The graiidi itury weathen diihariraugd... ..-- +I-+ .t


    At the r'',itenat of (Irin, lSlanregartl, the (lity RtAttorney hlla tranimlltted tto the Mayor an aioptlonn ' n"cerning the right of the o"ty to all- Ithoriva the "oioking and batinga asn comoany ato lay tltne thriuigihout the alty, Rn in thee ot'nof the Now Orleaia (tas C(ompany. The opIln-itl wh!t"h wea Pent to (}en. llnauregaril, our r.- 8tiortr itat int, by the Mayn'i , hlly auatinlui the I'rltht of the"' lty to glviv the aRuthotrizatin. 1P

    11 A WAIF.~ An orphrtan from one of our adjoining par-I ihne wa- Iltroldutied to the MaIyor eMIterday,with the rrominHcl it11 It ae Ihonl1 plroyvli1 debiterfor it in ihn St,. Vl'intnt (IrhtOan ARyilnhm. ThuMAelvr, h'wvonr, f tool l elmet.f 'ntnaolled tolt ref•l•l tlho rlo'11t lt. on lin gr')utl d Iha1t nVtiel the(orhti 1ni if inti city of Niw Oi letine were' al.

    V mittl I lot' ith ia•yllmumla oly it tin opltin ofe the eotil.t.rsoth iii tlheinwltit Ionie. anti thiu

    hn criloui nOt. iru"nlmn to foldt Ilpln thlrn they waiRs frlltl ,lllt r tllitolti n of tile State or

    -co tuntry.r THE PRIVAT4 M•RIttCAT ('ARI•,

    In thn miattor of the dt i'lRln of J.11ilge Mon-rnn, to thl Orlvaten market catnR, the 'It y aldnlin-It iltrlti'n ui+tporn to apply for a now trial, andishould ltet nort hl granteid tht• will tlpralI tof the S•lpreane (~lort of the Statet.

    THIE .R•F ~ftONt (tAft itOMPA- V.Mr. Ilernandoe, president of the JRffrason

    O+am (JiCmpauyr. hias dllressed a communllatolnto the clity atlmi(elltration. orooorlqeg to aontpt.the amount a•~proprliate' in the bu -gal for' iget're.t Illlumlintion In the Sixth and BevePllhdittrlets h-it reserving the right to lit the city

    for thu IllTbreno w betweent the amount antdthat which the cmopanv claims to be entitled toby reason of their chlarter.


    The following correspondence explains it-self:

    Niew Ont•As. December it. 1tag.11r'. (tno R. Brittor. 1). D.:

    I,'ntr ,Sir-Atirnelating aa we do your anllit"yaS tl lilt orator Rald read 'r. we retm eodlfullyrr.quetl youn to favor tni with two eV'Iuigse ofIrrei lingl4 at sclh limo in thu near future as aillsuit your convtdince, the nmili Ito on given, ifpravlrtithi. In some public hall in the city.

    Vory retspectlully.OCyrue llButtey. J. Armstrong,i. He th. J. J. (idhln-er.

    Emory Utapv. Fred. N. oagden.J. H. Og uothy. W. U. Whepatd,A. H. NIla•n. A. B ldwin,etartwrlaht EHnsils. W. I. Lyman.8. H Kenndty, H. M. Todd.E. WV. It-rritnk, B I. Wlnmalany,MA. HI. May. Alf fI. I• a'.non.Moss (Trenewood. Loulb Oi runewald.Jamres Jickson, U. H. Blrnughn,(Oha. F. hl,'k, Max Uinkerlsll..+llW. A. Jo.,h-on. Jat. (G. Mlddleton.i C ltR+etltl. M. D.. LW. Patton.W,ish. M•t ke. W.L. McMillen.A. H. Budger. I. N. Marks.C. E. Otfra-day. John 8 Whitaker.O. L. Walker. W. LL. MtoNaely.CaR, Iton Hunt. N. W. Mfnilll.Itobt. M. Lu-hr. F,. A. Bni ke.Louis Bush, John T. Hardi•.Cbhs. lllnuton. Alexander Dlatltry.H. B., M•' onnlco. Wri. . Rognrs,J. W. Borlly. W. . IiBaymond,4atm'l i. Botil, Blount Htilson.

    Pearl Wight. Thos. J. Woodward.Henry M. Stevenson. J. 0. Belden. M. D.

    New ORLEANS. La.. January 1. I•4so.Messrs Ovrun Bussey. J. Armstrong, E lratIh,.

    J. J. Gidlere, Emory Olape. Fred. N. Oagdeu.and others:

    ,ear Sire -Your very kind letter of Decemhor1, n1879 requerst lna that I should give "two even- IIns of rrdingas * in* * the near fllure,'etc . sl before me. In complying with your re-nuest I am c nscious of the compliment. as

    coming fri.m such honorable and dislinguishedg"ntlemen.

    ioon consultation I find It would be Imorar-tlaeble at this time to obtain such a oubllc ballas would be suitable. Through the courtesy ofthe board of trustees of the Ames Mehodisr.Epi.c•pal Cburch. however, that large and Uconvwnlent auditorlum has been placed at ourdispnsal.

