ti g tp his ^m0^^0m^^m$m^tz - nys historic...

ut the colonies, under such at alt children jet, or who years at #i? W. !,he g of tte'-passing any s piitpVseJbe te «pr £ ?*«f parliament d fjsubject ML Th»|ir *aWftrds the his I y y sum net exceeding briated ale to : 1P.Q»&GO sterling,to be tipprogriated as Par- --A"-- '"^' '-of )|fcfints bait<ttii|4«y g!««i lWl'jit ffi$]B^f 1t*h*» confirroea: the 5eoiife»«e o Jj «nte* r biiHt**fg>en ors p| ftund with the Pucbess of Berfj :t$te de- Vtroyedf *ffe* •cottncHlorS,"wbo <m&eight* were divided equally in pestipu*M thi| divi$»4" :*a\ised the Miss equally in •eotf-etttrona beingfeyorable;tot accused.?*.. OF day ess of JBerri ess of JBerrik The Francs N j j e « the most, detailed account of this measure \vnich |# as follows: ' : ki \vnich |# as follow •; " u The : embarkation of k, place H She coflsidtswdni... .,. of fc earned Into: fcMgive* ***> parwtfttalnipst «ny *niftgKyfenal^or>.!BOtTi the .. , , , confuted nof$8 of man l thr |yei(^p|i%|»» -.!* .4-.^ "kA.-iju—*i* rl _*._< 'jt'iI^-HVj •»*»* two'rtM:.«iniAvrt*r»# W^WiiTriniii&AntV £££Qtf1iMAhnAW farf B as those'which" haviv 1n}<>W' -'*ii Marshal Clause!, after some ih«o<|uctojy obn.rPiition on ihe importance pf the posses- •polije thought i^aprotound sioH of Algiers; which he contended might b bdt uce of riches tp"France gteatnescitt; a sioH of Algiers; which h g be as abundant a source of riches tp"France E Idi hd t t*>En| be as abundant a source of riche ,88, that of the East Indies had t>eer> t*>En|- hd id tftt itwssivilhft^ew to the in- in all the meftba&isift of ce i%n'rteur of to 4heXi^eraiio».?9f theT)uch- The Francis Najivejle h ld ut f this me fttlpclcltxH s ^ row channel pf^laye on h ij ofithe/Captieifeusej^nd whieli was by £}pm.«ianjaaj| ^olliet.^ Sicpg pauied oy GW. -JBwg<Jattd, tb.e nujse, hlldy Ridi h^l)fehi46i| nar- boat hrodj said tftat itrwssivilhrft^ew to th terest} not only of the coJbnist«i hut of tile"' itthtft heClted"on gpvern» the bpnt^t.a slow rate dowa the;-narrow channel pf Blaye, and'flje•.banksf were coy^- ered by a. population pf fvolft 4000 to 5000 person* - l*he most profound .silence reign- ed. The government has given.orders to transport the wuchess y of t wlioie-jcountrj,.thtft he.'Calted"on gpvern» ;ment for the speciltts reply to iiie .fpHowing questions :~J8t,' Is it (he jfttentiQn .tiflhe government to P&M0<tiuIf^hsT-points ofHtlie ^ftican coaist :«nd the Regency of ^Algiers, hld jthd \\vf QiJEu '%tf(|'Jp>*V«'J' •"<• ^'I-.~»TT—i-o- .rr--.. Mtt^fjbV^ongma^aatng'4. 'frndegsuch -ii^l^Tt^^atfirtfls irwt he in. prpxudffig tip an in .ivhtcii the #aitter ofthff pojtjpatty; PUglii to be renetved, are as To separate the tinion which at pr>s- - i b th trading eharactet To separate the tinion whic p> exists between the trading eharactet frly "any suish,«xpens.e.»s he may incut in eSinplishingiafreBSciebt stipendiary magis- ifiumin (Irtrctikimcs,and in aidtog tlieiofial udj! la the e6h»Bjtps,JLPd in |iSlt|t«ife in prpxudffig ti to tocDenensf accojnp^ny. Tho k " the Prince and Princes deJseau* * 3VI.dttwMenaTs'tb: accompany ^ftican coaist :«nd the Regency of g which it now-holds^Ior to exjtehd \\vf QiJEu ptitcfn toothet pjoints? -2d. Isitiheinten- lion Vf thegpvetnment to isolonizeAigieJ? ? ?itf. Is itjthf tat«aationo{ thic government to ^ i l ' " '; (profownd j questions of l 4he J^on. «*».«j,-.,_.*-«-#» - -.-• -».- » .On. tfe first j c«n. "ipnly say ; ttjijt';we. have; formed: no specific. .d.eter^itta1i?on; we now. soqeupythe fhrej!^prJncipal-pp»nU.of.the tjei;-, -rjtnry, ftafl'f if fonald a-ppearpecessatv^ahd sopnconyerted' into# Jfeey. .i^«ft#^^?«».taei^ TEfspmo became still \vh%htneylo"afnii |n buy ing the Philadelphia tpfltuW. K caine-utterly convjnb'ejj Tof , "K When they saw such fp7T lngl^VrettfeS and qncontipliabl goverpntetit. distlng»Tshe4 only by ses and epfrtjpttoiis - d epfrtjpttoiis. Ilo* »6^ l*et npi Gofigress Become the collector of tixes;To'r the suppwrpf the ' Sttfeovernments; |t\tjiUWti]!^tnDstfa;- : Statfegovernments;. .|tjUW]!^n ^ U t b W tootjriibert|-%er yet struck. t.et tbo general gOYerhment raise Gpiyihtt f«ndsWnfc&'it*ant5Vjft pertorinfhgjts own fc&it*ant5Vjft pertorinfhgjts own ; nrtd.1e| lb.esf^tjs, wise t|je funds it for;*tlloC$Bpnrp0seSj The jais- t|je funs wtsnitfor;.*tlloC$Bpnrp0seSjThe jais- widijendingj^f^nbtfentphey >wll then 4^ To renUzethe holding of lanji by Eu* repeans jn4he East Indies, 5. To atlbw theNatives of India, notwith- standiug their color, birth, or religion, to be equally eligible to all offices as Europe- I hasti^nato4nform yon of even*? ,h<f j-wiU, nV doubt surprise 'yoxf-i^ v Mtyvarfe* that Don Cartosj the fc^jgjpivi:, ' plher,, who; Was banishedatnat'kingdom, upVbeen here for some tirnerint% siatelof; uncertainty -as towtost 'ho ought to 'do, or what the more p'p«renut of his Irienclaiwere going to do'with him'. , • . ! ;•" •..•.' For thejhist ten days a Spanish frigate, has beep \vaiting to. convoy •hjto and his' family to Italy, and *n English htig, called -dmryj and if i^ ]pp; convenientifither^=. foj^thie, %ecyicitx. ofii or any other r>i^soq^o^exte McqpitiSn to oAhier-'l^ifitlf^nere^sr^ ficuttyin doing go| but'At^feirem^eJsaf} come to no determiniuion on tM sttttjet;t. iAs to the qwestiPh or cpjdniiatibnj ouM lention" islg f ^ i t j H c htis p6ss Jf companies 'drtake to aus. \ The-Londoii §un siyg;—W"e learn from- a.respectable source, that a verysatisfaciiory understandingexists bfetweenthe;King~atid Earl'Grey on the subject of pPrtug«l, and that in tile eventof the constitutional forces t^ 1h6 }il meet with a aly, and *n Engh tlirMonkey;, had bee,n hired, to pf hissiiite, luggage, &e. wh^ remftvef Tfom^^^ l^trlk^\Sfl}loTfjto purpose Ofembarkation. Thisjvas to tok^ place insight days from the "arrival of the frigate. Don .Ga'rlos is understood to have reduested permission to pass tlit9U|I». Spain ph his way to Rome, hut this,,fiSfptfhtical reasons, was refused, It was n<st conceal asrf8tgnce;M ^.,^^ ,.,^ om : ^jcjh p ^ e d j l y awatt^;jHm*_ ,,,. s-jav&n'Jfljem such •evio'ejcei ^f contrition pvwpiEfes^o-an *4&oca|6".0tt the' fJ ,. ^ : ^ a . J , !>ir ^.,... , H '$W& if thttusiiii^s T j e p a ^ ^ b o J i l ^ p ^ t f the^yv f i "&JM %ptop^imeaihat h?0au?att^'jP^MOTfct^ 1 * '"' •-•Hisi right of »«'-*~~ " *" ^^--^-^ •j**l from snjHch tiis p6ss1bter fhemSeises \y|ip. will; li t th Jf companies j^ftseht fhemSeiss y| 'undertake to eoipflii?e Algiersftttheir expense)thty raay dcp^dipj teee|y1n e|prptection fton p)y er| f pr.ptection d y teee|y1ng;ev.- nVWhielvthey i^an desire, but we flop not consider it the tinterest of governmenk 16 undertake the cot- ^p f f&erarhpnlf ^ jhe •d ! ~..