tier a municipal stormwater general permit stormwater pollution … · 2018. 5. 10. · 21255-085:...

21255-085: 788588.1 Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) February 2018 Revised May 2018 Developed for: The Township of Edison By: One International Boulevard 10 th Floor Mahwah, New Jersey

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Tier A Municipal Stormwater General


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan


February 2018

Revised May 2018

Developed for:

The Township of Edison


One International Boulevard

10th Floor

Mahwah, New Jersey

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Table of Contents

Section Page

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1

1.1. Edison’s MS4 and Stormwater Runoff .......................................................................... 1

1.2. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) ............................................................. 1

2. Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit Requirements .............................................................................. 2

2.1. Statewide Basic Requirements (SBRs) ........................................................................ 2

2.1.1. Public Involvement and Participation, Including Public Notice ..................................... 2

2.1.2. Local Public Education .................................................................................................. 3

2.1.3. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff ........................................................................... 3

2.1.4. Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and

Redevelopment ............................................................................................................................... 3

2.1.5. Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operators ........................... 4

2.1.6. MS4 Outfall Pipe Mapping and Illicit Discharge and Scouring Detection and Control . 4

2.2. Other Control Measures ................................................................................................ 5

2.2.1. Stormwater Facilities Maintenance ............................................................................... 5

2.2.2. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Information ........................................................... 5

2.3. Additional and Optional Measures ................................................................................ 5

3. References ................................................................................................................................ 6


A. Measureable Goals for SBRs and Other Conditions of this Permit for Existing Permittees


C. Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit Employee Training (under revision)

D. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Maintenance Facility Operations SOPs (under revision)

E. Outfall Inspection Program Guidance (under revision)

F. Edison’s Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (under revision)

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1. Introduction

In 2004, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued the first New

Jersey Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) Master General Permit to address

potential pollutants entering local receiving waters through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer

Systems. An updated Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit (NJ0141852) (the Permit) was

issued by NJDEP on November 9, 2017 with an effective date of January 1, 2018. The Township

of Edison (Edison) is designated by NJDEP as a Tier A Municipality due to its historical

infrastructure, urban landscape, and population density. The overall goal of the permit is to address

and reduce non-point source pollution, which is a cumulative byproduct of the daily activities of

residents and business owners of Edison.

1.1. Edison’s MS4 and Stormwater Runoff

Edison’s type of sewer system is referred to as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or

MS4. In this system, the sanitary sewer lines (wastewater from residences and businesses) are

separate from the lines that collect stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff is generated when

precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flow over land or impervious surfaces and does not

entirely percolate into the ground. While sewer lines discharge to wastewater treatment plants,

stormwater runoff is typically directed to stormwater collection facilities (e.g., catch basins) where

it flows through the storm drainage infrastructure and eventually discharges into local waterways.

As the stormwater runoff flows over the land or impervious surfaces (paved streets, parking lots,

and building rooftops), it may accumulate debris, chemicals, sediment, or other pollutants. This is

referred to as “non-point source pollution” because the pollutants in the discharge come from many

diffuse sources, as opposed to a single source such as an industrial plant. The primary method to

mitigate non-point source pollutants in stormwater discharges is the use of best management

practices (BMPs).

1.2. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP)

Part IV.F.1 of the Permit requires that Tier A Municipalities develop, implement, and maintain a

written Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) that describes the municipality’s stormwater

program and how the municipality is implementing the Statewide Basic Requirements (SBRs) of

the Permit. The SPPP is intended to focus on six SBRs that address water quality issues

associated with new development, redevelopment, and existing development. This SPPP reflects

the implementation of those Permit provisions required to be implemented as of the date of this

SPPP. Other Permit requirements with future implementation deadlines will be addressed in later

versions of the SPPP, as they are developed. The SPPP is required to be reviewed at least once

per year and Edison is required to maintain records documenting compliance with the Permit.

Edison maintains a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team (listed in Attachment B, SPPP Forms),

which includes a Stormwater Program Coordinator. The Stormwater Program Coordinator is

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responsible for overseeing the stormwater program and certifying annually that Edison has met its

requirements under the Permit. Edison’s Stormwater Program Coordinator is also responsible for

maintaining an updated copy of the SPPP, as well as its required records and documentation.

Edison may contract any entity (public/private) to assist with the requirements of the Permit.

Currently, Edison is contracted with two engineering consultants (Maser Consulting, P.A. and

HDR, Inc.) to develop this SPPP, assist with employee training, review stormwater design and

perform preliminary inspections of stormwater facilities.

2. Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit Requirements

2.1. Statewide Basic Requirements (SBRs)

The six SBRs are intended to target and reduce non-point source pollution and are briefly

described below. In the Permit, each one of the SBRs contains minimum requirements,

measureable goals, and an implementation schedule for both existing and new Permittees, which

vary between the two. Edison is an existing Permittee, therefore will be complying with the existing

Permittee schedule (Attachment A). Requirements have also been modified from the prior permit

to the recently updated Permit; Attachment A reflects the most current requirements. Tier A

Municipalities are required to keep records and documentation to demonstrate compliance with

the Permit. More details about Edison’s stormwater program are provided in the NJDEP-developed

SPPP forms (Attachment B), which lay out the approach of Edison’s program and how the SBRs

will be addressed. Further details are included in Edison’s specific plans, SOPs and training

manuals (Attachment C - F), which may target specific SBRs. Also note that this SPPP reflects

Edison’s existing approach to meet the current requirements of the Permit. Edison is aware that

there are other recently updated Permit requirements with future implementation dates, which will

be incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A.

2.1.1. Public Involvement and Participation, Including Public Notice

Tier A Municipalities shall comply with applicable State and local public notice requirements (e.g.,

Open Public Meetings Act, statutory procedures for enactment of ordinances, and Municipal Land

Use Law) when providing for public participation in the stormwater program. The most current

SPPP must be made available to the public upon request and is required to be posted on the

municipality’s website, together with the Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP) and

related ordinances. Tier A Municipalities are required to certify annually that they have met these

minimum requirements.

Edison provides public notice in a manner that complies with New Jersey regulations and

requirements. When providing for public participation (e.g. passing or amending ordinances),

Edison notifies the public by local media (newspaper, Edison TV, website). Stormwater

information, as well as both Edison’s SPPP and MSWMP are available online at:

http://www.edisonnj.org/departments/public_works/storm_water/index.php. Edison will use this

same page to advertise stormwater related public education events in the future. Edison’s

ordinances may be found online (http://clerkshq.com/default.ashx?clientsite=Edison-nj), as well as

public meeting minutes (http://www.edisonnj.org/departments/clerk_s_office/index.php).

