the words of st. thomas - amazon s3€¦ · aug 26 kevin foster, lynne schulz sunday fellowship...

The Words of St. Thomas Words from our Rector Lots happened at General Convention this year. Some of the major resolutions involved liturgical changes and prayer book revisions. I haven’t had a chance to study them thoroughly yet, but I will. What I do know is on both sides of every “issue” were passionate, faithful lay and ordained delegates. As I read each position I found myself agreeing with each one— until I read the next one. We have a beautiful Book of Common Prayer. Some of us are very used to using it and know all the treasures within its pages. Sometime in the past 10-15 years there was a movement to move away from using the actual prayer book every Sunday and instead print everything in a bulletin. The purpose for this move was to make the liturgy more accessible to visitors and newcomers to the Episcopal Church. And it did. (Not necessarily more welcoming to the many trees used…but that was another resolution about caring for God’s creation). I’ve made a unilateral decision, something I don’t do often. I assure you I thought and prayed about this quite a bit. During the months of August and September (beginning August 12), we will not have fully printed bul- letins and instead will use the Book of Common Prayer. Margaret and I are going to develop a shorter bulletin that will have all the page numbers in it, and I will announce them as we move through the service. I believe this will only enrich our worship and lives of faith AND it will help us to uncov- er the parts of the prayer book we love as well as the parts that we find challenging. So if you have your own copy of the BCP, dust it off and bring it in!! Faithfully, KKD+ Inside This Issue Meetings & Announcements P. 2, 3, 5, 7 Volunteers/Lay Leaders P. 4 Youth News P. 5 Special: Reading Camp wrap-up P. 6 Worship Schedule Sunday 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 10:00 am Holy Eucharist 2nd & 4th Sundays 2:30 pm Holy Eucharist Magnolia Springs Tuesday 7 am Holy Eucharist resumes Sept. 4 Thursday 12:15pm Healing & Eucharist resumes Aug. 9 August 2018 Saint Thomas Episcopal Church A nurturing community with open minds and hearts. The Mission of St. Thomas is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. St. Thomas Episcopal Church 9616 Westport Road, Louisville, KY 40241 (502) 425-3727 [email protected] The Very Rev. Katherine Doyle Rector

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Page 1: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy

The Words of St. Thomas

Words from our Rector Lots happened at General Convention this year. Some of the major resolutions involved liturgical changes and prayer book revisions. I haven’t had a chance to study them thoroughly yet, but I will. What I do know is on both sides of every “issue” were passionate, faithful lay and ordained delegates. As I read each position I found myself agreeing with each one—until I read the next one. We have a beautiful Book of Common Prayer. Some of us are very used to using it and know all the treasures within its pages. Sometime in the past 10-15 years there was a movement to move away from using the actual prayer book every Sunday and instead print everything in a bulletin. The purpose for this move was to make the liturgy more accessible to visitors and newcomers to the Episcopal Church. And it did. (Not necessarily more welcoming to the many trees used…but that was another resolution about caring for God’s creation). I’ve made a unilateral decision, something I don’t do often. I assure you I thought and prayed about this quite a bit. During the months of August and September (beginning August 12), we will not have fully printed bul-letins and instead will use the Book of Common Prayer. Margaret and I are going to develop a shorter bulletin that will have all the page numbers in it, and I will announce them as we move through the service. I believe this will only enrich our worship and lives of faith AND it will help us to uncov-er the parts of the prayer book we love as well as the parts that we find challenging. So if you have your own copy of the BCP, dust it off and bring it in!!

Faithfully, KKD+

Inside This Issue

Meetings & Announcements P. 2, 3, 5, 7

Volunteers/Lay Leaders P. 4

Youth News P. 5

Special: Reading Camp wrap-up

P. 6

Worship Schedule

Sunday 8:00 am Holy Eucharist

10:00 am Holy Eucharist

2nd & 4th Sundays 2:30 pm Holy Eucharist

Magnolia Springs

Tuesday 7 am Holy Eucharist

resumes Sept. 4

Thursday 12:15pm Healing & Eucharist

resumes Aug. 9

August 2018

Saint Thomas Episcopal Church A nurturing community with open minds and hearts.

