the white legacy--generation 8, chapter 1

My Grilled Cheese Is Perfect The White Legacy: Generation Eight, Chapter One

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Rhea begins her reign as heiress in the White Legacy.


Page 1: The White Legacy--Generation 8, Chapter 1

My Grilled Cheese Is PerfectThe White Legacy:Generation Eight, Chapter One

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Welcome back to the White Legacy, where my traditional summary slide picture seems to have been hijacked by simselves.

Pony: “Hehehe.”

Last time, sisters Rhea and Lara went through college together. Rhea, a werewolf, found herself a pack after trying to suffer it out as a lone wolf. In the end, it was agreed that Lara would move into legacy estate with her sister, seeing as they missed each other too much trying to live alone.

Mia: “Alert! Bogeys coming in at twelve o’clock!”

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LSWINR: “Hi, guys! We’re moving in!”

Thai: “Uh-huh.”

Rosie: “What’s with the cold reception, guys? We thought you wouldn’t mind.”

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Anne: “Oh, it’s nothing much. Just one little thing.”

Rosie: “Yeah?”

Anne: “You’re Keika’s sisters. And since Keika is hugely guilty of nepotism—”

Hey! I am not!

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Anne: “—we live in this institution-like simself compound, and you live directly across the street in a gorgeous house with a green lawn and a hot tub. Which, by the way, we get to look at every single day.”

Thai: “Besides, we’re out of room. We can’t sleep anybody else. We’re already taking turns on the couch every night…”

Pony: “Anne! Thai! More bogeys coming in at ten o’clock!”

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Anne: “…really?”

Thai: “Ani-Mei, what is this?”

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Ani-Mei: “Don’t talk to me.”

Vale: “Don’t mind Mom. She’s just mad because Keika came and kicked us out of our house, and now we have to live in this dump instead.”

Anne: “But—but—but—”

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Chryse: “I get my own room!! I claim it!!”

Thai: “Hey, hold on a sec—”

Anne: “But—but—but—”

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Thai: “Well? Aren’t you going in, too?”

Rosie: “Not quite. There’s just one more thing I’ve got to do.”

Anne: “But—but—but—”

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Rosie: “No one is allowed in or out any longer. Everyone quits their jobs, the teenagers are deferring school for now. We’re growing our own food, too. Keika’s orders.”

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Rosie: “’Scuse me, there’s just one more thing she told me to do once I got here.”

Anne: “Just how many ‘one more things’ do you have to do?”

Thai: “Keika, you’re not really serious, right?”

Thai: “…right?”

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Rosie: “Bye-bye, key!”


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Rhea: “I LOVE winter! And the snow! And all things cold!”

Shouldn’t you be getting ready for something?

Rhea: “Um…”

…your wedding?

Rhea: “OH YEAH!!”

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Guess who this is! Give up? It’s the butler!!

Afro Butler: “I am Awesome.”

Yes, yes you are.

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But, let’s not beat around the bush here. Rhea is wearing a neck ribbon. That’s all that really matters.

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Shane: “I promise to love you through burps and farts and forever.”

Rhea: “I promise to love you through fur and shedding and forever.”

Nice and simple wedding vows. I like it.

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Rings are exchanged, rose petals fall, and Rhea and Shane White are wed! Hooray!

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Notice anyone missing here?

Lewis: “Rose had to work.”

She’s not going to like having to miss her daughter’s wedding.

Lewis: “I’m sure she’ll make it up to her somehow.”

Arie: “Who is this guy next to me, and where did he get his awesome afro?”

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Rhea’s a feeder. I was sure she was going to be a stuffer, but I guess she decided Shane gets enough stuff on his face already, being the slob and all. Shame.

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WHOA. I think I might have just died of shock.

The bride and groom… are sitting…

…at the same table.

I don’t think this has happened ever. At least not in my legacy.

Rhea: “Honey, you’re supposed to eat the cake, not your hand.”

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We’ve also got the father of the bride at this table! GASP! If only Rose were here to complete the set!

Alexandra, one of Rhea’s pack members, went on to take the last place at this table.

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Much to Arie’s displeasure.

Arie: “I was supposed to get that seat… grumble grumble…”

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Hey, look who’s finally here!

Alexandra: “Oh, please. You all act like you’ve never heard an Alpha burp before.”