«li- i ^ m B O o J o o ;g|& o n4fromg^at fesent^ije d of tlio Vflft^ military 4 were out dd l ih g^ his f tf \*e S lie. , tlje,4i9g(^9efjijopg^atioq9 wfj8h08ofthe governmehiggpaviiig offjtha thr'e&pi cents,.what, wjlfbe the ikiu has become printer, theft. Ifiat4 tliat.«, ^.1 p ^ : ^eppj througli their mere tobte and age (Messrs, fialerau^ Seatqn^the.cpndufeforsj pj "tj^ptthelfatipiariiiteiligencer ' •' The ie.Th 'ftey pro* ic At military 4 were out at^tivejye*. , f t e y •ceeded along- withbjatvmartlaj imqsic. tae,. Clpwg)i^ was, |^ fto '^H^ a(se4 in a Carfia its OWJJ respo Iff re* j a n4-another oflScer,. TMfy rgy! w I the carriage .with "Win. • In this --Lth_e third question-of ihe Hpn< Mar- mariner; lie was removed to the place t 1.1 have tor repeat, that the governmenUexecution, about two rniles froni the - :it sliai, 1 liavu IQ-repeavj-iuuv iiip gu»^»uu.'-.'. iBx^uuijou.nuuMv i>wmjica uvui >u° has placed itself under no engggement wlrat^j of ; Wfaunt.Hollyv The^uj;r6u;ttding; ed by hirpepple that he entertained a pf going on bpard the frigate^Jbr vhat par licUlar reason is not stated* passports were taken out for a certain; number of servants to go on board the Bng'ish br,ig,. and amongst them, it •said,,fe TJoyal Highness passed indisguise, and,it.is sup- '$fJ^1h»<«mtt.ltaii^/tUe;-$e:ptese i ii1aUvjes .of the people in* both gpvfernmesnts will in- cuir t!*&frpfopef Te'spfMibilUys the people th pep g p s cuir t!*&frpfopef -Te'spfMibilUys the people tbiMiBlielvtis wife- utrdetslffQd* whence, the comes and- whither it goes r elnmie^ts w $l' be iept^Beparate and distittct, public morals maintained., our lib- erty preserved, and our happy{xriuio&l syi- tea* i*«dered perpetual* ' Tf tftr nay out ttf tjie_Stfttes $2,400,000 of rerewae arising from" the sales of Public i i thai in l l i e e v e n t - o i toe consuiuiioum juii-f UI JJII UV O^ riUn> , ... ^... e _,,.,„„,. inarching on Lisbon, they will meet with a posed he is to be landed ou some part "of degree of support from this coftfltry which' the Spanish coast. •':•'. '• •lu»j- IUv,.».wy., -^ -r.—a^a everwitlrauy Power.relative-tQ'theevacu- libn of Algiers, but is perfectly; free to act in that respect as it think*propepj: but 1 will add,, that up lothis rnonierit gtjvern- ment has not interfaitied tWreinqtest idea ;of evacuating Algiers; on ; U"h#conlra.ry all its measur^Mead to fortify (he security "of its occupation, and to encourage, by every ^Sana in its pqwttriihe colonization of the country by pjivate.injividual* tir companies. I believe^bese are altrthe points oft which the Hon. Marshal required information, and"if there beany ;other oh-ayiuchthe From the record WWasojpgton it-appears that: x 3 the lot; Wrtftin^ grmtlo'g" qatsblishmisnti presses, •" >i dejjts r 4ue : , Wd.-'d'eifHtf Vecomecttie f '; rcgred in foe tothe-United States Baalc in , that Messra. Gales and Saatpn have sines that period been the tools of the Bank, ther'ihere .«reature3pf UicliolasBitldlp,the menialsand.,paa- 'deraof this Porrugt Iristitutiott- itt5teai* 1 '5f 'the iiide- pendent editors of ah Indepondent Joiirnal. After pf ; WtQunt Bollyi Jthe s j j y u g ; m :w»s estimated at from Si* to ten thousand persons. i\. dose inspecition ijf th^counte- ipiice of Glpugh detected the graces of a t4i|hty coavutMon, which had indeed iub-? sided, Mi h*l ltft the 4,e^p itflprint of i His eyes Wert peculiarly e'^pres*: i®0ri^tIiEftheaiBibuniduefrom^MandSeaton* m 182£(5^trie'Hnfte the Bank became proprietor Pf •tter printing establishment, was only about .!P>iOO.Q-, the G l b U t t th Blt h i d t t l i .^ . ... , . -• • •^^ D ,- A «-e ebmberdesiresexplanMipn,Ishallhehap* ,. to have been expected, consid-j GEH»J4**Jt•;:_ ; . •. .< pyt0 - g - ive it^'—f Applause, and cries of the es with which the agents Petty details, are given,* con « # % 0 ;,» \ rtr , , stance,, to contend here, owing length; of disturba«cesin. the circle, ofthe ^ r s na ^eiausel. expressedhimself per, hadhlJi ' ;efK 'RIIIIIM althPurrit thev indicate a degree 01 ^ ..I.,;...5.J_;,U,I.' i. n .iii,i.. mW tt^. °i,u.«< sive of apgtiisb, y'e.t. _ were calni and subdued in r ^, , - v , ;He walked ftrect 1 . His : dtess-was|)lwhite| with, ar black hat. l_.; t ' '"', HftVing reachedthe S|affo!di ihytiin was sung, and the: clergyman wjio officiated in a strong voice, Tesd^he confession of Joel riCtn,i_. •_ ui^j.'^i.i.^^xvkj -fully*into pring a i m , GlobesUewstnat the Banl q cern, for the pujposs of carrying Oh jts.printiBg ope.. rations, That' pf* tttia. f8O,00Q about" rations, ^SOiOOO. That pf tttia. f8O,00Q about $65.^000 waa pretended to be secured by conditional- 4Pceptaiipea to ^e^gaid^jit^f-fl», process. pfitUpiJ :«'tate .papers, |h4i%1i.un^e)r't&j prqiriso, in. '^raie ine '8ta4pes,.|f not allV that "all otheFpuruosesyof tho'as- «ignment and all pribr apceptahfies should be first met and : discriarged." AjiotBer cotiMdejabiiisuni i* said to be Besured hya draft on t h i Clerk of the f l in rniottte- -,_,„ -,_,-„... w that he trial Srid % righte'pusEentence. ^^tnat sK^pre^nt a|ir paying -<wt »,-.,*-J5uW Wore of the,;irevoHue arising -ffcf» : 3d«Ai'Oa imports? ^Dhig/uuds ttrisi«ig friidHiirtfes prejsfio more tho r0gnn«n*propr vttty. «f the tJjtjted : &tateSj$haii tltosearisijig fi^a thel'ubjicf'taiids^ : Cpngwss lms as v iwefc ^PBf.gWftitlie-State of-^TeW Yt>rfc : : «HiHB|tflnfraiB fiO^O0#GO-8rflnif8y cal- Jecjed front iftrtsprts ia the Gustoitt-rHouso pt me nosiniiy <u iui? mnjuiuj ^j-•*#•£••« ^rscfpntent thj of Peer* to theconstitutional cauSe-OfPor- llinteyeand 4u"gaf. Arrangements have, we are; inform- have not assumed a edCheen already wade tosecure tlie picifi- .formidable to threaten cafib&#PoTtDp^ •»•—'-•-*-'—•*—•• »'- length; of disturba«cesia the circle, or tp M ar sii a f Qlausel expressed himself per- had haJiraiV trial Srid % -righteous sentence. Rhiue; although they.indicate ajggree 01 { ect j ¥ , 8atisfie a wU ^ t hfi explanatioins given $e, however, gave a sbade to trisstafe- ^fsefpntent that will^obablf reqtiite a vigr ,. ^ ^ goult,which he said would tend, ^ents in-?egard to >lrs, ttamiltdn' tfiat 6b~ d |ettuy^ of? P6rt0gar f Tlifiy p it is true', on certain $ontingenciesy Jittle doubt isentertaifeed oil th& subject. J KkB hi Majest >r^ttt!einpirrum,'aBa^ren She. lane* Jttrioirt^ Us#- t#enty-f«u.r Stales^ giv^ Wittit stopr* Jforfue dosiro,ctiop of oprin-- . iv . itton v 'eppi eision and ; # r ifweepipe this fate, it wilt qn- fo entpiinM qije na.Ji|§a. dfeadful, —p^J&JoSallifi^itipni! .iinatchy, citfil war and the'establishmentof aetty; .ttilitary despo*- it is pire, t fK^v- by Marshal Soult,which hesaid would tendLments in-jregard to jMrs.Hamilton that ob* M*. 