the woodfuel scenario and policy issues in...


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Field Document No.49






Centre for Sustainable DevelopmentLBS National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie

This publication is printed bythe FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia,Bangkok, Thailand

For copies write to: Regional Wood Energy DevelopmentProgramme in Asia Tel: 66-2-280 2760c/o FAO Regional Offcie for Asia and the Pacific Fax: 66-2-280 0760Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, E-mail: [email protected], Thailand Internet:

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not implythe expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organiza-tion of the United nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area orof its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) alone and do not implyany opinion on the part of the FAO.



Woodfuels play an important role in India as they do in many other parts of Asia. Annualconsumption in the country as a whole is estimated at 220–300 million tonnes, worth some ninebillion US dollars, and this amount is increasing. At present, woodfuels account for 20–30 per centof all energy used in India, and more than 90 per cent of this is in the domestic sector. However,woodfuel is more than just a commodity being consumed: it is being supplied, processed andtraded. This has many implications, economically, socially, environmentally and otherwise.Furthermore, India is a vast sub-continent with widely varying geographical, agro-ecological andsocio-economic conditions, and therefore aggregate data can tell us little. The complexity andheterogeneity of woodfuel-related issues in India present policy-makers with major challengesbecause they are associated with a range of intricate problems, particularly involving smallfarmers and the landless poor. At the same time, however, the potential of wood energy extendsbeyond subsistence, providing sound and viable options for modern development andapplications. The central questions are then: to what extent and in what manner can woodfuel besubject to policy making? who should make the policies? and on whose priorities should they bebased?

It is not an easy matter to address these issues. However, the FAO-RWEDP is fortunate in havinga long-standing cooperation with Dr N C Saxena, an eminent social scientist and administratorwith a good deal of experience in social forestry programmes, who takes a deep interest in thesocial and human problems at stake. Dr Saxena was in a position to give an independentoverview and critical analysis of the many aspects of fuelwood, ranging from sources of supply tothe people involved to end-uses. The present document gives an account of his findings.

The subject is of far more than academic importance. Initially, this material was prepared as acomprehensive briefing for the Foundation Course for All India Service Officers at the Lal BahadurSastri National Academy of Administration in Mussoorie, India, in which Mr Tara N Bhattarai,Wood Energy Resources Specialist at the RWEDP, has provided invaluable assistance. However,as the RWEDP believes that the same material will be of great help to other institutes andorganizations in India and beyond, it is published as a field document for wider distribution.

Dr W S Hulscher,Chief Technical Adviser,FAO-RWEDP




Foreword ....................................................................................................................... .............i

1. Woodfuel as a Source of Energy.........................................................................................1

2. Wood – Largely Traditional, But Not Phasing Out ............................................................4

3. People Involved in Fuelwood Collection and Use.............................................................8

3.1. Traditional vs Improved Chulha (Cookstoves) ................................................................9

4. Estimates of Demand for Fuelwood .................................................................................11

5. Prices ...................................................................................................................... .............14

6. Sources of Supply ........................................................................................................... ...18

6.1. Supply of Wood from Farm Lands................................................................................19

6.2. Fuelwood from Non-forest Public Lands.......................................................................21

6.3. Problems in Gathering Fuelwood from Forest Lands ...................................................22

6.4. Estimated Supply Potential ...........................................................................................23

7. Government Programmes in the Last Two Decades ......................................................25

7.1. Fuelwood from Forest Lands ........................................................................................27

8. The Role of Other Agencies in Wood Production............................................................30

8.1. NGOs............................................................................................................................30

8.2. Involvement of the Private Sector in Wood Production.................................................32

8.3. Wood Production in the Cooperative Sector.................................................................34

9. Economic Aspects of Wood and Fuelwood Under Different Production Systems......35

9.1. Wood from Forest Lands ..............................................................................................35

9.2. Wood from Non-forest Public Lands.......................................................................37

9.3. Cost-benefit Analysis of Eucalyptus on Farm Lands.....................................................39


10. Fuelwood Markets ........................................................................................................... .43

10.1. Different Categories of Traders in Western UP ..........................................................47

10.2. Case Study of a Fuelwood Market ..............................................................................49

11. Charcoal Markets........................................................................................................... ...55

11.1. Charcoal Production from Prosopis in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu .................................56

12. Fuelwood Production Policy in Perspective ..................................................................59

13. Summary of Recommendations for Different Categories of Lands.............................61

14. Glossary ................................................................................................................... .........64

15. Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. ......66

16. References ................................................................................................................. .......68



Wood is a heterogeneous product. Depending on the intended use, there are different priceranges and different processing requirements. Even a single species, such as eucalyptus, canbe sawn for timber or used as pulpwood, poles or fuelwood. These products are processeddifferently, sold by different traders, and fetch different prices, the highest being for timber andthe lowest for woodfuel. Although the use of logs has increased1 in recent years (Natarajan,1996), the fuelwood used generally consists of fallen wood, smaller pieces, twigs, woodshavings, saw dust, bark and roots, which cannot be used elsewhere. Thus, fuelwood is aninferior form of wood and often a by-product. In this paper we are concerned with the use ofwood as fuel, and not as a raw material for pulp, furniture etc.

The total primary energy consumption in India in 1991 was 356–425 Mtoe (million tonnes of oilequivalent2), with the share of biomass energy ranged from 36–46 per cent, as shown in Table 1.Thus, woodfuel alone accounts for a share of about 20–30 per cent of the total energyconsumption in the country. More than 90 per cent of the total quantity of woodfuel used is inthe domestic sector, for cooking and heating water. In addition, woodfuels are used forcremation, in hotels and small eating places, in the manufacture of household materials such asbricks, tiles and lime, and in agro-processing, such as jaggery-making and the curing oftobacco.

As regards domestic woodfuel use, Table 2 shows that woodfuel is used by all sections of ruralsociety, but its use in urban areas has declined with higher incomes, being replaced bycommercial fuels such as electricity, soft coke, kerosene and LPG. Even in urban areas, poorhouseholds are heavily dependent on woodfuel. However, unlike in rural areas, where most of


Fuels Quantity Per capita energy (GJ/yr)

Coal 217 million tonnes 7.49Oil 53.7 million tonnes 2.71Natural gas 17.9 billion m3

0.79Electricity 77.8 x 109 units 0.33Total commercial 11.32

Fuelwood3 227–298 million tonnes 4.03–5.29Crop residues 97–156 million tonnes 1.77–2.68Cattle dung 37–114 million tonnes 0.60–1.85Total biomass energy 6.40–9.82

Total energy 17.72–21.14

(Ravindranath and Hall, 1995: 15)

1 This is more in areas where farm forestry produce could not be sold as pulp or poles, and therefore had to be used as firewood.2 Energy conversion: one Mt coal = 29.15 PJ; one Mt oil = 42.0 PJ; one tWh electricity = 13 GJ; one t dung = 13.7 GJ; one billion

m3 natural gas = 37.19 PJ; one t air dry fuelwood = 15 GJ; one t air dry crop residue = 13 GJ (Ravindranath and Hall, 1995: 15).3 There are several estimates of consumption of fuelwood, as explained in Section 4.


the fuel required is gathered, the poor in urban areas have to buy their biofuel. This is burnt inlow-efficiency devices and the cost per unit of useful energy is much higher than that obtainedfrom modern fuels. The urban poor and middle classes also use wood charcoal, the share ofwhich in total urban fuel consumption is about 2.3 per cent. An old report (GOI, 1979) gives theannual consumption of charcoal in absolute terms as 8.6 million tonnes.


Annual household income (Rupees 4)

Fuel Up to3,000




18,000 andabove


RuralSoft coke 1.3 1.6 4.7 4.9 7.3 2.1Kerosene 2.7 2.6 2.3 1.8 1.8 2.6Electricity 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.4Firewood 60.8 59.0 56.8 53.5 49.3 59.2Vegetable wastes 16.1 14.6 15.6 18.2 16.6 15.6Dung cake 18.9 21.8 20.0 20.7 24.0 20.1

Commercial 4.2 4.6 7.6 7.6 10.1 5.1Non-commercial 95.8 95.4 92.4 92.4 89.9 94.9


Soft coke 14.9 23.6 31.1 20.0 19.8 23.2Kerosene 19.4 23.8 19.6 17.7 14.8 21.1Electricity 0.8 1.7 2.6 3.5 4.9 1.9LPG - 5.2 15.9 34.0 41.3 9.8Firewood 54.9 37.3 22.8 16.7 13.9 35.5Vegetable wastes 2.6 1.4 1.4 2.7 1.1 1.7Dung cake 5.2 4.5 3.9 4.1 2.3 4.5Charcoal 2.2 2.5 2.7 1.3 1.5 2.3

Commercial 35.1 56.8 71.9 76.9 82.7 56.0Non-commercial 64.9 43.2 28.1 23.5 17.3 44.0

(TERI, 1996: 191)

4 34 Indian Rupees = 1 US$ in 1996





















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Crop residue

Dung cake




Table 2 tells us that wood was meeting 59.2 per cent of total fuel needs in rural areas and 35.5per cent in urban areas in 1991–92. The main non-commercial energy sources combined –woodfuel, dung and agricultural residues – met 95 per cent of fuel needs in rural areas. Ofthese, dung and agricultural wastes are widespread as fuels in agriculturally prosperous regionswith fertile soils and controlled irrigation, such as Punjab, Haryana, UP and north Bihar, (seeFigure 1), but wood continues to be the main domestic fuel in less endowed and poorer regions(NCAER, 1985).

In the past, biomass resources were virtually the only energy forms used in India, even in urbanareas. This situation has changed significantly during the last 50 years. Energy-use patterns inurban areas are changing, with greater use of LPG and kerosene. In a study by NCAER in1985, it was found that firewood consumption had declined from a level of 16.5 million tonnes in1978–79 to about 9.5 million tonnes in 1985, despite a large increase in the urban populationover the same period. During this period, fuelwood consumption dropped in urban India by 40per cent, but kerosene and LPG consumption rose by 57 per cent and 98 per cent respectively(Natarajan, 1990). The extent to which this trend will continue is uncertain, and will depend to alarge extent on government policies as regards their supply and pricing. It is unlikely thatfuelwood will be completely replaced, as poorer sections of the community may lack the cashresources to purchase the minimum amount of kerosene or LPG, or appliances which usethese fuels. They may also lack the security to keep such fuels or appliances while absent fromtheir living quarters, forcing them to purchase woodfuel in more expensive small amounts on aregular, perhaps daily, basis, and use cheaper and less efficient cooking appliances.

In rural areas, there seem to be three main trends in domestic energy. One involves theincreasing use of modern forms of energy for productive and household activities, includingirrigation pumping and lighting. A second is that in some areas rural people, instead ofswitching up the energy ladder to modern fuels, are switching down it to straw, leaves andtwigs. The use of inferior fuels for cooking by some rural people has implications for their qualityof life. It is also possible that their general purchasing power has gone down.

The third trend is that the relative importance of the three major biofuels has changed over theyears in rural areas. The animal population has grown very little in the last two decades. Also,more than one million bio-gas plants have been installed during the last 15 years. It is thereforelikely that the quantity of dried dung used as fuel might not have increased significantly. With anincrease in overall energy consumption, the share of this fuel might have come down. The last15 years have also witnessed a big increase in agricultural production. This has been mainly infoodgrains. New crop varieties yield less husk and straw. Their by-products are used, for themost part, to feed animals. The yields of crops like cotton, pulses etc., whose stalks are usedas fuel, have not grown much. Therefore, the share of crop wastes is also likely to be less thanthe pre-Green Revolution level.

This is confirmed by Table 3, which shows that between 1978–79 and 1992–93, the share ofwoodfuel in total energy consumption increased from 54.57 to 61.60 per cent, although theshare of non-commercial fuels in rural areas went down from 94 to 92 per cent.






Item % share in 1978–79 % share in 1992–93

Coal/soft coke 1.92 0.38Kereosene 2.55 4.44Dung cake 22.51 17.00Firewood logs 18.95 32.49Firewood twigs 35.62 29.11Crop waste 17.41 13.35Others 1.03 3.23

(Natarajan, 1995a)

It follows, therefore, that the share of firewood in fuel consumption must have gone upsignificantly. This should cause concern, for more wood means more collection, leading to anacceleration in the diminution of tree cover.

In the context of a possible improvement in poverty levels over the next 25 years, a questionarises whether many rural people might prefer acquiring fuel from the market, rather than usetheir time and energy to collect it. This is, however, not considered likely for several reasons.First, as Figure 2 shows, the share of purchased fuels in total fuelwood and dung cakeconsumption presently does not change much as incomes increase. Rather, higher rates ofbought firewood indicate extreme deterioration of the natural environment, and are not linkedwith household prosperity.

Second, the agriculture-based rural economy has slack seasons, and lends itself to seasonalpeaks in gathering. Third, as wood resources increase locally (either due to implementation ofgovernment policies or natural spread of prosopis shrubs), time taken in fuelwood gathering












Up to3,000





Annual household income

% s


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l ene







(NCAER, 1985)


and its opportunity cost will decline. Fourth, only rich farmers produce sufficient crop residues toserve as a significant fuel source. Being a private resource, the poor have little access to it,especially with the monetization of the rural economy.

Lastly, the supply of LPG is not sufficient to meet even urban demand. It is therefore not easilyavailable to villagers. Kerosene is used in villages, but mainly for lighting. Its use as a cookingfuel is rare, and it is also not favoured for heating in villages. Since firewood is obtained almostfree of cost, there is no inducement for villagers to change. Thus their dependence on fuelwoodis likely to continue for a long time to come.

Referring to the high dependence of the Indian population on wood-based energy, Shah (1988)predicted that firewood would continue to be used as it is (a) the least expensive fuel; (b)consistent with cultural patterns and living habits; (c) environmentally sound; (d) easy topropagate and/or regenerate anywhere; (e) amenable to minimum intervention for productionand utilization; (f) socially acceptable; (g) sustainable; (h) responsive to low inputs and lowmaintenance; and (i) liable to improve site and soil conditions progressively.



In most Indian rural communities, it is generally women who dominate in carrying out the time-consuming tasks of fetching water, fuel, fodder and leaf litter, in addition to performinghousehold chores and raising children. Poverty in India is generally considered to be linked withlack of private land, or land with low productivity. Changes in gathering from public lands golargely unnoticed, and are not accounted for in GNP (CSE, 1985). However, gathering is animportant economic activity for poor women. Much of the hardship suffered by women andforest dwellers in India is due to deforestation, which has removed the resource on which theirlivelihoods were previously based (Dasgupta, 1988: 7). In a study of the Orissa and Chattisgarhareas, which were heavily forested a few decades back, the average journey required to collectfuelwood has increased four-fold in 20 years (Fernandes and Menon, 1987: 15). The recedingtree line means that only adult community members can now go to forests for wood collection.Diminished supplies force them to shift to inferior fuels such as leaves (which cause moresmoke), as they must market a greater proportion of their collection of fuelwood (Fernandes etal., 1988: 116, 124).

The results of some other studies on human hours spent per week per household aresummarized in Table 4 (Ravindranath and Hall, 1995). The authors estimated that at thenational level, the average number of hours spent on gathering biomass was about two hoursper day per household. If only 50% of rural families are assumed to be involved in this activity,the total labour spent is 50 million x 2/24 = four million man-years. Such human effort forgathering may increase with declining supply and may have important social and economicconsequences for women and children, the principal gatherers. Self-employment of thismagnitude is, however, distress employment, as it is at the cost of the gatherers’ health and thechildren’s education, and when it brings cash, it leads to environmental damage.


Location Human hours spent/week/householdSix villages (Karnataka) (1977)a 15.1Dhanera, 10 villages (Gujarat) (1988) 11.2Dhanwas (Haryana) (1984) 14.3BNPura (Orissa), (1986) 35.0

a The year given in parentheses refers to the period of study.

(Ravindranath and Hall, 1995)

A study (Agarwal and Narain, 1985: 189) of 170 households in nine villages in Ranchi district(Bihar) showed that headloading (collecting fuelwood from public lands by the poor, and thencarrying it on their heads to the nearest market) had emerged as an important profession in theprevious 15 years; and more than a fifth of the households in the surveyed villages reportedheadloading as their major occupation. Another study (Agarwal, 1987: 181) estimated that atleast three to four million people were involved in this profession, making it India's biggestsource of employment in the energy sector. In Rajasthan alone, 400,000 families are to beengaged in extraction of firewood from forests reported (NWDB, 1988: 15). From MadhyaPradesh forests, six million tonnes of firewood are taken out every year for sale in towns and


cities (exclusive of wood collected for domestic use). It is a low paid and a high risk occupation,as pilfering wood from reserved forests for sale is an offence (collecting wood for ownconsumption from protected forests is permitted on paper, but frowned upon by the forest staffin practice).

