the wayne w;;:~sth;;~~~ids ~~ ~ ----= ~= .. ~

'I ' ' • " •. THE WAYNE I! ... .. W!1' ,"",,,,,' 16 1 I . pages two sections! liH'e·,I,·p·House2500WS PUp'l· . fi""d "':"11\ ,,, gl!' a ratin]I:' d __ If of I tlW J}]slrl('t 17 hn'r Te peratures I 1 ' 'JIll d nrc Word tv;!,.. that ___ _ --.. --.. . "_._.- -" - Wll)fW n''itll('IUs. lIl"y h" nbl\, till bOllds IIIIVP hoen r,ivcll /HI "An . ,- J. k ed 1(1 1111'111 \ .. )m' Stlllt· II IH1! filling I High Low :' 1m Po ei't Nam lit- • - v. 11 '1-'\' to lHHI\jJI IIUlUl' WI' Supt. Francis Haun, who flew .fuljY 7 'I ::i8 I IIH'U'iI!i.I'tI ('lIftllltlll-nt tIll, "qrN.Owr,Y"onrok, t, •• ,Pdro"ho.n'n'.hx·, ',.,.'.p cf : I Le '. Cd"" Ifilll ('OIIt).:I. ,hIWC,' dtH'lh'd Q 1 glon omman er "'01,11" wh .. I""" '1'''''' ir. to set 8 date for the salo of I :;6 "fOflft\'1o fir rll'"l'tUII'Ol'l to \'411 ... will be tio1d bV 12 HG W ! Jlln I'ohtt .. bl'C'1l d{,cted ,;: . board W\:II' mept 'f1hur!iday 1;1 !H Ii:) cOllllllander lJli' W,IYlIl' tho enrl''''lint will bo _hi. rH*bl 10 Sqt till' date for :,al(' of hOI Lt'./.!W!I po,,!. "'HJCC{II'Mmg tum, 'I don" \t '-, ' •• rn. I kltly tl1(' hOrl{h. Ollwr mattt')'::; relaUng Fl. ' self, ,Otb·'r w{'re IIbo , ,,: thoro w II b. nooO'-1o,. JOO to of ttll' new hiJ.!t1 19 I to uston I {'It'd{'d 'I;' IIlI' III ':"; i .,ddlHon I lIylng pInos, lie ort!. I !ichuoJ WIJI ubo be ('on::;idercd, Cad Sch'(tf!1 h fir?t vic I!' (om· r ling to 1m, dlrMf r 0' ':'vfoody Bond :H'l'vice, Enll·"hten·1 9 On'e mar-de-r; Dean SchrAm second J'i';; " I, '.dl,nll'I',',",'" k n ,',,' ,'",,'., ",--"",,1 I'J"f ,',,\" NI'w Yorl{, the lop rating to ::J vice commander; Jean Nui.s, ad- .. "- thi' bond" Thl' firm allowed th(: Llkc lllO:-;t iutant; Chrl& Bargholz. finonce 'Ithnt MUll' new tttudllllb __ wqL«"I)uW onl.v i!fler a complete days, ,Istudents in ,I Wayne Stute's AT MANNED SPACE CENTER: Wayne State Schi'rra orbi'tcd the ,three years ago. Mrs, cfflc&r; Le& Ti.tgen P05t serv- (rom Wayno tlr within port wa" mad(! on the community llCrOSI)llcc cducatio? workshop had aerospace workshop students arc fascinated by Harold Brown of Roodolph peers into the cock- iee. officer; Wayne Tietgen. e-m- W.,'iI1 l ,no,t .IH,' I, and ttw dlslrkt !)howing that SOme understandjng of Amerlt'a')' ployrnent chalrma-;a: Fronk Hoin.-, 1 '" .. therl' !:-. ,I solid ('('{)Ilomy in back mlJltary and SIHH'O efforts __ b(' Mercury capsule In whkh Astrpnaut Wally in!itruments. I chjld welfare ch.trm.n; I Wuym' H',ddtnt! wllO wJJI' to tlI· of tht!1ll fore they (.'ourse l - I (,!lri:-. Blirgholz Of llpartm(!ntli, J\('hh'vm(/,nt of j) rllting means They have far, more under· 1 B' N 'L I R·d I' l{hdJIIlI,11I 1,llill'! W]II],11ll Kll'ff colll.'Hl' lh'f!>OIIIHtI {![. 'h,· <1"'1'1<:1 will hav" tl> pay a .'andlng now, af/.r •• d.v usmess otes I oca eSI ents nJure In 111.111 dldpl,'"1 ('<If I s,h,,1 <lIS """lItlIOII HI, !>llhstanllally low('r intel'l'st rnte excunlOfl to Texajs. VI!»Itlng the I Arion "dlrey, VII'!>I :\dtHlnal II! Ii 11'11('[ ch.llrrn,1I\ BIll Wllwh will vhlL Own II would if til{' honds were mannod space center ncor Hous>-' II k \I' I k h W t Oil. 0 kd I (ommullIt\ cb.lIrm;lIl llit- h(lIl'" not rlltl,(j Also, bOIl(I!> will be ton. tho heart 0 our niltion's - IS ap - es T a a e !(Plth Amel]C,IIl!SIH ch,lIr reach Ihlo space I{'I'rlillellt(",· "t th(> ('on('luslOn of .. _ I ',t \\d'ylle \\{H' Ul Illdn and <..'Ihl'rles (,r('elllee'- IHlb curlty hemg estabUshed by the lop d • I JuruJ <Jnd two atlars escapl'd In ile ("halrman DONALD q.RANT, travel- hond firm III tll(' nation instru*ors who mark till' flight S,hooi of BU!'>IIH'S!-i adminbtration Cancer Fun Drive ;IJury III a onl'·car ilecult'nt II aargholz:., Pokett and Winch or and'iedurer. will .plltak II Who it; interested? Lots of 'flhurs ay and F"ri,day came hack July:1 indejJt'ndtnt Hankt'Ts .' .... cst of Uakdale un a Ihghw<IY 1·1 were named delegates to the 8 p,m. MonCiay night In the WSC fi m d it will be up to the with s cb descripflons as "fanta!> t I th 'x la ' ml Will E d 1.1 S qetour Saturday aftcrf,0on, TW'I department c-onvention in Om.· administration building audi- to notify them of tJc,'" '" lOll "pOIlSOrl'( c 'oj. (. y se - n Ii ere oon' hosplrn!lled Wednesday ha FridfY through Sunday, Lee torium on '1In the Wid. World- the date of r the sale of bonds "mystiJrying," plus one uOlversai : ' ' In Ne'iJgh, 1 Tietgon" Nun and Scheel were Danger Spots and Growing and the details of tho rating Sec - page 8 I Id )itC'siden!s of Wayne ('ounty have Mr. and Mr$, E, R. Peterson, 1 named alternates: Points," There Is ro admtuion " r&ceived, ,. ,Fie. Day at I A .. ot(' of th'anks charge arid the public il Invited, I 01 frN,h· Hewn ",lid til(' board IS also I ... U. L '-'- Fo I" to ('v('ryonc helpll1g' wit"h !\temor Grant f«vots working with stu- Illlatl < 11M lut fall 515, workmJ.: on the matter of getting THE WANT ADS H I F Wilma Johnson, county crusa{le broken rib and bJ'loken arm and !al {by ntes This- included such dents in m .. -ny natlont .lind hU W I" 111(' school [and needed. No new I erva e arm :chalrman. She reports the 1965 Was to undergo surgery Wednes- groups as other vt:tl'rans organlzil worked With Herbert Hoover l W.{ My .. lopm,'''!.' wert' "'ported thl, .' I "<lu,,,'lOo.1 'Tell YOllr Neighhor" d.y. She suffered a broken Ie. ''''''', 'he \VIIS h,,"<I, lhe CI'} pow p;o"eered o;d '0 Ru,,;. durinG' J5consln omOfl \.,,('I'k on that f<:leet of the ·pro- h Set fo r July 24 fund drl\(' Will end soon. and was badly bruised_ el ('JC'W the Auxlliafles and olh the fammo and lerved as inter-- ! . J,.!rnrn Cas Nig t Prize I LIterature concerning cancer Less Injured Wt'rl' till Ir en The 1..I'1-(lOn .... 111 ,IJlPf'ar In tht' preter 'or Albert Einstein In 0lil I of t .. IU " ... .. s . has been passed from door-to· daughter In lav. Mrs (JIm {'('h'r WlllsHJl Juhli<'{' j1.lrMh· Jul) 22 spectacular care-er 1 III V B U $400 11It'lvall I aIm .... W,l\ill will host dGor and c.ampalgn workers son WaYIl(,31 and ht'r two ch]1 d Silver Dollar Night Dray/ing ac p to thp N(-braska !1<"r('fOid 3<;O:;OClatlon have made calls If you have drcn Am) 1\ ,Ind ShJlll\ 11 I \. I Ret Ive in Crash Thursday - $400 fIeld dd\ Sdttlrd I, .Jll]\ 21 :\l not been contacted you can send AI! (ut" ,11ld 1),lI F·lttlng and Sh oWing to Be I . Way cs ctlsh (l1ght prize 1:-. !lImo! IllrrfDld [It bv mati to W;lma Johnson, nIl i'!tPISII/l lH drt\lr oj \111 \( Mrs KlCk'bush, back u) to $400 A WnkeflCld \\om tllon 1'0 (0 sponsqrtng the event Wayne hide' ,md 1m Charlottp 1 D d C;:" d Wls, died Thunday in 11 S:lolI){ L I V h · I an wa, not present Tbulsday eve F'rst National bllnki lind State 1 I It II 1 ",., I \HI( lJllInJurpd Both .lil' chlld]en emonstrate at City hosplt:li SII<' wall tlH' ffj"rlh cea 'e I,e e ning he? hcr .,n:lmc V,d:-; (,dlql NatIonal bonk, Wayno. food {tlmC'!'I .. of the Onn PetcIS()IlS _ 'Ivlcum of a traffic _ for prize, Icompanlos' lind feed I:ompanies lifC' mformation given out C E Wlutm'}, Nehras The second annual fittmg and north of the D tro ed "In Thl w .. k the check will be 'are loinlng leland in lW111 makp Ill(' rount -wlde drive ka Stale patrolman who mV('stl I:-;ho\\mg demonstration at the ITeaches at Ba n Clinic urday es Y' for $4 If no ono Is prolent to hosting tho affair Registration I h I 0 II Y t th gated s/lld the Petl'rS()1l Expenmont s tat Ion I Three t"nao. Laur.I I girls dalm tho money. anotthlltr fu."d will start lJt 8 with the program lW hi t'ld na·;fn C c<lr hIt a rough spot In the road lonrord, 'lull be hC'lrl Fnday, Ju j<:lIl't'n D.I 011' WHlsld(' I werif klll.d In the .. _Two Su n lday FI" re wlII t started end the prlzo ,... ( 11\ l' OU Jl or ml Ions. dnv'¥I lost conlrol and the \ l' 1) 16 from 9 a m to 2 p m All jNI-HA ,qrllfleti In!>!r H tor wns nne Wayne youths are -:- out ,:Of Ihe_ mone will remain lit $400 until opening at 9:45,! I h]{'IC' wdnt mto the dllth on tht, 141I members, 4 H leaders and dads of SIX I('a("he'ls II\sl at the hOlpltal with lIi. .. , 1"lurl.s and Tilt' Llv('\"lllgholls.e Truck service, clDlm , A 1ype jll(lging N right sld;¢, overturning .IS It \\ent are inVited alll1lJlal hatoh ("lime for lugh third youth •• '111 hQIPlt.lbed. WllYlh' 1111 by the bIggest fire In MrS'fErWin Lubberstij'dt, Wakr: {"ontest talks, trophiC'S, two frC'e BUSiness otes Mrs, Peterson said a bead on Howard Gillaspie, extension [SChOO! maJorl'Hc:i at Gibbon SatuT Keith Rohrke, lion or weelt6 a.go, waS hit field. ould have been $350 ric,her a tuBeless tire had popped, The agent fori Dixon county, is tn dd} MIS Dee Glhl>o_n, dl, ke, Wayne, ill sUij jn the' 1I1lt'Jullvc_ by flrt' 'ul4ain Sunday but it was if had beeD illL Wayne j'l'hurs- heIfer will go to the top junior Conrad Suhr, Wayne, recently rle-sulting crash a tohl ' charge of over-III plans, Experts Ire(,l(,d alld teachers b{'sides Mrs. care ward at 8 S10iJx elly, " fire II long wily from the home da!(, H she lin-aS il $10 con- attended a new agents' tral'n,'ng tt$ for the vehicle. from the station, the University Dammc v,l're Ir_oTl) OlTlilhCi Lln- Jle hU-I> cuni- I t · h" k t h j .<1 Nebraska judge <lnd th,c other will h II I I' Cit d corpu b l oiflce, A truck burncQ near thf1 so 10 C 9 i ll. ca:t;e 'uW school sponsored by Gene'ral Lifi;"' 'arrell was al}le to get a out of Nebraska and a feed campa., co n, y an J R but i,.Plh f M-" j.J.'l (I J{unsas uOl'der south of Arapanoe', pain, ,h(' a door prize. , . of frhe vehicle ex('ept hi!) grand ny will take p.rt. Chnsti Parade balftlme after; i4 SDort F!re call" were sent to two de- hnve extra Harold Ingalls, Wayne of iowa Insurance Co" at the father, Truckers stopped, helped Leo Lucas, cxt£>nsion swine hus- I routlnC's nnd on ,1he march 10<1 dondltlon is criti ,I e '1'/ d 0 W'W NU f ffl' L' I H ' I I Itt S:h' 'r John Rilbe, 'Ra' )lurl'mcnts in the area. No sP$'a'lbargalns aqyertso::>d in Ie tyagent,an ave Iiams, Irm'so lcesm mcon, elsnow fan,the injured in warm sun. bnndryrnan at the Universit,Y oflwC'rf' ;!('C'C'n_te(".wlll cones v __ elUwr alarm nnd the, twd Wa e! Herald ant the monthly animal hosbandryman, will be qualifiNi to bpcoml' a licenserl un- cnntrolled blcpliing by a little girl N{'braska will 'lmve charge of a and show twlrlinglld('HS Ahout, ''?O told e Herald ru •• dat:, with thl' truck stood by S tlighter this w ek. Sales start In' charge of judging. Three dC'rwrlter of life insurance for the nnd -took until amhulances grooming demonstration anrl the ;Jftenrlf>d (he haton cilmc Mt·yer f Wayne. bad 'adm {ted to <l!-i til\' cub and tractor were de- 'Dh1)rfsday so there added TC';lson clasjScs of young bulls and tw..p I .J . and IwtroJ t'3rs carne to take the \.f\3ining of swine; Walt Tolman, an(1 100 altended the County Attorney Max G9'U Sat· - b h d i ht I ,., h 'f 0 th(' firm, \\hie-,h 15 just over, three h I I I I b 'd 'I :-.troyt'd Lo e in Wayne urs:iy n g c, as::oes 0 young el ers ar family 10 the hospital. animal hutibandry, reseB ('b man_ c per pa< l'r c I!J. (" urday Ithat he had bv rig. Tom Llveringhouse, o,Wner of and"'('\lery -scheduled, years old ........... :____ Thp Pt'tersoJl).. were returning at \he, station, wtll hav charge •. the car' RUbe Bald until t at time the trucking company, sa i d' ------- 'I -- -- .. -- from ,I Ivacation frip to Color.ado, of grooming and training of .. thrre doubt about. 0 W(.I8 Cliff and Virgil Potter, Norfolk, C i! t L R · S Mr:-. Orin I'l'Icnoll's ,former home. Russell Br'ennan, represent,,· UU) The Her,ld Want Ads. at the time or th, IshUI·. wer.;n 'he 'ruck. They ,- ity ax evy e'malns' arne· .. I . '51 '+,."','·b .' I "" 10hn farm south of ing of dairy cattle_ Loyal La l ssies 'In t'hp trail(,r was a load of 'e' '''/ '8 ' S h M · L d on lllgb\\a} bOnn Kent Fc('u \0. will furnish dl'S hogs boundl for EI Pal;o, T('x, from, uys out 'oln an Ip('ltlsnn 11-ulierton Lumber com s{'rt and a drmk at noon Lunch I I I"'" l't'llter\IIl(', S. D. NUIlC' of the hogs L I p:J11\ 1111plo}l'e .Jlld (Jill' oUH'r othpr .... ls(' he of tYle sack,a H Id W,·II Ca6. c h gn \\pn' lost :Rnd the load \\as tran::.- __ _ _ ___ ....... " ld nqt on Ill{' fie-I) each 011(' iurmshJrl;::! hIS opes eo .! > f ! fCr1't'd to anot!lI'r 1,'u{"K line to An ppropnallOll ordmilllce pas· I -- , .. t---+;-\ lown IAya) LaSSies clubj 11 spccd dl'livery of the lanimals sed T sday ri!kht t a meeting of, PI S' C 1 j . Inght - 511) hope 4-11 c,uJb (jf "',- LIVpnngllO\lSC "aid the trailer tho W yne City counCil, seb .Ihe an trlng oncert ' _ Rotn Falls Three Days N I_ the WI,Il J OlIOW"lbCf,,, was not d.lnw.L:ed but thl' cab tax Ie for the at 263 mills. ,Jlld Jl\H10r high I r Wa}ne receIved 5U of an mch of BUSiness otes TIJ(' fifth IS Ililid and traclor were destroyed, He This i unchanged the It'vy I jralll In thrc(' lilffpf('nt o.;hower<; thC' that'.; what they Y(3n,t 011 a flJlr> .",'11(1 would cover the for th prevIOus year. , I" i "'V \\c(k The an'" recelv('d 04 'Mr alld Mrc; Kent Hall and !grounds project. t 11- lo"s I 1(;lt . ," I: ,Alt.! I . I I , . fairground stand Mon.doy. Wallin thlll'(' dln'clion.s at (lllCl'? Ihl\l' fro ill Laurel to Cole- FOI <l fe\\ !mh's northbound nn Ihgl1WIl} 1:), !iouth· hound on ItLghwllY 57 but actually on both. TIl(' signs and say SOl A Wayne man enroute to a bali game ran out of gas but coasted 'two miles into a fillIng station, He- assured the passen- gers that even if they had been in the country it would have been all right as he C'.srrie-s a 21,: gallon tan of gas in the trunk, He DOVer told them though that it dawned on him later that he had tlie can all rfght - but it was empty too, Over in Wakefield a mother \\"11 be moC(' carcful how she aD- sw rs th(' door. She has a game I'h with hCir kids: kn ck and she says "Come- m if 'our tlm;e is bhlt'" or "Come In d ,"our /It'nd IS pointed" or "C 01(: III If you h:\Ve three eyes_" Th othN in answer to a 1-;.n ck slH' l'aned " Come in if your) clNl1l" The kids didn't, 'omt' a.s usual so s.he checkt'd, only I to r,nd a perfect str llger (wil hi !l clean nose) still w {or a more format ltlvitll' tio to enter, ' A visitQr ',to \"fayne. being s own to'/Yn. suddenly b rst out lau hing, Asked what , s!e I 0: 9 s line, co prolects: .. aution ,.. Peorle. Natural G s." 'I, i, I .- . 1 l I, er retired. It wa,s for one n!lIli 'lI\ultl !"i"'])l flf thp \\,(,,,1 ", I \dH'il Ihe fd lPf( 011 I H' program. 109. CJ\ for t e, retiremc-nf of park al"'d ,['II'rHllll:tfl "('hll()i Tlwfl' ;In' El '4f' ,11111 other rppnrted on "pl,H1t rare" The: They picked the hottut 1:Iay of pOol GJ'lds, ad\,llHt',j '!nd Inll'l"llll'ri jrelll1{all The ("JltnC malflly Cml· tho year to do some Thrl't: othC'r han' bl'{'n In rail' ]lll(lib ;dl t;:I1I'\ of ,",ottb-t temperaturC' far) \\<J_'i, ("prnl'd m'\\ floral de'iH.;mn;.: Armed With brushes crease'. to bnng tJw Ic\\ up III !Il.<,IIIIIIl('nl\ T!ll' ("om'crt _ r!'c()rderi Monday when the mer !('C1liUqUC .... ,tnd_ wa.., b}: some paint.rollers, the the rl..\'IOllS le\vll' TIU'- genNal up \l\. \\4'pk\ nf SIl!l1IJH'r :cllr;: reach{'d 94 Tuesdar m:!ht It Ihr' Fhn,,,t .. The ,palfit('rj many or the interior ll;{- I PI H' I ("ntiuctl'd t)\ \""nde- \\ioIlh In the !lalh OVerall' thl; ).\aync of the luncti room. To ltli&1!-' tunc ('\ \ h Illll \ . I . I 60 ' , '- h J I th I 1 -; to [i:l, iht' strc{'l )t'\:' I :0 s all{ __ __ ' flll.J' :<;/ a wur,K," from 1,5 1\1 milLs, And till' ]"('l"I"t'd is' I Sh P '0. T I Sh . t' Tht'lr idea 15 10 make the ("Jll- ml'r .. ,,, .. d. from " or " County on ' "iy e OW, re Immory ,a enf 0 < .. >S10" 'tand a better I,lacc '''. ai' ", \ d b I I 21 community bettcrJTlcqt project. 1 "::,;:\;'. Tour of SCS Projects .. Ju i ee Ju y. __ aIrport. I llilii. Sti\\l"l" IlllUllteTl 1 . " I and a talent show will Area Shippers' cd where the L.u-sies :llll'e, 1 mill. :lllf ' "I be the kIckoff a('U"-ltle'" of the \Vm· and there Ire oiber- a 111111. hospital. 2 mllb. llo\!--m:-. \\('1(' conciucted on a soli h J d' d h'l iebratlOn ' t-' An 2 mills, soCial IS lllllls, dnd \\ dler tour of I . county SO,,:" w, at J t actual Area ,shiPpers to .Sioux City :::n r I Wa) fl(' county Tuesday, Consen-a- soil conservation con do Tuesday, Here some arB- shown I IS In' withe the' Old week Included \\ arren Morltz,l H ' Id . bonds, -I mil S, and ViHIOUS t!On mp8sur('!' w('re noted by bus]- from a chartered bus as paused at the Izoak " Walton lake r"un,'on Jul" 22.23 ' Wmslde. 23 steers, v.i. 1.282,528.10_1 0(0 purpose bonds levy" 1 1mB. . ' <:: '" l The council also voted to buy : for refreshments served by the 'kes, ' , Several oldtime swimming" m Troutman, Wiilstde-,17 heifers, j e tract of land 215 feet by 372 - ---- . --- -- suits cf the late 1800'-$ have I, 904 Ibs,. , ' I I ('nlightenment I W'II L f B' I .. b' feet at the :south end of Main_, The first stop was at the Har· t ., IS· t I I earn 0 uSlness been loaned to the cele ration Owned by Merle Tic-tsort. the ry 'Heinemann farm to observe IS orlca otle y ou!Omess s 1 u d (' n t:; ':,1 Will Put Attent on : Wedne.d.y In A r" s"IUl"oo ,,'as I""','"" p""t",n- d ,mFJr,ket 'hind Same of the brides of the 1890';,,> _.. , I t : rH ay w ('n ps l I preserved their weddmg dresses, ing the COUllty COllllllIssioners to well.. InSI e S 'IS ory , Company, brok,:,r::;,! lh. I fhese Clre loaned by reiocal(' a portIOn of the road '\1 the .. \l\"lll \\ agner farm, a . <7 '. ' of \\, A, \\ oHenhaupt '" tivcs and \\lll also be put on 11-..:- , north df thE' mumclpal all'port A I ('omplele sui! and ,,,ater conser" .-A.. m.ectmo; thE' 'business illHstmE'nt class planlllnf! Ill" model,,' : -loop In the road \\ould ,atlOn ]1ro1;1<101 ob,,('nefi HI HIstOrical socl('l), will be held 10 tare' Ed\\3rd Barn..!t. Gerald,'" _. I 1 Iltimc- len"themng of Ihe !',rm h waterways are Wmsidl'. Fnda,\, July 2J, at 2.30 ;ork,' J e Dartman, .ldS O( the _. , . ,., ,establis.hll'd: gras:s turn rows have Ip m Accent W1U be on the early, ,.a e_ 0 \, 0 ,'" Bard 1-1.Qihtno \\ O. ..... appear .- \3. 1 been seNleci; find he has ;J good ihislOry of the Winside area. F.crol o , .er;!hl: \\cCinesday mgbt style shou \\,111 1 Other bLlsin('ss dtS(!llSSed blll 'e-rop rolo.tlOo. I The free meeting in Winside's ; I be .. arp d no pnz- if_ aC'ted upon mcluded the. I Til(' last was at Wayne park is cpen to everyone_ Old- I Lorenzen, - \Ylillam 125: t3e. .. IS Just bemo on I I aUev J dlSCusslOnl "'fkt'<; 13k£' to see the Ilnpro\ e-'I ,. 'ed' 'h I !\orman, Ted To,,) ,in the Sisters of the S\\1... to i' _J , ' .. ", Imers are expec 0 ga er y g [ .'. of a by<1one aae " f with a planni g rep-I ml'nt;; dompieted this year. The furnish information on ... I oun, reH .. e.:o (J' - <> "! Jj and approyal of surface :::trea of the lake was (,ll- membrances of the early days . as far' as IS concerned_ , balls_ lar;€'d. 'by about one acre by I when Winside 'was beating out ,Give Concert In Park ,Thee preliminary talent show , ,-_-!I__ drNiginQ work this 1pring The' Northside as a town \Jnd its Another summer concert in UI(' i is aimed to cut do"Wl!' t_he, nurn- I , . ) • ' '1_ l'd 1'('[1 to the I later growth and development_ park ,\ III be pre<:ented F!"lday: ber of. cc;'"test-ants takrn9 part j I Buslqess Notes I M I R'nJ farm a There \Hll be plent} of interest e\emng at \\ayne s 1,1 , " tile n :r: is lin oldtlme ltem-s for clothmg of! the summer band 1 area have signed. up to _ _ _ } - Mrs 1 Clara' Sulltv'ln and used to fu;nish Y watet for live- the early ""ifl be worn an I: Don \\tll compete in the three divisions PAINTERS at the 4-H concession stand at arv tieadlee -of Sav-Mor drug stock. The Ring has a tiques from another era Wlll d at 8 pm., a eh:<:ro "nd licht \ for cash p.rius. \ grounds Monday were these warkers_ First :row Oeft a a t\\tHlay cosmctlcs SOil and conser- Of n pl;as; all ;l!e I Tuesday mght around 200 at.: Connie- Wotson; Sondra- Beth s hl'ol lU I: under Revlon va-hon, progt<lm be- one of the meetings groups The public IS lUnted to at i1tended a dmner at El Rancho_ Pro-- DUQk.Iau. Back. row; Connle An.n Bpler; s nS-6r/ihip recer'l'\4y { The school 11:' 3S an mformatn e tour on h \vCRS _ t tend in cars or III the park ltseli I pnetor JeIT)' Eulberg refunded I d M r Millie Vickie Soter and c veredt all of Rejvlqn's products an alr conditioned bus ThIS {(la\ of t e \e balf, the $2 admISSion pnce to I In Y eye'k' - f h f' Tf - tr a*d special was placed be consldcred 3 lour of "oodll111 SpecIal oldllmc mUSlC and other . the II'lDside group sponsofing the I NoW they see mtrrors or t e ael t !es ffi all a SCt'l'lCC lor ,nr and mllillal bcncflllo ann attractIons are planned Furtherll SHver Dollar See SHOW _ page 8 'J ,to donate morcoll the county .agenU 0 te. ious tJ 1:i){1 lJ' detatls will be given next week. 1'- Thursday - ) .•...• \. , .. 1 :, ' '1'Y.,lE'S': S..,ll1: i l '"',, ,'I :1' c. ..' ':k%$: \.' '1 l ':1,,', ' l I

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'I ' ' • " •. ,r\'P'I"''''':~'~r~-'~''~~~~iMw'ri'''i''''::~I#I~1t1!j;'f11m

THE WAYNE I! HERALiir.:::~~ ~:~a{:< W;;:~Sth;;~~~ids ~~ ... ~ ----=_~"= .. ~<A W!1' ,"",,,,,' '"~"~-II Cit;;':R;~~1:~~~i~'-~:;i~;

16 1

I . pages

two sections!

.'~:,~~!~~."!~~~!Iyo1(ity liH'e·,I,·p·House2500WS PUp'l· ~" . ;"JI:~(. fi""d "':"11\ ,,, gl!' a ratin]I:' d ~ __ If of ItlW J}]slrl('t 17 .I>~h()ol l~fJnd!; hn'r :~Weck/s Te peratures I 1 ' 'JIll d nrc Word tv;!,.. rccclV(~d that ___ _ --.. --.. • . "_._.- -" - Wll)fW n''itll('IUs. lIl"y h" nbl\, till bOllds IIIIVP hoen r,ivcll /HI "An . ,- J. k ed 1(1 1111'111 \ .. )m' Stlllt· ~Uh4' II IH1! filling O~tc< I High Low :' 1m Po ei't Nam lit- • - v. 11 '1-'\' to lHHI\jJI IIUlUl' ~l WI'

Supt. Francis Haun, who flew .fuljY 7 'I 8~ ::i8 I IIH'U'iI!i.I'tI ('lIftllltlll-nt C.'Xl1(!t·~t'( tIll,

"qrN.Owr,Y"onrok, t, •• ,Pdro"ho.n'n'.hx·, ',.,.'.p ~~!t ~ cf : ~:I I Le '. Cd"" Ifilll ('OIIt).:I. oHirinl~ ,hIWC,' dtH'lh'd Q ~ 1 glon omman er IW"~IH' "'01,11" wh .. I""" '1''''''

ir. to set 8 date for the salo of :~~:'Y :~ I ~~ :;6 "fOflft\'1o fir rll'"l'tUII'Ol'l to \'411 ... ~dl'I' ~::I~~ b~~~V will be tio1d bV .1ul~ 12 HG W ! Jlln I'ohtt .. h!l~ bl'C'1l d{,cted ,;: rl'n~::~o~ 1~!1I ~~ ro~~(,~~:,;~I~h'lt,~:t .

'l'h(~ board W\:II' mept 'f1hur!iday ,J\JI~ 1;1 !H Ii:) cOllllllander ~JI lJli' W,IYlIl' AHI~n tho enrl''''lint will bo 'un~iI _hi. rH*bl 10 Sqt till' date for :,al(' of hOI ~.'an Lt'./.!W!I po,,!. "'HJCC{II'Mmg tum, ~ 'I don" ,td~o. \t '-, ' •• rn. I kltly tl1(' hOrl{h. Ollwr mattt')'::; relaUng Fl. ~I ' self, ,Otb·'r offll'{'r~~ w{'re IIbo , ,,: thoro w II b. nooO'-1o,. .b~u' JOO to Cnrl:.!rur~tlon of ttll' new hiJ.!t1 19 I to uston I {'It'd{'d 'I;' IIlI' 1_I~t III 'l'tUl~ ':"; ~ i .,ddlHon I lIylng pInos, lie ort!. I !ichuoJ WIJI ubo be ('on::;idercd, Cad Sch'(tf!1 h fir?t vic I!' (om· r ling to 1m, Hum~.'. dlrMf r 0'

':'vfoody Bond ltatlllJ~ :H'l'vice, Enll·"hten·1 9 On'e mar-de-r; Dean SchrAm second J'i';; " I, '.dl,nll'I',',",'" kn,',,' ,'",,'., ",--"",,1 I'J"f ,',,\" NI'w Yorl{, f~a"'t' the lop rating to ::J vice commander; Jean Nui.s, ad- .. "-thi' bond" Thl' firm allowed th(: Llkc lllO:-;t inform4(lcitlzpnslIHIM~ iutant; Chrl& Bargholz. finonce 'Ithnt MUll' new tttudllllb __ wqL«"I)uW "atl!l~ onl.v i!fler a complete r(l~ days, ,Istudents in ,I Wayne Stute's AT MANNED SPACE CENTER: Wayne State Schi'rra orbi'tcd the ,three years ago. Mrs, cfflc&r; Le& Ti.tgen P05t serv- (rom Wayno tlr within ('(}mn\UulI~~ port wa" mad(! on the community llCrOSI)llcc cducatio? workshop had aerospace workshop students arc fascinated by Harold Brown of Roodolph peers into the cock- iee. officer; Wayne Tietgen. e-m- ,.I(r',~~,'n·i"I"'<'I'I"t,nuf~.,.thert'(urc W.,'iI1 l,no,t .IH,' I, and ttw dlslrkt !)howing that SOme understandjng of Amerlt'a')' ployrnent chalrma-;a: Fronk Hoin.-, 1 '" ~ .. therl' !:-. ,I solid ('('{)Ilomy in back mlJltary and SIHH'O efforts __ b(' Mercury capsule In whkh Astrpnaut Wally pi!_~~~~~~w~t~ in!itruments. I chjld welfare ch.trm.n; I Wuym' H',ddtnt! wllO wJJI' to tlI· of tht!1ll fore they b~gan ttH~ (.'ourse l - I (,!lri:-. Blirgholz ml'l1Ibl'r~llIp Of llpartm(!ntli, ~flrUI'lt1

J\('hh'vm(/,nt of j) rllting means They have far, more under· 1 B' N 'L I R·d I' d· l{hdJIIlI,11I 1,llill'! W]II],11ll Kll'ff colll.'Hl' lh'f!>OIIIHtI {![. 'h,· <1"'1'1<:1 will hav" tl> pay a .'andlng now, af/.r ~,~w •• d.v usmess otes I oca eSI ents nJure In 111.111 dldpl,'"1 ('<If I s,h,,1 <lIS :175-2;~)(J, """lItlIOII HI, !>llhstanllally low('r intel'l'st rnte excunlOfl to Texajs. VI!»Itlng the I Arion "dlrey, VII'!>I :\dtHlnal II! Ii ,1~tl'l 11'11('[ ch.llrrn,1I\ BIll Wllwh will vhlL Own II would if til{' honds were mannod space center ncor Hous>-' II k \I' 1~() I k M· h W t Oil. 0 kd I (ommullIt\ ~\{'IVICt" cb.lIrm;lIl llit- h(lIl'" not rlltl,(j Also, tm~ bOIl(I!> will be ton. tho heart 0 our niltion's - i~~.:! 'Ir(j;I;j'y~(~, ~\~II~:no~:~o n,('~~I~I'd' IS ap - es T a a e !(Plth BOllt~hn Amel]C,IIl!SIH ch,lIr

~~I~dnf:~~e '1IllO~~i~I~!ii~~~:~~;~ef:tfiee~ reach Ihlo space I {'I'rlillellt(",· "t th(> ('on('luslOn of .. _ I ',t \\d'ylle II:-.ldent~ \\{H' Ul Illdn and <..'Ihl'rles (,r('elllee'- IHlb

curlty hemg estabUshed by the lop sa;i~y ~~~ ~~r]e~~a~t iStu~I(~tnt~('~~~1 )I;~ie-;,lr:th'lt\r;:~.n';;·a~~~r;rr~~/a~~a~: d • I JuruJ <Jnd two atlars escapl'd In ile rl'latiOn~ ("halrman DONALD q.RANT, n~te-d travel-hond ratm~ firm III tll(' nation instru*ors who mark till' flight S,hooi of BU!'>IIH'S!-i adminbtration Cancer Fun Drive ;IJury III a onl'·car ilecult'nt 21~ mlh:'~ II aargholz:., Pokett and Winch or and'iedurer. will .plltak II

Who it; interested? Lots of 'flhurs ay and F"ri,day came hack July:1 indejJt'ndtnt Hankt'Ts as~o. .' .... cst of Uakdale un a Ihghw<IY 1·1 were named delegates to the 8 p,m. MonCiay night In the WSC fi m d it will be up to the with s cb descripflons as "fanta!> t I th 'x la ' ml Will E d 1.1 S qetour Saturday aftcrf,0on, TW'I department c-onvention in Om.· administration building audi-fi:ca~ :~ent to notify them of tJc,'" "ama~ifl'g," "'J~'cr('d'ihlc '" fl~<:' lOll "pOIlSOrl'( c 'oj. (. y se - n Ii ere oon' ~'crc ~ttl1 hosplrn!lled Wednesday ha FridfY through Sunday, Lee torium on '1In the Wid. World-the date of r the sale of bonds "mystiJrying," plus one uOlversai : • ' ' In Ne'iJgh, 1 Tietgon" Nun and Scheel were Danger Spots and Growing and the details of tho rating Sec F~IGHT - page 8 I Id )itC'siden!s of Wayne ('ounty have Mr. and Mr$, E, R. Peterson, 1 named alternates: Points," There Is ro admtuion " ~\ust r&ceived, ,. ,Fie. Day at 'c,(~,nnt~~bru,telullnd$ld·5r4,.1v!,3 at~l'o'r'hde"n"H16to51 =~~nve, j~OI'~~e:' HW:,resu7f~~~ser~ I A .. ot(' of th'anks was\l'~t('ndl·d charge arid the public il Invited, I rOlimenl'l~ 01 Mo.r\(J~y, Jh~\ frN,h· Hewn ",lid til(' board IS also I ... U. L '-'- Fo I" to ('v('ryonc helpll1g' wit"h !\temor Grant f«vots working with stu- Illlatl < 11M lut fall ~otn~(!r 515,

workmJ.: on the matter of getting S~OP THE WANT ADS H I F Wilma Johnson, county crusa{le broken rib and bJ'loken arm and !al {by ntes This- included such dents in m .. -ny natlont .lind hU • W I" ~ 111(' school [and needed. No new I erva e arm :chalrman. She reports the 1965 Was to undergo surgery Wednes- groups as other vt:tl'rans organlzil worked With Herbert Hoover l W.{ • My .. lopm,'''!.' wert' "'ported thl, . ' I "<lu,,,'lOo.1 'Tell YOllr Neighhor" d.y. She suffered a broken Ie. ''''''', 'he \VIIS h,,"<I, lhe CI'} pow p;o"eered o;d '0 Ru,,;. durinG' J5consln omOfl \.,,('I'k on that f<:leet of the ·pro- ~ h Set fo r July 24 fund drl\(' Will end soon. and was badly bruised_ el ('JC'W the Auxlliafles and olh the fammo and lerved as inter-- ! . J,.!rnrn Cas Nig t Prize I LIterature concerning cancer Less Injured Wt'rl' till Ir en The 1..I'1-(lOn .... 111 ,IJlPf'ar In tht' preter 'or Albert Einstein In 0lil I D·le~ of t .. •IU" r· ... ~ .. s .

has been passed from door-to· daughter In lav. Mrs (JIm {'('h'r WlllsHJl Juhli<'{' j1.lrMh· Jul) 22 spectacular care-er 1 III V • B U $400 11It'lvall I aIm .... W,l\ill will host dGor and c.ampalgn workers son WaYIl(,31 and ht'r two ch]1 d Silver Dollar Night Dray/ing ac p to thp N(-braska !1<"r('fOid 3<;O:;OClatlon have made calls If you have drcn Am) 1\ ,Ind ShJlll\ 11 I \. • I Ret Ive in Crash

Thursday - $400 fIeld dd\ Sdttlrd I, .Jll]\ 21 :\l not been contacted you can send AI! ~1J!fl'll'Il (ut" ,11ld IJJIlI~(':-' 1),lI F·lttlng and Sh oWing to Be I . • Way cs ctlsh (l1ght prize 1:-. 11J1"!~1~,1 !lImo! IllrrfDld d:-.~r)("ld [It bv mati to W;lma Johnson, nIl i'!tPISII/l lH drt\lr oj \111 \( Mrs J6seJlI~ KlCk'bush, ~I1iCrOtllH:.·1

back u) to $400 A WnkeflCld \\om tllon 1'0 (0 sponsqrtng the event Wayne hide' ,md 1m sl~ter, Charlottp 1 D d C;:" d Wls, died Thunday in 11 S:lolI){

L I V h· I an wa, not present Tbulsday eve F'rst National bllnki lind State 1 I It II 1 ",., I \HI( lJllInJurpd Both .lil' chlld]en emonstrate at o~(or ~ City hosplt:li SII<' wall tlH' ffj"rlh cea 'e I,e e ning he? hcr .,n:lmc V,d:-; (,dlql NatIonal bonk, Wayno. food flH,~<i\n {tlmC'!'I .. sOI~( r~~~~ttro/tl~~ of the Onn PetcIS()IlS _ _~ 'Ivlcum of a traffic aC!el~ent j~Hit _ for th~$'~50 prize, Icompanlos' lind feed I:ompanies lifC' "avm~ mformation given out Tr~oper C E Wlutm'}, Nehras The second annual fittmg and north of .r.a~rel the prcvJ.C.~us 611L~

D tro ed "In Thl w .. k the check will be 'are loinlng leland ~orman in lW111 makp Ill(' rount -wlde drive ka Stale patrolman who mV('stl I:-;ho\\mg demonstration at the ITeaches at Ba n Clinic urday es Y' for $4 • If no ono Is prolent to hosting tho affair Registration I h I 0 II Y t th gated s/lld the NI~tbound Petl'rS()1l ~orth('ast Expenmont s tat Ion I Three t"nao. Laur.I I girls dalm tho money. anotthlltr fu."d will start lJt 8 with the program I~~~rt lW hi t'ld I\~'r l~h na·;fn C c<lr hIt a rough spot In the road lonrord, 'lull be hC'lrl Fnday, Ju ~lr~ j<:lIl't'n D.I 011' WHlsld(' I werif klll.d In the ."lden~ .. _Two

Su nlday FI" re wlII t started end the prlzo ,... ( 11\ l' ~ OU Jl \~ or ml Ions. th~ dnv'¥I lost conlrol and the \ l' 1) 16 from 9 a m to 2 p m All jNI-HA ,qrllfleti In!>!r H tor wns nne Wayne youths are -:- out ,:Of Ihe_ mone will remain lit $400 until opening at 9:45,! I h]{'IC' wdnt mto the dllth on tht, 141I members, 4 H leaders and dads of SIX I('a("he'ls II\sl \lllin,~ at the hOlpltal with lIi. .. , 1"lurl.s and

Tilt' Llv('\"lllgholls.e Truck service, clDlm , A 1ype d('mt)fJ~trat!un. jll(lging • N right sld;¢, overturning .IS It \\ent are inVited ~e(ond alll1lJlal hatoh ("lime for lugh • third youth •• '111 hQIPlt.lbed. WllYlh' 1111 by the bIggest fire In MrS'fErWin Lubberstij'dt, Wakr: {"ontest talks, trophiC'S, two frC'e BUSiness otes Mrs, Peterson said a bead on Howard Gillaspie, extension [SChOO! maJorl'Hc:i at Gibbon SatuT ~ Keith Rohrke, lion or 'l<~red· ndhr~ ye\:i1~ sey~ril! weelt6 a.go, waS hit field. ould have been $350 ric,her ~~~ft.'~;J;c/rt~:?e~:~g,;rt~~:nn~'XC~~~ a tuBeless tire had popped, The agent fori Dixon county, is tn dd} MIS Dee lIawk~, Glhl>o_n, dl, ke, Wayne, ill sUij jn the' 1I1lt'Jullvc_ by flrt' 'ul4ain Sunday but it was if ~he had beeD illL Wayne j'l'hurs- heIfer will go to the top junior Conrad Suhr, Wayne, recently rle-sulting crash ~aused a tohl ' charge of over-III plans, Experts Ire(,l(,d alld teachers b{'sides Mrs. care ward at 8 S10iJx elly, b08{)ital~ " fire II long wily from the home da!(, H ~ever. she lin-aS il $10 con- attended a new agents' tral'n,'ng tt$ for the vehicle. from the station, the University Dammc v,l're Ir_oTl) OlTlilhCi Lln- Jle hU-I> moment.arlly'regal~led cuni-

