thursday, july 7,1977' the brewster standard-established...

Thursday, July 7,1977' THE BREWSTER STANDARD-ESTABLISHED 1869 W Happenings of Yester Year TWENTY YEARS AGO Mrs. Katherine Larkin Law has returned from a short stay in Virginia. J Mrs. Helen Terwilliger and Miss Mary Mullarkey are on vacation from the First National Bank this week. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cleaver were home last week end after two weeks fishing in Canada. Miss Melissa Smith is touring Europe. England, Switzerland and Italy have already been visited by her. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hogan spent two weeks fishing in Canadian streams. 2nd Lt. Wm. Ross Beal is now at Fort Bragg, North Carolina after a long tour of duty in California. Brewster Lions Club will not hold luncheon meetings at The Deer Inn during July and August. Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn are watching over alterations to their new home on Turk Hill. They anticipate moving in perm- anently in September. M/Sgt. Kenneth R. Cornell and his son, Tommy, were in town yesterday. They will return to live in their home on August 14. Mr. Cornell will have charge oi U.S. Army recruiting in Putnam County. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Waters and their son, David, have returned from a vacation tour. They visited Gettysburg, Wash- ington, D. C. and Williamsburg. Mrs. Paul Peckham of Hicks- ville, L. I. is spending the summer at Huntington where her children, Susan and Paul, Jr. are in camp. Mrs. Peckham, the former Joan Beal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Beal of Brewster, is instructor in swimm- ing and horsemanship at the Thomas School in that city. Joan, a member of the National Polar Bear Club, is highly rated by the National Red Cross Aquatic School in Milford, Pa. Captain Peckham is in Texas for the summer. David Smith will work in the Executive Training program of Chemical Bank New York Trust. Mr. Smith, graduate of. Hampden-Snyder in June, will also pursue studies for a Master's degree. His employment at Chemical has already begun and he will live in the city, coming to Brewster for week ends at the home of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Diehl St. Clair. Mrs. St. Gair has been called away frequently of late to spend some time with Mrs. Annie Smith of Fredericksburg, Va., who is quite ill and part of the time in hospital where she has undergone major surgery. After a little experience, a man realizes that he can go to bed at midnight and seldom miss any- thing. Mrs. A. C. Penny is home aftei a week of observation and treat- ment in Northern Westchestei Hospital. Business men's lunch at Holly- wood Cafe is up to $1.50. Not too steep say those who enjoy the porch for the midday break. John Unger, well known Chap- lain of Brewster Elks Club, No. 2101, is at his home in Pawling, after a course of treatment in St. Francis Hospital, Poughkeepsie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Beal will be hosts for the annual picnic of* Putnam County Savings Bank officers and staff this evening at their home on Tonetta Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schwartz and family are dividing their time between the WElls homestead on Prospect Street and their Camp on Mt. Riga while their new home in Essex, Conn., is being made ready for their occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells, Jr. : and Hubbard Wells returned Sunday from Swampscott, where they visited Mrs. Harold Dow after a week end on Cape Cod with Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacMichael. Hubbard is now on Mt. Riga for more water sports. At Vail's Park Community House on Friday last the winners at card games were: Bridge- -E. Rudolph, Max Rudolph, E. Steinmetz; pinochle-Fritz Kraft, Mrs. F. Kraft, Mrs. Doole, Rose Bittner, canasta--May Miller, R. MacElveen, F. 0 . Pladen. Mrs. R. Shays was hostess. Tomorrow night Mrs. R. Ingebretsen will welcome the players at 8:30 o'clo come the players at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Pug- sley have returned from a trip to San Antonio, Texas, where they visited their son and his wife, Captain and Mrs. Quain Pug- sley. Captain Pugsley is serving in a burn unit of the United States Medical Corps at Brooks General Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. A lawn supper party will be held at the home of Phil and Sadie Podkaminer on Prospect Hill Road, Saturday at S p.m. Supper will be served between S and 7 p.m. and games and social evening will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Podkaminer are sponsoring this party for the benefit of the Sisterhood of the Putnam County Temple and Jewish Center. to Reservations can be made by calling the Podkaminers. Mrs. Podkaminer has suggested that reservations be made early as there will be limited number of guests. FORTY YEARS AGO J. Willard Morehouse is leav- ing for a vacation in the Adiron- dacks. