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THESIS THE PORTRAITS OF SLAVES’ TRIBULATIONS IN FRANCES HARPER’S SELECTED POEMS Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Hasanuddin University in partial fulfillment of requirement to obtain Sarjana Degree in English Department PONCO ADYIE SUGAMA F211 11 270 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2017

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Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Hasanuddin University in partial fulfillment of requirement to obtain

Sarjana Degree in English Department


F211 11 270






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First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT for His mercy,

guidance and help, which are given to him so the writer is able to finish this thesis

entitled “The Portraits of Slaves’ Tribulations in Frances Harper’s Selected

Poems”. Similarly, greetings and blessings always devoted to our prophet

Muhammad S.A.W., family, and his companions.

This thesis is arranged as one of the requirements to complete the studies

of Sarjana Degree in English Department, Hasanuddin University. The writer

realizes that there are still shortcomings and errors in the writing of this thesis and

all that cannot be separated from the limited ability and knowledge of the writer.

The writer also realizes that this thesis cannot be created without the help and

guidance from various parties.

With all due respect, the writer expresses his greatest thanks to:

1. Dr. Abidin, M.A., Dipl. TESOL., and Sitti Sahraeny, S.S., M.AppLing., as

the Head and the Secretary of English Department.

2. Prof. Drs. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum., Ph.D. and Dr. Fathu Rahman,

M.Hum., as the first and the second Supervisors, who have sincerely

spared the time and thought to guide the writer in the midst of their busy

works so that this thesis can be completed.

4. All lecturers and academic staff of English Department, Faculty of Cultural

Sciences, Hasanuddin University, who have helped in the lecturing and

administration process during the lecture.

Thanks a lot for their motivation, contribution, and supports. May Allah SWT

always give His mercy and guidance and multiply the reward of all parties who

have been sincere in giving aid, support, and prayer to the writer. Aamiin yaa


Makassar, November 06, 2017

The Writer

3. Dr. Muhammad Syafri Badaruddin, M.Hum. and Drs. Raden S.M. Assagaf,

M.Ed., as the Examiner who has provided critics and suggestions so that

this thesis becomes a better scientific work.

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Yang Utama dari Segalanya... Sembah sujud serta syukur kepada Allah SWT. Taburan cinta dan kasih sayang-Mu telah memberikanku kekuatan, membekaliku dengan ilmu serta memperkenalkanku dengan cinta. Atas karunia serta kemudahan yang Engkau berikan akhirnya skripsi yang sederhana ini dapat terselesaikan. Sholawat dan salam selalu terlimpahkan keharibaan Rasullah Muhammad SAW.

Kupersembahkan karya sederhana ini kepada orang-orang yang sangat kukasihi dan kusayangi:

Ibunda dan Ayahanda Tercinta Sebagai tanda bakti, hormat, dan rasa terima kasih yang tiada terhingga kupersembahkan karya kecil ini kepada (Alm.) Ayah, Abdul Gani dan Ibu, Sundari Sahid yang telah memberikan kasih sayang, segala dukungan, dan cinta kasih yang tidak terhingga dan tidak mungkin dapat kubalas hanya dengan selembar kertas yang bertuliskan kata cinta dan persembahan. Semoga ini menjadi langkah awal untuk membuat kalian bahagia karna kusadar, selama ini diriku belum bisa wujudkan hal itu. Untuk Ayah dan Ibu yang selalu membuatku termotivasi dan selalu menyirami kasih sayang, selalu mendoakanku, selalu menasehatiku untuk menjadi lebih baik, Terima Kasih Ayah.... Terima Kasih Ibu...

