thk in bociety gladstone at gla8gow. liyely...

THK WEEK IN BOCIETY Nni untll after (hc Xatton't birlliJa*. wili ti!""'- bo onv _!i..\v "I U-8 ai'.l wtivln al th" BOBBtry rtmOTt* whlch now nr.- af. uulei Ba ln wlnter. w-d.ili-* hava b-.ii tii.- c.i:i> Btaana of brtnglag tafathei people la sodirt. uiir.iip tiu- araak. a aambei ot people lafl town "ti Taoaday nmrnlng fm- Maaaapeqaa, i. !.< h> m neett traln tor UM WOBd-BI ol Ml*' garall Hall pioyd-Joaea to Oaptala RBthanlel wait.'r n.niardi*- ton, leeonrtly alda-de-eamp to GoflMral Rewdspate, (..iivonmi...."ii**nil of H~rrr.n "1;, Thc miirrii";.' WBB *~B*aBBB_Bai iit aaon la Oraea Chareh aad wm bd bc aaalaa fw fet.erui feaUrtty la the vUlace and lowni btp **-her.. tii-- H"'<i .loiii--**- luiv baea kaoom Rv '-..Mier.i tlons. Tha WhOto pt.riMi turned iHit, and Bt tlu brlde tntoi'c- tha eharel -he araa met try tbe eblldren nt tba Mindav tebool, to who iti Rhf hnd o*t.<l-*ur**rt Iiot*hK lu bbbb] arayi bIbbb bbb oraa a glrl, mni their cNpre*- ji).!* nr paed 4v.. talnl] toaehlng. Thcrc wara reith.'r hsMeeamlda wn ashen al tha eerwnntv Tti»- l.ndr ciiu-n'ri the eharek orrtth her tn (i'-'ir--. Mantoii llnyd .lonos, u* thc ivdtlliii? mnr-'-li wi** ].iav<" i.y Mr*. orUej. the r*~*tor*i w"". Ihe brid«. wara gown of whlte eorded tUk, win trtamed wltb a qaantlt*/ ol oM potnl lace, whi had iooa daty fT (r/i.-r hrid-* li: lo-i f.iinllv. The well. ala f Bofl pmiii laaa, wai heM bj ¦ garland ol b-MBoaaa. Thc boM bbbo, daran. WUllama, a rnu*in of th.- brlde, Bct*d In jiiim- 'f . ic Hob. Vletor r>timio4. s bob ol Lord IManloy. who wn* analtle to be present, Thc weBdlng br~.i.:-*t toflBW-d :u Forl Reek H.-i-" Ibe FToyd Jasics- eountry hoase, whlch wai thc home ol thc brtd"'-. aneealora long befora Um Bevalutlon, and ot lha bc*t -K"*in.^ns of OotOBlal boesei ln thts r.m:.:-- Tha greal hall nml rt..- large rooBH ..j>onin<_ lrom taeb *i<io won arronged ln awtal BfRn Rn thc #BtilBg brea-Jast, wHfcb was wrred al attaBl tablra. Th<- beoahfaal wa* Infwal, tiirr.- be ng no mnati sava thc imiii of BMtrrj -otaea. CaBgratslatori apeecbai wore made b4 iinctnber* uf the bnile'* fiiml.i. BB the tuiist - Tu the Brlde" ara rosponBcd lo bj rnpteln BaraardtatOB. Then were oau j roxtty pic-oni-. aoane af gaaal Uatorleal valae. aayeclallj dUvei plati whlch hud been ii..^i t,v ancestort of the brid. yearc ago her aaotber a:ni ti>«- naai .eh.t .¦...- of ba fatber each eontrlbatlng aeveral pteeeo. Hei heaMhoM llnea .-n, braMared arlth cwsl aad mooogram, we*. the glfl ol her bmtheia. and there were several cheehs for large siinih of Btoaej i,i in- used n. pnrrhaalng fnrnltnre ror pa bobm ii. Bngland. Captali HarnardlstoB 1* a gniiKlson oii Iii* nn.lher * side of thc Kitrl nt l.nrt- month. He baa untii rceeatty been ntde-de camp m Gejienil Noivdt'p.ic., al Beraada, and li a member "f tlio MMdleoea reglnieiil baowo a< the Daki ol Cam brtd,*:. * Own, I"'!!..- i. atafl O-tcer al the regh.ent CBptoin RamanlUton aalled arlth bls brlde by thc bt«'»iii*hii) l miniii yioteida**. A WBddlBg ln Rew Vork so ]ut«- n* thc ln*. Ol Jun.- R si. ti li 1 oi riirrciii. Tliere w-.i* i. piaMy icrcuiuny ut tha ni.ivl; al tlif- 'J :-i:i*tipintti<ni on Tliur-ilui u; BOOD Whell Ml*f Ade* Llvlng l.Ui Mcv.-n*. m dttu^htci ol Frederh Btevena aad tbc Duchcss de liiiio. wu*. Btarrlod n. Pradeilck H. Allen. of Itew- Terk, I i-iii.-i'ii ni Boaton. Mr, Allen'i tal many yean me CUef Jasttce ol Honolulu, Bandwlch 1-huiQ-. Th. ).|>. who wlti.'i Ih. many waaa *rdatl*rei and tmtM Inttaat. frlend* "! Iba p.u:, tooa nnn. 100 ii'-' The brlde wai bouutifuiw diauaed, her gown belng n rtlreablc lor it- sinipiu-iti. There .*-- oaly one attendant apon iin- brid'-. Mlaa Mortha bcekman, bei gown balni "f yel lo**-lipur**il liiwii triniiii'il wlth ribbCHU Ol ti.e *(iiii' eolor. Thc <i.*tumc- nf rs v imcn prearal were of summe; laatura, bobm ol them untuunll] luni.i- .ni«. hn.. liichmti IrvlB's gown was ol bhtch f.iiiiiiiii adtb b patten ad yell « lowert and loopi ol nwavc rlbbon Her laipt- _iai_ i.ui oraa UiauBOd wlth black plumea aud ri'oii.iii'. 'i/i' thrae .Mi--- tends worr £..- sii- and lipur-xl iiri.'aiidie, und bie liui* Mrs. F. Hnvcin".--:- waaa gowa .: m:.ii< plqac rellcv*_ wilh vl..!"! eelrel bowa, hei amnll btack bonnet batag iriiiiiii.- Mith a cluater of parple Tioi.t* .Mi-* Btatrana, a eonoln ol tha brtd* and a .*i-i>': n! Mr* r\doH LBdeBoerg, wore _ wiiiu1 Btrtped aUb mall t~rer yelloa silk, and .. small bl_. k ui" yelloar bac Tha Mtsaea WTetai-re, ]aal tmok trom Itola, wara sryRah gowni of rr^ji m, on" af t-r-ru aad Mm other ofFreBOh grtsj relleved bj i,-iiim ¦Bd BMBtTB nlili..iis. Mrs. Ari Int- l..i_ci-. Who raBM down iri-iii Hytfe I'iri. io- the wod grs,\ saiii. m1i1i u repped strlpe ..; the ...a- col *m:.i; bonnet to eoereopoad. Mra. i"n:.w k.- ~en_i« ton x-h- all in whiie. *; vc bar blg biAJ-ii bal v. iti. Oatrioh jiluuics. ll'i Bhrtet, Mlai i-a Motitagaci won » d_rk bllJ^ fouiui' wltl ;. f*t* bRm Bowercd pattern aii<i lun in eorraaBond. Mlaa Baretta Ke- BMohm wnn. a alyRab gowa af Fi*»ii gray aerga « IH »iuiK biidict- and a rlusi.r of baa. eon flonT* ol B.c co.Ka-o lirr wid" ..ruiiiiieil bia. I. bal wa- t ln m <i wlth jiimi -crtMh* ro*^ and black s-tln rtbbous. ATter BJm re-cinonv thara wa* I !>r _l:fis: nl tin bOtUC ol Mr. swcni- in Waal riiiriy.ti" ti-*r.. wi.i-re lha partv yva.- >.-r4*o<1 ut iniull thlil**~. 'Ilie jn-.--.-i11 '.'..* imt d_9la7**d. Thaae arera numer u The brlde' uotiior aent some JiH.':.i-.iin» pleeaa of __t~ pbih and tii'-n wai small -Jiv^i Bron li»*r riot-T-, thi coBBtaBi GaUtlel aad tha Coant-aa tMoarakl, Mi Allen gara hia brMaa atamood romb aad Hara. Thare nj* ai*" frnin tlu DuCbCS '!.¦ DlnO t_4 d.'-.i ol tll" p_BBi ni l''-i:.!U"v.ii- \\- "'-ii.--.-r. known ,t- thi ton Prtory, whieh, a- lt 1* noa Isaaed, v il: nol bc o<- riijiu i.y Mr. and Mr* \;li before ttu tali. Thej hav.- taiteii lot tbe Munmer t.'i* honaa af Moaea Ihylm CBl-__r~l li- Tm a'tru. t "¦¦. .. DardarlQe, not far .'roni Mom-->4rn. n. j., i> bdng soufbrt mr,!* Bach yoai by Korar-TO-B ta-B-Be-, umi tfesn l* no« In Um t tn a ioukI number >.' peopl. wbo hnown In Sea V >ri\ kaarg. I "eney, bo ba uiiu.-b ui bcaatlfy tha town, hoi i Baa plac th. maii\ bandi bciw ond rcaMlvalkui. ll.- n-.. are Mi. ai.d Rn .- Poat, Mr. and Mr*. Baa llorrowe. Mr. and _>Ir_ Qoorfa Poat, ji.. Mr. nnd JJrs. Charloi ¦. er lormorly SRi» Flora Mpelow, wi, im.!..- ihati penaanaal hooM In 9* vlUo, and Mr. __d Mn. Wil.a.ui n_ea_rMl. li.nii.'rly Mi-** l raa. Bad ¦ Drag le -" i i- l-..-¦'! f .: theeamma bj T_rtchei Adam-, wbo, awlng t.. t;.- rcccol dcatl adopted daughter. l> H\;i.^ <yu- r, --.a tuum r. .\"t far from .'.ir. ~eney*s plac. ~rade**k CiomweU, ol Kra Tforfc; Bf. Bboldon, ji. .. ~- .' R. a. r- qatie l*oint, Hobokan, *r* bulldiag ii. a ool a;-;- ..'. >-;l lUOBetn BtykBB. lln (n..'.- ln: BOUI] owi:-<; t.i tha m-ir huntly orai wM s reot b#o lo j. li. lisilnaun'-, uf Reoraik, who ha .-d th«- oM hviu.*. Inl u baaa nl oolonli Dr. A B. 8 Purdy, o' Rew-Tork, hoi aaa af tlie at- ;. thc lowa Tbera 14 nejvm lompt al gay Rta in Bernardsvme, eaacktng, ridlag und drleiag belng tha ehlef smaaeaienu. XI hotel i.* ';." Hotel B-aaeraet, wbleh, m-" thc Plberan, Ull. BB l:» pr.linda a number of r..":i^.-. Al trjc BntliiRW for ihc inmmrr nr-' Mr. un.i Mi Cka h., ri*. wlin Iuii, ~- th "i gO-BU Mrs. T. Addl- RmnWIt. W*" l'urnur. n_.i Mfaa K.'irnl'-'li Kri.tiift Mr. siid Mia. Bf. C. BholdoB, ;i-. of Brooklyn, orhom tn. Mlsa. Bi .I::.... af Brooklyn, a:<- visiniii--; Mr. un.i Mra H. R R ror_w_rd .: Morrtowwa; Mr. .'nxi Mr W. P. Oyda aad Mr. Bnd Mr. John h. Jaeqaalla nnd >ir and Ma Wetah, ol Nea Vo-h. Abm>bi sth'-r* an Mr. ai.ii Mra, John W, BUBpaoa, Mr. nnd hi.- n-i.r. u. LMUoa Rlydey, Hr. aad Mra. Pranh H. i. aatBBB, Mr. aad Mi». Jaaw Benedlct, Mr. aad iiu. I. W'.llo I'.ii'-. Mr. nml Mr* 1.. huflm KeUogg, Mr. aad Mm. Jobmb l. Ror, Shaodooi I Hedgaaan, Mr, BBd Mr* MwB A NBt, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Hall Howard und ut* ~T. A. OdeD, al Rea Von,. Mr. mnl Mr_. MBfMBI Vai '.-r-oo! and Mr. und .Mrs. >"¦' B. ljiir.uid, ui .Ni-wmi:.. aad Mr, aal Mm. Thaodatm k penibrouk, o: i,,.,- i_~_ii inj.utii. and Mi .-.ii'.r-r CBfwtalre. Um latter untll raw.'.iiii MUa i;,iin\ Boatwlck, BB-«d tor l-.ngtand ... V. .-Uii'-sHiiy i,y _ae <.. i-ju.-iril. Thej iMll i-liin. in Ihe Ball n id au lak< i place ln th rtelBl 'lutom-'t- Neck. iu |he aame ahlp wara Oeneral &. N. .N-\iiJ. purr. ui'..- La-i iii.iO-.-iiTiil ol JK-rriui'i. and mi* RrwdagBle, **in. rom* to R**a York f .«. Ibe weodiiic of Mn,- Pioyd Jonci and Captaln Hnrnur-ii1- Un. Mrv. .1. \\.-,icr\"li nad Mla A'BBtervell were r_l-«. on tho deraanb Vi tardaj John Ulgeioa witi, _M (Ui.i'-,lii"r«. Mr* linMrr K~mr Hnr "Iin: and Mil fUra-n Blgc ,,n n,.- PuMi iw (»~n Ldrectly uft-r u, -; bitIvbI ii. lttli tha! wUl i'^i" Mr. ..nd Mr>>. \ imrtt* k. 'Vrro-x, who have been Iii". Ihm f;.ll M; Ui^.|.,w wMI miiir-ii *»lili la- dau.-'it.***- ln fa" ttn-r. Tli«- PliBaftcmont li«, rw.'n'lv been uiinoumed of Mi** Keii' Doar, Boaaad djuurln>i of Jurnc K. Im. io Joscpb l^irouiu^, Jr.. w-ho**- fntlmr |> u lii'iu bor af tn- iip'iniii.'iit mm Brm nf Bhlpmao, Barlow - Larraiiuc. mi*- D_er*a nintiior iias baen foi aw \-»i .<!*. of 11»* juatnuir*.,.- of th. A-*- .¦rn1 .!'.. trhW- ber fntiicr n bm af th»* IhtriarchB. Tha Daara liv»- durtiitr ihe mmmer ui louthamptoo Th- roong p<- jpb wUl bi- mnrrl*" iu tht tali Tlw orifoigeiiicnt ls aiinoiin.-.d ,,f an.* f:ki*. Irrlng Rantlnctan, daaghter ol ~harlca R. liontlngton, to LoopoM J->sfick_. Ml*a Huntington's mother bobmg t«> that fi.mllv n' whJcb WraalilnpoO Irvlnr wn* n Ineiiili. r. Mr I r.irn Mr'R tathor \xur- sl OM tim.- Swe<li,|i Coru-Ul-("-[i^rtil io Ciibj. Tti.-r* vthh a <iul.«l w.-illiif; yeaterday mt ri.aMi al Um* hooaa of !>-. tmrne* Davta, Ro. i_t i_i~ fi'.-. 'it*. wt.. whan lu* ai.a", MBa Maaaa i>bvk, wa* mtni*i*»! to Wult'-r 1'. Robeitaan. Th' iot**ni.||.\ ._, p-.rform'- Rm |i"v. Wllilnni K Rlea, u~>l«~n:t rai-ior of tho Onun.B or ine Good ~hspherd of Brooklyn, an intim-c .rt.-iid of lha brtd-'k humly. Th- i,ri",. vai dren »wuv by bat un.ttt. gba wore a gown of whit.- ullk ttdmmed *nih iachcaae «t.<! l" .int Iscc nnd a 4«-|| <>f Kruasol'- n"i. Ihe carrt "I * whlte piayt-h >ah Th.- nmid of haawr, Mi*e Ka:ii*rlii«' Moritji-ni-, wm*- n poora ol «'!:!(. e~0B0 de riari.-. Haary Itnlfneoii. a hnKhor of lha BB-M MBOflB, w*h Uie t>^~ rnari. Tlu- BObepl w.-ri- IWwhatM RrtWir^on. Fr»_erlc ('J)llln^ utid .IcJhi V WOfaRgar. Among tbaj tem- lrrrimaic frlfiiiffs ],r.-j-ni w^r» Mn*. ttsru. Oeorge Bu4_t_, Mr. nnd Mr.,. Tleber li'abe**.~'U. Mlaa Plaber, <>f IforrMk, Va.; Mi-- IdlaMMa BMb OoUrtw. Mr-. Oharlea M. Cattto, Ml * E, Roberta and MIm L, HntcMiwon. Ur aml Mr Rnbertaou«i at .¦: lhe wedding braakhml for Btaeara Fail*. Tn.-y win make Ihelr boaae li Nea, Vork. There a1U be u Fourtli ol .mi\ celeM-ttoc nf Toxedo I"iii-i. to-morrow, wltb gBaaea in tii. morntna nnd a diinee bI mpiit. Tbere are i nnmber ol j»*-..pie nt tha- r'ul. lion- nnd tbe llunpnrtm, Baad wi:: be :h'-r« lOT lo BKHTOB evenlng. A pn-ira vrodditti*: t-rok pteee oa I*rldnv nr 4 o*eloc| ln 'h. horiw o. Mr and Me nharlea It..nd. of v, 13 rilfron Mace. Iirookkaa. Their nler-r. MIm Mabel Leighton u.ini. waa nmrried lo Charle* wiim-rl llanter, ,,! Madlaon, v .'.. -"i: o. lhe l. Dr. <" H. Hunter. ot tdwell, N. ¦'. The brMemnaM araa mi-s .irnnl- Rouget. i.f Olena I'nlK n. y. nnd the best mnn Charle.. 11. Hunter. conaln M Ibe brMeeraom. Tii. renmoni wa- perf«wBied by th*- Bee. Dr. Lrman am- ... Mrs. i r. Marbary and ber danghter, mi-*- taahel .larbury, will *-,»-ti<i tbe awnmer al MagnnlM, n»-n¦ Mmi -he y-the tfea, when they bave tnken a eottepr near th* "eear, BMe li nel Mr. nnd Mrs. U'IMIani M. Lralie. of No. |0fl Weal ' aeventh-at., will -pend the anmmer among th< lierkuhli II Theli daughter, Mlaa Matnla Leale, pn wnl maklng » tour ln Bwltzerland. A ni.AF.TY WELCOMB FOR GlIAIORE. TB *'-.\NI» OF HIS ADMIRERS I.REET HIM AT MAMIATTAV UT -CH.THE glREWOREB. I'atii.i. BarefleM Qllmore, the p»|WiMi Lnder of n pepnlni band. recelved y.'-terdny an anttBtotBBttC w-.l rome lo MaabatMn Beach, Th'- anmmer sea«on of o|a-n att eoneeru whleh he agaln ha- been eagagafl to oiidne, openefl . esieniav afternoon, ,md lf u erowfl i any Indlcntton of IM eateem ln wMrh bMh Er. -jli more ami the beach nre heM, tien they moal i,e thoofbi hlghl.i of by Ibe people uf Now York a.d itnioiiirn The iiiiiiinper'. of Manhattan Reaeti made sperial ar ranf'en.etits for Mr. C-ilBtore'i reeefftlon. Tbe amphl theatre waa trimmed wllh fl;_r« nnd bunriet-.. and lo pt-- from the railronil piatform to tlr liench one vn- eompelle. to Po tliroitgl, a bewet etiBatrncted of flags of all aattoo- The well known bund leader ha,i done bta parl aad bad arranfe, bi '¦. .--¦_]--tit mnalcal progranune for hla etottora, Iha flret eonrert began al 3:80 o'clock iti the aHernooB Tlie afternoon procniiiiiiie conalated M a numb lefectloni whlch have never before been ptoyed ai Manhattan Beacb, together wlth Enatag by Elfl ik ti,. rontralto: Mlle. D' Arvlfle, aopraaoand Mr. CowMs, baaao. John PaMy, wbo ls fleeerlba. i thc newecl nnd voini.e-i member ol tl.o band, ptoyed Bt i, eornet aoto, M3 PrettJ Jaae " The aadtane, wn- flellghted wltb eeerj aeleetl-B that wai -unf, m ptayed nnd a reeeU lollowefl eaek one M them. The evenlng eeaoerl bBgan a.; T:_0 o*cloek. The Breworki 11 the evenlng were wltneaaed bv many tbonaaafla ol people, aad tbere waa bardly a eaeaai aeal ls tbe big eocloaarc hi wMeh thev nre dUplavotl. lh. lirsl pieee *¦.* 1111 I'M elle.u llKen.Ss of (,11 more, ami when tbe aaapptng at-ii craeMng of the powder hnd oaaaed, and tbe MmtlMr leatarea were <iii- ptayed In liph, of >*_-0BJI hues, tbe band plaved -'.Vilri Long Bync " OreM apptaaac greeted this ettor. -.: the band nnd greater Bpplauae weleomed Iba toaflar. well known toce Jtcxi bb-bc b irapeac puifmmm Thia Etarted bl a eonlu-sed BUM M twi-tlnj;. uimltig and explodtng Breworka, Mu qMekly turned rnto trapste pertonaer ol iln-. BMore thc flre baroafl »ut 'hl, mnn of Ilr. gMfMaaM BBBBJ BtartttBg trlck-. _M bar. Thea two BraaaMa Meyctoa nnd riiler- f-ui a raee. A-tcr tbat the Imttle M laahe I.rle was tBUgbl Bad a dOBBfl Bht| ¦; ,i: \ heavy ronnda before tb, battle waa enfled \ft..r thi Iwo men *.f the flv« BrngM tbrea M Jw_ ronnds tuine: fti. London prir' ni.