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duck- worth have been at Virginia Beach. Dr. and Mrs. John Gilchrist are at Booth Bay Harbor, Maine, for the summer. Miss Sally Ann Richie and Miss Dorothy Reeves, of Croton Falls, are at Camp Onas, Buck Hills, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Norborne P. Gatling, Jr., and their daughter, Melissa, are leaving Brewster to, make their home in Pleasantville. " Mr. and Mrs. Edward Von llerstine are entertaining the Misses Anna May Von Iderstine and Dorothy Hanlon of New Hampshire this week end. John Truran has been transfer- red from Fort Eustis, Va. to Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn. He is assigned to the Quartermasters Department of the Coast Artil- lery. Louis Diamond was one of 361 recruits who left Fort Dix on July 11 for Camp Lee, Va. He will be assigned to Quartermaster Replacement Center for training. Jock MacDonald and Harold Cy" Jung of Mahopac Golf Club anounce the opening of the 8th inual Putnam County Golf . hampionship Tournament on \ug. 7. Gloria Ferris, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Earl L. Ferris, of Janbury and Joseph Michael \drian, 3rd, will be married on \ug. 2 in St. Peter's Church, Janbury. Mr. Adrian is at Camp Devens, Mass.,-with volunteers of Squadron A, 71st Regiment. Joseph T. Flanagan, Co. A, 12th Eng. Bn., Fort Jackson, S.C., and Philip Flanagan, Co. D, 119th Quartermasters, Fort Dix, N.J., both home on leave met for the first rime since Nov. 27. Aldo Sagrati, No. 32041446, Co. G., 106th Inf., Fort McClellan, Ala., Remington Pinckney and Tom Adams of the same outfit arrived Thursday for ten days at horned After four months training they are in fine form for the Firemen's Carnival. Charles T. Wilson, Jr. of Mahopac, hopes to be home July 19 for the big USD baseball game on Mahopac School Field. The Mahopac Chiefs organized by Charlie a few years ago will play a team of Midshipmen. Judge William F. Bleakley, neighbor of the Wilsons will throw out the first ball. Marian Arlene Purdy, student nurse at New York Hospital, will wed Paul Eugene Messier, student at Cornell University Medical School on July 26. The prospective bride, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving E. Purdy of Croton Falls, is an alumna of Temple University. Miss Dorothy Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster, and Mr. Herbert Eastwood were married on June 22 at Bedford Hills, by the Rev. George A. Ross, pastor of the Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Eastwood attended the couple. Associates of Mr. Bernard Waters, manager of the First National Supermarket gave him a bachelor dinner at the Avalon, near Danbury Tuesday night. There were thirty-one members of the staff to offer congratula- tions on the coming marriage to Miss Kathryn Hubbard. Aluminum in any form, large and small, is being collected during the week of July 21. Brewster, North Salem, Purdys and Croton Falls have set up collection points. In Brewster the window at The Brewster Standard is being filled with the metal which is needed for the war effort. Among those selected for induction on July 24 are Robert John Dwyer, Patterson; William Ward Cox, George Albert Peter- son, Brewster; Gordon Harland Foote, Mahopac; Donald Peter Post, William Henry Ladue, Kenneth George Stevenson, Cold Spring; Hollis Gordon Williams, Leonard Jackson Williams, Carmel; Guy Derek Cockburn, Garrison. Miss Barbara Van Doren, daughter of Carl Van Doren, author and critic, and Irita Van Doren, literary editor of the New York Herald Tribune were married July 5 in West Cornwall, Conn, to Spencer Klaw, son of Alonzo Klaw, theatrical manager. of Almalon Farms, Crafts, N.Y. and Mrs. Alma Klaw. The couple will go to San Francisco where Mr. Klaw will be with "The San ' Francisco Chronicle." The Butler Art School, a group meeting at the Butler Studios, i leeside, Carmel, will hold art ! exhibits in Brewster, Mahopac and Carmel in the fall. The Carmel Art Assn. and school elected officers as follows*. Mrs. H.H. Donley, president; Theodore Johnson, vice president Mrs. Samuel Hickman, vice president; Mrs. Harry P. Butler, secretary and treasurer; Publicity Mrs. Albro Travis, Brewster; Chairman and instructor, Harry P. Butler. Mrs. Gyde Browne and her niece, Laura Browne, of Brock- port, are with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cornell this week. Ulindo L. Tranquilli, BHS '61, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nazzarino Tranquilli, will study civil engineering at Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute. Emmet Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Brennan of Marvn Hill, was home from Fort Dix, N.J. last weekend. Sgt. George Bruen will take an 8-week course in Diesel-Electrical instruction at Samuel Gompers Vocational High, Bronx, and Brooklyn High for Automotive Trades. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Eakin, of Southwold, are the parents of a daughter, Wendy Scott, bora July IS. Mrs. Eakin, the former Phyllis Rahlson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K.J. Rahlson, of Brewster. Robert J. Kilcoyn, now in Battery K, 9th Coast Artillery, Fort Ruckman, Nahant, Mass., was here on 48 hour leave this week. Bob likes his assignment and expects to look up John Fox at Providence. Ernest M. Nelson, of Brewster, John T. Wood, Cold Spring, Samuel D. Spiotti and Wilfred Erickson, of Mahopac, left Fort Dix July 10 for Fort Eustis, Va., where they will be assigned to the Coast Artillery Replacement Center for training. Frank "Speck" Mackey well known former manager of Brewster Baseball team was in town today to sound out senti- ment for an "oldtimers" game in August. Most of our former players are involved in the war effort and cannot devote time to rounding up players. Time will tell. SIXTY YEARS AGO Raymond Bruen is enjoying a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hobbs spent the weekend on Turk Hill. Mrs. Harold H. Vreeland, Jr., has returned from France and is a guest at Rest-a-While. Mrs. M.E. Goodwin and family are now settled at their home on Turk Hill for the summer. Miss Eleanor Moore, formerly a member of the BHS faculty is enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John G. Comeskey. The Misses Catherine McDonald and Anna E. Holly, student nurses at Mt. Sinai Hospital returned to New York on Wednesday after a months vacation. The Ladies Guild of the Episco- pal Church was entertained at luncheon by Mrs. F.T. Hopkins at her home in Katonah last Thurs- day. The annual business meeting of the Society did not interfere with the pleasure of the occasion. The annual L.T.L. fair held at the horn of Mrs. John D Morehouse was t decided success. Forty-five dollars w u added to the treasury which w u pleasing to all the young members who worked so hard. On Thursday the Junior CD. of A. held a sale of food and fancy articles on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien. Tables were beautifully decorated by the young ladies and the society was benefited to the amount of $83. A lawn social was held at the home of Mrs. J. Jacobson in Milltown for the benefit of DeForest Corners Chapel on July llth. About S32 was realized. This was a very enjoyable social occasion and was well attended during the afternoon and early evening. Herbert M. Turner believes he has stolen a march on Patrick Martin, Major Well's gardner .who is the first to cull corn and jpeas. Mr. Turner had sweet corn for his Sunday dinner which sounded good until you hear Geissler's corn and tomatoes have been on the market several (days. Anna Wood, wife of Dr. E. Roberts Richie, died at Westfield, N.J. on Saturday, July 9, 1941 in the 46th year of her age. She is survived by her husband, two sons, Donald Wood and Robert Yarnell Richie. ( Funeral service was held in her late home in Brewster. James Wood of Mt. Kisco and Rev. Murray H. Garner of Brewster were principal speakers. The Dutchess-Putnam Medical Society composed of physicians of these two counties were enter- tained by Dr. Henry W. Miller at Kishawana Country Club at their meeting on July 13th. Thirty-two members were present. Lunch- eon was served by Albert Mead, the steward of the club. After the scientific program the members indulged in golf and enjoyed the scenic panorama which was pronounced as surpassing any- thing in the two counties. Peter H. Kipp has sold to Fred L. and Jennie Burge his property on Putnam Terrace through the agency of James Murty. A play, written by Ralph Miller, was presented on Monday evening at Dr. Miller's sanitar- ium in Milltown by amateur players. Friends from the village enjoyed the entertainment. Alexander F. Lobdell. Jr. is wearing a honey bee armor which is said to be sure protection provided it is unoccupied when adjusted. He has had some experience. Notwithstanding the showery condition on Friday afternoon, the sale of fancy articles, food and confectionery at the home of Mrs. Lobdell was a pleasant and profitable occasion. $125 was tht result. SEVENTY YEARS AGO Miss Alta Birdsall is the guest of Miss Lila Purdy at Peach Lake. W. Lee White has obtained a position with Contractor Beskin as timekeeper. S.O.. Avery has secured the contract for the installation of steam heating at the Southeast House. The Quinby family left Brews- ter on Tuesday for Moose Head Lake. They made the trip by motor car. Mrs. A.P. Budd. Miss Edith Diehl and Mrs. Charles H. Smith, Jr. will entertain at Kishawana Golf Club on Saturday.

