the wenatchee daily world (wenatchee, wash.) 1908-12-05 [p ] american law journal has quot-ed...

Dr. F. H. Brand H 1 TREATS DISEASES OF THE *%Sa¥ EYE, EAR, NOSE LASSES PROPERLY FITTED Upstairs Columbia Valley Bank Building. Honrs 0-12; 2-5. Sundays by appointment. We make Screens, Windows, Doors. Sash Doors, Show Cases, In- terior Finishes, Stairs, Woodwork of All kinds. Geo. E. McCann THE WENATCHEE WOODWORKING PLANT. Skating Rink OiK'ii Week Days?2 to 5 P. M. Evenings?7:So to 10:15. Free Instruction to Beginners 10c General Admission. 13c for Skates in Afternoon. 2T>c for Skates in Evening. , ''Mm'- Maryßm Wmans tf will give instruction in i public speaking, physical .jggjfo culture and voice work. \ A Special Attention to Coach- Ing for Plays. PUPILS RECEIVED EITHER FOR PRIVATE INSTRUCTION OR CLASS WORK. Studio 236 Perm. Aye. Phone 482 Special terms will be extended to those entering before Holidays. Services available for entertainments. OFFICE AND HOME FURNITURE Made to Order at Factory Prices For the Office For the Home Drafting Tables, Office- Desks, Mission Furniture of all kinds, such as desks, window seats, Filing Cabinets, or any- ... * Morris chairs, center ta- ttling you want. bles, brackets, etc. If you need good furniture of any kind it will pay you to give us a call. Select your own material, and we will make what you want with any special features desired, and to fill the particular spot as wanted. PICTURE FRAMING IS OUR SPECIALTY. ALBIN & TAYLOR Successors to Chas. Kyle. Cabinet Makers and Picture Framing, Phone S3. Opposite Daily World Office. 'WENATCHEE'S BEST' The Feer of High grade fancy patent Hour is now on the market, and those who desire a fancy patent tlour make no mistake in using Wenatchee's Best, "PRIDE OF WASHINGTON" (The Family Flour.) Will suit those who desire a strong, high grade flour for family use. Beal Grain & Milling Co. WENATCHEE THEATRE Moving Picture Show (Under New Management.) Mr. H. C. Humphreys, *»*«>ne so^st. T_ "7 m r*r\ m THREE SHOWS I Omght, l.oOj Feature Films. 1. Ingomar, the famous old drama. 2. Kerchoo! 3. Don't Pull My Leg. Song, "Could You Love a Little Girl Like Me?" Admission Ten Cents SANTA GLAUS IS HERE And he has brought the newest and largest line of useful and ornamental Xinas presents ever brought to Che- lan County. Your inspection is invited, and we urge you to make your purchases early while the stocks are complete 1 and the service is good. See the beautiful Wenatchee em bossed high grade Lines Paper; goot 50c value; special for a few days 35 per box. Weaatcfcae Bazaar Phone 1712. R. L. BARTLETT It Is a Woiidt-.-. Chamberlain's Linltneut is one of the most remarkable preparations j yet produced for the relief p! rheuri- atic pains, and for lame back, ? sprains and bruises. The quick re- j lief from pain which it afforur. in case of rheumatism is alone worth i many times its cost. Price, 25 cents; I large size 50 cents. For sale b,- all : dealers. MALAGA SQUIBS. I L. Robert, an old time resident of 1 Stemik Hill, but now of Seattle, is here visiting friends. Ab Harriet returned from his bear hunt. He saw a few cougar tracks ; and did not stop to hunt the Brain ; family op. i Mrs. R. T. Smart is quite sick. A basket social will be held at the school house in district Xo. 4."», Sat- urday evening, Girls, bring your baskets; boys, bring your purses and 'be sure you have money in them. W. G. Perry and his goat left this morning for the Entiat to help or- ganize an I. O. O. F. lodge. W. G. has been feeding his goat up on good solid food for the past month because he knew he would have some haul work among the Entiat boys. Grant always carries a can of cayenne pep- per to sprinkle on the goats whiske-s whenever there is any real hard < work to be done. ; M. D. Haynes is here from Seattle on business. The. Malaga Land company deliv- jered a bunch of fifty-two head of 'i beef cattle to Wenatchee to be j shipped to Frye-Bruhn Co. of Seattle j W. P.. Prowen finished painting ibis new house on v's ranch and now j has the finest in mis neck of Rev. J. A. Rippey is conducting a , sseries of meetings at the school ! house on Stemilt hill. Constable-elect T. M. Derting is keeping the tail end of his eye peeled over his left