I t· h" k t h j .<1 Nebraska judge <lnd th,c other will h II I I' Cit d corpu b l oiflce, A truck burncQ near thf1 so ~ 10 C ~c 9 i ~ ll. ca:t;e 'uW school sponsored by Gene'ral Lifi;"' 'arrell was al}le to get a out of Nebraska and a feed campa., co n, y an J R ~clous~~,ssi but i,.Plhf M-" j.J.'l (I

J{unsas uOl'der south of Arapanoe', pain, ,h(' a door prize. , . of frhe vehicle ex('ept hi!) grand ny will take p.rt. Chnsti Parade ~trllttj balftlme uncOll~~lousnC6& after; i4 SDort p(;r~ F!re call" were sent to two de- Way~e merch~ntrs hnve extra Harold Ingalls, Wayne coun~ of iowa Insurance Co" at the father, Truckers stopped, helped Leo Lucas, cxt£>nsion swine hus- I routlnC's nnd t~\'lrJlng on ,1he march 10<1 J~'& dondltlon is criti ,I

e ~'I '1'/ d 0 W'W NU f ffl' L' I H ' I I Itt S:h' 'r John Rilbe, 'Ra' ~"Ion, )lurl'mcnts in the area. No on~ sP$'a'lbargalns aqyertso::>d in Ie tyagent,an ave Iiams, Irm'so lcesm mcon, elsnow fan,the injured in th(~ warm sun. bnndryrnan at the Universit,Y oflwC'rf' ;!('C'C'n_te(".wlll cones v __

ll.nsw~d elUwr alarm nnd the, twd Wa e! Herald ant the monthly animal hosbandryman, will be qualifiNi to bpcoml' a licenserl un- cnntrolled blcpliing by a little girl N{'braska will 'lmve charge of a and show twlrlinglld('HS Ahout, ''?O told e Herald ru •• dat:, with thl' truck stood hetp!e~sl:y by S tlighter this w ek. Sales start In' charge of judging. Three dC'rwrlter of life insurance for the nnd -took chafl.~t· until amhulances grooming demonstration anrl the tWlrl('r~ ;Jftenrlf>d (he haton cilmc Mt·yer f Wayne. bad 'adm {ted to <l!-i til\' cub and tractor were de- 'Dh1)rfsday so there added TC';lson clasjScs of young bulls and tw..p I .J . and IwtroJ t'3rs carne to take the \.f\3ining of swine; Walt Tolman, an(1 100 ch('(,,,~p1lljcrs altended the County Attorney Max G9'U Sat· -

b h d i ht I ,., h 'f 0 th(' firm, \\hie-,h 15 just over, three ~ h I I I I b 'd 'I :-.troyt'd Lo e in Wayne urs:iy n g c, as::oes 0 young el ers ar family 10 the .N~hgti hospital. animal hutibandry, reseB ('b man_ c per pa< l'r c I!J. (" urday Ithat he had e~~ bv rig. Tom Llveringhouse, o,Wner of and"'('\lery week~ -scheduled, years old ...........:____ Thp Pt'tersoJl).. were returning at \he, station, wtll hav charge •. the car' RUbe Bald until t at time

the trucking company, sa i d' ------- 'I -- -- .. -- from ,I Ivacation frip to Color.ado, of grooming and training of slhee~; .. thrre ~as' doubt about. 0 W(.I8

Cliff and Virgil Potter, Norfolk, C i! t L R · S Mr:-. Orin I'l'Icnoll's ,former home. Russell Br'ennan, represent,,· UU) The Her,ld Want Ads. drivin~ at the time or th, IshUI·.

wer.;n 'he 'ruck. They ,- ity ax evy e'malns' arne· ~:~J ~:I{~>C~):'f~t~~i:t~~: .. :;~:\i;(,~I~~~~ ~i:~dl~ ~~:f ~~:~~;ta~:-tr:~~ I . '51 -H~ ";~," c· '+,."','·b ~~:Oht:; ~~;i~?r;Ob~O~~ o:u~,now- .' I "" 10hn "!lrI"J~ farm south of \\'a~'n(' ing of dairy cattle_ Loyal Lal ssies 'In t'hp trail(,r was a load of 'e' '''/ '8 ' S h M · L d 1'~ l1lJ!l~ on lllgb\\a} bOnn Kent Fc('u \0. will furnish dl'S

hogs boundl for EI Pal;o, T('x, from, un~ uys out 'oln an Ip('ltlsnn 11-ulierton Lumber com s{'rt and a drmk at noon Lunch I I I"'" l't'llter\IIl(', S. D. NUIlC' of the hogs L I p:J11\ 1111plo}l'e .Jlld (Jill' oUH'r ~on othpr .... ls(' \~11l he of tYle sack,a H Id W,·II gn \\pn' lost :Rnd the load \\as tran::.- ~ __ _ _ ___ ....... _~_ " ld nqt !~un(' on Ill{' \d('a~l~n ~~p fie-I) each 011(' iurmshJrl;::! hIS opes eo .! > f !

fCr1't'd to anot!lI'r 1,'u{"K line to An ppropnallOll ordmilllce pas· I -- , .. t---+;-\ lown IAya) LaSSies ~U clubj (~hat 11 spccd dl'livery of the lanimals sed T sday ri!kht t a meeting of, PI S' C 1 j . ~.. Inght - 511) hope 4-11 c,uJb (jf "',-

LIVpnngllO\lSC "aid the trailer tho W yne City counCil, seb .Ihe an trlng oncert ' _ ~ Rotn Falls Three Days • N I_ the count~. WI,Il JOlIOW"lbCf,,, was not d.lnw.L:ed but thl' cab tax Ie for the )e~r at 263 mills. El{'m{'ntar~ ,Jlld Jl\H10r high I ~ r Wa}ne receIved 5U of an mch of BUSiness otes TIJ(' fifth ~r IS ~or lle~ Ililid and traclor were destroyed, He This i unchanged ~fr()tn the It'vy I ~ jralll In thrc(' lilffpf('nt o.;hower<; thC' that'.; what they Y(3n,t 011 a flJlr> .",'11(1 in~url\l1ce' would cover the for th prevIOus year. ~~~:!Il~'d:l~:,t~~I~C'~:till ~~r~,I~;~ntO~ f~~e~p , I" i "'V ~rl !Ja~t \\c(k The an'" recelv('d 04 'Mr alld Mrc; Kent Hall and !grounds project. t 11-lo"s • fU~~1 le;t~ .~:~e~nl~s~s y~:rlohn~~ I ~~:~.CI'~i\ll~Pt;~1 1(;lt tl~e I~);~;)hc l~rlll~~~ . ," I: ~L \'~~day\\ l"~:'rSlll~:'(? o'~~~ ~o ~f~)C~l ,Alt.! ~j,~t ~I '~:;I~~d(>:JIH ~d'l~or;i~~r I m.r:::,~trsW::::: ~:~~iQglO~t c!~~- . ~

• ~I I I , . fairground stand Mon.doy.

Wallin ~:o thlll'(' dln'clion.s at (lllCl'? Ihl\l' fro ill Laurel to Cole­rtd~\' FOI <l fe\\ !mh's ~ou'r(' northbound nn Ihgl1WIl} 1:), !iouth· hound on ItLghwllY 57 but actually \\c~tbound on both. TIl(' signs and ('ompas:-;c~ say SOl

A Wayne man enroute to a bali game ran out of gas but coasted 'two miles into a fillIng station, He- assured the passen­gers that even if they had been in the country it would have been all right as he C'.srrie-s a 21,: gallon tan of gas in the trunk, He DOVer told them though that it dawned on him later that he had tlie can all rfght - but it was empty too, Over in Wakefield a mother

\\"11 be moC(' carcful how she aD­sw rs th(' door. She has a game I'h play~ with hCir kids: Th~y kn ck and she says "Come- m if 'our tlm;e is bhlt'" or "Come In d ,"our /It'nd IS pointed" or "C 01(: III If you h:\Ve three eyes_" Th othN da~' ~ in answer to a 1-;.n ck slH' l'aned o~)I, " Come in if your) no~p i~ clNl1l" The kids didn't, 'omt' i~l a.s usual so s.he checkt'd, only I to r,nd a perfect str llger (wil hi !l clean nose) still w lti~lg {or a more format ltlvitll' tio to enter, '

A visitQr ',to \"fayne. being s own arou~ to'/Yn. suddenly b rst out lau hing, Asked what

~ ~ ;;si~i~~ , s!e I ~~;~'::.e~ 0: 9 s line, co struc~on prolects: .. aution ,.. Peorle. Natural G s." 'I, i, I .-

. 1 l I,

er retired. It wa,s for one n!lIli 'lI\ultl 1'III"JlI'~l' !"i"'])l flf thp \\,(,,,1 ", I SlJnda~ \dH'il Ihe ~H{)v.('r fd lPf( 011 I H' program. J)ft'~('n 109. CJ\

for t e, retiremc-nf of park al"'d ,['II'rHllll:tfl "('hll()i Tlwfl' ;In' El '4f' ,11111 other ar('(l~ rppnrted ti(,~\"Jer 11J.~\l'rLlti()n on "pl,H1t rare" The: They picked the hottut 1:Iay of pOol GJ'lds, ad\,llHt',j p\l(ltl~ '!nd 1~ Inll'l"llll'ri jrelll1{all ~1onday The ~umrn:<,r ~.'deslg!l ("JltnC \\a'~ malflly Cml· tho year to do some hotl,w~~k:. Thrl't: othC'r le\l('~ han' bl'{'n In rail' ]lll(lib pi.l~lll~ ;dl t;:I1I'\ of ,",ottb-t temperaturC' (~~ far) \\<J_'i, ("prnl'd ~llh m'\\ floral de'iH.;mn;.: Armed With brushes o!,~ll,J)l!k~.

crease'. to bnng tJw Ic\\ up III ~tnil"l'd !Il.<,IIIIIIl('nl\ T!ll' ("om'crt _ r!'c()rderi Monday when the mer !('C1liUqUC .... ,tnd_ wa.., sponsor~d b}: plu~ some paint.rollers, the glr~H the rl..\'IOllS le\vll' TIU'- genNal \\llld~ up \l\. \\4'pk\ nf SIl!l1IJH'r :cllr;: reach{'d 94 Tuesdar m:!ht It Ihr' \l·hr<.l~K7I Fhn,,,t .. ~OCH·t~ The ,palfit('rj many or the interior ll;{-

IPI H' I (l'h\(,~ ("ntiuctl'd t)\ \Il~o, \""nde- '\\a~ ('~)Q! \\ioIlh t(,Olp('rature~ In the !lalh OVerall' thl; ).\aync ~reen· '!In'~ of the luncti room. To ltli&1!-'

tunc ('\ \ lllcrt'a'oe~~ h Illll \ . I ~ . I 60 ' , '- h J I th I 1 -; to [i:l, iht' strc{'l )t'\:' ~~1' I ~ :0 s all{ ~ __ __ ' flll.J' ~dlr~~ng :<;/ r~~g~~'om~:Y a s~ wur,K,"

from 1,5 1\1 ~ milLs, And till' ]"('l"I"t'd is' I Sh P '0. T I Sh . t' Tht'lr idea 15 10 make the ("Jll-

,"n"~~ I~~\; ml'r .. ,,, .. d. from " or " County ~usinessmen on ' "iy e OW, re Immory ,a enf ~w 0 < .. >S10" 'tand a better I,lacc '''. ai' ",

\ d b I I 21

community bettcrJTlcqt project.1

~~,~t:I\l:~'::i:~~~~i2,;:,,~i~:~~' 'o~;': "::,;:\;'. Tour of SCS Projects .. S!~t~! ,~i~15!1~~e ~!~;~on Ju i ee Ju y. __ :~:;£::::~~:h::.:1:7~~~~no~:r aIrport. I llilii. Sti\\l"l" IlllUllteTl 1 fr;;1!1~ill~~'~\':~:~~~~~.'1l1~11~lt"b~:1;r~~~n,:~7l . " I and a prellminar~ talent show will Area Shippers' cd where the L.u-sies :llll'e, 1 mill. aIlHl~l'nle'111 ll'\~, :lllf ' "I be the kIckoff a('U"-ltle'" of the \Vm· and there Ire oiber-a 111111. hospital. 2 mllb. Itbrar~. llo\!--m:-. \\('1(' conciucted on a soli h J d' d h'l iebratlOn ' t-' An 2 mills, soCial secu~lty, IS lllllls, dnd \\ dler ("lHl~cn'a\lon tour of I . county SO,,:" w, at ~~! ~ I~mon J t 12~e~: actual Area ,shiPpers to .Sioux City l~~t! ~g :::n ;:t.~t r

I Wa) fl(' county Tuesday, Consen-a- soil conservation con do Tuesday, Here some arB- shown ~"ghtJng I ':I"bofeaS'(I~~' IS ~I~d In' withe the' Old week Included \\ arren Morltz,l H ' Id . ho~pltal bonds, -I mil S, and ViHIOUS t!On mp8sur('!' w('re noted by bus]- from a chartered bus as th~y paused at the Izoak

" Walton lake .~~,C,jers r"un,'on Jul" 22.23 ' Wmslde. 23 steers, v.i. 1.282,528.10_1 0(0

purpose bonds levy" 1 1mB. . ' ,~<,: <:: '" l

The council also voted to buy : ~~:!~m;~pr::s~o~\':fe e~j;)-~~~~~Isa~~ for refreshments served by the 'kes, ' , Several oldtime swimming" m Troutman, Wiilstde-,17 heifers, j

e tract of land 215 feet by 372 - ---- . ----- ---~.--,,----- suits cf the late 1800'-$ have I, 904 Ibs,. , ' I I ('nlightenment I W'II L f B' I .. b' feet at the :south end of Main_, The first stop was at the Har· H· t ., IS· t I I earn 0 uSlness been loaned to the cele ration

Owned by Merle Tic-tsort. the ry 'Heinemann farm to observe IS orlca otle y ,.Tw('I\'~ ou!Omess s 1 u d (' n t:; ':,1 ~:~:~e~~ b~~~s~e~r:r;adt:O:~ :~~, ::~~.h~·nd~.:I~r;::W w:'k:.~:~; :/;:~.~~:eW.h;~~d~:~ ;~~s=~~~~ Will Put Attent on ~ ~;:;~~~ ;:,at~p~~~:;H~:: ~~;~~~ ~1o~'k : ~;e ~;:~i::,oe ~';k Wedne.d.y In

A r"s"IUl"oo ,,'as I""','"" p""t",n- :~el;a:~~p~:dsea: :h~a~gaenSar~!:~:~ • d ,mFJr,ket 'hind "hll\'('::lt~1,e,nt, .cb.~luS,lnaenS~) Same of the brides of the 1890';,,> _.. , W· • I H· t : rH ay w ('n ('~ ps ~c., l I preserved their weddmg dresses,

ing the COUllty COllllllIssioners to well.. InSI e S 'IS ory , Company, brok,:,r::;,! lh. ~IOUX. Clt~~ I fhese Clre ~eJng loaned by rc~a: reiocal(' a portIOn of the road '\1 the .. \l\"lll \\ agner farm, a . <7 '. ' ~lembers of \\, A, \\ oHenhaupt '" tivcs and \\lll also be put on 11-..:- , north df thE' mumclpal all'port A I ('omplele sui! and ,,,ater conser" .-A.. m.ectmo; ~ thE' ~\aync Coun~~ 'business illHstmE'nt class planlllnf! Ill" model,,' : ~hght -loop In the road \\ould ,atlOn ]1ro1;1<101 \~.l.s ob,,('nefi HI HIstOrical socl('l), will be held 10 tare' Ed\\3rd Barn..!t. Gerald,'" _. I 1 h~ Iltimc-~110).\" len"themng of Ihe preSL~!lt !',rm h tt>rr~l('('d: waterways are Wmsidl'. Fnda,\, July 2J, at 2.30 ~ ;ork,' J e Dartman, .Tefire~'~ .-\~~o~e ~5e .~10 .ldS O( the _.

, . ,., ,establis.hll'd: gras:s turn rows have I p m Accent W1U be on the early, ,.a e_ 0 \, 0 ,'" Bard 1-1.Qihtno \\ O. ..... appear I~ .- \3. ~. rum'\a~, 1 been seNleci; find he has ;J good ihislOry of the Winside area. • CI~ek" ~omdd. F.crol o , .er;!hl: \\cCinesday mgbt style shou \\,111 1

Other bLlsin('ss dtS(!llSSed blll ~ot 'e-rop rolo.tlOo. I The free meeting in Winside's ; ~ned.nck~~nt E'~l\O Hal~:~~'L.lllO\ I be '\elcomc~ .. ~ere arp dno pnz- if_

aC'ted upon mcluded the. land~ll1, I Til(' last ~top was at q1~ Wayne ~ park is cpen to everyone_ Old- I t~ Lorenzen, JU;'{'~ ~ic~ad - \Ylillam 125: t3e. sh?~ .. IS Just bemo .~"u~ on I I ~ aUev lJnpro\'e~lent$ J dlSCusslOnl "'fkt'<; 13k£' to see the Ilnpro\ e-'I ,. 'ed' 'h I !\orman, Ted To,,) ,in b~ the Sisters of the S\\1... to i' _J , ' .. ", Imers are expec 0 ga er y g [ .'. memorie~ of a by<1one aae " f with a planni g "i~mmlsslOn rep-I ml'nt;; dompieted this year. The a~d furnish information on ... e~ I oun, reH .. e.:o (J' - <> "! Jj

~septati\'e and rou~lO(, approyal of surface :::trea of the lake was (,ll- membrances of the early days ~ • . as far' as cl_o~" IS concerned_ , balls_ lar;€'d. 'by about one acre by I when Winside 'was beating out ,Give Concert In Park ,Thee preliminary talent show , ~ ,-_-!I__ drNiginQ work this 1pring The' Northside as a town \Jnd its Another summer concert in UI(' i is aimed to cut do"Wl!' t_he, nurn- I , . ) • ' '1_ Ilkl'~ ~t'n l'd 1'('[1 e~hmillts to the I later growth and development_ park ,\ III be pre<:ented F!"lday: ber of. cc;'"test-ants takrn9 part j I Buslqess Notes I tot!~ p~~lr M I R'nJ farm a There \Hll be plent} of interest e\emng at \\ayne s Bres-"le~Ja~k! ~na:heJ~i~d;;' t~=i:sho:o~hU~s~ 1,1 , "

tile n dra.~na :r: s.t~ml is b~in9 lin oldtlme ltem-s for clothmg of! b~ the summer band dl~e~ed t~ 1 enti~e area have signed. up to _ _ • _ } - ~ J'--~. Mrs 1 Clara' Sulltv'ln and :'ttr~ used to fu;nish Y watet for live- the early da~ ""ifl be worn an I: Don SC"humache~h Sch~am \\tll compete in the three divisions PAINTERS at the 4-H concession stand at

~ arv tieadlee -of Sav-Mor drug stock. The Ring fa~rn has a tiques from another era Wlll belsta~t d at 8 pm., a eh:<:ro "nd licht \ for cash p.rius. \ grounds Monday were these warkers_ First :row Oeft a ten~eli a t\\tHlay cosmctlcs co~plete SOil and w~ter conser- d~~:-nWl~n~e ~~t~~ed Ofn bs:~~~~~ ~7~s~\ceal p~r:,;sicm t~C pl;as; all ;l!e I Tuesday mght around 200 at.: Connie- Wotson; Sondra- ~rg; Beth Dur~u s hl'ol lU Oma~ I: under Revlon va-hon, progt<lm apph~.. be- one of the ~igieSl meetings groups The public IS lUnted to at i1tended a dmner at El Rancho_ Pro-- DUQk.Iau. Back. row; Connle Ekber~1 An.n Bpler; s nS-6r/ihip recer'l'\4y { The school 11:' 3S an mformatn e tour on h \vCRS _ t tend in cars or III the park ltseli I pnetor JeIT)' Eulberg refunded I C· d M r Millie Wb~on Vickie Soter and c veredt all of Rejvlqn's products an alr conditioned bus ThIS {(la\ of t e \e • balf, the $2 admISSion pnce to I In Y eye'k' - f h f' Tf - tr a*d special emptl~si~ was placed be consldcred 3 lour of "oodll111 SpecIal oldllmc mUSlC and other . the II'lDside group sponsofing the I NoW they see mtrrors or t e ael t !es ffi all a balallt~d SCt'l'lCC lor ,nr and mllillal bcncflllo farm~rs ann attractIons are planned Furtherll SHver Dollar NI9h'~'W'''9 See STYL~ SHOW _ page 8 'J ,to donate morcoll the county .agenU 0 te. ious tJ 1:i){1 lJ' bllsm(~ssmen_ detatls will be given next week. 1'- Thursday - ) .•...• \. , .. 1 :, '

'1'Y.,lE'S': S..,ll1:

il '"',, ,'I :1' i".,~ c. ..' ':k%$: \.' '1 l ':1,,', '

l I

H d 'r <Ii I' ", I r'

era , ~ I 1iJ651 IJ('c,e(.lHNI 'tcUOOls I' l)t!l "'O~lal I .... --~-i---r+-,...;,...;,...; ..... ~~:...:.~.:::.:.:..::~~.r.:~ note ~Illd' ·"l'hp. cOnlmittet~ w()ln1R W . I r p..m. ~'C05t 1.>1!uru-ph .. 'e of [UN\:mcnl ~mu lIciun!O ty an 1 M . ) to commend ~'fJU ~. your st".hool ,ayne Succeu." ty I ()f!ielaJs CD ~::k n ( I (,"()Y~h-I r) 'i ",gnu:aon .mtl .",hu SandahL 1.D, uwl 'ir IIiHI :\tu 11 l~ In the UJl~r Ill/nrter amonu DC' Wednemlay, July 2S: Choi!" reo jl~an4 we1f/.lr~ worker! :nd' a::~ ~ .... 'C I N.'POit~ on 1I1I"lf prtljedJl I stJ)('k, tittuntiu U~tI !I""Jc.,~."1Il

I t'rcdit<.d schc Is fl1 CI,ltiJH'f; bemg Ch h :... hOlrtial: 7 P tn.; PrnYC'lr and 'lHb1c eht, interl'9{t'd mny aU('n(l ,A )'d~ne f.'1'!' )C~s Iilfld famiJjcII wUl hAV~ \ $Ioux ('I(v laught l}y h'Hlh(~r1i 1Il('('lHig bast(' urc as 8. t • Ilonr e~(!ft~I!): COf mfdleal'work:~:!1 :l('~I~~~lrk~t I~:~~~ '~~~~~ut; !I~r~u~~lc:::~'~40Mrl' Ftlnk

;::.:::::+:==+::::::===::t::::;- pr(~pnrnflon." .. J St. P .. ul~, Luth.ran Church ~~~~n:dV (' enR pe1'1onnt'l 15 is A1ur. 3 nt 8 pm 'In tho oeoe\dUYII ;llItllnr' 1 1"" Red •• me": Lutheran Church (R. E. Shlrck, pastor)! _. Sandahl ,*ome • • ~r trl('ln~s.

,$tale A ard WI~, Iter, . Th e C : 1 f L ~ , (S. K. de. Freese, pastof.) Sullday, July IB: Divino wonhlp. ,. , ~ re asell 0 arie~ny Suturday, July 17: Junior elwir, 9 a,.m.; church HcllU"l, 10. i 4~K Club News I Gr".y, O"U?1W1• Ip., 1'''1 Plan I II

6,51 I • d b 'J 1 P ffi. Wednesday. July 21: Lew guest i I' by plnnr nll~ · ... ·('ck~nd lafter [-;.pt:·ad· Conco 11ft m~;;;;::;;;. I n~estlgate. y Sh~riff. Sunday, July 19: EarlY day breaklast, 910.m. p' . Ing a w<'<'k .1 td" ~I'-' .. J ll',><,', Concurd, ,III

'~1(!i(~~;~ sFeromrt"u"n'c"'. Sunday' • .ppy Pep ... r, Mt.t. I tome I, t'flJt' 'ior1«l WC'~U':'~IW" .. ; ~: lr~ I Three case,; of larceny nre hr.. I Leaguers At C . Peppy Peppers mel June 15 in! Gut,ts 'ut wHknd Itt t~o WI,. 8t G~ 0 1til--i

I .. ~ ing inve."HgotcrJ hv SlwriH Don and adult ,-lass, 10 ;Iate . R be On¥ention tho Eldon Bull borne at 8 pm I ham Chunct' home wJnr r,,~I' lind ! I j I

I cellonce Co~st WeltHe. One was r(;llort(>d t1a~ prl'V. \\o-edncHday., July 21: I the 0 St ~ Wliet~t. W~1i ~ delegate to I Rhonda' Jtansen demonstr,ted pU; ~trs. Paul Rf.·incrM. Judy! ' . Pnu. I


_ '. I No raska Pre" Asso iati~n h).!~ wc('k and IIIH' ot.her two wen' chOir!!. 7 p.m.; Luther lea8ue exe- n. e! u er J...e~guc convcn· Jan Reeg on merin",ue aqd liD, Colomf.>. S. D., Mr . I ... L' . rilpurtcd lust whk. cutlV(-' meeting, 8; visitors, 1:30. ~~~ .n~ !i:Cf~a~ College •. Fremont.,' Claussen p on SOUt creAm Denpl!J Sehtnitz .and

'-----L..-.f-.... -r--.. ~--- ... '.'--""-.. "-.--.. -----.-"-- '. A boat molol' '('k I c,. - so attcndm~, trom -~J-f-:;··:'~"r·'· ;~-~-·;':';t·~·;Z3·:J,:'~·~'~s:'E~f~~fjiSr~}§it~!~;~ ~~~ __ ~~'~!:..:~.!:.c_~L_>-_: __ ~nYn~L!"!c_~r3~.'{a'i£~!.~.~. ____ P_h .. ~!: __ JJ75.2600 week and stUI 'hD.:a~ot·\)e(,~.n. '1(5)~ Firs. Methodl,' Church I Redeemer L u the ran church p p >. • '" ----, _ . __ .~__ "'"" Wayne, 'were Sheryl Roberts. S.n~ ep~. ep~rs met June 28"" In \ 1' .. ~II~J.,IIRb':'l In 1~1:,. IL, I lold.!I)!!)·'] W't .. 'ld Y. by Mr. ~~Jlrgt~r'~ cated. It b('lol~ged to Kl'n Dtlhr (Cecil Bliss, pastor) I dra Punklau, Sharon 'Grone "nd th~ Dale ~auasen home at 2" p.m. I' .. I J1LIIH.I; ('IJ!i(,rcd In fll Ht v..' ,ynu. "IHRI.jOl IJ8 87, 1ft.8 !lbO-land Jim KahlN '. Sund~y, J.UIY 18: Momine wor· Merl)'"e Gecw' ,u Dcmonstra, bons, wete "Jven by r)~ll cJ ~'1l1 mnllT1l1t""1 UUlll"llllef-U CO~ly nlu t b T·· .'!,J I 9 d 11 k" 'I • C r.~~:::::::::~,,-:~7F!~~ijj~c::';;; .. ~1H!rlllt (1(1 L,y 1"lIldrl.ll ,r "IIIHIJlt . ~... e wo tractors left in fields . 1 [I, an a.m_; guest speajl!er, , ! .• I' ary Lou Sieger on undcnlilching • __________ .. _._ ,_. . _._~ __________ ,", were the object of a bit of lar. IlkV .JOhrlt,paUlijHantla from Gbod- D' I . H' . and Mrs: Sahs on darts, Nf'x!! . .r. I,rHjllil>o Jim MII"ghijo I cC"'v aile. The!( belong '0 Rob. I Will" Indu5 ncs Sioux City' cb~rch ISP Oy' . o~pltal Unit meeting is July.24 in the 'Cyril ]1;. WIJ ~,(Ill,ur j B Hlnf'!!H IHIHIl gl:r'.' I ert Hanks and ·Sta~ Morris, both I .~dlool, !J:, 0.· ' I The public 1$ invited to look Hansen bome at 2 p.m. NtYt'1 re·l·

("J"nu)('r i 'farming in Ithe Car(ol! area, : \Vedncsday. July 21: Wesleyan over an cmcrgQnt'y- hospit::11 unit parter, Deloris Bull. ' __ .__ l':dl~t" ___ -j ~ AmonH the lool" mi$sin!! from s('rvic(~ guild picnic, 6:30 p.m_, Mrs. in usc at the NQriolk armor)' Sat-d", 'I 1"<1 c .. ut]LlIJ II IlllmU"y .pl!,. e a~d d~ the two tracto/"I, arl' a~1 H.lon hy. Lyh' Gamble. ~r~ay, f!.. disaster ('xercise is be· PI .

__ _ ________ • _ ... " ... 1"._' .. ' ... '."._'" .. ~~.,.q 1"): 11'1 ,lOt /.let-mpt. d t~r tree draulic host, box f'nd· wrt.'nche!' mg sponsored by the Norfolk Mad- ;~:::D~·~~rle~:~H club me~ I

r H - - -- and open end wn'nt'hl'~ Oltl('r Church of Christ ison County Civil DefenSe;" unit thnt July 6 at 8 p.m. in t1m EldOIL.Bull

, OU·I .. III N'W"I~hI4~;" .. r ,II .. llf), "1 W.), ", tbe 0., t,.: smllller Items weft' lil<;u laken (Mark Stringer, jr .• pastor) ~.y. U.W.iI1 bel open. to-the pub· home. Fourteen members. lead· ______ ~~_~:~ .. ~ ... ~~_ tll<: Iilll~e or_~~ JrflNk. : from boUh~ tra('t.o.r~_: I ' Sunday, July 18: BIble SChOOl-lllr"C:f:r:om=t1~a~:3~o:tO:::P:.m:'=P:O:liCC::m:e:n~,,:e:r.:a:n~d~;E:;:~w:.~ro;;:pre:: .. :n:t.~L~a~r:·1 Iii W" fill, 1'1, ric (~ .... d"r IIIxOli '1IlIlIIlt{)r1 umlr g, St(l.nton nd __ dl.on ' WcdnclOday, July 21: ,Prayer ,""llllll' ~ f11111 I" I ~'ILI, $11111 r"l I<'X JIIUlltll~, ~ CHI fur til ee P1(1DthiJ: 'Standards Brea'kdo"'n' 'I rn~·(·ting, 8 p:m,

.1'n~Utll'IIOl" II \'.'I. M1' J(J u.m.; morning worship. 11. I

t)ul1ld, IIIUJlI11,H m;'nllull (I $r, (10 lWI YCIlI, $1 Uti UI IJlx montJb8 •• ~ tli for YW D 0 ~/S ita., 111"II~JH1 ~In"le e(}1:!,1 J! II' 1---

- - . - -, . --.-.---t-- Subl·ect of TV Series Imm6fluel Luth ... " Church TH,ERE is a r(lason ~\"hy sq.l!mony

familiesi of all faiths call us tolf;erv~, whenev4r the need occurs; they'l~kn~w; Truck ovdrturns e

"r ,,", 11( '" In,,,le' i • Mi""uri Synod ... •• I (A W God", pastor)

[1i('1 d! Ii truck ovt'rtumcd In W S t' ,,, I . aync ~ tll C S uo' eVI."lOn "('ri"" I Thur~duy, .July 15: -Ladies Aid,

W• 'd I ·d Iii! dlte h .1 h I It lut .ll ~j{Jft ~houl will venture U1lo Ii dJlh'j"{'ul prob 2 p rn. ~ . DnSI e, Frl ay rill \\lil( Ii 'dVi Wily COintpg to a lern Sunday aftf'nHjOn. "ThE' Bn';.Jk ~ SIIf1(lay. July 18: Sunday school,

, ,III)) 11·. toP. lhf' tru~k had, down of Standard" . TIl(' half·houl ~J ~I In w(Jr~hlp s('rvice, 10. A 1~";'1 IrIJ('k was ... (xlt'rl'>lVI'ly 111.:1\'-\' dail age~ .to UlC body arid; program i:-i sdlf'C[Uit'd lor 2:10 pill -- 1

dUIII;~):(.d I"nd!IY wl.H'n il {Jvl'rtlirn 111111' ~laJlla :t' to !>IX tons of 1hoPpcd on Slation KTIV. . Grace Lutheran Church ('d III ,I I)f)n~)w PIt !-in Jlhl':!!;.1 or hay \\ 11I('h mad('."P t.he l0rt- Previou.H tOPI.·C'; on thf' lO-prll MIssouri Synod Wimlrl!- FrJdij~·. nigh1. S I('riff 1)(111 gram en h ~ t 1 1"1 J E Wl'lhlt-, wlio InV('slil~alf II. I ('pm I Allen S hool Approved ccono~ic,(';:rh~n('a~S(;~~~:;III~~,:!:~.~~. ThU(~-~t:y, B~~~~ha~'5: pa~~I~Oming (')1 tIll' drlv!'r wa.; uninjllrf'd 1\ It 1ilchf'II, superintendent Thp rf'mainin.E! pi 0 g ram s wOl] vl!-,llor tf'fims, 8:15 p.m. . ~:;Ji.J.wtJI~~;]j~[('I.)l'h· IS il;lr:i~~r;~ If Alii-II ('!ioo]s. r(~('(>ivcd· word wrestle WIth slllndard.; of h('haVI()r .Frid.ay, July 1: Aodult doctrinal ;IOol.IU'1" lru(.'k on 11 ('0 1r11y 1"1):ld 1IIIIll til(' ~ ate' departHlent~Qf edu· and ethics. rnformaLJon class, 8 p.m.

I·a.lllin 111:11 111(' Alku schoo is .re. Three soda I sClcncc diviSIOn pro Sunday, July 18: Sunday flchool .~I)o, IllJi1!'h, ~rllll[h and tI 1"1'1' mil,'!' 111,11/1111.' () I Ihp list of ass· A! fessors, Ilr Gf'Talci Ibn .... NI . .J'IIl1('~ ,and Blblc classes, 9 a.m.; wo.rship: . __ .... .~ ___ .""~ ....... ...,_ . - :. ":' ---Ii A.nzulovi~ and Df'nz('\ Bl'n~(lJl, will "Work In/.! Where We Are," 10,

1 dISCUSS sueh loplC·." 1I~ 1111' blun111lg !"I'glslr<l\lOn for ('ommunion.

.' .: for~lty. . St. Anselm's Episcopa, Churc;h


SH~~ !;~~~dE~~:"

that we are dedj'ccied to the prlnCiP;I+'

, "of providing co~scienhous, ~ppr~priO!j.! ·.:V

'service to those of ellerYI reh~lous IbeliJf~ 'i"

WILTSE' . ~' WAYNE. /VfOIL/'(l(lIlt

ph,,"" 375 1900 (,

~ ~ '1111 . of the I'Url1!lrJ ('Ihlt'. Hll' hl"l':.Jk Tuesday. ,July 20: Parish educll-

:, •. ,If,.: .' Q \\';It,c Chapel DON'S BETTER SHOES

/ .... t .. ~ .. i'S.~ .... ~ .' 1! down. of Ilw Lunily ·!nd lion ("ummlllt'l', B p.m.

~ c . ' \ lhe ,,1'1"I'~' on tOf,l'Iill"J ll~·r.·

\,i ~ ... ·:t_) {fA' S' Ii Pender Promoting Pork S:'~~I~~.5 .i~IY Bla::ne~t~r:i~~'t>r.y, 206 Main Wayne ( ,1 , .. -::tJ p ~R- . Pendi'r.~hnme' (,f lh("l!lf'i ,,1;1((> ~_r, 10·30 a.m. '-________________ ..;.. _____ ...JII

~<\.,"~ .. .;~,'."-.··~ .. ,/ .. t["4(-~·.,, .' _ _I

J . \' ::;':;gk ~'~'CC,~' r::,:11 ''''(,',',''r~'n'(,''':' -'-Fi", B'plfst Chu«h

rt'. If~llint ( 101" Ilrl/('~ w·111 III' (Frank P(>(jpl"sen, pastor)

fhcld ,A ·nprl~lCa~1 :-.iI'\}r:1·,k;j.. ("andl I . Thursday, July 15: Women's Mis.


1~//11.r AT" 11 .'Ii:" n :d,llE' for Wllk. IJ:H'('Tl \\111 hi· 1·!rIl"I.'!1 "JOnary SocIety, Mrs. Charles Rog~


1.,, .• ,. ,,' 1'//-~ll{/JI,'.!,Jj JI10 ~1{jjei' UO!Jl! I'" <'"mp,'1<- '" 11"·,1",,. ,·",,1,,1 In ",'n",,<,h hom,', 2 p.m. Coillmbll~ III ()('lohn (lfl\" Frnnk SIHHlny . .July 22: Sunday school. I :\lolTi!'url. will 1)(' liOIHII"(·d ~!)("<lkl'r I !)·,1;) it rn , worship service, 11, "God

Mbon Drops MoisturizinJ Cleanser at tlw '"V,I,' pr".','''''' 'I, ~I"">killg"; gospel ,ervicc, 7;30

28 'oz' - $8.00 Value $4.50 8~.U·,1) & ~;1 '10 slze'l

Moon Drops Facial Frqshener, ~ oz. - $8.7.5 Value ~ , $:5.00

'8 oz $2.5\>,

FREE --Moon Drop B~fh Oil with pllll"ltah(' of

2 ~z. Moisture Boiln I $3.00

Moon Drops MOijoure Cream 3.8 oz. . $5.00 1 85 oz. .. $3.tlO

Touch and Glow Reg Jla~ Make-up Touch and Glow Fro tecl Make-up

"New" by- avldn Touch and Glow Creme 'Soyffle Make-up

Complexion and Eye Make-up $1.50 and up I

Revlon Nail C¢I,e Kit . $1.50


Bob Lund, Ph;),rnUlcist ~ndl Owner



1022 Mid St. Freo Delivery Phone 375·1444

Capacity, comfort, conve~ience­Allis-Chalmers A" Gleaner Combine! The Clc:lm'r All h3.~ H full 1.1 feet of separating lengt'l\

, for ,,'o\lll:ne Iw.rvpstmg! Down-front cylinder means the AI! IS at a point \vhere other combines arc just f('cd/ll~. mriable ·speed cylinder control lett; you vary BI'M's according to the condition of the crop-sUtr{ cnrlicr, work later.


'--.. -.w.-._--+-._-.-_-_-__ -_-_--'--'~I-: ________ -_-J~ ~~,_----

• I


G.s air conditioning lis I

terlt h~st. I • 00 , I

as air conditioner is the finest whole.ho~se cooling system ~ou can bUY,

There a e concrete advantages to cooling with gas. It's e o~ohlical. With gas every oynce of fuel bur.ned

, , ",., ,"",",re ,re 00 - •• -;~ ." "I I wear 0 t~so repairs are practically unheard of. ,It lasts rJ 8 I n r, too: because the tiny flame tha'! dbes the

work Cd. 11'~ \\ea o~t. Keep coo! with a gas air conditioner. If's _ Peop~es the "flnest w lol~,h(!u!:'G cooling system you can buy, If you ~ I ~~~==: \ .~ive _bey n.1 the city ~as mains, see your lP gas oealer, .

I I il



Braunschweiger Lb. 49c USDA Choice


Large Bologfia - Chunk L,b. 39c

CHUCK ROAST Miracle Whip



U & r

Lb. 59c Lb·69c

HQrmel's Thick _ 1;1


InB~: 79c ',""',",,, 3 $1 230- " ,I, ,'- . . GRO~ND BEEF." Lbo. PORK .CUTLETS"" .. ,,,, ... ~9c

With the Purchase or 3 Pkgs.or Large Fresh I { • 1 :

GRADf "A" EGGS 2 Doz. 6,~~i, !"I 'I ther Toasted. Ooconut Dcvil'~ Food or DUPlex' Cookie.<! .at Reg. Price.

~Nri ~~~==~~

) Hallmcri:

¥ GOLDEN CORN Cream or Whole K_I J

.. 6 No. 303 79c,~ CalIS .,.

29c LETTUCE ~===:::::::! THOMPSON


Siive! Dollar iD;~~n; - -I' BUITER . Inaur stare 59 ThUf::~~ ~~~ Lb.· . C

2. n-OL' 45c C,!ns

Meadow Gold

.~. I's' Market

• ., I·, t'"I:.·,: ·1


" . Ie I

.1; Ii·


Meadow Gold ."r!ll


. 1,.1



~' f ~

!-rr---rrl -~""""'I---I--+-#---+----' EXfens~n Council II odal a~d Officer 'Elected I!, ermot Wins' Ro ing ,deno s Tou,' .'i:,aY~:unct"n~~ldn~;"·;'t;;:::::,~; 'II! G If h' d" Seye,al FI wer ardell' : Cjunrterly "i!!ell,ng at the county o Eve t T u s ay ft >ving ('i""n"" e111(' niem, cou,I'II>ou •• 110.1 'ru •• day .flee'

I)' :\1 r:'I, (~j<lllc!t Melle! 'molt WM Jt:~~~ fcn~l ~:lr'~11 gSf.l, 'v:;r':}y vfJjOW'I' I~,rl ~D!:'~,' P~.~~ttc~a!v~r"~~~;lh~h!~1 ' \\'1 n Ill'" flf it e golf ('v, 'nt lnllr~. .. ,II".,. >'r

:,'1 d,lY rn()rnln~ lit Wn e CQuntry !-lOrr (! cf t'1!(~ gardens ol Tem. th~~~~Cylcg,t~:i"fj "f'h~IL.ot· arf! dUll! ~11'(·llk. asl hOl-ih''ifiCS WCJ'(~ '~I'r~1 of ·,iu !'1'ysJr1n Hardyn FJul'J. t.... ... . .,

'j {;r !':.~ !:~ (N~I:J~b ~~~:t', Mf,!L L,on Mey· ~~~~iPPri~~' C~rn~;5.C~';jn c~t (tl~ ;'s l\\)(~ ~~~~~rm~afJf~rg~:;~~ NtKt moctl Jf will he Sept; 9 r'ch, h~ralt~ lender: :\frnl: Rudy

_·1 r SJ" I III Ikin and 1\1 '~l. Wilmer f WIt> wr, I fI,d 1(}UlC, of the ga~d(m,1i Ml'!p. ~llroJ l IIH~i.lllli, vi,!:'c chair;

jl I

~1'r1.·hndg(!. Ptlws W(llt to Mrs, will ~In V Jl Dilmmc. tr~i'::;', ~1l~'S;:~~~:1I.; c!l:r~lI "1::0V~~' I al'l lind ~I",' GII!!OI" Wall, ee c;ers iII~t It chairman, ,and Mrs, Clarqnoe <'al'l WrifOlt, MrH. ] nlJ,h Car· Th ;'f M 1 W· h

W 'I N hb Schro c del', 'Hoskins . Winside i. ync ya ei$! ors group chalrl"nn, nc'clccted were W~dding :Sct To,oy For 'aYIll! jt,{~yaJ NcighlJ~'rj; met ~nl. ViiI r~aUlml', County {'hair.