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Page 1: Thursday, July 7,1977' THE BREWSTER STANDARD-ESTABLISHED… · a week of observation and treat-ment in Northern


Happenings of Yester Year

TWENTY YEARS AGOMrs. Katherine Larkin Law

has returned from a short stay inVirginia.


Mrs. Helen Terwilliger andMiss Mary Mullarkey are onvacation from the First NationalBank this week.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cleaverwere home last week end aftertwo weeks fishing in Canada.

Miss Melissa Smith is touringEurope. England, Switzerlandand Italy have already beenvisited by her.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hoganspent two weeks fishing inCanadian streams.

2nd Lt. Wm. Ross Beal is nowat Fort Bragg, North Carolinaafter a long tour of duty inCalifornia.

Brewster Lions Club will nothold luncheon meetings at TheDeer Inn during July and August.

Mr. and Mrs. William Quinnare watching over alterations totheir new home on Turk Hill.They anticipate moving in perm-anently in September.

M/Sgt. Kenneth R. Cornell andhis son, Tommy, were in townyesterday. They will return tolive in their home on August 14.Mr. Cornell will have charge oiU.S. Army recruiting in PutnamCounty.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Watersand their son, David, havereturned from a vacation tour.They visited Gettysburg, Wash-ington, D. C. and Williamsburg.

Mrs. Paul Peckham of Hicks-ville, L. I. is spending thesummer at Huntington where herchildren, Susan and Paul, Jr. arein camp. Mrs. Peckham, theformer Joan Beal, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. W. Ross Beal ofBrewster, is instructor in swimm-ing and horsemanship at theThomas School in that city. Joan,a member of the National PolarBear Club, is highly rated by theNational Red Cross AquaticSchool in Milford, Pa. CaptainPeckham is in Texas for thesummer.

David Smith will work in theExecutive Training program ofChemical Bank New York Trust.Mr. Smith, graduate of.Hampden-Snyder in June, willalso pursue studies for a Master'sdegree. His employment atChemical has already begun andhe will live in the city, coming toBrewster for week ends at thehome of his mother, Mrs.Margaret Diehl St. Clair. Mrs.St. Gair has been called awayfrequently of late to spend sometime with Mrs. Annie Smith ofFredericksburg, Va., who is quiteill and part of the time in hospitalwhere she has undergone majorsurgery.

After a little experience, a manrealizes that he can go to bed atmidnight and seldom miss any-thing.

Mrs. A. C. Penny is home afteia week of observation and treat-ment in Northern WestchesteiHospital.

Business men's lunch at Holly-wood Cafe is up to $1.50. Not toosteep say those who enjoy theporch for the midday break.

John Unger, well known Chap-lain of Brewster Elks Club, No.2101, is at his home in Pawling,

after a course of treatment in St.Francis Hospital, Poughkeepsie.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Beal willbe hosts for the annual picnic of*Putnam County Savings Bankofficers and staff this evening attheir home on Tonetta Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. KennethSchwartz and family are dividingtheir time between the WEllshomestead on Prospect Street andtheir Camp on Mt. Riga whiletheir new home in Essex, Conn.,is being made ready for theiroccupancy.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells, Jr.:and Hubbard Wells returnedSunday from Swampscott, wherethey visited Mrs. Harold Dowafter a week end on Cape Codwith Mr. and Mrs. RobertMacMichael. Hubbard is now onMt. Riga for more water sports.

At Vail's Park CommunityHouse on Friday last the winnersat card games were: Bridge--E. Rudolph, Max Rudolph, E.Steinmetz; pinochle-Fritz Kraft,Mrs. F. Kraft, Mrs. Doole, RoseBittner, canasta--May Miller, R.MacElveen, F. 0. Pladen. Mrs.R. Shays was hostess. Tomorrownight Mrs. R. Ingebretsen willwelcome the players at 8:30 o'clocome the players at 8:30 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Pug-sley have returned from a trip toSan Antonio, Texas, where theyvisited their son and his wife,Captain and Mrs. Quain Pug-sley. Captain Pugsley is servingin a burn unit of the United StatesMedical Corps at Brooks GeneralHospital, Fort Sam Houston,Texas.

A lawn supper party will beheld at the home of Phil and SadiePodkaminer on Prospect HillRoad, Saturday at S p.m. Supperwill be served between S and 7p.m. and games and socialevening will follow. Mr. and Mrs.Podkaminer are sponsoring thisparty for the benefit of theSisterhood of the Putnam CountyTemple and Jewish Center. toReservations can be made bycalling the Podkaminers. Mrs.Podkaminer has suggested thatreservations be made early asthere will be limited number ofguests.

FORTY YEARS AGOJ. Willard Morehouse is leav-

ing for a vacation in the Adiron-dacks.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duck-worth have been at VirginiaBeach.

Dr. and Mrs. John Gilchrist areat Booth Bay Harbor, Maine, forthe summer.

Miss Sally Ann Richie and MissDorothy Reeves, of Croton Falls,are at Camp Onas, Buck Hills, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Norborne P.Gatling, Jr., and their daughter,Melissa, are leaving Brewster to,make their home in Pleasantville.

" Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vonllerstine are entertaining theMisses Anna May Von Iderstineand Dorothy Hanlon of NewHampshire this week end.

John Truran has been transfer-red from Fort Eustis, Va. to FortHamilton, Brooklyn. He isassigned to the QuartermastersDepartment of the Coast Artil-lery.

Louis Diamond was one of 361recruits who left Fort Dix on July11 for Camp Lee, Va. He will beassigned to Quartermaster

Replacement Center for training.

Jock MacDonald and HaroldCy" Jung of Mahopac Golf Clubanounce the opening of the 8thinual Putnam County Golf

. hampionship Tournament on\ug. 7.

Gloria Ferris, daughter of Mr.ind Mrs. Earl L. Ferris, ofJanbury and Joseph Michael\drian, 3rd, will be married on\ug. 2 in St. Peter's Church,Janbury. Mr. Adrian is at Camp

Devens, Mass.,-with volunteersof Squadron A, 71st Regiment.

Joseph T. Flanagan, Co. A,12th Eng. Bn., Fort Jackson, S.C.,and Philip Flanagan, Co. D, 119thQuartermasters, Fort Dix, N.J.,both home on leave met for thefirst rime since Nov. 27.

Aldo Sagrati, No. 32041446, Co.G., 106th Inf., Fort McClellan,Ala., Remington Pinckney andTom Adams of the same outfitarrived Thursday for ten days athorned After four months trainingthey are in fine form for theFiremen's Carnival.

