the village crier - loch raven · sept./oct....

The VILLAGE CRIER Published by the Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc., Since 1947 Volume 69, No. 4 JULY/AUGUST 2016 A Fabulous 4th...on the 5th! (see photos on page 9) Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 [email protected] Dear Neighbors, Happy summer to everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed the July 4th parade, reworks and get-togethers! These are great events, so closely connected to and intertwined with our neighborhood and surrounding area, that leave an indelible, positive imprint on the memories of the children raised here, the families that grow here, and the friends and family that come to Loch Raven Village to celebrate year-to-year. By now, all of you should have received a membership dues notice. For those of you that are committed to being members, I thank you. For those that have not been members, including those that are new or those that may have been members at one point, I wanted to reach out and identify why being a member is better than not. The dues paid by members are dedicated to: helping to maintain and increase property values; furthering the inuence of Loch Raven Village; providing entertainment for families during Easter, Halloween and Christmas, as well as movie nights; paying for professionals, whether landscaping the medians, installing the new signage, or attorneys to consult with when needed; maintaining our website and publishing The Crier; supporting the local schools; fees for area umbrella associations that ght legal battles on behalf of communities (e.g. the Greater Towson Council of Community Associations); and many other activities that contribute to the well-being and betterment of our neighborhood and its residents. The thing is, with more members and more activity, we could do even more. The neighborhoods that have a strong and active association are the ones that tend to preserve and improve their property values and are the ones that have a greater voice and inuence over area issues. Therefore, – continued on page 3 Letter from the President Don’t Forget to Pay Your ALRV Dues! (see back cover for dues payment form)

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Page 1: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,


Published by the Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc., Since 1947

Letter from the President

Dear Neighbors,

Fall is upon us, meaning by the time you have read this, some of our proud traditions will have taken place, such as the Halloween Decoration Contest and Halloween Costume Parade, and even more are right around the corner --- Santa’s Ride and the Holiday Decoration Contest. These annual events continue because our community recognizes the importance of maintaining the Village’s traditions and emphasizes the importance of being more than just neighbors.

Our community was started back in 1947 and was specifi cally planned to be a cohesive neighborhood, with Loch Raven Elementary School as the community anchor, with homes starting on Aberdeen and the surrounding area, until branching out to include additional homes south, west, and northwest of the school.

We have agreed to live as one community. We have agreed to be bound by the same covenants, rules, and to act together in the interests of the community, even over individual wants. Since 1947, far more often than not, our community has acted together and without regard to physical barrier or artifi cial lines drawn. Those lines may differentiate parts of Loch Raven Village to others, but they should not divide us. We should support efforts that unite us in as many ways as possible.

Obviously, we will not agree on all issues at all times. However, we are 1,472 homes strong. If we dedicate ourselves to a goal, we are far more likely to get results. Together, we have the strength and we have the numbers to make a difference.

Now, we have several long-term issues for which this community needs your help and participation. We need to make sure that Pleasant Plains Elementary School is as strong of an asset as possible for our children and our community. We need more contributors for the Crier and other communication outlets. Just as important, we all want Loch Raven Elementary School building and site to remain of benefi cial use to the Village for years to come. However, the building needs major renovations. We need a team of people to help with a long-term plan, fundraising and other efforts to

Volume 67, No. 6 NOV/DEC 2014

January/February Crier SubmissionsDeadline: December 15, 2014


–see page 4

FREEPancake Breakfast with Santa!

Join us for crafts, caroling, and small gifts for the children.

Saturday, December 6th 9 – 11 a.m. at Babcock Church

Sponsored by Babcock Church and the

Associates of Loch Raven Village.For Santa’s Ride Information

see page 3

–continued on page 3

Volume 69, No. 4 JULY/AUGUST 2016

A Fabulous 4th...on the 5th!(see photos on page 9)

Sept./Oct. Crier SubmissionsDeadline: August 17, [email protected]

Dear Neighbors,

Happy summer to everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed the July 4th parade, fi reworks and get-togethers! These are great events, so closely connected to and intertwined with our neighborhood and surrounding area, that leave an indelible, positive imprint on the memories of the children raised here, the families that grow here, and the friends and family that come to Loch Raven Village to celebrate year-to-year.