    I shall, therefore, by your favor desninateWe•,uinsday and Friday eveulnge. January 14 tand la, as the time, and Ames M ,thdist Ens- tSntal Church. c, rnr of 8t. Charles Avenue andCalliope street, as the place. for giving the re-jnetter reading.. cThanking you for this mark of your favor and

    confidence. I am yours, very trulynOEO. I. BRIBTOR. t

    Beed's Gilt Edge Tonlo cares fever and sane a

    Auction at Wlla. Jewelryat 7ou owa price. i

    o- 1lMn1I'8 OCHAtITrABLE1 A880-;y CIATION M11TI aNG.

    The 1Firemen'd rCharitHble Amaotatltn hbldor Its annulnial mn)tlm I•ast vaVUIIng at thn ah'tus

    hy tIinetd ptlaen, the eanpl itt ielng nalttlyn devitolto the rretplvt!lg of 'rlports.

    V t l irv t f , + it' -l llau n I" ll"if, InIr l- , , III, Rll tI I, ,P- 'I in' lons J"Itst''' - nfor he r

    H ayu~ieII itt h|l $14t 11t ti(i ti ' I tI reot vrl Ii

    tR tri-t.io oitlhr wnrltt. the vnrlltey f tre t-a

    I I a in tot npttn tI 'i Newm (n "l'tfl P. Fint-oItti'p ,tirn"ltl ,tt+, A•I t , te ;t IoIII t I , lfr' l 0 irh

    ' flllt tll y hailt ltlPt ;'a': iltt fr i Io lait t[Wva- mtil li f Ill t P e i, It Phav (to dItiltP

    ti n tilh ti i, o u O tf pth' i, ' to i:ltl'pit PuIIIItI"tiia I tb e ,"miv fng the orero No ty i , Ihn, Fit '"-,(m ine tj ehvy toh mtlbttl i to til nvoi, it rtti.

    hIt lity h ast poor bt t r I t

    S -T' •lh (Ihinf IPnlgint'll repttirt wnil re•it n!ulSform•rtil oan llmprrtant part of Ithe LrulntlinglRH.It. is l thn followfhR • ,rusp:

    (tFFlIFt Ctuirr EtniitEria Fa•If Ii rrta'r~wn , INew Urlta s,.l•F w uarp II. 1N!. I

    'r tho l oard tf It-lelatt iliteu '-l ' t Chlitt ,lta.S blu AqiolttirtnL:

    S,'P'nIetP -I herewlltl slltlmit to your honor-i0l, blIt, uand thri,,uh y•,t to the (tihlttllonlntIt Is annual nOltort for tile y"ltr iloet 'lMted. anti

    In e inf itrlt with lW IttitntpiioVy It withAtl)nth PIai•stitntlii Ras thin itftereet. of the iartt.t-m. IneUt saPrn to oato ri'iltlljri.

    T, T T

    hi oriltiant "itOlil•liRt of ptl•itttn et-enltr flnPa , it llla t lttl hi tle ot rrlla~ , Ilt tIplIt 111

    " ftt t.wl W it " C han it f lie'lt r n!t er hor m In gu -,dprior, and four hok arid ldhDr It• l k enot-pint inlt hel lty PPro•'*r:nu conll pany t Ml a-.htors. wliltsh ia in ,'ue~sseplou of two htinl en. pitP.m, Rni4n" tal PItgttnI antl tit l ta f t if Ilh, inIgot, il order;NI ai, lihik, hi lddtlra andl he tr a•tI lneanoe npeca•capr tlio u form Pl rvolan P ahook anlh laddiet ottnvi: tn t ,e it tllI unionr,four asatlatt ututn'ttiar, antd ab.OUt 9iltO at'tivnA -bulbire.

    NEW A lPlPAlitATtl,.Illtrlt~ thei pial' Vyitr f'lw anpiarritul have

    , h-l' tpridtl"td f"! the fitlhlowing ttitt ,aulto . tow! alt:

    ,Iniuluon No. lt- Orne third.ila-ss loute hointuatil ". and it P iil i'nltig ri hnltilt.1 Irul l tnta No. Iti-Oun thirld-einsp d ublinollthill t{ iuI .

    S.,•ti- ' , 7' Otton e llr thild-lr n at 'biill' i inllu iSt ahinRattn No. a tin"l third tla dtouflhti

    1tlitl tt ttt tinot t-at I artri hg ' i liitl ht.