Kakak dan Keponakan Untuk kakak-kakakku, Anita Sudarwati, S.T., Luc Pagani, Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep.Ns.,MN., Ph.D., Marco Messina, Rachmad Ibrahim, S.E., Sistra Andarissa dan para ponakanku, Alisha, Danastri, Aurora, Nixie, dan Adriano, tiada yang paling mengharukan saat kumpul bersama kalian, walaupun sering bertengkar tapi hal itu selalu menjadi warna yang tak akan bisa tergantikan, terima kasih atas doa dan bantuan kalian selama ini, hanya karya kecil ini yang dapat aku persembahkan. Maaf belum bisa menjadi seseorang yang dapat dibanggakan, tapi aku akan selalu menjadi yang terbaik untuk kalian semua...

My Best friend’s Buat sahabatku “Zafril”, terima kasih atas bantuan, doa, nasehat dan semangat

yang selalu kamu berikan selama masa perkuliahan dan masa sulitku, aku tak

akan melupakan semua yang telah kamu berikan selama ini. Buat sahabat-

sahabatku (Wellis Gaming) indah & Oce (Beauty and The…ah sudahlah), Uceng

“@babiharam”, Ashar “astaghfirullaaahh!!”, Anca “The Playboy Master”, Jabbar

Tokuda, Arga “DC fan Maniac”, dan Ipul “selera rumor”, (mencari cinta sejati)

Jailani “The Boss”, Eki “Ukhti Hunter”, Ima “The Sparkling Princess”, Este “Ma True

Babe” dan Nawir “Sate Sadiieezz”, terima kasih atas bantuan kalian, semangat

kalian dan candaan kalian, aku tak akan melupakan kalian. Buat sahabat-

sahabatku Caterpillar 2011 yang turut membantu selama ini, terima kasih atas

bantuan dan ingatan indah yang telah kita ukir, semoga keakraban dan

pertemanan kita akan terus berlanjut hingga ajal menjempul.

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PONCO ADYIE SUGAMA. 2017. The Portraits of Slaves’

Tribulations in Frances Harper’s Selected Poems (supervised by

Burhanuddin Arafah and Fathu Rahman).

The objectives of this research are to reveal the intrinsic elements as

structure and to prove that structure in literary works especially poetry has

significant function that works simultaneously in aim of portraying the

tribulations of slaves in Frances Harper’s selected poems: The Slave

Mother (1854), The Slave Auction (1854), and Bury Me In a Free Land

(1858). In conducting this research, the writer uses qualitative method by

using the library as the foundation of data for analyzing and studying and

also using structuralism approach through analysis of the literature itself

(intrinsic elements) consisting of various elements such as diction, figurative

language, imagery, and tone. These elements work closely and play an

important role in portraying tribulations of slaves.

The results of this research indicate that the three works of Harper is

a dense literary work of intrinsic elements. Each intrinsic element in the

poems has its own function in order to display the tribulations of the slaves.

Diction as a device to reinforce the essence of meaning, figurative language

distributes the meaning implicitly that requires high interpretation, imagery

makes the reader can feel the scenes, and tone as poet/speaker’s attitude

in conveying the poems to the readers.

Keyword: Poetry, Structuralism

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PONCO ADYIE SUGAMA. 2017. Potret Kesengsaraan Budak-

Budak Dalam Puisi-Puisi Pilihan Karya Frances Harper (dibimbing oleh

Burhanuddin Arafah dan Fathu Rahman).

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan unsur-unsur

intrinsik sebagai struktur dan untuk membuktikan bahwa struktur dalam

karya sastra khususnya puisi memiliki fungsi penting yang bekerja

bersamaan dalam upaya menggambarkan kesengsaraan budak dalam

puisi-puisi pilihan karya Frances Harper: The Slave Mother (1854), The

Slave Auction (1854), and Bury Me In a Free Land (1858). Dalam

melakukan penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan

menggunakan perpustakan sebagai landasan data untuk penganalisaan

dan pengkajian serta menggunakan pendekatan strukturalisme melalui

analisis terhadap karya sastra itu sendiri (unsur intrinsik) yang terdiri dari

berbagai unsur seperti: diksi (diction), gaya bahasa (figurative language),

citra (imagery), dan nada bicara (tone). Unsur-unsur tersebut bekerja

secara seksama dan berperan penting dalam menggambarkan

kesengsaraan budak-budak.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketiga karya-karya Harper

