they want mm mutt. bed wire mattresses, - - set · the handle and was lifting it from the j...

SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. Destructive Fire Caused by a Can of Gasoline. A Clerk's Proseneo of Mind Prevents an Explosion—Chief Guthrio W ants Protection for Ills Men. If anybody had entertained a doubt as to the dangerous character of gasoline, the lire that occurred yesterday at Cham- berlin <k Milliken's store, on X street, be- tween Sixth and Seventh, must have removed it. It was a red-hot lire, and completely eutted tho stove and crockery store from* stem to stern—from the front doors to the rear ones on the alloy, IGO feet away. There was not much saved from the stock of goods, only a few light articles that were taken from the salesroom in front out upon the sidewalk. The fire started in the rear of the store, and in an instant tho place was in flames. It seems that W. F. Pfund and one of the employes were there handling cans of gasoline. Pfund took hold of a can by the handle and was lifting it from the j floor when it burst in flames. With great i presence of mind, and at the risk of his Lie, he grabbed up the burning can and dashed it out into the alley. In tho mean time the burning fluid spread and communicated with that of other cans. Near by was an iron barrel, or drum, containing upward of 100 gal- lons, but before it was endangered the two men rolled it through the building into the alley and to a place of safety. Chief Engineer (Juthrie was just ap- proaching the corporation house, on the alley, at the end of the block, and saw the "burning can when it was thrown out. He sent in an alarm at once, and the de- partment soon had streams of water Souring into the blazing building from oth front and rear. But the lire was burning with such rierecness that most of tiie woodwork and stock was ruined be- fore the flames could be quenched. The building is a one-story brick, just west of tin- one recently occupied by S. S. Nixon a--a horse-shoeing shop. Un the other sido is the marble-cutting estab- lishment of Israel Luce A: Son. also a one-story building. These were slightly damaged, as was also the wooden addi- tion to the building on the west owned by Mrs. Mary Lloyd. Tho burned building and that on the oust side bolong to the John Breuner estate. Each was insured for &'>im>, and this sum will probably cover the damage thereto. The walls were not seriously injured. Messrs. Chamberlin A: Milliken car- riedastock of about £t>.oo'», insured for $4,500 in different companies. The firemen did splendid service. Tho iieat was intense all about the blazing storeroom, but they followed up the re- ceding flames, driving them back inch by inch, while nearly smothered in Bmoke. GASOLINE STORAGE. Chief Engineer Guthrle Has Something to Sjiy About It. For months past the City Trustees have been backing and filling over proposed ordinances regulating the storage of gaso- line, coal oil, etc., Inn thus far have not been able to agree upon one that was ac- table to those dealing largely in the arti< The trouble has been that the Trustees ha\ c fallen into tho custom of having the parties whose interests are affected pre- pare and submit their own ordinances, franchises, etc. These are seldom satis- factory at first, and new ones are drawn up and submitted until one is prepared on which a vote is taken. The proper thins to do would bo for the Trustees to pare their own ordinances, or have City Attorney do it; then they can jn-ar whatever objections persons may have to urge before taking linal action thereon. Chief Guthrie said to a Rboord-Uoton reporter yesterday that at the next meet- ing of the City Trustees be would sub- mit a plan for the storage of inflammable oils, and would give the board his rea- s >Ms for so doing. He says that at pres- ent gasoline and coal oil are kept in quantities ranging from twenty to ISO gallons by store-keepers throughout the city, and they store just wherever they \u25a0•• some in their basements, others in the rear portion .of their stores, and fillers in their salesrooms. The result is that when a lire breaks in one of these stores the firemen cannot teU where the explosives are <•"!;- (sealed, and are liable at any time to killed while lighting a lire. This, lie : i avoided if the Trustees will pass an ordinance specifying where, and in w bat sort of a place, gasoline shall be kept. Chief Guthrie's plan is to er construct a tire-proof vault in the rear of bis store, where gasoline shall be stored. These vaults can be large or ling t-\u25a0 the quantity s:> and can be made of sheet-iron or briek- v. oik. The Chief says that unless something <\u25a0! this kind is done for the protection of firemen he will :':->o t" send his men into a burning building during a fire *.v here tin re is any likelihood of gasoline \u25a0 red. SACRAMENTO INVENTIONS. Ttfo Simple ami isrful Devices by Sacramento Inventors. < Tharles Sparks of this city has Invented a metallic trunk strap Chat would seem to be the long-needed invention to stand offthe baggage-smasher, it consists of a thin three-quarter-inch metallic strap. One end fastens to a small meta] box an inch wide and about three and a half or lour inches lon<j. The other end is held in a slot of a bit of metal that slides inside this box by means of a screw running the fill I length ol the box and carrying the slider. This Bcrew is exposed within a hood shield at I'.cr end, where it has a square The strap is thrown about the trunk, the slider slipped underneath and into the box with the ion>_ r *"rew . uiy- ing it, and a key is applied to the hoad. A few turns binds the strap us tightly about the trunk as if it had been warped on red !>"t. Indeed, it would set in possible to crush the trunk by the mre ifone pleased. When the key is withdrawn the trunk is practically locked. It is not possible bold of the strap, and the trunk is i as it would be impossible to do v ith ropes or leather Btr .. & Da vies af Florin. Sacramento County, a grape-grower, has invei that is apparently a very useful machine. To market grapes in the i'ast to advantage they must be neatly l-.vke<l. the top layer made uniform anil be hidden. The old practice is to nearly fill tho bas- I then carefully lay toe top coarse. V* ah Davies' machine tho top layer is : I first. A plate, slightly concave i n each side by thin walls the of the sides ofthe basket, rises and falls through a table top and a hinged i< af by means >>t' a treadle. This j>lat<', which Avilli the sides he calls the "Ibnn." is de- lby the treadle; the first or top layer of grapes is then put Into the '*form*' and packed so as to have the steins uppermost, Then the "t>>nn" (sallowed t<> rise, and the packing is continued, When t"::ll. the basxet fs placed over the "form/ 1 the lat- ter depressed, and the leaf or "turning table" is tit>ped over so as to invert the basket ami Leave it right side up upon a Bheif at one side and below the level of tho table. A Had Boy Punished. The only case on tho Police Court calcn- < ar yesterday ivas that ofKdward Clark, a boy charged with Striking a man limned femitn. Smith is employed by a transfer company, and was in the act of shaking a littleboy for annoying him, when tho Clark lad struck him in the face. Some very foul language is said to have been used. Judge Cravens found the defendant guilty, and ordered him to appear to-day for sentence. LABOR'S DEMONSTRATION. Order of tho Procession for Monday Next—Other Features. The Labor Day Committee of the Fed- erated Trades Ims prepared for publica- tion the following programme for the great demonstration on Monday: FORMATION OF HANKS. The Grand Marshal and Aids will meet at the corner of Sixth and M streets at 1:30 1-. K. Tho procession will lie formed and move at 2:."