the washington herald tuesday habch 26 1907 ......o league m merace lit ism ik 1 m 1s1 m wetheff m...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY HABCH 26 1907 9 Have Hard Time in Texas Leaguers WORK IN TilE HELD IS FAST CantilloitH Urnrcf Show Up Poorly at the Bat and Bunching of Hits in Two Inulnss Saves Team front a Defeat Cfoodwln PItch the VaU Nine Inninc Special ta The Washington Herald Waoo T s March 25 Washington won from Waco today but there was mlgbty little comfort In th ptrfonnanc The score was 2 to 1 in runs and to 6 in hits In the matter of the work was but little better than yesterday when Washington was beaten by the St Louis Cardinals in Houston In filet consider ing the difference hi claw between the Nationals and the Southern Texas Lea- guers the sticking today wee even than yesterday The only redeeming fea- ture was that four of Washingtons six JIlts were bunched when would do moet good two in the first and two in the ninth Inning Each brace of bingieg a run and after all the vjetery was really batUti out Goodwin twirled the entire nine innings for Washington and only sharp fielding saved his scalp On the oUter hand the run scored against him was due almost entirely to luck He uaed everything in his repertoire but his curves were hardly as wide as thtr will be later on He Itad plenty of speed and ovly fair control The ficMtng feature was brIlliant plays by Htcknmn and Blankensblp in the ninth when a mlsplay would have tied the score and possibly lost the game With men on first and third Fisher Waco catcher sent a nasty grounder te- Htckman it was stow end erratic and hard to handle but Hkkman reached the run and sent It home In time to catch Welsh at the plate by an inch It was a clever and heady littJe play and brought forth much applause from the handful of Waco spectators Get Good Start Washington got oft well looked like a sure winner in the flrat inning Perrtne opened with a single and stole seoowd Ganley finned Cross singled to left and scored Penin and the aged one aim stole second A User was called out on strikes that were a couple of feet wide of the plate and Hickman was an easy infield out in the second inning after Anderson had flied and Schlafly had been called out R strikes like those served Altlser Btaaken ship beat a fjunt but was forced by Goodwin In the third inning Perrtne was easy Ganley beat one to short but was nipped trying to purloin second Cross tiled to third From the third to the ninth inning Washington did not get the sem- blance of a hit In live interme- diate tunings tour men reached first en errors and passes but in each instance fouls and easy flies retired the side It was enough to make angejs weep The ninth was a Hfesav r Andersen led oft with a clean double to left Schlafly sacrificed and Blankenship brought In the winning run with a uo Me to left Goodwin an infield out ami Perrine filed to left Wacos run came ta fourth liams hit a long fly ttot AirRer have reached but the wind caused the ball u make un unusually wide course and Altizer could not get near It with a pole Till ball rolled far to renter field but Altiier by an excellent return got the ball to Srhlafly in time to hold William third Then Schlafly lost his number made a witked throw over Cross head at third and Williams completed tile circuit Hlokmnn Stopped Score In the heat inning with one out Wan made two hits and a man caught in the short ribs by the ball tilled the bases but Williams hit to Htekm who threw to tile In time to force the roan on third Welch was easy short to first the side The team leaves hue to morrow morning at 7 oclock for Fort Worth The game tonarrow afternoon will be In Dallas which is thirtysix mile from Fort Worth by an InterurbtiH elec- tric line The game on Wednesday wilt be in Fort Worth Tho score afth RHOAK Waco rerriue a 1 a 4 2 Wauaesv d I I Uanley rf 1 J 0 K Sit nOM Jh e 1 1 t Jackson Ih I Altber ef e 1 t m Ill t Hicfcessft I 2 Taliiir rf 1 1 Ane M V tt Welch hchlady tb I 1 1 Si I 1 et i mS OcodwffiTp 4 1 Totah 1 IS S 1 Vabiaftoe- rorVashinBtea 4 Waco L Left oa baaeVashi- nEton T Waco 8 Flra base oa talkOff win S oft Uornahy 1 lute suAoOt Oay i off Hornby 1 Innias pttohdBy Gays 5 hy Hornthy t Attack oatBy ftwdwte t by Oays 1 Threeh UHVUHMB Tmhase hnAa4er ice Btoakenehlp SoerMce httoSohlafly Morris Stoke baaeaIerniie Oeidey Owes Sehfef- ly OoeaSrtai KWwr Morris Doubt pJaylente to HWaaaa HH hy piteherBy Ooodwia 1 Dm- psreMr Bootaad Thae of guael hue tad 39 minute VIRGINIA DEFEATS STAUNTON Dalton Heavy Hitting a Feature of the Game at CImrlottesvllle Special te The WashtacteB IleraM Charlottesville Va March 25 Vir- ginia found little trouble in defeating Staunton Military Academy today 3 Only five innings were played as the visitors had to catch a train The contest opened with batting matinee doubles by Dalton and sending five runners across the plate In the second inning Dalton smashed one over the left fielders head for a home run Chandler got two slashing singles Rector the track team man from Lawrenceville School and a member of Virginias relay team made his In- itial appearance of tbe season in the box and despite his sore arm made fairly good showing Score niiHV- irftate i 3 S 1 1HS 3 B M A 6 S 9 18 T J- ItetterfesrVlrcMa Beater Baianc ant Ouwlkr tad Ox Steanioa thMseaea and KfUtaaoje- rWasIiInKton anti Lee Wins Special to The Wiuhtecto HenU Lexington Va March 25 Washing ton and Lee University this afternoon burled Fishburn Military Academy by the score of 14 to 2 Parades werlc in the box and Johnsons running catch for Varsity and Waddcll and Tolberts double plays for Academy were the features This saat nine played Vir- ginia 0 to 6 a few days ago Score 1UIRA- oaoesay 0 0 0 0 0 I s 4 Yardtjr I2tts xlt n 1 Struck cutBy rn v 4 1 on- balhvOfl 1arades 2 Ilndaim 3 Fetaer I Lm- irfre Oeaiii irebs Vlrcinia Military Institute Ita- tterielli dgins FeUer awl King Faratfca and An NATIONALS 1 B ing Onl hitting they the anti th waS the WJi tftd Iate ret- Iring Washington t I 1 lIt 2 II c S 1 I 1 BIII1IIIIi p S I I Q CII EalHd I Thit lIMe W a a JI e yet Ban dm1t 2ACO I pro- duced I t- on I on I lbS > C alit S S TOtaII113f312 eeaieooei 1 TeasWaablmatee b r 1 I- to I Hotr a I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BLOOMINGDALES OPEN SEASON Down Strong Eckinfirtou Team on aicDevlttii Field l jf 3 to 2 The Blpamingdale Athletic Club opened Its season yesterday at MeDcvltts Field defeating Ute EcKington Athletic Club in R hotly contested sevenInning genie by 9 to 1 Tho winners won by teamwork and nggresslve tactics the losers then 4 to 1 or the new ElooBrlpgdale men who were given a tryput yesterday Klepfer and Conover did exceptionally well The two loams will meet tomorrow for the seeond game of the series SUBURBAN lEAGUE READY Organization Will Open Season May 1 with Four Clubs The Suburban Baseball League of Prince George County was reorganized- at 3 meeting of the managers at the ofllee of George M Bond of Laurel In this oity yesterday Mr Bond Was re- elected president R H Vincent of Hyattsville vice president J II Wil- son of Berwyn secretary and George- K Cornell of Brentwood treasurer Four Uyattsvllle and Brentwood will compose the league and none but county men will be eligible to play The season opens May 1 and closes September IS- FENOEHS GIVE EXHIBITION Prominent Swordsmen Engage In In tcrcstliier Bouts at Benefit A notable gathering yesterday afternoon witnessed at the AVaahlngton Fencers Club a programme of twelve bouts in which figured several of the best fencers of this season Among those who took part were Prof Senac one of the strong est competitive fencers in the United States S D Braokinrldge amateur cham pion of the United States and Mr Ml chelonl who several years ago won the champflmshlp of South America The two most Interesting bouts of the afternoon were between Mr Sjwae and Mr Brecklnridge and Mr Sense and Mr Darrieulat for whose benefit the car hlval was given Following Is the list of bouts FottfPiof Miller w Mr 3In- SabMI re M MMO TS Mr Miahelaet- Ko tPr rf Eerie ts Mr Beceiiadto- DneHse sweris Mr CwnaJfiebw Mr let VM lra6 Darriettlat TS Mr BwekteiM- eVMkMr lIon TS Mr Morr- M8ahenProf MeadBeo n Mr Caaafaaham- KMtoPraC S aae ts Mr Miehete- aillat Miller TS Mr Breetterhii- eSabenMr Casntagham TS Mr MieheeM- iIief Sense T Pmt Dsrrieah- tGKOWHUKST TO REFEREE Will Be Third Man In RInG at Balti- more Xext Thursday SvteU te TIle Wahtert Hmht Baltimore Md March Crowhurst the Philadelphia sporting writer has been agreed upon to referee the fifteenround battle between Harlem Tommy Murphydf New York and Kid Sullivan of Washington before the Eureka Athletic Club at Fords Opera House on next Thursday night With the referee selected everything is running smoothly The men are training hard at their respective camps sad wilt undoubt edly come to this city primed up for a bard battle It Is an Important contest for Sullivan but the New Yorkers axe confident that Murphy Brill win Local sports however favor Sullfvan for it Is said he Is showing his old form at Wash- ington The weight question is not troubling either man as both can easily da ill pounds a be strong It will be the tirst- hattld tat fought at that weight for time as they have bees meeting heavyweights DOWN CHUilCH RreAefeU 1 19 IS- Wai IK HI TU I Tusk TB- flehaMa rolM thM Bm 11U relied takE MATCH GAItS let M HI Sr 34- l rg t Ill ris Ckrfc- Alfcfaaea IB M a IWels Wl- BKAL BSTATB LBAUUK at V A let 1C SS Hartoea r m l Hiker S m lit BerKraaao IK m m m B6 a Qtiersiyer 813 8M MM TeUb- O O LEAGUE M Merace lit IS IK 1 m m 1S1 m Wetheff M TK IB Oeonty- ToUk m TS8 m TMak 7M 98 TS DISTRICT DUCKPIN LRAGOB leak Jjt M at I B toM ts m 8 B1 d I m a 8 Ut Ji S S I Biker 8 M m- TysUb M Mt i Te4 b m Wt U NAVY YARD LEAGUE WaQS 1st a M8 1st M 3d Xwwar MS lit Carrofl Vt W Tetab m m 786 Totals T IM m SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE M Calvary let M Si SWWWTJ jg m 158 M Set Ktf lit F ler H 1 1st A tjw w W i Trials SB 880 E90 1 Totals 717 7U PALACE TOOKIttMBNT- J Eer M6 l 91 Knees M lit 1M WWi rjtt IN 11- 6J KHnr 105 Waters M3 j- J M6- Watsw M IK- Lht ManfeaM 101 131 lUm- Hfeh team soars ace came like and Refrfc 361 High arerag three came Ktaaej aad Utter tie Hist kHlbHail came Eedtfalr let Second Hopkins Team Wins The second team walloped the West Moreiands yesterday In a good game of baseball by 12 to S The Hop kins team deserves a deal of credit for Its victory as its opponents were much larger boys The feature of the game was Santos homer over the left fielders head Batteries West Mercians Patterson and Holden Hopkins Sheehy and Annin Clay Fast Twoyearold New York March 3i Woodford Clay j has the only twoyearold filly in Amer by Imp Meddler tim leading sire inj Km She has been named Annoyance and is out of the noted brood mare Victoria IV the dam of Lanky Bob a consistent winner The filly Is said to be the best in Clays barn Whitneys Tiroycnrolds Training New York March 9aThe twoyearolds that will run In the colors of H P Whitney this season have all been turned over to Trainer John W Rogers who will begin to put them in shape In a few days for their various stake engagements beginning at Belmont Park out attlng clubsLaurel Ber- n l Fhiir euHtsdlut iir Uet a 4 VAs THE t JI fi ie II E iTh Ia HI IeDess 111 JW IS 111 PeeL lit tit WHMl 6 55 US M S 00 U us M M M II 8 tr CIIIIdIItt 38 C ID lkcwis I IS Bn4Iq Ut 1t8 ClwlnIIT- MaIe iii ilL 3d U5 I Hi IteM MS IS nfl6tta Ii 1ft m HI- TlMa 75 I lit ilL ill IlL US I Ill 175 III IJ7 IS tal 181 111 1W ItS 1M It 1fI MS JIi1 lit ti M IS SI r ilk IC 96 hi II IC 81 II 0 91 St 1 ti aLl UnferiS 1U I ZWlL Ill UI ODo n2 I 131 1M JIll NIiH III Ja 1f 1 TIt Tiar Ill 111 MS m lit III MS 1fl ur OqSS Ut I 100 151 lJ6W1 IU