merupakan karya sastra yang padat akan unsur-unsur intrinsik. Setiap

unsur intrinsik dalam puisi-puisi tersebut memiliki fungsi masing-masing

demi menampilkan kesengsaraan budak-budak. Diksi (diction) sebagai alat

untuk memperkuat esensi makna, gaya bahasa (figurative language)

mendistribusikan makna secara tersirat sehingga membutuhkan

interpretasi yang tinggi, citra (imagery) membuat pembaca dapat

merasakan adegan-adegan, dan nada bicara (tone) sikap penyair dalam

menyampaikan puisi ke pembaca.

Kata kunci: Puisi, Strukturalisme

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COVER ___________________________________________________ i



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ____________________________________ iv


ABSTRACT _______________________________________________ vi

ABSTRAK _______________________________________________ vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________ viii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ________________________________ 1

A. Background of The Research __________________________________ 1

B. Scope of Problems ____________________________________________ 2

C. Focus of Research ____________________________________________ 3

D. Research Questions ___________________________________________ 3

E. Objectives of Research __________________________________________ 3

F. Significance of Research ________________________________________ 4


A. Previous Study _______________________________________________ 5

B. Definition of Poetry ____________________________________________ 6 1. Figurative Language ___________________________________________________ 6 2. Imagery _____________________________________________________________ 12 3. Diction ______________________________________________________________ 14 4. Tone ________________________________________________________________ 15

C. Structuralism Approach. ______________________________________ 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY _____________________________ 17

A. Methodology _________________________________________________ 17

B. Source of Data _______________________________________________ 17

C. Data Collection ______________________________________________ 18

D. Research Procedure __________________________________________ 19

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH ANALYSIS ________________________ 20

A. Data Description. _____________________________________________ 20 1. The Slave Mother. ____________________________________________________ 20

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a. The Poem _________________________________________________________ 20 b. Poem Explication ___________________________________________________ 21 c. Figurative Language and Imagery. ___________________________________ 23

2. The Slave Auction. ___________________________________________________ 24 a. The Poem _________________________________________________________ 24 b. Poem Explication ___________________________________________________ 25 c. Figurative Language and Imagery ____________________________________ 26

3. Bury Me in A Free Land. ______________________________________________ 27 a. The Poem _________________________________________________________ 27 b. Poem Explication ___________________________________________________ 28 c. Figurative Language and Imagery ____________________________________ 29

B. Analysis of Data. _____________________________________________ 31 1. The Slave Mother. ____________________________________________________ 31

a. Diction Analysis. ___________________________________________________ 31 b. Figurative Language Analysis. _______________________________________ 32 c. Imagery Analysis. __________________________________________________ 45 d. Tone Analysis. _____________________________________________________ 49

2. The Slave Auction. ___________________________________________________ 51 a. Diction Analysis. ___________________________________________________ 51 b. Figurative Language Analysis. _______________________________________ 52 c. Imagery Analysis. __________________________________________________ 59 d. Tone Analysis. _____________________________________________________ 63

3. Bury Me in A Free Land. ______________________________________________ 64 a. Diction Analysis. ___________________________________________________ 64 b. Figurative Language Analysis. _______________________________________ 66 c. Imagery Analysis. __________________________________________________ 73 d. Tone Analysis. _____________________________________________________ 78


A. Conclusion. __________________________________________________ 83

B. Suggestion. __________________________________________________ 85

BIBLIOGRAPHY __________________________________________ 86

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This chapter consist of background of some sub-chapters. They are

background of research, scope of the problems, focus of research, research

questions, objectives of research, and significance of research.