*- rataa. liesld" tbeae epeclM pteee the goneraj tirewm-ki dt^oltr. wa- ai. flaborate one and I, wa enjoyed bearnly M .H xhere are «¦- be two more daya M we meela ... tr. OUmnrc To-day will m ..: inii-ii-ai nature entlrely, bnl to-morrow nlch. then wlli bv aaothei dtaplay ol ur-worim. IDCiViTXE_-TOE 09 "WLACE nr.irTT" BeetOB, JMj I fllpeetal)..1-reaMaal OaorM, T Anpell, ..f Hi.' Society toe n.- Preven-lon nf ,.. AMmala. wrlto ai IoDowb M "Tht Jonnml" of to-day: -1 tM 1* M will rdeaae maay M roar r.»ier t-. know thnt a- 11 reauB n, the oEer «*r ow >A__erlcai Hnjnane Edncatton Bodety' M a B1.000 prtae fm tta rtan _ra__a M 'Btael BaB-tr/ ad-B-aa bm tta anUam h:i> Blreedy ro rcrlved aa offer M 9-XJ00, nnd thal I mvn reeelved trom Jamet C, largo, praaEoal M tbe Ameclcai rompanj (liendiiuarrera .' Ke-aa-Yotb Cltj .,, ...... t,. ._ .i.Mi r-ptea M >niacfc BeBBty.- on the tai£ ol wblth I. prlnied, .l'r.-se,.",i ,..,.;. ,,f tt,.- /.mcrltan EU]. < "iiip-u.*. wiUi t.d- injiiv y'a iieura approvM ol va.- booE. run r-E-U-WSTS COTTABB B-UZV TOU RTM ... Mav. N .... .I11M B.--Merytbrng hns been pre parefl ..' l-e-Meol Harrtaoo. eoMage tor lhe PraaMeal nnd M-s Ruaaell Hnrrlaoo, who will sp-nd tbe -an. mer al rapi May PMnt. Era. Harrlaoo, on aceoBBl ,,; hei bealth, win ^i«*,.c tbe ea-Btner la tbe Adirot. dacka, aad win leave EaaMagtoo nexl waeb IM Uw ;: Be. Mra BcEea ,md h.r two ehlMrea, wln. aiKint 1hm a. Cape Mav PMnt, hav.. con- le Baeerty, Maaa. i.r the remmei Mra RnaaeU HaaTtaon, wha, to thi , I-.... fa arlfe, wtll baveehargaM the HreaMent'a rottaga b eapeeMd lo BrrliB bera ln tb, rourac M .-. <Ioa or two it hai aM baea aaaaetteed when the iT-sld.-it will r.mio. but bls arrlval \t e_ j^*. imI at nrv llne; TO LEA9B TVL BEBmSELABB FOUYBVEkK. Troy, N V.. .luiv I. rtofemnr C. WalBBglea I'irh haa ra-sKriu-d hiv piar.. bi tbe heaf. M tbe fleyartmeal of phyai's 91 th- Benaaelaer Polyleeh__e toatrraM, whleh 1 han be had beM tor ato yeara He will de vote all bia Um* to fh«* i'nited Btatea Hurc_u ol Rflaea Uon, ti. v* a-:.i:pt..n --m- OPXXIXQ OF A Y. tt. C. A. BBBOBT. a i.ii-v Parh, E. .'.. -faly B*-Oa__p Wm^tmm, tbe Bew Yoaag Mea. Chrtot&a AaaocMtloo res'.n 01. ;..-.: Lahe waa tormaQ) opeaed uwtay. a reeeptioi ra giren M tbe gneau, aad ui. Inapeetton of Ihe camp 100* plaee Tin- evenlrfg. Ow Bandrafl Moa i,;,*... beea ereeted The a-dltorlnm Baata oear B/MO people Th. atiii.-tia graondfl hate beeo nearly eoflfl* pletetl, Ther. 1* ui-- » targe gymnaatam «md a bowl ,.*. Btate Beeretary DaMd r. Moore. M New BTk 1- in ebarie M tba eaarp. Dr. Imtber OaBek, Bl th, ripringfleM TrMnlng flchool. ba charif, of the i,tn letl, woi*. The dedlcMlon exerctaM WlU bo ^.u tli.ued toniiirriw unU MoodBJ. A B-AXCE dl BOTBgi EAATEBSETLL. iV.'rl Kni.'.T I'.IH. N- V.. .Inlv fl MpBataaWXha openlng ball al lhe Hotel KaateraMU lo-nlgM waa t Briiuanl BBaembtafc »' Sew Vorh, I*roobl>_ aod PMIa aelpU, people Amoni thoae preaeM we« JoM Furmali, Er. nnd Mr Fra_arl9 Graot, Mis* M 1 Orant .1 f-nnfoid BaEaa, Mr. and Mrs. J I. PHlupa, Hr and Mra. H. T. Bammgha, Mim Adete ttarroagb vr, J{ g Monroe, mi-- CtothUde Werthelaaei Irma Kanfmaa, Mr. aad Mea. F. <:re?er. Mr. .md Mrs D Crober aad Mis.-- (toker, Mr. nnd Mrs I' Q ., ,.. .., jr.. Mtafl Fnnnv rnll-r, Mtafl BOBl H .it A. w. Mutiviiie, ll. C. Merritt, AlbeM J. Adan,; ,.ii,i hl*. fnniliv, OMoaal JaiBM C BadM, Er. ani Era M D. Bger, Mr. aad .v>>. Joim Thou p I,,,, Bnd H.bnrt W. TbompBoa. of New- york- .1 C. Matootm, Btatea btoad; T. r. BMute Ce-ar'h-ml L. l.\ .' I>- Unlrehild. W,a*M,iir.', L I M,.. ;.!...,, ,.f I.rooklvn The dnii.^ig lu.I. wa decomied wlth Aaf> and gai buntlng. ;.r"'^' were allowed to dance en hoor. f "' ,"! *.*?r J'?'1 ambta. al i' o'clock and tinn--.. .uifll 12 fltoM-B, when aupper wm eer d ir. ;:. UtXBY to APPBAM is 00M1C orru.i Conta-etfl were Egaefl resterflai _w the appearaaea of Herarj B tRx-f witu u asadc oi>eni ee-apaai _f Pahaer-i Theatre on July 18, The eBgagemeol la Intended la toM thiaasfl tbe aoauaer. Ji wfll open wiih "Tbe Maacot" aad n !>. fhe latratlM Mter to tfvr Adonlfl H," nnd "Tb" OdB. M Nominn<iv.* Mr tnxef .'""* ." fn" '.l",*f' Theatre, BeBtaa. EE mpaay kam arlll laahaM Mlaa Caa-Bto D-drMBa and B-BgaM OBWMB, ol lhe ITostoiilfiiis; CEartafl Doag-c ami Piaflarlck Leaaa, .md i' wtll hav,. tn- elionis now sIliRlnr 'lt. - Jnptler.** The r.inipiUiT Will .. eadm lhe B-raagemeai M Har*.- AMfta, now man ¦mc M the Wghy ii-11 (.j-ciru O-Brpaay. Jniinii Sdwarda wlU ba Ufe mnadc-l din-ctor and MafW Lothtan, ;>.. th, Btaga bbuumm. grccT'e __xetj_b, I-Tom Tho I.ond.m l*"ily Newa. -iiriior aii. tb, lErh eorreepoodeat M the "ttorrtora dl Nni.'ll." lia- IihO un liiie-\.,w wllh Bat-H E Bbe ttalnie Ajiiie Asvl'im. wMch hai. ut liyist n p yebelogl ral Intereat. ...-u.-.i." h, __. -waa ln tbe e*irrl_4»r whi-li Irt.ds tn tbe refectore aud parlor. He hnd 00 .i regutallon blue aall of clothgE und wus iiulte calm, onh i.i" pupll t,r rn lefl eye aeee-ed mach ,i. n*,ke io me wlCB much trankneaa, eonalderlng thal bn. ii-i evea B>M Mm wbo i wi*s in- -aid. -i ba Itav, lhal l nn. eurad, bm 1 '.' luiuwiraici- thai |m»/e been mad. The coaae is proboJOv iw..( Imrit.i* the -U ni'inlha I Mav-d ln I.'-iidon 1 ale nln.ost nothlnR ¦nr] dniiik oniv Im. Ko -"ner dM I --.'i.e <<> l-»rla u.iii. began le flrinh « llttle <-f everytblng, nnd whal wiih wtne ond aptalta I Iliii-b~d bv pettinp drunk more than onee. Tiil- au.iaen ehange ol reguaea nnd the er-nt he.'t nf the weather iifeeleal mv biala, 1 hen lt mav be tbal I bad a fllapoMtlon lo laaantt. mv aMHU to fiist for n lenpth of iliue 1- 9 Hvsicri. plieiiomeiion. Whlch 1 .1--I-,'-. b. in\ ellMi Tlien there _n.tlier rrvrtotheMa a fri-ml of mlne. a bTpnottaer, eaaa v lt|, ni.' li-iin Uandon. He nmnsed hlms»lf ln Bjp notlrlTip ..... Wh-. knowa arhetJ.»r he dld nol t., bm »U thr e_travaaBBoea I comniltted be/orr I w** arnsted' I mvs.if reaiji beltavc -Uat . huve beon -.ub_._~ ta BIUUICBIM-.' ¦ GLADSTONE AT GLA8GOW. HE OONTINUES III** MIDLOTIIIAN CAMPA-GK. an iprnrcRiAflixc R-xxptiob civxai itim-hi*-' BPEEX U. A LETTER OR TUr. NOTTIN"- IIAM KITfATTO**. (ilH*pnw. .luly '2 Mr. OhM-ttmo nrrlv-.l ln thla ritv tliK aftemoon, Raln arai tattBg, *.~ 'hc " ¦' thnui(.*h whnl, he paaoad werr lin~l Wlth cmwd*. wn. Nept ur> ii c-mtiiiiioii- roand of eheering, Ob Um arar tr. tlie ttaafre, ln whlch lo- wa* to d"livr-:- ai. Bddraas, Mr Gbtdatooc mei viih nn eathaalaattc raeeiRBm. An inimcri".' .riiwl hnd BSaemhled ar th. ine "Ing. otirt trboa the 5|na,-'(ir appeared bi tba platform ho aai i..iii'd whh etrery maalfBatatlM of frteadahlp ami renpeol Mr. l.lnd«t"Ii»' .I-Mi-er. on- nf hl* rhii-sotcrlFti' :ul H<- wamerl bb bearen againal the toUi of runnlpg rloal LXberal eandldatei ii the prasenl eh* tlons, lle **iilrl Ihat BBlOM thc ******** rote! aol -Iv rh.- onridldato* wMeb tho l.'.t.eni! partr BOksrted they michr ui- well .nr»jinrt thc repre~mtatt~ei al Iba ConacrvbUym, Iteniindlii<r the Biwiience of IM r»Bgtooa atraggte* i: Bootlaad 2,000 yeara agw, Mr. GRMteBBM «-tii thal -OBtbwaal BcoUand ii».iied arn.~. th.- bm lo Rortk (Bfll Irelati.l, nnd "t~~RapB| bad rnor. fc dS WlU bnmnn aympethy than many wer> ewara of. 1Tb doahtedly MRm rota ef rrmpathy win. fnipiH^-i datjfB-i n. Proteatanl Intaresl n. Ir*>1and lnneen_od Um -eoteh aloetan la IBSR, te tho iief rinieiit ef th" llhaial cbbm, Ho wisi~" ti, potbl "i.t timt fi'tor trashrtod of nhx eonnttea, ol wbtoti loRi were reprasenlad wboDy hy Hobm imicr. lyrono, l~own and Antrtm i-eiug ***" largety nor.ntod bj Hoaac RnlelV. *r» w- a f*_~b~_ ftici, be .'--uil. thar Un 8-| M alurm smaaetad Blmoal eattaalj from iha' parl rd lha -ouat**j wbera tha PrateaBmB ~~~a lo i bute BMjortty. l~»c ipPtl ol naa-onaMt] i eentary ago frai moi- v.vid lt Antrtm a:ui Down than ete-nrham ii. : -h.'iii Irotand Tbej mn-i nol _tegu_~ trom lbemae4**o ti«- i"''. U~M tha A't "' rntan ws >ne-v. <i In aptiM of boMUMy, tn btata nattona-ly nnd tbal it had aatei tha iplrU of tJoUoraUty oat nf Um peer jl... and tbe B.11I1 mir*ij of Ireland und laR them wttfe tiouiiiii: bal tii--_*- B-aorebli Bnttpathtot. Tlvat sinrlt of BOOendaacy li. tooUoft and OUqn* hnd accnmnJated and nrlgi*i_n" all oxn- li*l-!i iCilOCTh.l He v-o.s not a mnn. '. said, to gtapormge thr danger of eecleahMttcal n~~or. bal lt did not bnpna bba arlth greal uTuth. Ra greatly douh~*4i whethe* the power ol the Irtek prleaU.d over th-ir loeb wm aa greal ar- lt wm tifty yean ago He b--; thal thr mon- lllicrt.i WM BCeordCd il..- ui.i- ot th. Irlsh people, lha leea rtak thare roaM poa Ibrj l. tke B_rrender "f Ibal HbertJ Intt the banda oi <* elrotastteal gpower, (Cheen.) Whaterei m.pht !>. cald "f the CathoBc elergy, there nerer ams a etergi iiiat raterad mon profoandB lam the Ooopesl wnma whlch one notlon lnflb tod apon ~i»thrr. nr whlch huiit lt* power m»r. BBM '¦*"¦ r> oltacUon of ln c-stlmaii- aerTloeo; nud tt lx- wanted to drmtn i*h the power of the elergy, to rai* Its lniltioin-e to un nbnM\c belght, hl plar woaM hc t.. put lha peopk bb a taoUng nf j ii*- tn .. so timt thoy woaM M tataaar h_*/a a ¦ottvc ieek extraneoM halp, bai to raal pr-ueaad »iki hmppj'r Um gatdaaaa ot a baneftaani goecenmeni of ~|iinl iii."*. iCIieer-.) Tl.e> ouiitil (<¦ a*.k Xlicn. srhullitH it w.u tha toeal chrrgj Ibei bad n fenr. irt- WtMthei H WM uot UM d.ili|rer lo Ilin'i" ni.- imdiie iMBjwalng betwcoi. -BgR-M aad Bona i i,.i.-!v * Bootory Uriti-:. Gu-zuiiibmbI had riKHietti~l Wtth lii-rue BhmU Irr! md >'"v ¦ ava ptui"' appoarad ba IBa aaaotion of bbv rt.i-.'s Tt -wti*. ptopoaod 10 nnlllfi IBc mnrrlii.. Drl peraona ahandonlng the Chtho*. Chnroh Rltk b rlea in abaUng ti" CBthella Btantaga iav * "arelj thal nu i. pn'iit. BBd pBianMl "ooeerti Ti.e iii* bad bo* rigtt rn iBtertam botwoan Ibi prtTate elei t up i,. v ti.init te rate. Timt «-*.* thi woek of Um i.iiit/ir- Mmmom mtaolon ami tne -bBobotj Q*m*9u m.-nt, .*nieii bad -rcii-'-.i t:.. * ot Misi, PfcabytarbuM, who .*.'h'it-_ Um- aoafhtenM <>f .n -.-i.ri-ti riitatiytartani t.. wakeh t'" m tn reiii-m the powoi ll.- wu* paii.e.1 »nii grtooad beyond '!.. Iptlo qajhamed Ihal them rlementi ol . lmi~dl 'muid bc Imported Into ertil, naUonal and la qne-dlona. li<- prutaated agalnat iba i^.-' the leily Um lrish mbtorlty tnui und ihen under ln ea nminiiir* thc elalmi t9*B mmh bi <i ahtMrlag how tattle tbej ivi-n The clatoM Ihal Um 0-ietnmenl wa iMloitngoidar ln Ireliuul we"- galM anteoobls Irotand h.-ul l"- r. li u Btete af psaea aad aedei oteo IBBd inruraiiie, nnd anooaqMiMte iioKtiim r..- H4i uie un c'liinl BVOn nnd r-ar-iv" | -' !. .- ¦. BBMOl v lit. I thc pPBBBBl l-adet- Ol U.e DtaatdBBt U!-'r .- his rinnt mlnd, dea.-..-¦: ane-ampled and -.i.i. Tn tbta boor ti"- Oorernmi nii.-ii.i. Ut Indaoe aaybod) to tata :'~iu'''- :-.[:. wbleb in* t.inl wl ". '"¦ '¦' ** tbe in*i. mlnd had acqnlre-J n.nllden.- '..' U»' I- p~mif the .-.nut wrloomc avwaHod th<- woni ..1 wre Bl .'ni' ¦'¦ ic " '".*1 st-inij'-' ', "; "''"''' bad i-Tsuiu-iiy bo.-i, ln eoanc '.; ronsolldatlon bc tween tn- iwo ronntrlca The lai.n ¦¦<. "f l»*~ Im.! <i ni' mn'ti to porlfr iralnml. bui l. iruld rompori" wiQi thc IK-tit. ul embrn wblo ne dHarrlbed lot uBward ol ¦'." roai then been hi. almost nnbrokeri ra(***~*Uori ..' -f- iitt~»a: "<-m tn IKtand, wht. i m.d b<* i vi.'.i-i u. i-tii]"- i r-pt when n'mpomri!*- toterrnpted by a per-n ¦> ae~-!tlldo TboM storms were ln strange contrm-d "iu. to» ftiiure whieh the p--Benl omotloo ol tlie IrtsB mini .'iiaiin.-.! then u antleipa'n** It r.-.-nll. to hl* niln. fj.e lieautlfiil logciid ol nn' ;." i Pa|pnl*m. Ti.e tona ImsdnaUon of th* .pte _otaiMd i^-i; <"¦¦ "***»»""' u.,i a -T*r niii...': after Ih* bonored h. mioi and Polltu. that lis appeantnee lu tta ¦' a rag Int utorm nt sea, wnen despatr ta setUlt.B "i '. mfndi nf the erow, w.uid genUr un''. ed~"tnall ,,.-,,.¦ th.- cloiids. Mate Ute trlnd ralm Um- nn 1,111..w* nnd l.ritiR Uiom satali to port onder lt* bon"tl ... |,. ,, ,,, rioera Th- pniposal »'hlcl !" I.lhern]'- made I.. '.'-'¦ th« ritlll .n-l"-! and bi triKt*-1 Mt..l beltarH Uu.i lh"l Wfre Bhont to i-n-v ii ti. a trlnmphanl Isbm i' l.»d boen t.. ir-inn.i niid't- ia.- polltleal retafloni tr"wc*i ihe r*~u. trlos whal li ,...¦. ^aiiieii »f aiitlquttv. II Blted :..".' bearti i i, ,,« and )"-. and bad irlvoii pmrnnc r" * ii¦. .nni ls -Uiorh ¦"!. rxhlbli ¦ Btn rti r, ,,.. i,ri.tii.'rn-« whieh, below Ihe » eW, Id stead of la'i.ii' a araiiftal BbouJd bc a model c_anirH( i!i,-t -ii.-..- i».|iti'*ai wladoiti wa m-inv purt*<*aei- r -.' -nir< I" Uie rlrlllsed hationi Ol Riin.pc and Amarlra bad Bl Isngtb found rhe m...'in* .rt m.-4-tiiii' iiii» woral ond nldoai of ..ur dlnVnlUoi tubstitutltig f.: dtao~l~ mla*rj and rimtenl srmal arrlral nnd yot fuiier Hpoi promhw oi i rein. nf neiicr Loorj nnd pmlonred rheen wenl tip af thc ¦ ¦. .li< addtrcea and wore n-iiitlninu ln tlie *tr*~*i- :c. Hi nisdMona wai drlvea lo tha rallway Btatlon tahe ii traln for Dabneny London, Jaly _..4""1"H"1 Beely, M Bdroaah rl ". MfbaVHo-r Mii.'-r*' ii'.li. m opooatng Mr. Broai ,,* ¦ cniididii- tor ln Um rea* NoUlng tmm di'TC* Mr. O-adatooe bM wrltten i l-t:-' in Mr. );nKidhn-st. ln Orhtab ha* r_l0_BM tlM Mttei iii "i bobm of daty, nnd BB] 1 "1 wlll .*.iy ti.'tliln* at-iln*- the Kipht llnur blll. to wbleh many of my bonorad Irtamta, Uha Rr Han ar,. oppn*.*d, and whom II micht ba bard to '..' Ral 1 Wlah to rrfer to ti.e vlt.i! ~~rBl»TI WbethaV the Weat Retttnghem mlnen ror 'he aahe ol an eighi hmir dav will el"-' *B eBemj U> tha Uberal and litafe rsu~- i baaa hmg knowa M .> Bngllsh WO-RlBgBWB Ihal tlu V knew how to naeiihr. thel: own rtowi andappareni Intere b to om arldm welRhtler enuae. If WM BM tBBl dBHng the Ameriran wh; the populatloi. "f LOBM .Mlle heerfully en rotitit-reri tho rotton _HB-BO- baOBBBa 8**} m*9tt hl IVTV. "The ROtttagham BriBen bare nooarfe *i_irj. aitonm ,efo:. t'. ;i, bal Ui<V kin.v. th. IriMi ae a MtlOO Of iBBOTtag ni'-n iinilcr a riaT.-lon a<'' which lli- ,,f Nottlugham woaM nm andare for b nirment, got rrnod bj n s*r~tam wlu.-h Mr. Chamberutln long agu lustlT .i<~'iii"1! as dbvgmreful and miola-reble, biw desii-ou* of tlu* reatoraU-n of Mil jrwernment, ortiij b ti,.. Llberals d«"ir*> .«. un''' Uiem. __oj know. ftnallj Ihat Ireland hai la-i. ni"-'.'*'! to Ihe offer of a loeal oovoriimenl blll *- iu-1. imi MlnWrj wonld dnre i»." mm foi'iari.l. 1 eannot, wlll not. beUeoe Ihrn ln. rotara m Notttngham, n oecounl of i suppo~" Inler'-at wlll elert a man ti porp>'luat.- lle*. thanH-ii ovlb and .*>.."