Hopkins Has lea I I I t is Bert along ALLEYS LAO II hits h M iIueIss let 3i Ill 1 IteM lit Ill woe u MS 15 3M 1kaMa MS gees iUr 1 MS QiMsU M leaca lift C MaIm C C S MS Nessss lit kri hirers ea MS III CI euee alL MS 56 Ut II 317 9I C MS MS 33 cacn IC Asesets Taflait i7 itid Mt Iteesth IC f C Eie4Sr 343 1 55I Kisses uie I ECu 3I 3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ = = == < PIMLICO PHOGEAMMJS Card Arranged lop First Seven flays of Meeting TIle programme for the first seven days o Ute coming meeting of the Maryland Jockey Club was announced yesterday as follow- SatuMajr April Writ nefrMrefurkragf tot- hreeyearckfe soil mmntri selling JJ nd racer Half nib four tatMea tworeiroldi Mrd ee aNte for Uweeywreldi and upward Fourth TaeeTh Oreee 8ftec Valley Steeplechase Handi- cap about tw taflc Fifth race Fit halt forkttgi for fewrjrwrold and upward Mil iac ijUtb raceSena furlongs for fourycarolds- ad apwara Melds April 8 Pint neeQae Iutl mile for t ftr aU MHtac Eecand raee One rails for tbr e e M and upward Third rawOne asd Mew yank far Uireejrearolds and upward aeHiBg Fourth raeefiteepleeha for maiden aid BeBwioer ef mere then one stoat toe Bik Wftk neeltalta Selling Stakes fariose for thw jiearotds end upward Sixth rawSix fwfoaei for maiden thrcefeerokls tad upward TitMday April Jl Pint race Six furianc I- BthmyctraMu Second raceOne miles for three mroW aad upward wiling Third raee The Bal neMte Bwon HatxHctp fire end far lees Fourth ncc Steeplechase for faitrreareUt and apwart aeWag sheet Fifth and onehalf furlongs for fearjwoM coo wtaaen of More then two raM SUtli racetill furies for fourmrold sad upward selling WedMwHr April H Pint raeeSlx furlongs for mere sad threereareidi anti upward Seeood nee inte furioogn for twoTearolds seWes TliM rwe The CUbaufili Sleraorial Cup four soil aehalf furioagt Fourth imaeSteeplechase far fowiwoUt nl upward about two miles Fifth raneOs mile for tbrc ar 44 and upward atath narOM mtte aad fatty yard for three yewaid upward tlwnday Atoll PInt ra K nr furioHCs for Miden twomrniUt Stand raaeWrt- aM enehiiK furioBg for tbrevjrraoetd and setting Titled iacfrTbe Country Club of PtBlico Stab for threertar Mt one mile Hourt- heVKpld far at ld n bRawn ahettt two Mfl Fifth nc Seftu fwioBp fee maiden thwr- earold and upward Sixth ro OM mil sod ytnte for threeyearoWs sad upward FrMty April ill ftttt ne Foiir enehalf- fwiMti for t t reMvaldt Second raerSfa for fee threr aroldfi and upward Third The Driving Ilric Uaw ep for tbreerMrHiids sad upward ona mile Fonrth aceSUfitl eh M foe fonryear Ma awl vpward selMne sliest two raHc Fifth iMt9 veB fttrioo for fuurf rolds sod up- ward ffiith nteOnt wile sad forty yards tar thrcrarold sari ttpad aetita- c8twday April S PInt raceFire furtonts for twofCrgU eUtag Sweod ree Hix huio g ma4den thrferwroWs Third raee Six forioeg fir thfwywrotd aad upward who hare started Id BMrtteg liars not wee Fsurth rM e Steepl dM e for hmttm duly qutlttA mdtr the flfvymrohU and upw td two MUM Fifth neeThe Uan itn Cup for BMtt riden thiee yearold aad spinal at 3d how the toale eui s WItH fiukmas Sulk ace One sells sad bty yard fer threy r W HOUDINI STILL A MYSTERY Crowded Houses at Chases by His Tricks Kami Co Pan to Hold Him Vino Es- capes from Prepared Bag Ifoudinl the Great returned e Chases yesterday for a weeks engagement and as usual played to crowded houses He completely mystified his audience with the box and paperbag triclcs first making reference at the afternoon performance to the alleged expose of the tricks made after lest vMt to Washington At the evcMng performance employes Kane Sons Co came upon the stage and constructed a dry goods box In view of the audience sad a committee appointeE to superintend the work Into this box Houdini was placed and was nailed up by the Kami workmen After a wait of less than tea minutes Houdini appeared having esMped fronj the box Mr Cha- addrneed audience making an offer of to be paid to the George Wash- ington University fund If any other per- son than Ilowttnt could release himself under similar conditions end offered IV6B to any person who could prove any collusion in connection with the feat by Houdini Houdini escaped in much less time from the box than on his previous This hi explained in that last night a box ordinarily used by the line wns provided whereas on his previous visit a specially prepared box was wed The feat was displayed at the afternoon performance A professional feanerbMg maker nAme upon this stage bringing his own paper paste and twine and a large barr was made in the presence of a committee from the audience Into this HoudiBl crept the bag was tied and sealed and placed In a cabinet In seventeen minutes Houdini emerged the paper bag was Intact and the seals were untouched HUESTON POOL CHAMPION St tonic Crank Defeats Keogh for the Continuous Title New York March 35 Thomas Hueston ef St Louts retains Ute worlds eontlnu one pool championship as the result of the final nights play with Jerome Keegh of Buffalo Huestan lest night made 1W to 134 for Keogh This brought the final score of the champion to 000 wfrfle ICeogh had 47Huestons best breaks last night M 37 and he made Van scratches Keoghs high break was 35 and he eta made two scratches Will Not Buy Montgomery New Orleans Mardi Si K L Thomas after the running of the Crescent CIty Derby on Saturday concluded not to buy Montgomery for 12000 as the colt is said to have pigeon toes Jockey Schilling who had the mount says that the colt because of this defect came near falling twice during the running ef the Derby A A U Xot to Control Tennis Now York March 38 James E president of the Amateur Union said yesterday that the A A U would have nothing to do with lawn tennis For several weeks it has been reported that the A A U intended to control this sport cia mile race I t- It two miles rue F sod f HIt nibs about goethe a u t1l Box Pro Tldell lJY S Sons c hIs or- S the visit paper Sulli- van Athletic Pure Natural Whiskey OVER HOLT I- an absolutely pure Pennsylvania Rye I bottled in iu nato I rat stats Thc ov- ernment guarantees it to be 100- pr f Look the Stamp over the cork SOLD EVERYWHERE 3 t w s M I t i f 71 rue end sad C idling sp- ool ug eetw rear his sad poesedi sad I bad scawicasre 1 Aston- ished C per- formed and i1 IIL flLD 00051 1 a o CRHOL- WHIsicg br 5 Botded3nBon- ddpIc > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ° Meeting ToJiiglit Not JBx pected to Avert Strike PLUMBERS ARE Father Staffora May Be Umpire Judge De Xnmed as Other 1onnihillty Open Shop Question One Under Conalueratlon Journey- men Object to Interpretation It improbable that the Impending crisis In the dispute between the faster Builders Association and the Bjlldlng Trades Alliance growing out of tilt dis- pute between tIM master cad journeyman plumbers as to the Interpretation of ar- ticles 5 anti 6 of the arbitration award will be seriously affected by nights meeting of the building trades It wits inacated yesterday that the trades would probably take no decisive action at this time other than to stand in their support of the journeyman plumbers who are members of the or- ganization It Is assured that they vjlll not permit the award to go bask to the arbitrators for interpretation as desired by tIM master plumbers and the master This will leave the whole matter at a standstill as every one of the five organi sations concerned will remain firm and wait for something to happen The basis of all the contention Is a flues tton of the open shop This the building trades positively refuse to recognize They say there has been no open sltop in the city for years and the arbitration award does not allow and they will not per mit it under any consideration Strike Considered Probable It was stated by k prominent member of the alliance yesterday that they would have gone out last November when there was a temporary halt in the arbitration proceeding had they not ben adjured that the op n3nop question would not be considered that It was merely a question- of the violation of the contract made be the master awl journeyman plum- bers If this stand Is maintained the only possible result will be a strike of the building trades The question of the selection of an um pire to net with the conference committee- of five from the Master Plumb- ers Association and five from the Plumbers Union provided for in the old contract has also become a matter of dis pute It was provided by the arbitration board that an umpire be etecUrT before the expiration of thirty days er the as a further award would appoint one Last Friday the master and Jour- neyman plumbers held a conference at the request of the master plumbers to en- deavor to agree upon a Bach party has submitted four names and Father D J Stafford of St Patrick Church nominated by the master era and Judge De Lacy of the Court nominated by the journeymen have consented to serve If elected The masters made the proposition that the umpire interpret tbe disputed clauses Journeymen Make Objection This proposition mot with immediate ob- jection from the journeymen who consist- ently maintained that there was no need of an Interpretation as the articles In question were clear and they were willing to by them And further that this untpire nosier UM contract find awarV wits only to sit on future disputes that might arise and could not Interpret the award under which he was elected TMs difference of opinion completely blocked every attempt at an election as the vote was always five slid five The thirty days allowed for election will expire on Wednesday and in view of the deadlock it will probably fall to the board to ap- point an umpif Whet bearing this will have upon the dispute over Interpre- tation of articles S and C it is Impossible to state The appointment of the umpire may pos- sibly bring oa a crisis but If It does not the expiration of the time allowed for Ute reinstatement upon request of those members of Plumbers Union No 6 ex pelted during the lockout will It Is said This will run the conflict thirty days longer or until April 27 three days the local building boone is generally launched It was stated by members of the Magler have strike clauses in their contract and do not fear trouble MONOGAMIC MARRIAGE 3Ir e lilt Address Before the Sec amy League on Sunday tar The WtsUsstM The report of my address in this paper conveyed the Jmprselon that- I spoke on only The address was an argument showing that raonog amic marriage permanent in its nature was the highest and only moral rotation of the sexes That true marriage is a fact In nature being the result of the peculiar reciprocal love of one man for one woman welding them permanently together into a single Intellectual and moral being This moral being not male alone or female clone but man male and female is the unit of human society Science and religion agree on this point Ofttlmes we hear that the home is the unit of society The home is only the nest in which this dual unity lives and out its destiny true marriage this union bf one man with one woman is the most sacred thing we know of and the moat signif- icant AH law civil or ecclesiastic regarding marriage is merely the acknowledgment ef this great central truth Law unnecessarily restrictive as to divorce or the annulment of a false marriage when the parties find thoy have not for each other this abiding marriage love tends to bring this great institution into contempt The civil law regarding marriage should take cognizance of Its permanent nature Marriage not only should be but all true marriage is for life The gravest moral objection arises when It Is proposed to force a man and a woman to live together who do not want to and who clearly do not have for each other this attracting and wedding