By now, all of you should have received a membership dues notice. For those of you that are committed to being members, I thank you. For those that have not been members, including those that are new or those that may have been members at one point, I wanted to reach out and identify why being a member is better than not.

The dues paid by members are dedicated to: helping to maintain and increase property values; furthering the infl uence of Loch Raven Village; providing entertainment for families during Easter, Halloween and Christmas, as well as movie nights; paying for professionals, whether landscaping the medians,

installing the new signage, or attorneys to consult with when needed; maintaining our website and publishing The Crier; supporting the local schools; fees for area umbrella associations that fi ght legal battles on behalf of communities (e.g. the Greater Towson Council of Community Associations); and many other activities that contribute to the well-being and betterment of our neighborhood and its residents.

The thing is, with more members and more activity, we could do even more. The neighborhoods that have a strong and active association are the ones that tend to preserve and improve their property values and are the ones that have a greater voice and infl uence over area issues. Therefore,

– continued on page 3

Letter from the President

Don’t Forgetto Pay YourALRV Dues!

(see back cover for dues payment form)

Page 2: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,


second Tuesday of each month

Loch Raven Center





page 02

Loch Raven Center

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month,

7 p.m., Loch Raven Center, 1801 Glen Keith Boulevard, Room 102

unless otherwise notedin events calendar;

no meeting in August

Residents are encouraged to attend in order to help in our ongoing work “to protect, maintain, and enhance the property values of Loch Raven Village homes, and the quality of life of Loch Raven Village residents.”

Meetings are held on thesecond Wednesday of each month,

The Village Crier – Editor – Mary Noy [email protected] Layout – Minuteman Press Advertising – [email protected] – Kate Walkinshaw [email protected] – Sue O’Neill 410-823-8765

CONTACTSBaltimore County Code Enforcement –410-887-3351District 5 County Councilman –David Marks [email protected] 6 County Councilwoman –Cathy Bevins [email protected] Locator –Darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330Police – 911 or 410-887-2222Sixth Precinct Signifi cant Event Information – Waste Management – 410-887-2000Towson Times LRV Columnist –Rus Van Westervelt [email protected] University(off-campus resident complaints) – Ryan Kane 410-704-2057

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President – Jason Garber [email protected] – Nick Linehan [email protected] Treasurer – Leslea Knauff 410-823-0648Secretary – Antoinette O’Donnell [email protected]

BOARD MEMBERS Gary Herwig [email protected] Knauff 410-823-0648Peter Moulder [email protected] Moulder [email protected] Sue O’Neill 410-823-8765Susan Redpath [email protected] Rachel Rossbach [email protected] Sarkin 410-828-8952Kate Walkinshaw [email protected]

COMMITTEES - It takes a Village!Architectural Review/Building Restrictions Committee –Leslea Knauff 410-823-0648Block Captains – Bruce Knauff 410-823-0648 Block Party Grants – Open Citizens on Patrol – John Kelly [email protected] Events – Antoinette O’Donnell [email protected] Gardens – Gretchen Sarkin 410-828-8952Marketing – Open Membership – Peter Moulder [email protected] Moulder [email protected] Redpath [email protected]/Zoning Development – Nick Linehan [email protected] Real Estate – Leslea Knauff 410-823-0648

Page 3: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

page 03

A MUSING on MuntinsA sheep? No. Ninja Turtles? I wish. Muntins are the wooden frames that hold panes of glass in a window. If you’re like me, your interest was probably lost at this point. But there’s a reason why we are having this conver-sation, so please stay with me:

Our Georgian style brick homes were designed with double hung, white, 6-paned windows – modeled after the lovely 18th century English manor homes. Thanks King George! We’ll take the design, you keep the tea.