I· ]iI~l Tll( Sd'Jf' (,'''I,ming. (iuCliW roilll; II rl;. Levi Hoht'rto. Sl'cre·

l. Irnhoff ... R. 80 hune WCI" f~dilh l:va./1S, Nprtl~ Platte, t,pry-tre ISU:r'N; Mni. Lyle Mar. ",ntl,1 Ilr1hof(, cia Jghtcr of sup ('rne ,11U lItor, ~lrf, ;Lucille otz, reading lead<'r,' and :'-olrs

Jh~d Imhqif. . ... r., Ioeahontll.'i, ,Llo d, I bSlipgs, Mtatf~ ~lIpervj8- James Hobinson, ~alfety h'ader. lot) llfHI Itol~f'r{ Be hunc, snn or, I and jVCli!1 HiChlirg. Neligh, Mrs. James Robinson, ~afety of tfvlr and(f1..1f:'1 L<'.'It r Bethune. district h~Pl ty. chairman, explolned the. new (',q~!'oJi. will] I)f' mar 'i~~d today A poth li'k l~mch,l'oll rw-,II; ~crvl'l1. s;afety Jaw concerning sr-fety em. (Thur~day): -,~ (lnj' .ole co-mmittcc I~c)"e Mrs. tilems on farm machinery. Ma.

I j nalll(' McNutl. Mrs F:rnma ':vIe- terialll will be dilil>layed at 20 1 Women, Are '~uests At Phuran,IMr!'> (jrace Hilson and Wayne county Fair in AUgUlit

Bridge Party wtdneSday Mr! (f,riH'(' f)awfion Mot;; .• Julio Mrs. BusH' Os.blJrn heads a 1111, ~ <llldiMr" Lpc C~auwe were committee which wHi ihavl'

,\j [~ Ed Wpbpr .. IH Mrs. I1il on It!l~f' bk commIttee :"Jext oharge of the women's, open . d<J 1',1 wl'lskl {'ntertnj Jed 20 In- m(' ~tmg-' Aug :1. " CjlOS8 deparlm'ent at the c04nty . 111 dl'HNk·r!·brirl,gc IIL'lt Wed' J f' Th ('0 L I' . t(

lH",rI:'I~ ~·\'!'t1Ul)~ ill "M,iJit'!'~ 'Tea 'lodge Meets ~~~'rd tw~) Jl~i~l~(,1 eal'~;I.utll~ th~ HfHJ!l1 f mher ... w rt' pr('~{'nl Arts and Raking dt'partnwtlts.

1'1'1/1'''' \\('1·(' ~'/)Tl by \1n. Elh!'1 -111 Lorlp,p nJ('('ling Mr!'>. G. Jones aJln(Junccd thol ~{ \II'", I' I. ,VI lSI'S. Mr:, IJlClet.Jng L'I Ju. .. fall lou~ would be held on

.\Iall and ~r<;-. F~d (;rllhh cluh roolJls. IJotnemukets Day il1, Lincoln


Detailli wiU be mailed to club D. Bolken-Jorgensen "residenls, Anna Marie Krielels, l,rCa agent, discussed the 1966

En!CIag1ment Announced lesson plans, An area leadership

Till' I II ,agtron'll'nl of ')lIlltn~: IInl __ .\111 and Mfli. ~:;;~! J~an~fj~ht~nr ~ll~~ hll to .r III .J(~r~l(,lJsetb hilS hp('n ring announce 1lhc Dr. O. Clifton of the University :11111()1l/l('~·!. ~11<'s /lollken I~ lh(' find Ilpproaehing of NebrH<'ka will pJ'('.~idl'

,,1' Mr ,HId 1MI'. ... Brl/(·r· thclr. daughter ('o/prldgl' npl' I IfWIH'{' Hawk to (;('rald

... 1111 or \II'. ,mil ,\1rs. ('hns son 1/1' Mr. and ker, W snt>r h, ii 19;5 graduate

I Her fiance of C'oleridge

I and ha~ just ('om· to; plan ClIllwi:('



years i~ the army

wt'dding i~ planned




Bridal Shower Friday Honors Judy Hi·nricks

Belden - Judy H [ n ric k s. daughter of Mr and Mrs Raif)h Hioricks. was guest of honor at a bridal shower last Friday In Laurel United Lutheran church parlors.

Hostesses W{'I'E' Mr~ Arnold Heitman, Mrfi. Howard raulson, Mrs, Pete Vollcrson, Mrs, George Monk. Mrs. Warren Stage, Mrs Norman Anderson, Mrs. Fritz Hath and Mrs Wilbur Rath.

Miss l-Ilnrick will b(' marri{'(1 , .to Merlin Bel'tlothe. son of Mr

llnd Mrs LIIV('fnl' 1l('rllo1tw. Dixnn. July 18

Mrs' Mikkelsen Hosts Happy Homemakers Club

Mrs O(llvin Mikk('\sen \I/a<; hostess last W('dne,~day to Hap

I py Tlomt'Jnukrrs club I.orir H('i!· bold was ~ gups!

Mrs. li'fltd Frevert presented the tOPIC, "Nehraska" Aug 4 meeting wllI be with ~Irs. Er· ne,t Sl~~r, '




J. Jaeger Honored At Miscellaneous Shower.

f"ifly gUI'sts 'attfndcd a pre­nuptial shower Friday evemng al Winside St. Paul's Lutheran

. ~~~.rCh,. honoring Jfanette Jae-

DecoratIOns were 10 wbite and cerise, ~fary and $uth Jaeger 'I.~sislt'd With rcgistration and gifts Contest· prize!> went tf) (;Iadys HeiclJert and Mrs. Hen­ry Dangbl'rg, who in turn pre· sentell them to the honoree,

IInstpsst's weI'(' Mrs. Herman, IrvlIl. lierbert. Albert 3 n'd ~;l'Org!' Jal'g{'r, Mr'i Christ Wei­!JII', Mr~ Louie WiU€'rs. Mrs.

~~l~~Cd O~~ler Gr~~' ~t:~. 'fd:;i Troutman, :\frs. Russe'll Hoff· man, .Judy Troutman, Lincoln.

;~':~\,t?a~~I.Si~~~~h1~~~ ~~~s ~~~~ !i-frs. Dnrh'll Graber. Norfolk. '

l\tis~ .J aeger and RoL('rt Vahle. HeenH'f,' will be married July JI

. Shower At Sf. Paul's Honors Recent Bride

~Ir" ,'\1 ichacl Schulz (the for­mel' LDi.s Miller) was honor· !"I .,at a misccllnneous shower July 11 In St. Paul's Lutheran ('hutch soeiHI room. Decorations were JD hlue and white.

Jant't lIeft!, Darlene Miller ano Edith Mellick assisted with glft$ Pr!'-pa.ring and serving IlInqJ1 Wf're Mrs Dale Miller. Mrsl Chris Frnnzen, Mrs. WiJ· lia~ Knoll. Ylrs. Gus· KolI, Mrs. Adolf Rohlf£. Mrs Wilbur TId·

~~':lII~~\~ill{,I:O~~~ ~~IIC~el!rc~~' Immanuel Couples Club Sct~ Picnic In AugiUst

ldlmnnuel Lutheran Couples ('Iub plans a picnic Aug. 8 at "onra State park

110sh at last Wednesday's llle(jlm~; were Mr. and Mrs.

~~t~~d Ro;ebnel~rf~~, ~~v~ni.M~: God presented the topic· anq de· voti ns.


Ii ."

f IiI J:' I.

Pre-NI~ptiar Shower '.tt,'",1.·<I'I':I1I, "",,"ly "ho~) sh"n~ Woy.e!t~"b.r) ~,ofd, nu"d~·, ~~fr IS 1965 ,., 1 ':'t cmp~)'t.d AI Warrjor llt",Quty I ' •

H $ M 'J 11 ~alon, 131 ux e'l) I"h" bridegroom, onor ary ewe :"""",,,'t1 W.kdll'ltl ""blif ,ehool! I

DJxon-LMary J~~"'\'(,'11 U.I!l< hQn- .. nd sl'n"d .brel.· )ear~ In lht" Nan>,_ 'I or€"d at il pre nupnnJ !'>ho\\cr I nt" is I' ~)Iu)('d iU iI lru(.'k Url\!tr. '--"";''''';;';''''".:I-"c~:,._T-.::;';;':.+.'i'''''; hlt/ay Ovenlng at Dixon Mello"" follow IIg • ''''dtllnll Inp to Mu. I dl,t One hundred rcla, Ii m's-otn, lw l:OUP1(,' will {f&ld(1 1m I

live, .n~ frlond, "Uepded. WlIkeliel ~ 'r:::=:::':;:':=:±i:==;:;;::=;;;;;:=;;';;;;~;;~. "r •• cnlt arrangod llb. I Ie I pr,grnnj, whIch include\!, <IOvo- i K d ! B d·' ,I !~~o;,'i, i~~ ~:I~clit~~$e b;vII~r,C; I U era ru Igo~ 1"'110')~ .. enlerick ~ntJ a gue'-'In~ I W'edd'ln' 9 Held 'In' game, forlhe Om)orl"'. I '

On the. serving c~mmltt("e k' ' I were rs, Oll .. 'r Noe. M", (;I~n ',Has Ins Ju y 10 Mu.ckl'rn, l\lrs. .Manon 'lUIS!. I ' Mrs; aro! 1.irdWrl" Mrs.' Mat'. Hoskms - J>atncla Anu Kud",r.a..j vln Hanman, Mn. Marlin Kor!'b Huskins, daughter of Mr. and Idn I Mrs Dick lIansort Sharon Pres' John Kud(frn. Hosklnf, and Harold cotto Mrs. Ronaltl Ankeny. 'Mrs, Leu 'Brudlg~D. no'kin~, Wn of '¥r I C D Ahkr~nv. MI's DIck ('h.lm. ::Illcl ~Ir.s Wllhe UJUdl},tUlI, Jiu"kl,Oli,' bers. Mrs Edlre~J Smith, Mrs. I were nuu:fled at 'l'riruty LlIthv&1O Russell A keny. Mr!l Ann N(·l- ('IIUTCh. ',oskinl' Jtll~ 10 ~'\i 600, Mr!i l Stt·rlmg Borg, Mrs, I J Ie Lmdqlllst OHiCI)11l'J at Lhi.ljl Earl Peterson and Mrs. Melvin double ri~g cercmuf\y, RoUud Man! Menk sang "The LordI!> Pra)"'r'

and Ii'O Perfect Lo~c." accomplln SOO Club Meets Tllesday Icd by Mrs Oscar Zandera

~ I


Mrs. R. H. Hansen WM host. I 'nle bride, gIVen in "marrla~~ l- I ' es.s to 500 cilLb Tuesday. Mr$. her lather. wore <l floor leqgth

Julia Haas.'was a r,uest. Prh~(':'t gown of f1yl!)n organza nnd Ja('f".~:::::::::::::::~E:::3t::;;=:::::;=~=~~ .. went t~, ',!'1rs. Ole Nel~on and I Her tinge." tip veil was tu:Jd .j I Mr:'t. B~r, ~f!y('r. July 21 meet. II PIU(.e. by .'1 erown ( .. 'l I~(·arls .. Sh. ing is wltfi' 'Mrs, Otto Jleitholrl. c8rrJerl a red lind whIte' bouquel

- lof roseS.

O I .JmIlCl' Lorcm, Wln£idc-, Intll(J of, pen HO,use ito Honor honor "nd Nuney Burg,ladl, :liOI",

Mrs. Noe's ~irthday . An open housQ Sunday, July

18. from 2 to ·1 p,rn at Allen !\-Iethodis( church will honor Mrs. F. M. Noe, AlJen on her 90th birthday, ' :

Breakfast Ends Season Cit.v"'Sisters dub closed the

season, with a 7, 'il m. breakfast Monday at the s;\vimmillg pool shelter house. The fint meet. in~ ,in lllP fall will be Sept 13 With Mrs. Clarence Preston.

i folk. iJri(!cslIwid, Worl' gowns of

I blue bro(:4u(.. Euch c4Arru~d a buu­Q.uet of thllC roses and ·caroa.

: tJ~~i~iy BrUdigun, Norfulk, bt~6t mun .and h·n·y Kudera, HO!.iuOI,

j groomsmnn, wore dark suits. Usb. ! ers werc Gcne Brudig.m: Ho!-kins. ! und Doug SheHon, PiNet'. I Candlclighters w~re Barry Kud·

: ft~~g~;a~e~~::~~us~r~:I~l;di~~~k:I~~ ,nowergirl was Marcia Kudera: I i The bride's molht'f ehO'!ie a' blu.e i I dress of whipped ('ream Tht.1 ! bridegroOm'5 motho!' ehose a blue i lace dress. Both wore... corsajes I

S d i of white earnations With tiiue trim. an ro Ko~old ' ,A reception for 250 W"" hdd 101'1 .,' lowing the ceremony 10 t4e school I

Weds W 'hl.... I basement. Mr. and Mrsl Harvey I • . IC "Ion Aev"'ma~n werc hosts, ,Iudy Kud era. Columbus, registered gUests. I n Rites July 3 ' Karen ~iintz, Dia"ne Kreiling and

N()JlGE'i" BRINGS ~OU ~E', fiNEST liN i'


I, , _,_ I:



ROBERTS LOCKERS ,,-, PRODU~J:· 106 PEARL Verna Mac Geewc arranged gifts.

WakefieJd - Sandra K 0 n 0 I d Mrs. }<"rank nrudi~an lind Mrs. Don l=~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~=l daughter of Mr and Mrs A O· Wecker cut nnd served the cake. Konold, Sioux CIty, and WdIled !t,rs. W. K. Shelton poured. Wail. Wl("nman, son oj Mrs Fflt'Cia r(>sses were Brverly Newmann, Wichman, Wllkcfillid. Wen' mar. Sandra Aevcrmllnn, Sharon Kocp· rled in evening ritns July :l at: ke. and Sandra Woockman. I Mf)mingslde L u the ran chapel. The bride and bridegroom arc Sioux City. : prese~tly .cmp!oye~1 by Kudera I

Rev. Palmer Wold officiated at! Truckmg In Hosk~n~ where the i the double ring rites. Phillip. Wold I the couple arc. resldiQ.g. I was organist. I •

The \ bride, given in marriage by I ~ -. ' father. wore a white brocade i "IIIIIS

; ~Ui~~rg~erb:~or!n~ei~h:a~a~;~~d b~ i au ... nosegay of white roses and pon July 1: Mr. and Mrs. William pori mUms. ) E. Wit.te,\,. Omaha. a daughter

Harold Fleer Jacquelin Jo. 7 Ibs~ 1'2 oz. Grand, Mrs' mother .is Mrs. Mildred' Witte,

All! of iIIur (us~omb~s for their

Patro~age ... You hJv~ made our 2' PROVOCATIVE mTBll

wore a Wayne. ~ .' . suit il corsage July. 2: M~. and 'Mrs. Jac.k }fold-

. roscs andi}' He earnations.' ren, SIOUX City. a son, DaVid. MI.

! I I,

Co~p!ete SUtt~ss. i



For Condid~te fbJ Northea~t Nebr(ljs~[ft P~rk Queen

Contest to be IHeid ih

Pender, Nebr., Aug :st 11 In Connection with p~nder Pork Day

Riules and Rc ulati ns I 11'. 1 II~ 11I1l~1 III tll I II~ I ""oIPmhf'f 1.1''1:', :1,,,1 II I

"II<' 1111I~t I "~Id., !lll, a 1',\1'111 Oil II Ii I,' II <I.III:ill,r "11':11('1111' 1](1\\ :1.1,1,,1,

:-- h, ,1i;,11 1 r"~(,lIt hqr'i,'1 f 111 ,. I,II"~~ I 1

\ I'" I II 11' .d 1 hI' ""~I 1 ., ... ~ a I]! -II it ·,1 ,:., !" I I. II,,' "II1f\' 1.1.11111.

l. \ I., \1 1,) 1 i I III ~ I " t " \" 'r k

_, 'I'll" \ :1111<' "I' I,nrl, '11 dU!I'\"'11

:L \\1 Ir a 1 th,' Iltjlll~l'\\ ift' ":111 dn III 1i"ll'I:.'I' 1.~.' I ',., !<(' 11

Ih\\\'- thl' ':11' 111:,1-., I·'" L III <lIll_lIlll,'r, I

~nblit'd OJ' l'OIl1IIIII:lll,\n" tIt i,or\ .

III th,' .i\lll~\'~ \\111 iill!'~liMI lli>' 1','1:11111;': :1(\ th,' L",r. iudu"lry.

.lrl.\;':lll;: 1',\\ \." tHI~~'d 011 tlll' I'Lllkl\\ill~ 1:,

]"·:ll1t.\. ,"'r~On:l'lt.r 111111 n,'a!ll<,"''' :-;''''''''h ,·ol1t"nt Drill illlt'rrognllnn . . ' .. "I I'll'''~'"l;ltl\\n ~)f lolll'l'I'h ,\1\,\ Pl)bl'

Thl' \OII(hl':I:-l \I'llrtl~klt Pork (~UI'!'II lilt' Hlatj, ('IHlt\'~1 to Ill' h,'I,1 ill C'~d\ I title of Bliss Nebraska Pork Queen.

, l"rJl\t \lalll<'

I'h01l1' numhrr .

j~~ ::~~::~: :.!l~ points 1ll11l)llIt:-


" wilt ('oUl(lI'te iu for th.o

'11, ,'j,l!

Starts Thursday

Oll!llI 7:1fl - Starts at·Dusk

She's A Regular Tom Jones!!

7lIe RPt.lI{l(fMJ ~R!! OFARfi1'lP ClJ#7l!R/I IoMlMwIx !



Over the possibility of theft or fire? Don't be! Use the First National Night DepOSitory for the safe, keeping at late receipts,


'lirs! /Vd,IiPHnllftIHK '* MEMBER F.D.le.

The bride's moth r Wore a mint.1 and Mrs, Clarence Miner, Laurel, green dresQ.. T bridegroom'sl,rare .grandparpnts, ~ mother chose a light hlVcnder J~ly 7: Mr. a,nd Mrs, Walter Me­dress, Both had corsages of pinl, Auhffe, Wake.fleld, a son, 8 Ibs., sweetheart roses. 15 oz., Wakefield hospJtal.

A reception for relatives and July 10: Mr. and Mrs. Ed G~de, Crieoqs will be hel~ Aug. 1 in ken, Laurel, a daug~ter, 7 Ib!l." 12 Minnmota. o~.,_ Wakefield»taJ.

The' bride was graduated from July 11: Mr. an~ Mrs. Jack Bode, East high school, Sioux City, and Wayne, a son, Nlc~ Adlam, 8 fbI) .. ,

12 oz., Wayne hospital. I

S(,nt.2 T U £ S DAY

July 11: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brentling~r, Stanton, a son, 6 ~bs . : 12 oz., Wayne hospital.

July 12: ~lr. and Mrs. Don Kubic, : Wayne, a son, 6 ~bs., 12 oz .. Wayne ! hospital. . I July 12: Mr. and 'Mrs, Robert I Turnquis[, AxteU, a daugbter, Beth

BUCK NIGHT CANCELED I Ann, 7 Jbs., 5 oz. Grandparent5 are ~fr. and Mrs. J"c\'i Dahlgren,

I WaJ{eficld. e

Mr. and Mn. Jerry Ahlvers and ·:\1)'. and ~lrs Ch!lrll'.~ Ahl..,('rs, Dan­ny and Julie, Om~ha, spent the

I we('kcnd at Ben A,'lJvers. ~Ir. and

i ~(~~d('nBe~r e:d~~:rsAn~tj\~:r~~~y t~~ 1

Mr. and Mrs. George F1etcher. Or­I ~rd. Sunday.



1:1£, E~ch I

lOS Main

SpQr~swear .... : .. t .-• ;. [' $ ·00'

SWimSUits ....... :;. ..... :. 'f' ..... -.. . .. 9'L ··'f.,.'."··':'f"'I"'.F'!'I'i'f':!!""~l StaU'4THURSDAV nflmm· 2 P,M. SAT ... SUN.

Next Attraction!

Our:selectians ~re p.r~. '9. cod., •. now, f~'. s .. i.zis.and,styIIi!S".if .. yo1:'.tak~" age of ihis sole early, yOl! Will ~ hap y ~Ith whpt, you ,fm,d O! , . ., the !sel~ctjon will be odds a",d epds .. ".. ' 1.. ,". ....! ..

, I I, , I!i



., 1 I' " i W~yne.Town eam Loses to Northeast ~~V'iJ~~~:isr.·~":ct ~i~~~~o~;~r~an'IMerle McGee Ru ning /Play 21 Ga IS "In h"'.

N b IL L II '--'- 1 bQ~' .",1 h'. 1111:1.' "'l'~.;¥~'l.,!~h-i' e raslla eag' e A Stars 6- 4 Thursd 'v . W.yn.·Ho'~ln' . Y f W' , M I" T ond.r ,Ill.un" 01 \' L.~dmg th,' Norlh.aM ebrask.1 ~ . ._~ ._ '._ .. ____ ~1 kl~:t~:~r(to':~t t~'·~. ~~~;n'd:/:~ I ~' Innlll9 e ~ 5 Area In One Week "·J~I;n(kJoX~~;':'n"°~~1a Wa.YtIOi

league by ahnosl Vwo games, the I Emerson struck out (ou . at home In l\Hdget pIny TlIe5d~).! . f(·rh.> McG('C, W;tYI C I State I Uasf.'bal1s Dnd soft :!Ills wUI UU Jul. ~ tho s~rll play gt.~top tn r Wayne town team dowOCCllhc JtCl,lr y~elded ~o hits In two Cr-ari:s' :~ nt~ht Wayn(t coll~Ch.'d DIn(' hlB,graduate of 1959, ~j;tllI j collect· the air in thco Wayn aru dUrin, hln milt h''ft\ ,turtlng at 1:30: jin!l. cst ~'Oml)(>tltI011, Lawton, la, 65 f Vern Lockman A tho f d ~ willic Hoskin'S was held to two 109 track Int'tlallii. lie reeenUy the next week. Th~re "Irf 2.1 lamu July 24 ~he l.(!.don dffJlrld lQurmt~ , Sunllay night hefore a ~fJod Slz(:d I and g(l'lll" up n~ h~t6 1~' C)~nnl~m~ne Larrry Strate (anned !>Ix anti nan WOn the 15 kilom€'t(tf natlon~l it of so{tba.ll arid ba.eb II SChoduled ment s(Arb l)et~1t$ oil tM ~()Qm:l' crown r.l the IOt:c11 ball park Wayne strandcd tc mel d r gJ FrIend one for HfH,kins Belrnur championshIp itl AAU ("(Jmll cti. Thurtday, July 15, Homer piaYI mcni \\111 be "ivIeD ,next w¥ok.

It .... as a nJP :md tuek g./mc all the umt(!st The tjLa~s were ~ 11~tr Wacker £nQnrd six nnd Ilav(" Tiet hon .. W.yne town t .. m ere It .. lSj .. ' I' of the WU) I Slorelcfis until th~. tic morc adept at l::ettlflit men 11 gen dne IbfWaync Now lI .... ing' .t S.nt. Monica ~rld.'f the WaYM Mldpt. and j 1.[' •

I thmJ frame, ~ Law~.on .'/ent ahead I onel' .tney were ,on base, lea", In 1 '1'\1.0 home ru~s hlghllghtt'<l' CalH" the $punky IIttfe runner"': Legion pl.y ~t Pierce and In th. I . Mr, ~nd Mr., OleAr", PHrlOn,. 1·0 JIl thiJt ~nn1llp only to have onb three men OJ! babe 1n nl1.~ Wu)'ne's hitting OYl'r th{' lIoskln~ he was about S.7 and 140 DOund .. 'j ~ft.moond th. 10~2 {,8O group 0' I S0l!th Slo\!x City, Altd' ",ul Penr. WaYne come hack wah two, rUfls ilOrlmgS I (ence Doug F'urrcns and Chuck In his college d.YI _ reh -, Ii lOY" two girl tN",' will 1 ~(.'Illi IlI.ter lUltl nlUte H'O~ SWO' and rntJlc,~ it 21 Lawton Went OUt _ I. I'~lshcr ea('h hIt one Dchnnr Wack. miles In 45:59 under e blazing P.!:Y L IM~I ~t::::no ~t 1'; ·SjUrwr,Y. 11 dt'n vilUcd al tho.~p:~r. 'ton., .1\JI\'lll 10 fr,olll .1.2, I!I the fifth .and W<ljne (tr hit a double for the only othcr Sun. t. q on ~ pil P 'Y It bOr!1«! Friday ,! _ .r lled II "t .l.I In the Sixth I Comp'lete Wo k 1 extra base blow ~1 G till' I I . Wmsld. and Wa.lh. U play, the 1 VI,II." Sunday In . h •. :r. C~

Tho locala. p~undvd o~t four r on Wayne' hits I~csidcs the t.' riplc StPt~ ~~cO~dr-; 5 4~iG~ i~\·~ waYn~ "~n }.~ml here; , I Dl.lthki> hornt' Wel'f.l M~.·I",.'.d'l M~.Il.~· hltt! to scorl? t~ree runs in the B b II • and home runs wcrc singles by run and 0.1'9 iii· til(' ~e .:~ C • on 8) llc Mlde('ts nnd 1~101I1 John Kraus, PJulnvlqw. C~it(iIl John., so~entb. and load 6·3 but Lawton. I ase a : PrOlect Cal ComstocJl, Ste~'c Kerl, StC\'l! [Ihe ~lattl'r ~t!t when 'h t 0 Jmll.~d ~(iJ.m"l.·lldgo t~ Wisne.r: .TucScfuy Pt'r\· Son, Omnhn, umJ Maurlc~ .. 'J:IO.lU'IiOn .• camu right bade. wlfh two rum., Sehram, Dean Elofsun Wacker and f:i'. .. e Jl ~C( l'r ~ gets and ~giOh n/o('s Ul"' COlll'ord, '. II' •

II to Imove up to 6.S. The bases Work on one project at the Tictgcn: Ron Asn-ws and 1'om>.I~b~rdl:~ ~~~iI~~: ~~tiOp 1 ,~J\~~ --~.-"- .. -'--" .. - .. - ._,-_ .. -- --~.-~.-.-...... -.'" .... ~. -_~ ... , ... ~I, h~"'"7" : wetre loaded when the side was Wl.lyne b.asebfll djnrnond was com- Behmer cOllected the two· SlngiCsltabc~ p~rfo~m·' 1 -j e\,k l, >1;, rt . s . _ _.,1('. ')'

ret red. ' [plcted Sunda by ten men who for Hoskins, tory. er II .,a,Y It'. 1 s· ave Mon· e "h' ~ ! Un Meyer got 'c,ed;1 lor lhel worked Irom \ ,to 7 p.m. to .gel ---.---.. ---.. ~----__ ._. . '. Y 'I. roug ,

~in,i reli'~vlng I)on (;oeden in thC" I the pro~cctiV~ wire put up on the ,". -~-... _._., .. -... - ._. 1, .. J . ' [ . ':: .j': .. ,

SlXI/" (;Oel.lell "ruok out nve anJ' norlh "de of, the dlamnnd lJClore Wayne Juniors .Stop Elg·.n A .• ter WI·n'nl·ng f' Pack .Lae .. " I' ::rJloV/ed three hltn Meyer fanned I the Lawton-Wayne baseball gamc, ClI.,., €lAVE l~ight. and Yhddpd three f:><Jfe blows Helping flrilsh the prolect ware S k B II. I I ;-. f"\ V '

I Cole went t.he d;,tancc fo', the VI>· Charlo, Nlc~ol" SIan Mo"ls. Pal trea. rOllen at Laure Las .• Wedriesday . Insurance ",ONE 1 Itor$, fannl,es eight and gIving up Atkin~. CI.t~' Shearer, Chari.. J •

elgiJt hits. Denelle. :Jlrn PokeU, Will.rd . nouncln~ hack (r~rn n humillat·-·· _ .. _._.-... - ...... _.- --.-~ .. "-------- th . d ..J' I WlIyne hits lOeluded a double Blecke, Oqn Pfeiffer, Merl~ ~ng Joss h) ·~aurcl,. ~he Wayne Jun· Pony LeoguJ Team. . Wins e In ependc.l~t-agent

,md a single apil'ee by Don' He]. Whitney an1J Emil Dian. Most' J~rs dcrca~t:~ Elgu~ .:~·o Saturday way! grlJD and IJcflni:i Boy,.crs, two ..'Iin~. ha .... e ahso put in many other night on" tl~(l 10CHI Idlamond. The . Waynl'. Pony le~gul' tcnm won .. JJ l(!s by Stt'cktolhNg and ~a hour, worki~9 on the diamond. IIO!-i~ ~or .EIJtlll repr,('Sented 14 scorc. an 8·2 victory over Hoskiu-!> on the Let your Indepcnd_ Ringle apl(~l·C by HL'X 1I(!(irli and . Mcrlound.l.jcs~rnun and el"cw.fin'II~'Ss mmngs.· against \Vaync in (\<If) I .. Hers' fwh.l Tucsdu)' Wayne Mag. eni insurance IJnrl·y .Jileil:sUII Llwton's hits illl 1. ... IICd p<Jinlmg the grarulstand and tiltS.: . d' hu:t~d for the .... lIlners and show a ' , Sing!cs, W(!re one l'uch by GOOd'WIO, the bleaehers befon' Sunday. llU!y I '~I~ M,au .h~I."Jed four.hl~ ball ror ~l~~e. ~hller .~or the l~)st'rs" ~~h Y u how ~ou can '.1 . PeUa, .A'IIt'1i Zl'nor, Edwards .and used two shades of green fhr the W<l)OC iJnQ slruck o.u~ 13, Bern· [ ,j Ik~ng out SIX, lIoskms lu~s Ill· get broa.der coverage, I *cNnughton. slAnd plu!> a gl"<JY paint for the ard Kluthe g!lV~! U~) five luts but i C udc~ a double ~y Tom ,BeYt.nnr~. for th full 1 i ., : I Jackson i"5 now s~Yenth in the \\wlkways. I~a.d lroLible getting: -the kind of I tW? SInglcs b~ MIller and a :mrglc 0 . va Ue a yo.ur property - •.. [. , jJea;9ue in batting with a 344 • The Lions club is .working on -the su.pport ~<lU . .h. ad with thl"t!l' rum. aplC.ce f.Y ' Richard n.tthmpr a~d and at lowet· rates --,th.rough paCkai .". I erase. Don HOlgren i~ ,at~ electric scor(>hoard and although :.c(,rrng 0/J"011e hit and thrt·c errors Roger· I an.genbcrg. Wayne hits policies' ·1' '1 Iwith .333, and Rex Heard n~~th progress sccms slow, lhcre is rare. ..~n< OJsqn'~ triple was the !u:w; w~r? a triple apicce by Handy ..• ,. 1\

with .321, Ron Sadler leads the Iy a day but what some work is ~t O~I(. t?Ya't."~~llJlg bthut hit was Do~t( ~/t!~~:~, 3!.lpdi ,~cr~c R~;.~~~~~ftha~: b .~or th~ best.m car, home, and - 1

1< .-:1.

looPinhomerunswithfourand done .. Completely erectcd, it is <.Ins,e qu.ewl: t reeonthat!'o· b' cc o~ "e 0, USlness insurance. sec thea cnt he Don Goeden's 5.0 record is the now palOtcd and the lettering work .b:ought .I~ ,the r~ns. M.anskc· also I ~,. dy H .Qgner, Handy Lut\ and di 1 ., g _ .w ! best for any NNL pitcher. and installation of lights rem'lin h!t a Slngi~, '<lle~ NI~hols and: Iu1\. RobUlson. sp a~s the 5!J'al shown below. . I I'~olJowing <irf' th(' st<Jndingf) after to be done R:l~h ~lelgren ~ach hit a s,mgle. El· f.. He is a member o£ __ Ii"

Sunday's 11[1. ... · A gah' lH'ar the north r1uguu't gIll hits, all smgles, were by Lcon·!w· 'd T w' d tJ I'· . ·W L Pet. and bleachers is planned. It would a.rd Iburg, TC!'ry Scalll?-ell, I1crnard I Insl e eams In p ,

Wayne 9 1 900 serve the visiting players who Kluthe and Jim Schmitt. The 'II' L<:lwton 8 :1 727 could get <J drink at a fount-1lin to . ·Woyne.Lou,el Season This Next Week . I Emerson 5 5 500 be ;nstalled nearby outside tho diu· j Ne braska Association Homer 4 6 .400 mond area, Against Lau.rel Wednesday t~e Winside's boys' baseball ·teams

UNLJhE~TED SWIMMER in two mqets, Dave N~yes has won ~~tl~~:~1 ~ ~ ~~~ L I M.-d I l~~;,~~ 5~~~~~e~lmX~~rri:t~~a4ego~~ I~~~~~P ~~:~ r~~~~ .~o~~~n i!li~ of Insurance A~e~tll: •. oIl IndiVidual events entered and h~s been on winning relay e aure I gets n Manskc ,sh~~ed hu~ 109 honors ~or tournamf!nt playoffs. It hardly teams for the team this summler, Hc's shown here coming W TTl Wayne: ?tnkmg out a tQtal of mne I seems possiblc but district pi1iyofrs up 101",' as he does the br~a't s"'okb at Pierce. I ~yne own eam Rout of Wayne N·lne and glvIIIg up se !en. hils. Gary! start the last .wook in July. 101· .----- ... ~---.--.----,---~-.-.-.-.• -- '-. '_'+_".+1.

-- ............ - - ... _- - --_. ---~_. I Newton '?J£n.t the: distance .. for ! lowed by the ,regional and statl' , i '

SWi~mml'ng' Meet °In. ,a . I Keeps on W·' Noth;n~ wenl r;ghl aga;nst Lau· Lau,,·!. fanning 11 'and allOWing I tournaments. GET RID f IRON d R ~I Brown third; 14·17, Nancy Inning rei Wednesday night The host SlxThJts. I Th'undey night Whlside plays 0 . ali

. ()~d.n~~n first, Diane aids sec· I W~yne'.s town t(,<llll h,lS not had 1ll"lurel team ·won 11·4. The fo\;r t' 1!Jrry lutt, continued his hit. I at Hoskln.s ~Ith ·"ames betwean I, r Wuyne Thursd(lY Ii,.;, Ra:dnvd ~;:r~~' t~~OI:.c~~~1 J ":~lCh .. lr""hl'- Wllh llo"l North""Sli ~"11.~ wa;vne dl<l gel """" aft.-r f~:~ ~:;:::l< ::11~.:hr~~c~I';.i'~f·r~~ Ih. P.~we." Little Midgels and . STAINING' . IN YOUR WATE-Ri .'. :',\

1317 M k R bl g. ,N~bl.lska I<-agu{' t":lm" thiS sp·l"oniSUoslltute" had takpn. ovrr In tlH' h't d bl dAd 9 Big Midgets. Sunday evening _ FI ('''11 I ron, rOllls of th~' J.jSloom -B;o~n B:~ond: nlon hr:.t, OliVO hut Un ,.Imnlgamalinn· of ;·h~ \;e"t I fifth with Waynt' trallin/.{ lJ·tJ Ollso~, o~hl~ a~ Iton a:::d R~~~; I Wai'~e ~un,ors an,d Midgets play . , II

flpld <llld j'll'rce SWilllllliljg tenmH, pl,IY('l'S Irolll Ijhl' oth('r 11\·l" squad:" Delmar Wacker and G1!Jorge Manske each ~t a .single. at ,WinSIde. I , .. [ ,., \\',,}np':-;. kolin, ('oaehed h~ Ken Girls OP('" lOO-metel; fret' stvle, jll"owd (:llpnblt.' enough to hand Eynon did mound duty for (;regg. Guinn led Laurel with· TIlc ~am~s at Emersor:., ~t:heaul. '.:'1

1,'1.' .. '

O"ld·., Wid piilY hUlil to tho' Itan· Nan~y Hobm~on thlld, 1,117 [lave lhetn :1 '".4 dl'lent Thur:.d:ty IlIght Wayne, !anning three and" al·>e hits, induding a. home run, ed earher In thc season, but post. dnlpi! ,;Wllnm(~r~ ThuJ~Htlny IIlght at Noyes flT:;t, Steve ,JohnHon, ~('cond, a~ IIw \\ iI} Ill' diamond b('fore the lowing Six .hlts. Gary Johns.on a double and a single. Newton! po~ed, ha~e not ·been. rC'!Ic)'edufed r· .:1\ ;" 7 'lilt' puulic Iii inVited :to at· Butlcrfl (:is t.. .' . 'I blggl'st crowd of th(' Sl'ilson. struck out five and Yielded four h d d' bl d . I R' h'l It IS rosSI.bIe w.lll be plaYl!d ., I' kilt! ·llid I!\I..'I"I' is no ndmission y "me (rs), 1.\ ,lnd un· Th singl a a ou e an a smg e, Ie afler the ·1 . rl : l"Ilill)..;t: '.'1:' del', Nancy j{obinson first, Dl<lne I e NNL all.s~ars led by 3.0 at The,sf'o r h·t f W Erwin a doubl~ and Joe McCoy a· !It, !,'. ,J"il.I'.'I:".'.,l Fl' '<:'Irts second· 13.17 I mda £> the end of three frames but a U 1 S or ayne were sinule

I'day night Wavno sw~ped first; Beverly Brow~ third; 12 !.'~~~ i


!riple by Don Helgren brought by Mark/,John.son, Gordie Jorgen· b.. "!'r. and Mrs" Wittle and Piorce 209·79 in the- Pierce' pool. del', Scott Kerl first K Ie In two runs and he scored the sen, Lany, Hl~ a~d George Ey·" I children, and M~s. Ed No "Ines were kept on the tvents third; and 13~17 pave' NoY cs n:~I~s tying ryn when the ba!1 rolled n?n. Laurel s Sl.X smgles ~ere by SI':-VE"R DOLLA~ DRAWING visited Mrs ,- . "1 but t Wayn-el ''fIon, almost very_ llrnd Schulte B~cond, y s, into the spectators ~nd he was Jim Pederson, Johnson, Nick Cal· THURSDAY NIGHT AT 8 ' thing except diving. : awarded One more base. The 1"n tl.le~Vll1g, L<.\vcrn J3ro~'n was • stars ·went in front 4.3 in the fifth

i:::~\/(;irs:''l';r I~;)~~, ~.~(i7. ,"~~~; Isaac Waltons Clal;m· :~:r:d4 ~~(Jt:o~;t~n a!~e; ~~~: ,Jon('s v. il~ fltst for girls 14-1J'. Dth· half of the fifth. {'r \\ ayne rlm'('s Were: lorn cr 13, t illalY ~1\V;ltlh,lroll1 third; ullder 1~, More han 130 Memb' er I·Helgrl'~ had one of his bettl'r tlleve Hull secolHl; 15.17, I Steve' ~ glil.s wlth a triple and a !-illlgic Johnson thirrl; Hud 13·15, Fred Nc- waYAefsa'l. Wit. for the CHUSe. Larry .Jackson and tlll'rdu s('cond, has' rea d<c, a on mc.mbel"shlPI Il,cx lIc,'lI"(J ('nL"l. lut ;\ coupk' of

'\\" f" t' II '1 ed' 131, .accordmg .to u sin~les· and Van Steckelberg had ~ dYIll' \\·011 1I·,s Hl a four med- repOl. . a e at Monday· nlght'li OrlQ single '';~. !l'.\' reIIlYo.;: tinder 1:':, NIln<.'Y Hob· mjeetmg In thl' City haH. An ild·11 Ij('un Ai!.'x"nd"". \\'.,111 II

'" .. .tP~(Jl1, l';lm .swanstl'om, Linda Peno d ilonal ~O n\ b k . ... \:L, • II , gave ~11id..COnrll(' RilZl'; n.17, Nancy Rob. t th ~. em ers were ta ·en In thl' Wayne Plt.cilcrs the most Hl~'~l~',,,..' ·UIII11e .Jones, Diane Dld~ a e s ~slon. . , tro~]bl('. Ill' hit two'doubles and a.1l1l J\Ii'!y.',Jorw-.: under' 12, Steve s E.nterJ;mtnent .h. Ighlight was a I <I slllgie in four times at bat. . Allen h('rl. ,\1;11'1\ 1,amlkr(, Randy Har. t er•es ,plct~ros four members Zenor, L<JwtOll, lilt a doubll' and nngion '11Hi l1:ollg Maurer; lind 13. ook while fishing, 1300 miles ~ill OUlllap, Homer, Larry Ute. l·j, !l.l\{' N(l~\!!" Lav-crn Brown, north of here at' LaRonge, Sask, lInark, Emerson, Ray Casey Hom. J\llli k HulllllJ-;!H) \lIld ShepiW Lcwis. ;Ien Walker, W, l... Ellis, Clar· cr, Ken Handke, Anthon, a~d Bill

In the girl&\ open i nee, Sorensen and Clarence Pres· I Goodwm, Lawton. each hlt a smgle. lOO·meter rela'f, Connie Ritze, !~~p were the four making the: Don Goeden hurled· th r eel June Owens, Mary SWtjnstrom ' I frames for Wayne, striking out and Judy Jones· WOn firs~; same· Wayne Ikes hav(' cooperated with fOUl' and allowing five hitsi Fred division for boy~ 13·17 was wOn the ASCS .. and SCS in pulling on: Pierce pitched 2 1/3 innings, fan. by DiJvid ELis, \ Mark Lambert the ~tlsmessmen's,'. conservation, ning four and giving up three Fred Netherda ahd Steve Hall. lour. 1 hey served refreshments .1t j hits; and Don Meyer hurlod the Fllllmvm[.; Ml' 1 the individual Ike .Lake where ag ml'n have help.- last 3 IJ cantos, getting credit

('\"('nt.~ 1'l'~lIlb: :~5'I'lPtl'r [1"('(' stYle, ed 1~1 th~ Ike work development.: for six strikeouts and allowing lIIH!l"l" U, CUlllli(' jOlll'S ftrst, .Jalll' ~l~~:~,:15 of t1w tOllr ;H'(' In anollwr! one hit. (h\ l'l\S ~l'c()nrl; ."auk for girts 14· , B b I I Ii . 17, Jones fll~l: ~,llnl' fot ])O\s 1:-:..1;( Waltoll nH'lll\){,l"!-olliP IS nil!' th"OtU·,; ;:.~:1:1I1.::'~:~;nza~H;:~:'th~I~~'~~~~~[

!l.LI\l]t'l 0],,\ 1\1 I ~linrh't~ as .10 ;1.L~l' !,!nlllp:-,. :\nYOIj(', f;~nmll)..( Illtn· and giVing up (ourl





Just Soy, ... . "

. , . ..l.f' SERVING WAYNE·COUNn


and\SJllll' [or hoys mtel.:!.',sted In outdo!)!· lifc and pre ,Ill\<;: Pat (·ole. La\\lllll, pitched twol ' I I·· . '<'I'VIII" II t I Automatic Softeners For Sale Or .Rent ~9 I~ l~~' "W OO(~ ~~"_~I~~' "lid ~~ up ili= h"' ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~==~;;~~~~~~.;~;~~~;;~~~~~ ,"l't'ond; I a.1r:..~_~lC' natIOn can JOI[1 .... ~~:~~i_~~ ~tnklng_~t 11_"_'''_'0: Don .. K_"_IlY.

lr(ll~t' l:~;)·nI('tllf;:,>), undl'l' 13. ~_ , .. 'l~l;

:-.inl·11 M t:l·17, l\oonlt' JOIlf'S ...