shoulder for any j suspicious-looking characters that may be prowling around and if he ; should get his hands on them you can bet your boots that they will be i brought up before the court in short i order. So now, boys, you had better Ibe ijood. I Timothy Cornfodder's stork of the ; Entiat was flipping his wing over this neck of the woods, taking observe-! : tions, but returned to wait until j there was sleigihng. i Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care can- not be used to protect the children. A child is much more likely to con- tract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicked you cure the cold the less risk. Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried it are will- ing to use any other. ? Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W. V., says: "I have never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my children, and it has always given good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and mayebe given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by all dealers. SOUTHSIDE FRENCHMAN HILL. The first snow of the season fell Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton and P. V. Ha- miiion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Ferguson The wheat is looking fine in this locality The Lincoln school gave a Thanks- giving program on Wednesday, the school being closed until Monday morning. Thanksgiving Day was observed in various parts of this vicinity. An THE WENATCHEE DAILY WORLD, WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1008. Mr. G. O. Brewster, manager of the Wenatchee agency of the Bank- ers Reserve Life Co., has received the following letter from President Robison: "I received on Wednesday by ex- press the boxes of .Wenatchee apples you so kindly sent us. The apples came in time for our Thanksgiving dinner, graced the center of our ta- ble. A great many compliments were passed upon them. The apples are elaborate dinner was spread in the Pleasant Hill school house, which was enjoyed by a goodly number of citizens. The day was also observed by a big dinner at 'the artesian; also one at T. J. Jones' place. A Poor Defense. "Speaking of a poor defense," said 1 lawyer, "reminds me of the valet who was accused of drinking his master's wine. To this valet the master said: " 'Look here, you! I believe that yon have been at this decanter of claret and then filled it up with water.' " 'Oh, no, sir,' said the valet in an aggrieved tone. " 'Well, It tastes like it,' said the master, and he set down his glass with a wrj* face. " 'Oh, no. sir,' said the valet excited ly. 'In the first place, sir, I never drink wine; in the second place, when I do drink it I never think of filling the bottle up with water, and, in the third place, when I do put water in I always am very careful to add a little brandy so that the wine may not lose Its strength.'" Two Orators. As an orator Demosthenes was head nnd shoulders above Cicoro the Ro- man. The great Athenian stands la a class all by himself, if we are to t>e- lieve tbe consensus of learned opinion. Cicero, it is said, prided himself on his faculty of extemporizing at need, but probably trusted little to it on great occasions, while with Demosthenes it was the rule never to speak without the most careful preparation. The speeches of both were spoken without manuscript. They would never have made the reputation they did if they had been tied down to their notes.-- New York American. Their Only Job. "Why. Mrs. White," began tbe sum- mer visitor newly returned to Say- mouth, "how those maples of yours have grown since last year! It's per- fectly amazing!" "Oh, I don't know's it's anything to wonder at," said Mrs. White easily. "They ain't got anything else to do."? Youth's Companion. Not Modesty. Blox?Blmberiy Is exceedingly mod- est, isn't he? Knox?l hadn't noticed it. Blox?Well, be never talks about himself. Knox?Oh. that isn't mod- esty. It's discretion.?Chicago News. A Winner. Tommy?Ma. may I play make b'lieve that I'm entertainin'another little boy? Ma?Certainly. dear. Tommy?All right: gimme some cake for him then. ?Philadelphia Press. I could hardly feel much confidence In a man who had never been Imposed upon,?Hare. It's going to rain. Too better bring your umbrella to J. J. Byer. 2 Mission st. and let him OX it*" BASCOM H. 