-t io rdd tn ted and talthfnl fnend 'f they dM ""'.' mtehl b* lemptcd to asb An-. thaa B-uuirymen of tbe LanrMhire popolatBmr* A CO~r_«Ba~~~)B KIliNAl'lT.n BT CHrRMBl Parls, Jaly - Tha Ooboiwbm-I im* roeol-ed » tok p-sm from lln Nol, the Inrrre rlty .rf Anmim, In SouthenPt Anlft. BBd eapital af the IT >i me.- of Tnrnpilri ronreyiag the Mwa thal twent] «iiH*;,ii*fi«! chir.'*. wo-hmen hnd ktdMpped M. Ua » BBitaeBBiraatoi on the LaagodB Rallway bmi Baete. M. Paaln, th' lelep-nni uurn. h»d Jnat dl~m«-"d 1 ea"ir* Bl twentr-flve a-ildlerv when ihe I'tnne-- - 'ti hlm F.flo.'ts ~-lii"'i hara l»*eii ma_c t<. aeeuie Um rcieaar at iin- eoatraetor lnn'e «. kr prowad fttUle. BtOW ro gPSTB Ull POTTtBTB VPW - A moal d-Bgbt-B] way af BPOBdhBg th- Fo.inh nm' .r-ttlnr nfl of the n "ao und roiifuslon Bf Un I-i.'V br a rharmlnir sall np tho Hud~ni M n I>"v Um -.¦iimcr. VlRlion. bi Newhurp I.hvo one ar thm- fl.r,rrer* hour* t" M'end In fhut bUtetdf ttt} BBd BM arqahlBgten - baad^naiaara, m hj aaBlag m f..r m rouplJiooiiMe -illalniuK 1 BB8 M""' Of "-UgbBBBpatl brMfB. itetiirniiiR h] akBaoaer Kew-Teok, hm-a-lera wlll reai-h thia cltv at 8 or|.r|. Tt.-- MIBI Alhanv have. Ve.siry-st. B_ kSdR ". n.. aud 'Sest TwcnU-aecoiid-st »t » o'cloci.. LIYELY TEXMS AT ORAXGE. MILLITI AND JOILNST.IN MAKE A II.VI.U FI'.IIT. XHET *r.r. ur.rr.\Tr;D BT CLkRJMCE BOBAM ANL, B. P. M'-ILLLl B MTLR A IlKiL LUNT ANI' BTVBBOBB _*XB-Oa_~ hi B COflTfl-US, Yesterfitiv wa' a featlval du.' nt Eountain Stntlon. E. 3. lt was th- flnal <ia- M the eaea Maato toar flamenl M tbe faianga Tennl- Ctab, aad Ibe ae-aral Immplimebbji ¦atehsfl flrew a galharlng M eatha (rom this r|,v rtml Iha suburbiiii towns Bbeel OraagB. in tho tirst eoebad M tto MMbebbb Btohaid Mepheaa, of ( oliiini.ia. ii-f-riKMl C I.. **nti<1s for tbe BMdlfl -. im CbamptoaaMp and tbe eaatody M the Ufl -Beet tropl v Meioni eoattooM his earefnl pmie of the areek, aad was partteuMrly aeeaiato n. playtag f'" -i-i.' Baaa. U. Ibe Bnl parl M taV mat.-h. Band piuved m lafltotoaa vi,ii"> gmae bM flbapheni paaaed Hlm at the ii..| BO OftaB a*. lln.lly M drive lilm to tim Ixe'l* M tba .-.nn Btepbena V...H D three atraiirht -ts. ttam ttddlliK I"'- BBBm I" tbe nlte.'ulY long list >f wtaaera M Ibla a»aeb braveOed trophy. IU fur the beal nnd moM BXelttag eOBtBBl of thc day waa tbe nnnls of lhe Bma'a floabtafl ta whleb .'laretire Ilol.arl BBd K. I'. El MuJllli opposed &. C. Mlller. of tba N.-.'-Voil; Tennls CtBb, und W. V. jehaaea, tbe Prtaeetoa eapert Young Miiiett uid tha better work for Ma mmt nml ihBWed SZOeHeal f -rm in hlt- roBeylng. i'1- pMetog wus _nn_Bally rrood und Ini made -u-venil pbaflOBla-Bl ratBlBfl fron Uie left rmnd eomer of bls ooart. Jofaaaoa Bopported hlm well und at times BBflaahad aafely at tbe bM. ai [hougtl Ike tei.n. play of llot.nrt nnd M.Mulllii wns talr yet tbelr itrokea BtaBred a toek M imud praettce. At the beMnnJBg ol H'>- aBBtek Mtlleti nnd Jobl .nn sft-iwed u llltto nerv .nsn.'Ss aml loa. tbe _-petUBI .*, ,*-_. Th, BBCOBd B9f wns fonght iiioit tttlb Bornly, H-harl aad MeMaltae eoly wtoatag a-ft-i- .h..|r opponenta bad Inereaaed their ar,,,-,. to tou -llllies Tl.e fiunl se* wn> tbe ,'lo-est of the miitih. aad Klttott umi .oah.i-oti toogbl it in-'h bv inch Thei obtalned Iha bad »' .'.¦¦ * <>n,T ,(| '".'. ll .d Baalli Iti gaaaoaaU wns leerefl latnt,! epptomm. At thn iliff-r.iii im,.-- tha yoatiifer pair BBfded only n alliglr poUrl u. gel tbe raaMga d-nie-. but tbe drlvm M Hebart ann B HaBflB wari flaallj Ma rtroag tor ihem aad ihe\ i"U the set T- .'. aad the matah Hta. B i. aMU bad ii rutie- aaay Bma M M la .!¦.. Mlag ber rbamM-Behlp aad troph. agalnal Mla a. i. lehBlta. ln tbe Bnah M tn,- mlxed doablei MIm CaMll aad W. v. Johnaon MIm Bcbalu aad Ctan aee ii<>*.»i rt. A_aeeg Bt* many waB-knoa_ people who inrronnded th, n- aad apptoadcd tbe Bonteatanta erere lir. mn! Mr Jobn Croabj Broem, Mi*s Bevnolds, Mlai \cii. MU. Mrs. w. a., Mlaa Helen Babco**. U>, \\. CMMa, Mi-s Madge btephenaon, mi Byron Potej GrrlfleB, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Toler. AMen Pro, .,,,. a. m. Morrlaon, MIm Beymaar, Mlaa Mlltoll \ j,. Starey, Frank Howard, Mr. und Ei Bryao Kneem, Eatter geck, Etoa Lymaa, lh, \\ _. ],., the MI -.. -'liul'7. Mr. nnd Mra, B. V. .,. :... Him k. MU1..M. MIm Ahaa Cohen, Mtoa LoalM Dodd, the Ehaefl Jehosoa, B lennle Kiilght, the Btaaea Coa pbetl, M- ond En livl Hli h Mi-s ,...iil.i. Mrs. GottM, MEl I'I!' m,'. n,.. Mi Jame u PH-ber, the Mlaeei PH, mi- Mea. v itard, MIm Mary Mlnott Mr and Mn i: h une, w v BehneMer, W Kieft, H .. Klelt, r t v Mr. aod Mr C. r.'v.a>-..'.. .i Walba fToed bi Eli Otora a na .. Iea i Mr B B Mllea, aa der Eleft. 1 " Ml Maad EUtaM M Bthel Tim \.-,..*. B lt «.;i htte v ii- tke taat nml b waa ptayed, and nt it, lo-i ih. leeeral P ¦" '¦',1 '" ""' ¦--. bl lt a Orlfltai tta tode Btal Beeretary M tba etab. Tbe rere a I >'!.Nr- TtOVniAB". BflBBi-9 - .-< laraaea B Ban .."' E P M M I-1 unl b * Maubaad. »-l. 9-fl. I'l.NA- U".IN1' Ctar-aee Bnhatt moi t ¥ MeVjlten beal B ' .... - aad Rl i.""'. "* mm tal wi rt- mm4 a .' l.AMI> M.V.LL.V Bolder. defeatM M1-- v..-'.-'.. I. t ""r '' '' MIX1 D 1> .t'1»I.I> ,.. , . ,,.,. v- \- i. rabfl ."' W v .i rmaon boat halta ui.a Ckuen aii FtYB TKE CXNTtAL l'U.'K CHAMPl WSHIP :.. p, ii-iii.u win-- T,n 1'.i«.ht TO , ii vi.i.: xci. TME MOLDES, DE TOWEB1 BB Tta bbbbbI aprlag mbb* aa_flMMaaol tor IM iwmplonahip ol' eatml Park ama e mdnai Bfiemoon on tta Mwer eomru ar tbe P-ffc .1. aeml flnal aml laal maaa. wera P vl: :¦.: M hr" PrtBB, BflWlB P. I I i..,,.:,... tn.. ehaDengm f-r th*- ckamptanabip ui play Dr. Tumnaeafl, tka baMer, lOBaorroa mornlng, al IOM0. Ib t'e- floaMaa, fhe m, p .,.'.-. np ,.. tbe M.ii.1 round. -whlrli wtll rr on Monda. BtteraBBB. B, r-irarett, who _r*tad "ff tne eonaoH-atlOB prtae lr. EBglea, bowed aptaodld form ta in*- HbM maUh agalnal 11, ll Beywood, to arMeb he woo by IMaeMralgbl The hrst tim,. of th>- ilnr, ;hnt betwii-n Hobarl anl t-.u-et. it. Ito 'ii. mai round, was nn eirttlng ee ...r.1m..|i..ii:. r.irei llniilh WtaMBg h*' il.-'blliii: -' romMnall-B ol gaed Baea, ".o-i *aa»-BlU pfca* .a'tiniiF i. ie;i,i oi :. !'. il." 'i "'I BBI b, taM the nex, tbrea gaaaaa Ib fhe tweifti. paae, wlth thnt aervtng, waa naltafl. and betare be BaaBy won ,. Hobari hnd beea wttbta p..,nt tt wiaMBg ihe matcb ai. dtflerenl Mflaee. PBiafl, beeraaar, Baalrr u rn.. .-..d te pi'H om. "fl von tba BBI b.C, and tha Uie nu.teh Ti linni nwt'-Ii between Plaoher «nd I>nr«'t. wn u Ddc ronteai Tbnmgboal Ibe thrae bMb, PtackM ihowed magnlflceni form umi pinven n Meady, .u-'sr-- "v.. rnni,. ile woa Ihe BrM ¦, BBBlly, PbrH oolj ¦eea-lng mm paaae. bai ta tha a-emd. Iba gaam .-._ v iti. the earelee, natll sit uli w»s laaehed, wh. i. itaohm woo Iha aeal two -nuji.-. aflm bobk ang and aadtlag niiii-s. an.i Ihi Bet, fl.fl PbiM nrarad a loi -. lead ta the thIM -"t. the »m-e raaM Mgb 1 lt. bb f..vor. nnd lt eeemed that lt nrould !,c aeoreii f..r hlm, bu! al thi* i*"tut hi*. imiiv weahBBed rreatly The hard wark or Mi Iea pfaMoaa Bel lolllug on hlm, hmi FUobet area tta b«m -.'.¦. |»mei ii, BBcceaaion, th. »eore In only iwo M Ihem reacblng geaea Thlfl Miiloi. ^iv.-s Mm the n.iu to May Towneeufl for tbe Ootra] Park Cbamploaahlp CballenM Trophy. Tin- rap baa been wob bwlee bj Towuaaaud, II heeonc bb perfloaal propert. if be su. .: toadlng II IWa iprtog- Tl"' "A'ls. mmn-rer, allghUy Ptaeber, wh.. l*. ptaylag «. reeaarfcaMy Btroag .T..'ll"' iii t:r- floahlaa. twa to__aa rrom Iba Bew vork T"tt BM club w."-.. ..nter... ou.- from ii"* Ucnoa TennlaClub ..... from tbe Flftb-vi TBaabi <'im.. Aii ¦' tbeae onr ,.ia." bava baaa beahp, aad arery prtae li i.nmni'l.f vlll BOW WBfl bv ,eiil:iv I'lirl. repreaeaMUvm In Ur.- BtaflBi Ftoeber and Brauaa, Brnpiom of tba Park, ban earaed UMIr aay i ;:,. l.jal niliiid. BBd WlB Ih-re BMBl T.-wii-.-nd and iiiiiKht win, belfl th.- etouBBtoaaMp _w, yeam hk" li.dli llr-t nnd ruii.iei up pri/. la lhe stii^-l-s Wen won bj l'aru ptayeara.Ttacbar aad PaiM. Tba aeoraa ,,r ih" umi' bre fi .low Mea'a i-iian.p "ii-ii.p il-gtaB, bbb- flnal maad .' Pareity ¦ Park, bmi Joha i' Bobart, Stm-Yon *!-iin» I'uii. 9-fl ( 9. fl '!¦'¦''. i' Plaeher, c.-iitrai vl Mai lU.V I' Thnrter. beaBI T-iml- Club .. I 9 3 .,,,.: rnuM Edwta P. Pleehet beal .' Parmly l-*-' ,.. i, k.n. : .*. Mea'a ei_H_plaa-Mp nonbiea, g-BBataary i_o_9.T. i t...ilaead an-i C P Itaigbt, t^artral Park, beM I W MaiMnll.u »,,d C. <'r_-"' MeW-EoM TeBBM Club IO--0 p ii-.-. uii'i w i k Bmoaa, rark. taM E ii l;'' v rmi ¦ H BaywaM Ceatra IMrii fi.I. 0.4. I r», I.Bfl E D. Tliurb... mid -. L w -.ii. Utnm 'I'. mu- CXub, MM >. Ben aod W Miii'T. ji.. 7.fl, T. I Ttaraaead and i. iiah-'ht .i,tr_i park, beal .' Paradj 9mnt aad AlbcH n Bl] j._r, ,,. mu di. 1- r r_ ta .',"i vv |, a areaaa Caartral I'.-k. baae W. (hmatogbam and \: i. ii** rifth AveaaaTennlaCnh, 9 1,9 l; .r P llnbart *a. U fl* iu. BeW-YeiB T.inna ,-lnt.. I*^t J H llrrai, and p BliI»B*1 |r., < "'iitr.l 1'irh. H-4. 9 * "rmi IM mBBd 'i l Townaaad abd C. F. BaUrht, Cential PBrk.baM K i> IbsibmaadO. L. wv.-h. beaea XtaMb i.i.. i4-4i. o-n, 9 '. B 9. Ptaabm and \v I. a ::.»nns. (W.nt.ra. Park, MM .1 F. H.ibort aad B. la. |BdM a.Taek 1 anab Clnb 9-«, f-d. M-n's .mei". for , <ai*.olat:i«i Trlre, BBBBMbbI IflUBd Ti ii Btywaafl, CealBBl Park, MM '. "'.rr. Ceaaral i-ira. 0.:,. o-a *_, BrmaBt. CBBbal ttaak, bam M .nentngBeaa. PEM k-*moa Xnmm Ctab, M d f.ui- - .,n-. i. I r-.a.f, oenlral park, t«'-t n B. eatml Putm, 9- t «- 2. o.:, ANN'AI, TOIRNAMKNT AT niTHKliroi:n. The annual toumnment of the Bathwrtofld Uiwti Tenni- Oah tfg-r. Ifrdag BB the eiounds nr Ruthcr forl, B. .1. The BO-BaWtl W999 ln M9B*9 BbMhE flBfl doublen. nnd the prtBM 9BBMM -if BB umlifMln. raiae, ,enr_- rii-nitets, silver hnife aiwl silver clcir eutl~. Tlie srores were .aiuciea.A. C. Thurber beat 4». A. 9-igee. 9-3, 6-0: A I'. .In-'ksoii lieat Afa_.TS>.!i iTice, BE, 6-0; F. K. Holliaiev bent F. S. Wlthl igson. .*. O"1 ! F. C i.pilen i-_t L. C. Bulllngton, f>Fi, Ol ; 11. H. llol- Baba beat f'. T. Ilnlllsier, «-0. ,M). Doubles-F. K. llollist- and H. H. llolllster beat F. B, WlHhBgtoa nnd A. P. Klee. "-fl. '"-. The flaab, will be pln' ed ,o niorro-w, when the* best ptayera ta the club will nie,«t. A. entertalnment aad -MB. win ]e glven ta tne etab koaaa ,*. niorrow nigtu. -? TF.VN1-, ik\ AXD DABCIEO. Eaarly a thodaa-d people MleaflM the tonrnament, Ma and rseeatton >' Um BaM Oraaea Lbwb T.-mns Ctab on the ArBaftoaave. graaada reetofday after Booa. ifter tta eloer. M tta ptay tea waa lereed by Mrs. yaOHfl X. LafltoW, Mrs. .1. L. Mer-.11. Mrs. .1. I*. Invis, Mra, L. B. PoeaMta, Mrs Henry Hasrue. Mr-. _ .. ,...,;. md Mn g, i-. Brewater. in tbe wreolng th. groanflfl wen- MaadBBted, BBd th. etap roarta liclnp (lenred. tbere W9« opea-atr dniteins: Uli a In.e hoar. The tennlfl fleorm wera n. follow-. MI.N-s BlRttlal - ftni numi-i*. a Davla beal imn* Uay, «-«, B-_i E n PeweU b"««t .r P. Day 9 -'. B.»| Henrv llaarai.. beal B Irvta, 0-0. 9-9; BaebBrl KtntUi l>.-at t.-s_rg.. I.itw. __0. ,i-0; s. v it Brewetee MM a. w. iih.k iium 10-8. *._! J E. Merrltl l*_i J 1' mmmm, K-. ,l_li fl.o; I*'. Beyiwiea beat Mejiry lir.KB. U.O. tt.- V. a, LuiIIdr- !,.*_;. K JVanuiaa, H.-. O.O. St-cond round- E. H PbWBil t>-at P. W. Davla, U-O, 6.1, Herbert hniith beat H»iiry Uajui., «.0, 0-a, W. 0. Ludiow boat P HeyaoMfl, ti-.. 0-_. OPITUAUY. UU. 3AMEB B. QBEEE. Dr. James .-. Gi-een, tbe leadlng phystclnn and (argeea o.' BBsabeth. N. J.. dled BadBenh M ins nome, Ko. dld Eeatadnator-ave., E-taabeth, M .'< o'etock yeaterday afternoon, tooai beart d-teaae. h<- imd jn '; telegraphed tor bbi carrtage t<> go <>ut on u ali-k .all, when he was atrtcken aud _.\ptred lu a few mlnutea. l»r. Oreen wb« born Bl MaeetoB, aa .'uiy _.._.. 198B, and araa the aon M Jum-s B. Qrsaa, und gT-adsoo of tbe Bev. Aahbel Oreen, »f Mneetaa rxilkge He wns gradaated from eoBeflfl M Janoi 1648, ami engaged in tbe fltady el medlctne al Pblta dclpbla, wm. i>r. John NeHL He enu gradaated a. ti,. Medical Departmenl of the DBlreiMtp M Pbbb ¦prtaota arlth htgh boOora ta Aprll, 18B1. He wa« iwddenl phyalctan tor algbteen '-.miij*- M tbe Wllh, Hospllal f": Dtaeaao. of the Byea, and fur three yeara was aaaiataal demonetrator «f imat-miy ln tbe v-r-tts «f Pennayl-raata. He w*ent to EBaabatb to tto embar, 1863, BBd al oace BttMned the froot ruiik i_ al- prMa-don there. iie wus ehoaen Uie BrE prealdent ,.f tbe CHj Oonncll when E-taabeth beeame u dty, and nrrmi leveral termi In tbat body. He was eleeted Mayor M Eltaabeth ta 1877, and nrrmi oae year. lar. GHeea wa- for four venrs one of tbe l,.«ird o. Managera -.f the Mcrrl Ptalna Lanatle Aayhnn. and wn- f'.r two yean pre-ddenl "f the btata Medical Bo- ctoty, iu- torm earperlag thta year. H, wa tb, roaadar of tbe Ellaabe b UeaMMl H, \-u.s tba old.s: bb BHUtar ol Wa-btagi « hapfei ol Free Maatma M I'lir.ibetb, and a BMBBber ol tbe Orand La.iK.-. M Bew- Jeraey ll'* bad just returned from the onnaal coa- venttoa, ut Atlaotle City. ol t1"' BVato Medlca ;>r .,!....: wa .. l.roili'T "f BX-OOV, Bobert rs. G-reen aad M Aahbel Oreen. n<- amnrtafl m Apiii i-vi. Mis- iaanj Elnebeeter, <>f Baiumoiv. Hli wlfe dled lewerM yeara a_o He laaeeB a daugh¬ ter, the' or VV T. Day, <d Sewark, und u bob. who city phy-letan -.f EBaaheth. JAMB8 SINCLA1B. Jamei Hnctalr, Beator partam .>' tbe flrm of Jame* .*. .dled FMdaj Mghl Bl iii- b«mw li -in,.,]--. froin ¦ itrdhe of BpoMeay. Hl* Aoatl ludden: Indeed, he earae upn.wn nrom his baalne 5 o'clock ir: rh" BfteTBeoa ta perfeel health, waa tatam iu and dl«d nt - o'etoefc He taa-ea a flamlly ..' two Jobn F and Jamea Bactata and two daugbteri Mm a. C. vt ii, trobg. artle ol the puhilaher, and Wm Mn::<1 A . ti.'lair. Mi Blnclalr » a born tn Bdlnl n ¦'. n".1 there recelved a tborough aiathemadcal eda atlon. Hlfl ¦ri, ffl npon tta Llverpool Bueka. ta I Bl Mr, -nia'la'.- '." Ibe tilt'-d -i.i.-. He entered the emM°y~*ai ol the flrm M Masterton m Bmtth, Btone-warker and aoon b_"9H HK .: upon the »1.l< ol 1 rlnlt, Cl nrch. j ...,. -, lati .. o. rn 1 U is t-.dtiv one of tn.. oMeal Inv ->: atooe-worh, .,,. mi '.' alao preaMeni «.i the Tnekahoe Marble (lompanj He laaa rarntahed tbe toneanieh tor m.-mv "' tbe targefll bnlMtngt ta Rew- Vork il- wn- in iu',1*..- i.ii-iti*--- thro-ghoui th, arboto ,,f ir nr*-, mn never t.»>k aay i«un bi puMli adatre, a.nd v,.« atway macl atuehed lo hi*- home and boeae llte. ., the ttm. .¦' ii- fleatk b, ..-venty-nme il will take plac, t 11 Ro 2 Kaal ,,. Tueadav, .