4i y to uanquilize is the greatest degree the in-1 scured her fidelity to herengagements.with twcnHos-tt^..^-,. ^ A1 _ lt j Wt .HetrustedtftRt coHii- hiui. Tet ire did,j>pt *«fc-tt joat'fy U* . . v. . ."Jji. ......1 J :~...n-.»;niol.T I .i«..i-r _..._.!,.._.. »i.~» «««n.i.,t ' x House of Representativesi&r the.pVPceedjoE ^ Work for which the |Ibvi|p noyer subscribed* and wMcfj- drafit-the Clerk refused to aceegt. > yet, potwitb.- statiding this refusal on tlie face of tJte = BUl f ?nd.not- withstanding the"Banft kne.w tho House' hadnot subscribed for tho work, it was discountedr^By the Pank to enable tteir printing establishment to go on ttle d London, June Pik th& subjec his Majesty's h b 2d schooner Pike, which left JLishdn on tbeSd, and Oporto 011 the- 5th lDSt,, accounts have been received of tne~po : siti6n"of the belligr ereofg. ^he I^arquis^ol Palhieila hadar- jtiyedj to which event mtichimportance was attached at 0"porlo, as it wos thought that some of Ihe present parfizjiins of Miguel, of :1iighranfc nud-onarfe. ptopeUy, would be Chamber of Efcputie*-Sitting, of:Ja».e,- \^-~ TR^ AT Y Wltfit THE TINIfEI) S''ATPES. yaschar- With-the M. Benjamin Delessert said he god, byJhe committee, intrusted . examination .of the bill relating to»he 'tfn.i; ted State?, to^express its' regret th it tjtiia'tf period of the*essI6n,jLt!whtfh; ths bjUJb|j been presented, and tfie numerc us impor Kapier'had-t^ken command ofthe fitit, in the room of Admiral Sat totifls who-retires;! o ia"atiies as frt^rtce and the Unite A.forivaVd-advance was confidently e*-f~ Gen.Xafayette »gree4 with sp A tbrward -adviince w«s conty pected; we have reasofe42J^8ow that the arrangements for'the advance are conclu- dd; hd a 11! ^!^8bort tinMtwilt disclose the e li*m« among the nria* of ournow " I t t oufTiex£we ilitary despa d hlqadsiained •.Clay* the arrangem ded; »hd f h dvance are concl tinMt 4 .,wilt disclose Sl Th [psrt of the plans of General Solignac. The follbwirtg are eiSWcts frora the Lisbon,;pa* to 4>^uii|>iMa u m i s i v ... ..»_ ..-_,j. „. mercial establishments would immediately be formed in Ajgiers, is A he was conviaced that colonization was the-only effectual and useful mode of occupation. _ ,^ .„ ~ The British East India possessions ex- .-nd^/wjih fewinterriipiiont>&rid those only oftfibutary oralijed $tates,ftom Cope Cor- moiin to the Hiaialaya mounftins.' This port this wasbost anx- "pminatetf relationj offlUchT SUt-a. alay*. ma jmmense^te.fritaty. conjprehendj irf "part of the continent of As,U, contains a hiindr«id milHpns of inltab»ftf t» t and yields an annual revenue of about ^22,000^000 of « hundred'mUliont of dpllafs. Thl forfifes consisti 00 i deedl'oiPraurdet on that accoiilut. His confossioh yvM q^itelong «n3L<iccg* pied Dearly a half hour in reading. JKpart of a tetter 'written byhim, to 61 *•--••••'- tions was "*-' J - u * ""*-•—= tees wer^hging arid (hdse priyors ofthe'• Church appointed for. the occasion. Durirrg4his space of time, Clough*« to he y<s*k arid 'faint'.; s>t dotyri in n and leajieii At tiifte* on Ihe a,it*nd|n|f > gytnan. About half pist Iw^o, \\{* ge -in^o^n^heTJseftlfeld^sk^lea^^^ p posqasfollorts: "Is not'the state of things Jiye ptllitfg i 16 every "friend of pp>e n ^"Th'BksoughttohePres- t Vh ithd ipyeilfi^erit? ^TheBanksoughttohe ident through its Attorney,* to Vchom i id' IfpOO d// t Phildlhi^ ident through its Attorney, to Vchom ithad paid' IfjpOO do//ars, at Philadelphia^lo.nej, tor^legal^services and;probabjiy atilimore which p f t ^ t e d the coronieTety rel«uori^ ob6 British' troipps. 1 sphtg% inipprtatirtotheintereffr*fwcb: pany in 1^32 w»s old allies as France and the Uniiea 1 §t!tjjs>_ v.i v tl andnMjtouser of the company lFte . Gen.Xafayette »g 4 filteju from?]the Hon. Deputjv anji express- d Iiito^iU'ott filteju cd Iiii torn hd Deputjv anji expre |ia ^.•.^«. w ,., „._,..,„_,...,. jpipaVare^situaled than |Pthose i»hich are to Aire but aajtu^j than tP those i»uich are to shar equal portion of the spoils. her had examined ihe question, i| would see that the iiiteresft of3Pra0ce_ w'erft involved tn the fntl execution of Jhe treaty. The Minister of #orBi-^* * "*"'' '•'ikJ&^-'0fS0M^T^^i9^ 'Compileri ''^^^'-%S : ^i^W'0^^f^M^V^i- ^M0^^0M^^M$M^tz l«i|t»,4ttp ^ffflft^ejijhundred Bla«;«S,totst?-] 1 *"-™^w"r~# ","^-T- T.,f * :;^i«^f^a^a\h^o;b^B.d^ 3**?. 1 ™* 5f ^ ^.•.^f^^^^^^^^M^^ ^a^Utaetriordinarf fet>lity'",iimt>ttg;tliie:,. ..... ''*' '' " "l.mi(Bwife'^fci^|i^e^Hiel;N?fh¥l Sunday-lbor^ing, the 1st wa 2d ift first division of tlrem\]chj»lked=of squadron of steamers arrived offthe Bar, with rein- fpi cements of troops, money, provisions and stores. This seasonable addition to the forces pteviously collected, here has infiised I fresh vigoarlb the con*tittttionfil i |Arty,*—' Among the^ pnsengers brought by these four stegmers were the Duke of Fay »1 (bet- y Und mMytouseWfnti of the co not exceen 1 pOO, ~m\li wlbffi siness }»transacted and their aem| Wheftthe f herjff adyaiced to *dj ijut I&4 !/?ton* of d^lira. Jfh^.fend ippei Glaugh felt:bn,his cede andMSse4 of 2§0jO00 ^ative and.3S,- him. Hjs ybice waSso low, s that tewheard >D3. The debt pft^-cpr^^higlirt^rewemjiynd jhanks tojWse who was mbSS&mX TJie had-attended him. He" deliberately took lia^ aUended him. Hedehberately took hold of the rope and^measured the distatice hywiiji^fio»e fbt tfif^MCTTTakrng a tor legal seryices, ^probably, ^,..,.,.. r . r , at its wesle.ru. branchfea. it didiipt suceeed in bscornfng Bresident; T)ut it has proeiired ; itself throJi^hJtsypurneyinen in^ WashinB? tonyto be declared |rinter to ihe Kepresontatives. Jttere it Basin lbdgmefft in the government aud the^manligement of "^ A wideXy; ckculatlng newspaper^. iuitaSnetib from the_Mblic Treasury* Vli ^a». suffix . when the doors of the immediate discussion an frt»iy^ The delay i;nj»rfe . ^..,. v the Cbtftnher rose ftpftt the diffically incol- lecting all tbe.docunfents aecesairy £oif the elucidation of ;a^<re»ty jby which afinalfid- liutiness»transacted and their a«m|BS_offi^: 'cered. ,The. total number of %vhWeT^who exist among the hundred million of Indian, inhabitants does not exceed 40,000- So 1-, says a writer in* Blackwop^s _p—.jj,isthe difproportion. hetqneen the ^ighjr]urersand,t]ifenativ6 *ubjectji, ' ttue: *vhaf; the Hindpos ty jb^ w of transactioivi et tflrentyje.|W. 'hd He ti struggled but-ferai nloiiien'tiTlra«?ing tp His knees two or three-times }Q a spasmodic manner. * roan TTJUW TOIMBBS.!* inure CIUCI i vi uic ». «»*-» L a J,—*«• * £.j. *_. ^^,,_jiy^i^1«!iiSi^ei^^ Sltjltai* lor Coimbn, orj lfc^|yj%n«r)M^#;"ml|tfe|3*l0e.