tibco installation guidelines

TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1 TIBCO Installation TIBCO Installation Guidelines Guidelines Page 1 of 18

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

TIBCO Installation GuidelinesTIBCO Installation Guidelines

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

1 Contents Page

1 Contents..........................................................................................................22 Document Control Information........................................................................4

2.1 Document History........................................................................................43 Oracle Requirements.......................................................................................54 TIBCO Installables...........................................................................................65 TIBCO Pre-Installation Checks.........................................................................76 TIBCO Installation............................................................................................8

6.1 TIBCO iProcess Engine.................................................................................86.2 TIBCO iProcess Client..................................................................................96.3 TIBCO iProcess Modeller..............................................................................96.4 TIBCO iProcess Java Client Plug-in...............................................................96.5 TIBCO iProcess Java Server Plug-in..............................................................96.6 TIBCO iProcess Objects (Java)....................................................................106.7 TIBCO iProcess Client (JSP)........................................................................106.8 TIBCO Runtime Agent................................................................................106.9 TIBCO Business Works...............................................................................10

7 Lessons Learnt..............................................................................................11

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

2 Document Control Information

2.1 Document History

Issue Date Author Changes

0.1 20-Feb-08 Natarajan R Initial draft

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

3 Oracle Requirements

Required Release Level :

Install Oracle 10g Database enterprise edition (10201_database_win32)

Install Oracle Patch (Patch No : 5482266) (p5482266_10202_WINNT) in the same home where Oracle 10g database installed. Because by default, the patch installation will install the patch in a different location other than normal 10g home. In case if it is installed in a different location, then ‘iProcess Engine’ installation will fail in the database connect step (“Failed to connect to orcl”).

Once both the main and patch installation completed, make sure the service is up and running.

Check whether it is ready to accept client connections. In case if there is any problem in connecting to the database, then we may have to use “Net Configuration Assistant” to reconfigure the “TNS” entry as well as the “Naming methods”.

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

4 TIBCO Installables

The following are the TIBCO installables which is required as part of this project. These should be installed in a proper sequence as per it is mentioned below,

TIBCO iProcess Engine - TIB_iPEoracle6120_10.5.0_10Gw32 TIBCO iProcess Client - TIB_procclntwin6169_10.5.0_w32 TIBCO iProcess Modeller - TIB_ipModeler6170_10.5.0_w32 TIBCO iProcess Java Client Plugin -

TIB_sweaijavaclient_10.0.4.0_w32_JAVAClientPlugin TIBCO iProcess Java Server Plugin -

TIB_javasrvrpi6261_10.3.3.0_w32_JAVAServerPlugin TIBCO iProcess Objects (Java) - TIB_procobjavaclnt5518_10.3.0_w32 TIBCO iProcess Objects Server - TIB_procobjsrvr5512_10.3.0_w32 TIBCO iProcess Server Objects - TIB_srvrobjava6225_10.5.1_w32 TIBCO iProcess Client (JSP) - TIB_procjspclnt5216_9.2.0_gen TIBCO Runtime Agent - TIB_tra-suite_5.3.0_w32.exe TIBCO Runtime Agent - TIB_tra-simple_5.3.1_w32.exe TIBCO Runtime Agent - TIB_tra-simple_5.3.2_win_x86.exe TIBCO Business Works - TIB_bw-simple_5.3.0_win_x86.exe TIBCO Business Works - TIB_bw-simple_5.3.1_win_x86.exe TIBCO Business Works - TIB_bw-simple_5.3.2_win_x86.exe TIBCO Business Works Plugin TIBCO Administrator - TIB_tibcoadmin-epe-simple_5.4.0_win_x86 TIBCO Active Database Adapter - TIB_adadb-simple_5.2.0_odbc_w32

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

5 TIBCO Pre-Installation Checks

Make sure the Oracle 10g Database is up and running. Check whether the user with which you are trying to install have necessary

administrator rights to install the software at the main server(either at windows or sun solaris).

Check whether the user has Advanced user rights Log on as a service Log on as a batch job Act as part of the Operating system

In case if the user doesn’t have the above rights, set the necessary rights by moving to Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Local Security Policy. Under Local Security Policy, go to Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment. Go to ‘Properties’ window of each right and add the windows user and click ‘ok’.

