theoretical overview tetsufumi hirano department of physics the university of tokyo homepage of...

Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Caf é rrent status of “perfect liquid

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Page 1: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Theoretical Overview

Tetsufumi HiranoDepartment of PhysicsThe University of Tokyo

Homepage of Heavy Ion Café

--Current status of “perfect liquid”--

Page 2: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html


My personal view of “Perfect Liquid announcement” and QM2006

What’s Next?Systematic study based on the hybrid appro

ach (base line argument) Initial condition & mechanism of thermalizati

on Improvement of current hydro modelsUtilizing outputs from hydro simulations

Page 3: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Elliptic Flow for Charged Particles


P.Huovinen(’03)Roughly speaking,ideal hydro gives a good description

Roughly speaking,ideal hydro gives a good description

P.Kolb et al.(’01)

TH, plenary talk @ QM2004

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I did not make a conclusive statement @ QM2005

TH, plenary talk @ QM2004

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An announcement was made on April 18, 2005

Page 6: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Behind the Press Release Room…

Today, I won’t discuss this particular topic any more.See, TH and M.Gyulassy, NPA769,71(2006).

TH, talk @ APS meeting, FL, 2005

Page 7: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Nothing about “press release” nor “perfect liquid”

Mystery at QM2005, Budapest (Just 4 Months after Press Release)

8 plenary talks from RHICBRAHMS(1 talk), PHENIX(3 talks),PHOBOS(1 talk), STAR(3 talks).

What happened to the press release on “perfect fluidity”?

The press release was just a dream?Two Logos (perfect liquid, sQGP) are enough?

TH, talk @ BNL, 11/04/2005

Page 8: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

QM2006 @ Shanghai

24 plenary theory speakers+52 parallel theory speakers

(Impossible to cover all of them…)Who cares about “perfect fluid”

in this conference?

Page 9: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

What’s Next ?

1. Systematic studies based on1. Systematic studies based onthe hybrid approachthe hybrid approach

(Glauber I.C. + perfect fluid QGP + dissipative hadron gas). HBT, source functions

System size, collision energy

2. Initial condition & mechanism2. Initial condition & mechanism of early thermalizationof early thermalization

CGC, ”Glasma” Isotropization

Instability Non-equilibrium field theory

3. Improvement of current 3. Improvement of current hydro modelshydro models

Fluctuations Constraint of EOS (Causal) Viscosity

Chemical non-equilibriumMach cone

4. Utilizing outputs from 4. Utilizing outputs from hydrodynamic simulationshydrodynamic simulations

Jet quenching (q, Q, and g) J/ transport

E&M radiation Recombination

TH, a slide prepared for YKIS06

Page 10: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

•3D Langrangean hydro + UrQMD + Jet Quenching +…C.Nonaka(plenary), S.Bass(parallel),…•3D Eulerian Hydro + JAM + Jet Quenching +…TH(parallel), (Y.Nara),M.Isse(poster),…

1. Systematic studies based on1. Systematic studies based onthe hybrid approachthe hybrid approach

(Glauber I.C. + perfect fluid QGP + dissipative hadron gas). HBT, source functions

System size, collision energy

Page 11: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Current Status of Hydro+Cascade



QGP fluid

hadronic gas

Perfect fluid QGP coreDissipative hadronic coronaTH and M.Gyulassy (2006)

Page 12: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Inputs of the Model

SolverFull 3D Eulerian ideal hydro + JAMInitial ConditionInitial time 0: 0.6fm/cTransverse profile: 0.85part+0.15coll

Longitudinal profile: BGK triangle (Brodsky-Gunion-Kuhn)EoSNf=3 massless ideal QGP gas+Resonance gas (up to (1232))in partial chemical equilibriumCritical temperature Tc: 170MeVChemical f.o. temperature Tch: 170MeVSwitching temperature Tsw: 169MeV

Page 13: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

pT Spectra from QGP Fluid

+ Hadron Gas Model

A hybrid model works well up to pT~1.5GeV/c.Other components (reco/frag) would appear above.

Page 14: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Elliptic Flow from QGP Fluid + Hadron Gas Model

Good agreement for bulk (pT<~1.5GeV/c)

Page 15: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

PID v2(pT) at midrapidity

O.K. in semicentral collisions

Presumably due to fluctuationMiller&Snellings(’03)

Page 16: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Hydro + cascade at work in forward

Adapted from S.J.Sanders (BRAHMS) @ QM2006

Page 17: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

A Probable Scenario TH and Gyulassy (’06)

!•Absolute value of viscosity •Its ratio to entropy density

Rapid increase of entropy density canmake hydro work at RHIC.