-- i!i «*»^^ tnr ******* ^C^^^^a^t'M^i^'^i^ ' •'"'•••ip^3^»^»|!|t^*w^^]fc i '<?^ol«i*.- Louisiana andjSouth Carolin. *f be seen about thestreets of Col- S. C. on Sundays, half naked, h*lf ft worn out by hftrd li»boTj ped- bm h" othr ut by r » j p broom*, or such" other h d t ^r^&feflihiy: ' "1 ^^^fipntrlveW'^J and ^veniugfi, to ,„.,...-.„,...._,.. khile; fcfrM^ft&te silenced the l by arid sbellJj exploding in its embrasures, and blowing into the air gun c»rtiige«,i>oaSei, ^fC. trlTthe soldiers h«»* actually refused doififf^ty in tbi» *Ub|hter-hou«e^.a« the;? c«ft it,trpla)i wlience they are saidtpVemOve itheia&ffWf* - " ' t^-.^- "tHaf itevery «_-,_,... < ,.,...___, r- . T; - . were to throw a handful qf e*rth cin^the Eti- ropeans, they ivbul^ be iburiedianve vs *he ttid$t of their cpnj9SesJ|»" ; OStV sixteen years hsve;.eiapsediihce the-AIahratta Con- federacy vfS^finally broken up and destroy- ed, and the iniiaa gsve?IJflrest ^fttreiftle: in possessionof these dominions. Thegross receipts and .disbursement Of the Elast Iadia rt 7/sinCe i8i4, have amoiinJed to Thus has pen'shed one of the tnost iron heatied; bttt cpivafdly ffends that ever fell iplo the bands of justice. He is washeS ^leanramfsenT ^-—W hea^ian' itleemr, t«a so we hope. Yet we ^rouldtiot hive otof Villi tk aflffrWlflirjr tlieird»g- Treasury were thrown open and theinStru> A •tlie Bank permitte.d ? - for a job ofi; prinling, whjch wjil be of little tfse,"and s might have been, done,ftsf»r!as necessary,' tor much,less mon«y^ to take out from 15d,r,- 000 to 200,000 dollars ofihepablic #6as-* . ure. fiut M\y \vftfare to have them ferin^,V e tef$' Ttp the. .Hopse of |lepresen)tftivepf ' ' •easo- VdwwingjtonboundedavoJsfrftutftBTreasu ry, to inceeMe their jjower to'i.erve tEie Bauk! jtetonljthe ^tt$ ^f ? th«;B;«lB;lt i h 6f | i o w hope Villains take hive oto tlieird»g-- f hik Even now dome of these documents had not come over from America, but he hoped be- fore ne*t'8es$ion th^ committee WPUW bein" po«S»essipri.pf every information. ; ilVP !i»p«ny. «n CC *o*-., «»« .u,™,.- , Count Jwibett considered thtt it »hottld-th«-enormous iuta of ^S.103,336, or jinot he «UowedJc^o forth to the> world, and nearly (wo iAou»a*Z Mt hundred million* pMtlejdTarlj? "to Hfiited; ? ! a t e ^ { f i r f l i B | g Mm^^aU.Mii-kan: ^ Ohamber ^a» prepared to(tfdopt blihaiy * tre*ty3t9lvnii tbe payrttent of so large * Villains take coaflffrWlflirjr tlieird»g geriin innocenLbosoms,hee I dle^8.of ihrieks ^%i I*?* 1 **, ihinking; j|- ^^asjtjfc.'matter When*ft e|fotti'j6, escapfr huroari'jiifticS' Bauk! jtetonljthe ^tt$ ^f ? th«;B;«lB;l itself, ljutthe Treasury 6f tbe\peop|ei is pouring forth its tens aid hundieds of thons aanaT^ sustain nQtoriotiVproflTgJfeyMn^tlje service of an ^.^,^».. , ^^_ justice; ^i8^wh>lej=. Not that real peniienise will oyiwbUfefttsjed forgiveness. -But there comes along with despair* Stiipid ^ppplefetic c»Tm^ '' " '- ifot unfreqqently ftiistaken fdfiihe..,..._. ing, but which, if the despair is removed, the feeling* of distrust which t o|*he treaty had excited^^ in m> tbe Chambers, he had no dafaf it would removed, noietter , r rovisions member» ous: we m niated by falaebood. The power,calunl- .™^_^._ .j i6hd« of * soci- ety, altogether f«ctitioi« r wound ««, i)e»* tiny strikes ui where we have g»rnered up ^jPld a|j6j tt»t ionrhre «nd our affectioM tolemn epbcl dullness and op , p g over the bbjecti by t%9itv are tnchore can land, M ma haveloid- ott t* they fo,t tience k*d heard, bdt tb. torn* lanathow lhi« «f*w*!e»l for pile of oor than beJfprjB* y.iuug<u[:j:' r j»cj4«»v*>y, v » ^'«f>« have; appeared less ^bj^clionable if it had induced him at least to dejist from further iasaMinlts pn his Victim^ ntpw th»t she; Is lii he? grir*. - ^ne-would thinkj that -the recollection of having excited the sympathy of * woman by pretended sickness, and so having drawn lier to his aid »s a nur^e and then murdered her, would glut the revenge of »j)euitent m*n. " liberties: of thec^untry^ t If the ^ifflbfts of< jthe* ijieasulcy are thusrto be^xpeBdeff|n; iid of the millions of the Bank, htfw tbnr I We be a frefr pepplfeL Ilow long will » before" noi only the Printers jo 0on* r gress, but the President, the*Heads/" 5ri *- '" * tiie Heads of ^ufejius, partmentft, tite Heads of Bufejius, w say Senators a'ndliepresentatives, sha in the pay of the Jfchjtand 'Wiaerft iaitru* t| ' ^ understand |hat «n ..-,. of thii corrupt poWr/ if they wish to preserve their; principles and sav»- Iheir coaatry from sTdespotisia ^— ' i% -^ thai of Enssia, they-will not —-**-*- 4 -pre**^ morning the 24th nit., an infant child ap- es dited Jaw rnt#Wigett<« g il, t id >p p«rently ^Hout|,t*o weefc* old v w»*. found am»n|!"the'W<!e«l* ! ift"the vieltiitiy'of the Posv-hot)«e, in this'Mifn*. It w^aupposed to have heen left there by a woman who passed through tlio neighborhood the day previous, and jvhp ittted; that She was fireJifc j^|ng#ton ? IJ. C.y ffiat »be had eight c h i l d n t l m t J m nutban.d wasd^jiiajid - i " 1 " 1 ^ naMtOknky.Wt prevent^AhagtftaM^ ment of any other like it. Th4 root ol <he evh* is in the nature of the i i l f which is incompatible whk a government^ of the people. We call on ^hiasKep«btiie«» press everywhere to spesk out, to inform the people, and td point »nt theineaon by wTiich «nexterminatioK wnr can bemort effectually wsgedr We »r* ready IA fo^ low or lead, to do any act or meet any ,.^ ^ L '-' may be | ' "" j ihefl now living tt had> BJ •I no wt»fcefornlhaCrt could uotbe allowed to Wdttdri tiwCl^ti^ np treaty whkhi«- ITf'.' «"ft'II?J|-y.V>-r«^W.*UOIUTCU , T5 ,_ T ,, ..„ftfotpra >*l44i o*«*ft"-%" that Mpwateiu*, *nd t»v«rfo it ia thought. Finally, when life glides twty from ui, ..,.,,,,.»..!..... ,* ltt i^^: (rt . a teofexi»t«»c»> .purpoied V^ did not' e»fl .the,poor-house whom the g; j M > e leayo that (»he Seveffil person* in h ; J™*^ iD|«itw«i» «nd indofatigibie friend of the did not e»fl toere. Seveffil person* in jhe neighborhood have *een and identified the child at the poor-ho««p as being the name th«t wa»ln thii.womin'spogieswoti. Tliese are *11 the facts which lerve to throw any light upon this roynterious cireumslance.— D t A 1 ah Mich our fathet* fouglit." *" To this cxjH»ifioh v nio Intell%« . „ ., impptaht attempt to show that, because tlie diobo was incorrect in some ofthe amounts whichit»{|M -j tho Intelligcncor had received for official printing, therefore all its material allegations were tobo taken asfalsc, yet it doesnotVvejl pretend to deny'prre- fiile the main faets arid *ecus»tions contained Itt thp Globa. In answer to this rrpty^ thfr <Slo6e h*i *6