A study described the working conditions of women in South Bihar as follows:

Every day, some 300 women firewood pickers disappear into the forests. Theycut timber and greenwood, which is illegal. Sixty-eight per cent of them havebeen hurt either by the axe or by wild animals while collecting wood. They earnaround Rs 120 a month, and half of them are always in debt. They have a two-day cycle, walking as much as 12 km to collect fuelwood and then travel by trainto the town for sale – along the way, others make money off them: the railwayman who allows them free on trains, the village headman who takes a cut, andthe forest guard who looks the other way when forests are being axed. (Ninan,1981)

The vagaries of weather also worsen the hardship of collection and use of the fuels. Themonsoon months are particularly troublesome in gathering of forest-based fuel. With thelashing of incessant rain and water everywhere, not only collection but also drying of wood andanimal dung, usually done in the sun, becomes very difficult. The need for storing of fuelbecome acute and shortage of storage space in the house also makes storing difficult.

3.1. Traditional vs Improved Chulha (Cookstoves)

The use of traditional cookstoves has wide-ranging health implications (Nanda and Khurana,1995). Eye and lung disease caused by kitchen smoke are common, particularly among femalehousehold members, who spend long hours in close proximity to hearths. Prolonged exposureto smoke emission and soot, especially from wood, biomass and cow dung, aggravated by ill-designed hearths and stoves, lack of cooking space, improper arrangements for the realease ofsmoke, shortage of rooms and overcrowding, cause heart ailments and chronic bronchitis.Carbon monoxide, an important constituent of woodsmoke, reduces the haemoglobin content ofthe blood and increases the risks of anaemia, particularly to the poor, illiterate, malnourishedrural women who are the hearths’ and stoves’ main users. Another constituent, formaldehyde,also causes irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, damages lung tissue and exacerbates theproblems of skin wounds (Sugumar, 1990).

The impact of these conditions on the life expectancy and quality of life of the women involvedis severe. The danger to their physical health can be reduced through better designed stoves,and a programme to introduce improved chulhas (ICs) has seen the number of ICs installedgrow from 0.8 million in 1985 to over 12 million by the end of March 1992 (Natarajan, 1995b).Against the low thermal efficiency of around eight per cent characteristic of conventionalchulhas, the ICs claim to have an efficiency of between 24 and 26 per cent. Improved chulhamodels provide a chimney to let out smoke from the kitchen. Cleaning and cooking vessels ismade easier as carbon deposits are considerably reduced. The ICs could also be inexpensive ifmade of local materials, so even poor households could afford them.Yet, this programme, a decade since its initiation, has not achieved the level of success onewould expect, considering the number of positive aspects. Also, a survey (Natarajan, 1995b)


showed that only 12 per cent of the working ICs could claim 16 per cent or higher thermalefficiency, whereas 50 per cent of them worked at 10 per cent or less, thus showing no savingof fuel over the traditional models. One-third of the chulhas installed became non-functionalwithin the first year of installation. About 15 per cent of chulhas did not survive the first threemonths.

The main reasons cited for disuse were construction and installation defects, with the result thatthe ICs’ performance turned out to be worse than that of the traditional chulha. Impropermaintenance is another important factor for the non-functioning of the chulhas. It isrecommended that the chimney should be cleaned once a fortnight to remove the carbondeposits, but this was frequently not done.

One of the reasons for this indifference on the part of the beneficiaries is that they have little orno financial stake in the chulhas installed in their houses. They do not value the asset acquired.The cost of the chulha for the beneficiary is barely Rs 10, while the market price of the chimneypipe provided along with it is more than Rs 50. Some households have opted for the chulhasonly on the attraction of the subsidy in the form of pipes, iron grates etc. In a number of casesthe chimney pipes have even been misused as parts for sanitary latrines, irrigation channelsetc., or even sold in the open market after being removed from the chulha.

In contrast, another device propagated by the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources,using bio-gas, has been accepted by the villagers and is in fact demanded by them. Thoughthere is an element of subsidy involved, the financial commitment of the beneficiary is fairly high– over Rs 5,000 – but they are willing to pay. They are convinced of the usefulness of bio-gas,which is not true of the improved chulha. The perceived benefits associated with the ICs are notas substantial as they should be. This is down to two major problems: faulty construction andpoor maintenance because of indifference. Both are to be corrected.



Several estimates for fuelwood demand are available, but these vary so widely that a degree ofagnosticism is in order. The Forest Survey of India (FSI, 1988: 46) estimated that there was agap of 130 Mt between demand and internal production of firewood in the country in 1987.There are differences even in the figures of actual consumption estimated by differentagencies. An earlier estimate (GOI, 1962) gave the consumption of fuelwood in 1960–61 as 60Mt. This was being met with 10 Mt from recorded forest sources and 50 Mt from private andcommunity lands and from unrecorded removal from forests. A survey in 1981 (Table 5) gave afigure of 94.5 Mt as fuelwood consumption in 1978–79. From these figures, the annual rate ofgrowth in fuelwood consumption between 1960–61 and 1978–79 works out as 2.5 per cent,which appears reasonable. However, an NCAER survey in 1959 estimated consumption offuelwood in 1963 as 97.2 Mt. As this would suggest that there was no increase in fuelwoodconsumption during the period 1963–79, which is unlikely, we think the lower figure of 60 Mt offuelwood consumption in 1960 could be closer to reality.

There are several possible reasons for the differences in the various estimates of demand andconsumption. Firstly, it is difficult to be precise about demand for an item which is mostlycollected and where substitutions occur: smaller twigs and leaves can be substituted for largersticks and logs, and where fuelwood is easily accessible and opportunity cost of rural labourremains low, fuelwood can replace other non-commercial and commercial fuels, leading tohigher estimates of needs. Secondly, there are difficulties in assessing the direct and indirectimpacts of various causal variables such as product price, prices of substitutes, size andlocation of user households, price and income elasticities of demand, and likely changes in thecausal variables themselves.

Thirdly, consumption of fuelwood varies greatly with availability. It is generally a function of thecost of obtaining the fuelwood (Dewees, 1989: 1161). For instance, the annual amount of woodused in Raipur, which is surrounded by dense forests, was almost one t per household,whereas in Hyderabad, a metropolitan town, it was less than 0.5 t per household (Dunkerley etal., 1990). Variations in total consumption of cooking fuels by households and the mix of fuelsused were influenced by household income, accessibility and prices of the different fuelsupplies, climate, resource endowment, size of city, household fuel preferences, socialcharacteristics, food habits and regional cooking styles.

In spite of such problems, several attempts to estimate the demand for fuelwood and othersources of household energy have been made over the last three decades. We discuss one ofthese in some detail and summarize the others.

The first attempt to estimate and forecast total energy consumption and sources of supply wasmade in 1965 by the Energy Survey Committee of India (ESCI). Data on consumption of non-commercial fuels were derived from household sample surveys in Bombay, Calcutta and Delhiconducted by the National Council of Applied Economic Research in 1958 (NCAER, 1959). Thesurveys estimated the average per capita domestic energy consumption to be 0.38 tonne ofcoal equivalent (tce) and 0.40 tce in rural and metropolitan areas respectively. Income elasticityof demand for domestic energy was estimated only for the city dwellers and was 0.4 for thegroup with a per capita income above Rs 300 each year. Since energy use estimates for urbanareas other than the three metropolitan cities were not available, the committee assumed it tobe 0.39 tce per capita. The committee also assumed that energy consumption during the


preceding decade had increased by 4.5 per cent, i.e. equivalent to the income elasticity ofenergy demand in the cities. To derive the figure for estimated non-commercial energy use,commercial energy consumption (for which relatively better data were available) was subtractedfrom the estimated total energy consumption. Within non-commercial sources, estimatedcontribution of fuelwood, animal dung, and agricultural residues was based on the assumptionthat their relative shares did not change over time.


Description Actual consumption in 1979 Projections of demand for 1981

Electricity 7.3 17.0Soft coke 6.5 28.0Oil products 4.2 10.2Fuelwood 94.5 131.0Dung cakes 71.1 63.0Agri-residues 30.6 62.0

(Gupta and Ahuja, 1992)

A comparison of columns 2 and 3 of Table 5 shows that the ESCI demand forecasts were notvalidated, as the 1979 actual consumption figures were substantially below those projected for1981. At the same time, animal dung’s observed use in 1979 was significantly higher than theestimate for 1981. This may mean that dung continued to be a preferred source of householdenergy due to its inherent characteristics, such as slow burning, its relatively certain supplies, andthe perception of dung work as an integral part of normal household chores, even in land-owningfamilies in rural India.

In addition to the above, demand forecasts for fuelwood were made in several other studies, suchas those by the ESCI (GOI, 1965), the NCAER (1985), the Fuel Policy Committee (GOI, 1974),the National Commission on Agriculture (GOI, 1976), the Working Group on Energy Policy of thePlanning Commission (GOI, 1979), and the Advisory Board on Energy (ABE, 1985). Table 6presents a summary of their forecasts as regards likely fuelwood consumption for different years.


Studies 1971 1976 1981 1983 1991 1993 2000 2005

ESCI 121 130 131 - - - - -NCAER - 70 - - - - - -FPC - - 132 131 122 - - -NCA 105 116 129 141 - - 158 -WGEP - - - 140 138 131 97 -ABE - - - - - - - 300–330


Not only for fuelwood, but for other biofuels too, the estimates of consumption vary a great deal,as is shown below:


Surveying agency Years of survey Fuelwood Dung cake Crop residues

NCAER 1978–79 93.3 83.2 36.7REDB 1985–92 181–309 40–115 32–166IREP 1990–91 169.0 54.2 62.8

(TERI, 1995: 56)

As for future consumption, estimates for 2000 vary from 97 Mt by the WGEP to 300–330 Mt bythe ABE. As already stated, the demand projections of these studies for future years have oftennot been matched by the figures of actual consumption in those years, and the predicteddemand has been found exaggerated, often by a factor of two to four, compared with actualconsumption. This suggests that the methodology for estimating demand followed in thesestudies perhaps requires some critical scrutiny. Firstly, the term demand should be clearlydefined and distinguished from needs and requirements. It would be more precise to use theterm consumption. Secondly, discussion of quantification of demand should take into accountprevailing or anticipated prices – the present estimation process makes no reference to prices.Under normal market conditions, where price is not controlled, there should not be anydifference between demand and supply, as the price level adjusts itself to ensure that whateveris demanded is supplied at a price which covers the full cost of production. The situation wherea difference exists between supply and demand will exist generally when the price is controlledby government or is depressed due to gathering, such that the supply takes place at a pricewhich does not cover the cost of replacement.

Thirdly, fuelwood markets, which have not received the attention of researchers so far, mayhave a great influence in shaping demand. To the extent that markets integrate producers withconsumers, they facilitate commodity production, as producers allocate their resources on thebasis of signals they receive from markets. Thus the demand is communicated to the producers(and gatherers) through the medium of markets. If market conditions are changed, demand forthe product will change, even if other conditions remain undisturbed. Thus demand, and evensupply, is influenced by the nature of markets, and quantification of demand cannot be done inisolation from market factors. Market conditions for wood are highly distorted due togovernment policies, as discussed in Sections 10 and 11. The experience of a glut ofeucalyptus wood in several north Indian markets when shortages existed elsewhere shows thatthe gap between supply and demand cannot be bridged by simply enhancing production; otherconstraints may be equally relevant. Hence the importance of discussing both demand andsupply in the context of prices and market conditions – in isolation, the terms demand andsupply may signify little.



The price of fuelwood rose fast during 1975–85, as shown below:


Year All India average retail priceof firewood Rs/tonne

All India wholesale priceindex (1970–71 = 100)

Firewood prices Rs/tonne at constant(1970–71) prices

1973 91 140 651978 182 185 981985 438 350 125

(UNDP, 1986: 113)

Thus, during the period 1973–85, firewood prices almost doubled at constant prices. Accordingto Leach (1987), the real price of fuelwood increased by 34 per cent in 10 major cities of Indiaduring 1970–82, but another study of 41 towns showed a 50 per cent increase during 1977–86(Bowonder et al., 1988). The same study compared the movement of fuelwood prices withthose of other commodities over the years, as shown in Figure 3.

Thus, fuelwood experienced the highest annual rise in prices in 1972–86, 85 per cent higherthan the rises for wheat and rice.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Food grains

Consumer prices




% annual growth rate


Inter-city variation in prices

Bowonder's study (1988) quoted above also indicates that in 1986 the price of fuelwood wasmore than Rs 600 per tonne in all centres with more than one million inhabitants and more thanRs 900 per tonne in all centres with more than five million inhabitants. This shows that the sizeof an urban centre is a major variable in determining the fuelwood price, quite apart from theextent of forest area in the vicinity. The proportion of the population using fuelwood is higher inlarger cities, since the proportion of population living in squatter settlements (low income) isalso higher (Von Oppen, 1979; Agarwal and Narain, 1985, Bowonder et al., 1986). In Indiathere has been a sharp rise in the number of people living in squatter settlements – estimatesindicate that around 30 per cent of India's urban population live in them. In other words, theissues of fuelwood use in urban centres are intricately connected to poverty, low income,unemployment and frequency and number of days of work, cash in hand, and rural migration.

The relative increase in price of fuelwood should have implications for inter-fuel substitutions. Inreality, despite the consumers using fuelwood paying more per unit of energy delivered (netenergy consumed) they do not shift to other cheaper fuels. In 1960 and 1977 the cost of unitenergy for kerosene and fuelwood were similar. In 1987 the consumer had to pay twice asmuch per GJ of useful energy for fuelwood as for kerosene. Fuelwood is costlier since theefficiency of burning is of the order of seven to 10 per cent (Gellar, 1983; Gupta, Rao andPrema, 1983), whereas a kerosene-burning stove has an efficiency of 30 to 40 per cent. InDelhi, the consumer has to pay four times more to get one unit of useful energy from fuelwoodthan from kerosene.

In the case of cooking, which is one of the chief energy-using activities, the primary energyrequired to cook a given quantity of meal declines significantly with a shift from traditional tomodern fuels by a factor of four (Figure 4), according to differences in the efficiencies of thedevices.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Dung traditional stove

Firewood traditional stove


Firewood improved stove






(Ravindranath and Hall, 1995)


Thus the poor not only use more expensive form of wood, but they use it less efficiently. This isdue to a number of factors: (i) poorer sections of the population consider fuelwood to be acheaper fuel; (ii) in a fuelwood-burning stove, it is possible to use other biomass fuels andagricultural wastes, and this is done by many poorer income groups; (iii) fuelwood stoves arevery inexpensive and kerosene stoves cost almost 10 times more (the capital market is veryflawed for poorer sections of society); (iv) kerosene is an item which is controlled by thegovernment and the maximum quantity sold to one household is not enough to manage bothcooking and lighting; (v) those residing in temporary squatter settlements prefer not to invest initems that have to be taken with them when they move to another settlement, (vi) a largeproportion of the poor, who live in unauthorized slums, cannot claim even these inadequatesupplies since they are unable to get ration cards that grant them access to the publicdistribution system; and (vii) real cost in terms of the number of visits required to government-authorized shops, the waiting period and its opportunity cost may be much higher.

Fuelwood prices are monitored by the Labour Bureau, Shimla. According to their records,fuelwood prices in some of the major towns of India remained almost constant during the period1985–90 (see Saxena, 1995, for district-wise changes in fuelwood prices). Despite the fact thatdegradation of forest lands has continued unabated, and social forestry on community landshas not been a viable programme, fuelwood prices in India after 1985 have not gone up for tworeasons. First, farmers in the commercialized and surplus regions of India produced a greatdeal of eucalyptus wood, which had to be sold as fuelwood, being surplus to the need for polesand pulpwood. Second, the greatest potential for supply of fuelwood at little opportunity cost isthrough shrubs. These positive developments, though unconnected with government policies,still leave out a large proportion of rural population for whom fuelwood is scarce.