!0 p. m. sharp. There will be an advance of police, W. F. Drew, Chief. The patrol of police will form on M, west side of Sixth, lacing east. The Grand Marshal and Aids will form on the left of the police. The First Division will form on M, right resting on Sixth, extending west. The Second Division will form on Sixth, right resting on M, extending north. The Third Division will form on Sixth, right resting on M, extending south. The route of inarch will be from M to Tenth, to K. to Second, to J, to Tenth, countermarching on Tenth to 1 and Ninth streets and around the Plaza. ORDEB OF I'ROCKsSION. The procession will march in the fol- lowing order: Grand Marshal, J. Ilantzman; Chief Aid, F. 11. Mclvee—colors, scarlet; As- Bistant Aids—colors, blue; Division Mar- shals; carriage containing President and Orator of the Day and Chaplain. First Division—Hussar Sand; Marshal, •T. A. Shei'han; Aids, William Tibbets, W. 11. Germain, John Zittinger, J. H. Shelton; Iron Bidders' Union, Typo- graphical Union, liookbinders' Union, Cigarmakers' Union, Tailors' Union, Sheet lion and Metal Workers' Union. Second Division—First Artillery Band; Marshal, J. E. Morell; Aids, Herman Teitz, Charles Hastings, Walter 11. Stocker, L. Lippeil; Brewers' Union, Car- penters 1 Union, Harnessmakers' Union, Boilermakers' Union, Bakers' Union. Third Division—.Newcastle Band; Mar- shal, L. W. Mahoney; aids, W. 11. Lar- kin, R. W. Parker, George Best, Frank Kelley, T. J. Penmsh; Rocklin Granite Cutters, Tool Sharpeners' and Quarry- men I Dions, Plumbers' Union, Brick- Layers' Union, Barbers' Union. Plaster- ers' Union. oiiiKU FRATTJBES. Literary exercises will be held at tho Fla/.a, as follows: Introduction, Presi- dent of the Day, C. M. Harrison: prayer. Rev. Mr. Tindall: address. Rev. Mr. Levy. In the evening a grand ball will be given at tho Assembly Chamber, for which tho Hussar Bund will furnish music. The committee in charge of the ball will reserve the right to refuse ad- mittance to undesirable characters. The city Board of Trade has recom- mended that all business houses close on the afternoon of Monday. INDEFINITELY POSTPONED. The Saloon Investigation by the Trus- tees Ends in a Fizzle. The Charges Were General, %Vhlle Only One specific Act Could Be t'rged—Some Opinions. The Board of Trustees met last night about 8 o'clock, to investigate the charges preferred by Mayor Comstock and Police •Judge Cravens against the saloon of Cunha A: Silva, at Second and L stre. ts. < >:ily two members of tho Board were present. Mayor Comstoek and Trustee Conklin. There were a large number of witnesses on behalf of the defense—in fact, the lobby was filled with witnesses. Everything looked like there would be a heated as well as a prolonged contest if the investigation proceeded. As soon as Mayor Comstock called the board to order, and called up the case for hearing, City Attorney Hart arose, and announced that after consultation with Lice Commissioners, it was deemed best to move for an indefinite postpone- ment of the charges. This course was deemed advisable by the board because there was only one -: i cific act that could be urged against :i..' defendants. The; charges were gen- eral. Mayor l.'omstoek expressed himself at some length. He declared himself in favor of a most vigorous enforcement of the ordinances relating to saloons. How- vi r. in this ease he did not desire to be a party toany injustice against these par- ticular saloon men. He cautioned them they that must in the future take care not to permit .any questionable actions on their premises. Trustee Conklin said lie did not like the idea of having charges preferred in tin- way and then abandoned, which this action would in Gad be. He thought that the Police < Commissioners ought to know what they were doing when they broupht charges, and not to prefer them until after a full Investigation; and in such be would not want any further proof to guide him in his action. Mr. Conklin, turning to City Attorney Hart. asked him if the charges still remained before the board, and whether they could be taken up at any time? lie also re- marked that be would hereafter depend only on the police force for his informa- tion. Mr. Hart promptly replied that, under the ordinance, no man's license could bo revoked without giving him a fair hear- ing. It would be unjust to try a man un- beard, and Ik* doubted if any action of the board looking toward taking away a man's license without such hearing would bp i' After sonic littlo discussion in which W. A. Anderson,attorney for the defend- cpressed himself agreeable to the motion of the City Attorney, the investi- gation was Indefinite ly postponed. AMUSEMENTS. The box sheet for "The Dazzler," Kate Castieton's engagement for next week, opens at the Metropolitan Theater this morning for sale of reserved seals. "\ esterday %V»is Very "Warm. The Government weather reports show that yesterday was another hot day. the mi rcury going up as high as it did at any time during September, 1890, which was - . The temperatures at ."> a. .m. and 6 p. m. yesterday were 56° and 9l° t while the highest and lowest were i'l and 50 , with southerly \\mds during the morning and evening, and northerly during the fore- noon and afternoon. 'J he highest and lowest temperatures one year ago yesterday were 92? and6i°. and one year ago to-day 90 and 57°. Funeral of Sister Listen. Tho funeral of Sister Mary Dolores Listen, who died at .St. Joseph's Convent on Wednesday, will take place from the convent at :> a. m. to-day. The Children Of Mary Vv ill attend in a body. The funeral willbe public. The pall-bearers willbo Colonel James McNasser, General T. \v. sheehan, Oeo. Sermonet, A. Coolot, W. J. O'Brien and C. K. AfcCiatchy. \y"k attraction ai Gattmann A Wil- son's, ladies white embroidered, scalloped handkerchief* at 25 cents. Excellent value. * SrriNWAv A: Son's, popular Pease nnrt brilliant Gaoler ]ir->>.' pianos: easy Install- ments, A. J. I'ommer, corner Ninth aud J. THEY WANT GUM HO. A Determined Fight Being Made by Chinese Slave-Owners. The Girl is Discharged on a Writ of Habeas Corpus, But Is Immedi- ately Arrested Again. The scramblo lor the possession of Gum 110, tho pretty Chinese girl who recently escaped to this city from Colusa, where she had been compelled to live a life of shame by her owners, was resumed in tho Superior Court yesterday before Judge Van Fleet. The Rirl had been stolen from her own- ers in Yisalia (who, by the way, had im- ported her from China as a slave), and had been taken to Colusa. There she was put through the formality of a marriage with a Chinaman whom she never saw before. Sho was then turned over to Horn Duck, tho slave-owner, who en- gineered the job to steal her. The object of having the girl married was to prevent her former owners from taking her again. When the girl ran away from < olusa steps wore taken by the slave-owners to ret-over her, ;is. being comely, sho was considered a valuable chattel. A war- rant was sworn out for her arrest by her alleged husband, charging her with em- bezzling some of his jewels. The girl was endeavoring to make her way to the Mission in Han Francisco, where sho could be protected and cared for by'the philanthropic ladies wh i have charge of that place, but was arrested hen 1. The ladies came to her assistance, and a writ of habeas corpus was peti- tioned for. There was a partial hearing of the matter several days ago, and on yt st< rday it was concluded. An immenso crowd of Chinese filled the courtroom, and were greatly interested in the case. The slave-owners were there too. Charles T. Janes, who appeared as at- torney for the girl, proved by Justice of tlie Peace Liening of Colusa that the girl was married, and the girl v Btified to the same thing. The girl also testified that she did not give her consent to the issu- ing of the warrant lor her arrest. .Mr. Jones th. n asked for the discharge of the girl on the ground that under the law husband nor wile can proceed or ap- pear in court against each other except where cither has committed an act of violence upon the other. Attorney Blanchard, who appeared for the other side, disputed this, and read some law on the subject. After quite a lengthy argument by both Bides, Judge Van bleet granted the. writ, and discharged the girl. The girl was scarcely outside the court- room door when tho Colusa officers, who were heru to take her back, served an- other warrant on her. She was charged again with embezzlement, but this time the names of two other Chinese appeared as the complaining witnesses, and not tho husband. Attorney Jones had suspected just such a move, and had his papers ready, lie rushed luck into Judge Van Fleet's court, and had another pi titkm for a writ of habeas corpus signed, and made re- turnable to-day. The haste on Mr. Jones'part was to prevent the slaveholders from bailing the girl our. In this case they could take possession of her and hide her. Then, when the date of trial came up, they would have the case dismissed, because of tho "absence of witnesses whoso whereabouts are unknown," and thus free themselves from the liability of for- feiting the bail. It is an old trick of the slaveholders, and one that has been worked success- fully very often. The fight will be taken up again to-day. ANOTHER CASK. Constablo ]Jrl^>.. i Returns From Jjom Angeles Empty-Handed. Constable J. P. Brissel returned yes- terday from Los Angeles. lie had been placed in about the same position that the Colusa officers, who are here now, occupy at present. <>n Monday last Constable Brissi 1 ar- rived in Los Angeles with a Chinaman from this city named Leone Sing. The officer promptly reported at police head- quarters, where he stated he had a war- rant for the arrest of a Chinese woman named Soon Lee, on a charge of grand larceny. The complaining witness was a Chinaman at Sacramento named Ah Lung, and it had been represented to the authorities at Sacramento that it was a "straight case." Mr. Brissel s.