these are they


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Post on 07-Sep-2015




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these are thry


THESE ARE THEY-Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but untothem that are without, all these things are done in parables:-That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven.The same sun that melts the wax, hardens the clay. The reaction is predicated by the quality of the material that the sun hits. It does not have anything to do with the power of the sun but it is an indication of the quality of the substance the sun has it. (Everyone will have a different reaction.)Most of the times, as a communicator, what you said and what people heard are two different things.If you need to survive in the art of communication, you need to do a sound check. Before leaving, say, Now tell me, what you think I said?The bible says, he that has an ear, let him hear the word of God. Theres not a problem with the mouth that speaks, theres a problem with the ear that hears. He that has an ear indicates that some people do not have an ear to hear. They have a biological ear but they do not have an understanding ear.Unto you it is given. Other people wont get it. If you dont understand that you wont make it. If you need the support of everybody to validate to what you believe, you wont make it. If you just follow the wind and the trend, you wont make it.Unto you it is given. The very fact that you can understand it is a sign that you are called to it. Everybodys not going to understand it. Everybodys not going to support your dream, your vision, your calling and your passion. Everybodys not going to get behind you, and if you need the support of everybody to do it, WAKE UP.

Im exposed to great teaching but how much of it sticks in my heart or am I just hear for the ride?You can draw a horse to water but you cant make him drink. Leave them alone. It is not given unto them. They lack the understanding ear which you possess.In order for you to understand how the kingdom works, you have to understand the power of the environment. Make sure the environment is conducive for the purpose, for which it has been selected. If you dont understand the environment you will consider yourself a failure in an area that you have not failed, its just that you sowed a good thing into a bad environment. And if the environment is not right, the good thing cant do what its supposed to do. Some rejections are not an indication that youre not quality, its an indication that you tried to sow a good thing into a bad environment and anytime you try to do a good thing in a bad environment, you will be rejected.If you want to be a great sower, you need to sow everywhere and expect to only reap somewhere. Stop being a soil inspectors by judging if others are worth investing in or not. Just invest in everybody BUT EXPECT TO REAP ONLY FROM A FEW.

They received the word with gladness.They received the truth on an emotional level but not in the spirit. Receiving the word on a superficial level. You have an emotional reaction but no permanent change, because you have no root. Such people are shallow. (Rocky place person) They only stay for the good times. When the struggle comes, they leave because they have no root.They have no depth. Whatever you give them, they react emotionally but emotions are no sign of any real commitment. They have a reaction to everything but a commitment to nothing. You have a lot of gladness, a lot of joy, a lot of emotions but do you have any roots? Any roots to make you stick to something. You need have rooted people around you. People will be there for the sunshine, and for the rain. There for the pleasure but also for the pain.The struggle comes to test your roots. Youll make it, graduate, buy that house but not without a struggle.Nobody buys a dozen roots for Valentines Day. Nobody goes to the florist and says give me a bouquet of roots because roots dont look pretty. But if theres no root, there will be no flower. It may not be attractive but you must have some roots down in you.You cannot make a rocky person be rooted. Stop wasting your time trying to change their minds. These people are incorrigible and should be left on their own.

Sowing among thorns and thistles. (Deceitfulness of riches and lust for other things)Lust and deceit and the wonder twins of destruction. Riches promises everything but doesnt deliver. To promise something you dont deliver is deceit. Riches promises happiness. If you have this car youll be happy, if you buy this house, youll be happy. The deceitfulness of riches.Stop worshipping stuff. Stop worshipping the gift but rather the giver. The deceitfulness of stuff. It will disguise itself as if it were God. Be careful what you wish for. You may mess around and get it, and find out it was not what you thought.Despise not the day of small beginning. God would do everything great in your life through seed to keep carnal people from getting it. He will hide the orchard in the seed. If he showed the orchard, everyone would snatch it. So he will hide it in a seed to make sure your motives were right. And he will give it to you in a small form.Anybody who wants it now, doesnt get it.You will bring forth fruit but it will not harvest equally.

You will be fruitful but not on the same level. Thats why we should not compare one another with one another and doing so is not wise. You will produce on your own level. Some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred fold. If youre a thirty fold person, dont be jealous of a 100 fold person. The seed will react according to the capacity of the person to manage the responsibilities that comes along. God is not fair but just. Fair would have made him give each of us the same. Just says Im going to give you what you can handle.