A. Background of the Research

Structure is a complex whole shape. Every object, or event is a structure

consisting of various elements that each element is in a relationship. Poetry

is an object, therefore it must be a structure. Forley states that structuralism

is the notion that the essence of things does not lie in the thing itself, but lies

in the relationships within the thing (Siswantoro, 2014: 13). Ratna also

states the same thing that every element in literature has no meaning in

itself, the elements can be understood solely in interrelation process. The

total meaning of each entity can be understood only in its integrity to its

totality (Ratna, 2013: 76-77).

As a genre, poetry differs from novel, drama or short story. The

difference lies in the density of the composition with strict conventions, so

that poetry does not give loose space to the poet in creating freely. Naturally,

Perrine says that poetry is the most condensed and concentrated form of

literature. The density of the composition is marked by the use of few words,

but reveals more. Poetry as a literary form using language as a medium of

disclosure. But poetry has its own characteristics of the ability to express

more intensive and more than the ability possessed by colloquial language

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(Siswantoro, 2014: 23). Similar opinion is also stated by Lotman. According

to him, colloquial language is straightforward, oriented to the common laws

and abstract ideas. By contrast, the language of literature both in detail and

in its entirety, enters into various systems of relationships resulting in more

than one meaning simultaneously (Faruk, 2014: 97).

According to, Frances Harper (1825-1911) was an

African-American abolitionist, poet, and author. She was born free in

Baltimore, Maryland, United Stated of America (USA). As grown up in

slavery era, she decided to be part of abolitionist. Most of her literary works

were meant as social critic to create the abolition of slavery. The writer

chooses three poems of Frances Harper: The Slave Mother (1854), The

Slave Auction (1854), and Bury Me In a Free Land (1858) to be analyzed

as an object of research. The writer believes Harper’s poems consists of

structures that works simultaneously in portraying tribulations of slaves.

Then the writer compiles them into a title The Portraits of Slaves’

Tribulations in Frances Harper’s Selected Poem.

B. Scope of Problems

The writer finds that Harper’s poems on the subject of slavery and

contain intrinsic elements which are various. These intrinsic elements are

kinds of diction, figurative language, imagery, tone. These intrinsic elements

are structures that do not work individually but simultaneously in aim of

portraying tribulations of slaves. Therefore, the writer intends to analyze the

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poems to the intrinsic elements. The writer then explains how the intrinsic

elements work according to theory.

C. Focus of Research

The writer limited the problems of the research to the intrinsic elements

that portray tribulations of slaves such as diction, figurative language,

imagery, and tone that shown through Harper’s selected poem: The Slave

Mother, The Slave Auction, and Bury Me in a Free Land. Therefore, the

analysis of the poems will be applied by using structuralism approach.

D. Research Questions

In accordance with the title of this thesis, there are some questions are

raised to motivate the writer to do this research that are:

1. What kinds of intrinsic elements are used by the poet in the selected


2. How do the intrinsic elements portray the tribulations of slaves in the

selected poems?

E. Objectives of Research

In this research, the writer is going to accomplish some goal to be

attained according to the statement of problems as follows:

1. To reveal the intrinsic elements as structure of the selected poems.

2. To prove that structure in literary works especially poetry has

significant function that works simultaneously in aim of portraying the

tribulations of slaves in the selected poems.

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F. Significance of Research

The writer believe that this thesis would give significant advantages both

to theoretical and practical use to readers especially students in English

Department of Hasanuddin University. Theoretically, this thesis will be

useful as a reference for readers who want to analyze a poem through

Structuralism approach as literature criticism. From the theory used in this

thesis, the readers will come to a new understanding of intrinsic elements

that work simultaneously in literary works especially in Harper’s poems that

describes tribulations and violence as it is portrayed in her poems.

Practically, the readers will have better comprehension about the use of

literature especially poetry as unit of structures that is related each other

and work simultaneously in finding meaning.

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Literature review consists of some theories. The main purpose of the

existence of literature review is to strengthen the arguments through some

theories. In this chapter the literature review is about the theory related to

this study itself.