'ROBISON, President of' The Bankers Reserve Life Co., of Omaha, Xeb. certainly excellent. In fact, have never seen any finer ones in any ~of the markets of our cities. It accounts' for the great prosperity of the fruit growers >f the great Wenatchee val-j ley. Thanking you very kindly for having sn graciously remembered us and wishing you "and the residenis ol Wenatchee valley prosperity for the coming year. I bt'g to remain, Yours very truly. B. H. ROBISOSJ. A Mean Man. Medical Man?Jobson has done the meanest thing I ever beard of. He came to my louse the other night, ate a big dinner, got indigestion and then went to auother doctor to be cured. The most wasted of all days is tbat day on which one has not'laughed.- 1- Chamfort. The Important Item. He?Here is a thrilling account of the way In which that daring woman climbed to the top of a mountain which is five miles high. Wonderful, isn't It? She?Yes. What did she wear?? Cleveland Plain Dealer. Well Bred. "Do you speak the trutb?" "Not always." "Why not always?" "I hate to be impolite."?Xashville American. Generous. "My husband is the most unselfish of men"' exclaimed Mrs. Toungwife. "I gave him a whole box of cigars, and be only smoked one and gave all the rest away." Paradise for those who control their angev.? Koran. f He's Ceasing Down to Get Some FRHSH CANDY at the FEHN CANDY' KITCHEN Opposite Postoffice Cm F. Kggiman Prop. Eagle Transfer Go. IXC. CITY DRAY AND TRANSFER Special Attention to Baggage. Bus to AO Trains and Boats. WENATCHEE, WASH Phone ItOl Klondike FisSi ?Met All kinds of fresh, salted and smoked Fish. PRICES WITHIN REASON. W. M. RICE, The Leavenworth Liveryman Prepared to furnish rig*, Bad- die horses and pack trains to the Chelan County and tran- sient trade. Oue of town cus- tomers phone or write. RICE THE LIVERYMAN. Erisf and Pithy. An American law journal has quot- ed tbe charge to a jury delivered by a certain Judge Douovan as the shortest on record. The judge said: "Gentlemen of tbe jury, if yuu be- lieve the plaintiff find a verdict for plaintiff and ti.\ tbe amount. If you believe the defendant find a verdict for defendant. Follow the officer." But an English periodical caps this brief charge by quoting a shorter one delivered by Commissioner Kerr. He said to a jury: "That man says prisoner robbed him. The prisoner says be didn't. You set- tle it." Plagiarism. At the literary club a sympathetic crowd surrounded the humorist, whose house had been robbed. "They Cleaned out everything," sale" the man?"everything, but. tbank good ness, they didn't swipe from my desk the manuscript column of Jokes foi next week's paper." "Perhaps they knew." suggested a sonneteer cynically, "that the jokes had already been swiped."?New Or- leans Times-Democrat. Liberality. Little Jimmie. who bad Just received a box of mixed candy, passed it around to treat tbe family, saving: "Help your- self to all the chocolates yon want I don't like them."?Exchange. Mrs. Johnson says the secret of good coffee is very simple?bny Fol- ger's Golden Gate whole roast and have it ground, not too fine. CITY PROPERTY ORCHARDS FARMS HOTELS For Sals Two lots on Mission aye., 50 x 110 ft.: the cheapest city property on the market. Lots in the same vicinity selling at $450 to $475. Price $225 each. Six-room bungalow, close in, new and modern, good lawn. This residence would be cheap at $2600. $500 cash will han- dle this proposition. Five-room house, with 1% acres bearing orchard, fine place and good location. Cheap at $2700. Terms. Four orchard tracts, 8 acres each, 8 year-old trees in full bearing, short distance out, will pay big interest and can be se- cured on easy terms. Prices from $6000 to $9000. Good hotel, 20 bedrooms, cheap rent. Furnishings and business at a snap for the right party. $1200. Hotel with 23 bedrooms, completely furnished; has al- ways had a good trade and been a good money maker. $3700. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, includug bath and pantry, built of rein- forced concrete; front and back porches; one. of the best built houses in town, in one of the best locations. For sale at $3000 on liberal terms. LAKE & RICKERD