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ut the colonies, under such

at alt childrenjet, or whoyears at

#i?W . !,he g

of tte'-passing anys piitpVseJbe te

«pr £?*«f parliamentd fjsubject

ML Th»|ir *aWftrds thehis I y ysum net exceeding

b r i a t e dale to:1P.Q»&GO sterling,to be tipprogriated as Par-

- - A " - - '"^'

l« '-of )|fcfints bait<ttii|4«y g!««il W l ' j i t ffi$]B^f 1t*h*»

confirroea: the 5eoiife»«e oJj «nte*rbiiHt**fg>en o r s p |ftund with the Pucbess of Berfj:t$te de-Vtroyedf *ffe* •cottncHlorS,"wbo <m&eight*were divided equally in pes t ipu*M thi|divi$»4" :*a\ised the Miss d«

equally in •eotf-etttronabeing feyorable; to t


dayess of JBerriess of JBerrik T h e F r a n c s N j j e «the most, detailed account of this measure\vnich |# as follows: '

: ki\vnich |# as follow•; "uThe: embarkation of

k, placeH She

coflsidtswdni. . . .,.of fc earned Into:

fcMgive* ***>

parwtfttalnipst «ny *niftgKyfenal or>.!BOtTithe .. , , ,confuted nof$8 of man

l thr

|yei(^p|i%|»»-.!* .4-.^ "kA.-iju—*i* rl _*._< 'jt 'iI^-HVj •»*»* two'rtM:.«iniAvrt*r»# W^WiiTriniii&AntV

£££Qtf1iMAhnAW farf B as those'which" haviv 1n}<>W' -'*ii

Marshal Clause!, after some ih«o<|uctojyobn.rPiition on ihe importance pf the posses-

•polije thought i^aprotoundsioH of Algiers; which he contended mightb b d t uce of riches tp"France

gteatnescitt; asioH of Algiers; which h gbe as abundant a source of riches tp"France

E I d i h d t t*>En|be as abundant a source of riche

,88, that of the East Indies had t>eer> t*>En|-h d id tftt itwssivilhft^ew to the in-

in all the meftba&isift of c e

i%n'rteur of to4heXi^eraiio».?9f theT)uch-The Francis Najivejle hl d u t f this me

fttlpclcltxH s ^row channel pf^laye on h ijofithe/Captieifeusej^nd whieli wasby £}pm.«ianjaaj| ^olliet.^ S i c p gpauied oy GW. -JBwg<Jattd, tb.e nujse,h l l d y Rid i h ^ l ) f e h i 4 6 i |


hrodj said tftat itrwssivilhrft^ew to thterest} not only of the coJbnist«i hut of tile"'

i t t h t f t heClted"on gpvern»

the bpnt^t.a slow rate dowa the;-narrowchannel pf Blaye, and'flje•.banksf were coy -ered by a. population pf fvolft 4000 to 5000person* - l*he most profound .silence reign-ed. The government has given.orders totransport the wuchess

y of twlioie-jcountrj,.thtft he.'Calted"on gpvern»;ment for the speciltts reply to iiie .fpHowingquestions :~J8t,' Is it (he jfttentiQn .tiflhegovernment to P&M0<tiuIf^hsT-points ofHtlie^ftican coaist :«nd the Regency of Algiers,

h l d jthd \\vf QiJEu

'%tf(|'Jp>*V«'J' •"<• ^ ' I - . ~ » T T — i - o - .rr-- . .

Mtt^fjbV^ongma^aatng'4. 'frndegsuch-ii^l^Tt^^atfirtfls irwt he in. prpxudffig tip an

in .ivhtcii the #aitter ofthffpojtjpatty; PUglii to be renetved, are as

To separate the tinion which at pr>s--

i b th trading • eharactetTo separate the tinion whic p>

exists between the trading • eharactet

frly "any suish,«xpens.e.»s he may incut ineSinplishingiafreBSciebt stipendiary magis-ifiumin (Irtrctikimcs,and in aidtog tlieiofialudj! l a the e6h»Bjtps,JLPd in

|iSlt|t«ife in prpxudffig ti

totocDenensf accojnp^ny. Tho k

" the Prince and Princes deJseau*• * 3VI.dttwMenaTs'tb: accompany

^ftican coaist :«nd the Regency of gwhich it now-holds^Ior to exjtehd \\vf QiJEuptitcfn toothet pjoints? -2d. Isitiheinten-lion Vf thegpvetnment to isolonizeAigieJ? ??itf. Is itjthf tat«aationo{ thic government to

^ i l ' " ';(profownd j

questions ofl4he J^on. «*».«j,-.,_.*-«-#» - -.-• • -».- »

.On. tfe first j c«n. "ipnly say ;ttjijt';we. have;formed: no specific. .d.eter^itta1i?on; we now.soqeupythe fhrej!^prJncipal-pp»nU.of.the tjei;-,-rjtnry, ftafl'f if fonald a-ppearpecessatv^ahd

sopnconyerted' into# Jfeey. .i^«ft#^^?«».taei^TEfspmo became still •\vh%htneylo"afnii|n buy ing the Philadelphia tpfltuW. Kcaine-utterly convjnb'ejj Tof

, "K

When they saw such


lngl^VrettfeS and qncontipliablgoverpntetit. distlng»Tshe4 only by

ses and epfrtjpttoiis -d epfrtjpttoiis.Ilo* »6^ l*et npi Gofigress Become the

collector of tixes;To'r the suppwrpf the' Sttfeovernments; |t\tjiUWti]!^tnDstfa;-: Statfegovernments;. . | t j U W ] ! ^ n

^ U t b W tootjriibert|-%er yet struck.t.et tbo general gOYerhment raise Gpiyihttf«ndsWnfc&'it*ant5Vjft pertorinfhgjts ownfc&it*ant5Vjft pertorinfhgjts own

; nrtd.1e| lb.esf^tjs, wise t|je fundsit for;*tlloC$Bpnrp0seSj The jais-

t|je funswtsnit for;.*tlloC$Bpnrp0seSj The jais-

widijendingj^f^nbtfentphey >wll then

4^ To renUzethe holding of lanji by Eu*repeans jn4he East Indies,

5. To atlbw theNatives of India, notwith-standiug their color, birth, or religion, tobe equally eligible to all offices as Europe-

I hasti nato4nform yon of even*? ,h<fj-wiU, nV doubt surprise 'yoxf-i^ vMtyvarfe* that Don Cartosj the fc^jgjpivi:,

' plher,, who; Was banishedatnat'kingdom,upVbeen here for some tirnerint% siatelof;uncertainty -as to wtost 'ho ought to 'do, orwhat the more p'p«renut of his Irienclaiwereg o i n g t o d o ' w i t h h i m ' . , • . ! ;•" • . . • . ' •

For thejhist ten days a Spanish frigate,has beep \vaiting to. convoy •hjto and his'family to Italy, and *n English htig, called

-dmryj and if i ^ ] p p ;convenientifither =. foj thie, %ecyicitx. of •

i i or any other r>i^soq^o^exteMcqpitiSn to oAhier-'l^ifitlf^nere^sr^ficuttyin doing g o | but'At^feirem^eJsaf}come to no determiniuion on tM sttttjet;t.iAs to the qwestiPh or cpjdniiatibnj ouMlention" islg f ^ i t j H c h tis p6ssJf companies' d r t a k e to


\ The-Londoii §un siyg;—W"e learn from-a.respectable source, that a verysatisfaciioryunderstandingexists bfetweenthe;King~atidEarl'Grey on the subject of pPrtug«l, andthat in tile eventof the constitutional forces

t ^ 1h6 }il meet with a

aly, and *n E n g htlirMonkey;, had bee,n hired, topf hissiiite, luggage, &e. wh^remftvef Tfom^ l^trlk^\Sfl}loTfjtopurpose Ofembarkation. Thisjvas to tok^place insight days from the "arrival of thefrigate. Don .Ga'rlos is understood to havereduested permission to pass tlit9U|I». Spainph his way to Rome, hut this,,fiSfptfhticalreasons, was refused, It was n<st conceal

asrf8tgnce;M ^.,^^ ,.,^om:^jcjh p ^ e d j l y awatt^;jHm*_ , , , .s-jav&n'Jfljem such •evio'ejcei ^f contrition

pvwpiEfes o-an *4&oca|6".0tt the' fJ,. :^a.J,!>ir^.,... ,H'$W& i f thttusiiii s Tjepa^^boJil^p^tf the yv fi"&JM %ptop^imeaihat h?0au?att 'jP^MOTfct 1* '"'

•-•Hisi right of »«'-*~~ " *" ^ ^ - - ^ - ^ • j * * l


snjHch tiis p6ss1bterfhemSeises \y|ip. will;

l i t thJf companies j^ftseht fhemSeiss y|'undertake to eoipflii?e Algiers ftt theirexpense)thty raay dcp^dipj teee|y1ne|prptection ftonp ) y



i an desire, but we flop not consider it thetinterest of governmenk 16 undertake the cot-

^ p

f f&erarhpnlf ^ jhe•d!~..«li- i^mBOoJ o

o ;g|& on4 from g^atfesent^ije d

of tlio

V f l f t ^military 4were out

d d l i h

g^his f

tf\*eS l i e .