As a consequence, to speak of a ‘fuelwood problem’ in India is somewhat misleading. Landproduction capabilities and access to biomass vary from region to region and this has an impacton whether energy for cooking is a problem for people in the rural areas. One way to classifyregions with respect to fuelwood availability could be:

• Regions with proximity to forests;

• Fertile and irrigated cultivated land;

• Areas with access to shrubs;

• Areas where farm forestry has been successful; and

• Areas where dung must be returned to fields to maintain productivity;

Although empirical data on each of these regions is sadly lacking, one could hypothesize on thebasis of field experience that fuelwood is an acute problem more in the last type of region,which may cover roughly half of India's geographical area. In forest regions, the issue is not ofphysical scarcity but of lack of income, which drives the poor to do headloading. In regions twoand four, there would be a class dimension too, that is, the poor and landless may faceshortages, even when it is not an issue for the surplus farmers.

Even if the poor have land, their immediate preoccupation is the need for quick solutions todesperate food and income deficits (Cecelski, 1987), and they cannot be expected to use their


lands for the production of fuelwood. Thus the earlier social forestry projects, in focusing onlyon fuelwood, proved insufficient in defining what was needed at the project level.

Probably the most seriously affected region in India from the point of view of demand forfuelwood and fodder is the Deccan Plateau. In this dry region with little ground water, peoplehave used up most of the woody materials either for construction or fuels, and they aredependent on straw and dung as fuels. Typically these regions have poor agriculturalproduction, which may be partially caused by not returning the straw and dung to the field.These regions deserve top priority in fuelwood production schemes.




Fuelwood is generally gathered by rural people on both public and private lands. The share ofeach source of fuelwood supply at the consuming point in 1978–79, based on an NCAERsurvey (1985), is shown in Table 9.

A more recent survey of the primary sources of woodfuel shows that the total consumption ofwood in 1991 was 172.5 million tonnes, as shown in Table 10.


Rural Urban Grand totalLogs Twigs Total Logs Twigs Total

Collected fromi. Own land 5.2 9.1 14.3 14.3ii. Neighbour's land 0.3 3.0 3.3 3.3iii. Forest land 4.6 18.9 23.5 23.5iv. Roadsides etc. 1.3 24.4 25.7 0.4 1.6 2.0 27.7

Total collected 11.4 55.4 66.8 0.4 1.6 2.0 68.8

Purchased 8.7 3.3 12.0 11.1 2.6 13.7 25.7

Total 20.1 58.7 78.8 11.5 4.2 15.7 94.5

(Leach, 1987)


Source DetailsTotal Fuelwood Contribution

in Million Tonnes/Year

Forests Felling of trees 19.0Lopping of twigs andbranches


Logging wastes 9.5Shrubs on degraded lands androadsides


Tree planting on 17 million hectaresduring 1975–90 through social andfarm forestry programmes

tops, twigs, small branchesand poles


Homestead gardens twigs and branches 16.0

Total 172.5

(Ravindranath and Hall, 1995)


These two tables show that a good deal of fuelwood is still gathered and then consumed by thegatherer, and thus fuelwood continues to be by and large a non-monetized commodity. Evenwhen firewood is traded, studies show that rural wood markets are small, localized and lackcapital and hence buying capacity (FAO, 1987). The fuelwood supplied to these markets comesfrom farmers' produce as well as from head-loaders, bullock carts and merchants who buywood from forest auctions. The fact that fuelwood markets supply just 25 per cent of the totalfuelwood which is consumed has two implications for the production of fuelwood as a farm crop.First, gatherers can always undercut producers in the pricing of fuelwood; the producers wouldbe price-takers, rather than price-makers. Second, the market price of fuelwood would alwaysbe lower than its social cost for replacement of growing stock through investments inplantations. These considerations make production of wood by farmers for fuelwood markets anon-viable proposition. These considerations indicate that the fuelwood gaps can be met onlythough such trees on public lands which produce a lot of twigs and branches that can begathered, and not through commercial production on farm lands. In fact French (1985) hasargued that in developing societies with plenty of open public lands and poverty, producers willhave no incentive to produce wood on farm lands in view of depressed prices of wood due togathering.

6.1. Supply of Wood from Farm Lands

The above two tables also show that non-forest lands are a significant source of fuelwood.Production of fuelwood from farm lands can be considered under two heads: from traditionalagroforestry and homegardens models, and from the new activity of farm forestry which wasinitiated in the late 1970s.

Traditional agroforestry patterns

Trees are protected, planted and managed on farm lands in India in a variety of situations. InKerala, a region of high rainfall and good soils, farmers plant trees on homesteads and onfarms to maximize overall returns from land. In arid western Rajasthan, farmers protect khejri(Prosopis cineraria) and bordi (Zizyphus spp.) trees to increase soil productivity and landsustainability. These trees recycle nutrients and provide both fodder for cattle and mulch andshade for crops, and thus complement farm production. In the hills, trees are maintained onfarm boundaries for subsistence products, like fodder and fuelwood. Casuarina plantations forurban fuelwood have been a part of the rural landscape in southern coastal India for more thana century now (Hill, 1982: 159).

In addition to the three well known patterns above, there are scattered studies from otherregions describing the nature of tree-crop interaction on farm lands. Prosopis juliflora occurswidely on all wastelands of Tamil Nadu, but in Ramanathapuram, where rainfall is confined tothe north-east monsoon and substantial saline patches occur, prosopis is used to reclaim fallowlands. These are allowed on farmlands for four years, after which an annual crop is taken fortwo years, and again prosopis is allowed to invade the field. It is also used for making charcoal,and it is estimated that 15,000 tonnes of charcoal are transported annually fromRamanathapuram to Madras.





Farm forestry

Due to the popularity of growing trees on farm lands, with a view to earning income or avoidingthe supervision problems associated with irrigated agriculture, the availability of fuelwood hasconsiderably increased in certain regions of India. The shares of total collected firewoodrepresented by the different sources of collection have also undergone a change due to higherproduction of wood on farms, as shown in Table 11. In 1978–79, own farms and nearby forestswere the two major sources, each contributing to one-third of the total collection.

On the other hand, nearly half of the households collected wood from their own farms in 1992–93. The share originating from forests shrank to half of the 1978–79 figure, mainly because ofthe legislation enacted by the state governments banning the felling of trees in forests in manyparts of India.


Items 1978–79 1992–93

Own farm 35.14 48.50Roadside bushes and trees 23.90 29.80Forests 35.42 17.00Others 5.54 4.70

Total 100.00 100.00

(Natarajan, 1996)

6.2. Fuelwood from Non-forest Public Lands

Village commons, roadsides, tank foreshores and other such open access lands are thetraditional sites for collecting fuelwood among rural people. Often these degraded lands offeronly woody shrubs, such as prosopis (Prosopis juliflora) and lantana (Lantana camara). Theseare not favoured species, because of the presence of thorns in the case of prosopis and lowdensity in the case of lantana. Yet the absence of commercial interest in these species helpsthe poor in their access to such shrubs. In many semi-arid regions the natural spread ofprosopis shrubs provides excellent fuelwood for both consumption and sale at almost zeroopportunity costs to the poor. According to a field study (Ravindranath and Hall, 1995) in fivevillages of the semi-arid district of Anantpur (Andhra Pradesh) 86 per cent of households metmore than 75 per cent of their cooking needs from prosopis alone. Here gathering of fuelwoodfrom degraded public lands has become a cottage industry, as much of it goes to the nearbymetropolitan town, Bangalore. As much as 10 per cent of the local population gets employmentfrom this activity (Agarwala, 1990: 197).

Some of the positive features of prosopis from the point of view of its use as fuel are hardiness,wide adaptability to various types of problematic soils, its self-productive mechanism, profuseseeding, self-dissemination and propagation, high calorific value, charcoal, non-browsability bycattle and goats, nitrogen fixing qualities, resistance to prolonged periods of droughts, andcoppicing capacity (Verma, 1987).


6.3. Problems in Gathering Fuelwood from Forest Lands

Despite forest policy being timber-oriented, forest lands during the colonial phase providedtwigs and branches as fuel to the people, and with adequate supplies from forests it waspossible to satisfy the market demand as well as meet the people's demand. There is howeverevidence to show that people's access to forests for meeting their basic subsistence needs hasdeteriorated, and that this is fairly widespread (Chambers et al., 1989). Some of the processeswhich have caused this are:

• Deforestation;

• Priority being given to man-made plantations in place of mixed species;

• People's lack of awareness about their rights and privileges.

Forests are subject to intense pressure from human beings, livestock and urban markets. FDofficials argue that since commercial and industrial requirements are low as a proportion of thetotal demand for wood, at less than 20 per cent (World Bank, 1988a: 26), people’s demands putan unbearable burden on forests (Shyam Sundar, 1993). The almost continual lopping forfuelwood and/or fodder as well as cattle and goat browsing that occur in many areas andprevent adequate regeneration must play a major role in forest destruction (Blockhus et al.,1992: 31).

On the other hand it is argued that giving industries priority and subsidized supplies hasreduced availability for the people and resulted in their further alienation from the forests,turning them into an open access resource. Often the two processes of industrial extraction anduse by the people follow each other. The selective logging of a few large trees createsopenings in the crown cover leading to better grass production, which invites cattle and goats.Their browsing makes regeneration difficult, and then the area is invaded by exotic, non-palatable weed species.

Some authors (Bowonder et al., 1986; 1988) make a distinction between use of fuelwood byrural people, which is largely twigs and branches and hence potentially sustainable, and byurban sector. The greater use of logs and larger branches in the towns means that fair sizedtrees are sought after and cut, possibly in large patches, thus having a more degrading effecton the forest than may be the case with cutting for village needs, which can be met more oftenfrom pruning or pollarding the branches of trees or even bushes in a limited area. Thuscollection of fuelwood for sale in urban areas is the cause of much destruction and degradationof forests.

Industrial plantations

While the adverse effect of deforestation on local economies is well understood, the impact ofindustrial plantations is not so well documented. Plantations are usually of single species,equally entailing loss of diversity and of access, are often on a large scale, and in practicehardly pursue an objective of benefiting the local people, beyond providing wages5.

5 Even wage employment becomes insignificant after the first year of plantation.


A plantation offers little of the product range of the old forests. In Ganjam district (Orissa), itwas noticed by the author in 1991 that due to the small area of the village woodlots, unlikely tosatisfy the fuelwood needs of the village, people continued to depend on nearby forest areas,which were, however, being used by the Forest Corporation for timber and cash crops like teakand cashew, thereby depleting the availability of fuelwood which could be gathered by thepeople. Popular pressure, however, endangered the success of commercial plantations. It wasironic that millions of Rupees were being spent to create new fuelwood resources through smallwoodlots, while the existing much larger potential fuelwood areas on forest lands were beingdiverted for non-fuelwood commercial plantations. It would have been cheaper to rehabilitatethe existing forests for the purpose of meeting people's demands. Unless creation of woodlotsand rehabilitation of nearby forests were both undertaken in an integrated manner with thespecific objective of satisfying people's needs, the long-term viability of village woodlots was indoubt.

Rights and privileges

Rights and access which the people, especially tribals, earlier enjoyed, remain uncurtailed onpaper, but people are far from fully informed about what they can legally collect from forests,and what is prohibited. There has hardly been any attempt by the FD to publicize peoplesrights; partly due to the fear that it would aggravate degradation, and partly due to theadministrative culture of the FD of keeping the people in dark. It suits traders and petty officialsif tribals are not aware that they are entitled to collect fuelwood. Uncertainty about rightsalienates the people from forest lands, and inhibits their participation in joint management.

6.4. Estimated Supply Potential

In addition to the existing production of 172.5 Mt of fuelwood, there is immense potential forincreasing production of fuelwood by afforestation of degraded lands. In some cases, such asfarm lands, fuelwood would perhaps be a by-product. The area where additional trees can beplanted without adversely affecting agricultural production fall into four categories:

Cultivated lands

The area available for agro-forestry and growing trees on cultivated lands is difficult to estimate.All, or almost all, cultivated land can grow trees, and private tree planting depends on manyfactors, such as complementarity with agriculture and opportunity costs of land and labour.Degraded lands can give a lower boundary to any estimate, since on degraded lands treesusually have the clearest advantages compared with other land uses. Bhumbla and Khare(SPWD, 1984) estimated net sown land subject to wind and water erosion to be 38 millionhectares (m ha). Any figure is bound to be highly speculative, but we take the additionalpotential of agroforestry on one third of the total degraded area, i.e. 13 m ha.

Strip lands

These include farm bunds and boundaries, roads, railway lines, canals and drains. TheFuelwood Committee (Planning Commission, 1982) estimated the potentials of these asfollows: 60 of the 142 m ha of cultivated land presented scope for planting along bunds andboundaries (which, at two per cent of the area, would amount to 1.2 m ha); and 1,224,000 kmof roads, 60,000 km of railway lines, 150,000 km of canals and 20,000 km of drains also


provided suitable strips, amounting to 0.9 m ha. The total strip land available was therefore inthe order of two m ha.

Degraded forest lands

The Forest Survey of India (FSI, 1993) has estimated that almost half of the forest area has acrown density of less than 40 per cent. The National Wastelands Development Board'sestimate that 36 m ha out of the total of 67 m ha of forest land are degraded (NWDB,1988: 26)and are therefore capable of growing additional trees which can provide fuelwood.

Uncultivated degraded land

Land statistics are well developed for cultivated and forest lands, but not for non-forest andnon-cultivated lands (Romm, 1981). Information needed for assessing their potential, likeownership, extent and type of degradation, and present and possible future uses, has neverbeen collected on a systematic basis for the entire country. Elsewhere the author has estimatedthat of the 55 m ha of the non-forest and non-cultivated degraded land, 33 m ha can be usedfor growing trees (Chambers et al., 1989).

Thus the total availability of land in India where afforestation could be taken up is about 84 mha. Its ownership is shown in Table 12.

Assuming a low productivity of two Mt per ha per year of fuelwood (besides poles and timberetc.) it would lead to additional production of 168 Mt, thus almost doubling the total availabilityfrom 172.5 Mt to 340.5 Mt, besides creating decentralized employment for the poorest.

Why has this biological potential not been achieved? What have been the main constraints inafforestation of the three categories of lands? This is briefly discussed in the next section.


Category ofcultivable land

Total area Available for trees(for new


Private ForestDept

Revenue/other depts

Cultivated 142 13 13 - -Forest 67 36 - 36 -Uncultivated/non-forest

55 33 21 - 12

Strips Included inthe above

2 1 - 1

Total 264 84 35 36 13(Chambers et al.,1989)



Fuelwood plantations on village and farm lands were undertaken as a result of the report of theNational Commission on Agriculture (GOI, 1976), which recommended growing trees to meetsubsistence needs on lands accessible to village people. In terms of sheer plantation of newtrees, the Social Forestry programme has been immensely successful. Between 1980 and1987, the government claims to have raised 18,865 million trees (Chambers et al., 1989). Evenin the post-1990 period, about two m ha is claimed to be afforested annually throughgovernment efforts (Kapur, 1991). This is by any standards an impressive achievement, and isreflected in the steep fall in the price of poles and stabilization in the price of fuelwood after1985 in some regions of India (World Bank, 1990).

However, this success was due to the popularity of farm forestry in commercial regions. Treeplanting on village lands, with some exceptions, failed to meet the people of the villages’fuelwood requirements. The shortcomings in the way the programme was conceptualized andimplemented led to marked divergence between the stated objectives of Social Forestry and theactual outcomes. Briefly these shortcomings were:

• Local people were not involved, leading to high tree mortality;

• Village panchayats (local elected councils) perceived the woodlots as sources of communalincome, rather than as sources of fuelwood to meet village needs. The nature of specieswas also such that it tempted the panchayats to sell in the markets, rather than distribute inthe villages;

• Panchayats could not enforce the discipline required for managing plantations;

• Projects were designed around the ultimate felling of the planted trees, but degradationoften set in after the trees were harvested;

• The targeted area under village lands could not be made available for afforestation becauseof encroachment, competition from other departments, competition from grazing and otherexisting local uses and poor productivity;

• There was no continuity in the management and control of thousands of scattered pieces ofplanted village lands, creating enormous problems of protection;

• Projects failed to define, establish and publicize rights to the trees and the procedures formarketing and allocating benefits. The shares which would go to individuals, villages,panchayats and the Forest Department were not clearly laid down. Insecurity about benefitsled to indifference on behalf of the people.

Wood from farm forestry

The salient features of the farm forestry programme (USAID, 1988; World Bank, 1990; SIDA,1990, Saxena, 1993) are:


• More trees were planted in commercialized and surplus-producing agrarian regions than insubsistence-oriented eastern states, despite the fact that rainfall and soil conditions weremore favourable to trees in the east rather than in the low rainfall (but irrigated) north-west.