Clll1nk Ilrsl, \I'am Swan· IlmI ~1tt)l{Hli ~~~!:Uih~ f£2~~ a-m ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~. ~ I' ··;r4c# ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ -. -. - ,., ..... ,~ - ... c .•••• 'c •..•• ,' ;'"

~1'{'()1Hl. untit'!' 1:~. n~ug 1\1tllll"t'I' II 'J

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Y"ur Top 'talue . Rc;demption 'Center 232 H';rf~Jk. Ave. Hoi-folk, Nebi'aska


. 1


II' 1\ , ,

I 'I ! I I I

WinsillJ J,;nio~ PQs Trio ~I Victories :{'±:-::":t ~1 st'l.rE: t~-?".E'::-~:.p~ I Racing car~tlta~ I ~~st Week; Wayne" Wakefield Scheduled ~~~h 11.~=~~. ,:" b:'.lrr~-: ,~: ~~'r~ec~:; .• h~ .'wo gO' os fir I Bad Momen 5 Too j

1 htJ WIIlr';J(li' ,I'.HUUIrI J. Uillfrs. w()n'·-·-"~··-···'-·r."""I·"·"'''-· ---, _ ..... , ... -. . f.iled ~tU H. ~om..,l~ CI!"e Dennis RedellJ sinrde w:u the Driving racing ca,t}J'lha.s its, b.udj thn!c UlOI'(\ S: tn~"r; th(~ ·pas week,' Grc!! Gul n'~ fau.l Hw vitiJtor.':. h4m •. rw1rh ttl. wl.,"I.,. run Oil only . .safe blow for the loser'S; jWls. mom~ntli. Wayn(.l co inty drin'rsl ;~.umM. d()~~l \i jHlle:, I LaUf(!1 -at'uJ lost _ h<: h~d {our hits in lOUI I th. bul, of two walks and two ner came up with two sinl~les hr I round out On AU.liop. pouth SIOUX r -:.rnenJ.on. '. u ~(uy nlg It they pIny times to t 1(> plate half hllj ~'(!arn'" °1rol'l. I.. . n. MeOW and one apiece b'y C. I Gity and Norfolk. tra 'ks UJ(.' IlOJtll

WnYIW ut Winside and July t!2 tOhiJ I" ' . ,"!'hn crowd sar: 33 strikt'oubl Meyer and T, ,_WUJ,iams. I ~cck, At least four lad- mi~hill)!'>; Wakefield PI~" .'!i n.t Win"ldc for the ,Oiry Joh..,.on won' (tho full I M:I KIrbY. rnn.ned :l~ and M, B.r~ . •. '; IOvul\led, W~yne (.~uunt' dJ'J'vcr!ro, : Old SelUeJ'JoJ ! ICIIIC_ I dlttanu fOtf;I".rdl strIking out stlllri 5 lor wailS!:, Gar)' ,Johnson H k' BI ts T Albion WI. tho lin tr.clc. Two II

In tho E orson' game Sunday nina and gl Ing u 'four hits to ! !:>tl"lu:k. ()l~t II am .. urrrY Redel 5 OS Ins as eami j Ho.klnli driver. .nd two ' ni9h~, Lorry Rodol had a no.hlt, Guinn .tnd t th4i\ ro t of the LAU· ,for, WIrI~lde,. ,. Then llasted· by r;'am I had elr troubl.. m. ~ no-run cffor1 going until Danny rol team. q.' N~wt 11 end John. I' Waww t; ttlrc(: Ilt were Iilngle:i, a I ruined ." _nlIM _ Dan Lor. 1 .comb, hit ~ pi~h·hlt lingle In Ion hurlfd.lfor Laurel Newton onc each by W14k Iy, .Uomequist Hoskj bJastpd Ugh!nlng Lud~, l!'nton bro~e the hu on hiS rd- ' t~e $I:dh~ frpme, That wes all striking uti soven ani .lIowlng ~I~l,:l :\1. H?rstad, \ inside .• bad 1:1 10-0 Friday and then wdrc' jn lurn i cer. Several ftom oskin" pten I Emorson m~mlgod ft. WlnsJdllt flvo hlh "dl Johnsc fant1lng two n;tt; I indtudm~ a /l ~me an~ t~o blasted 11-3 Monday by Stantoll I to entn reces.t Iblon thh r

took on ~~ ., . hits. I " I ~~r ~s /ji~Y!)~~ ~ge Ge~e ia~ e~~r e Only three games remain on lh{.l wHk. 'I H('(lj'l srllJ(~k out (!lght HI the Guinn's hjt8 mdl ded II doubl, ~ alllil :1 <;Ul,71e a ;icnl'b Do~ Dang~ regubr league schedule Gen(' Brudlgan ~at Imt the race'> I

OILc' !II~ pt'rforHl'lIl(,C' Don Stand lind lhl'l~e , i ',1.. Ibydt'.Il, l\:{.'W· 11)p1".' '.\1(>11 Wlftle a:d Johnson p,ACkgalg~a'vt .• Lu'pghtonr"I~~ "tn ... ~dsl'lt 1,','·""1') I ;~ tNh~rff,Orlokt ra~~,:SanCdrrgl'(~,el',t hl,I',·n", 0',',1,' I hurthJ IIIH' i11Hl (J.nt,Hlurd infllJlgs t~lfl, ' ' r :\1t!('olllJu~!JI'1 J"." . .... oJ'" " "'" ...

'lI.'::&t; -~nd Guy ~'ri:~ Ht~~, I The ~ayn:e' in WilUt: ."alk'i Cllr, woo'tht? .----r-------.... .;..-~~-I-.;...--.i.;.4;.;1 heut .md W'&!i lilth In' nit.,!

'. Teams ~n ~hre~ lor. io:nH.'rson, [,wnm,:.:: t.wo .. nd HI., each for. La ulrl!! , For I I PaUl Schulte receiving floskUlS I of tus famJljar WJnllet's role I loWing two hl~.'i, But('h Belt fillll-Ill.' I , had .. double I'W"lns·de .. ·~dg ... ts had 11 hits, including a double and I Gehe Behm-cr, Wa ne, drtvmg ('~.JI()n IIH' mOlHlri, J.!et~illt: crNJiI for ~ . twol sin~-' I .1. ~ single by Ken Herbulshl'lml'T, two ~oul.s Me)'cr's car at ISt,)uth Sioux .... Ix ~lnk('()ut!l and glvln~ up live Hrlger Hill I L Th I T.I doubles each by Stan Langenberg: I City. was lDvolved Inl an accident JIIl,s. (;ary ,Johnson~; ose rea' I Is ! and Guy Kant, a tnpl<' by Bo'} I that knocked out hIS ~1('(,JIng. Ttus h';ulls ha\.'l' heel) on Ihl',

d Ito~:{'!' Ihll had a uOIJble lind n II' ~ Soegob~rth. and a dot,lble each fOI j kept him out of lh~ A feature I side of three, u,imes on

on Home 'Diamond

~illglc', I.'<' Pfjciff('( two singles and I Having trouble! getUng on the Pick, Shorty Bruggeman, Schulte WhICh he ha(l ql:lahfieril for oWn diamond. Carrbll went NI~il Wiltl<'r :l double> to lend Win· willnIng tmck alter a win over and Gary Frlend. On the POSItive SIde at Norfolk I 9.2 and won 9-R andi Stanton I hid" hjUmg JblltiiliJ Bill'~:slLidt ;JIld tmun( \V<lu~a WlOsJde's Midgets'· IO~l Monday nJght Darrell Grcch~ Gerald Bruggeman, IIJo:.klm, won I "9.2 and 5.~ '-H'('ld Wackt,!, ('<It'1! ,"I II .<;ingle. I y mght at tblle( g!lme~ the iaSl v.:ceK They p)tched the last frame {or Hoskin.<-: the-- third heat, 'wqn the trophy Bruggeman pitched fOr

I, - ,JunIOr" rDht' v. enl down to I on(' b1ded losses al,ler Pau.1 Schulte started. Herb II race, was third tn the ,B feature, lass and Tom I(:~rstlne W nslde:i..u,el W<>"cr ,Iun ",·,lIn,' ~tsnc" 1 aurel and Em.,· Pock rece,ved for both, qnly hi I, . and waR .~cond in tHe A fealure,· .. '~. ':::::.':~n H:~'n: Sponsored by-

W~'~i~~':!\,,~I':;::~, t~:J,t I~;:.~:l~a~~l~('h:~ll: (tllIle (;7(:lr:ll~ ~':~ I ~()r~gainst EmerJ n Sunday nlB~t :c~eo~;;;~ 5~~gl~;~l'~y Il~~r: ~~:~g~; I :~~~i~n,'t.1~~~~~~h ,~~~~I~('~n \~I;:~ by DUllne W. ker alnd a

\\.'In.~Jfh' ddl'~I1{'f1 Ltlul'l'l 7-1i Fri· ~ I at WInside, II $ngle apiece by apiece (or Shotty Bruggl'm,nn /lnd!A feature arrd won thl' B reiJture': bVwL.a:V.B'"ul"I?p,.emb.yn.Sc,.o»'.

·~Y.~"" M~~ "-~ ~~ ~~M,R*WH~~ hmW~~ ~~~L~"~n~g:~~b:u:~~~~====':~:r~o:w~&~u~d~~:a:n~.w~a~'lf~o~u~t:h~~~"~W~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::t:~~S~~ ';iii---._ .. -' .. -.'''-JEi-iIiI·.-iii·-.-it, 'more .han two In tht' best the Wr sido boy, could ~- --~--~~~ ~ -"- _____ -'-~--.r_- ___ _ .Ii: Dnd struck out SIX Olclnago. Th<lt as bottor than

JOBS L. Schwartz wont I Emerson did as ~ ey got only on. I Wisner',. fanning hit although winning 6-0.



We noin You To Eorn $350-$750

~'~~~N~Y ~~~lril~]~I;I ~~~~~ MEN AND WOMEN .. AgmJ iH·I!I. Hhollt Tl'aiJlilJlr Period, BelH, YOHt Name, Addr(lllfl, PhD!!/', Ed~ll'atjoll Today to: DjloctO/" oj IBM Automiltiotl Dov(lloPlllO(Ji, Box JO, (' /0 WaYlIn Hcrnlr1, WOlytlc, Nebr.


up ten hits, 'Boh flal1l{bcrg struck out eight ~, fOllr hJt~ 11'd I and gLi ~'e UJl only: one hit, a single, /111 ;, dOlJ))I" and 10 Dwl;; Jjingst, rhc EmNbou Larrv Ht'dt'! had ~ pJtellf'!", Hingsl, fanned fl\C, and HUIl«(:dJ Bargstudl ~ gave up two hJt:fo Bdkr support

WII. I For Wi<;· tJ('Jp('d Iw, cau.'ll' , had ;1 dqublp and Kohl. W!'.I'If('1' and

Llpi!'('!' and Winside· Laurel

[..IIJfel JJmlted Win,..,Jde to two hlh Friday m~ht lin Ihe Wmside rlJa mutHt', takIng a 12-6 decision. Tt){, vi,.,Jtor~ scored nine runs on

from Wall"a ilnd, liv(' hits In the :,c('ond frame to 1:1 innings W('dn('s.! brl'<lk the game open ,

the hosl Wausa, Ron A~mus and _Oa~ Strat~ ~Id a :\ 2 wIn Win-! the hurllpg for, ~Jnsldef ~trlk~ng

ahead ~·o in the lout five and g(Ving up SIX hits, Wau!->(l !il'd JI ;11 . Sta~k and Johnson shar~d mound l.'rom then on it dutJes for Laurel, giVing up a

total of. two hits and striking oUi ejght. ,----------------1--------",1 Winside's hits wer(' for extra

- ba~cst Handy Jacobsen blasting a triple and Bob Dangbcrg getti.n~ il doubl(' Blatchford hit a triple

'and a ~inglt', Stark nnd McCoy a : double aple'cr and Pcd('r~on and l'~dc:'vcc('hja LI !->inglc aplecc'

l'('(lI'II~ \\'110 III thb laH\. 10, 15 or ~() ycnr purchased thmr home

Wl1)) thr' hpip nf watlle Fcdc,ral arc now tI QWllCl"H of their own

hump. Thp .. ~f' i"nllu; <IrQ happy ntld hnve a foe [ug of financial seCllr

ity, ~y have !'Olvod in many w~ys: They havo flavod relit, thoir

RCrlll\ty. r(J(iucr.ti obligations with 110 worry about a place to liv.c.


lillie tllal! IIOW willie lIltCl1CH\ IS low 'lInd

Winsido-Wausa II, look an ('xlra innlJl~: for Win·

I Sldt, to IIl'fl'ut Wausa W('dnesday ,JlIJ~hl on till' lalln'" dinmonu. The ~eorl' wa.~ I I until Chuck Lan·

! genbcrg canl(' homp WIth the win· i Jlltl,C; rim III Ihl' <;Jxth frame.

Bob Dangberg pitched two-hit ball for the winners while strik. ing out ten. M. Doerr and R. Carlson allowed five h,ts and fanned one. !

i do~~~!s.hil~~ l~~I~hq~Ji:tV~~tfng w~~: I for Wau-sa aQd Randy Jacobsen, ,one for Winside. Other Winside I hit . ., were two singles by Lnogco­IH'I"_!~ and :1 smgl(' flpi(>{'t' h,v Dnve

I Wilt, .Jacobsl'u .and DClmis Redel. Wausa's two slOgles wen' hy D

I lIolmqtwII and D. Bcaudt'at

Illg to help yon Come In today, Winside-Wisner

Wayne federal Sovlings 305 Main

Wisnt'r had no trouble disposing : or Wln:;idC' 11 1 in a four-inning I tilt nt Wi~lH'r Thursday night. : 'I'll(' Winsirit' bo\'s got only One hit : <.Inti Wi~ner g;)t only four, but I scorl'd eight runs on two hits in

one fTam£'

·-:--.----:----:----====+=====:-_=--=--=_::-'~~_~~~~_~~a~bsen __ ~~~u~k~_ou_'

There are.32 wild Pontiac tigers in

• I

wonderful Wide-Track country .

","hi ":,~"", ",':, beo' T': "p'" , '" 00 ym~,'::~:~~ (,T )".l'-'!"' l"'U,Hl'HI:,-D F\_'~~ _ fo-.. 2 I~-l~ ,,~-.: ..... t-~

I •




• • •






Holds up to 406 Ibs. froze n food!

Fast Freezing!

Upright Convenience!



Big Trades, Easy Terms




Holds frozen foods On long-term basis. Tw~ flex-grid ice t*s:;Ys!


, I I Big cooveoi oee featqres

Huge porcelain enamel, vegetable bin! i·


• Deep door shelf for 1,2 gal. .. milk cartons and tall bOttles .

• Only ~8" wide-needs rio door clearance at side! ., . '

Low, loW price ~







* J

" \.


I I . I

IT~. Way~. I Nebr,) Htralk Th tr .y. July 15. 1965 1 w ' U' • I ' Seek BIIs Drivers for ;:=::::;:;;:::::'' = yn, pO, Ita Notes I "'""" I were ·,,",1, "I Harold I Hro"l.r. Wayne-Carroll Disfriict Leal I! 11.1)',1 All :('J~ lj. \'111 r, \\111 h~' fOdrrlf'r) Admitted: nfJJ)('tt Potter Lan • • I

,111 ~tI;':~I'I' I r~lt ~lrs. AIHlIlle LuckeN, i;I't'lgh I\~(J bu,> tll'IVI'IS ,Ire fWlng


ph.~. AT, •• 7.:U~..5· Omnho Mr. "'1' Mrs·n bert Van Way".· Layne Laddangcr Carl'OI Irl<'l 17 'crvlOg Wayne ah./l Car· 1, EJtMu.Glo!gISYjld""-. I M1r ')1111 :\-nil ,r,l('ft V,11 1CII'IH'(>, Ion,IMJ's. Apn ~ckcnhauer, lin till' iw,ml or cliucatum ~Ir DI'i'

( ';lc!I\'t' ant~ (l~ u~ht(!rll, Spencer, RobeH.· Penn Wllyne' Su.~n Erwi '. I roll The dLfitrict will u$C more 'MrSltrnc~t {iN'W(' f'lltpTtnint!dJ 1n " :ud \~ rllfl_~IIH Ch~~I.{·s Con'cord, M;fJ .j,u:l( 'l~(Jdc, "/'-1)0:' hll~('~ 11l<11l ('vt'r bt'fore tlns com·

.vl:iltol·:j tor her bu'lhduy W"rinl'!,; rWdtIHlit1,r iIjOl1r~III, SIlent 1,lst \d.dl Mr!> I'::li .J(HH'/i, L .. un-I; Mrh JlII\\ Arl\tt'l;n F . H t

tillY I PII( i.J~(' :~~I'J II'l ~)[J~'III(,~) 11 visiled I ol!cJ ~1·t'n~Jmg(.r, St.anton, ~lrs IJHn the u~cw b:as~(~Sho 1:~;estr'lt:~I~ Mr. torI Mr:; ~rnold hnull1"Hl '\1'\., (, 1"(' HI f,!ulk F liLlY 'Jh(' h.ublt, \\uync, Min WalCold (dr~ buses in thl} dislrtct, 1$ here .nd

ami Mr, Mllhh' UlUkf:nh~,lr(J ~I', Chilli' BUfikitkH hiul ,Itt 'fldet! Hit! :;JI),)I, W.I),11C, Mr;<; ,J.unl'~ \\-<Jlm I ready for use. A revi.lon I. b. ited '" jM~H, Ohve Monet e, Bur No~th Ame \e' n Con ('I)twn of cy, Way;ne 1 ino made In the bui rout •• with b~lk" .oJlf" Sunday tV rung in ('htl!oltlllll ell u'cl c<:. nl l~a OkJa DJ~m'".d: [Ronald U t ~·c h t I thi .dditl n th'Ml ,r~Jj~ KI'I'Ut'IYj' ho~n(" IThUl ston l'h~'Y ,11<'0 w.ut to L.lf,j nie' Wyo. Wa.yru:, Hohert l'otl~J, Li.lull I: [ A~\on{' \~.l;lhnJ' mformahon 011 I

I rs, t o(r n rC"'I:-i Cf ,", 11 ('()Ullk 10 1,IUI'wl , n It({)ll,li .llIy MI' .M1'5 Bnce WllklJlf>oTl, £'I}n~ tlw 'dl ner poslh:m~ should con SC 01 ,I ~nmlJ (!{ .If/i lIH Wl'e Il ·kl I " j j f-t d' E ~" M'II 1" 11 I I· , for' I grou)' 11' n~' 'H' u~ r, IS JC(! pres I c an at:!· . ~~ I cr, Icree; c en amm,. tact the school board .. wntten ap-h ,I " I, or "oven.1T "In cel in 01'1' n~ rnrmbL (Joxt year's Winside; Jt:mdy Utecht, arne; plicatlons an requcstcd,

c .~rrr,l. M I'll' BrNi ']'rr M M' JlH!cting wi b· in Mi hi~all. Hobert Hhinchardt, WOIyne; Mrn lin ~;,(iStXcr E, Ilnlt'" 'i~t,tf(~ ~;J"('~'s~c.:; ~ll' :IrH~ 1'.11'.~. I'~r(jil '1'<1 ~now, Hay· Min~i<: LuclH.!rt, yrcigh~~)n; Mr~, were visilor:-l, {i'rirlav 'It 'the GC'fj(, llldlld Hlud ~~dJ I, ;"1:I)"('J<I Kl"lI.<'p, VJt1Ic Ko('.,>ler, !-iIOLJX (Jty; :\lr:-.. Dohh a;\-d 'Dick l~t'r'sol1 horn·('!), JII·lrk ,j/.ld "Jll.y I~il~('r ,n~~II.rlled 1.J,erry BaJJ <Ind. daughh'r, W~lyrw; Sioux City. Irrlll' (,.II'rn;'~)l) I Spnl1~~, Colo" I U<lrcnc(~ CoJ'illt, \'l/ayrrc; Frank iflo'nrm I'~an!1 club WIll meet for W(cinpsddY. IIHY ulso vl.<.Ited !\-lr:;, Hof\:lt, v\'aYlw; Luyne Laml'JIlg(,J, r 1100 r )icnlc nt Wi~n('r )(lrk ,J II . E~iI}{>r Wort.h Ii ~)~Ilt<JIl and ,the AI· Carroll, Mrs I':li ,Jont-s, L;HtrcJ. ~5, n I I l'y fn'd .J('n.~('ns, ;rand ,JundWIl, !' •

Mr, aDd, Mrs. rtoberl 1I,lTls('Il and NORTliWEST i Guest!> la$t weekend at Arthur ROOS allendl'd' the' Sp!Jtted I'oland ('ulllplwlJ;; w,'rc .'>h .. 1'.([ ,,\tc~. PIli; ]Iicnic {II Columbus Sunday. W k ·fO Id Hodney and Chn.'l Zrw:h, FI'('. a Ie ,\tallern ,JIlU ,1~l!.lgll:I'r·;, (Jlp.ih.l,

, 1110l1t HC' !!p1.'IHling s{)m(~ limo at ~Ir. and .Mrs. J)Clrr~11 ('amph('11 jhc Clurk KHi ilOlIH'. BI Mrs. alJac:. Ring <lnd f;:lInil\111 Fall'fleld, 1,1., .'\1r~ . Mr. lind Mrs, Vrcd Tarnow. Mrs Wakofiel AT I .. '7·2872 .J Mijx wortms:cn, and son, Albuquer· i Gel1e B<lrtcls, Mrs .. John Greve 1:1, q,uc-, N.M., I Cllmpb{'~l, San :JOIlIJ, I K 1 £1 t·· C lind Mr.", J)(':1Il Gr-eve attended th(' MI. ,md 1\11" '. Boh rCulton and Calif" Mr. und Mr~. WI!~(~r ('amp· I, ug er ec ric 0 8!lth 'hirthday ohservance of Mrs. Cheryl, Sioux I CIty, ~el'e SUIlPCt' bell, Mr. and Mrs. I\li~cd '~nd(:I"! Phone 375·1112 . Waynf George Laase, WiJ.mcr, Klltur:day gucsts SalllJ'(J~~y lit 't'lwron Cui· SOli ~nd Mr. lind MI'!~ I' 1'«(1 C)I'WII~'I Expert Wastit:lr Serv.c. nfterno n lIm~;. 1 HattmS(ton, nnd Mrs V {' " n n n 'th G ' M"to P h

Mr, ~nd Mrs. I';mil Tnrnow :~t Mr. and :-OIl'll. Erndt Andcr:-,wl StolpI', Nl'w("usti(', , WI eRUlne 0, g ar 'tCrldCI jhc hirlhdny ~lath('ring sp(~lll lil" WC~hJH.1 lh the Len:}'

~r:~:::~ ~:'::~:~\~~:I,I!r~~e t~;,oe.~:; A':~'~~k,o':i,I:f"~Lt~,'ell~' f"rn<iy NUTRENAli lEALER' 'FEED MAN pn. OGRAM now b Hlle were Mr. and Mrs, Et! pknie! slipper a'l \VakefJCld pUlk U d\

~~:d ';illI~~:~,r'"~~~m~~~ MI'.. and Sll~~"~ and MlrN. Lc,j"y ,Johnsoo offers rewarding career opportunity ,gi/{I~~~~~~t"~ltf ;:ll~~C r~~;:;~;1 ~~~~~~ 11(~ll~lt;~!)~;;~,I,U~\~i:n~~ :,Il]{'~l(~~~~~{ J~'i';~ , Sundll~ for n picnic dinner hon Iy Krt"l1lH~rS, iClaytol1" Minn., 1<I."t oring Mr;<;, Long(;'s 90th hirthday. :'Il~)ndilY , ;

'S1.' Prl1.i1's 'Llldies !\.l(! nwl Thur'l L:I'it ,,\l()nrl.J~' afternpoll Mr. ahd {lay, MI';<;, Willis Meyer lind Mr,,, ,\lJs. IA'\J Dahlgren an~ Leula W('I't' Emil Stalilng' wcr(' hos1('~;<;('.<, Mrs ~:III'St.'i In 1he '~dna Dnlhlgren hi)In"

Rober[ lilnnsen and Mb, Dall to VICol! ,1\11'. ;'1\(1 :"11',,>. Adolph Berg,

Daipij, will servt' in Augus1. ~/'~U~h~r:~~'\I:;:lf::I~J;ly~ni~c~:(:~ WeI'·

('r~r~j~~~~s~~':: ~~f~~,d ~~,\~;tl~~~.~'i~ Plllr~d'l\' .,llf'l"lll)oll \lrs. Tll'l~l! or!! S~ltll)'day at F.lwood ~ampsllns J(JilIlSOll ('11 "l't:I)P('d Mrs 1I11t!in' Sunday Janice' Samp;<;on and .I:IIW BerJ!;l'wll, I'rPIllOIl!, :\lJldred r'r('f~: Clnus 1 Fremont, w('re at (;ilvin.~ riek~(ln. 'Il'~, ;\'\('1 Fredrickson, Point, .'\1r~ Jl'.<'S 131'(1\\'11('11 ;~nu Mr~, Er

There is a coreer opport,unity ovailable in this

area to a young man 22.45. Complete with train.

ing program, company insurance, salary and

bonus. If you have on agriculture background

and on interest in 0 Fiold Man career, write to:

LARRY STEVENS Mrd, ,Myrl!E' Bressler relu~n('d Ill'.'-il ,'\ndPl"tio!l

from a we,,"rn 'dll Wed ",. ,,,,d ~".,. I.",., n"bJgren 505V2 Hillcrest Rood, 'l"ayne wilh IVIrs, lI('l('n Dom'hut, "p('n! Sunday in 1he J~{)h~!rl Turn· '-------------_-..;:.... ______ ..J

daughter;<;, Oniaha. They qUlsl IlOmt.'. A.\I('II. 'rllI'll' grand· - --. -~_ Oscar BorgH,' Pbo('nix. d(jug1Jl,'r~ /"('turn<,d v,IJth UU.'nl fo'l' r--------.-------------... II

Ha~II~Il'tr~:al~~:~k~l~dsart~{e ;! 1\":'~I\la iJahlgrpn !t.ft I''ridllY to Mert's Econ-O-Way Brings You-Wylies, Los \n).:;('II''<; T1H'v \i-,il fl·;,'I1I1:-;. ill Ppm, III

. to YOU ~NO OUR COMMUNITY Our Rexall PharmaCISt has the ~esponsiblilly of filling your prescription ~xactly as your ~octor orders

[ind;l) :ill""flOOIl J~nthleen .1I1d SI('Vf'll Andcn>O!l lind I('al'ol Jlru('{', fI',tcll, vI.'1I1{'11 :\1)'. Hrll('~t AlId<..'f· ~(m.

I\Ir. ,1Ild Mrs ,JO(' I"ridl.;<;on Wf'I'(,

overl1j~ht gHt's,ts Sall!rda.y of Mr und :\11',>. AI',. ,Jolu '>011, Ornahu. Thf'Y vi"lIpd h('f brnll~('l". Dr. A, A, SUl\I!(,li, \\'1.'111('(', 111 Ullllwl1l1el has pltal IJr, St,\ndcll fdl July 3 nnd

fr~~\~~~,d rI~r,lf~~~ I:~t Art Meyer visit{'(j friends at Y<'rti;lklin {'nroute to F~lIrhllrY'1 Till.'y ~·('turn('d Sat· urdar. ~cco npamecll by t h (' i r grandson al~d I inC(' ,friends who hut! at1('ntil'd \\'alth]r -League Bi bIc camp at Camp cffel";<;on.

\11'. ant! Mrs. Kerl it Turner all n'1l11 WPl"l' ill OUklU1d Sundny af· lei'noon 1!l1" ~I family reunion.

!\1l"s. Ernd1 Packel <lcc'om-panied

~~;:,ctl:~l t:~:~b:::(~~~:: l~rl~l~g.Cl'i,'r~:~<~; where tlwy ll'l'l"l' gllQs!s 1n tile l~c· \'lllU~ Pa{'[i:( I" homt'. Mr:-;, Larry HiliI'd, daug Ih'r of l~evUlus Puck· ers, Modestq, Calif., was a guest.

'I'll he.lp llrul:c:'Ha 'bel' celebrate his ~Irthday, Fri~ay evening, guests 1Il till' Lloyd' Hoeb('r home were ,rill". anri Mrs. Don' Johnson,

., ' I ~.oUigla:; ilnd !Jall'l.s! S?uth Sioux

Griess I l,ty, "Ir. a.nd Mrs. ~hlford Roe· bel' und ft~mily, Allen, Mr. and

Rexa II Store Mrs. Harry DelHn and Mr, anri


' :\lrs. (,l,ll"CIlCe Utcnlark, rill'. '

, .. ' ~::: )tonalli I'enil'r,,'k nnd d',"gh·

COME I" AND SEE th, new: UnERNATIONA 1000 ••• the PioKup that has more brawn Where it counts

This Modello~o has more br~wn ~n the ftme ••• I~'s made of heavy·d~ty Steel,channels.

The big bonus-load body is all'steel, to • Won't warp, rot or splinter. And the cab is bullt,tough 0 take a beating.

We put more brawn under the hbod~ Bi itruck-built 6's or V8's power this pickup. They deli~er up tol193 hp.1

:;ee the~e rugged features anll, l1Iany. rna,,~ mQrel~ tha. , new INTERNATIONA~ a:etlOh'P~cked: ",Ckup! 'Ine-over 40 dlf· ferent models.: St~ in sobn. .', i

~"ternati.onal.":: ~~r. v.s.:. t.,e. r ~ .. SAL~S, ,and j S JtVICE ~d9 South Main i" P one ~"";.2 .. 1~6

. I.. Ii!

INTERNATIOffAtfTR ,~K. :HI~ " I j, i


World's Fresh·Water Fishing Champion

Fishing Knots!' , Drop Lo'1P Knot

Tic a Hingle kllot ill tho loador a hout u im:heH from elld a,lId draw it. tlgllt, Pnfm end of londer thromdl nyc of' Il1re bringing Jl bnck pnrnllcl wi1h Illnnlul( iC,I(jPl". Bond tennillal down and

~:I~lU1~~;r:I~;"~\l ct:~clf('a~f~~Wt:l~.~~u~r:!;a~ltd8t1~;~~s S~~~ly~tO:~~1 ou IUi"e :lud tho jam knot will slide down to the simple knot, leaving lnre :lLtnched witll !l loo~e loop permitting It to vibrato Or wiggle freoly,

NEXT WEEK ~ THE lMPROVED "BLOOD" ~OT, Lilltcu to Virgil Ward each week nIght at 6:20 all KFAB Radio, Omaha, 1110 on your radio, courtesy of your Vickers Dealer. In Wayne se.C.,

MERT'SE(ON·O~WAY We Also Handle the Improved Tires For Today's Improved Cars ....... .

Vickers Gas ~ General Tires 302 SOUTH MAJN PHONE 375·2292

Will You Be in THIS PICTURE?

We Hope So Because ••

This Week YOU May Be The Lucky Winner of

$400.00 .. ..

If you are in II participating Wayne store at ~:oo .p.m. Thursday and your name is drawn. • t~u win qven. if your name isn't drawn ~ecause Wayne stores are loaded with .'rgain$.! .



i , . ~,

, . , .'



Friday, July 23! The Barhe~ue will be Served In.the ~.5eball.Parking lot_ "The linellll-f.' ·.t .. :nn at .the West Entrance Gate. i '. "r", .

w f~Sh t,o toke 1liis Opporluni.!y 10 :honk ~e ~~ny G~nero/Js C~nttib~13r,~, .. w~o are Listed ,Below, Along With frelr ContnbutJdn, that madec~h!S Free 1~ar-becue Possible. J I

,$ 40.rlO Peet's Feed ~ Min'erals ... $ 25 00 Werl!er Janke Duane Willers Schmode·Weible Winside Vet's Clinic N & M Oil Co .... Troutman's Store Winside Motor , . James Troutman Winside Grain Co. Fred 'Brader ..... . Jake's Corner Store Brader Service Station Jean Boyd ........ . Cliff's Bar ' . , . . . . ' .

40.00 .HiII's 'Lpcke;. , ........ , . . . .10~OQ 200.00 ,Wilva's: eelHlty Salon ..... L. . . . • • fOO 100.00 Henry ~enke, Norfolk Camper Sales' ,J)Q. so.oo Howard Iversen ......... , , .. ~. . 5.00

100.00 Davis Feed & Grain, Carron. . • 1~!00. 25.00 Square Dgncei Club ....... ; 21.e~ •• .o6.'~ ,f

100.00 Federated Woman's Club ... ;. . . .. ul"')I 25.00 Brandstette~ Imp., Wayne 25~00 10.00 . Ted'slPlum~ing ;. .. . . . . lQ.OO 30.00 Methodist Church' ..... , . " .... ; 25~OO 10.00 Sherry)s Inc;., Wayne ..... ~ . ~R.,.'j.:.O. ° 1 5.00 Vanosdall'~ Hardware .. . .. . I~'OO 50.00 Schmode's ~arage, Norfolk,,, ... 6,/ ~O. :.00

Marilyn's Beauty Salon 10:00 Barner:'s TV' Appliance, Wayne .... / 20rP.Q OttO .. Graef Plumbing. . 5.00 Pat O'Gorman Oil Co., Norfolk .. "1 2~:,.~ .. 0 Clarence Pfeiffer. . . . . . 40.00 Waltet Fleer, Jr. .. . . . . . . .. ... 10,.QO Leftlnd Thompson . l . 10.00 Chester Marotz , .. I 50~OO Voss Bros •....... '1' . 35.00 John Redel ....... \" . . . .; i 1 5;00 Hoffman (jrain Co. . . .. . . . . . .. '40.09 Henry Deck, Nqrfolk ... . , . . . . . . . 20.op Chicago L~r. Co. . .. . ,......... 100.00 Myron Deck ................ ", 20.00 Wacker Farm Store ... . . . . . . . .. 100.00 Farmers State Bank, Carroll , . , . . . 5,00.

, F F N· ' 10.00' Winside Dehi ......... , . . . . . .. 50.00 .. lemann, ............. ;.. 5' .• 0'0" ' Winside State Bank . . . . . . . . . , .. 200.00 Ed Niemann . : . . . . . . . . . . ..

10 00 t F • Gaebler : . . . . . . . . . . . . '10.ob 18:50 Dallas Schellenberg . . . 5.ob

Henry Langenb~rg, Jr •......... '. '4g.qO 15.00 Bob DitmaIJ" .. '" .r ••. .' ..... ',' .,1Q.Q,O 25;00 Warren Mar!)tz ','" '. ',' ...... : . < 1 O~.q.O

1 00.00 ~o~rman Feedhy Ralph Johnson. . I, ~g.QO 'Steriwall's Service 5.00 SIsters of the. Swish .......... , .. ~~~~P Jlaterhouse Garage . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Ben Fensle .... " ........... " ,~,:){O St. Paul's Ladies Aid. .. .. .. . . .75.00 Ed Kollath, Hoskins ...... : .... , 21M)0 Carlson Electric. . . . . . . . .. '10.50 Fred Dam,ne .............. J~.OO Jackson's D.X. Station ..... '.' . .. 15.00 Edgar MarCJt~.~. ';'" ...... ~ 2

i}p. 0L

Irv:in Leary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 o.obWillers & Duiooau.l Wayne ',' '~d:~O, Delmer Kremke ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Herman Jaeged . . . . . . . . . . . '~I: ,0, N.W. Bell Tele. Co. . . . 40.25 Leonard Andrei r'n ............. :'2i:~ . Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co. . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 . J. G. Sweiga .. : ......... ; .. '.,5I::b . Hank's Produce .'.............. 25.00 Ella Graef .... :'., ......... t·· ~ ... Sl:°i, Koplin Auto Supply I Way!!e . . . . . . 10.00 August B;f~zyn!ki .... d' : .. 1~ • '.:: . .:00 c

T • 'ty L· th A'd 25.00 Paul Danguerg,~-,w, ay Ra io Sa es, .1 QI',.OO r~'1 . u eran I .... I' • . • • . . . 25 00 H J L II lo.Oof!\elodee Lanes, W~ne . . .. i· . .~. aill ~Fe::k:a.n. : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :: 20.00 Frank Kra~~e ...•.... , .. ::!: .: : 5$r~00 North p-Ki Co 12.50 W. N. Wagner "'.' .. '. . . . . . . . . ~'V , .ru ng ............... , .1· ,10

11"001.' '

W Mann 78.20 Art Brune ..... ; ...... ,....... .. • erner ................ . '·I.l. M I H • 5.00 TOTAli .... i •••••••.• _:~._ ••• $3;.106 ..• :~:',5 . .) .. ~.,·· .. \er e orrts ........ '1' . . . . . . . . . ' . .,,,ii,.,,


W~ al .. wish to Thank M IS. Wayne 'r~iriech who printed iii. sig~Si' iii. ~ Witiidow,s.'

. .: "'WE'LL BE SERVING YOU'./:. . I, I' I . ,. d

The Bar ueC;C)m I I ' ." I _.. - 1 :: ~ '~I

Wil1side Laundromat Frit~ Dimn,el ... , . . WiH's Cafe ... ' . , .. , .. , .. , . , . Wiltse Funeral Home Park Place Tavern




.1 " . " i I!, 1

civil ~ir Patr~1 Will i"1 rr.r. DAY jlp.if/JrOll11Ji:kC. . ~'. 0 ",':.;.1" ,51' [ric carpet, Sh.mllfJ';:;!r "itl> 1'"1" LOS:,I & FUND .... -r-,j,.,.--~----' Th. Wayne i

g jl'lI"I" or llI"c t~reNr L. \I' Me· " send~RepresentatiyeS ::::::+=~:=' =:t===' ~~!,.ltdW~.:! .,' .:._1". ~J~I~ ~ .• _~_~._~._~ ... ~,,,~_.~ .. ,~_._~.~ .. _~, .. _=~_ . . I LAWN MOWER If..r,D rr1 Wh) LOS T B1ock·whll<· r.c" heifer. W.lyn· tII'('1I l'~slClfmls mtl:!rcllf,cd FO SA E Mt 1radc it in. ~lC a ~O( plc-te weighs about 500 Jbll. ~:eorJte

In old;)1 011, ('J;fH'cJnlIy I hI' Chill All' I Jinelof lawn mowerfilj

DtlW and !fed, Fox, Wayne. Jyl5t3c 1)~ll10r ('UI1 rmd {)tit IllO)"!;! ~ul Ii la~ vacUumR ~bke~. 5b lie-Jill, ---___ _

1'11III'c;t! y wllt'n two (' A r:,!~'I)J'c. ~ ~ _. . ~ - ~ ~- - ~ -~- - - -_ .• ,- spa e.8 ~*.'. at O'bam. to ~.oa~t 'EAL ESTATE ~;(,Iltull R ...viRlt ,thf' \ynync State F()~ S u,r·: 1. '5 nond~. Sup('r 91), Slo ea,' Wl1.ynl-, NoW! i!l al1!OOd time elllHplls. . !lclm<'j melt lcd, 60( milt' war· to liJck up on fertUizelr I and /Weed

ThO~$Poakers, Harold PJulmer ranty cit. .0. Pho e 287.-2898, kill rs, till at 1JJst 0 '(I()aSl'I"'_"'~""'~_~'''''''''''''==~'''''== of ·the regionol off Ie. ~nd :Jol~n Wukt'iICld. JY15:!.C Wayne. 'jl1U _

. S ... " n 0' the notlono' offl •• , ii;n.siL;~;~. -it~ .. y.Hams - ---- .... _- . -" ,,-.,,- TO BUY TO SELL will s col, oh the Jmplct of th., <Ioml)JtI~ No, lA, 12' wlndrower, PRF..sClUFttri E aeros .~ee lIgo on modern &Gel.ty. 'lind 21)' nllf~e eleva r with 1.1.: The most impor.tan~ in, Je do' REAL EST AT i~oJ' tt<~lm~cnth' ",. of .pod.' horsellow"r m, tor. 120 )!:. 5th SI. I. t. fill your docto~'. X fori you. PropertY El<ch,onqe . n cr,o ~,oae or" ~ -. . Jy1L3c " ,1

1)111111 nl' III seill1duh!ci to sp(':Jk ni -'"-~'-f~--.- ..... ~' ,~,, __ , ... _ ....... " .. _ .. _.... GRIESS RE~L ISTORE R. G.J FUELBERTH ~(»j;) n tn. SOI'('nJ.iCIi at 1:36, hulh 'I"BINpS CAN I LOOK f:HIGHTEH Phone 375:2922 U In the IS!~I{h~nl (.'{!~Itt·~, s?uth dlninu with a new 'I :oa~ ot paint. . Get __ ... ____ 1~tf \12 West 2nd. room I I he'll' ,~H>ll IS Itt {~onju~c. all'.Yo'lr palnt:.; 1O;'1Jdc a ld OUtb1d~- VIN¥L F'LOOnS, C~N HAVE Inir. ________ --,-____ _ lIoll W~fh WS( s nel'ospuce eduea., and all your I umting aCCCBBOrieS rOr like beauty w en Seal Gloss FOR SALE ~Iflll w!~rk~.hop·. bur open,10 anyone I at COUIIl 10 <.: s1 Storels, Wa:rn.e, acrylic fini,h Is IlPI} led. L. WI. Me.

, r 1 17tf Thrt.,. h,,.Jro!JIII, OIlE' .. tory 110mI', In ('!'I'S P(, m •• ___ • _________ ~ _~ _______ ', _~ 3 ~!.~,!!~~.~~3~~_~.~j.,~~~..:..---~ 'ffl(Jrny kLt/h"II, .full hnj.f'TIII'lIf, at'.

,T~e federal Lond Bonk A soci~tion , , ,

of Norfolk, Nebraska

ANNOUNCES A DIV~ EN~ to stockholders

Am.ounting to $17,4

, ..,--- lllch,'" j.!llrrL).!'I' , , , and only one

NOTICE ' . 1.1, ... k (,,"" II", ,·.,II.·g,· ,'·."'pu,. For !bl~ alld nth"r fi/l(' hOf/l/'~,


_~ ______ L==:±:= 1'f(t)I'EIiTY EXt'IIANr.g


--.... -------.-----t~--.--~--

LIVESTOCK It''OR SALE: Jleitzmer Regi tered

A,ngU'S BuUs ready fo/' service.


1'111111 .. :l;.)-~IH

MISC. SERVICES WI) service all makes 01 Radio and TV, Why not enjoy c both tr t Iole fullest.


Radio & TV Service Phone 375-1533 tI

FOR SALE: 40 Holst in close up ______ ._.,-___ _

A,m!azing new Hquid plasUc coat· ing' used '00, all 'typew of surfacel interior oi· mc:tcrmr. Eliminate. waiting when applied on Agrhalt

~1·io.~~l:!rl'iW~.:I~.iJ~u~ tu~. Comp let cl y 'eliminates

~~r;:~~r 't~~~r:ffl~~~igc5~:¥h1a' finish is also recommended for boats and automobiles, '.