love The of mankind shows this polyandry polyg amy monogamy Polygamy Is agreeable to absolutism and we find it flourishing where absolutism reigns Monogamy IB agreeable and only It can be to democracy The equal distribu lion of the sexes would alone and politi cally make monogamy Imperative It is the hearts of men and women that the sanctity of marriage must be felt and revereneed It is the province of re Eaton primarily add of education and sci anne collaterally to Instill this reverence for monogamlc marriage In the rising generation cF NKSBm Washington March 25 Grand Jury Indictments Returned The grand Jury yesterday returned the following indictments to Justice Stafford In Criminal Court No 1 Joseph Clark assault with a dangerous weapon Irank S Homans and David P Tanner con- spiracy James Riley forgery Henry B and John T Page larceny from tho United States CRISIS IN LABOR WAR SUPPORTED I to pat builders one embers board abide the the AssocIatIon yesterday thntUses all U divorce I work progresspromiscuity C ney t Lacy I wean eboctIon plumbS be- fore r Builders sealS morn- Ings I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DAILY COURT RECORD Supreme Court ot the Vnltcil StAtes PrwtBt Mr Justice lUrUn M JmMce Mr Jn i e White Mr Jnrtlee 1tdJaw Jo tics MeKtMBB Mr Jwttat Melai Mr J M Day end Mr Jiutiee Jleedy Vernon Hodge of WaibtesfM U U Edward Cf Smith f QMkrtwf W V Alfrrt Pities of PhR d ipiil I1 end Horse Vas Brma ef ten Maw were admitted to pnctiee No Kl ItoebMtcr hallway Compiiw BteWiff errw T City fl b cr to error to the 8 H Cewt of the Stale of Yetk de rt fi m t- vtth cats a d Opiates hr Mr Jostles Meedr JuMbo White fa the m K No 29i 3sn 4re StateIdaho Mining retepjBf Oempaiiy et at appeOaitU n Keaaegr 3 hauler hem the Court of the United fiut for the dWtrict of Idaho Utwte t far the of jar eMoe OpMon bjr Mr JuHtoI- Jay No 22Z William Moore K at ie appeHaa ra It MeQoire ct at appeal from tile ttrauit inert U OiHMd PAstes for tbe BaUern dtMrte- cet Arkansas decree recessed with coM e remanded for farther pruuieUlim ta oonfemtty wfth the otto f this osurt Optetai hr ML Justice KeJme DbMatfegi Mr Uactav Mr J s- tiee Iectham took BO port hi the d tMO of thtt- o eN 389 Ann K H w mtoe e prtl- Uotwr n laeob M ten on writ rf errttawi t tbe Veiled States Otrextt least An et hula e M to the DMrict of the United far the Northern riet of New York O te hr Mr Jostles MeKewia- No Banshee 8 H h p Owapany pJ U- b mfcr The UWtwl of AcMra hi er- ror to lie United State Cfaoait Cowt ef App to f the Eighth ohwiH Jod MM aJtraied aad eaoae- rtnuwded to drouR Oawt of the for the dttrfet ef ll e 4 pptolw hr Mr Jostle Uwwff Net Z9S K4w Kl U plaJtotlff to error m- Aame It al rn error to the S PF- CCoHrt of tile State of Mentawi Jade eot afflreiei with oot5 OpMon bf Mr Jute llrewer Whit teak M put to the tffceutitoa of thta tease No t Thomas TMIe et al ptehKUb in T Wrhett ta mr Ve the tt i a- Owm of the Stats of New York Jadgraeat aWmed with mete Ophitoo hy Mr Chief iSSUeS Pithier AntMuaced by Mr JttMto JIarira- Mr JMUea Harks ntme B d the Mtewtec orders of the ewrt- No OrietoiJ Kc p rtc la the Matter of- Jaatea PeWU petftiiwer mode foe tare M Me petition for writ of sunaaana gmMed te ihow eaa seaMed rettwMbte Mail 3 RBI No GU I LedMoscr et aL pbJntia te M Merehaau Nat Peek of llewtaB et at seethes to dismiss er paetfWHd to the her tag of the CMe ite molt No Monte BtWttJto p MUeiir m Te- UaiMd atatee peUttoa for a writ of orrtionri u the Urtt l State cit Coast of ApfMiM for the Btehth eiroatt des w No 6 8 otb n BaSely Coa oaay petttieiMr- m ListlesS Brother Compms pedtiom for a writ of eerdorart to the UnMet SIMs Oreul- tOntt of Appeal tat tiM SIxth eoit Ke HI WtOiaaa P HP jr accteOtMt W L- FHta shall c motto t a4maee gmrted lad MM aiMtnert fcr MMM t ee Mundaj April B nest after th cheeSy set dowa for that 4y- No Sit IxMhriBe and NaabriHe Railroad Ceea pay p naiit n Braara U Mettley et ux modes to denied wiOw t pnjodto- iOderTiM Heperter havtac neMMrted that ew lee the rmmUr of deefataM at the pieteBt tare it amid he iaprMtkaMe to pot the report hi ttI- MMMi aa adtHtlOMl abuse in tu yaw nvMBtH- ctlOB Set of the IUH rt Statote X VWtm II T- TW Uaited States Ne SH Bwten Dreiflto Oownuy pbtotttr to aria T The Veiled SWIll Ne 85 Dn hv Coa p r pktotiff ta sear T The United No Eter Dredetoc CoafMy phtotNT to aria The CnMeA State No MT Bay Btate Dradftoc OwagM9 ta tf- to enw n The Ua d State No Bay StIle D 4gtoe Con ptotottfl- to erne v The UaMed States No M lest DiaJitoc Osoqmy plttotM- to aria w The fluted States a4fMee- MihraHtri Mr SeHetor Otntral Moyt let the Dated Susie No SM Jetot Newton WUNaMoa jtttoOS enor T The Dotted States mile to bellied hy Mr Solicitor Oeawni JI jt tar the Uatted N ML WWte F D Tuber petidowr M The Uirited Stubs Moitom to advises ah Mud by Mr- Sottcator O MraI Hoyt to MeloN of mussel Jar p- titto er- Me ML AhrahMB hail pietottf to ernr T Ttotoeai P nteO hertff e hi seine to the SeiMrtor Chart of the lily aol Cwwly of Sea efaeo State of CeHtesia 4 of Mr A B BVOWM for the to Mondau araaarf o BMteai of Mr Pied ins Q MeKeanwy tar the er n t to urea CMtwU i fxtMto lo a of Nerttorari to the Une4 States Gout hy Mr H It 1eBeni for the raipiiaiilMU- No 01 TtaMby F laddeR pUwdaT to error T TIle CItY 01 New York seethe to adwaee hy Mr Xrawtt V Abbot te the ptotoW to error N t W Kekey petWoner M Arttov K Btowa evrrrrtoe reoerwr e peddles fur a writ of eerttonri te tile United States Chmrt IceS of Appeal for the Third deceit MthMttted by Mr- RwMph M SeWck for the pettUeawr sari hy Mr- It D Mr MaJeotoi Uord jr and Mr CIa R Brr tar the iepondent No Mt Btoaheth J Wart petitioMr T Dues ikihMBUkefecy KJo beriMiTn petiUw fer a writ ef certhmrt te Ute Slate ClInk Ctart of PM for the ThinS chests letonitted hy Mr R 8fhlc tat the pettttoMr ae l by Mr J Parker Klrtto sad Mr Ctoota B Htohos for the No L R StM aL to ores 8othen lUtaae ad Mbvori Brhtce traiatat tauelamtd bf Mr Mutt 1 Chvajr her the oWewknt to area MMMd BBtfl MooAay April 8 at 11 etoek toy 0l for M wtay April S a M DISTRICT COURTS Bqulty Court JTo 1 CHIEF JUSTICE CLABADCH- Feoeefc n dither Chassfcal Qmrr SM ea- afa mired asacaet serials aefeafaaU J O AdklBft Smith TS Softh soanika s4 Sloe aapaeatef- tGemfeiaaafs soiMtcM J K Beae aa4 time P CoBta T Merer hew to hiterteae mated lat- es leans seitetten MiBer CTBea- rGamtt vs Qmtt proof eased Metes N OsmU DVM Caser h ats setMten A tee H Stattar defeadMtt Mtdten SeMis Walker Asei aMstts Net Altantayt fjantiy- UoweE T 8aa Md sad W H liter Equity Court No 2 JU8T1C8 GOULD Loekwoad s IxMktreed nhwHtcd wttaaat errs Heat OMBtaiauit saUcttar J 11 Oeanitle softettM Haftr Haty Pikes T Yelled BaaMag asS Trait Otatpaar- aadttora report BBiHrmeil CaaeeaSMafs solHitet- Padaett Forrest defeadaafa soHcHer J B Me NIb Abbott T Abbott leave to wIthdrew eshMt greeted rettueaers JIG Usage U Calrert- Bhm T Miller decree eastaiaiee denvrrer OC- Kphiwirts Vf 3 lacIest ad J B- KasbfSsailh defeadaat4 s Heit n Barnard Johnson Mk r TS Wilcox BobraMted without soMehar Wfttaa J UaUti de feudist soWcHcr George F linen MeriUat w Br wa d e teeum quashed GeraptalMBts salMtan C It Jiwntet sad M N llldardwn defee4a fs sottetten Lester Price N SJ Ball T Bill et al AftofMye Twmef Dayte No Ohrk n lark et aL AWoraeya Oar No 518 Carter TB COstar et aL AUar ey Oar Circuit Court Jfo ltJ- OHTIOH WBiaHT- N ttoMl S da FWDtiia tfc Affleck- Hidcraent oo lertfet for pUtettS jar m IlelBtWi- attomey S T Thema defeaduit attorney T Percy Mica Carter TS McDermott iveoJver Ja cment ea men date of Owrt of Appeah ice pfeiaUft for JtSoa- PlalntUTs attoraeyi C H MarflUt and I N PIeJurdsoa defeodaats attoraey C A Douglas and George P looter Oarer t Potomac Electric Power Ooapaay etc dJeyter plaintiff for JSOO PMaUT alUWBeys tin Cbamberltn defendaaf aUetMjri C A DoHshts and Otorce P Oeeaner Ta liners OB triaL Ilaistiff attoraeji liaise Warrea aad W II Eloise dettBdaaft at- toraejri E A Newmaa sad A A IHraey- AsMgrna nU for today No SX Walker TS Warner Atter ey TraIt NeJW Heaarr w Derr Attorsey J A Maedet- Ne 5W Bwebtr n DWriet of OMteiU AU- teroey J F 8e re Thespsea L k r E H Theists Ne OL Berry T District of CotoaMe Attef ness A S VorthlBitw B a Mists aad J F CoJHwE H ThOMas No 111 Taylor w T yktr Atteney J W Jea- Xo 509 Pbeer T Slater Attcratys B L Qlee Leon Tebriaer No 361 Milton TS Washiastoa and G tlyrfwz Rafway Attorneys Chapta Brawn and Gage W DPWJ B lamer sad J J Ko 171 Foster TS Satid Filtatiwi Corpentiog Sir flOe New interest chalk Swat L f sad CIt ScoUred trith eoQ Inert loa ft Ute United Love Ills J tIte CIa a aria tIns lit 1 10 it itI UMnIac that he N a wi Sisters J1k II MIl Ie Suite wIth taW No SC es tor Ute r Ifti IT Seeds tile psebtosur Hd Mr tell Katz PoSed Ap Fuel U lilt fl cp- a J1Ie willie N tit to 1M W B tosbeee i SeMis JR t forM buildS de- f k t rtlBlt t- at paenls tar 216 KeRJORGItUDIII Chanberils 4 nIam1sdt k ForrtM s I S r Brewer c lEn seam sad creed ems Judas o ke dtmItdarTes 5Ilk4d remanded tate tL Stats I Flails mar- a cia sub vs cases abase ye now her Ordered a eE pledodS eesoc Slat lit as Stat seeds IiI e Free cats cc seoul shed Pail Ceepoes pestitoser well bedS EA idt A1Sx4Ie he he esh 5 hem qi 410 jag 0u s m e- sdida ahe sniPs seeltar Isfoadseds seileliar takes solicit sub oes eduy rIsgtmnAhasuL rinitosmLattmer lEt p floor 1 Jr > > ¬ >< < < > > ef America Attoroey B T JDwltDousIu Ic- DsflfUi sad L J JIttbff No 5 MQler T r ta9i c Lutinbr fcsapwsr Attorney W a Preotia U K WftlUnwL J Mather and C T Headier Court No 2 tiff attorneys 1 3 Dirllssten and W 1L hri i- dW e Uat atterneyi B U Theams and U 1 Blair tfllUis TI Woodward LoUtrep on ap- peal to operate a Bpenedeai fixed at KXfi tWa altonuyi Welt lUnsetibenr defendant at tonteyt W rtWn t n FraHtr MoUse TS Baum onJw ts KfBs4a to attorney of reeaid- AattcBraeBt far today No R9 Fltteher TI AMewtla sod Potomac RtB end Ceapaay AtUnieji B T UojiJ J liar iteiton- N Thence TS Waihtottmt RaBway and Btee Ute Cmrany Attersey W J LaabertJ J UaritoEton- N US ORtbolle UnIversIty of Amertea n Wae- ramao Attorneys Harafltou CWbfrt KamHten W P Matttofty J B Lamer and Artbar Peter No WMi Olarl TK Ta htestoti and Beathern- lUBway CHer Mty Attoraeft L J MatherMo Kanaey Flaimtry- Na Ice Oorer TS SMrthrm Railway Ownpanr- AttpnMX Padeett F eTeitH mttt beaus No iK finite m Slater AlWraeyf Turaer j MMehcrOeorc F WHRaja- X Talbatt n MeDwnwtt Attorseya B K- LefcbtonJ 3 UarUogten Criminal Cunrr No 1 JUSTICE STAFFORD EMItS States TS finger HeraaBa rMiticr thw H03 It 8 U a cfl trial AUeraeyi A U- WorthlBjUm and H PiweeU lattey Criminal Court Jfo 2 JUSTICE BARNARD- TJntted States Tt Itiehud T Morahy moo oa trial Attoroey Bendbehu RetkcWU- Ualted State TS Ilezekbh II ThemeeM- Uaited State Jebn UofaieUeg United Slate TS Matthew MatteS Prank Pajttt- aad Arthw Oweueagh 1 Probate Court JOOT1CB GOULI la re emi C OrtflHh enter appatottog Clara T OffcHth bend JKQ Atteme J Paul JCf t Stub of Mary D Brt pr4 eider n uN tcd- Altaraw P fl MantuH beats of H Bewyer MeDemH wilt adattted ta- prchato sad letter ef Je hiW tMn e L a T nt i- to DoaaW MeDanald bead sm Attoreey R f Uhepaera- lBitate ef Marehall E Leatheraian w admitted te probate and lettei teta atery sraBt d to Flue eaee l atberaa 930 Attorney J S KahySw h- Httete of Chrietiau D oskr wfll atalited t- pMbab and totttn t UBMaury granted te knIts H hearse a 4 feerge K Deter bond 3009 At- torney C II Batata ef Sits B Stewart bIters ef admlnl tr- tioa uraaUd to I eU G M CotUn hoed JL5W- Attoraey H F Tasted of MfebMl ImMure ef adraiaia- teattoB anaUH t John C ODeebe O- Attoraey H Mobs ef Joke G Redc d order dkebarztef rate Attorneys Berry lusts Estate of Edward L Tekoa totters of adstlaistra bus finwUd t Anaa B TelMa bead J2W At- torney C H Beams