ticonf 2014 - titanium best practices, memory management

Titanium Beginning Best Practices

Upload: joshcjensen

Post on 28-Aug-2014




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Many people that come to Titanium and Alloy come to it from a background in web development. Having that as a background is great but often times it is lacking in some basic disciplines that are important for success. Success not only in the initial development but also the long term maintenance and upkeep of the app you are building. When working with frameworks like Titanium or Node.js, it?s easy to have a fire and forget mentality. These frameworks make it so simple to get to ?hello world? that sometimes we forget how important best practices are. In this session I will take you through some of the beginning best practices that have helped me maintain thousands of apps and tens of thousands of lines of code. I have made a lot of mistakes and will try to help you avoid as many of those pitfalls as possible. This session will be specifically geared for the person that is relatively new to Titanium and/or Alloy and will address things like application structure for Classic and Alloy based applications. The plan is to answer questions like, why is my app leaking, how to I manage memory, how and when do I use a window vs. a view? What does it mean to open a window with a different context? How do I use commonJS modules effectively? What is a global event listener and why do people tell me not to use them? How do I get help, and why won?t anyone answer my questions in the support forums? If you want to love working with Titanium for a long time to come, check out some of the best practices that will help you get there.


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  • Beginning Best Practices& Best Practices > Memory Management for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var star = Ti.UI.createImageView({ height:'44dp', width:'44dp', top: "50dp", left:'10dp', backgroundColor: "#333" }); (function() { var index = i; star.addEventListener('click', function() { setRating(index+1); }); })(); myView.add(star); } Possible memory leaks http://www.tidev.io/2014/03/27/memory-management/
  • Beginning Best Practices& Best Practices > Memory Management var starWrapper = Ti.UI.createView({ layout: "horizontal", top: "10dp", width: "145dp", height: "24dp" }); ! win.add(starWrapper); ! for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { starWrapper.add(Ti.UI.createImageView({ id: "star" + i, height: "24dp", width: "24dp", left: "5dp", image: "/images/star.png", opacity: 0.5 })); } ! var onStarTap = function(e) { _.each(starWrapper.getChildren(), function(child) { child.setOpacity(0.5); }); e.source.setOpacity(1); setRating(e.source.id); Ti.API.info(currentRating); }; ! starWrapper.addEventListener("click", onStarTap); A better way No reference to createImage has been stored. We are not adding an eventListener to each imageView
  • Beginning Best Practices& Best Practices > Memory Management // Global system Events Ti.Network.addEventListener("change", APP.networkObserver); Ti.Gesture.addEventListener("orientationchange", APP.orientationObserver); Ti.App.addEventListener("pause", APP.exitObserver); Ti.App.addEventListener("close", APP.exitObserver); Ti.App.addEventListener("resumed", APP.resumeObserver); ! if(OS_ANDROID) { APP.MainWindow.addEventListener("androidback", APP.backButtonObserver); } Global Event Listeners
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  • Being a good community member Beginning Best Practices& Best Practices > Community http://bit.ly/appc-qa - Using Questions and Answers Read This Then this Finally, read this before you post something
  • Questions? Beginning Best Practices& Best Practices > General Titanium Topics http://bit.ly/ticonfjosh @joshj Slides/Example app: Twitter: