
Name: Javier choque ambrocio. class: 2a THE FLAMENCO The music flamenco history dance, also having its own traditions and rules. As we know today dates from the eighteenth century, and there is controversy about its origin, because although there are different opinions and sheds none of them can be proven historically. Although the dictionary of the RAE associates to the Roma, 1 is more than noticeable fusion of different cultures that coincided in Andalusia at the time. Of all the hypotheses about its origin is the most widespread thesis that exposes the Moorish origin, only that the cultural mix that then occurred in Andalusia: natives, Muslims, Roma, Jews and Spaniards; It led to its creation. His popularity in Latin America has been such that in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and Puerto Rico have been a number of associations and academies. In Japan it is so popular that it says there are more flamenco schools in Spain in that country. Types of song “Flamenco” is a music style and dance from Andalucía, Extremadura and Murcia. It’s principal facets is the síng and the dance, counting with their tradition and rules too. “Flamenco” has a very huge list of sub generos: singing cafes, opera “flamenco”, the new “flamenco”, “cante”, … . The new flamenco In the 1980s a new generation of flamenco artists who have been influenced by Camarón, Paco de Lucia, emerged Morente, etc. These artists had a greater interest in urban popular music in those years was renewing the Spanish musical scene, was the time of the Movida. These include Pata Negra, which fused flamenco with blues and rock, Ketama, pop and Cuban and Ray Heredia, creator of a musical universe where flamenco is central inspiration. There are many great guitar player who have dedicated their professional expertise and been a part of the Flamenco scene, such as Paco Pena, Paco De Lucia, Ramon Montoya, Pepe Romero, Pepe Martinez and The Romeros to name a few. They are the backbone of helping to create the ambiance to this much loved tradition of Spanish dance. "Flamenco puro" is considered the form of performance flamenco closest to its gitano influences. In this style, the dance is always performed solo, and is improvised rather than choreographed.

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Name: Javier choque ambrocio. class: 2a


The music flamenco history dance, also having its own traditions and rules. As we know today dates from the eighteenth century, and there is controversy about its origin, because although there are different opinions and sheds none of them can be proven historically. Although the dictionary of the RAE associates to the Roma, 1 is more than noticeable fusion of different cultures that coincided in Andalusia at the time. Of all the hypotheses about its origin is the most widespread thesis that exposes the Moorish origin, only that the cultural mix that then occurred in Andalusia: natives, Muslims, Roma, Jews and Spaniards; It led to its creation. His popularity in Latin America has been such that in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and Puerto Rico have been a number of associations and academies. In Japan it is so popular that it says there are more flamenco schools in Spain in that country.

Types of song

“Flamenco” is a music style and dance from Andalucía, Extremadura and Murcia. It’s principal facets is the síng and the dance, counting with their tradition and rules too. “Flamenco” has a very huge list of sub generos: singing cafes, opera “flamenco”, the new “flamenco”, “cante”, … .

The new flamenco

In the 1980s a new generation of flamenco artists who have been influenced by Camarón, Paco de Lucia, emerged Morente, etc. These artists had a greater interest in urban popular music in those years was renewing the Spanish musical scene, was the time of the Movida. These include Pata Negra, which fused flamenco with blues and rock, Ketama, pop and Cuban and Ray Heredia, creator of a musical universe where flamenco is central inspiration.

There are many great guitar player who have dedicated their professional expertise and been a part of the Flamenco scene, such as Paco Pena, Paco De Lucia, Ramon Montoya, Pepe Romero, Pepe Martinez and The Romeros to name a few. They are the backbone of helping to create the ambiance to this much loved tradition of Spanish dance.

"Flamenco puro" is considered the form of performance flamenco closest to its gitano influences. In this style, the dance is always performed solo, and is improvised rather than choreographed. Some purists frown on castanets (even though they can be seen in many early 20th century photos of flamenco dancers).

"Classical flamenco" is the style most frequently performed by Spanish flamenco dance companies, tending to exhibit more clearly the characteristics derived from the Seguidilla, a traditional Spanish dance. It is danced largely in a proud and upright way. For women, the back is often held in a marked back bend. Unlike the more gitano influenced styles, there is little movement of the hips, the body is tightly held and the arms are long, like a ballet dancer. In fact many of the dancers in these companies have trained in ballet as well as flamenco.