In TO Charles X Baairr order aatbortoht hv- Tcattaeac Attorney Toeber Ksayoa Estate of Juices Yarn Dyke MMdteton still aVoed Oetafeer 8 1892 Btteta ef IMmand Mews deter December M sIc wtti eodtoB ktd D 9eeak r X aad April U s06- Bktete of Jeaa 3 Peeked prtitfefe fer letters ef 4atoiitrttou AM AtterMy Lwemo BsUto ef leery Besets M dated Jaa sari i IMS die with polities fur awUle At- URMT J U LtehMte- rBCOe ef Cteriet A Bn erd wM duel De- V B3I fifed wtth ixttttoft fee postal At teraey W H Mariow Jr Beu e ef Jehu Waller jr wtt Sated Jose a- MM Aha No WMt Harry LaaMaa rt William W eel Sissies V Baseman Bate ft t ItttetWs at tamer K U Otes- N M881 MeDeweH T W tt 4 Bra J sa i n I ef L 1 ONeal P far JSM- Xo M Geerg Prism dawMllaat T AsSeS Pahaer appeal Plaintiffs aUoraey D Vt ODsn- ecane Na SM baN a Loc M B Bearer etoetinent pus let 7 rai Phtotiff sites My I S Lfosv Slcchanlcn I ien- No Kflt West Bras Brfek OstBfxuv w Nettie Mists tot W wwre X Bekiaetonv SX9- QAttetser A OedUr Huultr No 3811 BteaiMr M et aL T vaJiSMwm heIrs ef Brhket Lteni et aL to e riet tWe Gem ptatoaaf MUeHofS Wolf Reseabere No 30St BBa I Gclbcher M Wward F kgbar aahrtotajts iiHr ir Jaae A RaiL ESTATE THAASFEB- Raadk HijhlanasC Rertty Cteatwir to Wfltar C Yea tot IT blocS U sad tote f soul S- btoek H Jtft- Mwylaad Mae aonheait between Foarteeath and ITfliinlh sterat Marie Hetoe to Chaeies P Harry H and C Dishes tot are HH IM No MK Caank street erthw t Je s Daffy to BateWee E Jordan hK tot 2W No IW Rfeg street north re tCari4 a M t tWlMs W W Stewart sad dumb G lit SM JaX- D paat Chdr Cemectiont crease sad Nineteenth etveetGertnaie M Hnbhud to Kfea BaSte lot i anJ tot i anwre B3 5W- b tt et SMthweit between Second and Third ktreeteReuben B Oath H ox to Steskten L Uoeeer ty M K 17 3 equate SW- RMat Jean Laajham jr eorririnc traetee to tile Matnal Owrantee BvOdtos sad Loan Associa- tion tot s BQ Q sliest northwest between Bichtemlh cod Nlae- teeMh slreatoGuiUT H Kaha to Ee n T Ham lets S and 6 q are IX OS- RMge Mateal BniWteg saul Louis As ails to SepWa fleeces putt let Z JtS- THM sad B street southwestThen R Newboid et vs te McKhaate Traasfer lad Storage paay eaethfai toterest in origteal lot S HT ML W ftttMt northwest between Fourteenth and Pif baseSt itreeUCheriotte Dafley to Harry Ward wu let 60 Jet Tto St Btghth street soatbestCbrefiea A Lie dIem to Jobs T Crowley tot 4 war Mfi JW S sUeet aorthKett between Thirteeath aad Four- teenth streeteSaiaael M Jeee et ax to Samael- g Hower part adsiaal lot 3 stjnare S39 10 Resedde and IshrrweodChartes F et L trnttees U Grafun D P Balky lets EO and 51 Mock M H- rtainrnliin HeighteFran T RawH s et aL to Cart H Smith tot 19 block 36 3X3- Na Mat G street aortbwet Mary H Myers true tee ta Geers U Myers lot 3 sn are TS3 SW DEEDS OF TRUST Snwtre 3 Albrt A Pope et ox to I- Ftather and Luther S Printer ta acme M Jeees 0000 3 years 5 per cent semi ana Hy erlfinal tot U and put original let li- Cetttr HeichtsVharles A Conant to George W Brown and William Ken to inure William A Jotatea 55003 3 rears 5 per cent Hmitanuallr- tett 27 and 3 Week 1 Square l 50Charle F DWcey and others to Henry H Berpnsnn and chemise Schafer to seeare Northern Liberty GermanAmeriean Building As seetatioB No 8 J1JOO tote M and 1J North ColombIa HeightsAlbert S DaTis et ur to Juries H Stanley and Usage W Waters ta more Laurel Building Association M let 3- bteak 6 Square 288Joha C Breanaa to William A HU1 Risnald iV Deal to secure Catherine J liwnnxn J356 3 months 6 per cent lets 96 ad 97 li9SHattie E Lee to Burr N Edwards and I Weller to same Karl Locke JJ one year 6 per cent sealannually part bt 1st- Sqwares 133 aad 3UWfflla0 W W Stewart et ux- to Chart Stone arid Charles W Fairfax a seam Carlum M mall J1W3 1 year per cost semlannually let 116 square 133 sect lot square 91- TRamtle HighlandsMary J Thomas et Th Tames C to Harry 31 Packard and Hauls L Herrell to weure Aspa i Herrell 630 S months 8 per oust 41 Week 8 Square S Jesepb H Homa et ux to Thomas Stefcnson and R HarrUeo Johasan t secure Mutual Serial Building AnocUUea J1S30 put lot 1 Squats Hfidebrand et ox ta William B Btimaaston and Louis R Peek I secure Oareenn Fire Insurance Company 120 3 yean i per rent semiannaally let 47 Ostambte HelehtcCar H SoUth et to WIllon- J Lambert and Prick 8 CeSSna to secure Fraak T and RIchard G ReaSon trustees it38 J I and 2 years 5 per eeet aemiaonoaJly lot H blocks TniesdeHs AdU nWHlUm H Walker et nx to F LeJsbtoo end George Fronds Will hems te secure Ernestine F Terfiiacfr JWOO 3 5 tier cent seatannually loCI S3 and Week yews 5 per tent tsemlaBnually tract lot H fl 13 eor8e H Myers to wageD and George H Famine tse re BdwinCT- L Hillier OM 3 jears 5 per tent sealaan- ually lot 3 I 1l and CIrcuit JWSTJO UlRJM1QN Pastas Duattlet OI iriat 3PlatlS k bond I I I I Sr rt 6 k I k far r nIb I bond Suite bead L T alt t I Met E t A- Ba Lawsuit J INK SIC Welt Suite Gal tit IIuBtS s MaR It S wart If are Slew art are lilt asS 31 Gura tee aq rem Se tar b- ut sro J S 1 Jill 1 Frank IlL Benjamin II 8 StuN wnouet i Lnei tqr tailed L t t5OO 3 Square Bdwant J Situ < as 4rtibls C its see Ateltiusieta tada a Edema MeNus sill WIll lie I Vest Armies rcsts Its Beat 115 SIb eLse ConC a WaIters S and S 1st geese 511George L tt Mbe5rglL WIseem esd Jo1ti1S I > ¬ > > ¬ > < + iGlerks Are 0erwo3 ced ApplicaMons RESULT OF McOUMBEE Bill New 31 en sure llewnriln Veterans los Services Rendered Long A so Who Have Reached Age of Sixty t vo Benefit by Law Matty Neon Claims Received at Department Nearly 300000 applieatlsns Sir pension have been received at the Pension Ofifci since age act was passed by ei February granting government allow- ances to any soldier who served nlnaij days or more in the military service oi- the country during the civil war oi sixty days in the war with Mexico and WOO has reached the age of stxjytwe It is provided that applicant must have an honorable discharge The appl atio e are front all parts of the country Many of the veterans range In age from eightylive to ninety years and heretofore have not been receiving any benefits from the governmnt owing to no disabilities received in engagement In which they took part Day after daj hundreds of papers continue to pile U upon the Pension Office employee and UM passage f Ute MeCumber bill has beer the cause of all kinds of work at the department After being approved the pension begins with the date of tiling Provide for All Veterans The act provides that any veteran wine has reached the age ef sixtytwo years to entitled to H2 a month Those who an seventy years old are entitled to 16 s month and the old soldiers who h v paseed the seventyfiveyear mark oi over are to be allowed M a month nth bill is for the benefit of all those veteran who have not been receiving pensIon heretofore The new law will be tbe of the withdrawal of hundreds of appli- cants who have had their papers on file for months even years New papers wit have to be made out by the applicant Ir- oaeh ease and toted upon aeeordfogiy al the department headquarters Despite the enactment ef thu age the additional work that has fol- lowed and which began within a test lays after the bill became a law the force of clerks at the Pension Office has not been Increased In faet preparations being made to let out quite a numbet during the summer months The reduction among the decks was brought about by Ute failure of Cwsgreaf to make the necessary appropriation tc retain their services About seventy are to be discharged early in a result of this ruling much prevails among the departmental darks as to who will be the unfortunate ones Different ORes are to be selected fer dismissal from the different depart- ments Pension List Long One Altogether including the sorvrwrs 01 the civil war the government is new pay- ing pensions to 975341 persons This num- ber includes the veterans of alt wars ol the United States tot which provtsicB has been made for pension widows and children of oM soMierg art also on the roll All toW MMK veteran of the civil war are now pensioners on the list of the government The applications for allowances undei the act of February this year are sttti earning in at the office mel it is ex- pected that many thousand more wit tit received before all who are entitled will have beeR provided for There are many eivllwar soldiers In country who have net reached the age limit and as tines pica OR these men will make their applications wMcfa will keep the department busy fer Many years to come Buffalo at Charlottesville Special te The Wuhatgtea Henld CharlottesvIlle Va March SMaagei McAllister and eleven members of the Buffalo club of the Eastern League reached Charlottesville this aftaraeen and tomorrow morning will begin practice on the athletic field at the University of Virginia The re- mainder of the team wilt drop in before the end of the week Real work begins on Easter Monday This afternoon Bisons watched the game between Vir- ginia and Staunton Military Academy Held for Stealing Turkeys On the charge of having stolen a nuns ber of turkeys from the warehouse of the GoldenLove Company commission merchants 922 Louisiana avenue north west a few days before Christmas Hur lay Brooks and Richard Newton both col- ored were arrested in Philadelphia yes- terday by Detective Cornwall of the Cen- tral bureau assisted by the police ef that city MARRIAGE LICENSES Catch R Pratt X aad Laelk A Jferfark M heM ef Cape Slay N 3 Stew W X Perfasea- Sjdnor U Major MIl melee A Deus 9 both of RicfaBMad Vs Her J B IrrhMi Spencer H Shtpter 3 anti Mary I Jehasea IS both of Baltimore Md ReT E a C X Underwood 26 aDd U M Sfeaaa of V Her Igvattas rVrfey Lien S SsrtariaiH a sad AMa G V Betsey- 3X Her H a Pease John A Howell fl f New Glitz JJC sad Bath Perdne 13 Iler A a lube William U Btcksleta S aad Finals LL ReT 3 11 Greene Fred W Nodules S cad Lewbs 8 Dnc r V ReT George BfwHtaffeCOLORHD Tebe JS ad Maggie Warren 20 Ref Chicks Jehftso- BOmnzla la L Sabreal S ef Best Lu Veca N flex and LiSle Cooper S Her DeeM Mftuhfas ton Philip Barrls IS ef JadEsaarMe Pit and CalM ertee raw 2S E B CurSes lake Holmes 36 and Mary TMs 38 Rev lake BIchard William 25 and LttHaa HesaWes C Her John W Lee DEATH RECORD Cons C Wfison UM Q it nir yen sArah E JlWer U E rt M 68 ywrs Etta if Martha at Jadneo tt AwcesO 1 year James P MeHfurt MS6 X CapItal st nir 3 iNn Bllzabeth G Ilbtey 13M Girard rt aw W y rs James B OSryea tItS Pa are w n years Samuel Odes Ml 7th st s 37 Tears Louis Grimm Gout RecpL Insane 68 years Peter Msllon Gert Hospt lame years BHa B Ixnrr M13 3 st aw years Charlotte HaMca Sitfey HeepL U das Sarah K Sparks 9tt 1 rt BW 71 years Mdmtwd B tattoo 8U 19th at aw yean Albert B B Wakes K3 B rt 39 yeas Mabel J Peek ITU N J are BT 8 dept COLORED WHam H IK S tt II st EO U years Anne 8 Gray 60S BlaIr court as t years Hannah S Virulent eeartpTw 6E Isaac halt 299 CterebBd see 37 years Joseph Danlei Barrflte D tX 35 years JoIns E Barky MS SH st aw 6C years Charlyen 3d st sir M years War Shorter ifi lit rt sw 2 yeses iQitift Merideth TIle Albemarle 17th and T sU 85 8 raentb- si mUiy Harris UB Chester csuzt maw weaths- Ifari Lodctroed Asrtem Hewl 8- 0Vnnie Brooks 2828 8th t siw years BOM Crawd Georgetown U k Hoots 40 years Dener set Besedale U t years Infant ef Charles A sad Mantle A Lee US BM- st OTT 144 Ssft- Infaat of Dent Suds Smith 2 EKaUA PENSION LIST GROWS i the Con n ears w- and specula- tion the prel- iminary the 6 Fewer Reef zJ alai Ben Bale 45 B fIi s u amen jesuit Adele Wash ant I y a Fil- ing emcee arc he- ll August- A Miens L yet Fair- fax t7 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY HABCH 26 1907 ......O LEAGUE M Merace lit ISm IK 1 m 1S1 m Wetheff M TK IB Oeonty-ToUk m TS8 m TMak 7M 98 TS DISTRICT DUCKPIN LRAGOB leak Jjt mM at I