A. Previous Study

Previous study contains the other thesis that has the same literature

or aspects which is related to this thesis by comparing it with those theses

before. The writer found the thesis that has the same theme, that is:

1. Rama R. Marpaung. (2009) “An Analysis of Racial Issue in Some

Langston Hughes’ Poems” discusses and focus on the negatively

racial discriminations that happened to the Black people, such as: skin

color, prejudice, discriminations, stereotypes, and racial segregation which

is contained in Langston Hughes’s poems. He uses the descriptive

qualitative method and also structuralism approach.

2. Rijal Muamar H. (2014). “Racism in Claude McKay’s Selected

Poems” focus on revealing the racism issues shown in Claude McKay’s

Selected poems through the poetical devices and the conflict between

blacks and whites in the poems. Based on analysis, this research shows

that the issue of racism shown in this study is position of blacks are always

at the bottom and whites are always on the top of the various aspects of

community life. This thesis concludes that racism is one of world’s major

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problems that must be faces and resolved. He uses the descriptive

qualitative method and also structuralism approach.

All of the theses above have common aspects of study with this thesis.

Their objectives are to portray the meanings or events of poems by using

the descriptive qualitative method and structuralism approach. The thesis

of Rama R. Marpaung focuses on racial issues such as skin color,

prejudice, discriminations, stereotypes, and racial segregation in Langston

Hughes’ poems, the thesis of Rijal Muamar R. focuses on racism in Claude

McKay’s selected poems, and this thesis focuses on slaves’ tribulation in

Frances Harper’s selected poems

B. Definition of Poetry

Perrine (Siswantoro, 2014: 23) said that poetry is a form of literature

which is the most solid and concentrated amongs others literature such as

prose or drama. The solidness of the composistion is marked with the less

use of word, but expresses many things. Hence, poetry can be defined a

kind of language that presents more things and more intensive than what is

meant by daily speaking.

1. Figurative Language

According to Abrams, figurative language is a conspicuous

departure from what users of a language apprehend as the standard

meaning of words, or else the standard order of words, in order to achieve

some special meaning or effect. Figures are sometimes described as

primarily poetic, but they are integral to the functioning of language

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and indispensable to all modes of discourse (Abrams, 1999:96).

There are some types of Figurative Language, such as:

a. Simile

A simile is a comparison between two distinctly different things

is explicitly indicated by the word “like” or “as” (Abrams, 1999: 97). It

can be simple, briefly expressed or long and sustained, known then

as the epic simile. Meanwhile, Wren and Martin (Siswantoro 2014:

167) gives definition, “simile is a comparison made between two

objects of different kinds which have, however, at least one point in

common”. Example:

• Onward she waddled like a duck.

• Her eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky

b. Metaphor

Abrams give definition, “a metaphor is a word or expression that

in literal usage denotes one kind of thing is applied to a distinctly

different kind of thing, without asserting a comparison”. I.A.

Richards, also describes a terminology that metaphor itself is

distinguished between the tenor (the main subject) and the vehicle

(the idea that conveys meaning and as a comparison of the main

subject). Then there is a third element which is the element of

similarity, the common ground, between tenor and vehicle (Abrams,

1999: 97). In general, a metaphor is not plainly limited in the number

of resemblances it may indicate. For example: “He is a pig” is to use

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a metaphor that might involve comparisons of appearance morality

as well. Example:

• The crowd swarmed the building – the word swarmed implies that the crowd moved like a swarm of bees.

• Her eyes are sparkles in the sky.

• An aged man is but a paltry thing, / A tattered coat upon a stick

c. Personification

The point of the personification is to express the abstract ideas

to inanimate objects, or aspects of nature is described as if it were

human. Abrams (1999: 99) states that personification in which either

an inanimate object or an abstract concept is spoken of as though it

were endowed with life or with human attributes or feelings.


• The tree stood tall and proud

• The Grass dances among the breeze in spring

d. Hyperbole

Abrams (1999: 120) states that hyperbole is bold

overstatement, or the extravagant exaggeration of fact or of

possibility. It is means that some words which are used in a poem

is overstatement from true meaning. Example:

• “I’ll die if I don’t pass this course”, the word “die” here is over expression. If we understanding into true meaning is it impossible.