One of the many reasons we choose to call Loch Raven Village home is the uniform look of the architecure. Over the years some replacement windows, which often consist of one large window pane with a frame/grid set over it to create the original look, have not had the “grids” installed. That error has lead to many homes falling out of uniformi-ty. Without muntins, you just have one large window pane, which is a pain. Sorry; bad pun.

The LRV Covenant Guidelines state “3. Must include tradi-tional six over six muntins (mullions) in standard windows” .

If you’re currently out of compliance with this covenant, don’t despair. Many home improvement stores offer an easy to install “snap in grid” to place over existing bare windows. Among others, we have located an online source that you may find helpful: always, any questions may be directed to the Building Restrictions Committee for The Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc. Contact information is included in each issue of The Village Crier as well as the Loch Raven Village website:

ALRV Covenant Campaign Committee Keep Calm and Covenant On

I ask that you become a member so we can do more, not only inside the neighborhood, but in the surrounding area.

If you have questions, come on down to our monthly meeting at Loch Raven Elementary School/Center (every second Wednesday each month except August). Also, as always, if you have questions, please feel free to email me ([email protected]).

Jason Garber

– continued from page 1 Alley Clean Up – It’s Our Job!Residents, please take a few minutes to clean up the area outside of your fence and dispose of litter and weeds that attract vermin and are otherwise unsightly. Residents are responsible for one half (½) of the alley adjacent to their home. Should you be cited for a code violation, you may be fi ned up to $200 per day, per violation. Check your recycle/yard waste schedule for the next pick-up date. Items too large for trash and yard waste collection may be taken to the landfi ll.

Page 4: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

page 04

Bigger, Better, Beautiful!A few years ago, LRV resident Evan Parker was helping a neighbor clear out his house in order to put it up for sale. The departing homeowner was an original LRV buyer who had raised his family in the house on Myamy Rd. During the cleanout, they came upon the original LRV brochure on which the homeowner had written notations while he was deciding on a home in this “new” development. Mr. Parker has kindly shared the brochure with the Crier so that we can all enjoy this little glimpse into our neighborhood’s past. We don’t know the exact year this brochure dates

from but we do know that the land for Loch Raven Village was purchased by the developer from farmers in the late 1940s and early 1950s with the fi nal plot of land being purchased from the Eudowood Sanatorium in 1955.

Some of the selling points extolled in the brochure include the unusually large size of the homes, red oak fl ooring, plaster walls, kitchens with wall ovens, and copper water pipes. Other inducements to the location include high rolling country, wide open spaces, proximity to shopping centers, and interestingly,

the fact that the neighborhood is 400 feet above sea level. “Bigger, Better, Beautiful” was the LRV slogan. The homes quickly sold in the post-WWII building boom and our Village has been a great place to raise a family ever since.

The price notated in pencil on the back of the brochure by the homeowner for a semi-detached unit on Myamby was $15,750. Times have changed – and so has the dollar – but thankfully so many of the amenities of living in an LRV home have stayed the same and our sturdy yet elegant houses, complete with red oak fl ooring and plaster walls, were built to last.




Page 5: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

Loch Raven AcademyCongratulations to our own Offi cer Gregory Suber of Baltimore County Police for receiving the SRO (School Resource Offi cer) Award for middle schools for the 2015-2016 school year. Resource Offi cers in our middle and high schools serve an important function and frequently act as mentors and counselors as well as law enforcement offi cials. Offi cer Suber was honored with his award and told reporters “There’s a saying that if you fi nd a job that you love you’ll never have to work a day in your life, and I’ve found that job …so it’s not like work to me.” According to Stacey Johnson, Principal at LRTA, Offi cer Suber is a member of the Loch Raven family. “He truly goes above and beyond for all of our students and he has all of our students’ best interests at heart,” says Ms. Johnson.

page 05


Holy Cro s s Pr e s c hoo l

• • •

• • • • • • • •

Loch Raven Speaker Series

Dr. Bill Blair, a long-time resident of LRV and a Research Professor in the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins Univ. was the speaker on July 12 for the Friends of Loch Raven Library Speaker Series. His talk was entitled “A Changing Climate: The Earth Speaks...Is Anybody Listening?”