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Page 1: The Wenatchee Daily World (Wenatchee, Wash.) 1908-12-05 [p ]...An American law journal has quot-ed tbe charge to a jury delivered by a certain Judge Douovan as the shortest on record



Upstairs Columbia Valley Bank Building.Honrs 0-12; 2-5. Sundays by appointment.

We make Screens, Windows, Doors. Sash Doors, Show Cases, In-

terior Finishes, Stairs, Woodwork of All kinds.


Skating RinkOiK'ii Week Days?2 to 5 P. M.

Evenings?7:So to 10:15.

Free Instruction to Beginners10c General Admission.13c for Skates in Afternoon.

2T>c for Skates in Evening.

, ''Mm'- Maryßm Wmanstf will give instruction in

i public speaking, physical.jggjfo culture and voice work.

\ A Special Attention to Coach-Ing for Plays.


Studio 236 Perm. Aye. Phone 482Special terms will be extended to those entering before Holidays.Services available for entertainments.

OFFICE AND HOME FURNITUREMade to Order at Factory Prices

For the Office For the HomeDrafting Tables, Office- Desks, Mission Furniture of all kinds,

such as desks, window seats,Filing Cabinets, or any-

...* Morris chairs, center ta-ttling you want. bles, brackets, etc.

If you need good furniture of any kind it will pay you to give usa call. Select your own material, and we will make what you wantwith any special features desired, and to fill the particular spot aswanted.


ALBIN & TAYLORSuccessors to Chas. Kyle.

Cabinet Makers and Picture Framing,

Phone S3. Opposite Daily World Office.


The Feer of High grade fancy patent Hour is now

on the market, and those who desire a fancy patent

tlour make no mistake in using Wenatchee's Best,

"PRIDE OF WASHINGTON"(The Family Flour.)

Will suit those who desire a strong, high grade flour for

family use.

Beal Grain & Milling Co.


(Under New Management.)

Mr. H. C. Humphreys, *»*«>ne so^st.

T_ "7 m r*r\m THREE SHOWSI Omght, l.oOj Feature Films.

1. Ingomar, the famous old drama.

2. Kerchoo!

3. Don't Pull My Leg.

Song, "Could You Love a Little Girl Like Me?"

Admission Ten Cents

SANTA GLAUS IS HEREAnd he has brought the newest andlargest line of useful and ornamentalXinas presents ever brought to Che-lan County.

Your inspection is invited, and weurge you to make your purchases

early while the stocks are complete 1and the service is good.

See the beautiful Wenatchee em

bossed high grade Lines Paper; goot

50c value; special for a few days 35per box.

Weaatcfcae BazaarPhone 1712. R. L. BARTLETT

It Is a Woiidt-.-.Chamberlain's Linltneut is one of

the most remarkable preparationsj yet produced for the relief p! rheuri-atic pains, and for lame back,

? sprains and bruises. The quick re-j lief from pain which it afforur. incase of rheumatism is alone worth

i many times its cost. Price, 25 cents;

I large size 50 cents. For sale b,- all: dealers.

MALAGA SQUIBS.I L. Robert, an old time resident of1 Stemik Hill, but now of Seattle, ishere visiting friends.

Ab Harriet returned from his bearhunt. He saw a few cougar tracks

; and did not stop to hunt the Brain; family op.i Mrs. R. T. Smart is quite sick.

A basket social will be held at theschool house in district Xo. 4."», Sat-urday evening, Girls, bring yourbaskets; boys, bring your purses and

'be sure you have money in them.W. G. Perry and his goat left this

morning for the Entiat to help or-ganize an I. O. O. F. lodge. W. G.has been feeding his goat up on goodsolid food for the past month becausehe knew he would have some haulwork among the Entiat boys. Grantalways carries a can of cayenne pep-per to sprinkle on the goats whiske-swhenever there is any real hard

< work to be done.; M. D. Haynes is here from Seattleon business.

The. Malaga Land company deliv-jered a bunch of fifty-two head of

'i beef cattle to Wenatchee to bejshipped to Frye-Bruhn Co. of Seattlej W. P.. Prowen finished paintingibis new house on v's ranch and nowj has the finest in mis neck of

Rev. J. A. Rippey is conducting a, sseries of meetings at the school! house on Stemilt hill.