Charles T. Wilson, Jr. ofMahopac, hopes to be home July19 for the big USD baseball gameon Mahopac School Field. TheMahopac Chiefs organized byCharlie a few years ago will play ateam of Midshipmen. JudgeWilliam F. Bleakley, neighbor ofthe Wilsons will throw out thefirst ball.

Marian Arlene Purdy, studentnurse at New York Hospital, willwed Paul Eugene Messier,student at Cornell UniversityMedical School on July 26. Theprospective bride, .daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Irving E. Purdy ofCroton Falls, is an alumna ofTemple University.

Miss Dorothy Foster, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster,and Mr. Herbert Eastwood weremarried on June 22 at BedfordHills, by the Rev. George A.Ross, pastor of the MethodistChurch. Mr. and Mrs. LesterEastwood attended the couple.

Associates of Mr. BernardWaters, manager of the FirstNational Supermarket gave him abachelor dinner at the Avalon,near Danbury Tuesday night.There were thirty-one membersof the staff to offer congratula-tions on the coming marriage toMiss Kathryn Hubbard.

Aluminum in any form, largeand small, is being collectedduring the week of July 21.Brewster, North Salem, Purdysand Croton Falls have set upcollection points. In Brewster thewindow at The Brewster Standardis being filled with the metalwhich is needed for the wareffort.

Among those selected forinduction on July 24 are RobertJohn Dwyer, Patterson; WilliamWard Cox, George Albert Peter-son, Brewster; Gordon HarlandFoote, Mahopac; Donald PeterPost, William Henry Ladue,Kenneth George Stevenson, ColdSpring; Hollis Gordon Williams,Leonard Jackson Williams,Carmel; Guy Derek Cockburn,Garrison.

Miss Barbara Van Doren,daughter of Carl Van Doren,author and critic, and Irita VanDoren, literary editor of the NewYork Herald Tribune weremarried July 5 in West Cornwall,Conn, to Spencer Klaw, son ofAlonzo Klaw, theatrical manager.of Almalon Farms, Crafts, N.Y.and Mrs. Alma Klaw. The couplewill go to San Francisco whereMr. Klaw will be with "The San

' Francisco Chronicle."

The Butler Art School, a groupmeeting at the Butler Studios,

i leeside, Carmel, will hold art! exhibits in Brewster, Mahopac

and Carmel in the fall. TheCarmel Art Assn. and schoolelected officers as follows*. Mrs.H.H. Donley, president;Theodore Johnson, vice presidentMrs. Samuel Hickman, vicepresident; Mrs. Harry P. Butler,secretary and treasurer; PublicityMrs. Albro Travis, Brewster;Chairman and instructor, HarryP. Butler.

Mrs. Gyde Browne and herniece, Laura Browne, of Brock-port, are with Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth R. Cornell this week.

Ulindo L. Tranquilli, BHS '61,son of Mr. and Mrs. NazzarinoTranquilli, will study civilengineering at Rensselaer Poly-technic Institute.

Emmet Brennan, son of Mr.and Mrs. T.L. Brennan of MarvnHill, was home from Fort Dix,N.J. last weekend.

Sgt. George Bruen will take an8-week course in Diesel-Electricalinstruction at Samuel GompersVocational High, Bronx, andBrooklyn High for AutomotiveTrades.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Eakin,of Southwold, are the parents of adaughter, Wendy Scott, bora JulyIS. Mrs. Eakin, the former PhyllisRahlson is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. K.J. Rahlson, ofBrewster.

Robert J. Kilcoyn, now inBattery K, 9th Coast Artillery,Fort Ruckman, Nahant, Mass.,was here on 48 hour leave thisweek. Bob likes his assignmentand expects to look up John Foxat Providence.

Ernest M. Nelson, of Brewster,John T. Wood, Cold Spring,Samuel D. Spiotti and WilfredErickson, of Mahopac, left FortDix July 10 for Fort Eustis, Va.,where they will be assigned to theCoast Artillery ReplacementCenter for training.

