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General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Independent Int’l Christian Church Ministries & Inc. Celebrating African American History Month February 2012 “The Man, The Ministry & The Mantle Of The African, Simon Of Cyrene” Kings 6: 1 – 12, 2 Chronicles 12: 6, Saint Luke 23: 26, nt John 7: 37-39, Saint John 13: 3 – 5, Colossians 3: 1 & 2, 2 Timothy 2: 15, & Revelation 3: 20 & 21) Doĝalov(Welcome In The Cyrenian Language) The Mountain’s Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation Journal General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, The Thunderbolt’s General Dean Of Academics & Admissions eneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett,

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General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Independent Int’l Christian

Church Ministries & Inc.

Celebrating African American History Month

February 2012 “The Man, The Ministry & The Mantle

Of The African, Simon Of Cyrene”

(2 Kings 6: 1 – 12, 2 Chronicles 12: 6, Saint Luke 23: 26, Saint John 7: 37-39, Saint John 13: 3 – 5, Colossians 3: 1 & 2, 2

Timothy 2: 15, & Revelation 3: 20 & 21)

“Doĝalov” (Welcome In The Cyrenian Language)

The Mountain’s Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation Journal

General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, The Thunderbolt’s General Dean Of Academics & Admissions

General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett,The Senior Executive Presiding General Bishop & The Senior

Executive Prophetess

General Priestess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, The Senior Executive Anointed High Priestess

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Words Of Salutation


General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett,

The Thunderbolt’s General Dean Of Academics & Admissions

A heartfelt warm salutation from The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett of The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of Exaltation and The Thunderbolt’s Paper & Pencil Place.

It’s once again, that we have this great African American History Annual Assemblage and our hearts are saturated with praise, exaltation and worship! As The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett without reservations, I, zealously convey to your hearts, “I am a dedicated holy woman with a sincere consecrated prayer-life to Yehovah-Christ Jesus; from Yehovah-Christ Jesus; and to the people of all ethnics of Yehovah-Christ Jesus! Upon being the recipient of a revitalized, renewed and refreshing revelation entitled; “praise, exalt, worship Yehovah-Christ Jesus, like you know He’s a covenant keeping Saviour, Redeemer, King of Kings and Lord Of Lords” I, General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett enthusiastically assure you that there’s a tremendously break-through stirring in the atmosphere! I, The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett stretch forth my Holy Sceptre & Rod and decree “The breathing of The Holy Spirit is in the winds, and the winds declare The Holy Utterance that Yehovah-Christ Jesus, “Is Righteous” “The Lord is Righteous” decree the sound of the abundance of rain; “The Lord Is Righteous” decreed The Glory Cloud of Yehovah-Shammah. Let the whole earth decree, “The Lord Is Righteous.”

It’s also within this salutation, I, The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett embrace this moment to acknowledge all those who have participated and have help to raise the

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

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The Man, The Ministry & The Mantle Upon The Man From Africa,

Simon of Cyrene! From The Exclusive Prayer Chambers Of

The Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

First and foremost, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, salute my Resurrected Saviour, Yehovah-Christ Jesus, for His Self-Sacrificial Kaphur On Calvaria’s Cross. In retrospect to the fountain of living waters, words of adulation, adoration and admonishment spring forth from The Mountains Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation, “What A Saviour, What A King, and What A Redeemer, Yehovah-Christ Jesus!Secondly, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, also known as “The General Bishop & General Priestess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, give homage and deference to my deceased father, “The General Apostle Elder Carlton Nathaniel Burnett” for the divine impartation of The Oracles Of Faith” and “The Holy Writ” into my life. As I oftentimes, reiterate, “to have such a diadem, an jewel cultivated and nurtured by The Divine Triune God-Head, (God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Ghost) and what seems so amazing is that the journey is yet not finished; hallelujah, to the Redeemer of the world, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! A special salutation to my parents’ “The General Apostle Elders’ Carlton Nathaniel & Johnnie’Mae Burnett” for their marriage, their ministry and their mantle!Thirdly, and without hesitation, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, embrace this moment in epoch to convey to you the awesome and infallible word of Yehovah-Christ Jesus during this African American History Month Celebration. Once again, I, cogitate it a privilege and hnonor to minister to your mind, body, soul and sprit!

