this weeks ‘what’s happening’ ·...

This Weeks ‘What’s Happening’ Nursery Attendance Every Day Counts! Please ensure your child attends nursery regularly. We know that children who do not come to nursery every day often find it difficult. If your child is poorly or not in for any reason please don't forget to inform us by ringing us on 01274 722070. Monday 20 th January Next Monday why not try this? Kick start the shiny new decade on Monday 27 th January by getting out of your comfort zone and taking a FREE trip out to somewhere different in the district. To sign up for this free event e-mail [email protected] Tuesday 21 st January Portage group in the creche. 1:00-2:30pm Wednesday 22 nd January Dental Survey for all children aged 3yrs Creche room 9:30am – 12:45pm Thursday 23 rd January Sign of the Week Our Makaton sign of the week is ‘toilet’ Friday 24 th January This weekend you could try the 50 things app and look at #25 Creative Junk Your child’s imagination can be fired by using large and smaller boxes to create a car, a fire engine, a house or a ship! A box large enough for your child to climb into might need nothing more than imagination to be anything in the world!!/50-things-to-do-before-youre- five Jessi potrzebujesz tlumaczenia na jezyk polski uzyj numeru. যযয যয যযযযযয যযযযযযয যযয যযযযয যযযযয যযযযযযয যযযযযযয যযযয. یکر سے رابطہ نمب تو اوپر ر اگر آپ اردو میں اس کا ترجمہ کرنا چاہتے ہیں

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Page 1: This Weeks ‘What’s Happening’ · 2020. 1. 20. · This Weeks ‘What’s Happening’ Nursery Attendance Every Day Counts!

This Weeks ‘What’s Happening’

Nursery Attendance Every Day Counts! Please ensure your child attends nursery regularly. We know that children who do not come to nursery every day often find it difficult. If your child is poorly or not in for

any reason please don't forget to inform us by ringing us on 01274 722070.

Monday 20th January

Next Monday why not try this? Kick start the shiny new decade on Monday 27th January by getting out of your comfort zone and taking a FREE trip out

to somewhere different in the district. To sign up for this free event e-mail

[email protected] Tuesday 21st January

Portage group in the creche. 1:00-2:30pm

Wednesday 22nd January

Dental Survey for all children aged 3yrs Creche room 9:30am – 12:45pm

Thursday 23rd January

Sign of the Week

Our Makaton sign of the week is ‘toilet’

Friday 24th January

This weekend you could try the 50 things app and look at #25

Creative Junk Your child’s imagination can be fired by using large and smaller boxes to create a car, a fire engine, a house or a ship! A box large enough for your child to climb into might need nothing more than imagination to be anything in the world!!/50-things-to-do-before-youre-five

Jessi potrzebujesz tlumaczenia na jezyk polski uzyj numeru. যযয যয যযযযযয যযযযযযয যযয যযযযয যযযযয যযযযযযয

যযযযযযয যযযয. یکر نمب رابطہ سے ہیں چاہتے کرنا ترجمہ کا اس میں اردو آپ اگر ر اوپر تو