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NEWS uF1- 142 APIt Il , I HHO COl!:Tb : 1IT: p. 2 .. . !fFOG ex" pl" l ned? .. p. 6 . . Me..-ne>, JUxture (){a rg ...... t Fry) .. . Toroado s1ght ing hoa:><.. pp 7-9 ... CaGea trom Che s hire, I!uldbe.rside, Lancllshire, lei ccs1. ershlre , Xe rseyside, Hortbants, Sbropshlr e ,Stil;f £UI ' UGj.l re, ... .. at JU dlall ds ... pp 10-11 ... c..._ 1I1 .. tor)' ... A psych1c nJghtmnru - C UMb rl"" UAP ... Plus all th e usual HEA T llHAn ROAD C IIEADLE flEAl'lI SToctnlcmT CHESI1 1 RE E !I!GI.AlfD SK3 OUP

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    uF1- 142 APIt Il, I HHO

    COl!:Tb:1IT: p. 2 .. . !fFOG ex"pl"l ned? .. p. 6 . . Me..-ne>, JUxture (){arg ...... t Fry) .. . Toroado s1ght ing ~ hoa:>

  • Northern UFO New6 2 -

    J' _ R_ Co mme n t. s


    ---------.-----------------------------r------------------------------------Just a qul~k ~omment Iht6 168U8 nn the growing trend to clal. UFOlogy

    h .. s been solved. I Wl'IS lold HU .. ry EVllns sdd liS .u~h on the ITV prOgrll_ 'St or ies In the Night'

  • Northern UFO News


    :: WAPIT hllve decided to branch out Into C .. s well 115 UFOs)' Address la the s ...... (see known liS 'Lllncashlre ChoGtbust" r .. • .

    oth!!r p. 12 )

    3 -

    r~7f=r'-- , lire,,'" of the pllr"norllllI

    but nOW they w1 .. h to I>to

    :: ""'lIn ..... 1 le NUFORC report a 8ucces",(u1 North ... pton _ " Ung In Janu .. ry .. nd e'ltenshe progress on a project ot h!!r groups Il.1ghl consider. They helve done" .... jor hlstorlc .. 1 "rchlves .""reh of th"ir loc .. 1 n!!wsp"p"r • IM1rgue' for UFO c " "'"a. We' 11 publish sO

  • No .. th.e .. " UFO Ne_ . -FOR YOU R PERUSA.L

    MaJo .. .... U c les elsewhe .. e

    COllpJS of ne ... t1tllls t o nolI!. Kick of( vJth I.!lC JIEQ Debot. U9, (0 .. six, (ro. 40 StubbJng IMy 51Jtpley W. York,. 801B 2EZ) f:dHed by DI!lVld 8arclay 1t ha,. the lilt est rage ( 11 ... (111 Jet black ink on recycled pap""), Cont_t o( issues 1 " 2 are ... ide-rlJrljfJn/I ((ro. SlJucers 011 the .ooon to sislltJngs a .. .Irages) I:md there is a lo t of H. lIith one artlcl. tltled 'Do lIFOnauts do It?' ha ... cell you resist a triel Issue "t £ 1. 50. One to .... t ch.

    Also out Is Challenge (£1;2 4 ClIore Awe DlJrllnglon DL3 BSU with IJssorted s t uf f on MCtMt "stronauts, _SIc, e"rth .ysteries et al. Too early t o lell wilether this will contribute os .. uch "s the "bove.8ul Intllrestlns.

    UFO Ti'"'l1O (6 1ssues, .... Hh. SlJFOIIA sub Ll6.50 ; 103 IiOOl8 Ave London EI7 7NG) i!!m::. - First ne_ on the Belg ian ""'''e OtfIlch _de the nllUonal presa " .onth latar! Pt 2 of John S~cer' s radical wJe ... of Close Encountars. Full report on the ClJl1llock Ch"se IlSl1dlng "'lIh physi cal traces (I nc sita photfffjJ.

    SP! Engi .... " (£6, for 5, 5 TuUbody Rd ... 11oa ClacklWlnna" sht .... FIIO 21..1..) !1JA.c ... Sea/lands 0",,", (.,Ith .are ne" "ddresses th/M " (lyi n/l picket) al ..... ys (ull of Interestll1/l stuff .. bout Sllos/s, psychlcs lit al. UFO cQIIlent is an interOlie ... .,ith CS IV rod sroup rthey o( Ihe WOIIderFul 'Abducti QII' albu.)

    ea .. th U:5, 10" 6, 20 S t onegde lid Tho .. pe Edge Bradfo .. d W. Yorke 80100flJ') ~ - Hare thick black Ink 011 tol Ja t poper but neat and 36 densely packed F"scJn",tlng pages. E~lUI .ora esoteric thal1 nor_l ("'ith stuFF on ShldlSl1:/Sm, roeditati '>lI,h",11ucinOlfftlle,. ISI1d sialll!Jr 'ne., alf"- or 'slxtl .. s hippy' pieces.

    IUR Jon/Feb 1990 (S35,lor 6, 25.f7 W Pete .... on Av, CMcago, It. 60659 USA) Ho6t1y taken up with 11 lon8 critic .. l (lJI1d at tl_s COSO!/1t) rewle., of Iha pr oble.s of psycho- social I/F010sy,notab I y Iha chlUl/l1n(I rie ..... of Or IlJcques Vallelll. Once Hynu's cl_ed Fri end,no'" a Europaan styJe UFOlosist livin/lin 'exl1o' and often a1sunderslood beC

  • Northern UFO N .. _ 5

    BOOKS QE THE MOMENT !Jtl.c~ 7101/l' _~ IiJ Spbere" Y.i Igfluence NigeI Morttooer 48pp Ulustnted A5 booklel £1. 50

    5",... SiZ9 "nd for_t "5 NUN, but odth }"rger sp"ced Iype BO _y be .. "sf er 10 re"cI ("JIhough I don't like r"lf1Ied _rglns}.NigeJ h"s his o wn blend of inve"/i6"l1o,, coupl ed .-J l h the "dv"n/"se of being "11 eyeodlness hillJSelf.He looks "t v"r Jous "specls of (he par"norlll"l.

    It r"lIses Jibe,.,,]ly o ve,. lesellds, "",.th for ces, dre"ms " nd st,-"nse events In "nd "round the Yorkshire /'f(XJrs ",Hh plenty of "ne cdot"l stories dropped illto. the _.texLlIs ~st unusu,,) . fe"ture Is -the "';'y In whic h d00l81ns h"s been used .. 5 " " lnvestlg" Uve t ol (e{f J" Todll1Orclen UFO "ctivity) "nd with .. t Je"st provoc"tive consequences th"t "re worthy of discussion.

    The one thin{f you cen s"y ebout this public"Uon is th"t it Iries .. diffe,.en! (,,11D061 slde""'y5) look lIt (!FO ,,"d ,.el"ted phenoflle"" ""d for th"t re/Json "lone deserves" he",.ing," especl"lly {fIVer! the re"son"ble price.

    Jtv"l1"ble frolll." - 33 Green L"ne JtddillBh"m Ilkley Wes t York .. 1.529 OfH


    A look .. t UfOG in the pubUc ey"

    I t h"s bee" quite e good spell fo r sensible UFO cover"8e . Then! were the usu .. l ETH pieces; eg in tile ne .......... e k ly .... g .. z1ne Tllke .!!. Break which revlewed Ti .. Good's book ' The IJFO Report 1990' .. nd h"d .. colour m"p of Brit .. in dotted with spaceships. It "ee .. s In 1969 ther e were 1400 .. ightings In ~ the UFO cepital of the world" (where? - why Southend ,of course ! ).

    The ~ h .. ve 80ne very "ulet , Juat reportl "8 (8 Apr) t hl\t eUen Pl!'rcy Thro_rs landed in IIrugullY t o tellch .. r .. r ...... ho .... to grow pu .. pkin- si zed t o .... t oes. R"thl!'r th"" curl!' AIDS the ,,11ens "pp .. rently decidl!'d to USI!' their ~ "dv"nced .. li l!'n knowledge" to sav l!' .. rour - .. cr e f".... fro .. bankcrupcy. Doub t le" .. the IOOguls are p l"nn!ng the IOOvi e 8lre .. dy.