    I it i tiil a Ni,. ft IOutillt rrl, clllet rilltia W htul'io Iilng N f rt lass dtliiun

    . , ITsoinn NI,, a' FThglRint intl lldhoe arrianp

    Irail Faurv Ni. 1a- FnlRn thilorou hly re-

    i.nll.tlito t No. tti- Fi Iine thoti rottgily rp--

    II, I . tth 'lilhit-l A'ottiitin.r',ttIna Nn. i- Atuitpnitinal ion inatil for new

    i) Nl l I i r

    AnlRot'Irlii IIn . tlwtl it. No. i (t•' litt rmpait.

    mlg it - var "n iina i ) Ai ti t rl A! tt4.hNvO- 0 ,n PM aneselni tlh,, in f bl.I"r n"nn ,'ee-enrv litlnrui , aoll i oitneratl alrnt Ini. For Ia i i'tHilld r"tate nt f Ir m ar . In•! l , Pt., Il l lwouIIt refer you to statimtOitit tiark I i i.

    " t-'' ar St. P T.The lmpnrltat n'ito"r of water apply 1 1,n r

    bn' n fot n iroa ti I Pt , au'I lat. I **Ivlv g ilh"dlllielv,t •Itt i•luit f th"n (fllty W ite rwrks UI .i -palluy. lMon• t Ii thI I 1iinitir (itLR hatvo I oi I

    l tllrll wilitl Ih w •ltlIp iatlluti'ulat11 int f yi lar. Wi t nIw a tl ,r (o n P rl u ,". t lyl r., t h ll e, t|r( y i i,+, tR I w hI r"btiro It WiP i tariA tVnt to witaPP any u lh ,'ifrom th t plti.

    Abtlut s'vin itlln of n pw• i mains anti hranil rpi1 ht + avni lUn l111 t lltt ml nl IIy hnW Ii tiori-Ita. I anl thllrt gratltfli at. h1 iug taltrel uttit at IhIt the I1ti •a rif tin lplving filr w1it- ttfr foallititP, Po lh•g undler tile" pr•••uretti of tlr-Oillnsattn•"P e laI t ', Is iptll i n p'iw adlly Intitl r Itheo abl" !tin 'au oeme lt f " 'r++ql1,.t Tob'. fromllwhoml I hItave anlrinPturan t that ot! hr awi' grit'r aiii tI'nprovmaIntt ar.Pe pitnlu plated, mniii lI will Iaamati, avttIl•Inle With all Iocselhle i(lliatoiP.,T'lhtrn I- biing oru,.et,!td in the l ltii off the wi! ksitti lh• ii' ' npr i:hu of lt 'ltl"in aitld Oirangteetreeit a ia1111 L-t1 tandil Lei, by JeanI of wit, Ihwhen tooilillntted, a mlu"ih grlater Ltree-Pulrn will he afTrdtl on rth linr ofr

    Ilp.se I ltnre 'tluntn from II Iatteraddlre•anod to this dulepar'ment by Prheit utlTl'ob : "Ntw nall lie haII htin tlatd tin lt. PhilltItraet.tfrom itetrai to lChwy, thn- l plyting til lithe ditrtIt, fri. Raini aUrt to Dprbthigny.fr. PttPit to hte aanoaditu Villere Attest. from MtI'hl Ii to St. Ann: 'T'rtnu . from in t. hillt, ti 0

    IInmalnn ; i lubllo.rts0. frii Ht. Po'l- t1t i'Dn. -rine; H.t (biarli. frtom First to Sih ; IPt' otIn"l:i. from Fr lii'ty to Jar'.k on:' ,Jn! R hnlin,ft m P lpiants to Mt. Charli s; Ithilip. fronM nt i't tll" Io atl i t f; (Jhllrkn. fron'hlli , R ftl to" i'rytania, On ntll thr abvettil sIrntela !lmw w

    I1,t hydratltt htav h Ilt titutl"d, r•Austine•ull Jw hlar

    " w + tulhellta il' ted pipl"l n d 1! on tn .tnllnoi

    w"rn maidne wi'h Ilho iold hydtranllts The izitOlu- to-tttiRta nlltin nidi ittiw itniieLelns will Ive a h'ul i(it w •itter lit tho iu litr distrti'Io. frut l Ot in tI I ,a,•ul.tnt,tnl an

    d l•h rivtr to hipe waimp. My nit- r,tentlotn will ho dlrmntl now to furnallhng t!iht ai

    olrtlln of the!i y Ibelw JE•Planindn atrPt, H•anl "when thn l!ltthly l'h main running from (lmp itndit it o i down UntItal Chartsrl a in tptnnitoti i thlafth the epvPnr al ctrous mainsr . I dto nct doullbt watwill hte alt,l to give fIlty or fifty feet hieid atMHith intd Ht. (bharle and

    Pliet and i'tnt(4

    atretti."j streets.rEt'rolnN Or lltfrtDIN(Rs.

