tiie independent lflless hw. · 2017. 12. 17. · tiie independent lflless " «« pubusiirn every...

TIIE INDEPENDENT lfllESS " «« PUBUsiirn every fkjday mornino, by 'PUOEETT &. WILSON, Irroprietoro. TERMS." C2T*?1 prr annum, invariably inadvancd. Advertisements will beinsertodeouopicjouah at the following vory low rates: 1 square of 12 lined or less, 1 insertion, T.i r. Every following insertion, oT i square 3 mouth?, 21 CO \ " 6 " b 00 1 " 1 ycaV, 10 00 Announcing a Candidate, fin advanced 3 00 Liberal deductions will no made tc ..mvion^ advertising largely. All obituary noticcs i&ocediiu; twelve liuesill bo charged ad advertisements. rgy All communications and letters on butiuom with thia oificc, must bo addr^ scd to The t:.DKrc:.-DShT I'recs, Abbeville C. H. G. C-, prevaid. to iueui'o attention. vJ POETRY. ~ -^=rm Whon I Saw Sweet Nelly Home. In tho sky the bright stars glittered. On the grass the moonlight fell. Hushed the sound of daylight's bustle, 3 Glosed the pinlc-eyed pimpernell, j As down the moss-growa wood-path. Where the cattlc love to roam. , From aunt Pattie's quilting party j I was seeing Kelly home. 1 Jetty ringlets softly fluttered O'er a brow white as snow, Ana ner cnec-us:.tfco crimson sunset. Scarcely bad a warmer glow; ( Mid her parted lips' Vermillion, 11 "White teeth flashed like ocean's foam, !1 All I marked with pulses throbbing. An I taw (Tweet Nelly home When tho Autumn tinged tho greenwood, Turning all tho leave6 to gold, , In the lawn by aiders shaded, ] I my love to Nelly told ; As we stood together gazing On tho atar-beapangled dome, ^ How I blest tho August evening When I saw sweet Nelly home. "White hairs mingle with my tressee. Furrows steal upon ray brow, _ But a love tmile checrj and blcsao Life's docliniug moments now; Matron in a enow 'kerchief, Closer to my bosom come. Tell me dost thou still remember When I Paw sweet Nelly home? THE IXDEPEWDEXT PRESS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT ADI1EVILLE, S. C., AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, HAS a circulation of uoarly one thousand j in Abbeville District, and is constantly increasing. Its circulation in this Slate i .! about fourteen huudrcd, and its entire list of I subscribers numbers over bix-tcon hundred. It iB therefore offered to tho mercantile and business community generally an the beat advertieing medium in tho up-country of South Carolina. RATES OF ADVERTING. 1 square 8 months ....... $ 4 00 1 square 6 months *- 6 00 1 square 12 months 10 00 2 squares 3 months 6 00 2 squares 6 months 10 00 j - 2 squares 12 months 15 00! 3 squares 3 months 8 00 3 squares 6 mouths 12 00 j . 3 squares 12 months 20 001 .frt.j, x i squares a mouina 10 00 T" . 4 squares 6 months 15 00 4 squarea 12 months 25 00 5 squares 3 months - -- -- - 15 00 - ' 6 squarea 6 months 20 00 »\ 5 Rqnares 12 months 30 00 Advertiaomenta inserted, for a shorter period than three months will be charged 75 cents per square (12 lines or less) for firat-inaer- tion and 87^ per square for each continuance. py Any one advertising by annual or semiannual contract can changc his advertisement -monthly, if he desires. fff* Subscribers to the paper who do not pay their subscriptions within the year will be chargcd $1 00. [April 20, 1865 DressGoodsatCost. "V\7"E 'n^en^ from this day to the close of the \ j 6caion, to offer our entire stock of Summer Drcaa Goods, at Prime New York cost. Our present atoro being much too email for our business. «a urn rli*iv<»n in t.Vii* nlfni-nni !i-.. to make room for a largo Fall Stock. The assortment of Summer Dreaa Goods now offered at cost, was bought under the most favorable circumbtances and in large lota, and is no doubt the largest in the State to select from, consisting of all the late styles in Flounced Robe*, Organdies, TiBeues, Bareges, Lawns, Silks, <fcc., <fcc. i We respectfully ask attention to the above, and also to the fact that all other Goods in store, will be sold at reduced prices. WARD, BURCIJARD <fc CO. June 22, 1855. 6 tf ' $25,000 -ft* WORTH of valuablo LANDS for sale JBiiil .in Anderson and Pickens District, including some TOWN LOTS in Anderson. On one tract there is a good . , Saw Mill and Grist Mill, i * /"" ; and water power sufficient for » Wool and Cotton Factory and any other machinery. ' The LANDw need no recommendation a* .... may aru 1 nna no nustaice. likely Negroes will be taken at fair. prices in part payr meDt Terms made easy. * 13S6 Address the undersigned at Walton's Ford, ^ V* Habersham County, Georgia; or ho may be ,y '' found 4 miles East of Jarret's Bridge, Pickens > .District, S. C. K. A. GILMER. 0* t,, 't - July 9, lgP5. 0 tf isujp' For Rent. <THHE subscriber offers for rent two -Mfc ,/ .. JL eligible and commodious Storo Hjjl Mt The one formerly occupied by will¥. K A Williams, as a Dry Goods Store, on the ,, o asiefn, corner of the Public 8quare, opposite r*'- % <:' the Marshall House <fad next the Post Office. The other formerly occupied by W M HughWholesale Grocery Store, and lying ^ . ."iminediat^Iy back of the former, and on Waahtv^^^^^KgSpoms are in good repair, well suited . W>anch of mercantile business, and occupy aa'etig'ible locations as any in the village. y'Ji - «ither or both will be given ' n* tmmfiBMnffi' tf rtmirrfl and terms made aoC v iC%«3d Me the premie and ' $JoLAREN. V V 13 8m fsBaj >w mm M \M \ <5^-: // TO TUE PATRONS OF Perry Davis' V EGETABLE PAIN KILLER. OWING to the largo amount of Counterfeit Taiti Killer put up and sold a* genuine by unprinciplod men we bar© been obliged to resort to very expensive measure* to protcct ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from great injury, buving and using thoir worthless counterfeits..