-iid that he did not want to lend himself to any un- derhand practice, and when the status of affairs in Chinatown in Los Angeles was laid before him, said if he found it was a job he would have nothing to do with it. Chief Glass then detailed Detective Auble to assist Brissel, and taking the Sacramento Chinaman with them to iden- tify the woman, they proceeded to China- town. They entered one of the houses, when the strange heathen promptly pointed out the Best-looking inmate, a woman known as Toy Soon, as the guilty party. As soon as 'this was done, the officers were thoroughly convinced that it was simply a blind to get possession of the woman, who was known to be the wife of Wong Chien. she having been legally married to him at Fresno, for which she had a certificate. The arrest wa> made about noon, and it was the intention of the officer to leave with his prisoner on the L:35 train, but on the representations of the local officers he took the woman togthetCity Prison until the matter could be investigated. By this time the news of the arrest had spread throughout Chinatown. The heathens were in; a state of highi excite- ment, and in a short time a large delega- tion, headed by Wong Chee and the hus- band of the woman, put in an appear- ance at the Police station. In the meantime the District Attor- ney's office had been communicated with, and on the representations of Police ("ni- cer Bevan and others, a writ of habeas corpus was at once applied for, and Dis- trict Attorney Ryan of Sacramento noti- fied by wire of the facts in the case. The woman was then taken before Judge Mc- Kinley, but as he was engaged the hear- ing was continued until Tuesday, the prisoner being released on 1300 cash bail, which was promptly deposited. Monday evening Constable I'rissel re- ceived a telegram from Sacramento, tell- ing him to keep the woman in Los An- geles until tho case could bo thoroughly mv estimated. From tho fact that the woman is the wife of a member of the company "which is opposed to Wong Ark, who was on trial in Los Angeles for murder, tho offi- cers were of opinion that the attempt to get possession of the woman Avas for the purposo of intimidating the Chinese to prevent them from giving evidence in the murder trial. At any rate, it was tho general opinion that had the woman been got out of the city she would never have reached Sacramento, as she would have been intercepted at some point on the road and got out of the hands of the oliicers on some trick, as has been done in other cases. The Constable did not bring the woman with him, as she was released on a writ of habeas corpus. It was alleged in tho writ that the matter was simply an at- tempt to get possession of the woman. Constable Urissel says he was simply acting in discharge of his duties in mak- ing the arrest, "The warrant was regu- larly issued," ho said, "placed in my hands, and served. 1 had no interest in the matter except to serve tho warrant, as 1 Mould any paper given me by the proper authorities." LAST OF THE SEASON. The Hussar Band "Will Clo^o the Opon- Air Concerts To-Morrow Evening?. The last open-air concert of the season will be given at tho Plaza on Sunday evening, beginning at 7 o'clock sharp. The Hussar Hand will do tho honors, having returned from lone, where tho members had been the past week, de- lighting the people at the Amador County Fair. A line programme is promised, as will be seen by the following numbers: Ma ifii. "Aivert on" (Sherman Mazoorka, "Chest< r E." \\ rrazzi Musical melange, "Little Roßebuds"_Bocttger < Irand military waltz. "Colonel" Kiesler Overture, "Witch iincl Wizard" Dolbey Grand medley of popular songs While Concert march L titch Is considered the finest march <i the day. The same not being published as yet, the band engaged one ot Its members to arrange It.) Potpourri, "Lnpi rcalia" Dolbey Extra. [Selection iu>t yet made.] Grand fantasia on GoapeJ hymns Dumara I a) Galop, "Adieu"' Bollluson ( (U) "Star Spangled Banner." ROBBED BY HIGHBINDERS. A Chinese Woman the Victim—Three Men Arrested. Last night a Chinaman appeared at tho the Police Station and swore out warrants charging Fong Ah Him, Fon Ah Lucy and Fong Ah Moy with robbery. He said they had assaulted and robbed B Chinawoman of her money, and even nulled her ear-rings from her ears. Three officers were detailed to go with the Chinaman, who promised to point out the robbers. He identified the three men named, and they were arrested. When they were searched by Police Clerk Clark portions of a broken" pair of ear-rings were found in the purse of one of the prisoners, which gives color to tho charge. THIEVES AT WORK. Several Bold Thefts Reported to the Several cases of robbery were reported yesterday at tho Police Station. John lteith, the well-known Union House farmer, announces the theft of a large case of fresh butter and two dozen cans of preserved fruit from his place. Dr. W. Wood, the dentist, was yester- day robbed of 84 » worth of gold-filling for teeth, and S. S. Nathan it Co. are minus a coat stolen from in front of their store on Third and X streets. J'oliee Yesterday. Instead of fifteen extra policemen the Police Commission should have put on about fifty. Real Estate Transfers. The following real estate transfers have been recorded since our last report: Mrs. 11. Michel to <;. H. l. and K. Francis— East naif of west half and west half of east half of lot 3, (J aiid R, Fourth and Fifth streets: love and affection. YV. F. and M. 11. Brown to \V. L. Sulli- van—East half of lot »i, L and M, Twenty- first and Twenty-second streets; 16*600. Horses and Furniture at Auction. At their salesroom, 1004 J street, to-day, at 10 a. m., Hell <fc Co. will sell at auction horses, buggies, wagons, carts, and two houses of furniture ftnd carpets. At 2 O'clock j\ m.. at the stock-yards. Fourteenth and B streets, they will sell forty head of line young horses. Prisoners En Route. Deputy Sheriff Costello of San Fran- cisco came up last night, en route to tho Polsom l'rison, with .Tames M. Daly, a murderer, under sentence for life, and William Casey, a petit larcenist, sen- tenced to one year. Tho Irrigation Convention. Most of the delegates to the Irrigation Convention, which meets at Salt Lake City on the loth of September, have en- gaged sleeping-car accommodations for the ovening of the 12th from San Fran- cisco. To Report This Evening. All the special policemen appointed on Thursday are to report at the Police Sta- tion at r> o'clock this evening and receive their details and instructions. -+- Thirteenth street, from O to P, is being graveled by the Street linprovcinent < lompany. Tho graveling of P street has been completed us far down as that point. \u25a0 \u25a0*> The I,ast Day. Every lady should visit the New York Mil- linery Emporium, *>2b .1 street, to-day.aa it is the last opportunity whereby a most select stock of hats and bonnets can be secured at reduced prices. S. T. Mi Hoover. * (jAttmann & WlMOjf'S reduction sn'o j>rovrd a great success, and thry will continue the same kit one wtek longer. Watch local columns daily. * SACRAMENTO DAILY RECOKD-LXTOX, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1891.—EIGHT PAGES. 