• Eucalyptus was the most favoured tree with the farmers, as it grew straight, had a smallcrown and thus allowed more trees to be planted per unit of area, and caused little shadingwhen planted on field boundaries. It did not attract birds, was non-browsable – making iteasy to protect – and yielded straight poles which were perceived to have a good market.Eucalyptus accounted for 71.6 per cent of all seedlings distributed under farm forestry(IIPO, 1992).

• Eucalyptus was planted more for sale as small timber, poles or pulpwood than for use asfuelwood, although because of glut conditions it was often sold as fuel to brick kilns andfuelwood depots.

And finally, farmers' enthusiasm to plant eucalyptus declined after 1988, as the tree failed togenerate the kind of returns farmers were expecting. The disenchantment stemmed from thepoor quality of produce from the eucalyptus, good enough only for fuelwood; the lack ofsufficient demand for poles and resulting steep decline in prices; the loss of agriculturalproduction due to plantation of the trees; and problems in marketing. Even when the treesgained girth, timber from eucalyptus was found to be far inferior in quality and durability to othertimbers, and hence fetched a low price.

Much of the eucalyptus wood is now being sold as fuelwood at less than the expected price. Asfuelwood, the farmers' produce competes with wood supplies from government, and with coaland petroleum products. These commodities have administered prices, and in relation tofuelwood, the price of kerosene declined by 17 per cent, and of LPG gas by 100 per cent during1970–84 in India (derived from prices quoted in Leach, 1987). It also competes with supplies offuelwood brought to the market by gatherers from public lands. In forest areas, fuelwood is soldfrom forest depots at a subsidized rate. Because of this competition, fuelwood prices haveremained low since 1985. Thus farmers could not get the expected price for their output, andfurther planting declined after 1988.

Subsidies exist not only for pulpwood supply to industries, but also for supply of fuelwood fromgovernment forests, thus reducing incentives for farmers to produce fuelwood. For instance,fuelwood markets and marketing in Orissa are quite complex. A three-tiered price system exists– the heavily subsidized price applicable to rural people for their own use, the administeredprice paid and charged by the Orissa Forest Corporation, and the free market price. Thesituation is complicated further by a multiple supply system: headloaders, merchants,contractors and the Corporation.

One effect of the subsidized prices is to create a very low-cost source of potential fuelwood,priced at well below the cost of replacement of growing stock through investment in plantations.As long as this source is available, growers are unlikely to be able to sell their trees as fuelwoodto middlemen, at a price that would be commensurate with the costs they have incurred.

The low value of fuelwood also means that in most situations it is likely to be a less profitablecrop for farmers than the growing of trees for sale of poles, construction timber, and fruit(Dewees, 1989). It is likely that fuelwood production will be profitable only in a few special


situations – for example, on the agriculturally marginal sandy soils of the coast, close tomarkets; or when the farmers can themselves sell directly to markets, so benefiting from themuch higher prices for the new product as compared with the price for the tree.

7.1. Fuelwood from Forest Lands

As regards the area of public lands available for planting of trees, Table 12 shows that ascompared to only 12 m ha of village lands there is three times this area of degraded forest lands.Hence the main responsibility of meeting fuelwood needs has to come from forest lands. There isplenty of sunshine, and adequate rainfall in most part of the country, due to which trees can growfairly fast. There are sufficient funds for the forestry sector, at least since 1980, thanks toassistance from multilateral and bilateral donor agencies. Notwithstanding failures, funding forthis sector has continued on a liberal scale.

Fund availability for forest lands had become quite precarious during the Social Forestry phase.As state funds have been locked into meeting the matching contributions required for externalassistance for projects on non-forest lands, forest lands got starved of funds, with severaladverse effects. The neglect of forest lands hurt forest dwellers and tribals, and they had totravel even greater distances to collect fuelwood. It reduced timber supplies to the markets,resulting in price escalation, which further increased smuggling from forest lands. Priceincreases for both timber and fuelwood have been highest during the period 1975–85, ascompared to either before 1975 or after 1985.

The favourable biological potential and availability of financial support is buttressed by a changeafter 1988 in the policy framework governing the management of forest lands, which is moreconducive to sustained development of woodfuel resources than the previous policies.According to the new policy, the requirements, in terms of fuelwood, fodder and small timber, ofthe tribals and other villagers living in and near the forest are now to be treated as first chargeon forest produce. Equity and environmental considerations will be given more weight thanmere earning of revenues.

Therefore social forestry in India should be extended to reserved and protected forest lands bychanging the nature of species from teak, eucalyptus and pine to usufruct and fuelwoodspecies. These should be supplemented with shrubs and bushes to yield fuelwood and fodderin the shortest possible time. This would strengthen access of the poor and women to forests ifspecies suitable for individual gathering by households were planted, and benefits would godirectly to the poor.

An area of confusion in relation to forest lands has been as to what constitutes fuelwoodspecies. There are two different perspectives. For the foresters, fuelwood is obtained by fellingtrees which have a high calorific value, or as lops and tops from timber trees. Casuarina andeucalyptus, therefore, seem perfectly justifiable species on public lands. However, the poorgenerally obtain their fuelwood from the twigs and branches of living trees, not by felling trees,and in reality often get little from the felling of so-called fuelwood trees. Casuarina andeucalyptus may be justified on farm lands if they improve farm incomes on a sustainable basis.But raising them on public lands hardly benefits the poor.

Thus there would be a world of difference between the plantation of eucalyptus and of prosopison roadsides: eucalyptus really benefits urban markets and industry, whereas prosopis can not


only solve the fuelwood problems of poor families, but can also generate self employment forthe poor. Prosopis is a neglected tree in conventional forestry. Although the Forest Departmentignores it in social forestry projects, it grows naturally on degraded soil. Field studies made bythe author in dry areas with low employment opportunities in the slack season, like Anantpur inAndhra Pradesh (CIDA,1988) and Mathura in UP (Saxena, 1989), show that prosopis has on itsown solved the fuelwood crisis, besides providing employment to many who prune the branchesand sell them in urban areas.

A study shows that its yield on degraded soils in Bhavnagar was as high as three tonnes per haper year (Patel, 1987). Prosopis produces double the biomass that eucalyptus does on similarsoils (Banerjee, 1986), and yet is considered by the Forest Department to be a low-value tree.In the Central Board of Forestry papers (GOI, 1987) it has unfortunately been described as aweed. One may recall that bamboo was also described as a weed until the first two decades ofthis century, when its use in the paper industry was discovered, leading to bamboo cultivationon a large scale.

Another way of looking at the issue of afforestation on forest lands is to opt for species whichhave high proportions of branches and twigs relative to stem wood. Given the inefficiency ofadministration and the `soft' character of the political system, one could generalize that from atypical tree, the stem goes to the rich and the towns, while the branches and twigs belong to thepoor. The proportions of stem wood and branches calculated for some trees are presented inTable 13.

The table indicates the superiority of prosopis to eucalyptus on the grounds of both equity andof potential biomass per ha. But despite the Government of India's clear instructions todiscourage eucalyptus on public lands, its percentage in 1986–87 in UP on non-private landswas still 21.2. Prosopis, on the other hand, accounted for only 1.8 per cent (IIPO, 1988: xiv),though even on technical grounds it is a more suitable species for the saline/alkalinewastelands of UP.

A further advantage of planting ‘trees of the poor’ (which are essentially employment-augmenting trees as they require labour for gathering and collection, unlike trees which areclear-felled) on forest and village lands is the likelihood of improved cooperation. People arereluctant to protect trees which will be auctioned or felled, to the benefit of the government,


Species Percentage in total biomass Total biomass in drytonnes/ha

Stem wood and bark Branches and twigs

Eucalyptus 81 19 17.4Subabul 77 23 23.0Acacia Nilotica 47 53 31.6Prosopis Juliflora 30 70 32.2

(Reddy, 1987)


contractors and forest staff. They are much more likely to collaborate in the protection of treesfrom which they, much more than others, are in a position to benefit. Protection by the peopleand greening of degraded forests through regeneration (as opposed to artificial planting) wouldreduce the overall cost of afforestation, so that more degraded area could be given over tofuelwood production.



8.1. NGOs

There are a variety of NGOs working in India today, ranging from those organized forimmediate relief and charity to those that fight directly against entrenched interests, with‘delivery system’ NGOs being the largest in number, aiming to offer more effective andsensitive development and social services than the government provides. These NGOs show ahigher level of motivation and dedication, as well as creativity and innovation, than governmentofficials. They have far greater face-to-face interaction with local people. They are moreresponsive to people’s aspirations, are more sensitive to equity and gender issues, and theirsanctions are based on consensus and social pressure rather than on coercion backed by stateauthority. They have greater organizational flexibility and generally follow a more holisticapproach than is found in the sectoral, departmental government systems.

Several NGOs are active in India in the field of forestry, and there are many reasons for this.Forestry concerns the subsistence needs of the poor, and hence attracts NGOs. It requires littlecapital and as it takes place only on uncultivated lands, the opportunity cost of this economicactivity is minimal. Also, it is easy to get national and international funding for forestry-basedactivities. However, no all-India survey has been done which would indicate the overall results interms of extra fuelwood of the efforts of these NGOs. There are, of course, micro-level studieson the nature of the NGOs’ involvement in forestry. Below we describe the efforts of two NGOs,one on forest and village lands and the other on private degraded lands.

Bruksha O Jeevar Bandhu Parisad, Orissa

Bruksha O Jeevar Bandhu Parisad (meaning ‘Friends of Trees and Living Beings’) has beenworking since 1970 in about 300 villages of Nayagarh district, Orissa on land and forestryissues. It has received several awards for its excellent work in raising awareness aboutenvironmental issues and improving supplies of fuelwood through self-protection by thevillagers. Even when plantation has been raised by the FD, the NGO has helped thegovernment by motivating people to protect the planted area and refrain from illegal cutting.

Each village in the region where the NGO has been active had its own method of meeting itsdomestic energy needs. The primary source of fuelwood was within the village boundaries.Some hamlets/villages had demarcated certain areas, which included portions of village forestand pasture land, for fuelwood collection. In some villages, while one area was being protected,indiscriminate fuelwood collection was taking place in other parts of the village forest andpasture land. Thus, while vegetation flourished in the one part, degradation continued inadjacent patches. Often the village forest was seen as the property of the village whereas theRF (reserve forests) belonged to the Department, so while protection of degraded village forestwas adopted, the well stocked RF was left as open access. As a result, this forest is in manycases now reduced to open scrub vegetation (ODA, 1994).

This raises a question as to what happens with respect to fuelwood availability if the total areaaround a village is protected? In such cases, the fuelwood pressure shifts to two other places.First, to those distant reserved forests with good growing stocks which are managed withoutcommunity protection. Cycle-loads of fuelwood are illegally extracted everyday from suchreserve forests by people of those villages with only a very small and highly degraded, or even


none at all. Conflict has often emerged between cycle-loaders and the people of the villagesthrough which they generally pass. Cycle-load trading became a lucrative business as demandfor fuelwood increased and supply curtailed due to protection efforts in the cluster.

The second type of pressure shift has been to those PF (protected forests) and RF where thevillage committees were found to be less effective in their protection activities. Lack ofeffectiveness was due to internal conflicts, financial constraints and lack of leadership.

Equity issues

Leadership in village committees promoted by the NGO is with the richer households, which areleast dependent on the forest. Because of their relative status and authority, even NGOs whoinitiate community protection have pragmatically sought their active involvement in forestprotection. To have such people on their committee was useful for dealing with other villagesand external authorities.

One particular problem area is those households which are wholly or partially dependent on thecollection and sale of firewood for income. Such people cannot stop cutting wood in forestareas even after the introduction of forest protection in their area. Sometimes wood-cutting hasbeen displaced to more distant, unprotected forests. Often it has persisted in the same village,albeit under continuing pressure to stop from the other members wishing to protect the forest inquestion. In both cases, wood-cutting families are paying the costs of protection in increasedwalking distances or in harassment and fines.

In one village, the idea of establishing a firewood plantation to meet the needs of wood cutterswas rejected on the grounds that the best firewood trees could not be grown in plantation. Italso seemed that the allocation of any special usage rights for forest areas to particular groupswould inevitably cause problems, because it would open up the possibility of other groupsmaking special private claims on common land.

In another village, a group of 35 to 40 potters who use wood to fire their pots are directlydependent on the forest. It would be ideal if an area of land could be allocated for the use ofthese potters, but this advice was rejected by the community in favour of a policy of totalprotection. According to the potters, they need about three quintals of wood every month to fire300 pots. Now they are having to purchase wood from the Corporation depot and collectbrushwood from a forest 10 km away. At the same time they are not obtaining enough wood tomaintain their past production levels. In this village, forest protection is not a win-win situation.The basic issue is of the alternative livelihoods available to those dependent on the forest, andthat does not seem to have been addressed by the FD.

Gender issues

When women were asked for their preferences as regards tree species for plantation, a markeddifference was found between the better-off castes and the poorer Harijan (low-caste) women.The better-off women expressed a preference for teak and sal trees, which can be used forfurniture, whereas the poor Harijan women preferred fuelwood and fruit-bearing trees. This wasfor their own consumption and in some cases for sale. The better-off women, who have thepurchasing power to buy fuelwood, did not see the need to protect forests in order to meet theirfuelwood requirements.


Sadguru Water and Development Foundation, Gujarat

Sadguru Water and Development Foundation (SWDF), a local NGO, has been working in thePanchmahals district of Gujarat state since 1976, in the predominantly tribal and poor talukas ofDahod and Jhalod. Nearly all the tribal people are cultivators and the overwhelming majorityown land. There is very little landlessness. Most agriculture in the area is rainfed, with irrigationcovering only four to 10 per cent of cultivated land. As a result, most farmers are only able togrow one crop a year, and the rest of the year sees heavy seasonal migration. SWDF'sobjectives are to strengthen the livelihoods of poor tribals; make seasonal migrationunnecessary; and end poverty. Its main programme activities so far have been lift irrigation andsocial forestry (Conroy, 1992).

SWDF initiated a social forestry programme in 1982, encouraging tree planting as anappropriate land use system for private marginal land not well suited to agriculture. Eucalyptuswas the only species planted in 1982 and 1983, although since then SWDF has encouragedparticipants to plant other species as well. In 1985, around one million of the 1.8 millionseedlings planted were eucalyptus. So far more than 28 million seedlings have been planted,covering 28,167 acres of land and 24,075 families (SWDF, 1996). The survival rate is roughly60 percent.

As the social forestry programme has been in existence for 14 years, it already has substantialexperience of how the earliest participants have used their trees. There are three principaldirect, regular uses: house construction, fuelwood and making agricultural implements. Themajority of people gave agricultural implements as their highest priority for use of wood,followed by fuel, with house construction as the third priority. This seems to reflect the fact thatthe first two uses are essential to survival, whereas a new or extended house may not be.Eucalyptus was the species most commonly used for all three, though women ranked it highlyfor use in roof construction and as fuelwood, but not for making ploughs. The most frequentlymentioned one-off needs were for funeral and marriage ceremonies. The programme hashelped increase the incomes of the tribals, as well as improving the availability, and henceincreasing consumption, of fuelwood.

8.2. Involvement of the Private Sector in Wood Production

According to the 1988 Forest Policy, forest-based industry should not depend on governmentforests for its raw material supply, but should be asked to establish links with farmers, who willproduce the materials. In turn, industry should provide extension as well as offering a fair pricefor the materials, which reflects production costs. With greater production of wood, lops andtops could be used as firewood, while the main product would be consumed as industrial rawmaterial.

One success story is the linking of poplar growing farmers with a match factory in northern UP.This experiment showed that, with technological back-up, timber-size trees could be raised onfarm lands within eight years. In fact, the farmers' enthusiasm for growing poplar has increasedsupplies to such an extent that several plywood factories have been established in the area,thus providing considerable downstream employment (Ghosh, 1994). In addition to plywood,the paper industry can also get involved in farm forestry, as it demands eucalyptus andbamboo, which are both short rotation crops and eminently suitable for the farm sector.


One paper company, ITC Bhadrachalam Paperboards Ltd in Andhra Pradesh, has beendistributing seedlings under a social forestry programme since 1982, and regular farmforestry/agroforestry plantations were started in 1987. The project envisages the planting offast-growing tree species such as eucalyptus and casuarina on 1,500 ha of marginalagricultural land, owned by individual farmers, in eight districts of Andhra Pradesh. Trees areplanted along field bunds, boundaries and irrigation channels in rows, and as blocks combinedwith intercrops. ITC Bhadrachalam provides the supply of high-quality seedlings (from improvedstock), extension services, a buy-back guarantee for pulpwood, assistance in loan procurement,and research and development support to farmers within the project. The project is eminentlysuccessful, though its impact on fuelwood supplies is not documented (Lal et al., 1993).

