thriller evaluation question 5

Thriller Evaluation Question 5 How did you attract/address your audience?

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Thriller evaluation question 5

Thriller Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Page 2: Thriller evaluation question 5

What inter-textual references did you use?

In my edit I used a few inter-textual references, such as my title font and the use of the end hand shot which is similar to a famous shot used in Psycho.

The font I used for my title is a generic font that would have been used for a lot of media products at the time our film is set, the 50’s.

We used a shot at the end of our production that is similar to the shot used during the film Psycho, this would attract an audience that appreciated the classic noir and thriller.

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How do you encourage the audience to watch the rest of your film?

We left the end of the opening to our film with a dramatic cliff hanger so it would entice the audience to watch the rest and find out why a woman has committed acts that completely go against the stereotype for a woman at the time.

Eva as a character is first introduced as seemingly innocent and this makes even more suspicious as to why she committed these acts.

As some viewers have said when they reviewed it they thought it was mysterious and wanted to know more which means our cliff-hanger was successful.

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What aspect of mise-en-scene was used to attract an audience?

In our short 2 minute intro scene there were 2 shootings which would appeal to a younger audience who like action, this would also appeal to Quentin Tarantino lovers who love over the top violence.

Our costume is also upper class and fancy so it would appeal to fans of period dramas. It also appeals to classic noir and thriller fans as it is in black and white which is a stereotypical aspect of classic noirs.