    The !!J!lli S1K co .. pens"ted

  • Horthern UFO Hews



    MERSEY MI XTURE (2 , Cas@s by Margarel Fry

    Ktlrgarel c"used " Btir l"Bt 11'; .. by - "s Brig"mU" put it - 'Fry ing ' O"vid Ch.rke for being 'closed .unded'. Hopefully O"v id wIll re6pond ne"t iS6ue. Sh .. cOlllill ... es her report .. ith several other ' probatIve' C,,6es.

    One sutall>er n1ght in 191 1, Hr6 M woke fro .. her Lt verpoo1 hOJ16 ,,\ 03.00 to 5"" ~ .. br1shtly slo..nns sold .. n obj .. ct~ Qut " td .. tt ... ..nndow. TItt .. .......... 00.1 -CIrcul .. r ..nth /I flattened bDsOI ,,"d f ... zty. H filled much o f Olle quarter pane. (JIl After " pl"':~led couple or .. inute6 it ch""ged shll.p@,rotatf!d and vanj !;hed. It is tempting 10 wonder 1( thi s .. 1ght not h"ve been the 0I00n s@en through Cl oud, but I guess I might get Fried 1( 1 sUI:Il:l"e!;ted tlll.t ~

    MDrsaret is satisf1ed that this ne,d case 1s soote sort of craft. It occurred Over SenOR Pllrk in April (???l .. t 20.45 wnen Mr 11 saw a "larse oranga object In the sky~.After 30 s econds of hovering it ~opened up into a fan sh"pe" (with oranse/yellow stre" .... rsJ then closed up a nd v"nlBhed. The l"ck of IDOt10n ruled oul " .... t .. orite "nd it W!l.S d"rk Dnd s l .. rUt (so HOT the Sufl;"lthol1gh that would be .. n unusulIl or .. nse objecl in Liverpoolll

  • Northern UFO News

    Kl11!E1! Slap CAS!': 6301

    UFO OVER WAlSAUL 8UFOI!A August 1963

    7 -

    Aldrldge. W .. hu.ll. West M.1dlandll C7-5

    Hrs S WO " In c"r with boyfriend at \6.30 on sunny event"S.H .. h .. d gona Into " house a nd a .. she waited ~ .. o_thtns ... d" .., look up~ and ~ th"re was 11 """8e silver clg .. r caeplell!ly " till and not "",H"B .. ny noise". Th .. birds had s.topped singing (she thinks) hence ths trigger t o look up. The _ss .... e UFO ( ~a foot ruler held at or ... 1ensth - try it! ) no .. ~ sjec ted~ four saUCer shaped objects at terrific speed . .. t which Hrs S (then "Sed 19) ned fro. the c .. r and ..,t her boyfriend on hi .. wny out.Look t r.S up the UFO had sone.This Is one of those CsSes far which .usldentt(tcatlan s e e .. useless.

    CASE 6734 CIIOSTBIJSTERS 10 August 1961 Hlndley. Wlglln .lem: .. I. CoUoa EJ-4

    20 year old Police of fi cer Steve ParsoRage on baat pa t rol a .. w a - \00 ft dl......,ter wh1te UFO~ .. t 00. 45. It ne .. oH eG .. t at great s peed. Hl a Rotebook .... Id;· " .... 0 ro ..... d obJ .. ct ... hiSh In .. ltltude ... not an .. eroplan" or co_t.~ Another I'(: (lionel Ha .. ) "aw It fro. his panda cor on LI~erpool Rd.