*fhe comparative plain and simple itylo in which our Pain Killer has been put up, has maio it very easy for thoeo disposed, to imitate it very eucceesfully, bo far as ita external appearance, in etylo of bottle, label and color ol" the article; but wc need not say that the compouud is a miserable, filthy production, snd calculatcd to do grpat injury to those who might uso it with confidence that thev have been accustomed to use the genuine Pain Killer. Parties whoa? bueiross it is to counterfeit r&luablo preparationa, do it in bo uecrct a man- ner. that it ia almost useless to attempt to punish them hy legal meacures. as it ia difficult. !!Ul we might eay imposeiblo to bring proof liotnc to them. Considering the great difficulty in protect ing ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we hare been to a very great expense in getting up a finely exeutcd STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, for our bottles. We also attach to our bottles a Steel engraved Note of hand, which we issue as our obligation, and to counterfeit which is held to be forgery by the laws of tho United States, and which parties will not dafo attempt to do. Tho great exppnr.c attending the getting up and printing of these labels will prevent the attempt to counterfeit, thus securing to the public I hat the article thev purchase is the genuine Perry Davib' Pain killer, manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, 6olc proprietors. The Pain Killer will be put in a new style of nannl bottle, with fhi> wnrdrf Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, blown in the Glass. We have discontinued the use of the 37+ cent# bottles, and now put np only four eizfiB, viz: at 12J, 25, 50 cents and $1 00 per bottle. We have also ft very tine engraving on Stoue, for tho liox labels, hpeeitying the contents of the box, where and by whom manufactured, tL'C. We have also added to our pamEhlet of directions and certificates," a .cover eautifully finished, preseu'.ing on the flint page a very"excellent likeness of Perry Davis, tho original inventor of the Pain Killer. The -. i_v_i . .t. i vwbiv iuwcio, otiu uuc lauci uu cucii uuj, nan also a corroet likeness of Perrv Davis, which it will beimposeible to counterfeit successfully. We have been to this expense, that the public might, haro perfect confidence that they were getting the genuine article when they buy a buttle as above described. To those who have; so long used and proved the merits of our article, wo would any that we shall continue to prepare out Pain Killer of the bebt and purest materials and that it shall be every wuy worth}- of their approbation an a family medicine. PERKY I>AVIS <fc SON. Providencc, 11. July li<, 1855. The Pain Killer is sold by "WARDLAW &. LYON, Abbeville ; GAREY <fc GAREY, Cokeabury; W. F. PRATT <fc Co., Newberry ; P. A. WILHITE <t Co. and I. W. TAYLOR, Anderson; SIMONS, RUFF <fc Co. and GINDRAT & DUNCAN, Charleston; and by Druggiblt. nii>i Medicine Dealers generally. July 27, 1835. 12 3ra Use flic Magic IMPRESSION PAPER For Writino Without Pen nr Ink COPYING I cave?, Plants, Flowers, Pictures, Patterns from Embroidery, marking Linen indellibly, and manifold writing. This article i* absolutely the best, pocket inkstand in the known world, for a small quantity folded and pluced in the po'-ket constitutes a traveling inkstand which cannot be broken. .No pen is needed, for any stick sharpened to a point,'writes eqnally with the best gold pen in the universe. For drawing it is indispensable. It is indeed the whole art of drawing and painting.taught in one lesson. Any leaf, plant or flower can be transferred to the pages of the album, with a minute and 'distinct resemblance of nature. With equal facility pictures and embroidery patterns can be taken, aua nave received the highest eulogiums from the fair sex, and indeed a more tasteful present for a lady could not be produced. This roapio paper will also mark linen, or other articles ao as to be perfectly indelible. All the washing in the world fails to bring it out. Any child can use it with perfect ease. With this Magic Paper likewiso, one or four copies of pvery letter written can be secured without any additional labor Whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient article extant. It is used to great advantage by reporters of the public press, Telegraphic operators, and ii host of others. Each package contains four different .colore.Black, Blue, Oreen and Red .with full and printed instructions, for all to ut»e, and will last sufficiently long to obtain five hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored envelopes, -with a truthful likeness of the Proprietor attached. v. Each and every package warranted. Price $2 a dozen or five for $1. Single packages 25 cents. Address, postpaid, -v N. HUBBELL. .* 167 Broadway, N. Y. OPINION8 OF THE PRESS. Hubbell's Magio Impression Paper..We refer our readers to the advertisement in anoth- er column, setting forh the merits of this pleasing and ingenious invention. The cheapness should induce all to give it a trial. ( Philadelphia Merchant. It ia qAsurpassed for neatness and utility and should mejst with the sale it richly, deserves..Tribune. Just what the publie hal long desired, and recommends itself to every individual of taati and refinemeet..Journal and Courier.. ;ftdy, «, ism. a } y ITor the LaAtdj. A CONVENIENT and separata apartment fcr'the aeooremodistloa.ofladles has been wd they are reapeetfuJiy i&tited: to call a?d ADVERTISEMENTS. Orrici; Gen. Svr'or G. «t C. B. It. ni Hli.esa, July 24, 1355. r"|"*HE following Schedule for l'ubaenger Trains i will go into operation on Monday next, * 30tb inet., viz: , n Up, Lcuve Columbia 9.00 A. II. ^ " Frost'* Mill fl.SO " Littletou 10.05 ' AlUton 10.45 " Hopes U-00 J " Poumria 11.10 p " Prosperity 11.45 " Ncwocrry 12.13 " Helena 12.24 " Silverntreet 1-2.42 f ' Snluda 1.10 P. M. U " Chuppoll'a 1.23 " Ninety Six '£00 »« Van Kfnvlrot >»e T1 " Greenwood 2.55 " Cokeabuiy "3.30 n Arrive at Abboville 4.15 ' Leave Baremore'a 3.50 " Donalds 4.00 ' Honeapath 4.28 * " Beltou 6.05 Arrive at Andemon 0.00 1 LeaveG Williain&ton 5.10 " Golden Grove 6.28 Arrive at Greenville 7.00 Down, Leave Greenville 6.30 A. M. " Golden Grove 6.03 r " Willtamslon 6.38 " Anderson 6.20 t " Bolton 7.05 j. " Honeapath 7.58 " Donalds 8.25 t *' J?aremon:'rt 8.40 j " x\.bbeville 8.00 j " Cokesbury 0.00 " Greenwood 9.35 ( " New Market fl.50 ' Ninety Six 10.15 " Chappell's 10.53 ( " Saluda T. O- 11.06 j " Silver Street, 11.33 I " Helena 11.55 < " Newberry 12.15 P. 51. . ' Prosperity 12.10 " Potnaria 1.10 . " Ilopo'ti 1.22 c " Allbton 1.47 j " Littleton 2.25 i " Krost'u 2.55 Arrive at Columbia 3.15 E. F. 11A WORTH, Gen. Sup'dt. 1 July 18, 1855. 12 It New Spring A Summer Goods CHAMBERS & MARSHALL'S t CHEAP CASH STORE, Abbeville C. II. j T7"l.rIi are duily receiving our New Spring I V V Stock, comprising the Infest btylos in 1 French, Euglieh, and American MUSLINS ;iud ! CALICOES, i trench BRILL]ANTES, f Fine Muslin GINGHAMS, 1 Plain nnd Fancy BAREGES, < Ul'k, Co'd, and Fancy SILLlS, Straw BONNETS and Misses' FLATS, mf1 GLOVES, HOSIERY, Bonnet RIBBONSi 1 and PARASOLS. 