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e. Synecdoche

Abrams (1999: 99) states “Synecdoche is a figurative

language that a part of something is used to signify the whole or

the whole is used to signify a part”. According to Makaryk (in

Siswantoro, 2014), synecdoche refers to the substitution of a part

for a whole, or vice versa. Example:

• Boots on the ground—refers to soldiers

• New wheels—refers to a new car

• Suits—can refer to businesspeople

f. Metonymy

Metonymy is one of figurative language in which something is

called by a new name that is related in meaning to the original

thing or concept. According to Abrams (1999: 98), metonymy is

literal term for one thing is applied to another which it has become

closely associated because of a recurrent relationship in common

experience. Example:

• The pen is mightier than the sword. (Pen refers to written words and sword to military force.)

• Let me give you a hand. (Hand means help.)

g. Irony

Irony is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker implies

differs sharply from the meaning that is ostensibly expressed. The

ironic statement usually involves the explicit expression of one attitude

or evaluation but with indications in overall speech-situation that the

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speaker intends a very different, and often opposite, attitude or

evaluation (Abrams, 1999: 135).

h. Anaphora

Anaphora is figurative language that consists of repeating a

sequence of words at the beginnings of neighboring clauses, thereby

lending them emphasis. It serves the purpose of delivering an artistic

effect to a passage. It is also used to appeal to the emotions of the

reader in order to persuade, inspire, motivate and encourage them.


• “What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp?”

(The Tyger by William Blake)

i. Apostrophe

According to Abrams (1999: 271), an apostrophe is a direct and

explicit address either to an absent person or to an abstract or

nonhuman entity. Often the effect is of high formality, or else of a

sudden emotional impetus. Example:

• Oh love, Oh night, Oh Summer

j. Euphemism

Euphemism is an inoffensive expression used in place of a blunt

one that is felt to be disagreeable or embarrassing (Abrams, 1999:83).


• “passed away” instead of “die”

• “Comfort station” instead of “toilet”

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k. Symbolism

Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities, by

giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal

sense. Symbolism can take different forms. Generally, it is an object

representing another, to give an entirely different meaning that is much

deeper and more significant. Example:

• Crown symbolizes authority and power.

• Doves symbolizes love and affection.

l. Allusion

Allusion is a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a

literary or historical person, place, or event, or to another literary work

or passage (Abrams, 1999: 9). Example:

• In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo states that Rosaline

has Dianne’s (Artemis’) wit.

m. Synesthesia

According to Abrams (1999: 315), synesthesia signifies the

experience of two or more kinds of sensation when only one sense

is being stimulated. In literature the term is applied to descriptions of

one kind of sensation in terms of another; color is attributed to

sounds, odor to colors, sound to odors, and so on. Example:

• You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

• Actions speak louder than words.

• She spoke in honeyed tones.

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n. Connotation and Denotation

According to Abrams (1999: 46), the denotation of a word is its

primary signification or reference; its connotation is the range of

secondary or associated significations and feelings which it commonly

suggests or implies. Example:

• A dog connotes shamelessness or an ugly face.

• A dove implies peace or gentility.

• Home connotes privacy, intimacy, and coziness.

• Politician has a negative connotation of wickedness and insincerity while statesperson connotes sincerity.

2. Imagery

Imagery is one of the most common in critic, and one of the most

variable in meaning. Its applications range all the way from the “mental

pictures” which, it is sometimes claimed, are experienced by the reader

of a poem, to the totality of the components which make up a poem.

Imagery is used to signify all the objects and qualities of sense

perception referred to in a poem or other work of literature, whether by

literal description, by allusion, or in the vehicles (the secondary

references) of its similes and metaphors. (Abrams, 1999: 121).

