ths lirz c m»b m m aqvmio

ths Lirz c % m»B m m AQvmio Professor U 2'ajor £>ro£«*sor Minor ^rof«3aor / 1A Director of of Biology ^ean of the Gradaat# school

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ths Lirz c%m»B m m AQvmio

• Professor U 2'ajor £>ro£«*sor

Minor rof«3aor /

1A Director of of Biology

^ean of the Gradaat# school



Pre®«itna to the Graduat# Council of the

North T«xa» Univeraity in Partial

Fuimimaat of the $«qpilir«mftt»

for the Degree of



Miahael L@® Biggins, B.s,

Dmtar*, X«Ka»

June, 1964






History Statement of Problem








Figure Pmg®

1. Design of a &lide Culture ........... 9


1* Hyphal Attraction Between Two Simular Spores 16

2m Production of Secondary Hyigfom From on® Spore 20

3. Hyphal Attraction Between Two Dissimilar Spores#., 22

4« Hyphal Attraction Between Three simular Spores.. • • 23




The germs [email protected].. has bean described as being a sa-

prophytic group of the Actincxnycetales growing in the form

of a much-branched mycelium which terminates by forming chains

of spores an aerial hyphae (21)• Until 1950# members of this

genus had not been reported in American waters* This discov-

ery was made by Silvey et al,(19) in their studies which link-

ed these aquatic organism to the production of unpalatable

tastes and odors in water supplies of the southwestern United

States • In later work Roach and Silvey (17) proposed that

these aquatic streptanycetes possessed bisporulative charac-

teristics, Which were regenerated in an lsogamous pattern#

and on this basis separated them from the other genera found

in the Family contrast, terrestrial

streptanycetes have received a great deal more attention

over a much longer period of time. This interest has been

stimulated largely as a result of the antibiotics produced

by this group.

As a point of reference and possible contrast# a brief

review of the major contributions that have been made in the

developmental morphology of these terrestrial forms will follow.

Orskov (16) i n 1923 was the f i r s t to notice that nnn-

b@rs of the genus Strm&mmsm. prodaced two separata growth

phases - the vegetative, substrate mycelium, and the sporo~

genous, aerial mycelium. He believed that the aerial mycel-

ium mm produced m a resu l t of the simple branching of sub-

s tra te mycelium* K1 ienberger-Jtobel (14) in 1947 was the

first to propose that the aerial mycelium did not arise as

simple fermclM* of the substrate mycelium. Rather, she con~

tended that the sporogenous phases were produced from the

formation and geminat ion of bodies produced by tha close

contact of vegetative hypihae. These bodies foro-acl by hyjihal

contact were ca l l ed initial cells* Also# she renaned the

substrate and aerial hypbae previously described by Orskov

as feh© primary and secondary mycelium, respectively.

Srltoon challenged SCLlenberger-&Jobel • 3 interpretations

on tha basis that the initial cells w r t resul t s of cultural

and staining artifacts rather than actual developmental

stages (8)• while workers such as Carvajal (5), Jones (13),

Diakenson and McDonald (7), Gregory (9) and Oaves (6) observ-

ed primary hypihae being closely appressed if not actually

fused# they were not able to demonstrate the direct origin

of secondary mycelium from such contacts or fusions as Kiien*

berger-Nobel had asserted. Of the above investigations#

Gregory's evidence for the fusion or anastamosis of primary

hyphae lias been construed as toeing the most convincing (15,11)

for he seemed to demonstrate the disappearance of cell wall#

or membranes at points of contact.

In I960, Hopwood (11) , observing living unstained

specimens reported, as had Orskov (16) that the secondary

or serial mycelium was a branching product of the primary

or substrate mycelium* He further observed that the second-

ary mycelium could be produced without the previews fusion

of primary hyphae. These findings of Hopwood, when contrast-

ed with the great amount of nutritional mutant data support-

ing heterokaryosis (2,3), or genetic reccmbinatlon (13,10,4,1,),

has led to the perplexing problem of how nuclear material

could be transferred in these groups of organisms•

The mechanism of hyphal fusion, or anaatwosis, is a

convenient answer; however, because of cultural and staining

artifacts involved in this work, current workers (20,12)

have found cytological evidence lacking. The purpose of

this investigation was an attempt to clarify the relative

taxoncmic position of and to formulate seme of the basic

cyclic morphological and physiological processes occurring

in an aquatic actincroycete possessing streptoraycetal charac-

teristics. To further these aims, the following experimenta-

tion was conducted.

1) The entire life history of the organism was r w i w -

ed through an unprecedented slide culture technique Which

allowed continual observation of a growing organism without

aid of stains or deleterious factors which would terminate

or alter growth.

2) Ba.sic physiological phenomena concerning the initla-

tic® and propagation of the »«veral observed morphological

phase® were investigated by manipulating acme of the physi-

cal <ind chemical factors of the environment surrounding the

organisms housed in slide cultures, tubes, and flasks.


1. Alikhanian, S. I., and Borisovo, L. N., "Recombination in Actin-omyces " Journal o£. General Microbiology, XXVI (1961), 19-28.

2. Bradley, S. G., and Lederberg, J., "Heterokaryosis in Streptomv-ces," Journal of Bacteriology. UCXII (1956), 219-225.

3. Braendle, D. H., and Szybalski, W», "Genetic Interaction among Streptcraycetes: heterokaryosis and synkaryosis," Proceedings of national Academy of Science# IXII (1957), 947-955.

4. Braendle, D. H., and Szybalski, W., " Heterokaryotic Compatibil-ity/ Metabolic Cooperation, and Genetic Recombination in Strep-tomvces," Annals o£ Mew York Academy of Science# LXXXII (1959),

5. Carvajal, F., "Studies on the Structure of Strectomvcea crriseus, " Mvcolooia, XXXIX (1947), 426-440.

6. Davis, G. H. G., "Morphological Appearances in Streretomyces BP " Journal of General Microbiology, XXII (I960), 740-743.

* t

7. Dickenson, P. B., and MacDonald, X. D., "An Electron Microscope Examination of the Initial Cell Stage in Streptomvces BPP. " Journal a|. General Microbiology, XIII (1955), 84-90.

8. Erikson, D., "The Morphology, cytology, and Taxonomy of the Ac-tincmycetes," Annual Review of Microbiology, III (1949), 23-54.