3 KORN. MTT.LON—In this city, September Ist, to the wife ofArthur Milion. a daughter, * NEUMANN—In this city, August 2Sth, to the wit,- ofWin. P. Neumann, a daughter. * BLIGHT—In this city, August 21th, to the wife of S. B. Slight, a daughter. DIED. LOWELL—In this city. September 4th. John M. Lowell, a native of Sacramento City Cal age I yean. \u25a0C^" Funeral private. Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extract of Vanilla is extracted from the true Vanilla Bean obtained from Mexico. This popular flavor, as made by Dr. Price, embodies all the delicate aroma of this agree- able fruit, and is free from the strong, rank taste of those extracts sold as Vanilla, which are made from the cheap tonqua or snuff bean. If something pure and nice is wanted to flavor cakes, pies, creams, or puddings, use Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts, and the housewife will never be disappointed. gtmtlggfr paihj foe f£tciu&tach> £übtn Sr ©«?\u2666 i? mm in mutt. The leading new shape in Teek or Four-in-Hand Scarfs is rather larger than the shapes of last season, and resembles a tied Four-in-Hand. We have them with both open and closed tops, and in some very delicate shades and handsome designs, as well as in countless medium The new fancy, Men's Straight Stiff Brim Felt Hats, with soft crown, in black or brown black felt, at $4. To some faces these new hats are very becoming. Stylish shapes in really excellent wear- ing Black Stiff Hats for men, $2 60. RICH BLACK WOOL DRESS GOODS. Our stock was never stronger in new designs in Fine Black Dress Materials than at present. Among the novelties are: Black Wool Cote de Cheval, an en- tirely new cloth, closely resembling a Bedford Cord, and will wear excellently, $1 per yard. Black All-wool Satin Ottoman Cloth, $1 per yard. Black Satin Soleil Cloth, $1 per yard. Black French Camels' Hair, fine qual- ity, $1 35 per yard. Also a splendid assortment of Wide and Narrow Diagonal Weaves, Black Satin Plaids, Black Polka Dots, Black Shaded Stripes and a variety of choice imported Black Novelty Suits, from $15 to $35 each. Weinstock, Lubin & Co. 400 to 412 X St., Sacramento. FALL MILLINERY OPENING Continued This Week. CALL AM SEE THE NOVELTIES AT MRS. M. A. PEALER'S, 619, 621 and 623 J Street, Sacramento. BIG VALUES IN CARPETS Al FUfITOI CHAS. M. CAMPBELL'S, 409 X St. See our PINE BEDROOM SET (8 pieces), $17. WIRE SPRINGS, $2 50. PATENT KITCHEN TABLES, $4. FALL OPENING OF PARIS PATTERNS BON MARCHHI, S27J ST. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. ElfVl/V. SWEENEY. _ue;:mq;n:ad]e:. NOT TOO LATE! We were at the circus and we found out that the Mechanical Store Cannot k Undersold, READ OUR PRICES And place your earnings where they will bring the best returns: Men's Black Worsted Suits, worth $5, now $2 5O Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, worth $6, now $3 OO Men's Fancy Cassimere Suits, worth $8. now $4 OO Men's Fancy Cheviot All-wool Suits, worth Sio, now $5 75 Men's Extra Fancy Cheviot All-wool Suits, worth $12, now $6 SO Men's Fine Worsted All-wool Broadwales, worth $17 50, now $12 5O Men's Fine French Imported Black Corkscrew, worth $22 50, now $15 OO Men's Fine French Imported Worsteds, in broad and narrow wales, worth $25, now _ $17 BO Boys' Sailor Suits, worth $1 25, now 46c Boys' Suits, long pants, union cassimere; 13 to 18, worth $4, now $2 25 Boys' Suits, long pants, all-wool cassimere, worth $5 50, now $3 OO 11. MARKS, MECHANICAL CLOTHING HOUSE, 414 X STREET Woven Wire Mattresses, - - %l 73 Bed Lounges, 12 00 Solid Walnut Wardrobe, - - 22 00 Antique Bedroom Set 7 pieces. 21 00 Theso nro only a few of the many bar- gains to found at L i JACOX <S (X Call and see our fine stock of Store Open Every Fvonlnjr till S o'clock. 920 AND 928 X STREET. EXCITING_ RACE. THE CONTESTS FOR BUPRBMACTX oN" the race track are exclttng and severe i>ut it la not a marker to the strngcle in the race between lite and death. A neglected dl? nften causes senoua '.iin<-ss. ana ih. a the con- test starts In. Ml you over have bead dut- easet Then are u>is of inopi* dynn >>i v. MR. w. a. C0X.520 o itreet, this cfty.a well-known and popular gentleman, did not propose being added to toe u-t. He writi « '1 have dootored with manj pnyslclaaa for the past three yens, bat only derived tempo* raryrellet I Buffered greatly from rheuma- tism, heart and kidney troubles. I placed myself under Uii> care of the doctors at the Dr. Williams' Dispensary, and after the Unit lour weeks of treatment I found mynell cured. I give (lii> testimonial to enable others BUttei - ing as] havet., en to learn where they can be speedily cured, ir th. oaM be ourable. or if otherwise will !>ec.indidiv informed. (Signed), \v. a. COX. IftbestaflTot physicians at the Doctor Will- iams' Dispensary cannot cure you, do power on earth can. Don't give up. There is hope for those who suffer from Nervous and Plj eal Debility, Premature Decline, Exhausted Vitality, the despairing miserie from inherited weakness, folly, overwork, overtax- ation, strains, vice, Ignorance, i-'te.. causing the unhappy victim to be unfit ror business, work, pleasure or social or public duties and relations. Remember, w specialty Is in. n'a diseases. Young, middle-aged or old men suffering from the effects of Collies restored to j>( ri'. ot health. Consultation, examination and advice free. A pharmacy is attached and all prescriptions filled free of charge. our business is conducted with th<> jjrrvatest seoreoy, and we pnblian tes- timonials only ut th<> request of jm- th'iits. Hours, !) A. M. to I V. M. ntiil <$ to H I*. M. Sunday*. 1O A. M. to 12 M. only. DOCTOR WILLIAMS' DISPENSARY, (>ivJ X Street, Baoratnento, Cal. KILGORE & CO., —AOENT3FOR Studebaker Bros. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and CARTS. Tho lntost styloH nnd tho bost niada vehicles iv tho world. Pacific Gas Engine, The leading and only successful Gas Engine in the market. 1000,1002,1005, 1006 X Street SACRAMENTO. WILD llilffl HE! MADE FROM WILD CHEREIES OF INDIANA. A First-class Tonic and Appetizer AND AN EXCELLENT FAMILY BEVERAGE. Can be used on ull occasions. For sale every- where. JAMES WOODBURN, 4 17 k st:- ( >.-t. raol4-lm«1 General Agent. BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK. (NJEIW SERIES. rpirr, SACRAMENTO BUILDING A>.T> .1 Loan Association will Issue its Fiftcpntd \u25a0erica of stock, commencing September 7th. Shares can be secured now, at its office 1014 Fourth street A. LEONARD, Secretary. au2B-2w3p <J. SCHNERR & CU (Successors to Postel &Rchnerr), Nos. nn and nn Front Street. Sacramento, Cal. T)Rornn:T< liis ( :apital si >da w < irks I nnd i ieneral Afp nts Fredericksbnrg Brew ing Company, dealers in Wines, Imported Mineral waters, Carbonated Drinks, i-'l.i etc. * Mr Barsaparilla, Iron and Vichy Water and California (Grange Cider still lead on this coast on account oftheir healthralness. purity. dcliciito flavor and keeping qualities. ti-Jfowaro of Irresponsible pnrtto*;, who, under all sorts of miaroprescnta- llon, oftor for snlo similar but vastly Inferior uoods ntadc In onteldo towns. FOR SALE. 9- w0 BGBAD CJEIOTCE Bucksai Whitney's, near v^AVV^ JOHN T. WHITNEY, Rocklln, Cal.agQ-lTn* mA ll<rPll# AfIPLI Sou.erin« from I «W glliriil Ifflb I^B youthful errors »arly decay, wastlnpr weakness, lost manhood, etc^ I will goad a valuable treatise (»caled) containing full particulars Tor bomo cure, FBEE of charge. A.splcn>lid medical work; fOinuld ba Tem&byercry man who is inrvon* and dr-bllltat^d. A^lilrpsi, Prof. F- C. FOWLER. 2Soudai a toun. DB. T. FELIX UOIRAI'DS ORIEMTAIj crkajj, *>n JiiiiM ii. riiu;B fi—i .^cff^S. Il<?m<»vcH 'I'an, Pimples, »|S <^S^®s> Fwdctos, Moth Pauhes, 3rj"^ jj^^'list-uses, and cv- Hsx— 'K?^ fffjf /rM.7 nauty.anddolles E.SKk Ml *Jt Ht-V '!<"tection. It has Ph^cs *S V fcT\ 4u years, and in so p A. -^"V- «-J harmlesswetasta ax O \u25a0 mf I '' to sur«? it ](} 5L ,/AJ \ Accept no conn- /jJIU-^/Vl ( ' \ "av)>r" said to^ fsr y^^^^/^\l ) 11lu> of the hliut: [ " f %\ \^ **^^ "As you ladies \ *—** b\jT >w! will u9ft them. I recommend'Gou- raud's Cream'as the least harmftil of all the Mkln preparations." For Bal<> by all dru*sfl*ts and fxney goods dealers in the United Hiates.Canada* and Eu- rope. FRED. T. HOPKLXS, Proprietor. 37 OreM Jouea AtreeL. iScw Vui^ mvo-TTS3x>Ut