Have Hard Time inTexas Leaguers


CantilloitH Urnrcf Show Up Poorlyat the Bat and Bunching ofHits in Two Inulnss Saves Teamfront a Defeat Cfoodwln PItchthe VaU Nine Inninc

Special ta The Washington HeraldWaoo T s March 25 Washington won

from Waco today but there was mlgbtylittle comfort In th ptrfonnanc Thescore was 2 to 1 in runs and to 6 in hits

In the matter of the work wasbut little better than yesterday whenWashington was beaten by the St LouisCardinals in Houston In filet considering the difference hi claw between theNationals and the Southern Texas Lea-guers the sticking today wee eventhan yesterday The only redeeming fea-ture was that four of Washingtons sixJIlts were bunched when would domoet good two in the first and two in theninth Inning Each brace of bingieg

a run and after all the vjeterywas really batUti out

Goodwin twirled the entire nine inningsfor Washington and only sharp fieldingsaved his scalp On the oUter hand therun scored against him was due almostentirely to luck He uaed everything inhis repertoire but his curves were hardlyas wide as thtr will be later on He Itadplenty of speed and ovly fair control

The ficMtng feature was brIlliant playsby Htcknmn and Blankensblp in theninth when a mlsplay would have tiedthe score and possibly lost the gameWith men on first and third FisherWaco catcher sent a nasty grounder te-

Htckman it was stow end erratic andhard to handle but Hkkman reached

the run and sent It home In time tocatch Welsh at the plate by an inch Itwas a clever and heady littJe play andbrought forth much applause from thehandful of Waco spectators

Get Good StartWashington got oft well looked like

a sure winner in the flrat inning Perrtneopened with a single and stole seoowdGanley finned Cross singled to left andscored Penin and the aged one aimstole second A User was called out onstrikes that were a couple of feet wideof the plate and Hickman was an easyinfield out

in the second inning after Anderson hadflied and Schlafly had been called out Rstrikes like those served Altlser Btaakenship beat a fjunt but was forced byGoodwin In the third inning Perrtne waseasy Ganley beat one to short but wasnipped trying to purloin second Crosstiled to third From the third to the ninthinning Washington did not get the sem-blance of a hit In live interme-diate tunings tour men reached first enerrors and passes but in each instancefouls and easy flies retired the side Itwas enough to make angejs weep

The ninth was a Hfesav r Andersenled oft with a clean double to leftSchlafly sacrificed and Blankenshipbrought In the winning run with a uo Meto left Goodwin an infield out amiPerrine filed to left

Wacos run came ta fourthliams hit a long fly ttot AirRerhave reached but the wind caused the ballu make un unusually wide course andAltizer could not get near It with a poleTill ball rolled far to renter field butAltiier by an excellent return got theball to Srhlafly in time to hold William

third Then Schlafly lost his numbermade a witked throw over Cross head atthird and Williams completed tile circuit

Hlokmnn Stopped ScoreIn the heat inning with one out Wan

made two hits and a man caught in theshort ribs by the ball tilled the bases butWilliams hit to Htekm who threw totile In time to force the roan onthird Welch was easy short to first

the sideThe team leaves hue to

morrow morning at 7 oclock for FortWorth The game tonarrow afternoonwill be In Dallas which is thirtysix milefrom Fort Worth by an InterurbtiH elec-tric line The game on Wednesday wilt bein Fort Worth

Tho scoreafth RHOAK Waco

rerriue a 1 a 4 2 Wauaesv d I IUanley rf 1 J 0 K SitnOM Jh e 1 1 t Jackson Ih IAltber ef e 1 t m Ill tHicfcessft I 2 Taliiir rf 1 1Ane M V t t Welchhchlady tb I 1 1 Si I 1

et i mSOcodwffiTp 4 1

Totah 1 IS S 1


rorVashinBtea 4 Waco L Left oa baaeVashi-nEton T Waco 8 Flra base oa talkOffwin S oft Uornahy 1 lute suAoOt Oay ioff Hornby 1 Innias pttohdBy Gays 5 hyHornthy t Attack oatBy ftwdwte t by Oays1 Threeh UHVUHMB Tmhase hnAa4erice Btoakenehlp SoerMce httoSohlaflyMorris Stoke baaeaIerniie Oeidey Owes Sehfef-ly OoeaSrtai KWwr Morris Doubt pJaylenteto HWaaaa HH hy piteherBy Ooodwia 1 Dm-psreMr Bootaad Thae of guael hue tad 39minute


Dalton Heavy Hitting a Feature ofthe Game at CImrlottesvllle

Special te The WashtacteB IleraMCharlottesville Va March 25 Vir-

ginia found little trouble in defeatingStaunton Military Academy today

3 Only five innings were played asthe visitors had to catch a train

The contest opened with battingmatinee doubles by Dalton andsending five runners across the plateIn the second inning Dalton smashedone over the left fielders head for ahome run Chandler got two slashingsingles

Rector the track team man fromLawrenceville School and a memberof Virginias relay team made his In-

itial appearance of tbe season in thebox and despite his sore arm madefairly good showing Score

niiHV-irftate i 3 S 1 1HS 3B M A 6 S 9 18 T J-

ItetterfesrVlrcMa Beater Baianc ant Ouwlkrtad Ox Steanioa thMseaea and KfUtaaoje-

rWasIiInKton anti Lee WinsSpecial to The Wiuhtecto HenU

Lexington Va March 25 Washington and Lee University this afternoonburled Fishburn Military Academy bythe score of 14 to 2 Parades werlc inthe box and Johnsons running catchfor Varsity and Waddcll and Tolbertsdouble plays for Academy were thefeatures This saat nine played Vir-ginia 0 to 6 a few days ago Score

1UIRA-oaoesay 0 0 0 0 0 I s 4Yardtjr I2tts xlt n 1

Struck cutBy rn v 4 1 on-balhvOfl 1arades 2 Ilndaim 3 Fetaer I Lm-

irfre Oeaiii irebs Vlrcinia Military Institute Ita-tterielli dgins FeUer awl King Faratfca and An


B ing








the WJitftd




1lIt2 I I c S 1




EalHd I Thit lIMe






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eeaieooei 1

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Down Strong Eckinfirtou Team onaicDevlttii Field l jf 3 to 2

The Blpamingdale Athletic Club openedIts season yesterday at MeDcvltts Fielddefeating Ute EcKington Athletic Club inR hotly contested sevenInning genie by9 to 1

Tho winners won by teamwork andnggresslve tactics the losersthen 4 to 1

or the new ElooBrlpgdale men who weregiven a tryput yesterday Klepfer andConover did exceptionally well The twoloams will meet tomorrow for theseeond game of the series


Organization Will Open Season May1 with Four Clubs

The Suburban Baseball League ofPrince George County was reorganized-at 3 meeting of the managers at theofllee of George M Bond of Laurel Inthis oity yesterday Mr Bond Was re-

elected president R H Vincent ofHyattsville vice president J II Wil-son of Berwyn secretary and George-K Cornell of Brentwood treasurer

Four Uyattsvllleand Brentwood will compose the

league and none but county men willbe eligible to play

The season opens May 1 and closesSeptember IS-


Prominent Swordsmen Engage In Intcrcstliier Bouts at Benefit

A notable gathering yesterday afternoonwitnessed at the AVaahlngton FencersClub a programme of twelve bouts inwhich figured several of the best fencersof this season Among those who tookpart were Prof Senac one of the strongest competitive fencers in the UnitedStates S D Braokinrldge amateur champion of the United States and Mr Ml

chelonl who several years ago won thechampflmshlp of South America

The two most Interesting bouts of theafternoon were between Mr Sjwae andMr Brecklnridge and Mr Sense and MrDarrieulat for whose benefit the carhlval was given

Following Is the list of boutsFottfPiof Miller w Mr 3In-

SabMI re M MMO TS Mr Miahelaet-Ko tPr rf Eerie ts Mr Beceiiadto-DneHse sweris Mr CwnaJfiebw Mr letVM lra6 Darriettlat TS Mr BwekteiM-eVMkMr lIon TS Mr Morr-M8ahenProf MeadBeo n Mr Caaafaaham-KMtoPraC S aae ts Mr Miehete-aillat Miller TS Mr Breetterhii-eSabenMr Casntagham TS Mr MieheeM-iIief Sense T Pmt Dsrrieah-


Will Be Third Man In RInG at Balti-more Xext Thursday

SvteU te TIle Wahtert HmhtBaltimore Md March

Crowhurst the Philadelphia sportingwriter has been agreed upon to refereethe fifteenround battle between HarlemTommy Murphydf New York and KidSullivan of Washington before theEureka Athletic Club at Fords OperaHouse on next Thursday night With thereferee selected everything is runningsmoothly The men are training hard attheir respective camps sad wilt undoubtedly come to this city primed up for abard battle It Is an Important contestfor Sullivan but the New Yorkers axeconfident that Murphy Brill win Localsports however favor Sullfvan for it Issaid he Is showing his old form at Wash-ington

The weight question is not troublingeither man as both can easily da illpounds a be strong It will be the tirst-hattld tat fought at thatweight for time as they have beesmeeting heavyweights



RreAefeU1 19IS-

Wai IK HI TU I Tusk TB-

flehaMa rolM thM Bm 11U relied takE

MATCH GAItSlet M HI Sr 34-

l r g t Ill


IB M a IWels Wl-


1C SS Hartoear m l Hiker Sm lit BerKraaao IKm m mB6 a Qtiersiyer813 8M MM TeUb-

O O LEAGUEM Merace lit

IS IK 1 mm 1S1 m WetheffM TK IB Oeonty-


leak Jjt M at I B toM tsm 8 B1d

I m a 8Ut Ji S S I Biker 8 M m-


WaQS 1st a M 8 1st M 3d

Xwwar MS litCarrofl Vt W

Tetab m m 786 Totals T IM mSUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE

M Calvary let M SiSWWWTJ jg m 158 M

Set Ktf litF ler H 1 1st A tjw w W iTrials SB 880 E90 1 Totals 717 7U


Knees M lit 1M WWirjtt IN

11-6J KHnr 105

Waters M3 j-

J M6-

Watsw M IK-

LhtManfeaM 101 131 lUm-

Hfeh team soars ace came like and Refrfc 361High arerag three came Ktaaej aad Utter tie

Hist kHlbHail came Eedtfalr let

Second Hopkins Team WinsThe second team walloped the

West Moreiands yesterday In a goodgame of baseball by 12 to S The Hopkins team deserves a deal of credit forIts victory as its opponents were muchlarger boys The feature of the game wasSantos homer over the left fielders headBatteries West Mercians Patterson andHolden Hopkins Sheehy and Annin

Clay Fast TwoyearoldNew York March 3i Woodford Clay j

has the only twoyearold filly in Amerby Imp Meddler tim leading sire inj

Km She has been named Annoyance andis out of the noted brood mare VictoriaIV the dam of Lanky Bob a consistentwinner The filly Is said to be the bestin Clays barn