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

6 TIBCO Installation

6.1 TIBCO iProcess Engine

The installable can be installed from any location. It is not necessary that the installable must be kept under ‘c:\temp’ directory.

Run the Setup.exe file and proceed through each steps. By default, the node name is set to “staffw_nod1”. This can be changed to a

meaningful name for eg. DEV, CIT, etc. In the Oracle configuration step, enter the database instance name eg. orcl,

user : system , password : <pass>. Click ‘Change Details’ button to modify the user passwords for ‘swpro’ and ‘swadmin’ (two users will be automatically created at OS as well as Database level).

Similarly change the OS password for ‘swpro’ and ‘swadmin’ to some different password which meets the windows password policy for e.g. tcs#1234

Once we proceed further, installation will try to establish the connection with oracle and proceed to the next step to set the tablespace type for e.g.(default, large etc). Proceed with default values.

In the step “Select Components to Configure”, just check “Enable iProcess Objects Server” and “Configure iProcess Objects Server”. Uncheck the remaining items if you are installing in a personal machine.

Proceed forward to continue with the installation. Once done successfully, it will ask us to restart the machine. Click ‘No’ to avoid restarting.

Modify the ‘services’ under ‘c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc’ with the below information,

<node_name>_worker <port_no>/tcp #Staffware node worker <node_name>_watcher <port_no>/tcp #Staffware node watcher

For e.g. staffw_nod1_worker 9536/tcp #Staffware node worker staffw_nod1_watcher 9537/tcp #Staffware node watcher

<port_no> must be unique one. It must not conflict the other port nos already defined in the ‘services’ file. Set the <port_no> as max(port_no) + 1 in the file for both the worker and the watcher entries.

Restart the system. Once restarted, log in as ‘swpro’. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Services -> Staffware

<node_name> Process Sentinels and look for the status. Check whether the status is ‘Started’. If not, start the process manually. There are some possible errors which you may encounter while starting the

process. Because of this, the Staffware process sentinels may not be started automatically. General error message which will be getting displayed while starting the process manually is “Staffware <node_name> process sentinels could not be started Error 1401 : …”.

Open the command promt window. Go the following location c:\swserver\<node_name>\etc.

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

Run the following command from the command promt “pmsvc”. This is the command which is getting called from the ‘Administrative tools->Services’. This will return the exact error message which is causing the process to start automatically. The possible error message would be “Database connect error…TNS listener service is not running”.

To correct the “Database connect error”, Stop the Oracle service and restart the service again in the Administrative tools -> services. And also make sure the Oracle TNS service also running properly.

Now try to start the “Staffware <node_name> process sentinels”. This will get started without any errors.

Once it is started, the TIBCO iProcess Engine will try to start as many background processes. Currently there are 18 background processes which needs to be run.

Check the status of these background processes by running the below command in the location c:\swserver\<node_name>\util.

>swadm show_processesThis will list all the processes and their statuses. Slowly each background processes status will move to Staring -> Running. Once all the processes are set to ‘Running’, then we can use iProcess Engine for other activities.

Set the following environment variables,CATALINA_HOME – c:\swserver\<node_name>\tomcatJAVA_HOME - (for eg. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_13)Make sure ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID are properly set.For eg. ORACLE_HOME – c:\oracle\ora102 ORACLE_SID - orcl

6.2 TIBCO iProcess Client

This installable can be installed from any location. There is no special rights required for the user to install this client except

admin rights.

6.3 TIBCO iProcess Modeller

This installable can be installed from any location. There is no special rights required for the user to install this client except

admin rights.

6.4 TIBCO iProcess Java Client Plug-in

Install this software from ‘c:\temp’. ‘Setup.exe’ must be present under ‘c:\temp’ directory. If it is installed from different location, an error message “Installation media could not be located” will appear.

Install this software using ‘swpro’ user login.

6.5 TIBCO iProcess Java Server Plug-in

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

Install this software from ‘c:\temp’. ‘Setup.exe’ must be present under ‘c:\temp’ directory. If it is installed from different location, an error message “Installation media could not be located” will appear.

Install this software using ‘swpro’ user login.

6.6 TIBCO iProcess Objects (Java)

Install this software using ‘swpro’ user login. It can be installed from any location.

6.7 TIBCO iProcess Client (JSP)

Install this software using ‘swpro’ user login. It can be installed from anywhere.

Once installation completed successfully, copy the webclient.war and paste it in the webapps directory of the tomcat location.(pathname mentioned in the installation document).

