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Sermon outlineS

RestoRing the City thRough PRayeR and god’s WoRd

now is the time: nehemiah is a 40-day journey through the book of nehemiah that will inspire your church to take action in your city.

American Bible Society thanks the following individuals for their collaboration in creating the sermon outlines for now is the time: nehemiah:

ms. Beverly Cook rev. Gary Frost rev. robert Johansson rev. Carl Johnson rev. tom mahairas rev. timothy mercaldo rev. Steve milazzo Dr. mac Pier rev. Dimas Salaberrios rev. Samuel Vassel rev. Jody Wood

We pray that these materials will be used to restore many cities, to the glory of God!

All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Contemporary English Version Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995, 2006 by American Bible Society, used by Permission. Copyright © 2014, American Bible Society | 3

Sermon outline #1 the imPoRtanCe of PRayeR nehemiAh 1.1-11Key thouGhtPrayer is the first step to take when rebuilding a city.

oVerVieWOne of the central themes of Nehemiah is the importance of prayer. Nehemiah gives us an example of asking for God’s help and confessing sins.

Sermon outline1. nehemiah’s ChoiCe: Play it safe oR Rebuild his City? A. Nehemiah is safe in the king’s palace. He has a great position with plenty of resources, prestige and power. Nehemiah could have played it safe (1.1-4)

B. Are we asking, “How is my city?” Do we really want to know? Vision always starts with the right questions

2. nehemiah’s Challenge: the City is in total Ruins (1.3) A. Today the city walls can be: schools, homes, government systems, and law enforcement

3. nehemiah’s CRy: god is the ansWeR (1.4-11) A. Nehemiah was heartbroken and was led to pray and fast for his city

I. Why is prayer the first thing we should do? Only God can bring lasting change to our cities

B. Nehemiah prayed for God’s help (1.5)

C. Nehemiah confessed his sins and the sins of his ancestors (1.6)

I. We need to repent because, the truth is, we are part of the problem: our own complacency, our own compromise, and our own cowardliness

II. We need to ask God to forgive us for being a part of the problem and to give us a heart to be part of the solution

4. nehemiah’s Call: PRayeR tuRns into aCtion (1.11)

5. tuRning Vision into aCtion: ouR ChoiCe A. Do we play it safe or do we rebuild our city?

ChAllenGeAsk your children or a friend’s children about the issues they deal with on a consistent basis. Take a closer look by taking a prayer walk around town and noting the challenges your city is facing. Repent for being a part of the problem and ask God for the solution. Turn prayer into action by inviting a group to join you in praying for your city on a consistent basis and by donating time to a community project. | 4

Sermon outline #2 When life is in shambles nehemiAh 1.1-11Key thouGhtOur first and most important response to trouble is to look to God who will hear our cry.

oVerVieWNehemiah, although a Jewish exile, was enjoying a rather prestigious position having been appointed a cup-bearer to the king. However, his life was changed dramatically when he received news of the remnant of his people living in the homeland, in the city of Jerusalem. There, the walls had been torn down exposing the inhabitants to enemy attack. The condition of the city and of his people can be summarized by words taken from verse 3, “all kinds of troubles” and “broken down.” What makes Nehemiah such a great leader was not that he immediately got up and ran to correct the situation, but that, in humility he realized there was little he could do unless the LORD went before him. His prayer (1.5-11) reflects his deep conviction in God who is powerful, who keeps his promises and who will prevail.

Sermon outline1. ouR PoWeRful god: ReCognize god’s gReat stRength and mighty PoWeR

A. The Lord is great and fearsome (1.5)

B. The Lord shows great strength and mighty power (1.10)

2. ouR faithful god: RemembeR god’s faithfulness A. He keeps promises to everyone who loves and obeys his commands (1.5)

3. ouR PReVailing god: Request god’s helP and faVoR

A. “Make him pleased with me and let him do what I ask.” (1.11)

ChAllenGeUsing Nehemiah’s prayer as an example, spend time this week in conversation with God. Repent of your shortcomings and rejoice in God’s steadfast love and commitment to keep his promises. When you find yourself dealing with “all kinds of troubles” – guilt, fear, anxiety, loss, loneliness, depression, failure – you must cry out with desperation, with mourning and fasting (1.4). Then you must remember that God’s promises will not fail. You will triumph in the Lord. | 5

Sermon outline #3 the Consequential leadeR nehemiAh 2.1-20Key thouGhtConsequential leaders are risk takers, resource gatherers, and researchers. They lead with an understanding of the spiritual and community realities.

oVerVieWNehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days – a historic feat! He recognized his personal brokenness and held on to a vision for God’s people and God’s city.

