thread dump analysis


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Page 1: Thread Dump Analysis

OverviewReal life situations

Thread dump format

Taking thread dumps

TDA tools

Reading material


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Real life situations

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Problems with I/OThreads maybe blocked or perform slowly during access to I/O resources:

File system



Single or multiple thread dumps may help understading the problem

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Problems withalgorithms

Algorithm complexity is not suited well for the data set size

Algorithm is overusing expensive resources or memory

Algorithm is overusing locks, while it can be implemented in a lock-free manner

Single or multiple thread dumps may help noticing the problem

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Problems withlocks and

syncronizationNo locking (not thread-safe implementations)

Deadlocks (overly syncronised)

Lock contention (overly syncronised)

Lock overhead (too many locks)

Single or multiple thread dumps may explain the situation

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Example:HashMap gives100% CPU load

Usage of not syncronised in a multi-threaded applicationHashMap

In certain situations it goes into infinite loop

This causes 100% loadCPU

The probabilty of entering infinite loop depends on the size of the HashMap

Single thread dump reveals the problem

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DeadlocksFrom Wikipedia:

“A deadlock is a situation in which two or more competing actions are each waitingfor the other to finish, and thus neither ever does.

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DeadlocksIn real life, deadlocks are pretty rare

CPU usage is usally close to 0

Single thread dump can reveal a deadlock situation

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Lock contentionFrom Wikipedia:

“This occurs whenever one process or thread attempts to acquire a lock held byanother process or thread. The more granular the available locks, the less likely oneprocess/thread will request a lock held by the other. (For example, locking a rowrather than the entire table, or locking a cell rather than the entire row.)

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Lock contentionThe most common problem with multi-threaded applications related to lockhandling

Sometimes easy, sometimes very hard to detect

You can only see one layer at a time

Multiple thread dumps may help to detect lock contention situations

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May be related to not thread safe code

May be related to load patterns

May be related to specific data

Threads dumps may or may not help

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Thread dumpformat

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FormatsFormats differ for various JVM and application server implementations

There is no tool that supports them all

Though format is usually very readble and follows same principles

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HotSpot format

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Thread states I

“A thread can be in one of the following states:

NEW - A thread that has not yet started is in this state.

RUNNABLE - A thread executing in the virtual machine is in this state.Java

BLOCKED - A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state.

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Thread states II“

WAITING - A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform aparticular action is in this state.

TIMED_WAITING - A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform anaction for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.

TERMINATED - A thread that has exited is in this state.

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Taking threaddumps

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write your own clientJMX

use your favorite profiler

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Thread dumpanalysis tools

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TDA toolsIBM Thread and Monitor Dump analysis

Java Thread Dump Analyzer


Thread Dump Analyzer

Thread Dump Viewer

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JVM InternalsTraining

Aestas/IT organizes "JVM Internals" training on March 25/26, 2013.

This 2–day course takes the developer on an in-depth tour of the Virtual Machine.JavaIntended for experienced JVM-based programmers, who want to get deeper with theplatform, this course will introduce the major subsystems of the JVM and practical waysto apply this knowledge in real applications.

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Topics IHistory of and JVMJava



Base components

Detailed architecture

JIT compilation

Garbage collection




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Topics IISecurity

Monitoring tools

Java agents


Memory analysis

Tuning principles

GC tuning

Responsiveness and throughput

Tuning Options

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RegistrationTraining registration at:

Or by sending e-mail to:

[email protected]

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