9. Gregory, K. F., "Hyphal Anastamosis and Cytological Aspects of Stxeptomwces scabies," Canadian Journal of Microbiology, II (1956) ,649—655.

10. Hopwood, D.A., "Genetic Recombination in Strentomvces coelicolor." Journal of General Microbiology, XVI (1957), ii-iii.

11. Hopwood, D. A., "Phase-contrast Observations on Stre-ptorovces coelicolor," Journal of General Microbiology, XXII (1960), 295-302.

12. Hopwood, D. A., Serraonti, G., and Spada-Serraonti, Isabella, "Het-erozygous Clones in Streptomvces coelicolor," Journal of Gener-al Microbiology, XXX (1963), 249-260.

13. Jones# K. L«, "The Development ©f the Young Vegetative My-celium in " Michigan Academy Q£ Science Arts and Letters, XXXVI (1950), 13-26

14* Klienberger-Nobel, E., "The Life Cycle of Sparing Actinomy-ces as Revealed by a Study of their Structure and Septation,"

&£ Microbiology, I (1949), 22-32.

15. IfcClung, H. M., "Variability in Streptomytjetes," Annals of I3£ Acaderov, LXXXI (1959), 879-886. '

16. Orstoov, J., "Investigations into the Morphology of the Ray Fungi," Copenhagen: Levin and Munksquard.

17. Roach, A. W., and Silvey, J. K. G., "The Morphology and Life Cycle of Fresh Water Actinoraycetes," Transac^on of the ^nerican Microscopical Society, L5QCVTI (1958), 36-47.

18. Sertnonti, G. , and Spada-Sermonti, L., "Genetic Recombination i n Streptomvceg," Mature, CLXXVI (1955), 121

19. Silvey, J. K. G., Russell, J. C., Redden, D.R., and MCCOCTI-ick, W. C., "Aetinomyeetee and Consnon Tastes and Odors,"

fit j¥i6.rican. Water. Works Association, XLII (1950) 1018»»1026«

20. Stuart, D. D., Jr., "Fine Structure of the Nucleoid and In-ternal Merabrane System of Streptamyces," Journal of Bac-teriology, LXXVIII (1960), 271-281.

21. Waksman, S. A., and Henrlci, A. T., "The Nomenclature and Classification of the Actinoraycetes," Journal of Bacter-iology, XLVI (1943), 337-341.



One of the first attempts to Hollow the growth of one

spore throughout its complete development employing a slide

culture technique was made by Hojwood (2). In that study the

coverslip was coated with a liquified solid medium and, upon

resolidi fication, the medium layer was inoculated with a spec-

ific spore suspension. The coverslip was then inverted and

placed over a microscope slide with lens paper strips as dis-

tance-spacers . In order to prevent contamination, wax was

employed to complete a sealed chamber. In using this tech -

nique, only the earliest stages of growth could be studied so

that observations on the development of a sporulating mycel-

ium had, in most instances, to be made from mature colonies^

Certain aspects of Hopwood's basic culture methods were

used after extensive modification. These modifications were

not only necessary in order to be able to continually observe

the origin, development, and sporulation of the secondary

mycelium, but were also necessary in order that metabolic

and physiologic studies could be conducted during each stage

of the life cycle. Specifically, these modifications allowed

i f l s

the ©nviromssant surrounding the organism to b® ehanged While

performing a minimal amount of physical aggravation to the


The construction of tta* ndcro-^owth ofhanibars is ©torn

clearly in Figure I. In preparation for construction of cm©

of thane chambers, all parts to be used were first placed

under ultraviolet radiation. They wrt permitted to stand

for a period of tin* until tests mtmmd that there wur® no

contaminant® available m the equipment. A regular glass

slide <175 ran x 25 rat) was used for the basic structure of

construction. h rounci sterile coverslip (32 iroi diameter)

was then coated with a layer of solid mediua approximately

100-150 microns in tMetea§a» The spotw wars inoculated

from a spore suspension onto the layer of solid medium Which

was than fixed with the coated surface down and was sealed

with Kroenlg wax to a vinyl cylinder (4 rat height, ©.!>» 25 ram,

I «o. 17 mm) • The cylinder was transferred to a glass slide

where tot© Kroenig wuc was used to fix the growth chamber

••curtly to the slide. T m nioro«cosyat«m « s regulated in

regard to humidity and atmoepihare. The agar slant in the

bottom of th® growth chwtoer was of low agar concentration but

was of sufficient hydration so as to supply adequate moisture

to the nutrient substrate. Immediate saturation of the mi-

croafcraoaphere was accomplished by injecting a small quantity

of water CO.2 ml) into the area opposing the slant (Figure II.



CO tr UJ > o o

o: liJ ffl


UJ o


o — <0 _J

cr o < l&J

UJ (0 m 35

_J >-•9 X

3 z < Z > £ o



Gaseous exchange as well as dedication was controlled by use

of two air portals. These portals were produced by passing

a "heated 20-gauge needle halfway into the under surface of

the vinyl disc at two points • After the disc had been per-

forated, the portals were temporarily closed vrith silicone

grease. The grease plugs could be easily pierced at any time

to open the system so that either liquids or vapors could be

added for metabolic studies•

The above modifications of Hopwood's procedure provided

a system of high reliability for the observation of the com-

plete life history of the organism and control of several

physiologically vital factors.

This investigation involved the study of two organisms

from the North Texas State collection* namely number sixty-two

and the Cooper Strain. Strain Sixty-two received most of the

attention devoted to this study, while the Cooper Strain was

utilised only when spores of different size and parental origin

ware required. Both isolates had the following common character-

istics* 1) Bach strain was isolated from a reservoir of the

Southwest, 2) Bach produced metabolites that exhibited an

earthy odor similar to that found in water supplies, and 3)

Each had streptcmycete-like characteristics, i.e., each devel-

oped chain spores.

The spore suspensions employed in this study were prepared

by flooding slants with sterile distilled water. After a period

of gentle agitation, the resulting mmpmmim wm filtered

through sterile filter paper (Watson number one) in order to

remove clumps of vegetative rayceliura, and the resulting fil-

trate was diluted to appropriate cof entrafclons for micro-

charnber inoculations.