-m.i Ita body wlli be buried lai'oodlawu. JACOB r..\-'ll. .in-* .t. Baae.., preddent M Iba r Ei lll- otli.e .ti Pbi daj Miern on f- en beart fllaeaae He wenl over fr..m .,,,, ,.,. m\ i o'clock aud drovr d..wi, o. th. mlll. where down nt hla ,!.; b to read aowie tetiera. Md denly he fell tackward ta bb. aeal and «-..- dead be fire a dOCtor amv.'d II" v1.''- I. ¦"'. ''-'; "ll! ,-,.,_ I..,*-. :, wlb and tbrea grown rhUdi i. H. nd had n. ll.- \*,a« b memli. uf th. An IToiectlve luriir Leuguc end.a worm POmiua ,,f c ll. AmmMown, ex-preaidenl ".' tiie ueagaa. JAMES I. IW/ ".r.i;. CMeaga, Jaly - I9peetal>.-Jamea l Tbayer dled -h, m this city. For nearij flftj yean be v_ ti and ln hh, di*'- » aa oue ..' lhe n.'--i toiaonfl of elowaa Br. Thayer wm born ta Waddlna ton, N. V., ii. l«30-_m,_ ;.I. Bl *,.! IMXB "!'. sham I .,.. .,:. JuU '- -.ul.","'. B, .li. .1 ol >1 "1 BUlea 1 ,:, v am Ifl. Ua araa lu ... ii ,: thi Iat I . vt thi "tt lou aaa U [tmant ai d rolonel "f 0'' regbnaaa. _- m, - BBPOBI 09 AS KX02QXUBXT DKXIKD. Kewport, .I'.'v '-' (Bpeek i- '*."¦¦ ." laal .veniui- annonnred tbal tta reporl " ul H Maad Wrtmore to Ba isn B'Uling. bnithm "f \i,.s |, Utor, .,f Nea Vork, .iled. ".ht d"iii:ii ia emplmtlc, and if made bj tha VTlUtai '. n ium is PABiB. Iv .rn Tlie 1. ond. >u Dallj .' Nl, ,,... ,., . i bi* ¦* talk- tl' UU,.'" I.m fond 'h" rfeni-h are ol perpeiiialtng Has naniOH .i theli dUtIng.Uhli.-d IolU»** I'iKiiiirymen bj .,r(. afi, i;.. a. am, . meae-iu, mid ,... time rome. whei the expl h,h Bli ..,, f..:-...'i.... II i p'"p .-'<:¦ thereftire. MuiiH'tpel "'ii"-il "f iMii- ahall pul uj ,..,.,.'.. ..r Lnopraphnal a*c..u,.a ., th men_ Hi, ln thr matter, aa Beiumonarlefl and Radleal roaW n0l i.. experled lo agree aa Ui wl al f< *u u n ihe ,.. .,; in. Um* ll .nunarte ot -...,,,... .',.. ... atten pi .. '"" '"".'. loa .,,.,! /, m ' Inatalmenl of ni'' enameih. piatea witn " ';"",.',! .... na i.' g" li,| aboul aklng in rr ,.!:,._ ln thr Itl. " " ".'' "». Tti-b' -.. \ wm.- merchanl deelared thal he im. u. kiiov bat bad focgotien. i»u liiiervlewlug » P b.t'ehor lhe taqotre. wn liuidi b.M tbal lhe; pork I,,,,, Ii.t oblected to belng made a fooi ot (qa'on le f_aae laiaer) pM.d tf»< expedleni ol aahlnfl ¦ poBraiBan a , eqiuUl. ui pnaluctlve m uacful reaulta The only :,,,,-...,.,: aaa thal -.1 an "oflloer d'Acadende, a-liii liowevei ..v.ii.M.' ronfounded TErWgo with Turgot, the Mlnl fer of l'l r.i_r:.M. nn tbomboxt. l,..t:i Th" PM1 Ball Oa-ette Tne bMII aad InfenMty ol the miiEeal Inrtramenb ,,,,,1,,., have lual meeeedad ln endowlng lhe tmnibone iinmr wlth ato umi Mimewluil ,"miHiiie hua bIwbvi - ""'' bi Incon preh ',;,.. inatrumenl ln th, i.nlnlttalod aadllm*. ll. ',! dglng aboul n ni'ii-i Uoilted aeate. and ho wntrlio Iln ^-n'.i* n...- »vho t- i.ii, -;v rii-caeed ln pumplni uj the m .n th" urface there nmethl . eaaen ... alatent betwi_1 lh, twi pl.enonieim. nnd he penernll. aba.idon- the *-..-'. .necllna raoae alth effe \ i.irallv nea kind of lurpria, li I n foi hlm. , h. hltherto .. Impoialble to m.t< h-- tnim i.Ighhora n. aaefa m aEI . plre tn ,,..,.,,.¦:.¦ upon U knoa bv btttoi fiAvettt ..niets i..1'in* an.i trumpeta baaa Ml been muted, b, u.e inini-ioi. ot .. wmMen ptag nto the i,,.,! o, m th- eaae of tbe eoa.-h horn, by partlv rloalne the bell witl, one of the hand of t1. ptaycr. i. the trombone U.e bell l* nol onU to ,o be muted in thi*. miitin-r. bnl ,'ie whole Btractura of t ri*- luatruineiit uml*e- auch an operaUon proctlcabk Th.. proMem ha* bowever, beefl flo^lvod r>; an inven.|.>n bbowi n t,*. "¦...ln. nttaehmeni k pisioti placed )u-> aader Ihe hand »s'*d ir. h tb. ttmiiiMin. .an i»e depr..1 i' a toueti ul lhe miili'.ie r.' I*- returned bj a aprlne ,».<. rn- ni'iit preasiic i-i remo-ed. Tbe ,ifl ¦-1 ' lovrerlng the piston ls to iwireh -uT lhe ali curront taw o loni: und Mrtamu tule. tlie -!i.iii>- lotit--th n. the maiii la.alv of the This termlnu'es trnt ln a lrt-11 but ln a -BftOBB, Iri-^-ulut ..ui" thal tlif s-iund i-* not "blnred forth," hut onlv " pentlv toi.tled " The eclin attachnieiit ia *o !irnin-«l thnt the Whole <>f if ls hidden ln the bell of the rrom bone when tii.- ptayer (_<'<.> the audience ... its aid BaemlngU dlatonl nuir-le can be pradae-d In tlio front of Lhe oreheatna without the devtee of hldliiK the .romhoue behlnd Oui wenerv, oi tn un an^el-' gnl lex\ but, btsst of all. the tromhon. plaver'. nupll can hiicti* the evenuiga lu flghuug wltb lu. octavea and urpec-los wlthmit any rlsk to the etarnal bcliiR of his neighhors. __~K SniFPISd XFWfi. PORT OF STW-YOBK.f-ATLKDAT, jrLY 3 189" SAII.KI). Sieamera Ij. Caornxno. for Havre; guerls, Hamhurs; Hsale. llrrmen 1 iiinr,-, VTlscaa "n ainl n.'l*:ravla. Llvernoal; itr ..! Koiue. .ISMn-rr. MsaidngbaM Kolter.laui. Alfraat. < inieia. I__u.ivr:i Ar.nnaiit. "t Ann'a H;it .imu- rl. llai.uu. I'.iiii'ii...i.i.iiuai.iii. IliiiUun iinil Rl MM, Ncw-Or- l.'.m- Ransaa City. BaTannah H.**cr. KortaU: .'n>of (»¦ lumbla, v\ .-Kt l-oiiii, Va, old iJouiiuion. Itiihnioutt, Ku_r>_» Baltlmoro. Miil* Miatley Hall, tor Anjler, Mella Iirciucn. Alao aailed-Via Long laland Bouad. Pteanif ra Wiiitlirop, for taatiiort. Cotta-re City. Pattlaad- II P Inni'.. Boaton. THE MOVKMENTS OF KTKAAlERS. POREIQN POllTS. I.omkin. Jnl-2- haiie.l. aleanier North Kln* (Br' ..¦.», for N>'« Ynrk porTiiAMi*T<-.\. .liii\ I «niia<i ateamer Xoroianala (~er), lieiiii-ii. Croaa iiamiMir*- baasa tor New.York. ..'ul.v '.' Pa..*. il. aleiioier i.a "I'niiralne Kn, Kran- jrn. New Vork on her war t,. H -ciLi.v. .7111\ 8- |.|«*i..i ataaaier KoonUaad <.H.-isi>. -ficss~» frmii Nr. Vurk aa ber wai toaatwaeg IIamhcK" .tuu..'.'(. halli-u, aieainer Taormms K.eri. Xrrh. for Sem "i ork. jTUvnK July 2.Salleil. ateamer I* RoaBOgM (Kr). CoiU*"*. foi *.'.« VorK AlfTWEBP. Julv a -SailsU, atearner Vteatenilaud lliolf), j_nii*oii, for Raw-Teek. I'aka. July 1.Arrlved, ateamer l-'uiancc. Zolltns, troai Nsw. York Hnrry'a Tii. opheruua. Tlie halr cannot w:tni>r or bnomc il.ln, hut m'.*t grow and flouriali lf 4r>->a«i daiiy wlth ihla BtBBBhteM article. Try lta. The( ambrid«r, Btt-av*. a ifl 'i&l-at.. I* u p-I-Uai. moilei hot"l. ( ulaine iiii*nr|ai..eU. LOHLNZ BJ-.ll.K, Proprlrtore- Hom' Tbbibbi Iniperl_l Oraauai 1. ti.e nuj-at. atrea*., most rallablo, wtiol»e..n.e and d-Hcioua Foou for Infanta. Chlldren. _un> Ing Motkers. ln valld... gi.iair. -. nu. aod the aned. AIARRIED. III IIR HIHRk I 81 Rl IlarUi.,li.rne~'a Chur.-h. an July .'1 I-- Un- Jlov. I»r llootli, Itr J.'iu* i«. Mr*. Ollvia llanney. daughter uf _M ia'- .!. W. Iln'i. J"HXm POK.WALBM.On Thui-dnv. June 30. 1_92. M ta.-- Maldaoce oi .Vr.. -olon Huoiphrsy*, Ii'-iwi I'oiuc. N. J., Di IT W lohjutoa t<. Mi:.. bellie t>. Waiab, all of Wanhlmrtnti. !>¦ C. S. "Tr.M. KtKX-ln Conn., June HO. by i;. \ Bmlth i-l-n.-i l.ivui|t.*i«n B. of K_s- BUagton, an.l a|.(- l.i-i. v youoe*** tmuiihu r of Uie lats McReea, ot Bnuiewtek, rtatir W1.>. I. LEl t "ii Jum 80 1802, hv Ilw. Hr. Lymao itt, v'. I'linenitli Cliurli. l'HUlmc M. l.ouf, of Bfnok- V'n. R. V.. tn Hr. (.renvilie M. WecKs. of Korcst ILOl. Bawart, 9. J. Notioes of niarriu(,'i~ imint be lndoraed wltB full __i_e aud Bflflwaa LiIEl). BURt-IB.At Mmiiuroneek, R. V., Tliur'day. 30U. Juna, Ana- Morrella BurUa, mltt Bl I.avil J. IiurUa, ln Um 78d ra»i of h>*r n|re. Th. fi.ii.-ial wlll toke plaee in tha r-'ideuea of her hu* band, at o'. lo i- \, m., buoda**, M oi July. F* i-nri* aad » -jui intatn-e* are laTNod t" ia> pr.-ent. Fosri ii Oa ii im, Julv l. Eiia». orhtea of nie laM .Lun. . li,,:. in BM Thui \' ir Bvla .- ainl fil'-inl* are lnvit.-d tn ..ri>-i,rf Uie runerai lii-.*(Uiv .Inl. :, ai i oVIod |> ni frxrni her late rua' Btoaklya, R. V. .*::.!. La v. *t N'..w-l.ri,:h~.ii. **iu:-n I-land. July 2, ,1 -,,. .|..,,.¦,. ,,f !,... l.mTri' r-In-lav* \K I Durfea, Don Bwttt I. ol I'.oatou. .Ma.**.. »-ed 00 warx. "C GKEEX-At EUlabcth 9. J.. »ud__lr. _MT 2. 1892. i.. ... Bproai '.'i*ii M. I... ln lu* 0X0 ~as-l r.iri .r_n ber " Phlladal - .-¦ '- - '"". pOLHAMt'f*' On Julj im a'. hi- resldiflce, 42C w.*«» iv-., ii Ckarl- r. l*,. I-'uneral ..rvn '. on PunadOJ ..'¦¦ v "U-. af 8 P- Bt, a* "ia r..».-iii.-nu. s-i--r M R hui i. ROWE.On July l 1*-"" at I. r laM iwBd a. -. B8B Wert _2_*si ii «.. i»; Dr. a Rotra Punaral prlvob Int rn ¦. I Ba M- a'. aoavmlenea nf fsnniy. ai*. UAJU " i-iiiu- .lu.v l. ..: apopl-x*-, at hi» **~a> Su 2 | ial ,..-., .(. BUetelr, m Uie *.oU» *!;.;. ml* ur*- lovttad t<> aW-iid Uie funeral - . | l| a. ln., ou iMsaag, UM Mk in*'- Bindi; amtt Baoroia._ l_M Wi -. .. ¦' t. ....rm- i.-. rl,. <l-nth of Mr* Mary a 1., wle i.f *|..yh"i. _*-.¦¦ only (lauahtei of .laio.- v i.rim. __ai -VW Piriuva, Mi -rlmmlna i- a very popukM ,,.r. i. ln- prealdent I " "" ''¦ H.--;ni~is, V. |7 ...rti.*. i.f ttie J-.iv.* t ni. >u. KO 1. N X. itv, U.i .e,,,u.-. ot t.. i..... ....' . la*toa ef Raw. _,.__ j-,, ,...¦-, wll .:!..- ¦' M"iH"i' Jaly ¦». »l io ., fr.,., * .. h, E-«t 8~_*.-st. Tner*. a Holeu, ,..,¦.,¦¦!. aaaa «... :¦- - li.'.-r.n.i.r ut i alvury. S^ccial XotirrB. < onarc.a *prma. Thla j'aiiioua waC i bO-MI BOB ,h> B BMBt elaroratat. t*p ..-..,... I '...auca, ui.- k-r-«t mn.. mi -Blar _riii_lns publie -K-t,ba mmrnm uie ia_-i _-oi. Bt _a*at«i"s.-urr/uig «*- »--.- BMB1 ui-i*M M tt-. hsalt-lul IouomIp-_ The ( 1..V.11 I nvemlci a.alln. A ni"*- rflvolatioi ¦"', ri'iiii-ii..'iit. »'. M.ra -,,,. k., ., I, ^l.)|.|.iT.-d ln.UI'au ... fc'.-« \tuirr. abomu retub *. U> mU it-furmcr strengta and i \. ¦.lieii-e.__________________ I'oatolflii- Notii-r. b, m Bhaaaaa may U>tura (ot forelgu count le*. .U noi n- -jeelally aa- , -O lO -|4|*(J I: u - l>' "'l"*~ ,i i> ci...ued t *. nll dupliostea nl baukliiK ami ..u.mi-rclsl u.. .ii... ni- -.'. i- i.'.i -,- ¦. mmmt n'-inij BSM oy .... f.,: Ui. wock cndlng Jul* u win cIom .- . **'-.._ ;iAv \t ,-i |, ii. mr .-t.-' Kl - vla Uomi, mb , Bispami from N>»-Oii«*ai*_ a' .*¦ ¦«' l1 ".- for S*. MoNDAl \t ':¦¦ V rr. fo. rruxlllo ami 1'iaraii. pei , h I" -ll I..I1H Ne"-". MU Bl | n <". U-llAC, u Uuatcmala - awaakarabM, fruM At IU - nL '¦. .|'l 11 3n » m^ toi I.1...U-. ;.: e * Latan .ui !>ou_iompUi_ a«l RraaaB :- M WEliNEhjOAY.Al II :. N lo .-.~i:l. Ha.vU anl Kai-ullla. :. Ali " -ii|)|..*> '"' )Ht Uu.eiiatowi at l" n (auppciiicnun l ..i" i' n.- for . j ...-i. toam ;»~«.rs ,i ra .ii "|." city "f BcrllB~)| i. r i u- |ium dlreet, i~r t. «. Waaa. \i. Aotweri niual ).. v,a.-a- i,,n!" bi p n ror Cuba p. ¦' "raoBBMBBBi vu II . . ... rilLHMiA* ii ;i a. i;. ¦. per s. s, ABgBBBJ V rl» 4-ln southampton snd Hr_i_urg ini'iV a- u a n.. (a.ii.i.leii -ntmrj 11 ao a. m.) nrtiine 1* -n i- ' a -. a_ , oats i. Via J.Mi.iiu imi-t Uf _irei.u4 . _a Alvna" s \Tl IlilAV \t 10 a. m. .-upiii. rreutarr 10 HO a. m.» fo: *i r> :v snd St 'ln .::...- vla St. ."i\. alao WlndwaiB j.|.-j '! liil'lnil [ICtU '.-"nada, ,.j and 1..I..C--II moat >. d'.r. ted "t.'r 1'rlnHlBit" at 1'.' 1(0 ll n. for I'mn-e ¦*.« tr..-!»nd. Iltih si«,in p.irtueal, and Turk*y pei a L* n.nir :ocna, , ,. i: ,i n-iuin ... d Bal. So i\ i- 11-¦.:. p. I a. . * oUn r part« of l-.urups ,-.-.- '¦' n '..-many, 1». ,..:...¦:.. s«4«m|«.ii aod lln--!.. |»'r ' -... jviirr, ¦>( i.'in.ia) S ¦..' «ll. r . ,. > .- - -i-i ba (II- I. ii. foi V-liierland* ji..f prr a. a Spaa*m!a .'. ItottoMtam 1'ttaaa aM bB , ,.i|iti." Bl 11 a B loi Cain|a.ehe, ,. ... un l.'-iit.-.-.. per a ¦ Vll .lUli ieti.-ra ... il Tttxpan il rm-i ami oth*? Maxteaa nm-i h. itlre.i.'il "pw *i ii.-a"ui"lj . i p. n. | " -. Ul pei - olabria al 1 - .' :m a. itown al v SO p n f..- lilL-mn. dlr.*-t. tvnuland %u Antwerp i. ¦¦ b d.ire<-te*| TruxUlo ami RaoBoa, i»'r fron N-«- >t <-. .{,\\ kl " ;,,! . Bl lor I'l .".ii, |.r . e I'uii.-ma - othar irr- nf M \l.*o muat . d "i.*r .. .;! 'J |. ii. for-CoMB Rtea i!a I.ln ...i. per a. a i| .: .¦- - * China ' "an '8 sl .'. .io n m. \,,, tor \"-* ¦-'¦'¦+¦ N*e*~->~.*al in I"(ji and |rti vian Ran I imnttmem), I -it ¦<.¦ |, n, ior on ,t v \ v.. ¦.' - Auranla »ith iirin*h n_.Ua and. i. -h> ;. . cli -. ii- re daiiv up ni r, ;.i> i. in Mai foi th< llnwallaa i,r a. k. Aliatr IB l>i I* n f\,^* t. *_T al 80 i. ru Ms la mr Vew. ral Ilillfai ~;'l ...¦-..i aN-anier. I, n 4! llla foi MrTjue. i,., i,.. rall *" lt" ' .r, rln»,* st rhi« od.- dnlli »t B:80 i> Bi Malla fnr niai t.v mil ii aallins Mondavs a tn. et for ... bi :i i- l- .' *..!. i'-IMi-ISOB |th .... np ia nrnnic <t r.i, rh" nr... Ih. r .nilni-r'ui' nrrrlsiid trarslt to Sau \. ,' rran th' «st arrlvlne otn tlu.. al **an thi rtoj "f -ailuiK ol .*(¦ iii'-ra ar ii ,.un-U_1 '"'¦"' ,:'" . . j .II. -I.,.-. nr r TD r*ev'oil-. (IiT .. s..|,i,i io . Malla «.r i.|..i,.". ni. tn.' tntroH ,, ¦. ,.. al I'-'.' and at Mm hour .f -,,. || r the Poat -ii -.. ivhlrh r*. ,..,,, ,, i.-.'hin I'.n Minotca "f the hom ot "-'""c "' '" .."\.-i tf** VAN rii'H' p.-trrajt-p. ,.. .,.-.... v.,. .vi..' M v.. .in'v t. l ¦¦. rhl« »I"I..¦ 0"1IM I" ** '" I' ». ..lan- inr mn in Iv Tam| . md tl -'. n.Illaa Mon .- * ¦¦" dalt. ! .io a .. M \i,-. ni. --Iiiu! i. ip lalll nrlil-'*...' .. ... .i n ,i...-.., - Crligions ^otirco. r. i-Tivi CHITICII OP i'nr : i'Ti-iiavv BkaBaaaa ave .nd r.n'i-.t. Vr.-.. and . Bm'I 'h ,. uig tn. tuBunar. Prajei bm Uag I 'd-*r _ tUlIKT ' IUII ll. nn Boulevard .mU Tlatat .-ivnaa ._»!!» m Rv.ilns prsyar jt ft. Tlie Bscwe. .. <* BBIPM IR all "'h. FlVf POI"Tfi BOrSE OP INTf-TCT. 1*..% Wnr|_. at. \VH.I,lAM P.HARNAIU) l> >"U'.U-i* Barrtcaol .on> ever) hui "». a. 1:80 p n. Iti* aarrtrs I.jlttMB wholly by Uu- rhlld-en ..f tlie !ti.tllnti..ii. I'llB.ic Invlt-g. riBST REPOBMEJ) PRI ¦**B-~~~_t__JI CMUJHHL *.ti..- tntv.. .¦!. 6th »..<! .n; aeoa., i*'-v. jam'.> l». .-Tfi'I.I'. Ph I' I'".¦."¦ S.' vl""* at 11 a tn and .% )>. m. Tii.. Rev. R. M RAMSr.Y. ,,' Cdarvllie Ohlo n-lll piei.". HOT.Y TI'.'.VITY CHUOOH, JlAlU.I'.M, Leiioi-eva. en i-.-.,i..t \.a \'i>:'( Iln'i .'oinnnniloii al 8 a. B). | nio-iimV pmver sarmae and 11" i ion.uiijm.iii. at 11 a. m.; pvrnlnc waj uie) sd Inma st 5 ).. m. Th Itecter. Rejr. p'\v ikii.'.Man B. I.. "in ofli-iaw at all the a.-'Vi.-.-a._, BAIKT TH~MAfl rill'IVM. .Ith-ai-e anrl r,:M.«t. K*v. I \V Iir,. >W~ I' t' K ¦'-¦" M'ri.ln*- pi-iver *ern...» ».,d ii,, ......,., aerrtea i.i thi* <'iiut~a ev .ii. ia v ti.i-miri.i.'.t Btt Mtmmrt. THA-raiB*IOPBATIOB (.IIA1I.I.. _*______*..__«> b* twaea -...nnnii'i---«v<-. and Houieiaru.-Bi-rvn;*«, 1 :*v a. ¦., II i m inni 5 p. m._ Political Xotirr llea-qn.irier. _ . KOK POLITICAL 11ANM.II*- PcKTRAlTS PT-taii TUANM'AKI'N. 1KS O-TFI-B. I-or.Il-lCAl. BANN-Eli ANI» EOflPMENT CO., 40 Ve.oa X. X. l_-.aU f*ar yslua U.l_. *