    CAse 77-J~8 MUFORA JI October 1971 Shre""bury. Shropshi r e B4-5

    Hr-s P (now retired) went Into a d"rk r ooll at ·"bout 21.00 on a clear niSht 10 look o~er the RI~er Se ..... rn.To the SV .... s 0 ~ ~t ... ld.al-ost (lour"sceot green strip o f I ISht -ov!ns ~ery elowly west to etu. t · .She _nt tnto the rront s"rden but took her eyes off It for" few ..,_n11l and It ... "nl shed. She could find no cloud behind whlch 1l ... y ""ve p(llised but tr!lced the p(lth it h!ld been on and there It wtlS "gt!.ln -no .. (I very subdued clrcul(lr golden I> .. U with dta.n>eter equivalent to the gT"een strip" (sllShtly l e •• th(ln full ...,.",1. Sh" de6Crl~d 11 .,s "11ke l ooklng at the aoon throuMh _ny layers of fine b l .. ck net~. Once she lOOked ...... y she coul d h(lrdly f ind H (lgaln but it took 10 "nute .. p iu" to drift IIwny behind bulldlnss.She c"l l ed RAF Shll .. bury nelCt dlly but got "a politll brush orr~.I«.IFORA c .. ,,· t st~ ... an "m._r for this c e"e;out if anyone "'nc ias (I trip 10 Shrewsbury 10 taD. to /IIr" P she ls interested In challlng wllh such" UI'Ologlst . Let uS know.

    CASE 8432 WORM Noveaber 1984 Hlnckley. Leles Res: Burton B3-3

    Hr M _Ii a s lgrutl>KIn at the locd li tati on and at 0 1.30 (00 0 Saturday) SOl .. .. briSht 11ght O"""r " gas recei~"r sta tton "nd pylon. It """ a COOli t"nt yellow Ilk. !O c!lr h"(ldllSht but .... ch bisser than .tarOil. It re.a1ned sUll for (5 .unules. the" an alrcraft flew O"'er heading into ~lraingh !u. and tha I1Sht liho t to tha underside of ths ph",e and poclld It. befora fly1ng .. ast and ho ... ertnS for 8 .,re oo1nutelO. At clOtiesl it .... " seen to be """de of s ..... 11"r IIShts rot"tlns clock .. ise. It ... an.1shed by shooting litralght up.Enqulr1es tn~l(at"d tnat /IIr M n"d Sreel enthuelas. and Intersst in UF06 and 100_ aspects o f his check"ble teuto.ony pro ... "d so_ ...... "1 ""reliab l e.

    CASE 8641 UFORH 21 May 1986 TII.worth.Stll(fs As~l"y lanes ""-5 This case happeoed 5 days "ner the Sta ffordshir" VC - IO exercl s" (aea l .. al WJH edHorl"l.It I s Impres .. ively different !Os on entire {"ot...Ily _re wUness (i nc luding a 21 ye"r o ld un iversity .tudent "nd her fa t her""" I" f o r_r mayor o f the towol.The " 'sht l ns ,,160 l a s ted a t"tal o f 50 .Jnutea .... klng it unlikely to h,,~e been drcr"ft r .. fualll ng.Thes .. planes Just PASSED nlllOtJGII.

  • Northern UfO News , -The unhers1ty student '" Ernle S till

    ""'th hi .. ""'fe ""d two .. nd polnl .. d it oul, but :It In the wtfW .. nd .. silver

    colour. It .... s 1n vi ..... for over .. n !lour fro .. 20.50 onwt'lrd and ~"nlshed Into darkening oky. Throush bJnocul .. rs It " eelled t o h .. ve .. protrusion or .. erl .. l and to the n .. ked eye it ..... .. t ths 111lit of perception, fading In and out of Ilisl but relOfO!n!ns stlll.I_diale c hecks (l .. ter pe rus ued by _Ul ..tlh polic e and RAF IiHterlng reve .. led no lhi ng.lf..-ver,one sUS8esllon o f a hot dr balloon could not .. pp .. rently be check"d .. s fLights _re not losged. Fro. the .. ccount s Ihi. see_ .. posdbtllty _11 worth be .. rlng In Ilind ( .. G does . ome other for. o f tether .. d balloon - "g for .. dv .. rt1 d nfl purpCAS£ 69 14 lUll 20 ~tob"r 1969 lI .. lewood.l'Cers .. ,..td .. PhllJp ""'nil .. C5- 4