Two types of media was* utilized throughout this investi-

gation. A minimal xmMvm - after aavis <1) - was used

in instances where alow and limited growth was desirable,

where nutritional factor® were studied, or when pigtaent pro-

duction v h to fee evaluated. The enriched ise&lm, an the

other hand* was the gmmtal tool for the investigation or mor-

phological cfclee and the affects of jfcyvical agents. The

media were formul&ted as follows t

M1S2 - sodium citrate lO.Og,, gluooee lO.Og,, sodiura ill-

trate 2,0g.« potassium nitrate 2.0g., oalciura chloride O.lg.,

magnesium sulfate O.OSg., dipot&ssium phosphate 2,0g«, dis-

solved in distilled water to roalce one liter*

Enriched - Tryptooas© soy broth 5 g., nutrient broth 5 g.,

SSraerso s broth 5 g., brown sugar 5 g,, aamonium nitrate 2 g,»

and soil water extrat to make one liter,, adjusted to « pri of

6.5. •i.'can'.perature ranges of 0°b-50° o, and a pH range of 0.5-

12,0 ware studiedi however, normal observations were conducted

at 24° - 25° C, pH 6.5-7.0, and with or without light depend-

ent upon l fccttatoey conditions sine® no control# war® consid-


1 n

In considering the metabolic pathways existing within

the organism, anaerobic conditions were established. Anae-

robiosis was achieved through three divergent procedures•

Brewer jars were filled with slides, agar slants, and flasks

and ware examined after periods of 1) gas replacement with

nitrogen and helium, or 2) ignition of hydrogen. The jars

containing the slides were hydrated by enclosing a water

saturated towel. The second method utilized a further po-

tential of the slide culture technique. The portals were

fitted with glass tubes drawn to capillary size, and wore

sealed into place with additional cement. The glass tubes

were connected to rubber tubing that composed part of a

gas train so that hydrated helium, nitrogen, filtered lab-

oratory air of pure oxygen could be passed through the micro-

chamber under slight positive pressure. This permitted con-

tinous microscopic observation of the organism under a

variety of micro-atmospheres for a determined period of time.

Thirdly 300 parts per million iralonate (fixed at pK 6.0)

was used to study its effect on the major aerobic pathway.

The last facet of the investigation explored the origin

of nutrients used in the synthesis of secondary hypae. The

experimental design consisted of removing nutrients from

the primary growth phase and determining whether the second-

ary phase could be formed without additional nutrients.

This was accomplished by washing the primary mycelium four

times with % balanced salt solution (containing catione

in til© aarne ratio as found in the minimal raediusm), and

allowing the washed mycelium to stand in the salt solution

for periods up to ttsre® weeks.

Morphological observations were recorded with an A«0*

iipmmmr Model @33 Microscope having carora m4 phase con-

trast attachments • Kodak Plua«~x 35 mx Film mm developed

normally in Kodak i-iicrodol £w®l©j»r.

A. t


1. Davis* Ernst M. / "Assimilation of Inorganic Hitrogen toy Actinomycetes," an unpublished Master's thesis, Depart-ment of Biology, North Texas State University# Denton, Texas, 1962.

2. Hopwood, D. A*, "Phase-contrast observations on Strepto-mvces coelicolor," Journal of General. Microbiology* XXII (1960), 295-302,


The 1*1 tm Cycle of an Aquatic streptocoycete

The following results have been obtained front a study

of over two thousand different Mloro-olwrtbar culture slides,

llnlss® otherwise designated these descriptions ware ba»©d

on isolate number sixty-two NTSU cultural cm enriched me-

dium, For reasons of clarity# the cyclic events will tm

described under the following headings« A* The Primary

Mycelium? B M The Secondary Mycelium# and C. Sporulation.

&*, Urn teeUm

XtadUUKft rnA 2»tofelak--a0 mature apora mea-

sured ( in diameter was usually of spherical form

and germinated by one or two germinal tubes (PI. 1.# fig.a#),

when nutrients w a wltMra^n from the medium containing

mature spares and only Nobel agar mm present# 1 mm than on®

per oent of the spores germinated, trader nomml nutritive

conditions# this percentage was increased to at least 95 per-

cent. Swelling of spores prior to# or during# germination

was observed to be very slight or not at all.


v» • » ' * CJ

Hyphal attraction between two similar spores

SE2ES J&g, Development

fill the Primary Mycelium.—Germination and general growth rate

of the organism were affected by such obvious factor® ass

1) temperature, 2) pH, 3} nutrients, 4) amount of oxygen avail-

able, and 5) hydration. Vant Bo£f*s rule was roughly aprox-

imated between 10°-37° C. Optimum growth, and the shortest

germination period (6 hrs.) occurred at 32°-35°C. ;\bove

this point inhibition was observed, and thermal death oc-

curred at 42°C. The organism remained viable in a h range of

2,0-12.0# however, best growths were observed frcxn a h of

6.5-7.0. i/hile increasing the richnesss of the medium usually

produced an increase in the time and level of total primary

production, germination times were little affected by vary-

ing nutrient strengths. Inhibition of growth was noted when

media solids exceeded 60 grams per liter. The organism un-

questionably favored an aerobic pathway, for anaerobic con-

ditions greatly reduced the rate of growth. These data were

reinforced when malonate poisoning revealed incomplete in-

hibition. It will also be noted that flasks and slants under

anaerobic tensions demonstrated no pigments or ordors, even

after periods of two months.

The primary mycelium required high levels of hydration.