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Nni untll after (hc Xatton't birlliJa*. wili ti!""'- boonv _!i..\v "I U-8 ai'.l wtivln al th" BOBBtry rtmOTt*whlch now nr.- af. uulei Ba ln wlnter. w-d.ili-* havab-.ii tii.- c.i:i> Btaana of brtnglag tafathei people lasodirt. uiir.iip tiu- araak. a aambei ot people lafltown "ti Taoaday nmrnlng fm- Maaaapeqaa, i. !.< h>m neett traln tor UM WOBd-BI ol Ml*' garall Hall

pioyd-Joaea to Oaptala RBthanlel wait.'r n.niardi*-ton, leeonrtly alda-de-eamp to GoflMral Rewdspate,(..iivonmi...."ii**nil of H~rrr.n "1;, Thc miirrii";.' WBB*~B*aBBB_Bai iit aaon la Oraea Chareh aad wm bd bc

aaalaa fw fet.erui feaUrtty la the vUlace and lowni btp**-her.. tii-- H"'<i .loiii--**- luiv baea kaoom Rv '-..Mier.i

tlons. Tha WhOto pt.riMi turned iHit, and Bt tlu brldetntoi'c- tha eharel -he araa met try tbe eblldren nttba Mindav tebool, to who iti Rhf hnd o*t.<l-*ur**rt Iiot*hKlu bbbb] arayi bIbbb bbb oraa a glrl, mni their cNpre*-ji).!* nr paed 4v.. talnl] toaehlng. Thcrcwara reith.'r hsMeeamlda wn ashen al tha eerwnntvTti»- l.ndr ciiu-n'ri the eharek orrtth her tn(i'-'ir--. Mantoii llnyd .lonos, u* thc ivdtlliii? mnr-'-liwi** ].iav<" i.y Mr*. orUej. the r*~*tor*i w"". Ihebrid«. wara gown of whlte eorded tUk, wintrtamed wltb a qaantlt*/ ol oM potnl lace, whi hadiooa daty fT (r/i.-r hrid-* li: lo-i f.iinllv. The well.ala f Bofl pmiii laaa, wai heM bj ¦ garland ol

b-MBoaaa. Thc boM bbbo, daran. *¦

WUllama, a rnu*in of th.- brlde, Bct*d Injiiim- 'f . ic Hob. Vletor r>timio4. s bob ol LordIManloy. who wn* analtle to be present, Thc weBdlngbr~.i.:-*t toflBW-d :u Forl Reek H.-i-" Ibe FToydJasics- eountry hoase, whlch wai thc home ol thcbrtd"'-. aneealora long befora Um Bevalutlon, andot lha bc*t -K"*in.^ns of OotOBlal boesei ln thtsr.m:.:-- Tha greal hall nml rt..- large rooBH ..j>onin<_lrom taeb *i<io won arronged ln awtal BfRn Rn thc#BtilBg brea-Jast, wHfcb was wrred al attaBl tablra.Th<- beoahfaal wa* Infwal, tiirr.- be ng no mnati savathc imiii of BMtrrj -otaea. CaBgratslatori apeecbaiwore made b4 iinctnber* uf the bnile'* fiiml.i. BB thetuiist - Tu the Brlde" ara rosponBcd lo bj rnptelnBaraardtatOB. Then were oau j roxtty pic-oni-. aoane

af gaaal Uatorleal valae. aayeclallj dUvei plati whlchhud been ii..^i t,v ancestort of the brid. yearc agoher aaotber a:ni ti>«- naai .eh.t .¦...- of ba fatber eacheontrlbatlng aeveral pteeeo. Hei heaMhoM llnea .-n,

braMared arlth cwsl aad mooogram, we*. the glfl olher bmtheia. and there were several cheehs for largesiinih of Btoaej i,i in- used n. pnrrhaalng fnrnltnre ror

pa bobm ii. Bngland. Captali HarnardlstoB 1* a

gniiKlson oii Iii* nn.lher * side of thc Kitrl nt l.nrt-month. He baa untii rceeatty been ntde-de camp m

Gejienil Noivdt'p.ic., al Beraada, and li a member "ftlio MMdleoea reglnieiil baowo a< the Daki ol Cambrtd,*:. * Own, I"'!!..- i. atafl O-tcer al the regh.entCBptoin RamanlUton aalled arlth bls brlde by thcbt«'»iii*hii) l miniii yioteida**.A WBddlBg ln Rew Vork so ]ut«- n* thc ln*. Ol

Jun.- R si. ti li 1 oi riirrciii. Tliere w-.i* i. piaMyicrcuiuny ut tha ni.ivl; al tlif- 'J :-i:i*tipintti<ni on

Tliur-ilui u; BOOD Whell Ml*f Ade* Llvlng l.Ui Mcv.-n*.

m dttu^htci ol Frederh Btevena aad tbc Duchcssde liiiio. wu*. Btarrlod n. Pradeilck H. Allen. of Itew-Terk, I i-iii.-i'ii ni Boaton. Mr, Allen'i talmany yean me CUef Jasttce ol Honolulu, Bandwlch1-huiQ-. Th. ).|>. who wlti.'i Ih.many waaa *rdatl*rei and tmtM Inttaat. frlend* "!Iba p.u:, tooa nnn. 100 ii'-' The brlde waibouutifuiw diauaed, her gown belng n rtlreablc lor it-sinipiu-iti. There .*-- oaly one attendant apon iin-brid'-. Mlaa Mortha bcekman, bei gown balni "f yello**-lipur**il liiwii triniiii'il wlth ribbCHU Ol ti.e *(iiii'

eolor. Thc <i.*tumc- nf rs v imcn prearal were ofsumme; laatura, bobm ol them untuunll] luni.i- .ni«.

hn.. liichmti IrvlB's gown was ol bhtch f.iiiiiiiii adtb b

patten ad yell « lowert and loopi ol nwavc rlbbonHer laipt- _iai_ i.ui oraa UiauBOd wlth black plumeaaud ri'oii.iii'. 'i/i' thrae .Mi--- tends worr £..-sii- and lipur-xl iiri.'aiidie, und bie liui* Mrs.F. Hnvcin".--:- waaa ;¦ gowa .: m:.ii< plqac rellcv*_wilh vl..!"! eelrel bowa, hei amnll btack bonnetbatag iriiiiiii.- Mith a cluater of parpleTioi.t* .Mi-* Btatrana, a eonoln ol tha brtd*and a .*i-i>': n! Mr* r\doH LBdeBoerg, wore_ wiiiu1 Btrtped aUb mall t~rer yelloa silk, and .. smallbl_. k ui" yelloar bac Tha Mtsaea WTetai-re, ]aaltmok trom Itola, wara sryRah gowni of rr^ji m, on" aft-r-ru aad Mm other ofFreBOh grtsj relleved bj i,-iiim¦Bd BMBtTB nlili..iis. Mrs. Ari Int- l..i_ci-. Who raBMdown iri-iii Hytfe I'iri. io- the wodgrs,\ saiii. m1i1i u repped strlpe ..; the ...a- col*m:.i; bonnet to eoereopoad. Mra. i"n:.w k.- ~en_i«ton x-h- all in whiie. *; vc bar blg biAJ-ii bal v. iti.

Oatrioh jiluuics. ll'i Bhrtet, Mlai i-a Motitagaci won» d_rk bllJ^ fouiui' wltl ;. f*t* bRm Bowercd patternaii<i lun in eorraaBond. Mlaa Baretta Ke-BMohm wnn. a alyRab gowa af Fi*»ii gray aerga « IH»iuiK biidict- and a rlusi.r of baa. eon flonT* olB.c co.Ka-o lirr wid" ..ruiiiiieil bia. I. bal wa- t ln m <iwlth jiimi -crtMh* ro*^ and black s-tln rtbbous.ATter BJm re-cinonv thara wa* I !>r _l:fis: nl tin bOtUCol Mr. swcni- in Waal riiiriy.ti" ti-*r.. wi.i-re lhapartv yva.- >.-r4*o<1 ut iniull thlil**~. 'Ilie jn-.--.-i11 '.'..*

imt d_9la7**d. Thaae arera numer u The brlde'uotiior aent some JiH.':.i-.iin» pleeaa of __t~ pbihand tii'-n wai small -Jiv^i Bron li»*r riot-T-, thicoBBtaBi GaUtlel aad tha Coant-aa tMoarakl, MiAllen gara hia brMaa atamood romb aad Hara. Tharenj* ai*" frnin tlu DuCbCS '!.¦ DlnO t_4 d.'-.i ol tll"

p_BBi ni l''-i:.!U"v.ii- \\- "'-ii.--.-r. known ,t- thiton Prtory, whieh, a- lt 1* noa Isaaed, v il: nol bc o<-

riijiu i.y Mr. and Mr* \;li before ttu tali. Thejhav.- taiteii lot tbe Munmer t.'i* honaa af Moaea IhylmCBl-__r~l li-Tm a'tru. t "¦¦. .. DardarlQe, not far .'roni

Mom-->4rn. n. j., i> bdng soufbrt mr,!* Bach yoaiby Korar-TO-B ta-B-Be-, umi tfesn l* no« In Um t tn

a ioukI number >.' peopl. wbo -¦ hnown In Sea V >ri\

kaarg. I "eney, *» bo ba .¦

uiiu.-b ui bcaatlfy tha town, hoi i Baa plac th.maii\ bandi bciw ond rcaMlvalkui. ll.- n-..

are Mi. ai.d Rn .- Poat, Mr. and Mr*. Baallorrowe. Mr. and _>Ir_ Qoorfa Poat, ji.. Mr. nnd JJrs.Charloi ¦. er lormorly SRi» FloraMpelow, wi, im.!..- ihati penaanaal hooM In 9*vlUo, and Mr. __d Mn. Wil.a.ui'rly Mi-** l raa. Bad ¦ Dragle -" i i- l-..-¦'! f .: theeamma bj T_rtcheiAdam-, wbo, awlng t.. t;.- rcccol dcatl adopteddaughter. l> H\;i.^ <yu- r, --.a tuum r. .\"t farfrom .'.ir. ~eney*s plac. ~rade**k CiomweU, ol KraTforfc; Bf. Bboldon, ji. ..

~- .' R. a.r- qatie l*oint, Hobokan, *r* bulldiag ii. a ool

a;-;- ..'. >-;l lUOBetn BtykBB. lln (n..'.- ln: BOUI]owi:-<; t.i tha m-ir huntly orai wM s reot b#o loj. li. lisilnaun'-, uf Reoraik, who ha .-d th«-oM hviu.*. Inl u baaa nl oolonli Dr.A B. 8 Purdy, o' Rew-Tork, hoi aaa af tlie at-

;. thc lowa Tbera 14 nejvmlompt al gay Rta in Bernardsvme, eaacktng, ridlagund drleiag belng tha ehlef smaaeaienu. XIhotel i.* ';." Hotel B-aaeraet, wbleh, m-" thc Plberan,Ull. BB l:» pr.linda a number of r..":i^.-. Al trjc

BntliiRW for ihc inmmrr nr-' Mr. un.i Mi Ckah., ri*. wlin Iuii, ~- th "i gO-BU Mrs. T. Addl-RmnWIt. W*" l'urnur. n_.i Mfaa K.'irnl'-'li Kri.tiift Mr.siid Mia. Bf. C. BholdoB, ;i-. of Brooklyn, orhom tn.

Mlsa. Bi .I::.... af Brooklyn, a:<- visiniii--; Mr. un.iMra H. R R ror_w_rd .: Morrtowwa; Mr. .'nxi MrW. P. Oyda aad Mr. Bnd Mr. John h. Jaeqaalla nnd>ir and Ma Wetah, ol Nea Vo-h. Abm>bisth'-r* an Mr. ai.ii Mra, John W, BUBpaoa, Mr. nndhi.- n-i.r. u. LMUoa Rlydey, Hr. aad Mra. Pranh H.i. aatBBB, Mr. aad Mi». Jaaw Benedlct, Mr. aadiiu. I. W'.llo I'.ii'-. Mr. nml Mr* 1.. huflm KeUogg,Mr. aad Mm. Jobmb l. Ror, Shaodooi I Hedgaaan,Mr, BBd Mr* MwB A NBt, Mr. and Mrs. .1. HallHoward und ut* ~T. A. OdeD, al Rea Von,. Mr. mnlMr_. MBfMBI Vai '.-r-oo! and Mr. und .Mrs. >"¦' B.ljiir.uid, ui .Ni-wmi:.. aad Mr, aal Mm. Thaodatm kpenibrouk, o: i,,.,- i_~_ii

inj.utii. and Mi .-.ii'.r-r CBfwtalre. Um latter untllraw.'.iiii MUa i;,iin\ Boatwlck, BB-«d tor l-.ngtand ...

V. .-Uii'-sHiiy i,y _ae <.. i-ju.-iril. Thej iMll i-liin. inIhe Ball n id au lak< i place ln th rtelBl'lutom-'t- Neck. iu |he aame ahlp wara Oeneral&. N. .N-\iiJ. purr. ui'..- La-i iii.iO-.-iiTiil ol JK-rriui'i.and mi* RrwdagBle, **in. rom* to R**a York f .«. Ibeweodiiic of Mn,- Pioyd Jonci and Captaln Hnrnur-ii1-Un. Mrv. .1. \\.-,icr\"li nad Mla A'BBtervell werer_l-«. on tho deraanb Vi tardaj John Ulgeioa witi,_M (Ui.i'-,lii"r«. Mr* linMrr K~mr Hnr "Iin: and MilfUra-n Blgc ,,n n,.- PuMi iw (»~nLdrectly uft-r u, -; bitIvbI ii. lttli tha! wUl i'^i"Mr. ..nd Mr>>. \ imrtt* k. 'Vrro-x, who have been

Iii". Ihm f;.ll M; Ui^.|.,w wMI miiir-ii *»lilila- dau.-'it.***- ln fa" ttn-r.

Tli«- PliBaftcmont li«, rw.'n'lv been uiinoumed ofMi** Keii' >¦ Doar, Boaaad djuurln>i of Jurnc <¦ K.Im. io Joscpb l^irouiu^, Jr.. w-ho**- fntlmr |> u lii'iubor af tn- iip'iniii.'iit mm Brm nf Bhlpmao, Barlow -

Larraiiuc. mi*- D_er*a nintiior iias baen foi aw\-»i .<!*. of 11»* juatnuir*.,.- of th. A-*- .¦rn1 .!'.. trhW-ber fntiicr n bm af th»* IhtriarchB. Tha Daara liv»-durtiitr ihe mmmer ui louthamptoo Th- roong p<- jpbwUl bi- mnrrl*" iu tht tali

Tlw orifoigeiiicnt ls aiinoiin.-.d ,,f an.* f:ki*. IrrlngRantlnctan, daaghter ol ~harlca R. liontlngton, toLoopoM J->sfick_. Ml*a Huntington's mother bobmgt«> that fi.mllv n' whJcb WraalilnpoO Irvlnr wn* nIneiiili. r. Mr I r.irn Mr'R tathor \xur- sl OM tim.-Swe<li,|i Coru-Ul-("-[i^rtil io Ciibj.

Tti.-r* vthh a <iul.«l w.-illiif; yeaterday mt ri.aMi alUm* hooaa of !>-. tmrne* Davta, Ro. i_t i_i~ fi'.-. 'it*.wt.. whan lu* ai.a", MBa Maaaa i>bvk, wa* mtni*i*»!to Wult'-r 1'. Robeitaan. Th' iot**ni.||.\ ._, p-.rform'-b» Rm |i"v. Wllilnni K Rlea, u~>l«~n:t rai-ior of thoOnun.B or ine Good ~hspherd of Brooklyn, an intim-c.rt.-iid of lha brtd-'k humly. Th- i,ri",. vai dren »wuvby bat un.ttt. gba wore a gown of whit.- ullk ttdmmed*nih iachcaae «t.<! l" .int Iscc nnd a 4«-|| <>f Kruasol'- n"i.Ihe carrt "I * whlte piayt-h >ah Th.- nmid of haawr,Mi*e Ka:ii*rlii«' Moritji-ni-, wm*- n poora ol «'!:!(. e~0B0de riari.-. Haary Itnlfneoii. a hnKhor of lha BB-MMBOflB, w*h Uie t>^~ rnari. Tlu- BObepl w.-ri- IWwhatMRrtWir^on. Fr»_erlc ('J)llln^ utid .IcJhi V WOfaRgar.Among tbaj tem- lrrrimaic frlfiiiffs ],r.-j-ni w^r» Mn*.ttsru. Oeorge Bu4_t_, Mr. nnd Mr.,. Tleber li'abe**.~'U.

Mlaa Plaber, <>f IforrMk, Va.; Mi-- IdlaMMa BMbOoUrtw. Mr-. Oharlea M. Cattto, Ml * E, Roberta andMIm L, HntcMiwon. Ur aml Mr Rnbertaou«iat .¦: lhe wedding braakhml for Btaeara Fail*. Tn.-ywin make Ihelr boaae li Nea, Vork.

There a1U be u Fourtli ol .mi\ celeM-ttoc nf ToxedoI"iii-i. to-morrow, wltb gBaaea in tii. morntna nnd adiinee bI mpiit. Tbere are i nnmber ol j»*-..pie nt tha-r'ul. lion- nnd tbe llunpnrtm, Baad wi:: be :h'-r«lOT lo BKHTOB evenlng.

A pn-ira vrodditti*: t-rok pteee oa I*rldnv nr 4 o*eloc|ln 'h. horiw o. Mr and Me nharlea It..nd. of v, 13rilfron Mace. Iirookkaa. Their nler-r. MIm MabelLeighton u.ini. waa nmrried lo Charle* wiim-rl llanter,,,! Madlaon, v .'.. -"i: o. lhe l. Dr. <" H. Hunter.ot tdwell, N. ¦'. The brMemnaM araa mi-s .irnnl-Rouget. i.f Olena I'nlK n. y. nnd the best mnn Charle..11. Hunter. conaln M Ibe brMeeraom. Tii. renmoniwa- perf«wBied by th*- Bee. Dr. Lrman am- ...

Mrs. i r. Marbary and ber danghter, mi-*- taahel.larbury, will *-,»-ti<i tbe awnmer al MagnnlM, n»-n¦Mmi -he y-the tfea, when they bave tnken a eotteprnear th* "eear, BMe li nel

Mr. nnd Mrs. U'IMIani M. Lralie. of No. |0fl Weal' aeventh-at., will -pend the anmmer among th<

lierkuhli II Theli daughter, Mlaa Matnla Leale,pn wnl maklng » tour ln Bwltzerland.



MAMIATTAV UT -CH.THE glREWOREB.I'atii.i. BarefleM Qllmore, the p»|WiMi Lnder of n

pepnlni band. recelved y.'-terdny an anttBtotBBttC w-.l

rome lo MaabatMn Beach, Th'- anmmer sea«on ofo|a-n att eoneeru whleh he agaln ha- been eagagafl tooiidne, openefl . esieniav afternoon, ,md lf u erowfl i

any Indlcntton of IM eateem ln wMrh bMh Er. -jlimore ami the beach nre heM, tien they moal i,e thoofbihlghl.i of by Ibe people uf Now York a.d itnioiiirnThe iiiiiiinper'. of Manhattan Reaeti made sperial ar

ranf'en.etits for Mr. C-ilBtore'i reeefftlon. Tbe amphltheatre waa trimmed wllh fl;_r« nnd bunriet-..and lo pt-- from the railronil piatform to tlrliench one vn- eompelle. to Po tliroitgl, a bewetetiBatrncted of flags of all aattoo- The well knownbund leader ha,i done bta parl aad bad arranfe,bi '¦. .--¦_]--tit mnalcal progranune for hla etottora, Ihaflret eonrert began al 3:80 o'clock iti the aHernooBTlie afternoon procniiiiiiie conalated M a numblefectloni whlch have never before been ptoyed aiManhattan Beacb, together wlth Enatag by Elfl

ik ti,. rontralto: Mlle. D' Arvlfle, aopraaoandMr. CowMs, baaao. John PaMy, wbo ls fleeerlba. i

thc newecl nnd voini.e-i member ol tl.o band, ptoyedBt i, eornet aoto, M3 PrettJ Jaae " The aadtane,wn- flellghted wltb eeerj aeleetl-B that wai -unf, m

ptayed nnd a reeeU lollowefl eaek one M them.The evenlng eeaoerl bBgan a.; T:_0 o*cloek.The Breworki 11 the evenlng were wltneaaed bv manytbonaaafla ol people, aad tbere waa bardly a eaeaai

aeal ls tbe big eocloaarc hi wMeh thev nre dUplavotl.lh. lirsl pieee *¦.* 1111 I'M elle.u llKen.Ss of (,11more, ami when tbe aaapptng at-ii craeMng of thepowder hnd oaaaed, and tbe MmtlMr leatarea were <iii-

ptayed In liph, of >*_-0BJI hues, tbe band plaved -'.Vilri

Long Bync " OreM apptaaac greeted this ettor. -.:

the band nnd greater Bpplauae weleomed Iba toaflar.well known toce Jtcxi bb-bc b irapeac puifmmmThia Etarted bl a eonlu-sed BUM M twi-tlnj;. uimltig and

explodtng Breworka, Mu qMekly turned rnto trapstepertonaer ol iln-. BMore thc flre baroafl »ut 'hl,

mnn of Ilr. gMfMaaM BBBBJ BtartttBg trlck-.

_M bar. Thea two BraaaMa Meyctoannd riiler- f-ui a raee. A-tcr tbat theImttle M laahe I.rle was tBUgbl Bad a dOBBfl Bht|

¦; ,i: \ heavy ronnda before tb, battle waa enfled\ft..r thi Iwo men *.f the flv« BrngM tbrea M Jw_ronnds tuine: fti. London prir' ni.*- rataa. liesld"tbeae epeclM pteee the goneraj tirewm-ki dt^oltr.wa- ai. flaborate one and I, wa enjoyed bearnly M.H xhere are «¦- be two more daya M we meela

... tr. OUmnrc To-day will m ..:

inii-ii-ai nature entlrely, bnl to-morrow nlch. thenwlli bv aaothei dtaplay ol ur-worim.