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For more details, see SPPP Form 2 – Public Notice.

2.1.2. Local Public Education

Tier A Municipalities shall implement a local public education and outreach program that focuses

on the impact of stormwater discharges to receiving waters and what citizens can do to reduce

pollutant sources. Each Tier A Municipality is required to certify annually that a certain number of

public activities were held and that public participation activities were advertised. The activities are

chosen from an approved activities list established by the NJDEP. Each activity has an associated

point value and each Tier A Municipality is required to accumulate at least twelve points annually.

Each Tier A Municipality is also required to ensure that all MS4 storm drain inlets are labeled so

the public is aware that they discharge to local receiving waters.

Edison has developed a Public Education Program to meet the requirements of the Permit.

Proposed NJDEP-approved activities to fulfill those requirements include: providing stormwater

information on Edison’s website, presenting stormwater-related displays and items at township

events, distributing stormwater related materials in township-wide mailings, and educating the

public on stormwater-related township ordinances.

Edison’s storm drain inlets are marked with a “No Dumping - Drains to Waterway” (or similar)

message by either a metallic medallion or as casted into the inlet curb itself. During catch basin

cleaning, maintenance crews note whether the medallion is present or not. For those catch basins

that are missing labels, Edison will follow up with a replacement.

For more details, see SPPP Form 4 – Local Public Education Program and Form 5 – Storm Drain

Inlet Labeling.

2.1.3. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff

Stormwater runoff from construction sites are authorized under a separate NJPDES permit,

typically the Construction Activity Stormwater General Permit No. NJ088323 (or an individual

permit); therefore construction site stormwater runoff control is not addressed in this SPPP.

2.1.4. Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and


Tier A Municipalities shall develop, update, implement, and enforce a program that addresses

stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment and to ensure compliance with the

Stormwater Management Rules [New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:8]. These Permit

requirements are captured in Edison’s MSWMP and generally address new development or

redevelopment that disturbs greater than one acre (or less than one acre if the development is part

of a large common development).

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Details about Edison’s program and its requirements can be found in the MSWMP (Attachment F),

as well as under Chapter 34 of Edison’s Code (see Section 3, References). Additionally, details

are provided in SPPP Form 3 – New Development and Redevelopment Program.

2.1.5. Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operators

Each Tier A Municipality is required to adopt and enforce community-wide ordinances that address

improper disposal of waste, including:

Disposal of pet waste;

Wildlife feeding;

Litter control;

Improper disposal of waste (i.e. dumping);

Yard waste collection; and

Private storm drain inlet retrofitting.

Also, see SPPP Form 9 – Yard Waste Ordinance/Collection Program and SPPP Form 10 –

Ordinances for additional information.

The municipality is also required to develop and implement community-wide good-housekeeping

practices including: street sweeping, catch basin/storm drain inlet inspection and cleaning, and

municipality-owned storm drain inlet retrofitting. Also, see SPPP Form 11 – Storm Drain Inlet

Retrofitting, SPPP Form 12 – Street Sweeping and SPPP Form 13 – Stormwater Facility

Maintenance for additional information.

Tier A Municipalities shall also implement stormwater best management practices (BMPs) at their

maintenance yards and ancillary operations to manage runoff and mitigate pollution from the

municipalities operations. This includes, but is not limited to such activities and operations as:

fueling, vehicle maintenance, vehicle washing, material storage, and vegetation (i.e., weed)


Employees of Edison whose duties are related to these types of operations are required to attend

annual training on the requirements of the Permit and the contents of this SPPP (Attachment C).

The Permit also requires that individuals that review stormwater management designs attend a

NJDEP-approved review course every five years. Lastly, board members and governing body

members of Tier A Municipalities are required to complete online training if they are to review and

approve applications for new development and redevelopment.

Edison developed an Employee Training Program (Attachment C), under which employees whose

duties are stormwater-related are trained annually on the elements of the SPPP. To comply with

future Permit requirements, the Employee Training Program will be updated to reflect these latest

requirements. Also, for more details, see SPPP Form 17 – Employee Training.

2.1.6. MS4 Outfall Pipe Mapping and Illicit Discharge and Scouring Detection and


Tier A Municipalities shall implement a program that maps and inspects all stormwater outfalls.

This mapping data shall be updated annually. Each outfall is to be inspected at the discharge point

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once every five years to identify any stream scouring or illicit dry weather discharges. If potential

illicit connections are detected, they must be investigated and eliminated if found to be illicit. The

Tier A Municipality must document inspections in the SPPP.

Edison has developed an outfall monitoring program, which is outlined in Attachment E. To comply

with future Permit requirements, the Illicit Connection and Outfall Pipe Scouring Program will be

updated to reflect these latest requirements. Also, for additional details, see SPPP Forms 6 – MS4

Outfall Pipe Mapping, Form 7 – Illicit Connection Elimination Program, Form 8 - Illicit Connection

Records, and Form 14 – Outfall Pipe Stream Scouring Remediation.

2.2. Other Control Measures In addition to the SBRs, the Permit requires the following Other Control Measures to further

reduce pollutants from entering local receiving waters and to maintain water quality.

2.2.1. Stormwater Facilities Maintenance

Each Tier A Municipality is required to develop and implement a program to ensure adequate

long-term cleaning, operation, and maintenance of all stormwater facilities, both municipality

owned and operated and privately (non-municipality) owned and operated.

Edison is continuing to develop a plan to ensure long term operation of both municipality owned

and operated, as well as privately owned and operated stormwater management facilities. This

program will require Edison and private land owners with a stormwater facilities on their property

to adhere to their maintenance plans and maintain inspection and cleaning logs to ensure the

facilities do not fail.

2.2.2. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Information

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) limit pollutant discharges to impaired receiving

waterbodies in order to meet State water quality standards. This control measure requires Tier A

Municipalities to identify local waterbodies with TMDL limits and implement stormwater facilities

and BMPs in their tributary areas.

This requirement is new and is not required to be implemented until the end of 2018. Edison is

currently working on an approach to help reduce those pollutants with TMDLs into impaired


2.3. Additional and Optional Measures Additional and Optional Measures are control measures that are not specific requirements, but

are measures that may be required to be incorporated into a Tier A Municipality’s SPPP.

Additional Measures may be based on future TMDL requirements and regional or State

stormwater or water quality management plans that would require Edison to comply due to its

inclusion within the management area boundaries. If Edison is required to comply with additional

management plans, it will be notified by NJDEP. Optional Measures include BMPs that may be

incorporated by the Tier A Municipality, but are not considered a requirement by the Permit.

