the zen of complaint resolution (deleted ......reputation management •many of the companies in the...

Peggy Wynne Borgman Adams Hub Community Curator The Zen of Customer Complaint Resolution

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Post on 03-Sep-2020




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Page 1: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is




Page 2: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is



Page 3: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


Page 4: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


Theissueisnotwhetheryourcompanyisgoingtohavecustomerservice“fails”.It’showwellyourespondwhenthesedo occurthatcounts.


Page 5: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• Eveninnon-onlineWOM,anunhappycustomertells9others,whileahappycustomertellsjust3others(itturnsintoa75-personinfectioninoneweek)• Onlinereviewsitesturnthe“snowball”intoanavalanche ofnegativeWOM

Page 6: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• Expressedcomplaintsarejustthetipoftheiceberg• 96%ofcustomerswillnotmaketheircomplaintknowntoyou• Takeeverycomplaintseriously,nomatterhowannoying!

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Page 8: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


•Treatthecomplainingonlinereviewerjustasyouwouldsomeonecomplainingtoyouinperson• Ithasgotteneasiertocomplain…butthat’sagoodthing(really!)

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Page 10: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


1. Beawareandobservant2. Expressgratitude3. Apologizesincerely4. Listenandempathize5. Makeamends6. Followup

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• Expecttheunexpected• Anticipatepossibleoutcomesofdifficultsituations• Patroltoprevent• Observecustomerbehavior• Don’tburyyourheadinthesand

• “Checkin”withyourcustomer

Page 12: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• AskSPECIFICneutralquestions• RIGHT:“Whatdidyouthinkofthesalmonfondue?”• WRONG:“Howwaseverything?”

•Makeiteasy tocomplain:showthatyou’reinterestedinthetruth!• Customerfeedbacktools• Sincereinterest• “Howcanwemakeyournextvisitevenmoreenjoyable?”

Page 13: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is

ExpressGratitude• Nooneexpectstobethanked forcomplaining• Reducesfrustrationandanger• “Thankyouforlettingmeknow.It’sverygenerousofyou.”• “Mostpeoplewouldhavegoneawaymad.I’mgratefulforthechancetomakethisrightforyou.”

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•Acknowledgetheproblemanditsimpact• Customerswantyoutobeaware,firstandforemost

•Apologize—it’sfree!• “I’msorrythiswassuchadisappointingexperience.”• “I’msosorrythatwedroppedtheball.”

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Page 16: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is



Page 17: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• “Don’tworry,it’snobigdeal,”isnot whatshewantstohear.•Customerswanttofeelheard first,havetheirproblemfixedsecond.

Page 18: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• Createa“safespace”forthemtoventabouttheirexperience• Unlesstheywant tomakeascene,they’llacceptyourinvitation• “Iwanttogiveyoumyundividedattention…canwesitdowntotalk?”

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• It’saboutactivelistening• Sympatheticsounds

•Ventingcan’tbeinterrupted• Showempathy• Don’tproblem-solveprematurely•Waitforthe*sigh*

Page 20: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is

ActiveListening• BREATHE!!!It’snotaboutyou.Getoveryourself.• Focusonthem.Makesuretheyfeelheard.• A“deeplisteningexperience”isoneinwhichyouareopentochangingyourmind• “Seekfirsttounderstand,thentobeunderstood.”–StevenCovey,TheSevenHabitsofHighlySuccessfulPeople

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Upsetvs.Abusive Customers


• “Ifyoucontinuetospeaktomeinthismanner,Iwillhavetoendourconversation.”• “Outofconsiderationforourothercustomers,Imustaskyoutoleave.”

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Page 24: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• ThegoalistomakesureyourcustomerknowsyouCANdoitright!• The“punishment”shouldfitthe“crime”• Ifmoneywasallthatmattered…theywouldn’tbespendingit.

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n Projectconfidenceandcompetence• Ifyouhavenoideahowit


• Offerasolutionquickly• Delaysincreasefrustration• Empoweryourcustomerserviceteamtoresolveissueswithouthavingto“askmymanager”

Page 26: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• Offeradiscount• Compapurchase• Provideagift• Givethemanupgrade• Upgradetheirloyaltyprogramstatus• Invitethemtoparticipateonacustomeradvisoryboard• Refundtheirmoney

Page 27: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• Ithappens,butrarely.• Don’tdeprivetheinnocentcustomerofyourempathybecauseyou’reafraidofbeingtakenforaride• Documentit.Opportunistsoftenstrikemorethanonce.

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• Clientsmaybeinsultedifyouaretooquicktorefundanddon’tappearinterestedinsolvingtheproblem• Theythinkyou’repayingthemtogoaway• Theywanttoknowitwon’thappenagain—tothemoranyoneelse

Page 29: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


• Indicateyourwillingnesstorefund,evenifyouofferothersolutions:• “Iwouldbehappytoprovideyouwithafullrefund,though* I’mhopingthatyou’dprefertoreturnfora______,asourVIPguest,sowecangiveyoutheexperienceyouexpectedanddeserve.”

Page 30: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


•Don’tpanic—thesolutioniscloserthanyouthink• Collaboratewiththeguest• “Peggy,IrealizeIhaven’tyetmadethisrightforyou.Whatdoyouthinkwouldbeafair solution?”• Theydon’ttypicallywantMORE.Theywantsomethingdifferent.

Page 31: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


•Followuptomakesuretheguestwascompletelysatisfiedwiththeoutcome(hopeforthebest…gettheworst)• Showsthemyoureallycareabouttheirhappiness

Page 32: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


•Document,document,document!• Ifitisuniquetothecustomer,noteontheiraccount• Ifitisaflawedprocess,championitsimprovement• Ifit’sachallengeforanemployee—coach,watch,andbepreparedto“freeuptheirfuture”ifneedbe

•FlagthecustomerasaVIPonfuturevisits• LightningDOESstriketwice• Ifthe“issue”isuniquetothecustomer,ensurethatitwon’timpactthemagain

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•Don’twait.Rehearse!•Roleplaywithyourteam• “Fake”angerisveryeffectiveatpreparingyoufortherealstuff• Taketurnsplayingthecustomer.• Pickanissueorsituationinyourbusinessthathashappenedmorethanonce

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Page 35: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is



- TheGodfather

Page 36: The Zen of Complaint Resolution (deleted ......Reputation Management •Many of the companies in the RM space are useless •Proactively soliciting reviews from actual customers is


•ManyofthecompaniesintheRMspaceareuseless• Proactivelysolicitingreviewsfromactualcustomersisthebestwaytogetmorepositivereviews• I’veusedthesecompaniessuccessfullytoheadoffdamagingcomplaints,drivereferralsandbringupratings

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• AComplaintisaGift,JanelleBarlow• BrandedCustomerService,JanelleBarlow• RavingFans,KenBlanchard• SettingtheTable,DannyMeyer• OutsideIn,KerryBodine