There are a number of possible transitional problems in establishing links between industry andfarmers, and these have been noticed in the case of supplies of farmed eucalyptus to papermills. Firstly, many mills are designed for bamboo, and not for eucalyptus. Because of ashortage of bamboo, the mills are closed, or running at low capacity, but are unable to use thenew supply of eucalyptus. Secondly, many mills requiring wood are located in the East andSouth, where there are Forest lands and where eucalyptus plantations were first started onForest lands. However, the supply of eucalyptus in these forests is degraded, obliging the millsto look elsewhere for the wood. For them to transport wood over a distance of more than 200km from the North and West would be uneconomic, hence the paradox of abundant availabilityof raw material in the North and West, and low-capacity operation of mills in the east and southcontinues. A practical solution would be to split the processing units: to establish new pulp-making plants close to farm forestry areas, and then transport the pulp to the mills.

Thirdly, buying small lots of wood from a large number of dispersed farmers requires theestablishment of a new marketing infrastructure, whereas paper mills like to get large-scaleconsignments from forest depots. And lastly, it is not easy to obtain government permission tomove wood bought from private sources, as restrictions exist on transport of wood in manystates. But these are temporary problems and can be sorted out by the mills with the help of thegovernment.

The issue of the leasing of wastelands to industry for afforestation has been a ragingcontroversy in India in the last couple of years. One would whole-heartedly support theinvolvement of industry in the reclamation of non-forest wastelands, such as the desert lands ofRajasthan, the bhal (saline) lands of Gujarat, the ravines of MP and the saline lands of UP,which are so degraded that they no longer support the livelihood needs of the poor. The totalarea of such barren wastelands could be about 20 million ha, out of which one or two million hacan easily be leased or sold to industry. These lands have the advantage of being available incontiguous patches and hence amenable to economies of scale. However, several stategovernments have in the past offered barren lands on lease to industry, but no interest wasshown.

There are also problems in extending this argument to degraded forest lands. Such lands mayhave a low tree density, but satisfy the fuelwood and fodder needs of a large populace. In fact,these lands are degraded because they suffer from extreme biotic pressure, and require neithercapital investment nor higher technology. Instead, they need protection and recuperation, whichcan be done only by working with the people, where industry has neither expertise nor patience.Secondly, if industry produces its own raw materials, who would the farmers sell to? Where istheir market, if not industry? Sixty per cent of farm land is owned by affluent farmers, who aremarket oriented and can be trusted to fulfil the requirements of industry. Since the overall


demand of industry is limited, if it were allowed to be met by leasing, it would adversely affectthe farm forestry programme, which is one of the cheapest and most sustainable methods ofproducing wood. More production of pulpwood in the farm sector would also increase theavailability of fuelwood, which could then be consumed or sold.

8.3. Wood Production in the Cooperative Sector

In addition to NGOs and the private sector, there are many cooperatives which are encouragingfarmers to plant trees on their degraded lands. The oldest and most successful is the NashikDistrict Eucalyptus Growers' Cooperative Society in Maharashtra, conceived in 1983, which wasthe first of its kind in India. The cooperative was organized primarily to cater to the needs ofless-privileged farmers in terms of availability of irrigation facilities. Most farmers, with uncertainlabour availability and markets for seasonal agricultural crops, needed an alternative to theconventional agricultural cropping pattern which could ensure economic returns in a shortperiod. With the goal of quick financial relief to farmers, the cooperative started cultivation offast-growing trees like eucalyptus on rotations of five and six years. Eucalyptus had theadvantage of coppicing well and efficiently using limited water resources to produce maximumbiomass. Eucalyptus has an assured market in the pulp and paper industry, and can be madeinto many other products, including posts, poles, firewood, charcoal and particleboard.

Any farmer can become a member of the Society in Nashik district by paying a fee of Rs 1000per acre. By amendment of the relevant by-laws, this fee was relaxed for poor farmers whofound it beyond their capacity. For them, the amount was reduced to Rs 50 per acre, enablingthe poor farmer to secure membership in the society.

The Society now includes 2,413 farmers in Nashik district, and eucalyptus trees have beenplanted on 4,216 ha. It organizes supply of planting materials to farmers in collaboration withthe State Forest Department and the Social Forestry Department. It also provides farmers withtechnical guidance regarding eucalyptus cultivation.

For three years, the Society has organized harvests of five-to-seven-year-old eucalyptus trees.Farmers are advised not to harvest if the trees are not mature enough, but the final decision isleft to each farmer. Once the decision to harvest is made, the Society and farmer agree on adate for felling. On that day, the Society's specially trained team of farm workers conducts theharvesting operation. The number and size of poles are recorded in the field. The poles arethen transported to the Society's sales depot. There the poles are categorized according tolength and girth classifications, with each class placed in separate lots. The poles are sold atprices fixed by the Society for each length and girth class. Since 1988–89, the Society hasevolved a system of marketing. During the first year, sales of eucalyptus poles amounted to 1.2million Rs. During 1989–90, the poles fetched a total of 4.5 million Rs.




Output and financial results from wood growing projects depend on many factors, such as soils,climate, moisture, species and technology. But the most important factor is protection. Onprivate lands it is usually moderate to good, and hence the cost of protection can be controlledor predicted, but on public lands lack of protection is often a major weakness. This makes iteasy to quantify economic results from wood growing on private lands, but much harder onpublic lands.

As survival and protection of the trees vary due to factors beyond the control of the ForestDepartment, output from similar lands and similar investments can vary by a factor of as muchas 10, so isolated examples of cost-benefit analysis can be misleading. Some productionresults are even derived from laboratory conditions, without the field problems of cattle andhuman pressure, meaning that they are not replicable. In other words, a study of factorsimpinging on the long-term survival of plants on public lands may be more useful than a cost-benefit analysis in which protection cost is calculated by multiplying the number of hired workersby their wage rates. While discussing the financial results of obtaining fuelwood from forestlands, we have kept the above precaution in mind.

9.1. Wood from Forest Lands

Compared to village lands, degraded forest lands have better root stock and soil structure, andtherefore the dependence of local populations on them is higher. To what extent people wouldpermit a fuelwood plantation on forest lands to succeed depends on several factors.

According to Ostrom (1994), the reasons why different groups cooperate by not over-grazing orillicit felling while others do not are linked to both internal and external factors. The internalvariables include the total number of decision makers; inter-dependence among theparticipants; the discount rate or risk perceptions of the group; similarities of interest;leadership; information about expected benefits and costs; and shared norms andopportunities. The external variables are related to government policies, especially regardingsecurity of tenure. If governments are able to create exclusive rights over forest produce for agiven group, people in that group may forgo immediate consumption in favour of better yields inthe future. Blueprint thinking (that is, imposition of uniform solutions to a wide variety of localproblems), over-dependence on external sources of help, and corruption or other forms ofopportunistic behaviour on the part of external agencies are likely to cause threats to thesustainable community governance of common property resources.

During the period of protection, people have to limit extraction to allow for sustained supply infuture. This may mean that additional labour is spent in the short run on collecting fuelwoodfrom further away. Also, participation entails the enforcement of rules and regulations, whichalso requires labour. In the cost-benefit analysis, it is therefore necessary to ensure these costsare taken into account and covered by the eventual return.


Such benefits will in turn depend upon:

• Future wood yield – rate of growth of trees, unit value, gestation period;

• Annual harvest of twigs and branches and other NTFPs – biological productivity, unit value;

• Amount of effort required to get fuelwood and other products, ease in gathering;

• Marketing infrastructure for wood and NTFPs; and

• Alternatives available for household labour in agriculture, non-farm employment, migration


Costs and benefits from protection will not be uniform for all concerned, and may differ fromsituation to situation. In particular, some vulnerable groups, such as headloaders, women,graziers and the landless poor, are in danger of losing their livelihoods or means of sustenancewhen protection of a degraded forest begins.

A study (Femconsult, 1995) of the impact of protection on various groups in a Gujarat villagecalculated the net worth of the benefits from protection at 12 per cent discount rate over aperiod of 30 years, and compared it with another village under departmental plantation whereprotection by the people had not been undertaken. The results are shown in Table 14.

The overall gains to the village are thus tremendous. This is primarily because the villageforest had valuable teak as the main species. When a similar calculation was done in aWest Bengal village with sal as the main species and where villages get 25 per centshare in the final harvest as opposed to 50 per cent in Gujarat, the corresponding gainswere much less. In both cases, headloaders emerged as the biggest losers. In the latter


Beneficiary Net worth in 000 Rs at 12% for 30 years



Increment % change

Revenue to the village 2,242 0 2,242 -

EmploymentHeadloadersLivestock ownersNTFP collectors

Net in kind












Total benefit to the village 4,793 1,431 3,362 235

6 These have been calculated on the assumption that protection in the JFM village will continue by the peoplethroughout the 30-year cycle. This in itself will depend on a number of variables. However, no account has beentaken of these factors while calculating the economic returns, making the conclusions somewhat suspect. Theinadequacy of this type of economic analysis is apparent from the fact that JFM is more successful in West Bengalthan Gujarat, though the financial analysis given here suggests otherwise.


case, graziers and gatherers of NTFPs also lost, as closing of forest canopy led toreduced grass and tendu production. Often in sal forests, leaf sweeping needs to becontrolled in order to induce regeneration. This too hits women and the poor. Failure tocompensate losers may disrupt the consensus over protection, and thus one would needincome-generating programmes for them until the trees mature.

Integration of protection with other rural development programmes may be necessaryeven in villages which are homogeneous in nature. A study (SPWD, 1992: 40) of anNGO-inspired JFM initiative in Gujarat noted that a major reason for success was theexistence of many complementary activities alongside JFM, such as:

• Biogas installation under the Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation’s scheme;

• A fodder plot programme, under which green fodder was provided and villagers wereable to stop open grazing in forests;

• Village nurseries under DRDA were started in order to create peripheral plantations;and

• Homestead garden scheme was adopted under the Tribal Area Sub Plan.

Thus whether protection will succeed, and where, may often depend on other ruraldevelopment programmes or on efforts made to increase the productivity of land otherthan degraded forests: private lands, non-forest village commons and forests remotefrom villages. If programmes to make these lands productive are taken up simultaneouslywith or prior to protection, they may meet the employment and income needs of thepeople during the period they are required to reduce their consumption of fuelwood etc.from specific forests.

9.2. Wood from Non-forest Public Lands

The area available in this category of land for wood production has been estimated inpara 6.4. Being close to habitation, such lands are also subject to human and cattlepressure, the implications of which for long-term sustainability have been consideredabove. In addition, these lands are more degraded than forest lands, and to increasetheir productivity would often require investments in irrigation and soil improvements inaddition to the normal costs of seedlings, plantation and protection. Reclamation costsand yields were estimated for non-forest wastelands by the Agriculture FinanceCorporation in 1986 as shown in Table 15.

Thus an investment of 9,000 to 15,000 Rs per ha (at 1987 prices) would increase theproductivity from almost nil at present to between four and eight Mt (or six to 12 m3 ) per



Name of district Area ofwaste

land in ha

Cost perha (Rs) Main species proposed

Av. yield inMt/ha/year

1. Chittoor(Andhra Pradesh)

500 10,100 Eucalyptus, subabul, teak,bamboo, mango and grasses


2. Srikakulum(Andhra Pradesh)

600 9,600 Eucalyptus, subabul, cashew andcasuarina


3. Surat (Gujarat) 1,251 8,600 Eucalyptus, subabul, teak andbamboo


4. Sabarkantha(Gujarat)

976 8,900 Same as above plus prosopisjuliflora


5. Hassan(Karnataka)

400 10,300 Mango, sapota, eucalyptus,casuarina and tamarind


6. Meerut (UP) 625 15,000 Poplar, eucalyptus, babul,sheesham, mulberry


7. Raibareli (UP) 434 13,500 Prosopis juliflora 6–7


ha per year, which is eight to 16 times higher than the present productivity of governmentforests7.

The ratio of yields to costs of planting trees on farm bunds, roadsides and canal banks wouldbe much more favourable, as they generally have good moisture and are more productive thanrevenue wastelands. The costs of planting trees in 1988 in various state social forestry projects,at Rs 4,000 to 8,000 per ha including overheads, have also been lower than the average for theAFC reclamation projects. The impact of such an investment on fuelwood availability andemployment would be tremendous.

The most cost effective way of producing fuelwood is from those wastelands which havealready been infested with coppicing shrubs such as prosopis, where the cost of plantation andreplacement is almost zero. Production here requires only human labour, and marketing costsare confined to transport. We consider an example below.

A study was conducted in Raichur district in Karnataka to investigate the economics of thecutting from public lands and selling of prosopis wood as fuel. Almost all landless and manysmall farmers were engaged in this activity, cutting fuelwood and transporting it in their owncarts to the nearest market. The average number of family members involved over a year was

7 For forest lands, two varying estimates of current productivity are vailable. On the basis of remote sensing data,

Warner(1982) estimates current productivity for the entire 67 million ha of forests at 0.4 m3 of wood per ha per year. However, the Forest Survey of India (FSI, 1988: 31) estimateda productivity of 0.7 m3 in 1985. The FSI estimateincludes both recorded and unrecorded removals from forests, and hence would seem the more accurate.



Item Cost/Return in Rs

Actual expenses incurredMunicipality fee 128Misc. expenses (snacks and tea at market, repairs etc.) 600

Total paid out cost 728

Returns obtained*Av. quantity of wood sold (no. of cartloads) 64Av. price/cartload of wood sold 152

Gross returns 9711Profit over paid out cost 8983Net return over paid out cost/family/man-day 17Employment provided/adult family member (man-days/year) 250

The average price per cartload is actually 151.74, and therefore the gross returns are 151.74 x 64 = 9711(Hugar et al., 1989)

2.1, and the total number of mandays per family engaged in the activity every year was 522.The returns and employment generation on a per family basis per year are given in Table 16.

It was observed that the people involved in cutting and selling of prosopis, on average, sold 64cartloads in a year, each containing about five quintals, at the rate of Rs 152 per cartload, byengaging about 522 mandays of family labour. The net returns accrued to a family engaged inthe activity worked out to be Rs 17 (8,983/522) per manday, which was far above the off-season agricultural wage rate of six Rs per day in that area at the time of the study (1988).

Owing to the absence of land as well as their poor asset position, people engaged in the activitywere denied institutional finance, making them resort to private money lenders for credit tosecure bullocks, bullock carts and other materials. The majority of the people also complainedthat they were committed to selling their wood to a wholesale-cum-retailers at the price quotedby him, in view of the advance received. These problems need attention.

9.3. Cost-benefit Analysis of Eucalyptus on Farm Lands

The cost of establishing energy plantations on private lands depends on several parameters,such as soil type, water source, climate, labour, etc. It has been estimated that in 1989 the costof raising plantations, from nurturing seedlings in the nursery to transplanting them into thefields to maintaining the plantation for a rotation cycle of five years, ranges from Rs 10,000 toRs 13,000 per hectare. A conservative estimate of the biomass yield from one hectare ofirrigated plantation is about 15 tonnes per year. Thus a one-hectare plantation, on a five-yearcycle, can yield 75 tonnes of biomass, which at a rate of Rs 500 per tonne could fetch Rs37,500 in five years, against an initial investment of Rs 10,000.


These are, however, theoretical estimates only. For better estimation one must look at fieldresults. A large number of studies are available on the results of cost-benefit analyses of treesplanted on farm lands. Fuelwood in such cases is generally a by-product, and the main productis pole or pulpwood. As the results depend on species, soil and region, for the sake ofcomparability we summarize the results on eucalyptus planted on irrigated soils in NW India inTable 17.

These studies suffer, however, from a number of infirmities. Apart from the fact that none of thestudies in Table 17 explains the methodologies used adequately, there are other problems inaccepting the results of these studies. First, high returns from bund plantations should not haveled to a decline in planting levels in that area. Second, the data in many studies (Mathur et al.,1984; Chatterjee, 1985; World Bank, 1988b) do not seem to emanate from actual farmconditions, as the figures for both yield and returns have been taken from governmentplantations. Such studies are, at best, ex-ante analyses, although they do not admit to be so.Third, the year of field work has often not been mentioned, making it difficult to relate the highprice per tree given in the study with the actual field conditions prevailing in northern India after1987.