Whitneys Tiroycnrolds TrainingNew York March 9aThe twoyearolds

that will run In the colors of H PWhitney this season have all been turnedover to Trainer John W Rogers whowill begin to put them in shape In a fewdays for their various stake engagementsbeginning at Belmont Park

out attlng

clubsLaurel Ber-n


Fhiir euHtsdlut iir Uet


4 VAs


t JI fiie II EiThIa HI IeDess

111 JW IS111

PeeL lit titWHMl 6 55 USM S 00U us M M M

II8 tr CIIIIdIItt38 C ID lkcwis I IS

Bn4Iq Ut 1t8 ClwlnIIT-

MaIe iii

ilL 3dU5 IHi

IteM MS ISnfl6tta Ii 1ft m HI-

TlMa 75I

lit ilL ill IlLUS I Ill 175 III IJ7IS tal 181 111

1W ItS1M It1fI MS JIi1

lit ti MIS SI r ilk IC 96

hi II IC 81II 0 91 St


ti aLlUnferiS 1U I ZWlL Ill UIODo n2 I 131 1M

JIll NIiH III Ja 1f



Tiar Ill 111 MS m lit


MS 1flur OqSSUt I

100151 lJ6W1IU











LAOII hits h M iIueIss let

3i Ill1 IteM lit Illwoe u MS

153M 1kaMa MS


iUr 1MS QiMsU

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AsesetsTaflait i7 itid

MtIteesth IC f C Eie4Sr 343 1 55I


uieIECu 3I














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Card Arranged lop First Seven flaysof Meeting

TIle programme for the first seven dayso Ute coming meeting of the MarylandJockey Club was announced yesterday asfollow-

SatuMajr April Writ nefrMrefurkragf tot-hreeyearckfe soil mmntri selling JJ nd racerHalf nib four tatMea tworeiroldi Mrde e aNte for Uweeywreldi and upward FourthTaeeTh Oreee 8ftec Valley Steeplechase Handi-cap about tw taflc Fifth race Fithalt forkttgi for fewrjrwrold and upward Miliac ijUtb raceSena furlongs for fourycarolds-ad apwaraMelds April 8 Pint neeQae Iutl mile for

t ftr aU MHtac Eecand raee One rails fortbr e e M and upward Third rawOneasd Mew yank far Uireejrearolds and upwardaeHiBg Fourth raeefiteepleeha for maiden aidBeBwioer ef mere then one stoat toeBik Wftk neeltalta Selling Stakes

fariose for thw jiearotds end upward SixthrawSix fwfoaei for maiden thrcefeerokls tadupward

TitMday April Jl Pint race Six furianc I-BthmyctraMu Second raceOne miles for threemroW aad upward wiling Third raee The BalneMte Bwon HatxHctp fire end farlees Fourth ncc Steeplechase for faitrreareUtand apwart aeWag sheet Fifth

and onehalf furlongs for fearjwoM coowtaaen of More then two raM SUtli racetillfuries for fourmrold sad upward selling

WedMwHr April H Pint raeeSlx furlongs formere sad threereareidi anti upwardSeeood nee inte furioogn for twoTearolds seWesTliM rwe The CUbaufili Sleraorial Cup four soilaehalf furioagt Fourth imaeSteeplechase far

fowiwoUt nl upward about two miles FifthraneOs mile for tbrc ar 44 and upward

atath narOM mtte aad fatty yard for threeyewaid upward

tlwnday Atoll PInt ra K nr furioHCs forMiden twomrniUt Stand raaeWrt-

aM enehiiK furioBg for tbrevjrraoetd andsetting Titled iacfrTbe Country Club of

PtBlico Stab for threertar Mt one mile Hourt-heVKpld far at ld n bRawn ahettt two

Mfl Fifth nc Seftu fwioBp fee maiden thwr-earold and upward Sixth r o OM mil sod

ytnte for threeyearoWs sad upwardFrMty April ill ftttt ne Foiir enehalf-

fwiMti for t t reMvaldt Second raerSfa forfee threr aroldfi and upward Third

The Driving Ilric Uaw e p for tbreerMrHiids sadupward ona mile Fonrth aceSUfitl eh M foefonryear Ma awl vpward selMne sliest two raHcFifth iMt9 veB fttrioo for fuurf rolds sod up-ward ffiith nteOnt wile sad forty yards tarthrcrarold sari ttpad aetita-

c8twday April S PInt raceFire furtonts fortwofCrgU eUtag Sweod ree Hix huio g

ma4den thrferwroWs Third raee Six forioegfir thfwywrotd aad upward who hare started Id

BMrtteg liars not wee FsurthrM e Steepl dM e for hmttm duly qutlttA mdtrthe flfvymrohU and upw td twoMUM Fifth neeThe Uan itn Cup forBMtt riden thiee yearold aad spinal at 3d

how the toale eui s WItH fiukmas Sulk aceOne sells sad bty yard fer threy r W


Crowded Houses at Chasesby His Tricks

KamiCo Pan to Hold Him Vino Es-

capes from Prepared Bag

Ifoudinl the Great returned e Chasesyesterday for a weeks engagement andas usual played to crowded houses Hecompletely mystified his audience withthe box and paperbag triclcs first makingreference at the afternoon performance tothe alleged expose of the tricks madeafter lest vMt to Washington

At the evcMng performance employesKane Sons Co came upon the stage

and constructed a dry goods box In view ofthe audience sad a committee appointeEto superintend the work Into this boxHoudini was placed and was nailed upby the Kami workmen After a wait ofless than tea minutes Houdini appearedhaving esMped fronj the box Mr Cha-addrneed audience making an offerof to be paid to the George Wash-ington University fund If any other per-son than Ilowttnt could release himselfunder similar conditions end offered

IV6B to any person who could prove anycollusion in connection with the feat

by HoudiniHoudini escaped in much less time from

the box than on his previous Thishi explained in that last night a boxordinarily used by the line wns providedwhereas on his previous visit a speciallyprepared box was wed

The feat was displayed at theafternoon performance A professionalfeanerbMg maker nAme upon this stagebringing his own paper paste and twineand a large barr was made in the presenceof a committee from the audience Intothis HoudiBl crept the bag was tiedand sealed and placed In a cabinetIn seventeen minutes Houdini emergedthe paper bag was Intact and the sealswere untouched


St tonic Crank Defeats Keogh forthe Continuous Title

New York March 35 Thomas Huestonef St Louts retains Ute worlds eontlnuone pool championship as the result ofthe final nights play with Jerome Keeghof Buffalo

Huestan lest night made 1W to 134 forKeogh This brought the final score ofthe champion to 000 wfrfle ICeogh had47Huestons best breaks last nightM 37 and he made Van scratchesKeoghs high break was 35 and he etamade two scratches

Will Not Buy MontgomeryNew Orleans Mardi Si K L Thomas

after the running of the Crescent CItyDerby on Saturday concluded not tobuy Montgomery for 12000 as the coltis said to have pigeon toes JockeySchilling who had the mount says thatthe colt because of this defect camenear falling twice during the running efthe Derby

A A U Xot to Control TennisNow York March 38 James E

president of the AmateurUnion said yesterday that the A A Uwould have nothing to do with lawntennis For several weeks it has beenreported that the A A U intended tocontrol this sport



raceI t-


two miles rueF




nibs aboutgoethe


u t1l

Box Pro Tldell lJY S Sons c






Sulli-van Athletic



an absolutely purePennsylvania Rye I

bottled in iu natoI

rat stats Thc ov-

ernment guarantees

it to be 100-

pr fLook the

Stamp over thecork


















eetw rear

his sad


sad I

bad scawicasre 1









1a oCRHOL-

WHIsicg br5 Botded3nBon-











Meeting ToJiiglit Not JBx

pected to Avert Strike


Father Staffora May Be UmpireJudge De Xnmed as Other1onnihillty Open Shop QuestionOne Under Conalueratlon Journey-men Object to Interpretation

It improbable that the Impendingcrisis In the dispute between the fasterBuilders Association and the BjlldlngTrades Alliance growing out of tilt dis-

pute between tIM master cad journeymanplumbers as to the Interpretation of ar-

ticles 5 anti 6 of the arbitrationaward will be seriously affected bynights meeting of the building tradesIt wits inacated yesterday that thetrades would probably take no decisiveaction at this time other than to stand

in their support of the journeymanplumbers who are members of the or-

ganization It Is assured that they vjlllnot permit the award to go bask to thearbitrators for interpretation as desiredby tIM master plumbers and the master

This will leave the whole matter at astandstill as every one of the five organisations concerned will remain firm andwait for something to happen

The basis of all the contention Is a fluestton of the open shop This the buildingtrades positively refuse to recognize Theysay there has been no open sltop in thecity for years and the arbitration awarddoes not allow and they will not permit it under any consideration

Strike Considered ProbableIt was stated by k prominent member

of the alliance yesterday that they wouldhave gone out last November when therewas a temporary halt in the arbitrationproceeding had they not ben adjuredthat the op n3nop question would not beconsidered that It was merely a question-of the violation of the contract made be

the master awl journeyman plum-bers If this stand Is maintained the onlypossible result will be a strike of thebuilding trades

The question of the selection of an umpire to net with the conference committee-of five from the Master Plumb-ers Association and five from thePlumbers Union provided for in the oldcontract has also become a matter of dispute It was provided by the arbitrationboard that an umpire be etecUrT beforethe expiration of thirty days er the

as a further award would appointone Last Friday the master and Jour-neyman plumbers held a conference at therequest of the master plumbers to en-

deavor to agree upon a Bachparty has submitted four names andFather D J Stafford of St PatrickChurch nominated by the masterera and Judge De Lacy of theCourt nominated by the journeymenhave consented to serve If elected Themasters made the proposition that theumpire interpret tbe disputed clauses

Journeymen Make ObjectionThis proposition mot with immediate ob-

jection from the journeymen who consist-ently maintained that there was no needof an Interpretation as the articles Inquestion were clear and they were willingto by them And further that thisuntpire nosier UM contract find awarVwits only to sit on future disputes thatmight arise and could not Interpret theaward under which he was elected TMsdifference of opinion completely blockedevery attempt at an election as the votewas always five slid five The thirty daysallowed for election will expire onWednesday and in view of the deadlockit will probably fall to the board to ap-point an umpif Whet bearing this willhave upon the dispute over Interpre-tation of articles S and C it is Impossibleto state

The appointment of the umpire may pos-sibly bring oa a crisis but If It does notthe expiration of the time allowed for Utereinstatement upon request of thosemembers of Plumbers Union No 6 expelted during the lockout will It Is saidThis will run the conflict thirty dayslonger or until April 27 three days

the local building boone is generallylaunched

It was stated by members of the Magler

have strike clauses in their contractand do not fear trouble


3Ir e lilt Address Before the Secamy League on Sunday

tar The WtsUsstMThe report of my address in this

paper conveyed the Jmprselon that-I spoke on only The addresswas an argument showing that raonogamic marriage permanent in its naturewas the highest and only moral rotationof the sexes

That true marriage is a fact In naturebeing the result of the peculiar reciprocallove of one man for one woman weldingthem permanently together into a singleIntellectual and moral being This moralbeing not male alone or female clonebut man male and female is the unitof human society Science and religionagree on this point

Ofttlmes we hear that the home is theunit of society The home is only thenest in which this dual unity lives and

out its destinytrue marriage this union bf one

man with one woman is the most sacredthing we know of and the moat signif-icant

AH law civil or ecclesiastic regardingmarriage is merely the acknowledgmentef this great central truth

Law unnecessarily restrictive as todivorce or the annulment of a falsemarriage when the parties find thoy havenot for each other this abiding marriagelove tends to bring this great institutioninto contempt

The civil law regarding marriage shouldtake cognizance of Its permanent natureMarriage not only should be but all truemarriage is for life

The gravest moral objection arises whenIt Is proposed to force a man and awoman to live together who do not wantto and who clearly do not have for eachother this attracting and wedding love

The of mankind shows thispolyandry polygamy monogamy Polygamy Is agreeable

to absolutism and we find it flourishingwhere absolutism reigns

Monogamy IB agreeable and only Itcan be to democracy The equal distribulion of the sexes would alone and politically make monogamy ImperativeIt is the hearts of men and women thatthe sanctity of marriage must be feltand revereneed It is the province of reEaton primarily add of education and scianne collaterally to Instill this reverencefor monogamlc marriage In the risinggeneration c F NKSBmWashington March 25

Grand Jury Indictments ReturnedThe grand Jury yesterday returned the

following indictments to Justice StaffordIn Criminal Court No 1 Joseph Clarkassault with a dangerous weapon IrankS Homans and David P Tanner con-spiracy James Riley forgery Henry B

and John T Page larceny fromtho United States













AssocIatIon yesterday thntUsesall






C ney


































DAILY COURT RECORDSupreme Court ot the Vnltcil StAtes

PrwtBt Mr Justice lUrUn M JmMceMr Jn i e White Mr Jnrtlee 1tdJaw Jotics MeKtMBB Mr Jwttat Melai Mr J MDay end Mr Jiutiee Jleedy

Vernon Hodge of WaibtesfM U U EdwardCf Smith f QMkrtwf W V Alfrrt Pities ofPhR d ipiil I1 end Horse Vas Brma eften Maw were admitted to pnctiee