The Mission of St. Thomas is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church 9616 Westport Road, Louisville, KY 40241

(502) 425-3727 [email protected]

The Very Rev. Katherine Doyle Rector

Page 2: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy


PUB THEOLOGY Tuesday, August 7, 6:30 pm

General Convention 79 is, as the youth say, “in the books.” One of the resolu-tions adopted was a plan for liturgical

and prayer book revision. (

This is no simple and quick process. As Episcopalians we practice “lex orandi, lex credendi” which loosely translated means, “We pray what we believe” or “the practice of prayer leads to our beliefs.” Our prayer book offers us much of our theology and while we have a wide array of views we share in common prayer.

This month let’s explore the prayer book—more specifically how do the liturgies, or perhaps just one prayer, form your faith and your life? What is left out you want to see included in the next revision? What do you want to see removed? What must stay?

All are welcome to join the discussion when we meet at Mimi’s Café on Hurstbourne Parkway.


The St. Thomas Bridge Club met on Thursday, July 12th, in the Robison Fellowship Hall. We met the second Thursday instead of the usual 3rd Thursday this month, but will continue meeting on the 3rd Thursday in August. Doris Sanning and Evelyn Mudd were hostesses for the day, serving refreshments. First place winner was LaDonna Adolph with 4700 points. Second place winner was Lil Knapp with 4340 points. A good time was had by all.


All are invited to consider joining an EFM group in

the upcoming program year.

It’s true, it can be overwhelming to consider a four year study commitment—so don’t! Consider com-mitting to just one year. EFM has been life-changing for many people; it may be for you, too!

Visit for more information, and talk with Katherine+. Classes will start in Septem-ber.


St. Thomas will gather at All Saints for a time of re-treat, reflection, fellowship and fun.

Workshops for this parish weekend will be led by our intern Andrea Bradney and Just Katherine. In addition, there will also be plenty of time for swim-ming, kayaking, canoeing, games, and just relaxing.

We will be staying in the inn at the top of campus. You may check-in as early as 3 pm on Friday, Sep-tember 14, and check out will be Saturday, Septem-ber 15, at 3:00 pm. The cost is $100/person—no one will be turned away due to finances.

Look for a sign up sheet coming soon and plan to bring your entire family!

Every week we arrive for Sunday services and find the bulletins nicely folded and separated into service times and font size. Every week baskets of food that are overflowing or school sup-plies for Zachary Taylor that overflow quietly disap-pear and find their way to EACM or Zachary Taylor school.

No, those things didn’t grow legs. They were

taken to where they belong by Ingrid The-mann who has two sturdy legs, strong arms, and a heart so big I don’t know how it fits in

her body. She has an infectious laugh that makes even the darkest day (you know, the days the copi-

er and the lift break—at the same time!) come alive with hope.


Thank you Ingrid for your weekly work, but most of all thank you for lighting up St. Thomas.

Page 3: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy



AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Genny Friesan 08/15 Charles Hayden 08/16 Lynn Grise 08/24 Keith Montgomery 08/24 Kevin Link 08/30 AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES Janelle & Kevin Foster 08/01 Carrie & Tom Pitsenberger 08/08 Sheri & Sam Boling 08/24 Carolyn & Chuck Warnick 08/30

Don’t See Your Name Here? Make sure your information is up-to-date. Let the church office know your birthday and anniversary dates. Also, please tell us if you change address, phone number, or email address. Call the office; (502)425-3727 or email at [email protected]

Have an idea for a newsletter article? Is there an up-coming event that the parish should know about? Did you take photos of church events? Be sure to share with the church office. Call or email: (502)425-3727 or [email protected]


While the summer wears on the renovation com-mittee continues to push ahead with plans to up-date Robison Hall.

New flooring and paint colors have been chosen, and Rick Eigelbach is in the process of getting bids for all the work to be done.

Thanks to the committee for their diligence over the last several weeks!


Where is it? I don’t know. I can’t find it. You moved it. Don’t touch my stuff! I left it right here. Who moved it?

Anyone ever hear these words around your house? We also hear them at St Thomas, particularly around the church office. We share this space, and we need to respect each other and the space.

The black desk between the bookshelves “belongs” to the tellers. They have everything they need there and in their bins. Unless you’re a teller, please don’t use this space.

The long desk in front of the window has two parts. The farthest part (closest to the wall) can be used by anyone who has church business. There you will find note paper and pens if you need to leave a message for anyone. The middle of the desk and the L-shaped part to the right belong to Margaret. No one should be using the computer except Margaret and Marti. Please do not use this space or move things around on the desk.