    [ deio re respeoTutly to Oall atte•nttrto thele-cePity of Plfir,'lsg the laws In rrticln toI tsi]eiuq and I.ie,•s of amulsement, We are

    admonished by th) orcurrunies of recent cc.lalh tine lan N rthern titles, that every snfe-nI ,uat•d niglenIst acIideInt, and the intentlrit.y ofllltne •utatlud in these laws should be raiidlyand dillgently etnforied. I would also ~ i retTour attention to the storehouses for ,ils, e,',

    "herre are many po.rts if thi lity in whtlh theoritilances aRainlst storng oils and ombuslltt-bl"s is tlo tonveed. Many bulidings are st~redwith oils of the most titlhsrnmale char•ater.The inlitortalnce of th edauger requlres someaction on thie part of the ioounnll.

    ttN(INt-uIOUvaiE.The Admlnitlrator of Publl Buildings hot'

    with olraliworthy attention and Industry, rn-tailred illd a lnd 1it1 Kormi condition o•rol of

    the engine houses, but. It is yet true that thereare othell wlhich r main awaiting thdir hne-il s. Of thiae I rernt mention nurpantes Nns.1, 6. 7, a. 12. 22, 2a, hook and Ialdnr No. 2 andNo. 4, and Mlllnehurg No. 1. If. an Is Io Ib pro-suR1nie. ttie lltomltiteoiess of this most deeirsile arnd nesseary work is owing hi the nultl-tilllty of demands I pon the treasury. I would

    respectfully urge uLon the attention of yourhe or ati hbody. anud of the honorair a theMayor

    an1 Connuil, the great util ty of fr,rvld.

    Ing it n arlyHp dry f'or the nowmplition or all re-pairs toi the engine htualRis requlred by thevarious comiaoles. snd necussaj y to I h~ com-fort of the eRploye.

    FIRI• ALAIIM TE1T7.rRAr'IT.I take leave to suggest and rcuommend the

    purchase of twenty-fiv more alllomattl fireralnrm hb xl for parts of the cIty which yet io-manno unoprotected, of whithll there are many.There hav'e been sixty-one of these boxoerected, and soma new and valuatle imprrvi.ments made in the offlme of this deplartmentand the i exult so flar has been exePedingly sat-lsfw-t ,ry.

    I dustlre. In clsing this unusunlly brief andaull•pious report, to commend my assistantetgineers, and to thank threm for their valu-able a rvicee and ever ready co-operation inthe discharge of our crmmon dluties. To theoffi•trs and members of the department. myacnllowldgemt nts are due and are herhbytendered for th-it'r uniform courtesy andpromtptcnas In executing every order giventhtomn. I also desire to express. puhlicly, myr•tknowledgmients of the veluathle servicssO ren-dered n-o by the ,fflceis and men of the Under-writers' telvige Cotrps and Chemical Enginesin their prompt discharge of the duties of fire-men.

    Fraternally yours. THOS. O'ONlNNOR.Chief Engineer.


    Handsome Eulogy by the NationalCotton Exchange of America.

    [Extract from Mnloutes of Executive Council.The executive council of the National Cotton

    Exchange of America desire to give expressionto the profound sorrow and regret with whichthey have r•celved information of the decaseaof Wm. C. Black. late treasurer of thin Ex-change.

    As an officer of the National Cotton Exchange

    since its inclpiency, Mr. Black has diepliyrdthose thorough and businees-like quati-les iwhich dietingnished him at the home of hisadoption: and as a member of the Third Na-tional axehanae Convention, at Greenbrier,Va. his amooelats were Impresed with the

    . nobodaes of his judtmept and the Uptight.nesrt Nrud •rtw-tr, of Bhie tcharater.Althougeh the memhbere of the tn ntll Jd OP

    the prlviltelO . ,Ild1ly lntertire with thisId grtoll tn (frr pllph lhe WAR n every Oeti AL Ojnth wrl,. th.y ktnow him well througlit hisIrit w tt• rl I al tll t 1ll a Iblt rs In hb'eh lf of theN il~Il) f t ftr' hP+fnll l)", whl,'h evileed un-

    .11 eg•t~r Into rpsetIn -11 thn.' lteeI,1d ri'w rd the,or 'ron' anrdl enhna nn1r t of hth Aruef ie4tle nt-

    t, u nled-. 'I ihi•.) n ho de"nl'O of W. ( l!tank,"if Nw or'emnII. the N iiI i,"4 (jlotoi, I xi'hnrgnh- I. h,-n ,t'" Iv )rd of ,+ 1 f le , moit pirlou.net •n-f wrltk ,rot i the, tlt , nlhte, of thtls ftunntil of ttnSIi hav"I.n hu : ( filll r rt Ia hhIhlfy Petl"'ru0( tl uri t.thi- 4trrntitr t I hii.rb t ly instretitnl to p• terl hl• 1v .. .. I hi i f .i t O w)e 111"In r .nr. ,l to forw tra d

    vr 4 ,, y. tl, ,.f h, the 1 rlly f f the 't'o n"•R d,I l t h i 'o'f hit ,I the" li ert lstir, uF i•i li•! of this

    li. FN•• flY. i, R TEB, BRaeretary.Now Orlunp. J0sIolft v 1. 14)).