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3. References Edison Stormwater Ordinances (including standards for major and minor developments and BMPs): http://clerkshq.com/Content/Edison-nj/books/code/edisonc34.htm

Edison Stormwater Management Website: http://www.edisonnj.org/departments/public_works/storm_water/index.php

NJDEP Tier A Municipal Storm Water Guidance Document: http://www.nj.gov/dep/dwq/tier_a_guidance.htm

NJDEP Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, 2018: http://www.nj.gov/dep/dwq/tier_a.htm

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Attachment A

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Permit No. NJ0141852 Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit

Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 2 of 11

Measurable Goals for Statewide Basic Requirements and Other Conditions of this Permit for Existing Permittees

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Public Involvement and Participation Including Public Notice Provide for public notice under the Open Public Meetings Act, statutory procedures for enactment of ordinances, and Municipal Land Use Law when providing for public participation in the development and implementation of a stormwater program, and maintain records necessary to demonstrate compliance.

IV.B.1.a & d

Certify in each annual report that all public notice requirements have been met and relevant records kept. Reference in the SPPP the location of associated municipal records.


Provide the current SPPP to the public upon request.

IV.B.1.b.i Certify in each annual report that the SPPP was made available to the public.


Post the current SPPP on the municipality’s website.

IV.B.1.b.ii Certify in each annual report that the SPPP has been posted on the municipality’s website (to the extent required by Part IV.F.1.f) and that the posted SPPP is current.

EDPA + 90 days Yes

Post the current Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP) and related ordinances on the municipality’s website.

IV.B.1.b.iii Certify in each annual report that the MSWMP and related ordinances have been posted on the municipality’s website and that the posted documents are current.

EDPA + 90 days Yes

Local Public Education and Outreach Implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program by conducting activities that total a minimum of 12 points on an annual basis.

IV.B.2.a Certify in each annual report that the minimum point value has been met and report point totals in the Annual Report. Maintain records of materials and activities from Attachment B, including dates of activities and any other relevant documentation (e.g. brochures, pictures, sign-in sheets, press clippings).

EDPA Modified

Label storm drain inlets, maintain the legibility of those labels, and replace labels that are missing or not legible along sidewalks that are adjacent to municipal streets; and within plazas, parking areas or maintenance yards operated by the municipality.

IV.B.2.b Certify in each annual report that storm drains have been properly labeled and/or maintained. Records tracking storm drain inlet label status shall be kept with the SPPP.


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Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 3 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Advertise public involvement program(s) pertaining to education and outreach activities.

IV.B.2.c Certify in each annual report that public involvement program(s) have been properly advertised on the website, through a mailing, through newspaper advertisement, or other similar means. Public advertisement records shall be kept with the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment Develop, update, implement and enforce its post construction stormwater management program in new development and redevelopment to ensure compliance with the Stormwater Management rules (N.J.A.C. 7:8).

IV.B.4.a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l

Certify in each annual report that the Tier A Municipality has developed, and is implementing and enforcing a program to address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects. Records demonstrating compliance with Part IV.B.4 shall be kept, or their location shall be referenced, in the SPPP.


For each structural and non-structural stormwater measure (e.g. basins), for which an application is made to the municipality after EDPA, the municipality shall complete, update, finalize and maintain a Major Development Stormwater Summary.

IV.B.4.k Certify in each annual report that Major Development Stormwater Summaries (Attachment D) have been completed and records have been maintained by the Tier A municipality. Records demonstrating compliance with Part IV.B.4 shall be kept, or their location shall be referenced, in the SPPP.


Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping - Community Wide Ordinances Adopt and enforce a pet waste ordinance. Distribute pet waste ordinance information with pet licenses.

IV.B.5.a.i Certify in each annual report the date the ordinance was adopted, that it is being enforced and that pet waste ordinance information is distributed with pet licenses. A log of enforcement actions and information distribution dates shall be kept in the SPPP.


Adopt and enforce a wildlife feeding ordinance.

IV.B.5.a.ii Certify in each annual report the date the ordinance was adopted and that it is being enforced. A log of enforcement actions shall be kept in the SPPP.


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Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 4 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Adopt and enforce a litter control ordinance. IV.B.5.a.iii Certify in each annual report the date the ordinance was adopted and that it is being enforced. A log of enforcement actions shall be kept in the SPPP.


Adopt and enforce an improper disposal of waste ordinance.

IV.B.5.a.iv Certify in each annual report the date the ordinance was adopted and that it is being enforced. A log of enforcement actions shall be kept in the SPPP.


Adopt and enforce a containerized yard waste / yard waste collection program ordinance.

IV.B.5.a.v Certify in each annual report the date the ordinance was adopted and that it is being enforced. A log of enforcement actions shall be kept in the SPPP.


Adopt and enforce a private storm drain inlet retrofitting ordinance

IV.B.5.a.vi Certify in each annual report the date the ordinance was adopted and that it is being enforced. A log of enforcement actions shall be kept in the SPPP.


Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping - Community Wide Measures Develop and continue to implement street sweeping measures as specified at Part IV.B.5.b.i.

IV.B.5.b.i Certify in each annual report that a street sweeping schedule is being maintained as well as records including the date and areas swept, number of miles of streets swept, and the total amount of materials collected in wet tons. Include totals in the Annual Report and keep records in the SPPP.


Develop and continue to implement catch basin and storm drain inlet inspection and cleaning measures as specified at Part IV.B.5.b.ii.

IV.B.5.b.ii Certify in each annual report that a catch basin and storm drain inlet inspection and cleaning schedule is being maintained, and a log indicating the number of municipally owned and operated catch basins and inlets within the municipality, the number of catch basins and inlets inspected, and the number cleaned is being maintained. Maintain records documenting the amount of materials collected in wet tons during cleaning activities in the SPPP. Include totals in the Annual Report.

EDPA Modified

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Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Develop and continue to implement storm drain inlet retrofit measures as specified at Part IV.B.5.b.iii.

IV.B.5.b.iii Certify in each annual report that a record of the number and location of storm drain inlets retrofitted as well as the number and location of storm drain inlets exempted is being maintained. Include totals in the Annual Report and keep records in the SPPP.


Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping - Municipal Maintenance Yards and Other Ancillary Operations Implement the BMP’s found in Attachment E, including the Inventory of Materials and Machinery, and Inspections and Good Housekeeping practices, at Municipal Maintenance Yards and Other Ancillary Operations.

IV.B.5.c Certify in each annual report that the SPPP includes all applicable requirements and that the requirements (including maintenance of inspection logs and tracking forms) of Attachment E have been met. Keep records required by Attachment E in the SPPP.