    Mr E ( .. 20 ye .. r old Gtudent l "". "Oout to go to bed .. t 02.30 when he & .... two red light s tn the wea t.Other r ed lights wer .. . .... n GOving over t he Ford f .. ctory IlIld Speke (where Liverpool Airport 18 d tu .. tftdl . They ..,ved erratically .. nd ..... 11 . .. p .. r .. ta fr o .. e .. ch o ther. lie s .. '" .. l1ght .. trcr .. ft ""d this ",,8 tot .. l 1,. d lfr .. rant.There were two UfO type. , .. s :l ngl. red b .. l1 with whit. IlShts pule!ng .. round its c entre .. nd .. n umbrell .. or f .. n sh .. ped white 1Ighl.So_ti .... s theGe sovad 1n ror~tlons.Over .. ll he _t c had for 15 ~nutes until .. 11 the obj"ct& h .. d gone ...... y ( .... sl1y north), H .. I .. c onvinced they _r .. not .. Ircr .. ft due to the l .. c k of sound, the r .. c t there were no green 1ishta .. nd hIs r .. mill .. r lty with Sp .. ke (whi ch IG a 6..,11 .. irport ...tth little traffi c .. t night). He is cerloin ih .. t DOr" th .. n .. ight .. i r c r..rt would never be c1rcl1ns at One time. He r"ported to SpeJo:e Ibe next d .. y bul they g .. ve hi. " . 'UfO nuoober' to cllll which pro ved incorrec t . (F )

  • Northern UFO News 9 -


    Early on Sund .. y 22 October 1989 I ..... 6 .. woken by .. c .. U frOIl Essex police HQ for ay vieWD on .. t Chel ..... Cord .. t 0 2. 10. A light ...anouvering around the :oily i n the lI .. tville PeverU I "re .. hud been reported by two aotori ats and police were t .. king i t serIously bec"""s,, two p,:",d .. cur officers h .. d s e en it too. This w .. s at Ti pt ree at 02.30 . Not r" .. Using thts .."s the st"rt of .. n "p I put" SUFORA t eeOl onto the story and sat back to a ..... 1t results.

    Next day a call froOl Jodrell Bank also involved the police. After ini ti al contac t .... lt h the witnesses Peter Hough followed throush.This case had occurred "t 19.15 ....n11"t Hr B ("n oCf duty pOlice officer) " nd his wife .. nd teen":s e son ·were dri ving past Del a·mere Fo~est I n Ches hi r e ne .. r the village of Alvenl ey . In C .. c t wh .. t they ·saw .......... lrDost exactly wh .. t h"" been terrorising resident.. i; Belgiu", (,,"ccordiog to recent OIajor press stories). It wes our old (riend - the big t r iang l e or 'silent vulClIn'.

    Cove red in .... hlte. red and blue light s (at " .. rlous points) It resellbles .. n .. !rcr .. ft (hence sugge&tlons it is a sle .. lth plelle). But it flies very low elld is usu .. lly nel).r or totl).l1 y s i lant - as here. The Al"enley tr ll).llgle hove r ed overh"ed for two runutes then shot ...... l).y.lnvestlg"Uon wao; h .... peredby Ch"shlre poltce refusing to "Uow coopen,tlon (IDOre hints of Illllt .. ry .. ctivity?) I).nd the wi tnesses consequent desire for enonym.J.ty. bu t t here "as Htlle doubt this w .. s .. genulnuly 100l'ress!ve slghtl llS. (C)

    Hours la ter , .. t 05.10 I nt o 2 4 October Margaret Fry report s tlnother sighting IIot too hr ...... y (the Sondycro(t Illdustrie l Estet e. Deeslde. o n t he Cheshire - Clwyd borderJ. Hr {) ( .. security Su"rd on the sH e) sew" dark object (which wes silhouetted a~ .. lnst the s ky ) which CeODe at h iOl .. " kl .. " playlns UFO , .nd th .. pl.n ......... found ebendonned st 06. 00, fuelless.lu'lVing lended .. efely on e country road.

    CASE 6932 HLUI'OI{) 27 November 19119

    At 20.00 two "ng led tubes of white lights Seen po i nting s kyward 8nd moving over t ile b .. y. Pos&lbll1ty th ... t these .ug!>t h"ve been ee"r c lll1sht he ...... ?

    CASE 9001 8UI'OlUo to March 1990 Anlaby.lIW11ber&1de C3- 4

    At 14.10 Oil windy but sunny d .. y youngster r eported cl .. ssic fairground b81 100n (ie OY81 with one h .. lf d .. rk " lid other reflective ) flo .. llng pest .