Deconfinement Signal?!

: shear viscosity, s : entropy density


Page 18: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Other systems?Kapusta, talk @ QM2006Csernai,Kapusta, McLerran(’06)

Something happens at TcNot driven by entropy jump…

Page 19: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

2. Initial condition & mechanism2. Initial condition & mechanism of early thermalizationof early thermalization

CGC, ”Glasma” Isotropization

Instability Non-equilibrium field theory

Plenary•F.Gelis, QCD at small x•M.Strickland, Thermalization via instabilitiesParallel•R.Venugopalan, Multiple production to NLO in AA collisions•M.Asakawa, Anomalous viscosity of an expanding quark-gluon plasma•R.Fries, Early time evolution of high energy heavy ion collisions•Z.Xu, Parton Thermalization and Energy Loss in U.R.H.I.C within a P.C.•X.-M.Xu, Thermalization of Quark-Gluon Matter

Page 20: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

How Do Partons Get Longitudinal Momentum to Thermalize?

Free Streaming eta=y




y≈Sum of delta function Width “Thermal” fluctuation


Page 21: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

22 Collisions Do Not Help!

Xu and Greiner, hep-ph/0406278

Only 22 collisions,partons are still in atransverse sheeteta~y~const.23 may help.

Page 22: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Time Scale of Equilibration





















(t) gives the timescale of kinetic equilibration.

Adapted from Z.Xu,Talk @ QM2006

Do we really need<pz


Page 23: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Caveat on Kinetic Equilibration

Static medium ≠Expanding medium

(1+1)D Bjorken case:

Do we need complete isotropy?Shear viscosity allows small deviation fromisotropic distribution

Page 24: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Interplay btw. Expansion and Instability

Adapted from M.Strickland,Talk @ QM2006

Page 25: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Instability Adapted from M.Strickland,Talk @ QM2006

Page 26: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

3. Improvement of current 3. Improvement of current hydro modelshydro models

Fluctuations Constraint of EOS (Causal) Viscosity

Chemical non-equilibriumMach cone

Plenary•D.T.Son, AdS/CFT and QGP•D.Teaney, Experimental evidence of perfect fluididty at RHIC•J.Kapusta, The strongly interacting low viscosity matter•J.Casalderrey-Solana, Mach Cone in QGP•P.Levai, Viscosity in the strongly interacting quark matter around Tc•C.M.Ko, Parton transport description of heavy ion collisionsParallel•T.Renk, Mach cone and dijets•G.L.Ma, Two- and Three-particle Correlations in a P.C.•S.Gavin, Measuring Shear Viscosity Using pT Correlations•S.Mrowczynski, Chromo-hydrodynamics of the unstable QGP•R.S.Bhalerao, Eccentricity fluctuations and elliptic flow at RHIC•D.Molnar, Why even a small viscosity matters at RHIC•T.Kodama, New Formulation of Dissipative Relativistic Hydrodynamics

Page 27: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Importance of Relaxation Time

•Non-rela. (Cattaneo (’48))

0: Fourier law

: relaxation time

Heat Eq. (Parabolic Eq.) Finite relaxation time

Telegraph Eq.(Hyperbolic Eq.)

Balance Eq.

Constitutive Eq.

Violation ofcausality

cf.)杉山勝、数理科学 (2002年8月号)

Page 28: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Solution of Viscous Fluids

Adapted from D.Teaney,Talk @ QM2006

Page 29: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Be Cautious about Corrections

Adapted from D.Teaney,Talk @ QM2006

Page 30: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Summary by Teaney

Adapted from D.Teaney,Talk @ QM2006

Page 31: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Comarison btw. Hydro and Cascade

Adapted from D.Molnar, Talk @ QM2006Many caveats in this kind of comparisons!

Page 32: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Boltzmann at work?

~ 15 * pert !

Caveat 1: Where is the “dilute” approximation in Boltzmannsimulation? Is ~0.1fm o.k. for the Boltzmann description?Caveat 2: Differential v2 is tricky. dv2/dpT~v2/<pT>.Difference of v2 is amplified by the difference of <pT>.Caveat 3: Hadronization/Freezeout are different.