, tlje,4i9g(^9efjijopg^atioq9

wfj8h08ofthe governmehiggpaviiig offjtha thr'e&pi

cents,.what, wjlfbethe ikiu has become printer,

theft. Ifiat4 t l iat .«, .1

p ^ :

^ e p p j througli their mere tobte and age(Messrs, fialerau^ Seatqn^the.cpndufeforsj pj"tj^ptthelfatipiariiiteiligencer ' •''

Thei e . T h'ftey pro*

ic Atmilitary 4were out at^tivejye*. , f tey•ceeded along- withbjatvmartlaj imqsic.tae,. Clpwg)i was, | ^ f t o '^H^a(se4 in a Carfia

its OWJJ respo Iff re*


a n4-another oflScer,. TMfy r g y ! wI the car r iage .with "Win. • I n this

--Lth_e third question-of ihe Hpn< Mar- mariner; lie was removed to the place t1.1 have tor repeat, that the governmenUexecution, about two rniles froni the - : i t—sliai, 1 liavu IQ-repeavj-iuuv iiip gu»^»uu.'-.'. iBx^uuijou.nuuMv i>w mjica uvui >u°

has placed itself under no engggement wlrat^j of;Wfaunt.Hollyv The^uj;r6u;ttding;

ed by hirpepple that he entertained apf going on bpard the frigate^Jbr vhat parlicUlar reason is not stated* passportswere taken out for a certain; number ofservants to go on board the Bng'ish br,ig,.and amongst them, it i« •said,,fe TJoyalHighness passed in disguise, and,it.is sup-

'$fJ^1h»<«mtt.ltaii^/tUe;-$e:pteseiii1aUvjes.of the people in* both gpvfernmesnts will in-cuir t!*&frpfopef Te'spfMibilUys the people

th pep g p scuir t!*&frpfopef -Te'spfMibilUys the peopletbiMiBlielvtis wife- utrdetslffQd* whence, the

comes and- whither it goesrelnmie^ts w$l' be iept^Beparate and

distittct, public morals maintained., our lib-erty preserved, and our happy{xriuio&l syi-tea* i*«dered perpetual* '

Tf tftr nay out ttf tjie_Stfttes $2,400,000of rerewae arising from" the sales of Public

i i

t h a i i n l l i e e v e n t - o i t o e c o n s u i u i i o u m j u i i - f U I J J I I U V O ^ r i U n > , . . . ^ . . . e _ , , . , „ „ , .

inarching on Lisbon, they will meet with a posed he is to be landed ou some part "ofdegree of support from this coftfltry which' the Spanish coast. • ' : • ' . '•

•lu»j-IUv,.».wy., -^ -r.—a^a

everwitlrauy Power.relative-tQ'theevacu-libn of Algiers, but is perfectly; free to actin that respect as it think*propepj: but 1will add,, that up lo this rnonierit gtjvern-ment has not interfaitied tWreinqtest idea;of evacuating Algiers; on;U"h#conlra.ry allits measur^Mead to fortify (he security "ofits occupation, and to encourage, by every^Sana in its pqwttriihe colonization of thecountry by pjivate.injividual* tir companies.I believe^bese are altrthe points oft whichthe Hon. Marshal required information,and"if there beany ;other oh-ayiuchthe

From the record WWasojpgton it-appears that: x 3the lot; Wrtftin^ • grmtlo'g" qatsblishmisnti presses, •"

>i dejjtsr4ue:, Wd.-'d'eifHtf Vecomecttief';rcgred in foe to the-United States Baalc in ,that Messra. Gales and Saatpn have sines

that period been the tools of the Bank, ther'ihere.«reature3pf UicliolasBitldlp,the menialsand.,paa-'deraof this Porrugt Iristitutiott- itt5teai*1'5f 'the iiide-pendent editors of ah Indepondent Joiirnal. After

pf ;WtQunt Bollyi Jthe s j j y u g ; m:w»s estimated at from Si* to ten thousandpersons. i\. dose inspecition ijf th^counte-ipiice of Glpugh detected the graces of at4i|hty coavutMon, which had indeed iub-?sided, Mi h*l ltft the 4,e^p itflprint of

i His eyes Wert peculiarly e' pres*:

i®0ri^tIiEftheaiBibuniduefrom^MandSeaton*m 182£(5 trie'Hnfte the Bank became proprietor Pf •tterprinting establishment, was only about .!P>iOO.Q-, theG l b U t t th B l t h i d t t l i

. ^ . ... , . -• • •^^D , -A«-e • ebmberdesiresexplanMipn,Ishallhehap* ,.to have been expected, consid-j GEH»J4**Jt•;:_;. •. .< p y t0- g-ive it '—f Applause, and cries of the

es with which the agents Petty details, are given,* con « # % 0 ; , » \ rtr , , stance,,to contend here, owing length; of disturba«cesin. the circle, ofthe ^ rsna^eiausel. expressedhimself per, hadhlJi

' ;efK 'RIIIIIM althPurrit thev indicate a degree 01 ^ . . I . , ; . . . 5 . J _ ; , U , I . ' i.n.iii,i.. mW tt^. °i,u.«<

sive of apgtiisb, y'e.t. _were calni and subdued in r ^ , , - v ,;He walked ftrect1. His:dtess-was|)lwhite|with, ar black hat. l_.; t ' '"',

HftVing reachedthe S|affo!di ihytiin wassung, and the: clergyman wjio officiated ina strong voice, Tesd^he confession of JoelriCtn,i_. •_ ui j.' i.i. ^xvkj -fully*into

p r i n g a i m ,GlobesUewstnat the Banl qcern, for the pujposs of carrying Oh jts.printiBg ope..rations, That ' pf* tttia. f8O,00Q about"rations, SOiOOO. That pf tttia. f8O,00Q about$65.^000 waa pretended to be secured by conditional-4Pceptaiipea to ^e^gaid^jit^f-fl», process. pfitUpiJ:«'tate .papers, |h4i%1i.un^e)r't&j prqiriso, in. '^raie ine'8ta4pes,.|f not allV that "all otheFpuruosesyof tho'as-«ignment and all pribr apceptahfies should be firstmet and:discriarged." AjiotBer cotiMdejabiiisuni i*said to be Besured h y a draft on t h i Clerk of the

f lin

rniottte--,_,„ -,_,-„... w that hetrial Srid % righte'pusEentence.

^^tnat sK^pre^n t a|ir paying -<wt»,-.,*-J5uW Wore of the,;irevoHue arising-ffcf»:3d«Ai'Oa imports? ^Dhig/uuds ttrisi«igfriidHiirtfes prejsfio more tho r0gnn«n*propr

vttty. «f the tJjtjted:&tateSj$haii tltosearisijigfi^a thel'ubjicf'taiids^ : Cpngwss lms as

viwefc ^PBf.gWftitlie-State of- TeW Yt>rfc:: «HiHB|tflnfraiB fiO^O0#GO-8rflnif8y cal-

Jecjed front iftrtsprts ia the Gustoitt-rHouso

pt me nosiniiy <u iui? mnjuiuj v» ^j-•*#•£••« ^rscfpntent thjof Peer* to theconstitutional cauSe-OfPor- llinteyeand4u"gaf. Arrangements have, we are; inform- have not assumed aedCheen already wade to secure tlie picifi- .formidable to threatencafib&#PoTtDp^ •»•—' - • -* - '—•*—•• » ' -

length; of disturba«cesia the circle, or tp Marsiiaf Qlausel expressed himself per- had haJiraiV trial Srid % -righteous sentence.Rhiue; although they.indicate ajggree 01 {ectj¥,8atisfiea w U ^ thfi explanatioins given $e, however, gave a sbade to trisstafe-^fsefpntent that will^obablf reqtiite a vigr ,. ^ ^ goult,which he said would tend, ^ents in-?egard to >lrs, ttamiltdn' tfiat 6b~

d | e t t u y ^

of? P6rt0garf Tlifiy pit is true', on certain $ontingenciesyJittle doubt isentertaifeed oil th& subject.