1 And an unusually Large and Cheap Stock of 1 EMBROIDERIES, SwiB3 CURTAINS, 1 Gent's Straw HATS, NECK TIES &fi. Wc moat respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of this District to the above Goods. -< Ve annonnee, notwithstanding the general depression in the Monev Market throughout the country, the system of businejjs adopted by us nmrD thfin Q vanr ntrn numali' C* ACU * - J > »«U which we shall rigidly adhere.enables us to offer for the coming season, a very lurgo Stock at priced to suit the HARD TIMES. We will constantly rccei vc addditious through- out the Season, of new and desirable Goods, * from,New York and Baltimore. March 27, 1855. 4'J tf | DR. II. H. SCDDDAYj < Graduate of the Physio Medical Col- \ lege of Ohio, TENDERS his Professional Services to the Public, as a practitioner of Medicine, Ob- stetrica and Surgcr}-. Wo shall rciect venesection, vesical ion, mercurials and poisons of every description, and f n^e pure medicines, in portions and forms and water in all modes and of all temperatures t suited to the cases. We are prepared to bourd and treat patients at prices varying with their condition, wants, and the accommodations they prefer. Persons c from a distance who cannot remain, will be ex- i aminod and provided with medicines and writ- « ten directions, (a method bv which thousands I c have been cavcd,) at a moderate expense. Per- l eons ufflicted with old chronic dint-uses, par tic- t ulurly ecurrh'us affections, ulcers of the leg, and s vniicose^veins, can have them permanently cured by the Reform practice. Though the cure of dieease is at all times preferred, yet when they are' indispensable, surgical operations of every description will be performed in the best manner known. r Office at Lowndsville, Abbeville District, S. C., where we can at all times be found, un- j less professionally engaged. \ May 18, 1855 2 ' 3m r SPECIAIi NOTICE. « I WISH to inform my friends and T customers that I am etill in the CARRIAGE BUSINESS, in this place, and 1 ready to do my work well, and as low aa pos- i Bible. (New work warranted for twelve « months.) < e But I wish to be understood tbat from this J date all Jobs done at my shop, amounting to ii five dollars and over, must be settled for, either d uy oimii or uaa/i jvoiet, octore taken away. My reason for this in, that my stock is cAsh, v my hands nre cash, ray provisions are cash, and cash I must have for my work. E. J,. TAYLOR. Sjjj N. B..-I have on hand, three second-hand Buggies, (one with top,} one 'light one-horse Barouche, one Carry-all, (first rate to travel in,) also two new Buggies, and more a-growing, that I will sell cheap for oash or cash notes. -J But bear in mind that you can save ten dollars J on every hbndred by paying cash, and also ® ton qenU on every dollar Dy doing the same. a . * E.J.T. Abtpville C. H., March 10,1956- k PULLEE'B HAT BTOBE, . ^ 118, KICHAtDSta 8fc. COLUMBIA, 8, C. TttX HBW STAT* CJCWTOL.] 1 fT*HE Proprietor of this celebrated Establish- NEW MEDICAL COLLEGE, AT SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. rHE FACULTY of tho above Institution about to bo established at Savannah, ivo notice that their Circular will bo issued a soou'iw the Chair of Surgery is filled. II. L. Bvrd, M. D., (late of Savannah Med;al College,} Profet*or of tho Principled and ractiee of Physic. E. LeRoy Antony, M. D., of Waynesboro, a., Profesbor of Obstetrics and diseases of i'omen and Children. Wesley C. Norwood, M. D., of Cokesbury, . C., Professor of Materia Medica and Medical misprudence. James S. Mouel, M. D., of Savannah, Ga, 'rofcwor of Anatomj'. John Davis, M. D., of Abbeville, S. C., Pro:83or of Phyeiologj-. William T. Feay, A M., of Savannah, Projesor of Chemibtry and Pharmacy. Professor of Surgery. R. J. IsuNN, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatoiv. The regular coursc of Lccturca will comlence on tho First Day of November, and coninue until the First of March ensuing. Tho Fee6 will be the same as in other reapccivble Medical Colleges. Full particulars as to Soard, Regulations of the College, Ac., will bo . 1 . 1:.»:. o * ILL BYRE>rM" D^Dean." Aug 0. 1855. 15 tf Jolucr aud Cabinet. Shop, NEXT DOOR TO THE PRESS OrFICE, ABBEVILLE COURT HOUSE, S. C., rHE undersigned, thankful for past favors, and ever ready 5"^" frW o 6ervo a generous public, may 1/ " II I* ic at all times founa at. his Shop in tbe Eastrn corner of Christian <fc Deale's Conch Facorv, where he in prepared to make I'AN KL )OORS, SASII, BLINDS, MANTEL PIECES, iC., <tc. I will aLo make TABLES, DESKS, BOOK /ASES, PICTURE FKAMES, and repair furliture Ac. I will keep constantly on hand ready ma«le .'OFFINS of th« best material and finest tinF>h, either polished or covered, all of which will deliver to any point in the district fret! ,f -l.....- 1 " -i -r 1 >> vii.u^v » iui uvaiei: or iijiuii rauruaa 11 tieirod in direction. All work dono warranted an good as the best ind cheap according. Ten per cent ^fT for ash on all work done by me. ;3T* F"'" reference, apply to any gentleman u the Incorporation. G. C. IJOWEItS. June 22, 1855. 7 tf V P K RAI 4T-3- JLB&A* NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ITTARD, BURCIIARD «fc CO., Augusta, Go., t t nre now receiving, by every steamer, Large Additions o their stock, of all that in Now, Kkpuit aud Useful ! iuch as Silk, Silk Barege, and Lawn I'lonncci] lobes. Barege DeLaines, Rich Challiee, Lawns, L'isiiies, Bareges, Ginghams, Calicoes, Lace Bed spreads, Wide Scotch Diapers, Linen Damaak Luck Towelling, Napkins, Doylies, 12 4 Cotton ni'l Linen Sheetings, Irish Linens, Farmers' ano 'lanters' Linen and Drillings, Cottonadcs, Jhambrays, Linen Lustres. .ALSO,. 