IDCiViTXE_-TOE 09 "WLACE nr.irTT"BeetOB, JMj I fllpeetal)..1-reaMaal OaorM, T

Anpell, ..f Hi.' Society toe n.- Preven-lon nf,.. AMmala. wrlto ai IoDowb M "Tht Jonnml" of

to-day: -1 tM 1* M will rdeaae maay M roar r.»ier

t-. know thnt a- 11 reauB n, the oEer «*r ow >A__erlcaiHnjnane Edncatton Bodety' M a B1.000 prtae fm tta

rtan _ra__a M 'Btael BaB-tr/ ad-B-aa bmtta anUam h:i> Blreedy ro

rcrlved aa offer M 9-XJ00, nnd thal I mvn reeelvedtrom Jamet C, largo, praaEoal M tbe Ameclcai

rompanj (liendiiuarrera .' Ke-aa-Yotb Cltj.,, ...... t,. ._ .i.Mi r-ptea M >niacfc BeBBty.- on the

tai£ ol wblth I. prlnied, .l'r.-se,.",i ,..,.;.

,,f tt,.- /.mcrltan EU]. < "iiip-u.*. wiUi t.d-

injiiv y'a iieura approvM ol va.- booE.

run r-E-U-WSTS COTTABB B-UZV TOU RTM... Mav. N .... .I11M B.--Merytbrng hns been pre

parefl ..' l-e-Meol Harrtaoo. eoMage tor lhe PraaMealnnd M-s Ruaaell Hnrrlaoo, who will sp-nd tbe -an.

mer al rapi May PMnt. Era. Harrlaoo, on aceoBBl,,; hei bealth, win ^i«*,.c tbe ea-Btner la tbe Adirot.

dacka, aad win leave EaaMagtoo nexl waeb IM Uw;: Be. Mra BcEea ,md h.r two ehlMrea, wln. aiKint 1hm

a. Cape Mav PMnt, hav.. con- le Baeerty, Maaa.i.r the remmei Mra RnaaeU HaaTtaon, wha, to thi

, I-.... fa arlfe, wtll baveehargaM theHreaMent'a rottaga b eapeeMd lo BrrliB bera ln tb,rourac M .-. <Ioa or two it hai aM baea aaaaetteedwhen the iT-sld.-it will r.mio. but bls arrlval \t e_

j^*. imI at nrv llne;

TO LEA9B TVL BEBmSELABB FOUYBVEkK.Troy, N V.. .luiv I. rtofemnr C. WalBBglea I'irh

haa ra-sKriu-d hiv piar.. bi tbe heaf. M tbe fleyartmealof phyai's 91 th- Benaaelaer Polyleeh__e toatrraM,whleh 1 han be had beM tor ato yeara He will de

vote all bia Um* to fh«* i'nited Btatea Hurc_u ol RflaeaUon, ti. v* a-:.i:pt..n


OPXXIXQ OF A Y. tt. C. A. BBBOBT.a i.ii-v Parh, E. .'.. -faly B*-Oa__p Wm^tmm,

tbe Bew Yoaag Mea. Chrtot&a AaaocMtloo res'.n 01.

;..-.: Lahe waa tormaQ) opeaed uwtay. a reeeptioira giren M tbe gneau, aad ui. Inapeetton of Ihe

camp 100* plaee Tin- evenlrfg. Ow Bandrafl Moa

i,;,*... beea ereeted The a-dltorlnm Baata oear B/MOpeople Th. atiii.-tia graondfl hate beeo nearly eoflfl*

pletetl, Ther. 1* ui-- » targe gymnaatam «md a bowl,.*. Btate Beeretary DaMd r. Moore. M New

BTk 1- in ebarie M tba eaarp. Dr. Imtber OaBek, Bl

th, ripringfleM TrMnlng flchool. ba charif, of the i,tn

letl, woi*. The dedlcMlon exerctaM WlU bo ^.u

tli.ued toniiirriw unU MoodBJ.

A B-AXCE dl BOTBgi EAATEBSETLL.iV.'rl Kni.'.T I'.IH. N- V.. .Inlv fl MpBataaWXha

openlng ball al lhe Hotel KaateraMU lo-nlgM waa t

Briiuanl BBaembtafc »' Sew Vorh, I*roobl>_ aod PMIa

aelpU, people Amoni thoae preaeM we« JoM

Furmali, Er. nnd Mr Fra_arl9 Graot, Mis* M 1

Orant .1 f-nnfoid BaEaa, Mr. and Mrs. J I. PHlupa,Hr and Mra. H. T. Bammgha, Mim Adete ttarroagbvr, J{ g Monroe, mi-- CtothUde WerthelaaeiIrma Kanfmaa, Mr. aad Mea. F. <:re?er. Mr. .md Mrs

D Crober aad Mis.-- (toker, Mr. nnd Mrs I' Q., ,.. .., jr.. Mtafl Fnnnv rnll-r, Mtafl BOBl

H .it A. w. Mutiviiie, ll. C. Merritt, AlbeM J. Adan,;

,.ii,i hl*. fnniliv, OMoaal JaiBM C BadM, Er. ani Era

M D. Bger, Mr. aad .v>>. Joim Thou pI,,,, Bnd H.bnrt W. TbompBoa. of New-york- .1 C. Matootm, Btatea btoad; T. r. BMute

Ce-ar'h-ml L. l.\ .' I>- Unlrehild. W,a*M,iir.', L IM,.. ;.!...,, ,.f I.rooklvn The dnii.^ig lu.I. wa

decomied wlth Aaf> and gai buntlng. ;.r"'^'were allowed to dance en hoor. f "' ,"! *.*?r J'?'1

ambta. al i' o'clock and tinn--.. .uifll 12 fltoM-B,when aupper wm eer d

ir. ;:. UtXBY to APPBAM is 00M1C orru.i

Conta-etfl were Egaefl resterflai _w the appearaaeaof Herarj B tRx-f witu u asadc oi>eni ee-apaai_f Pahaer-i Theatre on July 18, The eBgagemeol la

Intended la toM thiaasfl tbe aoauaer. Ji wfll openwiih "Tbe Maacot" aad n !>. fhe latratlM Mter to tfvr

Adonlfl H," nnd "Tb" OdB. M Nominn<iv.* Mr

tnxef .'""* ." fn" '.l",*f' Theatre, BeBtaa. EE.¦ mpaay kam arlll laahaM Mlaa Caa-Bto D-drMBaand B-BgaM OBWMB, ol lhe ITostoiilfiiis; CEartaflDoag-c ami Piaflarlck Leaaa, .md i' wtll hav,. tn-

elionis now sIliRlnr 'lt. - Jnptler.** The r.inipiUiT Will

.. eadm lhe B-raagemeai M Har*.- AMfta, now man

¦mc M the Wghy ii-11 (.j-ciru O-Brpaay. JniiniiSdwarda wlU ba Ufe mnadc-l din-ctor and MafWLothtan, ;>.. th, Btaga bbuumm.

grccT'e __xetj_b,I-Tom Tho I.ond.m l*"ily Newa.

-iiriior aii. tb, lErh eorreepoodeat M the "ttorrtoradl Nni.'ll." lia- IihO un liiie-\.,w wllh Bat-H E Bbettalnie Ajiiie Asvl'im. wMch hai. ut liyist n p yebeloglral Intereat. ...-u.-.i." h, __. -waa ln tbe e*irrl_4»rwhi-li Irt.ds tn tbe refectore aud parlor. He hnd 00.i regutallon blue aall of clothgE und wus iiulte calm,onh i.i" pupll t,r rn lefl eye aeee-ed mach,i. n*,ke io me wlCB much trankneaa, eonalderlng thalbn. ii-i evea B>M Mm wbo i wi*s in- -aid. -i ba

Itav, lhal l nn. eurad, bm 1 '.' luiuwiraici- thai |m»/ebeen mad. The coaae is proboJOv iw..( Imrit.i*the -U ni'inlha I Mav-d ln I.'-iidon 1 ale nln.ost nothlnR¦nr] dniiik oniv Im. Ko -"ner dM I --.'i.e <<> l-»rlau.iii. began le flrinh « llttle <-f everytblng, nnd whalwiih wtne ond aptalta I Iliii-b~d bv pettinp drunk morethan onee. Tiil- au.iaen ehange ol reguaea nnd theer-nt he.'t nf the weather iifeeleal mv biala, 1 hen ltmav be tbal I bad a fllapoMtlon lo laaantt. mv aMHUto fiist for n lenpth of iliue 1- 9 Hvsicri. plieiiomeiion.Whlch 1 .1--I-,'-. b. in\ ellMi Tlien there |« _n.tlierrrvrtotheMa a fri-ml of mlne. a bTpnottaer, eaaav lt|, ni.' li-iin Uandon. He nmnsed hlms»lf ln BjpnotlrlTip ..... Wh-. knowa arhetJ.»r he dld nol auffge.alt., bm »U thr e_travaaBBoea I comniltted be/orr I w**

arnsted' I mvs.if reaiji beltavc -Uat . huve beon-.ub_._~ ta BIUUICBIM-.' ¦



an iprnrcRiAflixc R-xxptiob civxai itim-hi*-'


(ilH*pnw. .luly '2 Mr. OhM-ttmo nrrlv-.l ln thla ritvtliK aftemoon, Raln arai tattBg, *.~ 'hc " ¦'

thnui(.*h whnl, he paaoad werr lin~l Wlth cmwd*. wn.

Nept ur> ii c-mtiiiiioii- roand of eheering, Ob Um arartr. tlie ttaafre, ln whlch lo- wa* to d"livr-:- ai. Bddraas,Mr Gbtdatooc mei viih nn eathaalaattc raeeiRBm. Aninimcri".' .riiwl hnd BSaemhled ar th. ine "Ing. otirt

trboa the 5|na,-'(ir appeared bi tba platform ho aaii..iii'd whh etrery maalfBatatlM of frteadahlp ami

renpeolMr. l.lnd«t"Ii»' .I-Mi-er. on- nf hl* rhii-sotcrlFti' :ul

H<- wamerl bb bearen againal the toUi ofrunnlpg rloal LXberal eandldatei ii the prasenl eh*tlons, lle **iilrl Ihat BBlOM thc ******** rote! aol rh.- onridldato* wMeb tho l.'.t.eni! partr BOksrtedthey michr ui- well .nr»jinrt thc repre~mtatt~ei al IbaConacrvbUym,

Iteniindlii<r the Biwiience of IM r»Bgtooa atraggte*i: Bootlaad 2,000 yeara agw, Mr. GRMteBBM «-tii thal-OBtbwaal BcoUand ii».iied arn.~. th.- bm lo Rortk(Bfll Irelati.l, nnd "t~~RapB| bad rnor. fc dS WlUbnmnn aympethy than many wer> ewara of. 1Tbdoahtedly MRm rota ef rrmpathy win. fnipiH^-idatjfB-i n. Proteatanl Intaresl n. Ir*>1and lnneen_odUm -eoteh aloetan la IBSR, te thoiief rinieiit ef th" llhaial cbbm, Ho wisi~"ti, potbl "i.t timt fi'tor trashrtod of nhxeonnttea, ol wbtoti loRi were reprasenlad wboDy hyHobm imicr. lyrono, l~own and Antrtm i-eiug ***"

largety nor.ntod bj Hoaac RnlelV. *r» w- *¦ a f*_~b~_ftici, be .'--uil. thar Un 8-| M alurm smaaetad Blmoaleattaalj from iha' parl rd lha -ouat**j wbera thaPrateaBmB ~~~a lo i bute BMjortty. l~»c ipPtl ol

naa-onaMt] i eentary ago frai moi- v.vid ltAntrtm a:ui Down than ete-nrham ii. : -h.'iii IrotandTbej mn-i nol _tegu_~ trom lbemae4**o ti«- i"''. U~Mtha A't "' rntan ws >ne-v. <i In .» aptiM of boMUMy,tn btata nattona-ly nnd tbal it had aateitha iplrU of tJoUoraUty oat nf Um peerjl... and tbe B.11I1 mir*ij of Ireland und laRthem wttfe tiouiiiii: bal tii--_*- B-aorebli Bnttpathtot.Tlvat sinrlt of BOOendaacy li. tooUoft and OUqn* hnd

accnmnJated and nrlgi*i_n" all oxn- li*l-!i

He v-o.s not a mnn. '. said, to gtapormge thr

danger of eecleahMttcal n~~or. bal lt did not bnpnabba arlth greal uTuth. Ra greatly douh~*4i whethe*the power ol the Irtek prleaU.d over th-ir loebwm aa greal ar- lt wm tifty yean ago He b--;thal thr mon- lllicrt.i WM BCeordCd il..- ui.i- ot th.Irlsh people, lha leea rtak thare roaM poa Ibrj l.tke B_rrender "f Ibal HbertJ Intt the banda oi <*

elrotastteal gpower, (Cheen.) Whaterei m.pht !>.

cald "f the CathoBc elergy, there nerer ams a etergiiiiat raterad mon profoandB lam the Ooopesl wnma

whlch one notlon lnflb tod apon ~i»thrr. nr whlchhuiit lt* power m»r. BBM '¦*"¦ r> oltacUon of lnc-stlmaii- aerTloeo; nud tt lx- wanted to drmtni*h the power of the elergy, to rai*

Its lniltioin-e to un nbnM\c belght, hl

plar woaM hc t.. put lha peopk bb a taoUngnf j ii*- tn .. so timt thoy woaM M tataaar h_*/a a ¦ottvc

ieek extraneoM halp, bai to raal pr-ueaad »iki

hmppj'r Um gatdaaaa ot a baneftaani goecenmeniof ~|iinl iii."*. iCIieer-.) Tl.e> ouiitil (<¦ a*.k Xlicn.

srhullitH it w.u tha toeal chrrgj Ibei bad n

fenr. irt- WtMthei H WM uot UM d.ili|rer lo Ilin'i"

ni.- imdiie iMBjwalng betwcoi. -BgR-M aad Bonai i,.i.-!v * Bootory n» Uriti-:. Gu-zuiiibmbI hadriKHietti~l Wtth lii-rue BhmU Irr! md >'"v

¦ ava ptui"' appoarad ba IBa aaaotion of bbv

rt.i-.'s Tt -wti*. ptopoaod 10 nnlllfi IBc mnrrlii.. Drl

peraona ahandonlng the Chtho*. Chnroh Rltk b rleain abaUng ti" CBthella Btantaga iav * "arelj thalnu i. pn'iit. BBd pBianMl "ooeerti Ti.e iii* bad bo*rigtt rn iBtertam botwoan Ibi prtTate elei t up

i,. v ti.init te rate. Timt «-*.* thi woek of Umi.iiit/ir- Mmmom mtaolon ami tne -bBobotj Q*m*9um.-nt, .*nieii bad -rcii-'-.i t:.. * otMisi, PfcabytarbuM, who .*.'h'it-_ Um- aoafhtenM <>f.n -.-i.ri-ti riitatiytartani t.. wakeh t'" m

tn reiii-m the powoill.- wu* paii.e.1 »nii grtooad beyond '!.. Iptloqajhamed Ihal them rlementi ol . lmi~dl'muid bc Imported Into ertil, naUonal and la

qne-dlona. li<- prutaated agalnat iba i^.-'

the leily Um lrish mbtorlty tnui und ihen under ln eanminiiir* thc elalmi t9*B mmh bi <i ahtMrlag how tattletbej ivi-n

The clatoM Ihal Um 0-ietnmenl wa iMloitngoidarln Ireliuul we"- galM anteoobls Irotand h.-ul l"- r. li

u Btete af psaea aad aedei oteo IBBdinruraiiie, nnd anooaqMiMte iioKtiim r..- H4i uie un

c'liinl BVOn nnd r-ar-iv" | -' !. .- ¦. BBMOl v lit. I

thc pPBBBBl l-adet- Ol U.e DtaatdBBt U!-'r *¦.- his rinnt mlnd, dea.-..-¦: ane-ampled and-.i.i. Tn tbta boor ti"- Oorernmi

nii.-ii.i. Ut Indaoe aaybod) to tata :'~iu'''-:-.[:. wbleb in* t.inl wl ". '"¦ '¦' **

tbe in*i. mlnd had acqnlre-J n.nllden.- '..' U»'I- p~mif the .-.nut wrloomc avwaHod th<- woni..1 wre Bl .'ni' ¦'¦ ic " '".*1

st-inij'-' ', "; "''"'''

bad i-Tsuiu-iiy bo.-i, ln eoanc '.; ronsolldatlon bctween tn- iwo ronntrlca The lai.n ¦¦<. "f l»*~Im.! <i ni' mn'ti to porlfr iralnml. bui l. iruldrompori" wiQi thc IK-tit. ul embrn wblone dHarrlbed lot uBward ol ¦'." roai thenbeen hi. almost nnbrokeri ra(***~*Uori ..' -f- iitt~»a: "<-m

tn IKtand, wht. i m.d b<* i vi.'.i-i u. i-tii]"- i

r-pt when n'mpomri!*- toterrnpted by a per-n ¦>

ae~-!tlldoTboM storms were ln strange contrm-d "iu. to»

ftiiure whieh the p--Benl omotloo ol tlie IrtsB mini.'iiaiin.-.! then u antleipa'n** It r.-.-nll. to hl* niln.

fj.e lieautlfiil logciid ol nn' ;." i Pa|pnl*m. Ti.e tona

ImsdnaUon of th* .pte _otaiMd i^-i; <"¦¦ "***»»""'u.,i a -T*r niii...': after Ih* bonored h. mioiand Polltu. that lis appeantnee lu tta ¦' a ragInt utorm nt sea, wnen despatr ta setUlt.B "i '.

mfndi nf the erow, w.uid genUr un''. ed~"tnall,,.-,,.¦ th.- cloiids. Mate Ute trlnd ralm Um- nn1,111..w* nnd l.ritiR Uiom satali to port onder lt* bon"tl

... |,. ,, ,,, rioera Th- pniposal »'hlcl !"

I.lhern]'- made I.. '.'-'¦ th« ritlll .n-l"-! and bitriKt*-1 Mt..l beltarH Uu.i lh"l Wfre Bhont toi-n-v ii ti. a trlnmphanl Isbm i' l.»d boen t.. ir-inn.iniid't- ia.- polltleal retafloni tr"wc*i ihe r*~u.trlos whal li ,...¦.

^aiiieii »f aiitlquttv. II "¦ Blted :..".' bearti ii, ,,« and )"-. and bad irlvoii pmrnnc r" * ii¦.

.nni ls -Uiorh ¦"!. rxhlbli ¦ Btn rti r,,,.. i,ri.tii.'rn-« whieh, below Ihe » eW, Id

stead of la'i.ii' a araiiftal BbouJd bc a model c_anirH(i!i,-t -ii.-..- i».|iti'*ai wladoiti wa

m-inv purt*<*aei- r -.' -nir< I" Uie rlrlllsed hationi OlRiin.pc and Amarlra bad Bl Isngtb found rhe m...'in*

.rt m.-4-tiiii' iiii» woral ond nldoai of ..ur dlnVnlUoitubstitutltig f.: dtao~l~ mla*rj and rimtenlsrmal arrlral nnd yot fuiier Hpoi promhw oi i neiicrLoorj nnd pmlonred rheen wenl tip af thc ¦ ¦.

.li< addtrcea and wore n-iiitlninu ln tlie *tr*~*i- :c. HinisdMona wai drlvea lo tha rallway Btatlon t« taheii traln for Dabneny

London, Jaly _..4""1"H"1 Beely, M Bdroaah rl ".

MfbaVHo-r Mii.'-r*' ii'.li. m opooatng Mr. Broai,,* ¦ cniididii- tor ln Um rea* NoUlngtmm di'TC* Mr. O-adatooe bM wrltten i l-t:-'

in Mr. );nKidhn-st. ln Orhtab ha* r_l0_BM tlM Mtteiiii "i bobm of daty, nnd BB] 1

"1 wlll .*.iy ti.'tliln* at-iln*- the Kipht llnur blll. to

wbleh many of my bonorad Irtamta, Uha Rr Hanar,. oppn*.*d, and whom II micht ba bard to '..'

Ral 1 Wlah to rrfer to ti.e vlt.i! ~~rBl»TI WbethaVthe Weat Retttnghem mlnen ror 'he aahe ol an eighihmir dav will el"-' *B eBemj U> tha Uberal and litafersu~- i baaa hmg knowa M .>

Bngllsh WO-RlBgBWB Ihal tlu V knew how to naeiihr.

thel: own rtowi andappareni Intere b to om arldmwelRhtler enuae. If WM BM tBBl dBHng the Ameriran

wh; the populatloi. "f LOBM .Mlle heerfully en

rotitit-reri tho rotton _HB-BO- baOBBBa 8**} m*9tthl IVTV."The ROtttagham BriBen bare nooarfe *i_irj. aitonm

,efo:. t'. ;i, bal Ui<V kin.v. th. IriMi ae a MtlOOOf iBBOTtag ni'-n iinilcr a riaT.-lon a<'' which lli-,,f Nottlugham woaM nm andare for b nirment, gotrrnod bj n s*r~tam wlu.-h Mr. Chamberutln long agulustlT .i<~'iii"1! as dbvgmreful and miola-reble, biw

desii-ou* of tlu* reatoraU-n of Mil jrwernment, ortiij bti,.. Llberals d«"ir*> .«. un''' Uiem. __oj know. ftnalljIhat Ireland hai la-i. ni"-'.'*'! to Ihe offer of a loealoovoriimenl blll *- iu-1. imi MlnWrj wonld dnre i»."mm foi'iari.l. 1 eannot, wlll not. beUeoe Ihrnln. rotara m Notttngham, n oecounl of i suppo~"Inler'-at wlll elert a man ti porp>'luat.- lle*. thanH-iiovlb and .*>.."-t io rdd tn ted and talthfnl fnend'f they dM ""'.' mtehl b* lemptcd to asb An-. thaaB-uuirymen of tbe LanrMhire popolatBmr*

A CO~r_«Ba~~~)B KIliNAl'lT.n BT CHrRMBlParls, Jaly - Tha Ooboiwbm-I im* roeol-ed » tok

p-sm from lln Nol, the Inrrre rlty .rf Anmim, In

SouthenPt Anlft. BBd eapital af the IT >i me.- of Tnrnpilrironreyiag the Mwa thal twent] «iiH*;,ii*fi«! chir.'*.

wo-hmen hnd ktdMpped M. Ua » BBitaeBBiraatoion the LaagodB Rallway bmi Baete. M. Paaln, th'

lelep-nni uurn. h»d Jnat dl~m«-"d 1 ea"ir* Bltwentr-flve a-ildlerv when ihe I'tnne-- - 'ti hlmF.flo.'ts ~-lii"'i hara l»*eii ma_c t<. aeeuie Um rcieaarat iin- eoatraetor lnn'e «. kr prowad fttUle.