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Rose: “Rhea!! I’m so, SO sorry I didn’t make it for the ceremony! I should’ve gotten off work! I’m such a failure of a mother!!”

Rhea: “No, no, Mom, it’s okay, it’s okay!”

Rose: “It’s not okay! But you look so beautiful, Rhea. At least I got to see you in your wedding dress.”

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Rhea: “Okay, love you Mom, but I’m gonna go find Shane!”

Rose: “Oh, yes. My new son-in-law. Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’ll take care of cleanup in here, don’t you worry!”

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Lewis: “I don’t like him.”

Rose: “Oh, shush. I’m sure he’s wonderful.”

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Shane: *sniff sniff*

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They both clogged their toilets at exactly the same time. I know because the “something broke” jingle played twice in perfect synchronization, one over the other.

If this isn’t a sign that these two are perfect for each other, I don’t know what is.

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And then Rhea goes over to lecture Shane on clogging the toilet. *much rolling of eyes*

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Rhea: “Oooh… I feel horrible.”

Lewis: “Well, it can’t have been the grilled cheese. My grilled cheese is perfect.”

Rhea: “Dad…”

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Slow dance twirl! Pictures must be taken every single time!

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Rhea: “Ah, I finally got rid of that dumb neck ribbon.”

What was wrong with it? I like the neck ribbon…

Rhea: “It’s horribly uncomfortable. Very itchy.”

You could’ve taken it off after the wedding, you know, if it was so horrible.

Rhea: “Yeah, but by the time Shane and I were done, I was furred out, and I can’t see anything I’m doing in that mirror through all the fur!”

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Shane: “Hey, not bad, Dad! Can I call you Dad?”

Lewis: “Go put some clothes on, boy.”

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Hm. Nice Want there, Shane.

Shane: “I heard there’s party animal aliens up there, and I want in!”

Do you mind signing this waiver of accountability in case you actually do manage to get taken? Because this one isn’t my fault.

Shane: “Sure, sure, I’ll sign it. Come on, aliens!”

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Rhea: “Oh, a baby!”

YAY, a baby!!

Rhea: “I’m excited, of course, but… couldn’t the pop have waited until I finished my pork chops?”

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Let’s all play detective, huh? This is the crime scene. Can you guess what happened here?

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You didn’t see it [because I missed it] but there was another pop. Trust me.

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Shouldn’t he be giving her the massage? Just saying.

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Heeere we go!

Hyde: “Meh, another baby. Where’s my old game console?”

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Behold the face of generation nine. And she has Daddy’s eyes!

Rose: “My little girl is in pain!! What do I do!? What do I do!?”

Generation nine shall henceforth be named after spices. For that reason, Rhea’s little daughter here has been named Clary. And she was grey eyes. Hehehehe. That was the one eye color I was missing. If we can just get some blonde hair now, we’ll have seen all the different available hair and eye colors in this one family tree.

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And what does the new Grandpa do while his first grandchild is being born?

He serves a celebratory platter of grilled cheese, of course. Same as he’s always done.

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Rhea: “Hey! Good morning!”

Matthew: “Alright, everyone! Just like we practiced, on my count! 1—”

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Rhea: “Aww, thanks, guys!”

Jessica: “Okay, now you have to let us see her, the precious little thing!”

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Julien: *squeal*

Matthew: “Look at the little cub! Jessica, we have to have one of these!”

Jessica: “Yeah… right…”

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Lara: “Hey, this room is kind of crowded. When do I get to see my new niece? Does she have fur?”

Rhea: “LARA!!”

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Julien: “I think I’ll go find something to eat, shall I?”

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Julien: “!!!”

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Priya: “Honey, what do you think about having our own—”

Matthew: “Now Lara, the first thing you need to know about being the human aunt of a half-werewolf cub is—”

Julien: “SQUEEEEEEE!!”

Jessica: *sigh* “Priya, go found out what Julien’s squealing about this time, will you?”

Priya: “Yes, ma’am!”

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Priya: “What’s this about, Julien? You interrupted a very important conversation between me and my husband. Explain yourself.”

Julien: “Look at this!! Not one, but two top-of-the-line ovens! Fridges that stay cold! A food processor! Room to move around! We could fit the whole pack in here!”

Priya: “Yes, and?”

Julien: “Rhea has a dishwasher!”