Constable-elect T. M. Derting iskeeping the tail end of his eyepeeled over his left shoulder for any

jsuspicious-looking characters thatmay be prowling around and if he

; should get his hands on them youcan bet your boots that they will be

i brought up before the court in shorti order. So now, boys, you had better

Ibe ijood.

I Timothy Cornfodder's stork of the; Entiat was flipping his wing over thisneck of the woods, taking observe-!

: tions, but returned to wait untiljthere was sleigihng.

iGood Cough Medicine for Children.The season for coughs and colds is

now at hand and too much care can-not be used to protect the children.A child is much more likely to con-tract diphtheria or scarlet feverwhen he has a cold. The quicked youcure the cold the less risk. Cham-

berlain's Cough Remedy is the solereliance of many mothers, and fewof those who have tried it are will-ing to use any other. ? Mrs. F. F.Starcher, of Ripley, W. V., says: "Ihave never used anything other thanChamberlain's Cough Remedy formy children, and it has always givengood satisfaction." This remedy

contains no opium or other narcoticand mayebe given as confidently toa child as to an adult. For sale by

all dealers.

SOUTHSIDE FRENCHMAN HILL.The first snow of the season fell

Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Parker. Mr.and Mrs. A. Hamilton and P. V. Ha-miiion spent Sunday with Mr. andMrs. G. W, Ferguson

The wheat is looking fine in thislocality

The Lincoln school gave a Thanks-giving program on Wednesday, theschool being closed until Mondaymorning.

Thanksgiving Day was observed invarious parts of this vicinity. An


Mr. G. O. Brewster, manager ofthe Wenatchee agency of the Bank-ers Reserve Life Co., has receivedthe following letter from PresidentRobison:

"I received on Wednesday by ex-press the boxes of .Wenatchee applesyou so kindly sent us. The applescame in time for our Thanksgivingdinner, graced the center of our ta-ble. A great many compliments werepassed upon them. The apples are

elaborate dinner was spread in thePleasant Hill school house, whichwas enjoyed by a goodly number ofcitizens.

The day was also observed by abig dinner at 'the artesian; also oneat T. J. Jones' place.

A Poor Defense."Speaking of a poor defense," said 1

lawyer, "reminds me of the valet whowas accused of drinking his master'swine. To this valet the master said:

" 'Look here, you! I believe that yonhave been at this decanter of claretand then filled it up with water.'

" 'Oh, no, sir,' said the valet in anaggrieved tone.

" 'Well, It tastes like it,' said themaster, and he set down his glass witha wrj*face.

" 'Oh, no. sir,' said the valet excitedly. 'In the first place, sir, I neverdrink wine; in the second place, whenI do drink it I never think of fillingthe bottle up with water, and, in thethird place, when I do put water in Ialways am very careful to add a littlebrandy so that the wine may not loseIts strength.'"

Two Orators.As an orator Demosthenes was head

nnd shoulders above Cicoro the Ro-man. The great Athenian stands la a

class all by himself, if we are to t>e-lieve tbe consensus of learned opinion.Cicero, it is said, prided himself on hisfaculty of extemporizing at need, butprobably trusted little to it on greatoccasions, while with Demosthenes itwas the rule never to speak withoutthe most careful preparation. Thespeeches of both were spoken withoutmanuscript. They would never havemade the reputation they did if theyhad been tied down to their notes.--New York American.

Their Only Job."Why. Mrs. White," began tbe sum-

mer visitor newly returned to Say-mouth, "how those maples of yourshave grown since last year! It's per-fectly amazing!"

"Oh, I don't know's it's anything towonder at," said Mrs. White easily."They ain't got anything else to do."?Youth's Companion.

Not Modesty.Blox?Blmberiy Is exceedingly mod-

est, isn't he? Knox?l hadn't noticedit. Blox?Well, be never talks abouthimself. Knox?Oh. that isn't mod-esty. It's discretion.?Chicago News.

A Winner.Tommy?Ma. may I play make b'lieve

that I'm entertainin'another little boy?Ma?Certainly. dear. Tommy?Allright: gimme some cake for him then.?Philadelphia Press.

I could hardly feel much confidenceIn a man who had never been Imposedupon,?Hare.