Start the tomcat server by issuing the following command,C:\swserver\<node_name>\tomcat\bin>startupTomcat console window will get opened and it will be ready to accept client connections.

As it is mentioned in the installation pdf, use ‘http://localhost:8080/webclient/default.jsp’ to access the client JSP page.

All jsp pages will refer to SWEntObj classes. By default, these classes will not be present under ‘C:\swserver\<node_name>\tomcat\webapps\webclient\WEB-INF\classes’. Hence copy the folder SWEntObj from C:\Program Files\Staffware\Staffware EntObj Java to ‘C:\swserver\<node_name>\tomcat\webapps\webclient\WEB-INF\classes’. Now restart the tomcat server, all the Staffware server classes will now be accessed from that jsp page.

6.8 TIBCO Runtime Agent

Install this software using ‘swpro’ user login. It can be installed from any location.

The following order needs to be maintained while installing TRA, ie.TRA v5.3.0TRA v5.3.1TRA v5.3.2

6.9 TIBCO Business Works

Install this software using ‘swpro’ user login. It can be installed from any location.

The following order needs to be maintained while installing BW, ie.BW v5.3.0BW v5.3.1BW v5.3.2

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

7 Lessons Learnt

Unable to open fil.dll, rc = -1

Make sure Oracle patch have been applied successfully over Oracle 10g database.

Oracle 10g database version : Patch version : (patch no : 5482266, filename : p5482266_10202_WINNT)

Failed to connect to <database> in the ‘Database configuration step’ of iProcess Engine installation.

1. Make sure the database instance, user and password supplied are correct. Give the username as ‘system’ and the pass for that schema.2. Make sure the database instance is up and running.3. Make sure you have installed the 10g patch on the already existing oracle

10g home. This error is likely to occur if the patch is applied in a different home other than the base oracle home.

L041: Failed to connect to the network listener service: Invalid TIBCO iProcess server host name(or possibly missing from system hosts file)

1. Make sure whether the iProcess background processes are running. Check this by issuing the below command from ‘c:\swserver\<node_name>\util’

>swadm show_processes Look for the ‘Last status’ column in the output of the command. If the ‘Last status’ column shows ‘Not Running’ then it means staffware process sentinels is not running. Start this service from ‘Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Services -> Staffware <node_name> process sentinels’Once the service started, check the status of the background processes by issuing the above command. If the process sentinels is successfully started, the ‘Last status’ column shows ‘Running’.

2. Suppose if the services are still not running, then make sure ‘staffware worker’ and ‘staffware watcher’ entries are present in ‘c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services’ file.

If not present, enter the below entries at the last,<node_name>_worker <max port no+1>/tcp #Staffware node worker<node_name>_watcher <max port no+1>/tcp #Staffware node watcher.

For e.g.

staffw_nod1_worker 9536/tcp #Staffware node workerstaffw_nod1_watcher 9537/tcp #Staffware node watcher

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TIBCO Installation Guidelines 0.1

Make sure the portno does not conflict with other portno in the services file.

L0<no> : Bad Password or account locked out1. Make sure the password entered is correct. Or2. Make sure the user account in OS is not locked out. This can be found at

Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Computer Management -> System tools -> Local Users and Groups -> users. Look for its properties and see whether the ‘Account is locked out’ checkbox is checked. If so uncheck the checkbox, then try again.

Could not start Staffware <node_name> process sentinels service on local computerError 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

This error usually occur when the ‘staffware process sentinels’ is being manually started from the ‘Control panel -> Administrative tools -> services’.

Make sure the database instance is up and running.

Run the below command,

C:\swserver\<node_name>\etc>pmsvc [then press ‘enter’]If the output of the above command show ‘Process Startup failed. Error -1001: Database Connect Error: see sw_warn file for details’.Then ‘Stop’ the oracle service and ‘Start’ again. Once oracle service restarted, try to start the process sentinels again. By this way the above error can be overcomed.

The installation media is located in an invalid location. Please refer to the installation guide for further assistance.

This error normally occurs when we try to install ‘TIBCO JavaServerPlugin’ and ‘TIBCO JavaClientPlugin’. This can be avoided by placing the install files in ‘C:\temp’ directory (‘Setupwin32.exe’ must be present under ‘C:\temp’ directory for successfull installation).

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