'amily Mourning Attire, a complete assortment >f all the various fabrics, to all of which the} especuuuy asK attention. Tlieir prices to cash and prompt paj-ing buy >rs will be such as canaot fail to give autisfac,ion. [Mar 16 tf South Carolina, Abbeville District.In the Court of Or dinary. George "Williams and Wife, Applicants, vs. Elizabeth Givcnu, widow, Margaret Givens, JaneGiveup, John Givens, and Elizabeth jGivens, Defendants. IT appearing to my eatisfaetion thatMargarel Givens, Snrah Givens, Jane Giveii6, John Jivenp, and Elizabeth Givenn, reside without hiu State. It is therefore ordered that they do ippear and object to the division or eale of the leal Estate of John Givens, deceased, on 01 before the first Monday in November next, >r men* consent to the same will be entered ol ocoid. WILLIAM IIILL, 0. A. D. First Monday in August, 1855. Aug 10 l-l3m NEW TAILOR SHOP AT ABBEVILLE C. IL rllE Undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Abbeville village and Dis' rict that he has opened u shop for the purpose >f carr\*ing ou tho Tailoring Business >n his own account. He will receive orders rom town aud country thankfully-, and will pare no pains in endeavoring to please bit lustomers, both in the quality of his work and trices. By striot attention to business, and a>ility to do good work, he hopes to secure n hare of patronage. C3T" Shop on Main street, next door to 'Moore's Variety Store." [May 9, 1855'ly] FREDERICK IVES. Land for the Million! rHE Act of Congress of March 3d, 1865, gives additional Bounty Land to all who tave heretofore received land for military ser ah x. i - - * - icc3. ah who nuve served fourteen days, 01 eceived pay in money for their services, are ntitled. We have, oy five years'practice in lairas against the U. S.'Government, become lerfectly acquainted with all the minute rules nd practice of that Department* and are well mown to the Commissioner of Pensions. We rill attend promptly to all claims entrusted to is. As three hundred thousand persons arc ntitled under this law, there will be great deny in issuing them, and it is therefore highly mportant.tliat application be mode without lelay. ... * We will also pay cash for the Warrants, or adance money upon tbem. B. L. <fc B. V. POSEY. March 23 46 ' tf A. C. Squier, \ Not. 208 and 210 Main ttrert, Columbia, 8. C. l/fANUFACTURER and general^flttlB denier in fine and plain FUR-J J 11 (ITURE CHAIRS, PIANOS, WALL PAPER, f ATTRASSES, Ac., Ac., at low prices for cash, nd all warranted for one year or longer. All kinda Furniture made to order, and all inds neatly' and promptly repaired. Also, Tood and Metal Burial Cases. ' mh20 r^DWABD WB8TPIBLD, Abb«Villo Court House, [SiBTURNS thanlta for past favors, IV ;. and rwjg&tfully solicit* *s- .i-m TtNl TIKI! TIN!!! HW. LAWSJON, very grateful for patron- . age heretofore enjyed, begs leave to , eay to his friends aud customers and the public generally, that he has now. at hiu old stand, on Slain Street, next door to White «fc Bullock; * a full and complete assortment of TIN WAKE. Iu hiu store may be found:. . Duckets.-ull shapes and sizes; Covered and uncovered; Bounet Boxes ; Bed-Steamers; Coffee Pot*.all biies; Cake j Pans . assorted , shapes; Candle Mould s ; Cake Boxea; Coal Carriers; Ctillcn- dors; Coffee Roasters; Candle Sticks; Dish Pant>; Dish ] Covers; Dust Pans; Fat Stoves; Foot Tubs; Gloss Drniners; Knife Boxes; Lanterns; Lamp-Feeders; MilkPans; Milk-Cups; Monov Boxes ; Molasses Cups; Milk- Skimmers; Muffin Kings Marking Cups; Oil Lamps; Pepper Boxes ; Pudding rails; Pie Pans; Plate Covers; Reflecting Ovens; Shower Baths; Stew Pans; Sugar Scoops; Sugar Boxes; Tea Canisters; Trumpets; Water Pots; Wash Pans; Water Dippers; «fce., «tc. In short, his stock comprises everything in bis line, and he is not merely willing to »Aou\ but will uell on as reasonable terms as can be compatible with the first injunction of the maxim "live and let live." Any article manufactured lo order at short | notice, and warranted to give satisfaction. Country merchants will find it to their interest lo procure mipplies of Tin Ware from hiui, as he will give good articles at low rates. To the building public he would say that he is always prepared to attend to the rooting and guttering of houses, and will he thankful for any chance afforded him to give evidence of his ability to do good work. Abbeville C- II., S. C.. Nov. 23, 1854. 29 ly Goods Very Low in Price. HARD TIMES MADE EASY ! M. STRAUSS, Cokesbury, IS Now receiving from New York and Charleston a New, Elrganl and Usrfnl stuck of GOODS. From 5 cents up, i'rints; " fij- " " French Muslins; " 10 " " Ginghams; " 10 " " Bed Ticks; " 18 " " Bareges, Tissues, Crape, Chnll}*, Grenadines, and Muslin Robes; Dress Silks, and Black Silks. FOR LADIES. The best assortment of BONNETS, MISSES' IIA 7V, WREATHS, GLOVES. MITTS. HANDKER CHIEFS, RIBBONS, LACES, EDGING and INSERTING, TALMAS, MANTILLAS and , 'J'Ji/JIAUA(JIS, «fcr., A-c. For ticnts. REA D Y-MA DE CLOTHING. PROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DRAP D'ETE, QUEEN'S CL0T1I, LINEN DRILL, CASHMARET, FARMERS' DRILL and LINEN, IIATS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, AIno, BOOTS. SHOES, GAtTERS, SLIPPERS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, GROCERY. To be 6old for cath, at Charleston price*, with freight adaed, viz: 200 sucks SALT, 10 bags COFFEE, 6000 lbs. SUGAR, Nails, Bagging, Rope, Twine, Candles, Tea, Spieea. Soda, Factory Thread, Scythe Blades, V-UBlingS, OTP., etc. 1 cannot mention all the urticles which I '' keep. Call and examine yourselves, and you will find prices according to the times, aud goods to please. 11. STRAUSS, April 13, 1855 fiw Cokesbury. f LANDFOR SALE. I, OFFER ifor sale a Tract of Land, Ij-ing on both sides of Turkey Bjiii Creek, in Abbeville District, about five miles North of Cokesbury Depot, on the Cambridge road, containing 08 <1 Acres. About one hundred and fourteen acres bottom land, some fifty of which is mill-pond bottom of the richest ana most productive quality; three hundred acres fine woodland; the bulance cleared and in cultivation. On the premises are a comfortable Dwelling, house, having nine rooms, all necessary outbuildings, a Blacksmith Shop, and a Fine Merchant Mill. ' Tins place is situated in one of the mostdesirnble and healthy neighborhoods in the District or Stale. The place was formerly owned by Reuben Robertson, deceased, sud is known as "the Robertson place." Persons desiring to purchase land, would do well to come and see this tract, as I am confii dent they will bo pleased with it» as well as the terms on which I will sell. MARY N. ROBERTSON. Nov. 1, 1854 28 tf The State ol South Carolina, Abbeville District..In the Common Pleas Britt 4 Cowan ) Attachment | vt V Thompson & Fair, Edward Jones. ) Plaintiffs Attorney, T7"^K7"HEREAS, the Plaintiffs in this case V V did, on the twentieth day of .November, 1854, file their Declaration against the said Defendant, who (as it is said) is abaent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might be served: It is-iherefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear aad plead to the said Declaration on or oefpre the twenty-fifth day of November, in th£ year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, otherwise final and ab- suiute judgement win men oe given ana awarded againsthim. MATTHEW MoDONALD, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Abbeville District, ) November 20, 1864. J qly ly DRY GOODS H AUG08TA, Ga. Ward, Burohard & Co., Broad, Street, oppotite Globe Hotel,, DEALSR8 Mf' Plantation Woolens, Blankets, Ac., , Silks and Rloh Dress Goods, And Choice Family Goods of every description. Ifaroh 0, 18«. U '... .....Jk -'s': ; -. . Notice. .' -" -pERSONQ indebted to the Subscriber are 'XV .