    Withott lhlI•t tr reserve. Ati.tlon to cloe.n 11111.

    It- *>---

    ! A Ruinmary of the Work Last Month,The followhol is a aum

    mary statement of the

    tra•nRn!tlons) of tlhe New ()leans Otl•tom-IrOI.lou for the month end(ing Deoember 91, R14r:Vns fle tntere(d from f,,rigfn tnrt ......... 19Vte e I aterd fi oro jfioa -..-. .rt il

    Vi'rl, ei f rlorhad rtlanl for IDty' .t........ T

    tluttI If tnp•r'hanl. dl-n free f t duty ........tlt fr lr h n .....................h I ntrien f t weihoiti nodl tr'• Inplrta lIn.. 17Itirliee from w•'tl"hl -, fir IeeortRation .-. IEtitl Iti for r'ewireiotittin. ... :Eto'rt a from wrnthanltl-H oreopnlmpittln- .974nu•tli frotm WntrahOtt-t• for tit)llll Cl ortatnl 21t•Io t'ri a fri(l wareLttL)rI t for llq)rta lltlt .... 14Ilultte •u t- r ii Imrlllli'rfItetraniv(trtAll(tin without

    liii rl tett it.I...................... 1Entri1f fir co)aul 'tll 1) , IIhlilld•teId .. ..... 91e(El41 ! ll, for wlrnhut! h Ilrlvll ated - . s.U CrtII. till tqI of ragi'try grt .tedl... . 2

    irttill'tidte of orilllm n11tt grantedt 7.I. a1 tofie fhr e nitti g trtdearai nt d .. .. :rti

    lic trt r vrll ' iR lf tt'r ot tone granted 17RE!PI"tr''p FR`I'M AlT, 90nRORtt.

    Ittiet Irtim irts - .......... .....t 44.7 iiMiT in ll 11 • s Ir.I I t .............. 2.17ltinnigi tiR. . .1.4. 70Fint a. entialitee I ilitt fr ltit re ...... t ntr 11i"lht)tinell . mlntfol)N ree•pCtl( . fi.7) 4961i pintlin of gi m'+Iti v el-i . 1,0iit 91ilI r1) t or (n III1PPr. ft'f L , ptl14, p antiIltonrfgn, thor anId vratf tt . .. .. .. 4 ftROeld l.''14 1 1191 97

    Thn ftollowiit oi n "tmmUaralve ltatm ant of

    ler , 1479. Dton.. 1i79,

    To ' l i .ll - it tvTt l , It it64,47 'At.ltT',,. Il 17 Fl .4l; ,l!7 '40

    (,' 14 "f re"Int. ov r lh-eamber, 1(74. 1,09 -

    \4 Ijrivlenily tatrlf! nl the t)oEMOtR&'r, theaIoin1 t ii ul hi in ' I rtlnot artittie . a lnriti t. rn-

    I , Ii t ,, fr ihn rri ,ru h (if I t)n-imn er i1ain•n I)71,aid thll I()lgf'4f Eft ))ny r"'t'llth 411"9 (472,

    (old wldhna Iitfti ititlo A. M. 1ull. jnweler.


    )•i l 1ithas r,,l ierl ypeterdayv at (larnlvalPphli II tiltnfuninfl tthat ifit Mjlisty RItx, his lefttlt ERhtiarit homirn itNt, Ntrtuil nttl It now enrloot foir uts Antitiq llrt ". ital, New Or ane'Tl[trn wile grf(ti itv, mIalny pn ngratlllnulati"n

    ntrd tint ,h hfIklingt rof lIuihanht rover the gladthllinu . Thhen (irRtit , lthI D)uke of Bohernla,illIi•pnit. lthet Witr,i. Liw)ven end it. Julian,Wit Wpri Itrnentit nt ftte qijane, ware tftle-Miiih uI , welt uIillil thtit rll war-horse War-ywlk F tri Marshal, antd commilnicte to him11,' til•s •ft'Iee.

    TImi Kerl M'rshtil at one tre•mred r his pro-linltiffllln, whluh wIll he ftopid Inl ouIr on•lumnsthl i morningl• . ofrlr,rln all aood titlt7,ns to"-1ttw thetir ItolrR"ln fmll Hllt ltllt stant.t 8nd1fr, ,tit that t lmtn in utll Mitrdt, Ora1 hIs, 'etiilltn of the ever-glot lnfu eRighth by

    iN (Oititt li4 an v r()fhr'ro it itrnmplment to the'tay ciio 'iar to Ievery I,'nllsa ltla ntrint. andtoi'- ti'at. thee hi h In autthority with the

    iMing nptriel[ite oil ner '•te the uiemorleswhi) h elngstr or )l th' ,t, t av-.

    llirrtlh, the int tifitlron! Ist every nhthrlntreplt)lR for his aleom. ft I ailli, jo in making

    hits relan a t lil, l rlillaini narnivatl.