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Priya: “SQUEEEEE!!”


Rhea: “Alright, that’s it! I love you guys to death, but OUT! You’re disturbing Clary!”

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Rhea: “Hey. Hey, Author. Guess what! Guess what!”


Rhea: “No, really! Guess!”

Um… your father’s finally hit his LTW?

Rhea: “No!”

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Rhea: “I’m an actress! Officially!”

Congratulations, Rhea! That’s exciting!

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Rose: “Remember, girls! Leave the last bite for your father!”

Rhea: *sigh* “Yes, Mom. Can I at least have two sandwiches, then?”

It’s almost like they never went to college.

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Shane: “Hm… are we sure we have to feed her milk?”

Yes. Please, feed her milk.

Shane: “Well, it looks awfully suspicious, all green and stuff… can’t we give her, I don’t know, orange juice?”

No. Stick to the pre-approved formula.

Shane: “Aww… but milk is no fun…”

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Shane: “Ah, well. At least she seems to like it.”

Clary: {What is this stuff!?} *wide-eyed stare*

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Lara: “Eureka! A job in Education!”

You know, you could really do anything you wanted to. Doctor. Scientist. President?

Lara: “The highest calling in this life is to educate young minds.”

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Hey! When did you pop!?

Rhea: “Hey, Dad. You gonna eat that?”

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So, last time we had the photobombing butler. Is this the incompetent butler?

Rhea: “Poor Clary! How long were you on the floor, sweetheart?”

Butler: “What a lovely quilt this is!”

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Who needs to be able to walk through a door when you could watch an old man smustling instead?

Rhea: “I just wish he wouldn’t smustle in the kitchen door.”

Lewis: “Oogie oogie oo! WHOOPEE!”

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You know what this is?

Lewis: “It’s rotten.”

Besides that.

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That was a certain someone’s two hundredth grilled cheese sandwich.

Lewis: “Really? I’ve eaten that many sandwiches in my lifetime?”


Lewis: “This calls for a celebration!”

Right! It’s also Clary’s birthday! Go get her!

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Lewis: “This is my new jacket. It’s awesome.”

Whatever floats your boat. Toss that baby!

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Well, Arie and the pack aren’t going to be very happy, but because we waited until Lewis had eaten his two hundredth grilled cheese sandwich before we started the party, it’s now one thirty in the morning. We decided to keep the party down to just the household.

Hopefully no one seeks retribution.

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Hm, what do you think? I think she most closely resembles Daddy. That might even be his nose.

Shane: “Really!? Sweet!”

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Yup, definitely a daddy’s girl. Did she get anything from Rhea? Besides hair color, I mean.

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Rhea: “Wow! A transformation, and then a pop!”

No, really. She lost her fur, and then she immediately popped. I wonder what it would have looked like if both animations had tried to go at the same time?

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Aw, is little Cynthia an elder kitty now?

Cynthia: {Don’t talk to me. There are crisp, clean black pants over there with my name on them.}

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I, er, may have gotten a little too used to sims who are permaplat. Uh, sorry… Rhea…


The fact that she’s heavily pregnant makes me a little nervous right about now…

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Phew, we made it to the plate of food! Don’t worry, she’ll wake up and eat it; that’s what the stereo in the dining room is for, after all.

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Well, that’s Lara’s LTW squared away! Now we won’t have to worry about her in the energizer anymore!

Lara: “Energizer? Was there an accident while I was away, Author?”

Uh, no… don’t go into the dining room for the next several minutes.

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Oh, come on. Let me catch a break, huh?

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Spot the new couples’ portrait!

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Isn’t it cute?

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Clary: “Gramma?”

Rose: “Silly, Grandma’s over here!”

Isis: “I can’t stand cute.”

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Shane: “That old lady in the red shirt is being really vengeful tonight. That was the second time she got me in the last hour.”

Rhea: “Who’s a pretty kitty? Cynthia is! Cynthia is!”

Cynthia: {Who’s going to lose their nose if they keep this up? Rhea is! Rhea is!}

Rhea: “Sheesh, you’re a lot more sensitive than Blizzard was.”

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Shane here is taking the “concerned husband” role to a whole new level.

Shane: *slouch*

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Rhea: “Hey look, Author! It’s a boy!”

NO WAY!! Is he blonde!?

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Rhea: “He sure is!!”