Thanks for being considerate of our staff and vol-unteers and their workspaces.


Please don’t run—please don’t hide.

Our congregation is growing and changing. It is ex-citing for many, scary for some, and something in between for others. God is moving in our midst and together we can discern where God is calling us.

We need everyone’s voice. We’ll be forming the fol-lowing committees soon: Fellowship, Outreach, and Formation.

God gives each of us gifts. What is your gift? Where would you like to serve?

Page 4: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy


Thank you to everyone who serves our church

each week—

we could not do all our good work without you!

There is always room for more.. .

Will you help serve your church on Sundays?

Talk with Katherine+


Acolytes Want to be an acolyte? Youth and Adults please contact Katherine+ Aug 12 Nickoli Reed

Lectors Aug 5 Meranda Philips, Sam Boling, Bill Beam, Lanier Siewertsen Aug 12 Ethan Moore, Kathy Eigelbach, Kevin Link, Judy Gradl Aug 19 Meranda Phillips, Alan Ferguson, Kathy Webster, Lynne Schulz Aug 26 Meranda Phillips, Kathy Webster, Bob Valvano, Stephen Dennison

Chalice Bearers Aug 5 Chuck Warnick, Brenda Strange Aug 12 Tina Link, Kevin Link Aug 19 Kathy Webster, Rip Tilden Aug 26 Suzy Bowling

Ushers Aug 5 Sam Boling, Bill Beam Aug 12 Kevin Foster, Stephen Dennison Aug 19 Mary Stuart Price, Lanier Siewertson Aug 26 Bob Valvano, Darlene Valvano

Altar Guild Aug 5 Julea Lawson, Carolyn Warnick Aug 12 Kathy Webster, Kathryn Vauthrin Aug 19 Margaret Ward, Barbara Trevor Aug 26 Alice Montgomery, Jennifer Lausterer

Tellers Aug 5 Bill Gaunt, Lanier Siewertsen Aug 12 Kathy Webster, Tina Link Aug 19 Mary Stuart Price, Suzy Bowling Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz

Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 26 Kathy & Rick Eigelbach


Anyone, elementary school-aged and up, with a love of singing is encouraged to join the St. Thomas choir.

Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings.

The choir will resume singing on Sundays after Labor Day.

For more information, talk with Organist-Choirmaster Rob Williamson on Sundays, or contact him at [email protected]

Page 5: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy



As we go to press the Youth of St. Thomas are wrapping up their mission trip to Watauga, North Carolina, where they helped build a home with Habitat for Humanity.

The crew of 13, including youth and their adult chaperones, have spent a week painting, digging, hauling, and hammering, all to help a family realize their dream of owning their own home in their community.

One day, the guys dug for a water pipe all day long, and never gave up! When the day’s work is over, the group enjoys swimming in, and tubing on, the New River as well as hiking in the area. One evening they got to attend a Bluegrass music concert.

Everyone is enjoying their home-away-from-home, the beautiful Road’ s End Retreat Center, where there is an abundance of wildlife, a water lily pond, a labyrinth, an outdoor stations of the cross path, and gorgeous trails.


Julia Foster—Limestone University William Doyle—Randolph College

Ellie Boling—University of Kentucky Josh Ferguson—University of Louisville

Caroline Doyle—Ole Miss

Good luck to all the college students who are part of St. Thomas church.

Have a great year!

SECOND SUNDAY LOUISVILLE AREA YOUTH On the second Sunday of every month the Louisville area Episcopal youth gather at each other’s churches for a time of fellowship.

This gathering is open to all youth in grades 6-12. Be on the lookout for this year’s schedule and plan to join us! Talk with Katherine+ for more information.


The Vestry is working to improve and maintain St. Thomas’ building and grounds. In addition to the excellent work being done by the Robison Hall committee, the Vestry has hired a landscap-ing company to maintain the grounds. All of our church buildings have been pressure-washed.

We hope you notice the difference.

The Vestry’s biggest challenge is the repair and renovation of the community building which has been over-come with mold. We are gathering estimates and planning the work needed to get the building back in ser-vice.

As we proclaim the Good News, nurture believers, and serve our community we want to do so in a pleasant environment that reflects our commitment to safeguard the gifts God has bestowed upon us.