As these 41Te exclusive formu· Ins jn demand by all businesses,

~~iu:?ce~n~i~O:U~ h~:st!;!rii - $300. Maximum investment -$7 ,boo, Investment is secured by inventory, Factory trained per­sonnel will help set· up your business.

For complete details and descrip. tive literature write

Chem.PI~stics & Paint orp.

18~a Locust, St. Louis 3, Mo.


EARN EXTRA MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME You can earn. extra mQney by

b1i~m~ :c ~~lsrn~:;e ~~r an openrng in the Randolph area.

For comp1ete information con­tact The Wayne Herald, Phone 375-2800. al5\1

W AlNTED: Math teachers for Jun· Farmers and ranchers who h Bank loans own


the Norfolk F shore in the earnings of the tion. For information about term form loan from the La~



PrIced to sell, Also 'one three·year old, 2 miles ,south, '3~ast of Em· erson, Rnlph Helitzma . jIot6

a~~r~~f:..r J:e~~e,~~: H~ ~e~ ~~~~~~ MOVING? \ Nebr, Phone 972·2123, "jy15W

Don't take chances with Y.9ur valuable belongings, Move With Aero Mayflower. America's most recommended movor,

-------- ap2~ ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~i WANT D FOR SALF> Lnrg(' sel1\!ctroTl of Nt'·

sec. .. ~' brllsku ami Nutjona~ Accredited . Pun·bred lIamp~hire SPF Boars

Belisf.l1i G. Thornton, Ma, eager and Open l;ilt, Health checke" by t'niV{!r~llty uf Nebr. for your

Federal land Bank Assoc'iation pf Norfolk ~~h~~h ant~ l~~~sf~~rro;J~gs qU~~~~t~ J'I protection <lgllinst dm·asf'. Dec,

"-__ 1_0_9_S_0_u_t_h ___ S_~_-~_O_~_d ___ .~S-.-t--;-.r_.~_ .. ~:t:-:N~:_r_~_O_I_. i"~_N ___ ~_~ ... r~a_=_Sk;.~a __ ~_~_-_~_-~--=_II-:=:~=;~-::.~:-:~::~~=;~='==_'~=;~='~='~='~~::::~=~=";~=~:(=:~=:~={~=I:=~=~5~=H~ Bu~iness Professional



(L<:st. l!H4) ! l"o.curocaiom{'ter Scrvi-ee i 11'1. F.ast Hh Street .

, P1Hre :!7:i 3U:W . \VaYIlt', Nebr




KEITH JECH, C.L,U. Ph :H5-1429 120 L.',! W. H~~_ .. ~'lYn\'

ependable InsurClnce FOR 'ALL YlWR NEEDS

Phonr 375-2696

an C. Pierson Agency 11 ~~,.,,_~ __ 3_~~ \~'nyTH'

~rmers Insurance Group



PI OIlC -in5·27G4 Wayn( --.-". '11'- -.---... - .. ,.

NSURANCE - BONDS To Fit All Your N('pds

If In Hclinb\..: CompnniC's

State National Bank Phol1f' 375 11:10 122 Main


AUTO· LIFE - FIRE Pt'lHllPt. Personal Service

1 Mi Norlh of \Vayno on Hwy. 15 OffLce: 3iS-J4iO - Hes.: 375·H165

Northwestern Mutual life Dale C, Carstens. District

And Associates Telephone 375·1811

112 Professional Building Wayne, Nebraska



AD lI1!:\.L - SALES and SEn. VICE

itAolIlILTON - \\1HTE Ph Wayne

Please be kind ta ou r patients.


2 to 4:30 p~m. ond 7 to '~;SQ p.m. i Daily ,

WaYll~ Haspi~al


City Clerk .. Howard itt 375·1475

City Attorn y - I

,H B B rnhoft I ,375·2311

LE, {i-. S lith L.

COII'~ellmenll !~ IElchard lern 375-3742

375·1690 :175-3008 375·2842 :\75·1503 375·3202

Alfren 1( )plin nlln SILl' 'y

li(~~ll~1 S(;~',: rllr .

POLleF, I, _375·~626

FIRE .-:~alI· 375·1122

1I0SPITA 375-3800


OFFICIALS Henry Arp 375·1979

Clerk C. A. Pard 3i5-2288

.ludw·· Ilavid Jillamer .-' 375·~622

Sheriff: D 11 \\'£Hble 175·1911

D{'I)\lt~' • E L, I riley .... _ ... 375·13C5

SUJlI (;I~ ~ys Pdruer .. 375·1777

Tn'asnr('r:!', Ll'olla n'jhde .j .. I ..... 375·3885

Clrrk of I Istrict Court: John T. I J3ressller ..... 375-2260

M:r\('ultlLr~' Agent: lI:lrold H~alls .375·3310

ASSistant ireclQr; 'Mrs. Etl ,t Martene 375·2715

Altoruev: I

l'ha'rl~'~ McDermott 315·2080 \'etprans ervice Officer:

Chns ~rgholz ._.370-2764

Dist 1 ,,_ .............. _John Surber Com m issi rers:

gi~~: ~ ... ·~::::::::.iie~~o~;h~~~:

TRIAl\! LE !'INANCE Pe'rso'i 'I . Machinery

and A~ amo~ile Laans

Phone '375-11 2 IQ5 W. 2nd

First otion~1 Bank I'SAVINGS


"bone 375- l 1 Wayne


BOB LUND Registered Pharmacist

SAV -MOR DRUG Phone :375-1444


111 West 2nd Phone 375-311~ Wayne, Nebr.


Tiedtke Plumbing Heating and AppP('nces


Phone 375·2822 Wayne, Nebr


BENTHACK CLINIC 215 W. 2nd Street

Phone 375·2500

Wayne. Nebr.


114 East 3rd Street

Office Phone '375-1471



Farm • Home. 0 mercial

Pbone,315·~ ayne. Nebr

VETERINA IANS _----.::L---



for Veterirlaria on duty 1 mile east on 7 Street



Willard WUtse . R wad Wilt'" Licensed Funeral Direc{.ors

~---t+-~......Jr---~ I Phone -sTS·2900 \ Ylaynt

For The Bargain Hunter See The H raId


Abler T ronsfer, Inc. Wayne, Nebr.


Phone 375·3475



For the Best in

Radia and TV Repair Phone 375·3690

We Servic! All Mak~.

SWANSON TV Wayne's Oldest 7\V Store


Athlete's Foot How To Treat It-Apply illstant·drying T··!·!.. Feel it taltc bold to checlt itch. bum· ing' in ¥!lintltCS. In 3 to 5 days, infected sklll sloughs off, Then wa teh HEAL THY ~kin replace it! If not pleased IN ONE HOU~, your ·18e back at any dnlg store,

In Just! S Minutes If You Have To Scratch ,Your Itch Your JBc bhck at any drug store. Quick·drying ITOH . ME . NOT deadens the Itch nnd burning. Antiseptic action kills gorms to speed healing. FillO for eczema. insect bites, foot itch, other Bt1'(­

face rashes.

Griess Rexall Store Wqyne, Nebr.

In Nebraska,

John Deel'£! 45 Corp,binc with sidehill attachment. OSCOT Carl­son, Laurel, Phone 26~·33~2, jy15

WANTED Dead or Disabled livestock

I Phone Wayne 375·3165, Collect

Wayne Rendering 'Co. Your Used Cow Dealer

, • f26U

tv AN1"';D: Bids frpm ~ that can f,upply two trucks I haUl CCC corn from Wayne Bin I Site to elevators at Wayne for ship­I ping out 25 aaTloads lof corn. Bids must be in by Monday, July 19, 1965. Wayne County ASCS Of·

. jy15c

after a 'day's fishing beer's the ~ne ... for good taste, good fun


.. :.~ l." \Vherever you fiSh for s, PO, rt-on the J" ... _. . ocean, by the hoo:ming sUrf. or on some

. quiet country pond. it's g.;eat at the end

of 'he day to he~d for a r~wardifg-glassof Qeer. \VhUe )'ou're talking oyer\the~ Otl~ t~at ~ a~ ... ~~ or pan-frving the ones tha~ dldn t, you enJo} hearty ta~te and cool refre\shment oru.y.a8iass of beer can give you ~ well. Y~. w~ __ ~tevef' y.~r sport - bowl,iDIWll" strOlli"!f' golfing <ir garilemnll'

-a frosty glll_eer males a naturally ~ great accorn paniment. .; , \l!1 'UNITED STATES BREW~RS IASSOCIAT1~.~i·lNC_ '" I

812 Lincoln Bundlll9, Ijj~,~. i



No more "aching" back - no more scooping! ,Just pull a knob'on your dash aridl'dump your entire load. "H'ARSH" UNILECTRlC fits all pickups, Electr-ic or piston pump IS fast and powerful!


inal and instaJlation,cost and minimum maintl'n~l*e mako "IIARSW you, hest, b~y today,

• Po,itiv. control-to roj,., lawer,

· ~~::I~~O;i!~~~S~ cyliri#ert. • GUQtanf(Jod for ono full yeor.

One-piece tipping frame -"up- . II YOUI local tlUck or lr1ple~enl duler cr ports body and load as Lt raises welding sllop dll!~ not h.awe 'HARS/i"mfOl-l

Pickup box is u'nchanged 3::; to mallon, wflle LIS foda~

height and distance (rom cab YOUR "HARSH" DISTR.IBUTOR IS

Gives good ground clearance Easily instaUed. When yo~ I :J" IItj ~ '. :11) Il'~ change trucks:. ,ts '~ ~imple [email protected]'f!1JISUUI to sWlkh your HARSH fron; _-.' ____ A ~ .. '''''.II.-_ old to new pickup Low ong· 0 ~71~ Cbml~g ~i1131 .

, 'jil':;;,MsPwl :4!! .,

CAN BE PUT UP (in minutes) -in dairy barns and other farm build­ings. SNIP' Fly Bands atlraet house .flies - which feed briefly, drop off dead, Fly killing power lasts for months. Easy-effective control. Get SNIP Ay Bands today!

knocks 'em (~II seasun -long)


. DriY'ing , .

I Time I .,

On"a~tion OnBusi~ess. To Wqrft' .. To School. ' ~\:

Or a -.Ieisurely.

a better

on A~l,

~eal for t:;ne of, th~sc lato

model trodo-ins.

2S MO!'th GUJ»rontecf

64.Eord-Galaxie soq ·l-Dr, Sed,nn. VB En"lno 1911 regular gall, Crulfl-!l.,matjc TrllMmLalilOIl, Power Stoer-1n~, Radio and W}L(lcl Cnv!JOI, Dark Blue,

63 Ford XL 2·Dr, Hardtop, Bucket Beats ;

~;~::Itra~~~:~. E~iWh'~: 1

Mechanical. and Pll),s1cal con· dillon tar above Average.

63 .Chevrol~t Impala 4·Dr, &edan, Small va; Power-' glide' Radio and mafJY 'oibtlr opufnSl' 16,000 mUes, "Beige. ~

67 Mercury .Mol~ter,ev 'I-Dr. Sedan, Standard VB -2n­

. gine, Automat'lc Traru;m1f1Bion,

~~::~ ~~~~!s ~~d lJ~~~~: White witb brown trim

-61 Chevroletr Impqla

Z·Dr. Hardtop" va; Power: g1tde, RadIo.. Wheel Co'ten. White Wall Tlrt~" .Wh1t~, with red trim. I

'I: F~rd Dealer 37W~y

,Wo~rority i~ ,

:' . II.'

.. ~:i: :~l*~'~': , Open Evenings ~~i;~ 1I','lb,. ,rD_

;Friday, til '9:00;



if" ".J .• ,r,,' '."'" ), '


8 Tho ~Oyn~ r Nobr,) Horard" Thu" a'y, July 1 ~ 1965 Fli9htl- ctt~ Air B'as. 10 vl'll lb. Alt D~­fensc Sector (SAGE). Wayne <hth, Wlv •• willi S ~C'S!I-,I~asn~u$s.n ~c &ue!.~ -for a 'O&nd vbitura en..,

Bill K e W·n -0g .k t (C"~t,"u.d from P ge 1)

. qep'p n. I 5 i~' 9vS ~ohTI~~,('nl: "laSCIO,,!mll;' ".or!iI Walter A. Spinden ' wee Invl~tlon"'l Gurney' t."Ji~'r Tliursd"y in, SAC C,97 Funeral Serv.·ces U " I p:l.fI}jeln~(:r \lcr!liotl of the B-50 Bill l{ocppcn, Omaha. wo the - ."."'~ ......... ~ .. -... -',' .. - bombclH" the rf.!3ched .. gl.

chtimpJOlishiIl ur till' J,UJ:t'~t mv! el"v"ntl, IVay,,' IV,·",·j II' "lin~:t()tl AFB. Houston, 3 hours and H Id At W·' ·d

• iIlre e~cted from members. of ncarby chapters.

• Explorer Scouts Book 'Things' for .Jul¥ 2,0

HHiollul toul lllunU.'1I1 evu held at tv.:'citth, (nay 'lil~IISC~r ., uioom~~~~; 115? 'minMe,,' tJfh'l' lea jn~~ Sioux e InSI e W1IYIW Coutltl'Y d,uh. The two-day and thIrteenth 'IArnil' H()l'V Wayne City. I' 'Funeral 5crvices for: Walter' A.. Teenagers in the arc~ are ex-meet dH'w lH:J t:.~mplltilor'> Cr'oUl MilX noma,!,; wa.'1 tounJ~'mf'nt dl: ~Iany In the group had never Sl~indf~n, 77. Wl'rc held July 10' at to 4e~cend on WU.~'11~ Tues· towns near and fur. )'Qctor wllh" th~' wee bid ') dJ. firmll; t1r1ly a ft·w had )(~en up 10 Winside Methodist church, Mr. July. 2~. The Explo~er '~OlJts

Kooppon shot a 109 for 27 I I JQl l d t il MOl rh l;~tr a four-e~lginc plane, tllU the flight Spindcn died Jut., 8 at Wayne hOi- are "15pOh50nng· another ~nn('e rea, hqle, to foko homo 0 $75 bond n(~ kl I ~ (a S'k ~c, 0 ,,.! itself wr; an ex:p(>rien e. An hnd Pltal. ' '. ,. turing "The. Blue Thinf~s." and" the championship trophy, ~jt.r~ing ~~~:~~'] ~n dOJ~~P:)~~l.;<j~ICk a (~h<ln('(~ to vh>it Lhe ight ,deek ncv. John Horner oHiciatled at In t~tr prevIous J, eff f.t .. Lmf, Y,lnkton, Oar.roll . .... or .with ilfii maze of in:;tr monfs <lind I ~ was handJed y men and Women controls ' the rites. Mrs. Wesley Boydston, herel _ l'hinus dr.'~ _ uood·

Senator noss «.'1'. will be 'the I

l he Le glslati 'o'l' Tucsd.aY. Oln.irm an latuT(!'S t'tluCAtlon ator R,asrnusscn InUlle action on ~ of great hnporlb.ncC'.

H. I, t.c:Mdutod I. III~ II 10:50 In tM Student C.nt.r aouth dining room and ,.t 1!30 In th, ume pluo. The . .Ifternoon &esslon will'be mainly .. question and .n'wef' ,.mlnar.':' . ,~~i~~~:r~~rf::k~y~~ish~~d In °t~~~ volunteer~. I At I:;'lin~:tC)n the cl:,~ toured ~~~~~~c,~~:d,,~~ ~~~. ~anr~::"Ha~d :Izm.f:°:*~n:: !::IO;:;:dm~~

order In a playoff aftor each, . ~~~i~~~~, C;~~rcAirclI) tf(~ICti~~~~I~ "lto~k of ,Ag~s." Pallbearcrs werc havlor drew pr.' ••. Th .... wert ~ finlshod with Identical' score!> of Wakefield' Hospital afC directed anft all C P instnu:-- Wilham Cary, Walter Hamm, Carl .xc.ptlon, to tM rule .as fu a. At I'nternotional Meet 110. Thoy won It $50 bond, $25 tional' fiterature is w 'tten, pro-' .Troutman, Peter Jensen, Herm~n beh.vior goe., b\lt in gen'ral bond and &hi~t r8lpectlvely. Admitted: T~oma . ., Belt, Emer. duced ,md maikd: Jaeger and John Redel. Bunal' the tH"_gers conducted them- Mr, and Mrs, Don Reed ret1·'rn. Boh Jfnrrilmn, Blair, wn::; Im~dul son; Wililom Hugclman, )yoke Charles W. Webb, ~p "deputy w~s .in Pleasant View cemetery, .. Iv_. In a manner d.nrvlng cd Monday fr-om' New Yorlk were

iHt WIth d 72 for 18 hOIt'f; and nonlflCld, ,Jean Ann GnSg:;,- Wake chief of 5l~lff fOT' cdl1t::alional WlIIlHdc. r.s"ct. they h~d attendl'd the golden- an· Q tlophy A troph} WIlS ,li:;o given fwld, Sylvln McAuliffe, Wake training, explained th organlza. Walter Allen. Spinde~. son. of Expilorers hOI?C to .raise a little niversary convention of K1w his }{ogcr Miller lJ.lrtingUm, who fH~ld, Arnold I J....cwtschcr, Allen, tion. There arc rclativ ly few sal. Henry and Hennetta Spmden, ~as monc¥" for th~lr post, ~ncourage Intcrnlltional. It was Ule largest fl( ol"cd [l h()le 1Il ()Ile orl the 111I1 d VIOlet B rum Eon rI, WakeflCld, aried OAI.:J personnel 0 wor.k at born Feb. 28, 1888. at Orange City, dances for young people In Wayhe convention in hi~tory wiLh over hole I Eileen Fegley. lien, Velma Steele, Ellington or as CAP representa. la He was married Jan, 5, )911 and proyclto the adults that teen- 20.000 delegates attending. Reed.

Elich of the winn.ors of the 13 r<:merlion, Te rl LIOn, Laurel, tiveR in each state. All other CAP lo Cora ~<lrpenter at. wayn~, The a,gerM ean be responsible im~i president of the Waypc Kiwanis flights reco(ved a $50 bond and Zelia Truby, A~lcn, Margaret Tur people Hre volunteers lenthUSl'asts couple lived at ,:"mslde before vlduals. Another teeD·type band dub, was an offidal delegate.'i'he trophy. Second place winner, ncr WiJkcfie!, Michele Martin, JO avmtJOn Many of them pro movlOg to Doon, J~, where they 18 being booked for August by the speakers at the convention in. recolvod 0 $25 bond opiece and fi.:merson, Ern ?adeken, Laurel. vide th~lr lJwn planes and fly at spent SIX years befdre returning to ;.PO:':! ::::::.:::=======C:jU:d:C:d=R:':V'=.N:"o:rJml:.;:,;n=p:~:!:jc:::.:n:.d third pJace winners each rece-iv. TtY,ln IIarder'l ft.,mCTaonl Vaughn their own expense on CAP mls I Wmslde ~ --j----od a shirt. Bcnso,rl Wakufcld, P::~ulne Fls(h,\ slOns _ as 'lome did recently In I illS J'larl'nl~ four slsll'rs clnd a . The flight Wlllnelfl were 1'lIs! (Or COIl('orrj, Ahce Ha ber, 110 treatlOg tbe dl'rOftP<I('('I<;ludcnts to I brothel plccedcd him JU deLlth JlJn M~lsh, W.lyne, seeond, Jay m('r. Desire(' Helgre, Grays free rides Survlyors mdude hiS widow, n WHEN THINKING of HulJ!iPl,1 Ihud, AI Sv('nnlngsoIJ Luke, III Alice Herf(·J Drxon '~rlday mornlr~f: h ()ul,ht til<' I son, C1:Il~nc(' ?maha ,I daughter. WIIYnc~;()urth' Kell Vis/ler: filth, Dismissed: William jlU elm ~ ned "pn,te ('I.nter VISIt,· MIS. I red (Verna) lI'!>, Nor \ Bob Oc itt, O'Neill; sixth, Wille.rd Wakefield; Sylvia MC!\Urffe: WaKe: mg, . Ih 1I I('~t~r(' on he ,cent~r s f~)lk; t~o brot~{'rs,. Thealm, Or~ng~ Ii\.' IAMONDS I,THINK of DAl'E'S Wollen/aupt, Waync;.:;cventh, ,11111 field; Margilfct TunHr, Wake. :ldJVltl'~" MSC l(Jo~s .n.l.lICh.llk~II(Jt~, ':1., ami EdWIfi:Du!uth Mmn., tI He1n, llyn(';' eighth, Don Stile:. fit'ld; Zelia Truby All n; Velma ,}fi ul odem lInlV rSlty cam· fOUl sister> Mrs. Charles (Sarah) tiel'; ni th, Alltn Cram(Jr, Wayne; Steele. E,nerson;' Rya 1 Harder' rms, w' some 3~ bul dings on a Muldoon .. f arn.ell, J~.,_Mrs. Martha GIVE THE BEST. ~ __ :~_. H~ndrt('k.<ion' .. _~lI_~_n(';._~~_~.~rli~~~_~i~~:~_~~~~~_r-'.~~_~len.~ ~:~o :~fi atr~~~ ~~~~~ ;~~ee years ~~~~e~~~qv~~~~~~~t,ca~l~ii.M[: .. , Ha~d _______ . ___ J


, .Now its offices and laboratorie~ Mrs .. Julia Davis, Minneapolis; I



house th(' "hrains" 0 America'S four grandchildren and six great· space enterprise. H£'f' the . .,den, grandchildren. (ists and astronauts and some • 4,000 other empioyes think their I h way mto ~pa('c, desig equipment, StyeS OW­test techlllques, prepa emissions. However, no rockets pr satellites (Continued from Page 1)

or capsulcs are eilhbr· built or I cclebration as· his contributlOn to· launched a( MSC. I I wanl 'lnancmg the celebration,

Besides the lecture, tJhe rla~'i! Cleanup day was .July 13. The saw mo~ies of spa{e achieve- i'VLrtslde dump was open that day meot1' Including a spectacul~r Irb accommodate businessmen on· ShOWi[g Astronaut .E{I ard White's Ily. H had bC('n underslood by some walk in space dunng he four-day I that the (h~mp would he open to Gemi I flight about . wo month:- I all r('si<i('nts. but the town council ago. ~ , lop<.>ne-d th(' dump to assist busi-

fb~ c~~~~s ~~l ~t~ ~~eCgr11~~~n~is~~~~ ines~~s~~e~~s t~:i~i~l:i~~u~r:or:;e

We Repair and Service All Makes ,

of Watches - 5 Day Service.


SU" ~n~ H,T, ~OnER,


~I~ I

~ <>, .. 6 _ ..,


d "


And In Days Past I '

Could Do Nothing, r I !,' But WIsh For Illi

ReIi1·· "~ BUT, now· you can have Air~ i,

Conditiohed Comfort in .your· ·1' a,


cant II center, from! which lh(' ~ being asked to cut weeds, clear Gem ni flight was '~Uided and I lots and fix up homes lind yards moni on'd. Teh'vlslO network I to contribute to the beauty of ('amc ra'-l frequ(,lltiy show('(\ ttw I the town, Painting is planned c'onl 1 room. with Itsl battNies of somc places and ever V action

:::~~'I ~f;:;!1r (~I~~~~:I"~n~~!:I~~ '~t~~'~~~J~~; I ~i~t ~:su~t;p~~c~at~~~ter! Winside Ov('r Inc·tJ of its launching, or· A booster trip Will be made Fri· bits tld re·entry. . day to about a dozen towns in the


Jrffear S~DE W~lH LUXURIOUS FO~, LYNX QR MINK TRIM!! " i\ guide l'eveal{'rI lhat Ow Winside area people with

We :not o~fe~ finest in gos and oil pro­ducts and automo ive needs, but also the best ser¥ice available. f you don't believe us ask a close friend who yOu know trades here (shouldn't be, hafd to find one) c, . better yet stop ·in to fiI-,d out for yourself. We oppreciate your trade. You'll appreciate our seJYice.

man eu sIHlCI' ('(~nt('r so far has beards and oldtlme clolhing will cost aboll~ $240 million. Of this advertise the celebration. Some the Integrated Mission Control of the bathing suits Qf long ago, cent r u-sed up some $117 million, saloq-n girls, brides and other cos· most of this for the labyrintH of tum('s arc to be included in the eq~li! ment all-day trip.


On more stop 00 tlte 'MSC tour reve led a simulatedllunar land­scap! where' aSotronaut~ experiment with a full·size model bf the Apollo luna excursion mqduJe which eve ually will land ~wo men on the 0011.

T • tour done. Wa~ne stud("nts

au MAIN OIL CO Inc\\' to SIOUX City ~Id debarked

" PHON~ 375.1830 ~~pi :;eyti}{~~()~:I~id :l\~I~~p c~o th~:ll~~g!~~ agall.

__ -'-____ ,.. __ ~ nday they rctumed to Sioux


"As we observe our 40th y,ear, ley liS not lORe

sight of the factor most responsible ror this Com pany's prosperity-and growth - customer loyalty."

CARL C RAUGUST, President Gamblc"Skogmo, Inc.

In accordan(e with, our President's proclamation we set aside July. 16th as CUstomer Appreciation Day.

recognition of your friendshi p and loyalty, we offer' a


.~ Store:!~~?AY;o!~~u~t~~~30P.M. ~ GAMBLES LlBE AL' CREDIT TERMS APPLY, AS USUAr


lnoulated Tumbler et\ with $'15 Credit Pur( a,.

New account or' add-on. Limit: one gift 10 Q family, pI as •.


I Ii·,

f '

For QllC day Only, we are pleased to offer a I full lO("~ DIS·

COTJNT of our regular. low prices 011' 4very pUl"chp..'3c (totaling $10 or more) ill every dcpartlllen~ of the store.

Thiilk Or it - 10~~ OFF on every reJf erato,r, evcry frcozer, llev~ry ,!"asl~er Sind every dryer in he store. ,"0% OFF OIl hi-fi's, TV's - including color t levision! Isn't

this the special incentive yon've wanted to make your

next major hOllsehold purchase possible,? d don't forget

- lO?l' i S~ings add up fast on car bat~ries and tires,

too. Thel

fact is, tbe mora you buy, the. n~e you save _ it's thnt kind Of event. No need -to 11a cash - o\lr

liberal credit terms apply With NO: DO PAYMBN"T_ Remember the date - ONE DAY ONL _ Cuatomer Appreciation 10"-( Discount Day at ~dmbl s.

: F I ' Larry Deorg,

Manoger ,

• Kiwanis Club Slides" Oppose Repeal of Law'

Keith Je0h, program chairman for JlIly, presenter] n, s('fics of 40 slides in support of 114-B o! the T,lft·llartley law and, op~sing its J'('fleai. A taped mcssrge with the slides prespnted the case agniDli~ repeaL . en

The slide!> and message were prepar.d by the United St.tes Chamber of Commerce and were" brought here on loan from :tl;le Norfotk Chamber of Comme~ce. They oppose the repeal of the law which now allows a 'man to work whether he is a member cf a union or not. About one­third the states have such laws. Kenneth Browne was in charge

of the meeting during the absence. of the president, Don Reed, Bill Colangelo, Norfolk, was a guest of Delbert Schleuter and Dr. 0, B. Proett, Lincoln, a former member here, now belong-ing t~ Capital City club, was a visitor.

The meeting this coming. Mon­day will be a 7 a.m. affair at the

D Remember

• ~ Two Names

When Sickness Comes

Doctor,' Druggist

We work hand in hand with your doc­tor to get yau out of bed... fast! Make us your 'fam­ily druggist.'

Felber Pharmacy

50 Years of Reliable I Prescription Service

'216 MaIn st. PIL S7S,'tflu

, !,J:, ; II



, ,.fL, ,' .. , , "I:

SOt,h Year Anniversary Speda," J'

Smart co~ts for all occasions.:'


•. Antelope· • Beige

Also -1pVlallable, in: • ,Blu~ • Green

., I

A. M nkl trimmed su~e coat in popular len~th

$7~ "StU::y w~ns" ~4 length gemilne

impo.rted suede coat {eatar~ a. 'jl . natural mfuk stand· away c~Jari t

. accent side !llits, two -bU~D!. ~. MilltuIr! acetate 6atin l.lned


warmth without weight. ~ 1f4! 18. 1 i

, ,

; , .

B. Luxurious imported suede lavished with fur

I '

·" : , I


IMPROVEMENT WOR·K at Leonard Schwanke, Bill

to right. They orc shown the front entrance to the seh oL from Wayne, Nettleton from orroll.


The club sponsors 'he drcu'S to raise money for the Shrine hospital for crippled childrc-n in "",'nneapolis. Merchants buy the tickets and give them free of C"hargo to the young people.

I)('\('fi' \\'Iholl, Hob Puwers ,'lid \\'all} TrLlt'X, l'\odotk, <Hili ("hl\ !lalli, W~lyrH', w('rt' makuII.: {'Ol~

G,)rnts 1t1~t weekend in the T. C. I;l('h HI 1111" <In'i\ A 1r.,,1 oj ~pOJ1 H.I~ldcl' h'nn,' WI'I'(' Mr and ,\11.... "lll"lnJ.: ITlI'r("hants and tllorl' info/'-1,0\)1'1'1 1'"11111,(,, Lln~oln. <lnd ~II' maluHl fin til(' tirt'u~ SIlIIW!, will ;IJlII '11"" IJPIlI1l" l<orth,·Hod1l'sli'r b(' givf'ln JTI ruture ('dlt]on~ of The :\Olinll ' l/(·rald

p.Jrkl:,(\ ('.11 (lj \\ ( ~lJHhll.l·I·' .t1.'O

u/ \\ ;IYIl{' ,\IHlllt ~;rltt dalJl,J:';p I',.I.~

IIOII{' lo lll\' :)Il\lJlh\,I~ l.rl ,111\1 BUll' or (l;lIllage In tlh' {.j,r~,kll' \'dlll'II'

July 10 on Main ~tn~'et, Hanscn, WaynD, pulled too loH to the ,right a~ !oho met a ca~ com· in9 from the 0ppo~Jlc din'ellon. Hl'r car graz(!d the parked Cilr of Anna Burn!., Wuyne. Damago wa., ~f>tlmated lit SIS to the Burn:. tlnd 590 to the H,1n'>cn c.n. '1Iw 01 'jl.ll Lcd, .Jl ,1(1 J

til'lll. .llll;. II Idlt'li 11,[\ ld LUll. .".tJriolk,· .lIld HlJdllPY Jur ~·l'n~l'n. Omah,l. ~\l'rl" ,Jlh·gt'dl}, draggmg" 011 \\l·.~1 11th At !'t''"'!"]

'tn-l'!, 1.11'\1",'" ('<.II .~v.('r\t·d to til!' I right and {he ('ar~ :.tilYj:d logdl1l'. !IIg: at Lt'\u~ "lid t'1.Jrk J;di.(' Bo:~t 11'1l!t'd to '1~1\I' $Uo 10 (.'lIlp lI,d'n

,lJlJclJ) 'Thl."r)gbl !tond,'r oilid ",bee! 1Il~, SklJIIJ,{ and ~wlmmlllg "t'rt, ;I~' ,\ Jioa! (lll \\j!1~ld,' 1'111 :-,<'111,'1 were lorn JIUIiL LuM'~ ('.JI,./OI tJ\,tle~ to O~'('r ,lU }()!llIg ~H'upl~' I\\il~ dIC('ll~,~('d (,,,,1.'IlJ: l/'l('/lIl"T'

geosen\ ~tJ"l!l'k ilQ JI~bl, puh' ..rl'~ ,\" WII'Il"/" rOil!>1 and W:lt(,l"lIIeJl~f 1.1l1d~t'd m,'.!1 1ll111l1.~ LIII,L, 1"'1111 ftlte C;.Jr:-, C;.JIllI' a1' .. II'1 J ~o d,HII;q.';1 ft><:d ('onelu~c.d actl\'ILu'~ 1';I~t!l: 1-(:1\'" a dl'IJIOI~"II\;i!1I111 "11 j('lJo ~;d,1I1

'·l'!>~~:~I~{·It~:~! 11~~j:~ll;~.lI('d 'ill IlLlel' ;\I;~\\ ~r~~(;Il'SW~~~~ t~~u~~lI~;r ~:II:'; I ~~;::~'k~::;UI'~~'";J~I~,II~ 11\~,~I:!l~tl':~:\'~'d 1",:.1\.11 aC:C:ldl'llt!> 11(' I~,j)-, a.')-,I~lt·rJ iJ) IJlek \.1n Gonion NedcrgOlard, ~tr and !l\PI'lllIg I~ JULY; ~(JIIIl tli" JIt 1111'1'1 ~Ian!>t'n III J!lI(,,,tl".lIJllg lilt: JI~I .\lr~ Lavt'rn Hardt,!", Mr. and Mr" Ilob('rb lio!!H' )ul, I", II"'II!!"'I"

~nc' , .... • Jfull Kotllllg and Mr. untl MI~ ALIJI' will lak~· ,I IflUI I" '\IIlf"lk J'.II

,Church You~h Keeping '~~~";;':~'P~'e:o;""'i ~'~~~';~I'''~~~~';'~es usy ill Summer Attion i Id I ' . lUlJll-! plopl( In St 1'.lul ~ Lu L~~::'a~al~:~;~e~~~~1 .lui) J JIl tilt': He Ju y 5 For

I In a van ely 01 actJvIllCs thiS ~UITI M'n led th~ 4 It pledge ,~lllllJ!n', •

ItJ .mll Mrs. Oll(!]r dlt'd :Ian. 1. 1:1]11 !\II' OilIer ~hlld Uvt!d wHh lii'l 11,1111:\111'1' ,In frt'rnunt Ilhll :lit!>t \:~ ,(',In, . '

Stfn']\'1J1 ~ IUdud~ a !iun. 11:1", ('ph" 1I"O',km.h, a dlAll&:htoir. Ml'ii. \\' ;d\PI' ~lal'l'('t'I, Ft~~lll-q1lt: I!,t~tht!]" III'III}, ~~nn.h.III, ~IIIS; nlnt~ grand· ""Id",/! "lid I!I r,ut'UrMlIlfChlH

I See By The Herald

Ill), It'll ili!)!1 In Ihe . P. 'rhQmllll l h(lllll' -

Mr. and N r& Robert Ross, Elaine Fargll, 1\' [>

I the ran church, Wayne, an: ;.H.lllt Hohl'rt i'oleVl'(' home Nane\" II,If] .' Herman P Opfer ,mcl". Pastor Hobcrt Shlrck report!> of the last me('tinl~ ~l'l"l' read lind, 1I1'ldl'lI FUIlI'J ,11 "'II, lu , ! actions I)), <II! age grooph HI n' .Ipproved Holl call,I,.whllt Wl' £110;' Iwld .lui\' .'r for Jkl"JII1t11 II (Jpk,' : Ct'nt ~~{'d{h l uh,,{'d at dinner, hhohcd two IJll'1ll fll;" al L:1l101l 1'11,,,11.\1"1"1.111 I hIH't"IJ ! BiLles and hymnals, given for 111"1"1> ;thhent Idt'lL!> for lait IlOO\I..., lit'ldl'II, \qlh lil'\ K!'lth (')I,k uf i three years perfect attendance, ,mil lll'm()nstJ"at!Un~ \\('1'1' dl~CllhM'd il,I,lllng \11 ()pf"1 (1)('(1 In d Fri'

V lola Thomu, Grend blInd, re-

111]"11(',1 hOIlH' ThllrSd~,J,{ld JI).imd~ "

Mr~, T, P. Rober Ii 5pent ~'Air.r

~~())II)~~;~·I~:::~I::u~~~~~, i.n ~~1i!!l.°I~:;~~ I 1'1"1'1 .~pl'l1l twO weeks·in the '1'.1'."" I" \\'''''!,{'IHI

werrl tL< Lind.l Lcsh. Rogt:r Haltl· .Iuly 12 \\'l' tlH't ilt 101ll' t'llrgr()ulI(h 111(1111 hl)~PIIIiI 1,'1"Id;l~ JllIl).11 \\;1

mer, Rodney HeftI and Mary Kay t() ·paint. Ann licllt'l" d{,J1I()JI"f1"a~l'(1 III lklderl ('('IIWII'1"\ j.

olnd" Douglils Stilnloy, The pro- handy quiek rnl:o..t'.~ lA'I"" ,"1'\\ Jll'rman P ()rft'~' \~t'l'> ],0111 IJ1'1

i 9 r liln is inte-nde.d to boo!.t Sun- o.:lrlS showed nwtt'!"lals and "'h,ll 2;1, .1f!7f! 11\ CI'r"';I!I' ,lit- I .HlI!' Iq day church c,8!ises. they had dune :'-il'x{' mel'llllg ,,> IJ ( I I :-,1 I jJ 'II d I Huth Ann B':l1vi" W'I." l'iI-{'(l'{i tiL'I" July .l!) at .the Lll\vrl'nLi.' ilall!>l'n t~:: lIall;I:;:g\!')fla'lt;'~'iJ'tl,: t;I~'.' t· ::f

I gal{~ to thl' :'\ebra)-'k" Luther.!n IwnH.'. Kathy Dunklau, reporter 21 11(' IHI"r !n1)\l'd III i ~l','I~u,e ('O/l\'l'n!JOIl 111 l'"n'l\lonl, wlH'I"\' he \\{J)o. In hiI"Iii'''" .1'-, I

,1·8 ~hl'], ]1/"("II\l'111 uJ :-.\. I Blue Ribbon Winners Meet dr;nrn<lll for GO 11'ljJ'~ III FI·hlll

Just ten us your needs AND YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY!

ltolJ{'rt~ IHIlfl(' Guosh SundBY Clyonlng of! Mr!l,

Au;;t1!1la lIall.~l'n were Mr, ~nd l\1i'l\, Hf'lIr~ M()cll'lllg ilnd .Jeff, jAIlJu qUl'rfjlw, N M., Mr, and Mrfi, H, I! lIanst'n and Mrll, Annll Mliu.

Mr. and Mr., E, L. . vi,it. {'II ~unllllY in the hflllH', Omaha IllrTlt'd,wlth th<! "\lr~ r'lol'Hhcy b M1', 1,1t' ~ I

Don't spend your voca­

tion days sitting around

the house wishing for

money. Go-Go-Ga with

on cosy Vacation Loan

hom Sioux land C.edit.

It's easier thon you


I \\"(~I,~~t'h""'ak'I,)g"~"'C"'III' I',','n ,'",,1 \1'") Blue Hlbbon .WIIlI,Wn. ,l·H cluh\ur;.-: J!lm hl" . " ,. '-', 1'11'1 .June 7 <It thl' 1·


red Leldrn<lll, -=-=---.:..-----:..:..--....:...;,;;:::;:;:=i;;;:::~:;::=i : S\\anstrom, Slt,\l' Krat'lTwr, .\lcrl, home. /\l diSCUSSion wa~ led b) I-

I HJ.smu.'i~en, ~LI~iln ,'.,I)lrlh, Sl'lh Donald LI'idman on wbole!->all' and I

SWan!>trom. D,i\']d TII'I~eJl, i";,JI'(!n f['l"lI Cliis of beef Nt'xt l'nl'('tlng i NedergaarrJ. lIoUgiil.~ Stan It'.\" and \LIS .Jul\ 12..Jt the Cno'i WJlIL,nm; Fr£!d Ndhc,'rrla have <Jt\f'utkd .I u n I h,OlOC. r.lHrci Shufelt, 111.''','[', r~!~.~rt,

, tamps ,II Niobrara ~tall' ,'r. _.-.-" , C:m1w Cedars: HC)I'(fvillt:'. ~

, :U'(' planlling to :ltt('JHI i Gingham Gals Meet '

c:a;:~~l~~ ~~.g~)~I\~I's LUi hel' Il'agul' I AI~:~::h;~~u~tl~o~~~l ;11~~y al;ll::lCl~~ll: i SIOUXLAND CREDIT CORP.

INSULATING HOUSES bock in th~ 1800's called for use of newspapers, 1110 Winterstein house 6 1/2 miles southwest of Wayne is being razed and among the pa'pors exposed by workers is \Ot1

1890 copy of the Audubon Republicon, Audubon, la., shown,hdrc, The Omaho Republican, in not such good shape, was also used. Mu~t hove been more Republicans then,

held ils ninth alll1lltJ! .~ummel" oul- I hers am,w('rin!-( roll. Members de

109 West 7th Wayne Phone 375·1220


Sc United States Postage




! Henry Witte Rites : Held in Randolph Tuesday Afternoon

Funf'J"ai b{'l"\'ICf'S for HC'lIry Lud Witte. 82, \Va;. Ill', wC'rl' h('ld

13 al S! ,JOhll'S Lulherdn churcil. Handolph !\otr Witte dlt'll .lui:. :1 al \Va) 11(' h()~pltal.

I Hl'\' \\' J Ho_,,!>baeh offll'lated aI, Ill(' ntl's :\ 1lI1x('d quark!. ;1(' I l'(lrnpan!ed by i\tr!> Vernon Illl· k.IJllP, sang "I lIa\l' a Vn!'IHf," dnl! "Hock of l\gl':-''' I'allbl'arl'r~, \\'t're Elmt'r Sohre!1, Lucl\ng Broer,' Ihn~ Broer, Hl'IlI)" l·I;:lU~~('n. \\",11 Ib .-\'ndersoo and Elmer Rude hlJ.~('h Bunal was III Belden ceme· l(')"~

Hmry LudwlJ! \\'Iltt'. son of and !Iolr" Dlednch \\ ilte, wa~ \)0;11

,),lnlwry 26, l88J.m t;prman\ lie eanH' 10 til(' Lnitl'd SIllIes 1;1 19(111

:.rnd settled in \\'ashlllgton ('011111)" He III a r r I (' d Botger

.June 26." 1913, and thf'v In' prj In

Thurston count\' untli i918 \'ilCll they moved to· a farm near· rolph. Mr. '''Hte moved to \\ .JynL' In ]953 "

He was preceded in death 0:' );]5 \\ Ifc III 1952, his patents, a Sisler and 5(,\'('l"al brothers.

Survivors mclude lhree datl~h·1 ters. E\'clyn and Betth"a W!tte California, and )'lrs Alice Higham. Kansas City. !'.io: two sons. E'r·

~~:~ .. a~ur:~l~~n;b:r~n~~ie~,: :ndbr~8 ~ grandchildren .

• Three Draw Fines ,n Court for 'Speeding

Thre(' speeding cases~ two of! tfJ('m im'oh-ing: motorcycle riders, were heard by County judge Oa\"id Hamer the past week. He pointed out that cyclisL<; are subject" to the same speed limits other motorized

'"ehides are. Jury 8 Jim Summerfe'd and

Robert Woehler, both of Wayne, appeared on speeding charges. They wEV"e riding motorcyc:1es and were fined $10 plus $5 costs"

: Officer- Keith Reed b r 0 ugh t I charges.

