theology module 2 the story portfolio assessment no.2 genesis t3 2011

Term 3 2011 Year 11 Theology St Joseph’s College Module 2: The Story INTERPRETING SCRIPTURE Student Name: Task Description: There are two major components to this research-based analytical essay assignment. Part A : Module Activity You are to complete the following ‘Module 2: The Story’ activity as preparation for writing the essay. Activities 14 ‘Getting to Know the Methods’ (Student Guide, pp.40-43) Activity 14 is divided into three tasks. These are 1. Getting to know the materials. Complete Table 1: Methods of Biblical Interpretation. 2. Finding and using resources. Complete Table 2: Resources for Biblical Interpretation. Student reading 4: Interpreting the Bible’ will assist you to complete this task (Student Guide, pp.45- 52). These tables and additional task information are provided below. Part B : Interpreting Genesis 1 & 2 (Essay) You are required to write a 500-600 word essay which interprets either Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 or Genesis 2:4-25. Draft your essay using the framework for biblical interpretation provided. Essay Resource Student reading 5: ‘Genesis: Chapters 1-11’ (Student Guide, pp.40-44). Genesis 1-2 internet resource from RESource (Catholic Education Office Melbourne) available at: /home/website/convert/temp/convert_html/54092ef1dab5ca91108b4ad8/document.doc Created on 1/08/2011 10:54:00 PM 1

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Page 1: THEOLOGY Module 2 the Story Portfolio Assessment No.2 Genesis T3 2011

Term 3 2011

Year 11 Theology

St Joseph’s College

Module 2: The Story


Student Name:

Task Description:

There are two major components to this research-based analytical essay assignment.

Part A: Module ActivityYou are to complete the following ‘Module 2: The Story’ activity as preparation for writing the essay.

Activities 14 ‘Getting to Know the Methods’ (Student Guide, pp.40-43)

Activity 14 is divided into three tasks. These are

1. Getting to know the materials. Complete Table 1: Methods of Biblical Interpretation.

2. Finding and using resources. Complete Table 2: Resources for Biblical Interpretation. ‘Student reading 4: Interpreting the Bible’ will assist you to complete this task (Student Guide, pp.45-52).

These tables and additional task information are provided below.

Part B: Interpreting Genesis 1 & 2 (Essay)

You are required to write a 500-600 word essay which interprets either Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 or Genesis 2:4-25. Draft your essay using the framework for biblical interpretation provided.

Essay Resource

Student reading 5: ‘Genesis: Chapters 1-11’ (Student Guide, pp.40-44). Genesis 1-2 internet resource from RESource (Catholic Education Office

Melbourne) available at:



500 - 600 words

Due Date:

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Week Five

Conditions: Consequences for failing to submit any of these items prior to or on the due

date are outlined in St Joseph’s College’s assessment policy. Extension requests must be negotiated and approved by your teacher and the

Head of Faculty, Religious Education. These requests must be made no later than one week prior to the due date. Possible consequences for failure to complete this assessment task are outlined in the school’s assessment policy.

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PART A: Module Activity 14 ‘Getting to Know the Methods’ CMT001/04CMT002/02, 03

Task 1 - Getting to know the methods Complete the table below, identifying some questions each method of analysis asks about the texts. The first one has been given as an example.

Table 1 : Methods of Biblical Interpretation

Method Questions Historical criticism History in the text:

What historical events are described in the text? Who is talked about in the text?

History of the text: Where and when was the text written? What is the historical context of the time in which the text was written? For whom was the text first written?

Source and Redaction

Form criticism

Socio-cultural analysis

Literary criticism

Rhetorical analysis

Contextual / Advocacy approaches

Canonical approach

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Task 2 - Finding and using resources Find an example of each type of reference material below and explore what kind of information it provides. Which of these resources would you use to answer the various questions for each of the methods in the table above?

Table 2: Resources for Biblical Interpretation

Resource Information it can provide Concordance

Bible atlas

Bible dictionary

Bible commentary

Bible handbook

Internet sites

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Part B: Activity 15 ‘Having a go Genesis 1 & 2’ CMT001/all CMT002/all(ESSAY RESEARCH AND DRAFTING)

You are required to write a 500-600 word essay which interprets either Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 or Genesis 2:4-25. Draft your essay using the framework for biblical interpretation provided below.

It is not expected that you will become proficient at all the methods of interpretation detailed in the reading and in table 1 above. The table below provides a framework you can use for interpreting biblical texts at a suitable level for this course.