    Waltham watchae at aintin Tnitrlav at Hill's.


    Thit h}l,,ly mr1t yestenrday morning at. IIo',iI Jkr. Prse)nt,--thll (loveyrnor, HRoretary ofittait, Au litor. FiNial Agent and the Presidentof the Ootton Exiohange,Tht A'ntltor pres•nted a report of the bonds I

    ftnrdd iltring the prlrent admlnistration,whltih woht re•llvd anld ptlanetd among the rn-

    'rtno tutill In nmitl ni tp to the mrnner of1th)e ti.. riltt,.i of th)e tll )ontis. Mr .R ..hi( ulttlp Itggnqete(rd that theIy he takenfl to thetvl rS f.tiry fi(,l tt•tren ,ttrroyntfe. 'Ihl wasnerrel to. ntld M•,efris. It •inlln• y. O(nll inliighatmy,

    nud 11 dirni ltr t i,lltn'lI i trfmilttn • to rkakelhargrn ~f Ill h.l.linnlt•e. A pro.n vt urbatl of the

    ti lti n)'lui wiill ie maedl out, tand presentetd to

    Tht, motintiig iiia lollmrnrt tuhi ot to call.

    WI hout limit or reserv,,. Auntion at f 1's.


    A dIsnatch remeived yvesterday by 0. A. Weke,secilal agent. contalned the Information that

    lir•• Htollherg. r, one of the governmentboatman, at i o,,'lorok on Friday night fellthroutit thie hailrh of the it, l-h steamshbli(i mItandeIr, at the DaneeS, Snlid entitued in-jul ,, frotm whlih lie did hi a short time.

    HSt,,lliherr wa' well kuown In this oity. hav-Irn• at olri tim'e hne i t l-.lti officer on the'old mItrotpolllitii polloe force.

    At your own price -Waltham watches. Hill.


    The irongrPgtlon of Ames' Methodlst Churchhave lroivie arrn'•aemnte to hold an authoris'-',rnival at Od I Fll )we' FHall on Jatnuary 27. 2tland 2e1. 1'LTbloalx., minglng and recltatlons willhl inclluded In ea•h eveninS's programme.Amoo g the various works to he reorecontei,nIay te mentioned MPott's "Ivanhoe~" Meire-dlh's "Luollie." DIckent's "'Oldi (duriosityShop." "Mother Gocse" and "Jack the GiantH IIonr."

    Auction to close A. M. (fill, jeweler. Tuesday.. ...----r* e,i+- -


    The New Ferryboat of the MorganCompany.

    On Monday next, at. p. m. the now farryboatEntlerlpr•e, 'belongtng to Morgan's Louisianaand Texae Rtailroad and 8teamship Companywill be lautiohed from her wharf at Algiers.This new b uat is of wonderful capacity, and Isquite n model in that svloes of architecture.Mhe Is 273 feet long by 4o feet 7 Inches width ofhull and 11 feet depth of hold. The frames are ofcypress, r, Inches thick, double spaced and 12Incles apart. Theor will he aeven keelsons-themaino na 2'4 inches deep and 12 Inches thick, andthn others 12 lry 12.

    The "ciimpn are solid from deck down toiknnrckl,. and are flve and six Inches thick. HheIs prl'iaed otn the bottom with four-lnch pipe,

    Oand on the sides with three and a haltf nch.The deck beams are Cx9i and spaced two feetapart; the cabin, l)10 feet long by forty feetw.ile.

    4he is provided with two engines with ao0Inehcylluders atd 7-fo'ot stroke, on Iron-tied platesanda omnnecing rods She has two Ide wheels.of 23 feet diameter and 12 feet Wldih of bucket.with wrought Iron shafts 16 lan•es diameter:four steel tubular boilers ( ine on eah side) 4feet diameter; 2 deck rumps, 2 doetors, firepump. steam enstan hnl all the other para-pbernalia of a first clalsrn boat.

    The boat will h ve two tracks, and will carrysixteen 0 res at a tlme, leght on each side. Bhewill run boh ways, as she is provided with arudder at each end.

    It is a mnatt"r of congratulation that this boatis a homn tvroduetln. Her hull was built by.M sers. Vall'tte & Morse. of Algelrs: her ma-chinery and boll-r, by the New Orleans Foun-dr.; the j ,iner w rk, forgingas of rudd rs, etc,was done at the company's shop, and ell theolans and spedBficatlone were furnished by thecompany.

    Thu bh.,t combines all the elements of beautywith all the reqtiatstes of usefu ness.

    Beed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite (


    S ignl et ie 8 uil d tatas3 t.IDallendis meteingaorrltt4R1 nrclt~tn I fo the 41rtt ttC~0;'lrlltlWAt 1(:19 pi. m SatUrdAy. t ti ntlatty I.