Page 6: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

8102 Loch Raven Blvd Towson MD 21286

The State of Maryland has issued a Proclamation

in recognition of the Crackpot’s 35th Anniversary!

Just featured on “Best in Chow!”

December 18 at Noon! VA Rehab Center patient luncheon! All are invited to attend & thank our

Disabled Vets!

The Crackpot Restaurant

page 06

Coldwell Banker markets your home on 725+ local, national, & global websites!

My free staging analysis sets your home apart —to attract more buyers on-line & in person!

Leslea S. Knauff, Realtor®

Your Resident Loch Raven Village Expert!

My Services Are Guaranteed in Writing!

Accredited Staging Professional®

410-627-2441 (cell) 410-252-2111 (office)

22 W. Padonia Road– Suite A100 Timonium MD 21093

Not intended to solicit currently listed property. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC.



Alex Lynch

The Damareck Family

The Tim Hodgin Home Selling Team of Keller Williams Realty Baltimore (o) 410-342-4444 (c) 443-745-2734 [email protected]

“Tim sold our home on Pleasant Plains Rd. for 98% of the asking price & using one of his Guaranteed Home Sale programs.” - The O’Donnell Family

“We used Tim Hodgin’s Guarantee Program to sell our home & he sold it. The level of attention and service was so high, we felt like we were his only client.” - The Damareck Family


*conditions apply. Seller & Tim must agree upon time of possession & price.

Here’s How it Works:

1. You receive my upfront guaranteed price in writing that I will sell your present home, before you move to your next home.

2. If your home doesn’t sell by the end of the marketing term, I will buy it for no less than 95% of the market value.

3. If you receive an offer that is higher than the guaranteed price from an outside buyer, you get the higher offer, not me.

To discuss the Guaranteed Sale of your home, call or get a FREE report that details the inner

workings of this Guarantee, by visiting:

8102 Loch Raven Blvd Towson MD 21286



Dinner menu food & Drink menu only 3:00 PM TIL 6:00 PM

Parties of 6 or less—no separate checks. Steamed Crabs & Carry-out excluded.

Free lunch for disabled Vets from the Loch Raven VA hospital on May 21 from 12-2!

Please stop by to thank our guests for their service to our country!

The Crackpot Restaurant

More than your Quick Printer.typical

1220-A E. Joppa Road • Suite 112Towson, MD 21286


The CRACKPOT joins thelocal food movement!

Serving local steamed crabs during the Maryland crab season!

Chesapeake Bay crabs taste best— AND they are the best value.

Steamed daily! Serving begins at noon!Stop in or call ahead to reserve!

Coldwell Banker markets your home on 725+ local, national, & global websites!

My free staging analysis sets your home apart—to attract more buyers on-line & in person!

Leslea S. Knauff, Realtor®

Your Resident Loch Raven Village Expert!

My Services Are Guaranteed in Writing! Accredited Staging Professional®

410-627-2441 (cell) 410-252-2111 (office)

22 W. Padonia Road– Suite A100 Timonium MD 21093

Not intended to solicit currently listed property. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC.


The Tim Hodgin Home Selling Team of Keller Williams Legacy (o) 443-660-9229 (c) 443-745-2734 [email protected]

“Tim sold our home on Pleasant Plains Rd. for 98% of the asking price & using one of his Guaranteed Home Sale programs.” - The O’Donnell Family

“We used Tim Hodgin’s Guarantee Program to sell our home & he sold it. The level of attention and service was so high, we felt like we were his only client.” - The Damareck Family


*conditions apply. Seller & Tim must agree upon time of possession & price.