Roger Scott. Omaha, was stop" I ped on a charge of speeding .'it

i night L~' NSP C. L, Howell. Sc~u



\ \ \


When Ironwear

support stockings

run, it's usually for the' bus

(if 1hey pop a run,you get a new paitfree) Thc,~o arc the fashionably sheer seaml~~ suprort st'x~ings of nylon-spandex. that Dt'O UD \'our legs. speed up your step­;nd n~y'er giYe a clue that the~re sup­rOl"ting you. And they're insured not to run (except when you do!) If the un-_ thinkable hap~ns. just wash them and bring them back fo["" a new pair - free. How's that for a guarantee? $4.99 pair

i paid S10 and SS fine at a July 12 _. __ .--------.....1--...:.----------------------1 he.aring in the local court. )

" "1 r\



iThurs. i~ight


paisley in cotton for ires appearance, wherever lOU go~ IdEiaI . for travel, wash ilIId wear;in awbik. tt!!!' . sl;irt,' set in sJeeVeiii ... , .•. seH spagh~tti W~ ,~ . Huge baek Zitmel', ,. I" i: ' 1()'20 " ""7" '1,1'\'

$6.99 " r ":i :' ,

Silver Dollar Night" Draw1Dg in oor Store Tho~Tr

at 8:00 for $400,' '


.. ,

2 Herold,. Jour.s "*' July 1$,: 19G,

_ ,.,,_IA+-l+-C--.;,.O~M--+_'E_N...:.-.T_ '1'1"1 fJiloria/ drpartinirr.)~ of a we(NI~ ~'¢'w,. I' You m.ay rJoIIQPfte with G1n editorial - brd

(1(1/11" ;$ ~m imjJnrlmlt df~P9'ent. Normally it ;1 ';f ~QU rtad ~/lfI editori/ll and give ,urioul thought Iml' f'{,f'$rm'.r oPillion 0/ loAM' that concern lmost 10 ll,( stlbjat di cUlled )IOU hqtJt1. !lointd. YI'.lUjo ')/ IIIl' rkddtrr. ! as a rtad", have if),tTJ cartt{ultllought 10 an im-

It r} till' duly 0/ an c'a,;t,or;al writer to l~aTlh porlont ~robltm a~d the wr;tt,. il proud hJ how aJl (jf)t1i~(JUe /(Jels b~/()re Ire. sits down to 'wriu. tailed yout' allt'nli "n)o on im/lorlanJ .ubittt 'th~ From (!tif basis life tQr;tcr ,hould be able 10 give you mdy haw otiC' ·/ooieJ. a fi('m IPicture of important top;"". r

Boys \/Viii 1 e Giris ""unty' Hout. Jl~ would have IOHt morc ~ I ~Ieep had he ~nown we're in favor of No OI1f~ hn.~ mt!'"" film OJ' mnkm~ more It.

0101\('.\' thall the """1'1,. HHHol'iuteri with The editor 'if The Wayne Hemld in th(~ fu/tlhioll jlldu~\try. Thoroughly Irnin- favor'! Sure, with a few hrninor" trtipu-jll~{ women to follow the HlightCHt i Jiotic latinnK. I •

t1'l'lld :in [aHilion, Ih"y nuw havel HUC- Alon~wlth the move, we'd ilike Iowa ('e~:ud'ully takt'll (IVer jn the nlan~HI fit!ld N'ebraA a and South Dakotn to be, com: and I" boy may not IIlwaYH "ppelll' to be bille~ i to one state with the state c.ap!-II bo'.\'. 1 tal in ayne. Nat~rallY all the Qther

Women hav(' haJ their hllil' I' Hent Htatc offices would come hel'e'- we'd l.hnnl~'lh rutting, teaHing, dyeing, pi Hter- want Wayne to be as greedy at being jll), and wig-gillg'. proceH .. ~es. Hhort hair tr,i-Htat¢ capita~ as Linc61p is in this state. ""., l(i"<'11 II little boy I"ok to thox( who }'1rthermor~, we'd want the Vnited ,ho"I(\ look like women. Stat H, Mexicol and Canada to be joined

'1'" ('oul1tel'llct it. the t"end 1'01' bOYH in 0 Ie nation. Shole" would be the tri-i~ to;vHl'd femininity. Not ~aU!-lfied with nuti6n capifal city with a federalized t/'I)~tl~!ht pantH, highl!'" hc:>'(dH all(t hlLir aren

r '

I bat O/tl'lJ i.~ longel' than many wo en'fI, .t Fi ally, we'd want China, Russia and If!!, dl',,;ij'llf'I'H IJOW h,l\i' xlarlpd Oil fl'ilIH I'ndi~ to lJecom{! one nation, .Jordan, 1 hal' lin' !'\'i'Jj le,"'H flIHHCulilit', Eg'Yr~t and IHraei to form another nu~

)JIII'(11)1\ 'iilgall('11 n'THlI'C" on;, ~r the tion and SwitzE!rland, Albania and Port-Iii w Ilil "ill)~tTH ill EIl~fJal}d j" It lin)! who ug-alll0 form u third, ' \',!'.lI'." hi,: hair ill 1I POIl,V t.ail and ha" il l)oeHn't make much Senlie doeR it? tl' d \\ it h :1 rlhhon, JI" \Vt'Ht':-> I ht, rtld't'led Neilher doeH the tri-county plan. So ilill 'f/lIH' olhl)1' I~tl~.di.'dl Jllll."i," tnllit'dt'r- don't Hturt clearing a lol ,for a eourt-

1'1 11';1\'1' adopt('d, how~le yet, Laurel. And aH for OUr Hleep-,JIL',\ \"111'1'1' I'; it 10 xU:)p'! Appat'cntly h~H!-l friend -, try Pepto Bh~mol; it'H

III!' ('lid i~ II!)! ill "ij.dlt, f!)r mag:,azinPK re- good for UpHet HtomachR and probably' [d'i \ IllII' d('~k!ll'!' ("llnltl~f LIP Witt thl' will eliminate ~uch nightmare~, --CEG "lllll;' J'irl look" fIJI' women, ll{'('(' l IJig 'UII ,a 11<11 lJtI.'\t, l-dt>tl(l(~l' \vHi.", and ·1 ",ivld 1\,1" wil II 11(, [Iif',,,irw (. In'"s:, Everybody Boo

Thililk gc)(J(llI(',,,~ f('\\' \Vil\ tH' ,'lllltllty

)))1'1.1, W11nil'n, IIn.v," IIr viJ'l~ ruill/w Hl!'.",'~1 )·;I\lllj.~ -;1\'11' l'flangt's HO thl' ""tyll"~" de~ '''I'IH,d 10 ~t'li ,,(jnl('tldIW Il('W pad1 v('ur \\ 111 IHd 1)(, ILK notic(,HI)jI' h('I'!' a'-' in ~()rnel 1l11'lro'polltan a I'{'l!." ,

,\lilli()J1s \\ill hI' "IIH'l1t h\' m£'1'\ and l

\\ {lil,II'11 1111 l'lo~ hillJ,!, It~il' stylil1g- and co~­Illt'IIC'4 III IJl~ 111 stvll' at the Tllomq'rlt, Ttl

I IlldliVl':-I 1111\ thaI OllCq Ihlr limit itt :.IaleRI ;~jll){,i!1 ha~ l)(,~:11 J'cHdn'd :-;1)11lt'thiJ g dif-I II !,('!It',''(]!lH'~hlJl~~ !H'Wf't' and :-1om~thillv:1 [)I(J\'(' dl'-'J11IKtlttg \\111 hI' IlI'ought Ot~. ,

\'." OJW ,':'<111'1',1.<.; 1h~' AnH'ric(,I1l 110:v tol 1(1',1\ Ill\(' I orr~ Sawyer 0)' th(' .Ajm rif'nnl ~II'! 10 In()k blu' ~ltirl(',\' Tt'rnpl" 'hut it \\ IIlld IH'IJI.i! a Ilapp,\' J)wdiunI ('oldd IH'1

III'd ,t Itt' hoy.", should 11101" lil"le iJ(JY"H1 1 hI' ~(lrl:-i :1hould look lilu' "dr~s,

,I', ft'lt' thi", lilll('~I-.drl-Htyl~' w th no l

,,11;1')(', it' :1;Ht':-l IlH' WHY til{' wonw want, III I lid.;, 11:-i l](iI thl> war thl' m ·'h arel }"Iing to lob\( ~ th(),v'll'hp look 1t fo~ I hi: (J\d~fflRhi()ned feminine look, ot fO~ ;1 1011<,'1' po,..;t wtdkinll on hroomR cks.


La6rel, Tri-Courtty Seat

A g-roup of WaynE' boys at a gamp in anothpr town recentlv wl're heflrd to

'remark'that they kne'w what taunting, jet'ring and jibing ~oundt'd' like, In a grand~tand where ~ound carried, they heard the "mart-aleck remarkH of a group of boy.!-l concerning \'i~itinj..(' fans and players.

Such treatment j~ irreRpomdhl(' and unnece!-l.sary. But what i~ worse, we fenr 1 here al'e ~till Rome who ViRit our citv and !PHve with a dark brown taste frOln thp thollghtlt'H~ remllrkH tht.~Y hC'ur.

As a group, Waynp fanH are much iJl'tt('r RportH thun thpy huvf> lwpn givP-T1 (T('{lit for, Th(' trouble i~, for the hUIl­

dreds who love gportH and Kport~manKhip there nre always a few (mainly smaH bOYH) who go to the game to annoy the visiting team or ram!.

A good time to gpt oVr>l' thi~ type of activity is for everyone to boo - right now. Get it out of your system. Then when you go to the game. you'll have nothing but good will for people who could be your friends or boys who could be friendH of your boys. but they hap­pen to live in another tOWIl.

A )(1('<11 mall hns 1()"t slerp lipcaw~j 1f there is a place \vhere tauntR and h, IJ('ard :t 1ll00'prrwll(W[lS afoot t ) cn'm poor t4port.'.;mansh.ip an' needed, it haR 11111(' \\'<1,\'11(', ('vdar 111\11 Dixon l' )untie, not been pointed out. Surelv ihi~ can't illll) (lilt' l)ig ('(lUlIty wilh I.:tllrnl l\~ thq he the place! . - CRG

'-~r~-------- -_._-_.-Capital News . . .) 1 ilies seh,eted b; counly w'llfnr"

( II'IInfrftv6 r«i>iltlI ·S l F dc~n~ii~~~I\s. Home Supl 'Hobert 1Y' V.u .)6\11 I ue ace :;:~~lIpl~n:~d I:hi~ou:~g~~~~ hJ;;~

S I B f hopes the program can be C'x·

11\ "nr III Are A • t panded to 30 or more next yedr, \l9 V., ~ ,V ,10 rnmen The Whi'eha\l Home furmslle,

transportation to and from the I IN( OL7'J Nl'br.asl(l Lf'gis- Senn~ors have served notice of ranches, medical ,! .. re and cloth-

rt'irt''>hcll by a IDinC'-day Plan] to att*k the $700,006 ccn ing. Looal 'felfarc- a~encieJ; sup \ hl't'.lk, have H'turn('d to tenni I celebration allocation and ply any· supern',10n that might LI( (' ~('\'('I,-il controversial issues the Safety Ipatrol trooper in. be needed. ;,I\(I Ill(' ltonw·str{'tch to lldjOllnl- crea e. Rudell emphasizeil that no com· Illl ~lt But proba:bly the legislaticl' pensation is gIVen the .~nch [<tm·

Ill(' ,HJ nlC'mht'l' body is cerLain thnt ~il1 cau~e the most sUrring ilies. He Sr1d tht,y voluntroered I" ,<'I .1 111'\\ t'ndl~r;~nc(' i'et'ord, .~howl will bel Sen, 'l'erry Carpen" their servic s. hlollt for nlllllbt'l' of !cf;:!t;latlve t('r's bills to ('xrJnn~ nnd ti,:hfl':1 "lid {',If('JlII,I[" d,lY<; In Sl'sSIOn, Neblt1ska's J'ontrovernni mtan" Milford School Operates

1 '!'t'o.,\'nlly, 1:::-1 leglsJuliv(' cltlYS p;ihlf', property tax laws The Milf<td Trarie School has 11.1\(' IW{l] \\r;lppt'd up Tlll'rec· Cnj'pcnlt'l' contends that pl"('<.;, begun year-irOund operatIon With I'ld I~ I .. ...! \ IIt'W ('akndal' tiny ent ftaiutcs are 100<;1' and incl. 240 freshmen students enrolled ;,1, III!,IIII \1111 Ill' l'stabllstwd July ft.cti~e. T-le~lsnys liP to 75 pCI' for the summer quarter.

I SIlt':IIJh l\('nllcth L. HOWell, ~;~n~~~k j~~~ ~~bl~o~~'O~~:t~r~~~Ch 12:!~nt~g}~ll~~~~~ar~~;.r~;~~al~~~ lkd ( i!Jud, \ILJlIJ olle tlnH' pr('dict- A't these issues and others last May. ('II ,!II I',ldy ,/ulr tHI.lnlli'lll1wnl, COlll to a h -ad in the 75th Je;;, School ofiicials said enrollm(>nt 11"\'. hl'll1'\I'''' Ow h>gi,>latlln~ ~ion. the pre·sure will get he,tvy.· for the summer quarter is near~ (';111 t jlu,,<;lhl.\ button down and No dill' in tl LegislaturtJ enjoys Iv filled with limited v<lc:mcies CI /,ll\l;,I~(' Ulltll /\'lIgust 1, prnhab It, t~\Jt it ha pens ev{'ry lime rcm.1ining in auto body, electn-

"WI' .I11"t haven't been tnovin).! Tox! Offic~als Called ~~~~~~ectrolilics and welding te~h-H~ r:1:--t as I thought \H:' would. FQ1~ the second consecutive I \\oIS J,tlst hemg opl1mistk. that's yea1i, the State Board of Equah. Agresearch Report HRe all," hl' .saltl. :l.ntiqn has summoned tnxing au· Nebraska has received its sec

'! hen' h3s been talk of night lh0l1ties of ~ll 93 Nebraska coun· d bat f co 1 I 0111.1 t'\'('n Saturday sessIOns to ties i to expl~in their rural and ~i~g b~~~~J:d:n:~~ng o;he ~n;:r: 'htlll'Y till' legislative process, CllY! land v'Uudtions, state High~ay, Hilt tr,Hlitionaily, the lawnwkers Tl~e action was taken prior to George Jj Welty, chief Usc-al haH' blalked at evening meet1ng~ sett~ng the stale properly t.1:I:: officer for the State Roads De-and \\¢ckcnd gathermgs'are rarc levy!, which must be certified to partment, ~aid $11,117 was remlt~ mdeedl' thc~COUnties by Aug. 2. ted the sta~ from the U. S Bur·

"\\'p cbuld still be here on La- T e main, reason for calling e.::u of Pu lic Roads. bor DIlY," moaned Sen. Sam Kia· In 1e a'!;sessors is to attempt to Last Ma ch, a $50,000 check Il'\' of Omaha, ll-term-kglslator fatr

ty equalize assessments be" i was turne o\'er to Governor

and dol'lm of the body, h\'l' '11 counties This is the I Morrison nd State Engineer Ih~atlJportlOnment, trade schools, hoa d's big job.' -.... , JohlllHoss ck.

:-'ll{lpht'mental budgets and intan· ~nce County in east-central ' Ultimate" tile state expects glble Il1ro£crty tax laws,\, are tht.' Nc*.aska presents a unique pro- to receive~1.2 million in ddver· maJor l umesalved pra~~cms, bl(!1 \ this year. It underwent a Using can 01 payments from the

j)eqale over the issues c...'Ould sei tific reappraisal of aU real f.'edo al G verDIllent. <

drag 1011 for several d<~'S. ('st te and the result was a 43 St'n~ JCI'ollle Warner f Wnver- per~~nt hike in valuations. Report leased

ly, cHairman of the Go' ernmcnt T us the State Board must State Agfieu:iture D ire e tor (.\nnmittce, has moved to settle cit r lower Nance County vaIu- Pearle F. -[Finigan has released the l'eapportionment crlisis .. H~ ati s or raise all_other counties results of I a three--month study wllnts the U. S. District'ICourt or- to ear 01' equ~l it. of tile NleaSka agriculture re-del' voiding the latest :rcdi$tric- arings, on the county valua. search pro am and said it C9n-tl:l(l,\gl\,~.ct appcnl~d to the Supreme . will co~tinu: through July firms the tate is moving in the

~ right ditec' on. ' Five bills calling {PI' trane I ~ The '$S-,: S\lrVery W<lS con-

sC'hoc\ls in :111 reaehcs of',the state Sta ts Own Program ductcd by a special tbree~roem~ an' jCrChed on gt'nera~ file, the • ber panel eade-d by Jesse Hob-iI' '\ 13 aud major deb4tq p6hlt. coraska had launched its son, vi~-Itr:mdent of Southern The ate of Olle could' weU d(>rCl"- ow anti-poverty program and it Methodist f-lniversity. ' IILlIl' I that of t~G cthevs, do ~n't involve a ~ent of state The pro~m ~s aimed ~t find-

Tit $199 million "lollow.up" or edcral aid. ing new industrial uSes for Ne. ~lld!!V1 carrying funds :101' morc Qungsler~l {fum the l)ebras1<a bras~a faQR p,od\\cl$, tbeNby \11'""150 stat.', a!:el\c~ •• lwill IU'O- Eo ~ ... {or <.:hU<lr<:n SPend tl\. ~e~~.cin& el'op su~p\uses. It was \' 0 k e • consicterable jSCUSSi?n. iUljlm?r with western .raneh fain· slarted in 1961. About $1.5 mil-

, "



\,LJIl Hi "l.Jle .Iud Hi.I('I'.11 JUW1"

ha\'e hN~q spent.'

Tuitionl Rates Up The UnivcrsiiY of Nebraska

Board of Rc-w~nts has Increa~ed tuition rates and fees for most ~Iudcnt!; atxJut 25 PCI' cent, c(;. fectivc this Septemher. :oJi:»Jl-n~sidc~nt rates WI',fn hOOB\'cd nbout :50 per cent. ~ Th~ ~ctjon foUowf>d clo!cJy the

recommendations of the lA!'glsla· turr, w~ich built ttlp tuition hUw5 in10 thl! ~{'hool"s rr'c()rd hudJ.!l't.

Pifot ~ounties Selected Four Nt,hraf>J\:n ('ounties h~~v(>

tlM'n 'H.t!t·ch·d ns pl10t projt't'ls fIor chnngir g Ihp .-:Iate 4·11 rcc· drd·keeplr r, proc('dure from h<.lnd trlbUlatft'n,: to :In electroni-c data process ng sy<;tem,

They are Lincoln, Pawnee, Red' ,Willow I and Doughu; ,

Cd. Agent's Column by

H.rold ,,,,,.110 1

NU Tractor Day Program The trend toward ('()vI'ring

!more acre,'I in a short pl'rind ht time hy agricultural land mn­chines l.. now bf!Jn~ ('opted hy ~gricultural .spray plnnes

This ~iIl be d('monstr~ted at the 14th annua I Tractor Power

~. . and Safety nay

, to be held at t', I. th(' Unlv('rsity .,. I.,;' of N{'b r ask [I

...., L agbcul I u r a I . . J lip'd lahoratow h {' r f." July 29,

" i P{'rson~ attend· __ .... _ _" j ing th(' fwld

day Will b{' able to sC'e the spr<.ly planes - one fixed· wing craft and one nelicopter - In acuon, according to H D S-chnJedC'r, ~U Extension safety specialist. , ThC' aircraft arC' capablC' o( ('ov· rnng much more acreage tban comparahle land sprayers. and' the safety f<lctor connee1.ed with nppti('atlOn is also improved, $t'hnieri{'r pointed out "In fact, some of Ihc pol('nt organic phos· phate pestIcides should be ap· pltC'd only by licensed, bonded, (oommt'l'clul 'H'ri.d applicators," ht'~ald, .... 1 AIrcraft haw uthn agrJcullur­,al uses such us fin'fightllll-! and ;nb WllH'lp'i' for applying (('rllliz· '('rs Some eattlcm('n lI~(' heli­~'op!ers [or hcnJmg tuttle. while SOme vC'terin:.trians usc them for transportatIOn to farms and r<Jnches, , "All thmgs considered the air· craft is becoming an important tool in American agriculture," 'Sehnieder concluded. pirty Oil Can Wreck Engine

Harvestmg and land pre para­ttion are critical times for your harv.,esting machine and tractors engines, according to D. E. Lane, University of Nebraska Exten­sion agricultural engmeer

Not only rioe!'> lb(' ait' 'cleaner need speCial attention, he satd, other filters ne{'d watching too,

Heavy englll(' loads nnd dusty conditions can result 1Il carbon in the crankcase which must be kept from sensitive movmg parts,

The oil filter directly deter· mines how long your £"ngines Will

last and how many, or few, over­hauls they will need. Lane saId, Hi~ advice is:

-Change 011 I' e g u I a r lyon schedule even though you change 'the filter when needed, An oil ;filter takes out only soltd mater· lals, not liquid contaminants t;uch as unburned fll{'l, condens('d moistme and proqucts of OIl de~ tprtoratlon,

Sludge fPrmed from these rna· terials cnn plug an OJI line or pump scrcen and result in 3

~urned out bearing. -The purpose of the (ilter is

to maintain the quality of the ()il between changes Small SCl­

lid particles missC'd by a dirty filter can lodge In and around ht'arings and preve~nt prop('r lub­l'1('::l{lon. Change the ml filter :is often as r('commended

-OOI1't guess at wheth~r or I

not it is safe to delay changing oil or oil filter. Follow the man­facturer's recommendations En· gineers have worked out ·these recommendations,

-Remember that equipment manufacturers want you to get t.he best possible service from their engines. That is wh~ '.hey ma,ke the r~ornmendati .... dS,


There are indications that or· ganizations and people - rather than governments -' Can be more , effective in intern3tional rela­tIons.

Last February, a group known as the Inter-American Regional Organization of Wor~ers called for a shipping boycott against vessels serving Cuba.

This organization' distributed posters ·throughout Latin Ameri­ca. Mast af them proclaim:

"Boycott the ships of countries trading with Communist Cuba."

As a result, British and Ger­Ul~n ships were kept out of Venezuela in May. 'Japanese, Dutch, Italian and Irish carriers

~hU~ b~~ k:rv~:uts!~~lU=: ment _to ships from Britain, france, Japan,' Italy and TIle Netherlands.

Whether the results o{ .w. campalgn will reach all-o\lt pro-

~ ",' "

l.. ,I

l.tH htJU!> H'lh..\tn ... lu ,hi: ... t:C!J, j

wnrkl~rfi.' orgnnlzntlo'n .. 150 op-er· Ilt(:,o; in ~1r.xico but HI(' :o.fcxican :::o\'('rnmcnt contirwps to ,~l'rvc Cuba,

- CTC -

With sn, much re~ljnr ... h goint! Ull taclay. one ~,\\'1)nd('r,':i • why MI

Jlttlt' h'll> bC{'11 contributed to the nutritional contributi-on or wheat.

While wheat and wheat f90ds art: alreue,1y imlil.u·Utnt items of diet, {ar Ics!5 11. known about whent Rnd Us value as a food than is mt-tited by itl'! pro3f'nt usc. '

We are Jiving in 3 'world of e-x­ploding population There is a potential need tor large wheal crops. But the research inln Its v'aJuc as a food remains ,'ery small In(iecd, '

Wf1Y Back When-

10 Years Ago'

iT "',,[",""1 h

. Jul,Y 14, 1955: Vernon Schnoor waS! cl"'clcti commander of W~ync';'iI I..e"lan po:s\. at a meeting in tije Vt!t's club Wednesd~)' maht' . , , Way~e's new sw~rning pool ha, been the n~ost popular plaee i town slnce 'it. openin, July 3 . , ' Fire of known oriiin «estro),vd a sh~p bam and a s 11er barn bQld·na baled hay at the C. II.- Morr J IlOm.- fo.r ml~. norlll. west of Carroll about 5:3{) p,m, Saturday • , , Need for eflccli"ve loning restrictions in Wayne was voiced at Tues<loy night's 'fity counCil :.,~"tlng by Third Won:! Councilman, W. A. Ko •.

~kl,', ",: -..,\;ro., .b •• , \lIt1m .aW'"dcd IV .1.1. \/UfilUn f\ Iltilih iton , WAynl<, pllQl Ui lb. Illl\la.cltina I!lvlaloii Ofj jthl' ,\Ir TU11>Il()rt Command. no' Aw.,d 'wito 1m.,,,, 'upon cOi!llplrUon 01 o\lO<llIonol nlll~~ III Itr<ln,porl .Ircrall OYl1t tho dOllao'llIIl and dim;' CIIIt Tndl •. Cb~ .,'r rout~.!, 1 .' P-' r.

, *' * . " ::-2S Yea ... ~lIa .. .

July 18. I~QI W. A,lIuntcr, 89, P!OIl.O~ 1'i\\oaO . me ".closeIY .ntwlnod with Wnyne ci!\tnty I' 111 ••. lory. p ... od--.,..y al hi. 1I0mo Jul), 14. IMr," lIunter ."d· hl~1 wit. 'bavo' lor OOIl\O U~" .. the only one • • omolnlna .h.r~,..l'lh • • ow '. om;­InB to thl. reelon In uno ... ~" ,If,' ., ",'Il, h.,. bo"liM th. Dr. W, :A,. dellt.! pr.ctie' . . . nema'rd Spllttaerb<t!; . Walion, W.l~.r ·F<n.ko 'lntl t111C.,K~, ."~ ;:; were .I..,ted 10 .orv .• u h. 10 r '.\IOf~laj! .' ot the Wayne coUnty .011 co' "'rval OIl r:''';··.J . SaMy .Ed •• ~tipn conrer. eo -+111 h. : I W~'TC. On Ih •. ~roar.m will b. II, 1 .... \ .

,. A small '~t over yeln ' genuine ICilUwr i!1< on d15 In), At .

I Just as an" eX~lmple. wheat has

been ('hiLOy regarded as II mn· jority dietary sourc'e of thiamine and niacin. Some scientists feel that more research js rcqui.rcd to evaluate the contributions of other "W' vitamins which var· 10U~ typ~s of wheat products can make t'~ward meeting human necd,'i,

* *

('on!'iultpnt in lI~rC!ty edUC~lon. at '

horn." shop . . , Mn. I. won II "" northellst Ncbfuka wO'm n'li lolf' . :1 ,~ fur the Ihlrd time In ho g"'lIr~ .or •• r.:, .

- CTC -

With Blpl"oposal 'il0~ before the Stmutc ca.Jltog {or tent subsidies. the question car be asked: Wherl~ do we go frorn here?

Some have 5uJ(gested tllat IS

would be foolish {or a property owner to re~lde In hIS own home If subsidieS are to be paid for renting.

Why not rent your home and then Hnp another residence to

~~)~~l:o ~et::r\t/~~a~a~here~~!~~ subsidises?"

If subsIdies are to. be paid for rept, why not hav€,' Federal aid ffir transpartation, vaca t ion p, new cars or anything els~?

Why, it e.!1n be asked, should , one stop at rcnhng a house?

- eTC-

15 '11'.01'1 AID-Julv 13, 19M' Wnyn~- pollt~ will be riding In

style within a month, I'The city rouncil Tuesday night approved 8 bid t~r a 1950 police car . Willard Wollenhaupt and W, C, Coryell til"d {or first in the blind bog~ tournament held at the Wa9nc Country club uly 4. Both men had a score of 72 . ' _ Henry ictQr has asked The Herald to cauUo~ young bi~yc1e rlder:i not to follow the fogger on Its rounds of Wa,vne streets. . Dr. H E, Gormley, it pr~ctit'lng dentist of WInside will 9pen a new office today at 20·h'.l Main street, the forlber la('atJon of Dr. O. H Waitrr ...

* * 20 Yea ... Ago July 12, 1945: Re~ fation points dOl1't bothcr

Rev. and Mrs, A. E, Fowler, Norfolk, formerly' of Winside. They raise goats to provide mc:h. milk and butter , , , The Distinguished Flying

11.. SlIlothe!\o took the cll mploi18blp eon.oI,.Uon HUl' , " I

* * 30 Yea ... Ago. I ' -, ' July 11, 1935: NebraJlkl,' daUl normal ~td at

a Jneetina in Um:oln, M nday, iPpoJnttld':," T1 . ""I AI~lcrson, dt'nn of men at Kearney tn'Mr.; '1"" ,I

coltlUt,. to !>uc:cl"t'd Dr. U, S. Conn whose' eIJ!'.· , , na iO~l itS head of the 5el1001 become. ot(tl~t1"au, l'

SCIII. I . , . Northeast N ob'n.kA l~dlllng' ;Rlte),,1 Cor 4·11 In.fDlbers will be leld at the ·t.lrlCrt~!l ut IWayne 17. E~ Lmate of c1(y, 'lox:P~!2' for the n""al year May t. 19:15 to M.~)I'I' If!:la was made by cit)' fathen lIt regular councU,weei. lng.. The ordInance provldclII for toJ-nl ex'Ptlnd!turclI of Sl62.400, the same as t~e year ~Juet· ''Clo,li,!d ~, , .. Three do" of hlgh·cl ... II.". rAcln, WI/")I'iout. ISQ fasl horse. seeing actl~n I. promlstd' Q ~~l'Ih' Nlit Ncbrakans who !ill!oam into, Waynfl l ' [for the throe·doy par1.mul~!.~. ~~~~'_'_' ~_

cigarettes cost 25 cents)~ It seems a couple was celebraUpg an an­niv¢raary so in the 'bJg plant wh~rc he worked ash i p pin g

Sulesman; "Do you ouj~ct to live .('ov~rage Qt f100dtr}1t i IJ:i neckIng?" Co19rado., somethIng tholo oftIUlC."

GltL "That's one thing l'v~ cuble coljld not sec ~n;:_N~br85~ .' never done," ' kn stations, What'l m.QJ'!B, ~ aay"

Q!,lOtable quote's: Senator Jacob clcr.k was appointed to gct 11 .lavits of New York:-"Wc have fund started and buy a gift. The

Salesman: "Y'never Dt'cked?" Uti! pictute they 'get II. cl~~ter, ·GlrL "No, never objected," the color seta give leys ,t~duble

and the Arogram sc1ectlon III're· 110en moving in lh~ direction af ,\ clerk collected 25c from 2,000 a massive bog-downi in Asia w~h- ::~lo~e~~ga,~~~~tWl~~ou~~~~: out consent of Congress." and used the coupons to get a

N.E. Extension

by Myrtle

Anderson Notes Check Pressure Canner

It is not too early to be get· tlOg that pressure canner in readiness for summer canning,

The dial type' pressure gauge attached to the lid registers the pressure within, the utep.~il. It IS wise to have this g~uge 'check· ed each season to see jf adjuJt­mcHts in pressure readin~s ar~ needed, Most gauges rean be checked at· your local counly ex­tension ¢Uiccs without i Chili ge, l! an' adjustment in the rending IS much over 5' pounds, are· placement in the press:!:.! gau~r: l~ necessary to insuro sale (,3D-

, nlOg procedures. Another part af the canner

needing attention is the gasket which is made of rubbpr or rub­ber·like compound. If it is slack, dned and cracked, it need, to be replaced. Check with your local hardware or department store carrying your particular make of canner for s~curJllg a gasket. A good fittin"!l' gasket insure~ against pres",'lre loss.

The opening in the Jet-~ock on the ,lId can be cleaned \':Bh a pipe cleaner.

Be sUfe to read the in.Jtruclion boak carefully before US~g your pressure cooker-canner, ~special­ly if you do not use It frequent­ly. cnough to be thoroughly fa­miliar with it. If the directions for your canner have been lost. ",nte the company for a new sct oeingiure to state what model nllmbe' your canner .is.

Puule Over Freezer Size BU)'lIlg <\' freezer but puzzled

(,v('r the size to purchase? A, rule of thumb IS to allow

SIX cubie feet per person. A cub­IC foot will equal approximately 415 bushel of foad, If you wish to convert this figure to ppunds, simply multiply the number of cubtc feet by 30 to get the' usual llu~ber of paunds that a h-eezer wil~ hold. For example.: a 12

~~I~!~~~!r:~ze!o:~~ storl about

Jf. you are using a freezer only to 5upplement oUter storage or in atJditiC'n to a fOud locker, you C311 redo.ce the number of cubie {cet nlIowed per ~erson to three.

By Chas Greenlee

~omema:de ice cream! We'll be there Thursday "night. How abo~t yo~? The Mrs. Jaycees will be serving at the auditorium. <­

$ave a pad~ for us-They al­WllYS contain the best of the ice cleam. For you kids who have never tasted real bomemade ice' cream, this is it. Switching from cOllllI'ercial to homemade ice cream is like switching from a raft to a- yacht. ,(We intend to ('at yachts of ice raIt of it, tbat is).

- SASS,-

A W.. farD)er said we should b~a;ette~ jokes so he told this one, (VOlli can t~l1 how­old . it is because i.u this· joke


silver serving set. The day ot the anniversary party he gavE' Ute couple their silver set, and h1<nded out a package o{ dt;3r· ettc's to t"8ch employee. A vice prc,<;Jdent decIded an emp oyec with so much ingenuity needed a reward and caned the elerk in to tell him flO, 'The clerk refused, saying be had used the trading I

stamps he received aD the cigar­ette purchase to get himself a fishing set!

- SASS-. .. How about a real live practi:dl

jokt!. An acquaintance in medi· cal schoo) was getting married. A: the b£chelP.r party the nign be{l·re the wetldlDg he was stew· eo .:10 his medic buddies lixed hi s ann In a plaster cast C!1n1-

plet. wtth .teel rod holding It out at dght angles to hiq borty, telling him When he sabered up he had broken It. The wedding was carried out as planned and the couple left 'on a honeymoon. It wasn't until they got bil.": 1~3t the bridegloom found out lois arm wasn't t··;en brokPn.

. - SASS --

The Fourth of July we thought we'd have breakfast but restaur­ants down our way were closed, Dorothy spotted US and insisted we have breakfast with a group there, Wasn't even going to charge us either. Naw there's the true Christmas spirit. on the Fourth or July' yet!


Missionary: "In darkest AfTica, natives beat the ground with clubs and let out bloodcurdling yells, SOCiologists caU this strange behavior 'primitiy~ self expressiol)' ...

Listener: "They do the same­thing here in America and call it 'golf'," ..


A few paragraphs back we mentioned a wedding joke. An· other we recall i:h Hastings was when a student was getting mar­ried. The day of the weddmg he laid down for a nap be· fore the ceremony, setting the alarm so be'd be up in ~Ienty 01

time His "buddies" silently came into. his donn room, set the clock rack ar. bour and later reportt:d to. the church on time, There was tbe bride, waiting for the groom. Word was sent to the groom to frod out what was wrong, He did get married, but Dat because anyone got him to. the churd' on time!


,"Mother, rd like a sister:! said lb. girl. "Why don't you bave another baby?"

"Because we can't afIard one,", the mother answered.

Concernedly, the little girl re­plied: "Molber, you don't BUY babies, We'd better have a li~ tJe talk!"


In our editorial about dathes, we couldn't Cmd any logical way 10 slip in mention of one of some women's worst habit - wearing ,rudets with shoes having heels. ~gacis. we'd as soon see them wear bikinis ,(~me women we'd a lot rather)_ It's none of OIU:

busi1>es5. bp:t a woman with """-_ leu and heel .tIoe. IooIIs' """tli .;!s dressy as a: woman in Lib Q,vera!l5. Go ahea.~;, tell us (Omething you don't like· abont Ibe way we dre$S. W~ve. llQl it coming! )

,- ,

- SASS - moi·kable. (We've b~.n ... ~rho<l We hope you'll be mor~ Inter. that som~ TV .totlons In thls_

cstcd thun ever Ul se('w" that Dre~~ may oppose CD:~lelT'l' but we get real news itl'ms in the ~~~~. b~~~':~~~T:" dO:;: ~Ul~~.~~ Herald under our new policy. ' Our correspondents Simply can. conecfned with \ls n; b tt~r !~-nat call each 'ODe o{ you 80 why le-ction ~nd better re cptlQn). uun't you call when you've had Talk It oVer so we can' getttbls vlHtor~ from a distance, gone on going If 3nyonc 111 InteriC8te~. , a trip, had a party or observed I' .' I '--:-t-.~-'. an ,lIlllv""ary. No one can lell' Rhode Island. Recei""s whIch Item~ are caileli for an(i :., which arc called 10 tmyway and b d "" want the quality news nems. County's Am .a~~a .or We don't care If you'r-e rich or. poor, famaus, or unknown, young E. A, parker, cxe~u~lve ~lce or old, we want yot,lr ncw~. Call presldcqt lof the Gr~aYlr P ~vi: us (or your corresp()nde t) and dence Chamber of Commerce, bu give us a chance t¢~ pr vel we sqnt the slale centflinlal (.QIn It.­want the news' thai Is really tee u picture of tihrMrfM wHh Jar· news You rural pe pIc drc m· ry Klziril1~, postmaster 'Or P u,-:I .. eluded too, We want your news! denee's all'<lutomated post·l~ ~e,

- SASS ~ J.{recting Jphn Rethwlsch, .Car 011, A stmgy farmer was talking to Wayne equnty s ambassador to

one of the few men who had Rhode JsI,nd. .... J . worked for hIm for. more than Rethwith took • 'r.~r d ; hree weeks. Smcc he was pay· radio pro ram about the WI M lI.g Ilim u :!ttle morq, than a man county·R ode a1and relltl n'" hi' was taklOg on, hJ decided to Ihlp blck to Pr vld.,c •• He .1 .. try to conceal this fram the new. so visited po.t offICH 'In! It man, .tat. and .de ltd I wetco •.

"What I pay you IS your per- to visit INebraskl' Ind W. • sonal ~usiness alane and you county. ShcH.:Jein't talk about It to anyone paJmer~ent the picture t9 n else." Shriner. e sliid another plc ure

"Don't worry _ I'm just as was bein kept to put' in the ashamed of It as you are," monthly ubJi~ation put out by

_ SASS _ the Greate'r Providence C. of C. '

Joe: "Where's thatl mule I told you to take out and have shod?"

Shmoe, "Shod? I 'thought you said shol! I just buded her."