-weqoestwL to^all and settle:!* is qttorly out of question to lelGROC'ERY The State of South Carolina, Abbeville District..In the Common Pleas Willsou & Williams ) Foreign Attachment. v* J-E. Noble, Plaintiff's fercmiah Sheliane. ) Attorney. % 7""^7"IIEUEAS, tlio Plaintiffs iu this caaa V V did, on the fifteenth day of November. 1854, file tlioir Declaration against the >aid Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent From and without the limits of this State, and !»us neither wife nor attorney known withift the same upon whom a copy of the said Declaratio might be served: It is therefore ordered, that the Baid Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declaration on or before the sixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, otherwise final and abjolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. MATTHEW MoDONALD, C. C. P. Clcrk'-s Ofllce, Abbeville District, ) November 15, 1854. J qly ly The State of South Carolina* Abbeville District.In the Common Pleat Win. llill & T. Alcx'r Sale, ") ... . .. Administrators I Jeremiah Shehane. J Plftlnt,e'a Att'y* ^/-^/ IIEUKAS, the Plaintiffs tn fMs case v dirt, on the twentieth day of Notfeirfber, 1854, file their Declaration against tha' said Defendant, who fan it is said) is absent from end without the limits of this State, ana hua neither wife nor attorney known withid the same upon whom a copy of the aaid Declaration might be served: It is therefore ordered, that the aaid Defendant do appear and plend to the said Declare tion on or before the twenty-first day of November, In the year of our T/ord one thousand eight hundred and fifly-five, otherwise final and absolute judgement will then be given and awarded against him. MATTHEW McDONALD, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Abbeville District, ) November 20, 185-i. J qly ly The State of South Carolina. Abbeville District..In the Common Pleas A. SI. Benson ) Attachment. vk V Thompson «k Fair, Wm. 15. Lloyd. ) Plaintifr'H Attorney. WIIERKAS, tlic I'luintifis in this case did, on twentieth day of November, 1854, file their Declaration against the said Defendant, who (as it ir said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the eamo upou whom a copy of the said Declaration might be served: It is therefore ordered that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declaration on or before tlic twenty-first of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, otherwise final and absolute judgement will then be given and awarded against him. mattiiew Mcdonald, c. c, p. Clerk's office, Abbeville District* ) November 20, 1854. J qly ly The State of South Carolina, ahhft'lup /)>v/-».»/ / D'.- ..WW JLfh l»tl- XJXSitCtllViC A ll'ULif | Joseph IS". Whitncr, 1 < v*. > Attachment. James G. Spccr. ) WIIEREAS, the Plaintiff did on the thirtieth day of March, instant, file hid declaration against the Defendant, who (as it is J said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the Bnid declaration might be served: It is therefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or j before the thirty-first day of March, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. MATTHEW McDONALD, C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Abbeville District, ) March SO, 1855. J 48 qlyly ] IRON! IRONM IBON! 11 At the Sign of the Golden Anvil; COLUMBIA, S. C., Af Prinoa 4-a Qiiif MV A AAVVU vv MIUU W1V AJLlUVOt 'J rpiIE Subscribers have now on hand a largo JL stock of IRON, which they are 11010 offeriny at greatly rcduced pricc»,for cash. "Their stock comprises a complete assortment of Swedes, Countrj', English, Oval, Band, Hoop, Sheet, Rod, Horse Shoe Iron, Ac. Ac. Wholesale purchasers will be supplied at Charleston prices, with expenses added. Iron and other Goods delivered at the Railroad Depot free of drayage. FISHER A AGNEtT A CO. April 30, 18C5 [ju 1 ly NEW MARKET AND GEKBflW , -i j Messrs. PERRYMAN & WALLER * WOULD Inform the public that they liave associated Mr SAMUEL FERRYMAN with them, for the rmmoae of <>*rrvini» on Mercantile Bnlnw on a more extensive seale; the style ot ibefim will now be PERRYMAN, WALLER * CO., i at both New Market and Greenwood. We would also say to o«r, friends- that we hare taken much pains in selecting our Goods for the Spring trade, therefore we woul<T ret speetfally solicit an examination at least) as we flatter ourselves that for excellency and varietv of styles, we cannot be surpassed (if equalled) by any stook ever before offered in this market. PERRYMAN, WALLER A CO. March 19, 1865 . 60 «m ' E. J. TAILOR, Undertaker. AS I have made complete arrangements for the prosecution of the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, I intend to make It a prominent part of my basinesa, and therefore hold.myself ' ready at all times (by day or night) to the making of coilina, either from black walnuti pine or poplar, at the shortest possible notice. 1 JLJ, TAYLOR. Abbeville C. H, Jan 30, 1965 SOti* CAUTION. ALL person? having demands against the Estate of JOEL SMFE01,- deceased, are* -A requested to present them promptly attested to the undersigned, to *hom aW those indebted to the Estate are requested to mttfce pwymeaC A-M,8HITH. f '; J. M/ PERRIN. j March 1, 1865. 48 «. fcf SPEIHG8 AlTD AXfcBS, " Prices Redaced! " At the Sign of the Golden Anvil, THE Undersigned hare now on hand it com-< plete assortment of 8PRIN08 <nd AXLES, which^eyareMUiMg atr®4ttc«d prices, for cash. FISHER A vAGNKW A CO< Columbia, April >d, 1801) ' [jfl 1 Conductor* ifernat antWtt-afcti* mm*.