It's going to rain. Too betterbring your umbrella to J. J. Byer.2 Mission st. and let him OX it*"


President of'The Bankers Reserve Life Co., of Omaha, Xeb.

certainly excellent. In fact, havenever seen any finer ones in any ~ofthe markets of our cities. It accounts'for the great prosperity of the fruitgrowers >f the great Wenatchee val-jley. Thanking you very kindly forhaving sn graciously remembered usand wishing you "and the residenis olWenatchee valley prosperity for thecoming year. I bt'g to remain,

Yours very truly.B. H. ROBISOSJ.

A Mean Man.Medical Man?Jobson has done the

meanest thing I ever beard of. Hecame to my louse the other night, atea big dinner, got indigestion and thenwent to auother doctor to be cured.

The most wasted of all days is tbatday on which one has not'laughed.- 1-


The Important Item.He?Here is a thrilling account of

the way In which that daring womanclimbed to the top of a mountainwhich is five miles high. Wonderful,isn't It? She?Yes. What did she

wear?? Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Well Bred."Do you speak the trutb?""Not always.""Why not always?""I hate to be impolite."?Xashville


Generous."My husband is the most unselfish

of men"' exclaimed Mrs. Toungwife.

"I gave him a whole box of cigars,

and be only smoked one and gave allthe rest away."

Paradise for those who controltheir angev.? Koran.

fHe's Ceasing Down to

Get Some


at the


Opposite Postoffice

Cm F. Kggiman Prop.

Eagle Transfer Go.IXC.


Special Attention to Baggage.Bus to AO Trains and Boats.


Phone ItOl

Klondike FisSi ?Met

All kinds offresh, salted andsmoked Fish.



The Leavenworth Liveryman

Prepared to furnish rig*, Bad-

die horses and pack trains tothe Chelan County and tran-sient trade. Oue of town cus-tomers phone or write.


Erisf and Pithy.An American law journal has quot-

ed tbe charge to a jury delivered by a

certain Judge Douovan as the shorteston record. The judge said:

"Gentlemen of tbe jury, if yuu be-lieve the plaintiff find a verdict forplaintiff and ti.\ tbe amount. If youbelieve the defendant find a verdictfor defendant. Follow the officer."

But an English periodical caps thisbrief charge by quoting a shorter onedelivered by Commissioner Kerr. Hesaid to a jury:

"That man says prisoner robbed him.The prisoner says be didn't. You set-tle it."

Plagiarism.At the literary club a sympathetic

crowd surrounded the humorist, whosehouse had been robbed.

"They Cleaned out everything," sale"the man?"everything, but. tbank goodness, they didn't swipe from my deskthe manuscript column of Jokes foinext week's paper."

"Perhaps they knew." suggested asonneteer cynically, "that the jokeshad already been swiped."?New Or-leans Times-Democrat.

Liberality.Little Jimmie. who bad Just received

a box of mixed candy, passed it aroundto treat tbe family, saving: "Help your-self to all the chocolates yon wantIdon't like them."?Exchange.

Mrs. Johnson says the secret of

good coffee is very simple?bny Fol-ger's Golden Gate whole roast and

have it ground, not too fine.



For SalsTwo lots on Mission aye., 50

x 110 ft.: the cheapest cityproperty on the market. Lots

in the same vicinity selling at$450 to $475. Price $225 each.

Six-room bungalow, close in,

new and modern, good lawn.

This residence would be cheap

at $2600. $500 cash will han-

dle this proposition.

Five-room house, with 1%acres bearing orchard, fine

place and good location. Cheap

at $2700. Terms.

Four orchard tracts, 8 acreseach, 8 year-old trees in full

bearing, short distance out, willpay big interest and can be se-cured on easy terms. Prices

from $6000 to $9000.

Good hotel, 20 bedrooms,cheap rent. Furnishings and

business at a snap for the right

party. $1200.

Hotel with 23 bedrooms,completely furnished; has al-ways had a good trade and

been a good money maker.$3700.

SIX-ROOM HOUSE, includug

bath and pantry, built of rein-

forced concrete; front and backporches; one. of the best

built houses in town, in one of

the best locations. For sale at

$3000 on liberal terms.