thesis tussentijdse presentatie 2

Laurens Bolle Promotor: Erik Duval Begeleider: Robin De Croon Wearable applications for students

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Laurens Bolle Promotor: Erik Duval Begeleider: Robin De Croon Wearable applications for students
  2. 2. Goal: Find out how to innovatively use wearable technology for students. Concrete: After a literature study of existing applications, the student will design, implement and evaluate one or more applications for students, using wearable technology. Thesis subject 2
  3. 3. How to reduce smartphone micro- usage with smartwatch applications? Ferreira, D., Goncalves, J., Kostakos, V., Barkhuus, L., & Dey, A. K. (2014). Contextual experience sampling of mobile application micro-usage. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services - MobileHCI 14, 91100. doi:10.1145/2628363.2628367 Banovic, N., Brant, C., Mankoff, J., & Dey, A. (2014). ProactiveTasks: the short of mobile device use sessions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services, 243252. Retrieved from Research Question 3
  4. 4. Explorative study First semester 4
  5. 5. Smartphone tracking (AWARE framework 14 users) First semester 5
  6. 6. 6 Micro-usage Ferreira, D., Goncalves, J., Kostakos, V., Barkhuus, L., & Dey, A. K. (2014). Contextual experience sampling of mobile application micro-usage. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services - MobileHCI 14, 91100. doi:10.1145/2628363.2628367
  7. 7. Usually come from a communication app Are the source of many micro-interactions Could they be the solution as well? Notifications 7
  8. 8. Google is already doing this on the smartphone: And on Android Wear: Extending Notifications 8
  9. 9. Are very often limited to Open on phone and 1 other action Not customizable Multiple actions require multiple swipes Have no clear overview of possibilities Notification Actions 9
  10. 10. Option 1 Option 2 We want to provide a better solution 10
  11. 11. Option 3 11
  12. 12. Digital prototypes 12
  13. 13. Best option according to 5/5 users: Evaluation 13
  14. 14. Demo 14
  15. 15. Smartphone 15
  16. 16. 16 Context-Aware Reminders
  17. 17. 17 Simplified class diagram
  18. 18. Lend out smartwatch 2 users / week Start with perceived usefulness questionnaire Track usage with AWARE + own specific logs When theyre busy (e.g.: attending class), send SMS/e-mail See what they do (reminder/quick reply/full answer/..) End with SUS + Usefulness questionnaire Compare with AWARE data without watch Evaluation 18
  19. 19. April week 1 Presentation Process feedback Prepare evaluation April week 2 Evaluation 1 + 2 Thesis/paper: Literature study April week 3 Evaluation 3 + 4 Thesis/paper: Concept April week 4 Evaluation 5 + 6 Thesis/paper: Implementation Paper finished ( - last results) Weekly schedule May week 1 Evaluation 7 + 8 Thesis/paper: Evaluation May week 2 Process final evaluation results Paper MobileHCI workshop Create poster Thesis: Introduction May week 3 Thesis: Results + Conclusion May week 4 HCI poster day June week 1: Final deadline 19
  20. 20. # Blogposts: 25 # Comments: 44 # Read papers: 34 # Total hours worked: 480h Personal score indication: 15/20 Statistics 20 9 18 23.5 26 33 34 67.5 120 149 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Meetings Presentation Reading Other Social Writing Evaluation Implementation Prototyping Hours worked
  21. 21. 21