    A Observatlon., ttacu at the came momnelnt Wtlti At all PtatifnltlA.

    ~ar 8aln, .ia., tI tng ----- -- -11

    ht le~nor"'w . .18 0 , It 911 4 .11fi iurlhnlrnoia I- .tL ltle4vlIle,.. SO'A- riP(SMermttishl .-". n' in -- ttn,;'4 a 0

    " hvllle .141.99 It dOtlw (lrlI'nip 'iii r7 -B a '~ 1 0tjriPV(ILI(ort. 44 i'in II e 4 aVlntCblrgt *. ca 11- tAtluntb r n1one - I 07Cl 11

    la lieta 'It 49 1 49 i 4 67'..(lorcna . .. 415 11" 1l U 1 9 11

    (k rajeana ... r. 1,.. " uKItctit 7419 14 A

    Mintgnmr rv it, 17-- It4 14t4T 60 0Savannah..... 54- I 64 H U 0ni diw.tese t atioCIa! .LOCAL KWCSSW

    ltitW OROUiAWUl Jan. 8, IO6W

    Time. i Weathla

    7 a m. tt t 92 iT (hrndy.I p. in. 11 t 74 19 14 Aeir.9 itm. An97 119 , air.

    Maximum temperaure 79: mlnimnUe 0l


    Edward Onarietienn was 1111kn4 it n In t e dl4tInl WatllotI, "harged by Mrs. Dopd with the VIt-Snmy of A taaket.Aiatist MItes was. Iroltid tip lb the 1tal

    Stltlot,, tiAreP hi L. Petit with ha-til UIn his tIlesAeIoinn Sti ii,5eer1 tohAve b'eU d

    The Horewlnens flen"rroIent A~sqolatlota l1igive a grans( les r'AAA and I7i a, hll rt Uxpoailftdell, onI MnIrIAV Il ex' the tenth Instaat. TifeI)IA(MeIAT is lIndibttdl fir ln'ititlorig.

    ThIs mornitg Iles. 'r. A. Vaudrr will t t 1 fh O atlilntiitP tIHe f,mrl fttl Od(atak[uiiirroti' At the Tiir I Prest,,tsrtan Ohnrofi~at ,WIIlrlngt'It Sl(jiallrl. lie will also otreaob nthi1 or'qaelin.

    11ev. Dr. l3rlitOr, pastor Irf Ames M. ..Ohti(l .w II1 rItret tiiS 'Ino nc At 11 o'elootik A iiithe event * it 7 ll7k. l foill Thiirstdgy eventitwit Or. Jlrctar wIll ulrliver 1111 Fthure 9l EiP-! Tb?' h ihdto sire Iordlally linlted 40 ustnenl i he A5eVHtl9.

    Tho inet "'nerst at thf lt frthei will lhe g lvon M',nrity., Il tlth of tart itary, at 7:90 p ftby tho Atiltj U'lcJleii, Wile I Oh ftlhset Callri-iaeet In I r I tUtni. Piurrent'. anti theo otlio siddre's will tie dcllvererl by lie, Pt,$Throm ason, if 'r lni' y OhUrobh.

    At. the niiiit mel tl-9 hell At the hall of thefillyV Fl'ot*t ('tol 11r,11 lIWlig ol rp1' riMlrl to erv'for She ilnsting ytear:king, to eeltennu 1. l',;res, ,itie Ureslt~ent3lJM~UlInnes u, rprrnrnl ngA,'orItnryl0. M(nItlnrin'.ln al'(re'ltly: (4 91.-i rIh. tieAstitertIPrnnuitey. J. (Ins-k. T .1. i,'ll an, seetiueatltAt-A rits. This lInih tven their Aetontd ra$Doomtllminntary A lron In F brlnAry.

    The gentlemen iuorpri psigigmln lx e la .tery, (JInslleny 1. r"i tile 1 gimebut of OnleaMArtitery, will give a gralli ft-oydrcaIera'te and rnllit tyI h ill, at (Iiinewnld Ma

    titi 'rTtiurPIiay neXt, the i"Itltt o January. Attetueola meetting, held iistirsn lji, It waelalof

    Ilmoilly resr'vel ttit a ApetiOIAsl nviateiabztended to fill mIlitary org tnl8ittpae of

    nlty, provided tiey aLIiar In ItIJil uin 11011.At a ragnl Ir monthly meeting of the $ttdi

    Cimil), belrl PIl lAy, Jan nary 2D, 1990. the fillnAmedI genLleRnen were elw-,ted offleete forennnting sin monoths: John F. Saifne. r..ailent; Udie. J. Urorry, vine preclden; :l fl im-tinrt, renordlinpt 5 lertarr: WAsh Delmjun0191 RttrittAiy; Itis. E. 131er, triienelli ll wli.Flynn, stage manager; U. U. Jultie, seesrMOMAt-Arnie.