Frank "Speck" Mackey wellknown former manager ofBrewster Baseball team was intown today to sound out senti-ment for an "oldtimers" game inAugust. Most of our formerplayers are involved in the wareffort and cannot devote time torounding up players. Time willtell.

SIXTY YEARS AGORaymond Bruen is enjoying a


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hobbsspent the weekend on Turk Hill.

Mrs. Harold H. Vreeland, Jr.,has returned from France and is aguest at Rest-a-While.

Mrs. M.E. Goodwin and familyare now settled at their home onTurk Hill for the summer.

Miss Eleanor Moore, formerlya member of the BHS faculty isenjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs.John G. Comeskey.

The Misses CatherineMcDonald and Anna E. Holly,student nurses at Mt. SinaiHospital returned to New York onWednesday after a monthsvacation.

The Ladies Guild of the Episco-pal Church was entertained atluncheon by Mrs. F.T. Hopkins ather home in Katonah last Thurs-day. The annual businessmeeting of the Society did notinterfere with the pleasure of theoccasion.

The annual L.T.L. fair held atthe horn of Mrs. John D

Morehouse was t decidedsuccess. Forty-five dollars wuadded to the treasury which wupleasing to all the youngmembers who worked so hard.

On Thursday the Junior CD. ofA. held a sale of food and fancyarticles on the lawn at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien.Tables were beautifully decoratedby the young ladies and thesociety was benefited to theamount of $83.

A lawn social was held at thehome of Mrs. J. Jacobson inMilltown for the benefit ofDeForest Corners Chapel on Julyllth. About S32 was realized. Thiswas a very enjoyable socialoccasion and was well attendedduring the afternoon and earlyevening.

Herbert M. Turner believes hehas stolen a march on PatrickMartin, Major Well's gardner

.who is the first to cull corn andjpeas. Mr. Turner had sweet cornfor his Sunday dinner whichsounded good until you hearGeissler's corn and tomatoeshave been on the market several


Anna Wood, wife of Dr. E.Roberts Richie, died at Westfield,N.J. on Saturday, July 9, 1941 inthe 46th year of her age. She issurvived by her husband, twosons, Donald Wood and RobertYarnell Richie. ( Funeral servicewas held in her late home inBrewster. James Wood of Mt.Kisco and Rev. Murray H.Garner of Brewster were principalspeakers.

The Dutchess-Putnam MedicalSociety composed of physicians ofthese two counties were enter-tained by Dr. Henry W. Miller atKishawana Country Club at theirmeeting on July 13th. Thirty-twomembers were present. Lunch-eon was served by Albert Mead,the steward of the club. After thescientific program the membersindulged in golf and enjoyed thescenic panorama which waspronounced as surpassing any-thing in the two counties.

Peter H. Kipp has sold to FredL. and Jennie Burge his propertyon Putnam Terrace through theagency of James Murty.

A play, written by RalphMiller, was presented on Mondayevening at Dr. Miller's sanitar-ium in Milltown by amateurplayers. Friends from the villageenjoyed the entertainment.

Alexander F. Lobdell. Jr. iswearing a honey bee armor whichis said to be sure protectionprovided it is unoccupied whenadjusted. He has had someexperience.

Notwithstanding the showerycondition on Friday afternoon, thesale of fancy articles, food andconfectionery at the home of Mrs.Lobdell was a pleasant andprofitable occasion. $125 was thtresult.

SEVENTY YEARS AGOMiss Alta Birdsall is the guest

of Miss Lila Purdy at Peach Lake.

W. Lee White has obtained aposition with Contractor Beskinas timekeeper.

S.O.. Avery has secured thecontract for the installation ofsteam heating at the SoutheastHouse.

The Quinby family left Brews-ter on Tuesday for Moose HeadLake. They made the trip bymotor car.

Mrs. A.P. Budd. Miss EdithDiehl and Mrs. Charles H. Smith,Jr. will entertain at KishawanaGolf Club on Saturday.