the$tlg$canon$ofauthors$and$works$ · editor($...

The Canon of Greek authors and Works is a searchable database containing information about the authors and works included in the TLG® corpus. The Canon can be searched by entering a term in the search box. Canon search Search Fields Autocomplete Diplomatic and vernacular editions TLG CANON The TLG Canon of Authors and Works Search box—option to choose from autocomplete Search options Diplomatic and/or vernacular texts maybe included or excluded Search Options: The default search setting is: “Author” (e.g. Homerus), however you can use the dropdown menu to search All fields or search by: Editor (e.g. J.P. Migne) Work Title (e.g. Electra) Publication Title (e.g. Patrologiae cursus completus) Series (e.g. Corpus Medicorum Graecorum) Publication Date (e.g. 1987) A minimum of three characters must be entered in the search box. You can select your search setting in your preferences (My Account Page). The Search box offers optional autocomplete. If you search in “All fields” the autocomplete will bring up only names of authors and editors. If you search under “Work” work titles will appear in autocomplete. If you ignore the autocomplete, the system will search for the string you entered.

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Post on 27-Sep-2018




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The  Canon  of  Greek  authors  and  Works  is  a  searchable  database  containing  information  about  the  authors  and  works  included  in  the  TLG®  corpus.  The  Canon  can  be  searched  by  entering  a  term  in  the  search  box.      

Canon search Search F ie lds Autocomplete Dip lomat ic and vernacular edi t ions


The  TLG  Canon  of  Authors  and  Works  

Search box—option to choose from autocomplete Search options

Diplomatic and/or vernacular texts maybe included or excluded

Search  Options:  The  default  search  setting  is:  “Author”  (e.g.  Homerus),    however  you  can  use  the  drop-­‐down  menu  to  search  All  fields  or  search  by:  

Editor  (e.g.  J.-­‐P.  Migne)  Work  Title    (e.g.  Electra)  Publication  Title  (e.g.  Patrologiae  cursus  completus)  Series    (e.g.  Corpus  Medicorum  Graecorum)  Publication  Date  (e.g.  1987)  

A  minimum  of  three  characters  must  be  entered  in  the  search  box.    You  can  select  your  search  setting  in  your  preferences  (My  Account  Page).  

The  Search  box  offers   optional   autocomplete.   If   you   search   in   “All   fields”   the   autocomplete  will  bring  up  only  names  of  authors  and  editors.  If  you  search  under  “Work”  work  titles  will  appear  in  autocomplete.  If  you  ignore  the  autocomplete,  the  system  will  search  for  the  string  you  entered.  


Canon  Searches   can  be   l imi ted  by   the   fo l lowing  fie lds :    ¡  Date   ( century  o f   an  author ’ s   l i f e  o r  floru i t )  ¡  Gener i c  Ep i the t   (k ind  o f   l i t e ra ry   ac t i v i t y   the  author   engaged   in )  ¡  Geograph ic  Ep i the t   (p lace  o f  b i r th  or   l i t e ra ry   ac t i v i t y )  ¡  Non-­‐Standard  Gen .  Ep i the t   (usua l l y   ind ica tes   author ’ s  p ro fes s iona l  

occupat ion  or  o ther   ident ifica t ion)  ¡  Work  C las s ifica t ion   (genre )  used   fo r  work   co l l ec t ions  ¡  Transmiss ion  Medium   (codex ,  papyrus  or   insc r ip t ion)  

 Up   to  five   i t ems  may  be   se lec ted  per   ca tegory .      T ip :  Ep i the t s   a re   a s s igned   to  authors .  C las s ifica t ion  app l i e s   to  works .  

Thus ,   a   sea rch   fo r  Rhet .  under  Gener i c  Ep i the t  w i l l   s ea rch   fo r  authors  marked  as   rhe tor i c i ans ,   a   search   fo r  Rhet .  under  Work  C las s ifica t ion  wi l l   r e turn   rhe tor i ca l  works .  For  more   in format ion  about   the  TLG  Canon  defini t ions  and  work  c l a s s ifica t ions ,   see   the  TLG  Canon  Tags   and  Categor ie s  document .  


Date Gener ic Epi thet Geo Epi thet Non-Standard Gener ic Epi thet Work Class i f icat ion Transmiss ion Medium

Canon  Fields  

Resul ts d isplay

L is t Map T imel ine

Quick L inks Cross - references


Search  the  Canon  

Whether  you  enter  your  search  selection  or  choose  from  search  options  your  results  will  appear  in  the  center  of  the  page.  You  can  view  your  results  as  a  list  of  bibliographical  entries,  on  a  map  or  as  a  timeline.    Cross-­‐references  and  links  to  web  resources  (Quick  Links)  are  listed  in  the  right  hand  sidebar.  Note  that  some  of  the  links  (marked  with  **)  may  require  a  separate  subscription.      The  left  hand  sidebar  is  reserved  for  faceted  searches.  

Facets Cross -references


Facets  and  Cross-­‐references  

Facets  or  faceted  search  is  a  technique  that  allows  users  to  explore  a  collection  of  information  by  applying  multiple  filters.  When  you  click  a  category,  i.e.  “Author”  all  Authors  present  in  your  search  will  appear.  You  can  click  on  any  author  to  view  the  relevant  information.    When  your  Canon  results  include  cross-­‐references  to  other  authors/works,  these  will  appear  in  the  right  hand  sidebar.  Cross-­‐references  will  also  appear  at  the  end  of  the  relevant  bibliographical  entry.  When  you  click  on  the  link,  the  bibliographical  information  for  the  cross-­‐reference  will  be  shown.      

Canon  Results  

L inks and icons Other Edi t ion Breakdown


The  book  icon  provides  a  list  of    the  author’s  works.  

The  browser  icon  will  take  you  to  Browser  

The  breakdown  link  provides  information  about  the  structure  of  the  printed  edition.  

Cross-­‐references  provide  links  to  related  works.  You  can  click  on  cross-­‐reference  to  view  the  full  bibliography,  select  it  for  searching.  Cross-­‐references  also  appear  in  the  right  hand  sidebar.  

When  the  TLG®  corpus  contains  more  than  one  edition,  a  link  to  Other  Edition  will  appear  in  the  Canon  entry.  Other  editions  can  be  browsed  in  the  full  corpus  but  can  only  be  searched  in  the  Abridged  corpus.  

Map v iew


View  results  on  a  map  

Tip:  Work  Collections  do  not  have  geographical  information  attached  to  them  and  will  not  appear  on  the  Map  View.  This  means  that  in  Map  View  fewer  authors  may  be  listed.      Each  entry  in  the  right-­‐hand  list  is  a  link  to  the  Canon  entry  of  the  author.  

T imel ine v iew


View  results  as  a  timeline  Click to obtain a list of all authors

Tip: Work collections with dates entered as Varia and Incerta will not appear in the timeline.

Search  the  Canon  or  Save  a  Canon  search  

Se lect a l l resul ts Save your search


Click  ‘Select  all’  to  select  all  listed  entries.  Please  note  that  you  may  have  to  go  through  several  pages  to  select  all  results.  Selected  results  are  placed  in  the  right-­‐hand  column.  Once  you  are  done  with  your  selections  click  on  the  Search  button  to  go  to  the  Text  Search  page.      

Click  this  icon  to  save  your  search  for  future  reference.