BMPs shall be implemented for fueling operations.

IV.B.5.c.i Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for fueling operations.


BMPs shall be implemented for discharge of stormwater from secondary containment.

IV.B.5.c.ii Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for discharge of stormwater from secondary containment.


BMPs shall be implemented for vehicle maintenance.

IV.B.5.c.iii Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for vehicle maintenance.


BMPs shall be implemented for on-site equipment and vehicle washing and wash wastewater containment.

IV.B.5.c.iv Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for on-site equipment and vehicle washing and wash wastewater containment.

EDPA Modified

BMPs shall be implemented for salt and de-icing material storage and handling.

IV.B.5.c.v Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for salt and de-icing material storage and handling.


BMPs shall be implemented for aggregate material and construction debris storage.

IV.B.5.c.vi Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for aggregate material and construction debris storage.

EDPA + 12 months


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Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 6 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

BMPs shall be implemented for street sweepings and catch basin clean-out material storage.

IV.B.5.c.vii Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for street sweepings and catch basin clean-out material storage.

EDPA + 12 months


BMPs shall be implemented for yard trimmings and wood waste management sites.


Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for yard trimmings and wood waste management sites.

EDPA + 12 months


BMPs shall be implemented for roadside vegetation management.

IV.B.5.c.ix Certify in each annual report that BMPs in Attachment E have been implemented for roadside vegetation management.

EDPA + 12 months


Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping - Training Program Provide training to municipal employees within 3 months of commencement of duties, and at least once every two years thereafter, to address all required components. The exceptions are Part IV.B.5.d.v, viii, and x which require annual training instead of once every two years.

IV.B.5.d Certify in each annual report that employee training has been conducted, and maintain records including sign in sheet(s), date(s) of training, and training agenda(s). These records shall be kept in the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


Ensure that individuals that review development and redevelopment projects for compliance with N.J.A.C. 7:8 on behalf of the municipality complete Department approved training once every five years.

IV.B.5.e Certify in each annual report that individuals reviewing projects have completed the required training, and maintain a list of the names and dates that individuals received training. This list shall be kept in the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


Ensure that current Municipal Board and Governing Body Members that review and approve applications for development and redevelopment projects complete the “Training Tool” on or before EDPA + 6 months, and by new members within 6 months of commencement of duties. Once per term of service thereafter, Municipal Board and Governing Body Members must review at least one of the tools offered under the Post-Construction Stormwater Management website.

IV.B.5.f Certify in each annual report that municipal board and governing body members have completed the necessary training, and maintain a list of the names and dates that individuals completed training. This list shall be kept in the SPPP.

EDPA + 6 months


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Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 7 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

MS4 Outfall Pipe Mapping and Illicit Discharge and Scouring Detection and Control Develop, update and maintain an MS4 Outfall Pipe Map showing the location of the end of all outfall pipe which discharge to a surface water body.

IV.B.6.a.i Certify in each annual report that the outfall pipe map is current at the end of the calendar year.


Show the location (and name where known) of all surface water bodies receiving discharges from those outfall pipes.

IV.B.6.a.ii Certify in each annual report that the surface water bodies associated with each outfall pipe end is located on the map.


Include Outfall Pipe map in the SPPP IV.B.6.a.iii Certify in each annual report following the implementation deadline that the Outfall Pipe Map is included in the SPPP.

EDPA +12 months


Provide Outfall Pipe Map to the Department IV.B.6.a.iv Certify in each annual report following the implementation deadline that the Outfall Pipe Map and any new data points subsequently added to the map have been provided to the Department.

EDPA +12 months


Submitted the Outfall Pipe Map information to the Department electronically by December 21, 2020

IV.B.6.a.v Submit the Outfall Pipe Map information to the Department using Department’s designated electronic submission service by December 21, 2020.

12/21/2020 Yes

Develop, update and implement a program to detect, investigate and control localized stream scouring from stormwater outfall pipes.

IV.B.6.b Certify in each annual report that municipally owned outfall pipes have received the required visual inspection at least once every five years and maintain a log indicating the number and location of outfall pipes inspected, repairs prioritized, and repairs scheduled or performed. Certify in the annual report that a repair schedule has been prepared for those that have not been completed. Keep records required by Part IV.B.6.b in the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


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Permit No. NJ0141852 Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit

Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 8 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Develop, update, implement and enforce an ongoing Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program.

IV.B.6.c Certify in each annual report that the municipality has developed a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges and has conducted inspections required at Part IV.B.6.c at least once every five years. Document all investigations and actions taken on the Department’s Illicit Connection Inspection Report Form. Keep records required by Part IV.B.6.c in the SPPP.

EDPA Modified

Adopt and enforce an ordinance that prohibits illicit connections to the MS4 operated by the Tier A Municipality.

IV.B.6.d Certify in each annual report that the ordinance is being maintained and the date it was adopted. A log of enforcement actions shall be kept in the SPPP.


Stormwater Facilities Maintenance Develop, update and implement a program to ensure adequate long-term cleaning, operation and maintenance of all stormwater facilities owned or operated by the Tier A Municipality.

IV.C.1.a Certify in each annual report that the municipality has developed, updated and implemented a program to ensure adequate long-term cleaning, operation and maintenance of all municipally owned stormwater facilities. Records required by Part IV.C.1.a, a.i, a.ii, a.iii and a.iv shall be kept, or their location shall be referenced, in the SPPP.

EDPA Modified

Inspect and maintain stormwater facilities pursuant to any maintenance plans, or more frequently as needed, to ensure proper function and operation of each stormwater facility.

IV.C.1.a.i Certify in each annual report that inspections and maintenance was performed pursuant to any maintenance plans, or more frequently as needed, to ensure proper function and operation of stormwater facilities.

EDPA Modified

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Permit No. NJ0141852 Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit

Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 9 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Maintain a log sufficient to demonstrate compliance with this section; including but not limited a list of inspections and preventative and corrective maintenance performed, and a schedule for repairs to be made.

IV.C.1.a.ii Certify in each annual report that a maintenance log is kept that, at a minimum, records the stormwater facility inspected, location information of the facility inspected (location information must be specific enough to locate and identify the stormwater facility in the field; e.g. geographic coordinates), name of inspector, date of inspection, findings, and any preventative and corrective maintenance performed.

EDPA Modified

Certify annually that municipally owned or operated stormwater facilities are properly functioning.

IV.C.1.a.iii Certify in each annual report that all municipally owned or operated stormwater facilities are properly functioning.


If stormwater facilities were found not to be functioning properly and repairs not made, then necessary preventative and corrective maintenance shall be documented and prioritized and a schedule for maintenance shall be maintained.