  • Northern UFO News " -


    This is the sort of c .. se which {s com.1ng to our notice "",re .. nd .ore in the _ke of books l1ke INTRUDERS .md ABDUCTION, Yet we loock the facilities "nd tbe expertise to help the often desperftte witness.! will merely cdl th1 s lady /llrs G .. nt! "ay .. he 11ves in South Wales to protect her identity. She ha" written lie " "eries of letters "sking for our o.ssi"t"nce "nd I could 'lOt interest " Welsh rese"n:her . r .. uggested ASSAP (,," the c .... e has s troos psychic t",oes) but /IIr .. G .... y .. ell still "ppreci"te t he help of ""yooe who thinks they c "" be useful. Let ... koo .. if you do "od I will see "'''eth",,. Mre G le etill lo"k~"g (0" a ",gl uHon.

    Events bego." to the cid fifties when Hrs G ""s " yaung chil d. She had the cI 'I.1." ic hi"tory of p"ychic e"periences. ~Froll .. 0 e .. rly "ge I h .. d vivid • waking dre"ID'" of str .. ng" people either 1' ...... 108 through my bedroolD or lust "tandins: .. nd .,,,tchins: lDe~. She s"" a human sized • bl .. ck cat' "at On a ..,.,11. She he .. rd Yoices, feH geotle pressures on he,. body "nd frequently gaOled up. ; t the s ky, aVen .. ent outside in the de"d of night looking up .... rds ~with .. terrible longing inside of ,",,~.Needless to & .. y her f .. mily dismis"ed all this a .. an o~er-actlvl! l .. ugin .. tlon, but it redly di"tW"bed her .

    ... t "se 12 (c 1965 ) she ........ nd • felt' a Yery tall figure ou t side and had to flee frolD it . ... ll of this ectivity cullDJn .. ted In " period of Illness (c 1970-1972) where she fo"od her per~on .. 11ty ch""gin8 .md had to h"ve elltensive drug ther .. py in hospit .. l.Te .. pord lobe epilepsy ",e" diagnosed .. nd the electric shock ther .. py only left her with t.,rrible headeches. She used to '..,.,ke up' in the hospil al corridor wtth no ide" of how she got there nnd .. U .... lap"e. But the night ..... re ended suddenly when she just 'got better' a nd .... s able to r.,turn to a nor_l li fe: "lthough "he tri.,d to incorporate her '"biUlJes' into", new found Involye.ent with Spiritu~l1s ...

    In 1975 she went to work "l .. hol.\d"y e"lDp in Weston "uper I'\nre "nd WQuld regul .. rly 'sleep ""lk' without obYious cause. This continued in 1977 at .. c""p at Bracklesh ... Oay in West Sussex.llere she would ..,.,ke up s""" .. \:Ing .. "d crying: ~I kne .. I'd been so .... ..mere but 1 dido't know .. t'ere. ~ Other tille" she woke feeling her .... y round her fa .. illar ch"let: "I f elt "s if I were in a str"nge pI"ce. r had to ~et out. ~ She h .. d other str8nge elCperience" (here and b .. ck ho .... in W"les) - es: ~" kind of rushlns noise surrounded me .. nd I Saw flashing light s very brIefly". These l"ter developed into full-blown out of body experiences .. nd lUCid dr"""", of flo .. ting about the house.

    In 1900, b .. ~ k .. t B, '"cU .... h". B"y, "he WO " with "ooil:!er ...,id " lro111"8 at night on th .. be .. ch when ' .. huge liner c .. me Into view, blocking off the bo.y lit up lik" "n "1I'lEl tree.· But it _s silent 8Jtd ON the beach, "0 not a real boot. Her triend _s vague "bout ,,11 thts but h .. d seen the ship IlJld .... s b"fned. Krs G h"d ~falt in .. dreamlike st"te". Another "",re c1 e"rly UFO-related Bighting occurred in W .. le .. In 1963 when sh ...... w 0. ~large whHe • ....... n·· over" ne"rby lIQunt .. in. But the re,,1 IIOOn ""s elsewhere in the sky. Hrs G hes h"d """'y other eI .... ple .. of ESP or precognitive dre""", IlJld d rea"", of UFOe.These continued Into 1969 at la"t report with similar full intensity. Having now di"covered abduction Btories she is wonderinS if this IIlight proyide the framework to help her sort out ""d stop these eYent".