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Destructive Fire Caused by a Can ofGasoline.

A Clerk's Proseneo of Mind Preventsan Explosion—Chief Guthrio W ants

Protection for Ills Men.

Ifanybody had entertained a doubt asto the dangerous character of gasoline,the lire that occurred yesterday at Cham-berlin <k Milliken's store, on X street, be-tween Sixth and Seventh, must haveremoved it.

Itwas a red-hot lire, and completelyeutted tho stove and crockery store from*stem to stern—from the front doors to therear ones on the alloy, IGO feet away.There was not much saved from thestock of goods, only a few light articlesthat were taken from the salesroom infront out upon the sidewalk.

The fire started in the rear of the store,and in an instant tho place was in flames.Itseems that W. F. Pfund and one of theemployes were there handling cans ofgasoline. Pfund took hold of a can bythe handle and was lifting it from the j

floor when it burst in flames. With great ipresence ofmind, and at the risk of hisLie, he grabbed up the burning can anddashed it out into the alley.

In tho mean time the burning fluidspread and communicated with that ofother cans. Near by was an iron barrel,or drum, containing upward of 100 gal-lons, but before it was endangered thetwo men rolled it through the buildinginto the alley and to a place of safety.

Chief Engineer (Juthrie was just ap-proaching the corporation house, on thealley, at the end of the block, and sawthe "burning can when it was thrown out.He sent in an alarm at once, and the de-partment soon had streams of water

Souring into the blazing building fromoth front and rear. But the lire was

burning with such rierecness that most oftiie woodwork and stock was ruined be-fore the flames could be quenched.

The building is a one-story brick, justwest oftin- one recently occupied by S. S.Nixon a--a horse-shoeing shop. Un theother sido is the marble-cutting estab-lishment of Israel Luce A: Son. also aone-story building. These were slightlydamaged, as was also the wooden addi-tion to the building on the west ownedby Mrs. Mary Lloyd.

Tho burned building and that on theoust side bolong to the John Breunerestate. Each was insured for &'>im>, andthis sum willprobably cover the damagethereto. The walls were not seriouslyinjured.

Messrs. Chamberlin A: Milliken car-riedastock of about £t>.oo'», insured for$4,500 in different companies.

The firemen did splendid service. Thoiieat was intense all about the blazingstoreroom, but they followed up the re-ceding flames, driving them back inchby inch, while nearly smothered inBmoke.


Chief Engineer Guthrle Has Somethingto Sjiy About It.

For months past the City Trustees havebeen backing and filling over proposedordinances regulating the storage ofgaso-line, coal oil, etc., Inn thus far have notbeen able to agree upon one that was ac-

table to those dealing largely in thearti<

The trouble has been that the Trusteesha\ c fallen into tho custom of having theparties whose interests are affected pre-pare and submit their own ordinances,franchises, etc. These are seldom satis-factory at first, and new ones are drawnup and submitted until one is preparedon which a vote is taken. The properthins to do would bo for the Trustees to

pare their own ordinances, or haveCity Attorney do it; then they can

jn-ar whatever objections persons mayhave to urge before taking linal actionthereon.

ChiefGuthrie said to a Rboord-Uotonreporter yesterday that at the next meet-ing of the City Trustees be would sub-mit a plan for the storage ofinflammableoils, and would give the board his rea-s >Ms for so doing. He says that at pres-ent gasoline and coal oil are kept inquantities ranging from twenty to ISOgallons by store-keepers throughout thecity, and they store just wherever they

\u25a0•• some in their basements, othersin the rear portion .of their stores, and• fillers in their salesrooms.The result is that when a lire breaks

in one of these stores the firemencannot teU where the explosives are <•"!;-

(sealed, and are liable at any time tokilled while lighting a lire. This, lie

: i avoided if the Trustees willpass an ordinance specifying where, andin w bat sort of a place, gasoline shall bekept.

Chief Guthrie's plan is to have.richer construct a tire-proof vault in the

rear of bis store, where gasoline shall bestored. These vaults can be large or

ling t-\u25a0 the quantity s:>and can be made of sheet-iron or briek-v. oik.

The Chief says that unless something<\u25a0! this kind is done for the protection offiremen he will r» :':->o t" send his meninto a burning building during a fire*.vhere tin re is any likelihood of gasoline

\u25a0 red.

SACRAMENTO INVENTIONS.Ttfo Simple ami isrful Devices by

Sacramento Inventors.< Tharles Sparks of this city has Invented

a metallic trunk strap Chat would seemto be the long-needed invention to standoffthe baggage-smasher, it consists ofathin three-quarter-inch metallic strap.One end fastens to a small meta] box aninch wideand about three and a half orlour inches lon<j.

The other end is held in a slot of a bit ofmetal that slides inside this box bymeans ofa screw running the fillI lengthol the box and carrying the slider. ThisBcrew is exposed within a hood shield at

I'.cr end, where it has a squareThe strap is thrown about the

trunk, the slider slipped underneath andinto the box with the ion>_r *"rew . uiy-ing it, and a key is applied to thehoad. A few turns binds the strap ustightly about the trunk as if it had beenwarped on red !>"t. Indeed, it wouldset in possible to crush the trunk by the

mre ifone pleased.When the key is withdrawn the trunk

is practically locked. It is not possiblebold of the strap, and the trunk isi as it would be impossible to do

v ith ropes or leather Btr.. &Davies af Florin. SacramentoCounty, a grape-grower, has invei

that is apparently a veryuseful machine. To market grapes in thei'ast to advantage they must be neatlyl-.vke<l. the top layer made uniform anil

m» be hidden.The old practice is to nearly fill tho bas-

I then carefully lay toe top coarse.V*ah Davies' machine tho top layer is: I first. A plate, slightly concavei n each side by thin walls the

of the sides ofthe basket, rises andfalls through a table top and a hinged i< afby means >>t' a treadle. This j>lat<', whichAvilli the sides he calls the "Ibnn." is de-

lby the treadle; the first or toplayer of grapes is then put Into the'*form*' and packed so as to have thesteins uppermost,

Then the "t>>nn" (sallowed t<> rise, andthe packing is continued, When t"::ll. thebasxet fs placed over the "form/ 1 the lat-ter depressed, and the leaf or "turningtable" is tit>ped over so as to invert thebasket ami Leave it right side up upon aBheif at one side and below the level oftho table.

A Had Boy Punished.The only case on tho Police Court calcn-

< ar yesterday ivas that ofKdward Clark, aboy charged with Striking a man limnedfemitn. Smith is employed by a transfer

company, and was in the act of shakinga littleboy for annoying him, when thoClark lad struck him in the face. Somevery foul language is said to have beenused.

Judge Cravens found the defendantguilty, and ordered him to appear to-dayfor sentence.

LABOR'S DEMONSTRATION.Order of tho Procession for Monday

Next—Other Features.The Labor Day Committee of the Fed-

erated Trades Ims prepared for publica-tion the following programme for thegreat demonstration on Monday:

FORMATION OF HANKS.The Grand Marshal and Aids will meet

at the corner of Sixth and Mstreets at1:30 1-. K.

Tho procession will lie formed andmove at 2:."!0 p. m. sharp.

There will be an advance of police, W.F. Drew, Chief.

The patrol of police will form on M,west side of Sixth, lacing east.

The Grand Marshal and Aids will formon the left of the police.

The First Division will form on M,right resting on Sixth, extending west.

The Second Division will form onSixth, right resting on M, extendingnorth.

The Third Division willform on Sixth,right resting on M, extending south.

The route of inarch will be from M toTenth, to K. to Second, to J, to Tenth,countermarching on Tenth to 1 andNinth streets and around the Plaza.

ORDEB OF I'ROCKsSION.The procession will march in the fol-

lowing order:Grand Marshal, J. Ilantzman; Chief

Aid, F. 11. Mclvee—colors, scarlet; As-Bistant Aids—colors, blue; Division Mar-shals; carriage containing President andOrator of the Day and Chaplain.

First Division—Hussar Sand; Marshal,•T. A. Shei'han; Aids, William Tibbets,W. 11. Germain, John Zittinger, J. H.Shelton; Iron Bidders' Union, Typo-graphical Union, liookbinders' Union,Cigarmakers' Union, Tailors' Union,Sheet lion and Metal Workers' Union.