IV.C.1.a.iv Certify in each annual report that a prioritized schedule of necessary preventive and corrective maintenance exists for stormwater facilities inspected and found not to be functioning properly. The municipality shall prioritize this schedule as specified in Part IV.C.1.iv.

EDPA Modified

Develop, update, implement and enforce a program to ensure adequate long-term cleaning, operation and maintenance of stormwater facilities not owned or operated by the Tier A Municipality, not subject to the conditions of another NJPDES stormwater permit and constructed after February 7, 1984.

IV.C.1.b Certify in each annual report that the municipality has developed, updated, implemented and enforced a program to ensure adequate long-term cleaning, operation and maintenance of stormwater facilities not owned and operated by the municipality, not subject to the conditions of another NJPDES stormwater permit and constructed after February 7, 1984. Records required by Part IV.C.1.b, b.i and b.ii shall be kept, or their location shall be referenced, in the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


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Permit No. NJ0141852 Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit

Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 10 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Ensure that stormwater facility inspection and maintenance is performed pursuant to any maintenance plans, or more frequently as needed to ensure proper function and operation of each stormwater facility.

IV.C.1.b.i Certify in each annual report that maintenance was performed pursuant to any maintenance plans, or more frequently, to ensure proper function and operation of stormwater facilities not owned and operated by the municipality.

EDPA + 12 months


Maintain a log sufficient to demonstrate compliance with this section; including but not limited actions taken by the municipality to enforce compliance with the long-term cleaning, operation and maintenance program.

IV.C.1.b.ii Certify in each annual report that a log is being kept that, at a minimum, records the actions taken by the municipality to enforce compliance with the long-term cleaning, operation and maintenance program; the stormwater facility that was the subject of the action; location information of the facility that was the subject of the action (location information must be specific enough to locate and identify the stormwater facility in the field; e.g. geographic coordinates); the name of person taking the action; the date of the action; and the findings.

EDPA + 12 months


Maintain copies of all maintenance plans for stormwater facilities approved by the municipality, and make them available to the Department upon request.

IV.C.1.c Certify in each annual report that copies of all maintenance plans are kept on file. Records required by Part IV.C.1.c shall be kept, or their location shall be referenced, in the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Info. Annually review approved or adopted TMDL reports to identify stormwater related pollutants listed therein and associated with any segment of surface water wholly or partially within or bordering the Tier A Municipality.

IV.C.2.a.i Certify in each annual report that approved or adopted TMDLs have been identified and reviewed and stormwater related pollutants identified. Records required by Part IV.C.2.a.i, a.ii and a.iii shall be kept in the SPPP.

EDPA + 12 months


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Permit No. NJ0141852 Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit

Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit – Attachment A for Existing Permittees Page 11 of 11

Summary of Minimum Standard (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Permit Cite

Measurable Goal (See Part IV for specific permit requirements)

Implementation Schedule

New Requirement?

Use TMDL information identified in compliance with Part IV.C.2.a.i to: (1) assist in the prioritization of stormwater facility maintenance including schedules for repairs related to Stream Scouring and Stormwater Facilities Maintenance; and (2) identify and develop strategies to address specific sources of stormwater related pollutants contributing to discharges authorized under this Tier A MS4 NJPDES permit.

IV.C.2.a.ii Certify in each annual report that the municipality has used information identified in compliance with Part VI.C.2.a.i to (1) assist in the prioritization of repairs as required at Part IV.B.6.b.iv (Stream Scouring) and IV.C.31.a.iv (Stormwater Facilities Maintenance); and (2) identify and develop strategies to address specific sources of stormwater related pollutants contributing to discharges authorized under this Tier A MS4 NJPDES permit.

EDPA + 12 months


Update SPPP to list information identified in Part VI.C.2.a.i and ii.

IV.C.2.a.iii Certify in each annual report that the municipality has updated its SPPP to list information identified in Part VI.C.2.a.i and ii.

EDPA + 12 months


Incorporate any strategies identified in Part VI.C.2.a.ii(2) as an Optional Measure

IV.C.2.a.iv Certify in each annual report that the municipality has incorporated any strategies identified in Part VI.C.2.a.ii(2) as an Optional Measure.

EDPA + 12 months


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21255-085: 788588.1

Attachment B

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SPPP Signature Page M







Municipality: County:


Team Member/Title: Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA): Date of Completion: Date of most recent update:

“I certify that this SPPP includes all of the information and items identified in Attachment A of the Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit. All attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently submitting false information.”

(Signature) (Date)

(Print Name) (Title)

(NOTE: A new SPPP signature page should be attached each time the SPPP is updated or modified, excluding data entries. Previous SPPP signature pages shall be retained as part of the SPPP.)

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Tier A Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team

MembersNumber of team members may vary.

Completed by:Carl O'Brien, P.E.

Title:Township Engineer

Date:January 29, 2018

Municipality:Township of Edison

County:Middlesex County

NJPDES #: NJG0141852

PI ID #:190621

Stormwater Program Coordinator:Carl O'Brien, P.E.

Title:Township Engineer

Office Phone #:732-248-7248

Emergency Phone #:Same as above

Public Notice Coordinator: Cheryl Russomanno

Title: Township Clerk

Office Phone #: 732-248-7350

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

Post-Construction Stormwater Management Coordinator: Carl O'Brien, P.E.

Title: Township Engineer

Office Phone #: 732-248-7248

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

Local Public Education Coordinator: Melissa Perilstein

Title: Administrator of Policy and Strategic Initiatives

Office Phone #: 732-248-7298

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

Ordinance Coordinator: Carl O'Brien, P.E.

Title: Township Engineer

Office Phone #: 732-248-7248

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

Public Works Coordinator: Courtney Dill

Title: Public Works Adminstrative Coordinator

Office Phone #: 732-248-7261

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

Employee Training Coordinator: Jay P. Elliot

Title: Director, Dept of Health & Human Services

Office Phone #: 732-248-7476

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

Other: James Ayotte

Title: Zoning Officer

Office Phone #: 732-248-7256

Emergency Phone #: Same as above

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SPPP Form 2 - Public NoticeM






Municipality: Edison Township County: Middlesex

NJPDES # : NJG0141852 PI ID #:190621

Team Member/Title:Cheryl Russomanno

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/2004, 1/1/2018

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Briefly outline the principal ways in which you comply with applicable State and local public notice requirements when providing for public participation in the development and implementation of your stormwater program.