Despite these serious flaws, it appears that the financial results from block planting were not asgood as from bund planting. For instance, Chatha et al. (1991) found bund plantation extremelyprofitable in the Punjab, but for block plantings the same study estimated net annual returns asonly Rs 2,500 per ha, where field crops would have yielded Rs 10,000 per ha on a similar plot(both figures being undiscounted). This difference may be partly due to the bund trees claimingbetter access to sunlight and water, but in most cases of bund plantations given in Table 17,the assumption behind the financial analysis needs to be questioned. These studies have eitherignored the effect of eucalyptus on field boundaries on crop production (Mathur et al., 1984;Singh, 1988; World Bank, 1988b; Chatha et al., 1991), or have categorically denied that there isa loss. Later research (Suresh et al., 1987; Shah, 1988; Ahmed, 1989; Chaturvedi, 1989; Malikand Sharma, 1990; Shukla, 1991) has conclusively proved that eucalyptus causes crop loss,which needs to be taken into account while calculating financial results.

The author’s own research (Saxena, 1991) on bund planting of eucalyptus in western UPshowed that the variability in density of trees, wood output and other indices was quite large, asindicated by the standard deviation in Table 18. We found that even for similar spacing, treegirth and crop losses have varied a great deal, presumably because of the genetic deteriorationin the status of E. hybrid, the uneven quality of seedlings, or the nature of the species itself.

As the B-C ratio was never less than one, all farmers were better off after planting eucalyptus,although results were not as promising as other studies showed. Farmers were disappointedwith the meagre profits as they were expecting heavy windfalls from planting of eucalyptus. Oneof the reasons for low profits perhaps lies in the nature of markets, which is discussed in thefollowing chapter.



Author State Type Density per ha

Space(in m)

Expenses per plant(Rs)

Age atfelling (years)

Weightper tree (kg)

Price per tree (Rs)


Mathur et al. (1984) UP bund 200 - 4.6 8 - 90 - 7.2 at 15%Chatterjee (1985) UP " 200 2 0.1 - - 100 Add’l profits were

Rs 1507/ha; add’linvestment onlyRs 12

World Bank(1988b)

UP " 200 - 0.4 4-6 - 90-100 ERR was 100%

Ahmed (1989) Haryana " 250 1.8 2.2 8 190 94 47%, 9.0 at 15%Chatha et al.(1991)

Punjab " - 2.5 1.1 - - 13 - 10 at 0%

Mathur et al.(1984)

UP block - 4 x 2 - 8 - 90–100 96% -

Singh (1988) Haryana " 2023 - 13.0 8 - 58 - 3.3 at 12%World Bank(1988b)

UP " 4000 - 0.7 4–6 - 90–110 ERR was 100%

Rawat (1989) UP " 2000 4 x1.25

4.4 8 30–35 25 27% 1.2 at 12%

Aulakh (1990) Punjab " 1200 3 x 3 11.0 10 100 20 Loss ascompared toannual crops

Chatha et al.(1991)

Punjab " 1900 - 0.7 7 50 19.6 Loss ascompared toannual crops

(Saxena, 1994)

8 Undiscounted, does not include harvest and post-harvest expenses; ERR = Economic rate of return.



Variable Mean Std dev Minimum Maximum

1. Land owned (ha) 5.87 3.27 38 13.332. Annual crop production/ha (Rs) 13231 3174 8540 203493. Space between trees (m) 1.41 0.65 0.3 3.04. Density trees per ha 219 207 21 8005. Survival of plants in % 76.38 12.53 50 1006. Width of loss in the 4th year and after (m) 5.18 2.33 2 107. Direct expenses per plant (Rs) 1.52 0.79 0.56 3.608. Crop loss per tree during the entire rotation

(Rs)8.23 4.16 1.50 15.6

9. Value of twigs (Rs) per farmer 267.36 201.62 0 72210. Sale price/tree (Rs) 45.20 19.85 10.0 100.011. BC-ratio 1.79 0.87 1.01 4.63Note: Rupee values have been discounted for the year of planting of trees at 15 per cent for items 7 and 8, whileundiscounted values have been shown for items 2, 9, and 10.



Wood markets in India have not been studied systematically so far. On the other hand,agricultural markets and their role in rural welfare have been widely discussed. It is nowgenerally agreed that farming systems and production conditions vary a great deal from regionto region in India, and so does the level of information among the peasantry, their political clout,and infrastructure for marketing. Markets in eastern regions, which are paddy growing andsubsistence-oriented, are relatively underdeveloped as compared to markets in thecommercialized wheat or cash crop growing regions (Kahlon and Tyagi, 1983). Markets in NWIndia are considered to be competitive, sensitive to the laws of supply and demand, andefficient (Von Oppen et al., 1979). Thus it is reasonable to expect that wood markets in differentregions would also behave differently.

However, there are fundamental differences between agricultural products and wood products.We discuss below the main points of divergence between the two products.

Diversity of use

As already stated in Section 1, wood is a heterogeneous material and is capable of givingmultiple products. For instance, for eucalyptus, the thickest portion of the trunk can be used astimber, if the girth of the trunk, with bark, is more than 70 cm. Poles are used for scaffoldingsupport and as roofing material. The dimensions of logs for use as poles should be three to sixmetres in length, and 30 to 70 cm in girth. Cut pieces of similar girth but shorter in height areused as pulpwood in paper mills. All smaller pieces, twigs, bark, and roots, which cannot beused elsewhere, are used as fuelwood. Thus there is no single wood market, conceptually andspatially, in a town. The structure and conduct of each market differs from others dependingupon species, and the purpose of use of wood.


Unlike foodgrains, no processing of wood takes place on the farm, in the household or by thepanchayats. Trees are generally sold in situ, or brought to the market without any processing,which increases the dependence of wood producers on middlemen. For use as fuelwood, woodis split into convenient, smaller pieces, either manually with an axe at the fuelwood depot, or ata sawmill for use in brick kilns. Thus, processing takes place at the retail point.

Competition with government produce

Third, unlike agricultural products which are supplied only from private farms, the government isa big supplier of wood. In fact, until the harvesting of social forestry plantations started in themid-1980s, the government had a substantial share in the supply of woodfuel, both formally andinformally through gathering. Considerations of prevention of theft from government forests ledto the imposition of a number of controls on free marketing of woodfuel, which have inhibitedthe growth of wood markets.


Bulk consumers of eucalyptus

In matters of consumption, too, woodfuel has some peculiarities. For foodgrains, mostconsumption is restricted to households. For woodfuel, in addition to households and smallestablishments, there are bulk consumers, such as tile manufacturers and brick kilns, who buyfuelwood.

These and many other issues of government policy have influenced the evolution of woodfuelmarkets, which determine the flow of wood and the incomes of farmers (Saxena, 1991).

Market information

Evaluation studies of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka Social Forestry Projects showed that very fewfarmers were aware of market conditions and the price they could expect for their product(SIDA, 1988; ODA, 1989). Ignorance was more rampant among the smaller than among thelarger farmers (ILO, 1988). Even those who had harvested and sold some of their produce werenot sure whether they had got the right price for it. For agricultural crops, such as groundnut,local newspapers published prices daily, but there was no such mechanism for fuelwood (FAO,1988). These studies give the impression that whereas in a competitive and efficient marketinformation should circulate freely, for marketing of fuelwood, farmers' and panchayats’awareness about buyers and the prevailing market price was weak.

Market access

Only a few farmers brought their wood produce to the markets. In most cases, the standingwood crop was sold to the middlemen or contractors, who then arranged to fell the trees,graded them, made payment to the farmers, and took it to the market (ORG, 1990a; Chatha etal., 1991). In Rajasthan, where there is no paper mill, and poles are generally imported fromHaryana, small farmers found that there were no buyers for eucalyptus trees, whereas thelarge-scale farmers, with 10,000 or more trees to sell, had to locate buyers from other statesthrough newspaper advertisements (USAID, 1990). Thus, farmers did not have a choice ofmany buyers, whereas in a competitive and efficient system there are large numbers of buyersand sellers.

Number of intermediaries

Between the producers and retailers there were about three to four layers of intermediaries. InWest Bengal, marketing was done through a three-tier hierarchy of middlemen, called agents,merchants and wholesalers. Sometimes, there are large agents between village agents andmerchants, thus increasing the number of middlemen to four (IMRB, 1989a). Similarly, inDharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, the village contractor makes an advance payment to the farmer, andbuys his produce on maturity. The contractor in turn sells wood to a commission agent, whocharges four per cent commission on sale. The produce reaches the retailers from thecommission agents via another category of middlemen, called subagents (IMRB, 1989b). Forfuelwood in Hyderabad, which originates from the Forest Department, there are threemiddlemen between the Department and consumer: the forest contractor, commission agent,and the retailer (Dunkerley and Gopi, 1985).


Farmers in western UP, who are politically more aware than in subsistence regions, have beenfollowing several marketing channels for eucalyptus, the important ones being:

1. Farmer–direct to brick kiln or paper mill

2. Farmer–village agent–paper mill

3. Farmer–village agent–sawmill–brick kiln

4. Farmer–village agent–fuelwood depot–consumer

5. Farmer–village agent–sawmill–partly to furniture maker and rest to fuelwood depot

6. Farmer–village agent–commission agent–sawmill–brick kiln

A farmer's share in the final price paid by the consumer would vary in each case (if onlybecause of the costs of breaking bulk). A significant part of the farm produce was disposed ofthrough routes three and four above, each involving only two intermediaries, while in manycases the number of intermediaries was even less than two. In some cases farmers took theproduce themselves to a brick kiln or the paper mill. In many cases of route three, the sawmilland the brick kiln were owned by the same individual and established at the same site, thusfurther reducing the number of intermediaries.

Marketing margins

One of the ways to measure efficiency of wood markets is to estimate the difference betweenthe retail price and the price obtained by the farmers, and to determine whether the existingmargins are excessive in relation to the costs of services rendered. In Haryana the prevailingmarket price for fuelwood in 1989 was Rs 250 to 300 per tonne, whereas farmers got Rs 120–150 a tonne for fuelwood-sized trees. The difference was more pronounced in the case oftimber-sized trees, for which the farmers got only Rs 220–230 per tonne, as against a marketprice of Rs 600–750 per tonne (Athreya, 1989).

In a study of fuelwood markets in Hyderabad, where wood came from government forests, itwas calculated that the final price paid by the consumer consisted of the following components:

Price to Forest Department 18

Transport 25

Middlemen's margins 57

Total 100


Thus middlemen’s margins were quite high. However, the same may not be true of areas wheremarkets are well developed. In a study of farmers' disposal of eucalyptus from the western UPregion, the gross margin of all intermediaries was worked out to be Rs 82 per tonne (Singh andGill, 1988). Another study of the entire state of UP calculated the trade margins in farmeucalyptus as 19–23 per cent of the price paid to the farmer (ORG, 1990b). Further, in none ofthe transactions in western UP did farmers take loans from traders. Thus, inter-locking ofcapital and output markets, a characteristic of eastern India, was not a feature of western UPwood markets. Many of the farmers selling eucalyptus were first-time sellers. It was also seenthat farmers' information about market practices and their confidence in negotiating with tradersimproved with experience. Those who had already sold trees were more knowledgeable andhad better access to markets.

Restrictions on free trade

In order to protect forest wealth from pilfering, many state governments have imposedrestrictions on the movement of wood from farm lands. In UP, farmers required a transit permitup to 19919 if they wished to transport eucalyptus. Permission is also required in many statesfor harvesting and felling a tree. Sometimes, as in Bihar and Himachal Pradesh, the productcan be sold only to a designated government agency. These rigid rules are designed to preventillicit felling from government forests, but they also act against the interests of producers, asthey form a barrier between the producers and the market, and bring uncertainty in theoperation of sale transactions. This set of laws has been the single most important factorbehind the unpopularity of farm forestry programmes. Even when some laws were liberalized,the changes were not publicized, with the result that harassment continued as usual.

In West Bengal it was noticed that the system of obtaining a permit for felling trees was time-consuming and involved bribes. The movement of an application through various channels wasas follows:

Application----> village panchayat and the pradhan----> standing committee consisting of theBDO, range officer and some elected members----> range officer----> local land reforms officerto verify ownership of land----> the range officer to estimate the value of the plantation (thisdecides who in the forest hierarchy would issue the permit)----> the buyer to make an affidavit,and obtain a court order----> now the buyer can cut trees, and apply to the range officer for atransit permit----> the range officer (or his superior, depending upon the value of plantation) toinspect and hammer the trees, and then issue the transit pass.

What added to the harassment of agents, and consequently to the low prices paid to farmers,was the fact that the officials involved were located in different places, and hence agents had toapproach several offices for clearance.

In Tamil Nadu too, restrictions on movement of wood are a major irritant. It takes three monthsto obtain a permit, in which time wood tends to lose weight. Many producers would like tomarket their trees themselves, and so would large urban merchants, but both have to dependon middlemen because of the permit problem. This increases the gap between producer priceand the market price.

9 The law was amended in 1991 freeing farm eucalyptus from transit regulations.


Under the Bihar Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade) Act, 1984, farmers can sell wood to theState Trading Organization only, and all sales in the markets are considered illegal. A studyrevealed that getting permits from government often required interventions from ministers, andsometimes even such recommendations did not expedite sales.

In many states it is very difficult to obtain a new license for operating a sawmill, as the stategovernments consider sawmills responsible for deforestation. There are many mills whichoperate without licenses. This causes uncertainty in the operation of the processing units andincreases corruption.

10.1. Different Categories of Traders in Western UP

In any given market, firms trading in wood are likely to be economically and socially diverse.Table 19 describes the different type of agents found operating in wood markets in western UP(north-west India), and their characteristics. The traders dealing mainly in fuelwood aregenerally different from those dealing in more expensive species. The latter are generally well-established and large traders, with access to capital, education and the bureaucracy. There is agood deal of grading and processing to be done in wood from species like mango, sissoo andteak, which increase their value at each step. These are sawn into rounds and flats, and thenused for making furniture. They are also used in plywood and veneer factories. The finishedproducts are stored for long periods and are transported far and wide, sometimes more than1,500 km. These products have an all-India market. On the other hand, the poorer traders, suchas village agents, fuelwood depots and some commission agents, are involved in fuelwood.This requires little processing – its final use is either in brick kilns, small restaurants orhouseholds, so it is not important for the logs to be straight, smooth or free of knots. Becausevalue addition was little, quick turnover of capital was possible. These characteristics suited thesmall traders.

Entry Barriers to Trade

Licenses are required from the Market Committee, the Forest Department, the ForestCorporation and the Municipal Corporation for conducting business. As in the foodgrain trade,many functionaries in the wood trade combine in themselves several roles, and hold differentkinds of licenses.

As a result of a high degree of specialization, and thus of asset specificity, in western UP woodmarkets there is a high degree of repeat and relational trading among different traders dealingin timber and poles – wholesalers, sawmillers, carpenters and retailers – both in supply ofmaterial and of credit, with the result that it is almost impossible for a newcomer to start in thetimber trade if others do not permit. The traders learn skills, gained experience and establishedcontacts with others in the trade as apprentices first, before launching their own independententerprises. The inter-dependency is stronger if there are caste or communal linkages between





Saw millers Commission


Retailers Village agents Fuelwood depots

Interest in farm eucalyptus Nil Marginal Medium to high High High High

Main species Teak, sissoo

imported sal,



Same as


mango, farm


All, including farm


Sawn wood and farm


Mango and farm


Farm eucalyptus

and mixed wood

Source of capital Banks Banks and informal Banks and informal Informal Informal Informal

Education High Average Average Low Low Low

Social status High Average Average Average Low Low to average

Religion/caste High-caste Hindus

and Muslims

Mixed Mostly Muslims Muslims or low-caste


Muslims or low-

caste Hindus


Location of business Urban towns Large and small


Urban towns Large and small


Small towns and


Large and small


Main source of raw material Forest Corporation,



village agents

Village agents,


Village agents,

farmers, saw millers

Farmers Village agents,





Annual turnover in Rupees 0.2 to 2 million 0.1 to 0.5 million 0.1 to one million 50,000 to 500,000 20,000 to 100,000 20,000 to 100,000

Change in number in last five years Declined Increased Increased Increased Increased Same or declined


different sections of the trade. Social ascription facilitates entry, as money is often borrowedfrom family sources, or from the firms where apprenticeship was obtained. For instance, inJaspur market, which specializes in processing eucalyptus wood as timber, almost all tradersare Muslims. Muslim entrants in this market have the advantage of training within the family inassessing the quality of wood, and of access to other traders. A few Hindu and Sikh traderswho have attempted entry have ultimately sold out to Muslims. Collaboration between differentsections of the trade dealing in timber and poles is on both a professional and a social basis,which discriminates against socially unfamiliar new entrants.