Sermon outline1. the leadeR’s Risk: eVen though he Was fRightened, nehemiah made a bold Request of the king (2.1-8)

2. the leadeR’s ResouRCes: nehemiah CaRefully CalCulated the PhysiCal, PolitiCal, and time ResouRCes needed to ComPlete his assignment A. He knew exactly how much capital was needed (2.7-10)

3. the leadeR’s ReseaRCh: nehemiah had an exaCt undeRstanding of the Challenge in fRont of him (2.11-16) 4. the leadeR’s Realities: nehemiah defines the PhysiCal Reality of JeRusalem’s Walls and the sPiRitual Reality of an eVeR PResent god (2.17-20)

ChAllenGeDefine the spiritual and social realities of your community. Determine what a leadership plan that addresses those realities would look like, including the spiritual and mobilization aspects. | 6

Sermon outline #4 something WoRth fighting foR nehemiAh 4.1-23Key thouGhtA refocus of purpose inspires a renewal of commitment.

oVerVieWAs the challenges of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem continued to mount, Nehemiah found it necessary to remind the people of why they were rebuilding in the first place. The reaffirmation of purpose was critical if the workers were to fulfill their mission. With renewed focus and energy the people went back to their labor and eventually completed their task in 52 days.

Sermon outline1. the Common Challenges that ConfRonted god’s PeoPle (4.1-12) A. Insults from Governor Sanballat (4.1, 2)

B. Enemy attacks (4.6-8)

C. Discouragement (4.10)

2. the Common PuRPose that ComPelled god’s PeoPle (4.13, 14) A. God’s greatness

B. Family and home

3. the Common Commitment that bRought Cohesion among god’s PeoPle (4.15-23) A. Half of the people worked

B. Half of the people stood guard

ChAllenGeAs a church congregation, list the “Sanballat problems” that are facing your city. Together, memorize and reaffirm the mission statement of your church. Pray for other believers as they labor in God’s service, and send a note of encouragement to leaders who are faithful in their service. | 7

Sermon outline #5do not feaR, the loRd is gReat nehemiAh 4.1-23Key thouGhtRenewal of our cities will take place when God’s people remain holy and press forward, despite opposition

oVerVieWThis chapter highlights the struggle and opposition that Nehemiah and the Israelites faced. The Israelites prayed and, with fortitude, armed themselves with weapons and went back to work. The Israelites’ bravery and tenacity is an example to the church to remain holy and press forward for our God despite opposition.

Sermon outline1. god’s PeoPle must Remain tRue to god desPite oPPosition A. The people continued to rebuild even though they were insulted (4.1-6)

2. god’s PeoPle must unite in PRayeR A. When faced with the threat of physical attacks, the people turned to God in prayer (4.8, 9)

3. god’s PeoPle must be engaged in the ReneWal of theiR City A. The people diligently worked from dawn to dark (4.21)

B. Nehemiah, his relatives, the workers, and the guards slept in their work clothes (4.23)

ChAllenGeSet aside time this week to pray with friends and family for your city and for physical and spiritual restoration. When opposition occurs, follow Nehemiah’s example of remaining holy and pressing forward. | 8

Sermon outline #6 ConfRonting WRongdoing nehemiAh 5.1-19Key thouGhtLeaders tackle problems head on and set an example of godly living for others to follow.

oVerVieWNot only did Nehemiah deal with problems from outside enemies, he also had to deal with conflict within his own group. The rich were taking advantage of the poor by charging them high interest rates on loans. In order to survive, families were forced to sell their children into slavery (5.1-5). People who were united by working together were now torn apart. Nehemiah brought the problem into the light and led the people by setting an example of godly living.

Sermon outline1. diReCtly addRess a PRoblem A. Nehemiah questioned unjust leaders in private (5.7) B. Nehemiah showed the importance of the problem by bringing it to light at a public meeting (5.7b, 8)

2. exemPlify god-honoRing behaVioR A. Nehemiah explained that people can honor God by the way they live (5.9)

3. Commit to the solution A. Nehemiah personally committed to changing his behavior (5.10) B. Nehemiah asked the leaders to return property and repay in full (5.11)

4. ensuRe aCCountability A. Nehemiah had the leaders make a promise, in front of the priests (5.12) B. As a result, the leaders kept their promise and praised God (5.13)

5. aVoid entitlements A. Out of respect for God, Nehemiah refused to accept the food he was allowed so that he did not burden others (5.14, 15)

6. lead by examPle A. Nehemiah kept focused on the main priority of rebuilding the wall (5.16)

B. Nehemiah served others rather than taking advantage of his food allowance (5.17)

ChAllenGeFind out if the poor are being exploited in your city. Use Nehemiah’s example to put together a plan that confronts wrongdoing and helps those who have been affected by injustice. | 9

Sermon outline #7 knoW youR enemy—tRust youR god nehemiAh 6.1-7.3Key thouGhtDon’t allow opposition to thwart your God-given assignment!

oVerVieWAfter passionate prayer and careful assessment of the broken walls, it is clear to Nehemiah what he must do. As rebuilding begins, enemies attack with lies, threats and intimidation. He does not detour, but keeps his focus and rallies the workers while praying for strength. He protects his gains by assigning worshipers and priests and by guarding the locked gates.