For meetings where public notice is required under the Open Public Meetings Act (“Sunshine Law,” N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et

seq.), Edison Township provides public notice in a manner that complies with the requirements of that Act. Also, in

regard to the passage of ordinances, Edison Township provides public notice in a manner that complies with the

requirements of N.J.S.A. 40:49-1 et seq. In addition, for municipal actions (e.g., adoption of the municipal stormwater

management plan) subject to public notice requirements in the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.),

Edison Township complies with those requirements.

In general, Edison will typically notify the public, when seeking public participation by local media (newspaper, Edison

TV and website). Edison mainatins a stormwater related page on their website which will include links to the latest

Stormwater Pollution Preventin Plan (SPPP) and the Municiapl Stromater Manegemnt Plan (MSWMP). Edison will also

use this page to advertise information about stormwater related public education events in the future. Edison's ordinaces

can be found online at: Edison’s ordinances may be found online (http://clerkshq.com/default.ashx?clientsite=Edison-nj),

as well as public meeting minutes (http://www.edisonnj.org/departments/clerk_s_office/index.php).

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 3 – New Development and Redevelopment Program






Municipality:Edison Township County:Middlesex

NJPDES # : NJG0141852 PI ID #:190621

Team Member/Title:Carl O'Brien, P.E., Township Engineer

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/2004, 1/1/2018

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Describe in general terms your post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment program (post-construction program), and how it complies with the Tier A Permit minimum standard. This description must address compliance with the Residential Site Improvement Standards for stormwater management; ensuring adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs (including BMPs on property that you own or operate); design of storm drain inlets (including inlets that you install); and preparation, adoption, approval, and implementation of a municipal stormwater management plan and municipal stormwater control ordinance(s). Attach additional pages as necessary. Some additional specific information (mainly about that plan and ordinance(s)) will be provided in your annual reports.

To control stormwater from new development and redevelopment projects throughout Edison Township (including projects we operate) we will do the following:

Since the adoption of the stowmwater control ordinance for new development and redevelopment, the Township has and will continue to ensure, that all new residential development and redevelopment projects that are subject to the Residential Site Improvement Standards for stormwater management (including the NJDEP Stormwater Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:8, referenced in those standards) and are in compliance with those standards. Our planning and zoning boards ensure such compliance before issuing preliminary or final subdivision or site plan approvals under the Municipal Land Use Law.

Since the 2004 EDPA, Edison Township has adopted a municipal storm water management plan pursuant to Stormwater Management Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.). The Township has adopted and implemented stormwater control ordinances in accordace with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4. The plan will ensure that any residential development and redevelopment projects will comply with these standards. The ordinance controls aspects of residential development and redevelopment projects that are not pre-empted by the Residential Site Improvement Standards and sets forth special area standards approved by the Site Improvement Advisory Board. We will ensure long-term operation and maintenance of BMP's and enforce standards setforth in Attachment 'C' of the permit to control the passage of floatable material through storm drains. In addition, any storm drain inlets installed by the Township for such projects will comply with that ordinance's standard for such inlets.

(continued on next page)

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SPPP Form 3 – New Development and Redevelopment Program

(Continued, page 2)

The ordinance, which will be administered by our Planning and Zoning Boards and Code Enforcement Officer, will control stormwater from non-residential development and redevelopment projects. Where it is necessary to implement the municipal stormwater management plan, the approved ordinance will also control aspects of residential development and redevelopment projects that are not subject to the Residential Site Improvement Standards.

For any BMP that is installed in order to comply with the requirements of our post-construction program, Edison Township will ensure adequate long-term operation as well as preventative and corrective maintenance (including replacement) of BMPs. For BMPs on private property that we do not own or operate, there is a provision in the municipal stormwater control ordinance (Township Title 34: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, 34-8.10 Maintenance and Repair) that requires the private entity to perform the operation and maintain, with penalties if the private entity does not comply. If, for example, the private entity does not perform the required maintenance, the Township can perform the maintenance and charge the private entity.

Maintenance plans for stormwater facilities are required when submitting plans for approval. These plans will be maintained in the Engineer’s Office. Owners of (or persons responsible for) private BMPs are required to submit annually proof of BMP O&M (i.e. maintenance/inspection logs) to ensure that BMPs are functioning properly. These documents will be received by the Clerk’s Office and reviewed by the Township Engineer’s Office. Once reviewed, the Township Engineer will determine whether a follow up inspection is necessary to further confirm the functionality of the BMP. Similarly, if logs are not received for a known private BMP, the Township Engineer will follow up with an inspection.

Edison Township will also enforce, through the municipal stormwater control ordinance, compliance with the design standard in Attachment C of our permit to control passage of solid and floatable materials through storm drain inlets. Edison Township expects that for most projects, such compliance will be achieved either by conveying flows through a trash rack as described in the “Alternative Device Exemptions,” or (for flows not conveyed through such a trash rack), by installation of the NJDOT bicycle safe grate and (if needed) a curb opening with a clear space no bigger than two inches across the smallest dimension.

When reviewing developments that meet the definition of “major” development (one or more acres disturbance), Edison will complete a Major Development Stormwater Summary Form (example Attachment D of the Permit).

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 4- Local Public Education ProgramM






Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Melissa Perilstein

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Local Public Education Program

Describe your Local Public Education Program. Be specific on how you will distribute your educational information, and how you will conduct your annual event. Attach additional pages with the date(s) of your annual mailing and the date and location of your annual event.Based on Attachment B of the Permit, Edison will focus on the following activities to attain the twelve (12) point

minimum each year:

Category 1- General Public Outreach

•Website (1 point): Edison will maintain a stormwater related page and include a link to the NJDEP’s website

(www.cleanwaternj.org). Note that Edison already hosts a stormwater website and has a link to NJDEP’s website.


•Radio/Television (1 point): Edison will run a stormwater related message on their townhip televion station, Edison TV.

Category 2 - Targeted Audiences Outreach

-Stormwater Display (1 point): Edison will present a stormwater related display and materials at a municipal event or

maintain a display at City Hall. As per Edison staff, several events are attended each year by Edison residents (e.g. Earth


•Mailing (2 points): Edison will distribute stormwater related materials to every resident and business within the

municipality. These materials will be included in the garbage and recycling calendar mailed to all Edison residents


-Promotional Item (2 points): Edison will distribute an item with a stormwater message, for example pet waste bags.

•Ordinance Education (3 points): Edison will publish a notice in the local newspThe Township holds an annual Fall Fest

Celebration in September. The DEP brochure, other educational material, and giveaways will be made available at the

Townships Table.

Category 3 - School/Youth Education

-Clean-up (3 points): Edison will help organize a clean up at a local waterbody.