    A BAD AF'AIlR.

    R A Father Charged with Tryinrg tMurder His Offbpring.

    On Friday evaingl Chae,. Outhrie, r•alIiat No. W7 El ly ln iPeide street, let his hot,. `la years, fall from the balcony of the houe totL•pavement below, a distanne of elgbtees f 'lWhen the nhild was plcked up it Was lfodibe fatally hitjred. Ailbolnh Onthrie, WhlOiQunder the assumed name of Ohao, Kina,elIaithat he was plaling with the child Whe• i(leaped out of his armo and fell over the glltof,it is nevertheless b~llev.d that be, being saguwith the chit for disoh".lanee of a oornMIMls that be had giv-n It, sein• d it while ia Pand throw It, ver the sllervy.

    This iaster version hev tog been Hivv o,tor Kuni. he i rrosted the Inther andlo"in in the Fifth r tation on the hr.r,e Of tia'taeted to mrn,li.r hie child. jan a e i'msed avttearui tbefore llecorder ha( Lt nho weq rearnoane, to Irison ithut -await the ten ,u, o th.' hiil's lnjurles,

    CITY EDIiO .8.O erure Washington, sssalnt and battery oiA. J. Itiloway. was looked up.John J n,•o, for ssorn t and battery with

    olub on William Ltan in. was looked up.Edward t. Ditrl, for shootno sad b•

    wolunlding Ms. Poynl, was kI•ckd to .FridtyevenIrn Mrs. Etlwn Flr nk'esdin.--In Algiers, was damaged by flre to the1w a trif i5a.Frlday nlaht an unnewrrafful steIa t , e

    made to burglar lz Chnrlee flofloA'a* a rdonee. Po.177 Col lanaom :treset.Frtdy even•Iq a gasoline oill ln e " iosia

    in the hinds otf T'hiniss hey, at late btjsAlgiers. and severs ly hrnt him.


    Louis 8oborman to J ,hb Ho'aeOthal, tre l.egant imrprov rin-ts. nsot. on first, corneet 0Praret. stre t, s oo.John P. Case' to Mrs. Susan Martba Molst,

    tWoi lota nd irnprov'meut*, 6sx170, Oan es'nis. corner of Thfird -'ret, S2hoo.Isidore Newman A Jiro t, Henry 3 lt•two lots and imprvemanu ts, 251201, on ICharles. between ilio and Calliope K aew,8uoeasilo q of Henry Laband to fredertetSmith, one•rot anl Imoprovements, 9s2g ,osBavon St. John. Iso.Plerre Victor Baulmayto Andre Dormtei ntJr.. a lot wi'h imiruvem. nts, i sqa re it r

    oil by Hit. ernard, Marals, Olsinbnre•at•- UClaude strert', et asl, se11 44O.

    Same to Andre Dorloronurt a let with ia.wprovYmertR,., •oundd bh O(Cdrea, St. An ,rocheblave and boranoas streeta, LdlllJ, I. ,


    The following were reworded yesterlde* to1ae of the Board of Healtn:satars.

    Mrs. C. I. Decamp a daughter.Mrs. Nathaniel Hill, arot.Mrs. RHenry , Boensel, a',?n.Mrs. J',hn B. Rivardn. a ion.Mrs. Vircrni I.j•,'oon,. Ia danghter.Mrs C. U. . Ftebentlech, a son.Mrs. J'seon Morphy. a daughter.Mrs. Jule If wtrde, a son.Mrs. J,,hn Hloffman. a daughter.Mrs. Johbn 1Z , sa. ason.Mrs. Viacenoe Orego, a daughter.Mrs. W. T. Vaudry, a on.

    Edward Henderson to B Tharloe Lnon.Wmt. Wl•bf t' Mrrs. lH.lean Wr.eFrank Gills to lOkra ackson.O.'. unudo L. Martlnb z Amelia •1odMrF. V. Gause to Loufdia M. MdtUgaHenry Ain to Boae Sapears,Honry (Helet, Jr.. to Ll7zle Sle&sndLWI /ivons Wt Marguerite he r. .Theodore J.Per tho Mar tDexter W Williams. 45 years.Frank Delgelmao. days. rs M:•r, Mary Krhachs r, 47 wears.

    lvitra Do)nn .6 years.Nathslle M. VIle. 2 months. mChsrles Sebascel, I year,r hrjstlan F. Stander, a ynars, .Emlly MI. Coekerton. 6 weeks.Mary Bdard. 1 week.

    --------- . lea:Giving Way of the Wharf '

    At 1:11 dolook yPsterday a portfiO o swharf at the head of Bi-nvlli, .st'ret. on i wbw-s piled some adx thousand saets ( iseed, gave way, and the grester oort1ia ofwere pred•gtatted Into the rivyer. The seed-ust been diucha •Td fron the st

    eawsa tad was consigned to the Qonfy0ot1on deed AssoodiUlonI