To discuss the Guaranteed Sale of your home, call me, or get a FREE report that explains this Guarantee at:

Average Sold Price in Loch Raven Village 2015 $200,729 (all homes, all Realtors) $208,980 (when listed & sold by Tim Hodgin)

Sold Price Compared to Original List Price 2015 95.4% (all homes, all Realtors) 99.3% (when listed & sold by Tim Hodgin)

Page 7: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

page 07

Alycia & David Van Horn of Drumwood Rd. welcomed new daughter Allison Janae on July 8. Allison weighed in at 6lbs12oz. Big brother Adam thinks his new sister is pretty great.

Kyra O’Donnell of Feldbrook Rd. was accepted into the Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestra. Way to go Kyra!

Also celebrating October birthdays were Dara Hicks of Kirkwall Ct. on October 18, Kara Mussman of Kirkwall Ct. on October 3, and Flynn Walkinshaw of Feldbrook Rd. on October 8th. Flynn’s sister Jane celebrates a birthday on November 21. Also celebrating a birthday on November 26 is Lori Cullinan of Feldbrook Rd.

Share your news with the Village Crier – welcome a new neighbor, wish someone a happy birthday, announce the birth of a child! Over the Fence is your opportunity to tell others what is going on in your part of the Village. Email [email protected].

Happy 60th Birthday to Gary Smith on November 5th and Christian Smith turns 20 on Dec. 9th, both of Pleasant Plains Rd. And we remember our son and brother James Smith who would have turned 23 on Nov. 11th.

Congratulations to Dan and Dara Hicks of Kirkwall Ct. on the marriage of their daughter Rachel. The wedding of Rachel Hicks and Rob Savarese took place on October 17th at the Hunt Valley Golf Club.

Belated birthday wishes to Pleasant Plains Road residents Zach Brown, October 7, Renee Brown, October 11, and Emma O’Connell who turned a big 5 on October 24. Emma’s brother Kaiden O’Connell turns 4 on Dec. 28.

Thoughts on Thanksgiving from humorist Garrison Keillor“...And that’s the challenge of Thanksgiving — to gather among our kin who know us a little too well and have an amiable occasion enjoyed equally by all, at which nobody is stabbed through the heart with a carving knife...It is the dinner of all dinners, generous and comforting and completely predictable, and a true test of civility, and we do it in gratitude for the simple goodness of life. ”

Sam Cucuzzella of Cottage Lane graduated in style from Cromwell Valley Elementary School and will celebrate his birthday on August 15. And his sister Mia Clare Cucuzzella is thrilled to have the fi reworks back in the neighborhood to celebrate her 10th birthday on July 4!

Congratulations to Evan Roche of Glen Ridge Rd. who graduated from Elizabethtown College on May 14. Evan, a 2012 graduate of Calvert Hall, received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. Way to go Evan!

SAVE THE BAY!Are you enjoying steamed local Maryland blue crabs this summer? Swimming at one of the many beaches along the Bay? Fishing? Boating? Then please remem-

ber to protect the Bay for the future by not allowing unnecessary de-bris to wash into storm drains. In fact, it’s a misde-

meanor in Baltimore County Code (see Sec 18-3-109) to “, deposit, cast, or throw on, or into any road, street, side-walk, lane, alley, bridge, or drain in the county.... grass clippings, leaves, or other object(s) or article(s)...” Baltimore Coun-ty provides free bi-weekly pick-up of yard waste to our community with the regu-lar collection of recyclables. Consider the Bay when disposing of yard waste and if you have a lawn service, please ask them to sweep up rather than blowing every-thing into the street!

The Fun Will Continue!Save these dates for more movie nights on the lawn at Babcock Presbyterian Church!September 9- Peanuts MovieSeptember 16- ZootopiaSeptember 23 – PaddingtonSnacks and drinks will be provided. Mov-ie nights are sponsored by The Associates of Loch Raven Village and Babcock Pres-byterian Church. Many thanks to those individuals who organize and support these fun evenings for our neighborhood!