J K k B hi Majest

>r^ttt!einpirrum,'aBa^ren She.lane* Jttrioirt Us#- t#enty-f«u.r Stales^ giv^

Wittit stopr* Jforfue dosiro,ctiop of oprin--. iv. ittonv'eppi eision and

; # r ifweepipe this fate, it wilt qn-fo entpiinM qije na.Ji|§a. dfeadful,

—p J&JoSallifi itipni! .iinatchy, citfil war andthe'establishmentof aetty; .ttilitary despo*-

it ispire,

t fK v- by Marshal Soult,which hesaid would tendLments in-jregard to jMrs.Hamilton that ob*M*. 4iy to uanquilize is the greatest degree the in-1 scured her fidelity to herengagements.withtwcnHos-tt^..^-,. ^ A 1 _ l t j W t .HetrustedtftRt coHii- hiui. Tet ire did,j>pt *«fc-tt joat'fy U*

. . v. . ."Jji. ......1 J :~...n-.»;niol.T I . i«. . i -r _ . . . _ . ! , . . _ . . »i.~» «««n.i.,t ' x

House of Representativesi&r the.pVPceedjoE ^ Workfor which the |Ibvi|p noyer subscribed* and wMcfj-drafit-the Clerk refused to aceegt. > y e t , potwitb.-statiding this refusal on tlie face of tJte=BUlf ?nd.not-withstanding the "Banft kne.w tho House' had notsubscribed for tho work, it was discountedr^By thePank to enable tteir printing establishment to go on

ttle dLondon, June


th& subjechis Majesty'sh b 2dschooner Pike, which left JLishdn on tbeSd,

and Oporto 011 the- 5th lDSt,, accounts havebeen received of tne~po:siti6n"of the belligrereofg. ^he I^arquis^ol Palhieila hadar-jtiyedj to which event mtichimportance wasattached at 0"porlo, as it wos thought thatsome of Ihe present parfizjiins of Miguel, of:1iighranfc nud-onarfe. ptopeUy, would be

Chamber of Efcputie*-Sitting, of:Ja».e,- \^-~TR^ AT Y Wltfit THE TINIfEI) S''ATPES.


M. Benjamin Delessert said hegod, byJhe committee, intrusted .examination .of the bill relating to»he 'tfn.i;ted State?, to^express its' regret th it tjtiia'tfperiod of the*essI6n,jLt!whtfh; ths bjUJb|jbeen presented, and tfie numerc us impor

Kapier'had-t^ken command ofthe fitit, inthe room of Admiral Sat totifls who-retires;! oia"atiies as frt^rtce and the Unite

A.forivaVd-advance was confidently e*-f~ Gen.Xafayette »gree4 with spA tbrward -adviince w«s c o n t ypected; we have reasofe42J^8ow that thearrangements for'the advance are conclu-d d ; hd a11!^!^8bort tinMtwilt disclosethe e

li*m« among thenria* of ournow"I t t oufTiex£we

ilitary despad hlqadsiained



arrangemded; »hd

f h

dvance are concltinMt4.,wilt disclose

S l Th[psrt of the plans of General Solignac. Thefollbwirtg are eiSWcts frora the Lisbon,;pa*


4>^uii|>iMa u m i s i v . . . ..»_ . . - _ , j . „.

mercial establishments would immediatelybe formed in Ajgiers, isAhe was conviacedthat colonization was the-only effectual anduseful mode of occupation. _ , .„ ~

The British East India possessions ex-.-nd^/wjih fewinterriipiiont>&rid those onlyoftfibutary oralijed $tates,ftom Cope Cor-moiin to the Hiaialaya mounftins.' This

port thiswasbost anx-



alay*. m ajmmense te.fritaty. conjprehendj i r f"part of the continent of As,U, contains ahiindr«id milHpns of inltab»ftf t»t and yieldsan annual revenue of about ^22,000^000of « hundred'mUliont of dpllafs. T h lforfifes consist i 00 i

deedl'oiPraurdet on that accoiilut.His confossioh yvM q^itelong «n3L<iccg*

pied Dearly a half hour in reading. JK partof a tetter 'written by him, to 61 *•--••••'-tions was "*-'J-u* ""*-•—=tees wer^hging arid (hdse priyors ofthe'•Church appointed for. the occasion.

Durirrg4his space of time, Clough*«to he y<s*k arid 'faint'.; s>t dotyri in nand leajieii At tiifte* on Ihe a,it*nd|n|f >gytnan. About half pist Iw o, \\{* ge-in^o^n^heTJseftlfeld^sk^lea^^^


"Is not'the state of things Jiyeptllitfgi16 every "friend of pp>e n

^"Th'BksoughttohePres-t Vh i t h d

ipyeilfi^erit? ^TheBanksoughttoheident through its Attorney,* to Vchom i

id' IfpOO d / / t P h i l d l h i ^ident through its Attorney, to Vchom ithadpaid' IfjpOO do//ars, at Philadelphia^lo.nej,tor^legal^services and;probabjiy atilimore

which p f t ^ t e d the coronieTety rel«uori^ ob6 British' troipps. 1sphtg% inipprtatirtotheintereffr*fwcb: pany in 1^32 w»sold allies as France and the Uniiea1 §t!tjjs>_ v.ivtl andnMjtouser of the company

lFte. Gen.Xafayette »g 4filteju from?]the Hon. Deputjv anji express-

d I i i to i U ' o t tfiltejucd Iiii torn

h d

Deputjv anji expre

| i a

^.•.^«.w,., „._,..,„_,...,. jpipaVare^situaledthan |P those i»hich are to Aire but aajtu^jthan tP those i»uich are to sharequal portion of the spoils.

her had examined ihe question, i| would seethat the iiiteresft of3Pra0ce_ w'erft involvedtn the fntl execution of Jhe treaty.

The Minister of #orBi-^* * "*"''

'•'ikJ&^-'0fS0M^T^^i9^ 'Compileri''^^^'-%S:^i^W'0^^f^M^V^i-^M0^^0M^^M$M^tz

l«i|t»,4ttp ^f fflft^ejij hundred Bla«;«S, totst?-]1*"-™ w " r ~ # ","^-T- T.,f *

: ; ^ i«^ f^a^a \h^o ;b^B.d^ 3**?.1™* 5f ^.•.^f^^^^^^^^M^^^ a ^ U t a e t r i o r d i n a r f fet>lity'",iimt>ttg;tliie:,. . . . . .' '*' ' ' " "l.mi(Bwife'^fci^|i^e^Hiel;N?fh¥l

Sunday-lbor^ing, the 1st wa 2d iftfirst division of tlrem\]chj»lked=of squadronof steamers arrived offthe Bar, with rein-fpi cements of troops, money, provisions andstores. This seasonable addition to theforces pteviously collected, here has infiised Ifresh vigoarlb the con*tittttionfili|Arty,*—'Among the^ pnsengers brought by thesefour stegmers were the Duke of Fay »1 (bet-

yUnd mMytouseWfnti of the co

not exceen1 pOO,~m\li wlbffisiness }»transacted and their aem|

Wheftthe f herjff adyaiced to *djijutI&4!/?ton* of d^lira. Jfh^.fend ippei Glaugh felt:bn,his cede andMSse4

of 2§0jO00 ^ative and.3S,- him. Hjs ybice waSso low,sthat tew heard>D3. The debt pft^-cpr^^higlirt^rewemjiynd jhanks tojWse who

was mbSS&mX TJie had-attended him. He" deliberately tooklia^ aUended him. He dehberately tookhold of the rope and^measured the distaticehywi i j i^ f io»e fbt tfif^MCTTTakrng a

tor legal seryices, ^probably , ^,..,.,..r.r,at its wesle.ru. branchfea. i t didiipt suceeedin bscornfng Bresident; T)ut it has proeiired

; itself throJi^hJtsypurneyinen in WashinB?tonyto be declared |rinter to iheKepresontatives. Jttere it Basin lbdgmefftin the government aud the^manligement of "A wideXy; ckculatlng newspaper^. iuitaSnetibfrom the_Mblic Treasury* Vli a». suffix .

when the doors of the

immediate discussion anfrt»iy^ The delay i;nj»rfe . ..,. vthe Cbtftnher rose ftpftt the diffically in col-lecting all tbe.docunfents aecesairy £oif theelucidation of ;a <re»ty jby which a final fid-

liutiness»transacted and their a«m|BS_offi :'cered. ,The. total number of %vhWeT whoexist among the hundred million of Indian,inhabitants does not exceed 40,000- So

1-, says a writer in* Blackwop^s_p—.jj,isthe difproportion. hetqneen the^ighjr]urersand,t]ifenativ6 *ubjectji, '

ttue: *vhaf; the Hindpos

ty jb^ wof transactioivi e t


Hetistruggled but-ferai nloiiien'tiTlra«?ing t p His

knees two or three-times }Q a spasmodicmanner.

* roan TTJUW TOIMBBS.!* inure CIUCI i vi uic ». «»*-» -» La J,—*«• * £.j. * _ .