Desiccation was found to be a very successful method of con-

trolling the amount of primary growth in a chamber. When


i t me ^iotdroblo to liiait tiho aim© of a or to p®s«

iR4ti«i® the M©«tei?y jfiagta, «i© coUa tieso rlacsix*

in a aeaica&toc isw on© op two howttu flits tSMtnonfe

naiaUy c&$ rsot ®to\* <gpsm$ihi frorawogv toteaapa gWRfHt was at;

a mOk Btmm M® «fi«ast mmli n a m * s**£>aetlttia.

ofi the Aai^w mm sot auoaeseftil in iwwslng the iftiiMtiosi*

28MSlitiKle — aporo gotnination ana bsira?©

brandling, m la f tnml of sceUrofttioa or log «$g*ma (PI. 2

££$* ."WJ)* Isuftfe of this period wsw greatly affected

tiy *£m &HfeM9 «%JJis©ci in tit» i*oooodinrj m f t e « ttie ts«sr-

ntnotlon of this period iaitiafeM an «*$loalv9 graft!* period

in tftlcftt mm mmm&m swtei»t@€ the um&m wim mAmI e»»

tetwtafis aaS iotewow* hyjfcal eSanfliite* a««i«dbm originate*

m #gt»r:l©aa. Mt t i age at mm si Cm o£ hyriww. tmmm

mmlU&m ma» W f coobiittwHk of teimiaal scorer)

®cfemrl 2 laterally irtdl* e t i l l saiateiMag their bulboid

a ^ s i a w s <PL. 2,, f ig. d • P h m « « M s&cnocoegy

eoooc&oaAtty swoolod livegular acptetioci at the z-rtiwary

egreeMly «fe tihl* early atag© of growth. St me

ftirthear aoted that: 00 tin® cwlesjy iswmwssl ia siise ttie

-liAwsfccr of t!"> «» ly f«sms<2 ttygtsae OtadaUlhea*

"Siila the gaminel taboo oad ini t ia l ly fiornx?a israndbos

wop© 0.* u to 1.0 a. to at«wfew, t t» I r i t w at the txrnBm

of a l a w «ol»y w w fcwy times maxima to &m 0.4 u

to 0»7 u» t» stuping & nature 00^007 i t wme ionuS t in t

* *

If W-

© large rost&cm tho jsseija&ry asiigtel boswath thfc

surfsoe o£ the i»dim» fi l ls "rtiiaoi&al• off stteiirSee®

laiycMiIISRi# vit£h it© twisted sa l otKLlodl ocxifiguration, node

i t irnxMatcfty d&MNNnalb&B Skis tin© nee© regularly damA

ftORfeise g m t o g ea t t » swrfsei® of £h» mdtttRu Vha ifsJ,8©id&3,

t i j j aw « a e fiMBwd us staple t»nctais of the pelmvy

a^wMmt (91. 2# £1q. ©I # ^ t d h paastaraMl the tasMUUm in

en oppGXtK& smfexitxqi;MU» >Ms>otMM»* Shis growth

wmi icg&UM&od to tiha i*o«auctian o£ the MBs ®f t t e go&*

<-Mr» faaftfema fiafiliilsfcift nigarstsafiffi HBBB SO t»W}»W^ in

maa-l «ygy» sail

unaaCTacn grores. —. ttheoagb tho <AoMHnwtion o£ inoiiiteS

eAToco pelxs s»S t r iplet#, i t wis &aa! tftet tftse«i <arsist®S>

pcnfoBoofeial « f f » ® t m end birax&ing betMeon the hggSiMi

«ssi*t end uriex*nraon pexesital Agoree* 1M.S p » f e r «

«%iai #rwth ofibaa rswtltoa in -..esr.ianottt f!ts3fxi»,I

aosxtacta" (PI. X, ficj,. JVwTr Pi, 3, Fig- A-8r Pl„ 4? SLo*

iwij» AttvaefeioR wae wtsea. i s 75-as j e r Mssfe of a t o t a l

of ss tiboottvet&one* An orcecrt pesoeategc eould not be

ototod fcr ssa© data hod to be dlee&vded <3ae t o Isiesed

i«tootles® e£ s^eotoaae* M&rocfeiea tms dboaervad t o %s

raoct dnsetatio i a the oarly ptmess ©£ gsocrth, and tAm

oixare© ©f dl£8nraot ftaeetxfeal ©rigfe w s ttoed tel. 3* •

f ig , /**3) . Attraction and contact of hyphae was not



S • 4, - ? ^ V ••

y/ ?-V .

Production of secondary hyphae from one spore


UnteaS to tfc© fiUtaeMMto found e* the aurfiee© the latdiUBu

1% nne cdso observed ia gfetsotdsd •tenanto# lisiefe «afc titaoe

booacia infe&aato within «f» aolid itee itoelg • Tt ar®aoxx*&

1Ms the ceaponM ootid fee etiUMfeive In xogavA to ttmcfeion

a# mil as plane* fls®§ aoofeaetMi IAmhmImmi nam £*adnBa&

«t rt*fchor rwtei w«eiafet«iii3 in ytiiati cell mils cad pwq-

branea %ioto ari oroRfcly niaixita£tte&« hile to odUito of

ecmtoofe wcmm uetftcdly Mftintoinodr m m or both wufeara

«£ tho udoa oewKKwily oontsiiised to gratr CpI. 3# a<j,,. .3) •

3fteee sussocltifciotts tisaallf c&ialto? ia a tiMmwwo in the

lag jliaaa md a otoe^er GsqpesMHt&aA JIKII® «c £&$*&*

ftepewlsietos® fboie of the Pftswy HyoaUua

She sctiaosy nStoMsw p»p^pte3 iaee&f m$0&mA.votj

% £ro*y**itation. &Bg?odiaisl«Hi ©f this n a m e

®towfwt! ia slid® ealtuver T*»«v«r, in «mit*to& fiasls

otUsiCQst &®?p«tsfeafetaa m m «£<paretttly SI <KSdt£KeBie3»y

©ftuett'W: &oprddb(&iv« cSumnel. 3!w togfthoe did not be*

mm. »ptoriy fifvJUtei ia x*oceas. Batter# verieue

«aA%© of fcgnlaae noiiM taosfe kote ta o parent c©I«^ ead

then tea the molouo of s »*r oeloegf»

Mtesr tS» rayoeUUsa tad ceptatod a»a lioa

toegim to £rognent Into aporoc, tfhe mgmMxm,

would aStsMt sml undergo Mtolfst©* At tlhia tto© it « w

teeqaenfety netod tSwt eAdto-Wae etoaatocoo fiwaea.

tb© walls o£ the i-rlraery tQ&tiee (Pi. e, £ig. B). A poenible




I n H

Hyphal attraction between two dissimilar spores

P L A T E 4 23



1 /



l ir



i r^~


- ' . : .-» ••• •'• • • *

A J R w 9


HaKgg I -#'HP * ""• .w w'


Hyphal attraction between three similar spores


ftotie&httx fior those ^ s s s s t e w oould safe 1*

feoft# £or th«o© wtio£go®miib£>& pswoii fc©

* « 1 2 a vitaan %© £reusfh ra&Sia.