-Earl Trevor, Senior Warden

Page 6: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy



Another successful reading camp! Over the week of July 16 to July 20 Read to Grow campers from Zachary Taylor

Elementary School completed a week of reading, learning, and fun on the St. Thomas grounds! The camp’s daily schedule consisted of a morning of reading instruction followed by an afternoon of fun and educational activities. We enjoyed presentations by Mad Science of Kentucky, Angela and her Zimbabwean drums, and the Lyndon Fire Department. We dodged the rain and had a ball at the Parklands Water Park on Thursday afternoon.

We saw the children learn and grow and we were heartened to see the junior counselors blossom.

Our thanks to all the teachers, afternoon presenters, kitchen staff, junior counselors, volunteers, field trip drivers, and chaperones who helped make the camp a success.

Thanks to local restaurants, Guacamole, Amy Z’s Bar and Grill, and Cuvee Wine Table, who donated lunches for our camp.

Most of all we want to thank the St. Thomas parishioners who gave their time, talent, and treasure to help prepare campers for the coming school year.

Page 7: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy


In case you missed it…

A message from Bishop White

I write to invite our congregations to participate in two diocesan-wide events that are intended to draw us deeper into the work of sharing our faith. Resources have been created for you by the Departments of Christian Formation, and Mission and Evangelism, in response to the call in my address to the 189th Diocesan Convention to renew our focus on adult baptism and evangelism.



SCHOOL STARTS AUGUST 15 As classes begin for another school year, many of the families whose children attend Zachary Taylor Elementary School will find it difficult to purchase all the supplies on the JCPS Funda-mental Supply List. YOU CAN HELP by purchasing school supplies and bringing them to St.

Thomas on Sundays.

We’ve already received lots of supplies, but could still use more of these:

Please bring all items to St. Thomas and put them in the bin

in the narthex.

The teachers, students,

and parents of ZT school

appreciate your help!

SHARING FAITH DINNERS Sharing Faith dinners provide an opportunity to gather around a meal to participate in life together. At each dinner a moderator will prompt participants to share stories of faith with printed questions. These Sharing Faith dinners invite people into a safe and welcoming space to share stories of life and faith, as well as build relationships.

When? Host a dinner anytime between Sep. 14th (Holy Cross Day) and Sep. 30th

How? Email Canon Jason Lewis ([email protected]) and he will sign you up to receive instructions on how to host a meal and re-ceive decks of cards.

EVANGELISM RETREAT Evangelism is the life practice by which we seek,

name and celebrate God's loving presence in our midst and in the story of all people. Having seen,

named, and joined with God's activity, we then hear an invitation and invite others to more.

God's Story: See It, Name It, Join It 2018 Evangelism Retreat

Friday-Saturday, October 26th-27th

All Saints Center - Leitchfield, KY

Register at

[email protected]

scissors crayons (boxes of 24) loose-leaf paper — (especially wide ruled) washable markers (boxes of 8) notebooks (composition & spiral)

colored pencils two-pocket folders ink pens pencil boxes/pouches rulers

Page 8: The Words of St. Thomas - Amazon S3€¦ · Aug 26 Kevin Foster, Lynne Schulz Sunday Fellowship (Cookies & Lemonade on the lawn) Aug 5 Judy Gradl, Jeanie Fridell Aug 12 Aug 19 Judy


St. Thomas Episcopal Church 9616 Westport Road Louisville, Kentucky 40241

Submit Articles for The Words of St. Thomas

[email protected]

For pastoral emergencies any time: (502) 526-6413

Church Summer Office Hours Monday—Closed

Tuesday, Thursday—9 am-2pm Wednesday—10:30am-2pm

Fridays and other times by appointment; call before stopping

by (502) 425-3727


Aug 7 VBS at St. Andrews 6pm

Pub Theology 6:30pm at Mimi’s Café

Aug 9 Healing Eucharist resumes 12:15pm every Thursday unless noted otherwise

Aug 10 Staff Planning Retreat

Aug 11 Isha Yoga/Meditation 9am RH

Aug 16 Bridge Club 1pm RH

Every Monday at 7pm Taoist Tai Chi in Robison Hall

Every Tuesday at 10am Bible Study in the Green Room

Every Tuesday at 8pm AA in Robison Hall

Every Thursday at 6:30pm Mexico Lindo Dancers in Robison Hall

Remember to pray

for St. Thomas Church

and our community every day!