- SASS + A guy in Gering sends" word

~h~ts n~~ ~ b~~esot~e~I~~c1!: events too, He said the Denver stations coming in an cable had


• R. t; . B'"nl,ters returnees fait

Satur y after a month's vIsit ,ith Dr. a d Mrs, Banister, San ,Di go, Calil.1

Lt. IndJ

Mr.. D. C. Trout In, anq pront. Monterey) cur., la.1,Monday al M: W;' at· VifJlt·, sevpral w~e~B, ,with

I Ii


" I


! il 't I.



i I



) " , 11· "I , U(uJl.H'rI 'I Itf \Ir ,1111 \4,.., (hlr I t pHmenHng pre J)r8v1d Cullion wi ~ ~,. ~ 1 ~l SW/lnSnn • d fi,·v ,1111 "'" .fohn ~OUTHWI!~T ,'len ~fand.y niornlng from om.~~ \ \~n~r, ~~ 1. 101,;1'1 nuth",'n, To The WOrM INeb. , '.told nunda. july IS, 1965 .


rrorn('r, rf'ient (~UI."IS .Vt'Te W k f· Id I!O return to EIToo lhtlllf·i un IIll .,('tj af !\6nJII '111~1 "I.ur::.fw .hhnwn. (;(' v Mid 'liT a e Ie 'Calif r .' hl~\' llll\'rl~('r .~nd M.rtlll~~;: .... ~n· tll,;,lI1ICU,.mrl 'ht' 01!)1l! HIli'; futil" 1".1' ' ry Uuribe a t I r·. D' r1.f ...... • 141 c\t:un;.: U u,;""('C"IlH.'r'", LUll! , .,.. ~ en I I

~:hW)' II (, 1 .0(: a~. H~rl, BV Mu ..... ~ In the Martin Holmberg home to" ('Lit" t'hurch. W.tIHlt' ~. t In \\ .I'kt-Ut-Id IHIJ:k \leJ.!1ill\' ..111(\' II See By The Herald m~"t ~ta( :~l ~ ( k ; 1 c~ n:tn-/ W'koll.ld ATI .. 1. di~ner last 'ruesday were M[t;, ~lr and -,\trs £rlck C. Juhnt'.on 1 .. 1 n ItUI~~ ,!lulL t....a\jttlh:'C 11~;n~ .. J , ) lind ,ja~e.s HI n~~a8 ~~ ;;:;gef)~; I W;uHer Frt"drlck~on, Mr :mll M li , .. tt;.;udcd It)U'''J ~O.('('l> Cur 11 «(III \.'-;111 rl .Ift nu. J:mU .~Ihll home. I J I the hMSO ..uneh Watl !>('TV('d Sunda}' e~enjllg, t~1? A.:tl1Crt Sun- Rifh.rd Jfertm~n .lind .1'J~!r. Un <,In 'rl!1J(· untfhng, 9:.', at ('t\'.~;:l J 'uouff 10 (:'!1if(lrnla. ttl" r"ln Y I M.. .nd Mr.. I,..wr~. Rv". ~4tXt fOee nil 11$ JIIIY, dells and 11mC'r KingSburYl' who co It. An,! MT tl:nd Mr •. Jlmft N linn Saturtli.l)' !! rtt:!R, ~ dt \'I~H 'fnn' Jloot tUnc,! "P<'nt hut \H.r.ktid. With I Mt. ;md ... - ".,eN) !\,~pp r guests in ttle Alvin JOh.ftSOh. I I Junior W('fuld, l'ht1('nh':, l\Tll I.!(:!H t 1; , , MN VtlrdC"J flu ~I' 1,4~~Oln, An~ Town and Co ntry M t I :;uudefl fwrtlc, v.~rc joined ~ Mr Mir .andl Ml'JI. Alden John!on aud ~nd Mrl> n.lfr) \1j.'l'ndcl :'(l~'nl Iud I (,\\t'n 01'(1)>, (lau.,hh· 0( ~fr D.hd~'lflnd.)' '*' r~II"' :Uihi~Jm, W:nhoo~


Town a ~d Ct.ulllr)! ~lJb held 11'lOd Mrs Carl Sundell nnd the Lowtll and Mu. Jatnt's Gmjtar~Dn 1 Tundil} In tilt:' (jOldan IWU1(, :\!!-j rOil. O'''>i n b f[':»enll,) md ~oul .. ami, ..... .,. w,~~ 'OUd.,~ their plcn c Sunday I at Wayml I Stanley J):lhlgn'm;, SJayton. Mmn an~ ~ay we~Jn Untol" Mondol) I Tom P~t1en, Dutrolt, Mu:l •• !lip('nt .1 toUt {if P.:urop'l;' W Ird li~nt to i ~h·et.·t'-, Shtulf\on Qak",. i(;lilUt, vl¥' park, Six (a Ihe~ w~rc prescnt, Thlrt};rIV\! gathere.J In the L~u.r an t"d'ay ljW(lU and Kay pJ.m Ill(' pu~t week .... lth the (luu MlIll h('! Pi~,rt'r1t" iflrlk.Hl·:;: tfu' J;rOtfPlill'd U \\N'k at tht'! MfliIMf.~' YOUltjlt \1(lJnbcr~ ill resume meellpgs In renc(' ldrl"on home for !tupper to atten 1he University of :"Jc son fanuty 1ft' Is a Irer~lU'"w 011 ~f)t'nt Sundij,\ in nt'hlt lberg, (te(' hlml~ i I~ September I :\1ond.IY (', f' n I n g Out·of town bra.8ka ~ , ~lJ ~ Murl)ln Koc-h Hc wUl l:ip-l'nd 1'~ltln\, . nrnlll(' til :\fUfIII fl :ium.l.l)- Mr. "rut Mn,' Rmrt Ii I ",.na-: -'- '1 gUI ~Is ~ pre Mr .md Mrs, At Jcp- The Alvin S rtdells were In thl?' the rest o{ the JiUIJllner \\Uh rda I'.hl' OI~on" ('n1<'fl,111lU' houurin;;:1inah)' It'll Wl'dtl.,MlA)'j {If Hum' IJnU.d Wo e" Me.t I (n, 510 ,x. ('ity Elmer 'flngsb ry borne, SIOUX t1V('S in Colcrldgl' Ii 1''1 .Hld :\If .. A,!lhfo:'i(' ('nUIII!I ulld f hmno to OtHldalaJa,I'. ~t~ co, ur.,

Un,ted Pest yterlan I Worm'n mel (,uc:->ts 10 the :',ferwyn Kline City. tor dinn r Sunday celebrat l\Ir ahd Mrs Joe J{)hu~JIl \\l'llt ,",htHI)' Otht r p 1'~tSi " 'fl' ~1r aJld' !t'r "'.lH'l1dtng two WN\k~ I" Un' .1 WcdncHday afernoon with a pol illtJOlnC ffl ('Oop('nllive SUIJper Sun- intthC blrthd ys of Sue lien lind 10 Omaha Friday to "I"" \tHtl,.,:\lf" '1. lnln l'dt lind !rlln.lI) mJr IN J'.inung hum", A r~n\ll)' ft" lurk IUlie eDt There wert> 13 dd\}-' Hnd to cel~bratc Mrs Hubert he grandrathe - and Belen Sundell I dlln I LUHlins .lIld Pmll Olsoll IlInlH~ Wi"" held Sunday In

l t1 \.!' £, A.

memberIJ nd guests. !\1rs fohn I guton s bIrthday wrre C r Sun- Is, MIJdre Marshall,· Lonu "Ir und~ My!! t /\ B ... ,d uud I[ \If.,, But I:rlunt!"ull \I,\lh III Ulu.r I Arrifrl) hUIlU'. r.incoln. I'rh Hi(! lit. OwenH ~hh f lfruJ Thom,ls \h~ dell ,1nd tll(' F:alon Cal1JlJy ,Beach, Cuflr, I .spendIng the Week their v,('('kc.'Il1i ~Ul'j;ts Iht' Kpli 01,4e' I ... Monda) to Wl'l nl'~Jay lot .. 1 t",nd n" w("rt! lll(l ,I )'" It., tlUnj,!fi, EdwIn Oil l~ Mr~ \tc:rtull JOI\U<; In 1 he Np!1 Sandahl hlml' (or I With ~tr and M~ Charles Pierson. I Fiq,ehers IUlnlr .. 1:<f1t~'d 'In tbl' (:or I \\(!I':' IlH{\lUM' 01 t,a'liWfiOUI> 111.1 \\ nyntl, R M :'IfUnrn,L nit ingum, urul \lf~ Fr,u1et" I\~en fhf' II" dinner V('!£, :\lr and Mrs Harrisl Scott Barg. H dar, 1S vlsltmg hL~'don Bard h(Jm..r Sundu) uit(>rnoon lit'"'' tJt her' (ather l' J Morten

r, III. ~1T!J Af1~t'lln~ ~f'i nm:JIlI,

full bloom I~nn "as gl/ven hy Pa!ilt~)r ' .. ail \x '>lIn 1 o.;('1! and Delwyn lin( Leonsl grandparents, t W-eldon Mortell I Wl.dnf'"!idu). ~lr lind Mrs ()!o.('llr '>1'/1, \1;110 dwd 111undu Mr and! ftabr'rt F.tnun~!'t Rnd J N I1l:fntl4J'

I ('n A repdrL w~s !ov"eln on th<' <:Y I '-,J( :JllC' (olurnbus , I sons I Pe.lNion. South Si~ox Cit) h~'r;\h ~tr~ \~ afllt'l Er1jJtlds~Ju Illceolnpan., Cln.r, In tho Mr.. , WiI· e t J..,

18 lid U I fl' rlOdlCdl fTH'C'tm* t."ld !II rl.hlJl)I!~ J ht, ( 'cll Rhodes fam!l came ~1r Clnd Mrs ~ohn Bocckenhou(>r I fer and daughtl'r of 'rYfln~,' H'd tht' f.unily In till' f~nf:ral Sat~ 1!l0fl h0!hfl- Mun,by "1'" • r, Mttl ac U;; ~r-U 5 P or ~~a~~mt! ,the hlt{ plant !hark and NC'xt mf'ltlnJ.: l~ JIll' 2J 11(1111 'hltfll!ld, Mtnn, to Oln hlsland .Mary werq SUpper guests In Skoil<' SWl'den wen.' dtnot'r 1r!1Il'~It; urd:.>y, MI's Hud grlJ,rllbon andlMrli \\nUth.'t' Jlunhrlt. J~lil brhtjJc

I '10. rltJ. 111('n along came another 1---- ' brollwr BlIl ,lIlU family, rid hJ" the Fatrest Hanisc'n home, Opklanu 'in th~ Erick (~ John5'on horN.t, Lmda rl·m.lhll'djJol 11 f(l W dUH f hland. ".;uh.,. Hnd ifiMt n I,Mrq, Short I F oral Displby ! 11'lr:.) dl~pl;IY and !;tw dcridf's It > KntHlng Club reets ,>b({! ~ riJmps, In th(, areolaI I Mr and Mrs t>fck SandSjhl nnd I :tfr and Mrs I.arrv fUn~ an(! 1. I r.lf.'n D"Rppen, l.Inct1"t\, ILIi ( , '.\'lrlll tlllVlnl-' iJllluntl. KnJltlnv cluil 1))11 l.fnd,l} Iftfl (hlll,,<, K(\s(') home rand Wu\ne Arthur Munson and (ilr clllidren ('ahforma I~rt rUf'd} Mn C e W.mck io ... ~ ~r. an4 Mn'J~rnn ~oYt.r Ind

'\ 1 rflJ~kal Easter cactU!i in I./H~ Thill. month:s c;llsp-l"y wu th. ,,:(\n IN:l h 'Mrs fal til a Tlm.1ll ~(~ \1/', ~\ ,till'/ ( IlInn JOined t}cm (or rflJl un!} ,,~ht>, dOn Munson family ufter \,ls'lUn~ In th{' l,a\\f(.'u(C ~I;:~ I.) I~ \ hitlllg d Wt f'k' ih Iht" PUlIl1 ~~~:'!lI-·r~r::.~~~~,::~l ~~d,~n{o~!~ farm Y;(rd IJI Mrs 1':mjl Dang biggest vot With 27 'blg light or~ 1€·11 mLmhers ar'l on£' glJl'sl, .\'fr'>·1 dlllr1l) ,[spent Sll~~~ ~lth Mr. and Mrslbome and With other relall\'l'!o lind HOt:~(> hOlllP i ~ '!Y k h ,) ".k 'I" (lh' I!prp.. (l11~, ',IIi1es soulhjNt'st ,;[ cihld-color blouoms, In bright" RlIh.\A Dunc'an w ~re prm:ent . Carn~'<; M" ane Mr.~ Vern Car~Jilon and I 1...('1). GoelU, 'Kil:1!gsley, la. , . friends. F'riduy, Mr. and ~lr" Lnr A B,ennett fernlly piC" t: was heidi F~~rih !il:I~~ \rr ~:~dt')·lt·r~~ nl'~' W'lYn('. I ... , budding up fori anoltlN sunshlnc, tho flowors closed af· I serv~~J for ente 'l~!nrMnt wllh pnl- the Ilt'n is larlson farnillY' were I Dinner gu('s~s last Saturday Ill, ry Hmg \'Isited n'lnlhr~!i In Oma'),ll Sundllv in South SIOUX (ify ('ue t I ".t'. , It: k' I Mr riM' ~'Id(lrtlll dl<;pl'llY of f1owef~' Il has tmr 24,hours, the steey and flow, 1'6 gOl,n~ to tll(~ w~nnl'rq, ~ln 1\1.fl'i y.Jlh I: g,O,Up who.,en~oy('(~ dlnn.r l thl' Milrtin Holmberg home werei'fhc children nnd Ihl'lr grandpl1r, wpn"from ~'Hln('~;ot'n,ltJ'il an·d·~~~l H:~()~fl\~~' ~:~h~(~( in ll~:~~'cd~lrJ~ r ]11'.1 , .. IHly..n orr for 24 IIf/un ,1.'Hi or' d!oe and drcpP\1d off and ri(' Ant rn will h( fh{r-rH >:t host <11th. W I!.on Wheel Sund8iy, com· I Mr, and Mrs. ArnoJd Berger and I cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Lawn-ncl' Hln); bru ... ka . 1M' h ~ I ,,- I' ,,' . ;" worklllg lip another slowill)..:, new buds stlllrhtd forming at - ----~~~-~-- ---- , __ '~ ____ '''_ ·--.-----r--- _____ ._ ~ycr cu;ne, (:;aumct "1:,, _____ _

'ill~h;ro~Ct~~t~;o :~~nth::sfO~pe;O 1'~I~::;'r!f ~i:'~td,~::~ ~~:~:~' ~:~ Delta Oak Mees ~ IT'S OUR· ANNUAL MID:.SUMMER Y('~1r~ since her mother, the lato for 48 hOur5, DI'II d Dde Brirtr.{1' ~~\:~~h \111~I~t . \Of

MI~. William Kan', I(Ifinsidc, III .,11,1)11')11 II!. ht'1l1J11tul flowers. 1:~~~~~e~I(;ber~~:I('~i;~~~lts WPl'(' \Ir-; :r. I

~;;~~~t :; ~~;' b~:~~t)~:,1 ~taci~ :1


/i:I:, ('/'\(;"J~I<; ('1n.1!; a .'lw('N perfumc~ WaitN Rethwi rh. Mn K('nrWPl ~-..........! I '1 _. ", C LEA. ' R A' "I N I,'"~ C· E· ',f ' b 1 Ill!' :lo\V('r'> ani' f~f!d:l/, <Inri \In Hob,'rl ,JolJnSl!n -......::: '.

~I::~~.g ~ought back out Ito tho I'll I il!' ('ill) .)(' t'~fH'('kl I'ri;'.(!~ \\('111 Ir! !VIr:., CI'lt'{'hcl'

\)1', ILllL:he'r~~ ('nnflls.~I'~ ,>1", :11 ),!III)I)I up 11) rOllrn;~;!;'::'<; <~ .V('IIr. 'Wood .. " \-!r.~ levi Hnl)('rh. \In 1 !J;c,Y ('(In-;idl'rr'd 111,>1 giVIng lip ;1jl 'I !'::II~~'~"';~I;,"/ltrld(lor~, In !1w WHJlf'r H(~thwl~~-h and ~Ir<; (;~ E

.bne.~ :'\:1').1 IrlPP11ng b .Jllly 1;) I With ~1r .. 1.1'\ I Bolll'r!;::;. j I . f


the 1)"k (,l;""~'" ''''''''. w"', , .. , Mrs. Ed~ord Oswqld _ Ph-one 115 Ipn Im{'mhn~ 1I1~W('rinL: 1")11 11\ _

_______ .,.. __ ...,. ___ .... ________ ' tt'lFffJ,!-! ahO,1I1 1~1l(' ~1'('r'lal HlIn:J , leal'lwel In s(, 'lng proJf'{'t l'l.~t

'\11~ ('llffnrd IllltlSd\ ('!ll(l{'di'lr IIII \Ir'> \111(tnl Ml'y!'r. Hnn. veal' \lHrv. S(lgpr d('lllon~jra~['d (1111 Lui} .!ll ],()unk ... illl.\jJllal.lilCJl) I. \1) ,!lId .\'lr~ Larry Dahl on undcrslJleh ~ of 3 i'I)II:lr \lIrlol)(, dllr1fl~ fhl' WI't'k. 'k(l['IIE'l' and Ran y, !\1r and :vJrs LI',lIltn, :vJr~ (;ilmorl' Sah!o. flnel,

\11' :Il!).rl \1r~ .Jllll Stt'pr{'n~ :l!HI Lt'l ,~tl'l'lll'()~ iJnd .Iulil' ;lnd VII' ',\I1rs. ('\1')/ !lrIlJ,s('n di<;clIssl'd 11~1' Ku.,l.\, Fremont. WI'H' wl.'ekl'wl Vl.~ land \11'> ]\('I\III'lh F:ddl(' of darl; find Hh()w('d how tf) Sf't III

itq),,> ill 111(' [.po Skpl]('fl~ and (llll i H('., ,lIld ,\Ir ... Frank Rrnlth ami a :-.Ie{'\(' \'o[lhom ~3ttll'r~ .July 19 rlllllH'~ 1:)11111 .. Ikr(';1. (':dlf ~1)('111 Fn nll'Pllllg I~ )n 'Ihe ('~rli Tian,<;L'n

p\lr ~1r~ W('sll'Y Willl;llTl~ <1,1\ 1'1 \lollila\'!l1 the' In'lll (;I'HVl'S 11101111' ) 111(",)11. \'11'1'(' w('('kf'nd !.llll".,!'> lTl 11111111' \1r ,Int:! :\11'.'1 In III (;ravl's lli(' 1<1'\'111 Wlttl('r iroml' '1)('111 TI'llr',<laV'111 Ill(' 'II" W () Fal~:,I\:~,~I~m.;~t,~~11,I"II" , Rrv. ilnd Mrs. John Horner (" 11111111' 1:11)\\,,11

'11'1.1 " I I II! I I Oil (I \' (' I .111 I \ I ~~, ( returned home Wodmflsd~y pvc"

ning ilfter Mtendln9 Nef,Y YOrk'S • t ioo~!~'.~ ~~~ ~:~hl~~~~~{}~l.g Cl


I oe.e y . J :\11' .llld :\11", .JoV TlI~'k!'r Idl Social F?rccast

.. ~'nd ,\ II ('III dllll! \\ ,I" IIl'I I Snlllrda.v ('U'llll!g .JOf' 11m

; I<l' IHirnl' S\llldlj~ ,tll']II;11 :-"1'1

Tllllf',t!n.\ 1I1()!·nil1!! -'1\ \'h<;i~ rl'~u. TtlUrsday, Ju1v lS '1\(', II) ('(!lIlIHd(l, ('.lIlfOI'IlI<I ;lIld 111'11,1 JJI'k. I,I'VI Hl!llI'rt~ ld,rlJIl Suncl;lY, July 18

: !luy "chllill ]liC/1e iwill ,11 t hI' Dwayne (;ran !~'lcJ hom,> an,i a plcrllc .~uppl'r ,\'l1d 1l1'I'\\llrk'> ,.I :11\' I; F: Jllnl'-; hohlilSunr1.I.\ ('\(nln,~

()llIahll. '>/lpnl S('\ I' ri4 IId'\ \\','dlll'o;d;!.\ 1.111llh ]lIC

da.\~ In \Irs r';lllllla J)a· file Mr. and Mr~L Palll LIC11llL: k:IC \'1' Monday, July 19 'ramrnl(1 C1hf.. .lweI'(' \"'~I! Ir~ 's11!1

])1111)(')' !..!lIl',~h SHlu'nla.v 1Il lil(' 1',t'/lJ'\ I'l'p)!l'r,> '1" Cyril lIan· day (',venmg in, ~h(' Kelill('th E~lrlll' \lr~, Frallk Lorrn/, hnm(' were Is('n I horne , ! I

,));1)(', H.lrr, ()nlah<l, l\l;lfJ¢lric Lor- IWedr,esdav~ ,Julv 21 Becky !\1('ekf ,Sioux -CIty, sp.l'nt I ('Ill. ()mal]j.lo, \1r~: Frpddl{' :bor· ('arrolJ Saddll' c)uh. the week ill t~d VCrnon ilo,kam r ' l'IlI jlllJ\, 1iTr~ EI'vin Witt Ie\", Unil{~l You I h l'reshyterinn home. Mr and Mrs. V('rnon Jlo~

\lrs llnllaid Rohde, (;r(>ogary 1 {'wurrh kamp, ppggY.r Pam tlnd :villcht"tl :(11.1 1l('rp('11 \\'1'l'I' \ Fl'IrJay l llltf'ii l'rt,,~Il}ll'rian' \Voll1('n. r und Mr and IMrs I':ar! '\nd('l'''1111

;~:'1r;~:::1/)~~1 1::.1 1\1;:;11~,I.l~irf(Jl;I\~~' :;;~;;ll: Saddle Club Meets ~'1:'1\~ 'fll~,~,~t\~;':~:::~\I~',~I~n\I~I~.\ in till'

d:l\ l;l1l'~h S:llurriav artl'I"n()Ill) l'llkr" of Carroli Saddlp f()r llH' (l('(';\~lIln w('l'(: :,\1L-~ (;('n(' Ill"! \V(·dnl' .... (~ay {'v('ning at I ChurWl H('!)l\\I~('h. :\like nnri .Iefl ""Ir~ lit" !'I·dlll.' UI'('l1~1 HI'~III;\r hIlSill(,~~;' II. es ... 11('11111\r !<:'ldll', Brad, MonIC" :\lld ,mil ,Inlh \\'1'1'1' lwld Sl'v('ral IlH'm Methodi t Church \'.11('1'11' :lIl,1 Mrs (;:lyiorll,I'I1.ln1 11 .... , \~('Ill I I Fn'lllo)lt SUnd;lv .If (John F: "rill'!'. p<t';j()fl

TI~i~ll~ );;1\'11)11 ~tl:.l~(' Bcarh llllrlhf'rl Il'I·1101Iill.;:~~:n~(1 i:il:~I{'(~·nf:21h~!t~I~~~'s III ~ll~~d~;.;ld~~~:,I)se\~l~)i \\';l~llIP. ~! \.,

. \J\~':~' (/i:~111\\~I' 1~~:I~l~~;~a'\),\I(II~l(:~I' "1'( Ir((phil's lic~~.Pf~~~d~Ytn.Jllh ~l ('h'llr jlLIC·

til 1111' f)plmar f.ddip MYF Meets !J1111H' l'~'i'lIlng in honor of, Methodi:-I Youth !I'}<'pl!flwsh)p mel :

\1 1''> I';:I:II("~ hl.rlhday W~'r(' Mr. ISunday pvening with all members. ;lIld \ll~ \I('h'ln De.loslll('r <lnd ,c:pnnson Mr. and !VIr.s. LaVern

Presbyferi~n . Congregational Church

Report of Condition of


(Cail Axen, pn<;IOrl Sunday, Ady 18: Wors~ir, Hl

am .. SUIl,!.I;) ~chonl, 11 W('r!nc~day, Juh 21 l'nll(',)

Youth, Prt'sbyt('rJan chllr{'h

of Carroll in the State of Nebraska at the close of business on Our l.ady of Sorrows

June 30, 1965 Catholic Church ASSETS (I"ather Meyer, paslor)

('af;h b;llan{'l'~ \\ith other haT\k~. :md <':1,,11 l\('ms in proCj'C:s r i Sund,1~, Jijlv 18 :\!il<;s, R-:Ul a m·

II] ('01\('rl1On S ,1870605, ---St. Paul"s Lutheran Church \'llJ!pd SI:l1l'~ (;ov('rnnwnl o.biiL:allOlh, 1~lrl'(,! :lnd. guarnntC'ed 154.110,60 i (II. \1, Hilpert. P11.'itOrl I ll(llh t.nd dl"Collnts I Lncluellllg $1 .. 1~1:\11] il\'I'nlra!15I :l:1S.441.fl1 Sunday, Jllll y 1~ Wor~hip R I') ILIJlk Pl't'tl)lses oWlll'd $·1.01·1 :lO, fUnllt)!1 (' ;11111 fi'\ll1rt'~ (l:; 1O.7nO.33 il m : Sunda} ~chno\. q ::.0

(Bllfk premises ownrd are .... tlhjl·('j to '\elnl' Ii(,ll~ not as '>It 111('(1 by bonk)

nthn ;~SS('lfi


\.-t1est~ Wedm'sd~\' nfll'rnonT\ in :J 092.0S till' (~I'IH' fil!tllWl"ch' home 111 110nor

of ,It'[f'~ fifth IlIflhcl3Y wrre '1r.'>. Willis Lag-e, Hohble" and Daryl,

$:'52..05664 Mrs.. Donald Rohde, Gregory and

LIABILITIES 'DerN'n and :\Irs nC'lmar Fddil' Ih'lllHnd d!'pl1.;i\s of individuals, parlll('r-;hips_ :Ind corpora- Brnd. 'londa nnd \'akril'

TITl1:::I:\l~d ~a\'ing:s d('Plhll~ of indh](hllll~, parl1H'r'>hlps and 226.091.97 an~('\'faan~71:.1r\<-I~~~~;~~~i('~~~1~~.~ ctirpor:lllOlls 18129529 spent the weekend in Ihc Robnl

J)e]l() ... lh II! Unifed St::ltpS (;0\ ('fnl1l1'nt Iln('l\lrlll1~ p:l~1.11 Erwin hom(/' lll~~ 1

})('ll()sllts of Slat('~ and p(Jlitic~1 .'illhdh'i.;i()n~

Cl.,rtlifll'd and offi(,prs' cll£'Ck,~' ('Ie '1'0'1 AL DEPOSITS

.:1'1 Total demand depOSIts I bil Total time and sBvings defllMil ..

10 7}0 81 "1rs. ~lat.v Drake suHNed a

50~886 62 i ~r~;e:h~f!t ,a~[;~di~:d~~~~~i; ~~.~: $473,459.72 4,475.03 dIe c.lub Meeting at their ritlin:(.

I arena. Mrs. Dra~e and Mrs Em> S~9~.164.43 $181,295.29

:\lor~gili:t~'s or o01('r lieps ~nnf' on hank pr!'mi.'l's ;jml l\'onl' jm other 'real {,st3te

I ~~a a D~l~'~~i~~(';~ bt~tt~~:;l'l~n itth~il~~'::: over :'lrs DrakC' is an oper:Jtor

: nl Carroll \elellhone office. Other liabilities

TO'r,\ L L!.\ BlUT! ES

~APITAL ACCOUNTS Capital (al Common stork. total par \·:l.iUl' S36.~(lOOO Sllrplll:-Vnoividt'd profits 'H('.sl'n·('s I.::lnt! f-('tircment acr:mnt to!' j)f('{('rred capital)


1'01',,\1. U.-\B·ILITIES A~D Cr\Pl1'AL ),\CCUFr''';TS

11,006.75 I Mrs_ Irvin iltartpns, SUt' and ,---.. I Sally, st. Louis, ilIo" spent "'1'(1 $184.466.41 ! nesdav to 'I\leSt13Y in the G E --- i Jones' home. Mr, and '1r~, AlverJll

iJdIles and tamil" and lIr, and 3S,Son.on ,Mrs. tynn, Jon~s ~wd famil~". 25,000,00 i'Dem'er .sP<'it Thursday to ~10nda,Y 5,790,17 tin the G. . Jones home. t.11 .:It-,

---.-:.~ 11e~~:.da~~e • /ros~e~o~~I;til~r~\~hn~~:rc $ 67,590.17!dinner gue~ts Sunday In the ~Irs. ' --- Geneviev{' l Pomeroy home 10 $55~,056,S4I'Visit ~lrs.. 'eo Con'doJ'1. Pasarl('n~. --- Calif ~Ir. land Mrs. Erwin. !lIrs,

, MEMQRANDA : Pom~'r()y ~nd 'Yrs_. Condoll \O;"(,l"C

.\ I d d I (I t l' FI" I r h iufternoon 1~lcsls 10 the ~trs. , ssets p (> gc or ,'1~S gn ~( 0 s(>('11rc l:~ 11 ItiC'S.:lnc or ot ('r r tl ' j'\1 I I m ::\1' Con puqws('s (indudin"~ no~es ,::rnd bills i,'~'disC'otlnt(>d and se- ' \.a lCnn(' r ey 10 ~. _ r~, .- , curitifs sold with iagreement 10 re-ptltclwse) ~_ $101,827.50 !~~yn:n~" :!rsdin~:~~.ue~t~m~~~~,

(3) Loans as shown ~b~ve are after de-dpction of valuation j nesday' in the Erwin home.' Visit-r~ser\'es of , 4.575_00! ')1"" 'rucsa \. ev('nin .... in the Erv,,·in

I, Jolin R, Bergquist,1 Cashier of Ule ahm·c-namcd bank, rio solemn-illomc wcr - Rev. ~Ierlin Wright. Iy' .affirm I that this I'cP0l1 of condition is tnw and cprrcct. to the best iWakefieId,1 and i<.1r. and :\irs. Wes-o(my knowledge and belief. !Iey Rubeck,

COlTl'M-Attrst: .John R. Bergquist I ',.

G¢Q;' H. ow,~, ) I Mr. aITMrs. Chari .. $crlbne", I ~~l'~t I~~\~:oll ~ Direc.tors. i~:~e~:. e~\') ~~m;'lS~~ur~~v tl:~ I

t Phil II. Olsou ) Tuesday, \1

.1;'11 I 1'11111

i . . T I Special! Special! Special! Special!



670-13 Size ~ 750-14 Size 670-15 Size 800~14 Size Mylon All-Weather Fits. All Weather 42 All Weather 42

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7.0 x16 (6·ply rated)



........ $13.95 7.00xJ7 (6-ply rated)

$18.95 7.50?,20 (10.ply rated)

$21.95 8.25x20 (10-ply rated) 7 ~sbx 16 (6-ply rated)

6.70x 15 (6-ply rated) $24. 95 9~OOx20 (J O-ply rated)

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7 .00x 15 (6-ply rated) $22.95 a-Ply ,We Dare You To Compare! ! 'i .,., ... , r ':leb.




GOODYEAR Nylon 4-ply Rated Tractor Fronts' SP~CIAL TRIPLE RIB - $11.35 each - 550-16 exchange

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For F~st on the Farm Tire Service, Call Us, 375-2121 , ' , . i 't r

nteed Tire Vulcanizing - We Can Repair Any Size Front or Rear Tractor Tire - We 'Give_Loaners at No EXI

fro C~ e r , , I I " I

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w?~~:!:"G Phonei37H121

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1965 nclt and dau, Ie;,.. M~. ond M. ... , DZr.nnJ' Janke and Mr .. and Mrs.' o vll~. lIaab_eJ .Jr" and Todd. Lin· e )10;· Roger MI loris, Garden Grove. CnlH.~ Todd'n 'Uncle, ~telephoncd : ~:rcctUlJ:!).

K. Bor90n51(0 Boptiied Mr. ;lI)eI M],h. Doug ,l:le ~:enHI{('

itnll Klint ('!Jllne)1 (;]'ovc 1 J(!' n., and !\fr. and Mrs ,Jirn Stepli( ns and I(J.'lty, V~t'lrlOnt, '1ITIV~'d S'turday at tilt; William Ih·1JlH'I' hOI c. Sun, day K:)(~ Ikl~~"Il~I(e was J lIJltj'~ed

lil LllLill'ran dll~ren, Curroll, wIt:) Mr lind Mrs. JlIlI ~l('plU'Il~S }'J10n· ~~)rs. A pH'nJ/.! cllnrll!r W~H held HI hono)' of the ueCC1t.J(JIl. I

M,r. lind Mrs AlhNl p()U~~cvJ,(:n(', Mrs. Bdl PnJrncr and Lon. Ana h~'lm, CU]If., left Wcdnqsday after visiling With the Martin Madsens.

Mr. and Mrs. Waynt~ ~ohnson, Omah,l, Wl'f(! dtnner guests in the l\lilrUn M<lrht'll homt' Monday. They .Jlfin vI!>lh'd With Mrs. A,lbert Pou dcvlgne and Mrs. Bill Palm¢r, Ana· hl'llll.

l\\n; .JUlY .Iensen BloomflCld, ~rt'llr Wt'dllc~duy in tbe nILe h,t· 11r~ llOmt

BV Gladys Rejchert Phone 286·45949

Churches . . 0

St. Paul's E\.'. Lutheran Church (II M. ,Hilpert, pastilr)

i"rHli:iy, .'ul~ W: Office iJours, 7 Pill: mcmlwrship claSh, H.

Saturday, July 17: TcaclH'I":-' HI ble ellass, 7:1;) p,m,

SUnql'IY, July 1B: Sunday :'('/1001,

f):;!O <1 Ill, wnrhhip seJ'vl('p, 10.21)

rdnity Lutheran Church (If. F Otto Mllt'lll~r, pa~tor)

Suntlay, July 18: Sunday school, (J a,m., worfillip service and mi· nual congregational lTIt'i.'llllg, 10

Theophilus Chulrch I fA D. Wt'aj~(', papt(Jr)

SunriilY, July JH. SUIlOilY school, !",30 ~\ Ill, wor ..... llljl St'I'Vln!, 'lO':jO

Mothodist Church

J\lr. and Mr~. Otto J'ct('l'~ (John E. IiOl'IWl', p;l,~t()r) rlJllllPr gucsls Sunday in tJ.c Weh ~l1nda'y . .July 111' SllIH]"y ~t'ho()l.: ,lrd JohunnHon homt', McLean ]',)r 10 ,I,m, worhhip hl'l'vJel' 11 I'

Tl)n.v',~ sl'l'on~l bJflrHld~' ' Card Club Meots

II II I If' (;'1' Pinochle duh 1I11.'L wllh ~trs I 1\11'. and Mrs. Willy SIl.lh/, North (I ywO()( (';\ J • ond Mr j 11e1 Mrs. ~.']'{'d Wllller 'I'hllr~day I'rlZl.'s .

• Jolln MOlT!!;, Wayne, W(~JjI~ Vl~lt- Jv..1{'1l1 !o MI'S. 1';lIa I<alll and M~'s I

LI1'~ III !ILI,' Max Slahl h()m~' SahlI" 'Frank Brollzvnsld .lilly Hi mc,,,,t dol,V, Mr. and MnL Fritz Stahl and IILIl.'~ will be ~"'Ilb till'S 13ronZYll!>kl 11\\<1111, N(lr!h lIuliywood. Mr and _ tllr~;. W, ~!,dli alld Mr, and Mrs ~d R b H d F<I,V Landal1).'.I'r were gue~b :"10;1 0 . aa. e onore t~ay in tt,l' t'latll home.' 'G~e.:., I Rclauv~s galher?d III the: II()\\'· tiundil~ In 'Ill'tr home \vCre;vIr. ~l()rr~s, home ,lor ", plCI1ll' :;up· ;'inti Mrs Hohnd S!·tt} I d I Snt.lllday to celebrute the sec-tt'r.~, (;.~iva J'a ~ < 1 an( aug 1- , birthday of Todd Raabe

. Mrs Ab' VP' ',' included M.r. ,and Mrs. n A'· e---(;' nC'iIlrl, lmel, Mr. and MI's. 'Rasmus

" lIe (.ile, Hoskinfi, Mrs. Loren Ben·

I ~ II

~AVE $2 I '.

('1.111'1' Ildll" l\~ 11\,1 I lal'gla~ ... I I~j

:;'; ;I~.\~~I 1, tll:ll gr: ... ~ 1."\ - IT ;':" Ii II h:~ rTIP',j

It ,:Ill Jill 111 \\li(r,' ,r:,I'.:.:ld--



IIIlH' til , ra lo.~ r;I~~

Jl'r .(1\ ,,\,'11

1!('1\ -l1.i'"II!


~~haltt ~LUMBERCO.


105 Mo,in· Phone 37~-2110


Mn~. Elm4- f.rit:kcn ltd Chqrlo," Loohlng, Hor an, Mo., apent I"i$t week with M . and Mr , Herman Schuetz. Mr. and .mrs. Jlenh 1.'lUten

b;.I~gh, SiOUX] <;Ity. w~r(! dil1JWI: guest}; MondLlJ. In the .1 Mni .. Antu Rahe home.

Mrs. Don Frazier, Kim and Tim and W trna Janko, Sunny. v?'e, Calif., 'oft Tue~day after spondlng a onth wit~ Mr. and Mr5. A. B. .,nke andl other rol· atjvc~.

Mr, [lnd M~S'. 'So n. St.ahl, North Hollywood, CaHf., .'were oV('rmght l;uests .Mon ay In ~he Walter lfamm home.

Mr. llnd Mrs, Earl 1~hie5~ Doug· las ,lnd Damll, lfmcs- Ia., were ~~~~nd guests in toe ~mil Thif!s

Mr. South




Fabric Softener llown~';~~ $ Reynolds Wrap ~~\\!~1~1~~~~ ~i{(~;l liquid Thrill ~~~c'''~;~t .. ~Zt~l~ Liquid Brocade Delergenl

2\,"ll: D . F d Pkg.nfl2

09 00 Pooch ••••••• 16-= Callii

K~ng 99 1i SIZe " Box .

WHT~lo: MAGIC m;n;UGENT .••. King Size BOI


"~'1·"'·"·""""'< 4 $ AI'pk ~a,,~~, :-.on. 2', {:;on 1I;llh"a\'~I"'cd I'~;,,:-h~ :'\".·HlI(.m ["""llou,c f I', ....... "'d .... ".~' (an or '1" ... " IhTU\t' l'urpl~ Plurru..

Save iitY-c over thp cost of a lOO-ft,

DECANTERS Gotham Plastic

tantaJil'cr,llil,ye IWl'U ru,hcd din'('llo Saf(·\\ay. for you.

BAI M'o' nt· e Peas F;arlvr.a:den 5Nn .g01 $1 00 ,~I \an(:ty,Save23¢ Can!;

Tomato Juice L;hhy·,-:Ile .... "ler quar'251' 1 Bottlt'. Sa\," 4~ ...••••••. Bottll' ,.,

Shortening ~,~0~·\~;'l;'~-:-................. t~::; 5ge' Pork·"·'S·e· ans· 'VanCamp's- NU';!'251' ~.. . mtonlato:;uuco ••• I •••••••• Cnn· ,.

Tomato'es '~.·"Ml.H",,~e-: 5' N':.~O" $1 00 lulH)qu,llll)............... Lalll;

quality, Save 8¢., ........ Paekagc ~ Delsey T-Issue 2."lv Fac; .. l 2·Hull 191'

Barbecue Briquets Hi·Counlry- •. 2.(k~~ 9ge You can DEPEND o'n Safeway! If, for any rca~on, you arc 1101 con't.r,lclcJ y. ~Ii~fjcd \Villi nlly purch:ue at Safc .... a)', "c ..... ill chccrfuU" rc und )'ou.r purcha~c l,ricc in fulL

-~---USDA Choice~ ProperTy-aged Beg

CHUCK ROAST CE NIE R l;:s4i9'~~:;:i;~i;

:,uperb Beef! Rib Steaks ~~i,:~~u:~~·u, $109

Swiss Steaks AH~\ (·\·T.\·,ll,\ Ch"we, . 6ge Safe\\ <1:- ·Aged Beef ....••.••• • •. 1.11.

Frankfurters ~~r~i.7;;' ~~~.'k~ged ......... l!k~ 49~ Manor House Ducks r;';~AI~~~vddi.h 4ge Spiced Lunch Meat Evonomy ,i,. .. 1~~ $1 29

Beef Sausage Safeway Brand ......•... J{~t $ 179 .~

Smart Shoppers Shop at Safewa)'!

Butterfly ~olls Mrs. Wngh'·,.Package 45~ Bread )[rs. Wright \ '''hit., 2 ~~~~ 4Sc Skylark Pqlalo Bread 4 ~~:,; 89~

5 Hair cr¢3m l.arge 79# core dressing for men, Sa\'e Ioe ......•.. Tube ".

Vitalis ~~~~f=[Save 6("., •••••••. B!icl~ 69C E d • Tablets-for longer Package 88~ ICe rln lasting relief, Save ll¢ .•...•. of60 ,.

'Prices tlJulivl1thru Salurdt!r, Ju:l)'17, iT WAYNE

'. •• ~.'" "I JlIJ/

1I Jlll!1



GOLD BONi) STAMPS _with the pvrdlose of O'~ 5-0:;-' or 3.S-<t~ Can


,. ': . 1

GOLD BONP STAMPS _wil~'lk! purc.hau of p 7·lb. 50g CufifomiC'l



.. "'~~;'~;;"'ii;j,;iC'!,:';'i;:",c'::,"'I'~'H;~,j)~lI.'~~-:/,'!'nw:'f:n~~~~;!nn.; .. ,,: ;'"it ~1 ';' "1'('

I : I " I ' I

,'lp.rv('d, I ~.I'r!g, hRte!.'I"'rW~. k«'h·nrlot~(,JI:"ra.nAd IM •• r.' Jnd ~Jrs. George Elrllh~~H., T>o~mtl Pl"lllll: R,ay Spahr hom«',' Other., 'lit·

o,~" ·,or ... ,-;x; "".. ten lad ,Erne!llt HNllllchk(-', tt'1ldil11':' W('rt· ~tr. lIo.i Mrs. Boyd il'iiiiiiij~.iiiiiiiii~i~;;;~;;;i~i~ Dinner guests Thunda, In the' Jilucsts SUOday[ in thi'l Bly,.(~n an'd '~Tl1nds.ons. Mr, and ATtar SQdety M •• t, Hay ~pa1r home were Mr, ilnd 'M. I', 1(a.,,~an'HlJ.:h h"IlI~' w 'n.- ~lr. \,.!o, Hl~~nH)O'.'1 ~1ak()m. J!ullce

1':Ir.~v('!\ mrnllJcl's of st. Anne's .\frs. Ve,rn m Bali!!. parad'll~1 Caur., and Mrs. R~I~)h 11:1ylf'. :'I.l!h". :'Ih., : ahcl . Hn!:(ll':', .\Ii1n111 (;rl't'lI, \1r,{ lAHar Sudety nu~t TIJ(','lI1IlY e .... e· )in~, Alh'- Ih:rfel nnd .?w rso' Glen .\1"r. and MfR:, GI're", K:tv:tnau;:h, iq~e;'jr BHr~:. ~lr'i. :'IttlrlJft KUl'h

IlIin;: nt the Mike KmMt humf.'. N,w, Su~ain, Pauh:,ltc and Terry, ILaurel, J,ilWf,l'n('~ quinn, W~lkr·· ';~J1(1 (;olluh' ,m,d ~Ir illIll :\lr .. I.t"i

:--1nl. Tony Mc~owen was·co·holil- t" 'j' bury, and. Mr~. \'m('('nt K'I\"\· !I~1." !\()l,', .

i('!.':! N(·){t IlH~f~tml: v,:1II be Aus:,. 3. h h Innugh, I. I ) ~'r and ~th, ,1.('«' J.!lrimor ;md 1-'-,-' " urc es r _. Monday (·\'.!J~lIIl; ~lr an,ll :\~r'i ,f!I!llily. SWlIlII (~lly_ \~N(' (hlllwr

I Engaged Cc:uple Fieted I Methodi,at Ch"'rc~ L?w~ll SUtHlrh1rs _an(\ !>()n~;, \\{'r,' ~tult' .. t!> July ~ III Iht' :\11'.' J':H'k 'July 4 a group of rclaH~'cB mN!1 .(Jesse A. Withee, pa: tor) vlsltora hI tlw SliHlh,'Y :\Olltc~u'" ,rt~'''''''rman hoUl'

at LIIUTf.'J Jlilfk. for a faml!y dinl'!er 1'1 ~"'unday. July 18' Wo ship, 9; home" LIHlrd, . to vI .. at 'tr: .In:!I' i :'.11".", Aanm Arrnfwld ,.,ltl chll-


"), honor .~Udilh l\11~or~I', omaha'l·sunda y .~dlOfJI, 10. ~1:1(. ,fr811~1 '\ll~ch(>.1l and (,(JIlIlI{" In'n. c .. 'mtnl,l~·(('. Tl'x ... (,ilni~ li'ri-1 MId Rodney l1cnr1'ing~c!"" .. wnose j-' r~cr, Arl . I 1,1\' for :1 \'1~lt In thl.: Dick (!HIIII-1 f'tlga.~~(·m(.'nt h~ls hc£>n annonced. St. Anne's Catholic C urch I Dinner t-!U('~!> :!Illlnday In till' h{'~. iWllW

I n.ll! g:Tf.JI~P rJr~senlcd ~,h(! '~0!-lpl(!,' ('I'homOis Hitch, POi,S, ,.) ,Newell St~nl('~~ .. bOIl~f' \~'t'n' '~d hI~r '':lIId .'Ir ftlchnrd !-Id1l1t1{' wJlh il r:tft.~Attendlng In addltJOn I' Sunday, july 18' Mass-,;7 a.m. lIart, v~Ill'Ju, C.lllf " .. ,1r: ,Illd :'llr~ _ " . I', .' '. •

!(J !Iw glJl!st M hOllor WE~re, Mr. ',~~_; t ' LeRoy Stanlt",V and faulll\" Kan.,a,: Mil f.tlIH,I}.,CI t r , \\)0., .'lr a~ld and :'.lrs. arl Mellor,. Chicago, Ii Ed lIart, Vallejo, ea if., and City, M~. an~I, ~1r~ , !Jail' . Stanh:y I ;;J~~' ~~[;b d;lli~t ~r~ln~I\,::llt~I~II~~'h~;:~~ .~tl''' Jaek MM~on and Lum. Vlsta'IIFrnnk Hoe-short, were visitors and ~anuly, F.nfll S('.Iutte ,lOd ~lr _ 'I' f' I' I . l:\t int

I Calif.. Mr,' a~l(t MI'/). ~1E', rVln ElIy" , Wednesday In the J C McCaw and Mrs. Gerald Sl~Hlh'Y and £al1\l .~n( .tIn! \ f' r 'Llll,' nl

, I

'·wn :I[ul fnmj]~: Elln Hans·en and lihrHO( •. · . '1 Iy. I ~;;::I:::l:t' ~~:~qli~ LlI:~;/"~'al;;::~' '~I~;';I \!r .. and ,_""r1'1. ~',?rdon lI~ns(m and :\fr. an(j :\frl'!. George F~rris and Mr, end .Mrs. Vornon Ban, .\m;\Tul:l, mla and :\1al'lI' ~(')Ulltl' f,ltnlly, SIOUX ClIY .. Mts~ 1.larveY'lf.m,IlY, North Platte, and MT and P.r.dl~., C.lif., ,,",ere overnight jJie[JIek('d Julv til lit t;avin· ... POint

ISoren'>on ancj iam,lly. cre,,~hton'l ~1rs Walter Stevens, ClI"e~ghton, guests Tuesday In the Ray Spahr

'~ , ,I

YI .. ,'Inr] ~lrs Harvey HenmngSen,j Wl're visitors Thursday ill the Le. home. They were ainner gue-sts . ~11 allil ~lr Larry SaUlldt'r~ ,and LuVern, Al!eo, ",Vlr. <.Lo(j Mr. 1>. , Hny Creamer home. Wed, in the ~oyd Boylen !:Jlld Lllndy.'rtowll, 1'(1 ~ Idl 'LouIe Ambrose and Mr nnd Mrs, Mr and Mrs Robert ~it and homo, Laurel, dnd were- over- 'Tllt'sday afll'r a ':'VIslt In Ihe J Stanley lIant,;en dod f .. mily, Car lldaughterg Uncaln, weT q,ly 4 night gUMtr, ,I In the Raymond 'I. !i.uunrh'rs b(me cJ

roil, \1rs Erina Nissen and Shir Iweekend guests m the alter MalC'j)m home. I<:r1 Hurl. Va lejo, Calif, wn a lpc and Mr and Mrs Jl.obert NIs· Schutte home Mr. and r.lrs Honatd Ankeny: gue~l Sunrlny 10 FrioAY in the

, O'N I <jcn and family, waYIC' Mrs Ellen I Mr and Mrs Bruce Wi! on Lm- lind family were dinner gUt'st!! l~nlll and Arua Idu Srhulte home. SHO~N hit; Frccoom S FoundatIOn aWQfd f,t ell jrlm,st('ns~n, Jeos Je sen, Mr and roln, were ova.rnlght gues s Satur- Sunday ~n the Charles Poller (~u('sts July tn lh(' J L. Saun.