flfe; I) ife VO0 X # 21 it; %

A i a

titat jgdtoasy i s

sWKSUid a tieg&

3| if


,i® by «spfea# oad ©©©fe xwa&Uy

lire Ci© fenioti#

ioraoata #f 2J3i® ac unllfco | f i w s f t^t iae

to t$M» I«g^&fe# @«©ia o£ |,*»AWfe^» (!?1. 3, fig.,, C) a®3

lotad 0roco (?1, 21* S a i n i t i a l ouel.tingo gorsiRC&ort

fltfoy fipota tho twSlvM* Ite wswwiiatiwiag stwfeiott aetsM bo

eewtgpaod to t&ooe ©jiwci-ajjsa etmetemje, £or it wM €£j»

poor ttefe tho ooBditlenis i?®®niRK§ £or their wn

laMfetaai to tews i#MMOb et tbeir 9agtAiw%ti»*

fte vum a£ apoBiQstiovo cmilg»Rife4i» Mid vAaBenfc

pCDdaatitti «s (ssaoaomlo tool® tor© jswwwl lay #» &3,l0viag

fitnOinasa Slsttt* it mui ifae* &ak m tmtmM, ootony

:*«&KX>a 2r«3 aao ox«jr© ooalu slmltanocusly boar m

to fit© iSiifewiitte a&mmsfaam OM&gnga&lmu

eis te keanc&cx3, -gghmttm s|4«al hooka, and

me cftNMrwoA thofc fip»

c oia ia qpoco titaagpoa«te»* {ipMed aid iMqj£gaMMI

csetaitel oauia flii»aimMMM0iy wwtlfc tuitfe cttter

affacfeoviatiGs *«ti$&y oanofcaat) • flstjs tos

ot pigmmt m® usually only aafciooa itwt spove OUftfetcnui

ware M#i to ±iS9vonk oo&mlae Stam «»toefeii #*fcf£k£?k **M&* «TO*?li*£IIKr *

afl aytf a gMWtott IsSX IJilS* ****" ®6®

s BMMm 3h9&D0fcoftl jcdufe o£ ¥i<» it ay/«a*ou tfeafc tho

maeatay upoi&taa wm atf^tttonally tfefMontaBfe «t tfto

Sdnuey jtwygii for it m# ganeffc&ly ieol steS fa® t$® txMum

<1*g to c©a»3ctliig lamidhiao it me 1st diseeb eoateasfc wit2»


t j J l© i f tossy PWGhlJM&BMtS* ##?/#• j&Vfe$KHP fescHU*

I S w S t t l fSdlMft S l i p t t l i l S l i y ^ f p & C i l m M O t w ^ l S ^ W ^ w w JSTOSfl

n s t t v i t j w M s o t omtimia t o ^ w # b a t w o u l d i r n v t

l a y # : to t t » p p t a w y i * fease . , t i b i l f t t h l o w i ^ w w a 2 £

fluggNfe tihft d ^ a n A t t M » o f t h o M ^ t e f j - t e f t © o n t f h »

; 4 T i » a i r y t f n u x b A s x t t a r I s i A U t t M l t h e f c

4 S | S ® S l O S S & 3 M & 9 & t K t i ^ *jj3vp g r t f w

o t r r r t e 0 0 w e l l * I t w w o b n e r v o t i t h a t t w o © p v t a n g y

o p t e t o e C f i p o e o £ a * » « e l a s ? f t q $ h G « # w n M } . « o d a o e a

flgaa.ll » © t l f l f e O f dOCKHVlaXY Cf lMf l f t ih S 9 * l t & f M f t t l i O S B ' f e t i . W t o WW .JST *^P -W?r Sgpfjefr "Sr ^np1 " ^^^wlPfSr-leapy ^B^psW',wpKr *9^5^^ flSPfp1 wjepwssfx?

« n t t 3 & t ^ m l i . t c i B T m & b o o n M t w m S t s f i « i 4 f s g w i t h a

i j e X a n o a d s a l t a o & i s t t i e a * ' S b i a o c c u r r e d I n a t g g m d j a a f e e t y

t n w f t y p a r a * a & o f tih* d t t l t w c o B l a v e e t i g e t a g * 9 tacsw3,

l e v a l * © f » § e « s i i i i ? y h j f t t v i g r o w t h i » e w m O w A b y

tslfc® 8 & t . t W S t t S l ^ l #

a a ^ i a t t i «

s p s a l i w i i w m tttfualXf* £ € o O u a o & i n t h o e a r l y ^ e t t e a a r f j i i s a #

© £ t b a ^ w n H i W f « » s « » e < i i i t t l c f t t o i i o f t 3 »

a r « s o g o m » i i j f t i e f l o « n s M 1 » r r a M t t u s o l y & i s i s K w l t ? f iw to**

jCX3l#iUSx! <^t . | .<a « a y i f c « i . t i 4 » i ^ p y ^ - p y s y y g y s @ 3 4 W S <SO £§1©®%. g S C l o d l S

o i z a & l d c k w d o e e f c i o n , V a r i a t i o n o f p i t ( w l t i i i a fcbo

j ^ W B t o & o g U n l b w & s a t te i « o v 4 o u » p Q K a g N 0 » ) t i e d

l i t t e & t o r a © e & B e e t s ® t h e * W i s © o f r e d u c t i o n o £ t b t

i ^ w s a s c y e ^ o e t S i M B i f ^ » p a » f e i » , o n t i » o t t o * 1 » ® 2 # c l i c l

4S» t

definitely affect rfete of secondary growth.. Of the

factors involved in initiation of secondary mycelium, it

would appear that the oxygen available to the organism

would be most important. The organisms were subjected to

anaerobic conditions at various stages prior to and after

secondary formation. She following data resulted from

this study:

1) Organisms growing under anaerobic conditions could

experience spore germination and full development of the

primary mycelium, but could not produce secondary mycelium,

odors, or pigments.

2) Colonies which had almost achlm*^ fell development

of the primary mycelium under aerobic conditions and which,

at taiis time, were transferred to anaerobic conditions

would occasionally produce secondary mycelium.

3) Colonies, which were sterile of secondary mycelium

at the onset of anaerobic conditions war© more apt to bear

secondary hyffciae when their positions allowed them to be in

close proximity to or in direct contact with sporogenous


4) Colonies which bore secondary hyphae at the onset

of anaerobic conditions continued their growth after a short

period of acclimation.