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 5 – Storm Drain Inlet LabelingM







Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Carl O'Brien, P.E., Township Engineer

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

Storm Drain Inlet LabelingDescribe your storm drain inlet labeling program, including your labeling schedule, the details of your long-term maintenance plan, and plans on coordinating with watershed groups or other volunteer organizations.The initial inventory and lableing for the all of the Township's inlets was completed in 2009 by the Township's Consultant

Engineer (Stormwater Compliance Solutions). Portions of the Township stormwater inlets have been labled with metallic

labels applied using adhesive, while other portions have been slowly replaced with DEP compliant NJDOT Eco-Safe


During our annual catch basin cleaning and maintenance program, we will be changing a select number of inlets to DEP

compliant NJDOT Eco-Safe Type castings. Additionally, all inlets that fall within the Townships road improvement and

paving limits will have the castings replaced with DEP compliant Eco-Safe castings. If catch basins are missing labels,

this is noted on the maintenance sheet and those catch labels will be replaced by Edison.

The Township is currently in the process of procuring professional surveying services to update and prepare digital tax

maps with a baseline setup for developing a township-wide GIS system. The mapping will consist of parcel mapping

initially, and the incorporation of the previously completed stormwater inlet identification & mapping. The initial GIS

mapping is scheduled for completion by mid-2018. A planned verification and update of the Township's stormwater inlet

inventory is to immediately follow.

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SPPP Form 6 – MS4 Outfall Pipe MappingM






Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Carl O'Brien, P.E., Township Engineer

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Explain how you will prepare your map (include its type and scale, and the schedule for the mapping process). Who will prepare your map (e.g., municipal employees, a consultant, etc.)?

The Township's stormwater outfalls were initially mapped by Stormwater Compliance Solutions in 2008. The locations

are identified on a 22"x34" map entitled "Edison Township Outfall Map" dated December 2008, at a scale of 1inch

=1,850 feet and encoded with alpha-numberic designations. A visual verification update of these loactions is scheduled

for 2018. Additionally,Middlesex County is currently collecting GIS data. The updated information will then be

incorporated into the Township's GIS system, which is currently scheduled to be available in 2018.

Edison has developed an Illicit Connection and Outfall Pipe Scoring Program, which includes a section about Outfall

Pipe Mapping. The program can be found as an appendix to the SPPP document. The program will be revised in 2018 to

reflect latest permit requirements, as well as work completed updates.

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 7 – Illicit Connection Elimination Program






Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno, Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Describe your Illicit Connection Elimination Program, and explain how you plan on responding to complaints and/or reports of illicit connections (e.g., hotlines, etc.). Attach additional pages as necessary.As per the Permit, Tier A Municipalities are required to conduct an initial physical inspection of all mapped MS4

outfalls, and maintain an ongoing program to detect and eliminate illicit connections. Edison will conduct inspections of

all MS4 outfall pipes every five years. Any newly mapped MS4 outfall pipes will be added to the list of outfalls to be


Field staff will conduct an initial illicit connection inspection during the MS4 outfall pipe verification. For subsequent

inspections, Edison’s field staff will use a Periodic Outfall Inspection Data Sheet to conduct and document these

inspections which will be filed with the SPPP. Outfall pipes that are found to have dry-weather flow will be sampled and

analyzed. If there is evidence of a non-stormwater flow but there is no flow detected at the time of inspection, the outfall

will be re-checked at a later date. If a discharge has been identified as “illicit,” outfall inspectors will contact the Edison

Department of Planning and Engineering and a maintenance crew will investigate the source. If the source of the

discharge is located and confirmed, Edison will eliminate the illicit discharge or issue a notice to the potential owner of

the discharging property. Similarly, if a suspected illicit connection is discovered during routine maintenance, Edison

will investigate.

Any suspect illicit connections observed by the public (both during dry and wet weather) can be reported by submitting a

Q Alert on Edsion's website.

Edison has developed an Illicit Connection and Outfall Pipe Scouring Program. The program can be found as an

appendix to the SPPP document. The program will be revised in 2018 to reflect latest permit requirements, as well as any

work completed.

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SPPP Form 8 – Illicit Connection RecordsM







Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno- Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

Prior to May 2, 2006

Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.

Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?

May 2, 2006 – May 1, 2007

Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.

Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?

May 2, 2007 – May 1, 2008

Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.

Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?

May 2, 2008 – May 1, 2009

Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.

Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?

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SPPP Form 8 – Illicit Connection RecordsM






Municipality: Edison Township County: Middlesex

NJPDES # : 0141852 PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno- Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA): 4/1/04

Date of Completion: _____ Date of most recent update: January 2018


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.

Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?

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SPPP Form 8 – Illicit Connection RecordsM






Municipality: Edison Township County: Middlesex

NJPDES # : 0141852 PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno- Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA): 4/1/04

Date of Completion: ______ Date of most recent update: January 2018


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.Total number of inspections performed this year? 0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?


Note: Attach a copy of each illicit connection report form for outfalls found to have a dry weather flow.

Total number of inspections performed this year?0

Number of outfalls found to have a dry weather flow?

Number of outfalls found to have an illicit connection?

How many illicit connections were eliminated?

Of the illicit connections found, how many remain?

Page 33: Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit Stormwater Pollution … · 2018. 5. 10. · 21255-085: 788588.1 Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit Stormwater Pollution Prevention

SPPP Form 9 – Yard Waste Ordinance/Collection Program






Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno, Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

Please describe your yard waste collection program. Be sure to include the collection schedule and how you will notify the residents and businesses of this schedule. Attach additional pages as necessary.

The Title 34-7.3 of the Township Ordinance prohibits residents from placing non-containerized yard waste at the curb.

Therefore, the Township has grass collection scheduled for once a week in the months of April through October, and

both grass & leaves are collected once a week during the months of October, November, and December. The Township

still holds additional yard waste collections throughout the rest of the year, but are not specifically scheduled.

Residents receive annually a garbage/recycling calendar that notes pick up schedules and items that can be placed at


Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 10 - OrdinancesM







Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Township Attorney

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

For each ordinance, give the date of adoption. If not adopted, explain the development status:

Pet Waste2008 (existing)

Are information sheets regarding pet waste distributed with pet licenses? Y ( ) N ( )

Litter2008 (exising)

Improper Waste Disposal2008 (exising)

Wildlife Feeding2008 (exising)

Yard Waste2008 (exising)

Illicit Connections2008 (exising)

How will these ordinances be enforced?

Township Police and the Township Health Department enforce the Ordinances. If someone is found to be in violation of

an ordiance, they will be issued a written warning for first time offenses, and penalties as described in the Township

Ordiance and will be issued for subsequent offenses.