A moal d-Bgbt-B] way af BPOBdhBg th- Fo.inh nm'

.r-ttlnr nfl of the n "ao und roiifuslon Bf Un I-i.'V

br a rharmlnir sall np tho Hud~ni M n I>"v Um-.¦iimcr. VlRlion. bi Newhurp I.hvo one ar thm-

fl.r,rrer* hour* t" M'end In fhut bUtetdf ttt} BBd BM

arqahlBgten - baad^naiaara, m hj aaBlag m f..r m

rouplJiooiiMe -illalniuK 1 BB8 M""' Of "-UgbBBBpatlbrMfB. itetiirniiiR h] akBaoaer Kew-Teok, hm-a-lerawlll reai-h thia cltv at 8 or|.r|. Tt.-- MIBIAlhanv have. Ve.siry-st. B_ kSdR ". n.. aud 'SestTwcnU-aecoiid-st »t » o'cloci..





Yesterfitiv wa' a featlval du.' nt Eountain Stntlon.E. 3. lt was th- flnal <ia- M the eaea Maato toarflamenl M tbe faianga Tennl- Ctab, aad Ibe ae-aralImmplimebbji ¦atehsfl flrew a galharlng M eatha(rom this r|,v rtml Iha suburbiiii towns Bbeel tho tirst eoebad M tto MMbebbb Btohaid Mepheaa,of ( oliiini.ia. ii-f-riKMl C I.. **nti<1s for tbe BMdlfl-. im CbamptoaaMp and tbe eaatody M the Ufl -Beettropl v Meioni eoattooM his earefnl pmie of the

areek, aad was partteuMrly aeeaiato n. playtag f'"

-i-i.' Baaa. U. Ibe Bnl parl M taV mat.-h. Bandpiuved m lafltotoaa vi,ii"> gmae bM flbapheni paaaedHlm at the ii..| BO OftaB a*. lln.lly M drive lilm to

tim Ixe'l* M tba .-.nn Btepbena V...H D three atraiirht-ts. ttam ttddlliK I"'- BBBm I" tbe nlte.'ulY long list>f wtaaera M Ibla a»aeb braveOed trophy.

IU fur the beal nnd moM BXelttag eOBtBBl of thc

day waa tbe nnnls of lhe Bma'a floabtafl ta whleb

.'laretire Ilol.arl BBd K. I'. El MuJllli opposed &. C.Mlller. of tba N.-.'-Voil; Tennls CtBb, und W. V.jehaaea, tbe Prtaeetoa eapert Young Miiiett uid

tha better work for Ma mmt nml ihBWed SZOeHeal f -rm

in hlt- roBeylng. i'1- pMetog wus _nn_Bally rrood und

Ini made -u-venil pbaflOBla-Bl ratBlBfl fron Uie left

rmnd eomer of bls ooart. Jofaaaoa Bopported hlm

well und at times BBflaahad aafely at tbe bM. ai

[hougtl Ike tei.n. play of llot.nrt nnd M.Mulllii wns

talr yet tbelr itrokea BtaBred a toek M imud praettce.At the beMnnJBg ol H'>- aBBtek Mtlleti nnd Jobl

.nn sft-iwed u llltto nerv .nsn.'Ss aml loa. tbe _-petUBI.*, a» ,*-_. Th, BBCOBd B9f wns fonght iiioit tttlbBornly, H-harl aad MeMaltae eoly wtoatag a-ft-i-

.h..|r opponenta bad Inereaaed their ar,,,-,. to tou

-llllies Tl.e fiunl se* wn> tbe ,'lo-est of the miitih.

aad Klttott umi .oah.i-oti toogbl it in-'h bv inch Theiobtalned Iha bad »' .'.¦¦ * <>n,T ,(| '".'. ll .d BaalliIti gaaaoaaU wns leerefl latnt,! epptomm. At thniliff-r.iii im,.-- tha yoatiifer pair BBfded only n alliglr

poUrl u. gel tbe raaMga d-nie-. but tbe drlvm MHebart ann B HaBflB wari flaallj Ma rtroag torihem aad ihe\ i"U the set T- .'. aad the matah

Hta. B i. aMU bad ii rutie- aaay Bma M M la.!¦.. Mlag ber rbamM-Behlp aad troph. agalnal Mlaa. i. lehBlta. ln tbe Bnah M tn,- mlxed doableiMIm CaMll aad W. v. Johnaon MIm Bcbaluaad Ctan aee ii<>*.»i rt.

A_aeeg Bt* many waB-knoa_ people who inrronndedth, n- aad apptoadcd tbe Bonteatanta erere! Mr Jobn Croabj Broem, Mi*s Bevnolds, Mlai\cii. MU. Mrs. w. a., Mlaa Helen Babco**.U>, \\. CMMa, Mi-s Madge btephenaon, mi ByronPotej GrrlfleB, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Toler. AMen Pro,.,,,. a. m. Morrlaon, MIm Beymaar, Mlaa Mlltoll\ j,. Starey, Frank Howard, Mr. und EiBryao Kneem, Eatter geck, Etoa Lymaa, lh,\\ _. ],., the MI -.. -'liul'7. Mr. nnd Mra, B. V.

.,. :... Him k. MU1..M. MIm Ahaa Cohen,Mtoa LoalM Dodd, the Ehaefl Jehosoa, Blennle Kiilght, the Btaaea Coa pbetl, M- ond Enlivl Hli h Mi-s ,...iil.i. Mrs. GottM, MEl I'I!'

m,'. n,.. Mi Jame u PH-ber, the Mlaeei PH,mi- Mea. v itard, MIm Mary Mlnott Mr and Mni: h une, w v BehneMer, W V«Kieft, H .. Klelt, r t v Mr. aod Mr

C. r.'v.a>-..'.. .i Walba fToed bi Eli Otoraa na .. Iea i Mr B B Mllea, aa

der Eleft. 1 "

Ml Maad EUtaM M Bthel Tim\.-,..*. B

lt «.;i htte v ii- tke taat nml b waa ptayed, andnt it, lo-i ih. leeeral P ¦" '¦',1 '" ""'

¦--. bl lt a Orlfltai tta todeBtal Beeretary M tba etab. Tberere a I>'!.Nr- TtOVniAB".

BflBBi-9 - .-< laraaea B Ban .."' E P M MI-1 unl b * i» Maubaad. »-l. 9-fl.

I'l.NA- U".IN1'Ctar-aee Bnhatt moi t ¥ MeVjlten beal B '


- aad Rl i.""'. "* mm tal .¦ wi rt-mm4 a .'

l.AMI> M.V.LL.VBolder. defeatM

M1-- v..-'.-'.. I. t ""r ''''

MIX1 D 1> .t'1»I.I>

,.. , . ,,.,. v- \- i. rabfl ."' W v .i rmaon boathalta ui.a Ckuen aii

FtYB TKE CXNTtAL l'U.'K CHAMPl WSHIP:.. p, ii-iii.u win-- T,n 1'.i«.ht TO , ii vi.i.: xci.


Tta bbbbbI aprlag mbb* aa_flMMaaol tor IM

iwmplonahip ol' eatml Park ama e mdnaiBfiemoon on tta Mwer eomru ar tbe P-ffc

.1. aeml flnal aml laal maaa. wera Pvl: :¦.: M hr" PrtBB, BflWlB P. I I

i..,,.:,... tn.. ehaDengm f-r th*- ckamptanabipui play Dr. Tumnaeafl, tka baMer, lOBaorroa

mornlng, al IOM0. Ib t'e- floaMaa, fhe m,

p .,.'.-. np ,.. tbe M.ii.1 round. -whlrli wtllrr on Monda. BtteraBBB. B, r-irarett, who

_r*tad "ff tne eonaoH-atlOB prtae lr. EBglea, bowed

aptaodld form ta in*- HbM maUh agalnal 11, ll

Beywood, to arMeb he woo by IMaeMralgblThe hrst tim,. of th>- ilnr, ;hnt betwii-n Hobarl anl

t-.u-et. it. Ito 'ii. mai round, was nn eirttlng ee

...r.1m..|i..ii:. r.irei llniilh WtaMBg h*' il.-'blliii: -'

romMnall-B ol gaed Baea, ".o-i *aa»-BlU pfca*.a'tiniiF i. ie;i,i oi '¦ :. !'. il." 'i "'I BBI b, taM thenex, tbrea gaaaaa Ib fhe tweifti. paae, wlth thntaervtng, waa naltafl. and betare be BaaBy won

,. Hobari hnd beea wttbta p..,nt tt wiaMBgihe matcb ai. dtflerenl Mflaee. PBiafl, beeraaar, Baalrru rn.. .-..d te pi'H om. "fl von tba BBI b.C, and thaUie nu.teh

Ti linni nwt'-Ii between Plaoher «nd I>nr«'t. wn u

Ddc ronteai Tbnmgboal Ibe thrae bMb, PtackMihowed magnlflceni form umi pinven n Meady, .u-'sr--"v.. rnni,. ile woa Ihe BrM ¦, BBBlly, PbrH oolj¦eea-lng mm paaae. bai ta tha a-emd. Iba gaam

.-._ v iti. the earelee, natll sit uli w»s laaehed,wh. i. itaohm woo Iha aeal two -nuji.-. aflm bobk

ang and aadtlag niiii-s. an.i Ihi Bet, fl.fl PbiMnrarad a loi -. lead ta the thIM -"t. the »m-e raaMMgb 1 lt. bb f..vor. nnd lt eeemed that lt nrould!,c aeoreii f..r hlm, bu! al thi* i*"tut hi*. imiiv weahBBedrreatly The hard wark or Mi Iea pfaMoaa Bellolllug on hlm, hmi FUobet area tta b«m -.'.¦. |»meiii, BBcceaaion, th. »eore In only iwo M Ihem reacblnggeaea Thlfl Miiloi. ^iv.-s Mm the n.iu to MayTowneeufl for tbe Ootra] Park Cbamploaahlp CballenMTrophy. Tin- rap baa been wob bwlee bj Towuaaaud,

II heeonc bb perfloaal propert. if be su.

.: toadlng II IWa iprtog- Tl"' "A'ls. mmn-rer, allghUyPtaeber, wh.. l*. ptaylag «. reeaarfcaMy Btroag

.T..'ll"'iii t:r- floahlaa. twa to__aa rrom Iba Bew vork T"tt

BM club w."-.. ..nter... ou.- from ii"* Ucnoa TennlaClub..... from tbe Flftb-vi TBaabi <'im.. Aii ¦'

tbeae onr ,.ia." bava baaa beahp, aad arery prtae lii.nmni'l.f vlll BOW l» WBfl bv ,eiil:iv I'lirl.

repreaeaMUvm In Ur.- BtaflBi Ftoeber and Brauaa,Brnpiom of tba Park, ban earaed UMIr aay i

;:,. l.jal niliiid. BBd WlB Ih-re BMBl T.-wii-.-nd and

iiiiiKht win, belfl th.- etouBBtoaaMp _w, yeam hk"

li.dli llr-t nnd ruii.iei up pri/. la lhe stii^-l-s Wenwon bj l'aru ptayeara.Ttacbar aad PaiM. Tba aeoraa

,,r ih" umi' bre fi .lowMea'a i-iian.p "ii-ii.p il-gtaB, bbb- flnal maad .' Pareity

¦ Park, bmi Joha i' Bobart, Stm-Yon*!-iin» I'uii. 9-fl ( 9. fl '¦ '!¦'¦''. i' Plaeher, c.-iitrai

vl Mai lU.V I' Thnrter. beaBI T-iml- Club .. I 9 3.,,,.: rnuM Edwta P. Pleehet beal .' Parmly l-*-',.. i, k.n. : .*.

Mea'a ei_H_plaa-Mp nonbiea, g-BBataary i_o_9.T. i

t...ilaead an-i C P Itaigbt, t^artral Park, beM I WMaiMnll.u »,,d C. <'r_-"' MeW-EoM TeBBM Club IO--0

p ii-.-. uii'i w i k Bmoaa,rark. taM E ii l;'' v rmi ¦ H BaywaM CeatraIMrii fi.I. 0.4. I r», I.Bfl E D. Tliurb... mid -. L

w -.ii. Utnm 'I'. mu- CXub, MM >. Ben aod WMiii'T. ji.. 7.fl, T. I Ttaraaead and i. iiah-'ht.i,tr_i park, beal .' Paradj 9mnt aad AlbcH n Bl]

j._r, ,,. mu di. 1- r r_ ta .',"i vv |, a

areaaa Caartral I'.-k. baae W. (hmatogbam and

\: i. ii** rifth AveaaaTennlaCnh, 9 1,9 l; .r Pllnbart *a. U fl* iu. BeW-YeiB T.inna ,-lnt.. I*^t J H

llrrai, and p BliI»B*1 |r., < "'iitr.l 1'irh. H-4. 9 * "rmi

IM mBBd 'i l Townaaad abd C. F. BaUrht, CentialPBrk.baM K i> IbsibmaadO. L. wv.-h. beaea XtaMbi.i.. i4-4i. o-n, 9 '. B 9. Ptaabm and \v I. a

::.»nns. (W.nt.ra. Park, MM .1 F. H.ibort aad B. la. |BdMa.Taek 1 anab Clnb 9-«, f-d.M-n's .mei". for , <ai*.olat:i«i Trlre, BBBBMbbI IflUBd

Ti ii Btywaafl, CealBBl Park, MM '. "'.rr. Ceaarali-ira. 0.:,. o-a *_, BrmaBt. CBBbal ttaak, bam M.nentngBeaa. PEM k-*moa Xnmm Ctab, M d f.ui-

- .,n-. i. I r-.a.f, oenlral park, t«'-t n B.eatml Putm, 9- t «- 2. o.:,


The annual toumnment of the Bathwrtofld Uiwti

Tenni- Oah tfg-r. Ifrdag BB the eiounds nr Ruthcr

forl, B. .1. The BO-BaWtl W999 ln M9B*9 BbMhE flBfldoublen. nnd the prtBM 9BBMM -if BB umlifMln. raiae,

,enr_- rii-nitets, silver hnife aiwl silver clcir eutl~.

Tlie srores were

.aiuciea.A. C. Thurber beat 4». A. 9-igee. 9-3,

6-0: A I'. .In-'ksoii lieat Afa_.TS>.!i iTice, BE, 6-0; F.K. Holliaiev bent F. S. Wlthl igson. .*. O"1 ! F. Ci.pilen i-_t L. C. Bulllngton, f>Fi, Ol ; 11. H. llol-

Baba beat f'. T. Ilnlllsier, «-0. ,M).Doubles-F. K. llollist- and H. H. llolllster beat

F. B, WlHhBgtoa nnd A. P. Klee. "-fl. '"-.

The flaab, will be pln' ed ,o niorro-w, when the* best

ptayera ta the club will nie,«t. A. entertalnmentaad -MB. win ]e glven ta tne etab koaaa ,*. niorrow


TF.VN1-, ik\ AXD DABCIEO.Eaarly a thodaa-d people MleaflM the tonrnament,

Ma and rseeatton >' Um BaM Oraaea Lbwb T.-mns

Ctab on the ArBaftoaave. graaada reetofday afterBooa. ifter tta eloer. M tta ptay tea waa lereed byMrs. yaOHfl X. LafltoW, Mrs. .1. L. Mer-.11. Mrs. .1. I*.

Invis, Mra, L. B. PoeaMta, Mrs Henry Hasrue. Mr-.


.. ,...,;. md Mn g, i-. Brewater. in tbe wreolngth. groanflfl wen- MaadBBted, BBd th. etap roarta

liclnp (lenred. tbere W9« opea-atr dniteins: Uli a In.e

hoar. The tennlfl fleorm wera n. follow-.MI.N-s BlRttlal -

ftni numi-i*. a Davla beal imn* Uay, «-«, B-_iE n PeweU b"««t .r P. Day 9 -'. B.»| Henrv llaarai..

beal B Irvta, 0-0. 9-9; BaebBrl KtntUi l>.-at t.-s_rg.. I.itw.

__0. ,i-0; s. v it Brewetee MM a. w. iih.kiium 10-8. *._! J E. Merrltl l*_i J 1' mmmm, K-.

,l_li fl.o; I*'. Beyiwiea beat Mejiry lir.KB. U.O. tt.-

V. a, LuiIIdr- !,.*_;. K JVanuiaa, H.-. O.O.

St-cond round- E. H PbWBil t>-at P. W. Davla, U-O,

6.1, Herbert hniith beat H»iiry Uajui., «.0, 0-a,W. 0. Ludiow boat P HeyaoMfl, ti-.. 0-_.


UU. 3AMEB B. QBEEE.Dr. James .-. Gi-een, tbe leadlng phystclnn and

(argeea o.' BBsabeth. N. J.. dled BadBenh M ins nome,Ko. dld Eeatadnator-ave., E-taabeth, M .'< o'etockyeaterday afternoon, tooai beart d-teaae. h<- imd

jn '; telegraphed tor bbi carrtage t<> go <>ut on u ali-k

.all, when he was atrtcken aud _.\ptred lu a few

mlnutea. l»r. Oreen wb« born Bl MaeetoB, aa .'uiy_.._.. 198B, and araa the aon M Jum-s B. Qrsaa, und

gT-adsoo of tbe Bev. Aahbel Oreen, »f Mneetaarxilkge He wns gradaated from eoBeflfl M Janoi1648, ami engaged in tbe fltady el medlctne al Pbltadclpbla, wm. i>r. John NeHL He enu gradaated a.

ti,. Medical Departmenl of the DBlreiMtp M Pbbb¦prtaota arlth htgh boOora ta Aprll, 18B1. He wa«

iwddenl phyalctan tor algbteen '-.miij*- M tbe Wllh,Hospllal f": Dtaeaao. of the Byea, and fur three yearawas aaaiataal demonetrator «f imat-miy ln tbe

v-r-tts «f Pennayl-raata. He w*ent to EBaabatb totto embar, 1863, BBd al oace BttMned the froot ruiik

i_ al- prMa-don there. iie wus ehoaen Uie BrE prealdent,.f tbe CHj Oonncll when E-taabeth beeame u dty, and

nrrmi leveral termi In tbat body. He was eleetedMayor M Eltaabeth ta 1877, and nrrmi oae year.

lar. GHeea wa- for four venrs one of tbe l,.«ird o.

Managera -.f the Mcrrl Ptalna Lanatle Aayhnn. and

wn- f'.r two yean pre-ddenl "f the btata Medical Bo-ctoty, iu- torm earperlag thta year. H, wa tb,roaadar of tbe Ellaabe b UeaMMl H, \-u.s tba old.s:

bb BHUtar ol Wa-btagi « hapfei ol Free Maatma MI'lir.ibetb, and a BMBBber ol tbe Orand La.iK.-. M Bew-

Jeraey ll'* bad just returned from the onnaal coa-

venttoa, ut Atlaotle City. ol t1"' BVato Medlca;>r .,!....: wa .. l.roili'T "f BX-OOV,

Bobert rs. G-reen aad M Aahbel Oreen. n<- amnrtaflm Apiii i-vi. Mis- iaanj Elnebeeter, <>f Baiumoiv.Hli wlfe dled lewerM yeara a_o He laaeeB a daugh¬ter, the' or VV T. Day, <d Sewark, und u bob.who city phy-letan -.f EBaaheth.

JAMB8 SINCLA1B.Jamei Hnctalr, Beator partam .>' tbe flrm of Jame*

.*. .dled FMdaj Mghl Bl iii- b«mw li-in,.,]--. froin ¦ itrdhe of BpoMeay. Hl* Aoatlludden: Indeed, he earae upn.wn nrom his baalne5 o'clock ir: rh" BfteTBeoa ta perfeel health, waa tatamiu and dl«d nt - o'etoefc He taa-ea a flamlly ..' two

Jobn F and Jamea Bactata and two daugbteriMm a. C. vt ii, trobg. artle ol the puhilaher, and WmMn::<1 A . ti.'lair.

Mi Blnclalr » a born tn Bdlnl n ¦'. n".1

there recelved a tborough aiathemadcal eda atlon. Hlfl¦ri, ffl npon tta Llverpool Bueka. ta I Bl Mr,

-nia'la'.- '." Ibe tilt'-d

-i.i.-. He entered the emM°y~*ai ol the flrm MMasterton m Bmtth, Btone-warker and aoon b_"9H HK

.: upon the »1.l< ol 1 rlnlt, Cl nrch.

j ...,. -, lati .. o. rn 1

U is t-.dtiv one of tn.. oMeal Inv ->: atooe-worh,.,,. mi '.' alao preaMeni «.i the

Tnekahoe Marble (lompanj He laaa rarntahed tbetoneanieh tor m.-mv "' tbe targefll bnlMtngt ta Rew-Vork il- wn- in iu',1*..- i.ii-iti*--- thro-ghoui th, arboto,,f ir nr*-, mn never t.»>k aay i«un bi puMli adatre, a.ndv,.« atway macl atuehed lo hi*- home and boeae llte.., the ttm. .¦' ii- fleatk b, ..-venty-nme

il will take plac, t 11 Ro 2 Kaal,,. Tueadav, .-m.i Ita body wlli be buried


JACOB r..\-'* .t. Baae.., preddent M Iba r Ei

lll- otli.e .ti Pbi

daj Miern on f- en beart fllaeaae He wenl over fr..m

.,,,, ,.,. m\ i o'clock aud drovr d..wi, o. th. mlll. wheredown nt hla ,!.; b to read aowie tetiera. Md

denly he fell tackward ta bb. aeal and «-..- dead befire a dOCtor amv.'d II" v1.''- I. ¦"'. ''-'; "ll!

,-,.,_ I..,*-. :, wlb and tbrea grown rhUdi i. H.nd had n.ll.- \*,a« b memli. uf th. An

IToiectlve luriir Leuguc end.a worm POmiua,,f c ll. AmmMown, ex-preaidenl ".' tiie ueagaa.