Malonate at 300 ppu (H 6.0) inhibited secondary hyphae


The Pasteur effect was not observed when pure oxygen

was passed over the organism? rather, stimulation was


C. Sporulation

13i© time required for sporulation varied greatly,

but it usually began four to five days after innoculation.

At this time of maximal extension of the secondary

mycelium, the septa would begin to form. The septa formed

approximately at the same time along the filament, usually

starting from the distal end. Desiccation appeared to be

the dhief stimulus for fragmentation of the spores and

usually occurred simultaneously with the autolysis of

the primary mycelium.



The primary mycelium was found to toe a basically

aquatic and highly adaptive somatic foundation which

propagated itself by elongation, branching# and

irregular fragmentation. In addition, the primary my-

celium appeared to be capable of mutalistic associations

with similar organisms. These associations with similar

organisms being similar to those described by Dickenson

and Macdonald (2), and Davis (1), were observed to be

random permanent contacts produced by preferential

directed growth of the primary hyphae and did not result

in the formation of "initial cells" or anastamoses as

described by Klienberger-Nobel (8) or Gregory (5)*

respectively. When spores of different parental origin

were studied, hyphal bridges (PI. 3, fig# a.) very simi-

lar to Gregory * s report of anastamosal structures (his

Jigs.1-7} formedi however, in opposition to his obser-

vations, the bridges were not permanent and passed over



or under opposing hyphae (PI. 3, fig. b.)• While

Gregory's photograph® seemed to be quite convincing# it

was unfortunate that he found it necessary in recording

his observations to use stains# which terminated future


On the basis of the following observations# the

association of primary hyphae was thought to be a pos-

sible syntrophic or heterokaryotic mechanism*

1) Association was noted to reduce the lag phase

of primary growth. This became increasingly important as

physiological and nutritional conditions varied from the


2) The tendency of the organism to produce nonpig-

mented colonies was suppressed through association,

3) The ability of a sporogenous colony (formed under

aerobic conditions) to Initiate sporogeny in a nearby

sterile colony (on the sudden removal of oxygen from the

environment) was found to be enhanced by association of

the primary hyphae.


Vhe m&omSmsf mymlin® was clmracrfcerissea fey being larger

than the primary hypJiae, usually pigmented, and apparently

hydrophobic* Hopwood1e observations (7) ware Qorx&rtaod in

t3wt the eewsdarf' was dhnm to result ffcaa the

simple tewiAiaf of th© primary ntyeeUiMn without prior

hypfial fesioas at the points of secondary origin- Mao, it

w m shown that eaoondary nqpseUa could b@ bom© froa an

iaolatacl colmy produced &©» a single spore.

She secondary aorodXlun appeared to be e ppp&iGfe of th©

primary mycelium during its stationary phase of growth,

since thor production of mmMary liyghaa « « M b© xapomatsure*-

ly triggered in the primary colony fey inducing unfavorable

conditions mdh as derteaa&leo/ or Mfmovml of isttri**

ante from the sssdiwis* In addition to tfce «®rgett3@ of the

©wc^asy mycelium, tMa period of d®ro!oiw»fe- w i also w -

IfMtcd lay t3s® colony's production of soltible pipssafes and

©dor oon^ounda.

%ha role of the pffinecy tnycwllun in tfte #@v@lop«fc of

wwoadary sywlium s©«si»3 to to vital, Because ovon tlhm

fmmg maomSaxf tad* (hyphal elements) wore transplanted to

fresfc media they reverted to primary raye»lium. A parasitic

rslatim^Mp taMeen the two morphologic phases was tether

suggested in that the soeorvdary fsyceliuia urns usually spacially

separated from the nutritive substrate, m& that the primary

ageellwa after ®sfc6asive msMng would produce small mounts

of peoondary myc&Hum without additional nutrients*

<> ,«1

The genus Streptamvces has classically "been defined as

a basically aerobic group (9). nonetheless, recent; workers

"have shovm that members of this group can carry out fermenta-

tion under anaerobic situations (4),(6),(10). The major

criticism of such work was that little or no attention was

devoted to the morphological selection occurring during

anaerobiosis. The present study indicated that the primary

mycelium was a facultative aerobe probably utilizing the

tricarboxylic cycle as the major metabolic pathway while

the secondary mycelium appeared to be an obligate aerobe

when grown under continual anaerobic conditions or in the

presence of malonate. However/ when anaerobic conditions

were introduced late in the development of the primary my-

celium, the secondary mycelium occasionally reflected

facultative characteristics. The facultative nature of the

secondary phase was most evident when secondary hyphae were

already present at the time of oxygen replacement. Erikson,

(3), using crude techniques, implicated the role of oxygen

ill the-.initiation of secondary mycelium, but her studies did

not reveal the facultative nature of the sporogenous phase.