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  • TIIE INDEPENDENT lfllESS"«« PUBUsiirn every fkjday mornino, by

    'PUOEETT &. WILSON, Irroprietoro.TERMS."

    C2T*?1 prr annum, invariably inadvancd.Advertisements will beinsertodeouopicjouah

    at the following vory low rates:1 square of 12 lined or less, 1 insertion, T.i

    r. Every following insertion, oTi square 3 mouth?, 21 CO\ " 6 " b 001 " 1 ycaV, 10 00Announcing a Candidate, fin advanced 3 00Liberal deductions will no made tc ..mvion^

    advertising largely.All obituary noticcs i&ocediiu; twelve liuesillbo charged ad advertisements.rgyAll communications and letters on butiuomwith thia oificc, must bo addr^ scd to The

    t:.DKrc:.-DShT I'recs, Abbeville C. H. G. C-, prevaid.to iueui'o attention.vJ POETRY.


    -^=rmWhon I Saw Sweet Nelly Home.

    In tho sky the bright stars glittered.On the grass the moonlight fell.

    Hushed the sound of daylight's bustle,3 Glosed the pinlc-eyed pimpernell, jAs down the moss-growa wood-path.Where the cattlc love to roam.,

    From aunt Pattie's quilting party jI was seeing Kelly home. 1

    Jetty ringlets softly flutteredO'er a brow white as snow,

    Ana ner cnec-us:.tfco crimson sunset.Scarcely bad a warmer glow; (

    Mid her parted lips' Vermillion, 11"White teeth flashed like ocean's foam, !1

    All I marked with pulses throbbing.An I taw (Tweet Nelly home

    When tho Autumn tinged tho greenwood,Turning all tho leave6 to gold, ,

    In the lawn by aiders shaded, ]I my love to Nelly told ;

    As we stood together gazingOn tho atar-beapangled dome, ^

    How I blest tho August eveningWhen I saw sweet Nelly home.

