thomas jefferson middle school : pilot learning seminar program thomas jefferson middle school :...

School : Pilot Learning Seminar Program Presented by Angela Davis, Principal Nina Odatalla, Assistant Principal Edward Wilson, Assistant Principal

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Thomas Jefferson Middle School:

Pilot Learning Seminar Program

Presented by

Angela Davis, Principal Nina Odatalla, Assistant Principal

Edward Wilson, Assistant Principal

The Goal of the Thomas Jefferson Middle School Administration is to pilot an educational program in lieu of recess for Grades Seven and Eight. This program will:

• Allow every student in the Seventh and Eighth grades to rotate through and experience 21st Century Skills that will expose them to technology, experience the skills necessary to prepare for high school, and enhance their current instruction while enrolled at Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Educational Objectives:

This program will: • Allocate time for Music department instructors to

provide students with individual lessons, thereby eliminating students being pulled from and impeding upon their core instructional time

• Minimize the possibility of disruptive behaviors, disciplinary referrals and physical injuries

• Permit time for guest speakers from the community, colleges, and universities, to speak to students about academic, motivational, emotional, social and/or economic topics

Educational Objectives Continued:

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has developed a vision for student success in the new global economy

Framework for 21st Century Learning

• “Recess has been a long-standing tradition in elementary and middle schools. Currently, recess time is being cut to allow for more instruction in math and reading.”

- Barbara Pytel

• “Recess is not only being cut back in schools but some new schools in larger cities are not even allowing space for an outdoor playground.”


What does Research say . . .

• “Demands grow each year on schools to raise test scores. Recess time can be used to spend more instructional time with students. Schools are beginning to see recess as a waste of time and some have totally eliminated recess (Johnson, 1998).”

• “Legal liability is another justification for eliminating recess times”-

• “As schools cut back on expenses because of budget cuts, paraprofessionals are often cut from the staff and supervision at recess becomes a problem.”

- • “Bullying can also thrive in an unstructured environment. Bullying usually

takes place outside of the classroom in hallways, locker rooms, playgrounds, buses, and bathrooms. Less recess time allows for less bullying time.”


Why Schools are Cutting Recess Times

• Belleville Public Schools

• Bergenfield Public Schools

• Montclair Public Schools

• Piscataway Public Schools

• Ridgewood Public Schools

Middle Schools who do not have recess

Homeroom/Period 1 8:30am-9:26am (56 mins)

Core 7/Core 8

Period 2 9:29am-10:23am (54 mins)

Encore 7/Core 8

Period 3 10:26am-11:20am (54 mins)

Core 7/Encore 8

Period 4 11:23am-12:17pm (54 mins)

Encore 7/Core 8

Period 5 12:20pm-1:20pm (60 mins)


7th & 8th Grade Lunch Schedule

5A 12:20-12:49 (29 mins)

Lunch 7/Seminar 8

5B 12:51-1:20 (29 mins)

Seminar 7/Lunch 8

Period 6 1:23pm-2:17pm (54 mins)

Core 7/Core 8

Period 7 2:20pm-3:14pm (54 mins)

Core 7/Encore 8

Bell Schedule

• Study Skills - Provide students with an opportunity to learn skills and strategies for increased academic success. Students will learn techniques for effective studying, note-taking, listening, problem-solving, test-taking and time management. This seminar is especially helpful for students who benefit from a close teacher/student support relationship and is designed to assist students in their current classes as well as their lifetime academic ventures. Students will have the opportunity to receive assistance with homework and school projects.

• Character Education – Course designed to reinforce social, academic, and career education skills in various areas, such as critical and creative thinking, conflict resolution, decision making, interpersonal relationships, practical life skills, self-esteem and citizenship.

• Computer Applications – Students will learn to type, navigate computer applications and focus on using Microsoft Office and Scratch.

• Research Skills – Students will discover how to begin researching, examining credible databases and sources, taking notes while researching, evaluating information to assess accuracy, author’s intent and relevance, and how to properly cite information.

7th Grade Seminar Descriptions

• Study Skills - Provide students with an opportunity to learn skills and strategies for increased academic success. Students will learn techniques for effective studying, note-taking, listening, problem-solving, test-taking and time management. Students will also evaluate methods for research, examining credible databases and sources, taking notes while researching, evaluating information to assess accuracy, author’s intent and relevance, and how to properly cite information.

• Public Speaking - Students will learn effective communication skills. Emphasis will be placed on actual student involvement in a variety of learning activities including speech, preparation and presentation, debate, role play, small group work, and critical analyses.

• STEM – Course focused on integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with emphasis on hands-on, inquiry-based learning activities.

• Multimedia Production – Focus on project based activities to gain knowledge and skills in designing, planning, and producing multimedia products using Movie Maker.

8th Grade Seminar Descriptions

7th Grade Seminar (5B)

Marking Period 1

Marking Period 2

Marking Period 3

Marking Period 4


Study Skills 7

Computer Applications

Research Skills 7

Character Education

Pilot Learning Seminars - Rotation Schedule

8th Grade Seminar (5A)

Marking Period 1

Marking Period 2

Marking Period 3

Marking Period 4


Public Speaking

Multimedia Productions

Study Skills 8

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

Questions and/or comments?