Second Division—First Artillery Band;Marshal, J. E. Morell; Aids, HermanTeitz, Charles Hastings, Walter 11.Stocker, L. Lippeil; Brewers' Union, Car-penters 1 Union, Harnessmakers' Union,Boilermakers' Union, Bakers' Union.

Third Division—.Newcastle Band; Mar-shal, L. W. Mahoney; aids, W. 11. Lar-kin, R. W. Parker, George Best, FrankKelley, T. J. Penmsh; Rocklin GraniteCutters, Tool Sharpeners' and Quarry-men I Dions, Plumbers' Union, Brick-Layers' Union, Barbers' Union. Plaster-ers' Union.

oiiiKU FRATTJBES.Literary exercises will be held at tho

Fla/.a, as follows: Introduction, Presi-dent of the Day, C. M. Harrison: prayer.Rev. Mr. Tindall: address. Rev. Mr.Levy.

In the evening a grand ball will begiven at tho Assembly Chamber, forwhich tho Hussar Bund will furnishmusic. The committee in charge of theball will reserve the right to refuse ad-mittance to undesirable characters.

The city Board of Trade has recom-mended that all business houses close onthe afternoon of Monday.


The Saloon Investigation by the Trus-tees Ends in a Fizzle.

The Charges Were General, %Vhlle

Only One specific Act Could Be

t'rged—Some Opinions.

The Board of Trustees met last nightabout 8 o'clock, to investigate the chargespreferred by Mayor Comstock and Police•Judge Cravens against the saloon ofCunha A: Silva, at Second and L stre. ts.< >:ily two members of tho Board werepresent. Mayor Comstoek and TrusteeConklin.

There were a large number ofwitnesseson behalf of the defense—in fact, thelobby was filled with witnesses.

Everything looked like there would bea heated as well as a prolonged contest ifthe investigation proceeded.

As soon as Mayor Comstock called theboard to order, and called up the case forhearing, City Attorney Hart arose, andannounced that after consultation with

Lice Commissioners, it was deemedbest to move for an indefinite postpone-ment of the charges.

This course was deemed advisable bythe board because there was only one-: i cific act that could be urged against:i..' defendants. The; charges were gen-eral.

Mayor l.'omstoek expressed himself atsome length. He declared himself infavor of a most vigorous enforcement ofthe ordinances relating to saloons. How-• vir. in this ease he did not desire to be aparty toany injustice against these par-ticular saloon men. He cautioned themthey that must in the future take care notto permit .any questionable actions ontheir premises.

Trustee Conklin said lie did not likethe idea of having charges preferred intin- way and then abandoned, which thisaction would in Gad be. He thought thatthe Police < Commissioners ought to knowwhat they were doing when they brouphtcharges, and not to prefer them untilafter a full Investigation; and in such

be would not want any furtherproof to guide him in his action. Mr.Conklin, turning to City Attorney Hart.asked him if the charges still remainedbefore the board, and whether they couldbe taken up at any time? lie also re-marked that be would hereafter dependonly on the police force forhis informa-tion.

Mr. Hart promptly replied that, underthe ordinance, no man's license could borevoked without giving him a fair hear-ing. It would be unjust to trya man un-beard, and Ik* doubted ifany action ofthe board looking toward taking away aman's license without such hearingwould bp i'

After sonic littlo discussion in whichW. A. Anderson,attorney for the defend-

cpressed himself agreeable to themotion of the City Attorney, the investi-gation was Indefinite ly postponed.


The box sheet for "The Dazzler," KateCastieton's engagement for next week,opens at the Metropolitan Theater thismorning for sale of reserved seals.

"\ esterday %V»is Very "Warm.The Government weather reports show

that yesterday was another hot day. themi rcury going up as high as it did atanytime during September, 1890, which was

- .The temperatures at ."> a. .m. and 6 p. m.

yesterday were 56° and 9l°t while thehighest and lowest were i'l and 50 , withsoutherly \\mds during the morning andevening, and northerly during the fore-noon and afternoon.

'J he highest and lowest temperaturesone year ago yesterday were 92? and6i°.and one year ago to-day 90 and 57°.

Funeral of Sister Listen.Tho funeral of Sister Mary Dolores

Listen, who died at .St. Joseph's Conventon Wednesday, will take place from theconvent at :> a. m. to-day. The ChildrenOf Mary Vv ill attend in a body. Thefuneral willbe public.

The pall-bearers willbo Colonel JamesMcNasser, General T. \v. sheehan, Oeo.Sermonet, A. Coolot, W. J. O'Brien andC. K. AfcCiatchy.

\y"k attraction ai Gattmann A Wil-son's, ladies white embroidered, scallopedhandkerchief* at 25 cents. Excellent value. *

SrriNWAv A: Son's, popular Pease nnrtbrilliant Gaoler ]ir->>.' pianos: easy Install-ments, A. J. I'ommer, corner Ninth aud J. •


A Determined Fight Being Made byChinese Slave-Owners.

The Girl is Discharged on a Writ of

Habeas Corpus, But Is Immedi-

ately Arrested Again.

The scramblo lor the possession of Gum110, tho pretty Chinese girl who recentlyescaped to this city from Colusa, whereshe had been compelled to live a life ofshame by her owners, was resumed intho Superior Court yesterday beforeJudge Van Fleet.

The Rirl had been stolen from her own-ers in Yisalia (who, by the way, had im-ported her from China as a slave), andhad been taken to Colusa. There she wasput through the formality of a marriagewith a Chinaman whom she never sawbefore. Sho was then turned over toHorn Duck, tho slave-owner, who en-gineered the job to steal her. The objectof having the girl married was to preventher former owners from taking her again.

When the girl ran away from < olusasteps wore taken by the slave-owners toret-over her, ;is. being comely, sho wasconsidered a valuable chattel. A war-rant was sworn out for her arrest by heralleged husband, charging her with em-bezzling some ofhis jewels.

The girl was endeavoring to make herway to the Mission in Han Francisco,where sho could be protected and caredfor by'the philanthropic ladies wh i havecharge of that place, but was arrestedhen 1. The ladies came to her assistance,and a writ of habeas corpus was peti-tioned for. There was a partial hearingof the matter several days ago, and onyt st< rday it was concluded. An immensocrowd of Chinese filled the courtroom,and were greatly interested in the case.The slave-owners were there too.

Charles T. Janes, who appeared as at-torney for the girl, proved by Justice oftlie Peace Liening of Colusa that the girlwas married, and the girl v Btified to thesame thing. The girl also testified thatshe did not give her consent to the issu-ing of the warrant lor her arrest.

.Mr. Jones th. n asked for the dischargeof the girl on the ground that under thelaw husband nor wile can proceed or ap-pear in court against each other exceptwhere cither has committed an act ofviolence upon the other.

Attorney Blanchard, who appeared forthe other side, disputed this, and readsome law on the subject.

After quite a lengthy argument by bothBides, Judge Van bleet granted the. writ,and discharged the girl.

The girl was scarcely outside the court-room door when tho Colusa officers, whowere heru to take her back, served an-other warrant on her. She was chargedagain with embezzlement, but this timethe names of two other Chinese appearedas the complaining witnesses, and not thohusband.

Attorney Jones had suspected just sucha move, and had his papers ready, lierushed luck into Judge Van Fleet'scourt, and had another pi titkm for a writof habeas corpus signed, and made re-turnable to-day.

The haste on Mr. Jones'part was toprevent the slaveholders from bailing thegirl our. In this case they could takepossession of her and hide her. Then,when the date of trial came up, theywould have the case dismissed, becauseof tho "absence of witnesses whosowhereabouts are unknown," and thusfree themselves from the liability of for-feiting the bail.

It is an old trick of the slaveholders,and one that has been worked success-fully very often.

The fight will be taken up again to-day.


Constablo ]Jrl^>.. i Returns From JjomAngeles Empty-Handed.

Constable J. P. Brissel returned yes-terday from Los Angeles.

lie had been placed in about the sameposition that the Colusa officers, who arehere now, occupy at present.