By contrast, village agents have traditional links with other traders operating in the town,involving exchange of goods on credit. Their number has greatly increased, and many relationsof commission agents and retailers have started visiting villages to negotiate with farmers.Lately some large farmers have joined the trade as village agents for supplies of farmeucalyptus to the paper mills, or to brick kilns (their owners are mostly non-Muslims). Thistransaction generally does not involve any other intermediary or processing, and there are notrade barriers to their entry. Such exchanges are always in cash.

The fuelwood stalls have a locational monopoly. There are physical entry barriers, as newshops would not be able to get the kind of open space required for a fuelwood retail trade.Because of problems of space, some stalls are set up on encroached public lands.

Between sawmillers and wholesalers, and between retailers and sawmillers, there are ofteninterlocked contracts involving long payment delays. Thus sawmillers appear to be verticallyintegrated (Hill and Ingersent, 1977) with both suppliers of raw material and retailers, but suchan integration is non-existent or weak when the produce is supplied from farmers to brick kilnsor paper mills in UP.

10.2. Case Study of a Fuelwood Market 9

Rudrapur is a block-level market in the Kichha tehsil of Nainital district, UP. The town is easilyapproachable from other main markets in the area, like Haldwani, Kichha, Rampur andKashipur. Settled after independence, Rudrapur is fast becoming a modern town, attractingpeople from different parts of the country.

The distribution of wood traders in this town is as follows:

Type of trader No. of traders

Sawmill owners 3Sellers of firewood 9Plywood factories 5

9 Based on author’s own research carried out in 1990–91


The market receives its supply from an area encompassing 100 km2. About 10,000 quintals ofeucalyptus from farm lands is purchased by firewood stalls (or taals) to meet the local needs ofthe town. Sawmill owners receive their annual requirement of 7,000 quintals of sheesham, teak,sal and mango wood from the Forest Corporation. The plywood factories buy from both theForest Corporation and farmers who sell poplar, mango and semal (silk cotton) to the factoriesthrough traders.

The transportation of all of the firewood is done using cycles, tongas, bullock carts, rickshawsand tractors, but very little sawn wood is transported by traditional means – trucks and tractorsare generally used instead. The plywood factories use trucks for transporting their raw materialsand finished products.

A traders’ committee functions here for the entire market, but there is no separate committee orassociation for merchants dealing in wood. Sawmills, plywood factories and timber merchantsare widely spread out in different parts of the town and therefore the traders do not know eachother.

In spite of the inherent difficulties of this trade, two women are also engaged in this business.These women have opened taals on the public footpath, which amounts to illegalencroachment. Because they are women, they are not subjected to harassment by Corporationstaff and the police to the same extent as the male stallholders are. The husbands of boththese women have small paan (betel) shops in nearby kiosks and occasionally they help theirwives in the business. Their children also help.

Out of nine firewood stalls, only three are on the stallholders’ own land. Of the others, one is ona rented plot and the remaining five are on footpaths or vacant public land. Because of an acuteshortage of space, these taals can only store 400–500 quintals of firewood at a time. Firewoodstored in larger quantities may lead to the stalls causing an obstruction. Some of the firewoodstallholders keep their stock with the farmers for weeks together, and transport it to their stallswhen there is available space. The stalls have a crowded appearance, with prospective buyersand sellers of firewood vying to get fast service.

All the stallholders are above 25 and under 50 years old. Most are illiterate. Only one of them,Lekhraj, has been educated up to primary level. Six out of the nine are not educating theirchildren. Most of the stall owners do not possess any agricultural land, but have sidebusinesses. For most of them, it is not an hereditary trade. In fact, most of them haveabandoned their traditional livelihoods and then adopted this particular vocation. Only one,Karnail Singh, is following in his father’s footsteps. Most of the non-Muslim taal owners settledin Rudrapur only after 1970. Karnail Singh is the only one who moved there with his father,settling down in 1950 after migrating from the Punjab. His father started a career as a carpenterand Karnail Singh is also engaged in the same trade, though on a limited scale.

Pattern of purchase

The firewood bought by the stalls consists of twigs and branches of less than six inchesdiameter. The stallholders buy wood from contractors and farmers, and not from the ForestCorporation, despite the fact that supply from the Forest Corporation is received on credit ofone month. This is because they are uneducated petty traders and lack large capital. They do


not have the confidence to deal with a government organization, which involves a lot ofpaperwork. They fear harassment and difficulties in buying their requirement from the ForestCorporation. The Corporation has in recent years reduced its total firewood sales, and nowconcentrates more on timber. The farmers sell standing trees to traders and contractors whobuy wood at the rate of Rs 30–35 per quintal and sell it at Rs 45–50 per quintal to the firewoodstallholders after paying three rupees per quintal for cutting and two rupees per quintal forcartage. Some stalls buy directly from gatherers who collect wood from forest lands and bring itby cycle, rickshaw and tonga. They collect twigs and branches of sheesham, teak, sal, sakhoo,mahua, pine, eucalyptus, poplar and whatever else is easily available from public lands.Sometimes they spend the night in the shops and in the morning proceed to the forests togather wood. They take their payment once in three or four days. The firewood stalls buy theirrequirement from them at rates varying from Rs 35 to 40 per quintal. The stallholders engagelabour for chopping the wood, for which they pay two rupees per quintal. On average, the hiredlabourers are able to cut about 10 to 15 quintals of wood per head in a day. The stallholdersthen add 30 per cent for drying and 20 per cent profit to the cost, which comes to 45 + 15 + 10= 70 Rs per quintal, the sale price. The stalls do not buy standing trees from the farmers.Some, like Lekhraj and Smt. Shakuntla Devi, go to the villages, but buy only the wood left withthe farmers by the contractors because it is unsuitable for pulp or poles.

When the firewood taal owners go to the farmers to buy, the consignment is weighed at thefarmers’ premises. But when the farmers bring their own wood to the taal owners, it is weighedat the taal. Farmers are paid in cash by the taal owners. As the prices of all types of wood arefixed according to weight, the traders buy and sell different varieties of wood, namely logs,firewood and poles, on a per quintal basis only.

None of the firewood stall owners have any facilities for manufacturing furniture etc. from logs.They do not possess their own transport, and are thus entirely dependent on contractors fortheir transport requirements. They also do not keep any account of their sales and purchases.After taking care of domestic expenses, all earnings are invested in the business.

The percentage of different types of wood arriving in the firewood stalls is as follows :

Eucalyptus 85%Poplar 5%Mango 2%Sheesham 2%Sakhoo 2%Pipal 2%Others 2%

Most of the traders are hesitant to borrow money as working capital from the banks. Because oftheir limited capital and comparatively small investment, they cannot get a loan exceeding Rs5,000 from the national banks. Some of them, however, borrowed Rs 5,000 from the banks tostart their businesses, with 15–18 per cent interest on the loan. Sometimes they also borrow


money with interest from the village moneylenders. These moneylenders give money only tothose who are known to them or who can produce sureties.

Pattern of Sale

Firewood received by the stalls is generally moist. As the buyers prefer dry wood, the stallsstore dry wood on one side and moist or freshly arrived wood on the other, so that the buyersare not put to any inconvenience. Once the dry wood is exhausted it is supplemented from thefirst pile, the oldest being sold first. Thus in this cycle, the buyers get wood that is dry and oneto two months old. Eucalyptus dries more than the other varieties of wood. Fully driedeucalyptus weighs 30–40 per cent less than the freshly felled wood. In order to make sure theycan sell dry wood during the rainy season, the stallholders cover their stock with tarpaulin orthick polythene.

During the months of May and June, the stallholders come to possess large stocks, becausefarmers prefer to sell in those months, their fields being empty. As a result, twigs and branchesare received in the shops on a massive scale. The leanest stock is in the month of August,because fewer trees are felled during the rains, and it is difficult to arrange for transport duringthis season.



The percentage of eucalyptus consumed for different purposes in the town is as follows:

1. As domestic fuel 75%2. For cremations 5%3. For burning at road crossing by the municipality (during winter) 2%4. In brick kilns 10%5. In restaurants 5%6. In kiosks and house construction 2%7. Other purposes 1%

Thus the vast majority of eucalyptus is used as domestic fuel. The firewood sold in the shops isbought by the daily-rated wage earners, who do not possess modern gadgets such as gasstoves to cook their food. About 50% of the town’s 40,000-strong population use wood forcooking. Besides, it is used by shopkeepers selling cooked food and sweets, and by thecrematorium for cremations. Poles of eucalyptus are used by the local populace in houseconstruction. The municipal corporation also burns a large quantity of wood at street corners tostave off cold.


Since the consumption of eucalyptus in this town is much less than that for pulpwood in thenearby paper mill, it is the latter which sets the price, and the stallholders’ buying rates areadjusted as per the scheduled rates of the paper mill. Compared to the firewood taal holders,the rural traders have a better understanding of price trends. They keep themselves abreast ofthe prices at Haldwani, Lalkuan, Rampur, Nainital, Kichha, Bareilly etc., as they sell their woodin these markets also.

The sale and purchase prices prevailing in this market during the last five years are shown inthe following table:


Year Sale price ofdry wood*

Purchase price ofwet wood *

Retail price index fortown dwellers

1978 Rs 35 Rs 20 1881980 Rs 40 Rs 25 2121982 Rs 45 Rs 30 2551985 Rs 50 Rs 35 3151988 Rs 60 Rs 40 4051990 Rs 70 Rs 45 495

Increase during1978–90

100% 125% 163%

* Rate per quintal


This shows that the rise in the purchase price of wood has been slightly more than that in thesale price, so trade margins have declined. Possible reasons for this include gluts ofeucalyptus; general stagnation or decline in fuelwood prices all over western UP; a faster rise inper capita income of the town population and concomitant shift to modern fuels; and greatercoverage of gas and kerosene in the population of Rudrapur (as it is classified as a hill town,and gets several facilities, such as subsidies for fuel substitution, not available to other towns).These figures are, however, taken from the stallholders, and suffer from the usual problems ofrecall.

The price of firewood does not vary from shop to shop in Rudrapur. The current retail price isabout Rs 70 per quintal. When purchases are made in large quantities, a discount of fiverupees per quintal is given provided a minimum purchase of at least 100 quintals is made. If50–100 quintals is purchased, there is a discount of two rupees per quintal.

Until about five years back, farmers did not produce any wood on their own farms. Eucalyptus,sal and teak wood, which were being used for poles and beams, came from the forest to themarket. Villagers, too, had to come to the market if they needed beams for house construction,or poles for ceremonies. However, due to the plantation of eucalyptus by farmers on a massivescale, these are now freely available in the village itself, which has led to a shrinking of demandin the market for poles. Their prices have also fallen: formerly, poles used to sell for Rs 200–300 a piece, but now the price has fallen to Rs 40–45 a piece.

Dealing with government

For conducting fuelwood business, licenses are required from the following organizations:

1. The Market Committee;

2. The Forest Dept; and

3. The Municipal Corporation for storage on public premises.

It is compulsory for all retail and wholesale dealers to obtain licenses from nos 1 and 3,however, sawmills and plywood factories also require a license from the Forest Department, asthey buy their raw materials from the Forest Corporation.

According to the traders, the greatest threat to their business is the constant harassment andprosecution threats from government departments. This often needs to be pre-empted bypaying bribes. In addition, modern gadgets like gas stoves also pose a potential threat to theirbusiness. The risk of fire during the summer is another problem, as thin twigs and branchesignite easily.



While woodfuel markets in western UP are comparatively less flawed, markets in many otherregions are quite exploitative. We discuss10 below the economic condition of charcoal makers intribal Maharashtra, where there are around 4,000–5,000 families engaged in charcoal making,mostly as labourers. Around 80 per cent of these families belong to poor Katkari tribesoriginating from the districts of Raigad and Thane. These people are very poor, illiterate andalso subjected to severe exploitation, being quite unorganized. They live in a condition of virtualbonded labour. The government appears to be quite unaware of this situation, or at least isunwilling to acknowledge that this kind of exploitation exists.

Up to 1950, most charcoal was used as domestic fuel in urban areas such as Bombay. Whilethis demand declined due to the availability of alternative fuels, there was an increasingdemand for charcoal from industries producing rayon, rubber tyres, textiles and carbides. Atpresent about 75 per cent of charcoal is being used by industries, and the rest is used asdomestic fuel.

Charcoal labourers are controlled by traders, who sell the produce to stockists in Bombay.About half a dozen wholesale stockists operate from Shivadi market in Bombay. This smallgroup, who come from Uttar Pradesh, control the entire manufacturing and trading of charcoal.Generally, in the months of August and September these stockists advance to traders between50 and 100 per cent of the final value of the coal to be sold to them. The price of the coal isdetermined in advance at this time, when it is normally 25 per cent less than the prevailing pricein the winter months. Charcoal manufacturing starts from November onwards, and traderssupply the charcoal to stockists. These stockists hold the entire stock and deal with industrieson their own. Normally a trader keeps business relations with more than one stockist at a time.However, the stockists control the price and movement of coal and also have an important leverin the form of the money they advance to the traders, the mechanism through which the wholesystem works. Charcoal is normally sold at prices ranging from Rs 95 to Rs 125 per quintal. It isestimated that the original tribal labourers get around just 10 per cent of the final value in thewhole production activity.

The traders are engaged in the illicit cutting of trees from public lands, which is ignored by thelocal-level government functionaries in the Revenue and Forest Departments. The seasonalmigrant families whose major occupation is charcoal making migrate to remote forests wherethe charcoal is made. The jobs performed by these families are cutting of trees; cutting thewoodlots down to the appropriate size; collecting firewood and carrying it over to the kiln site;arranging the kiln; plastering, setting fire to and then cooling the kiln when the charcoal isready; and ultimately packing it in gunny bags. Normally, charcoal making starts around the endof November and continues until May. All the families reported that they undertook seasonalmigration every year for this activity. In the normal course of events, the traders engage thelabourers in their village by making advances during the monsoon period, when these tribalsare in need of consumption loans. This contract continues year after year, unless disputes ariseat the time of final settlement in May which compels them to go to other contractors.

10 Based on Saathe (1988); prices relate to 1986–87


All the labouring families perceived that they were being cheated and exploited by the traders.Sixty-one per cent of families felt that they were deceived in the weighing of charcoal in gunnybags. Sixty per cent of the respondents believed that they, being ignorant and unorganized,were deceived in the final settlement of payments. About 87 per cent of the respondents statedthat employment in charcoal making was not rewarding or worthwhile, nor in their best interest.However, they had no other options for meeting the needs of survival and were forced to acceptseasonal migration and the employment in which they were thoroughly cheated.

11.1. Charcoal Production from Prosopis in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu

A study by IIM Ahmedabad of charcoal makers in Gujarat (IIM, 1993) showed that the simpleoperation of converting prosopis into charcoal, which can give employment to thousands ofpeople, requires several permissions. Harvesting, conversion and transportation are allsubjected to departmental controls involving cumbersome and time-consuming procedures. Forinstance, the government of Gujarat has banned harvesting of prosopis from forest areas, sothe production of charcoal is carried out in individual or private lands. The procedureestablished for harvesting and converting prosopis into charcoal is controlled by the Revenueand Forest Departments. The steps followed are shown below:

First Step: Application submitted by individual farmer/producer/institution to theRevenue Department seeking permission for harvesting.

Second Step: Revenue authorities visit the site and give permission for harvesting.

Third Step: Application submitted to the Forest Department for permission toconvert prosopis into charcoal.

Fourth Step: Forest officials visit the site to estimate the likely quantity of charcoalthat would be produced and give permission for conversion.

Fifth Step: Farmers/producers then apply to the Forest Department forpermission to load and transport charcoal.

Sixth Step: In the presence of forest officials, charcoal is loaded in trucks. Thenumber of the truck carrying the charcoal, bags loaded, destination,route, time of departure and estimated time of arrival are all indicatedin the pass issued for transport by the forest officials.

Seventh Step: Charcoal is carried to the specified market with the transit pass.