SOyl SCOUTS Ica ... mg tor c'amp Sunday ,"clud~d tl,is group '·f~O~·i '-: -, Troop 175 Ilront row left to right' Ste,e Hall. Billy flGI,h~r, , Kirk Russell. Billy McNatt and Joy William,; '" •. cond' row,! ,Scott " Krocmacr, Doug Sturm, Terry ElliS, Mark WI\, Kit Russ.olt, Mark, Wiltse and Scoutmost>0r Darold Krocmoel

IS KeUh n,

sr, Woyne He was onc ot two mcd I winners Mrs Carf ChnJl>tens nand fami day 10 the EI~red Smith home bom~, Siq:tt¥: City dl'rs home for cooper:,tUve dinner In and 252 lit the U S Cited for patriotic w rk -among ,Jy Mr and Mr$ ~a vtn Ch(1sten I Guests Thursday altern n in the Mr and Mrs Norrel I ukk~n I were Mr md Mrs Larry Saull educators Boughn tought at Chambers PrincIpal DUQ1e Corson,' l'1pn Ilnd familYI Laurel, Mr and Mrs Delia Erwin home re Mrs Nicollet, Mlnn forml'r DIxon reM Iders ami f~nlllv BoyerlO\,n. Pn,

' Chambers frtnClpol, IS shown on the right With Boughn 1\1rfl C1ar('rl('e III'nfllng!l£'n and I Bessie Condon, Pasaden', Cat(f, dents moving to Washington st,de I Mr and Mrs ,WoodY S\atos and Mrs Jim Heaton Bouldn. Clio. - - I VIr ,In!! Mr~ ~Of'('n Hansen Mrs Jenny Pomeroy and Mts wore visitors Tuesday afti'rnoan I family und Mr and Mn Stanley joitlt'd UI!' group

,j i'1~h IlIP ' .... ·{'rl'lilry In' ~l' b~l1k In , . s- _. __ ."-".... I Kathleen Kemp. Wayne and Mrs. in the Max Rnhn home. :l"ehrlnger IJlnd hmily; Bloomfield. , •

is W Mr and Mrs lIf'nry McCaw and I George Monk. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Karne!!. and' ~fr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth Kock and ,I " I XO NNE - family. Halston l

. ca~(' ThursdJlY Mrs. Larry Saunders and chll- Kurt, Hinton. In, wen' dinner, sons, Frer~·lO.nt, Mr and ~lrs. I Wisner Girl Graduates ror I a we~k(md VIsit 111 the J. C. dren, Boyertown, Pa., were visit- guests the Fourth in thll Glen IWayne Benjamin and~. lamliy. I MrC'aw home. on; last Saturday in ui,' Oscar Macklem homlf.· Kea'rney, :Mr. and Mrs. t Gary I Bl'vl'rly Daulll. Wisner, ~rad ..

~\'L~I~I;\I:I~~J\\)II: f::~~~ ~~:ut~~~itl~':\~n Al~. :lllI . ."flt! vradllallnn lint! wa1! ~oll\Ctd h~ IH'1" ',hl, I' and hrolh('r',ih·t,llw, ~lr .IITlt ~tJ' f \)f'an Jlllrrltj.h, with ~ h"!11 (\l'vt'l"lj' hilS st3)'tl(1 while al It· ndlll I-! '1'1\001 Purrl.,t1(!JJ left :ill(T ~:t.ldllalthl1 lIll 'rm ('t~ht-we~k

Mrs. Sterl;119 Borg - Phone JU~4~2877 Mr., '1n:l. .. Roy Ankeny. and:' Belrg home. Mr. and Mrs Vernon" B[lss.IWhrte and sons, Al~('n, and Mr. atl'd .. from Stra;,er JUlHor {,oll{'~r' Donml, SIOUX CIty. were dll1ner Mr. and Mrs' Don Anderson and Paradise, Call1.. were honored and Mrs Lowell S:llInders and of f mUlln'. \\ a~hlng-ton Il (

- ., ". gue'its Sunday In the Russell An, family, LaMesa. T(·x .. were visit- Tuesday at a no-host lunch('on in I sons In the afternoon Mr and July 1O alit! Is nnw emploYl.d a~ I\lr' ,111i1 ~l:r.., Wd:J,ull1 l~en.ll'rlck: .1\011' alld ,:vIn, VtlllL!'> $dllllLl llIld keny horne. i ors F'riday in the Fay Walton ___ ~_. __ ~ __ ~~,_ tOll! of Ellrnpl' ' .

WI'I'(' 'IJPl't'l j!.IIf·..,t., lW'!H.lllY III thp 'fallIlJy, lonCa. '\lld .\111''>. Handal Mr and Mrs Sam Blatchford. home_ d Hl)bt"rt (;I\·,t,\i'>r)11 bonH'. \\II'!-.! I.'olnt HI'lt,I'" and dllldr('n, W~·.'ilflt'ld, I ... !Sloux ('Hy. WPfI' wPck('nd guests I, ~lr. and Mrs. Barry Lynch and Wayne's Home Qwne

:\11' .1;Hi !VII'''' {'anol H-ahn Lynn . Lln~'I,jIl. "llI'nt in the D\ldlf'Y Blatc-.hford home. "famIly, Des Moines, la., were SUl1l\ ('llv, W('I" \1~!lllr', Monday tht' W('I·k III i'["f'd \\()I,I('1" hOlll(' (;u{'sh .July ,I In the Mt'rllnllw(,f'kcnd gue~ts in the Ernest Leh, IU ttll' \1.1.\ ,Il,dlll hUrll(' Mr ,Inri .!allW'i \\!'Ikk' ,lnr] I Johnson hornl', ~Iartlnglon, for a ner home Timmy Lynch returned

:\lOin r!;,\· ('llll.lld :\1 ("(:aw. ()nta \\"1') w!'I:la'nd Icooperatn'p j)1(,lllC we)"r' Mr and !lome With his parents after spend, 11:1. ('.11111' IrH ,J \l1~rt III tl\!'.J t .1111_\ ·1 Itl till Ii 01.\ .'-ip'lhr \1r~ Fay W(liion . .Jllyrp.and Janet !n~ sO,m,l' time in the Lehner home-l :\1('("0\\\ , . , 1;II(,s!'. .Iuly '\ m the Sler!mg (;U('~b Sunday In the Harold

.~11 dllrl ,Bovd 1\llol'll and Hor).! hornl: for it (,Of.)j)l'raIJVE' ;;I('a~ Smith hOllle. Wakefield, to visit I \)01111;1 \\I'I:k('llil I ~oc,·ety. fry WI'rt' (,rarp Qa\'](l~on and 1\lr<; \olr and Mrs Vlr~il Smith and

h.!lo<'ll dP. G 0 I) Frank [llirr. SIOUX City. Mr and S;mdra, San nit'go, were Mr. and " MYF Swimming Party Held i :\lr:;. MprllTl ~:halllhrrs a~d fam- Mr~ Forrpst Shilth and Mr. and

!\II' Inil \11~ 11Il11~ Tn'scott. "'llmhl'r . .., of 111l!'rlll('didl,' '\11' ,!I.y. Dakota (Ity. HO~N {,r~ham. Mr ... , Hoscoe SmIth, Allen, Mr. and 1I1~1' Id~1 \\I(killri thlldl,,1 IOUt)1 !'\'lllIw~llup 11;111 d I Norfolk. Mr. and. M:s. I'Jdred ~rs G('ne Paul and family, Wake­

:-;hdfllll i ..,\\ IlTl Jllillt.: ]J;ll't.\ WI'd!H'.~d,.:> t·\',., I Smith. Nlr Clnd \1n (,arol.d .i('w fu'ld. Mr and Mrs. LaMonte Her-l'rl'~("lill IHlJll"~W!l1r lill'!11 I ,11 W,lvH(' pOl)l !\ W(t'ruT. roa~1 ,I'll and \Olarv. Mr and Mr~ Mar· fpl and family. Sioux City, Mr 1()1l[1\\'11l~' .. 1 \ I'll III.Oll.]'11r1l I .Ii till' jlark ~I'.\I 1111"1'1 ; Jon t}lIi~t, Virginia and t;f'nr ilnd and Mrs. Larry Herrel and family, I

\11 ,Hid I\lr.., 1'.11 S;~lil (ltIll ( 111' WIll Iii' All" 1 !lon lIar,()n Lawton, la . Mr and Mrs. Wilmer: 1-: {'(IlI(,'\I'~' \\1,'1"1' j:,III.~tl, .111.1:> 1\ In"" ('Iifford \-1('('<lW Omaha. anrl "I'rfpl and BO,nnie. Mrs. ,Alice I'

l~lI' It,ll .'-;:11;1 11111111'. Il<tkd .. k Stanley Rtunlon Held \1! and \-Irs .J (' McCav'! W(,fI' lierfel and Annie Grosvenor

l'II~1111 ;1;1\:11" \i\lll~ 1:1'1~lh ~It~·· 1.1;~ 11111(' f:rlllll\ 11)(~Lil!lI'r~ ;11 ~:~II~:)I."lr(~::\II(:~(lay In till' Ellrl \01(' \11' and Mrs Hichard Schulte

11,1111111 ,1111 da'I\111~lli,,"r~~ F~I(:;::;:;ltl I ill' lallll!; ri'UIl 1'111111' llillll(. AI;(.'I1I; Illr ~I~;;~rr,)!;~:: and fal~ilY. cas~)t'~' ~YOth ICf~~I~;; I

\\'1'11' 11 ... 11<11" :-;111111,1\ III thl" (IIIII'! ~ .. II:'~I'I\I:(li 1;;'11' I :1\\J"(.I/I:(I,:·.I't .. ::~ ('I:ll'I'IH'" Mc(';(\\ ()h;~(lll~;' '1:fiJ OJ \~o~p VJ.~I !1l ('

~(ll" 11<'111". 11i'~I, \1"11".1.\ III 'IIII' ',ILI 11I'-~ld"IL! ,\.II:·I~I I~\III.~ ('.«('\1('1 11I":\'.I'~I:'ltl;:l\I!~~I(::l'lh~H~!'~I':l·I~~·;.n~\;.I~ :vir and ~Ir~ Dick Tryon and 1\1,'111'11111111 IIOllll' jll("~ld('111 1):111' IlIlIl\(' San 1\~legt~~·('W\~~n:\~tor~n~e('nd;

~1r dlld \II!, .JClIl 1\11;111/ .. ()m;r!w. ~t;lllli'}'. ...el'l"l'!;lr\ tl(';[~I!ITI ;\lr~ HOI N('I~on r('turned homr Ihollle \11 .1111 \1['~ 1·'1'I'd (;(lpld ,Ind td\l'~_t~ jIJII'THIt'd lrrllil \ll1l~H".;()I<I., Friday aft'l'r J! thn'i' w('pk \"!~It In I :>Ir and Mrs. Herby Hanson, \11 .till! \Il-~ .\1('1\,111 (;<1l1ld ;llld I MI.~'llIlrr Oill[I 11'\1<1 .\1,,1 "",-hl:l:;, Ill(- f1ufnrd .JOIlI'S homt'. Un('oln, I'll'r'iOn, la. were guests July 4

:-'lL· and :-"'lr~ k,1 tlH' :\Iarlvn Stlnglt'v hOlne. Fair· 111 the Norman Lubberstedt home. and ~lr. _. - hlu·.\" ant'l thp "lr~- Anna Nelson ~ ;"1r and Mr:;. James Heaton,

~~:II~;II~ \IT'~"\\("I~tli' and M~~tI~(~I~~ttS 'Youtil FI'III)\\~hLP IIlt't irornp. II(mlvlllt, - .Jamt'st~lvn. Colo. were d~nne~ 1\11 ;111,1 I'll) '0 \\'1111;1111 1<:c.I(['1'1 Wedn('sti<'IY dvenlng :It the church (;llll··~ts IMonhrlay In

t Ihh'l Larthr y gu(e)S~<;rnl~lltthegUL~:tt~r ;e~~~~~d~oymf~

, 1'1 "I'···· "Lull H'rst('( t om(' 0 e P (' I v,- Igl. , \\1'11' "lj{'~I, .Jull'·1)1! the Ar(hur: iUls \\t'rt ~na{.l lor d ':W)lnmlll hl .. , b h' b' thl ., IhpFloydBloomhomewereColeen ,~" l{(oll 111:!lII', Ubr;nlfn'ld 'party July to ',it W,lkPlleltl pool ho~lt'ss 0 .... e er Ir (~y well' ip d D th Pia p Trin"

CII:lrl('~ 1.('~"lHan. ])~!lIOI\, wn:9~';fi 'lTlH' -grollp ciin~ii;IUCd the "tudv lif MI" and Mrs Free L,ub erste~tt .. eler~on an oro y, P, . 1'1~ltl)r ~'I;da~ tlw 'l-'r'cd I "One Witn('~s, :'~One World" i>ar-I Wayne. Mr and Mrs. (,eorgc LIp· Ity Blhle. Col1~ge. Chicago. I

lene Not' st'11ved l'cfre"hnl('Ilh. pull, Mr. '.lOd I\1rs, Ja.y Mattes I A family p!cn~c was held the W(~:\~'r ,~::;:tl(~lr ... \1<1:\ Hahn Wi'H' I i and l\1ikki no('h('~.. . ,Fourth :-It Wakefield por~ to hon-dlfllll'j ,111,1 j~U('s(:+-" July 4 WSCS Meetsl (;I~(>sts Tuesday to the VtOcent lor :\lr; an? M~·:<;,. El~('r Il~nschk~ lit 1111 \,11' hlilln' .SlIlIth, Tllllr~day afternoon \\'1\1!I(.n· ... ll\a\';IIl,I\I!~h lHlIll(' to ohs('l'\'t' til(' I and (two.1. (,.II,(~('nd. Cabf. Ot~ SIII\I'\ \ '11'1 I SO('il'tv of ~'hristJan S('r\'I('(' IlH'I: birthdnys of .It'rrv t~uHln and !\lrs. ~ t'r.~ alte~dltlg wele Mr_ and Mrs.

"\k~h ilond,aY ill till' ' church p .. rl()r.~ l\lr~ WII J{avan:l\lgh W('\,(' \1r and ~lrs'l Donald t'el('fs. R?nal_d. Mary Jane .. hOII\(' W\,II(: till' .Hld' Eckl'rt ~<lVt· tlw 1{,~soll. l\1r~. (~ul!ln ;11111 !-.Oll, ~H)IIX C.lly. :llld Cha~I{'\ LOllI(' }Il~nsohke, ~~rd I

'" 'co '",''' """""I;"~:t:: :"~'r:~~ ~~~';',","'""m"~' ""'''~'~ to be No.1 So come and get it! Right away



REAR-ENGINE FUN CAR. Now's the best

lime to go CarvalL the fur car by Chevrolet, Corvair means

valuo in many brilliant ways. like tihe spirited rear eDgine. And famous

Body by Fisher that means lasting style and rU~p'ed construction, The ride's great.

too, whether you tr<lvol highway or narrow city street. Sije your Chevrolet dealer for a great

RU",,~E!3 GREA!..-DE_A,~_f112'!V<!lNA_ C~ROlET

~ry1_~LA. A~~RICA'S NO 1..._~~_~~"iq._C.A~_

Impaln is a Chevrolet favonte, and the tIme to buy one is now_

It s no wonder that Imp<:lla IS No.1l It's the full-silZe Chevrolet

that offers fabulous color-kByod mteriors in textured VInyl and

patterned cloth. Deep.twi~t carpeti+g front an~ rear, Even

the rich look of walnut trrm on the 1nstrument panel. Order

I your Impala. Bel Air. or Biscayne with the big 3*S-hp Turbo­

Jet VB and get the smooth perfO>rn'8nce it's qesigned for. Leave it to Chevrolet to make sure they look lik~ they cost n

lot; leave it to your Chevrolet dealer 10 make sure they don't!

Chellroletlmpala SpOrt Coupe

deal on a ~orvair!



There's no better time 1han now to get a great

buy on 3' Chevellel Check these Chevellevalu8 fea­

tures: the smooth ride. superb handling, famous

Body by Fisher_J See your Chevrolet dealer now,

and :!:j,ee how easily you can buy a new ChevelJe I

.* ~POI.

~~~ tIIOK



2 c'":~\139 ',\

,61J·t L~i~cUChops." 79C


loin Portion SAc Roast .. _ . .• ", 7f

. lb. UAN MfAT'I' 6 L

(ountry Style Ribs

C rysto I Beet

SUGAR 10·Lb. Sock

With $5.00 Order

Va'; Camp's


S~r~wberry Preserves ':0:' 29c f:LAV·O-RrrE BIlOWNor 39 . Powdered Sugar ':':':bC

5 ~~~~ $100

Charmin's Assorted

TOILET 1l. Rolls

TISSUE Early Elberta

PEACHES 17 Lb. Lug

Fresh Home ..


$lod $.':l

Super Vflu

CAKE'lAI'XES Devil's Foorl., Spiced Whit~ or Yellow

00 Price~ £ffective July 14 Thru 17.

6 600%. Cans

Silver Dollar Night

CABBAGE S;;~;~~LU Thurod.y At 8 P.bL For $400 -------------+1--------...,.·- Th~OU;;-w~ ;;;0 - - - -Red Ripe 20 Lb. Ai-g. 6 9 CA~EFaR'Et l';i'ONSTONE


WATERME I~ e'1 f::;uar::: July 17 ,~~~ ~:~I;onTh": ~:. ~r~ I. R- httotimita.s--ned_ - - - - - - - -

~ by Janet Ca~pbella - - - - Tlu~O';;;; W-;;h;; -. '

, _______ ~ , owa.rd the Purchase of " --------r-- I CA EfREE IRONSTONE •• , BARBECUED LOINiOF PORK I 1 "CHOP PLATTER .!, ' I ".....k.'. , .~ -". ....... I BogUIar Price .. . -$1_99 Wit" This .$149

, ~ NOWSTl-IE nME TO GEl" A NOl.UY ON TH£ NO I CAI:S1 I 3~pcxke::cone 2 ~~= I Less. -~.-~ ~UPO":"'.'i.--: .. ~~,..,.>;;~\ " ·-------········-·······c····o······1y······ "L"'-L'-"""'A""'u-"--T'-'-o'-------- CO-----M--~P--A-N-Y ~ • !.:~~:. -', :~~."~! = C.;,f.f '~~Nl ,f 1'.

~"f,~,\ l";i.u .. ,pe,pouod_O~"",~be'."~~'" ", •. """I:';..:~""", I 3-PC. BOWL SET

___ 1_~1~~'·_~_A_S_T __ 2~~J~D_~S_T_. __ ~'~_+j ___ ~~ __ W_A_Y_N_:_,_~_._, _________ ._._!_,_._:_h_~_n_e __ 37_~ __ ~~I-,v~~pkt~t~~~~

, 1 • .. •• "I' 'j'" . '" < '" '''11' • ",'1'1-'-I '" , " ,'n

I I , '

W·lns·,dJ pftra' de i" h Id rlrl'll 3mt rltnJly W!lkt'tJf•1d Rf"r Hid \t[: E'llu>r P{hnOfl NC~ll lr.~r P(tcr::on Mr:l: Arvid reIN ~UO<!;Jhl' r ~nd!\ln urrel)n \}1 I The W. IN bid' I ' , 'Ii" 0 I Sae By IF a Hera I und M~' 'JUhU~'c"'''(>n ",,,I rn", ,~crc '''ppe, ~uc,h Sunday 01 Mrs I <on, Mr, Verdcl Erw", and Ke"lnl In,' Llilia And.,,"on .In .. ~~r.' yn. 0' tl r.ld, Thu"d." lilly g, 1?65 .7 ~h ~ I·' I 1

111,., Kln~nf;" n·~ ~nd fl·, Joh,\ W),IO() t' :":lllm I Lrlel.son. I 'in,IMr. a Mn. Kt'Hh t;n{"kJC(In , ~ • ;, un p Ico'-on !ion and LI~HI, Mr nnd Mr'l I Lorna Fost ... r. Sioux FOlIIII, was ~I J,lnner gUC-:'its or Mr and Mrsj nd Iduu ht"r,. lIml ~Ir md \fn iKrlC'kM'ln u ; • ·1

. III I urdoUo Han,en and JoAnn, :mll Swanson, r .~nd frs Evt'rt \\l'('kl'nd guest 0'1; Mr and :\otrs.. Raymond Erlck1)on the Fourth \\err en~cth I,,: Ick.son :md K~\UI l;t'tt'r"SfJ' J nt." PI,llr~Otl. (l.l~r:l mOft$:!, '-Ir and Mr1t VI:rdt~' 1'~1" 1 hI' \\ IpSI ~t' pM.uh· cmrnmltlc·c WI'lfu>r vl,.ltf.dl Wcdnt"Hday morn ohn!lo,n and r mil)' and HI'v ,wrJ I Willis Johnson .Pifr and Mr~ Orris Soughsteadt Jo n Er in «nt rl In ttl nln' T n ~ndl Nnn!.') \\ ~lHn F.\q- win lind MIn,. Mr 4nd Mr"", '-\Mfi

Is RhIIIllHrIl' duplll'atlon or ( lI1!i .11 !til It fI FI.amINI homf' i rfl Uonlver Pj'j(!rson a Id tnnul) GUC!it!; of ~lr1i ~Alna lIaisch TU~8 I and family, Amanllo. TcX'. ~Ir.; wi lming part)' 1't:l'fi~ln~~ (()~I h('~ I hun~C' g~~:~,5 M~a tt~~<r~~J~~~~'h~~~ln Rh!¥t;~ ~fr l.t~d ~tr.!J, V.,.rnc:4I1 (I(l~ tlll'ml's HI til" 0[,1 S\lUIl.'1 fj u",1 ~r, and Mrs. ,E G. Smith ond I ( hllppeJl The )omvcr Pch'rsor,<; cia) for iH'r hlrthday Wt're- :\1rs I Gus, HaDltCn, ~fr and Mtli Oscar Irt day. GUest .• ~. Ill' I ,I d Mt 'I' ~. r 'mu n , ( dA,'~b111 r_, :jt1d Mf. hlld 1> IlIl1!Jnd h t)lit'C pnrartl.X I"nrl DOn Bolmg, H<!ldt'fJ, and Kl'onyl ---_~_ ~_ _ __ _ _ __ ~ _____ I _~--'-"" ___ :.........___ ~_ s \\cr n ~l :10 . .8 (t "n~ MILF1,ul(ln and !dr''' \\llntul1 ~\itll n U'nd dil\l~htl'f" tt fit 1 ( l' on IlOSt' pIMITIUlI: 10" Jfj II! I Wm',ldrll VJ ,JIf d ,II (11r I --P411 t .lr( <I iPIl !f) Il't 0 {lcwl1i {'rl< p BollI)gfl lal,t !1undilY k~ow I hI lr pt/HIS 1 Todd, Wendy and 6ecky Boling,

I~~rre~~~~~,g V::I(:nl~'y ht~:~:~ '~:;::'.;,7;,,"~~::~~,,:r~,,~:'~'\~7,~I"""I~'~", ",0' i,LD s'6E~hTATNLIlII AL RO~UY-' N 10" 'N' ~nvonc wh 111 mnldng plan!i to IM}{ nl', wert' 0) Luuoin I ,.,

nter shou ~ contllct him by I Mr. _ond Mr •. Lonnie Heneg.r hono or m jj and glvo 8 descrlp· I !In''nl ill/it we~'kl'nd In tho lop

hOn~of cntty plan5. 1{,IIIlIll!'rI hOlIH', (),J I Irla (d(JH', 1.1 will ,(lId .1 fl.1 Mr. ilnd Mf!. R M Panter, VII.

1l.n, ntll"a:lon In Ow Win:1I,II(" la,W', ICHI, IS vII'dlm:: :\-11', clmJ V[I"! I pl~l'ad('. 1\, Ikvcr[y H[/I BdlJ('~lllellr) 'l\lIlilt~r 1111,', WI'(']" I Jllpat j,', to tJ, JIl 1IJ(' ,July 2:: Jlar Lo'rl lind Dallas Boker, Kingsley, Bdl'. It ~HIH Ili<'Ortll' u fnmillal' Hight la" VISited fhl'tlTwn Bllkcr,~ last I 111 Northwcfll Jowu In fJ'£'qucnt par I wl~ck. I iJdf' appf'uru I\('~. ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearson,

The o rn,tl1l'! Drum and I.yn' SprIngfield, Ill., Wl'fe vj"ltors lust rorlls ill anlotll~r unIt corning from: F'riday III Mrs. George ObiOns-, I ll, d 'it,JIl{'I' i\rl 1l11',{'o[Ol"pd Jg~:n·Jln· IMr ., and Mrs. A. S. Hersken."

, J t1(111 It I:, notwd lor Its eolor ;JIld fo'rlll'!JuI'Y, wel'<, gll('c;ts In tile Wli· faql['Y PI'{,~II'III,ili()ll~ Iljlln Finn lJorrJ(' ]'1';\ Saturrl:Jy I

I DilAMO JUBILEE CQNCORD NEWS M", Jerry AII,in, Phone 5842440

---"'"-""'- -"'!'1 r- - I \II'~ 1J!'lmal' ('<JJ'[~(jtl. ,\11', Lind .\11"; I

Hopeful HOrhomoker5 Club I Vnlz KI"i.l('IJl~'r II/HI JiJrnJly, Mr illllJ I 'I/!Ipl'lul 1~(lllllf'JI1:d\I',)~ ,I II (lull ,\1r~ !Inman Kr,H'Il11'r, Mr' i:lI1d

rnl'l .rlliv Ii ;11: III" ,\,,1"1111';1',1 :"1.1' vll'~ V('I"!III.1l !.tllldqlllhl 1\11 ,ll,d I IIOll :'-Jl!j(Ilql'I!1 I!lI'lIllJcr,~ ,Jlld h\U' \11"; l\nlE'II1I~1' ,Hlel (nJlllly and I VI.~JtlJh, I"ilt:lv 1'('.11'.1111 ,IIHI \lI.~ ,Iql[) 1\111 ;<.l'lJll 1'~IIIII'r I ('lltl];~ll pi I",('II! \11 .III.! "n(jr'rson I SUlllpli-" ill Wd'i jlHlJ,:ed I Hnd d:l\Ij~hl('1 ~ ~P('lIt 111(' v,(,p!tl'nd Allc!' J>(',lr~flll ,IIHI ;Joel HIIIII' III Ihl' III')! t\1111l1<;oll l1oml', HllS. 1."h III 01 II ',f'I 11l!1( II ~(:xt JlU'('j ~('It

In~! win h(' :'0 :11 Ihr' SI:IIIl'11 ,'\1,. :Ind !\Ir~ Pair! P!'llrs(jn, Hull! 1\11)1 [(·IIIII,J:I II'!,,])I"I SJlrllll~Ij('ld. III, Hul11 iJnd ,\fary

1'1';11'<;011 1I11r/ .11,11' ,Ind l\1t'~. IVaI' I\n-

W'I'lJ~II I' 1,(11l !l1l'1 \\ ,'d!1I ~d,J\ ,Ii

tttl' hqlnf' IIf \II"~ )'1 11/ J:( Ji I, \]', , Ed l'.d])"('llliol/" ,\llf'l] I'JrHi ~'''':Ind lll)lh"l)~ dt'lll'II]~lldll(Jlh \'lI",

1I~1 !TI('dUIL' \\ III IH' .1 IllIlt hl'ill] ,il :\tllll'r'~ '[',,.! HIIiJII] \\.11 Iii

; II~'/' .4~I,~(\ u ~:/t;lre(] ti ~'i:.II' ;I~;: IPI~\ ~~ g l~ ~',~ ~s Iflr! \\11111(1 :

\11" alld \11~, ltJ("h,lrd /(('I'~ <lnd: ,1('1(' \\(',j'k('n{j glil'q" oj \'II' '

.Ir\~ I' and F~~·;I,~. J<~~~:~~~'~'n I'~':::~;;:::;' ! ;!Ild Iklll AlIll. ~!lIUX Fall~. we're I

\11' OIIII[ :\lr~ h:1[1 (lark ;llld wcekl'nu Vlsrtoi"-, of :\Ir and :\lrs .VlI ilnd :vJr~ \\'II!J;IJl1 \\';il[, L('j'lh, I Kl'nm'rh Olsen ,I

1<1 \\('1(' "I'II()J~ ,d :"111 ,IIId ,\1" :'\1r and :\Irs Hllb Shl'l-ry ;Ind l

,!t'll, \].II'IIJld,llf' fill' Ill!' l'quIII] 1:lmily ilnd :\JI' and i\lrs Lyit' 'i{l'lnh iJlld Jamlly, I'lntt'itnouth,

Ch h ,1t>Jtl'd :,\11',> Ina LI'{', Stanton, Yn­urc es.... (]:IY I>avlIl Sill'rry fI'lll;JlIll'd at Stanton Evangelical Frell' Chvrch

Mr. and Mrs, Paul Pearson, Springfield, 111, ond May Pear·

or 11.11'\111 I

Ak·Sar·Ben honors Nebraska's pioneer farm families

The many families who have lived on, and worked the same Nebrasl(ll [and for many generations, form a traditional cor~ for all Nebraska to grow on, Ak-Sar· Ben believes these families should be honored and encouraged. Bach year. in association With Nebras· ka's County ~air Managers Association. Ak-Sar·Ben presents the "Pioneer Farmer" awards. These awards recognize families who have own~d the same land for

;~ol~~~:;~dre~:i~~O:~\ ~ena~'~~v!~ep~~:~~: ~~::J~wca:: tlficate and ., gate post marker to point out to the world a home ~f which Nebraska is proud.

General Offlce$~ 304 South 18th Street, Omaha, Nebr.


OLD 1fIME STnE SHOW and TALENT PRELIM ES AT PARK WEDNESDAY NITE JULY 21, 7:30 P. M. -----------------;------------------'1

Old Settler's Day 'Diamond Jubilee Day THURSDA Y , JULY 22 FRIDAY , JULY 23


9:30 -12:00 A.M. • 10:00 A.M. - ~ 1~1 :00 A.M.

(Theme 75 Years of Progress)


(Winside, Wayne, Hoskins, Corroll, Stanton)

2:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M.

BASEBAll, 2 GAMES 6:30 P.M. (Winside and Wakefield Legion and Midget Teams)


(Tallk by the Governor) (Mrs. Morrison will Sing Several Selections.)

~:15 P.M. 8:00 P.M.

1 ALENT SHOW following Talk by Governor


And South of Railroad Tracks

1 ,


1 Noon and During Day!

RODEO at the BALL PARK 1:00'P.M.

Fun, Thrills and Spills (Music bY,.Diomond F Troubadors & Bud VanFleet Bands)

YMEDACA SINGERS 1 :00 P.M. (Of Norfolk Assumption)

HISTORY OF WINSJDE 2:00 P.M.· (County. Historical Society)

FREE BARBECUE "With All The I Trimmingsll

6:00 P.M. STARLETTES, Eileen Damme, Dire~tor 6:45 P.M.

(Sponsored by ,Walter Bleich)



SQUARE DANCE on Main Street (Dave Chambers - Coller)

7:30 P.M.

8:00 P.M.

8:30 p.M.


Winside Welcomes You-Come and Celebrate withU~:; and - and 23.1::


;1, Thursday" ,

Friday JUly 22 , !"~:i1ji~); >.1·;

", j'",

KEYHOLE RACING at the Wayne horse ,how wo, Won by Don Asmus, HosRins, who displays the ribbon he 'Won

Evangelical (pvcnanf Church (Frl'd J ansson, pa~t()r)

-, Sunday, .lui} 18. Sunday ~('h()()l

,---------------------- (j ,I 111 worship, spt'akn I{t,\,

WAI~EFIELD NEWS M~5. Betty Miner - Phone 287-2543

VOli rll'('11 g,1 rl ~ :lllIl hoys 1"('lurn ('d S:llurri;n ,1lfll'l "I:>. at ('1)\"1'11<111\

htl' (':lllll' Ilutlh'J!k Mrs. Mary Hl-Ien Donohue,

Omaha, Ilnd Mn. Myrtle Bre"­ler returned Saturday lifter spending some time' with Harold Bressler, Los Angeles.

.\1r )\11''' Ha.\' !\[dkJ ;IJld Mr~ Schmidt :lIld Bar hllra. ()nlilha, \1~lI('d WI'(hi('~d;l\, III thl' EpilrLl1Il .Jllhn"'()1l IW!lH'

!.undahl Cill \111111(- 1.1111

anrl \Ir... l' n'r!

1.llwlln and Mr :IIHI \11'''' \'f'IIrI<'J'

ArnlJr().~(' CollilHi, 10 <J HI 'lo11ila.\" .1uly 19: Ho) h

('rHllmi!I(T Ii pm

ItlUlllon registration: ,hnstian f'd uc-allon hour follmvHlg v.or"hll)

\lr and \1rs \l.~TOIl (;ll..,lahon and d;Hlght('r~. SilvPf Spfln~!' "tll Il'fI W('!ln('<;r!:\v afln ,,[wnd lllJ.: a WPt'k In Ih4' T ,\1 (;U~l<lf,oll hornr'

:\lr and \Ir<, ":I!I1l'[" I[en<;phkl' and Sli(-)') I, (;ardl'lloJ, :'11' anri ,\If>. IJon:ild Pl'lerl-o f.1111

11\', Dtxon, :'111' anrl \1r~ (;1'1'1'1-:1

Elddwff, :'Ilr ;tnd \I1r~ FI(I}d

Rev and Mrs. Fred Jansson are vacationing with his brother in Rochester, N. Y.

\lr and !\lr" .J!'roJn(' I/('lgu'n and famd}. Chic-ago. an' sp('nding a ft·\>. da}~ In Ihe Levi H('igr('n jlllnll'

.IUIl1!)), W('nriel, I'hot'llix. Ariz., I.., \ .J("allOnlng III \lit· li:.Jrry Wen 'j(') blill11-



Revelation! l Tntil you vourself get behind the wheel of a new CadillaC', you will

nC\'l'l' know why its oWl1ers are so el1thu~~astic, And there

has never been a better time than now to go ahei1d ... go Cadillac!

Tlw In\ alt~' of C,lddlac n .... 'nC'N; i" the l'nvy of th<' industry.

The f('a"OIl why Cadilhu' hu<; tlw hi;.::Ilt't-( f('peat o,,'nl'r­

~hlP of al1\' eM huih in thc Ian'" ("nme~ Ihrolq.:h ... h;lrp :mc!

l'it'ar afkr nnlv a few minlltes HI the wht'l'1. '1'11;11'" all it I;d,(,-.. III di:,t"o\"t'r that Caddlac m\"lw~ ('l\l(\\ ,I t"pe of

l"l)]npil'tc motoring pJt.a:,uft: nO other C..Lf can ~llpply.

Cadillnc'!, full·range performance provide~ such instant

rcspoIl'''e. dfor-tlc ... " handling anrl"mootft, steady ride that

I""er: oth('r car -..ccm" comrnnnpbc{' h,' compari ... on. The

one plan' to di!>cO\'(')' all of C~Hiillac's wonders is at "our

authnrl:t('d deal('f· ... -~'nllr hpfloquarlC'r" for nf'W <Ind u~ed (·addlac.s and lor s('(\.·ic(' hy f:tCltlry-.tmint'd cTafl~m('n..

Standard of 'llC n'()Jld


. ED WOLSKE AUTO SERVICE' 216 West Firs~ St. Ph. 375~23SS


Real Estate Deeds: July 6' ,Julia Haas 10 Emz] and

Lillian "Smolik, part of the 15\\,11

S~c 1~.26.3, containing 3 161 acre'S. S:,,161.. I

July:6' Richard and EMeen (;laze I to Ouane F and Glenna Grave'''.

t~~k~Js. Bi~c8~ ~~ Ur~~~~~~ Ts~~~p~l i July.7 Emma ilamme to Hal ph ,

Beierrnann, W l~ W SE 1:1 and ('ast: 60 llcros S\'.'l'l. Spc 31·26·1, $22.!iorl I

Marda.,ge Licenses: .July'6 Harold Hrlldlgiln. 2R. lJo.~

kins, and Patrtcia Ann Kud('ra, I!I Hoskms

• Will Pilot Super Sabre


Capl. Hoger Wichman, Pender. has been. graouated from the air force traming course for F·IOQ Su

iP('r Sabre pIlots at Luke AFB, Ariz, AITeady a quaiJfied J)ll()t, Capt Wichman is now "('om bat


'read Y" in ~he supersonic Jet fight". er and Will be assigned to an air force combat and support un it. A graduate of Pender high, he

I is the son of the Carl Wichmans. I

He received his as degree from' NU and was commissioned III 1959 in the air ROTC program

• SS Man Here Next Week'

A social security representative 1 from the Norfolk office, Leo SHIH. I will be in the courthouse in \\'ayn£' I

Tlrursday. July 22. from 1 to p m. A'nYone having questIOn.;; about Jheir social security status, prryffients or outlook may contact him at thnt time It helps Ii ap· pomtments are made in advance by writing the :Norfolk office, Box 881

• Girls Practice Judging I[

Over 100 4·H girls from the Northeast area took part in prac·: hce judging and demonstratIOn I

I days the last week of June and the I first week of .lui), accordmg to I Mrs i\tal'Y Jo Gross, are::J, exlen I

SiOn agent .Iudglna practIce was I

for those In bt'glnning project.'.: About JO .; II girls and boys r('"1 ('('Ived help on 4·11 demonstratIOn;: being prepared for the county j::Jlr !

• ! Attending Scout Roundup I Mrs. John Grabowski. Mmnf.'ap· Oll~, d;lughter of Mr and 11r5

IOsjar Liedtke, \Vayne, is attend-) mg the Girl Scout senior roundup Ill! Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. where she I

I ;~~l t~~e:nw!~;!~or O~~rr ~~~~r~f~s : are expected. Her daughter. Cern Grabowski, IS a senior counselor at I

("'amp Greenwood, Buffalo, MinD .. I

f.his summer.


Friday, July' 16 ~

"RED DOGS" Adm. $1.-19 tllX pd .. Parents lllVlt~d

Sotu~day, July 17

TOMMY BISHOP and his orchestra

Adm. 75c

Sunday, July lB A Mixer· Upper!

ADOLPH NEMETZ and his Orchestra

Adm. S1.00

Wednesday, July 21

i',,*~O GRECO an'd the Pioneers

Adm. $l_Okl


BEDDING .1<: Englander Princess Mattress, firm for the price $29.~5" 220 Coil Motttoss, soft but not too soft, only $39.pO. Simmons Slumber King Mott~ess, just right for most pcople $49;00 312 COIL MA1 rRESS, a real special, with matching box spring ,$78,oe 672 Coils Mattress Box Sprinll'Set, extra firm, soo this 0"' ,. $,98.Q~ King K()iI Faa".' Rubber Majttross & Box Spring, . I

(damaged .n our warehouse, a steal at only) -[. , .. $109;0.0

Plus - FREE, a fitted mattress pad With each piece of ~edding, valued .. a1 $5.95:

BEDROOM SETS 3 Piece Walnut Double Drcsser, Chost and Popel Bed

.$269.00 3 Pc, Bassett Set $269,00 3 Pc, Bassett Set, Walnut Sot $199.00 3 Pc, Bassett Set, Walnut Set

.$129.~0 , $210.00 , $210.00 . $179.00·

Many others to choose from, solid maple - solid oak - wqlnut.

LIVING ROOM $169.00 Davenport and Ch'1ir, nylon cover only ,$11'.00 $189.00 Brown Mostercraft, Davenport and Chair ,$J4~.0~ $189.00 Beige Mastercraft Davenport and Chair $14~.0C) $249.00 90" Sofa, biege nylon cover, foam cushion $189.0~

This is just a sample of the large! selection we have on sale. Stop in Cln1

see us today. All the latest styles and colors, easy terms. 'I DINETTE SETS

Large Table and 6 Chairs,. inlay top bronze finish, 2 to gO,at Table (2 extra leaves) 6 Chairs, woodgrain top Table ·(1 extra leaf) 6 Chairs, woodgrain top Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chairs, woodgrain top Early American .Round Table and 4 Chairs

$49.00 . $79;00 . $69100 $99.00 $90.00

Choose fh~ one you want, over 25 sets in stoell. \

$7.9S $7.95 $7,95 $7.95

Brown Beige Green Plain

CARPET Twe~d Carpet, 100% nylon a" Wool Wilt!>n Carpet Tweqd Carpet, 100% nylon Bei9~ 0" Wool Carpet

AU carpet in stock - No waiting to order.

WALL PLAQUES-PICTURES Electric Sunburst Wall Clock Electric Kitchen Wall Clock $17,008 day Sunburst wo" Clock $30.00 Battery operated Wall Clock , .. '1 ' , $40,9536" Snow flake Walli'Clock, Battery operated $40.9S Sunburst Wall Clock, Battery operated


$30.00 Early American Wall Plaques, set of 2 $30·00 Early American Wall Plaques, set of 4 $30,00 Solid Walnut Wall Plaques, set of 3 $15.00 Solid Walnut Wall Plaques, set of 3


\ ! •

$5,25 . sq. 'yjl. $5.95 sq. yl!. $5.25 sq. yd. $5.00 sq. yd.

$ 3.95 $ 3.95 $12.00: $21.00 $30.00 $30.00

, ., r $19.~5,

$19.9~i $20.0,!! $12.00


PICTURES Choose from over 50 - Different sizes - colors - scenes.

. MISCELLANEOUS CLOSEOUTS 1 Group Tables :(1 coffee table - 2 step tables) only', . ' , " . $~~:: 1 Group Table Lamps, values to $30,00 .. ." .. ,' ' " , , . , . , ,$ . '.0.

Pole Lamps ' , , , . , .. ' . , .•. $ . 6:lI'5 Tree Lamps, ' : .. , . ,:.$ 115•00 Aluminum Lawn ChairS ... $, i .3i9~~" Aluminum Chaise Lounges ' , ' . , , . , . , . , . ,$ : 5: ' Round Dining Raom Table and 4 Chairs ' , , ' . $1:40:, Limed Oak Kneehole Desk, save $19.00 ,,$ 50"~


Hi-Back Platform Rocker, beige Hi-Back Platfarm Rocker, beige or turquoise Danish Modern Chairs ' Large Pillow Back TV Rockers ,. , Rocker and Recliner CDmbinatians -rv Swivel Rockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ................... .

Choose from over 7S styles.

,SURBER'S FURf'I/tTU - , 1]12 Miles North af Wayne i'

Serving Your Area Over 311 Y~a~s , . : OPEN EVE:NI~.GS. EASy TERMS


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