JAMES I. IW/ ".r.i;.

CMeaga, Jaly - I9peetal>.-Jamea l Tbayer dled-h, m this city. For nearij flftj yean be v_

ti and ln hh, di*'- » aa oue ..' lhe n.'--i

toiaonfl of elowaa Br. Thayer wm born ta Waddlnaton, N. V., ii. l«30-_m,_

;.I. Bl *,.! IMXB "!'. sham

I .,.. .,:. JuU '- -.ul.","'. B,.li. .1 ol >1 "1

BUlea 1,:, v am Ifl. Ua araa lu

... ii ,: thi Iat I. vt thi "tt lou aaa U [tmant ai d

rolonel "f 0'' regbnaaa._- m, -

BBPOBI 09 AS KX02QXUBXT DKXIKD.Kewport, .I'.'v '-' (Bpeek i- '*."¦¦ ." laal

.veniui- annonnred tbal tta reporl " ulH Maad Wrtmore to Ba isn B'Uling. bnithm "f

\i,.s |, Utor, .,f Nea Vork, .iled. ".htd"iii:ii ia emplmtlc, and if made bj tha VTlUtai '.

n ium is PABiB.Iv .rn Tlie 1. ond. >u Dallj .'

Nl, ,,... ,., . i ,¦ bi* ¦* talk- tl' UU,.'"

I.m fond 'h" rfeni-h are ol perpeiiialtng Has naniOH

.i theli dUtIng.Uhli.-d IolU»** I'iKiiiirymen bj

.,r(. afi, i;.. a. am, . meae-iu, mid,... time rome. whei the expl h,hBli ..,, f..:-...'i.... II i p'"p .-'<:¦ thereftire.MuiiH'tpel "'ii"-il "f iMii- ahall pul uj,..,.,.'.. ..r Lnopraphnal a*c..u,.a ., th men_

Hi,ln thr matter, aa Beiumonarlefl and Radleal roaWn0l i.. experled lo agree aa Ui wl al f< *u u

n ihe ,.. .,; in. Um* ll .nunarte ot

-...,,,... .',.. ... atten pi .. '"" '"".'. loa.,,.,! /, m ' Inatalmenl of ni'' enameih. piatea witn

" ';"",.',!.... na i.' g" li,| aboul aklng in

rr ,.!:,._ ln thr Itl. " " ".'' "».Tti-b' -.. \ wm.- merchanl deelared thal he im. u.

kiiov bat bad focgotien. i»u liiiervlewlug » Pb.t'ehor lhe taqotre. wn liuidi b.M tbal lhe; porkI,,,,, Ii.t oblected to belng made a fooi ot (qa'on lef_aae laiaer) pM.d tf»< expedleni ol aahlnfl ¦ poBraiBana , eqiuUl. ui pnaluctlve m uacful reaulta The only

:,,,,-...,.,: aaa thal -.1 an "oflloer d'Acadende,a-liii liowevei ..v.ii.M.' ronfounded TErWgo with

Turgot, the Mlnl fer of l'l

r.i_r:.M. nn tbomboxt.l,..t:i Th" PM1 Ball Oa-etteTne bMII aad InfenMty ol the miiEeal Inrtramenb

,,,,,1,,., have lual meeeedad ln endowlng lhe tmniboneiinmr wlth ato umi Mimewluil,"miHiiie hua bIwbvi - ""'' bi Incon preh',;,.. inatrumenl ln th, i.nlnlttalod aadllm*. ll.

',! dglng aboul n ni'ii-i

Uoilted aeate. and ho wntrlio Iln ^-n'.i* n...- »vho t-

i.ii, -;v rii-caeed ln pumplni uj the m

.n th" urface there nmethl . eaaen ...

alatent betwi_1 lh, twi pl.enonieim. nnd he penernll.aba.idon- the *-..-'. .necllna raoae alth effe\ i.irallv nea kind of lurpria, li I n foi hlm., h. hltherto .. Impoialble to m.t< h-- tnim

i.Ighhora n. aaefa m aEI . plre tn,,..,.,,.¦:.¦ upon U knoa bv btttoi fiAvettt..niets i..1'in* an.i trumpeta baaa Ml been muted,

b, u.e inini-ioi. ot .. wmMen ptag nto thei,,.,! o, m th- eaae of tbe eoa.-h horn, by partlvrloalne the bell witl, one of the hand of t1. ptaycr.i. the trombone U.e bell l* nol onU to,o be muted in thi*. miitin-r. bnl ,'ie whole Btracturaof t ri*- luatruineiit uml*e- auch an operaUonproctlcabk Th.. proMem ha* bowever, beefl flo^lvodr>; an inven.|.>n bbowi n t,*. "¦...ln. nttaehmenik pisioti placed )u-> aader Ihe hand »s'*d ir. htb. ttmiiiMin. .an i»e depr..1 i' a toueti ul lhemiili'.ie r.' I*- returned bj a aprlne ,».<. rn-

ni'iit preasiic i-i remo-ed. Tbe ,ifl ¦-1 ' lovrerlngthe piston ls to iwireh -uT lhe ali curront taw o

loni: und Mrtamu tule. tlie -!i.iii>- lotit--th n. the maiii

la.alv of the This termlnu'es trnt ln a

lrt-11 but ln a -BftOBB, Iri-^-ulut ..ui" thal tlifs-iund i-* not "blnred forth," hut onlv " pentlvtoi.tled " The eclin attachnieiit ia *o !irnin-«l thntthe Whole <>f if ls hidden ln the bell of the rrom

bone when tii.- ptayer (_<'<.> the audience ... itsaid BaemlngU dlatonl nuir-le can be pradae-d In tliofront of Lhe oreheatna without the devtee of hldliiKthe .romhoue behlnd Oui wenerv, oi tn un an^el-' gnllex\ but, btsst of all. the tromhon. plaver'. nupllcan hiicti* the evenuiga lu flghuug wltb lu. octavea

and urpec-los wlthmit any rlsk to the etarnalbcliiR of his neighhors.


SAII.KI).Sieamera Ij. Caornxno. for Havre; guerls, Hamhurs;

Hsale. llrrmen 1 iiinr,-, VTlscaa "n ainl n.'l*:ravla. Llvernoal;itr ..! Koiue. .ISMn-rr. MsaidngbaM Kolter.laui. Alfraat. < inieia. I__u.ivr:i Ar.nnaiit. "t Ann'a H;it .imu-rl. llai.uu. I'.iiii'ii...i.i.iiuai.iii. IliiiUun iinil Rl MM, Ncw-Or-l.'.m- Ransaa City. BaTannah H.**cr. KortaU: .'n>of (»¦lumbla, v\ .-Kt l-oiiii, Va, old iJouiiuion. Itiihnioutt, Ku_r>_»Baltlmoro.Miil* Miatley Hall, tor Anjler, Mella Iirciucn.

Alao aailed-Via Long laland Bouad.Pteanif ra Wiiitlirop, for taatiiort. Cotta-re City. Pattlaad-


POREIQN POllTS.I.omkin. Jnl-2- haiie.l. aleanier North Kln* (Br' ..¦.»,

for N>'« YnrkporTiiAMi*T<-.\. .liii\ I «niia<i ateamer Xoroianala (~er),

lieiiii-ii. Croaa iiamiMir*- baasa tor ..'ul.v '.' Pa..*. il. aleiioier i.a "I'niiralne Kn, Kran-

jrn. New Vork on her war t,. H-ciLi.v. .7111\ 8- |.|«*i..i ataaaier KoonUaad <.H.-isi>. -ficss~»

frmii Nr. Vurk aa ber wai toaatwaegIIamhcK" .tuu..'.'(. halli-u, aieainer Taormms K.eri. Xrrh.for Sem "i ork.jTUvnK July 2.Salleil. ateamer I* RoaBOgM (Kr). CoiU*"*.

foi *.'.« VorKAlfTWEBP. Julv a -SailsU, atearner Vteatenilaud lliolf),

j_nii*oii, for Raw-Teek.I'aka. July 1.Arrlved, ateamer l-'uiancc. Zolltns, troai Nsw.


Hnrry'a Tii. opheruua.Tlie halr cannot w:tni>r or bnomc il.ln, hut m'.*t grow andflouriali lf 4r>->a«i daiiy wlth ihla BtBBBhteM article. Try lta.

The( ambrid«r, Btt-av*. a ifl 'i&l-at.. I* u p-I-Uai.moilei hot"l. ( ulaine iiii*nr|ai..eU. LOHLNZ BJ-.ll.K,Proprlrtore- Hom' Tbbibbi

Iniperl_l Oraauai 1. ti.e nuj-at. atrea*., most rallablo,wtiol»e..n.e and d-Hcioua Foou for Infanta. Chlldren. _un>Ing Motkers. ln valld... gi.iair. -. nu. aod the aned.

AIARRIED.III IIR HIHRk I 81 Rl IlarUi.,li.rne~'a Chur.-h. an July

.'1 I-- Un- Jlov. I»r llootli, Itr J.'iu* i«. Mr*. Ollviallanney. daughter uf _M ia'- .!. W. Iln'i.

J"HXm POK.WALBM.On Thui-dnv. June 30. 1_92. Mta.-- Maldaoce oi .Vr.. -olon Huoiphrsy*, Ii'-iwi I'oiuc.N. J., Di IT W lohjutoa t<. Mi:.. bellie t>. Waiab, allof Wanhlmrtnti. !>¦ C.

S. "Tr.M. KtKX-ln Conn., June HO. byi;. \ Bmlth i-l-n.-i l.ivui|t.*i«n B. of K_s-BUagton, an.l a|.(- l.i-i. v youoe*** tmuiihu r of Uie lats

McReea, ot Bnuiewtek, rtatirW1.>. I. LEl t "ii Jum 80 1802, hv Ilw. Hr. Lymao

itt, v'. I'linenitli Cliurli. l'HUlmc M. l.ouf, of Bfnok-V'n. R. V.. tn Hr. (.renvilie M. WecKs. of Korcst ILOl.Bawart, 9. J.

Notioes of niarriu(,'i~ imint be lndoraed wltBfull __i_e aud Bflflwaa

LiIEl).BURt-IB.At Mmiiuroneek, R. V., Tliur'day. 30U. Juna,Ana- Morrella BurUa, mltt Bl I.avil J. IiurUa, ln Um78d ra»i of h>*r n|re.

Th. fi.ii.-ial wlll toke plaee in tha r-'ideuea of her hu*band, at o'. lo i- \, m., buoda**, M oi July.

F* i-nri* aad » -jui intatn-e* are laTNod t" ia> pr.-ent.Fosri ii Oa ii im, Julv l. Eiia». orhtea of nie laM.Lun. . li,,:. in BM Thui \' ir

Bvla .- ainl fil'-inl* are lnvit.-d tn ..ri>-i,rf Uie runerailii-.*(Uiv .Inl. :, ai i oVIod |> ni frxrni her late rua'

Btoaklya, R. V..*::.!. La v. *t N'..w-l.ri,:h~.ii. **iu:-n I-land. July 2,,1 -,,. .|..,,.¦,. ,,f !,... l.mTri' r-In-lav* \K I Durfea,Don Bwttt I. ol I'.oatou. .Ma.**.. »-ed 00 warx.


GKEEX-At EUlabcth 9. J.. »ud__lr. _MT 2. 1892.i.. ... Bproai '.'i*ii M. I... ln lu* 0X0 ~as-l

r.iri .r_n ber "

Phlladal - .-¦ '- - '"".pOLHAMt'f*' On Julj im a'. hi- resldiflce, 42C w.*«»

iv-., ii Ckarl- r. l*,.I-'uneral ..rvn '. on PunadOJ ..'¦¦ v "U-. af 8 P- Bt, a* "ia

r..».-iii.-nu. s-i--r M R hui i.

ROWE.On July l 1*-"" at I. r laM iwBd a. -. B8B Wert_2_*si ii «.. i»; Dr. a Rotra

Punaral prlvobInt rn ¦. I Ba M- a'. aoavmlenea nf*. UAJU " i-iiiu- .lu.v l. ..: apopl-x*-, at hi» **~a>

Su 2 | ial ,..-., .(. BUetelr, m Uie *.oU»

*!;.;. ml* ur*- lovttad t<> aW-iid Uie funeral-

. | l| a. ln., ou iMsaag, UMMk in*'-

Bindi; amtt Baoroia._l_M Wi -. .. ¦' t. ....rm- i.-. rl,. <l-nth of Mr* Mary a

1., wle i.f *|..yh"i. _*-.¦¦ only (lauahtei of .laio.- v i.rim.

__ai -VW Piriuva, Mi -rlmmlna i- a very popukM,,.r. i. ln- prealdent I " "" ''¦ H.--;ni~is,V. |7 ...rti.*. i.f ttie J-.iv.* t ni. >u. KO 1. N, U.i .e,,,u.-. ot t.. i..... ....' . la*toa ef Raw.

_,.__ j-,, ,...¦-, wll .:!..- ¦' M"iH"i' Jaly ¦». »l io., fr.,., * .. h, E-«t 8~_*.-st. Tner*. a

Holeu, ,..,¦.,¦¦!. aaaa «... :¦- - li.'.-r.n.i.r ut i alvury.

S^ccial XotirrB.< onarc.a *prma.

Thla j'aiiioua waC i bO-MI BOB ,h> B BMBt elaroratat. t*p..-..,... I '...auca,

ui.- k-r-«t mn.. mi -Blar _riii_lns publie -K-t,ba mmrnmuie ia_-i _-oi. Bt _a*at«i"s.-urr/uig «*- »--.- BMB1 ui-i*MM tt-. hsalt-lul IouomIp-_

The ( 1..V.11 I nvemlci a.alln.A ni"*- rflvolatioi ¦"', ri'iiii-ii..'iit. »'. M.ra

-,,,. k.,., I, ^l.)|.|.iT.-d ln.UI'au

... fc'.-« \tuirr.abomu retub *. U> mU it-furmcr strengta

and i \. ¦.lieii-e.__________________I'oatolflii- Notii-r.

b, m Bhaaaaa may

U>tura (ot forelgu count le*. .U noi n- -jeelally aa-, -O lO -|4|*(J I: u - l>' "'l"*~

,i i> ci...ued t *. nll dupliostea nl baukliiK ami ..u.mi-rclslu.. .ii... ni- -.'. i- i.'.i -,- ¦. mmmt n'-inij BSM oy

.... f.,: Ui. wock cndlng Jul* u win cIom.- . **'-.._

;iAv \t ,-i |, ii. mr .-t.-' Kl - vla Uomi, mb, Bispami from N>»-Oii«*ai*_ a' .*¦ ¦«' l1 ".- for S*.

MoNDAl \t ':¦¦ V rr. fo. rruxlllo ami 1'iaraii. pei, h I" -ll I..I1H Ne"-". MU Bl | n <". U-llAC,

u Uuatcmala - awaakarabM, fruM

At IU - nL '¦. .|'l 11 3n » m^toi I.1...U-. ;.: e * Latan .ui !>ou_iompUi_ a«l RraaaB


WEliNEhjOAY.Al II :. N lo .-.~i:l. Ha.vUanl Kai-ullla. :. Ali " -ii|)|..*>

'"' )HtUu.eiiatowi at l" n (auppciiicnun l ..i" i' n.- for

. j ...-i. toam ;»~«.rs,i ra .ii "|." city "f BcrllB~)|

i. r i u- |ium dlreet, i~r t. «. \i. Aotweri niual ).. v,a.-a-i,,n!" bi p n ror Cuba p. ¦' "raoBBMBBBi

vu II .....rilLHMiA* ii ;i a. i;. ¦. per s. s, ABgBBBJ

V rl» 4-ln southampton snd Hr_i_urgini'iV a- u a n.. (a.ii.i.leii -ntmrj 11 ao a. m.)nrtiine 1* -n i- ' a -. a_

, oats i. Via J.Mi.iiu imi-t Uf _irei.u4. _a Alvna"

s \Tl IlilAV \t 10 a. m. .-upiii. rreutarr 10 HO a. m.»fo: *i r> :v snd St 'ln .::...- vla St. ."i\. alao WlndwaiB

j.|.-j '! liil'lnil [ICtU '.-"nada,,.j and 1..I..C--II moat >. d'.r. ted "t.'r

1'rlnHlBit" at 1'.' 1(0 ll n. for I'mn-e ¦*.« tr..-!»nd.Iltih si«,in p.irtueal, and Turk*y pei a L* n.nir :ocna,

, ,. i: ,i n-iuin ... d Bal.So i\ i- 11-¦.:. p. I a.

. * oUn r part« of l-.urups,-.-.- '¦' n '..-many,

1». ,..:...¦:.. s«4«m|«.ii aod lln--!.. |»'r' -... jviirr, ¦>( i.'in.ia)

S ¦..' «ll.r . ,. > .- - -i-i ba (II-

I. ii. foi V-liierland*ji..f prr a. a Spaa*m!a .'. ItottoMtam 1'ttaaa aM bB

, ,.i|iti." Bl 11 a B loi Cain|a.ehe,,. ... un l.'-iit.-.-.. per a ¦ Vll .lUli ieti.-ra

... il Tttxpan il rm-i ami oth*? Maxteaanm-i h. itlre.i.'il "pw *i ii.-a"ui"lj

. i p. n. | " -. Ul pei - olabria al 1- .' :m a.

itown al v SO p n f..- lilL-mn. dlr.*-t.tvnuland %u Antwerp i. ¦¦ b d.ire<-te*|

TruxUlo ami RaoBoa, i»'rfron N-«- >t

<-. .{,\\ kl " ;,,! . Bl lor I'l .".ii, |.r . e I'uii.-ma- othar irr- nf M \l.*o muat . d "i.*r

.. .;! 'J |. ii. for-CoMB Rtea i!a I.ln ...i. per a. a

i| .: .¦- - * China ' "an'8 sl .'. .io n m.

\,,, tor \"-* ¦-'¦'¦+¦ N*e*~->~.*al in I"(ji and|rti vian Ran I imnttmem),I -it ¦<.¦ |, n, ior on

,t v \ v.. ¦.' - Auranla »ith iirin*h n_.Uaand. i. -h>

;. . cli -. ii- re daiiv upni r, ;.i> i. in Mai foi th< llnwallaa

i,r a. k. Aliatr IB l>i I* n f\,^*t. *_T al 80 i. ru Ms la mr Vew.

ral '¦ Ilillfai ~;'l ...¦-..i aN-anier.I, n 4! llla foi MrTjue.

i,., i,.. rall *" lt" ' .r, rln»,* strhi« od.- dnlli »t B:80 i> Bi Malla fnr niai t.v mil

ii aallins Mondavsa for

... bi :ii-l- .' *..!. i'-IMi-ISOB

|th.... np ia nrnnic <t r.i, rh" nr...Ih. r .nilni-r'ui' nrrrlsiid trarslt to Sau

\. ,' rran th' «st arrlvlne otn tlu.. al **anthi rtoj "f -ailuiK ol .*(¦ iii'-ra ar ii ,.un-U_1

'"'¦"' ,:'". . j

.II. -I.,.-. nr r TD r*ev'oil-. (IiT.. s..|,i,i io . Malla «.r i.|..i,.". ni. tn.' tntroH

.¦ ,, ¦. ,.. al I'-'.' and .¦ at Mm hour.f -,,. ||r the Poat -ii -.. ivhlrh r*.

,..,,, ,, .¦ i.-.'hin I'.n Minotca "f the hom ot"-'""c "' '"

.."\.-i tf** VAN rii'H' p.-trrajt-p.,.. .,.-.... v.,. .vi..' M v.. .in'v t. l ¦¦.

rhl« »I"I..¦ 0"1IM I" ** '" I' ». ..lan- inr mn in

Iv Tam| . md tl n¦ '¦ -'. n.Illaa Mon.-

* ¦¦" dalt. ! .io a.. M \i,-. ni. --Iiiu! i. ip lalll nrlil-'*...'

.. ... .i n ,i...-.., -

Crligions ^otirco.

r. i-Tivi CHITICII OP i'nr : i'Ti-iiavv BkaBaaaaave .nd r.n'i-.t. Vr.-.. and . Bm'I 'h

,. uig tn. tuBunar. Prajei bm Uag I 'd-*r_

tUlIKT ' IUII ll. nn Boulevard .mU Tlatat .-ivnaa._»!!» m Rv.ilns prsyar jt ft. Tlie Bscwe.

.. <* BBIPM IR all "'h.

FlVf POI"Tfi BOrSE OP INTf-TCT. 1*..% Wnr| \VH.I,lAM P.HARNAIU) l> >"U'.U-i* Barrtcaol.on> ever) hui "». a. 1:80 p n. Iti* aarrtrs I.jlttMBwholly by Uu- rhlld-en ..f tlie !ti.tllnti..ii. I'llB.ic Invlt-g.

riBST REPOBMEJ) PRI ¦**B-~~~_t__JI CMUJHHL*.ti..- tntv.. .¦!. 6th »..<! .n; aeoa., i*'-v. jam'.> l»..-Tfi'I.I'. Ph I' I'".¦."¦ S.' vl""* at 11 a tn and .% )>. m.

Tii.. Rev. R. M RAMSr.Y. ,,' Cdarvllie Ohlo n-lll piei.".

HOT.Y TI'.'.VITY CHUOOH, JlAlU.I'.M, Leiioi-eva.en i-.-.,i..t \.a \'i>:'( Iln'i .'oinnnniloii al 8 a. B). |nio-iimV pmver sarmae and 11" i ion.uiijm.iii. at 11 a. m.;pvrnlnc waj uie) sd Inma st 5 ).. m. Th Itecter. Rejr.

p'\v ikii.'.Man B. I.. "in ofli-iaw at all the

a.-'Vi.-.-a._,BAIKT TH~MAfl rill'IVM. .Ith-ai-e anrl r,:M.«t. K*v.

I \V Iir,. >W~ I' t' K ¦'-¦" M'ri.ln*- pi-iver *ern...»

».,d ii,, ......,., aerrtea i.i thi* <'iiut~aev .ii. ia v ti.i-miri.i.'.t Btt Mtmmrt.

THA-raiB*IOPBATIOB (.IIA1I.I.. _*______*..__«> b*twaea -...nnnii'i---«v<-. and Houieiaru.-Bi-rvn;*«, 1 :*v a. ¦.,II i m inni 5 p. m._

Political Xotirrllea-qn.irier. _ .


l_-.aU f*ar yslua U.l_. *