These constraints reduce production and increase the cost of supply of charcoal. Manyhouseholds and some of the industrial consumers have stopped using charcoal as fuel becauseof rising prices. One kilogram of charcoal costs more than one kilogram of grain. Rising price isa function of both short supply and increased demand. However, charcoal continues to be usedby laundry units, charcoal briquette manufacturers, lead extractors, metal processing units,coriander seed processors, incense manufacturers, food vendors and hostels in Ahmedabadcity. Increased supply would certainly change the situation and benefit all types of charcoalusers.

In Tamil Nadu too, another area of abundance of prosopis, charcoal producers faced severalproblems. In January 1986, the Tamil Nadu government authorized forest officers to issue acertificate of origin for the transport of charcoal to other states after verifying its origin.However, charcoal producers had difficulty in implementing these orders and in satisfying theissuing authorities about the origin. Charcoal is prepared at the felling sites by small producerswho are constantly on the move. They sell it at their sites or cart it to bigger producers who buyit, pool it and grade it for transport to other states. The same thing holds good for wood whichbigger producers buy from different sources and convert into charcoal. The small producers arenot able to give any information about survey numbers, much less certificates from the villageofficers. They also cannot afford the ‘incidental expenses’ incurred in getting a permit.

Charcoal making was perceived to have contributed positively to the general economy of thedistrict. A sizeable number of agricultural labourers who used to migrate temporarily toThanjavur district to work on paddy fields in order to supplement the meagre incomes theycould earn in their own area, have found enough employment locally to stop migrating.Harvesting of prosopis generally begins some time in June–July and goes on up to August, thetime the people used to migrate. Now, September, October and November also provideemployment, as plantation and sowing operations are carried out before the onset of the rains.Increased employment has been a welcome gain in the region.

Charcoal not only offers higher economic returns, but also many advantages in terms ofconvenience. It was observed that prosopis as a woodfuel (a) was bulky to carry; (b) had poorshelf-life; (c) involved higher transport costs; (d) involved higher administrative workload, aseach truck needed official permission; (e) could not be stored, unlike charcoal, in anticipation ofhigher prices; (f) was not preferred by customers if it contained thinner pieces; and (g) wasproblematic because of its thorns (IIM, 1993). Customers also did not prefer fuelwood as it (a)tended to be wasteful to some extent; (b) blackened utensils; and (c) gave off smoke.

On the other hand, the above case studies demonstrate that (a) charcoal production based onprosopis juliflora, a species that generally concentrates in low-rainfall and high-risk ecologicalregions (where agriculture is not a major supporter of the household economy), can beeconomically viable; (b) charcoal making has the potential to generate gainful employment topoor families in regions where it was most needed; (c) the supply pattern of charcoal variedgreatly but could be stabilized and improved with organizational innovations; (d) charcoalmaking is most suited to areas having sizeable wastelands; (e) charcoal making is based onlocal resources which have a value addition potential; (f) there is a need to promote theapplication of science and technology in prosopis cultivation in problematic soils and in charcoalmaking practices; (g) charcoal making can support married women, as the help of all familymembers is instrumental; (h) charcoal making need not displace existing workers; (i) the


economics of prosopis-based charcoal production are more favourable than that of marketingprosopis as fuelwood; (j) charcoal making does not have any competition from the establishedindustries, as it is a decentralized rural activity; (k) it is sustainable, as prosopis juliflora isrenewable; and (l) the marketing of charcoal should not be difficult because industrial demandis expanding (IIM,1993: 34).

Comprehensive changes are needed in government policy on charcoal. Currently, charcoalpolicy lacks a broader perspective. Prosopis provides a good opportunity to make wealth out ofwastelands, promote employment opportunities, improve land use pattern, and make availableraw materials needed by industries.



Up until the beginning of the 1970s, forest policy in India did not give adequate importance tofuelwood supplies. How, then, does one explain the `discovery' of a woodfuel crisis by policymakers in the mid-1970s? Two explanations have generally been advanced (Agarwal, 1986: 3).One is that the oil crisis of the early ‘70s led the developing countries to a general re-assessment of their energy options in favour of biofuels. The other is that deforestation, landdegradation and other ecological consequences were linked in the minds of policy makers withinsatiable demand for fuel-gathering by rural people. This put increased pressure on reserveforests, and in order to reduce this pressure, policy makers decided that fuelwood productionhad to be increased.

In the 1980s, two assumptions dominated official thinking on fuelwood. Firstly, that there was ahuge gap between supply and demand for fuelwood, so much so that India may have sufficientfood for its population, but not enough fuel to cook it. And secondly, that planting of treesthrough social forestry programmes on non-forest lands was the most appropriate response tothe fuelwood shortage.

Over the past decade, understanding of the ways in which rural people use trees and forestshas improved considerably. In addition, several fuel surveys and evaluation reports areavailable now. It may therefore be worthwhile to analyse the new evidence in order to reassessthese earlier assumptions.

Studies done by the NCAER (1985), Leach (1987) and Natarajan (1990) show that domesticfuel shortages are much smaller than were initially understood. Part of the miscalculation wasbecause official output from forests was assumed to be the major source of supply, and othersources of fuel like agricultural wastes and dung were forgotten. Also, much of the wood usedas fuel actually comes from twigs and branches, and that too from non-forest lands. Third,sources of fuelwood change: in the past 10 years, more fuelwood has come from Prosopisjuliflora than from social forestry plantations. In Tamil Nadu alone, the total yield of prosopis forfuelwood alone accounted for 75 per cent of the total fuelwood consumption.

This should not be interpreted as an argument that fuel shortages do not exist in India; they stilldo in many parts for the poor, and, in some ecologically fragile areas like the hills, for manyrural households. But it is necessary to understand the nature of the problem more accurately ifwe are to define appropriate interventions. Moreover, urban and rural fuelwood problems arecompletely distinct, and require different solutions (Shepherd, 1990). For the poor, the shortageof fuel does not generally feature high among their priorities, for if they are short of fuel, theyare most likely to be even shorter of income, cash and food supplies. The poor would certainlylike better opportunities for gathering of twigs and branches, not because they burn it all, butbecause they can sell them and bring the much needed cash to the family. In prosopis-abundant districts, sale of prosopis twigs has emerged as a cottage industry for the poor,especially for women and children.

The problem is more severe in agriculturally depressed areas which do not have the benefit ofeither dense forest or natural growth of shrubs like prosopis. Why has social forestry done littleto reduce fuelwood shortages for rural consumers in these areas?


Although social forestry projects were designed to produce fuelwood, in practice, market-oriented trees have been planted which have done nothing to improve consumption of fuelwoodby the rural poor. The main product of community and farm forestry has been eucalyptus poles,the benefits of which could never reach the rural poor. On top of this, half of the social forestryhas been on private lands. As fuelwood has not been seen as income-generating, farmers havepreferred more commercial trees, and continued to collect twigs and branches from public landsas before. Farmers have shown very little interest in using their scarce land and capitalresources to generate a low-value product they could collect. It is unfair to load social concernson farmers if they see no economic returns. Actually, in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Gujaratand UP, where eucalyptus glut has forced the farmers to sell their trees at fuelwood prices, theyhave stopped growing trees, as the fuelwood prices hardly cover production costs.

What policy prescriptions follow from the above analysis? First, a distinction must be madebetween fuelwood from logs and fuelwood from twigs and branches. The former, even ifproduced on public lands, is out of the reach of the rural poor since it gets marketed and at besthelps the urban poor. The rural poor have access only to twigs and branches, which require thelabour-intensive process of collection and hence are not picked up by contractors along with thelog.

Second, such material is best made available to the poor through shrubs and bushes, and notfrom large trees whose value lies in their stem. Third, as fuelwood shortages are not aspervasive as was earlier thought, the objective of social forestry should be not only to producetwigs and branches, but also to generate self-employment for the poor through the gathering ofconsumption goods like minor forest products, wild fruits and mulch. Fourth, the concept ofsocial forestry must be extended to reserve forest lands, where usufruct trees would be plantedalong with short-gestation grasses, shrubs and bushes. Fifth, wastelands should be utilized forfuelwood plantations of suitable species, such as prosopis, so as to increase the availability offuelwood in the shortest possible time and with little investment. Finally, farm forestry should begeared to meet the farmers', rather than national, priorities.




Rapid expansion of forestry programmes has taken place in India in the last two decadeswithout the growth of systematic knowledge about how and why they affect rural people.Because of a lack of clarity about the likely outcomes of the policy, neither of the two initiativestaken by the government in the last two decades – industrial plantations on forest lands andsocial forestry on village lands – were able to stop the degradation of India’s natural forests, orto provide more fuelwood to the rural people. The success of farm forestry has certainly broughtprices down, but still the poor satisfy their needs through gathering and do not budget for fuel.The present document, written as a supplementary reader for trainees at the National Academyof Administration, Mussoorie, seeks to review the existing policy and implementation issues,and makes practical recommendations for improving the availability of woodfuel to the poor.These are summarized in this section for different categories of lands.

Forest lands

• Between Revenue and Forest lands, the latter should get a higher priority for funds.Compared with departmental forestry on Revenue lands, they have obvious advantages ofscale and protection. The ambiguities of ownership which have plagued social forestrywould not apply. Forest soils are generally better than the soils on Revenue lands. Costswould be lower. Also, the morale of the Forest Department would be higher, since the treeswould be planted in territory they are familiar with.

The two main components of afforestation – farm forestry and afforestation of degradedforest lands – should have different objectives and approaches. Farm forestry andagroforestry should aim at maximizing sustained economic returns from land, whereaspublic forestry should aim at maximizing welfare through production of such commodities asfuelwood, fodder and NTFPs, which are needed by the people. The choice of species,though subject to agroclimatic and technical considerations, would also be different for thetwo programmes. Short-duration exotics, which give high market value, would be suitablefor farm forestry, whereas species which have their value in the crown and not in the stemwould be suitable for public forestry.

• As timber is a product of the dead tree, whereas people collect branches for fuel from livingtrees, allowing the stem to perform its various environmental functions, and as gathering ismore labour-intensive than mechanized clear-felling, fuelwood-based forestry would bemore sustainable than timber-based forestry in poor regions.

• This would be reversing the traditional perception of what is the main product and what isthe by-product, so choice of species and management should be radically changed to suitthe new policy. From forest lands, leaves, twigs and dead wood should become the mainintended products, and timber would be a by-product from large multipurpose trees. Forquick benefits to the poor, long-gestation trees should be supplemented with an understoreyof bushes and shrubs, which could satisfy their immediate needs. Multiple objectives tomaximize outputs from many products will require innovative and experimental silviculture,


which must focus more on the management of shrub and herb layers, and on forest floormanagement to enrich the soil and encourage natural regeneration.

• In Joint Forest Management (JFM) areas, settlement and usufruct rights should be reviewedin order to put them in harmony with the care-and-share philosophy which is the basis ofJFM.

Revenue lands

• The FD’s present practice of taking over common lands should be stopped, or drasticallyreduced to experimental projects. Funds for afforestation should be transferred to the villagecommunity. The role of the Forest Department would be mainly extension and technicalsupport.

• Generally, only a small area of Revenue land is available in each village. If afforestationwere left to the panchayat, it would take up only a small portion of this, and plenty of landwould be left for use by the poor for grazing.

• Where panchayats represent several villages, single-village organizations should becreated. Finally, distribution of produce is better done on the basis of one household: oneshare.

• Model afforestation schemes should be prepared for implementation by the panchayats.These should be widely circulated, and panchayats should be encouraged to apply forfunds.

• Often degraded lands are available in larger chunks, but these are not taken up as the costof reclamation would be high. However, in the long run, it is better to afforest these, as theyhave better demonstration effect, satisfy local demand and offer better managementpossibilities.

• Extremely degraded lands are best suited for undertaking fuelwood plantations usingspecies like prosopis. Research should be undertaken to develop a thornless variety so asto facilitate gathering.

Farm forestry

• Private forestry requires security of land and tree tenure, and secure access to markets.The restrictive laws on harvesting, movement and sale of forest products must beabolished.

• The government should stop subsidies on its own supply of wood to industries, therebyforcing industry to buy from the farmers at a realistic price. The new Forest Policy endorsesthis suggestion, but in many states, subsidies still continue. Since the demand for marketedwood in India is limited, by duplicating the same species on Forest lands and on farm lands,such as eucalyptus, we are ultimately cutting into the farmers’ profits, and thus undermining


the farm forestry programme itself. Also, from lops and tops of farm trees, wood for fuelwould be produced.

• Farmers should have a range of other short-rotation, high-value species beside eucalyptusand acacia on their land, which meet their various needs and spread the risk to their incomefrom the collapse of any one market. The economics of each model should be worked outfor several years ahead. Diversification of species would also be better for the environment.

• New uses of wood should be promoted, such as power generation via gasification. Thiswould improve the profitability of wood production on degraded farm lands.

• Administrative and legal controls over charcoal making from prosopis should be removed,as the activity does not lead to deforestation and is labour intensive.

Finally, the main barriers to afforestation in India are institutional: those concerningempowerment of local communities, proper land and product tenure to them, and involvementin decision making (Saxena,1995). These issues deserve urgent attention.



babul Acacia nilotica; a small evergreen tree, can stand periodicalflooding, hence ideal for tank foreshore afforestation

bamboo Bambusa arundinacea and Dendrocalamus strictus are the twomost common species; wanted by both the paper industry andthe poor

cashew Anacardium occidentale

casuarina Casuarina equisetifolia; widely grown in coastal areas for polesand fuelwood.

chulha Small open stoves which use wood, dung cakes or charcoal forcooking

coppice Re-sprouting of trees after felling

forest dwellers People living inside or in the close vicinity of forests

Forest land Lands under the control of the Forest Department

mahua Madhuca indica; occurs most commonly near tribal habitationsin central India; flowers and seeds are rich in oil, and are eaten

mulberry Morus alba; leaves are used as food for silk-worms, fruit iseaten, and its wood is used for sports goods

panchayat Village council; the lowest form of local government; consists ofelected members headed by a chairman

pasture Open-access lands meant for grazing; often highly degraded

poles Wood of 20–25 cm diameter, which is generally used forscaffolding and as posts

poplar An agroforestry tree; has grown well in Haryana, Punjab andwestern UP; timber used for matchwood, veneer and sportsgoods

Revenue lands Lands under the control of the Revenue Department; these arenon-Forest Department and non-private lands, often highlydegraded

rotation Time interval between regeneration of a tree and its felling

sal Shorea robusta; a common but slow growing large tree in Indianforests; yields both timber and important minor forest productslike seeds and leaves

sapota Parkia roxburgii; yields fuel, fruit and medicines

sheesham Dalbergia sissoo; a favourite road-side tree in northern India;wood used for wheels, boats and furniture


social forestry Programme of growing trees to satisfy rural needs of fuelwood,small timber and fodder

subabul Leucaena leucoephala; a fast growing nitrogen fixing tree;yields both fodder leaves and fuelwood; despite efforts itplantation has not been successful outside Maharashtra

tamarind Tamarindus indica; an evergreen, multi-purpose tree; yieldsedible sour fruits, fodder and timber

teak Tectona grandis; highly valued for quality timber used infurniture, house building and cabinets

tendu Diospyros melanoxylon; used as wrappers of tobacco toproduce bidi, Indian cigarettes

tribals People who until recently lived by hunting and gathering offorest products, or practised shifting cultivation



ABE Advisory Board on Energy

AFC Agriculture Finance Corporation

AP Andhra Pradesh

CSE Centre for Science and Environment

DRDA District Rural Development Agency

ESCI Energy Survey Committee of India

FD Forest Department

FPC Fuel Policy Committee

FSI Forest Survey of India

GNP Gross National Product

GOI Government of India

ha hectare(s)

IREP Integrated Rural Energy Planning

IC improved cookstove

IIM Indian Institute of Management

IIPO Indian Institute of Public Opinion

JFM Joint Forest Management

LPG liquid petroleum gas

m ha million hectares

MP Madhya Pradesh

Mt million tonnes

Mtce million tonnes of coal equivalent

NCA National Commission on Agriculture, 1976

NCAER National Council for Applied Economic Research

NGO non-governmental organization

NTFP non-timber forest produce

NWDB National Wasteland Development Board

ORG Operation Research Group

REDB Rural Energy Data Base

RF reserve forest


Rs rupees

SIDA Swedish International Development Agency

SPWD Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development

SWDF Sadguru Water and Development Foundation

TERI Tata Energy Research Institute

TN Tamil Nadu

UP Uttar Pradesh

WGEP Working Group on Energy Policy



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