Colonies producing secondary mycelia under anaerobic

conditions were thought to utilize metabolic pools accumu-

lated in the primary mycelium under aerobiosis. These pools

were apparently also the source of accumulated nutrients


v t l l i o r t by prtaKUQT eo&cnloe a f t e r boing wsdbofl wi th b a l a m M

a o l t sataftioas t o 2«odhie» o©s©sia«,sif tnsooliun* AASitiOQaX

Mis | . 4« r i^ i« is £or tho o t t h i s pbononaoon iwsaM

bo the peesIM© spst»ifil»G error duo t o i w i t i m of ougnpan

during aavoMc IJO IMs by t l ® agar tae&lVHft*

CoRtwasy t o M f t o y ' e Cl2) ©tacty o£ a thocnoHhilio cust*

ittoayoefcG j:mm cctygac Old not i n h i b i t tho oooaa&ary' k$oq&1is»*

Tno btfipogralo&ive 11 fo 'History zacepoaod % f t e d i ana

s i lvcy (IX) t o sc i .«ate tho aqpa&le £bob me*~

b w c£ t t a fcfailv coul& not bo iiict*ti£i©d

t i i t h i s stet$7* I t ^ould es&eor tfcsfc tho a c e t i c m g m l m

&MCtcl£m& Imm w m a truo mnsl btihuvosL aira i lcr ly

i n i t s p w s l t o HQiftjooa'a ooeli**

aoletag (7)„

tSho groat pKo^axtiofi o£ tb& (wgaaiflno ua&nr

9ta$f oliewoa tujoir & jaat ic esdfftoanee l a MI«©s §aS »«*

MNrvoiaro o£ tJ» Soi^l 'woteta United states t o be «p i t# sec-

cosaful. During the tdxntotr taontho tba oporo atcge noal4 be

anviaicood t o i n tho bottom suds* Stsa epeg©

wctt.ia gen&ORte i n tho tspriit^ {rt&^latod by lncrooso taa«

pomrtuios, end i w M bufta t o speisitefe® sKaaottauo isutr i t ivo

a# sfiKwmlateS « ^ i a i e mot#* <Stoc«®ii*ej vogafeo-

fetai* s a l oh&al by^«oduot0 %fhldfc tMmid bo avoiiisfblo « t th©

ixsriciotar ©r bottoa ©- tho l&'.jo or roaosvoir* I t tho onanism

darolfigse# a t tho psoritoefcor; i t s g r w t h would only be l lcdtod


by the degradation of Mghor aquatic plants and alga© that

m m M be i«oduc5ed teasing the suraagtr in this region* afco-

trorJiic vQgeat«fcloa in this section would oenmly enter its

death jtfioa© in lute sua®® and %«mM allcs# i s ^ m l seoo&daxy

nsyoelial dovoloproant lay early fall. On tho oth&r tiead# organ-

imm that tiwald develop in tli® of mdb bodiee of

wetar would "have to grot? under saaarobie emditicsss during

mmt of tlio sisanarr hcuerwar, sourcoe ox aitricafcs in tho foam

of «fee«ap©s@a orfmsic ockso as "well ae variews fesss of vege-

tation would bo ex&Cttaefty riclh. By list® &mm% tho ©rga^es

would readh its stationary lihasa of grewth aad would peodooo

s@e©»l«y sapsoliun as contact with oxygon. 3he tooot common

contact© would be th© tanijorary disa|^«Mms» of tli© ai»-

robic regions (caramon to lake® and reservoirs of this region)

©y the full tiajmovor* Tim m^mkm would probaibly tho

ms£m& by sssoeiati<« with algal bloaa» and/or by tbe bydropho-

"b i e isateore of the secondary rapoelSunu Havo acttei wtUd

usually wash the alg®l«stirefJteK ©et© ootaplox t© slier© %<*harQ

tho MMseNcuSbuey iap»litia would e^erimce full dwrelopcaoot

e M on teslescatioa would &agnsat into spocttft. It wuld be

during this period of aosxaadary production that odor acta-

pm?«2s 90 a«SB«t to SaxtkMOBfeaKsi lapses and reservoirs would

bo irapcrtcd to the water.


On the basts of the following observations, the asso-

ciation of primary hyphae was thouc/ht to bo a possible

syntrophic or heterdkaryotic mechanisms

1) Association was noted to reduce the lag phase of

primary growth. This became increasingly important as phys-

iological and nutritional conditions varied from the optimum.

2) The tendency of the organism to produce nonpig-

mented colonies was suppressed through association.

3) The ability of a sporogenous colony (formed under

aerobic conditions) to initiate sporogeny in a nearby

sterile colony (on the sudden removal of oxygen from the

environment) was found to be enhanced by association of the

primary hyphae.


1* Davis, G. H. G., "Interpretation of Certain ilorphological Appearances in Streptomvces BPP.," Journal of General i&crobiology, XXXI 11960) ,740-743.

2. Dickenson, P. B., and MacDonald, K. D., aAn Electron Micro-scope Examination of the Initial Cell Stage in Strepto-mvcea epp.,l- Journal of General Microbiology, XIII (1955), 84-90.

3. Erikson, D., "Differentiation of the Vegetative and Spor-ogenous Phases of the Actinomycetes 2. Factor Affecting Development of the Aerial Mycelium,Journal of General Microbiology, I (1947), 45-52.

4. Ganguly, S., and Roy, S. C., "Oxidation of Substrates by Streptomvces oriseus," Archives of Biochemistry and Bio-

' ' M X (1955) , 45-51.

5. Gregory, K. F., "Hyphal Anastamosis and Cytological As-pects of Streptonryces scabies, " Canadian Journal of Micro-biology, II (1956), 649-655.

6. Hockenhull, D. J. D., Hockenhull, F. K. H., Herbert, M., and Whitehead, B., "Glucose Utilization by Streptomvces ariseus," Journal of General Microbiology, X (1954), 353-370.

7. Hopwood, D. A., "'Phase-contrast Observation of Streptomvces coellcolor," Journal of General Microbiology, XXII (1960), 295-302.

8. Klienberger-llobel, F., 'The Life Cycle of Sporing Actinomy-ces as Revealed by a Study of their Structure and Septa-tion," Journal of General Microbiology, I (1347), 11-32.

9. Perlman, D., "Physiological Studies on the Actinccrvcetes," Botanical Review, XIX (1953), 46—97.

10. Prave, P., "Fermentation of Streptomvoes spp. Under Nitro-gen, " Archives of Microbiology# XXXII (1958), 286-295.

TH f


11. Roach, A, w., agd silvey, J. K. G., -'The Morpholoigy and Life Cycle o£ Fresh Water Actlnomycetes," Trans-

^f§§g^ a|^^> awflaMi msmma&sai, §ssms,* u « m

12* weibley, D. w., "The Effect of (Oxygen on tho Grxwth and Msteboliera of the Jjeroblc Tharrao Silllc

J'immai of General Mare*. 122. XI C19



1. A slide culture technique was developed which allowed

the continual observation of the complete morphologic devel-

opment of an aquatic Streotomvcete and a means of investigat-

ing basic physiological and nutritional factors surrounding

the developmental morphology of the organism*

2. Spores in contact with a nutritional substrate germ-

inated with little or no swelling by one or two germinal tubes,

3. Growth of primary mycelium resulting from germinated

spores was found to occur in a wide range of physiological

conditions and was found to be easily terminated by mild

4. Fran a study of spore pairs and triplets it was shown

that hyphal attraction existed between like and unlike hyphae

which resulted in extensive association. These associations

appeared to be beneficial to the organism and were found to

be greatly intensified when spores of different parental

origin were studies.