No Kl ItoebMtcr hallway Compiiw BteWifferrw T City f l b cr to error to the 8 H

Cewt of the Stale of Yetk de rt fi m t-

vtth cats a d Opiates hr Mr JostlesMeedr JuMbo White fa the m K

No 29i 3sn 4re StateIdaho MiningretepjBf Oempaiiy et at appeOaitU n Keaaegr3 hauler hem the Court of theUnited fiut for the dWtrict of Idaho Utwte tfar the of jar eMoe OpMon bjr Mr JuHtoI-Jay

No 22Z William Moore K at ie appeHaara It MeQoire ct at appeal from tile ttrauitinert U OiHMd PAstes for tbe BaUern dtMrte-cet Arkansas decree recessed with coM eremanded for farther pruuieUlim ta oonfemtty wfth

the otto f this osurt Optetai hr ML JusticeKeJme DbMatfegi Mr Uactav Mr J s-

tiee Iectham took BO port hi the d tMO of thtt-o

eN389 Ann K H w mtoe e prtl-

Uotwr n laeob M ten on writ rf errttawit tbe Veiled States Otrextt least An e t hula

e M to the DMrict of the Unitedfar the Northern riet of New York O te

hr Mr Jostles MeKewia-No Banshee 8 H h p Owapany pJ U-

b mfcr The UWtwl of AcMra hi er-

ror to lie United State Cfaoait Cowt ef App tof the Eighth ohwiH Jod MM aJtraied aad eaoae-rtnuwded to drouR Oawt of the for thedttrfet ef ll e 4 pptolw hr Mr JostleUwwff

Net Z9S K4w Kl U plaJtotlff to error m-Aame It al rn error to the S PF-CCoHrt of tile State of Mentawi Jade eot afflreieiwith oot5 OpMon bf Mr Jute llrewer

Whit teak M put to the tffceutitoa of thtatease

No t Thomas TMIe et al ptehKUb inT Wrhett ta mr Ve the tt i a-

Owm of the Stats of New York Jadgraeat aWmedwith mete Ophitoo hy Mr Chief iSSUeS PithierAntMuaced by Mr JttMto JIarira-Mr JMUea Harks ntme B d the Mtewtec orders

of the ewrt-No OrietoiJ Kc p rtc la the Matter of-

Jaatea PeWU petftiiwer mode foe tare M Mepetition for writ of sunaaana gmMedte ihow eaa seaMed rettwMbte Mail 3 RBI

No GU I LedMoscr et aL pbJntia teM Merehaau Nat Peek of llewtaB et atseethes to dismiss er paetfWHd to the hertag of the CMe ite molt

No Monte BtWttJto p MUeiir m Te-UaiMd atatee peUttoa for a writ of orrtionri uthe Urtt l State cit Coast of ApfMiM for theBtehth eiroatt des w

No 6 8 otb n BaSely Coa oaay petttieiMr-m ListlesS Brother Compms pedtiom for awrit of eerdorart to the UnMet SIMs Oreul-tOntt of Appeal tat tiM SIxth eoit

Ke HI WtOiaaa P HP jr accteOtMt W L-

FHta shall c motto t a4maee gmrted ladMM aiMtnert fcr MMM t ee Mundaj April B

nest after th cheeSy set dowa for that 4y-No Sit IxMhriBe and NaabriHe Railroad Ceea

pay p naiit n Braara U Mettley et uxmodes to denied wiOw t pnjodto-

iOderTiM Heperter havtac neMMrted that ewlee the rmmUr of deefataM at the pieteBt tareit amid he iaprMtkaMe to pot the report hi ttI-

MMMi aa adtHtlOMl abuse in tu yaw nvMBtH-ctlOB Set of the IUH rt Statote

X VWtm II T-

TW Uaited StatesNe SH Bwten Dreiflto Oownuy pbtotttr to

aria T The Veiled SWIllNe 85 Dn hv Coa p r pktotiff ta

sear T The UnitedNo Eter Dredetoc CoafMy phtotNT to

aria The CnMeA StateNo MT Bay Btate Dradftoc OwagM9 ta tf-

to enw n The Ua d StateNo Bay StIle D 4gtoe Con ptotottfl-

to erne v The UaMed StatesNo M lest DiaJitoc Osoqmy plttotM-

to aria w The fluted States a4fMee-MihraHtri Mr SeHetor Otntral Moyt let theDated Susie

No SM Jetot Newton WUNaMoa jtttoOSenor T The Dotted States mile tobellied hy Mr Solicitor Oeawni JI jt tar theUatted

N ML WWte F D Tuber petidowr M TheUirited Stubs Moitom to advises ah Mud by Mr-

Sottcator O MraI Hoyt to MeloN of mussel Jar p-

titto er-

Me ML AhrahMB hail pietottf to ernr TTtotoeai P nteO hertff e hi seine to theSeiMrtor Chart of the lily aol Cwwly of Seaefaeo State of CeHtesia 4

of Mr A B BVOWM for the toMondau araaarf o BMteai of Mr Pied

ins Q MeKeanwy tar the er n t to urea

CMtwU i fxtMto lo a ofNerttorari to the Une4 States Gout

hy Mr

H It 1eBeni for the raipiiaiilMU-No 01 TtaMby F laddeR pUwdaT to error

T TIle CItY 01 New York seethe to adwaeehy Mr Xrawtt V Abbot te the ptotoW

to errorN t W Kekey petWoner M Arttov

K Btowa evrrrrtoe reoerwr e peddles fur awrit of eerttonri te tile United States Chmrt IceSof Appeal for the Third deceit MthMttted by Mr-

RwMph M SeWck for the pettUeawr sari hy Mr-

It D Mr MaJeotoi Uord jr and Mr

CIa R Brr tar the iepondentNo Mt Btoaheth J Wart petitioMr T Dues

ikihMBUkefecy KJo beriMiTn petiUw fer a writ efcerthmrt te Ute Slate ClInk Ctart ofPM for the ThinS chests letonitted hy MrR 8fhlc tat the pettttoMr ae l by Mr JParker Klrtto sad Mr Ctoota B Htohos for the

No L R StM aL to ores8othen lUtaae a d Mbvori Brhtce

traiatat tauelamtd bf Mr Mutt 1 Chvajrher the oWewknt to area

MMMd BBtfl MooAay April 8 at 11 etoektoy 0l for M wtay April S a M



Feoeefc n dither Chassfcal Qmrr SM ea-afa mired asacaet serials aefeafaaU

J O AdklBftSmith TS Softh soanika s4 Sloe aapaeatef-

tGemfeiaaafs soiMtcM J K Beae aa4 timeP CoBtaT Merer hew to hiterteae mated lat-

es leans seitetten MiBer CTBea-rGamtt vs Qmtt proof eased Metes

N OsmU DVM Caser h ats setMten Atee H Stattar defeadMtt Mtdten SeMisWalker

Asei aMsttsNet Altantayt fjantiy-

UoweE T 8aa Md sad W H literEquity Court No 2

JU8T1C8 GOULDLoekwoad s IxMktreed nhwHtcd wttaaat errs

Heat OMBtaiauit saUcttar J 11 OeanitlesoftettM Haftr Haty

Pikes T Yelled BaaMag asS Trait Otatpaar-aadttora report BBiHrmeil CaaeeaSMafs solHitet-Padaett Forrest defeadaafa soHcHer J B MeNIb

Abbott T Abbott leave to wIthdrew eshMtgreeted rettueaers JIG Usage U Calrert-

Bhm T Miller decree eastaiaiee denvrrer OC-Kphiwirts Vf 3 lacIest ad J B-

KasbfSsailh defeadaat4 s Heit n BarnardJohnson

Mk r TS Wilcox BobraMted withoutsoMehar Wfttaa J UaUti de

feudist soWcHcr George F linenMeriUat w Br wa d e teeum quashed

GeraptalMBts salMtan C It Jiwntet sad M Nllldardwn defee4a fs sottetten Lester Price

N SJ Ball T Bill et al AftofMye TwmefDayte

No Ohrk n lark et aL AWoraeya Oar

No 518 Carter TB COstar et aL AUar ey Oar

Circuit Court Jfo ltJ-

OHTIOH WBiaHT-N ttoMl S da FWDtiia tfc Affleck-

Hidcraent oo lertfet for pUtettS jar m IlelBtWi-attomey S T Thema defeaduit attorney TPercy Mica

Carter TS McDermott iveoJver Ja cment ea mendate of Owrt of Appeah ice pfeiaUft for JtSoa-PlalntUTs attoraeyi C H MarflUt and I NPIeJurdsoa defeodaats attoraey C A Douglasand George P looter

Oarer t Potomac Electric Power Ooapaay etcdJeyter plaintiff for JSOO PMaUT alUWBeystin Cbamberltn defendaaf aUetMjri C ADoHshts and Otorce P

Oeeaner Ta liners OB triaL Ilaistiff attoraejiliaise Warrea aad W II Eloise dettBdaaft at-toraejri E A Newmaa sad A A IHraey-

AsMgrna nU for todayNo SX Walker TS Warner Atter ey TraIt

NeJW Heaarr w Derr Attorsey J A Maedet-Ne 5W Bwebtr n DWriet of OMteiU AU-

teroey J F 8e re Thespsea L k r E HTheists

Ne OL Berry T District of CotoaMe Attefness A S VorthlBitw B a Mists aad J FCoJHwE H ThOMas

No 111 Taylor w T yktr Atteney J W Jea-

Xo 509 Pbeer T Slater Attcratys B LQlee Leon Tebriaer

No 361 Milton TS Washiastoa and G tlyrfwzRafway Attorneys Chapta Brawn and Gage WDPWJ B lamer sad J J

Ko 171 Foster TS Satid Filtatiwi Corpentiog









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ef America Attoroey B T JDwltDousIu Ic-

DsflfUi sad L J JIttbffNo 5 MQler T r ta9i c Lutinbr fcsapwsr

Attorney W a Preotia U K WftlUnwL JMather and C T Headier

Court No 2

tiff attorneys 1 3 Dirllssten and W 1L hri i-dW e Uat atterneyi B U Theams and U 1Blair

tfllUis TI Woodward LoUtrep on ap-peal to operate a Bpenedeai fixed at KXfitWa altonuyi Welt lUnsetibenr defendant attonteyt W rtWn t n FraHtr

MoUse TS Baum onJw ts KfBs4a to attorneyof reeaid-

AattcBraeBt far todayNo R9 Fltteher TI AMewtla sod Potomac RtB

end Ceapaay AtUnieji B T UojiJ J liariteiton-

N Thence TS Waihtottmt RaBway and BteeUte Cmrany Attersey W J LaabertJ JUaritoEton-

N US ORtbolle UnIversIty of Amertea n Wae-ramao Attorneys Harafltou CWbfrt KamHtenW P Matttofty J B Lamer and Artbar Peter

No WMi Olarl TK Ta htestoti and Beathern-lUBway CHer Mty Attoraeft L J MatherMoKanaey Flaimtry-

Na Ice Oorer TS SMrthrm Railway Ownpanr-AttpnMX Padeett F eTeitH mtttbeaus

No iK finite m Slater AlWraeyf Turaer j

MMehcrOeorc F WHRaja-X Talbatt n MeDwnwtt Attorseya B K-

LefcbtonJ 3 UarUogten


EMItS States TS finger HeraaBa rMiticrthw H03 It 8 U a cfl trial AUeraeyi A U-

WorthlBjUm and H PiweeU latteyCriminal Court Jfo 2

JUSTICE BARNARD-TJntted States Tt Itiehud T Morahy moo oa

trial Attoroey Bendbehu RetkcWU-

Ualted State TS Ilezekbh II ThemeeM-Uaited State Jebn UofaieUegUnited Slate TS Matthew MatteS Prank Pajttt-

aad Arthw Oweueagh 1

Probate CourtJOOT1CB GOULI

la re emi C OrtflHh enter appatottog ClaraT OffcHth bend JKQ Atteme J PaulJCf t

Stub of Mary D Brt pr4 eider n uN tcd-

Altaraw P fl MantuHbeats of H Bewyer MeDemH wilt adattted ta-

prchato sad letter ef Je hiW tMn e L a T nt i-

to DoaaW MeDanald bead sm Attoreey R fUhepaera-

lBitate ef Marehall E Leatheraian w admittedte probate and lettei teta atery sraBt d to Flueeaee l atberaa 930 Attorney J SKahySw h-