    "White hairs mingle with my tressee.Furrows steal upon ray brow, _

    But a love tmile checrj and blcsaoLife's docliniug moments now;

    Matron in a enow 'kerchief,Closer to my bosom come.

    Tell me dost thou still rememberWhen I Paw sweet Nelly home?



    HAS a circulation of uoarly one thousand jin Abbeville District, and is constantlyincreasing. Its circulation in this Slate i .!about fourteen huudrcd, and its entire list of Isubscribers numbers over bix-tcon hundred. ItiB therefore offered to tho mercantile and businesscommunity generally an the beat advertieingmedium in tho up-country of South Carolina.

    RATES OF ADVERTING.1 square 8 months ....... $ 4 001 square 6 months *- 6 001 square 12 months 10 002 squares 3 months 6 002 squares 6 months 10 00 j

    - 2 squares 12 months 15 00!3 squares 3 months 8 003 squares 6 mouths 12 00

    j . 3 squares 12 months 20 001.frt.j, x i squares a mouina 10 00T" . 4 squares 6 months 15 00

    4 squarea 12 months 25 005 squares 3 months - -- -- - 15 00


    6 squarea 6 months 20 00»\ 5 Rqnares 12 months 30 00

    Advertiaomenta inserted, for a shorterperiod than three months will be charged 75cents per square (12 lines or less) for firat-inaer-tion and 87^ per square for each continuance.py Any one advertising by annual or semiannualcontract can changc his advertisement

    -monthly, if he desires.fff* Subscribers to the paper who do not

    pay their subscriptions within the year will bechargcd $1 00. [April 20, 1865DressGoodsatCost.

    "V\7"E 'n^en^ from this day to the close of the\ j 6caion, to offer our entire stock of SummerDrcaa Goods, at Prime New York cost.Our present atoro being much too email for

    our business. «a urn rli*iv .District, S. C. K. A. GILMER.0* t,, 't - July 9, lgP5. 0tfisujp' For Rent.»eT1" Greenwood 2.55" Cokeabuiy "3.30n

    Arrive at Abboville 4.15'Leave Baremore'a 3.50

    " Donalds 4.00' Honeapath 4.28*" Beltou 6.05

    Arrive at Andemon 0.001LeaveG Williain&ton 5.10

    " Golden Grove 6.28Arrive at Greenville 7.00

    Down, Leave Greenville 6.30 A. M." Golden Grove 6.03r" Willtamslon 6.38" Anderson 6.20t" Bolton 7.05j." Honeapath 7.58" Donalds 8.25t*' J?aremon:'rt 8.40j" x\.bbeville 8.00j" Cokesbury 0.00" Greenwood 9.35(" New Market fl.50' Ninety Six 10.15" Chappell's 10.53(" Saluda T. O- 11.06j" Silver Street, 11.33I" Helena 11.55<" Newberry 12.15 P. 51. .' Prosperity 12.10" Potnaria 1.10." Ilopo'ti 1.22c" Allbton 1.47j" Littleton 2.25i" Krost'u 2.55

    Arrive at Columbia 3.15E. F. 11AWORTH, Gen. Sup'dt. 1July 18, 1855. 12It

    New Spring A Summer Goods


    T7"l.rIi are duily receiving our New Spring IV V Stock, comprising the Infest btylos in 1French, Euglieh, and American MUSLINS ;iud !CALICOES, i

    trench BRILL]ANTES, fFine Muslin GINGHAMS, 1Plain nnd Fancy BAREGES, <Ul'k, Co'd, and Fancy SILLlS,Straw BONNETS and Misses' FLATS, mf1GLOVES, HOSIERY, Bonnet RIBBONSi 1

    and PARASOLS. 1And an unusually Large and Cheap Stock of 1


    Wc moat respectfully invite the attention ofthe citizens of this District to the above Goods. -<Ve annonnee, notwithstanding the generaldepression in the Monev Market throughout the

    country, the system of businejjs adopted by usnmrD thfin Q vanr ntrn numali' C* ACU * -

    J > »«Uwhich we shall rigidly adhere.enables us tooffer for the coming season, a very lurgo Stockat priced to suit theHARD TIMES.

    We will constantly rcceivc addditious through-outthe Season, of new and desirable Goods, *from,New York and Baltimore.

    March 27, 1855. 4'Jtf |DR. II. H. SCDDDAYj <

    Graduate of the Physio Medical Col- \lege of Ohio,

    TENDERS his Professional Services to thePublic, as a practitioner of Medicine, Ob-stetrica and Surgcr}-.Wo shall rciect venesection, vesical ion, mercurialsand poisons of every description, and f

    n^e pure medicines, in portions and forms andwater in all modes and of all temperatures tsuited to the cases.We are prepared to bourd and treat patientsat prices varying with their condition, wants,and the accommodations they prefer. Persons cfrom a distance who cannot remain, will be ex- i

    aminod and provided with medicines and writ- «ten directions, (a method bv which thousands I chave been cavcd,) at a moderate expense. Per- leons ufflicted with old chronic dint-uses, par tic- tulurly ecurrh'us affections, ulcers of the leg, and svniicose^veins, can have them permanentlycured by the Reform practice.Though the cure of dieease is at all times

    preferred, yet when they are' indispensable, surgicaloperations of every description will beperformed in the best manner known. rOffice at Lowndsville, Abbeville District,S. C., where we can at all times be found, un- jless professionally engaged. \May 18, 1855 2 ' 3m rSPECIAIi NOTICE. «

    I WISH to inform my friends andTcustomers that I am etill in theCARRIAGE BUSINESS, in this place, and 1ready to do my work well, and as low aa pos- iBible. (New work warranted for twelve «months.) < eBut I wish to be understood tbat from this Jdate all Jobs done at my shop, amounting to iifive dollars and over, must be settled for, either d

    uy oimii or uaa/i jvoiet, octore taken away.My reason for this in, that my stock is cAsh, vmy hands nre cash, ray provisions are cash, andcash I must have for my work.