5. The primary mycelium was found to be facultatively


6. The secondary mycelium required oxygen for its initia-

tion but assumed facultative characteristics after initiation.


7. socoodary hypha© wr® produced frora slagAe branches

of the prliaary myealiuta during ita stationary phase of growth#

3. Th« secondary pfoass of growth not only character-*

iwd by tho production of aocajadary hystows but wm also ths

period of odor and soluble pigment proaustion*

9* 3®ccmdary hypha© could result fro® the primary my-

celium produced fran mm ypora.

10* thm mycelium %mm found to be nutritionally

dapsndent on the prisary rayceliura and could not stereleq? »«-


11. avrar&l sporqphoro configurations could result from

a colony produced from one spore •

12. The primary stimulation for aporulaticn appeared to

be desiccation*

13. Wns aquatic iyafcinomreiitii under study ir*£l«etad true

3tr®pteiflvc.®ta> characteristics sad could not l» identified as

having a hisporulative life cycle.


B©©!» Orrikov, J. , Xnveflfe&gafetaB& ix&o the J4«sl»I©gf o£ fcba Kay

ftaagl, ••• 0^«is&g«s Lowta nod tA»0cavMMMl*

MiMiQUisssi, .3* 2-/ aid BoeidQVO* «. H,, "Amotialiiatloa la . .yaagwal of aaaagal

pSiaTrw*23. a*aKtaS>, s. Q.t ana t&kuto*BQt *T. ( t&toveSairsosts in

" gflasttft a£ QrafftsgMffinr* tissui, ar«gc*Ilo, D« R., and Sag balsfcij Oonafcic 2BtaKi€Jt4,m 001003 Strcr/4Mx.T oet©3; Is uoccfoar oaiD oad oynkatyoeis, of gafeteml JtesadflBiy o£ .igieaieo, I£CXZ

vJ», !?Ee «»l« Pfcie Caapafc-Geoefcle E«»Maa«

ar«f^ie» P« Ii., ma SsrybaiBltiL ihility, Mgfe »14«' Ctoop«tfv&Uar and tioa la aiuBBaatiBBPiattc#" aanalg. of Mmt Itoffg.

,HfSnfsf7 ftfc

carvajaX* P., on the -Sfewetewe of fi&Mft* '-cc: IIM7K 421

dqvIg, a# n. G.» "ftaeftio&og&d&S. iiy&wK&aaoa la

M«to«»b i?» 3«# aw5 SMtanald* K« D.« "M 21actroa :a.caro-soop© eg Ms® Initial Ooii Stag© in m

TTO/Two. Btilia®* d.» 'Pbe EiocsSio;

J«otsJLsiO0®s® ®, (m», 23-54



41 Erikson, D., "DifgeBoat&afclfla o£ the asa StxwoQps*" on© Manns of the 2. Factor Mfeefelag Dsvelcgxaeafe ©f tho Aerial 2$edl±im#" Jaaraal of tenml al*a<g, 1 U947), 45-52. Ganguly, S., and Roy, S. C«# Oscldation ©f Stbstratos by

P^fPtl) st ag »itgiK. «& iteliilgi* Gregory, SC. F. > "Hyphal Anaatcraosis a»3 cyfeotefieEa. Aspects ' fianguriian Jcttruai Oa llicro—

- WHn -M» MB85S»r fr

{fcKftariball, D, J. D. * HocCieraShttll, f« k. H., Heebart* H« end ilhlta£h@od# S.« :'Q2»ooee OtAMsaticsi by Jo*® * 0 •

HOpHOQdL 0» A ., •'Genofcic ftecnrclbiaatlea in sM. gea®g«ii !-

Jeiarnaa 11. KOpWOOd, D. A.

W 2 3 Observations m. SSa

HopsfD©<!$» D. A., simwefsi, ai*l Spaa-Sejpaoofci, Isabella, {i-lsfte»iifpm5is C36BM in ol iSMg4. i®9**20O ® Jons®/ sc. L., "Sho ter@l©pwit o£ tfaa Young vegetative tfpcal* te in Btrmtoau .,' tii ^^pstoat tf M®« Attfc ana

xii«n3x*rgar-B0k©l, 8., "*i» Life cycle of Sp«i»g as EmrooXod toy a 3t«ay of tfceir Straotaa© sod'Sieptatiao ' •TomrngLl. ot Amoral Mcacribiolocer* I Ci945), 23-32* iicClung, IT. II.* "VfctlabiUty ia oawtawgjeetaw," fiHffltirfft S& mm Tftaflt iteteg* zaaSQt llfS®), 379*«886. PtfVSlMMI, D< Physiological stadioff on tto* " ' * > SEES (1953), 46-071. Wave. P.. 'f*F®s»wftati« ©£ Tinder liltsogoa*

, 286-295.


&•* K* o„, " she MocgiM&ogjr ®k3 tASa c o x tscMth tj&teer AetAJMOKOGfea?, a*ajnaaafeigri &g &** tomtom. maMs^afn^p^ %&£»%>

3§®astifcl* Q«. aal $pod*>«&€ttn*Hifci, L.» "tSeastdte llsottialfssfeitea SttMBBBsaa/" aaam, ct&s&z l imm* m .

tjy IC* a., Bliss®!!# J. C., EuSdifi* £>, R.} ® l JSoOCMOsa* ion# >#» c,, 'Kttaafootea cadi Oatatfon faste®© and odoro# «».«-** , • — -'2^ U95C)

stuorfc, s>. d.# £*., m » staMcftnge o£ tls© ;*x&ao£d oafi In-ternal fleeiirfiii© 8&8teet& o£ S ^ ^ h w

w e w m C&OO), m*aai, #


vfaSj Bso# s„ A. , cin& HosixMolr A. » "St® iia ol tea's cjj silteaitefi of tho l^iws^^es#" Ja»««ii. of noota-

(1943), 337-341. M* « « r

ablay, ». w., '5$i» Sffixtft of OBafgnt on tho a w S t aas Mote* ©&t» of tfha Aeftotoio wciopa.lic Megg _ — - « — « - —

ytt%tib%A*fhaA Material

^ S M S m w i w m , •'wM&simm m m ^ ^ m s p ^ y partraenfc of Biology, Novth teas States tfnlvoreltv, Bmttbn, Trnwm,' i»62.