the worship of the church!


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Page 1: The Worship of the Church!
Page 2: The Worship of the Church!
Page 3: The Worship of the Church!
Page 4: The Worship of the Church!
Page 5: The Worship of the Church!

The Worship of the New Testament Church!

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and

the prayers” (Acts 2:42)

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How many of you here tonight like coming to worhsip?

▪If there was anywhere else you could be, would you? Or would we rather be here than anywhere else?

Ps. 122:1 I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD!"

▪These past few Sunday nights we have been focusing on “The New Testament Church!” The church found in the pages of the Bible! Tonight we will be looking at it’s worship!

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Only 2 kinds of worship!▪True/acceptable worship!▸“In spirit and in truth!” (Jn. 4:23-24)▪False/unacceptable worship!▸“Anything else!” we read of three types in

the New Testament!–Vain/empty/useless (Mt. 15:8-9)–Ignorant/lack of knowledge (Act. 17:22-23)–Self-willed (Col. 2:22-23)

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5 steps and 5 acts!

▪Becoming a Christian = hear, believe, repent, confess and be baptized!

▪Acts of worship = preaching/ teaching, singing, giving, Lord’s supper and praying!

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I. Preaching/teaching is an act of worship!

▪“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” (Act. 2:42)▸Following Peter’s sermon there was a ongoing

need for “preaching & teaching!”–Act. 20:7-12–Rom. 10:13-17–1 Cor. 1:17-25▪Preached 61, preach 52, preaching 27, teach

108, taught 80, teaching 28 = 356▸A lot of preaching and teaching going on!

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II. Singing is an act of worship!

▪“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” (Act 2:42)

▪This is closely related to our last act or worship, because they share a common goal = teaching!▸Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you

richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Eph. 5:19

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III. Giving is an act of worship!

▪“And the fellowship” (Act 2:42)▸Fellowship is much more than just eating!▪Koinonia = fellowship, communion, communication, distribution, contribution & communicate (these are the many ways it is translated in the NT!)

Use in connection to our giving! 2Cor. 8:1-5▸Example of this in worship (1 Cor. 16:1-2)▸Commanded to be done (2 Cor. 9:6-8)

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IV. Communion is an act of worship!

▪“And the breaking of bread” (Act 2:42)▪Most translation try to point out “the” definite

article that is found before each of these by adding “the” before each one as opposed to “a” breaking of bread (2:46)▸This is a reference to a specific event!

–The institution of the Lord’s supper! (Mt. 26)▪Example of this being done each first day!▸Act. 20:7 cf. 1 Cor. 10:16; 11:23-30

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V. Praying is an act of worship!

▪“And the prayers” (Act 2:42)▪The Bible teaches a great deal about the

need for prayer!▸We are to pray always! (Lk. 18:1-8)▸We without ceasing! (1 Thess. 5:17)▪If one desires to see the need for prayer,

one needs to simply look at the life of Christ, Jesus was a man of prayer!▸There is “power” in prayer! (Js. 5:13-18)

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Conclusion:▪We are here to “worship” the God of

heaven and earth! Our Maker, Creator and Savior!

▪If we desire to be the NT church we will worship the same way as them!

▪If you are here and not yet a child of God, then today is the day, tomorrow maybe too late!

▪In our last lesson we will look at the work!

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Let’s get our

worship on!

God alone is worthy!