Write the Bible text reference for the text you are interpreting in the table. Then answer the relevant questions in the table. You are not expected to answer every question in the table. The questions are given as a reminder and sample from which you can choose those which are relevant to the Bible passage being studied.

You are expected to include

1. At least one point of relevant historical and/or cultural background to a text (with a suggested target of 2-3 relevant points of historical and/or cultural background);

2. 2-3 relevant points relating to the literary characteristics of a text; 3. Evidence of having read at least one piece of scholarship on a text. This could be a relevant

Bible dictionary entry, relevant section of a Bible handbook or commentary, or a relevant and appropriate website.1

The biblical text reference should be clearly provided, indicating exactly which text you are analysing.


1 Web pages are appropriate if they come from a trustworthy and/or scholarly source, e.g. a page provided by a university or written by a biblical scholar. Web pages such as a Wikipedia entry or blog from an unknown person do not meet this requirement. Students are also advised to check the age of information provided on the net.

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Bible Interpretation Table

Text Reference Notes


Literary analysis (answer at least some of these questions.) What form/genre is this text? Who are the characters? What is the point of the text? What words does the author use to get this point across? What is the style of the text? What images are used in the text? What type of tone is the text? What words are repeated?

(2-3 points relevant to interpreting the text)

Historical background

(answer some of these questions – choose those that seem most relevant to the text.) Where was this text set? What major historical events were taking place at the time in which the text is set? Where was this text written? Who is the author? When was this written? What major historical events were taking place at the time the text was written? What was the society like in which this text was written? What religious background needs to be known to understand the text? Who are the characters of this text and what was their role in society? What cultural context must be known to understand this text?

(1-3 points relevant to interpreting the text)

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Text Reference Notes

Theological meaning

(Answer both of these questions) What have others written about the meaning of this text? What is your interpretation of the meaning of the text?

(at least one idea from your research and a summary of your own interpretation)

Conclusion Why is this text significant?

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Assessment Competencies

CMT001 Identify how Christian Scripture, life and practice are understood today



CMT001/01 Identifies theological beliefs within Christian history

CMT001/02 Identifies theological beliefs and views, their content, purpose and how they developed

CMT001/03 Identifies and locates the Old Testament and New Testament, and other key Christian material and how they are used

CMT001/04 Uses suitable theological reference materials

CMT001/05 Identifies current thinking from a variety of sources of information

CMT002 Identifies theological data

CMT002/01 Identifies meaning for oneself

CMT002/02 Identifies basic settings and interpretive methods for reflection on theological information

CMT002/03 Identifies theological material in their historical, literary and cultural context

CMT002/04 Describes theological information in the light of present experience and understanding


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Task Criteria: Theology Module 2 (Essay)Standard A Standard B Standard C Standard D Standard E



e &





The student: Includes in detail a

wide range of significant and relevant information about the literary nature and historical context of a passage from the Book of Genesis.

The student: Includes a solid range

of relevant information about the literary nature and historical context of a passage from the Book of Genesis.

The student: Includes mostly

relevant information about the literary nature and historical context of of a passage from the Book of Genesis.

The student: Provides basic

information about the literary nature and historical context of a passage from the Book of Genesis.

The student: Provides little or no

relevant material or fails to attempt the task given.







The student: Convincingly and

accurately justified a theological interpretation with evidence from a variety of textual sources.

The student: Clearly justified a

theological interpretation with evidence from a variety of textual sources.

The student: Justified a theological

interpretation with evidence but lacked clarity and variety.

The student: Provided a basic

theological interpretation which lacked validity or was superficial without supporting evidence.

The student: Does not provide a

theological interpretation.



h &






The student Linked ideas with

discernment and used an extensive range of appropriate vocabulary.

Included written material that is both accurate and appropriate to task with no or very few errors.

Incorporated a variety of resources extremely well, reflecting excellent research.

The student: Linked ideas

effectively and used a range of appropriate vocabulary.

Included written material that is mostly accurate and appropriate to task with few errors.

Incorporated a variety of resources well, reflecting good research.

The student: Linked ideas

effectively and used suitable vocabulary.

Included written material that contains some errors but is clear and generally accurate.

Incorporated some resources reflecting adequate research.

The student: Made lapses in linking

ideas and used basic vocabularly.

Included written material that contains quite a few basic errors and reveals little attention to editing and proofreading.

Incorporated some research but not linking material relevantly.

The student: Ideas were rarely

linked and used a narrow range of basic vocabulary.

Included written material that shows no attention to editing or proofreading to ensure clarity and accuracy.

Incorporates little or no relevant research material.

LENGTH: adequate / inadequate CONDITIONS: fulfilled / unfulfilled


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