Page 8: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

page 08

COP News and ViewsPatrolling Loch Raven Village streets and alleys gives one an opportunity to observe the variety of property presentations in what otherwise looks like sameness. True, the homes do look very much alike, but there are subtle differences not observed when just driving by heading to the store. On the east side of the village there are end of group homes that are actually apartments. The footprint of these homes are a little larger than the typical end of group home and are easily identifi ed by the window arrangement on the side. A few end of group homes look just like inside group homes. You might not even notice the difference.

One the west side the homes near Loch Raven Blvd. were built circa 1953 and some of those homes were built as apartments with kitchens on the fi rst and second fl oor! These can be spotted by the presence of an exhaust fan on the second fl oor rear. And some of the end of group homes are the same size as the inside group homes. Also, on the west side, the section north of Putty Hill Avenue have a convenient sidewalk cut through from Doxbury to Putty Hill Ave. leading to the Pleasant Plains Elementary School site. See how homeowners take pride in their property! At this time of year yard treatments range from simplicity to beautiful gardens and landscaping. Just drive slowly down our alleys to note backyard gardens that you otherwise would not know exist. Of course, the front yards with manicured lawns and trimmed shrubs are easily seen.

COP patrolling gives you opportunity to see some lovely properties in an approximately one-hour tour of the Village. Seasonal decorations around the 4th of July, Halloween and Christmas

give an expanded view of how residents enjoy the Village. Join COP and see the Village in its detail by contacting John Kelly at [email protected].



• Lifetime Loch Raven Village resident • Getting you the best value for your home • Member of Maryland’s #1 Real Estate Team* • Extensive property advertising - digital 3D home tours, HD photos & more • Expansive professional network connecting buyers with sellers • Expert advisor & negotiator



*By volume & transactions according to The Wall Street Journal & REAL Trends, Inc. since 2006.

A lovely backyard garden on Glen Keith Boulevard.

Page 9: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

page 09

LRV and Towson residents enjoyed some social time on the fi elds of Loch Raven Academy before a wonderful fi reworks show on July 5th.The fi reworks were postponed due to rain on the 4th.

Page 10: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

page 10

ALRV Board MeetingsJuly 13September 14(no meeting in August)7:00 p.m., Loch Raven CenterContact: Jason Garber at [email protected] note that the board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month.


Preschool Story TimeFridays 9:30 a.m.Baby Story TimeFridays 11:00 a.m.

Movie ThursdaysAll ages (children under 8 with adult)Enjoy a viewing of a summer reading-themed fi lm.July 21, 26 1:00 – 3:15 p.m.Loch Raven Meeting Room

Lunch and LearnAll ages (children under 8 with adult)Join us for a BCPS-sponsored lunch, followed by a fun activity.July 20, 27August 3, 1012:00 – 3:00 p.m.Loch Raven Meeting Room

Loch Raven Comics ClubSchool age childrenJoin us for round-robin comics making games with people of all experience levels!July 19 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.Loch Raven Meeting Room

Learn to JuggleAll ages (children under 8 with adult)Get up and juggle with this interactive workshop that includes a variety of props.August 3 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.Loch Raven Meeting Room

Events Calendar July – AugustThe Events Calendar provides a snapshot of upcoming activities in and around our community. For a complete list of activities at Loch Raven Library, visit: For more information on events at Cromwell Park visit [email protected].


Frog Roundup – all agesHike to the bubbling Marble Springs with a naturalist in search of “froggy friends.”Wear shoes that can get wet.$2 members/$4 non-membersJuly 17 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.Nature Center (registration required)

Dam Jam – A Reservoir Celebration!Music, food, animal talks, history hikes,tours of the Loch Raven Dam, and more!FREE, no reservations required.August 20 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Nature Center

Discovering Dragonfl ies - all agesDiscover the dragonfl ies that call Minebank Run home, then walk in the stream to look for their larvae. Wear shoes that can get wet. FREE!August 13 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.Nature Center

Loch Raven Village Book ClubJuly 21 and August 18Panera’s at Towson Place 7:30 p.m.Contact Rita at 410-825-0002

Boy Scout Troop 7011st, 3rd, & 4th Wednesdays of the monthat Babcock Presbyterian Church.(8240 Loch Raven Blvd.)Call 410-978-8090 or 410-804-0062for information.