    E. J,.TAYLOR.SjjjN. B..-I have on hand, three second-handBuggies, (one with top,} one 'light one-horseBarouche, one Carry-all, (first rate to travelin,) also two new Buggies, and more a-growing,that I will sell cheap for oash or cash notes. -JBut bear in mind that you can save ten dollars Jon every hbndred by paying cash, and also ®ton qenU on every dollar Dy doing the same. a

    . *E.J.T.Abtpville C. H., March 10,1956- kPULLEE'B HAT BTOBE, .^ 118, KICHAtDSta 8fc.COLUMBIA, 8, C.

    TttX HBW STAT* CJCWTOL.] 1fT*HE Proprietor of this celebrated Establish-


    rHE FACULTY of tho above Institutionabout to bo established at Savannah,ivo notice that their Circular will bo issueda soou'iw the Chair of Surgery is filled.II. L. Bvrd, M. D., (late of Savannah Med;alCollege,} Profet*or of tho Principled andractiee of Physic.E. LeRoy Antony, M. D., of Waynesboro,a., Profesbor of Obstetrics and diseases ofi'omen and Children.Wesley C. Norwood, M. D., of Cokesbury,

    . C., Professor of Materia Medica and Medicalmisprudence.James S. Mouel, M. D., of Savannah, Ga,

    'rofcwor of Anatomj'.John Davis, M. D., of Abbeville, S. C., Pro:83orof Phyeiologj-.William T. Feay, A M., of Savannah, Projesorof Chemibtry and Pharmacy.Professor of Surgery.R. J. IsuNN, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatoiv.The regular coursc of Lccturca will comlenceon tho First Day of November, and coninueuntil the First of March ensuing.Tho Fee6 will be the same as in other reapccivbleMedical Colleges. Full particulars as toSoard, Regulations of the College, Ac., will bo

    . 1 . 1:.»:.


    ILL BYRE>rM" D^Dean."Aug 0. 1855. 15tfJolucr aud Cabinet. Shop,


    rHE undersigned, thankful forpast favors, and ever ready 5"^" frWo 6ervo a generous public, may 1/ " II I*ic at all times founa at. his Shop in tbe Eastrncorner of Christian r men* consent to the same will be entered olocoid. WILLIAM IIILL, 0. A. D.First Monday in August, 1855.Aug 10 l-l3mNEW TAILOR SHOP


    rllE Undersigned respectfully informs thecitizens of Abbeville village and Dis'rict that he has opened u shop for the purpose>f carr\*ing ou thoTailoring Business

    >n his own account. He will receive ordersrom town aud country thankfully-, and willpare no pains in endeavoring to please bitlustomers, both in the quality of his work andtrices. By striot attention to business, and a>ilityto do good work, he hopes to secure nhare of patronage.C3T" Shop on Main street, next door to

    'Moore's Variety Store."[May 9, 1855'ly] FREDERICK IVES.

    Land for the Million!rHE Act of Congress of March 3d, 1865,gives additional Bounty Land to all whotave heretofore received land for military serah x. i - - * -icc3. ah who nuve served fourteen days, 01eceived pay in money for their services, arentitled. We have, oy five years'practice inlairas against the U. S.'Government, becomelerfectly acquainted with all the minute rulesnd practice of that Department* and are wellmown to the Commissioner of Pensions. Werill attend promptly to all claims entrusted tois. As three hundred thousand persons arcntitled under this law, there will be great denyin issuing them, and it is therefore highlymportant.tliat application be mode withoutlelay. ... *We will also pay cash for the Warrants, or adancemoney upon tbem.

    B. L. v/-».»/ / D'.-..WW JLfh l»tl- XJXSitCtllViC A ll'ULif|Joseph IS". Whitncr, 1 <

    v*. > Attachment.James G. Spccr. )

    WIIEREAS, the Plaintiff did on the thirtiethday of March, instant, file hiddeclaration against the Defendant, who (as it is Jsaid) is absent from and without the limits ofthis State, and has neither wife nor attorneyknown within the same, upon whom a copy ofthe Bnid declaration might be served: It istherefore ordered, that the said Defendant doappear and plead to the said declaration, on or jbefore the thirty-first day of March, which willbe in the year of our Lord one thousand eighthundred and fifty-six, otherwise final and absolutejudgment will then be given and awardedagainst him.

    MATTHEW McDONALD, C. C. P.Clerk's Office, Abbeville District, )March SO, 1855. J 48 qlyly ]IRON! IRONM IBON! 11

    At the Sign of the Golden Anvil;COLUMBIA, S. C.,

    Af Prinoa 4-a QiiifMV A AAVVU vv MIUU W1V AJLlUVOt 'J

    rpiIE Subscribers have now on hand a largoJL stock of IRON, which they are 11010 offerinyat greatly rcduced pricc»,for cash."Their stock comprises a complete assortmentof Swedes, Countrj', English, Oval, Band,Hoop, Sheet, Rod, Horse Shoe Iron, Ac. Ac.Wholesale purchasers will be supplied atCharleston prices, with expenses added.Iron and other Goods delivered at the RailroadDepot free of drayage.

    FISHER A AGNEtT A CO.April 30, 18C5 [ju 1 ly



    WOULD Inform the public that they liaveassociated Mr SAMUEL FERRYMANwith them, for the rmmoae of *rrvini» on

    Mercantile Bnlnwon a more extensive seale; the style ot ibefimwill now be PERRYMAN, WALLER * CO., iat both New Market and Greenwood.We would also say to o«r, friends- that wehare taken much pains in selecting our Goodsfor the Spring trade, therefore we woul