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 11 – Storm Drain Inlet RetrofittingM






Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852 PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno - Director of PublicWorks, Carl O'Brien, PE -Twsp Engineer

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

What type of storm drain inlet design will generally be used for retrofitting?For most projects Edison Township will use NJDOT Bicycle Safe Grates and Eco Safe Type N curb Pieces, with a clear

space no larger than 2" in the smallest dimension.

Repaving, repairing,reconstruction or alteration project name

Projected start date

Start date

Date of completion

# of storm drain inlets

# of storm drains w/ hydraulic exemptions

14-31-02 NJDOT FY13 Talamage Road

Resurfacing, Phase 2





15 0

15-31-01 Roadway Resurfacing November



15-31-02 Roadway Resurfacing Novermber



15-31-03 Roadway Resurfacing November



Are you claiming any alternative device exemptions or historic place exemptions for any of the above projects? Please explain:No

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SPPP Form 12 – Street Sweeping and Road Erosion Control Maintenance






Municipality:Edison County: Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno, Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Street Sweeping

Please describe the street sweeping schedule that you will maintain. (NOTE: Attach a street sweeping log containing the following information: date and area swept, # of miles swept and the total amount of materials collected.)Edison Township is evaluating all of its streets to determin which areas are required to be swept monthly. Monthly

sweepings is needed in predominantly commercial areas with curbed streets and a speed limit of 35mph or less.

However, Edison intends to maintain its existing street sweeping progrom for all streets (including those not required by

this permit), which includes sweeping all streets.

Our Log is attached.

Road Erosion Control Maintenance

Describe your Road Erosion Control Maintenance Program, including inspection schedules. A list of all sites of roadside erosion and the repair technique(s) you will be using for each site should be attached to this form. (NOTE: Attach a road erosion control maintenance log containing the following information: location, repairs, date)

This section no longer required.

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SPPP Form 13 – Stormwater Facility MaintenanceM







Municipality:Edison Township County: Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno-Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

Please describe your annual catch basin cleaning program and schedule. Attach a map/diagram or additional pages as necessary.Edison will implement an annual inspection and cleaning program to maintain catch basins under its control for

functionality and efficiency. If, at the time of inspection, no sediment, trash, or debris is observed, then that catch basin

will not be cleaned. All catch basins under the Townships control will be inspected once every five years. At the time of

cleaning, the catch basin will also be inspected for proper function. Maintenance will be scheduled for those catch

basins that are in disrepair.

Please describe your stormwater facility maintenance program for cleaning and maintenance of all stormwater facilities operated by the municipality. Attach additional pages as necessary. (NOTE: Attach a maintenance log containing information on any repairs/maintenance performed on stormwater facilities

to ensure their proper function and operation.)

Edison Township will implement a stormwater facility maintenance program to ensure that all stormwater facilities

operated by the Township function properly. The Township operates the following:

-Catch Basins (addressed above)

-Storm Drains

-Detention Basins

-Drainage Swales

These stormwater facilities (except catch basins, as addressed above) will be inspected as per maintenance plans or as

frequently needed, to ensure that they are functioning properly. In high risk areas, preventative maintenance will be

performed on all stormwater facilities to ensure that they do not begin to fail.

Any new requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 14 - Outfall Pipe Stream Scouring Remediation






Municipality:Edison Township County: Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno-Director of Public Works & Carl O'Brien, PE -Twsp Engineer

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: May 2018

Describe your stormwater outfall pipe scouring detection, remediation and maintenance program to detect and control active, localized stream and stream bank scouring. Attach additional pages as necessary.(NOTE: Attach a prioritized list of sites observed to have outfall pipe stream and stream bank scouring, date of

anticipated repair, method of repair and date of completion.)

When the Township is investigating illicit connections as part of this program. we will check the outfall pipes for evidence

of scouring. All sites will be placed on a prioritized list and repairs will be made in accordance with the standards for

Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey. In addition repairs that do not need NJDEP permits for said repairs

will be addressed first.

The repairs will be followed up with an annual inspection of the site to ensure that scouring has not resumed.

Edison has developed an Illicit Connection and Outfall Pipe Scouring Program. The program document can be found as

an appendix to the SPPP document. The program will be revised in 2018 to reflect latest permit requirements, as well as

any work completed updates.

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18, will be

incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation Schedule for Existing


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SPPP Form 15 – De-icing Material StorageM






Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno-Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

De-icing Material Storage

Describe how you currently store your municipality’s de-icing materials, and describe your inspection schedule for the storage area. If your current storage practices do not meet the de-icing material storage SBR describe your construction schedule and your seasonal tarping interim measures. If you plan on sharing a storage structure, please include its location, as well as a complete list of all concerned public entities. If you store sand outdoors, describe how it meets the minimum standard.The Township of Edison currently stores its de-icing material in a permanent structure at its Durham Road

maintenance yard. Regular monthly inspections, maintenance, and cleanings as required will be performed.

In addition, at the completion of loading and unloading activities the site will be inspected for spills and

cleaned using dry methods as needed.

Any future requirements by the NJPDES Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, effective date 1/1/18,

will be incorporated and implemented as per Attachment A - Measureable Goals and Implementation

Schedule for Existing Permittees

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SPPP Form 17 – Employee Training M







Municipality: ______________________ County: ____________________________

NJPDES # : ______________________ PI ID #: ____________________________

Team Member/Title: ___________________________________________________ Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA): _____________________________

Date of Completion: _____________ Date of most recent update: ______________

Describe your employee training program. For each required topic, list the employees that will receive training on that topic, and the date the training will be held. Attach additional pages as necessary. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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SPPP Form 67 – Standard Operating ProceduresM







Municipality:Edison Township County Middlesex

NJPDES # :0141852PI ID #: 190621

Team Member/Title: Anthony Russomanno-Director of Public Works

Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA):4/1/04

Date of Completion: Date of most recent update: January 2018

BMP Date SOP went into


Describe your inspection schedule

Fueling Operations(including the required

practices listed in Attachment

D of the permit)

1/2/2008; revised

September 2017

The Township has a list of all fueling locations within the municipal

maintenance yard, which will be inspected once a month.

Vehicle Maintenance(including the required

practices listed in Attachment

D of the permit)

1/2/2008; revised

September 2017     

Monthly inspections will be held to ensure that the SOP is being


Good Housekeeping Practices

(including the required

practices listed in Attachment

D of the permit)

Attach inventory list required by Attachment D of the permit.

1/2/2008; revised

September 2017

Monthly inspections of all municipal maintenance yards and

ancillary operations will be held.

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Attachment C

(Under revision)

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Attachment D

(Under revision)

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Attachment E

(Under revision)

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Attachment F

(Under revision)