  • Horthern UFO Hews - I! -

    or courae, UFOlogy haa a real dUe_ here. Hot only are .... unqualified to givOl an opioion, hut OB John Sp"IIlCer .... rned in hia book' PerapOlctivea', ....., .... y rt"k creating abduction CtU'OI" by i.poslng thl" outUne onto 0 cose study. Here,""''' 0' a expertencea could ea .. ily be interpreted 1n ..... y dlffeJ':lng conte~t". The UFO Dbduc:tion acenarlo

  • Northern UFO Nova

    , , , ..,,,,, L - 12 -

    St .. phen Or""a. of Carli .. le sent a l .. n .. r fro. Cltva N .. vtll .. at tha MoO,aaylng; "a. far a .. wa ar~ awaTa,no reported Bight l nSB hove been occo'"P""ted by a d.finltlv .. ph"I"Sr"ph or .. 1a11"r "Old,"", hav .. 110 r .. cord of lU\y rad .. r tracea couaed by alIe/l"d UFO .. ctlvity" (but odds that c,," .. rase Is "tor/lett .. d to .. CIU\ th .. "ppro" ch",. to the UK roth .. r th"n o"r ho_l .. nd- ). F11e" can "lily be r .. l .... " .. d - 30 y"ara "n .. r Ih .. lost "cll.m h .... be"" t .. k",,-but th .. y h .. v" " b .. "n pv"" dl"pil" .. "tloo to "n .. "",r "peclflc qUflrl .. fI "bout perttcu]ar locld .. nt .. wI,ich h"" .. occurred recently-. Nsvl}I" adda figure" for BlshlinllB received 01 tha MoO durhg Iha da"ade - viz: 1980 (350). 196 1 (600), 1962 (250), 1963 (390), 1964 (2J!D, 1985 (17$), 1966 (20), 1967 . 1968 (400) . . . ia 2650. iar"r!"S to a Hsura st .. "',\ by ]01>" St ..... l .. y I" the House to BUFOiA pre .. ldentp"tl"lck ,.,11 (24 Oct 196:3> Stephen &8y8 t here ware 190 slShl1nS& In the 1061 I .. " .... e h of 1963. post Lh" Sky Cr .. ..n .. lory!

    "Tho .. e of you not getting ~FO BrlS .. llti .. alssed (Harch) .. 0 ... deeply crltlc .. l .. 1 ..... on things UFOlogl ;; ,,1 (ro. M.1-12 to .. 10000J of IlOLS ... Top up your m1" "ubscrlp~lon for a _SI\2.J"" a ..,nth for Ju .. I £5 (p"y"ble ' NUFON' L

    CALEtlDAR "e"t BWORA lecture cl:. l..\Im:.l.ondon Budn ...... School. 16. 30 hrl r .... lur.s

    h" 1'1>11111''' on hhl an" ... e":I,, .... ok (eee p.Jl.

    Thero on U L.urut (Oxford POlytec hnic . 10.30 - 17.00 hrl I .. the world .. first sci~"tl(tc 6yapo"huo on c rop c ircles ( .. "turl"S profe61g/lu,ltkley, W. yo.k, (Vorishlrt) I Woodh,ll Or, Hull) l ,nt,hUty,W. rk, (Shrop,hlr.) 1\7 Eull Sl rut, ere .. , Chnhirt (Derbyshirt) 17 Old Qu'qy A .. , Wilu, Shtfftlld (SlIlhl II~ R~plon Rd, 8urian on Trlot, Shffl (W . nldilnds) 71 Sindrin~'. Rd,St~rbridg~, . W. "Id (E.N i dllndl l 31 Grov. Rd, Hlghfltldl,ltieuur, letel INorthlnl ,) '6 Oc< upilion Rd , Corby, Morlnlnll

    ~KIQ 2ll LA j 6RH Be S SRH FV 2 OIU WH 5 £RP l i ORf

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