thesis 2 document 1


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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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the first document for thesis 2


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Concept For my animation I want to make a story revolving around a Limbo world. In my story everyone and everything has to go through Limbo before being sent to heaven or hell. My animation will be a short dark comedy that is approximately 2 min and 40 sec long. Story ThestorystartswithtwofrogsdyingandtheirsoulsascendingupwardtotheislandintheskycalledLimbo.Thetwofrogsaredirectedbyasigntowaitonline.Thereareseveralothersoulsinfrontofthemtalkingtoalargecrow.Whentheygettothefrontofthelinethecrow,namedRed,introduceshimselfasthemanagerofLimbo,greetsthetwosouls.Heexplainsthattheymustrecalltheirdeathsbeforepassingontoheaven.Heasksthefrogswhotheyareandhowtheydied.Thefirstfrog,Melanie,saysshediedofaheartattackwhenshefoundoutherhusbandhaddied.RedwritestheinformationonhisclipboardandpointshertoalargeshipcalledtheS.S.Heaven.Thereareseveralothersoulsalreadyontheship.Nexttotheshipisaclockindicatingthattheboatleavesinthenext15min.Redthenasksthesecondfrog,namedFrank,torecallhisdeath.Franktellshimthathewaswalkingalongwhenamobofninjafliesdescendeduponhim.Hesayshetriedtofightthemoffbuttheyovertookhimwiththrowingstars.Firstflashback/fightscene:ItstartsoffinaJapanesegarden‐likesettingalongtheedgeofapond.Frankismeditatingonadockwhenhehearsanoisecomingfromthetallgrass.ThrowingstarsflyoutandFrankdashesoutofthewayinaflash.ThreeNinjafliesemergefromthegrassandspeedtowardhim.Franksuddenlytakesoutaconcealedsamuraiswordandcutsthefirstflyinhalf.AsecondflytriestosneakupbehindhimbutFrankjumpsandslashestheflyfromabove.ThethirdflytriestorunandFrankchasesafterhim.Theflyleadshimfurtherintothegrasswhereheisswarmedbyamobofflieswiththrowingstars.ThescenecutsrightbeforethestarsreachFrank.AssoonasRedfinisheswritingdownFrank’sstory,thepaperonhisclipboardexplodes.RedgivesFrankafunnylookandMelanielooksfrustratedwithherfaceinherhand.RedasksFrankhowheACTUALLYdied.Frankproceedstotellhimthathediedwhenhewasdefendinghisfrogkingdomfromtheflymarauders.Hegivesadetailedstoryofhowhefoughtoffdozensofflies.Hediedwhenaloneflyhithiminthebackwithanarrow.Secondflashback/fightscene:ThescenestartswithFrankdressedasakingpatrollingthewallsofhiscastle.Thecastleisalsolocatedontheedgeofapond.Asheispatrollingthewallheseesabushrustlingandheleavesthecastletoinvestigate.Assoonasheexitsthecastleheisambushedbydozensofflymarauders.Heuseshislongswordtodecapitate2ofthefliesatonce.Heturnsaroundandslicesthearmsofanotherflywithamace.OneflythrowsaspearatFrankbuthecutsitdowninmidairandstabsthefly.ItappearsthatFrankhaswonthebattle.Ashetriumphantlystandsoverthebodies,aloneflytakesaimfromatallreedabove.ThescenecutsrightbeforethearrowhitsFrankintheface.

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Comments The first storyboard should not start next to a graveyard; the pan to show it is awkward. You should start with the camera going through grass into the first scene with the frogs. The pacing for the animatic needs to be fixed, the first half has scenes that go by too quickly, the second half can be left alone because it has good pacing. Response: The first frame in the storyboard has been changed and the pacing has been fixed in the animatic. Current Progress: Backgrounds

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Next Steps Next I need to test and start the animation. My production schedule outlines the steps I need to take to complete the animation in time. Production Schedule Monday December 5th- Finished storyboards Monday December 12th- Finished Animatic, start creating settings Thursday December 22nd- Computer is fixed Wednesday December 28th- Finished settings for boards 1-30 Wednesday January 4th- Finished settings for boards 30-40 Wednesday January 18th- Finished settings for scenes 40-50 Tuesday January 24th- Finished settings remaining scenes Tuesday January 31st- Start animating and problem solving. Tuesday February 7th- Finished animation for scenes 1-10 Tuesday February 14th- Finished animation for scenes 1-20 Tuesday February 21st- Finished animation for scenes 20-30 Tuesday February 28th- Finished animation for scenes 30-40 (Start audio) Tuesday March 6th- Finished animation for scenes 40-50 Tuesday March 13th- Animation Completed, tweak animation and finish sound Tuesday March 20th- Continue to Polish and tweak animation.