^ ^ , , _ j i y ^ i ^ 1 « ! i i S i ^ e i ^ ^ Sltjltai* lor Coimbn, orjlfc^|yj%n«r)M^#;"ml|tfe|3*l0e.--i!i «*» ^ tnr *******^C^^^^a^t'M^i^'^i^' •'"'•••ip^3^»^»|!|t^*w^^]fci'<?^ol«i*.-

Louisiana andjSouth Carolin.*f be seen about the streets of Col-S. C. on Sundays, half naked, h*lf

ft worn out by hftrd li»boTj ped-bm h" o thrut by r » j p

broom*, or such" otherh d t^r^&feflihiy:

' "1^^^fipntrlveW'^Jr« and veniugfi, to

,„.,...-.„,...._,.. khile;fcfrM^ft&te

silenced thel

byarid sbellJj exploding in its embrasures, andblowing into the air gun c»rtiige«,i>oaSei,fC. trlTthe soldiers h«»* actually refused

doififf^ty in tbi» *Ub|hter-hou«e^.a« the;?c«ft it,trpla)i wlience they are saidtpVemOveitheia&ffWf* - " ' t ^ - . ^ -

"tHaf itevery «_-,_,... <,.,...___,r-.T;- .were to throw a handful qf e*rth cin the Eti-ropeans, they ivbul^ be iburiedianve vs *hettid$t of their cpnj9SesJ|»";OStV sixteenyears hsve;.eiapsediihce the-AIahratta Con-federacy vfS^finally broken up and destroy-ed, and the iniiaa gsve?IJflrest ^fttreiftle:in possessionof these dominions. Thegrossreceipts and .disbursement Of the Elast Iadiart 7/sinCe i8i4, have amoiinJed to

Thus has pen'shed one of the tnost ironheatied; bttt cpivafdly ffends that ever felliplo the bands of justice. He is washeS^leanramfsenT -—W hea^ian' itleemr, t«aso we hope. Yet we rouldtiot hive o tofVilli t k aflffrWlflirjr tlieird»g-

Treasury were thrown open and the inStru> A•tlie Bank permitte.d?- for a job o f i ;

prinling, whjch wjil be of little tfse,"and s

might have been, done, fts f»r!as necessary,'tor much,less mon«y^ to take out from 15d,r,-000 to 200,000 dollars ofihepablic #6as-* .ure. fiut M\y \vftfare to have them ferin^,Vetef$' Ttp the. .Hopse of |lepresen)tftivepf ' '

•easo-VdwwingjtonboundedavoJsfrftutftBTreasury, to inceeMe their jjower to'i.erve tEieBauk! j t e ton l j the ^ t t $ f?th«;B;«lB;lti h 6f | i

o w hopeVillains take

hive ototlieird»g--

f h i k

Even now dome of these documents had notcome over from America, but he hoped be-fore ne*t'8es$ion th^ committee WPUW be in"po«S»essipri.pf every information. ;ilVP!i»p«ny. «nCC *o*-., « » « . u , ™ , . - ™

, Count Jwibett considered thtt it »hottld-th«-enormous iuta of S .103 ,336 , orjinot he «UowedJc^o forth to the> world, and nearly (wo iAou»a*Z Mt hundred million*

pMtlejdTarlj? "to Hfiited; ?!ate^ { f i r f l i B | g M m ^ ^ a U . M i i - k a n : ^Ohamber ^a» prepared to(tfdopt blihaiy *tre*ty3t9lvnii tbe payrttent of so large *

Villains take coaflffrWlflirjr tlieird»ggeriin innocenLbosoms,heeIdle^8.of ihrieks^%i I*?*1**, ihinking; j | - ^^asjtjfc.'matterWhen*ft e|fotti'j6, escapfr huroari'jiifticS'

Bauk! j t e ton l j the ^ t t $ f?th«;B;«lB;litself, ljutthe Treasury 6f tbe\peop|ei ispouring forth its tens aid hundieds of thonsaanaT^ sustain nQtoriotiVproflTgJfeyMn tljeservice of an

^.^,^».. , ^^_ justice; i8^wh>lej=.Not that real peniienise will oyiwbUfefttsjedforgiveness. -But there comes along withdespair* Stiipid ^ppplefetic c»Tm ' ' " '-ifot unfreqqently ftiistaken fdfiihe..,. . ._.ing, but which, if the despair is removed,

the feeling* of distrust which to|*he treaty had excited ^ in m>

tbe Chambers, he had no dafaf it would


, rrovisionsmember» ous: we m

niated by falaebood. Thepower,calunl-

.™^_ ._.j „ i6hd« of * soci-ety, altogether f«ctitioi«r wound ««, i)e»*tiny strikes ui where we have g»rnered up

^jPld a|j6j tt»t ionrhre «ndour affectioMtolemn epbcldullness and

op , p gover the bbjecti by

t%9itvare tnchore

can land, M mahaveloid-ott t* they


heard, bdt tb .torn* lanathow

lhi« «f*w*!e»l

u» forpile of oor

t h a n beJfprjB* y.iuug<u[:j:'rj»cj4«»v*>y,v» ^'«f>«have; appeared less ^bj^clionable if it hadinduced him at least to dejist from furtheriasaMinlts pn his Victim^ ntpw th»t she; Is liihe? grir*. - ^ne -would thinkj that -therecollection of having excited the sympathyof * woman by pretended sickness, and sohaving drawn lier to his aid »s a nur^e andthen murdered her, would glut the revengeof »j)euitent m*n. "

liberties: of thec^untry^ tIf the ifflbfts of<jthe* ijieasulcy are thusrto be^xpeBdeff|n;iid of the millions of the Bank, htfw tbnr

I We be a frefr pepplfeL Ilow long will» before" noi only the Printers jo 0on*r

gress, but the President, the*Heads/"5ri*-'" * tiie Heads of ^ufejius,partmentft, tite Heads of Bufejius, w

say Senators a'ndliepresentatives, shain the pay of the Jfchjtand 'Wiaerft iaitru*

t | ' ^

understand |hat «n

..-, . of thii corrupt poWr/ i f theywish to preserve their; principles and sav»-Iheir coaatry from sTdespotisia — 'i%-^thai of Enssia, they-will not— - * * - * - 4 -pre**^

morning the 24th nit., an infant child ap-

es dited J a wrnt#Wigett<«

g i l , t id >pp«rently ^Hout|,t*o weefc* oldvw»*. foundam»n|!"the'W<!e«l*!ift"the vieltiitiy'of thePosv-hot)«e, in this'Mifn*. It w^aupposedto have heen left there by a woman whopassed through tlio neighborhood the dayprevious, and jvhp ittted; that She wasfireJifc j^|ng#ton? IJ. C.y ffiat »be had eightc h i l d n t l m t J m nutban.d wasd^jiiajid

-i " 1 " 1 ^

n a M t O k n k y . W t prevent^Ahagtf taM^ment of any other l ike i t . T h 4 root o l <heevh* is in the nature of t he i i l fwhich is incompatible whk a government^of the people. We call on hiasKep«btiie«»press everywhere to spesk out, to informthe people, and td point »nt theineaon bywTiich «n exterminatioK wnr can bemorteffectually wsgedr We »r* ready IA fo^low or lead, to do any act or meet any

,.^ ^L ' - ' may be | ' ""

j iheflnow living t t

had> BJ

•I nowt» fcefornlha Crtcould uotbe allowed to

Wdttdri tiwCl^ti^np treaty whkhi«-

ITf'.' «"ft'II?J|-y.V>-r«^W.* • UOIUTCU,T5,_T,, ..„ ftfotpr a >*l44i o*«* ft" - % "that Mpwateiu*, *nd t»v«rfo it ia thought.Finally, when life glides twty from ui,

..,.,,,,.»..!..... ,* ltti^^:(rt.ateofexi»t«»c»>

.purpoied V^did not' e»fl

.the,poor-house whom theg; j M > e leayo that (»he

Seveffil person* in h ;

J ™ * ^

iD|«itw«i» «nd indofatigibie friend of the

did not e»fl toere. Seveffil person* in jheneighborhood have *een and identified thechild at the poor-ho««p as being the nameth«t wa»ln thii.womin'spogieswoti. Tlieseare *11 the facts which lerve to throw anylight upon this roynterious cireumslance.—

D t A 1


Mich our fathet* fouglit."*" To this cxjH»ifiohvnio Intell%« . „ .,impptaht attempt to show that, because tlie diobowas incorrect in some ofthe amounts whichi t»{ |M -jtho Intelligcncor had received for official printing,therefore all its material allegations were to bo takenasfalsc, yet it doesnotVvejl pretend to deny'prre-fiile the main faets arid *ecus»tions contained Itt thpGloba. In answer to this rrpty^ thfr <Slo6e h*i * 6