According to Siswantoro (2014: 215), imagery can be meant as a

mental picture, a picture, portrait or picture of illusion which is created

as a result of a reader’s reaction in understanding the poem. Imagery

emerges as a process to continue imagism that is developing an active

reader to find explicit meanings in the text. To find the imagery, the

readers must have good readings supported by the mastery of

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vocabulary, grammar, and cultural aspects. The readers have to be

aware that the text is not our language, so we must adjust with

enthusiasm the other text. Because of that the readers will be able to

understand imagery by having a good participant with cognitive and


Imagery in poetry can be very various which refers to all human

senses such as sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, bodily awareness and

muscular tension that is divided into 7 types of imagery such as visual

imagery, auditory imagery, olfactory imagery, gustatory imagery, tactile

imagery, kinesthetic imagery, and organic imagery.

a. Visual Imagery

Visual imagery is relating to visual scenes, graphics, pictures, or

the sense of sight. It brings the reader to witness events or things in

literary work. Al-Ma’ruf (2009) said that the imagery appearing from

the sense of sight is called visual imagery. This visual imagery is

also very productive used by the author to describe a situation,

place, scene, or building. Example:

• The clouds were low and hairy like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.

• The iced branches shed ‘crystal shells.’

b. Auditory Imagery

Auditory imagery is the imagery created by the sense of hearing.

It is also productive used in literary works (Al-ma’ruf, 2009). Auditory

imagery is relating to sounds, noises, music, sense of hearing or

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choosing words with a sound that imitates real sounds in the form of

onomatopoeia. Words such as “bang!” “achoo!” “cacaw!” "buzz!" all

work to describe sounds that most people are familiar with.

Onomatopoeia is used mostly in poetry. Example:

• Joanna, the minute she set her eyes on him, let loose the scream of her life.

• The rumbling sound of clouds, indicated start of monsoon.

c. Organic Imagery

According to Al-Ma’ruf (2009), organic imagery is a mental

picture that effect reader’s internal sensation. It can evoke the

personal experiences of a character's physique, body, including

emotion and the senses of hunger, thirst, fatigue, sickness, agony

and pain. Example:

• Life is too much like a pathless wood.

3. Diction

According to Gorys Keraf, diction refers to the choice of words

(Siswantoro, 2014: 199). Which means, a poet in the process of

creating poetry will definitely choose certain words and remove words

that are deemed not to meet the creation of an artistic construction.

Word choice is closely related to the disclosure of an artistic idea so

that the process of creation is not a process of spontaneity.

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4. Tone

According to Perrine, tone in literature especially poetry, can be

defined as the author's attitude to the subject, to the reader, or to

himself. Tone is the emotional color or meaning of the author's work

and an important element of the whole meaning (Siswantoro, 2014:


C. Structuralism Approach.

Etymologically, structure comes from the word structura, in Latin,

meaning form or building. Literary work is a structure. The structure here

means the literary work is the composition of the systematic elements which

there are mutual relationships among them, determine each other. Thus,

the unity of the elements in literature is not just a collection or pile of things,

but they interrelated and interdependent. Therefore, the nature of each

element in the structure has no meaning by itself, but that meaning is

determined by the relationship between all the elements contained in that

structure (Hawkes, 2004: 17-18). With that understanding, the structural

analysis of poetry is an analysis focused into its elements and functions in

the structure of the poem and describes that each element has meaning

when it is related to the other elements and according to its place in the


Structuralism definitively gives attention to the analysis of the elements

of the work. Every literary work, both literary and the same or different, has

different elements. Different elements also occur as a result of differing

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reception and analysis processes. Therefore, literary works have distinctive

features, autonomous, and cannot be generalized. The elements of poetry

include: themes, stylistic or figurative language, imagery or imagination,

rhythm, rhyme, diction or choice of words, symbols, tones, and

enjambment. On the basis of the autonomous, then there is no standard

rule on an activity of analysis. It means, the elements discussed depends

on the dominance of the elements of the work or the purpose of the analysis.

(Ratna, 2013: 93-94).