<>n Monday last Constable Brissi 1 ar-rived in Los Angeles with a Chinamanfrom this city named Leone Sing. Theofficer promptly reported at police head-quarters, where he stated he had a war-rant for the arrest of a Chinese womannamed Soon Lee, on a charge of grandlarceny. The complaining witness wasa Chinaman at Sacramento named AhLung, and it had been represented to theauthorities at Sacramento that it was a"straight case." Mr. Brissel s.-iid that hedid not want to lend himself to any un-derhand practice, and when the status ofaffairs in Chinatown in Los Angeles waslaid before him, said if he found it was ajob he would have nothing to do with it.

Chief Glass then detailed DetectiveAuble to assist Brissel, and taking theSacramento Chinaman with them to iden-tify the woman, they proceeded to China-town. They entered one of the houses,when the strange heathen promptlypointed out the Best-looking inmate, awoman known as Toy Soon, as the guiltyparty. As soon as 'this was done, theofficers were thoroughly convinced thatit was simply a blind to get possession ofthe woman, who was known to be thewife of Wong Chien. she having beenlegally married to him at Fresno, forwhich she had a certificate.

The arrest wa> made about noon, andit was the intention of the officer to leavewith his prisoner on the L:35 train, but onthe representations of the local officers hetook the woman togthetCity Prison untilthe matter could be investigated.

By this time the news of the arrest hadspread throughout Chinatown. Theheathens were in; a state of highi excite-ment, and in a short time a large delega-tion, headed by Wong Chee and the hus-band of the woman, put in an appear-ance at the Police station.

In the meantime the District Attor-ney's office had been communicated with,and on the representations of Police ("ni-cer Bevan and others, a writ of habeascorpus was at once applied for, and Dis-trict Attorney Ryan of Sacramento noti-fied by wire of the facts in the case. Thewoman was then taken before Judge Mc-Kinley, but as he was engaged the hear-ing was continued until Tuesday, theprisoner being released on 1300 cash bail,which was promptly deposited.

Monday evening Constable I'rissel re-ceived a telegram from Sacramento, tell-ing him to keep the woman in Los An-

geles until tho case could bo thoroughlymv estimated.From tho fact that the woman is the

wifeofa member of the company "whichis opposed to Wong Ark, who was ontrial in Los Angeles for murder, tho offi-cers were of opinion that the attempt toget possession of the woman Avas for thepurposo of intimidating the Chinese toprevent them from giving evidence inthe murder trial. At any rate, it was thogeneral opinion that had the woman beengot out of the city she would never havereached Sacramento, as she would havebeen intercepted at some point on theroad and got out of the hands of theoliicers on some trick, as has been donein other cases.

The Constable did not bring the womanwith him, as she was released on a writof habeas corpus. It was alleged in thowrit that the matter was simply an at-tempt to get possession of the woman.

Constable Urissel says he was simplyacting in discharge of his duties in mak-ing the arrest, "The warrant was regu-larly issued," ho said, "placed in myhands, and served. 1 had no interest inthe matter except to serve tho warrant, as1 Mould any paper given me by theproper authorities."

LAST OF THE SEASON.The Hussar Band "Will Clo^o the Opon-

Air Concerts To-Morrow Evening?.The last open-air concert of the season

will be given at tho Plaza on Sundayevening, beginning at 7 o'clock sharp.The Hussar Hand will do tho honors,having returned from lone, where thomembers had been the past week, de-lighting the people at the Amador CountyFair.

A line programme is promised, as willbe seen by the following numbers:Ma ifii. "Aivert on" (ShermanMazoorka, "Chest< r E." \\ rrazziMusical melange, "LittleRoßebuds"_Bocttger< Irand military waltz. "Colonel" KieslerOverture, "Witch iincl Wizard" DolbeyGrand medley of popular songs WhileConcert march L titch Is considered the finest march <i theday. The same not being published as yet,the band engaged one ot Its members toarrange It.)

Potpourri, "Lnpircalia" DolbeyExtra. [Selection iu>t yet made.]Grand fantasia on GoapeJ hymns DumaraI a) Galop, "Adieu"' Bollluson( (U) "Star Spangled Banner."

ROBBED BY HIGHBINDERS.A Chinese Woman the Victim—Three

Men Arrested.Last night a Chinaman appeared at tho

the Police Station and swore out warrantscharging Fong Ah Him, Fon Ah Lucyand Fong Ah Moy with robbery. Hesaid they had assaulted and robbed BChinawoman of her money, and evennulled her ear-rings from her ears.

Three officers were detailed to go withthe Chinaman, who promised to pointout the robbers. He identified the threemen named, and they were arrested.

When they were searched by PoliceClerk Clark portions of a broken" pair ofear-rings were found in the purse of oneof the prisoners, which gives color to thocharge.

THIEVES AT WORK.Several Bold Thefts Reported to the

Several cases ofrobbery were reportedyesterday at tho Police Station. Johnlteith, the well-known Union Housefarmer, announces the theft of a largecase of fresh butter and two dozen cansof preserved fruit from his place.

Dr. W. Wood, the dentist, was yester-day robbed of84 » worth ofgold-filling forteeth, and S. S. Nathan it Co. are minusa coat stolen from in front of their storeon Third and X streets.

J'oliee Yesterday.

Instead of fifteen extra policemen thePolice Commission should have put onabout fifty.

Real Estate Transfers.The following real estate transfers have

been recorded since our last report:Mrs. 11. Michel to <;. H. l. and K.

Francis— East naif of west half and westhalf ofeast half of lot3, (J aiid R, Fourthand Fifth streets: love and affection.

YV. F. and M. 11. Brown to \V. L. Sulli-van—East halfoflot »i, Land M, Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets; 16*600.

Horses and Furniture at Auction.At their salesroom, 1004 J street, to-day,

at 10 a. m., Hell <fc Co. willsell at auctionhorses, buggies, wagons, carts, and twohouses of furniture ftnd carpets.

At 2 O'clock j\ m.. at the stock-yards.Fourteenth and B streets, they will sellforty head ofline young horses.

Prisoners En Route.Deputy Sheriff Costello of San Fran-

cisco came up last night, en route to thoPolsom l'rison, with .Tames M. Daly, amurderer, under sentence for life, andWilliam Casey, a petit larcenist, sen-tenced to one year.

Tho Irrigation Convention.Most of the delegates to the Irrigation

Convention, which meets at Salt LakeCity on the loth of September, have en-gaged sleeping-car accommodations forthe ovening of the 12th from San Fran-cisco.

To Report This Evening.All the special policemen appointed on

Thursday are to report at the Police Sta-tion at r> o'clock this evening and receivetheir details and instructions.—-+-

Thirteenth street, from O to P, is beinggraveled by the Street linprovcinent< lompany. Tho graveling of P street hasbeen completed us far down as that point.

\u25a0 \u25a0*>

The I,ast Day.Every lady should visit the New York Mil-linery Emporium, *>2b .1 street, to-day.aa it is

the last opportunity whereby a most selectstock of hats and bonnets can be secured atreduced prices. S. T. Mi Hoover. *

(jAttmann & WlMOjf'S reduction sn'oj>rovrd a great success, and thry will continuethe same kit one wtek longer. Watch localcolumns daily. *


KORN.MTT.LON—In this city, September Ist, to the

wifeofArthur Milion. a daughter, *NEUMANN—In this city, August 2Sth, tothe wit,- ofWin. P. Neumann, a daughter. *BLIGHT—In this city, August 21th, to thewifeof S. B. Slight, a daughter. •

DIED.LOWELL—In this city. September 4th. John

M. Lowell, a native ofSacramento City Calage I yean.

\u25a0C^" Funeral private.

Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extract ofVanilla is extracted from the true Vanilla Beanobtained from Mexico.

This popular flavor, as made by Dr. Price,embodies all the delicate aroma of this agree-able fruit, and is free from the strong, rank tasteof those extracts sold as Vanilla, which aremade from the cheap tonqua or snuff bean.

