their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. every month they will bear fruit, because...

Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing. Ezekiel 47:12 23 And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance,” says the Lord GOD. One Journey Nicaragua Agosto 2013 Yes, Residents Again! As many of you know we needed to renew our residency in June. This process keeps us from having to leave the country every 3 months and also gives us the ability to conduct business in Nicaragua under different regulations. Unfortunately, the laws regarding residency change frequently and without notice. This was part of the reason for our urgent notice to you. BUT we are excited to tell you that through your generous support, God provided this huge cost as well as an additional fine that was levied and after waiting and more waiting we are now Nicaraguan residents again! We had hoped to move from this to permanent residents and possibly dual citizenship but we are now being told we will need to renew each year for the next two years and then possibly the government could approve us for long term residency. Again, thank you to everyone who gave so generously to help us with this huge expense. We’d like to share with you Jen’s blog written as we approached this special day. Looking Back - Roots center. Wave. Smile. A bit further, I see a friend. Stop, talk, share. Pray. An elderly man flags me down. “When is the next lunch?” A group of children sees the truck coming, they run up shouting hello. Where I’m going? Can they ride along? Another day, I am in our center and two ladies drop by. “We are really excited about what you’re doing with the children. We love doing songs with Bible verses in them and making things more exciting for the children. Can we come to Bible club and help?” Still another day when we were visiting folks in their homes and I stood there while the mother shared how her daughter was sick in the hospital with tuberculosis. I saw her tears, true. But more than that I felt the Father’s heart for her, for the daughter, for the family. Reaching out, I touch her arm, releasing the love Jesus has for her, and we pray; for healing, for peace in the middle of a storm. These are just a few snapshots of our life now. Days that are beautiful. Days that are hard. Precious days beyond Celebrating 2 Years! Recently, I was driving down the dirt roads of the community we are working in. I passed a neighbor who lives close to our ministry As usual, Nic and one of the boys playing around.

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Page 1: Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit

Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and

their leaves for healing.Ezekiel 47:12

23 And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance,” says the Lord GOD.

One Journey NicaraguaAgosto 2013

Yes, Residents Again!As many of you know we needed

to renew our residency in June. This process keeps us from having to leave the country every 3 months and also gives us the ability to conduct business in Nicaragua under different regulations.

Unfortunately, the laws regarding residency change frequently and without notice. This was part of the reason for our urgent notice to you. BUT we are excited to tell you that through your generous support, God provided this huge cost as well as an additional fine that was levied and after waiting and more waiting we are now Nicaraguan residents again!

We had hoped to move from this to permanent residents and possibly dual citizenship but we are now being told we will need to renew each year for the next two years and then possibly the government could approve us for long term residency.

Again, thank you to everyone who gave so generously to help us with this huge expense.

We’d like to share with you Jen’s blog written as we approached this

special day.

Looking Back - Roots

center. Wave. Smile. A bit further, I see a friend. Stop, talk, share. Pray. An elderly man flags me down. “When is the next lunch?” A group of children sees the truck coming, they run up shouting hello. Where I’m going? Can they ride along?

Another day, I am in our center and two ladies drop by. “We are really excited about what you’re doing with the children. We love doing songs with Bible verses in them and making things more exciting for the children. Can we come to Bible club and help?”

Still another day when we were visiting folks in their homes and I stood there while the mother shared how her daughter was sick in the hospital with tuberculosis. I saw her tears, true. But more than that I felt the Father’s heart for her, for the daughter, for the family. Reaching out, I touch her arm, releasing the love Jesus has for her, and we pray; for healing, for peace in the middle of a storm.

These are just a few snapshots of our life now. Days that are beautiful. Days that are hard. Precious days beyond words. (continued on page 4)

Celebrating 2 Years!

Recently, I was driving down the dirt roads of the community we are working in. I passed a neighbor who lives close to our ministry

As usual, Nic and one of the boys playing


Page 2: Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit

CasaresOur mission has always been to reach many people in Nicaragua. To accomplish this we felt led to set a goal of hearing from the Lord 3 other places He would have us work in the future.