The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

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The Man, The Ministry & The Mantle Of The African,

Simon Of CyrenePage #2

General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

Within The Oracles Of Faith and Holy Writ, there was a devout man, according to the three (3) synoptic gospels (Saint Matthew, Saint Mark and Saint Luke) who was a significant person of interest during The Crucifixion of Yehovah-Jesus Christ. During such an intensified occasion, The Crucifixion of Yehovah-Christ Jesus; this man was instantaneously appointed a ministry and a mantle and his name was “Simon Of Cyrene.” Due to the origin of his birth place; Cyrene, Libya (located in northern Africa), we will pierce our African American History Sermon upon the title, “The Man, The Ministry and The Mantle Of The African, Simon of Cyrene.” Let’s observe the 3 factors of Simon Of Cyrene:The Man; The Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary depicts “man” as an individual of the human race; particularly within the adult human male gender or species. Despite the evolutionarily philosophy that man evolved from “apes” the Bible denotes the origin of man; with Yehovah Elohim and The Divine Triune God-Head as the supreme creator, in accordance to Genesis 1: 26, “Let us make man in our likeness and image.” Genesis 2: 7, asserts, “God, Yehovah-Elohim, formed man from the dust of the ground and breath into man’s nostrils and man became a living soul” The Oracles Of Faith and The Holy Writ, has comprehensible and inspiring information on “the doctrine of man.” The Book Of Psalm 8 asserts, “What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visiteth him.” The first birth man has been herald throughout The Oracles Of Faith and The Holy Writ. The Mother of All Living, named “Eve” declared in Genesis 4: 1 “I have gotten a man child from the Lord.”

The Man, The Ministry & The Mantle Of The African,Simon Of Cyrene

Page #3

The Mantle: When one thinks or ponders on the phrase, “the mantle” immediately, one is impacted by the weight of such a word. The word “mantle” has been defined as a “transferred position” which indicates “a role or position, especially one that can be passed from one person to another” for instances, The Prophet Elijah and The Prophet Elisha, which depicts a transferrable mantle or anointing! Also, there are thee “covering mantle” something that envelops or covers something or someone else.” For instances, the apostolic and prophetic anointing, has its biblical covering within the category of “the gifts” of Ephesians 4:11.Now within this African American History Celebration, we have this man, this ministry and this mantle upon a by-stander who had attended the most horrific episode of the life, work and ministry of Yehovah-Christ Jesus; entitled “The Crucifixion of Yehovah-Christ Jesus” whose name is “Simon Of Cyrene.” I’ll say that again, with more enthusiasm and intensity; so now within this African American History Celebration, celebrating the productivity and accomplishments of African Americans, we have this man, this ministry and this mantle upon a by-stander (who by chance) had attended the most horrific episode of the life, work and the ministry of Yehovah-Christ Jesus, entitled, “The Crucifixion of Yehovah-Christ Jesus” whose name is “Simon Of Cyrene. Who happens to be a descendant of the continent “Africa.” Observing the accomplishments and productivity! Hallelujah to Yehovah- Christ Jesus, I’ll say that again, with more appreciation of the participation of an African native, “so now within this African American History Celebration, celebrating the productivity and accomplishment of African Americans, hallelujah and all glory, honor and doxa to Yehovah-Christ Jesus; we have this man, this ministry and this mantle upon a bystander, an African descent of Cyrene, Libya who

The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

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The Man, The Ministry & The Mantle Of The African,Simon Of Cyrene