Lewis: “Oh MY!! A baby!”

Shane: “Cool.”

This BABY BOY with BLONDE HAIR has been dubbed Spikenard, and I shall call him Spike. And he shall be my Spike. *nod*

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Rhea: “Thanks you guys for coming to my baby birthing!! Hi, Shane and Lara! Hi, Mom and Dad!”

Somebody, please pick up that newborn from off the floor…

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Lewis: “Whoooo’s the cutest little grandson in the whoooole wide world!? Spike is! Whoooo thinks Grandpa is the greatest grandpa in the whooooole wide world!? Spike does!”

Spike: *splutter*

Rhea: “Dad, you’re funny.”

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Lewis: “Random dance break?”

Rose: “Absolutely!”

Rhea: “I’m trying to eat! Couldn’t you two have waited until after dinner so I could join you!?”

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Terrifying. A cow mascot ghost wearing a necklace in a nursery.

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Brie: “BOO!”

Rhea: “WAAA!! A cow mascot ghost wearing a necklace in a nursery! That’s TERRIFYING!!”

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Rhea: “What, already?”

*innocent whistling*

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Lara: “What are you doing in here, Clary? This is only on the exact opposite side of the house from your nursery…”

Clary: “See Gramma!”

Lara: “Grandma’s asleep, silly goose. Let’s not wake her up.”

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Lara: “Well, I don’t see any sign that you’re anything but a human baby yet. Maybe that’ll change at your birthday party tonight.”

Clary: “Not baby!”

Lara: “Not after six, you won’t be.”

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Lara: “Okay Clary, wish for fur!”

Jessica: “Aww, she’s so sweet! So when do we get to eat that cake?”

Arie: “Oi. Back off. That’s my cake.”

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Clary: “Hold that thought!”

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Lewis: “Now where is she going?”

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Clary: “Okay I’ve changed now I’m going to bed goodnight!”

WAIT!! Makeover picture! We need a makeover picture!!

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Clary: “Here you go. Happy?”

Yes, yes I am. Goodnight, Clary.

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Clary: “Bye!”

Arie: “Oh, no. That kid doesn’t have any nice points at all, does she? We’re looking at Merry Part Two, aren’t we?”

Actually, she does have one nice point. No neat points, though.

Kevin: “Oh, dear…”

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Arie: “Okay, stop, stop. Uncle. It’s Spike’s birthday too, we gotta, hehe, we gotta go back in and cheer again.”

Kevin: “We should probably, haha, put these pillows back on Rose and Lewis’s bed too, huh?”

I really love autonomy. Especially when it applies to these two.

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The symmetry. It pleases me.

Arie: “Ow… I think I put my wrist out of joint in that pillow fight…”

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Hey, look. This one favors Rhea.

I wonder if #3 will actually be a mix of the two. Oh, well. Yaaay Spike! Poor baby didn’t get his confetti, though. What’s the problem, game?

Game: “There’s been too many birthdays!! I have run out of confetti!!”

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He may be another Rhea, but he’s such a sweet little boy, isn’t he?

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Hey look, another pop! How’re you feeling, Rhea?

Rhea: “Eh, pretty good. It’s nice that the next stage after this is not being pregnant anymore, you know?”

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Spike: “Gramma Popuwawity Sim. Ehehe!”

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Hey, wait a minute here. That’s not grilled cheese.

Lewis: *GASP!* “You’re right! What am I thinking!?”

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Rhea: “Well hi there, old friend! What you been to, huh?”

Spike: *sniff* “Mama steppin’ on ba-ba…”

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Here we go! Right in front of Grandma Ella!

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It’s another BOY!! Huzzah! Let’s name him Fennel! And guess what? He has blonde hair and green eyes!

Okay, this is really exciting in a geeky kind of way. The last sim I had born into the main line with green eyes was Arie. Yeah. Back in generation two. The last sim I married in with green eyes was Sun. That means that Fen’s eye color came from Sun, all the way back in the fourth generation. This family has been carrying the gene for that long.

Genetics are so cool.

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This is where we end the chapter this time! Happy simming!

But, hey, what would this be without one last joke…

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Rhea: “Oh, hi guys!! When did you get here?”

Matthew: “Hi Rhea! We’re adopting your kitchen, okay?”

Dez, by the way, is apparently a werewolf now.