Page 11: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,

Yard and Garden Help Vegetable and Flower Gardens

*new or expansion *annual/perennial planting

*mulching *vacation maintenance

Bushes, Shrubs and Trees*planting*pruning

*trimming *mulching

Prompt service Reasonable rates

Call Larry Bearden Village Resident

@ 443-465-9606

page 11

SERVICE ADSPlumbing, Service and Repair, and Drain Cleaning - Master Plumber, no job too small, quality work. Call John at 410-296-4450.E.W. Parker Services, LLC provides all lawn care, landscaping, and outdoor service needs in Towson. As an LRV home owner, we provide year round service locally. Fully Insured.Website: www.ewparkerservices.orgEmail: [email protected]: 443-255-3259.CULLEN ROOFING & SIDING CO. New roofs & repairs, aluminum gutters & spouts, gutter guards & cleaning, trim work & siding, LRV resident 36 years. Call for free estimates. 410-337-6777 or 410-665-1414. Family owned and operated. M.H.I.C. #6460.

CLASSIFIED ADS:Beautiful Outdoor Table, 4 Chairs, matching umbrella & stand. $300 OBO. 410-321-0524.


g y y g

TO PLACE AN AD:Submit your ad via email (pdf) to

[email protected]. Send a printed copy with payment to:

The Village Crier P.O. Box 9721

Baltimore, MD 21284. No ads will be taken by phone.

RATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Classifi ed ads:

$5.00 per 25 words, 50 word max. Professional Service ads: $25.00 per ad, 50 word max. Display ads: $55.00 per ad.

NOTE: The Crier has limited availability! All Ads must be paid

in advance of publication. Make checks payable to:

Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc.


[email protected]








Page 12: The VILLAGE CRIER - Loch Raven · Sept./Oct. Crier Submissions Deadline: August 17, 2016 Dear Neighbors,


Why Should I Be a Member of the ALRV?Short answer: It makes our neighborhood a better place to live!Long answer: Funding from membership dues allows the ALRV to: work with Citizens on Patrol (COP) to reduce crime support local schools both fi nancially & with clean up days (PPES garden) work to educate about & enforce covenants to keep property values up maintain the community gardens on Putty Hill sponsor Dumpster Day maintain the Loch Raven Village website & Facebook pages publish & deliver The Village Crier to 1500 homes six times a year distribute block party grants sponsor the Easter Egg Hunt sponsor Halloween & Christmas decorating contests decorate the streets with wreaths at Christmas sponsor the pancake breakfast with Santa at Babcock sponsor movie nights on the lawn at Babcock in spring & fall promote neighborhood identity with signage & banners (updated signage

happening now) Blue Water tree planting program develop relationships with local offi cials & represent LRV in the broader

community address zoning/development issues fi ght for projects that will better our neighborhood (county tree planting

program, AC at PPES) & fi ght against those that would harm it (LRE, salt dome). But we can do even more with you!

Please complete this form and mail it along with your $40 payment ($30 for seniors) to:

Associates of Loch Raven Village P.O. Box 9721 Loch Raven, MD 21284-9721

All information collected will be held in

used for the sole purpose of serving the Association’s membership and commu-nity of Loch Raven Village.

Name: ______________________________

Street address: ______________________

E-mail: _____________________________

Phone: ______________________________

I’m also enclosing a donation to support

of ________. Any amount appreciated!

Years as resident? ______

LRV or ALRV? ______________________













2016 DUES Now Due