Page #4

On behalf of The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Thunderbolt’s Paper & Pencil Place, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett wish to convey to the hearts, minds, spirits’ and souls’ of every participant that we as a nation, a people, a tribe and congregants have been recorded throughout biblical history, with great warriors, such as: Nimrod and Simon of Cyrene! Yes, the continent of Africa was at the scenery of The Crucifixion Of Yehovah-Christ Jesus, not only as a by-stander, but I, reiterate, “3 synoptic gospel writers, have declared, a man of Cyrenian, Simon Of Cyrene assisted in carrying Calvaria’s Rugged Cross.” The distances of him carrying the cross is not stated, but it does mentioned “that they laid on him the cross of Jesus.” The National Baptism Hymn writer denotes, “The Old Rugged Cross.” It’s at this point in time, that I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett interject an awesome and supernatural praise, exaltation and worship to Yehovah-Christ Jesus, I raise the praise, exaltation and worship to Yehovah-Christ Jesus, with a more deepened sense of admiration for the scriptures that depict His humanity; such as Saint John 1: 14, “the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His Glory, The Glory Of The Only Begotten Of The Father, Full Of Grace and True.” Philippians 2: 5 – 8, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who being the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God (Yehovah-Yahweh), But made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, He humbled Himself, (The Lord Is Righteous) and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” What an unequivocal and explicit ideal man, one has recorded in Philippians 2: 5 – 8, 2 Kings 6: 1 - 12, Saint John 13: 3 – 5! Yes, Yehovah Christ Jesus, who being in the form of man, He, Himself experienced the philosophies and homogenies (consistencies) of the phrase, “the man, the ministry and the mantle.” As we briefly

The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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Highly Esteemed Great African Americans

The July 2012 Summa Cum Laude Platinum Praise Chronicle

From The General Prophetess Elder

Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Thunderbolt Singing Sukkah

“General Apostle Elder Carlton Nathaniel Burnett, DD”

July 19, 1935 – February 5, 1998

“He Looked Beyond All My Faults, And Saw My Needs”


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Highly Esteemed Great African Americans

The July 2012 Summa Cum Laude Platinum Praise Chronicle

fromThe General Prophetess Elder

Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Thunderbolt Singing Sukkah

“Dr. Charles Albert Tindley”July 7, 1851 – July 26, 1933

We Shall Overcome & We’ll Understand It Better By & By


Highly Esteemed Great African Americans

The July 2012 Summa Cum Laude Platinum Praise Chronicle

From The General Prophetess Elder

Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Thunderbolt Singing Sukkah

“Bishop Paul S Morton, Sr.” July 30, 1950

“Let It Rain”Graciously,

The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett,The Senior Executive General Presiding Prophetess & Bishop

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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Programme’Reception Hour

Shrimp Cocktails & Little Judah’s Sparkling Non-Alcohol Beverages

The Grandiose Procession Of The Grammy Winners

SalutationScripture & Invocation

Ministry Of MusicDr. Richard Smallwood

Introduction & Acknowledgement Of Grammy Winners

General Priestess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

Dinner ServedScriptural Blessing – Saint Luke 14:

16-20 General & Closing Remarks


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The Tribe Of Judah & The Movee’s

The Prophetic Platinum Praise

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The Tribe Of Judah & The Movee’s Ton

Celebrating The Platinum African American


Dr. Shemar Moore

Graciously, The General Bishop Elder

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Prophetic Platinum Praise Chronicle

The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Tribe Of Judah & The Movee’s Ton

Celebrating The Platinum African American


Dr. Shemar Moore

Graciously, The General Bishop Elder

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett


Honorary Member Of The National Cleric Alliance

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

Honorary Member Of The National Cleric Alliance

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

Honorary Member Of The National Cleric Alliance

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation


The Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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Salutations From The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

ToThe United States Of America 1st African American President

President Barack Obama

Graciously,The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, The Thunderbolt’s General Dean Of Academics & Admission

General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop & Senior Executive Prophetess

General Priestess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, The Senior Executive General Anointed High Priestess

A Birthday Salutation To Everyone! An Autographed Birthday Calendar From

The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

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The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation

The Call To SalvationFrom

The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett

Yehovah-Christ Jesus Declared “I Am The Good – Shepherd”

The Book Of Psalm 23rd, Saint John 10: 11, Hebrews

13: 20 Romans 10: 8 -1 3

The National Prayer Of Salvation“Come into my heart, Yehovah-Christ Jesus, save and

forgive me of all my sins, cleanse and wash me thoroughly with your sovereign precious divine blood

that you shedded on Calvaria’s Cross! I, have heard and seen many people sing, preach and testified about your everlasting mercy and

grace; now I embrace this moment to invite you into my heart and live therein forevermore.

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By faith, and according to your divine promise of forgiveness, Yehovah-Christ Jesus, I receive you and

your salvation! (Amen).”Graciously From, The General Prophetess Elder

Leslie’Maelene Burnett