the work of hrdf in providing services to refugees...

The work of HRDF in providing services to refugees & piloting a volunteering programme for refugee integration in Istanbul: the state of play Alp Biricik, PhD. Project Cooordinator Support Office for Syrian Refugees, Istanbul [email protected]

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Post on 29-Aug-2018




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The work of HRDF in providing services to

refugees & pi lot ing a volunteer ing

programme for refugee integrat ion in

I stanbul : the state of play A l p B i r i c i k , P h D .

P r o j e c t C o o o r d i n a t o r

S u p p o r t O f f i c e f o r S y r i a n R e f u g e e s , I s t a n b u l

a b i r i c i k @ i k g v . o r g


1. About HRDF

2. Irregular migration program

1. “Syrian refugee crisis”

3. HRDF Support Office for Syrian Refugees

4. Working with volunteers: Challenges and opportunities

Established in 1988

Non-profit, non-governmental and autonomous organization

Implementing partner of UNHCR-Turkey since 2007


Reproductive and sexualth health & rights

Irregular migration

HRDF Irregular Migration Program Offices

1. Istanbul 1. Headquarters’ Office (Galatasaray) 2. Temporary shelter for Victims of Human

Trafficking 3. Pyscho-social Support Office for

Traditional/Non-Syrian refugees (Elmadağ)

4. Support Office for Syrian Refugees (Esenler)

2. Ankara

3. Bilecik

4. Eskişehir

5. Kütahya

6. Ağrı

7. Van

“The Syria Crisis is the largest political, humanitarian and

development challenge of our time.” 3RP Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan 2016-2017 in Response to the Syria Crisis

Fast facts Today, Syrians are the largest refugee population in the


13.5 million people in Syria need humanitarian. 4.8 million Syrians are refugees, and 6.1 million

are displaced within Syri Half of those affected are children.

Most Syrian refugees remain in the Middle East, in

Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt; slightly more than 10 percent of the refugees have fled to Europe.

Source: 15 November 2016

Turkey Syrian refugee population in Turkey: 2.75 million+ 90.5% of the population residing outside the camps Istanbul has the highest registered population:

400,000+ Temporary Protection Regime issued in October 2014

The right to access health and education serices ¾ of Syrian children does not have access to

education in Istanbul 3rd safe country arrivals from Lebanon, Jordan

etc. ? Work permit of Refugees Under TPR issued in January

2016 Less than 10.000 Syrians received work permit

since 2011 Turkish government appealed for 19.13+ billion to

respond 2016-2018

ResettlementquotaforSyrianRefugees-Turkey Resettled Ratio

2014 4923 1213 40,60%

2015 15540 4016 38,70%

2016 15100 1599 9,40%

Source: Amnesty International (2014) “The Human Cost of Fortress Europe: Human Rights Violations Against Migrants and Refugees at Europe’s Borders”,

The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union

“ If we hypothetically assume that for Syria the post-conflict rebuilding period will begin in 2018 and the economy grows at its trend rate of about 4½

percent, it would take the country about 20 years to reach its pre-war real GDP level”. Jeanne Gobat and Kristina Kostial (2016), “IMF Working Paper, Syria’s Conflict Economy”,

Esenler and its neighbourhood

Districts Turkish Syrian (Reg.) Ratio 1. Bağcılar 752.250 25.406 %3,37 2. Başakşehir 333.047 18.291 %5,49 3. Bayrampaşa 269.677 6.610 %2,45 4. Gaziosmanpaşa 495.006 12.213 %2,46 5. Güngören 306.854 14.000 %4,56 6. Sultangazi 505.190 21.547 %4,26 7. Zeytinburnu 292.313 13.770 %4,71 Total 2.954.337 111.837 %3,78 +ESENLER 458.857 12.292 %2,67 3.413.194 124.129 %3,63 Resource: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (2014)

Psycho-social and

legal support

(December 2014)

Community-based activities

(April 2015)


(June 2015)


(December 2014)


Social cohesion/Integration

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Psycho-social support & Workshops & Seminars



Closed -

Only open for appoinments,

accompainments, home visits, reach

out activities, reporting etc.



Lunch break 12:30-13:30 12:30-13:30 12:30- 13:30


Psycho-social support & Workshops & Seminars





HRDF Syrian Refugee Support Office, Esenler-Istanbul


December 2014- October 2016

Total number of Principal Applicants (Pas) 12.000+ PAs

Estimated number of (in)directly reached Syrian

Refugees (5,6 people/average family member

size in one case/file)



Single women or mothers

Women’s Solidarity


Art workshops for children

Turkish language courses

Health seminars

Legal seminars

Jewelery courses for


Computer courses for


Pilates for women

Hip-hop dance for chidlren

Handicraft courses for


850+ seminars,


Organization of a woman-only event with volunteers

University students




• 25+ Turkish volunteers

– Mostly university students

– Professionals: 1 art pyscho-terapist, 1 singer, 1 Turkish teacher

• 15+ Syrian volunteers with daily allowance

– Supporting heater and e-voucher distributions

• Working with Lions Turkey and SKYGD

– A new protocol is signed with Lions Turkey

Application Review Interview Contract

and code of conduct


Vounteer work

Assesment Termination of contract

• 2016-2017 plans

– Recruiting a social cohesion and volunteer coordinator

• Volunteers or interns or both? Toward a new approach

– More volunteers for community based activities

– Limited access to protection services: House visits

– Interns for legal and pyschological counselling support services

• Online application form

Thank you A l p B i r i c i k , P h D .

P r o j e c t C o o o r d i n a t o r ,

a b i r i c i k @ i k g v . o r g