Httete of Chrietiau D oskr wfll atalited t-

pMbab and totttn t UBMaury granted te knItsH hearse a 4 feerge K Deter bond 3009 At-

torney C IIBatata ef Sits B Stewart bIters ef admlnl tr-

tioa uraaUd to I eU G M CotUn hoed JL5W-

Attoraey H F Tastedof MfebMl ImMure ef adraiaia-

teattoB anaUH t John C ODeebe O-

Attoraey HMobs ef Joke G Redc d order dkebarztef

rate Attorneys Berry lustsEstate of Edward L Tekoa totters of adstlaistra

bus finwUd t Anaa B TelMa bead J2W At-

torney C H BeamsIn TO Charles X Baairr order aatbortoht hv-

Tcattaeac Attorney Toeber KsayoaEstate of Juices Yarn Dyke MMdteton still

aVoed Oetafeer 8 1892Btteta ef IMmand Mews deter December

M sIc wtti eodtoB ktd D 9eeak r X aadApril U s06-

Bktete of Jeaa 3 Peeked prtitfefe fer lettersef 4atoiitrttou AM AtterMy Lwemo

BsUto ef leery Besets M dated Jaasari i IMS die with polities fur awUle At-URMT J U LtehMte-

rBCOe ef Cteriet A Bn erd wM duel De-

V B3I fifed wtth ixttttoft fee postal Atteraey W H Mariow Jr

Beu e ef Jehu Waller jr wtt Sated Jose a-MM Aha

No WMt Harry LaaMaa rt William W eelSissies V Baseman Bate ft t ItttetWs attamer K U Otes-

N M881 MeDeweH T W tt 4 BraJ sa i n I ef L 1 ONeal P far JSM-

Xo M Geerg Prism dawMllaat T AsSeSPahaer appeal Plaintiffs aUoraey D Vt ODsn-ecane

Na SM baN a Loc M B Beareretoetinent pus let 7 rai Phtotiff sitesMy I S Lfosv

Slcchanlcn I ien-No Kflt West Bras Brfek OstBfxuv w Nettie

Mists tot W wwre X Bekiaetonv SX9-QAttetser A OedUr

HuultrNo 3811 BteaiMr M et aL T vaJiSMwm

heIrs ef Brhket Lteni et aL to e riet tWe Gemptatoaaf MUeHofS Wolf Reseabere

No 30St BBa I Gclbcher M Wward Fkgbar aahrtotajts iiHr ir Jaae A


Raadk HijhlanasC Rertty Cteatwir to WfltarC Yea tot IT blocS U sad tote f soul S-

btoek H Jtft-

Mwylaad Mae aonheait between Foarteeath andITfliinlh sterat Marie Hetoe to Chaeies PHarry H and C Dishes tot areHH IM

No MK Caank street erthw t Je s Daffyto BateWee E Jordan hK tot2W

No IW Rfeg street north re tCari4 a Mt tWlMs W W Stewart sad dumb G

lit SM JaX-

D paat Chdr Cemectiont crease sad NineteenthetveetGertnaie M Hnbhud to Kfea BaStelot i anJ tot i anwre B3 5W-

b tt et SMthweit between Second and ThirdktreeteReuben B Oath H ox to Steskten LUoeeer ty M K 17 3 equate SW-

RMat Jean Laajham jr eorririnc traetee to tileMatnal Owrantee BvOdtos sad Loan Associa-tion tot s BQ

Q sliest northwest between Bichtemlh cod Nlae-

teeMh slreatoGuiUT H Kaha to Ee nT Ham lets S and 6 q are IX OS-

RMge Mateal BniWteg saul Louis Asails to SepWa fleeces putt let Z JtS-

THM sad B street southwestThen R Newboidet vs te McKhaate Traasfer lad Storagepaay eaethfai toterest in origteal lot S


W ftttMt northwest between Fourteenth and PifbaseSt itreeUCheriotte Dafley to Harry Ward

wu let 60 JetTto St Btghth street soatbestCbrefiea A Lie

dIem to Jobs T Crowley tot 4 war Mfi JWS sUeet aorthKett between Thirteeath aad Four-

teenth streeteSaiaael M Jeee et ax to Samael-g Hower part adsiaal lot 3 stjnare S39 10

Resedde and IshrrweodChartes F et Ltrnttees U Grafun D P Balky lets EO and 51

Mock M H-

rtainrnliin HeighteFran T RawH s et aLto Cart H Smith tot 19 block 36 3X3-

Na Mat G street aortbwet Mary H Myers truetee ta Geers U Myers lot 3 sn are TS3 SW


Snwtre 3 Albrt A Pope et ox to I-Ftather and Luther S Printer ta acmeM Jeees 0000 3 years 5 per cent semiana Hy erlfinal tot U and put original let li-

Cetttr HeichtsVharles A Conant to George WBrown and William Ken to inure William AJotatea 55003 3 rears 5 per cent Hmitanuallr-tett 27 and 3 Week 1

Square l 50Charle F DWcey and others to HenryH Berpnsnn and chemise Schafer to seeareNorthern Liberty GermanAmeriean Building AsseetatioB No 8 J1JOO tote M and 1J

North ColombIa HeightsAlbert S DaTis et ur toJuries H Stanley and Usage W Waters tamore Laurel Building Association M let 3-bteak 6

Square 288Joha C Breanaa to William A HU1Risnald iV Deal to secure Catherine J

liwnnxn J356 3 months 6 per cent lets 96

a d 97

li9SHattie E Lee to Burr N Edwards andI Weller to same Karl Locke JJ one

year 6 per cent sealannually part bt 1st-

Sqwares 133 aad 3UWfflla0 W W Stewart et ux-

to Chart Stone arid Charles W Fairfax aseam Carlum M mall J1W3 1 year percost semlannually let 116 square 133 sect lot

square 91-

TRamtle HighlandsMary J Thomas et Th TamesC to Harry 31 Packard and Hauls L Herrellto weure Aspa i Herrell 630 S months 8 peroust 41 Week 8

Square S Jesepb H Homa et ux to ThomasStefcnson and R HarrUeo Johasan t secureMutual Serial Building AnocUUea J1S30 putlot 1

Squats Hfidebrand et ox ta WilliamB Btimaaston and Louis R Peek I secureOareenn Fire Insurance Company 120 3yean i per rent semiannaally let 47

Ostambte HelehtcCar H SoUth et to WIllon-J Lambert and Prick 8 CeSSna to secureFraak T and RIchard G ReaSon trusteesit38 J I and 2 years 5 per eeet aemiaonoaJlylot H blocks

TniesdeHs AdU nWHlUm H Walker et nx toF LeJsbtoo end George Fronds Will

hems te secure Ernestine F Terfiiacfr JWOO

3 5 tier cent seatannually loCI S3 andWeek

yews 5 per tent tsemlaBnually tract lot H fl13 eor8e H Myers to

wageD and George H Famine tse re BdwinCT-L Hillier OM 3 jears 5 per tent sealaan-ually lot 3 I



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+ iGlerks Are 0erwo3 ced



New 31 en sure llewnriln Veterans losServices Rendered Long A soWho Have Reached Age of Sixtyt vo Benefit by Law Matty Neon

Claims Received at Department

Nearly 300000 applieatlsns Sir pensionhave been received at the Pension Ofifcisince age act was passed by ei

February granting government allow-ances to any soldier who served nlnaijdays or more in the military service oi-

the country during the civil war oisixty days in the war with Mexico andWOO has reached the age of stxjytwe

It is provided that applicantmust have an honorable discharge

The appl atio e are front all parts ofthe country Many of the veterans rangeIn age from eightylive to ninety yearsand heretofore have not been receivingany benefits from the governmnt owingto no disabilities received in engagementIn which they took part Day after dajhundreds of papers continue to pile Uupon the Pension Office employee and UMpassage f Ute MeCumber bill has beerthe cause of all kinds of work at thedepartment After being approved thepension begins with the date of tiling

Provide for All VeteransThe act provides that any veteran wine

has reached the age ef sixtytwo years to

entitled to H2 a month Those who anseventy years old are entitled to 16 smonth and the old soldiers who h vpaseed the seventyfiveyear mark oiover are to be allowed M a month nthbill is for the benefit of all those veteranwho have not been receiving pensIonheretofore The new law will be tbeof the withdrawal of hundreds of appli-cants who have had their papers on filefor months even years New papers withave to be made out by the applicant Ir-

oaeh ease and toted upon aeeordfogiy althe department headquarters

Despite the enactment ef thu agethe additional work that has fol-

lowed and which began within a testlays after the bill became a law the forceof clerks at the Pension Office has notbeen Increased In faet preparationsbeing made to let out quite a numbetduring the summer months

The reduction among the decks wasbrought about by Ute failure of Cwsgreafto make the necessary appropriation tcretain their services About seventy

are to be discharged early ina result of this ruling much

prevails among the departmentaldarks as to who will be the unfortunateones Different ORes are to be selectedfer dismissal from the different depart-ments

Pension List Long OneAltogether including the sorvrwrs 01

the civil war the government is new pay-ing pensions to 975341 persons This num-ber includes the veterans of alt wars olthe United States tot which provtsicBhas been made for pensionwidows and children of oM soMierg artalso on the roll All toW MMK veteranof the civil war are now pensioners onthe list of the government

The applications for allowances undeithe act of February this year are stttiearning in at the office mel it is ex-

pected that many thousand more wit titreceived before all who are entitled willhave beeR provided for

There are many eivllwar soldiers Incountry who have net reached theage limit and as tines pica OR these menwill make their applications wMcfa willkeep the department busy fer Many yearsto come

Buffalo at CharlottesvilleSpecial te The Wuhatgtea Henld

CharlottesvIlle Va March SMaageiMcAllister and eleven members of theBuffalo club of the Eastern Leaguereached Charlottesville this aftaraeenand tomorrow morning will begin

practice on the athletic field atthe University of Virginia The re-

mainder of the team wilt drop in beforethe end of the week Real work beginson Easter Monday This afternoonBisons watched the game between Vir-ginia and Staunton Military Academy

Held for Stealing TurkeysOn the charge of having stolen a nuns

ber of turkeys from the warehouse ofthe GoldenLove Company commissionmerchants 922 Louisiana avenue northwest a few days before Christmas Hurlay Brooks and Richard Newton both col-

ored were arrested in Philadelphia yes-terday by Detective Cornwall of the Cen-tral bureau assisted by the police ef thatcity


Catch R Pratt X aad Laelk A Jferfark MheM ef Cape Slay N 3 Stew W X Perfasea-

Sjdnor U Major MIl melee A Deus 9both of RicfaBMad Vs Her J B IrrhMi

Spencer H Shtpter 3 anti Mary I Jehasea ISboth of Baltimore Md ReT E a

C X Underwood 26 aDd U M Sfeaaa ofV Her Igvattas rVrfey

Lien S SsrtariaiH a sad AMa G V Betsey-3X Her H a Pease

John A Howell fl f New Glitz JJC sad BathPerdne 13 Iler A a lube

William U Btcksleta S aad Finals LL

ReT 3 11 GreeneFred W Nodules S cad Lewbs 8 Dnc r V

ReT GeorgeBfwHtaffeCOLORHD

Tebe JS ad Maggie Warren 20 RefChicks Jehftso-

BOmnzla la L Sabreal S ef Best Lu Veca Nflex and LiSle Cooper S Her DeeM Mftuhfaston

Philip Barrls IS ef JadEsaarMe Pit and CalMertee raw 2S E B CurSes

lake Holmes 36 and Mary TMs 38 Rev lakeBIchard

William 25 and LttHaa HesaWes CHer John W Lee


Cons C Wfison UM Q it nir yensArah E JlWer U E rt M 68 ywrsEtta if Martha at Jadneo tt AwcesO 1 yearJames P MeHfurt MS6 X CapItal st nir 3

iNnBllzabeth G Ilbtey 13M Girard rt aw W y rsJames B OSryea tItS Pa are w n yearsSamuel Odes Ml 7th st s 37 TearsLouis Grimm Gout RecpL Insane 68 yearsPeter Msllon Gert Hospt lame yearsBHa B Ixnrr M13 3 st aw yearsCharlotte HaMca Sitfey HeepL U dasSarah K Sparks 9tt 1 rt BW 71 yearsMdmtwd B tattoo 8U 19th at aw yean

Albert B B Wakes K3 B rt 39 yeasMabel J Peek ITU N J are BT 8 dept

COLOREDWHam H IK S tt II st EO U yearsAnne 8 Gray 60S BlaIr court as t yearsHannah S Virulent eeartpTw 6E

Isaac halt 299 CterebBd see 37 yearsJoseph Danlei Barrflte D tX 35 yearsJoIns E Barky MS SH st aw 6C years

Charlyen 3d st sir M yearsWar Shorter ifi lit rt sw 2 yesesiQitift Merideth TIle Albemarle 17th and T sU

85 8 raentb-si mUiy Harris UB Chester csuzt maw weaths-Ifari Lodctroed Asrtem Hewl 8-

0Vnnie Brooks 2828 8th t siw yearsBOM Crawd Georgetown U k Hoots 40 years

Dener set Besedale U t yearsInfant ef Charles A sad Mantle A Lee US BM-

st OTT 144 Ssft-Infaat of Dent Suds Smith 2 EKaUA



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