Little did we know, that the future was just around the corner. We had an offer from some friends of ours to go to Casares, see the beach, the village, etc.

While there we were asked to go and pray for a lady in the village who was sick and after that we were able to walk the streets, visiting, just like we do in Los Cedros.

Throughout the day the Lord began to speak to us and confirm this to be our 2nd location and that we should plan to start this fall! There will be more on this exciting development soon.



This photo is of Rosario, who lives in Casares, our friends and us as we pray for her. She is the one we were asked to visit as she had been in pain for the last three weeks, unable to move her neck well and she was miserable. When we finished praying she said that the pain was less. We taught her how to stand for her healing but probably more importantly she said that she never felt so loved that we came .

When we left her countenance was shining and the smile on her face was amazing. All because God is so good!

Since we are in such a poor community, there are many needs and many times that we are asked to help individuals, families and more. But we met a group of men who love the Lord and have formed a band. It is also noteworthy that in a community where there is a lot of division amongst the churches, they represent several different churches and are laying aside any differences to work and sing to glorify God.

They each work jobs during the days, write music and lead worship whenever they can at outreaches and other Christian events. They do not charge for these events but only receive an offering if it is given.

They came to us to see if we would use them for any of our events or if we could help with their goal to raise enough funds to record their 8 songs on a CD. Only $800.00 here in Nicaragua. We are still pray- ing about if the Lord would like us help but we did notice their cymbals and would like to buy them a new set. If you’d like to help let us know.

The Band

The cymbals that really need to be replaced

A few members

of the band

Page 3: Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit





This is Michael ( 5) and his older brother , Joel ( 7). They are both part of The Tribe Bible Club.

The live in a single parent home and very poor. As a result of the lack of food, Michael is malnourished. This is why his hair is reddish white in the picture on top.

As she is able, Michael’s mother will purchase Ensure Plus, which has greatly helped meet his nutritional needs, as seen in the picture on the bottom.

This is where we need help. The Ensure Plus is readily available for purchase here but is expensive. Each can of Ensure Plus costs $20. They need one can each week.

We are looking for someone or several people who would like to purchase this in the US for us to give them or who would like to contribute each month .

It is another great day

forPre-school - Primary School -

Bible Club - Sunday Schooland English class

Jen will be in the US in SeptemberShe can bring your donations to Nicaragua

Contact her at 512-738-3736

Jen will be in the US in SeptemberShe can bring your donations to Nicaragua

Contact her at 512-738-3736


We are in need ofnotebook paper - notebooks -

glue - markers - pencils - glue sticks - erasers -

colored pencils - books in Spanish

What heaven looks like

But our supplies are low

Page 4: Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit

Looking Back – Roots, cont’dToday my family and I will celebrate the passage of two years since we embarked on this new journey with God. Two years of things expected and many more that weren’t. Two years of the most intense and hardest work I’ve ever known.

It’s a bit strange but we have come to celebrate this day in the same way we celebrate our birthdays. Why? It’s really not about moving to another country or even serving God as what most call missionaries. It’s about the moment when we came to a cliff in our lives, a decision point, a place of being so love, so enthralled with Him that nothing would do but that we trust Him, jump off and live in Him like never before. For us, that jump landed us in Nicaragua.

But with these moments of celebration also come moments of examination. Moments of questioning. Looking at our lives like we never did before. I really can’t articulate what it’s like to recreate your entire life. To have no area in you, your family, your work that isn’t under construction. To have banked everything your life, your children’s lives and the lives of people you don’t even know, but who you believe are waiting for you, to bank all of them, on Him. On His word. Yet time passes and you find yourself evaluating. Wondering. Have I gone far enough? Fast enough? You search, you look at the work of your hands, and like the farmer in his fields you wait, for the harvest. And in your most secret moments you whisper to Him, “Are you pleased?”