Molnar&Gyulassy(’00) Molnar&Huovinen(’04)


Page 33: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Schematic Picture of Shear Viscosity

See, e.g. Danielewicz&Gyulassy(’85)

Assuming relativistic particles,

Perfect fluid: 0

shear viscosity 0

Gradient of flowSmearing of flow

Next time step

Page 34: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

A New Channel to Measure Viscosity

Adapted from S.Gavin,Talk @ QM2006

Remember shear viscosity causes diffusion of flow

Page 35: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Correlation is broadened

Page 36: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Correlation fn. of pT

Adapted from S.Gavin, Talk @ QM2006

Page 37: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Turbulent Leads Perfect Fluid?

Adapted from M.Asakawa, Talk @ QM2006

Page 38: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Anomalously “Small” Viscosity

Adapted from M.Asakawa, Talk @ QM2006

Page 39: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

“Mach Angle”

Adapted from J. Casalderrey-Solana, Talk @ QM2006

Page 40: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Mach “Emission” Angle Sound Velocity

Adapted from H.Stöcker, Talk @ Xi’an workshop

Page 41: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Dissipation Destroys Mach Cone?

Following figures taken from a talk by StöckerViscous hydro simulations by Brazil groupSee also, T.Kodama, talk @QM2006

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Page 43: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 44: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 45: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 46: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 47: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 48: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 49: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 50: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html
Page 51: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Mach “Emission” Angle~80 Deg.?

Adapted from H.Stöcker, Talk @ Xi’an workshop

Page 52: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

Current Data Consistent with Soft EoS (on average)!?

Adapted from H.Stöcker, Talk @ Xi’an workshop

Page 53: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

3-Particle Correlation

Adapted from G.-L. Ma, Talk @ QM2006

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Mach Cone in AMPT?

Adapted from G.-L. Ma, Talk @ QM2006

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Hadronic Rescattering is not enough?

Adapted from G.-L. Ma, Talk @ QM2006Caveat: AMPT does not reproduce RAA

Page 56: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

4. Utilizing outputs from 4. Utilizing outputs from hydrodynamic simulationshydrodynamic simulations

Jet quenching (q, Q, and g) J/ transport

E&M radiation Recombination

Plenary•P.F.Zhuang, J/ suppression and regenerationParallel•J.-e Alam, Thermal Radiation at RHIC•S.Turbide, High Momentum Dilepton Production From Jets in a QGP•J.Long, Photons and Evolution of chemically equilibrating and expanding QGP at finite baryon densityPoster•M.Isse, Jet-fluid string formation and decay in high energy H.I.C.

Page 57: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

J/ transport in QGP fluids

Adapted from P.F.Zhuang,Talk @ QM2006

2+1D Boltzmann+suppression +regeneration

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J/ transport in QGP fluids (contd.)

Adapted from P.F.Zhuang,Talk @ QM2006

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RAA for J/

Adapted from P.F.Zhuang,Talk @ QM2006

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Hydro Data Available

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Agreement btw. “hydro+cascade” and data indicates “Perfect Liquid”.

It is worth following up the analysis.Important to understand initial conditions.Viscous hydro as an applicable conditionConsistency among models Utilize th

e hydro data.

Page 62: Theoretical Overview Tetsufumi Hirano Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Homepage of Heavy Ion Café hirano/hic/index.html

What’s Next ?

1. Systematic studies based on1. Systematic studies based onthe hybrid approachthe hybrid approach

(Glauber I.C. + perfect fluid QGP + dissipative hadron gas). HBT, source functions

System size, collision energy

2. Initial condition & mechanism2. Initial condition & mechanism of early thermalizationof early thermalization

CGC, ”Glasma” Isotropization

Instability Non-equilibrium field theory

3. Improvement of current 3. Improvement of current hydro modelshydro models

Fluctuations Constraint of EOS (Causal) Viscosity

Chemical non-equilibriumMach cone

4. Utilizing outputs from 4. Utilizing outputs from hydrodynamic simulationshydrodynamic simulations

Jet quenching (q, Q, and g) J/ transport

E&M radiation Recombination

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BGK triangle

Adapted from A.Adil,Talk @ QM2006

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Two-Particle Correlation Function

hydro, blast-wave,hydro, blast-wave,cascade, …cascade, …

relative distance dist.pair wave fn.(FSI? Coulomb?)

normalized source fn.



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Source Function from 3D Hydro + Cascade

Blink: Ideal Hydro, Kolb and Heinz (2003)Caveat: No resonance decays in ideal hydro

How much the source function differs from ideal hydro in Configuration space?

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Non-Gaussian Source?