If something pure and nice is wanted toflavor cakes, pies, creams, or puddings, use Dr.Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts, and thehousewife will never be disappointed.

gtmtlggfr paihj foe f£tciu&tach> £übtn Sr ©«?\u2666

i? mm in mutt.The leading new shape in Teek or

Four-in-Hand Scarfs is rather larger thanthe shapes of last season, and resemblesa tied Four-in-Hand. We have themwith both open and closed tops, and insome very delicate shades and handsomedesigns, as well as in countless medium

The new fancy, Men's Straight StiffBrim Felt Hats, with soft crown, in blackor brown black felt, at $4. To some facesthese new hats are very becoming.

Stylish shapes in really excellent wear-ing Black Stiff Hats for men, $2 60.

RICH BLACK WOOL DRESS GOODS.Our stock was never stronger in new

designs in Fine Black Dress Materialsthan at present. Among the novelties are:

Black Wool Cote de Cheval, an en-tirely new cloth, closely resembling aBedford Cord, and willwear excellently,$1 per yard.

Black All-wool Satin Ottoman Cloth,$1 per yard.

Black Satin Soleil Cloth, $1 per yard.

Black French Camels' Hair, fine qual-ity, $1 35 per yard.

Also a splendid assortment of Wideand Narrow Diagonal Weaves, BlackSatin Plaids, Black Polka Dots, BlackShaded Stripes and a variety of choiceimported Black Novelty Suits, from $15to $35 each.

Weinstock, Lubin & Co.400 to 412 X St., Sacramento.



MRS. M. A. PEALER'S,619, 621 and 623 J Street, Sacramento.







NOT TOO LATE!We were at the circus and we found out that the

Mechanical Store Cannot k Undersold,READ OUR PRICES

And place your earnings where they willbring thebest returns:

Men's Black Worsted Suits, worth $5, now $2 5OMen's Fancy Worsted Suits, worth $6, now $3 OOMen's Fancy Cassimere Suits, worth $8. now $4 OOMen's Fancy Cheviot All-wool Suits, worth Sio, now $5 75Men's Extra Fancy Cheviot All-wool Suits, worth $12, now $6 SOMen's Fine Worsted All-wool Broadwales, worth $17 50, now $12 5OMen's Fine French Imported Black Corkscrew, worth $22 50, now $15 OOMen's Fine French Imported Worsteds, in broad and narrow wales, worth $25, now_ $17 BOBoys' Sailor Suits, worth $1 25, now 46cBoys' Suits, long pants, union cassimere; 13 to 18, worth $4, now $2 25Boys' Suits, long pants, all-wool cassimere, worth $5 50, now $3 OO


Woven Wire Mattresses, - - %l 73Bed Lounges, 12 00Solid Walnut Wardrobe, - - 22 00Antique Bedroom Set 7 pieces. 21 00Theso nro only a few ofthe many bar-

gains to b© found at

L i JACOX <S (XCall and see our fine stock of

Store Open Every Fvonlnjr till S o'clock.920 AND 928 X STREET.


the race track are exclttng and severe i>utitla not a marker to the strngcle in the racebetween lite and death. A neglected dl?nften causes senoua '.iin<-ss. ana ih. a the con-test starts In. Ml you over have bead dut-easet Then are u>is of inopi*dynn >>i v.

MR. w. a. C0X.520 o itreet, this cfty.awell-known and popular gentleman, did notpropose being added to toe u-t. He writi «'1 have dootored with manj pnyslclaaa forthe past three yens, bat only derived tempo*raryrellet I Buffered greatly from rheuma-tism, heart and kidney troubles. I placedmyself under Uii> care of the doctors at theDr. Williams' Dispensary, and after the Unitlour weeks of treatment I found mynell cured.I give (lii>testimonial to enable others BUttei -ing as] havet., en to learn where they can be

speedily cured, ir th. oaM be ourable. or ifotherwise will !>ec.indidiv informed.

(Signed), \v. a. COX.IftbestaflTot physicians at the Doctor Will-iams' Dispensary cannot cure you, do poweron earth can. Don't give up. There is hopefor those who suffer from Nervous and Pljeal Debility, Premature Decline, ExhaustedVitality, the despairing miserie frominherited weakness, folly, overwork, overtax-ation, strains, vice, Ignorance, i-'te.. causingthe unhappy victim to be unfit ror business,work, pleasure or social or public duties andrelations. Remember, w specialty Is in. n'adiseases. Young, middle-aged or old mensuffering from the effects of Collies restored toj>(ri'. ot health. Consultation, examinationand advice free. A pharmacy is attached andall prescriptions filled freeof charge.

our business is conducted with th<>jjrrvatest seoreoy, and we pnblian tes-timonials only ut th<> request of jm-th'iits. Hours, !) A. M. to I V. M. ntiil<$ to H I*. M. Sunday*. 1O A. M. to 12M. only.

DOCTOR WILLIAMS' DISPENSARY,(>ivJ X Street, Baoratnento, Cal.


Studebaker Bros.WAGONS, CARRIAGES,

BUGGIES and CARTS.Tho lntost styloH nnd tho bost niada

vehicles iv tho world.

Pacific Gas Engine,The leading and only successful

Gas Engine in the market.

1000,1002,1005, 1006 X StreetSACRAMENTO.


A First-class Tonic and AppetizerAND AN

EXCELLENT FAMILY BEVERAGE.Can be used on ull occasions. For sale every-


4 17 k st:- (>.-t. raol4-lm«1 General Agent.


rpirr, SACRAMENTO BUILDING A>.T>.1 Loan Association will Issue its Fiftcpntd

\u25a0erica ofstock, commencing September 7th.Shares can be secured now, at its office 1014Fourth street A. LEONARD, Secretary.au2B-2w3p

<J. SCHNERR & CU(Successors to Postel &Rchnerr),

Nos. nn and nn Front Street. Sacramento, Cal.T)Rornn:T< liis ( :apital si >da w < irksI nnd iieneral Afp nts Fredericksbnrg Brewing Company, dealers in Wines, Imported

Mineral waters, Carbonated Drinks, i-'l.ietc.

*Mr Barsaparilla, Iron and Vichy Water andCalifornia (Grange Cider still lead on thiscoast on account oftheir healthralness. purity.dcliciito flavor and keeping qualities.

ti-Jfowaro of Irresponsible pnrtto*;,who, under all sorts of miaroprescnta-llon, oftor for snlo similar but vastlyInferior uoods ntadc In onteldo towns.


Bucksai Whitney's, near v^AVV^

JOHN T. WHITNEY,Rocklln, Cal.agQ-lTn*

mA ll<rPll# AfIPLI Sou.erin« from

I «W glliriilIfflbI^B youthful errors»arly decay, wastlnpr weakness, lost manhood, etc^I will goad a valuable treatise (»caled) containingfullparticulars Tor bomo cure, FBEE of charge.A.splcn>lid medical work; fOinuld ba Tem&byercryman who is inrvon* and dr-bllltat^d. A^lilrpsi,Prof. F- C. FOWLER. 2Soudai a toun.

DB. T. FELIX UOIRAI'DS ORIEMTAIjcrkajj, *>n JiiiiM ii. riiu;B

fi—i .^cff^S. Il<?m<»vcH 'I'an, Pimples,»|S <^S^®s> Fwdctos, Moth Pauhes,

3rj"^ jj^^'list-uses, and cv-

Hsx— 'K?^ fffjf /rM.7 nauty.anddollesE.SKk Ml *Jt Ht-V '!<"tection. Ithas

Ph^cs *S V fcT\ 4u years, and in sop 3« A. -^"V- «-J harmlesswetasta3« ax O \u25a0 mfI '' to sur«? it 1»

](} 5L ,/AJ \ Accept no conn-

/jJIU-^/Vl ( '\ "av)>r" said to^

fsr y^^^^/^\l ) 11lu> of the hliut:[ "f %\ \^ **^^ "As you ladies

\ *—** b\jT >w! will u9ft them. Irecommend'Gou-

raud's Cream'as the least harmftil of all the Mklnpreparations." For Bal<> by all dru*sfl*tsand fxneygoods dealers in the United Hiates.Canada* and Eu-rope. FRED. T. HOPKLXS, Proprietor. 37 OreMJouea AtreeL. iScw Vui^ mvo-TTS3x>Ut