Here I find myself. Looking. Examining. Weighing it all up as we approach our 2nd anniversary. And I ask myself, “What is the measuring stick? What is success? Failure? Fruit?” It’s easy to only see all the things that haven’t yet happened or to focus on all the people who haven’t yet been touched. I flip through the pages of my memory, seeing:

4 very special Nicaraguans we love, who are committed to Him, to us, to the work and each week they labor faithfully with us. About 100 children walking, sometimes running to Bible club two times a week. Elderly praying, worshiping. 3 English classes each week. And I think, “yes, God is at work.”

More photos in my head. Countless visited in the streets, prayers lifted, for the sick, for jobs, to know Him. Who knows how many bags of rice given to the hungry, and cookies and juice, fruit and cups of water. And I know these things are holy!

Coffee Don’t forget we

partner with Nicoya coffee to

bring financial stability to

many Nicaraguan families

while teaching them sound business principles and

sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them as well.

Additionally, a portion of the proceeds supports our work here in


We now have a direct order link on our website

allowing you to order Nicoya coffee, pay using Paypal and have it

shipped directly to your home , office or church.

Special Blend #1 8 oz for $10.00Special Blend #1 16 oz for $15.00

Or save 15% by buying 5 pounds of

Special Blend #1 for $65.00Just go to

Click on coffee

Below are pictures of the farm and the people of the

Peniel Project that your purchase of coffee supports

Page 5: Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit

Visit or call us

email us at: [email protected]

MagicJack: 512.271.1521

Follow us on:

Follow us on:

Looking Back – Roots, cont’d

Finances to pay off the balance of the ministry truck as well as increased number of monthly supporters for both us as missionaries here and the ministry itself.

Continued protection for the ministry; each of us and the properties we lease. We have had several attempts to enter our Los Cedros property and a theft of a piece of our ministry truck.

Wisdom to continue moving forward in the ministry. Specifically:•Ways to reach more of the community in Los Cedros•Direction as we look for a property to lease in Casares and the best ways to engage the village

5 people, who although they’re still a work in progress, love Jesus like never before. Who have a bond that daily becomes stronger as together they pursue the giver of life. They’re growing and changing and everyday they’re looking a bit more like Him. That’d be me and my family and since I know each one pretty intimately, it’s easy to say, “yup! only God could do that.”

Yet even here I caution myself because it’s not about numbers or checking things that have occurred off some imaginary or maybe not so imaginary list. I am realizing for me it comes down to a question my husband answered just about 3 years ago. Sitting on the plane after our really brief and only trip to Nicaragua before moving here, God asked my husband if he’d be a tree. He thought that a really strange question then and I did too when he shared it with me. But God, in the way only He can, unveiled the picture of what He was asking.

A tree. A living, breathing thing that puts down roots. Roots that connect with all that the tree needs for life. A tree that starts little and grows big; where one day the birds can build their nests, their homes. A place of shade for the hot, the tired and the weary. A tree, planted by the rivers of living water. A tree that bears fruit. Every month. Always.

What a question! But when the one your heart loves the most asks if you’ll become something only He can create, what else could your answer be but Yes!” I don’t even know what all that means, but Yes! “ “It’s hard to imagine you doing that with me but Yes!” We both said Yes!

And so fast forward to today as I look through His lens to judge the passing of another year. What do I see? I see roots. Some pretty big ones, pushing down through the hard soil of Nicaragua. Some pushing out from the base of the tree, entwining themselves in each other, entwining even in the hard bricks of tradition, history and experience. And I think, “ That’s going to be some tree.” And the tree; it’s not a seedling anymore. Already it’s survived a few storms where the wind blew, but its trunk has become stronger, sturdier. Its branches are lengthening and reaching for the sky. With rain, leaves and buds of fruit have started to grow. And if I look close, I can see the buds are a bit funny looking because the fruit is all different types. I think, “Really? In the same tree?” But yes, there they are preparing to bear delicious fruit. I know only God could do that. And I smile.

First and Foremost we are looking for more**Salvations ** Healings** Miracles** Signs and

WondersAll to display His great love!