Sermon outline1. a final task to aCComPlish A. The last task of the project was to hang the doors (6.1)

B. An awesome challenge to complete (6.3)

2. a stRategy to suCCeed A. Recognize the enemy (6.2)

B. Keep focused on the mission (6.3)

C. Don’t negotiate with evil workers (6.5-9)

D. Pray for strength to stand against enemies (6.9)

3. a ViCtoRy to PReseRVe

A. Internal safeguards

I. Worshipers to sing (7.1)

II. Godly people to govern (7.2)

B. External safeguards

I. Set the doors (7.1)

II. Lock the gates and appoint watchmen (7.3)

ChAllenGeNehemiah reveals a strategy which we can follow. This will guide us from weakness to strength, from failure to “more than a victory,” Romans 8.37. | 10

Sermon outline #8 taking the WoRd of god PubliC nehemiAh 8.1-18Key thouGhtGod’s Word is powerful and is best read in community. Leaders help others understand Scripture and apply it to their lives.

oVerVieWAll of the people came together and listened to Ezra publicly read the Law of Moses. As a response to the Scripture, Nehemiah and the other leaders encouraged the people to worship God and share their possessions with those in need. The people responded in obedience and celebrated together.

Sermon outline1. Reading god’s WoRd as a Community may seRVe to: A. Include all people (8.1, 2)

B. Interest all people (8.3)

C. Inspire all people (8.12)

D. Instruct all people (8.13-18)

2. the leadeR needs to:

A. Today the city walls can be: schools, homes, government systems, and law enforcement

3. nehemiah’s CRy: god is the ansWeR (1.4-11) A. Explain the meaning of Scripture (8.7, 8)

B. Encourage the application of Scripture demonstrated in:

I. Praise and worship (8.6)

II. Maintaining a right state of mind (8.9-12)

III. Obedience (8.13-18)

ChAllenGeInvite your family and friends to a corporate reading of the Bible and discuss the meaning of the passage together. Help each person appreciate how the passage is relevant, and seek to apply it to their daily life. | 11

Sermon outline #9 Confession and RePentanCe PReCede sPiRitual RestoRation nehemiAh 9.1-38Key thouGhtWe must confess our sins before true restoration can take place in our life and city.

oVerVieWUpon hearing the Law, the people are convicted of their disobedience to God’s commands. They confess their sins and pray together.

Sermon outline1. the PeoPle RePent of theiR sin (9.1, 2) 2. the PeoPle ReCalibRate by the sCRiPtuRe A. Listening to the Law of the Lord awakened the people’s conscience (9.3)

3. the PeoPle RemembeR theiR salVation A. Worship did not come until the people demonstrated true confession and repentance. They offered up praise and worship, remembering the mighty deeds of God (9.3)

4. all the PeoPle, leadeRs, leVites, and PRiests make an agReement to obey god’s laWs (9.38)

ChAllenGeTake a few minutes today to spend in prayer. Confess your sins before the Lord and praise him for the restoration found in Jesus Christ. | 12

Sermon outline #10 the Role of thanksgiVing & PRaise in adVanCing the kingdom nehemiAh 12.27-47Key thouGhtIf implemented in our daily lives, the steps of obedience, purification, and celebration will move us from mediocre to victorious individuals.

oVerVieWIn this passage, Nehemiah dedicates the city wall and the people celebrate. They also hold special ceremonies to make themselves holy. Nehemiah has the leaders of Judah march on top of the walls and sing praises to God. Other leaders are appointed to oversee the gifts for the temple and give back ten percent of the crops and livestock to God.

Sermon outline1. obedienCe: giVe baCk to god What he has giVen to us

A. Nehemiah dedicated the city wall to God (12.27)

2. PuRifiCation: ConseCRate ouRselVes and What god has giVen us to steWaRd A. The priests and Levites held a special ceremony to make themselves, the people, the gates, and the walls holy (12.30)

3. CelebRation: keeP ouR foCus on the goodness of the loRd and What he has done foR us A. The leaders of Judah marched on top of the wall and sang praises to God (12.31)

B. Zechariah and relatives praised God with musical instruments (12.36)

C. Women and children joined in the celebration and offered shouts of joy to God (12.43)

ChAllenGeBegin to follow the steps of purification, obedience, and celebration this week to bring about a change in your mindset and lifestyle. Thanksgiving and praise enable us to change past cycles and patterns that prevent us from overcoming obstacles and living a truly victorious life.

the mission of American Bible Society is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so all people may experience its life-changing message.

Now is the Time: Nehemiah is a collaboration between: